Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The (2008)

Lord Miraz.
You have a son.
The Heavens have blessed us.
You know your orders.
General Glozelle.
Yes, my Lord.
Five more minutes.
You won't be watching the stars
tonight, my prince.
Come, we must hurry!
- Professor, what's going on?
- Your aunt has giveth birth... a son.
- You must make through the woods.
- The woods?
They won't follow you there.
It has taken me many years to find this.
Don't use it except that is necessary.
- Will I ever see you again?
- I dearly hope so, my prince.
There is so much more than that to tell you.
Everything you know, is about to change.
Close the tower!
Now go!
Hold there!
i A son, a son!, tonight
Mrs., he/she has given a son to Lord Miraz.
Those that prefer to be superstitious
they will spend the night in the prison.
He/she saw us!
Take charge of him.
- Have more care, baby!
- I sit down it.
- To where you go?.
- Wait for me.
- You Study in St. Fimbars?
- It is this way.
I study in the House
Hendon, crossing the street.
I have seen you.
You are always alone.
Yes, it is that... me,
I prefer them to leave me alone.
Me also.
As you call yourself?
- Phillis.
- Susan!
You have to come quick!
Take their newspaper, you finish them news!
Find out of you finish them news!
Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!
Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!
Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!
Enough boys!
Already separate! Already coarse, already coarse!
- Of anything.
- He/she had it low control.
- And this time that was?
- I push myself.
- And did you hit it?
- No.
After pushing me, he/she wanted that me
it excused, it was when I hit it.
- You don't find difficult to go away.
- And why should I make it?
They don't get tired that those
do try as if they were children?
- We are children!
- I was not always it.
Already step an anus.
How much is it supposed that we should wait?
I believe that it is already time of accepting our
life here, is useless to fake something different.
- Fake that they speak with me.
- We are speaking with you.
- Be quiet!
- It is that something chops myself!
- He/she hears, already coarse.
- But I didn't play you.
Do hear, why not you...?
What does it happen?
- It is as magic.
- The hands, hold you.
- Not I will make that!
- Make it!
Not you will be able to reach me, Ed!
Take care that there go!
There I go!
We made it!
Ed?... Ed!
- What does it happen?
- Where it is supposed that we are?
- And your where you believe?
- Not I remember ruins in Narnia.
Who did live here?
I believe that us.
Hear, that is mine!
Of my chess game.
What chess game?
Not I have a chess game
of gold been accustomed to in Finchley or yes?
Not it can be.
It imagines walls.
And columns somewhere around.
And a glass roof.
Cair Paravel!
Await! My gentleman await!
- Not it is what believes.
- Then what it is?
Nobody is sure.
I noticed to the Council that if it deposited
their trust in Mr. Miraz...
- there would be consequences.
- No, not!
Nobody will accuse the one
Protective without a test.
How much more us
will we hide after that excuse?
Until each seat of
is this camera empty?
Gentlemen of the Council, my
excuses to arrive late.
Nobody told me that there would be session.
Not there is doubt that something
it maintains it busy.
My Mr., since Caspian died IX,
we have seen that he/she behaves
as if it was the king.
And now, it seems that for those walls, the one
Prince Caspian disappeared.
I offer him/her my
condolences, Mister Miraz.
Imagine, to lose their nephew,
the legitimate heir to the throne,
the same night in that their wife
he/she gives him/her a son in blessing.
Thank You, Mister Sopespian. Their compassion
he/she is appreciated in these difficult moments.
I trust in that will tell us the reason
that it happened this tragedy.
He/she is the more agitator news.
Our very dear one
Caspian... It was kidnapped.
By Narnianos.
He/she is going very far,
Miraz... He/she waits that us
let us remain silent while us
it accuses of the fragrante crime.
We forget, my gentlemen that Narnia
it was a wild earth once.
Ferocious creatures
they marauded freely.
Our ancestros sacrificed their
lives to exterminate these monsters.
Or that believed.
While we lost the time
fighting among us.
They, reproduced as
cockroaches under the rock!
Growing strong, watching over us.
Waiting to attack!
And does he/she wonder why I hate it so much?
So now I try to counterattack.
Although it should destroy the whole forest.
I assure them that I will find
to the prince Caspian and
I will finish that that our
ancestros began.
- Catapults.
- What?
That happened... Cair Paravel was attacked.
Do I suppose that you don't bring matches or yes?
No, but...
Will this serve?
And why not him
did you mention a little bit before?
Not I can believe it, everything continues here.
Were we so high?
Good, then mature eras.
Contrary to hundred of
years later. When you are girl.
- What does it happen?
- My horn, I should leave it in the mount.
The day that we return.
Brutal winter he/she has fallen.
With their potent roar.
To shake their mane.
The spring it arrives.
All our friends...
Sr. Tumnus and the beavers.
They died.
I believe that it is moment of
to discover what it happens.
- Not he/she stops me to look.
- Because you don't look at it.
It is necessary to leave it here.
Liberate it!
Do liberate it?
- Was the best thing that you could say?
- A simple thank you will be well.
They without your help were
drowning perfectly.
We would maybe should
to have allowed them to make it.
But why were they about drowning?
They are Telmarinos, that is it they make.
Telmarinos? In Narnia?
Where you have been in
the last a hundred years?
It is a long history.
They should be joking.
Are you?
Are the kings and queens of in the past?
I Am the Great King Peter, the Magnificent One.
You should maybe omit that I finish.
Perhaps it surprises you.
No, I don't believe that you want
to make that, boy.
Me not... Him
- Edmund!
- Are you well?
Rays and flashes!
Maybe after everything,
the horn works.
What horn?
i This bread is rancid.
i I Believe that better I will eat soup.
i - Not he/she will take in waking up.
- Yes, and now we have enough it forces.
Nikabrik is alone a boy.
It is a telmarn, not
a lost puppy.
- You said that you would come undone of him.
- No, I said that I would take charge of him.
Not I can kill him now, to remove him/her the
head, would be as killing a guest.
And like you believe that they try
their friends to their companies?
Trumpkin knew that ago,
it is not the boy's blame.
High! High!
Wait, no, no, not!
I told you that we came undone
of him when we had opportunity.
- You already know why we were not able to.
- If my vote is worth, I am with him.
Not we can allow it to go!
He/she has seen us!
Enough Nikabrik!... Or me
I sit down in your head again.
And your, looks at what you made me make.
The whole morning I passed in this soup.
What are you?
Do you know?, it is amusing
that you ask that question,
I suppose that you don't recognize
to a badger when you see it.
No, the truth is that... they are narnianos,
it is supposed that they are extinct.
I sit down to disappoint you.
Here you have. It is even hot.
From when we house
welded telmarinos in this place?
Not I am a soldier.
I Am the Prince Caspian... Tenth.
What are you making here?
My uncle... the only thing
that he/she wants it is my throne.
I suppose that... I allow myself to live until
now because he/she didn't have an own heir.
That changes the things.
Yes, it seems that to murder you
it won't be our task.
You are right.
To where you want to go?
My uncle won't surrender until I die.
But, you cannot leave,
you have come to survive.
Do you have some idea of what this is?
He/she has a library
impressive, doctor.
There is some thing that
do want to see, my Mr.?
I believe that I already found
what was looking for.
Found in one of my soldiers!
What do you know about the queen's horn Susan?
He/she says the legend that was magic.
The narnianos believed that this he/she would call
to the kings and the queens of in the past.
Or at least, that said the superstition.
And how much Caspian knows
on this... superstition?
My Mr., you prohibited me that
he/she mentioned the old legends.
That made.
I will tell him/her this:
If Caspian heard on the great magic, my Mr.
he/she has good reasons to be nervous.
First our
Prince, now their tutor.
If the members of the summer house
they are not safe, are he us?
Mr. Sopespian!
They are dangerous words,
Mr. Sespiespan.
They are dangerous, General times.
It is necessary to take care of our words, with the one
same care that one chooses the friends.
How much to finish the bridge?
The continuous construction
according to that programmed.
That is not enough, I need
that my troops cross that river, already.
I can suggest that
do contribute with more men?
I don't have many to my disposition.
Fact that you will make well in not forgetting.
You go with Beruna, it takes
all the troops that you need,
we will reach Caspian before them.
- Them my Mr.?
- It is time that you learn, your history.
How still they are.
They are trees.
What did you wait?
They seem tired.
Soon after that they left,
the telmarinos invaded us.
The survivors hid
in the forest and the trees, them,
they sank in an I sound deep
of the one that you/they have not wakened up again.
I don't understand it.
- As Aslan that this happened allowed?
- Aslan?
I abandon us to the same one
time that you.
Not we did want to abandon them, do you know?
But doesn't that change the things or yes?
Take us with the narnianos.
And we will make it.
Everything is well, we are friends.
Don't move, Majesty!
Take away from her!
Susan shoots, shoot!
- Why didn't he/she stop?
- I suspect that it was hungry.
Thank you.
It was wild.
I believe that he/she went mad.
When they treat you as if you were
an animal, you transform into that.
Narnia is much wilder,
anything is as what you/they remember.
I can hear them.
I believe that it is necessary to wait
to the kings and the queens.
Well, continuous, I doubt that those
others are so understanding.
Perhaps go with you, I want to see you
explaining all the minotauros.
- They are real.
- And they have very bad character.
- And they are also immense.
- Gigantic.
What are there of the centaurs? Do they even exist?
Good, the centaurs
perhaps fight to your side.
But I won't assure you what
it is it they will make the other ones.
And what is there of Aslan?
- As it is that you know so much of us?
- Histories.
A moment... Your father you
am I histories Narnia it has more than enough?
No, my professor.
Listen, I regret it, but these
sew they should not wonder them.
- What does it happen?
- Human.
- Him?
- No, them.
There they are!
- There they are!
- Run!
- No!
- No, he/she waits, I will go.
Let us go!
He/she takes, veto, it is more important than me.
Take it to you of here.
He/she chooses well your you finish
words, telmarino.
You are a mouse.
He/she waited something a little more
original. He/she lifts your sword.
- No, thank you.
- Lift it!
Not I will fight with an unarmed man.
And for that reason that I will live more when not choosing
to collide swords with you, noble mouse.
I said that it would not fight,
I never said that you would live!
Detn your sword!
I hope you have a good reason
for your inopportune interruption.
- He/she doesn't have it, continuous.
- He is who blow the horn.
- What?
- Let him to show it then.
That is the reason for the
that we have to meet.
Non memory this road.
It is the bad of the girls, not
they retain maps in the head.
That is because we already have
something in the head.
He/she would want him to listen to
their "lover" from time to time.
Their friend.
That yes that is not very considered, or yes?
I didn't get lost.
Alone you took the mistaken road.
You Lost Casper in
the forest and the road
quicker it is crossing
the river for the torrent.
But if I don't make a mistake, not
you will find a crossing in these boulders.
Then that explains to it.
You made a mistake.
Do they come it?... With the time erosiona
the earth making deeper--
He/she shuts up.
- Is there way of lowering?
- Yes, falling.
When did we get lost?
There is a cascade near
Beruna. If they don't care to swim.
It is better than walking.
It is Aslan, it is over there Aslan!
Don't they come it?, there fair for...
Do you see it now?
Not I am crazy, it was there,
he/she wanted us to follow it.
I assure you that this forest is
full with lions and bears also.
I believe that I know how to recognize
to Aslan when I see it.
Look, I won't jump to the cliff
for somebody that not even exists.
It finishes it time that I didn't believe him/her to
Lucy, I was as... as a fool.
Why didn't I see it?
Perhaps you didn't want to make it.
I sit down it Lu.
All that that horn proves, is that
you have stolen us more a thing.
I didn't steal them anything.
Didn't you steal us anything? I will show you everything
what the telmaritas removed us.
- Our home!
- Our freedom!
Our lives!
They want to become responsible
of the crimes of my town?
Responsible and also punishable.
It is a nerve coming from you, midget.
Or you already forgot that it was your town the one
that I fight beside the Witch Blanca?
And with pleasure he/she would make it again, if that us
he/she helps to come undone of these barbarians.
It is a luck that is not
in your power to call it of turn.
For the time being.
Many of you have already forgotten it,
but the badgers remember it very well,
that Narnia was never in order.
Except when Adam's son was king.
It is a telmarin. Why
would we want it as king?
Because I will help them.
Beyond this
forest, I am a prince.
The throne of the telmarinos is mine
for right. Help me to claim it.
And I will be able to bring the peace among us.
It is true, the time it is the correct one.
I watch over the skies,
because that it is my mission,
as well as that of the badger
it is the one of not forgetting.
Tarva the gentleman of the victory
and Alambil the lady of the Peace,
once again they meet in the sky.
They are here, Adam's son
to give us their comfort.
To return us our freedom.
Is it possible? Seriously you believe that we have
peace really? Do you really believe it?
Two days ago, he/she didn't believe
possible that existed
speaking creatures,
or midgets or centaurs.
And here they are, in adult I number of the one that
the telmarinos would have imagined.
Not I know if this horn is magic or not.
However it gathered us.
And together you that we go to
to recover what is our.
If your you guide us...
Then my children and me you
we offer our swords.
We offer you
our life, lowly.
The troops of Miraz no longer
they should be very far, Mr..
If we want to face them, it is
necessary to find soldiers and weapons.
I am for sure they will be here soon.
I am maybe bad idea to come here.
And where you believed
to see Aslan, exactly?
He/she would want them to no longer fake to be
adults, I didn't believe to have seen it, I saw it.
I am somebody bigger.
I saw it exactly for...
Lucy, are you awake?
Why do you believe that I didn't see Aslan?
- You believe me!
- Good, we are able to cross the river.
I don't know it.
Perhaps in fact you didn't want.
You always knew that
would we return to Narnia, truth?
That waited.
He/she had already made me to the idea of
that we would stay in England.
But are you glad to be here not?
While it lasts.
I missed you a lot.
- You grew.
- Each anus that your you grow, I will grow.
Where you were?
Why didn't you help us?
Raisin swims twice
in the same way, lover.
Susan, awake.
Clear not.
As your you want.
No, high!
- Prince Caspian?
- Yes, and who are your?
- The Great King Peter.
- I believe that your you called us.
Yes, but I believed that you were bigger.
Good, if you prefer it,
we will return in some years.
No, it is well.
It is that, it is not exactly
what waited.
Neither your.
A common enemy, unites to those
older opponents.
We waited with longings
their return my Mr..
Our hearts and
souls are to their service.
Did you already dress him Susan?, it is so tender.
- Who did that say?!
- Pardon.
Majesty... With the due one
I respect, to my fearless view,
courteous or rash, they describe
better to a gentleman of Narnia.
Good, somebody here knows how to use the sword.
It is this way, and recently I used it for
to obtain weapons for their troops, Mr..
Well... Because we will need
all the swords that we have.
Because then, perhaps
should return you your sword.
How much was what you/they were taken?
Enough weapons and armors
for two regiments.
But... there is something more.
"You were right when fearing to the forest"
Caspian... Tenth.
Forgive me my Mr.... The blame is mine.
I know it.
Tell me General...
- How many men did you lose?
- None my Mr..
They appeared as ghosts,
to half of the night.
We never saw them.
Then, like you explain your wounds?
I ask again...
How many men they were murdered
during the bloody one it does attack narniano?
To the one which your, for fortune survived.
General... help me.
I apologize, Mr. Sopespian.
Caspian, is not the victim
of the wild rising.
He is the instigator.
To my view, Narnia
a new king needs.
Very well, we will arrive soon...
And well? As they are?
Impertinent, turbulent,
obstinate as mules in the morning.
Then they fall you well.
Be not maybe to what you/they were
accustomed, but it is safe.
Peter... they come to see this.
We are us.
What is this place?
Don't you know it?
They should know that they make.
I believe that it depends on us.
- Alone it is question of time.
- What does he/she intend to make, their Majesty?
- We should of--
- I believe that--
Our only hope is to attack them to
them before they attack us.
What madness, they never have
taken that castle.
- There is always a first time.
- We have the element surprise.
But the advantage has it here.
Under earth, I believe that
we would be able to stop them.
In the personal thing, I sit down
low surer earth.
He/she looks, appreciation all that you have made. But
this is not a strength, it is a tomb.
Yes, and if they siege us,
they will kill us of hunger.
- I would bring nuts.
- Yes, and we throw them to the telmarinos.
Be quiet! I believe that he/she already knows
what I think, Mr..
If I arrive to the troops, you
would you take charge of the guards?
Or attempting it, I will die.
It is what I worry about.
As you say?
Alone they are considering two
options: to die here or to die there.
- Not it seems that you are listening to it.
- No, your you are not listening.
It seems that you already forgot who the one was
that it conquered the Witch Blanca, Peter.
I believe that we already wait
to Aslan enough.
I have to find it.
No, you don't have time,
you have to open the grill.
Without him you would never have arrived
here Peter, not even me.
- Your and I take charge of Miraz.
- I will be able to arrive on time to the grill.
Yes, I am a mouse!
We waited somebody more... higher.
- Look who says it.
- Is it supposed that that is irony?
Five minutes more?
What are you making here?
I didn't help you to escape for
that they catch you again.
You have to leave, before
Miraz finds out that you are here!
I swear that soon he/she will know it.
We will give him/her your cell.
Not I want you to underestimate to
Miraz like your father made it.
- Of what are you speaking?
- Pardon.
I am glad... that you are safe!
Get up!
- Caspian?
- Stay there.
What are you making?
I would say that it is obvious, lover.
Some families would consider
your inappropriate behavior.
- That never stopped you.
- But your you are not similar to me, truth?
It is sad, for first
time you show gills.
And it is an I waste.
It lowers that sword, Caspian.
- Not I want to make this.
- We neither want!
- They respect this way the privacy.
- What are you making?
- You should be in the grill.
- No!
Although it is for one
time, I want the truth.
Did you murder my father?
Now you can assure it.
You said that your brother
he/she died while he/she slept.
It was certain more or less.
Caspian, this won't fix the things.
This alone race has
that that taking of others.
And all that knew it your father.
As you could?
For the same reason that
your you will press the trigger.
For our son.
- Hold!
- Stay I joust there!
You should make a decision, lover.
You want our son to be a king
or do you want him to be as Caspian?
- Shoot them
- No!
What is it supposed that it means?
They attack us!
Let us go!
To their positions!
- Peter!
- Our troops are out! Let us go!
- Now Ed makes it, call to the troops!
- Something am busy, Pet.
Peter, is very late, we have
that to leave before it is late!
No, I can even achieve it!
Help me!
Exactly for who
are you making this, Peter?
Let us go!
By Narnia!
By Narnia!
Take positions in the tower!
Close the grill inmediatemente.
We have to leave, now!
Run! Let us leave of here!
To the grill!
- Caspian!
- I will find it!
Leave of here, now!
Let us go! Retreat!
He/she gives the order.
- My men are there.
- Vmonos!
- Leave, retreat!
- Make headway!
Peter, the bridge!
- What step?
- Wonder it to him.
- Peter!
- Me?
Your you didn't want to cancel
and there was even time.
No, everything was thank you
to you, if there are you
attached to the plan, those
welded they would be even alive.
And if you had stayed as me
I suggested, for sure he would be.
Your you called us you remember?
It was my first error.
No, your first error was to believe
that you were a leader for them.
- Not I was me who abandon Narnia.
- You invaded Narnia.
You are an usurper, the same as Miraz!
Your and your father. Narnia
it is better without all you.
Why do they look at me all?
The telmarinos will arrive soon.
Thank you, my dear friend.
Beruna offers him/her its troops.
Galma, offers him/her its troops.
Calavar offers him/her your troops.
Ettinsmoor offers him/her your troops.
Release life to the king!
Release life to the king!
Release life to the king!
You are even happy of having used
that magic horn, boy?
Your kings and queens failed us.
Half of your army it is dead
and the other ones soon he will be.
What do you want, to be happy?
Do you want your uncle's blood?
Me also.
Do you want their throne?
I will get it for you.
You can prove the power, the fire.
But there is even a bigger power,
one that has not undergone
to Aslan during more than 100 years.
Who is there?
I am hungry.
I am thirsty.
I could have a good time 100 years.
Without dying.
He/she could walk other a hundred for the ice.
And to breathe and to drink of a river.
And to explode...
Give it to me... You owe it to me!
He/she takes care of your language, lover.
Nobody is better than us.
And you can guarantee me
that Miraz will die?
And more.
He/she begins to draw.
This is not what wanted.
A drop of their honorable blood.
And it will be free.
And then I will be his, my king.
Let us go!
Take away from him!
Wanted Peter, I missed you.
We go, a single drop.
You won't achieve it alone and you know it.
I know it... You had it controlled.
Why you never told me
does anything have more than enough my father?
My mother was a dwarf pelinegra
of the mountains of the north.
I took a risk my life all
these years so that one day,
your you were a better king
that those that preceded you.
Then I failed you.
All that I told you,
all that I didn't tell you...
I made it because I always believed in you.
It is your opportunity to transform into the
nobler contradiction in the history.
The telmarino that I save Narnia.
Are you lucky you know?
To what do you refer?
You could see it.
He/she would want there to be me
given some test.
Perhaps the test you
we should give it us.
Peter, you have to come quick.
Rays and snakes,
is this a new plan?
To send a girl to a forest
dark, full with dangers, alone?
- It is our only possibility.
- And he/she won't go alone.
Not they have already died
enough in this war?
Nikabrik was also my friend,
but it lost the hope.
The queen Lucy not and clear, me neither.
By Aslan.
By Aslan!
Then I go with you.
No, they need you here.
We should contain them until
that Lucy and Susan return.
If they allow me...
Miraz, perhaps be a
tyrant and a murderer, but
as king, he/she has that
to attach to the traditions
and expectations of their town.
An exists in particular that
it will allow us to save time.
- Perhaps they try to surrender.
- No.
They are too noble for that.
Me, Peter, for the don of Aslan,
for election and for conquest,
Great King of Narnia, Gentleman of Cair Paravel
and Emperor of Lone Islands, with
the end of preventing the abominable one
spill of blood,
I allow myself to challenge
to the usurper Miraz to a
body combats to body
in the battle field.
It will be a combat to death.
The recompense, will be the total rendition.
- Tell me prince Edmund.
- King.
Forgive me.
In fact, I am the king Edmund.
Single king, clear, Peter is the big one.
I know it, it is confused.
Why I would take a risk
to this proposal when
our troops those
will they squash for the evening?
Not it is underestimating
too much our I number?
One week, those ago
narnianos was extinct.
- And that will repeat.
- Then he/she doesn't have anything what to fear.
This doesn't have to do with the courage.
It is so valiant that it rejects to face
to a swordsman of half of their age.
- I never said that he/she would not make it.
- He/she has our support, majesty.
Without caring their decision.
Mr., our military current advantage,
it provides a perfect excuse to avoid...
Not I am avoiding anything!
I only thought of pointing out that my
Mr. he/she is entitled the whole of refusing.
Their Majesty would never refuse.
It delights him/her the opportunity to show
to the town, their new king's anger.
Not you will forget that written
in your brother's sword.
Destrya has always served me
well. They are in good hands.
Or hooves.
Good luck.
Thank you.
He/she looks...
Be maybe time that he/she returns him to you.
For the time being, stay with him, you would rot
to need call again.
- Is he/she able to that you need call again?
- Be quiet!
If you see that the scale leans...
I Understand, Majesty.
I wait you are not very
disappointed, when I survive.
There is even time of surrendering.
He/she can make it.
- How many more they will die for the throne?
- Alone... one!
They saw each other!
- Take the reins!
- What do you make?
Forgive me Lucy, but you will have
that to leave alone after everything.
Sure that don't need the horn?
Does he/she need their highness a respiration?
Five minutes?
- And Lucy?
- I achieve it, with something of support.
- Thank you.
- Good, you were busy.
Plus it is worth you that you don't return it
to allow to come closer so much.
Go up, just in case those
telmarinos doesn't fulfill its word.
- I sit down it.
- It is well.
Be careful.
Continue smiling.
What do you find it?
He/she is a boy.
But I see that their Majesty he is
making very well, for their age.
I believe that it is dislocated.
What you believe that it will happen
at home if I die here?
I know that you always help me
and I have never helped you.
It is a pleasure.
Not it is moment to be
a gentleman Peter!
What boy does he/she spend?
Don't you dare to remove a life?
I won't make it.
Perhaps I made a mistake.
It is possible that you are a good king
telmarino, after everything.
Not I will be the same as your.
I will allow you to live.
But I will return the Kingdom
to the good narnianos.
My king.
I will take charge of you, when this finishes.
I already finish.
They shot him/her!
They murdered our king!
Get ready!
Chivalry... Attack!
Archers... Get ready!
- One... Two...
- Three... Four...
Five... Six...
Let us demolish them!
Eight... Nine...
All preparations!
- You are a mouse!
- Obviously they don't have, imagination.
Don't allow them to escape!
Maintain their positions!
We have squashed them.
Yes, you were your, he/she knew it.
But they refused to believe me.
And why in spite of
didn't that come to me?
Pardon. It is that he/she was afraid.
Why didn't you allow yourself to see?
Why you didn't come to
does to survive it finish time?
Raisin of the same one swims
way twice, lover.
If he/she had come, those that
did they die, could I have stopped it?
Nobody never knows it
that it would have happened, Lucy.
But what will happen
it is something very different.
- Will you help?
- It is this way, the same as your.
He/she would want to be more valiant.
If you were more valiant you
you would transform into a lioness.
Now, our friends already
did they sleep enough, don't you believe?
He/she Is Lucy!
By Asnar!
They have been regrouped!, we should
to take them toward the river.
We will regroup ourselves!
Toward the river!
Give their weapons!
Of foot, kings and queens of Narnia.
All you...
- I believe that not yet I am prepared.
- And for that same reason, you that he are.
Thank You, Majesty.
Thank you.
Greetings, Aslan.
It is a true honor to be in...
Not I am presentable.
I beg him/her their indulgence for
to show up, in an unbecoming way.
- Maybe a drop more.
- Not I believe that it works this way.
We can attempt.
Feel very well, small.
Even so, Great King, I fear
that I should retire,
since they have intersected the one
honor and the glory of a mouse.
Perhaps you give too much
importance to your honor, friend.
Good, not alone it is the honor,
it is good for the balance and
to climb and to take things.
With their permission their great one
Majesty. It would embarrass us
to exhibit a honor that you
he/she denies to our leader.
Not to safeguard your dignity,
but for the love of your town.
Look! Thank you, thank you my Mr.!
I will store it for always.
From now on it will serve as
reminder of my great humility.
And now, where the lover is
friend of the one that so much have spoken to me?
Do you see it already now?
It is prepared, all
they are waiting for them.
Narnia belongs to those
narnianos, as much as the humans.
Telmarinos that want to stay
and to live in peace, they will be welcome.
But for those that want, Aslan can them
to return to the place of our ancestros.
He/she makes many generations
that we leave Telmar.
We don't refer to Telmar.
Their ancestros was highwaymen of the one
sea, pirates that beached in an island,
there they discovered a cave, a strange one
crack that he/she brought them here from their world.
The same world of
our kings and queens.
It is a good place for those
that they want a new beginning.
I will go!
I will accept the offer.
As well as us.
To have spoken first, its
future in that world, will be good.
As we know that not us
does it drive toward our death?
If my example can
to serve as something, I will choose to
some of mine and those
I will make cross without delay.
- It is already hour.
- So soon?
We go, the time you ends up.
After everything, here
they no longer need more us.
I will take care well of it until your return.
That is the problem.
Not we will return.
No longer?
You two yes.
At least, I believe that that drifts him.
Have they made something bad?
Just the opposite lover,
but everything has their time.
Your brother and your sister have learned
all that you/they could of this world.
Now they should live and to see his.
Everything will be well, Lu...
Not it is like he/she waited.
But it is the correct thing.
One day you will understand it.
Let us go!
- I am glad to have returned.
- Not it was enough the time together.
- Not ours would have worked.
- Why not?
Because I am 1.300 years adult that your.
I suppose that I go him to
to understand when it is big.
I am bigger and I don't believe
that you want to understand it.
Not you do come Phillis?
Not there will be some way of returning?
I left my lantern in Narnia.