Chrysalis (2007)

Stop it!
I don't intend
to accept his invitation.
- You're wrong.
- No, but...
He's nice. It'll do you good!
Manon, it's too soon.
Honey, your father and I,
you know...
I'm in no mood for that.
I understand but...
You should think
more about yourself.
- It's dinner, no more.
- My work is all I need.
Just a dinner.
Yeah well,
you know what that means.
He's good-looking.
Yes, he is.
Stop it, you're teasing me!
It'll get you out of your clinic!
We'll see.
I'm old enough to know
when to get out of the clinic.
Don't push me.
Okay? So cut it out.
Leave me alone.
- And you...
- You never go out.
I love you.
Stay here. Don't move!
It's sealed off.
No trace of Nicolov.
Hurts, doesn't it?
Door open
You won't answer the phone
so I decided to come by.
Are you okay?
Holding up?
And your arm?
We found the body of a girl today.
Barely twenty.
With marks, like the others.
It's not over, David.
The retinal scan is negative.
Anthropometrics got us nowhere.
She's not on file.
Want my opinion? Illegal alien.
The state of rigor mortis
and brain tissue
puts the death back three weeks ago.
No sign of rape.
Given her state...
Just kidding.
- And these?
- Scratch marks.
No idea.
Could be from a bear.
A baby bear.
Just kidding.
Maybe an eye-lid retractor.
What kind of apparatus?
Can't tell.
The water ate away at her flesh.
I found brain damage
but no bruises on her scalp.
it's more like
her brain received...
electrical shocks.
Really strong ones.
Like it was nuked
in a microwave.
Just kidding, Captain.
First time he left a body behind.
No, not the first.
David, Sarah's death affected us all.
Now I need you
to find Nicolov
and put him behind bars.
Lieutenant Marie Becker,
your new partner.
The check on the fingerprint
came up negative.
I forgot to tell you.
I found prints.
She's not on file.
We'll start with this.
Identity unknown
Prettier than before.
The calcification is perfect
and almost no visible scarring.
So tell me...
When do we get married?
Hello, Jacques.
Hello, Clara.
Jacques is a true artist.
You're gorgeous.
- You can thank him.
- Thanks.
Can I look?
Of course, go ahead!
You see, it was worth it.
I have to go.
I'm operating in a few hours.
I'll see you out.
They put the chip in me.
Damn, it hurts!
Welcome to the club.
- But I have to say, it's cool.
- Cool?
The European Police
has been my goal.
Ever since I became a cop.
When I found out
I'd been accepted, I...
Actually I didn't do anything.
But I was happy.
I did 3 years
on the Vice Squad. You?
Any relation to Becker
at Intelligence?
Yes, he's my uncle...
Hold on.
I waited two years for my transfer
and I took the exam like everyone.
- And you ended up with me.
- Doesn't say much for nepotism.
What are you doing here?
So she's next?
Cool it!
Where do we start?
We'll visit a friend.
This one's taken!
Stay out of this.
Hear you're back in town.
Tell me when you leave.
You broke my nose.
You're hurting me, David!
She's an illegal.
You know her?
Her name's Tatiana!
- Tatiana what?
- No idea!
She disappeared two months ago
with her sister, Elena.
They vanished.
That's all I know.
I swear!
- Has he surfaced yet?
- Who?
No one's seen him.
He manages to scramble the scans.
Get moving, Yuri.
Shake down the sector.
I want results.
You have 3 days. You hear?
Or I'll ship you back home.
Hold on...
Show me again.
Come see something.
This old guy disappeared
six months ago.
We found him the other day.
His hard drive crashed!
He can't remember a thing.
Not a thing!
In countries like yours
with huge distances,
the usefulness of such a system
is immeasurable.
Tele-surgery offers
a multitude of possibilities.
While linked to the same network,
surgical teams separated
geographically can operate in unison.
The hologram is broadcast
via the monolith.
Excuse me...
I'm very sorry.
What's wrong?
Your migraines?
I'll give you
stronger pain-killers.
I want to go home.
It's too soon. You need rest.
I'm fed up.
Fed up with the exams
and the scanners...
I'm suffocating.
Don't worry.
Things will slowly
fall back into place.
It's just a question of time.
It's all confused in my head.
It's worse and worse.
I can't remember a thing.
Sometimes I even feel
that you're a stranger.
I'm sick of it.
I can't feel a thing.
You know...
Your father would be proud of you.
Don't worry, sweetie.
Don't worry...
Come here... Oh honey...
Things will be fine.
You just need to be patient.
How's it going with Hoffman?
It's going.
He's not too talkative.
I do the talking for both of us.
Beware of him.
I'm not wary by nature.
Beware of him.
Apparently it's the right model.
I tested it on the amnesiac.
But it's no help.
Standard model.
Every eye doctor has one.
What's that stuff?
Personal items
belonging to Tatiana and Elena.
Is it a diary
you keep under your pillow?
Can I read it?
It could help us
with your treatment.
I don't have much left, Clara.
No, that stays mine.
When will you stop
biting your nails?
Did you know him?
Just before he died.
Do I look like my father
or my mother?
One thing's for sure:
You have your father's eyes.
Good evening.
How did the afternoon go?
Pretty well.
Thank you, Clara.
You can go now.
I have plenty of time.
No need.
Good evening.
Goodnight, Manon.
I'm exhausted.
Want to watch a movie with me?
Christine is wanted in room 208.
Are you upset?
What are you doing here?
Come on, it's time for bed.
Stop! You're always kissing me!
Let go!
He's going to come!
See that bike?
What the hell?
I came for a bike?
I swear, man! It's his!
He had it pimped here.
He's coming back tonight!
Don't bullshit me.
Not you, never.
Get lost.
The sister, Elena...
I want to find her alive.
We're supposed to trust him?
And me?
Am I supposed to trust you?
you got a wife? Kids?
It's none of my business.
You're right.
Let's not get personal.
No, no wife and no kids.
And you?
Nothing at all.
No husband, no kids...
and no more boyfriend.
So obviously I have a cat.
Don't move.
Stay here.
Don't move, he says.
Officer 125614. Requesting
back-up in the industrial park...
Hands in the air!
In the air!
Come here, slowly. Move it!
On your knees...
No balls?
All alone, Clmence?
- I'm bored.
- You're bored.
- Want to go for a walk?
- I'm not allowed.
Me neither.
Sometimes I get bored,
sometimes not.
I'm climbing the walls.
What's that?
Those are...
scars from my accident.
You never said
you had an accident.
It's bedtime.
I'm going to eat you all up!
Go on, Manon.
Dr. Brgen is wanted in room...
Marie, you'll run the interrogation.
David, you're off the case.
Is this a joke?
Go home now. End of discussion.
Are you coming, Marie?
Go on.
You and I both know
he's in good hands.
Let me keep questioning him,
keep up appearances.
Very well.
I'll keep you posted.
So nothing.
He's been telling me a heap of lies.
We found his fingerprint
on Tatiana.
Shouldn't that be enough?
I hoped this interrogation
would allow you
to show us your talent.
And to get some answers.
I admit
I'm somewhat disappointed.
I'll go back then.
You're a goddamned psycho!
What the hell were you thinking?
Don't move!
- Shut up!
- Stop it!
Keep still, bitch!
Come here, fucker!
Stay put!
What are you doing?
Look at me!
Open the door!
You want her dead? Shut up!
Open the door or I'll shoot.
What are you doing?
Open the door. Don't move.
Drop the gun.
Drop your gun!
You're asking for it!
Want her dead?
Look at this bitch.
Look how she's gonna die!
Look! Motherfucker!
Look at your partner!
You want to die?
She won't suck no more!
So? What do you want?
You want her dead?
Is that it?
Don't touch me!
What the hell?
Who do you think you are?
All I asked of her
was to swap shifts.
I have two weeks' vacation due.
Is that fair?
Excuse me.
Clara is wanted at reception. Clara.
You'll get a story.
It's too early.
Usually I put her to bed at nine.
Change of program.
She has a full check-up tomorrow.
- Why?
- Why what?
Why the change?
Listen, Clara: Clmence
has a full check-up tomorrow.
Next week she's going home.
That's how it is.
You can read her a story.
Is that Clara?
What a city!
When I first arrived in Paris,
I hated it.
The noise, the cars,
the gray skies...
I was fresh out of my village
in Germany...
You can imagine.
But I learned to look up
and see Paris.
This Paris.
I realized how lucky I was
to be studying in a city
of such great beauty.
And then,
a godsend:
I met your father.
One day... how old were you?
Four or five.
You were on his shoulders,
totally over-excited.
You'd lost your teddy bear.
It fell in the water.
You cried. You can't imagine
how much you cried.
What's wrong?
Nothing, I'm just a little cold.
Let's go then.
Too bad Clara's not here.
She'd have liked it.
Guess her age.
I don't know.
Are you kidding?
As she always says,
Jacques is an artist.
Sit up straight.
Your favorite dessert.
What's wrong?
Is it too hot?
What's the problem?
It's nothing.
- I don't like it.
- You love it!
I said I don't!
Calm down.
Hey there.
It happened so fast,
all of it.
Can I come in?
Why didn't you tell me?
What would it have changed?
Internal Affairs
is questioning me tomorrow.
We're partners.
I can help you.
Nicolov's death is my fault too.
I'll tell them so.
But I can't help
if you don't trust me.
Talk, goddamn it!
Tell me to fuck off.
Say something!
I'm sure you're a good cop,
with a bright future.
Tell them whatever you want.
You're right.
You're right.
Smart thinking, to give up now.
When you wanted so badly
to find Elena...
What are you doing here?
in that shoot-out,
Nicolov was shot by David Hoffman.
In the knee.
Check out the recording.
We have a serious problem,
Captain Miller.
This man
is not Dimitri Nicolov!
Fucking ghost!
I killed you this morning!
Who are you talking about?
Tell me who!
Who are you talking about?
Officer 125614 requesting
localization of David Hoffman.
Give me a sec.
You should have a visual.
He's right there.
Cancel the search.
Where's this footage from?
The canal surveillance system.
We can't identify his accomplice?
No, and David didn't see.
One thing's for sure.
If the two of them
have identical retinal scans,
they have to be identical twins.
David Hoffman.
European Police.
Are you out of your mind?
You brought a police officer
to my clinic?
Untie him, at once!
You saved my life, Brgen,
but you can't give me orders.
Plug him into your machine.
Show me what he did
to my brother.
Don't be ridiculous.
It's against protocol.
Then fuck protocol.
It's my machine. I do what I want.
Not without me, you can't.
You can't use it
or improve it.
I thought we made a deal.
That we both stood to gain.
Careful, Doctor. Others are willing
to pay more than you.
So just do as I say!
He killed my brother.
A piece of shit...
but he was my brother.
I could have blown his brains out.
Too fast.
I have a better idea.
Erasing everything you got
in that head.
Hurts, doesn't it?
I broke a couple of your ribs,
bumped off your pretty partner...
but the best part, the real turn-on,
is tomorrow...
I'll see you in the street,
I'll bump into you
and you'll say, "I'm sorry. "
You're totally crazy!
And I can crush your spine.
So do as I say
and plug him in!
You don't seem convinced.
Yeah, about your brother.
A total loser.
Got him in the carotid.
Hurts, doesn't it?
What is it?
It's nothing.
That nightmare I keep having.
It's worse and worse.
You want to talk about it?
Listen, your treatment
is coming along well.
The results are encouraging.
It's almost over.
How can you be so sure?
You're all I have left.
I know it's difficult.
If you want, we can stop.
And you'll come home.
What's the wheelchair for?
I've been looking for you
for three days!
This way, Mr. Hoffman.
What are you doing?
- Taking him in for tests.
- Who are you?
- Where is she?
- No idea.
I thought
you were operating today.
The sessions are too close together.
It's getting dangerous.
We've come too far
to stop treatment now.
Manon has recovered
most of her memory.
I'm not so sure.
That image keeps coming back.
It's creating interference.
All the more reason
to do more sessions.
We'll make it disappear.
Why persist?
There's no other choice!
Excuse me.
I'm aware
of what you do for us.
And I'm very grateful.
We can't give up.
Time's not on our side.
You can't abandon Manon.
Not now.
She loves you so much.
He received electrical shocks.
Strong ones.
Very strong.
Like the ones
that put Tatiana in a coma.
I spoke to the doctor
who saw him.
Just kidding.
The shocks
affected a specific area
of the brain. The hippocampus.
The center of "episodic memory. "
It stocks our memories.
As opposed to "procedural memory,"
in the cortex,
which controls learning skills:
riding a bike... shooting an arrow...
knives and forks...
What are you saying?
He's lost his entire memory?
His case is particular.
His hippocampus
wasn't destroyed, but...
As if emptied of its contents
without lessening its capacities.
I don't understand...
He'll be able to create new memories,
you can forget about his past...
No pun intended.
How can you allow this?
And who are those guys?
I can't do otherwise.
I don't understand.
Who's the boss here?
Same bad character as her mother.
What are you doing here?
Hello, Marie!
I see.
You've been pulling the strings.
I was proud to be promoted.
Wrong, Lt. Becker.
I needed someone reliable
to oversee a delicate mission.
We needed David to find Nicolov.
Since David is unstable,
your uncle paired him
with someone trustworthy.
Someone trustworthy?
That's called a rat!
So tell me why Intelligence
and the European Police
are in cahoots.
About a year ago,
a secret Army lab invented
a technique
for digitalizing human memory.
"Chrysalis" allows us
to stock a person's memories
and if need be,
to remove them from his brain.
And eventually to create
human memory from scratch.
No need to tell you the potential.
I don't see the connection
with Nicolov.
It's that Nicolov stole the machine
several months ago.
Yeah, sure...
Nicolov left
the Bulgarian secret service
for a life in organized crime.
He has everyone bidding
on this apparatus.
Just imagine.
A group of terrorists
conditioning an army of kamikazes
with the memory of a fanatic.
Or an aging tyrant
transferring his memory
to a younger body
to extend his reign.
A few weeks ago,
Intelligence lost track of Nicolov.
David's investigation
offered us the opportunity
to combine our talents.
spare me the ode
to Europol independence.
He used you and you know it.
We need you.
It's in your interest and his.
We can get his memory back.
Chysalis is not 100/ effective.
Neurologists observed
that even repeated sessions
still leave an inner core
of memories that cannot be erased.
Our worst pains
stick with us
longer than our good memories.
by reactivating these traumas
we can start rebuilding
someone's memory.
So in fact
you need me
to trigger his worst memories.
Is that what you're saying?
You probably know
how much Sarah meant to him.
You make me sick.
Our interests converge,
so why complain?
I'm to manipulate someone
who's lost everything.
Not manipulate. Help.
Like my uncle is helping you.
Maria Rosa, 8 and a half.
In ICU at a Mexican
military hospital.
Congenital cardiac insufficiency,
in serious decline.
Three heart attacks,
two resulting in motor lesions.
The operation consists
of replacing an aortic valve.
What happened here?
You were attacked.
You want to eat?
A bullet wound.
From a shoot-out.
Were you there?
Not me. Sarah.
The one in the picture?
Was she my wife?
Is she dead?
You know the worst part?
I can't even remember
the woman I loved.
Are you okay?
Does that mean
something to you? 7/4?
You need my memory too?
Like them.
Is that what you think?
That I'm using you?
It seems to be
the house specialty.
Whatever you want.
Unless you have a better idea.
Finding Chrysalis.
Before they do... At Intelligence.
Just me and you.
And find Elena.
Dimitri Nicolov.
Thank him for your amnesia.
You and Sarah almost arrested him.
The scratch marks.
Why does he have 4 and me 7?
That's the 4/7.
The 4/7 at your place.
You figured it out.
Try turning up the brightness.
The hologram is too dense.
Dr. Brgen?
Go ahead. I'll see you later.
Becker and Hoffman,
European Police. Can we talk?
The patient you see on the screen
is waiting on another continent.
I understand. It's important.
Go ahead.
Why would a clinic
specializing in heart surgery
order several rare
eye-lid retractors?
What are you talking about?
Ask the person
in charge of purchasing.
He's on the first floor.
Now really,
if you don't mind, I want
to concentrate on the operation.
Hoffman's here. With a colleague.
Go look after my daughter.
Right away.
- What's his name?
- Ben.
You look like Manon!
How so?
Yeah! The stripes...
- Is Manon a patient here?
- Yes. Dr. Brgen's daughter.
My head hurts!
I'll get some pain reliever.
No, I'll be fine.
It'll help.
I said I'm fine!
Come on, get moving.
Move, I said!
Let her go!
What do you want?
What do you want?
Clara is wanted at reception.
Are you okay?
Clara, what's going on here?
Come see something.
Still here?
Haven't you had enough?
I forgot.
No memory.
Your mother really loves you.
She'd do anything
to get your memory back.
She let you partake
in an experiment.
You've been here before,
but only under anesthesia.
Why are you here?
You're a monster!
I can explain.
- Let go.
- I can explain.
Let me explain!
Listen, I can...
It's not you!
It's just your body!
Fire alarm on the eighth floor.
Let me go!
The rest is in you!
It's you!
Take care of her!
The transfer was starting to take.
Don't do it.
She lied to me.
She was lying from day one.
They lied to me as well.
They took all my memories.
All my past.
I don't know who I am.
Your name is Elena.
Your drawings blow me away.
You want Hoffman to get better?
I can help you
get his memory back. Here.
It's all here.
Agent Becker?
Your gun, Marie.
- Who are you?
- Intelligence.
Friend of your uncle's.
Give me your gun.
Thank you.
Against the wall.
On your knees.
It was you.
It was you by the canal.
The press is going to eat it up.
Intelligence saves a dangerous
criminal from the European Police.
You can explain what you did with
the guinea pigs Nicolov supplied.
Hats off to the Army.
They did a great job on Chrysalis.
Of course it's a copy.
You know what's at stake
with that machine?
It would have been catastrophic
had we lost it.
Obviously it would be
very awkward
for Intelligence
if anything happened to David.
Same goes for me, of course.
I'm going to disappear now.
I know.
Now that Elena is a threat to them,
she'll need protection.
From what I understand,
I'm good at that kind of thing.
I'm here.
She's learning who she is.
So am I.
It'll take some time.
The man I used to be
sort of scares me.
I'm not sure I want him back.