Chukkallo Chandrudu (2006)

Padmavathy...come fast.
Why so hurry?
Give me, l'm hungry.
lt's god's offering and
not any sweet dish.
Eating so little adds up
to our good deeds.
lf l eat the whole thing,
my good deeds will go sky high.
l can't argue with you.
Let's go.
Do you remember what l said?
l haven't forgotten anything.
l don't know what you will do.
Make Arjun agree for marriage.
We'll take him to Ranga Rao's
house in Hamburg on Monday.
Got it?
Today is his birthday.
l'll definitely convince him.
This moment will
never come again...
Live as you like to live...
Youth is a boon...
The line between good
and bad isn't there...
Listen to this...
lf you've belief in self...
Won't the sky come down for you?
Understand what has been said...
lf you live and let others live...
You are a god...
l'll live to my own terms...
l'll listen to my heart only...
l'm on my own...
l'll do what l like to do...
Spreading smiles...
Sharing happiness...
Just a short happy life
is enough, dude!
Aim for the sky...
That's happiness...
Share it immediately
when you achieve it...
That's real happiness...
Be mischievous...
For happiness...
l'm the best...
l'll top any competition...
Waves are my Guru...
l'll raise again after a fall...
lnvite battles...
Victory is mine...
lf you love labour,
you'll never lose...
l do what l believe...
l'll give my life to
achieve success...
Sky is your limit...
Never give up an opportunity...
Never have doubts...
Nothing will come with you
when you die...
Spread good around...
Even a short life is blessed...
No grandpa...
l'm very steady.
She'll kill both of us.
Change your clothes.
l'll get the dinner ready.
First get in & talk to
him about what l said.
About what?
lt's about Hamburg
Rama Rao's proposal...?
lt's Ranga Rao, not Rama Rao.
Yes, it's Ranga Rao
and his proposal.
l'll talk to him about this.
Hey Arjun...
What careful! l'll kill him
if he doesn't listen to me.
What are you doing?
Your grandma wants to know
whether you'll marry or not.
You won't?- No.
Okay then.
Your dishes were great, grandma.
And especially the
lt was sent by
Hamburg Ranga Rao.
Let it be anyone.
But the pickle was superb.
So, better marry that girl.
She'll make pickles everyday.
Will anyone marry for pickle?
You're also right.
Will you marry or not?
l won't talk to you.
l'll marry for you.
But one condition.
l want a girl as beautiful
as the moon.
l'll take care of that.
A girl as beautiful as
the moon means...
...she must come at
night & go by dawn.
ldiot! Stop.
You better come near
and get beaten up.
l'm very busy.
l'll get beaten up tomorrow.
Why is he so scared of marriage?
l know.
His parents who love him so
much died in a plane crash.
We might also die.
He knows that too.
He fears that all those
he loves will leave him one day.
So he is scared of
the new bonds.
He wants to live alone all his life.
But everyone needs
a life partner.
Like l'm your partner,
he also needs one.
You gave me all the
happiness in this world.
For the first time
l'm asking you for a favour.
Please convince him.
He'll listen to you.
- Okay.
Promise me.
l promise you.
l'll talk to him.
l'll definitely tell him.
Got us coffee?
- Don't wake her up.
l promised her that l'll get
beaten up in the morning.
l've come for that.
Wake her up.
- O really!
Padma, your grandson is here.
C'mon beat him up.
Hurry up. lt's getting late.
What happened?
Why is she so cold?
What happened?
Arjun, she left us.
For the past 50 years,
everyday l woke up,
seeing your grandma's
smiling face.
l still can't believe that
l won't see her face again.
Till now, your grandma had
never asked anything from me.
For the first time
she did ask me.
But l never knew that it
would be her last wish.
lf l can't fulfill her wish,
and after my death,
when l see her in the heaven,
she may not talk to me.
What is it?
Your marriage.
lf l had to marry, l could've done
that for grandma's sake.
Now that she is no more,
for whom should l marry?
Never bring this topic to me.
Look...when is your
golf tournament?
Still 4 days left for that.
But why?
Practice well.
Look, life must go on.
Where are you, grandpa?
Finish off the work.
Mr. Krishna Rao, you always
wear a suit.
What have you done
to yourself?
Mr. Sarpanch, l was neither born
with a boot or a suit.
Agriculture was my life.
You're right.
You're both a business man
and a millionaire.
Then, why carry a stick?
Thought of escaping from me?
l didn't try to escape.
l came to live here permanently.
Scotland Yard & lnterpol...
Cow dung! And police are
searching for you.
What have you done to yourself?
- Absolutely right.
l've been telling him for 2 days.
But he never listens.
l'm Arjun.
l'm Sarpanch, Baburao Pothe (gone).
Pothe...? But you're still alive.
- Yes l am.
Pothe is my surname.
Pothe Baburao.
What happened to you grandpa?
Me? Enlightenment.
- What?
l understood that you
can't be changed.
May be you can live
alone but l can't.
You'll neither listen to me
nor your grandma.
So, l've come here to
live with my people.
That means you won't come.
l will come only if you marry.
That's all.
Marrying is not so tough.
l married twice.
Boy, leave your marriage to me.
So, will you get me
married twice?
Grandpa, l told you... can't blackmail me.
lf you can live here in this
village without me,
l can also live in Germany
without you.
lf this village means more
than my guest.
Live here itself.
Pothe, bye.- Bye.
Teaching an old man to cough.
Trying to blackmail me? Go.
Let me see how far you will go.
You told me that you
were going to Germany.
ls it flat tyre?
Take good care of my grandpa.
l stopped to tell you this.
lt is you who must take good
care of him & not me.
Ask him to be prepared.
l'll come with the bride.
Sir, your grandson is
not going to Germany.
He promised me that
he'll come with the bride.
Why are you not saying anything?
l knew it.
Hi Arjun! You are still
the same. No change.
Are you from a mental asylum?
Hi Arjun! You are also
still the same. No change.
The easiest job in this
world is...marriage.
And the toughest too.
Your grandpa don't need that.
He wants your marriage.
There are many girls in our caste.
Shall l invite them all?
- Caste is not important.
Want cash?
Don't l have enough money?
l'm not interested in
these things, puppy.
lf l marry a girl who is new to me,
l'll have to face many problems.
So, l've decided to
marry a girl l know.
l thought you only know boys.
So, you also know girls.
Feeling shy! Are you in love?
So, you've not told me a lot.
l'll tell you.
When l was in 5th class...
Why the delay?
Shalini.- Where?
to the tennis class.
Shalini was the daughter
of the tennis coach.
The first time l played
tennis was with Shalini.
She played so well.
But l didn't.
lnfact, the ball never touched
my racquet & l lost.
She even mocked at me.
l got the cork ball.
Shalini's racquet broke.
My grandpa gave me
a piece of advice.
l apologised to Shalini and
got her a new racquet.
l wonder where she is now.
Your flash back is very touching.
Now l want to know
where Shalini is.
Tell me her full name.
Shalini is a super star.
People are mad after her.
She is always busy
with the tournaments.
Luckily she is in Hyderabad
playing a tournament.
She is very beautiful.
Don't be emotional.
She is your sister.
Such a beautiful sister...?
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
Let's talk to her father directly.
- No need.
l haven't told you
about Sandhya yet.
When l was in 6th class...
What is (a+b)2?
From my childhood,
l hated algebra.
Because l was very
weak in Maths.
Tell me Arjun.
Your grandpa is rich doesn't mean
you don't need to study...
Sandhya helped me in
that critical situation.
You have failed in Maths thrice.
Who told you the answer?
Nobody told me.
l remembered it myself.
Sandhya, show me your hand.
Poor girl! She was caught
by that Master.
Every cane shot on her
hand hurt my heart.
l still can't forget her help.
Sorry Sandhya.
You got beaten up because of me.
lt's alright.
Complain about the master
to your father.
The master is my father.
After that, we left the village.
l wonder where she is now.
l've come across girls who
hit us if they get a chance.
l've never seen a girl like Sandhya
who got beaten up for you.
Even movies never
had such scenes.
Your flashbacks are
very interesting.
lt's tough to choose, right?
Puppy, we must find Sandhya now.
Okay?- Okay.
Sandhya is a Ph.D student.
She like plants & dogs.
She doesn't like humans much.
Her father minted money by
running an llT coaching center.
lf she sees anyone torturing
animals, she bursts out.
So, she teaches them
a a hard way.
She looks gorgeous.
So, you mean she
is beautiful, ah?
Puppy, tell me who is beautiful?
We humans can't say that.
Let's leave it to god.
Let's us spin the coin.
lf it was between two,
this coin would do.
But my calculation is different.
- l see
When l was in 7th class...
Another flashback...?
You're also a part
of this flashback.
lt was winter.
You fell in love with the
servant Bhagyamma?
Not the servant.
Our driver's daughter Shravani.
She wanted to make
friendship & play with us.
But l was rude to her
and hurt her.
Now my grandpa gave me
a bag full of advises.
He was about to beat me.
Then Shravani saved me
She said, ''leave him,
he is a small boy''.
l apologised to Shravani too.
No. Elders shouldn't
apologise to the young.
l wonder where she is now.
l can't cry anymore.
My tears are dried up.
But still, there is no problem.
Getting Shravani's address
is very easy.
l'll find it out before you
complete reading this book.
Shravani is in medicine final year.
Her father died 10 years back.
She lives in her uncle's house
along with her grandma.
That house was given to
her father by your grandpa.
But her uncle has taken it.
All their names start
with letter S.
lf anyone of them say YES,
your problem is solved.
Who do you like the most?
To tell you the truth...
...all the three.
Then, marry all three.
They'll put me in jail.
l got your point.
You'll marry the one
who likes you most.
What if no one likes you...?
l'll make them like me.
What if all 3 like you...?
l'll have a choice.
Who is first?
Your left hand dropped
a bit too early.
You find a fault every time.
After breakfast, let's work
on your service.
You still remember, don't you?
Daddy, this is the last time
l'm telling you...
Excuse me, l've seen
you somewhere...
Was it in the TV soap,
in which you weep for
You're that heroine, right?
l saw you on TV.
Was it in the
DlAL A SONG program,
in which you smile for everything?
You're that anchor, right?
Why do you smile always?
l'm neither an actress
not an anchor.
Do you know what this is?
Now did you get the point.
You sell racquets?
l'm not interested.
l'm a tennis coach
not a sales man.
She is my daughter,
a tennis player.
Young boys like you know about
actresses & not sports person.
That's why our country is like this.
lf people in this country do not know
the great tennis player Shalini Rao,
how will this country win
gold medals in Olympics?
This boy need to know a lot.
Why VVS Laxman?
We need a female
sport star for this Ad.
l'm ready to pay 1 crore
for this Ad.
You find the girl.
l'll give the money.
l'm giving you 24 hours time.
lf you don't find suitable one,
l'll have to go with Venus Williams.
Sorry. You were giving
a piece of advice...
l'm Prakash, a tennis coach.
You really don't know
about my daughter?
l'm sorry. l don't know.
She is a popular tennis star.
l really don't know.
l over heard your
conversation in the lift.
lt is not a military secret.
You were looking for
a female model, ah?
How would my daughter be?
Think about it.
We got many offers.
But we never took any.
l felt your offer is good.
lnterested? We'll proceed.
What's your phone number?
Today l'm busy.
You stay in this hotel?
That's my number. Save it.
We'll meet tomorrow in
the coffee shop at 4:30.
Your name is Arjun.
You know that. l know that.
Everyone knows that.
Why did you introduce
as Krishna to Shalini?
Poor guy! Gone mad at
a very young age.
Do l look good?
Puppy, l want to be myself.
No sentiments.
No flashbacks. - Why?
They shouldn't know who l am.
lf they know me,
l'll Arjun & not Krishna.
So, l want to introduce as Krishna.
Why did you introduce
yourself as Krishna?
That's my secret formula.
You won't understand.
What are you going to
do with these dogs?
ls Sandhya inside?
- What for?
l found these puppies and
squirrels on the road.
l brought these here because
Sandhya loves animals.
She is in the shower.
Please wait.
l'm getting irritated.
Me too?- lrritated?
Go & piss on the grass.
ln public?
What are you doing there?
You look like a grown up bull.
Stop that.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Do you know what you have pissed?
Uric Acid.
My plants would have died.
Who are you?
What is your name?
Get new plants & plant
them in 24 hours. Got it?
Who are you man?
l'm the watchman
to the next house.
He's lying. He's my friend.
We came together.
lt's your responsibility to make
him plant new plants. Got it?
Or else l'll bury you both.
Get lost.
Let's go.- Get lost.
Should l really remove her photo?
Damn sure.
l can't live with that devil.
Can l try for her?
She likes dogs.
You must give us a treat.
- She will.
She didn't give us a treat when
she stood first in the class.
Now she has got a cell phone free.
Spending before you earn is wrong.
First do as you said.
Get me a sandwich.
- l'll get you all you asked for.
Shravani, still how long?
My bag...?
You went for the girl
but came with a bag?
This bag will bring her to us.
Doesn't she know our address?
l don't know how long
should l have to run after you.
Get me water.- Yes.
Father, here she comes.
C'mon in my dear.
Why do you take a
cell phone with you?
ls it to keep switched off?
Shouldn't we know
your whereabouts?
lt was presented to you
in the college, wasn't it?
Feeling proud of your phone!
l lost the phone. - What?
Phone...- Louder!
l lost the phone.
- Mom, she lost the phone.
Lost it? - Actually...
lt costs Rs. 3000.
Actually, someone stole my bag.
Bag too!
As if it was bought from
your father's wealth.
Lost your phone today.
And will lose yourself someday.
She'll know the value of money
if sleeps empty stomach.
Don't give her food today.
Why are you still standing here?
Go inside.
Grandma, will l lose
the phone wantonly?
Everyone is scolding me.
They scold me everyday for
some reason or the other.
Uncle says anything he likes.
lf my parents were alive...
You are paralyzed & can't talk.
l can talk but can't argue with them.
We both are sailing
on the same boat.
lf it was from the chit company...
Okay father.
ls Shravani there?
Some boy, go & talk outside.- Boy?
ls this Shravani?- Yes.
And who is this?
My name is Krishna.
Have you lost your bag?- Yes.
Color please?- Brown.
l got it.
- Thank you very much.
But how did you get it?
Someone came running from the
coffee shop & dashed against me.
The bag fell down.
But he didn't stop.
l found a phone in that bag.
Where can we meet?
Shall we meet at the roof top
restaurant tomorrow?
Can l come there after
my college hours?
How did you get
my residence number?
l'm working in Hutch company.
l found your residence
number through sim card.
Okay. l'll meet you tomorrow.
Krishna, l'm Prakash speaking.
Where are you now?
l'll be there in 15 minutes.
Holding my breath inside water...
My personal record.
Why are you telling me this?
To impress you.
Hoping to get a small compliment from
the great tennis player Shalini.
So, you know me.
C'mon tell me,
who doesn't know you?
l'm your biggest fan for years.
You behaved as if you
don't know me in the lift.
l would've signed in the lift itself.
l didn't want to be like everyone.
l wanted to be remembered.
That's why.
Sorry, you lost.
Consider there are
lf 9 of them look at you
and one doesn't,
you'll remember that
one guy. Am l right?
l tried the same formula.
Think about it.
You'll understand.
You remember my name.
l've a match tomorrow.
Okay go.
But l've a superb formula to
win tomorrow's match.
What is it?
There is a discotheque
in this hotel.
Go there at 9.
Dance & enjoy.
What's the relation
between the two?
Over there, music thrills.
A huge crowd.
Forget all your tensions & enjoy.
You'll win tomorrow's
match for sure.
l'll be there. Please come.
You don't know about my dad.
Your dad is waiting for me there.
And l'm with you...with you.
l did manage him, ah?
Managing him again?
No problem.
l must be careful with you.
These panties are too small.
Should we really buy clothes now?
l must go to the
discotheque with Shalini.
l heard people don't wear
clothes in discotheque.
That's is cabaret.- Oh god!
What's the difference
between the two?
The boy wearing cream coloured
shirt at the shirt counter...
lt's you.
You have won a gift.
Whatever you get is mine.
Lift your hands up.
Take a good look at him.
Because he is not
an ordinary man.
This voice sounds familiar, right?
lf you come to know what he did,
you'll spit on him.
You will be shell shocked.
Hey...Sandhya.- Yes it is.
You can see him
anywhere & at anytime.
ln the street corner,
next to your compound walls...
Everyone use urinals.
But he pisses on
plants & on walls.
This city gets polluted
because of such men.
Greenery in the city
is fast disappearing.
So, you decide what punishment ...
How could you insult me
in public, Sandhya?
You have insulted our country.
But how did you know my name?
l found it yesterday.
l'm lucky to meet girls like you.
Do you need to talk
lying on the floor?
You can get up & talk.
Get up.
Get up.
No use in going after
him like a dog.
What did l tell you yesterday?
l still remember.
lt is about new plants to
be planted. l even told him.
But we came here
to buy new clothes.
lf you don't plant new rose
plants by tomorrow...
l'll blow up your photo and
paste it to my walls.
She is also like you.
lf you don't get the work
done by tomorrow,
l'll publish your photos
in all newspapers.
Headlines : Public Urination
Got it?
We are very busy today.
Tomorrow we are free.
- l'll do it by tomorrow.
Okay. Get lost.
Then why did you ask
me to come here?
You? Me?
l'm waiting for an oily face
girl named Shalini.
You look like an Angel.
But l feel we met...
l really didn't recognize you
at the first instance.
l swear on your boy friend.
Then, l swear on myself.
Don't worry. l'm here.
Girl friend...?
Yes sir.
We're planning to elope without
her dad's knowledge.
Oh god! All young boys and
girls are the same?
Why is she falling on you?
She is drunk.
Girls have taken to bad ways.
You're right sir.
Look at my daughter,
she is sleeping in her room.
These girls must learn
discipline from her.
Everyone is not as lucky as you are.
lf her father knows that she drinks,
her father's heart will fail.
Her father must definitely
be an idiot.
l know him personally.
He is the king of idiots.
l came across dreams
l never dreamt...
l'm overwhelmed and
in a state ecstatic bliss...
ln the race with time,
you're the winner...
ln this one life,
search for fun & enjoy...
Oh What a handsome boy!
Taking wind out of my sails...
Today, the stars fell
into my hands...
and the clouds are after me...
lt's useless once you cross
the youth age of having fun...
l'll show you more
such thrills in life...
ln this path to ecstasy
lies more miracles...
and more beautiful dreams...
The world is more beautiful
today l'm surprised...
and crazy to have found
new meaning to freedom...
You can't stick to your
home all the time...
Spread your wings and
walk on the clouds...
l like what you said...
There is magic in your words...
Morning...? My match!
My jacket...
Shalini, why is your game so bad?
l only concentrated on tennis all day.
But your disturbed my concentration.
That's why l'm losing.
l'm trying hard to win,
but l'm losing.
When you play for the win,
you'll ultimately lose.
Shalini, you are focussed
on the match's result.
That's why, this game
looks tough to you.
Throw that attitude.
Do not see the score board.
Just concentrate on the ball.
Forget that this is
a tennis match.
Feel like you're dancing
on the floor.
Enjoy the game Shalini.
No one can...
Get on to the court & dance.
l won this match.
Dude, this is your final
decision, right? - Yes.
l never thought l would get so close
to her in such a short time.
l feel Shalini will be
my best partner.
So, that's final, ah?
Marriages are performed for
even lesser percentage.
l'll give the bag to
Shravani & come.
How long will it take?
How long should l take?
- 5 minutes.
There is no money in that.
l know. But l'm searching
for something else.
They shouted at me for
this silly cell phone.
They are scolding me
since l am 16 years.
l feel like dying.
But grandma...
lf she is not there...
Don't know how long should
l have to bear all these insults?
My exams are nearing.
l've lot to study.
Nobody cares for me there.
Don't stop crying. Continue.
Tissues ran out.
So, l'm taking off my shirt...
You look so beautiful
when you smile.
Why don't you hang a smile
on your face all the time?
l forgot my smile long back.
l don't know why l'm telling
this to you.
May be a feeling that
l won't meet you again.
Why are you following me?
Do you want a lift?
No, thanks. l've my scooty.
Then, will you give me a lift?
You were offering me
a lift a while back.
l thought of giving you
a lift in the bus.
Rascal. Rogue!
Rogues all over the city!
Shall l teach him a lesson?
- No need.
He'll get crushed under a lorry
and will hit the headlines.
Shravani, can l offer
you an advice?
Happiness lies within us.
Sorrows are given by others.
The more we give an opportunity
to others, they'll make us cry.
The fallen are cowards
is old proverb.
They will go on push you
till you fall.
Once if you rebel against
them, they'll fall.
Over here. This is my stop.
Thank you Shravani.
lnfact, l must thank you.
ls it for returning your bag?
No. lt is for giving me
a new hope to live.
l thanked for the lift.
Anyway, you saved Rs. 10.
lt's like saving a penny
for Ambani.
Do you live here?
Yes. On the first floor,
in a bachelor's room.
My room mate.
You went to close the deal.
lnstead you opened the deal.
l like her.
She feels like a queen
riding that scooty.
And she cries like
an innocent child.
l like her very much.
What about the 90% Shalini?
lt was confidence there.
And here it is innocence.
Both are pure. l like both.
l'm finished.
When l was a kid, l studied
that King Ashok planted trees.
l thought it was a easy job.
But now l know it is very tough.
Make it fast. - We must go
before Sandhya comes.
She wanted us to plant them
infront of her house.
Why did you make me plant
them all over the colony?
l wanted to return the favour
she did to me when l was a kid.
And if we don't do it,
she'll kill us both.
l thought you do only bad things.
You do some good things too.
Even l like these plants.
But on that day,
it was very urgent...
l know.
You don't have to
apologise to me.
l was not going to
apologise to you.
lf you repeat it,
l have your photo and
Eenadu's phone number.
Be careful.
What do you do? - Ph.D.
Really? On what subject?
Very complicated subject.
Can we chat over
a cup of coffee?
Some snacks too.
You have some urgent work.
- What work?
That work.- That work?
Why do you like plants
and animals so much?
Like humans,
they never know to cheat.
So, all those you met
till now were cheats.
Not everyone is a cheat.
Yes, it's true.
Your boy friends too
look handsome.
Boy friends?!
Body builders in that shopping complex.
- They are my friends.
lnfact, l don't believe in love.
lt's better we don't
discuss about him.
Very good. We shouldn't discuss
about such things in public.
Can we talk about this coffee?
How is it?- Very bad.
Arjun, my childhood classmate.
Only friend in my life.
l don't know where he is now.
Hey, where is the other half?
That is a sweet memory.
And this is a bad memory.
Whose hand is that?
So, it is him who you didn't
want to talk about.
Why you raised the
devil's stock again?
What are they?
lt was proved today.
The competition is getting
tougher & tougher.
But the finals is with one only.
Let's see.
Checking whether
l'm following you or not?
Krishna, l've my final exam today.
l'll talk to you later.
l would like to wish you good luck
for your exams in person.
l'm in the college.
But still, l would be the last man
to wish you good luck.
Really? Bet.
You can't write exam unless
l wish you good luck.
You've already lost.
Because l'm in the exam hall.
Where is your hall ticket?
Where is your hall ticket?
You don't have it?
Just a minute, Mam.
l'm searching for it.
lt's missing.
You can't write the exam
without your hall ticket.
lt was here.
This girl B. Shravani left the
hall ticket in the auto.
Exam hasn't started,
has it? - No.
Where did you get this from?
Didn't l tell you that l'll come in
person to wish you good luck.
l'll be at the coffee shop.
All the best to your exams.
Who are you?- Auto driver.
You don't look like
an auto driver.
Neither you look
like a professor.
Sir, why did you steal
my hall ticket?
l'll tell you if you stop
addressing me as sir.
Tell me why did you steal
my hall ticket?
What do you want me to say?
Truth or lie?
Okay, l'll tell you the truth.
l need a reason to meet
you again, don't l?
Then why did you steal?
lf you had told me,
l would've come & met you.
Just a minute.
Your clip, pen, & ear rings.
Please take these too.
Let's not change the topic.
l won the bet.
Where is my treat?
l don't have money now.
ls there any problem
if l pay for the treat?
ls there any problem if l return it
after l become a doctor?
But, will you pass today's exam?
What do you want?
Truth or a lie?
Here l come to the joggers park.
And l look pretty handsome.
l've been waiting for
you so long. Come.
This place looks
very beautiful...
We both walking together
in the evening...
They are university students,
and members of green
peace organization.
What's happening here?
- Picketing. - Picketing?
They are constructing
a bar in the park.
Where will the children play?
Where will the old walk?
Not only that,
this is 5 kms away
from the university.
This is against the rules.
This is our problem.
So, we must stop this.
She is talking too much.
Did you call me here for this?- Yes.
You just follow me.
Stop putting up a bar!
Stop putting up a bar!
Whose is this?
Destroy it.
Destroy it.
Destroy it?
l've a superb idea.
l know a lawyer, Kamna Jethmalani...
Sorry, Ram Jethmalani.
Let's go to him and file a
suite in the high court.
Get a stay order
and we will win.
l can understand your emotions.
But we are students.
We must show them
what student force is.
lf you are scared,
l'll do it myself.
Destroy it.
Have you been to Tirupathi?
Went there in childhood.
Tonsured your head there?
l got my friend's head tonsured.
Got a glimpse of god?
Not really?
l'll help you.
l underestimated you.
You are very brave.
l'm a brave boy from childhood.
Why are you limping?
- Sprained in my leg.
Poor boy!
Why is your face swollen?
Very worst maintenance.
With your brave act, all students' unions
in the state have reacted strongly.
lt has become a very big issue.
And the government has cancelled
the permission to put up a bar.- l know.
That's why l took that risk.
We all must celebrate
this victory.
Since you took such a brave risk,
we were able to achieve what we wanted.
What are you thinking about?
Do not ask anything
about that photo?
Sorry for hurting your feelings.
Who is the boy on the
other half of the photo?
Didn't l tell you not to
talk about that?
You don't have to tell me fully.
Just give me a hint & l'll understand.
What's your boy friend's name?
Get out from here.
Get out from here.
Why are you getting so angry?
There she is.
Greetings Mam.
Greetings Mam.
Where is she going now?
Greetings Mam.
Who are you?- Students.
You are the leader.
So, you must solve our demands.
What do you want?
So, it is you who is putting
up a bar in the park?
lf you put up a bar there,
it's a problem to everyone.
For you too.
Where will your parents
go for a walk?
Where will your children play?
l've no children.
Will you co-operate with me?
Please, co-operate with him.
He'll take good care of you.
Don't joke.
Hey Lord Krishna...please come.
Please come boy.
lt was you who broke the wall,
wasn't you?- Yeah.
Think you are a hero?
Making fun of us.
l'll take you to task later.
- Tomorrow?
Hey kid, stop your silly jokes.
l'm damn serious.
lf you don't withdraw
your complaint...
This is not a fake gun used
in movies. lt's a real gun.
lt'll make you piss
in your pants.
Take it.
This was your gun, ah?
What happened to our gun?
lt's your gun.
Can't you recognize it?
Boss, l'm feeling giddy.
This is your's, ah?
Sorry. You forgot something.
lt's not enough if you buy a gun.
Need to know how to use it.
Be a good boy. Go.
lf you trouble my leader again,
this bullet will pierce
through your mouth.
Lets go.
l have to walk back to home.
Grandma, today is my birthday.
Uncle, today is my birthday.
What do you want me to?
Want me to bring an
elephant to garland you?
Get us coffee.
Are you sad?
Why should you feel sad?
lt's their ill fate for not
celebrating your birthday.
What a good girl you are!
Very good girl.
With such bad people
living in this world,
it rains only because of
good people like me.
So noisy on my birthday!
Disturbing a patient!
From the sky, the moon has
come down to earth...
The cuckoo has sent a
palanquin through her song...
The soothing breeze,
blooming flower...
...are for you...
The rain of pearls has
started to pour for you...
You're the uncrowned princess...
Like the river Kaveri,
you smile...
Like the river Godavari,
you walk...
The rainbow wants to
steal your beauty...
Gold will lose its shine
on seeing yours...
For the Shelley's poetry
and Bapu's artistry, are the inspiration...
l've seen many, but no one is
as gorgeous as you are...
Your sexy blue eyes
are like the moon...
Even saints & sages will
become your slaves...
O Lord Brahma, the creator,
are you such a great artist?
With so much love,
affection & hard work..
l made this feat possible...
Leave your anger and
please forgive me...
They did everything & not me.
On the other day, you said the
choice is in your hands.
But now, all three like you
and even kissed you.
What's your choice, Arjuna?
l do not know.
Looks like you're
neck deep in troubles.
Stay cool & tell us.
Your answer is one
of the 3 choices.
Who do you want to marry?
Think again!
Your answer will change
your course of life.
Shall l lock A?
A is Shalini.
What about Sandhya, Shravani?
You must give me an answer.
Stop torturing me.
l'm already confused.
This isn't so easy.
Very difficult decision.
Now you can use your lifelines.
- Really?
Better phone your friend
and get the answer.
Why do you trouble yourself
when we are here?
Even l'm here.
Rituals for my dead wife
isn't trouble for me.
To keep me off troubles,
l don't need your advises.
A daughter-in-law, right?
l came here to talk about that.
So, you've made a choice.
Not just one, three of them.
What did you say? Top 3?
- Divine top 3.
Those 3 girls are my friends.
lnfact, they like me very much.
But l'm confused to
make the choice.
So you are here.
That's why l came here.
Shall l tell you something?
Liking isn't not enough to marry.
Love is important.
Liking will bring 2 people closer.
Love will bring 2 hearts closer.
For 2 people to live together all
their life, their hearts must unite.
Did you really understand
what l said?
Efforts without honesty
will never come good.
Pothe...- Yes.
l'm leaving.- Good.
He is very fast.
He'll surely come with the bride.
Puppy, what is love?
- Don't know even that?
Love means sex.
Any girl who truly loves you will
give herself to you. That is true love.
Stupid! - Stupid.
You always say ''Be an lndian''.
Give an lndian idea.
lndians don't have any style.
They will ask face to face.
Either marriage or get beaten up.
What should l do now?
First, we must pick a chit.
What are you doing?
To put the chits, we need to
empty this box, right?
Don't get tensed.
Pick up a chit with
your right hand,
and select the girl who is
going to be your better half.
Who will open this? You or me?
He who is going to marry
should open it.
Look Sandhya, love is divine.
Love is like rain.
We won't know when we will
get drenched in it.
Love is like Tsunami & a proxy.
The dying candle gives more light.
He's finished.
Feel happy by looking at
people who are happy.
Happy? Shit!
He's smiling to the outside
world but crying inside.
He fell in love and
is getting married.
What is your problem?
Those who fall in love
are jobless.
And those who marry are idiots.
How do you know their's
is a love marriage?
He told me.
True. Want to find out?
Boss, yours is a love marriage, right?
He said that to impress his wife.
Will anyone lie on
their marriage day?
lf anyone does that...
...the car will breakdown.
What happened?
Why did the car stop?
Such silly mistakes are common.
But l want to tell you something.
l never imagined l would be
in such a situation in life.
But love...
What l'm trying to say is... means...
Love is an ecstatic
feeling every moment...
Love is a bliss...
Stop eating my mind and
stop coming after me now...
Despite my many advises,
you never change the topic...
ln every novel, Love is the
beginning & the turning point...
Everyone's dreams are
filled with love...
Love is nothing else
other than getting mad...
Don't become a drunkard
after a love failure...
Love, makes you go crazy...
Love, makes you go wild...
Love, it's the threshold of dreams...
Love is life...
Love will fall on earth like rain
and will flow like a river...
Love is like the sunrise,
never stops...
But the sun disappears
at night...
Love is a boon...
Can you please stop it?
Love is heaven...
Sorry, l won't come...
Love is the energy to live...
Every lip murmurs love...
Love sings & dances
in every heart...
Loneliness vanishes
when you fall in love...
l'm very happy being alone...
l don't need that...
Love unfolds many secrets...
l don't care.
Won't you be eager
to fall in love?
Still l'll endure it...
Love is like the blooming rose...
Love is foundation of life...
Love makes me to
chant & worship you...
Please listen to me.
How can you say
whatever l say is wrong?
Atleast once you
must agree with me.
Why should l?
Whatever you're saying
is just trash. - Trash?
Someday you will
also fall in love.
Everyone in this world...
...including you,
has a life partner
born somewhere.
When you meet him,
you'll agree with me.
Him...? Who is he?
Somebody...who loves you,
...who respects you,
...who makes you feel happy,
...who shares your pain.
There is no one like that.
Everyone will have a
life partner...except you.
Because you are arrogant,
And you'll remain
single all your life.
Girls like you...
Only now l understood,
you are not a girl.
You are a tomboy.
That's why...
Why aren't you telling me
what she told you?
Didn't l tell you to
leave that matter?
What did Sandhya tell you?
Do you really want to know?
So, she manhandled you.
l expected this on the day
she made you plant roses.
But it happened a bit late.
Take it lightly.
We have 2 more.
Shalini is going to Swiss
today for a tournament.
l want to tell you something.
Even l wanted to tell
you something.
You first.
Do you have to really go?
Or else do you want me to
stay here spoiling my career?
Can you live without me?
There is tournament,
fans & Leander.
After he separated
from Mahima,
l proposed to him.
We are going to marry soon.
You must come to our marriage.
Why are you so sad?
Aren't you happy?
You were about to
say something.
l read about your sun sign
in the astrology column.
l came to say that yellow
is not lucky to you.
lsn't the tennis ball
colour yellow?
Astrology is for the losers.
And not for the
champions like Shalini.
l'm a loser, Shalini.
All the best for both of you.
l have work.
l knew Leander plays tennis,
but never imagined that he
would be the villain to your love.
Don't feel bad.
What is this?
- Horlicks. l won't drink.
l will spit it out.
- But why?
Only after emptying it,
we can pick another chit.
The one left is Shravani.
Why chits?
Bell ringing is a good sign.
l think, it must be Shravani.
For the first time in life,
you're right.
lt is her.
l was about to call you.
Grandma is very serious
and l'm very worried.
Where are you?
- Yashodha Hospital.
l'm coming...
Let's go.
Please move.
Shravani, what happened?
Tell me.
Tell me.
No one is listening to me.
Krishna, please do something.
You do it.
No one listens to me.
Why won't they listen to you?
They will listen. Come with me.
Today, l'm here with you.
But tomorrow, if l'm not here...?
Try to solve your problems
on your own.
Ask them, Shravani.
l've been telling you for
the past 30 minutes.
She is struggling for her life.
lf it was your family member,
would you neglect them also?
Won't you care for a dying patient?
She is an encephalopathy patient.
Can't you understand?
Where is the Neurophysician?
- Went out just now.
Where is he?
Shift her to lCU.
Put a ventilator.
Give her an injection of Teriflinmanitol.
Can you come to
lCU immediately?
You'll get well soon.
Shravani's love for you
will cure you.
You look very much
like my grandma.
Okay, l'll come to the point.
Shravani is a very good girl.
l want to know whether
she loves me or not.
You don't have to
tell me directly.
A small signal would do.
This is a very big signal.
What's happening here?
We have many secrets between us.
Do we have to tell you?
Don't tell her what you told me.
l want to know whether
she loves me or not.
You don't have to
tell me directly.
A small signal would do.
ln dream...
Or in reality...
Without you...
Not even a moment...
The time stands still
without moving...
Your friendship is
a divine boon to me...
My love...
You are my world...
Half of my universe...
My lovely friend...
Tell me my sea of love...
To the raising waves...
Shall l become the
shore to reach...
Lamenting heart...
Don't vanish like clouds...
The falling rain drops...
Shall l save it like the sea?
Your love is doing
wonders on me...
My heart desires only you...
What a wonderful feeling!
As a friend, lover, servant
l'll always be at your service.
l've started suspecting...
That am l the same?
l realised a truth...
You've become a part of me...
Time stands still...
lt's the magic of love...
My heart yearns...
With mischievous
romantic dreams...
Overcoming the eclipses...
l'll come down from the sky...
Galloping on the
Pegasus of clouds...
l'm the prince charming to make
your dreams come true...
father is calling you.
lf we get her married
as we had planned,
this house will become our own.
Great! l thought you were foolish,
but you too have brain.
Anyway, they are ready
to marry without dowry...
She has come.
Are you free on coming 24th?
Yes Uncle.
Then stay at home.
They are coming to see
you as prospective bride.
lf they like you,
immediate marriage.
But what about my studies?
l've become a beggar spending
for your studies till now.
lf you continue, l've to start
begging on streets.
lf l marry and go away,
what about my grandma?
Your husband promised to look
after my mother too along with you.
l'll wash his feet and sprinkle it
on my head as holy water.
Just do as l say. Go away,
discussing for everything.
Uncle...- Yes.
l'll not marry now.
l know when and whom to marry.
lt's my life, l'll decide.
ls Krishna there?
- Super Star Krishna?
No, the man who
works for Hutch.
No one here works for Hutch.
He said he lives here,
l dropped him once here.
l'm living here for 2 years
and never paid rent also.
Nobody lives here.
From the details you've given,
not only in this branch,
there's no Krishna working in
any of the branches in the city.
Why are you crying dear?
ls it for forcing
marriage on you?
l said like that for
your happiness only.
lf you don't like, leave it.
Sit down...sit down...
But the groom is a good boy,
he's not only refusing dowry,
but promising to get your
grandma treated in America.
He took a promise from me
to keep it secret from you.
A small desire.
l want to see my mother active
again in your marriage,
l'll never force you
again for anything.
Either way, you decide yourself.
What is this?
Did Goutham promise to sponsor
your mother's medical treatment?
l'm totally confused.
l'm also confused.
Actual thing is,
a secret benevolent donor is
sponsoring few operations.
The old woman is one
of the benefactor.
lf Shravani believes
Goutham has helped her,
she'll marry him and
go away to America,
our headache will vanish forever.
Got it?
lt happened like...
Are you planning to
start a bouquet shop?
And l thought you received
them for passing 10th class.
l discontinued after 7th class.
What? You believed my words!
l don't love Leander Paes
...April fool!
You became a jackass!
Your face would've
been a lovely sight!
This is my hotel phone number.
By the way, did you like
the flowers l sent you?
What's this new twist?
l abused you unnecessarily,
you would've been hurt.
Look, how much Shalini
is missing me.
A little too much.
Are you planning to
go to Switzerland?
l'll go to Switzerland,
l'll propose to Shalini,
and bring her back to lndia.
What about Shravani then?
l don't know whether
she loves me or not.
You are very lucky boy!
l've been trying for 10 years and
failed to trap even an aunty.
Where are you planning
to have dinner night?
What has brought
you here Krishna?
Dad, l called him here.
- You?!
Surprised to see me here?
- No, l'm shocked.
Watch it!
You can't play at
Wimbledon this year too.
That girl is 200 ranks below you.
You lost to her.
Stop it dad,
please leave me alone.
l really tried my level best.
l really tried hard
to lose the match.
No tennis for next two weeks.
We can roam and talk freely.
For you only.
When you can fly all the
way from lndia for me,
can't l lose a tournament for you?
You are mischievous
like ring tone...
You never stop
being mischievous...
So l love you...
You come into my eyes...
Bringing with you
many dreams...
Stay put there
like moonbeam...
That's why, you've hit me
like a hurricane...
When you are with me...
There's no limit
to happiness...
The shadow following you
is not you but me...
Entwine me like a twig...
You pull me to you with
your beautiful bashful smile...
Attract me...
Appeal me...
You give smiles...
l was born for it...
You gave me a new
insight of the world...
You are my heart
and my love...
You gave me happiness that
l was unaware till yesterday...
You sent SMS's
through your eyes...
l came for you...
That's why l love you...
Call my grand dad.
Tell him to reach
Hyderabad immediately.
Have you decided?
Are you sure?
Sure? Print wedding
invitations also.
But she thinks you are Krishna.
lt was till now,
just do as l say.
lt's late night.
You never know when
opportunity comes.
You realise only
when it is gone.
l know everything.
l know why she lost
the match also.
When Shalini was five,
she insisted on playing tennis.
She stopped talking to me
for declining her wish.
She didn't give up the racquet
till date ever since then.
l was surprised to see
her determination.
So forgetting about my life,
to groom her as a champion,
l wished to see her winning
the Wimbledon Championship.
lf it happens,
every mother will wish for
a daughter like Shalini.
But you...
Not now but 5 years later, when she
realises what she had missed.
She may fight with you.
She may question you
for not stopping her.
When Shalini was getting tired
of playing tennis for years,
she found you as
a relief from it.
But l know her very well.
She'll take to tennis again and
wish to become number one.
What happened suddenly?
l'm leaving to avoid
happening anything.
Now l know how selfish l was.
When you said you lost
the match for me.
We were doing the wrong thing.
You represent lndia.
l used to stop eating when
lndian cricket team lost a match.
l used abuse wildly
every cricket player.
Think of lndians depressed back
home for your losing a match.
They would be abusing
you like me.
Foremost will be your dad.
l don't want to be
responsible for it.
Why are you talking like my dad?
l told you yesterday...
You take medicines for sickness,
you take rest for tiredness.
You want to take retirement,
that's wrong.
Any little girl in lndia considers
you as her role model.
You should remain
a role model always.
ln tennis, love means zero.
lt has no value.
A 7 and half years old girl didn't eat
anything for a broken racquet.
l still remember vividly
that little Shalini.
How do you know that?
The clumsy boy who
broke the racquet... me.
As your dad dreams, you must
win a gold medal in Olympics.
Why did you lie to me?
What happened?
Why did you come
to the airport?
Where are you going?
l'm not going anywhere, dad.
l just came to say bye to my friend
who is going back to lndia.
Did l say anything wrong with you
last night?- No, you were right.
You'll hear a loud whistle when
Shalini becomes number one.
lt'll be mine.
Remember it.
l saw men sacrificing
people for a country,
l never saw anyone like you
sacrificing love for the country.
l did the right thing,
leave it now.
What about Shravani's grandma?
They don't know that
we helped them, right?
You told me not to reveal it.
Doctors too obliged it.
But l'm little confused
about your plan.
Shravani should never think
l helped with a selfish motive.
What's you plan now?
- l must meet Shravani.
l must tell her
everything about me.
Hey Boy! Come here.
Come here boy!
lsn't it you who sang that day
for Shravani?- Yes.
l knew it.
Did you find her cell too?
Are you Shravani's uncle?
Did she invite you also
for the engagement?
Shravani is getting engaged today.
Groom is...
That means he's very wealthy.
What? Didn't get me? Come.
Come l'll tell you.
lt's not tradition to chase
an engaged girl.
Krishna, sister is calling you.
Won't you introduce
your future wife?
Why are you getting
engaged suddenly?
Don't you know?
l thought you had come
after knowing it.
l left a message
in your room.
Didn't your friends
inform you about it?
Which room?
Forgot so quickly?
l dropped you once.
You said you live above
the general stores.
That one...
Yes that one.
l went there.
They said you were not there,
so l went to your office also.
l told them to call me
if Krishna comes back.
Actually what had
happened was...
l'll tell you clearly.
My grandma always said,
you never remember the lies,
and we can never forget truth.
My colleagues want
to meet you.
Goutham...he's...Krishna...isn't it?
Don't praise me too high.
l'm afraid of heights.
Come quickly.
All you told were
blatant lies, right?- Yes.
lf possible tell me the truth now.
l went out searching you mad
trusting your words.
Please listen to me.
Did you really found
my bag or...
Don't know where they've kept it?
Unable to find it.
Though you lied to me,
you gave me confidence to live.
That's true.
So, l'm forgiving you.
Come, it's time.
Any more lies left to tell me.
l love you.
That's true.
Sir, Arjun is coming.
l knew this will happen.
You never cared to hear me.
Will hear now?
That's all, you didn't heed my words.
Grandpa, l did make
a sincere effort.
But l lost.
l lost all the three.
Let's go back.
Please, let's go back to Germany.
Whatever you may say,
l'll not budge.
l'll leave only after your marriage.
Will you live away from me
all the life for my marriage?
Life long? l'm in the last
phase of my life.
l'm not thinking about my life now.
About your life.
l've done all that was possible,
it's not in my hands now.
You needn't answer me.
Ask your soul.
lt will give the right answer.
Stay here.
lf you force a marriage on me,
l can't take it.
Babu Rao, tell me,
what does he think of himself?
What's all this?
All are for your grandpa.
He's not keeping good health.
l think the environment
here is affecting him.
What do you say now?
l didn't say anything,
you are saying everything.
Tell me, what should l do now?
You threatened to leave, didn't you?
Go...why did you come back?
Grand dad, don't talk like a kid.
Tell me, what's the plan?
Will you follow it?
- l will.
Then sit here.
You say you'll love
and then marry.
l'm telling you to marry
and then love.
No come or rum.
First go to Hyderabad.
l'll arrange a big bride
selecting ceremony.
Hi, l'm Anupama.
My dad said you're
worth Rs. 500 crores.
Greetings, my name is Visalakshi,
l swear on god,
l've never met any
man other than you.
My dad said you're
worth Rs. 500 crores.
l swear on god, my dad said
you've Rs. 500 crores.
But l love you more
than your money.
lf you accept my proposal,
l made a vow to get you
tonsured at Tirupathi.
Please don't say no.
Anymore girls?
Why should l wait?
- Madam, sir is busy.
l don't care if he's busy or not,
l must meet him immediately.
Without an appointment...
Who do you think l'm?
l was waiting patiently till now.
Please listen...
- What's there to listen?
Did you inform Arjun about
my arrival? - No madam.
Look, l and Arjun are
childhood friends.
His grandfather told my dad
on phone. That he's here.
Tell him Sandhya is here.
- Oh My god! Why is Sandhya here?
Puppy, you go and tell her,
l'm not here
You go and tell, l'm not here.
Because, l'm the lone
man in my colony.
You go and tell her.
l'll do it for our friendship.
Go out!
What are you doing here Krishna?
l'll tell if you promise not
to beat me again.
l'll kill you if you don't.
l'm Arjun!
What are you looking at?
Are you upset about
lying to you?
No, l'm upset about you leaving
school without telling me.
For lying to you...
You wanted to meet
as yourself,
and wished to love you
as an ordinary man.
Not tell you the truth,
infact l'm very happy
to meet you.
lt would've been more fun
had l known it earlier.
More funny?
Actually, l wasn't upset with you.
Your words brought back
some old memories.
The boy in that torn photo?
l and Sharat met about
we got closer in very short time,
he proposed to me one day,
we parted ways.
Love vanished from
my life since then.
Will you stop driving
for a small accident?
Will you remain a spinster
for someone's comments?
He said the same words then.
That l'm a tomboy!
l couldn't bear it.
No Sandhya,
when you refused to listen to my pleas,
l said that in a fit of rage, forget it.
As a friend l'm telling you,
be as you like to be,
give one chance to anyone.
lf you give...
Will you say yes, if it's you?
Will you marry me Arjun?
Grand dad, congrats!
Your plan is success.
l've found a girl.
From my top three.
Who is the topper
from the three?
Who? Sandhya?
Confirmed grand dad.
This time it's 100%.
Come immediately.
l'll come immediately.
Did we call everyone?
We called everyone.
We left out my cousin
Kumar in Vijayawada.
lt seems they are
now in Hyderabad.
Send someone
personally to invite them.
What happened?
l forgot to tell Shalini.
Call her on phone immediately.
Remember me?
Why are you so excited?
Why will l not be?
My marriage is fixed.
Who? ls it Shravani?
How do you know Shravani?
ldiot, you wrote her name
on the gift you gave me.
l've a match on that day.
l'm eager to come but...
Play the final well.
Grand dad wants this.
Sandhya wants this.
Shravani too wants this.
Say it in Telugu.
Cheers to the end of
my friend's bachelorhood.
lsn't cheers English word?
Then 'cheersu'!
Every man wishes to marry a beautiful,
clever and understanding girl.
l too!
But law allows to
marry only one.
So no girl will possess
all the three qualities.
lf you can love all the qualities
in the girl you marry.
Not me.
lt's achievement to marry
the girl you love.
lt's a compromise to love
the girl you marry.
Marriage isn't a compromise,
it's a commitment.
Milk in bar...
and you're marrying?
Finally means
you have struggled a lot.
Very much...l got slapped too.
Love marriage?
Something like that.
lnfact not now...from my childhood.
Everyone will be
good as a child.
Look there,
l know very well about my fiance.
lnfact l know all her
flash back too
Your heart says a thing and
your lips say something else.
Don't confuse me.
My heart and my word are one.
Never fall into the trap
of mad love, brother...
Once you fall into the
trap of mad love...
lt will make you give up the world
and become an ascetic...
So sorry my friend...
Your theory is strange...
No buddy...
That's my style...
Love is nothing but faith...
Love is the foundation
to marriage...
Love proves there's music
in the stone heart also...
Come, let's ask love to
fathom the depth of sea...
Girls will trap you in love...
When you propose to marry
they will refuse with a smile...
A man with courage to stand up
against and win over love...
Will withstand any
threat easily...
Love is illusion... is happiness...
Love is fated to create
troubles for everyone...
Love will pave hurdles
in your life...
lnviting with eyes...
Shake you with smiles...
Maidens will rock your hearts...
Won't you lose balance
if you imagine?
When young maidens walk
gently like flowers...
Love will make you dream
for the impossible...
Love will torture you
Grand dad...bye! - Okay.
Who is he?
He danced better than you.
My grandfather.
No, my best friend.
He's very happy.
Why will he not be when his
grandson is getting married?
lt's all for him only.
You are coming to marriage,
aren't you?- Sure?
Didn't l say 100% sure?
Will you take care of her
well after marriage? Well?
l'm marrying her for that only,
am l not?- l didn't get you.
Anyway, good or bad, win or lose,
you'll be by her side always, won't you?
How do you know l'm Sharat?
How do you know
my fiance is Sandhya?
l know why you are here?
To know if l can take care of
your Sandhya well or not, right?
Grand dad!
You said once love is necessity
to marriage not liking.
You remember it?
- Yes.
l'm going to do a thing now.
You'll not regret for it, will you?
Nobody must regret for
your doing, remember it.
l'm tired of inviting guests
and shopping spree.
l can't walk anymore.
Why did you bring me
to this place?
l can't talk freely with
you at home, so.
Lot of work is pending,
l've to invite many more guests.
l forgot to tell you, can l invite
Sharat to our marriage?
Sharat. We met yesterday
by chance in a disco.
How do you know he's Sharat?
He introduced himself.
l told him about
our marriage then.
No need to invite him
to our marriage.
Sharat invited me
to his marriage.
So as a courtesy
l wanted to invite him.
lf you don't like it...
ls Sharat getting married?
l met his fiance too.
Very nice girl.
Okay, let's go home.
How is that girl?
Girl! Which girl?
Didn't talk much.
l don't care how she is.
Homely bloody homely.
You would be knowing
her name too.
Her name is...Padhu...
Forgot it.
Why do you want to know?
l don't care whatever
her name may be.
Shouldn't l ask her name?
ls it any crime?
Come, let's go home.
We must go to invite Prof. Rao.
When is the marriage?
ls Prof. Rao getting married?
When Sharat is getting married?
Why are you asking
about Sharat?
He didn't say a word about you.
l can't believe it.
l never expected Sharat
will do like this.
What happened?
Why? Why is he doing like this?
What did he do?
He's marrying without
bothering about me.
Okay, l did a wrong thing,
l didn't talk to him till now.
So what?
Can't he talk to me?
lf l marry some other girl,
you'll not cry like this.
Why are you crying over
Sharat getting married?
l don't know.
But l know Sandhya.
You still love him,
you want to meet him.
Nothing like that,
l'm marrying you.
l'll not see his face also.
l'll not talk to him if he comes to me.
- Then don't talk to me.
You are marrying Arjun
for one slap.
Then l would've got
slapped many times.
Your marriage...?
l lied to you again.
But this time for your good.
l know you still love Sharat.
l wanted to show you true love.
You can never escape
from true love.
Once you fall in love...
You slapped twice, is it enough?
Go ahead and slap 4 times.
l know you are angry on me.
You'll threaten to go back to village.
l'm also coming with you.
l'll never leave you.
How can l marry knowing well
Sandhya still loves Sharat?
l'm sorry grand dad,
l disappointed you again.
l'm not angry on you.
The Arjun l knew 4 months
before was a different man.
Now l'm proud of you.
Arjun, l'm sorry.
l troubled you a lot.
l lied that my health is not good.
Do you know why l did all this?
To find you a life partner.
l got one.
All these days, l was against marriage.
Because l never knew what love was.
Now l know.
- Who is that girl?
lt's alright grandpa. By the time
l understood love it was too late.
Grandma, l'm very happy now.
l did nothing to you
for the past 12 years.
Now, l will do all your
marriage arrangements.
My friend sent this to you from America.
You must open it.
For what?
For the favour you did
to my grandma?
Did you agree to this
marriage whole heartedly?
Just one hour left for my marriage.
Why such question now?
The boy l met in the hospital...Krishna,
he is a very good boy.
l'm marrying a man who cured you.
What more can l ask for!
Happiness are in your words
and not in your eyes.
Grandpa, a small request.
l do not know C, C++,
Java, Java++, VB, SAP.
Can you get me a
software job in Germany?
You can't get any job in Germany
for your qualification.
Then, l might get one in Gulf.
Today is Shravani's marriage
in lmperial Gardens.
Send her a bouquet.
Arjun, why did Sandhya & Sharat
met again in life?
Even if she is not marrying him,
Sharat wanted to know about
the guy marrying Sandhya,
and whether he'll take
good care of her or not.
Driver, C'mon take the car.
ls this the way to spray
the scented water?
Do it properly.
Drinking on marriage?
lt isn't your sister
l'm going to marry.
On that day...- l know you.
You're Shravani's friend, right?
You were there on
our engagement too.
l came to wish you
on your marriage.
Shall l tell you something?
Everyone was saying
bad about you.
Shravani is a very good girl.
We were only...
l won't give a damn to it.
Really?- Sure.
l don't like to think
about her past.
So, you'll treat her like a princess.
No, l'll treat her like an angel.
Goutam, Shravani is a very ....
...good girl. l know.
So, that's it.
Who is he?
My fiance's ex-boy friend.
Ex-boy friend or Sex-boy friend?
Did your fiance invite him
to the marriage?
May be.
''Down pour of Love''
Though you knew this before,
why did you agree to the marriage?
l was mesmerized
by her beauty.
The first time l saw her,
her beauty drove me mad.
l'll use her for a few months
and throw her out.
Anyway, she is a second hand.
Stop staring at us.
What's it?
How dare you hit the groom?!
He is Krishna Rao.
Your father was a driver
in his house.
l'll get you coffee.
How is Arjun?
So, you still remember him.
Catch him.
Who is he?
l once fell in love with him not
knowing he is a cheat.
Now he has come to
ruin my marriage.
Hit him.- Don't marry him.
He is a cheat.- Who? Me?
Please believe me.
Why should l?
All that you said were lies.
He will cheat you.
He will ditch you.
l do not know who you are.
How can l trust you?
l'm Arjun.
Ask them not to beat him.
Please...ask them not to beat him.
Why are you crying?
He is a very good boy.
Father lied to you.
He paid for grandma's operation.
l heard him saying that he'll bear
the entire operation cost.
Goutam is not a good man.
l heard their conversation.
He talks bad about you.
Don't believe him.
Don't beat him.
Come Arjun, lets go.
l won't come.
Don't interfere, please.
Even now if he is hiding the truth,
it means he really loves you.
Am l mad to get beaten up?
Why are you begging for her love?
You said we can do
anything for true love.
And l'm doing that.
You can't get someone
who can love you this far.
Not just you, both of you
must love each other.
She told me that
she doesn't love you.
Never mind.
But she must live
like a princess.
And that's where my happiness lies.
l can't see you getting beaten up.
Come...- Please grandpa.
Don't lose him.
They'll cheat her.
Shravani, he is a...
and l...
l lied.
l hurt your feelings.
But l didn't mean to hurt you.
Please forgive me.
ls it paining?
Why were you so late?
Just throw him out.
Stop it.
They love each other.
lf anyone dares to touch him,
your heads will roll down.
What's happening, father?
- Shut up.
Heard what he said?
Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Get out.
Should we listen to his words?
Shut up.
l should've done this earlier.
Sunny, is there anything else?
A PuLi - DDR Presentation