Christmas Cupid's Arrow (2018)

(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
(ethereal music)
(bright music)
- Excited.
- Oh, I can start
watching cartoons again.
- Oh, my God.
Happy Thanksgiving, people.
- Where's the turkey?
- I told you my
parents are vegan.
- Oh, yeah, you're
gonna love it.
- Look, it looks great, thanks.
- Oh, it is.
Don't ask, honey, just eat.
(family laughs)
- All right.
- Good (laughs).
- Here we go again,
- Oh, I am just stuffed.
- It was great.
- I know, this was just so good.
I don't think I can eat any--
- I think I need a nap (laughs).
- I know.
Thank you so much for hosting.
- So, I uh,
I have really great news.
- What?
- I finally got published.
- Oh, why, Holly, we are
so proud of you.
- That's right.
- I know how hard you've worked.
- I know.
- Oh.
Excellent, Holly,
it's wonderful.
I'm so glad.
- Thank you, Daddy.
- Where can I read it?
- "The Black Hills
Literary Journal,"
it's an academic paper.
- "Black Hills," that
is very prestigious.
It's pure Ivy League.
It's a major
accomplishment, baby.
- Thank you.
- Which article?
- Oh, "Art of Deception:
The False Narrator
"in Mid-20th Century Novels."
- I remember it, yeah.
- Well, you must have
made good money on it.
- Um, just a couple,
couple hundred bucks,
but that's not really
what it's about--
- A couple hundred?
- I told you, honey,
my sis is an English
professor, Dr. Willinger.
- Of course.
- It really is good
for my career, because
once you're published--
- We're pregnant.
- Oh my God.
Oh my God.
- Wait, what?
(Mrs. Willinger squeals)
Oh God, thank you.
- I'm gonna be a grandma?
- Yeah.
- Finally?
I'm thrilled.
- Right.
- Baby sis, I am
so happy for you.
- [Mrs. Willinger]
How far along?
I just--
- Seven weeks.
I mean, I literally
just found out--
- Your mother threw
up every minute
of every day.
- I did.
I was horribly sick.
Wasn't I, sweetheart?
- First couple of months.
- Things to look forward to.
- But that's not gonna
happen to you.
- Yeah.
- You're gonna be so, oh,
you're already glowing.
(dramatic music)
- Gosh, Auntie Holly.
(gasps) You're gonna
have to get used to that.
- Guess I should get her a gift.
- Maybe a card.
Dear Carol, you've one-upped
me for the last time.
Love and daggers, Holly.
- (chuckles) Stop.
- It's true, though.
What more could she do?
- You know, it's weird.
While everybody was
hugging and celebrating,
all I could think was,
what have I done in
the last five years?
I spent all of my 20s
obsessing over dead authors,
while everybody around
me was having babies
and giving life, real life.
- Uh, hi.
Not everybody has kids.
I don't have kids.
- Yeah, but you're married.
- Yeah, there's that.
- I don't even have a--
- Boyfriend?
Yeah, that's not
exactly a secret.
Believe me.
- All just friends.
- Well, we're gonna
fix it, come on.
- [Holly] So how
did you meet Sean?
- It was that dating app,
you know, Cupid's Arrow.
Oh come on, it's how
people meet these days.
It's actually scary accurate.
It's by one of the Facebook
engineer, that did it.
- Ah.
- Oh look at you.
You don't believe me?
All right.
- Hey!
- What, you don't trust me?
I even know your
pin code, come on.
(phone clicking)
Cupid's Arrow is on your phone.
- Oh (chuckles).
- Use it.
Please use it.
- I'm not going to use it.
- [Emily] You're gonna use it.
I command you to use it.
(dramatic music)
(phone clicks)
- Woo!
- Oh, hello.
- What are you doing, Holly?
- No!
- Holly, what are you even
trying to say with this?
- Oh come on, don't be mean.
- This is absurd.
- Don't lie, be truthful.
- It's you.
I don't need to lie.
- No.
(phone clicking)
- I took like five.
- Okay.
- Is that one good?
- Oh, yeah!
- Okay?
- It's kinda good.
- Okay, trust me.
- Okay.
- Now all we have to do is wait.
(dramatic music)
- Do you mind if I
order the Steak Vesuvio?
- No, why would I mind?
- It's $27.
- Okay.
- Well, you're a
college professor.
I just wanted to make
sure you could afford it.
- Mm, mm.
What do you get when
you cross the engine
from a '67 Harley, Ducati
forks, and carbon fiber?
- I don't know.
(fist bangs)
- Perfection!
Perfection in motorcycle form.
I'll show you later.
(solemn music)
- And that's why I think
Charles Dickens created one
of the greatest Christmas
literature pieces ever.
I mean, Scrooge's story
alone, it gives hope.
It gives possibility
that somebody can turn
their lives around
and be kind again and
open up their heart,
become a better person.
- Yeah (laughs).
(phone chimes)
- Hey, honey.
- Well, I work
mostly out of my van.
Actually outside.
- Is it?
- Would you like to see it?
- Uh, no, not yet.
- You know, you haven't
touched your muffin.
- I'm not hungry.
- Can I have it?
- Well, I'll meet y'all there.
Is Pastor Phil gonna be there?
His wife too?
Okay, okay.
- "From Dusk till Dawn,"
Clooney, in that film,
oh my God, he's amazing.
That's exactly what
I wanna be like.
- They're behind the dryer,
and I put Jimmy's
socks on the ottoman.
- I've dated a lot of
Asian girls in the past.
Thank you.
- Can I have the check, please?
(somber music)
(Holly sighs)
(phone chimes)
(Holly sighs)
("Twelve Days of Christmas")
I'm oh for three.
I'm out.
- You can't be out.
You've hardly given
it any time at all.
It's a very good app.
It had very good reviews,
and it uses algorithms.
- Do you even know
what that means?
- Yes, I'm a maths teacher.
I'm not a great
one, but I am one.
Okay, so hopefully, this
place has some, right,
because he mentioned that
he used to play the violin,
and that is before I knew him.
- Okay, why don't you just get
him something he can't buy?
- Because I suggested
dancing, and he said no.
- Sean's a great guy.
You're lucky.
We'll figure it out,
let's go inside.
- Oh yeah, it's really cold.
("Twelve Days of Christmas")
(Emily sighs)
Okay, what are we thinking?
I like this one.
Do you like this one?
Holly, what are you doing?
- I'm deleting my profile.
- No, you're not.
How difficult can it be
to find an attractive,
30-something man, no kids,
single, over six feet tall?
- Look, I would
settle for breathing,
unmarried, with a
brain and a heart.
- (laughs) Is it
really that bad?
- Yeah, you didn't
see those guys.
- Good grief.
(phone chimes)
Okay, hello, here is one.
And, uh, his name is
literally Mr. Wright.
- Hm.
Well, I mean, he
might be too pretty.
- Who says something like that?
Nobody is too pretty.
Now he knows you're interested.
(Emily gasps)
It'll do.
We're good.
(bright music)
- Whoa, let me
help you out there.
Could you tell me where
the admin office is?
- Yeah, just gimme a second.
- Oh.
- A bit of a mess here.
- Here, let me help.
- Thank you.
You're a professor.
- Oh, it shows, huh?
I'm an attorney, a litigator.
- Oh, so you sue people.
- I get people
what they deserve.
But, don't worry, I'm
one of the good ones.
- (laughs) Follow me.
- So, what do you teach here?
- Well, how do you
know I'm a professor?
- Lucky guess.
- Okay, guess which department.
- Not math.
You're far too attractive
to be a math teacher.
- You should see
our math department.
- And with coffee and donuts,
too kind for chemistry.
Have you ever met a chemistry
teacher who wasn't angry?
- I'm sure I have (laughs).
- I'm gonna go with psychology.
- How did you know that?
- I'm a really good litigator.
And I may have peeked
inside your bag.
- Cheater.
(both laugh)
Well, this is you.
Beware, Mrs. Gunderman,
you have to get past her,
and she eats litigators
for breakfast.
- Ah, well, thanks for
the help and the tip.
- I'm Erin Rafferty.
- Wright, Josh Wright.
- (laughs) Okay.
- Oh, don't forget these.
Otherwise, your students
will all transfer
to your rival, Southern Edge.
- We can't have that.
- Excuse me, could you tell me
where I could find
a David Martin?
- He's in class for
the next 10 minutes.
You can wait for
him in his office,
but I need to see
your student ID.
- Oh, uh, it's been a while
since I've had a student ID,
uh, Mrs. Gunderman, is it?
I'm an old friend.
I'm trying to surprise him.
What do you say?
- (squeaks) Room 208, and
you didn't talk to me.
Now go before I change my mind.
(bright music)
(Mrs. Gunderman giggles)
- Hi, Molls.
Yes, honey, I'm sure
Santa's gonna find
our house this year.
Honey, I know the delivery guy
sometimes has a hard
time finding our house,
but Santa will, I promise.
Sweetheart, I told you
already, it doesn't matter
that we don't have a
chimney on our roof anymore.
All right, I love you, too.
(gentle music)
Oh, come on, are you serious?
- Shh.
- Sorry.
Sorry, guys, sorry.
(gentle music)
- David.
- Josh.
How long has it been, man?
- Ah, it's great to see you.
- Shh.
- Sorry, sorry,
guys, sorry, sorry.
The walls are very thin here.
It's great to see you.
What are you, what
are you doing here?
Sit down.
- I'm here to crush Kappa Rho.
- The fraternity, I thought
they already got suspended.
- They did, and now
they're suing the school
for suspending them.
I represent the school.
I just closed a
case like this over
at Southern Edge University,
had a big win, boom, killed it.
- Wow, that's great, I think.
- And now I'm here, same thing.
- And you're still at--
- Cole, Cusper, and Wright.
- And Wright?
Oh, you're a partner now?
- Yeah (laughs), yeah.
So, I'll buy you dinner.
You choose the restaurant.
Let's go.
- I can't.
I actually need notice
for a babysitter,
'cause I got Molly.
But how long you here for?
- Hmm, Christmas,
give or take.
- Okay.
- Wow, you are a
real rock star, huh?
- I think the tenure
committee would disagree.
- [Josh] How old is Molly now?
- She's six.
(Josh laughs)
- [Josh] And how is the novel?
- It's on hold.
You know, since
Nancy passed away,
I've just been either busy
with Molly or teaching
or publishing an article.
So it's been hard to
get something started.
- Publish or perish, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
- Is that for real
or just something people
say about professors?
- No, that's a real thing,
but I really don't mind,
because any writing is
better than no writing.
- Hey, I'm really sorry for
missing Nancy's service.
I was out of the country.
- It's all right.
You shouldn't worry about it.
Um, I gotta go.
Will you walk me to the car?
Are you still single?
- Yup.
- Do you like being single?
- My New Year' resolution is
to settle down, next year.
- That sounds about right.
- Well, it isn't all bad.
- Let me just clear
off a space real quick.
- No worries, I'm
right over here.
(car chirps)
- Nice.
- Hey, remember that case I
was just talking to you about?
- Uh, boom, you killed it?
- (chuckles) Yeah,
yeah, that one.
I got some real juice
over at Southern Edge.
They love me, and they're
looking for someone
who can edit and contribute
to their journals.
They're big-time, right?
- Yes.
- Throw your hat in the ring.
Let me work my magic.
You are perfect for them,
and it's gotta be
better than this.
Focus on what you love
doing, the writing,
get a better school for
Molly, make some actual money.
- I don't know.
- Think about it.
Anyway, let's catch up.
You choose that restaurant.
I'm buying.
- Let's do it.
It's good to see you.
- You too.
(dog barking)
- Oh, honey, no, I can't.
I can't do this
right now, honey.
I got too much work to do.
- What's a date?
- A what?
- A date.
- Where did you hear that from?
- Grandma.
- Oh.
Molly, come out here,
I wanna talk to you.
Okay, um, a date is when
two grown-ups go out
and they have fun together.
- Like the zoo?
- Yes.
- Or the movies?
- Yeah, or they go
to a restaurant.
- Do you go on dates?
- Uh, no, I don't go
on dates right now.
- Why not?
- Because I already have
a pretty lady in my life.
That's right, it's you.
Come here.
- [Molly] I love you, Daddy.
- Oh, I love you, honey.
(lips smacking)
(somber music)
(phone chimes)
(Holly laughs)
(gentle music)
(David coughs)
- Just us?
- Oh, jeez!
- I wasn't, I, I, um--
- I, I know.
I just didn't see you.
- Sorry about that.
- I'm Holly Willinger.
- David Martin.
- Nice to meet you.
- Oh, we're actually
in the same department,
'cause, like, my office
is by the library.
They got me kinda exiled
to Siberia over there.
Looks like we're it, huh?
- Yeah.
- Here.
- Do you have any idea what
we're supposed to be doing?
- I have a list.
- Great.
- It's in here, yup.
- You wanna sit?
Do you want to pull up a chair?
- Yeah, yeah, I should probably.
I gotta put my bag
somewhere, though, right?
Not in the--
- Thank you.
- Oh, sorry.
I'll put--
- Yeah (laughs).
- You know, I'm just
gonna put it back,
the other way.
- Okay.
- So, my vote is to have it
be formal but not black tie,
'cause that way women
don't feel forced
into wearing long gowns.
It's kind of fun to
wear something short.
- Yeah, I, I, I would
always err on the side
of wearing something shorter
as opposed to longer.
- Yeah (laughs).
Well, I guess, though, it
matters most where we have it,
because if it's more
casual of a venue,
doesn't it always
happen at the Mulberry?
- It does, but I thought
we could change it up
and just do something new.
There's, uh, this Italian
restaurant that's new.
And I heard it's really great.
It's called Ivo's.
Have you heard of that?
- I have.
It sounds pricey, though.
- Oh.
- I don't know
if we have it in our budget.
- Okay.
Um, I could go get
a price from them.
It wouldn't be hard,
and then let you know.
- I'm just curious.
Why not just stick
with Mulberry's?
- Same old, same
old kind of thing,
wanted to do something new,
but I will, I'll get
in contact with them.
- Okay.
- I'll send that.
- Music, my favorite.
- Oh, uh, my cousin
Nichole is a deejay.
- That's cool.
- Yeah.
Anyways, I thought
she could do it.
- Yeah, or we could
just get an iPod
and put Christmas
music on shuffle.
- Yeah, I thought of that,
but my worry is that
like a bad stretch
of Christmas music starts,
and then we don't know
when it ends, if
you have an iPod.
- Tell me one bad
Christmas song.
- "Simply Having a
Wonderful Christmas"
by Paul McCartney is
the worst song ever.
- Oh, okay, first of
all, Sir Paul McCartney.
- Oh, well, that's, you know--
- And he gets a pass.
He wrote "Yesterday".
All sins are forgiven.
- No, he didn't.
John wrote "Yesterday."
- Yes.
- What planet are you on?
- The planet that the Beatles--
- It is Paul.
It is Paul.
- Oh, all right, well--
- It is Paul, and I feel so
sad that you don't know that.
- We're gonna have
to agree to disagree.
- I guess so.
- Even though I'm right.
- (laughs) Okay.
- But, um...
- I'm down.
All right, decor.
- We could do classic
black and white.
- Hmm?
Yeah, no, we need to have
like some green and red.
It's Christmas, right?
- Right, you're right.
Do, like, red balloons and
spread 'em across the room.
- Only if we get to dress up
Pennywise as a Santa Claus.
- I'm sorry, did you just
make an "It" reference?
- Yeah, I've seen the movie.
- Oh, okay, did
you read the book?
- Yeah, when I was a kid.
- Yeah, I read a
couple of his books.
- Which ones?
- Oh, let me think,
all of them, twice.
(Holly laughs)
- He is the reason
that I read as a child.
- Yeah.
- He was my everything.
- Yes, me, too.
- Obsessed with him.
- Totally, totally, well,
your secret's safe with me.
- That's wild.
Thank you.
Your secret's safe with me, too.
Oh, I gotta go.
- Oh, okay.
Okay, yeah.
- Here's our list of your
quotes that you need to get.
- Yes.
- I will see you later.
- Thank you.
And, uh, drive safe.
- Good meeting.
- Good meeting, great meeting,
the best meeting.
- Bye.
(laughs) Okay, bye.
- Okay.
(Holly coughs)
Drive safe, again.
(door clacks)
Oh my God.
(David scoffs)
(customers chattering)
(gentle music)
- I am, ooh, so
sorry that I'm late.
- No worries.
- Ooh, it's chilly out there.
Oh, is this for me?
- Yeah, cardamom
with honey, right?
- How did you...
Right, the profile.
- So, as a litigator
your job is,
hmm, it's a little
ruthless, right?
You need to go after
people, file lawsuits?
- You know, I actually set
out to be a public defender.
- Really?
What happened?
- I figured out pretty quickly
that I would be paying
student loans until I was 80.
- (chuckles) Come on.
- Well, almost 80.
- I have to admit, I
am still paying mine,
and it feels like
it's never-ending.
- So, why literature?
- Um, because I
love it (chuckles).
There's really no
greater reason.
- What do you love about it?
- Well, Mr. Litigator,
you use language in
your job, every day.
You use it to persuade,
convince, win your
argument, right?
- I guess, yeah.
- That's how you use words.
A writer of literature
uses language
for a different reason, to,
to share with the rest of us
an experience that they've had.
When it works, it is magic.
You get to see things
you've never seen
and feel things that
you've never felt.
You get a new
perspective on the world.
It's like you grow as a human.
When I have a moment like that,
I have to admit it
makes my spirit soar.
- I love your teeth.
- My teeth?
- (chuckles) Is that weird?
- Yeah.
(both laugh)
So, uh, what's the last
novel that you read?
- Um, I haven't read
a novel in a while.
- So what do you read?
- Witness interviews,
investigative reports,
tons of discovery,
and then I have to go and read
any case that has bearing.
Case authority is
what we call it.
Motions, filings, briefs,
other boring things like that.
- No, no, just different.
(phone dings)
- We have the same phone.
- See, we have
something in common.
- Yeah (laughs).
Fair enough.
(controller clicking)
- [Emily] Sean?
- Hey!
- Hi.
- I just got these.
They sound great.
They sound, what?
- That's great.
Holly hasn't called me back yet.
- Don't get involved.
- [Emily] But it's
their first date.
- Don't get involved.
- Where do you think
he's taking her?
Do you think he
took her dancing?
You used to take me dancing.
- Can this wait until I finish
this level, please, please?
(phone chimes)
(Emily gasps)
- Finally, well?
- Mm, I suppose he
was intelligent,
just not--
- Funny?
- Oh, I, I guess I
laughed, a little.
- Okay, was he
romantic with you?
- It was a coffee date.
- Okay, was he charming?
- Yeah.
Yeah, but, but
something was off.
When I (laughs), he
asked me why literature,
and when I tried to
explain it to him,
it was like trying to
explain quantum physics
to a two-year-old.
He complimented
my (gasps) teeth.
My teeth!
- No, he did not.
- Not my eyes, my teeth.
- Your teeth?
But you (laughs),
but you hate your teeth.
- I hate my teeth.
- Uh, okay, so I have a theory.
I think the teeth
thing is very weird,
but I believe that this
guy is beautiful enough
and that you should
give him another shot.
- I don't know, dear.
My gut is telling me--
- Sean.
Tell Holly he's beautiful.
Tell, just tell her.
- He's beautiful, Holly.
- Thanks, Sean.
- That's committed, thank you.
So that sounded like
he didn't mean it,
but I believe he did,
and I think this guy is,
like, hot enough,
like, he's stunning,
and that you should
give him another chance.
- Okay, maybe, I will, maybe.
- [Emily] I feel like you
should say yes before I hang up.
- If it'll get you to stop,
then yes.
- It would.
Thank you.
I love you, bye.
Say yes.
- Yes.
- Do you even know
what I'm saying?
- Huh?
- Good God!
- I love you.
(customers chattering)
- I woke you up, didn't I?
I'm sorry.
I just wanted to talk.
I hope you don't mind.
- No, it's fine.
(coughs) Miss!
Hi, uh, black coffee, decaf.
Thank you.
(sighs) I got your message.
It kinda seemed
like an emergency,
so my mom's watching my kid.
You all right?
- Are you dating anyone,
anyone special in your life?
- Am, am I?
(laughs) Josh, I haven't
heard from you in years.
You, you called me
with a panicky message
but you, you want to
know about my love life.
Thank you.
- Hey, man, I'm sorry.
I know it's been a long
time since we talked,
but I just thought this
would be a good opportunity
to catch up.
So, is there anyone
special in your life?
- There is a woman at work
who doesn't know I exist.
She really lights up the room.
- Oh, that's good.
You're a writer, yeah,
a literary writer?
- Allegedly, yeah.
- There's this girl.
Okay, she's smart, but we
don't seem to be connecting.
- That doesn't happen very
often to you, does it?
- (scoffs) Exactly, yeah.
I talk to women all the time.
It works fine, but
not with this one.
She's, she's different.
She says I'm a litigator
so I use language
to convince and persuade,
and apparently, that
doesn't do it for her.
No, she prefers
language that uplifts
and enlightens about
our shared experiences
or some BS like that.
- You know, I'd argue
that that's not BS,
but I hear you.
What, what, what can I do?
- I need something that
(sighs), how did she put it,
something that makes you
see what you didn't see,
feel what you didn't feel.
I need help delivering that.
- Has it ever occurred to you
that you guys
aren't a good match?
- No.
Look, a jump start,
that's all I need.
- Well, I don't know.
I could write her
a poem from you.
- Yeah, that's a great start.
- No, I was just
kidding, right there.
I actually couldn't do that.
That's very manipulative.
- Oh, come on, man.
I just need you to get
the pump primed for me.
When you write it,
think about this mystery woman
of yours for inspiration.
Later, I can, I
can do it myself.
- Well, there is this
poem I've been working on,
worked on it this afternoon.
- That's great.
Send it over.
- Hmm, you know
what, I don't know.
That's weird.
- Hey, uh, remember that
position at Southern Edge?
It's still open.
I confirmed it.
Now my recommendation
would put you
at the top of that
list, if not seal it.
And not only would
you be writing,
but you'd have more time
to spend with Molly,
get her into a better school
and maybe even buy
guesthouse for your mom.
- All right, listen,
you and I go way back.
I'll write you the poem.
But, but don't tell
me anything about her,
'cause that would
make it less truthful.
I also want you to
think about what happens
when the poems stop coming,
and she starts asking questions,
because women are much more
intuitive than men, Josh.
(sighs) I don't think this
is going to end very well.
- You let me worry
about how it ends.
I just need your
help gettin' started.
- Cheers.
(gentle music)
- [Mickey] No,
that is ridiculous.
- You're up late.
- It's okay.
Molly's asleep in her room.
The, uh, landlord called.
- Um,
I'll call her in the morning.
- (scoffs) How can you
say such stupid things?
- [David] What?
- Not you, this guy,
complete nutjob.
(gasps) S.T.F.U.
- Mom!
(Mickey scoffs)
- What is Hemingway
trying to say
about the dishonor
of modern warfare
and the protagonist's
imminent doom
during the bloody
Spanish Civil War?
Oh, come on, guys, even
Metallica wrote a song about it.
- I know Metallica.
Lost in Vegas reacted
to one of their songs.
You don't know Lost in Vegas?
They're pretty cool.
- That's time.
I want you guys to
look up the song,
by Metallica, "For
Whom the Bell Tolls".
I want 500 words on how
it does or does not relate
to the themes in
Hemingway's novel.
And I want it for Thursday.
It will be graded.
(students chattering)
(bright music)
- Yeah?
Oh, hey.
- Hey.
- Ooh, what's happening?
- Listen to this.
- [Emily] What?
- "She is sunlight
on my cave of ice.
"She is a mystery.
"She is fire,
"piercing eyes and
an ancient soul.
"She awakens me.
"She challenges me.
"Something stirs.
"I grow."
- Ooh.
- Uh-huh.
- Who, Josh?
- [Holly] That's
his name at the end.
- Wow.
- I--
- "Piercing eyes and
an ancient soul."
That is, that is impressive.
And I'm jealous.
That's what just happened.
(Holly laughs)
Take it away.
- No, but for real, I
honestly cannot believe
that the same guy I had
coffee with wrote this.
- It seems like a
different person,
and I can't believe that I
can't find a Christmas present
for my own husband.
- Why are you stressing
out so much about this?
- Sean and I are officially
in couple's therapy.
- (sighs) I'm sorry,
honey, I didn't know.
(Emily groans)
Is it working?
- Honestly, I have no idea.
- That bad, huh?
- Possibly.
- Hey, come here.
Come here.
It's gonna be okay.
It will.
- Hey, your office hours start
in like two minutes, right?
- Yes, they do.
(solemn music)
- Shadows stretch yields
before the blue sky.
It retreats.
Light spills over
the edge of her eyes.
Her words ease the
burden, and I let go.
Her embrace steadies me.
And it gives me, it gives me,
it gives me--
- Hey.
- Hey, hi, hello.
- Hi.
(both laugh)
So sorry.
Were you, were you performing?
- I was doing a
writing exercise.
- [Holly] Oh.
- Did you, did you hear that?
- Ah, yeah, just a little.
No, it was really good.
- Well, thank you.
Uh, uh, what's up?
What's up with you?
- I just came by to let you know
that I am free tomorrow
for our meeting.
- Great, then I'll
see you tomorrow,
and I see you now too,
but tomorrow, I'll see you too.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
(Holly laughs)
(bright music)
- Thank you for what
you wrote to me.
It was really nice.
I liked it.
- You did?
I'm glad.
- So it seems you are a writer.
- Oh, I am not.
I just, you inspired me.
(Holly laughs)
- Stop.
- I'm serious.
- Well, it was beautiful.
So how are things
going with your case?
- I think we have
the upper hand,
but we're still in
the discovery phase.
We won't know for sure what
we've got until that's complete.
We had this one deposition
yesterday where,
I can't really talk about it.
- (laughs) Good at
keeping secrets, huh?
- What do you mean?
- Occupational hazard.
- Oh (laughs), right.
I'm sorry.
So what are you working on?
- Oh, just the Christmas formal.
- Oh, what's that?
- It's an end-of-the-year
event for faculty.
I'm setting it up.
- Well, that sounds nice.
- Yeah.
You could come if you like.
We could go together.
- That sounds great.
I would love to.
(gentle music)
- Great (chuckles).
- [Molly] Look,
Daddy, I'm beautiful.
- Yes, you are, honey.
Is that grandma's makeup?
- Maybe.
- Okay, where's grandma?
- She's yelling at her iPad.
- Oh, okay.
- Oh, who's that?
- This is Dr. Willinger.
- Is she a real doctor,
or a doctor like you?
- We're both real
doctors, silly.
- (laughs) Hi, Molly.
- Are you and my
dad going on a date?
(both laugh)
- No, we're, we are
working together.
- All right, Molly, go
find Grandma, please.
- Okay, love you, Daddy.
- I love you, too, kiddo.
- God, she is so cute.
- Yes, thank you.
- Your mom lives with you, too?
- She has for the
last couple years.
- That's, that's nice.
- Yeah.
- Look, I hate to be rushing us,
but I have a class
in 10 minutes.
- Oh.
- Where'd we leave off?
- I heard from Ivo's.
That's their quote.
What do you think?
- Wow, that's a
really good price.
- Yeah.
- Would you mind if I go
check it out before we commit?
- No, of course, and also
I wanted to tell you,
you'll be happy to know,
my cousin Nicole is
booked that evening,
so she's unavailable.
- That's really funny,
because you actually
had me come around
on the idea of a DJ.
- Really?
I could find another deejay.
- No, I don't want to
over-complicate things.
Just, we're good
with the playlist.
- Okay.
- Do you know who
you're going with yet?
- Oh, to the party?
Uh, I hadn't thought of anybody.
I mean, the only
woman I can think
of has a bedtime of 7 p.m.
(Holly chuckles)
- Hey, so, we have to
go to the supply store
and get some party stuff.
- Definitely, we have to.
It's a date.
- Oh, yeah, it's a date, sure.
Um, uh, you want to go,
you want to go tomorrow?
- I can't do
tomorrow but text me.
We'll work it out.
- Oh, oh, okay.
- Good job.
- Thanks.
- I'm excited about
this restaurant.
- Yeah, me too,
good job to you too.
- (laughs) All right.
- It's gonna be,
gonna be a great party.
- I think these speakers
are perfect for him, though.
He really doesn't like
the way the TV sounds.
Oh, he's here, have
fun tonight, bye.
- Ah!
- Hey.
- Hey, you gotta hear these.
- What are those?
- Check 'em out.
- Nothing.
Those aren't the same clothes
you were wearing earlier.
- Yeah, I changed at the gym.
- When did you start
going to the gym?
- Last week.
You okay?
- Yeah.
I'm taking a bath.
- Do you want me to--
- No.
(packaging crinkling)
(customers chattering)
- Thank you.
Could I ask you a question?
- Of course.
- Where did piercing eyes
and ancient soul come from?
(Josh chuckles)
- Well, I don't know.
I told you.
You just inspired me.
- I mean, I can
write academic papers
and analytical essays all
day long, but that kind of,
that kind of thing,
that poetic writing,
where an idea and an
image just explode,
(Josh sighs)
where does that
come from for you?
How do you do it?
- I just grab a pen,
and it, uh...
- Sure.
- I, I don't even
have a, uh, uh, uh,
a pen, great.
(sighs) Honestly, I write
better with the keyboard.
- Well, there's a
keyboard on your phone.
I don't mean to put
you on the spot.
I just, I want to see
your mind at work.
That kind of creativity
is, I find it fascinating.
I want to know your process.
What goes through your head?
(Josh sighs)
- I'll be honest.
This, it just isn't my process.
- Well, use that then.
I want to hear your
internal monologue
as you're finding the words.
- Internal monologue?
I just don't really
work that way, though.
I mean, writing is a,
it's a solitary thing.
It's, it's not a
performance skill.
- Yeah, you're right.
I'm sorry (laughs).
- Can I see?
(Josh laughs)
(laughs) You're kidding, right?
- What, what?
- You're telling me that
he wrote you the lyrics
to "Stairway to Heaven"?
- (laughs) I like him.
- Shut up, Sean.
- I feel terrible.
I mean, I pressured him.
He told me that he
didn't like to write
in front of other people,
which is, you know,
it's completely, it makes sense.
- Okay.
Okay, well, Mozart wrote some
of the best music the
world's ever heard,
and he couldn't
hold a conversation.
(bell dings)
- You know who else
makes good cookies?
Grandma, and she's
headed home now.
- So was Mom.
- Yeah.
Ah, lifesaver.
I gotta run.
- Oh.
I got your suit pressed,
in case you need it.
What on earth happened here?
- Daddy made the
lumpiest cookies ever.
- (laughs) Lumpy cookies
for his little monkey.
- Oh, that's good.
- Thanks.
(phone beeps)
(phone dings)
- Hold on.
- Ooh, ooh, is that a text?
Was that him?
- Yeah.
- [Emily] What did he
say, what did he say?
What did he say?
- Oh my God.
He wrote me the sweetest
goodnight text ever.
- Aww.
- So where do you come
up with this stuff?
- I'm a writer.
You know, I create.
It's what I do.
- Is this about
that mystery woman?
- Kinda.
She's amazing.
- The first since Nancy?
- Maybe the first time,
half the time, 0.5.
I think about her all the time.
She doesn't know I exist.
- Well, why not tell her?
- I'm gonna tell her.
I mean, I want to tell her.
I don't want to keep
hiding it from her.
- Just be honest
and be up front.
Show her who you truly are.
That's always worked for me.
- (sighs) I just wish he
could be like this in person.
It's like I'm dealing
with two different people.
- Yeah, that's not okay.
- I just gotta get him to
open up when were together.
- Tell him.
- Mm-hmm.
(phone dings)
- She's asking why my writing
is so much better than--
- Spoken word?
That's easy, writing
comes from the heart.
It takes time.
I mean, when we write things
down it's more precise.
It lasts longer than anything
that just comes
out of our mouth.
(phone chimes)
Hi, Mom.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, bye.
I gotta go.
- Uh, David,
I need another favor.
- Really, dude?
- What?
- [Emily] You like him already?
It's "Stairway to Heaven."
- What?
(playful music)
- I haven't been this nervous
since my first
month of law school.
- Don't worry, I'll be in
your ear the whole time.
- Why's your shirt off?
- Well, don't you
need to wire me up?
- No, we got the
Bluetooth headphones.
- Oh.
- Josh.
- What's up?
- Just, shirt.
- Oh, right.
- Honey, Daddy has
some important work
to do with Uncle Josh,
so do you promise me
you'll stay in here?
- Yes.
- Do you promise?
- I promise.
- Okay, okay, thank
you, good girl.
(static crackling)
Josh, I'm getting,
like, some static here.
- It's windy today, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
- Is it supposed to snow?
- I don't know.
I hope we have a
white Christmas.
- Me too, I, uh, I love snow.
- Stop, stop talking
about the weather.
That's what people talk about
when they have nothing to say.
- Okay.
- What?
- Oh, nothing.
- Just say, I find
the juxtaposition
of white snow and red
leaves compelling and--
- I find the juxtaposition
of white snow on red
leaves to be compelling.
- I wonder why we
find it so beautiful.
What is the
evolutionary purpose?
Okay, you've got the bare
trees of winter, which--
- Take the bare trees of winter,
they're not much to
look at on their own.
But if you add some fallen snow,
it transforms it into something
majestic, a beautiful vista.
- I've never thought
about it like that.
- Yeah, it makes you
think of other things,
or people even, who could,
with a little effort--
- With a little effort,
transform into something else.
- Hmm, there's a,
there's a metaphor
in that or maybe some
symbolism, I think.
Maybe I'll have to add it
to my next year's
curriculum (laughs).
- What?
What, what?
- What?
- You gotta get closer man.
I can't hear her.
What'd she say?
- I just said maybe
I'll have to add it
to next year's curriculum.
- Oh, I heard you.
- Me, you heard me?
- No.
- Are you okay?
- I'm sorry.
I'm just a little
stressed from the case.
- Oh.
- Could we just sit
down over there?
- Yes, of course.
- Oh, please.
(Josh chuckles)
- What is on your face!
- What is on your face?
- What?
- Oh, Josh, I'm sorry.
I forgot to hit the mute button.
- I'm sorry.
That was just a bad joke.
- About my face?
- What, did you get
mugged by a chocolate bar?
What's going on here?
- No, no, no, no, no.
Look, I'm sorry, okay.
- What is it?
Just tell me what's
on it, I'll get it--
- Nothing.
- I'll get it off.
- There's nothing, really.
- Don't, don't, don't, sorry.
Stop, listen.
Sorry, I got tripped up.
Just say--
- I just got a
little tripped up,
but what I wanted to say is,
what is it about your
face that just undoes me?
The shape and symmetry.
- Well, thank you.
I'm glad that you
find me symmetrical.
Symmetry is good.
I find you
symmetrical, too, Josh.
- Yeah.
- You're all sticky.
I'm gonna have to
clean you all up.
- You're all sticky.
I'm gonna have to
clean you all up.
- Josh!
- I--
- Boop.
- I am so sorry.
- I think I need to,
I think I'm gonna get going.
- I didn't mean to be risque.
- Yeah, I'm, I'm not
ready for that yet.
- I love you, Daddy.
- I love you, Honey.
- I love you, too.
- Oh, no, I'm sorry.
Don't, don't say
that, no, no, no.
- You what?
- Oh, God.
- I love you?
- You do?
- I know it seems soon, but
I don't wanna lie to you.
I want you to know
how I feel about you.
- Uh (sighs), but it's,
I'm not ready to say that yet.
- Do you think you would
be ready, one day, maybe?
(gentle music)
- I'm gonna go.
I'll see you.
(solemn music)
- Oh, boy.
(solemn music)
- Emily, where's Sean?
(solemn music)
Well, we should reschedule.
- Yeah, okay, that's fine, yeah.
Thank you.
- Have a good day, Emily.
- Sorry.
(bell dings)
- Hey, sorry, I'm late.
What are you--
- Don't.
I'm sorry, too.
(Sean grunts)
(solemn music)
(David sighs)
- Dad, is that me?
- Yes, it is.
That is you.
- Mommy was really pretty.
- She was.
You know, she was a
lot more that that.
- I miss having her
here at Christmas.
- You do?
- She made cookies way better
than you do.
(David laughs)
- Yes, she did make
them better than I do.
- I miss your smile.
You're sad too much.
- You don't think I smile?
- Not like you used to.
You did when talking
to your friend at work.
She seems nice.
- She is very nice.
Go hang that up.
(phone rings)
Um, yeah, do you guys
have reservations tomorrow
at seven o'clock?
You do?
Can I get two for
David Martin, please?
Thank you.
- Why are you smiling like that?
- Smiling like what,
like this (grunts)?
- That's ridiculous.
- You're ridiculous, come here.
(bright music)
- Autonomy.
Because of her, I'm
kind of doing this now.
(sighs) My sister
is so maddening.
She won't stop talking
about her pregnancy.
- Well, it's kind of a big deal.
- Well, I know.
It just seems like a lot of work
and a lot of responsibility.
Whole thing kinda
gives me anxiety.
(David laughs)
Well, what was it like
becoming a father, I mean?
- You know, before
Molly was born,
I thought it'd be really great
to be the first
voice she ever heard.
And I wanted to say
something profound
like Neil Armstrong's
man on the moon moment.
And, uh, my wife was in
labor for a really long time,
and, like, after 18 hours--
- Oh, that's a really long time.
- Yes, I said it
was a long time,
and it sort of
happened real fast
and, all of a sudden,
there she was.
She's being born, and
it was so complex.
It was so beautiful.
I'm not a religious person,
but it's the first time
in my life I believed
in God without question.
- So what'd you say to her?
- I didn't say anything.
I was too busy crying
to say anything.
And my wife held
her in her arms.
She looked down at
her and she said.
"Oh, you're so pretty."
And I couldn't top
that, so I didn't try.
And I loved her in an instant.
And I realized how
self-centered I had been
and Molly brought
me out of that,
to have this little
person there,
who is completely
dependent on you, just,
she's my whole world.
She's all of it.
(David sighs)
- We're here.
- Yeah.
- That was beautiful.
- Thanks.
I'll get this stuff out.
- Yeah.
(car door thuds)
- Oh, hey, by the
way, you were right.
"Yesterday" was written by Paul.
I can't believe I
didn't know that.
It's kind of my song.
So congratulations.
- In a 100 years, people are
still gonna know that song.
I'm sure of it.
It's one of those
pieces of creativity
that will just live
forever, you know.
Hey, did you ever decide who
you're bringing to the formal?
- Yeah, I thought about
it and I got somebody.
I just haven't asked 'em yet.
- Well, what's stopping you?
- Just waiting for
the right moment.
- You must never hesitate.
(David laughs)
- Is that Sean Connery
from "The Rock"?
- Yeah, it's so bad.
- That's amazing.
- No.
- That was really good.
- [Holly] It's
really, really bad.
- No, it was really good.
(both laughing)
- Thanks, no, but seriously,
you shouldn't wait,
because you don't know
if it'll be too late.
Take it from somebody
who is a waiter, me,
not a waiter at a restaurant,
a person who waits.
You get what I'm saying.
I just, I just had an idea.
- Do you want
to go to the dance--
Would you wanna double date,
- Uh, what?
You, you, you go first.
- Oh, I said maybe you
and whomever you decide
to take to the formal and
me and my new boyfriend,
we could go get a
drink, before or after.
- Yes, yes.
- Yeah.
- Huh.
- Come on, let's get
this stuff put together.
- You, uh, you go ahead.
I need to make a quick phone
call, so I'll be right back.
- Okay.
(David sighs)
- Hi, I had a reservation
for two tonight at 7:30,
and I can't make it.
Martin is the name.
No, I don't need to reschedule.
Thank you.
- If I fail them
all, I get fired.
- Hey.
- Hey, you,
what are you doing here?
- I was coming to tell
you that I don't need you
to cover my class, 'cause my
dinner plans got canceled.
- Oh, I prepped an entire thing
for "Midsummer Night's Dream."
- Yeah.
- I haven't taught
it since grad school,
'cause I'm a maths teacher.
- Well, right,
I'm so sorry.
It's funny, "Midsummer
Night's Dream,"
Molly dressed up as
Puck for Halloween.
How crazy is that?
- If you don't show me
pictures of that right now,
I'm gonna spontaneously combust.
Oh my, look at the face.
She's very, she's a happy Puck.
(phone chimes)
- Oh, sorry.
Hey, hey, I gotta
call you back, okay?
All right, bye.
- How do you know, um, how
do you know Josh Wright?
That's Holly's boyfriend.
I was telling you about
him, the guy on the app.
- Oh, uh, Holly
Weiss in accounting?
- No, who's that?
- Holly Fanzler in IT?
- How many Holly's
are in this school?
No, my Holly Willinger,
the professor,
the one with blond
hair and glasses,
been at my wedding.
You've seen her loads of times.
You're doing the
Christmas formal with her.
How's the color scheme going?
Have you decided?
(David coughs)
You okay?
- I gotta go.
- What happened?
You good?
- Talk to you later.
(knuckles rapping)
- David, you never called
me back last night.
- I'm done.
I can't do it anymore.
- With Holly?
- With Holly, yeah.
- I'm sorry.
I should've told you she was
a professor at the school.
I know it was probably
unethical, what you did.
- What I did?
- Yeah.
- What we did.
It's what we did.
Anyway, it's over so,
goodbye, Josh, good luck.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
just slow down,
'cause actually, I
have some good news.
I just got off the phone with
Southern Edge University.
- Sure, you did.
- Oh, check the call history.
I just spoke to Cori Johnson.
She's their recruiter,
and she wants to meet you.
- She wants to meet me--
- I'm not pressuring you, David.
You make your own decisions.
I'm just asking you
for one last time.
- You're not going to hold
this job thing over my head?
- Absolutely not.
I did what I could.
Now she's coming up to meet you,
and the rest is
on your shoulders.
(Holly coughs)
- Can you even hear me from
all the way down there?
- [David] What?
- I said, can you even--
- No, I was kidding.
I have a ton of papers to grade,
because it's finals, so...
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- You don't seem okay.
- I really do.
I have a lot of papers to grade.
- You said that.
- I'm not lying.
- Oh, okay, well, we
can just cancel this--
- Okay.
(David sighs)
(phone dings)
(solemn music)
(Holly chuckles)
- So how was your day?
- It was busy.
The Christmas formal
is coming up fast.
Could we listen to
some Christmas music?
- Sure.
("O Come, All Ye Faithful")
You remind me of my mother.
- (laughs) That's
incredibly weird.
- Why?
- Never mind, Josh.
- Actually, I prefer Joshua.
- You want me to
call you Joshua?
- If you would.
- Sure, Joshua.
- Are you okay?
- (laughs) Yeah, I'm fine.
I just have to get used
to the two different
versions of you, you know,
the litigator, the
writer, Josh, Joshua.
It's confusing.
- I'm working on it.
("O Come, All Ye Faithful")
Excuse me.
(phone dings)
(tense music)
Call David Martin.
(Molly chuckles)
(tense music)
(Josh sighs)
(tense music)
(Holly sighs)
- "Sunlight on my cave of ice,"
what a metaphor.
It's brilliant.
- That's beautiful.
Did you just write that for me?
- No.
- What?
- Forget something?
- No, I've got it right here.
- That's mine.
- The phone?
- What, were you just
calling Christa or Gabrielle?
- What?
No, I was actually just
trying to call David.
- With my phone?
You took my phone.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, yeah.
- I can explain.
- I couldn't help but
notice these text messages
with beautiful prose
and imagery and diction,
from David!
- I really can explain.
- And then the same
beautiful prose and imagery
and diction and text messages
to Christa and Cori
and, uh, Gabrielle.
That's why you've been two
completely different people.
- No, no, no, no, I was
just having him proofread--
- Stop lying.
Wow, you are a colossal jerk,
for having someone
ghostwrite a soul for you
that you obviously
don't possess,
an even bigger jerk for
taking what you stole
and mass-marketing it to
persuade any woman you want
that you're actually
a human being.
- Look, wait, just let me--
- Which you're not.
You're subhuman,
artificial unintelligence.
(scoffs) I can't believe I,
I fell for this, I mean--
- I know, I know, and I'm sorry,
so just--
- (sobs) Oh my God, no.
(Josh sighs)
I'm done.
(Holly gasps)
(phone chimes)
Not now, Carol.
(Holly sniffs)
(phone chiming)
- We bought a house.
- Oh (chuckles), that's great.
- It's amazing.
I mean, we couldn't have done it
if Mom and Dad didn't help
us with the down payment.
- Well, I'm, I'm
so happy for you.
- Oh, and the baby's room
is absolutely perfect.
I designed it myself.
I cannot wait to show you
and your new boyfriend
when you come for Christmas.
- Yeah, um (sniffs),
about that, um--
- He's a lawyer, right, Holly?
You can not let this
one get away, okay?
He could support you for
the rest of your life.
(Holly sighs)
(students chattering)
- Okay, I'll see
you guys on Monday.
(students chattering)
(gentle music)
You know?
- Yeah, I do.
How could you?
- I'm sorry.
I had no idea.
- That was just so wrong.
- I know, and I'm sorry.
- I feel so stupid.
- I meant every word.
- What is that supposed
to mean, David?
- I wrote those letters to you.
- What are you trying to say?
- I wrote every word,
thinking about you.
I had no idea who
Josh was seeing.
- So you're some kind of
modern Cyrano de Bergerac
and I'm your Roxane?
- Dante had Beatrice.
Petrarch had Laura.
I had you.
You told me not to
hesitate, remember?
I did.
I'm not hesitating anymore.
- So I was your muse?
- Hey, you call it whatever.
You filled me up.
You lit a fire inside of me.
I woke up and I came
alive when I met you.
Sunlight on my cave of ice.
You did that.
- (scoffs) But that's
not giving, David.
That's, that's not love.
That's, that's using.
You (sighs), you used
to be in some kind
of stupid game with
your bro roommate.
(Holly scoffs)
I don't care what you do.
I'm done.
- Hey, sorry, I'm late.
I had some eggnog, and I forgot
I was lactose intolerant.
I won't describe
the rest to you,
but it was, uh, not fun.
Do you think I could
help you, please?
- Just leave me alone, okay?
Just go blow up some
balloons or something.
(solemn piano music)
You walked into my life
Like a ray of light
Didn't know what to do
I couldn't see
just what was real
And all the
things that I feel
Couldn't say to you
Guess I loved you
at first glance
- So your gut instinct was
right about Mr. Wright?
- I can't believe that I
fell for that superficial,
soulless, Popsicle, pretty boy.
All I want to do is crawl
into my bed and never leave.
- [Emily] Oh, honey.
- And you know, the
weirdest part of it is,
I can't believe that David
Martin went along with it.
- I'm sure Josh litigated
him into submission.
But, David wrote
those words about you,
and they came from
his heart, Holly.
He's sorry.
He didn't know
Josh was with you.
- It doesn't make it right.
- [Emily] I agree.
- I mean, they
were nice, though.
- What were nice, the poems?
Did you keep the poems?
Were the poems nice?
- I mean, they were nice, yeah.
- Can I read them?
- Yeah.
(Emily sighs)
If you're not with me
- Wow.
Don't feel the same
I spend my day reflecting
- Wow, they...
Well, this is a gift, Holly.
Honey, you still hesitating?
Let me put it in words that
you will definitely understand.
You have spent years reading
and admiring dead
writers, correct?
Okay, well, now it looks
like you might actually have-
- A live one, I know.
- Yes, yes,
with a pulse and a soul, Holly.
- I've just never,
I've never thought
of him that way.
He's a friend.
- Okay, just my humble opinion,
these words were written
by an attractive man
with a soul, and they were
written from his heart.
Listen to me.
I'm sorry that I steered
you in the wrong direction,
because I did.
But it's not too late, okay?
I spend my day
reflecting who
- Too late for what?
- To get it right!
Holly, go home, forget Josh,
he never even existed,
and reread these poems,
because they are
written by David,
and they are literally to you.
- [Man] He's having
lunch at Eileen's.
- Okay.
- [Cori] David, thank
you so much for coming.
I know it's finals week.
- Oh well, you know,
it is a busy time.
- So I have some questions.
- Okay, fire away.
- How do you know Josh?
- That's an easy question.
Thank you.
Josh and I went to
college together.
We were roommates in college,
so I've known him a long time.
- I didn't know that.
- How do you know Josh?
- I met him in
Cabo, two years ago.
He was on vacation.
- Oh, yeah, on vacation, okay.
- Yeah, but he was very sad.
His friend's wife had died.
I guess that's when
we began dating.
- You dating, okay.
- Yeah, he got me the
job at Southern Edge.
He's such a great guy.
- Oh, you're dating now?
- Yeah, lately, he blew me away
with some of the
things he wrote.
I mean, that's why when
he recommended you,
I thought it means
something coming
from a writer like Josh.
- Yeah, a writer like Josh.
- Yeah.
Have you read any
of his latest work?
- Josh, the brilliant
writer, that's interesting.
- You didn't know he wrote?
- No, but Josh is a very
surprising, surprising guy.
He's a brilliant,
surprising guy.
Can I get a drink?
Do you, would you like a drink?
(customers chattering)
- [Holly] (scoffs) I'm so naive.
(students chattering)
- Going somewhere?
- It's the end of the semester.
I'm packing up.
- Let me carry those.
- They're empty.
- Well, still, it
looks bad if I don't.
You know, you never gave me
a chance to say I'm sorry.
- It wouldn't have mattered.
- I know.
I deceived you.
I was supposedly this
fun, witty, charming guy,
but around you, I was, I was
complimenting your teeth.
- And a fine set
of teeth they are.
- I was really looking
forward to meeting Carol
and the rest of your family,
winning them over,
proving my worth to you.
- By hiring someone
to write poetry,
so you can plagiarize it?
I mean, how fake is that Josh?
Think about it.
- The feelings weren't
fake, aren't fake.
The formal is tonight.
I could still take
you, if you let me.
- Have you spoken to David?
- No, no, I set him up
on an interview
yesterday at Eileen's,
and I've just stayed out
of his way, since then.
- An interview?
- Yeah, Southern
Edge University.
Yeah, I think he's
getting out of here.
So what do you say?
Can I take you tonight?
- I'm sorry.
(phone dings)
(Josh laughing)
(both laughing)
(people chattering)
(footsteps clacking)
(breath hissing)
(phone dings)
- Thank you, Santa.
- Hey, how you doin'?
Good to see you guys, hey.
Hey, what's up, man?
Thank you for coming.
How are you?
- Hi, great party.
- Thank you.
Glad you came.
- [Man] Very funny.
I wouldn't say very funny
out loud, but it is.
- Oh no, no.
- It really is.
("The First Noel")
- Hello.
- Hi, how are you?
The Math Department
in the house.
- How are you doing?
Congratulations, it
all looks perfect.
- Oh thank you.
- I like the red balloons.
- Yeah.
- Hey.
What's wrong?
- Passing off David's
poetry as your own,
not just once, but again
and again, with other women?
- And then you dangle a job
to bribe your ghostwriter
into helping you?
- It's, it's not
what you think, okay?
- You're unbelievable.
- What?
Gabrielle, I was gonna call ya.
- Jerk.
- Christa, well, you look...
Oh, not the margarita.
- Liar.
- Ugh, that's, that's sticky.
(heels clacking)
(Josh sighs)
- I saw that coming.
- I didn't.
(Erin laughs)
- You should have.
- You're right.
- Merry Christmas.
(customers chattering)
(phone rings)
(phone chimes)
- Hello.
- David.
- Hey, Josh.
- I just wanted
to say I'm sorry.
It was wrong to dangle the job.
I apologize.
(David sighs)
- Well, it's Christmastime, so
peace on earth and good will
to everyone,
including you, Josh.
Anyway, I'm not
gonna take the job.
- I'm sure it's still
available, if you want it.
You let me know, if
you change your mind.
I'll help, no strings.
- No, I think I'm good here.
- Well, all right, then.
One last thing,
Holly's the one for you.
I know.
She's the girl of
your dreams, so run,
go out there and get her.
Don't let her get away.
Merry Christmas, David.
- Merry Christmas, Josh.
(dramatic music)
- Oh, Mrs. Gunderman, have
you seen Professor Martin?
- No, I believe he and
his date went that way.
- His date?
- Oh, oh, where are you going?
(Holly grunts)
No, you're not leaving, come on.
(Holly sighs)
- Oh, where were you going?
- I wanted to go
change my shoes.
- Why?
- Because I am wearing these
for someone who is here
with someone else
and I'm just (sighs),
I'm confused, and I
feel stupid, once again.
- Holly, why do you think
David's here with someone else?
- Mrs. Whats-Her-Name said
that he took his
date to the bathroom.
- (laughs) Sorry.
- His date.
How is that possibly funny?
- I'm so sorry.
Honey, will you trust me?
I think you'll have
a really good time
if you just stay a little bit.
(gasps) What?
- Shh, dance with me.
(bright music)
(Emily laughs)
Remember when I
missed those meetings?
- Yeah.
- This is why.
- Well, I feel bad.
- Good.
- That's so sweet.
(man laughing)
(guests chattering)
(solemn music)
- Oh, it's the second
prettiest girl at the dance.
- [Molly] Who's the prettiest?
- You, of course, duh.
- Your daddy has you out
late tonight, huh, Molly?
- It's holidays.
He said he needed a date.
- Well, I have to say you
are the most beautiful date
that he will ever have, ever.
- Dad, you can
take her on a date.
- Oh, okay.
- Take her to the zoo, Dad.
- Let's take her
to the zoo, Molls.
- Well, hey there, Molly.
Do you want to come with me?
Let's go find something fun.
What did you ask Santa for?
- So (sighs).
- Um,
I want you to know
that every word I wrote
in those letters was about you,
every thought, every syllable.
It was about you,
'cause you, you, um,
you make me feel alive again.
You know, you make me feel joy.
You make me want to--
- I'm sorry, David.
- Oh, it's okay.
I understand.
- No, no, I'm,
I'm sorry, 'cause
you're gonna have
to meet my really annoying
sister at Christmas (laughs),
if you're willing,
you and Molly.
(David laughs)
- Yeah.
I just, I just--
- Shh.
Less words.
(gentle music)
(guests chattering)
- [Man] I'll talk
here with my wife.
With you, I talk
with my mouth open.
Christmas bells
all around town
But nothing compares
to the sound
Of my laughter
when you're around
All the snowflakes
gather in the street
And my heart skips a beat
'Cause it's cold outside,
but I feel the heat
I'm runnin' in
circles in my mind
'Cause I'm so happy
that you're mine
Can't find the words to say
How you make my holiday
I've never felt this way
And, baby, that's okay
My heart beats still faster
'Cause you're my ever after
Try to find the words to say
How you make my holiday
Can't find the words to say
How you make my
hol, make my holiday
I've never felt this way
And, baby, that's okay
My heart beats still faster
'Cause you're my ever after
Just you and me
You're all I ever need
Can't find the words to say
How you make my
hol, make my holiday
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
ah, ah, ah, yeah
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
make my holiday
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
make my holiday
I've never felt this way
You make my holiday