Christmas Carol, A (1938)

Have a try at it.
Coo, governor, that was a slide.
- It was good, wasn't it?
- I should say.
You beat the record, that's what you did.
Did I, now?
Look at Albert.
He fell!
- Don't you like sliding, son?
- Yes, sir. It's great sport.
Come on then. Try and beat my record.
No, thank you, governor.
I'm not very good at running.
Here. Get up on my back.
We'll show them how to slide.
Thank you, sir.
- What's your name, youngster?
- Tim, sir. Thank you, sir.
- Well, come on, Tim. Here we go.
- Thank you.
We'll really do this slide.
We'll make a record together.
Here we go now!
Hold tight.
There we are. Wasn't that lovely?
It was wonderful.
It made my stomach all wobbly-like.
- Yes. We're a team, that's what we are.
- I don't suppose you ever fall down.
- Like Albert.
- Fall down?
Who, me? No.
- Well, sir?
- I am sorry, governor.
I didn't mean to hit you, sir.
Please don't be angry with him, sir.
He's my brother.
In that case,
I've only one reason to be angry.
He broke my record.
- What's your name?
- Cratchit, sir. Peter Cratchit.
He's my brother, Tim Cratchit.
- Not Bob Cratchit's sons?
- Why, yes, sir.
I know your father well.
In truth, I was on my way
to his place of work when we met.
Maybe he'll take the message for us, Pete.
As you'll be seeing him, sir,
you might do me the favor...
of giving him this list of things
my mother wants him to fetch.
- Certainly.
- It's very nice of you to do that, sir.
Not a bit of it, Peter.
I'm more than willing.
Well, that is jolly.
Don't you two lads want to see
your father? And on Christmas Eve, too?
It ain't that we don't want to see
our own father, sir.
It's the man our father works for
we don't want to see. Mr. Scrooge.
I don't think he's very fond
of small boys, sir.
Yes. I understand.
You see, I knew Mr. Scrooge...
when I was a small boy. He's my uncle.
Come on now, Bob.
Aren't you going to wish me
a merry Christmas?
Mr. Fred, I am sorry. When you came in
and stood there like that...
I thought it was your uncle.
A merry Christmas, sir.
A merry Christmas to you, Bob,
and to your family.
I've already paid my respects
to part of your brood.
Peter and Tim, their names were.
They asked me to give you this list
from their mother.
Thank you. They shouldn't have made it
an errand for you.
I was pleased to do it.
It's cold in here.
You think we could have some coal
on the fire?
Oh, yes.
It's against the regulations, isn't it?
Mr. Scrooge doesn't like to waste coal, sir.
I foresaw that and provided for it.
This'll make the place less bleak.
- What might that be?
- It's a wine bottle.
A cheering, warming, goodly wine.
A wine that'll race through your veins...
with little torches. It's port, Bob.
The fifth essence of the Christmas spirit.
But we haven't got a glass.
I'll get one from Mr. Scrooge's office.
- What is this?
- Cough medicine.
Yeah, I thought so.
We will.
- We will have some more coal.
- Good man, Bob.
Come on now, Bob.
Let's drink a loving cup. You sweeten it.
- Another merry Christmas, Mr. Fred.
- Yes.
A merry Christmas to you, Uncle.
God save you.
Christmas, humbug?
Uncle, I'm sure you don't mean that.
Humbug I said, and humbug I mean.
Merry Christmas.
What right have you to be merry?
- You're poor enough.
- What right have you to be dismal?
- You're rich enough.
- Humbug.
Now, Uncle, don't be cross.
What else can I be
when I live in such a world of fools?
Merry Christmas.
What's Christmastime, but a time
for paying bills without money?
A time for finding yourself a year older
and not an hour richer.
If I could work my will, every idiot
that goes about with "merry Christmas"...
on his lips should be boiled
with his own pudding...
and buried with a stake of holly
through his heart.
- Uncle!
- Nephew!
Keep Christmas in your own way,
and let me keep it in mine.
- But you don't keep it.
- Let me leave it alone then.
Much good it has ever done you.
Uncle, there are many things
which have made me happy.
Things which have never
fattened my purse by even that much.
Christmas is one of these.
I've always looked on Christmas
as a good time...
a kind, charitable, forgiving, pleasant time.
It's the only time
when people open their hearts freely.
The only time
when men and women seem to realize...
that all human beings
are really members of the same family.
And that being members
of the same family...
they owe each other
some measure of warmth and solace.
And therefore, Uncle, though it's never put
a scrap of gold or silver in my pockets...
I believe that it has done me good,
and will do me good.
And I say, God bless it!
Let me hear another sound from you...
and you'll keep Christmas
by losing your situation.
You're quite a powerful speaker, sir.
- I wonder you don't go into Parliament.
- Uncle, don't be angry.
Come now. Come and dine
with Bess and me tomorrow.
- Bess?
- Yes. Elizabeth, my fiance.
I'm dining with her people,
I'm sure they'd welcome a visit from you.
- So you're engaged?
- Yes.
May I ask why?
- Because I fell in love.
- Because you fell in love.
You intend to marry?
As soon as I'm earning enough money.
Has she tried her relatives?
- That wasn't the reason for my visit.
- Good afternoon.
Uncle, I ask nothing from you.
I want nothing from you.
There's no reason
why we should be enemies.
Good afternoon.
Uncle, I made this visit
in homage to Christmas, and I'll keep...
my Christmas spirit to the last.
And so, Uncle, a merry Christmas.
- Good afternoon.
- And a happy new year.
Good afternoon!
A merry Christmas to you, Bob.
Thank you, sir. A merry Christmas to you
and to your wife-to-be.
Thank you.
- A merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- And the same to you, sirs.
- Thank you.
- Scrooge and Marley's, I believe.
- Yes, sir.
I have the pleasure
of addressing Mr. Marley?
- No, sir.
- Then you're Mr. Scrooge.
- No.
- My name is Scrooge.
- And my name is Twill.
- And mine is Rummidge.
And Mr. Marley?
Mr. Marley's been dead these seven years.
- He died seven years ago this very night.
- On Christmas Eve?
As good a time as any.
We have no doubt that Mr. Marley's
liberality is well represented...
by his surviving partner.
At this festive season of the year,
Mr. Scrooge...
it is more than usually desirable
that some slight provision be made...
for the poor and destitute.
Many thousands are in want, sir,
in need of common necessaries.
Hundreds of thousands are in want
of common comforts, sir.
- Are there no prisons?
- Plenty of prisons.
And the workhouses,
are they still in operation?
They are. Though I wish with all my heart
they were not.
I was afraid from what you said at first
that something had occurred...
to stop them in their useful course.
Under the impression these places
can scarcely furnish Christmas cheer...
for the mind and body of the multitude...
a few of us have endeavored to form
a fund for the poor, to buy them food...
and drink, and means of warmth.
What can I put you down for, sir?
You wish to be anonymous?
I wish to be left alone.
Since you asked me what I wish,
gentlemen, that is my answer.
I help to support the institutions
I mentioned. They cost enough...
and those who are badly off
must go there.
Many can't go there,
and many would rather die.
If they'd rather die, they'd better do it
and decrease the surplus population.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
In that case, we must apologize
for interrupting you, sir.
You keep close watch on the closing hour.
- It's half an hour past, sir.
- Then close up.
Thank you, sir.
Don't work overtime.
You might make something of yourself.
- You'll want all day tomorrow, I suppose?
- lf it's quite convenient, sir.
It's not convenient, and it's not fair.
If I was to stop half a crown for it,
you'd consider yourself ill-used...
I'll be bound.
It's only once a year, sir.
A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket
every 25th of December.
However, I suppose you'll have to have
the whole day.
Be here all the earlier next morning.
- Yes, sir.
- Then be off.
My wages, sir. They fall due today.
Can't wait to spend them?
Thank you, sir.
You rascal! You want more?
Now look here, boys, just because
a fellow wears a hat, you know...
it doesn't mean he can't throw a snowball.
I used to do a lot of snowballing...
and I found the best way to make
a snowball was to take the snow into...
your bare hands, like this, and then...
crunch it together
until the warmth from your hands...
Look who's coming down the street.
A blooming topper.
- Come on, governor. Show us.
- Right you are. Here, give me room.
Half a more.
Let her go!
A bull's-eye!
I had no idea it was you, master.
No idea at all. Truly, master.
No doubt this is your idea
of a Christmas joke.
I'll get your hat, sir.
I didn't know, sir. The coach, it...
Cratchit, I told you before that I could
find a man more capable than yourself.
- I need say no more.
- You mean, I'm sacked, sir?
But in my papers, sir,
it says I must have a week's notice.
Your week's salary will recompense me
for the price of a new hat. No.
As this hat cost 16 and 6,
and your salary is 15 and 6...
you owe me a shilling.
I say, governor, we are sorry.
The old stinker.
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
I'd like to buy a goose.
About 5 and 8 pence.
Certainly, sir.
- That's the one.
- A very good choice, sir.
Here, let me help you.
4 penneth of potatoes,
6 penneth of mixed nuts...
6 penneth of apples.
The special pippins, sir,
or the medium cookers?
- The special pippins.
- Yes, sir.
And 6... No, 8 penneth of oranges.
Thank you, sir.
Chestnuts, sir? All hot, sir.
They warm the innards
and cheer the heart.
- What's Christmas without chestnuts, sir?
- What indeed.
2 penneth... No, 3 penneth.
- Yes, sir.
- Put them in my back pocket.
- Yes. I will, sir.
- That's it.
- There you are, sir.
- Now the other one.
- Here we are.
- And here's your 3 pence.
- And a merry Christmas.
- Thank you, sir.
- Bob, you have got a load.
- Haven't I, though?
And all for tomorrow.
Let me help you.
- Did you get the oranges?
- Yes.
- And the lemons?
- Yes.
- And the potatoes?
- Yes.
Oh, bless me.
- How did you carry it all?
- I really don't know.
- What's this?
- Guess.
- Roast of beef.
- No. Try again.
- Veal.
- No.
- Tripe.
- No.
- Ribs.
- No.
- I know. Sausages.
- No. Goose.
Now take it all into the kitchen.
Save Mother a step.
Let me carry something.
- Here, Tim, you may carry the neck.
- Thank you.
Go over to the fire and have a warm, Bob.
Yes, dear.
- Did you get the day off tomorrow?
- Without hardly any trouble at all.
- Wasn't Mr. Scrooge angry?
- Well, you might say he was...
- and you might say he wasn't.
- Meaning what, Bob?
Meaning I got the day off and we don't
want to talk about Mr. Scrooge tonight.
Come here, you monkeys,
and see what I've got.
- Who are you?
- Ask me who I was.
Who were you then?
In life, I was your partner, Jacob Marley.
- what do you want?
- Much.
- You don't believe in me?
- I don't.
What proof would you have of my reality
beyond that of your own senses?
- I don't know.
- Why do you doubt your senses?
Because a little thing affects them.
A slight disorder of the stomach
makes them liars.
You may be an undigested bit of beef,
a blot of mustard, or a crumb of cheese.
Humbug, I tell you. Humbug!
10:00 and all's well.
Watch! There's an intruder in my room.
- Right up, sir. Law and order.
- Here's my key. Make haste.
We'll soon see how real you are.
I made this visit for your welfare,
Ebenezer Scrooge.
- In here.
- Right-o.
There he is. Out with him!
Your intruder seems to have extruded,
if I may say so, governor.
He was here when I opened the door.
He was a spirit. Someone I know.
Of course, a spirit.
A great night for spirits, sir,
of one sort or another.
Meaning, governor,
we wouldn't mind a bit of spirit ourselves.
You may leave!
Indigestion, that's what it was.
Out with you!
Sorry we couldn't be of any assistance,
Perhaps the next spirits you have, we can.
Man of the worldly mind.
- Now do you believe in me?
- I do. I must.
But why? Why do you trouble me?
It is required of every man that the spirit
within him should walk abroad...
among his fellow men.
If that spirit goes not forth in life,
it must do so after death.
- You are bound in heavy chains.
- I wear the chain I forged in life.
Is its pattern strange to you?
The chain you will bear
was full as heavy and as long as this...
seven Christmas Eves ago.
It must be a ponderous chain by now.
Jacob. Old Jacob Marley...
- have you no comfort for me?
- None.
And none for myself.
In life, my spirit never walked beyond...
the narrow limits
of our money-changing hole...
and weary journeys lie before me.
- You travel fast?
- On the wings of the wind.
You must have covered a great quantity
of ground in seven years.
Captive, bound, and double-ironed.
No space of regret can make amends
for the wasted opportunities of one life.
Poor and ignorant Scrooge.
Yet, such was I.
But you were always
a good man of business, Jacob.
Business. Mankind was my business.
The common welfare was my business.
Charity, mercy, forbearance,
and benevolence...
all these were my business.
It is at this time of the year
that I suffer most.
To see the want I could have stopped,
the suffering I could have solaced.
The hunger I could have satisfied.
Hear me.
My time is nearly gone.
If you must go, Jacob,
don't let me keep you.
I have sat invisible beside you
many and many a day.
I am here to warn you that you have
one chance of escaping my fate.
- One chance, Ebenezer Scrooge.
- What is it?
You will be haunted by three spirits.
Is that the chance you mentioned, Jacob?
It is.
I think I'd rather not.
Unless you suffer these three visitations,
your fate will be the same as mine.
Jacob. Don't leave me yet. Jacob!
Expect the first when the bell tolls 1:00...
the second on the stroke of 2:00...
the third on the last vibration of 3:00.
Couldn't I take all three at once
and have it over?
Remember, the first at 1:00...
the second at 2:00, the third at 3:00.
- Are you the spirit I was told to expect?
- I am.
- Who are you?
- I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.
The light. It hurts my eyes.
- It blinds me.
- I'm not surprised.
It's the warming light of thankfulness...
the light of gratitude to others.
- I've never seen it before.
- Of course not.
It's men of greed like you
who have long forgotten gratitude.
What's your business with me?
Your welfare. Your reclamation.
Rise and walk with me.
- We spirits have no fear.
- But I'm not a spirit.
Bear but the touch of my hand
on your heart, and you shall be safe.
Good heaven! This is my old school!
I was a boy here.
Merry Christmas!
Harry, Joe, Tommy, Percy and Dick!
Dick Wilkins!
These are but shadows
of things that have been.
They have no consciousness of us.
You knew them?
I went to school with them, all of them.
- Your lip is trembling.
- The cold.
- Let's continue. You remember this way?
- Remember it?
I could walk it blindfold.
Strange to have forgotten it
for so many years.
- That is myself.
- Was yourself.
What is that upon your cheek?
Nothing. The cold.
Goodbye, young Scrooge.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, Jack.
- Your parents coming for you?
- No. I'm staying at school for the holidays.
- You are?
Always do, you know?
Father and I talked it over.
We decided that some extra swatting at
my studies would do me more good than...
Christmas at home.
Christmas, plum pudding and turkeys...
that's just for children.
I say,
your governor must be a crusty old bird.
- He knows what's best.
- Jack, hurry!
Right-o. I didn't mean anything
against your father, Eb. Good luck.
Merry Christmas!
- Master Scrooge.
- Yes, sir?
Your sister's come to see you.
Ebbie, dear Ebbie.
I've come to bring you home.
Home, Fran? Home?
Father is so much kinder
than he used to be...
that home is like heaven.
That's why I asked him if you
could come home, and he said, "Yes."
And he sent me to fetch you with a coach.
And, Ebbie, Father says
that you're going to go to work...
and never come back here.
And we're going to have a turkey
and chestnuts and everything.
God bless you, Fran.
Ebbie, it's going to be so glorious.
God bless you.
- She loved you.
- She did.
I believe she had children before she died.
- One child.
- Your nephew, Fred.
You remember this place?
Fezziwig's warehouse.
I was apprenticed here.
It's old Fezziwig.
It's old Fezziwig alive again.
Ebenezer, Dick!
Yes, sir?
Ebenezer Scrooge, Dick Wilkins.
Yes, sir?
Do you observe the time, sir?
7:05, sir.
Do you know you've let me work you
five minutes overtime?
No more work tonight.
Christmas Eve, Dick. Christmas, Ebenezer.
Up with the shutters. Close up shop.
In the eye, Dick. Cheer up, Ebenezer.
What a lark.
He always comes through, doesn't he?
- Always comes through does old Fezziwig.
- And royally, too.
And royally, too.
Nothing's too good for Fezziwig.
Closed up tight, sirs?
- Tight as a barrel, sir.
- Good.
Now, about tomorrow.
It's a holiday, of course.
But I shall expect you to spend part of it,
at least, with me...
eating Christmas dinner.
Thank you, sir.
And as probably you'll eat too much
to be any good next day...
we'll make that a holiday, too.
Good night, Ebenezer. Good night, Dick.
Good night, sir. And thank you, sir.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
- A sovereign.
- A whole sovereign.
- Solid gold is old Fezziwig.
- Solid gold, through and through.
What is the matter?
Nothing particular.
Something, I think.
Yes, there is.
Old Fezziwig was very kind to me.
Yes, he was. But he's dead now.
Perhaps you feel
you'd like to repay his kindness to you.
You have a clerk, Bob Cratchit.
Old Fezziwig would have been
very happy...
if you had shown your gratitude to him
by showing kindness to others.
Your clerk, for instance.
Business is business.
I'm a good businessman!
My time grows short.
I have yet to show you the black years
of your life.
Your gradual enslavement to greed.
- Your ruthlessness.
- No!
Your ingratitude.
Your wretched thirst for gold.
No, leave me. I can't stand more.
I can't stand more!
Come here.
Come here and know me better, Scrooge.
I am the Ghost of Christmas Present.
Have you never seen the like of me before?
And have you never known my elder
brothers, born these years before me?
I'm afraid I haven't.
Have you had many brothers, Spirit?
A huge number. Some...
A tremendous family to provide for.
What are we going to do?
Walk into the world this Christmas night,
so that you can...
hear and see and feel Christmas
in the world this night.
Did you say "walk" or "fly"?
Touch my robe.
Good morning,
and a merry, merry Christmas to you.
Merry Christmas to you.
These people, what are they doing?
The poor find it cheaper to bring
their dinners to the baker to be cooked.
Now then, watch who you're stepping on.
Watch who I'm stepping on? I like that.
- Go on, off it.
- I will not!
Why you little...
- Here, let's make it up.
- Frightened?
I wouldn't touch your old hand.
I wouldn't...
Well, you're not such a bad sort after all.
Thank you, and a merry Christmas to you.
And the same to you.
What do you sprinkle from that horn
that made them stop quarreling?
It's a spirit...
five times distilled,
the spirit of Christmas cheer...
of love, of all that's good...
of all that makes this time of year
different from any other time.
Is there a peculiar flavor
in what you sprinkle?
An excellent flavor.
Would it apply to any kind of dinner?
To a poor one most.
Why to a poor one most?
Because it needs it most.
Look where you're going,
you big, clumsy ox, you. I'll...
I'll shove those words
down your nasty little throat.
Stop shoving, will you?
Stop it, I say, or I'll...
Here we are being silly, aren't we now?
Like a couple of infants.
I say, I know a nice little pub
where they sell hot rum and gin.
- We stopped that.
- Yes, we did, didn't we?
That church.
We have business there. Come.
I don't believe for a minute
that they love one another.
What makes you say that, Spirit?
It is obvious
that they love each other dearly.
Nevertheless, don't you think that...
it's lucky that they haven't
the wherewithal to get married?
Their love will soon fade.
I take exception to that!
On the contrary,
I think their love would grow.
I... They...
They should be married.
- Good morning and merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you.
Bob, a merry Christmas to you.
This is my fiance, Bess.
This is Mr. Cratchit, and his son Tim.
How do you do?
Now, Tim, no secrets.
What were you saying?
I said, sir...
- I said she's very pretty.
- Tim!
- Thank you kindly, Tim.
- Don't you agree with him, Bob?
- Yes, sir. She is very pretty.
- Father!
Thank you kindly, Mr. Cratchit.
- Good morning.
- Goodbye.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Come on, darling. Let's have a slide.
But, Fred, you can't.
Can't I?
You should have seen me yesterday.
But in front of the church? It isn't right.
But, darling, it looks perfect.
It is perfect.
- It's as slippery as a codfish's tummy.
- No, Fred, no!
But, darling, just one slide. Only one.
- Yeah.
- Well, all right.
Boys! Sliding in front of the church?
Now run away home.
And a merry Christmas to you all.
- Run home.
- See?
But, darling, he has no soul.
He's simply acting like a grownup.
I still say he has no soul.
He just doesn't appreciate the qualities
of a good slide.
Come on.
One, two, three.
- Giddyap.
- Merry Christmas, Tom.
And a merry Christmas to you, Bob.
- And to you, too, Tiny Tim.
- Thank you. Merry Christmas, sir.
Spirit, tell me if Tiny Tim will live.
If the shadows remain unaltered
by the future, the child will die.
Surely he'll be spared.
With the kind of care that money can buy,
who could tell?
But Bob Cratchit has no money.
Not even a position, I've heard.
If all this remains unaltered by the future...
the next Christmas
will not find Tiny Tim here.
But what of it?
If he be like to die, he'd better do it
and decrease the population.
Mother! The goose, we smelled it.
Outside the baker's.
- We did, didn't we?
- It was ours. We knew.
Because of the smell.
Young, sharp noses. Out you go.
What's got into your father and Tim?
And Martha wasn't this late last Christmas
by half an hour.
Here's Martha, Mother.
Here she is, Mother. Here's Martha.
There's a goose for Christmas, Martha.
Bless your heart.
I was afraid you weren't coming.
We'd a deal of sewing to finish
up last night, and this morning...
we had to clear up the shop.
Just so long as you've come.
- You're cold, child.
- Not very.
Sit down by the fire and have a warm.
Father's here, Mama.
- Hide.
- Hide in here.
Here we come.
Whoa it is. Hello.
There we are.
- Where's our Martha?
- Not coming.
Not coming?
Not coming on Christmas day?
Martha girl.
Come, Tim, into the back.
Smell the pudding.
- Was it a good service, Bob?
- Beautiful. That's what it was.
I wish you'd been there.
So long as you and Tim were there,
I feel it did us all good.
- Here, I'll give that gravy what for.
- Thank you, dear.
Belinda, you sweeten up the applesauce.
- I have, Mommy. It's on the table.
- Good girl.
- Peter, take this chair inside.
- Yes, Mother.
Now, I'm going to take one last look
at the table.
What a Christmas!
There never was such a Christmas.
Here, Martha, taste this.
Sweet enough?
- Well, it's still a wee bit sour.
- So.
- Been working hard, Father?
- Yes.
How's old Scrooge?
- Same as ever.
- What's the matter?
Not a thing. Not a single blessed thing.
Something at the office?
No. Why, it was only yesterday
Mr. Scrooge came to me...
shook my hand and, "Cratchit,"
he says, "Cratchit, my lad"...
he calls me "my lad"...
"You're one in 1,000. You're..."
Something is wrong. What is it?
- I've been sacked, Martha.
- Father!
- When was it?
- Last night.
You haven't told Mother?
Bad luck.
Sorry I told you. I really shouldn't have.
I thought it might make me feel better.
There's Mother. Come along. Cheer up.
Here we go.
Here we are!
How's that?
You know, I don't think there is anyone,
not anyone, who can touch my punch.
Nor do I, Bob.
- Do you like our table?
- It's beautiful, my dear.
- Peter.
- Yes, Mother?
You can go to the baker's now.
- And get the goose?
- Yes.
The goose!
There never was such a goose.
- It's a good bird, Bob.
- And reasonable, too.
- I'd like to stroke it.
- Tim.
- We haven't eaten it all at last.
- That we haven't.
And now the pudding.
Belinda and me'll clear, Mother.
- I'll help with the pudding, Mother.
- No, I'd rather do it alone.
- It might not turn out.
- Of course it will. It always has.
Unless someone's climbed into the back
and stolen it.
Stolen it?
Hurry, Mother, hurry!
Pass them over to this side.
It's there. The pudding's there.
- Hooray!
- Come along.
I smell it. Do you smell it, Peter?
That's the cloth coming off.
- The holly's in.
- It is?
It's blazing.
Here it comes! Here comes the pudding.
- Off with the lights.
- Off with the lights. Hurry.
Hurry up.
It did turn out, and it's not stolen.
- It looks so good.
- Tim.
It looks like the best you've ever made,
my dear.
Bob, you say that every year.
Every year they get better.
How that's possible, don't ask me.
But it's true.
So eat.
Mother, you haven't got any.
I don't want any, dear.
- You must. Here, have some of mine.
- Just a little spoonful.
I'm sure I'm going to burst.
Not in here, my lad.
If you want to burst, you go outside.
You've hardly any tummy at all.
Look at mine.
Now then, enough of that,
or there will be a calamity.
- Peter, put some chestnuts on the fire.
- Yes, sir.
Let's tidy the table, girls.
Such a smell.
Sweet enough?
Sweet as honey.
Obviously made by an expert.
And are only experts allowed to taste it?
My dear. Glasses all. Glasses.
Fill mine, Father. Thank you.
- Three, four.
- Thank you.
- Five.
- Thank you.
- Six.
- Thank you.
- Seven.
- Thank you.
Well, this is the largest,
but a merry Christmas to us, my dears.
And God bless us all.
And here's to next Christmas,
may it bring us luck.
And may Mr. Scrooge
give your father a raise.
And a merry Christmas to Mr. Scrooge.
I'll drink to that.
- Delicious.
- How lovely.
And now, Father, a story please.
Yes. Please, a story, Father.
Right you are. A story it is.
Come along, kids. Sit here.
Now let me see.
It seems that once upon a time,
there was a little boy...
about your size, Timmy...
- Come, Scrooge, we must go.
- Must we?
Just let me hear Bob's story.
It's about Aladdin and the magic lamp.
Please let me stay.
No, Scrooge.
And he said that Christmas was humbug.
As I live, he did.
As if anything that gave excuse for this
could be humbug.
- Your uncle should be ashamed.
- I'm sorry for him.
I couldn't be angry with him if I tried.
After all, he punishes himself.
And how does he do that, pray?
- Well, he has money, hasn't he?
- Yes.
And he makes no use of it, mark you,
no use of it whatsoever.
Therefore, he's a far more pathetic
and unhappy case...
than a man who has no money at all.
QED, he punishes himself.
Now, that's a wonderful idea.
Tom here suggests that we play a game.
Now what shall it be?
- Blindman's buff.
- Blindman's buff? Right.
But first, I want you to drink a toast.
To my uncle Scrooge.
It seems a shame to waste a toast
on a man like that.
But, darling, think how happy
he makes everyone feel, by contrast.
- To my uncle, Scrooge.
- To Uncle Scrooge.
- Come along now, Tom. You're it.
- Come on, Tom.
You'd best catch us.
Tie it tight.
- Are you sure you can see?
- Perfectly.
That's good.
One, two, three.
Come on, quick.
Quick, he might catch you.
Please, let me stay, just until they finish.
But you don't like Christmas.
It's a time for fools.
I won't go with you. I'm going to stay.
I'm going to stay, I tell you.
Don't be a fool, man.
You don't like Christmas.
But I do. I do like Christmas!
I love Christmas!
You are the Ghost
of Christmas Yet To Come?
You are about to show me things
that have not happened...
but will happen in the future.
Is that so, Spirit?
Ghost of the Future,
I know you are here to do me good...
and as I hope to be another man
from what I was...
I'm ready to accompany you.
Won't you speak?
Lead on.
I shall follow gladly.
No, I don't know much about it either way.
I only know he's dead.
- When did he die?
- Last night, I believe.
- What was the matter with him?
- Who knows? Who cares?
- What has he done with his money?
- I haven't heard.
He hasn't left it to me. That's all I know.
It's likely to be a very cheap funeral.
Upon my life,
I can't think of anybody to go to it.
Suppose we form a party and volunteer.
I don't mind going, if a lunch is provided.
I'll offer to go if anybody else will.
Now I come to think of it,
I'm not sure I wasn't his best friend.
We used to stop and speak
whenever we met.
- How are you?
- How are you?
I know them. I know them both.
Business associates.
So Old Scratch got his own at last?
Yeah, so I've been told. It's cold, isn't it?
Seasonable for Christmas.
- You're not a skater, I suppose.
- No time for it. Business on my mind.
- Well, good morning.
- Good morning.
Is death always like this?
Is it never followed
by sorrow and weeping?
It must be getting near your father's time.
Past it, Mommy.
Though he has walked home slower
these last few evenings.
I've known him walk with Tiny Tim
upon his shoulder very fast indeed.
And so have I, often.
But he was very light to carry,
and his father loved him so.
It was no trouble. No trouble.
There's your father at the door.
There you are, my nippers.
Here, Father, sit here.
I saw Mr. Scrooge's nephew today.
You did?
Yes, he is a nice fellow.
He saw I looked a trifle down.
Just a trifle, you know.
He asked me what was wrong.
Thank you, dear.
I told him about Tim.
He's such a sweet fellow,
somehow I didn't mind telling him.
"I'm heartily sorry for it, Bob," he said.
"And heartily sorry for your good wife."
By the by, how he ever knew that,
I don't know.
Knew what, my dear?
- That you were a good wife.
- Bob.
It really seemed that he knew our Tim
and felt with us.
- I'm sure he's a good soul, Bob.
- He is.
And I'm sure that...
when we remember
how gentle and patient Tim was...
we shan't quarrel among ourselves...
and in doing it, forget our Tim.
No, Father.
I'm very happy.
I am.
Poor Tim. Poor Tiny Tim.
Everyone who knew him must feel sorrow.
Sorrow they'd never feel for me.
tell me the name of the man
we saw lying dead.
Tell me!
Answer me this, Spirit.
Are these things you've shown me...
are they the shadows of the things
that will be, or of the things that may be?
Men's lives lead to certain ends...
but if those lives be changed,
will not the ends be changed?
Tell me that is true! Tell me!
Then I was the man who lay upon the bed.
Why show me this if I am past all hope?
I shall change my way of living.
I will try to keep Christmas all the year.
I will live in the past, the present,
and the future.
The spirit of all three shall be in my heart.
I shall never forget the lessons
that they teach.
Tell me that this will change my future.
Tell me that this is not my end.
Hello, there. What's today?
- What's today, my fine fellow?
- Today?
Why, Christmas day.
Do you know the poulterer's
at the next street but one, at the corner?
- I should hope I do.
- An intelligent boy.
A remarkable boy.
Do you know whether they've sold
the prize turkey that was hanging there?
Not the little prize turkey, the big one.
- It's hanging there now.
- Is it?
- Well, go and buy it.
- What, sir?
I'm in earnest. Yes, I am. Go and buy it.
Come back in less than five minutes,
and I'll give you half a crown.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
My dear sirs, how do you do?
How do you do?
A merry Christmas to you.
Mr. Scrooge?
Yes, that is my name.
It may not be pleasant to you.
Let me ask your pardon.
And will you have the goodness to take...
Why, bless me, Mr. Scrooge.
Are you in earnest?
If you please. Not a farthing less.
There are a great many back payments...
in that amount. Will you do me that favor?
My dear Mr. Scrooge,
I don't know what to say. Such...
Such generosity.
Don't say anything, please, but come
and see me. Will you come and see me?
We will, Mr. Scrooge.
Thank you. Bless you.
Hello, my love.
- Would you tell Mr. Fred I wish to see him?
- Yes, sir.
- Who is this?
- Your uncle.
Your uncle Scrooge.
Uncle, I didn't know you.
The smile changes me, doesn't it?
But, what are we doing out here?
Come in, Uncle, come in.
This is my uncle. My uncle Scrooge.
How do you do?
Fred, you dog. Who is this fellow?
Not your uncle, I'll be bound.
He'd never have a smile like that.
- He said that...
- That Christmas was a humbug.
- That people who celebrated it were fools.
- Yes, that's what he said.
It was stupid of him.
He won't say it again, mark you.
He won't say it again, ever.
And this is Bess.
May I tell you a secret?
Here, I say. Now what is this?
- No.
- You tell him.
That's wonderful.
Uncle, thank you so much.
- Merry Christmas, Bob.
- What?
Merry Christmas, Bob!
Here, give this to your wife.
Your good wife.
- Where's Tiny Tim?
- He's out in the back with the others.
Well, get him. Bring him here.
- Bring them all here.
- Yes, sir, I shall.
It's Scrooge. It's Mr. Scrooge.
He's crazy. Quite mad.
Off his top. Lost his buttons.
- Don't be stupid, Bob.
- Look, he gave us this, and more besides.
- Gave it to us?
- Yes.
Then he has gone mad.
Bob, what shall we do?
Our children, Bob. Save them!
Thank heaven, Mr. Fred. You've come
for him, of course. Poor fellow.
Did you think he'd gone barmy, too?
No, we haven't come for him.
He told us to wait outside. He said he had
some presents he wanted to give you.
- Then he's all right?
- I hope so.
He made me his partner.
We're to be married, Bob.
Isn't that wonderful?
- It is wonderful.
- Yes.
My wife.
My dear.
- Has he gone?
- He's all right.
- Come along, you must meet him.
- No.
- Bob Cratchit.
- Yes, sir?
- Pass out the punch.
- Yes, sir.
I'm going to raise your salary, Bob.
Thank you, sir.
Are you sure?
And when Peter, the scoundrel,
when Peter gets a little older...
we'll have a job for him, too.
- Won't we, Fred?
- Yes, sir.
- Everything for everybody, Fred?
- Yes.
Here it is, sir.
I'm a little rusty at this.
- I've never done it before, but may I?
- Yes.
Please do.
To all of us, everywhere.
A merry Christmas to us all, my dears.
God bless us, every one.