Christmas Holiday (1944)

You are now about to become officers
in the Army of the United States.
Some of you will serve in one way,
some in another.
Some by living
some by dying.
But you're all at the beginning of the
greatest moment of your lives.
and good luck to you.
Officers will now step forward
for their commission.
Right face.
Forward march.
Lieutenant Tyler.
Lieutenant Mason.
At ease men, at ease.
That's the way it is, Charley,
every outfit has at least one
practical joker.
Look, when we get to New York,
no tricks, huh, Steve?
Oh, don't worry about that.
Ten days of fun, no tricks and no sleep.
When do you get to 'Frisco, Charley?
I get to San Francisco tomorrow morning.
Oh, pardon me. I forgot. San Francisco.
Well, Merry Christmas to you, Charley,
if I don't see you again.
And I'll see you on the
New York train ride, Jerry.
Right, Steve.
Hey, Jerry...
Have I shown you this ring?
Seems to me, you have. Seventeen times
until I stopped counting,
as a matter of fact.
Do you think she'll like it?
Oh, I wouldn't be surprised.
They generally do like a wedding ring
when they're getting married.
Want me to ask you again
when it's going to be?
Day after tomorrow, high noon, St. Thomas' Ferry.
That way we can spend a week in Coronado
with New Year's Eve and New Year's day
and I can still get back here in time.
We'll all be shipping out as soon as
we get back from our leaves.
That's what everybody says.
That's why Mona and I decided...
Lieutenant Mason?
Oh, thank you.
That's why we decided to get married
right away, Mona and I.
We wanted to make it
tomorrow, Christmas Day,
but that may have been cutting
plane connections a bit too fine.
This way with the extra day...
What's the matter?
What are you going to do?
First thing, of course, we better cancel
your plane reservations.
There'd be no sense in your
making that long trip.
No, I...
I'm going to San Francisco all the same.
They're not going to get away with this.
Charley, why don't you come
to New York with me?
We'd have a wonderful time.
We could run up to Lake Placid
for New Year's.
You said yourself you've never really
seen snow.
There'd be skiing, the bobsled run.
I want to see you on snowshoes.
They look simple at first but...
Oh, Charley...
If a girl is capable of a thing
like this,
it's better to find out about now
than later on.
Forget it.
It's happened.
That's all there is to it.
You're not going to make
a fool of yourself just because this...
I've been made a fool of.
As a favor to me, Charley,
we've become pretty good pals,
don't go back, please.
You better hurry if you're going
to get that early train.
Well, I suppose you know
what you're doing.
That's right.
So long and have
a good time in New York.
Jerry, let's get going.
Right away.
Merry Christmas, Jerry.
Louise, we're going to have to
go to our alternate airport
at Harding Field, New Orleans.
We're going to make an alternate landing
right outside of New Orleans.
Nothing wrong, just unfavorable
weather ahead.
Fasten your safety belts, please.
Please fasten your safety belts.
Your attention, please,
We've got a bus outside and we're
taking you to
the Hotel Samarkand for the night.
We hope we can resume the flight
in the morning.
Can't we go on by train if we want to?
I don't think there's a chance. They're
sold out weeks in advance.
Ladies and gentlemen, you all have your
room numbers.
I'll call you as soon as
I know anything.
I hope we can get out soon.
We'll let you know as soon as
the weather changes. Good night.
Beg your pardon, lieutenant.
I'm Simon Fenimore of the
Evening Inquirer.
You're one of the parties that made
the emergency landing, aren't you?
-Anything happen?
-Nobody hurt?
-I was afraid of that.
Lieutenant Mason?
We're putting you in 1012.
Follow me.
If my paper calls up, I'll be
in the bar.
Right, Mr. Fenimore.
Thanks. Would you send me up
a sandwich and a bottle of beer?
Room service on Christmas Eve?
They'll probably fix you a sandwich
in the bar.
Merry Christmas, lieutenant.
What's the matter, lieutenant? Christmas
kind of getting you down?
Yeah, I know how it is.
Christmas is only for kids.
It's not for us.
You mind if I sit down?
If you don't mind.
You'd rather I didn't. How about
a drink or something?
No thanks.
-You're the doctor.
The way I look at it is,
the one thing you don't drink, you could
drink, you never get even from then on.
You get it?
Yes, Mr. Fenimore.
-Double scotch, straight.
Sure you won't change your mind,
Just a plain, old fashioned
chatterbox, aren't you?
Look, I don't want to seem
rude, Mr., uh...
Fenimore, Simon Fenimore.
Look, I'll leave as soon as
I finish my drink.
Thanks, Steve.
Toast, lieutenant.
A Merry Christmas.
Oh, wrong toast, eh?
Look, you can't fool your uncle,
Simon Fenimore.
Something's wrong.Something's on your
mind. What is it? Fess up.
I'll bet you I can tell you.
You figured on being in San Francisco
bright and early
Christmas morning and here you are,
trapped like a rat in New Orleans.
Well, I had something planned.
I thought so. Well, it's a pretty tough
nut to crack.
Planes are all grounded, trains won't
do you any good and you're
too big for me to carry piggy-back.
Wait a minute, I've got it.
You don't think so?
Well, frankly...
Well, maybe I can't fix it myself
but if anyone can fix it,
I know the one who can
and we're going there tonight.
What are you talking about?
-The Maison Lafitte.
Valerie De Merode. She's the greatest
fixer south of Chicago.
Come on.
I don't get it. What? Where?
Like I was telling you...
The Maison Lafitte.
It's uh...
Let's face it. It's kind of a joint.
A little way out of town.
I'm the, uh, public relations counsel.
Press agent.
The airplane people told me
they'd call me the minute
they had any news.
We can leave word at the desk
where you've gone.
You think that's safe?
-Why, of course.
Besides, what have you got to lose?
Believe me, they don't roll second
lieutenants at the Maison Lafitte.
They don't generally have more
than a couple of bucks on them
and a picture of a sweater girl.
Come on.
Wait here, lieutenant,
I'll try to find Valerie.
Spring will be a little late this year,
a little late arriving
in my lonely world over here.
For you have left me,
and where is our April of old?
You have left me
and winter continues cold,
as if to say Spring will be
a little slow to start
a little slow reviving
music it made in my heart.
Yes time heals all things
so I needn't cling to this fear
It's merely that Spring will be
a little late this year.
Jackie, come here.
He's over there, Valerie. I wish you'd
help him
if you can. He seems like
an awful nice kid.
Looks like a lieutenant to me.
Hey, wait a minute.
How many times have I told you?
I wish I could figure out what it is
about you, Simon.
You get a few drinks under your belt
and you got to start playing
Good Samarytan.
Samaritan from the French,
meaning Samaritan.
You and your education.
Oh, allow me. This is our hostess,
Valerie De Merode.
This is Lieutenant Mason.
-How do you do?
Please sit down, lieutenant.
Won't you sit down too, Simon?
Thank you very much, I will.
You haven't waited to be asked
to sit down since I met you.
Like I was telling you, Valerie,
the lieutenant planned to fly straight
to San Francisco only his plane
was grounded.
Oh, that's a shame, lieutenant.
And the way it looks now, he won't
be able to take off
for another 24 hours.
he can't possibly get a train so
I thought that maybe you'd be able to
think of a way for him to get out.
Simon's got a heart as big as
all outdoors, lieutenant.
Whenever he meets anyone
with any kind of trouble like yours,
Say, he decides to help them out.
If I can do it.
Oh, now wait a minute.
Since we're telling the truth, Valerie
likes to pretend that she's tough.
Never does anything for anybody.
As a matter of fact, Valerie,
how about it?
Do you think you can help speed
the armed forces on their way?
I really would appreciate it.
Somebody else asked me that
same thing earlier tonight.
He's got a week-old baby
he's never even seen.
His furlough's up three days from now.
I tried everything I know but...
Are you much of a swimmer, lieutenant?
Thanks anyway.
Well, we gave it a good try. Joe!
Some more of that tiger milk over her.
As a matter of fact, Valerie,
now that I'm here,
I know it isn't due
till next Monday, but
how about retiring to your sanctum
and giving me my weekly honorarium.
You know, my...
30 bucks?
Minus the ten spot I gave you
the other night.
Well, at least you owe me 20 bucks.
And added to what I got, that makes 22.
I'll be able to carry on...
Would you mind excusing us, lieutenant,
just for a moment?
Would you like a drink, lieutenant?
Oh, no, no, he doesn't drink.
It's an election bet or something.
Look, Valerie, do you think
you could arrange it
so the lieutenant wouldn't be
lonely for a minute or two?
Let him hear the sound of a human voice?
Oh, no, really I...
What about Jackie?
Joe, ask Jackie to join us for a moment.
Yes, ma'am.
Jackie's the star
of our little entertainment.
How are you doing?
-Lieutenant, this is Jackie.
Sit down, Jackie.
The lieutenant's what you might call
an unexpected pleasure, Jackie.
His plane had to make a forced landing.
Isn't that the way things
always happen, Jackie?
You're getting along all right
and all of a sudden, boom.
You have to make a forced landing.
Well, we've got other fish to fry.
Get the joke, Valerie?
Sure. You're fried.
Well, see you later, lieutenant.
Excuse me. You won't find Jackie
hard to talk to, lieutenant.
He's quite drunk, isn't he?
Not for him.
He's been drinking himself into
the gutter for a long time.
They're running out of gutters.
It's a shame.
I don't think so.
First trip to New Orleans, lieutenant?
Do you want to dance?
If you like.
I'm not a very good dancer, I'm afraid.
Oh, would you rather sit down
and have a drink?
Whatever you say.
-Yes, miss.
Scotch and soda.
The usual.
-Yes, ma'am.
Merry Christmas.
Having fun?
-Oh, yes, thank you.
Well, our friend, Simon, passed out.
He talked me into
one more drink in the office.
But don't worry, he had you on his mind.
With the compliments of Mr. Fenimore.
Midnight Mass at the
St. Louis Cathedral.
Take me with you, lieutenant. Will you?
I don't think I'm....
I mean I'd be glad to take you only
I'm not sure I'm going myself.
It'd be a great favor. It really would.
I want to go...terrribly.
Looks to me, like
you're on the spot, lieutenant.
Oh, It's not that. I...
All right.
Thanks. Thanks very much.
Won't take me five minutes
to change, lieutenant.
Is it all right?
She's really a very nice girl.
She deserves a break.
I'm sure she does.
Now if you'll tell me what I owe you
for the car back to the hotel.
That's all right.
It's on the house. It's Christmas.
Of course, if you'd like giving Jackie
a little tip or something.
Well, see you later, lieutenant.
Would you like to leave?
We'll have to leave now.
I'm sorry, lieutenant.
Would you like me to take you home?
I'd like something to eat first.
Do you mind?
Why, no, not at all.
Uh huh.
I've never cried like that before
in my whole life.
Not even...
And I didn't cry for the reason
you think.
I didn't think anything.
Simon Fenimore didn't tell you
anything about me, huh?
At the Maison Lafitte,
I thought that if I went to mass
with you, I'd become part of it.
Share something with all
those people, some feelings...
Praying, forgetting...
You had a good cry.
That's supposed to help.
I've been alone
as long as I can remember.
I was born in Vermont.
Lived there till I was 16
then I came here.
You sure Simon didn't tell you anything?
Not a thing.
My name isn't Jackie.
Jackie Lamont.
It's Abigail.
Abigail Manette.
I thought it best to change it
after the trial.
You see, I'm the wife of Robert Manette.
I'm Mrs. Robert Manette.
Three years ago Robert Manette,
my husband,
murdered a bookmaker named Teddy Jordan.
He was convicted, sentenced to death and
that was changed to life imprisonment.
Right now he's at the state prison
at Angola.
Robert and I had only been married
for six months.
I don't think it's possible
for anyone to have a happier
six months than we had.
Maybe I mean than I had.
They wanted me to divorce Robert
after he was convicted.
They said I'd stood by him long enough.
They told me I was crazy when I said
that whatever he did,
I'd keep on loving him.
They said it was shameful that
I should love him.
As if I could stop loving him
because it's shameful to love him.
I didn't know it at the time
but Robert had murdered
Teddy Jordan that night,
less than an hour before
he came home to our room.
It's so late.
I do keep terrible hours, don't I?
But you see,
a) There was a fellow I couldn't meet
until about 1 o'clock in a restaurant.
b) I didn't know how late it was or I
would have postponed
meeting him until tomorrow.
c) I couldn't get a taxi
and I had to wait about an hour
for a streetcar.
d) I've got a wife who
never gets really angry
if I stay out late.
So I keep on taking advantage
of her trusting nature.
And e) ...
I'll never, never do it again.
Good morning, Mother.
-Good morning, Abigail.
I'm sorry we overslept but
Robert didn't get home till late.
Yes, I heard him.
He saw my light was on and stopped
to talk to me for a while.
Didn't he tell you?
Is he still asleep?
Uh huh.
I wish you could see him, Mother.
He's so wonderful.
I'm going to press his suit for him.
Have it all ready when he wakes.
What is it?
There's a stain on his trousers.
It's his new suit. He'll be furious.
Take Robert up his coffee, Abigail.
It's time he woke.
Oh, but he likes to have it here
with me. He'll be down in a minute.
Take Robert up his coffee.
All right, Mother.
Good morning, Mrs. Manette.
Good morning, Mrs. Manette.
Where's the morning paper, Mother?
There's nothing in it.
Just sixteen pages of blank paper?
You know what I mean.
There's nothing.
You're sure?
Absolutely sure.
What's this nothing? Nothing what?
Oh, nothing, nothing, nothing, Abigail.
You should know Mother by now. If she
says there's nothing,
there's nothing.
Oh, you'll have to wear
your blue suit today, Robert.
You've got a stain on your trousers.
You really should be more careful.
We are trying to economize.
He will be more careful, Mother.
I'm sure of it.
Thank you, darling.
What are you doing?
You're not to go through my pockets.
Robert, where did you get
all that money?
Well, I'll tell you. I hit
a long shot yesterday.
A sleeper.
They've been keeping it
undercover for months.
I was going to tell you but I...
You promised not to gamble again.
I couldn't miss. It was like
money in the bank.
Less than a month ago
you swore to me and your mother.
Oh, Robert.
I won't do it again. I swear I won't.
I tell you what. You hold on
to this money for me.
If I keep it, it will just
slip through my fingers.
But if you keep it...
Look, Mother...
I know you mean well. Believe me, I do.
But I'm capable
of handling my own affairs.
Go and do your room, Abigail.
We can't leave the rooms
unmade all day, Abigail.
Please go.
What's it all about?
What's what all about, Abigail?
This morning about there being
nothing in the paper.
Nothing about what?
And Robert's trousers.
You burned them in the incinerator. Why?
I burned Robert's trousers
in the incinerator?
Now I know what you're talking about.
Remember that old
blue velvet dress of mine?
I'm sorry but I just couldn't stand
to look at it another minute.
Robert's trousers.
I'll go, Mother.
Good evening, lady.
Is this the residence of uh...
Mr. Robert Manette?
I'd like to talk to him, please.
He's not home.
-What is it?
I'm sorry to disturb you, lady.
He wants to see Robert.
What about?
-Nothing important?
I'm his mother.
Anything I can tell him?
You ask him if he has time tomorrow to
call the third precinct station and ask
for Mr. Goulding.
Has anything happened to him?
Has he had an accident?
Lady, if anything had happened to him,
I wouldn't ask him
to give us a ring, would I?
Good night.
Sorry I had to disturb you.
What's he supposed to call up about?
Oh, routine thing.
Don't let it worry you.
Good night.
Why aren't you asleep?
I've been worried about you.
I wish people would stop
worrying about me.
What is it now?
There was a policeman here
to see you right after dinner.
What did he want?
He said it was just a routine thing.
They want you to call the police station
anytime tomorrow.
And ask for Mr. Goulding.
What are you trying to keep from me?
It's nothing.
But Robert, I...
Please, Abigail, it's nothing.
If there's anything wrong.
-Shut up!
I didn't want to wake you, darling.
If it's about last night, I, I...
I don't have to tell you
how sorry I am, do I?
You know there isn't anybody that...
Please say you forgive me.
That money.
Where did you really get that money?
You didn't win it at the races.
You're right.
I didn't win it at the races.
You know how silly Mother is
about banks and
all that cash she keeps in her room..
Well, I got into a jam last week and
there was just no other way
to get out of it.
I see.
I know I said it a hundred times
before but this time I mean it.
You'll see. Everything's going to be
different from now on.
Abigail, after all, those people
had to be paid.
I don't believe you.
What about that policeman?
What about those trousers?
Well I...
Mother couldn't get the stain
out of them.
I put on the extra pair.
I took the others to the cleaners.
Robert, I saw your mother burn those
trousers yesterday in the incinerator.
Anybody asks you, I got those trousers
dirty cleaning the car for a friend.
Mother gave them away to a tramp
the day before yesterday.
That's what she's going to say.
And about the money,
if anybody asks you, anybody...
You never saw me with that money.
You never knew I had it.
My life may depend upon it.
If you ever loved me...
I'll always love you.
It must have been awful.
If there's anything I can do.
No. Thank you.
You're a nice guy, lieutenant.
You better get back
to your hotel, it's late.
How are you going to get home?
Nights like this, I don't.
I stay here or some other restaurant
until the buses
start running again at 7.
I'm not going to let you
stay here alone.
I won't be alone.
There's Al and people keep dropping in.
You run along, lieutenant.
I'll get you a room at my hotel.
Not a chance.
They might let me stay in the lobby but
this is every bit as good.
I'll get you a room.
Good night, Al.
-Good night, Jackie.
Well, this is your room here.
Where are you going to sleep?
In there.
You use the bedroom. It's your suite.
I really wish you wouldn't
argue about it.
I'm not.
I suppose you have a pillow
and some kind of a blanket.
Look, I'm tired.
-So am I.
I'm very tired.
This is much nicer than sitting up
all night in a coffee shop.
I'm really grateful to you.
I still think you ought to
sleep in there.
Look, lieutenant...
In my own little way, I'm just as much a
gentleman as you are.
Please let me stay here.
All right.
Yes, this is Lieutenant Mason speaking.
Oh, I see.
Well, suppose it clears up.
Do you think there's a chance
that sometime today...
Thank you.
Yes, I'll stay right by the phone.
Good morning, lieutenant.
Good morning.
Sleep well?
I slept like a log.
It was a good idea ordering breakfast.
I always think it's a nice way to begin
a morning myself.
Do you think it will ever stop raining?
They have an answer for that in Vermont.
"It always has", they say.
I guess.
What's she like?
This other guy. Where did she meet him?
I hope she knows what she's doing.
I doubt it.
What are you talking about?
You shouldn't leave telegrams around
if you don't expect other people
to read them, lieutenant.
You don't want to talk about it, huh?
It's something I'll have to
take care of myself
when I get back to San Francisco.
Look lieutenant, you don't want
to do anything foolish.
I'm not going to do anything foolish.
What is there about pacing
back and forth
like a caged lion that makes a man
feel better.
I tried it myself once. It didn't
do me any good.
But anytime Robert was worried
about something
he just kept pacing back and forth.
Back and forth for hours.
I sometimes think that's
the hardest part for him.
Where he is now with no space.
Three or four steps at the most.
He always loved to move around.
Hardly ever sat down except
when he was absorbed.
Or forgot all about himself.
Listening to music or...
That's where I first met him.
At a concert.
Those days, anytime I had half a dollar,
that didn't belong to the
butcher, the landlady,
or the streetcar company,
I'd go to a concert.
Oh, excuse me, I...
I guess I just didn't realize
it was over.
You know...
Sometimes when a concert's over I get
a feeling I left myself for a long time.
Of course, you wouldn't know it but...
It's the greatest thing
that could happen to me.
I'm the most wonderful person
in the world to leave.
Excuse me, please.
Unfortunately, you can't make a living
out of being absorbed in music.
You know...
Sometimes when I listen to it,
I feel that
there's nothing man is capable of
that I can't do.
And it stops
and it's over.
-Oh, not for me.
When I hear the music, I feel
I feel as if something has been added
to my life that wasn't there before.
I'd like that.
Think you could teach me?
I'm sorry I...I should have
told you about me.
I just go along talking to
everybody I meet and...
...that I like.
Then after a minute I
say something silly and...
...that's that.
Thanks for the minute.
Do you
do you come here often?
Why not?
They charge admission.
I know what you mean.
Believe me, I know.
Look, uh...
There's an all Beethoven program
here next Sunday.
If you'd meet me out front we'll
Well I know the fellow who
handles the advertising here
and he generally gets me
a pass for two for the gallery.
How about it?
Thank you very much.
Is this the pass for the gallery
your advertising friend gets for you?
No, I bought these seats.
You shouldn't have.
-I know.
You'd be surprised. You can get used
to sitting downstairs at a concert.
I know some people who tried sitting
downstairs just once
and now there's no way
you could ever get them...
All right. I'll shh.
Listen, Abigail.
I'm listening.
-You know what that tune is?
The first song we heard together.
Romantic, ain't I?
Let's dance.
Why won't you stay downtown
and have dinner with me?
I told you. I have a stack of envelopes
at home that high
and I have to have them all
stamped by tomorrow morning.
So I get paid so I can eat.
You've got something there.
I told you I worked
in a broker's office, didn't I?
Just to show you that
I tell you everything,
the broker's office is foolish enough to
think they can get along without me.
Silly of them, don't you think?
Oh, I'm awfully sorry.
Oh, that's all right.
I get fired quite a bit.
No, I didn't know.
You don't know much about me anyhow.
I think i do.
I'm warning you. You don't.
Just that my name is Robert Manette and
that I work in a broker's office.
For two more weeks.
That's not really a complete picture.
That's one we walked down.
You haven't heard
the name Manette before, have you?
Isn't there a Manette Park
down by the river?
Yes, and there used to be
a Manette Library.
That's before there was
a public library.
And there used to be a Manette Mansion
and there used to be a...
My great great grandfather was
the governor general of Louisiana
long before there was
a United States of America.
In 150 years there hasn't been anything
important going on around here.
There hasn't been anything important in
the whole South that a Manette...
Are you wondering what I'm getting at?
Go on.
My mother hasn't forgotten
for a moment that a Manette...
You know what I mean.
She does.
There's nothing wrong with
being proud of
of your own people.
I wish I had...
Oh, it does something to you.
From the time you're able to see
pretty near you get standards
set for you and ideals
and ambitions that...
Well, you know you're
just not up to them.
I do what I can but
I don't seem to be able to...
It's just that so much is expected
of you because you're a Manette...
You don't understand, do you?
Oh, yes I do.
If you do, you're a genius.
I don't.
Anyway, now you know why
I'm the way I am.
What's the matter with the way you are?
If you think I'm going to tell you,
you're wrong.
You haven't caught on
to a very important thing.
I'm doing my best to get you to like me.
But I do like you.
Very much.
Come on, let's dance.
Oh, I go to work again on Monday.
Oh, that's wonderful.
I know how worried you've been.
Have I seemed worried?
Or trying to pretend you weren't.
I couldn't fool you, huh?
I guess maybe I don't fool
as many people as I think.
I wouldn't be surprised
if even my mother...
She thinks she knows me
better than I know myself.
She probably does.
Which do you like better,
the person I pretend to be or...
The person you are.
You're making a big mistake.
I don't think so.
If you really don't think so,
that would help an awful lot.
The first time Robert asked me
to call on his mother
with him at their home,
I knew it was an important thing to him.
He'd told me so much about her.
I'd never dared imagine
he could be in love with me.
I knew I loved him soon after I met him.
But the most I ever hoped for was
that he wouldn't catch on too soon that
I really didn't belong in his world.
He was so gay, so charming.
So different.
When it was all over, a psychoanalyst
said that Robert's
relations with his mother
were pathological.
All I know is that Robert was the only
thing in the world that she cared about.
He wasn't just her son.
He was...
He was her everything.
I wanted so much for her to like me.
I suppose it was really funny.
Because all the time, there was
only one thing she wanted.
To be able to like me.
To approve of me.
Because I was her last chance to... save Robert.
I've often wondered
what would have happened
if she'd told me
all she knew about Robert
that first afternoon.
Mother, this is Miss Martin.
Miss Martin, my mother.
It comes out even, doesn't it?
I'm very happy to
see you here, Miss Martin.
I'm glad Robert asked me to come.
You may be excused
for a few moments, Robert.
I'd like to talk to Miss Martin alone.
All right, I was going.
I think about ten minutes
will do nicely.
Ten minutes it is.
If Mother gets out
the family album, Abigail...
Please don't let her show you
that picture of me as
the naked baby on a bear rug.
I tore up one like that of myself.
So you can count on me.
Thank you, mademoiselle.
Won't you sit down
next to me, Miss Martin?
Thank you.
Robert hasn't been able to talk
of anything but you
since he met you.
Do you always have that effect
on young men?
I really don't know.
He's the first young man
I've ever known.
I've met other men but I...
I do hope you'll forgive me,
Miss Martin, if I...
If it weren't so terribly important,
I wouldn't dare.
Tell me...
Are you in love with my son?
This may seem a little silly to you.
Very often it seems silly to me.
But ours is an old fashioned family.
And I'm an old fashioned woman and...
Robert wouldn't think of marrying
without my consent.
He has it now.
You mean he wants to marry me?
With all his heart...and mine.
Just one last thing.
I want to be completely honest with you.
There are...
There are certain traits in Robert
that you may not
They're nothing really evil, believe me.
He just sometimes forgets
his sense of responsibility, that's all.
And that's why I'm so glad that
you're the kind of person you are.
Between us
we will make him strong.
I can't believe he's really so very...
He isn't at all. It's just...
I won't stay out of this room
another second.
You want to know I drank four glasses
of water in the kitchen.
That's enough water for anybody.
We had a very nice talk
Abigail and I
Your mother's been warning me
against you.
Oh, that. I can tell you much worse
things about me than she can.
You see, I know more about the subject.
What I do want to know is,
is there any hope for me?
I think if I were you, I'd throw
myself on the mercy of the court.
What's the verdict, your honor?
That wasn't such an ordeal, was it?
An ordeal? Why...
I had the most pleasant afternoon
I've ever known.
I have an idea Mother will say
about the same thing.
I wish you'd do me a favor.
There's something very important
I think I ought to do.
Right now. A place I ought to go to.
I'd like you to go with me.
It's a cafe.
Not a very shabby place really.
Just a cafe but...
Somehow I'd like to go there
for the last time with you.
To say good bye to everything
it stands for.
Will you go with me?
To say good bye?
With pleasure.
It's kind of a hangout for gamblers.
Bookmakers and such.
You don't know what a bookmaker is?
This is one for Ripley.
A bookmaker is a fellow who
takes your bets on the races.
When I think of the things
they didn't tell me in Vermont.
Do we go?
Your horse was disqualified.
This is really getting me down.
I've already got 14 losers.
Well, now you've seen the worst.
This is the den of iniquity I used to
spend such a lot of time in.
But why do they have to make it
so uncomfortable for themselves?
Why does it have to be so full of smoke?
-It's a law.
Don't ask me why but it's a law.
I suppose I'll learn.
You don't have to for my sake.
I'm through with it.
You do believe me, don't you?
I do.
Because I really am.
Look, there's Teddy Jordan.
Teddy Jordan, one of the fellows
I was telling you about.
Oh, the bookmaker.
The fellow who takes your bets on the...
I've seen him lose as much as twenty
thousand in one afternoon.
I've seen him lose as much as
thirty thousand in one afternoon
at the fairgrounds.
I guess I do get a little too excited
over something that I
doesn't mean anything to me anymore.
Just the same, you ought to
take a look at this Jordan.
He's quite an important character.
Which one is he? The little fellow
sitting down?
Oh no, that's a jockey that got
ruled off years ago.
The other one, the big fellow.
Oh, I see.
So that's what a bookmaker looks like.
That's what that bookmaker looks like.
Well, well, well, if it isn't
Mr. Manette.
Mr. Robert Manette himself in person.
How are you, Robert?
Hello, Simon.
Everything all right? No complaints?
Everything satisfactory?
We aim to please.
-Everything's all right, thanks.
You haven't been honoring us
with your presence lately.
But now that you've found
your way back, all is forgiven.
To err is human, to forgive divine.
Isn't that right, Miss uh...
Miss Martin. Mr. Fenimore.
How do you do, Miss Martin.
They tell me our friends, the gambaleers
are arranging on of those sucker traps
at the race track tomorrow.
You know anything about it?
-No, no.
If a fellow was sure, he could clean up.
But that's the trouble with those
dirty crooks. You never know
when they're on the level
with their crookedness.
Isn't that right, Miss Martin?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Maybe Robert can explain it to you.
I don't think I know anybody who can
explain things more clearly
to a beautiful woman than Robert.
Would you excuse us please, Simon?
You mean you want me to leave?
Is that it?
That's it.
I have to get back to the paper anyway.
Lot of good stories to write.
Fire of mysterious origin,
bad boy meets good girl
damage estimated at ten thousand dollars
You'd be surprised what an
interesting life a reporter leads.
Why don't you run along?
I'll walk if you don't mind.
I got to hand it to you, Robert.
You certainly know how to pick them.
You're getting way out of line, Simon.
I didn't mean anything.
See you later. Good bye Miss Martin.
I'm sorry I...
He isn't really
a friend of yours, is he?
No, he's just one of those fellows I've
been getting myself mixed up with.
That's why I've made up my mind.
You do believe me, don't you,
that I'm through with all this?
I do.
I'll never forget how excited
she was that day.
She was
She was radiant.
The first six months we were married
were so sweet
and gentle and happy.
We kept completely to ourselves.
Robert, his mother and me.
We didn't need anybody else.
For the longest while
I'd forget to smile
then I met you
Now that my blue days have passed
Now that I've found you at last
I'll be loving you always
With a love that's true always.
When the things you've planned
need a helping hand
I will understand
Days may not be fair
That's when I'll be there
Not for just an hour
Not for just a day
Not for just a year
But always.
Poor thing. She thought all her worries
about Robert were over.
And then, actually, overnight
everything changed.
Just two days after I'd seen her
burn the trousers
I saw her go up the stairs to her room.
Robert had been arrested
and was held without bail.
Charged with murder.
She knew then that there was
nothing to do but
fight back with all available means.
To start with, there was the money.
Nobody must ever be able to find it.
The following day, Mrs. Manette
came home very late.
She'd gone to see a lawyer to make
arrangements for Robert's defense.
And in her absence
two detectives came to the house
with a search warrant.
There's some men here who
have been searching the house.
Mother, I...
What is the meaning of this?
Sorry, lady, but we've got a warrant;
a search warrant.
What are you searching for?
Different things.
We don't like to do this any more than
you like it, Mrs. Manette.
We've got our orders.
Why don't you look
in those portieres, Jim.
Women sometimes like to
hide things there.
Nothing there.
Nothing here. Come on, Joe.
Sorry to have bothered you,
Mrs. Manette. Good night.
I burned the money, Mother.
I swear to you by all my love
for him and for you
Robert did not kill Teddy Jordan.
You know and I know, Mother,
that he did.
Are you going to turn against him too?
From the day you married him,
I think now from the day you met him,
You've closed your eyes
to what it was all about.
To what he was all about, selfishly.
Just so you could be happy.
He needed your strength.
That's why I let him marry you.
And all you gave him back
was his own weakness.
But I didn't know.
There was no way for me to know.
You should have known.
You weren't blind because you had to be.
You wanted to be.
It might have hurt to know that
Robert is what he is.
But if you had been willing
to be hurt for his sake,
you could have helped him.
I love Robert.
-No, you don't.
It's I who love him.
Because I'm willing to know all about
him and keep on loving him.
But you...
I tried to make him strong myself.
I couldn't alone so I relied on you.
You have failed.
Be seated and come to order, please.
Gentlemen of the jury,
have you reached a verdict?
We have, your honor.
Mr. Clerk, please receive the verdict
from the jury.
We, the jury, find the defendant
guilty as charged
in Information No. 674532
State of Louisiana vs. Robert Manette.
And find the defendant guilty of murder.
Gentlemen of the jury,
is this your verdict?
It is.
Mr. Clerk, please record the verdict.
May it please the court, I should like
to have the jury polled.
Mr. Clerk, please poll the jury.
Mr. Ward.
Mr. Elliot.
Mr. Allen.
Mr. Dodd.
Mr. Tyler.
Mr. Galt.
Sentence will be pronounced
on Tuesday, the 21st at 10 AM.
The jury is discharged,
court is adjourned.
Any comment to make?
I was only trying to do my job.
You killed him.
Whatever became of Mrs. Manette?
The last I heard, she was in New York.
Housekeeper for some wealthy family.
But that was a year ago.
And nothing ever made you feel
any different about him?
I guess maybe there's some other
meaning to love than
than what I was taught.
Why do you say that?
I just don't think that I could keep on
loving somebody...
You're still in love
with Mona, aren't you?
Yes, I...
I think so.
Lieutenant Mason?
I have some good news
for you, lieutenant.
We're resuming all flights at midnight.
That's fine.
Yes, thank you very much.
It looks like I'm going to be
on my way all right.
Funny, it stopped raining
and I didn't even notice.
Shows how interesting I was.
It was nice meeting you, lieutenant.
It was even nicer
having you listen to me.
Good luck.
Thank you and good luck to you.
Thanks for the use of the room.
Oh, hello, Fenimore.
Jackie Lamont?
No, she left.
Did she say where she was going?
Yeah, I know she'll be
at the Lafitte later tonight.
What's that?
No, nothing's the matter. Why?
I just wanted to talk to her.
That's all.
I'm sorry to bother you, lieutenant.
Oh, that's swell.
Good luck, lieutenant.
Good bye.
You see, I told you I didn't know
where she is.
You heard me talking to Valerie.
She hasn't seen Jackie.
Abigail. Since last night when she
went to the cathedral
with the young lieutenant.
What's wrong with her going to
Christmas Mass with the lieutenant?
He's a nice young guy.
I met him at the hotel.
What size suit do you wear?
I don't want to get mixed up in this.
Somebody might have seen
you come in here.
If they did, I'm in for an awful mess.
Shut up.
I know the cops are looking for you
all over town.
I want a shave.
I want to look pretty when
I see my wife again.
Clean and pretty.
You can understand that
can't you, Simon?
Yeah. Yeah, I understand.
You'll find everything you want
in the bathroom.
I'll get you a clean towel.
That's mighty nice of you, Simon.
You know, you could have knocked me down
when I saw you standing there
all of a sudden.
I know Angola.
My paper sent me there once.
Must be a pretty tough place
to break out of.
It isn't exactly easy.
Well, I guess you got
everything you want. I'll...
I'll leave you alone.
I forgot to tell you, Simon...
I've got a gun.
I thought I'd better mention it.
Let's keep the door open.
I like to look at you
when I'm talking to you.
Another thing...
Don't leave this house before
I'm ready to leave.
And I won't be ready to leave
till it's dark.
I haven't much choice, have I?
Very little.
You see, Simon, I went to a lot
of trouble to see my wife.
My beloved, wonderful, faithful wife.
My wife, who works at the Maison Lafitte
while I'm in prison.
I gotta talk thing over with her, Simon.
There's certain things a man
should know about his wife.
You understand that, don't you, Simon?
What are you going to do?
Just straighten out
my family life, that's all.
Everything's OK, lieutenant.
The bus leaves at 11:30.
Or you can get to the airport yourself
if you wish.
I'll take the bus, thank you.
I think I'll take myself a walk.
A little fresh air can't do me any harm.
It has been a long wait, hasn't it?
Do you have any chewing gum?
-Yes, sir.
Hello, lieutenant.
-How are you.
Jackie's getting ready to do her number.
You heard the news, didn't you?
Yeah, how is she?
Wouldn't you know? Waiting for him.
I thought if I came out here,
maybe I could help.
I don't quite know how but...
You might.
How's about a drink?
You don't think there's a chance
he may come out here, do you?
You never can tell.
Just in case, they've got policemen
all over the place.
Yeah, I saw one
when I got out of the cab.
I hope they catch him, soon.
You don't really
know Jackie, lieutenant.
I think I do.
I like that crazy kid.
I like that one man look in her eyes.
I only wish it was
a different kind of guy.
I told her she could go home
but she wants to do her job.
Didn't she tell me your plane
goes out tonight?
Yeah, I've got a cab waiting outside..
He's going to take me right
to the airport.
You'll be in San Francisco
in the morning, huh?
I'm not going to San Francisco.
No, I'm going back to camp.
You know...
I've learned a hundred years worth
of life in the last 24 hours.
I found out that you
just don't do things
because other people have done
the same things the same way.
The important thing is
being honest with yourself.
Whatever you feel, whatever you are.
That's why I said I think I know Jackie
better than you think I do.
Or maybe I mean
I know Abigail.
You're all right, lieutenant.
There she is.
I'll be loving you
with a love that's true
When the things you planned
need a helping hand
I will understand
Days may not be fair
That's when I'll be there
Get in and close the door.
Look at you.
You look well, Abigail.
Abigail. No one's called me that since..
Oh, that's right. You're Jackie now,
aren't you?
Robert, we can't stay here.
There are police all over this place.
She's right, Manette.
I told you that all along.
Those cops aren't so smart. They've got
a man out front and another out back.
Have they forgot I wouldn't come in the
front or the back just to please them?
I'll go out the same way.
We'll have to hurry.
Let me see. We'll need some money.
Wait a minute.
You mean you want to come along with me?
I kind of had the idea the last
two and a half years
you'd gotten used to
getting along without me.
At least it looked like it.
Didn't it, Simon?
I'll get the money.
You must think I'm a fool.
You thought I'd rot in jail
and you could do whatever you wanted
and probably I'd never know.
Even if I did, it wouldn't
make any difference.
There'd be nothing I could
do about it anyway.
Whatever made you think
you could get away with it?
I love you, Robert.
The way you say it,
I could almost believe it.
Say it a little louder. I'd like Simon
to hear it.
There hasn't been a second
I didn't love you.
Right here at the Maison Lafitte.
There's only one reason why
I've been working here. Only one.
When it was all over,
the trial and everything
I saw that your mother was right.
I should have kept you from
the things you were doing.
I'm as much to blame as anybody.
I can still hear them call you guilty.
Guilty, Guilty. And every time they
said it I knew it was meant for me too.
I wanted to die.
But you were in prison alive.
That's why I had to live.
To live like you. To suffer like you.
The people I met her had
nothing but contempt for me.
That's what I wanted.
This is my prison, Robert, but
I'm not as strong as you are.
I can't break out without you.
I need you.
I've been
holding on for you all the time.
I love you.
You know what I think?
Anybody that loves as much as you do
is entitled to a reward.
That's what I think.
-Manette, don't!
You've never loved anybody
but me, Abigail
Isn't that right? Nobody else but me.
People don't understand.
People never do.
There might even be somebody
who thought that didn't love me.
That you enjoyed your life out here.
And maybe that's true.
Maybe people are right.
Maybe you are the way
they say you are. Cheap!
Who's in here?
-Stop it, Robert!
What's going on here?
-Get away from that light.
Close the door.
Get up against the wall, both of you.
You ought to know how easy one of
these things can go off, soldier.
If you've any sense at all,
you'd put that gun down.
I promise the police won't
try any rough stuff if you do.
Shut up.
They're right, Manette.
Why don't you get smart, Manette?
Keep out of this.
Put that gun back
in your pocket, Manette.
You killed a man once
and you didn't get away with it.
This time they're going to hang you.
-Shut up!
You're not going to
kill anybody here, Manette.
I know you better than that.
-Shut up!
You're not going to shoot me because
you'll have to wait till I turn my back.
Only I'm not going to turn
my back on you, see? Manette!
You can let go now, Abigail.
You heard what he said.