Chop Shop (2007)

What's up?
Good morning, guys.
I need two workers.
What's up, kid?
I don't need you today.
Yo, what are you doing?
I don't need you today, okay?
It's going to be a hard day.
You two.
What are you doing?
You just take him and me.
I don't have time for this.
I don't have time
for these games.
- Come on, man.
- Get out. Get out.
I know you need me
for the crawl spaces.
I don't have any crawl spaces.
Remember last time that you said
that you didn't have
no crawl spaces, and look.
Get breakfast.
Did she go to the safe home?
I want to know
if my sister's there.
Well, can you tell me something?
Why not?
Did she leave with Lilah?
You fuck off.
Give me some numbers.
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,
sorry for the interruption.
M y name is Alejandro.
And my name is Carlos.
We are not gonna lie to you.
We are not here selling candy
for no school basketball team.
I n fact,
I don't even go to school,
and if you want me
back in school today,
I got candy for you.
Which do you want?
- How much?
- $ 1.
- Which do you want?
- I'll take that one.
That one there?
What do you got?
What kind of candy is that?
I got some chocolates,
some candies.
Thank you.
Want some candy?
Two more to make it five even.
Give me one of those
and one of those, okay?
There, now you give me $ 15 back,
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,
sorry for the interruption.
Yo, Rob's looking
for new workers.
For real? Will he let me live
in his garage?
Hell, yeah.
I could hook you up.
All right, cool.
Let's go.
Yo, yo, yo.
Got this mirror.
- What year?
- It's a '92.
Yo, Rob, '92.
Yeah, I got it.
Bring it over here, come on.
I'll fix that windshield, too,
'cause I see it's cracked.
Come over here.
Go upstairs. It's upstairs.
What's up, boss?
Where is it?
I don't see it.
Check it up here, rack 51.
It's $ 180 for the windshield.
$ 180, $260... everything.
- Do you do bodywork, too?
- Yeah.
Maybe a little bit of bodywork
on the other side of the car.
What about inspections?
Nah, I don't do inspections.
Hey, put it over there.
Go get the tools.
Put it on for me.
Wants the windshield, too?
What? No, don't worry
about the windshield.
Ale, here's a key.
Make sure you lock everything up
good, all right?
Come on, Ringo.
Come on.
Good boy, come on, inside.
That's it.
Stay out of my office.
I got a lot of shit I don't want
nobody touching in there, okay?
Go to Stella's, get yourself
something to eat before 10:00,
all right?
Ale, put that shit
in the Dumpster, too.
M m-hmm.
Is Isamar there?
This is Alejandro.
Is this Lilah?
When is she getting back?
I want to leave a message.
Shorty, stay on your side,
Yo, yo.
You're leading too much, shorty.
You got to stay over there, man.
Oh, what's up?
How you doing?
How you been?
- You sure?
- Yeah.
You've gotten skinnier.
What's going on with you?
I called all the safe homes,
and you weren't there.
I'm not staying
in the safe homes.
I'm never going back there.
- Why not?
- Because I'm not.
I was staying at Lilah's.
Yo, what's with
all these questions?
You still following Lilah
and believing her bullshit?
It's not bullshit.
Her aunt is really waiting
for us in Florida.
We're gonna go
to those private schools.
We just don't got money
right now.
Yeah, sure you're going to
Like our uncle was to call us,
what, a year ago?
And that fake chain
around your neck.
Did Lilah get you that, too?
It ain't fake.
I used to sell that stuff
on 37 th Ave.
Ale, you worked there
for a week.
A week is long enough to know
that them sneakers
is fake as hell.
M y sneakers are not fake.
They're official.
So let me see them.
Ale, they're...
Ale, stop.
Ale. Ale.
Yo, you finally got us a place,
Yeah, and I got you a job, too.
Laura's mad cool.
She cooks rice, beans, flautas,
and, you know, everything else.
And you don't got to worry
about it
'cause you know how to do
that stuff, too.
Ale, we're staying here?
No, straight upstairs.
Come on. Come on.
Now, you better not quit this
job like you did the last job.
All right, the last job was
wack, and it was boring.
So what?
- This is it.
- It's small.
It ain't small.
It's mad big.
Look, there's a bed,
a microwave, and a fridge.
Look. Look.
Country Club.
All grape.
You want one right now?
No, I'm good.
Thank you.
This is all the stuff you brung?
- This is the owner?
- Yeah, that's Rob.
- He knows I'm here, right?
- Of course.
- Ale.
- I'm serious.
I just finished talking to him
like four hours ago.
Yo, this door locks?
Why do we need a lock on this
if there's a giant lock outside?
Come over here.
I need to show you something.
There's a bathroom downstairs.
Own bathroom.
- Our own bathroom?
- Yep.
- It got a shower?
- Yep.
- Where's it at?
- Downstairs.
Where, Ale?
- To the left.
- M y left? Where?
No, to the right,
to the right, to the right.
Real funny, Ale.
Give me this jack, Ringo.
Yo, come on, go to work.
Ringo, gimme.
Gimme the jack.
He said pull in right there.
Rob. He said pull in
right there, all right?
You could come this way.
Come on, pull it in here.
Pedro, Pedro,
your food is ready.
Fill this up and give me that.
Hurry up.
There's people waiting.
Come on, hurry up.
Come on, girl.
It's only the first day.
Things are gonna start
getting better.
Ale, all she does is complain
and bitch at me all the time.
Come on, now.
She ain't all that bad.
I'm gonna work this shit out.
Don't worry about it.
What you gonna work out?
I got us this place to stay
at Rob's for free.
I could fix this, too.
- Man, whatever.
- I'm serious.
I'm gonna work this shit out.
Don't worry about it.
Yo, where you going
with that thing?
I'm going to Joe's.
Come, you can give me a hand.
- Hey, is this that tire?
- Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
I'm checking.
- Who's Ale?
- Me.
Here's your money.
Nice. Strike two.
That's strike two?
Come on, same time, same time.
That shit is heavy.
Let me try to knock it down.
Hold up.
Wait for this.
Hold up.
Let me hit it once.
Ah, you suck.
Yo, that shit's heavy.
So, where were you?
I woke you up, Ale?
I'm sorry.
You were probably out
with Lilah.
Why you always think
that I'm with Lilah?
So, where were you, then?
I was out shopping.
Look what I bought.
If you like it made
by blind people, yeah.
Then I guess you don't want
what I bought you.
- Quit playing.
- No.
Quit playing.
You dis my shirt,
you're not getting it.
It's probably ugly anyway.
You're so stubborn.
So, do you like it?
It's better than yours.
It's better than mine?
I got it in the same spot.
M ine fits better, anyway.
Oh, please.
You know it doesn't.
M ine looks better.
Get out my bed.
I got to go brush my teeth,
Good, your breath stinks.
Your breath stinks, too.
Come on, hurry up.
We have a lot of things to do.
Put it in there.
Please go and get two more,
Go on, get two more.
Come on, come on.
Come on, sweetie, hurry up,
hurry up.
We have a lot of things to do.
We're running late.
Come on.
The axle's busted, but I'm
getting Carlos' uncle to fix it.
Everything else is good.
So, how's the van?
It's pretty good, right?
$4, 500.
We don't got that type of money.
I already lowered it
from $6, 000.
Come see the inside.
No, I told her I'd be back
in an hour.
How are you gonna leave
without seeing the inside?
Come on.
Look, there's gonna be a cabinet
right here,
all the silverware
right here.
Throw some metal over that,
it's gonna be sparkling.
It's great, right?
- This van is beat up.
- Not at all.
All we need is a new alternator.
Then, everything else...
simple bodywork.
I could fix that by myself.
Yo, Ale, I just talked
to my uncle.
He says he can fix the axle.
See? Things are already
getting better.
I mean, what do we know
about running a van?
What does Laura know?
If we can buy this, Laura ain't
gonna be your boss no more.
Yo, I'm gonna come back
with the money.
Just hold this for me,
all right?
Bye, Uncle.
Hey, he wants a glass.
- You want a glass?
- Mirror.
This mirror?
- I got it.
- Nah, get out of here.
What do you need?
- Yeah, I need this and...
- Rob!
Okay, I got it right here.
Yo, come on, bring it in.
Hey, Carlos,
these are your pigeons?
Where do they come from?
They come from...
See the bus over there?
So, every morning when I come,
when they see me, they know me.
So they follow me
to open my shop.
No, they don't.
Really. Look.
If you want, I could catch one
for you now.
They're my friends.
They like me.
I fail.
You can try sometime.
Here's your pay.
I'll see you in the morning.
Ringo, come on.
Come on, let's go.
What are you counting it for?
That was bad.
- Get off the phone.
- Ale, stop.
Get off the...
Get it out, get it out.
You're gonna make me spill it.
I'm gonna call you later, okay?
All right, bye.
- You done?
- Yeah.
Aw, you got to be...
Yo, Carlos.
You think we got enough feet?
If we do get it, it's gonna go
"Isi's Van" and then be red.
How are you putting your name
and picking the color?
Because I'm older than you,
I'm cooking,
and I'm driving that van.
All right, I'm sanding,
I'm priming,
I'm painting,
and doing the letters.
But my name's going
on that van.
All right, all right.
It's going like this.
M y name is going diagonally.
Your initials can maybe go,
like, right here.
- I nitials?
- Yeah.
All right, all right, "Isi. "
That's it.
Nah, it's gonna go "Isi's Van,"
your name on the bottom,
just "Ale" for short.
No, no, no,
I want my whole name.
All right, little,
your whole name,
and it's gonna be red.
- Little?
- Yeah.
Why your name got to be so big?
Because it's gonna be my van.
Guys like girls' names anyways.
All right,
this is how it's gonna go.
M y name goes on the van,
and you pick the color,
and I hold the money because
you don't know how to count.
What are you talking about?
You never even finished school.
At least I finished 10th grade.
You didn't go to school.
So what?
I still know how to count.
And you got to promise
to not eat all the food
and save some
for the customers,
'cause your love handles are
getting too big by the minute.
Shut up.
You know what?
- Name five cereals.
- I don't know no cereals.
I don't know no cereals, please.
I don't know no cereals.
You name five cereals.
Ah, you name five cereals.
You name them.
Name... Name... Name them.
Name... Aah!
No, no, no, stop it!
Yo, Ale!
Hurry up!
The game's gonna start.
- You want to come?
- No.
- You mind if I go?
- Go ahead, go.
Yo, Ale!
What's this for?
It's money for the van
if you're serious.
I'll put this in my stash
You sure you don't want to come?
No. Go have fun.
Look, there's somebody
warming up in the bullpen.
It's a better view from up
here than over there.
Yo, I still think second base
is more important.
Nah, I don't think.
I think shortstop is.
You know why?
Because if they get, like,
if the ball hits to them,
they make the double play.
What happened?
What happened?
Come on.
I saw that.
I saw that.
Nah, you missed.
Yo, let's go to the truck stop
and see some whores.
Yeah, come on.
Come on, hurry up.
A whore just got into the truck.
You see?
I wonder what's going on
in there.
That guy's getting lucky.
Yeah, he's probably sucking
on some tits right now.
Oh, please, she's the one
doing the sucking.
Come on, you ain't never even
had a blow job before.
Yeah, I did.
No, you didn't.
You're a lying-ass bitch.
Look, you ain't even hard
right now, look at you.
Hands off of me, fag.
Yo, come on.
I'll pay for you.
Come on.
What, you scared now?
You being a little pussy now?
You don't even know
how much it costs.
Yes, I do.
$40 for a blow job,
$80 for a fuck.
Come on.
How do you know all this stuff?
Word gets around.
Come on.
You don't want to get
your dick sucked now?
Come on.
Look, there she is,
there she is.
Ale, wait.
Ale, wait up.
Ale, wait.
Ale, hold up.
Yo, come on, let's go beat
that guy up.
I got a pipe in my shop.
We could smash his windows.
Come on, man.
We could just kill the guy.
Man, it was too dark.
No way that was your sister.
Yo, shut the fuck up!
What the fuck, man?
Yo, get up.
I barely touched you.
- Fuck you, man.
- Fuck you!
You think I don't know
about that shit?
Yo, from now on, mind your
fucking business, all right?
Yo, Ale, hold up.
Come on, man.
Rob, you scared me.
You scared me, too, Isi.
What are you doing?
Trying to get these clothes
to dry.
I left some papers here.
- Why don't you use the heater?
- You sure?
Yeah, I told you kids to use
whatever you want.
Let me plug it in for you
and see.
- Is it good?
- Yeah, it works good.
Just make sure you unplug it so
you don't burn down, all right?
- All right.
- See you later.
Ale, what are you doing here?
You're soaking wet.
- Here.
- What's this?
That's for tips,
if you need the extra money.
Put it right there.
All right, thanks.
What's up, man?
What you got here?
So, did you fix my axle?
I got an ice-cream truck there,
and you don't want it.
Why every time I come here,
you ask me
for the ice-cream truck?
Save you a problem.
It's good.
Do you want one or not?
Yes, I'm gonna take this one
for my wife.
She likes that movie.
How much is it?
$5, but I'll give you 2
for $8.
No, I got no time for that.
Don't forget to fix my axle.
Don't worry about it.
I'll see you later.
Ale, come on, get up.
Ale, wake up.
Yo, Ale.
Ale, where you going?
Yo, Ale, what's wrong?
Look for a '96 fender.
- Yo, Ahmad.
- What's up?
They're not stolen, are they?
Look at them.
Tell me if you want them.
- I'll give you $25.
- Why $25?
Because that's a set
and that's not.
Make it $30.
Kid, you want it or not?
Take it or leave it.
Which one...
Go right there?
Yeah, come on.
- Yo, these sneakers is hot.
- I know.
You're gonna wear them
every day, right?
Hell, yeah. Yo, what do you
think about this place?
It's all right.
It's all right?
They got the best burritos.
What is she doing here?
I don't know.
I'm gonna find out.
What's up?
# It's not, it's not,
it's not my fault #
What's going on?
Me and Lilah's gonna go chill
for a little bit, okay?
Where are you going?
I'm going to Woodside.
I'm just gonna hang out.
- But for what?
- To chill.
Chill with who?
With a couple of friends,
all right?
A couple of friends?
And what about dinner?
Dinner's good.
Just take it to the place,
and I'll eat it there.
Oh, thanks for the sneakers.
# No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no #
# It's not my fault #
# It's not my fault #
# That that man loves me #
# And gave his entire life #
# If you didn't know
how to love him #
# If you didn't know how
to adore him, what a shame #
# What grief you give me #
You ain't nothing!
Yo, back up, man.
Don't fight out here.
It's hot.
It is hot.
Come here, listen up.
You got to go to bed
early tonight
'cause we're gonna prime
that car in the morning.
Can I paint it?
First you got to learn how to
prime before you can paint.
See you in the morning.
What did I tell you?
Don't do that in front of me
again, you hear me?
- Good night.
- Good night.
Do you want?
How much?
Do you want?
No, no, no.
Whatever you want.
All right, for this.
I'll give you five pesos anyway.
Give me. Give me.
When are you coming around
Is that your truck?
What the fuck are you doing
over there?
Is that your truck?
Yes or no?
What? Are you jerking off
over there?
Tell me if that's your truck.
No, it's not my fucking
truck, man.
What the fuck are you asking me
so many questions?
You want a blow job?
'Cause if you want,
you got to get it yourself.
She's no joke.
If she's sucking your dick,
how good can she be?
- What are you doing tonight?
- Nothing.
I got some guys coming over.
We're gonna hang out.
Why don't you come by
and give me a hand?
How much you paying?
How are you, man?
Great to see you.
You like this?
It's nice, man,
really, really nice.
Ale, help out Gerard, all right?
Whatever he needs,
get it to him quick, okay?
What's up, guys?
Ale, take the trunk off for me,
Listen, guys, hey, come on.
Let's grab these parts,
put it next door,
then we come back
and finish this.
Ale, come on.
Leave it.
Pedro, grab that door.
Yo, kid, come on, get up.
Come on, come on, come on,
let's go.
What's the matter?
You got a hangover?
Count it, check it,
and get the fuck out of here.
I got a lot of things to do,
all right? Come on.
Ale, Ale.
Why you didn't come for lunch?
I was busy.
Here, I saved you this.
So, where were you last night?
You knew I was with Carlos.
Yeah, but you got to tell me
from now on where you at.
Oh, wait, hang on.
Here's for the van.
So, how soon are we gonna
get it?
We gonna get it soon,
but I need to give this to Ray.
Well, all right.
Be careful.
Eat your food.
Yo, what up, Ale?
What are you doing here?
Did you follow me?
No, I just saw you run up here,
so I wanted to come play.
What do you got there?
You want one?
No, I'm good.
Man, this place is fucking cool.
Is that the junkyard?
The junkyard's over here.
Oh, shit,
that looks like my shop.
It probably is.
You could see it better
from outside.
Come on.
It's over there.
Look, you see it?
You see your place?
Oh, shit, yeah,
that is my place.
Look at Tom's Construction
right there.
You think we could ride
the scooter on them hills?
That would be cool.
We should do it.
What are you doing?
Oh, shit,
we gonna throw that over?
Aw, shoot, you saw that?
That was cool, man.
Yo, that was cool.
That was crazy.
Did you see that?
Is there anything else
we could throw?
Oh, snap, look.
Yo, what are y'all doing here?
What's up?
- Lilah, where's my sister?
- Go look for her.
What you talking about,
"Go look for her"?
And where y'all getting
these drinks from?
From Isamar.
Yo, these is my drinks.
Yo, y'all got to go.
Yo, Ale.
Hey, where you been at?
Where y'all going?
Yo, why the hell you leave
them here by themselves?
And where the hell were you?
I was at Stella's getting soda.
Yo, Lilah's going to Florida.
Yo, they got to go.
If Rob finds out,
then we're getting kicked out.
Ale, this is Lilah.
And who the hell is Lilah?
Those guys across the street
will tell Rob.
Come on, girl,
let's get out of here.
- Yo.
- What happened?
I'm not going.
I can't go.
- I got to work tomorrow.
- Just give me a call.
Yo, Lilah, send me a postcard.
Are you sure you can't go?
No, I can't.
I'm gonna see you around.
Look, little things like this
will get us kicked out.
Ale, leave it there.
I'm gonna clean it up.
And look at these, too.
Yeah, this is what happens
when your friends come over.
Ale, I said I would
fucking clean it up!
What are you still doing here?
Priming, painting,
whole new bumper.
- $250.
- $250?
- $250.
- Come on, how much?
The lowest I can go is $200.
- $200?
- Yeah.
- You gonna match it?
- We'll match it.
Do you want it or not?
- Yo, what you need?
- Parts, parts.
Yo, what you need?
Parts, parts, bodywork.
Yo, what you need, yo?
Of course I'll come see you.
It was a good time.
Yo, Ale.
Get me that compressor
from there.
That one.
Yeah, that one.
Now put it there.
Now, I'm doing this job.
I told you. I'm going... now.
Yeah, okay?
All right, yeah.
Yeah, I know.
I can't wait, either.
Yo, Ale.
Yo, Laura said I could make
my specials in the van today.
Try to stop by, all right?
It's the heat.
No, I'm serious.
Like around 11:00, 11:30,
pass by.
All right.
All right, bye.
Why didn't you fix my axle?
'Cause I was waiting for you
to come with the money,
and it's all here.
You'll have it on Thursday.
And what about bill of sale?
You got the bill of sale,
plus there's a title.
You got them both.
Enjoy it.
Make sure it gets to me
on Thursday.
Don't worry.
You're gonna have it.
Enjoy, baby.
Take care, sweetheart.
Bye, Uncle.
Hold up.
We got to get the janitor
to fix that shit.
What it says?
All you got to do is you
and your sister sign right here.
- Right here?
- Yeah.
So, where do you get
all this paper from?
It's none of your business.
You been tripping lately.
No, you tripping.
$4, 500 is a lot of money.
Plus, that other night,
you ditched me.
What happened?
Maybe I was with your mom.
I'm just playing, man.
Yo, so, you know,
these hills behind the junkyard.
We could grab the scooter
and have mad fun.
Come on, it's out this way.
No, I can't go.
I got things to do.
Nah, come on.
We'll just go once around.
Nah, I'll catch up with you
All right, man, let's play
this real game here.
I'm gonna show you a winner.
Come on, Sean,
let's see what you got.
I got six.
I got six.
Do you mind playing
over there, man?
I'm trying to play a game here.
You got no skills anyway.
Yo, the lady's better than you.
Come on.
Sean, you're doing better
and better.
What is he talking about?
That's not true.
That is not true.
The lady is good.
She's good. Stop it.
You cheat.
You're a cheater.
That's right, I said it.
You're a cheater.
Your turn, your turn.
Knocking the chips off the table
What the fuck is going on, man?
This is fucking bullshit, man.
Come on, you guys.
They're just playing.
Stop it.
Sean, it's not fucking...
Playing what?
- What is this, man?
- They're just playing.
Come on, man, you're not
taking shit seriously.
Shut up, man.
Ahmad, you know what?
Shut the fuck up.
I'm not talking to you,
all right?
Keep the kid over there.
All right, what is this?
Get the fuck out
if you don't like it.
What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do about it?
Hey, hey, whoa, come on.
- Why you talking shit?
- Hey! Hey, hey!
Let me tell you something,
Get the fuck away from me, man.
What are you still doing up?
I need to know
who was upstairs today.
'Cause I'm missing money,
and I just need to know.
- What money?
- M y money.
- Well, did you look carefully?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
- I'm positive.
I searched everywhere.
The person that comes in mind
to me is Lilah.
Again with Lilah?
She was the only one
in the room.
Look, I counted my money
Lilah hasn't been here
since last week.
Who else was here?
Well, Billy and Tony
are always up and down.
Billy and Tony?
But I don't understand
why you would leave
your money there anyway.
Ale, I'm living here.
I got to keep my stuff here,
- Well, how much was it?
- I don't know.
You just told me that you
counted it yesterday.
Look, I'm really upset
right now. I don't remember.
So, what you want me to do?
Look, the van is coming.
Don't worry about it.
We gonna make a lot of money.
You gonna make your specials.
You know, they're getting
pretty good.
So, who's locking up?
Me or you?
Oh, me.
You sure?
- You sure you know how to do it?
- I'm positive.
Man, we're gonna have to, like,
scrub that shit down.
I can't wait to start
driving it.
I'm gonna go like this.
Yeah, we need to fix
the wheel, too.
Move over to the side
a little bit. Watch.
And it's not going no blue.
Yes, it is.
It might be going...
So, no, 'cause we got to
change this.
I don't want the...
All right,
the whole van is white,
and then the tabs like this,
Yeah, like the window,
that, probably this is red.
Yeah, initials right here.
- Ale, let me see the paperwork.
- For what?
Just let me see the paperwork.
Did you guys look inside?
Yeah, it's a little beat up,
but it's all right.
A little beat up?
You already know what specials
you're gonna make, right?
Number one is empanadas.
I knew that was the first one
Ale, are you stupid
or something?
Look inside this place, man.
All this stuff has got to pass
health code.
They don't do health code
around here.
They don't even care about it.
Ale, man, look at this grill.
Okay, it's got rust on it.
Of course it does, man.
- So what?
- It does.
It says it right here.
Did you even read this?
Who signed that?
Did you sign it?
I did.
Did you read this?
It doesn't matter.
Ale, it matters.
You're gonna be serving food
out of this kitchen.
And, look,
there's no vents here.
There's holes everywhere.
It's rusted everywhere.
Come on, stop exaggerating.
We could clean that off.
Come on, Ale, man.
With some bodywork
and everything and a paint job,
yeah, it's gonna look fine
on the outside.
But I could fix it.
That's what I was trying to
tell you.
But it's the inside.
It's the kitchen equipment.
You're gonna spend $ 10, 000
to fix that.
- Now you lying.
- Are you serious? $ 10, 000?
He's lying.
Don't believe him.
What are you talking about?
I used to have one of these.
This is used equipment.
You can't fix those things.
You got to buy new ones, man.
Yo, what are we gonna do now,
He don't know nothing
about our van.
"Don't believe him," I said.
Ale, how much you pay for this?
How much you pay for this?
$4, 500.
$4, 500?
Are you kidding me?
No, we're serious.
Yo, let's bring it back
to Carlos' uncle right now.
It's too late.
You guys signed the papers.
He's playing us.
Ale, where you going?
Hey, Carlos.
What up, Ale?
Whoa, whoa, what's going on?
What's wrong with you, Ale?
- What is wrong with you, man?
- You were lying!
Come on, get off.
Yo, kid, what are you doing?
Relax, relax.
You lied!
You lied about them.
You made me go to your uncle.
You cheated me.
Your uncle took the papers,
Yo, what are you doing?
I swear to God, I don't know
what he's talking about.
I swear to God.
If I find out you cheated me,
I'm gonna fuck you up.
What the hell is going on?
All right, big guy.
You can wait until you have
enough money to fix this,
you can hope that some dumb ass
will come by
and maybe he'll buy it,
but you can't leave it here.
Or I'll give you $ 1, 000, chop it
up for parts, and that's it.
You don't have to worry about
anything. It'll be done.
What do you want to do?
This thing's got to get
out of here.
I got a lot of things going on.
You know that.
Let me know what you want to do,
This thing's got to be out
by tomorrow.
Ale, what's this shit I hear
about you ending up
with this van?
Can I have my pay?
No, you can't have
your fucking pay.
What's the matter with you?
Listen, kid.
Listen to me.
What's going on with you
these days?
You got to straighten
this shit out.
Get back to work.
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the U. S. Open.
If you are here for the match at
center court, it is sold out.
If you have tickets, please
proceed to center court now.
Hey! Stop him! Stop him!
Stop him! Stop him!
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the U. S. Open.
If you are here for the match
at center court...
Come on, Ral.
Hurry up, man.
Got to load that truck.
Hurry up, come on.
What do you want?
- What am I gonna do with that?
- I'm selling it.
Ale, I can't get rid of
this shit.
Come on, Ale,
I'm busy right now, all right?
Come back later or something,
all right?
You got something going on?
Ale, I can't do anything
with that shit, man.
You sign up, and you get
that phone for free.
Come on.
You got something going on
Ale, I'm fucking busy right now.
Come back later, all right?
Come on, Ral.
Good, good, good, good.
- Ale.
- 40.
- I don't want that.
- And you?
Ale, come here.
What is that?
What are you doing?
What does it look like
I'm doing?
- Where did you get this?
- I found it.
- You didn't steal it, did you?
- No, I'm not stealing.
So, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Why aren't you working?
Ale, what are you talking
The van closed an hour ago.
I'm working.
You should be working, too.
I need you to help me pull it
out from the outside, all right?
All right, hold on.
Drop this off and come back.
Got it?
Yo, Isi, what's up?
Aw, come on, man,
we'll take care of this.
I'm working on it.
Ale, grab that shit.
You know where that goes, right?
I don't know.
Maybe a couple of hours.
All right, let me finish up
over here.
Give me a couple of hours.
Then I'll see what I can do.
Otherwise, just, I don't know.
Yo, Ale.
What are you doing?
Come on, we have a lot of things
to do.
Hurry up.
What the fuck are you doing,
you motherfucker?
Get the fuck out of here,
you little piece of shit!
Yo, take it easy.
Leave him alone.
Hey, I gave you the fucking
money, all right?
Ale, come on.
Piece of shit!
Hold on!
Isamar, please.
Isamar, wait.
Come on, Isamar, open up.
Come on.
Come on, open up.
Let me in.