Choose (2011)

Oh, my God.
Jess told me that he is,
like, way into Ella.
Ugh, can you say "slut"?
- I heard she gave him a blumpie.
- Ew.
Boys are disgusting.
And that guy, Nick,
he thinks he's all, like,
"Look at me; I'm so beautiful. "
- I think he's kind of cute.
- No, no.
I mean, he's kind of hot,
but he's not God's gift. No.
I heard he hooked up with Michelle.
No, he did not!
He totally did, like, for real.
School night. Bedtime.
But I'm studying with Lisa.
Hey, Lis, where's that big party
this weekend?
Looks like she signed off.
Ooh, shocker.
Hey, isn't it past your bedtime?
Night, sweetie.
- I love you, sweetie.
- Love you.
- Good night.
- Mwah.
- Night, honey.
- Night.
Oh, my gosh, that's so cool!
I was standing next to Chris
in science class today,
and he turned, and he looked at me,
out of the corner of his eye,
but I knew, I knew he was
looking right at me.
So then we start talking
about something.
I don't know. It was really silly.
And then we just, like,
started talking about lunch and stuff.
But it was really nice.
And then he asked me,
"Did you do the homework?"
And I said, "Yeah. "
And he said, "Can I copy it?"
And I said, "Yeah. "
I almost died.
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Do what I say, and you live.
I'm going to kill your mother
or your father.
You have 60 seconds to decide.
or I kill them both.
I can't! I can't!
Then that is your choice,
and they both die.
No, no, no, no!
Me, me, me, me, me!
Kill me!
Something to add, Dad?
Please calm down!
I will give you whatever you want.
Please don't hurt my family!
Come here, Jake.
All right, look.
Okay, okay.
You can do it. Choose me.
Just choose me.
Otherwise he's gonna kill
our whole family.
Please, just be brave and choose me.
Please, no.
I can't, Daddy.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
He's gonna kill us all if you don't.
You can do it!
All right, my father.
My father!
Please. Come on, now.
That a girl. That a girl.
My father!
Oh, Daddy, I'm sorry!
Okay, that's okay.
All right.
I love you, Daddy!
And you will have to do the dirty work.
Pick it up!
You can do it.
Be brave. Come on, sweetie.
I can't.
Your choices have ramifications, Daddy.
I can't! I can't!
You can do it. You can do it.
- I can't!
- Do it.
Yes, you can, please!
Do it now!
Come on. That a girl.
- Daddy!
- Damn it, do it now!
Yes, Sara!
Do it!
Now, God damn it!
Do it now!
Sheriff's deputies began
a search this morning
for two men who went missing
on the lake yesterday.
The sheriff says a family member
reported the 19-year-old and 20-year-old
missing early this morning.
The two men whose names
are not being released yet
were last seen camping
in the area of the lake.
Investigators said a canoe
was missing from the shoreline.
The Sheriff's Department
and New York State Police
are helping in the search.
We have a crew headed to the scene,
and we'll bring you more information
as it becomes available.
Thank you, Sandy.
The victim was 57-year-old
defense attorney Elliot Vincent.
Police sources say the suspect
bound and gagged
Vincent and his wife.
Then they say the suspect made
Vincent's teenage daughter
choose which parent should die,
threatening to kill the entire family
if she didn't.
Police describe the alleged
killer as a Caucasian male,
approximately six feet tall,
wearing a dark hooded
sweatshirt and knit cap.
Vincent was best known for his role
in the highly publicized
Wilshire Barrett case.
That case involved alleged sexual abuse
in several state-run
correctional facilities
throughout the county.
- Oh, God!
- Jesus!
What the hell's the matter with you?
You scared the shit out of me!
Well, you left your door open.
Are you okay?
And you're certain
that the door was locked?
Positive. I had just checked it.
Okay, 'cause there's no sign
of forced entry.
So you don't believe me?
I'm not saying that.
The door was locked.
Ever since this article came out,
I've had, like, 50 phone calls
down at the station,
everybody in varying degrees
of hysteria.
Oh, Dad.
I know what you're thinking.
Little Fiona living all alone
with a overactive
reporter's imagination.
Easy, easy, okay?
We'll dust for prints.
We'll investigate.
It's just- you want my gut on this?
I think it's one of your stupid friends.
I don't have friends that
will pull a prank like that.
Okay, what about Paul?
He's harmless.
Okay, I give up.
I'm sorry. I'll take it more seriously.
In fact, why don't you sleep
at home tonight?
For security reasons:
popcorn, old movies.
Dad, I lost the pigtails years ago:
I'm getting my masters in June.
Not if I talk to your professors
and they agree to flunk you.
Just dust for prints.
Let's talk about this
for a moment, though,
the scanner you're not supposed to have.
I know.
I just like to keep track of you.
Of me?
Not of your next story, big headlines?
All you, all the time.
All right.
Then clearly you won't mind
that I dusted for prints,
because as you mentioned-
Oh, jeez. Hold on.
Go for Wagner.
I have to go.
I'll take this for prints.
- Is everything all right?
- Yeah, everything's fine.
Just a domestic disturbance
kind of thing.
I'll see you soon.
My mom would get the axe.
She spends every dime of my inheritance
without my old man keeping tabs on her.
I don't know. I guess my dad?
Or shit, maybe my mom.
You know what? Forget this.
I don't even want to think about it.
What about you, Fiona?
Which one would you choose?
You are such a dumb-ass.
Shit, I-I spaced. I'm sorry, Fi.
I'm sorry.
Oh, look at that.
Not having a mom has its advantages.
How about this one?
You have to sleep with that guy or me?
- Choose.
- Ooh, tough one.
- I feel your pain, Fi.
- You have to choose.
You have a gun to your head.
I don't, and I won't.
Jesus, Paul, back off, why don't you?
I'm just kidding. God.
Look, guys, I got to go.
Well, South Bat tonight?
No, I don't know.
I got to finish my paper.
Blah, blah, blah.
Just get your ass there, okay?
Go by Jefferson Hall.
A little less staccato
in that last measure.
Otherwise, very nice.
I will see you all one hour
before the performance tomorrow.
David, would it be all right
if I hang back for a while
and run through it on my own?
By all means.
You're coming along nicely, by the way.
Late bloomer, I guess.
Mind the house lights when you leave.
Who-who's there?
Thank you.
Um, I was just leaving.
I just wanted to practice the end,
but I'm done, so it's fine.
Is that you?
Stop screwing around!
I'm still in here.
Come on, open up.
Who is that?
Oh, God.
Who's that? Who are you?
I'm a member of the orchestra.
It's okay for me to be here.
I mean, I'm just David's friend.
Just take- take my money.
I don't want your money, Simon.
I am going to take something
much more dear to you than that.
Either you lose the ability to hear
or your lose the ability to play.
Shut up! This way!
Hurry up! Get on your knees!
Your hearing...
or your fingers.
Why is this happening?
You have 60 seconds to decide.
What's it gonna be?
But you have one more choice to make.
All at once
or one at a time?
Hey, hey, no sleeping in here!
God damn it.
How'd you even get-
So the janitor found
the poor bastard passed out
in the staircase.
No witnesses, no security cameras.
Great. What else?
Looks like we got a pattern.
That's blood.
From the crime scene last night.
That's a match.
Where's the victim?
Covenant Hospital.
Show me where they found him.
How bad is it?
He'll live.
I'm not sure how much
he's gonna want to.
Snipped off all his fingers
and made sure they
couldn't be sewn back on.
Oh, shit.
Yeah, that's the symbol
I told you about.
I already got Jamie on it.
Christ almighty.
The aforementioned fingers.
Sheriff Wagner. Follow me.
Sheriff Wagner, any comments
for the evening news?
- No.
- Come on, Tom.
Throw me a bone here.
Your kid wants to join their ranks?
Good times.
Sheriff Wagner has no comment.
"Sources close to the investigation
"say the attacker forced the victim
"to choose between losing his hearing
or losing his fingers. "
How does a person
do something like that?
You know, personally, I think I'd rather
lose my hearing and be deaf
than lose my fingers,
but the guy was a pianist,
so a pretty raw deal either way, right?
Hello? What is with you?
You're acting all weird. Are you okay?
If I tell you something,
do you promise not to think I'm crazy?
- Forget about it.
- No, tell me.
No, really, let's just drop it.
In her note,
my mom talked about choices,
and it never made sense.
But what if someone made her choose,
choose between doing what she did
or-or something else
that was even more horrible?
That would explain it, right?
Then it would make sense.
Have you spoken
to your father about this?
God, I can't talk to him
about this stuff.
Last time I tried,
he totally freaked out on me.
Maybe you should just try, Fi.
You know, maybe you should just try.
You're right.
It's silly.
I'm just being silly.
Mr. Campbell?
Not another one of you.
I just...
I just want to get some sleep.
Of course.
I understand.
Get on with it already.
Come on, come on.
Um, is there anything else
you can think of that might help
identify the guy who did this to you?
How many times
do I have to go over this?
It was dark.
He had a flashlight
in my eyes the whole time.
I don't know who he was
or how he knew my name-
He knew your name?
What else did he know about you?
Nothing, I guess.
Did he say anything to you
that stuck out
or anything that you could
think of that might have-
Something about choices
and, uh, ramifications
or something like that.
I don't know.
There must be a reason
why he picked you.
There must be a reason
why he chose you.
Can you think of anything?
Do you know him?
Have you ever met somebody
that might do this to you
or anything?
Please, there must be a reason.
I just-
I just want to get some sleep.
Okay, next.
Okay, okay.
Do you have the camera?
Try a little less smile.
You got five frames.
Great, but it's not been the five best
we've had so far, okay?
Come on, give me a nice smile.
Just give me your eyes. There you go.
You know what? I'm over this.
I'm done. I'm done.
All right, you know,
let me see everything
from the first camera right away.
Just forget about the other one
for now, okay?
No, I just wrapped.
A bullshit day, as always.
I don't feel well.
Listen, I need to eat.
So if you don't mind
putting in an order for me,
that would be great.
Yeah, I know.
Baby, I know, but listen-
I- okay.
Hey, sorry. I'm sorry.
We're just-we're wrapped up.
Can you see that I'm on the phone here?
- Yeah, seriously.
- Okay.
Not a conversation for you.
Get the fuck out of here.
No, just some idiot.
I'm sorry.
No, don't be such a fucking asshole.
No, I don't care.
He just walked in here
and was eavesdropping
on my whole conversation.
All right.
Yeah, well,
you better start thinking of me
for a change, all right?
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, well, that's your opinion.
I'll see you later.
If you want to get laid tonight,
you better drop the fucking attitude.
No, go away.
Listen, I'll be done when I'm done.
Just give me a minute.
Are you fucking kidding me?
What the- listen, you little shit,
whatever the fuck your name is,
if you expect to come back here tomorrow
and have a job-
Hey, not funny!
I thought you loved the camera, Jenna.
Who the fuck are you, you creepy fuck?
Sticks and stones will break your bones.
Don't touch me. Don't touch me!
Vain to the very end.
Not afraid for your life,
just for your face.
I want to offer you a choice.
You have 60 seconds to decide.
What is more dear to you, bitch?
Your eyesight or your beauty?
You'll either never be able
to see yourself again,
or the world will see what
a miserable hag you really are.
No, please!
Now let me see
those big, beautiful lips.
No, please!
The hourglass is handmade.
And I've timed it.
It's exactly one minute.
Down to the frickin' second.
Perfection is certainly
keeping with the profile.
Hey, Alice. My dad here?
Yeah, his office.
So that's now two handmade hourglasses.
They match perfectly.
The last crime scene and now this one.
We got zero fingerprints, zero hair.
This guy's good, really good.
We've never seen this level
of expertise before.
I'm just waiting on
the DNA report from Forensics,
see if we can get anything on the blood.
I just heard the vic, Simon Campbell,
has regained consciousness
up at Covenant Hospital,
so I'm gonna head over there
and question him, all right?
And let me know if anything
clicks with our piano man.
Hey, Ms. Pulitzer herself.
- Hmm.
- How you doing?
Good. You?
Oh, you know, been worse.
Been better.
- Bad time?
- No, no.
Just promise me you'll never become
one of these bottom-feeders.
No comment.
That's my line.
Whole town's in a tizzy
because there might be
a madman on the loose.
Well, isn't there?
It's a little early
to be broadcasting
that kind of hysteria.
So the crimes actually aren't connected?
I'm not saying that.
Then there's a maniac on the loose.
Are we really having this discussion?
You taking notes?
God help the cops on your beat.
Please, come in.
Sit down.
I got a pop-up message
this morning on my computer.
Photographs of this woman
tortured, burned.
I think she might be dead.
You know, that's terrible.
I'm not saying it isn't,
and I don't mean to downplay
what you're going through here.
It's just that it could be spam.
It could be one of your stupid friends.
It had the same symbol
right there from that musician!
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't I tell you?
That's classified information.
Listen, I can't tell you everything,
all right?
There's this crazy little fuzzy line
between being your father
and being in charge of an investigation,
not to mention your
soon-to-be chosen prof-
Don't give me that look.
Your mother gave me that look.
You piss her off too?
Quite regularly.
What I wouldn't give
for one of her looks right now.
Oh, Fi.
She would be so proud of you,
all this nosing around.
Coming up on the anniversary.
Is that right?
It comes up so quick every year.
Oh, come on, Dad.
There's a lot of stress in the office,
in case you hadn't noticed.
Get your team to look at this, please.
I will. I promise.
Just promise me you're gonna
stay away from this case.
- Promise.
- Okay, go.
Go, go, go already.
I told you she'd be a heartbreaker.
Yeah, you did say something about that.
Imagine if it was yours.
Have forensics examine this
hard drive, will you, please?
We, uh, we just got a call.
Looks like we got another one.
Photo studio downtown.
Young woman, tortured, burned?
Jesus, you're good.
How the fuck did you get that?
Hello! Are you coming out
with us tonight?
You know, your door was open again.
You got to get that fixed.
Yeah, I know.
I'm kind of in the middle
of something right now.
Okay, fun
or whatever the hell you're doing:
it's your choice.
Oh, God, it's gone viral already.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm in tonight, but thanks anyway.
All right, okay. Suit yourself.
But will you just promise me
you'll lock your door this time?
Yes, I'll lock the door.
Anybody there?
Can I help you?
I'm sorry.
I tried the office, but no one answered.
I was just leaving.
You're trespassing.
I could call the cops, you know.
But you, uh...
you look like maybe you like to party.
Excuse me.
You smell good.
Like apples.
I like apples.
How do you like them apples?
The Barometer of Morality.
I see 6941.704.
Oh, God.
Oh, Paul, God damn it!
A little on edge?
God, a little.
Hey, so are you going
to South Bat tonight or what?
I can't. I'm buried.
All right, I got to go find
my Environmental Economy texts.
Don't study too much, okay?
Do you need to unwind a little?
You want to make out?
Hey, I would like to check these out.
Hmm, Free Choice Psychology,
Pathology of Irrational Choices,
and Choices: The Barometer of Morality.
All right.
These aren't ours.
Excuse me?
Yeah, they're not showing up
in the system.
Sorry, guys.
I'd prefer more of a tropical landscape,
to be honest with you.
I'm not really sure.
Fi, what's up?
Can you check this out for me?
Yeah, sure. Just give me a second.
Sorry, guys. Closing time.
Got to go. Sorry.
- Sorry, guys.
- Sorry.
- Thank you.
- See you.
I'll help you with the next one.
Peace. See you, man.
Yeah, come on in.
Take a seat.
Well, what I can tell you is,
is that we have
seven binary identifiers,
a constant width module,
and an interweaving matrix.
- English.
- It's barcode.
Yeah, I kind of got that far myself.
Can you look it up?
Yes, I can look it up.
Just give me one second here.
That's weird.
It's Codabar.
This isn't current barcode.
Meaning it's, like,
old linear code used in libraries
way before the digital age.
Nobody uses this anymore.
Where did you get these books?
Can you trace it?
I can try.
Really don't have
much to work with here.
Got nothing here.
Are you sure?
The last four numbers
look like the Dewey decimal numbers.
Holy shit.
Who doesn't love a girl who
knows the Dewey decimal system?
Do you think the other numbers
are a branch code, a city,
a state, or something?
That's not a bad idea.
What's that number?
That's, like, a half hour from here.
Yeah. Let's see.
The only problem is, there are
no libraries in Milburn.
Well, maybe it's a private school,
an old folks' home,
or something else that has a library.
I mean, it's a possibility.
But I'm telling you,
the only public institution I see here
is Milburn Juvenile Detention,
and that's about it.
And it closed in 2000.
Where the hell did you get
these books from again?
Look up why they closed.
Whoa, holy shit.
"After extensive inquiries,
"charges were never filed
as the evidence was considered
purely circumstantial. "
Does that look circumstantial to you?
Absolutely not.
The official story: "The Milburn guards
were cleared of all charges. "
But they closed the place anyway.
These books are from there.
He's from there.
Are you talking about Mr. Choose-it?
How the hell do you know that, Fi?
I just know.
Brian, thank you.
So far, the pattern is no pattern.
Hundred miles apart, male, female,
different jobs, lifestyles.
The latest DNA check on
the blood tells us what, Alice?
Nothing matches the database so far.
But the maze for Jenna Marlowe
was drawn in Simon Campbell's blood.
He appeared to know all of them,
or at least knew facts about them.
That simply tells us
that he stalked them.
Well, we got to start thinking
about this in a whole new light,
a different angle,
different possibilities.
Maybe the victim isn't the target.
Case in point, young Sara.
What if she's the target
instead of her father?
She brings the killer to the family.
She feels responsible.
She was forced to kill her own father
in front of her mother and brother.
I'm simply suggesting
that we examine this from-
and by the way, when I say "we,"
I'm of course referring to those of us
involved in official police business.
It is my business.
He keeps making it my business.
He just dropped these off
while I was in the library.
We just tracked the same thing
a few hours ago,
the same book, in fact.
Yeah, but the real clue
is more where they came from,
not what's in them.
Fi, this is dangerous.
What are you doing
holding on to this stuff?
If he wanted to hurt me,
he would have already.
Can't you see that he wants me
personally involved?
He wants me to find out about him,
probably to publicize his story.
Okay, hold it a second.
If he wants a story on the front page,
he's got a dozen or so
working writers here in town.
Hell, the Times is less
than a hundred miles away.
No offense, but why you?
Look, whatever the reason is,
he chose me.
What have you got?
These books are from Milburn
Juvenile Detention Center.
These barcodes here prove that.
They're actually Codabar,
an old system that they used
back in the '70s.
Milburn closed down
more than eight years ago.
These books came from there,
so he came from there.
Okay, good work.
We'll check it out.
But for now, everybody goes home,
gets some sleep.
You look so very at home sitting there.
I am at home, Dad.
But you know I can't stay here forever.
Classes and a life, you know.
Yes, I know.
I made some eggs and bacon for you
over there on the counter.
Thank you. I saw that.
I'm just saying it's nice
to see you here; that's all.
And I'm sure you feel safer here.
Yes, I feel safe.
More coffee?
- Check this out.
- Well, I would.
You have to make the screen
a little larger.
I'm 107.
All right, let me zoom in.
Holy shit.
Choice therapy?
- Milburn.
- Milburn.
You just kicked the police's ass
with your laptop.
Is that how it works?
Guess where I get it from.
Well, everyone knows that.
Come on. Let's go.
I'm gonna be late.
Wait a minute. What?
I emailed Benson.
He's digging up an address.
He's gonna call us on the cell.
You said "we. " There can be no "we. "
Well, you can leave me here
and keep guessing what I'm up to,
or you can take me with you
and know for yourself.
Yeah, fine. Go ahead.
Get in the shower.
Just for now, okay?
Stay in the car.
Come on out.
Scared me.
Oh, sorry.
That's okay.
Dr. Ronald Pendleton.
You already knew that.
Nice to meet you, sir.
You too.
This-a-way we go.
- Just try not to-
- Okay.
Of course, this is in regards
to your work at Milburn.
We've drawn a connection
and hoping that someone
might come to mind,
which is why we've come here,
hoping you could narrow the field.
Could be any one of these candidates.
So the rumors, the abuse, was true.
The facts say yes, but the state?
No, ma'am.
Right, sir, but if you
could answer the question-
Oh, I propose that even if
you left here today with a name,
you're no better off.
And I propose you underestimate me.
I'm water. You're the horse.
He brought you to me.
The books? Milburn?
He knows you're here.
He wants you to be here.
Under his terms, not yours.
And it's safe to say your choice therapy
wasn't exactly a cure-all
for one particular boy.
Hey, I never said it was therapy.
And I never, ever said that
it was any kind of a cure-all.
It was more like a barometer
about how the choices
that we make define us.
What better way to understand
how the mind works
than by analyzing
the most difficult choices
we have to make?
He chose you.
That's interesting.
So far that I can see,
you're holding up
your part of the bargain.
That's also interesting.
Most people would have cut tail
and run by now.
But not you.
And he knows that.
And I'll tell you something, detective.
He's gonna catch you,
and he's gonna catch you
way before you ever catch him.
You believe this guy?
There you are.
All you have to do is very
carefully look at the tapes.
And you know what?
He's gonna jump off that tape
and tell you exactly who he is.
And there is no way
that you will ever stop him.
Thank you, sir.
Take care.
Be careful.
And you, sir?
Be warned.
The choice is now
snap her neck and leave immediately,
or stay here for another ten years.
What's your answer now?
I'd kill you before I'd kill this dog,
you sick old fuck.
I'm gonna reach over
and break your neck.
Do I get the money then
or just another ten years?
- That'll be all.
- Fuck you.
See, this kid I like.
That's done.
Here's the last one.
Yeah, I like her.
Let me ask you a question.
If I were to offer you $1,000
to snap her neck, would you?
Are you sure?
I wouldn't hurt Molly. Would I, girl?
Just 'cause I'm in here doesn't
make me what you think I am.
Let's make it $10,000.
You're playing a game.
I get it.
A simple choice. Yes or no?
No, I wouldn't.
What if I informed you
that she was scheduled
to be put down anyway
later this afternoon at the pound?
Nothing you can do to stop it.
Then would you take the $10,000?
No, I'm not a monster.
I said no. Now leave me alone.
The choice is now.
Snap her neck and leave immediately,
or stay here for another ten years.
Please choose.
What have you done?
My God! Jesus, stop the tape!
So I guess I'm free to go.
Stop the tape!
Holy shit. What's that kid's name?
Yeah, what is that kid's name?
Uh, Nathan Jones.
Nathan Jones?
All right, adopted when he was
two months old.
The adopted parents returned
the kid to child services
when he was three years old.
Mentally unstable. Destructive.
How destructive can you be at three?
I guess destructive enough
for the state to take him back.
It's pretty goddamn destructive
for that to happen,
don't you think, boss?
Yeah, I never heard of that happening.
Does it say anything else about
what happens to the kid next?
Yeah, let me see.
After several years in an orphanage,
he was finally placed in foster care.
And get this.
His foster dad was
Simon Campbell, the musician.
It says here that there are
allegations of sexual abuse.
It was five months before he was
moved out of Campbell's care.
Oh, Jesus.
And then he was placed in the home
of Martin and Melinda Marlow.
He lived with the Marlows
for only two years
before their daughter Jenna
accused him of rape.
Charges were never proven.
And Nathan was removed from their home.
Then he entered Milburn.
That's when the real shit started.
Hey, boss. We got an address.
Let's go right now.
No, no, no, not you.
Where are you going?
You stay here, okay?
You've done good work,
so keep following it.
Alice can help you.
Alice, you'll make sure she stays?
For my peace of mind.
Just stay.
Oh, my God. What took you so long?
Ever since the power
went out last night,
it stinks to high heaven in there.
It's absolutely disgusting, right?
It's disgusting in there.
- Please.
- We got it.
- Did you call the power company?
- Stay back.
- Everybody's disgusted with the smell.
- Stay back.
Okay, boys, break it down.
Police, open up!
Hey, police!
All right.
Uniforms, I want you to file through.
- Watch your step.
- Yes, sir.
It smells like shit in here.
Quiet, quiet, shh.
Jesus, I can't take the stench.
Oh, fuck me.
I don't even want to know
what that shit is.
Fuck me.
Ken, check the back.
Holy Christ.
Get forensics here right away.
Find Wagner.
Get him down here.
He's got to see this.
You better come take a look at this.
Worse than in here?
A little bit.
You all right?
Isolation room 17?
This thing caused the fuse
to blow the mains
on the entire building.
Which in turn shut off
these air fresheners
designed to mask the stench.
We found his dog locked up
in his bathroom over there.
Dog by the name of Molly?
I can't even describe that next part.
Jesus, who the fuck is that?
That is who we believe
is Dr. Ronald Pendleton.
We found his ID under the tub.
Forensics is running a check on it.
I think you're gonna find
the next revelation
a little more disturbing.
Yeah? Why's that?
I'll show you.
From the looks of it, you were next.
Hey, you've reached Fiona.
Please leave a message.
Fiona, Dad.
Listen, I have some news.
I need to talk to you.
You got to call me back
as soon as you get this.
All right, bye.
Yeah, I still can't reach her.
So, boss, listen.
What if this guy-
Hey, boss.
Anybody here?
Open the door!
Hello, Fiona.
Let me out of here!
Welcome to a special place
for bad little children.
Don't be overly concerned
with Milburn's date rape drug.
Open this door!
It's a harmless little gas
that will knock you right out.
See you when you wake up.
Look who's awake.
Your father made our mother choose.
Your father, our mother.
Do you get it?
I don't understand.
When your father Tom
was away at the academy,
she met my dad.
I was conceived right here in this room.
Tom said he wouldn't raise
another man's child.
He made her choose.
You weren't even born yet,
and she chose you over me.
She told me it was the hardest choice,
she ever had to make.
But I gave her one that was even harder,
and she made the ultimate sacrifice,
for you, Fiona.
She chose to die so you could live.
You killed her.
You killed her and made it
look like a suicide.
I gave her a choice.
She killed herself.
It can't be.
You should feel special, Fiona.
No one ever did that for me.
Why are you doing this to me, Nathan?
Look, I understand why you're angry.
You have every right to be.
But why am I here?
You think I'm ugly, don't you?
I'm not as pretty as you.
It's no wonder she chose you.
Three years ago,
after our mother died,
I put a gun in my mouth,
and I pulled the trigger.
When I woke up, I looked like this.
Pendleton was right.
Our choices define us.
Didn't you ever wonder
why he was so quick,
to put her in the grave
and forget the whole thing?
Dad, can you hear me?
It must have been pretty painful
that this is where she had
to end her life.
Dad, Dad!
I wanted you to know the truth.
I wanted you to hear it from him.
Dad, can you hear me?
Go ahead and ask him.
Ask him, Fiona.
Go ahead, ask him!
Ask him!
Ask him what he did!
Is it true?
Was there a baby before I was born?
You know I love you more than anything.
Nathan, stop!
Nathan, I'm begging you, please!
Look at me, Nathan!
Nathan, please!
Nathan, stop!
Nathan, please!
No, no, no, no!
No, no, no, Dad.
Come on, it's okay.
No, no.
No, no, no.
No, no.
No, come on, no!
Hey, lady, you okay?
You need some help?
I forgot to tell you,
how much you remind me of your mother.