Chup Chup Ke (2006)

Wait! Where are you running?
Wait! I caught you.
Give me my money.
Since so many days
you have made us run after you.
Today give us our money.
Then run all by your self alone!
I will give you one tight slap.
One second. One second.
Are you seeing this entire land?
The entire land.
- Yes, we are seeing.
Now just think that it is filled with
thousand mango trees.
Close your eyes and imagine.
Close your eyes!
You all keep your eyes open.
Or else he will run away.
Only I will close my eyes.
Yes, I closed them.
Now tell me, dear.
How does it feel? - It is feeling nice.
Only trees are there all over.
Even I thought of the same thing.
That's why I bought the entire land...
...and even bought 1000 mango saplings.
I thought as they grow they will
produce lakhs of mangoes.
Because of which I will
become a billionaire...
...and repay back your small debts.
How did you find it?
Very good! It's a great idea.
Even I thought it was a great idea.
But the government thought of a
better idea than this.
They want to lay a railway track here.
And they confiscated my land.
Now I have just 1000 mango saplings...
...left with me which are rotting
along with my dreams.
We are fed up listening to
your new stories.
You changed so many businesses.
And in all you had a loss.
So what should we do about it?
You have even taken loans
from the cats and dogs.
Now you will have to take a decision.
Now tell us.
When are you giving the money?
- Tomorrow evening. 5 o'clock.
The bridge which is next to the river.
All of you come there at 5 o'clock.
5 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 10 o'clock!
We have been hearing this
since many years.
Exactly that! We have a relation
since so many years.
Don't you have any trust on me?
- No, no. Not at all.
Leave all that.
I am going to change the opinion
that you all have about me.
Tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock.
I am going to repay back
all your debts together.
Really? - Lf you don't then?
If I don't then do as you feel like.
But sharp 5 o'clock.
If you don't come on time then
I am not going to wait.
Then later don't tell me that
you didn't get your money.
Fine. - Fine.
Come, welcome.
I welcome all of you.
Very good! I said 5 o'clock.
You all have come sharp at 5 o'clock.
Who says that the people over here
don't come on time?
Move! One minute. Move.
Has he started giving the money?
Listen! Don't worry.
The program has just started.
So everyone has come?
- Yes, we have come.
I will do one thing. I will read
everyone's name one by one.
Whosever's name I read, that one must...
...raise their hand and
say that he is present.
Okay? - Yes. - Yes. - Very good.
Hariram Navid. 12,250 rupees.
- Present.
Prabhakar Shetty. Along with interest
it is 13,900 rupees.
Present! - How are you, dear?
- I am fine.
Raghuveer Gwala. 20,500 rupees.
- Present.
How is everyone at home?
- Yes, they are fine. - Okay.
Oye! First pay me my money
and let me go.
Hey! Sharma-ji.
I have to give you a lot of money.
And he himself has come late.
Now don't delay. Give me my money.
- Be calm! Be calm!
See, along with Sharma-ji's money...
...I have to give all of you a
total of 13,90,000 rupees.
I don't have so much with me.
I am falling a little short.
How much are you falling short?
Not much. I am falling short
just a little bit.
Even then. How much?
100 rupees. - Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter. - No, no.
I just have 100 rupees with me.
I am falling short by 13,89,900 rupees.
Take the money out! - Listen!
Don't touch this. - What is in this?
Rat poison. - Rat poison!
Actually the thing is that I don't have...
...that much money to buy cyanide so...
I was roaming with this.
Who knows when the need of this arises?
Throw the bottle! - Throw the bottle!
I knew that you all wouldn't even
let me die in peace.
Even then I have no complaints
about all of you.
You all have helped me at some point
of time or the other.
But I won't betray you all.
I will return you all every penny back.
What to do?
Whatever business I started it all doomed.
At the end I opened a firecracker factory.
Even that went bust.
Then sell those firecrackers and
repay the debts of all of us.
Hey! What I meant was that the
firecrackers didn't work.
Then from where should
I give you your money?
My father used to say that my name would...
...definitely come in the
Guinness Book of World Records.
He was right.
There wouldn't be anyone in the
world apart from me who... so young and has taken such a
huge amount of loan.
But I didn't do all this on purpose.
The situations were such.
Now I have only 2 options.
Either you all give me 5 years time.
Or I will have to jump
into the ocean and die.
Hey! Don't try to act
over smart with me!
If you die by jumping
in the ocean then...
...I am happily willing to let go of my money.
If you have so much guts
then jump into the ocean.
I will jump!
I have taken a huge amount of
insurance policy on my name.
And you all will get your
money back from that.
But I need some help of you all in it.
Tell the insurance agents
that my death...
...was just an accident
it wasn't suicide.
While I was talking to you all my leg
slipped and I fell into the water.
As soon as we get the money
my father will pay you all back the money.
Hey dude! Stop talking
about these futile things!
And talk something about
giving our money back.
This is his new trick. New trick!
Dear Jeetu, don't play this game with us.
I just have this game with me.
Its not that I don't want to live.
But there is no other option left.
Those people who know me closely,
they will understand.
That my decision was not wrong.
Hey! He really got drowned!
Did we get any information
from the guard? - No.
What happened? Did you get the body?
- No, inspector.
Did you look for it properly?
Father, someone has come to meet you.
Tell me.
Sir, we haven't come to meet you
but Jeetu-ji.
Jeetu. Jeetu!
Yes, father.
They are saying that they have
come to meet you.
Yes, I know you.
But why have they come to
meet me, father?
I know why they have come.
- Yes, even I know.
I thought before meeting me
they should see you once.
Am I a monkey that I will
show them some act?
So anyone who comes first must see me.
Father, you don't know him?
Baban Rao... the vegetable guy.
Do you remember the lottery business
I had started...
Yes, the one that had
gone into losses.
So... he only had helped me in
returning back the bank loan.
Along with the money and interest
the total comes up to 40,000 rupees.
I am fed up telling him.
That I will pay him tomorrow.
I will pay him tomorrow.
Even then he doesn't believe me.
You don't have to give me
him any money.
You just have to give him
a date for that.
He will agree to it.
He will agree.
You are right.
To give people a date and
not to meet them on that date.
I don't have this talent,
which you have, dear.
Even he knows that, father.
That's why he was saying that only...
...when you give a date then
he will agree.
Please, help me, father.
Or else I will have to get myself hanged.
Yes, dear ones!
They are not giving you a date.
He is paying you the entire money.
Take this rope.
Tie it around your neck
and hang yourself.
Your elder sister is sitting
in the house unwed.
This house is only left which we had to
mortgage because of you.
And you want more help from me.
What will I help you?
Go and drown somewhere so that...
...we can save ourselves from more ruin.
See, the decision that we had taken...
...don't use that to ruin
my daughter's life.
What are you talking?
Have I ever interfered
in your path till date?
You do one thing.
You find a good boy for Pooja and...
...get her married with
great pomp and show.
And I will be the first one
in that to help you.
Are you happy?
- Only if she agrees to it!
Since years she is stubborn
about one thing.
That she wants to get
married to you only.
Why are you cursing her?
Since the time she has come to her...
...senses you have been
hearing one thing.
That we are made for each other.
I agree that we also
wanted the same thing.
But I didn't know that
you would grow up... become such a useless person.
You find a groom for her.
I will handle the rest.
I won't be able to bear the pain of
separation from her.
But at least she will live in peace.
She won't agree.
Till the time you are in front of her...
...she will never agree to
marry someone else.
That's why I am saying that run away.
Go away to some far of place.
And return after years.
And even if you don't come back
then also it will do.
Actually the thing is that you can
get rid of your moneylenders...
...and I will get my daughter married
somewhere else.
Now don't say that you don't
have money to go.
Take this! Take this money!
Keep it!
And don't come back with the
excuse to return this.
How did you come with this rally?
Have you left everything and
got into politics?
It's not politics. I had to save myself
from the moneylenders.
When I participate in the rally then
the moneylenders can't catch me.
When in the morning I came out then
I got the rally of BJP.
Then I reached the post office
by walking with them.
After reaching over there
I got to know...
...they wanted to go left and
I wanted to go right.
Then I escaped.
After waiting for such a long time
I caught hold of this congress rally.
Then I could come to meet you.
Oh God!
Sometimes you become a part of this rally
and sometime the other rally?
Don't these rally people tell you anything?
They tell me.
Whatever they say I speak the same thing.
I am fed up with you.
Leave all that. Come here, with me.
Don't talk rubbish!
Have I ever troubled you
with the topic of marriage?
Until all your tensions are not over
I am willing to wait for you.
Till when?
- Let it take whatever time.
Let anything happen.
We will at least live
together one day.
That's all.
That is enough for me.
This cannot happen, Pooja.
I have a lot of burden of
loan over me.
I can't even handle the
weight of an ant.
And if you really ask me...
...even you are a burden for me now.
We will have to separate, Pooja.
Now you go home.
If this rally passes by then there is no...
...rally till the evening
that will make me reach home.
Have you ever even got groceries
for a week for this house?
Now father can't tell this to me, mother.
Take this.
This is one week's grocery and
vegetables to cook along with it.
Have you got fish?
What are you saying, mother?
Don't I know that fish is
not cooked in this house?
Then this stink of fish?
Yes... I was going through
the fish market.
So over there people carry
fish in the containers.
So even I picked up a few.
Just like that.
Just for a change.
Dear, you are doing all this...
As if I am going to do all
this work every day?
You cook the meal. I will have
a shower and come quickly.
Mother, aren't you eating food?
- I will have it later.
This won't do! I have put in
so much of hard work.
You will have to have one morsel
from my hands.
What has happened to you, dear?
Mother, I had promised you
a lot of things, right?
Big house. New car. Servants.
Is everything ready?
Now I feel I won't be able to
give you anything, mother. Never.
I don't want anything.
I can't bear to see all that you do... get rid of the moneylenders.
You don't worry.
I have a way to solve it.
After that no one will run after me.
Is it? What is it?
When it happens, you will
get to know it on your own.
Maybe you might first feel hurt.
But never abuse or curse me.
And after fathers temper cools down...
...then tell him that
Jeetu wasn't a bad boy.
Whatever he did,
he didn't do it on purpose.
And definitely tell him this
that I loved him a lot.
Those people who had gone to look...
...for the body they have
all come back.
The current is very strong today.
There are few chances of
finding the body.
Take Master-ji home.
These eyes and the kohl.
This bindi and this veil.
Why do they make me so restless?
Why does... my heart...
love you only so much?
Why does... my heart...
love you only so much?
From the blooming mornings.
From the fading evenings.
From my own people and
from strangers.
Why do I ask this again and again?
Why does... my heart...
love you only so much?
My day and nights are there
only because of you.
The days and nights... the days and nights...
the days and nights.
I am nothing without you.
Without you... without you...
without you.
This feeling is so deep.
These boundaries of desires.
Why do they make me so restless?
Why does... my heart...
love you only so much?
From the blooming mornings.
From the fading evenings.
From my own people and
from strangers.
Why do I ask this again and again?
Why does... my heart...
love you only so much?
Hey Raju, go and find that Gundya out!
See there. That Gujarati
in the moustache.
But what is he doing here
in a minister's attire.
He must have come to buy fish.
Whether the moustache is on the
face or the face is on the moustache.
This can't be figured out only!
Hey, you fool!
This moustache has nothing
to do with you!
He knows Hindi.
Hey! You guys don't know him? - No.
He is Prabhat Singh Chauhan.
Who are these people?
And what are they doing here?
Sir, they are new.
They have come just now.
That's why they don't know you.
So what if we are from Gujarat?
We are not whiling away our time
since 2 generations in Calcutta.
What are you talking about Hindi?
I can speak better Bengali also.
Have you heard Tagore's verses?
No, we haven't heard that.
But we have only heard
the abuses from the mouth...
of our father after he gets
drunk in the evening.
It is futile to talk with you all.
Tell me has anyone of you seen that...
...person Gundya who takes money on loan?
Hasn't he returned your money till now?
If I spot him now then
I will burn him alive.
He must be somewhere here.
Hey Raju!
Who is he?
Fool! Can't you see that
a good guy is praying?
Go and do your work.
See that! Today Gundya brother's boat
is coming first.
My boat?
Oh! So you are here.
I thought a good guy is
sitting here and praying.
Get up! You scoundrel! You betrayer!
My boat is coming.
- I know that your boat is coming.
First give my money.
See... see.
You know that whoevers boat
comes first when it rains...
...he gets 1.5 lakhs in the auction.
You know that. - What?
Yes, so I will give you in the evening.
Even then something will be left.
You are too much!
The boat that has come first will also...
...go first and tomorrow also
it will be the first to come.
So I will get 1.5 lakhs tomorrow evening too.
I will get it, right?
Now tell me.
How much is the total accounting to?
1.5 and 1.5? - 3
Three. How much do
I have to give you?
2.75. - 2.75.
How much is left?
25... 25,000.
- This much is left. - Yes.
That means you have to
give me 25,000 rupees.
Correct? - Yes.
When will you give me? - What?
When will you give me 25,000 rupees?
I will give you?
- What do you mean by that?
When will you give?
- I said I will give you.
What does this mean!
Isn't my money, money?
And don't try to change my topic!
I must get my money
by day after tomorrow.
Or else I will shave your moustache...
...and make you sit on a donkey.
He just claims! He will give it.
Remember that you have come
across a Bengali guy!
What happened?
1.5 and 1.5... 3.
2.75... 25.
But when did he give my money?
Move! Go away!
Beware! No one step into the boat!
Whoever wants to auction it,
must stand in the front.
And if you don't have money in your
pockets then don't say anything.
First me!
What are you doing? Is your wife
in my boat that you have jumped in?
Get out! Go away!
There is not even a single fish!
Bandya! - Yes!
Bandya, is this a mermaid?
- No, it is not a mermaid.
Is this a dead body? - Yes.
- Who says it is a dead body?
This is a dead body.
Open his mouth and see,
he is still breathing.
He is breathing?
Now what will I tell
that moustache guy?
What is the need to tell
the moustache guy everything?
You alone are capable to
take him to the hospital.
You have got me trapped very well!
Now as soon as I threw the
fishing net I caught him.
He was alive.
So I let go of the fishes
and got him here.
You did a good thing.
A very good thing.
Shut up! Close your mouth!
Sir, you will get the moon
from the President on 15th August.
So will I lick the moon!
Not that moon! Gold medal.
Gold medal, scoundrel!
First I am finding it difficult
to live hand to mouth...
...and on top of that this
new problem is on my head!
Come, hold his legs!
Not mine! Hold the legs
of the dead body!
If I didn't get this dead body to the
hospital on time and if he dies... then I will definitely
land up into a big mess!
Call! Call 3 to 4 people!
Come! - Come!
What are you all standing and
staring at my face! Come!
Get up! Get up!
What happened?
Go and get these medicines quickly.
Go fast.
Get up! Get up!
Why should I get these?
How much ever medicines are
in the hospital make him have...
...half spoons of each and he will be fine.
Even the oxygen cylinder
is getting over.
We have to get a new one.
The entire cylinder is over? - Yes.
Which side of your teeth is paining?
- This side.
Just wait. I will call you.
Open the windows of the hospital and...
...tell him he will get
as much oxygen he wants.
Why don't you understand?
I have got hurt and
he himself is crying.
Come on, boss. Sit here.
Sit here.
Sit. Sit.
Boss, is everything fine.
- No, it is paining. - Okay.
First go and see whether he has
come to his senses. - Okay.
Hey! What is this? Where?
What are you doing?
Boss, where were you? I was searching
for you since so long.
What happened? - Doctor has called.
I don't want to come.
- Why?
He removed my tooth.
I don't know what all will he remove.
I don't want to come.
- Tooth? - Yes.
First of all I didn't have
anything to lose.
This tooth wasn't even
giving me any problem.
That guy just pulled it out deliberately.
But I don't know what all will
go of mine over here today!
Nothing will go. It will only come.
It will only come.
What will come? The string of your pants?
Come. You first come.
Come... come.
This guy who is lying down here.
Do you know who he is? - Who is he?
He is a millionaire! Millionaire!
- Millionaire?
And he got trapped by you?
Only millionaire's get trapped.
Don't you believe?
Do you know what is this?
This is the underwear.
- This is not underwear. It is a letter.
This is not an ordinary letter.
In this it is written
that this man has... take money from
how many people.
Full account is written and
that too in lakhs.
And the people who couldn't
return his money...
...must have thrown him into the ocean.
See his face. Is it like yours?
No, right?
Doesn't he look that he has come
from a nice family background?
Boss, it is very easy.
We saved his life.
How much will we get for that?
At least 5 lakhs we will get for that.
- From whom? - His father.
Do you know his father? - That... that...
his mother will be aware of.
Who is his mother? - That we will ask him.
- Who is he?
Those people must be knowing him.
- Who! - His parents.
Without knowing him how will
we get to know his parents? Idiot!
I have one idea. - What?
We will show him his own photo
and ask him who he is.
Then at least he will say who he is.
- Very good!
Boss! He has come! - Who? - Senses.
He has come back to his senses.
See he has opened his eyes and is laughing.
You haven't died. You are alive.
Those people from whom
you have to take money...
...I have the entire list with me. It is secure.
We will take it back
from them together.
I am with you.
Tell me, dear, where is your name?
Where are your parents?
Where do they stay?
Can you listen to what we are saying?
How will he listen?
Water must have gone into his ears.
Water has gone into
his ears not his mouth.
Tell me!
See, we are not your enemies.
We are your friends. - Yes.
See, I swear by this bottle of glucose.
I have spent a lot of money on you.
- He is right!
Hey! See the 5 lakhs that
I am going to get for saving...
...your life from that you give me
2 lakhs now. Advance!
He has fainted again!
Oh no!
He drank the entire thing!
He drank all the 6 bowls of it!
Keep it. Keep it.
Tell him! Ask him! Who are his parents?
Where are they?
When will he give our money?
Did you tell him that or no?
So till now haven't you realized
that he is deaf!
He is deaf! Oh no!
He just understands one language.
Of signs!
Boss, look at me. I will show you.
Boss, see what he said.
He wants more soup.
He is not just deaf but dumb too.
So do you have money with you?
- No. - No?
Then will your father
pay for more soup?
He just tries to act frail,
but he eats a lot.
Don't ask him such futile things!
Scoundrel has put on a lot of
weight after eating so much!
You jerk!
Hey! Where have you come from!
Where is your house!
Boss, ask him in sign language.
So then you ask him!
Ask him where is his house?
Ask! - Fine.
Your... house... bar.
Where is your house?
He is asking for more soup.
Not soup... house.
- Shut up, you fool!
You just talk about food items to him.
Now I will talk to him.
- Ask, boss.
Your... village.
Well... water.
Your village... village where is it?
Where is it?
Which village is this? - He is asking
where is your village?
It is the graveyard.
I will ask you about all the
places of India in sign language.
You tell me which is your place?
What is this?
You didn't understand?
- No. - Latur.
I am kicking. Latur.
When you said it now from your
mouth then I understood.
Okay, at least one fool understood.
Now how will anyone explain this fool?
Boss, ask him about Ratnagiri.
Ratnagiri... Ratnagiri.
Ratna (gem)... Ratna!
Giri? Giri?
Come here.
Yes, boss.
Ratna... Giri.
Ratnagiri. Ratnagiri.
You haven't understood correctly.
I will ask him about here.
About Calcutta.
Call... Call... then cut it.
Boss, ask carefully or else
he will cut me up.
So then what should I do?
What should we do?
Ask him about Boribandar, boss.
Boribandar? - Yes.
Bori (sack)... understood?
Load it once again, boss.
- Now you tell him about the Bandar(monkey)
Understood? Boribandar.
Did you understand, fool?
Who is Gundya-bhau here? - He.
Come here. - What happened?
We have got to know that you have
got a big thing from the ocean.
Whatever you have got you have to...
...come with it to the
police station with me.
Bandya! - Yes, boss.
- Get that big thing.
So is this it?
So did you think we have got
gold and silver?
Who is he? From where has he come from?
Till we don't get to know about that
we won't leave him.
This is a very good thing
that you have said. Fine.
But, since we don't have a complaint...
...against him we can't
even keep him inside.
As of now I am letting him
go with you two.
And whenever I call you, you will
have to take him and come.
This is your responsibility.
Sir, the money...
No, no. I don't want any money.
I am just doing you a favour.
Just think of it in that sense. Go.
Is this what we call living?
It is worse than the living of the
dog of a washer man!
And on top of that this evil guy!
- And both of us are completely bankrupt.
I have given you my shirt to wear.
Now after it gets dirty and starts...
...stinking only then will
I give you another one!
Yamaha? No, I will get you a
Hero Honda. Come.
Why are we going this side?
- That I don't know, boss.
But why are you dragging me?
Where am I dragging you?
So he was the one who was pulling us here!
Oh this poor chap must be feeling hungry!
He can't speak. He is dumb.
That's why he got us here.
Boss, don't touch it.
He is asking for chips.
It's not a lizard, boss.
Hey! Don't snatch it. Don't snatch it.
What misbehaviour is this, boss?
Go! Move away!
Sir! Give me 3 cups of tea.
2 proper ones and one without sugar
and with less milk.
For who is that, boss?
We will have to make him
drink a bad tea. - Is it?
If we give him a good tea
then he will be...
...habituated to it and will get us
here everyday by dragging us.
Sir, do one thing.
From his share put sugar and
more milk in my tea. - Yes.
Why? - Boss, you are paying
for all three, right?
Paying for all three!
Are you abusing? - Shut up!
Boss, what have you thought of ahead?
Ahead? First let me get
rid of this ghost.
We will think later of
what needs to be done ahead.
Give me tea, please. - Yes.
Leave it! Leave it!
It is not mine! It is not mine!
- Don't hit him, boss.
The hen has given them.
What is he saying?
He is asking for boiled egg.
Give him boiled water. Tell him that
the egg has got boiled inside it.
He is dumb. He won't come to know.
Give it to him.
Hey! Hey!
There is no sugar in this at all.
Over here when you say without sugar... get it absolutely without sugar.
Do you make tea or are you fooling us?
Tea without sugar. - My tea is very sweet.
So you only give the money.
Boss, now since we have spent so much
we will take one chips too.
Give him also one.
Boss, Jabba has gone.
Gone? - Yes.
He has gone!
I am saved.
Where did he go? - How do I know?
Fool, catch him or else the
police will catch us.
Where did he go?
Where did he go? Jabba!
Hello! - Hello... I am Jeet.
Who is speaking? - Hello.
I am Jeet's friend speaking.
Is Mohan-ji there?
See we haven't got the money till now.
But we will get the insurance money
as soon as possible.
We are trying hard for it.
Actually the thing is that the body
is nowhere to be found.
So this is for sure that he is dead.
If he were alive we would
have known by now.
How much do you have to take?
Boss, see that! See that!
Come, come. He is hiding and sitting here.
Catch him red-handed.
He is inside.
Hey! Hey! One has to speak in it.
This is of no use to you. Keep it.
What is this? This bill
just comes out like that.
The machine must be bad. Yes, come.
Hey! Give me the money. - What?
Pay the money for the call.
He can't speak. He is dumb and deaf.
We need to pay money to hold the phone?
What is he talking?
He must be dumb and deaf,
you must... dumb and deaf but
I am not dumb and deaf.
This bill has come.
Then you have to pay the money.
I will see how he doesn't
pay the money.
Give me the money!
- What if I don't give?
Then I will give!
What did you say? What will you do?
I will give it to him. - To whom?
- I will give him.
You will give him? - I will.
- This means you will hit him.
I will. - You will hit him?
- I will.
Hit him and show.
I want to see. Hit him.
What are you telling him
to hit me for?
Take this. Take this. Your money.
What will you see? He will hit me
and you will see, is it?
What will you see?
Boss! - What is it?
- He has again disappeared.
He was just here. Then where did he go?
Hey! He was here...
Will you just sit here bossing over me...
Find him!
Now keep an eye on him. He should not
sneak away like a cat.
Come! Come! Dumb guy, come on walk!
This thing of trouble had to fall
on my head only! - Yes.
When he fell into my trap I understood...
...then that he is going
to be a burden on you.
So he will be a burden to me only.
How will he a burden to you?
Go... go and untie the boat.
Untie the boat!
The old man always harasses me!
Because of that moustache Gujarati...
...I have hidden and kept
the boat here. Is it?
So that he should not take it and go.
- Till when will we hide it?
That moustache guy will take
the boat and go.
You have said this so many times and...
...not let the boat go into the
waters since a week.
I have become so bankrupt that I don't
even have money to drink water.
I am drinking my own tears and living.
So I should open a food shop
for you amidst the ocean?
Open this!
The only thing left to eat is
grass and raw fish.
Raw fish and on top of
that this crocodile!
Should I say one thing, boss?
Don't mind it. - Tell me.
You are a very big scoundrel! - So I am!
I am.
You take loan but you don't repay it.
- From where will I give it?
First of all there is no money
in the pocket.
And on top of that a ghost in white clothes
is dancing on my head.
All of this has happened
because of this unlucky person!
Hey Bandya! Come here.
If within 24 hours
you don't get rid of...
...this trouble then I won't let you
step into the boat.
Even you can't step into the boat.
- Why?
Because that moustache guy has threatened
to take the boat in 20 hours.
Then untie the boat!
If you say it in Hindi like this then
I will be able to understand.
Hey! I will give you one
tight slap, you fool!
You must be doomed!
Now, we can sell this boat comfortably.
You scoundrel won't go into the boat.
First let this scoundrel go into it.
Come. - Hey! Put your
right leg in first.
Maybe this unlucky person
proves lucky for us.
Put your right leg first!
Hey you fool! Right means
put this leg first. Here.
He has 2 legs still he
doesn't understand. Turn!
See, it is going behind.
The platform is not going behind,
you fool!
The boat is going ahead.
Moustache guy!
- We have got ruined!
Moustache guy is taking the
boat and going.
Bandya, jump into the water.
Jump into the water
Why should I jump into
the water and die?
The moustache guy has taken
the boat and gone!
This unlucky person, wherever
he steps he brings bad luck.
Boss, he is dumb. Don't hit him.
My boat has gone! Oh God!
Boss! - Yes. - Now it is just too much!
Today we will take a decision about this.
- What kind of decision?
First we will straight go to that
moustache guy! - Then?
And then we will ask the moustache guy...
...whether he will return the boat or not.
- Then?
Then the moustache guy will say that
he won't return the boat.
So then? - Then the decision is taken.
Hey! Where are you all barging in?
Leave that!
Go and tell that moustache guy in
Gujarati that Gundya-bhau has come.
Tell him! And even tell him that
Bandya is with him too.
Yes! And even the dumb and
deaf guy is also there.
Yes! And tell him that our temper is...
...very bad and if required we can
even wrestle. Tell him.
Oh! Wrestling? Yes, wrestling.
Go and tell him.
That moustache guy stays in Calcutta...
...but keeps a Gujarati watchman
instead of a Bengali or a Nepali.
Tomorrow he only will do a robbery.
Are you a body builder?
It doesn't make any difference.
Go and tell him!
Then you may go inside.
- Come on.
Catch him properly!
Now throw him down!
Boss! You have come at the right time
to get your boat back!
Hey wait!
Come on. - Boss, said to leave.
- Not outside. Come inside.
Come inside.
Come! Come, you clever person!
What have you come to take from here?
Greetings, sir. I have come to
take the boat. - Boat?
This is Gujarat. Gujarat!
There is no boat here
nor is there any bottle!
Get out from here.
Don't ruin me. I am a poor person.
Then why are you talking in a lower tone
and flattering me. Speak loudly!
That day what did you tell me when...
...I had come to take the
money from you?
In front of everyone.
He said that he will shave my moustache
and make me sit on...
...a donkey and will make me roam
in the entire village.
Now shave my moustache and show.
I don't remember...
Now, shave my moustache.
Shave it! Hold it.
- I didn't say that.
Don't you remember? - No.
Okay, let that be.
You must at least be remembering
what you told... my men when they had gone
to ask for money.
You had said that this is not Gujarat
and that this area is yours!
You even threatened to
break their legs.
You had said this, right?
Didn't you say this or not?
When did I say this?
- No, you had said this.
You had said it. That day
when you were in the boat.
That day you had said it.
And you had also said
that you would...
...cut him into pieces and
also feed it to the fishes.
Boss, you had said it, right?
He must have forgotten it.
There is a lot of tension.
Shut up! You jerk! Shut up!
I didn't say that.
I swear by my mother. I didn't.
You must have definitely said it.
I have full faith in you.
You can't rest without
talking ill about me.
I swear by your mother... - Hey!
You point a finger to my mother!
Greetings, mother.
See! You are not aware of the
power of Gujaratis.
If you have the guts then come
into the wrestling ring...
...wrestle it out, defeat anyone of us
and take your boat back.
This is a very good
opportunity, sir.
We will defeat a few
and take the boat back.
Hey! What are you whispering?
If you have the guts then come.
If I win then will I get the boat back?
- Absolutely.
And my money? - That loan I am willing
to forego. - Forego? - Yes.
Sure? - Sure. - You promise
in front of everyone? - Yes
Come on, come on.
Mother, give me the blessing so that
I can defeat your son.
Give me the blessing. - Yes.
Hail Goddess Durga! Finish them!
Why is he coming back?
This is wrong. This is wrong.
I am not going to go ahead with this.
Boss, what happened?
He has worn the underwear.
So what do you have to do with that?
But I haven't worn it.
You should have at least worn underwear
at someone else's house.
What to do? Even the underwear
is with him. - How is that?
I had kept the underwear
on the boat to dry.
The boat has gone and
so has the underwear.
So first we will ask for the underwear
then we will ask for the boat.
No, first the boat then underwear.
Why? What happened?
Have you got scared already?
No, not like that.
If something else goes wrong, then...
...he doesn't have what is needed to save him.
And Chauhan sir, don't think that
we are... cowards. No.
My father and grandfathers...
were fighters. Yes!
And in his family...
- All of them were warriors. - Yes.
That's why he is going to
fight instead of me. - Yes.
How can I fight?
Why? Aren't you a warrior?
I am... but I am not going to fight...
Hey, keep quiet, you dumb guy!
He is right. - I can't fight with him.
Fine then, you can fight with Sheetal.
Now you will come to know.
Sheetal! Sheetal! Sheetal!
This is deceitful!
What kind of names have you kept?
You give a man a female name!
This is unjust! I won't fight with him.
Sheetal! Sheetal! Sheetal! Sheetal!
Catch him! Catch him!
Catch that lizard!
Catch him by the neck.
- Yes, catch him.
Tear him apart!
And after tearing him apart throw one...
...piece in Surat and the
other in Ahmedabad!
Turn him around! Turn him around!
No! No!
Come here.
He is dumb! He is dumb!
Don't hit him.
Leave him and catch him.
Even I am dumb. Even I am dumb.
Someone tell him.
Okay, let him go.
See, this was not a fight. - Then?
- This was just a game for us.
This was a game. - Yes, this was a game.
Now the fight will start.
Hit him! Hit him! - Wait. Wait!
By hitting us or by capturing our boat
will you get your money?
So then what else should I do!
Give me my boat back and I will sell it
and repay your entire loan back.
- No! I don't trust you at all.
If I give you your boat back then
again you will disappear. - No!
I can give you your boat back
only on one condition. - What?
If you mortgage something that you own.
Now whatever I have is
already mortgaged to you.
To free that what else
should I mortgage?
That I don't know.
I want something or the other.
Either house, land or wife.
Oh God! Now where will
I get a wife from?
Sir, you don't trust me, right? - No.
So till the time I don't come back
I am mortgaging him.
Okay? - He? Who is he?
He... he is my only nephew.
I have raised him with a lot of love.
I never used to keep him down,
lest some snake should bite him.
I never kept him over my head...
...lest crows or vultures take him away.
I have always kept him in my lap.
On my lap.
My dear nephew! Kanhaiya.
I... I cannot stay for a
moment without you.
What should I do?
I don't have any other way.
Till the time your uncle doesn't repay...
...back the money you will
have to stay here.
Oh God!
Boss! Boss!
You can't stay even for a moment away
from a poor man like me.
Then how will you remain alive
without your dearest nephew?
Hey! Shut up!
So... you also can't bear
his separation. Enough.
So fine. Then even leave him here.
- What?
No, no. This can't happen. - Why?
Because I can't be away from my boss.
Bandya! - Yes.
Bandya! - Yes.
I will bear the separation of yours, Bandya.
I will bear it. Go!
Seth-ji, I am taking my boat and going.
But my dearest one and the not so...
...dearest one I am leaving
here and going.
Saw! Did you see the result of
taking on Chauhan?
Yes, I saw.
Children, take care of yourself.
And I will come on the 2nd.
Bandya! In every month there
is a date for the 2nd.
Don't go. - I have given my word.
- Then take it back.
Take them and go.
- Separate them from me.
Be happy, dear!
- I am taking my bag.
The poor man is crying and going.
- Let him, he will learn a lesson.
Now he will come to know how cunning I am!
I got rid of the dumb guy, the fool
and also got my boat back.
It will be better if you listen to me
and do as I say.
Or else? - It will bad for me!
I am the manager over here.
Whatever you might say,
he won't hear.
How will he not hear?
I will teach him a lesson.
This is good!
Tell me, Jabba! Jabba!
Will you listen to me?
Should I show you how
hot blooded my hand is?
This is absolutely cold. - Hey!
I will show the both of you!
To the both of you!
Where are you going?
You only said that
you are showing something.
I will give you only one...
Not one, they are 2.
What is the matter?
He was showing you all to us.
- No, madam.
These people haven't seen you all.
No, no. We have seen.
We have seen you completely.
You jerk! I will kill you.
Hey! What is this happening?
Nothing is happening. Nothing.
I was taking their size for new clothes.
I have to make new clothes for them.
There is no need to make
new clothes for them.
They are the servants for this house.
They are not the kids of your uncle.
There are old clothes in the house.
Give something from them.
Get them inside.
Amongst the both of you who knows to
polish the shoes well?
I don't know. He knows it very well.
He is a pro at it.
What is your name? - Bandya.
- What, is it Dandiya?
Bandya... Bandya. - Okay, Dandya.
Dandya, see.
First you learn to polish shoes.
Get all the shoes of this house
and give to him.
Come, cobbler!
If I would polish so many shoes
on the footpath, I would have...
...earned so much as to buy a boat
in a week's time.
Take this.
These are a little old shoes.
Use them for practice and know how to
properly polish shoes.
And we will give you new ones too.
And some of the shoes are not at home
since the people have gone out.
When they come back,
we will give you those too.
Are you going to be a collector
that you are studying?
Do some work!
No, no. This won't do.
Each person has to do his own work.
And that too within deadlines set.
Or else one gets beaten up
with dog-chains.
Okay? Is this how it is!
Then I will finish the work
within the time given.
Finish this work quickly so that
you can be given other work.
Am I a genie from a bottle?
Okay, tell me.
Amongst both of you who knows
to wash clothes properly?
'One more job.
This I won't do it at all.'
I wash clothes very well.
He doesn't know it at all.
I will teach him.
No, no. Clothes are expensive.
If the person who doesn't know to
wash clothes does it...
...then the clothes will tear.
So? - You only will have to do this job.
One day you will die coughing.
Where is the place to wash clothes?
Tell me one thing.
Haven't the people over here washed
their clothes since 2 years?
Hey! Don't waste your time
in futile things.
Others are also getting their clothes.
Let them get it! Let them get the
clothes of the entire house.
And also ask the neighbours
to get their clothes.
This is a cheap and good soap, right?
That's why you are making me work so much.
Is this a skirt or some tent cloth?
Hey you actor! - Call me Natwar!
Tell me one thing. How many families
stay in this house?
15 to 16 families.
So why do you call it a house?
Call it a district.
Do your work. Or else I will
hang you from the rope.
Which demon does this 'Kurta' belong to?
It belongs to our Master.
This means there is a
master demon too?
Hey! Speak softly. They are nothing.
He is the actual boss.
Mangal Singh Chauhan.
He has gone to Gujarat.
He must be on his way.
Come on! Come on!
Come and have your meal!
What? Dig? I am not going to dig!
I also know a little bit of Gujarati.
Don't you want to eat?
- No! - No? - No!
Then you go to hell!
- You go to hell!
Hey, go! You don't understand Gujarati.
Go and dig.
When you will do a lot of hard work,
then you will come to know!
Here I am having a tough time washing...
...clothes and to top it all
they want me to dig!
I am a worker who works endlessly.
Do you know what he meant?
He was calling you to eat food.
What? - Now you go and do your work.
- What food?
Yes, there is bean vegetable, bread and
for sweets there is 'ghungra'.
There is 'choli', 'sabzi'
and what else?
Bread. - Bread?
And what is there for sweets?
What do they call it in Gujarati?
Ghungra. No, ghagra. Ghungra.
I was thinking of something else.
Now nothing can happen.
This is the rule of this house that
if one person refuses... this house for the first time
then he doesn't get food again.
Oh God! What injustice is this?
I do all the work and
he eats the food.
Now nothing can be possible?
It is possible that after everyone
finishes then whatever is left.
I will tell them then they will call you.
Do something. Do something.
Hey! Get up! Go and wash clothes!
He is wetting my pants.
Hey! What are you doing?
Have you gone mad?
Suddenly I remembered my boss.
That's why I lost my senses.
Foolish! This is not
your boss's clothes.
This is the dress of
master's only sister.
If they even tear a little then
master will not spare you.
What do you want?
I don't know Gujarati.
That's why when they called me
for food I didn't go.
Can I get a little food?
- What? - Shoe?
Shoe? Yes, I polished shoes
long time back.
And I have also washed the clothes.
Can I get... what did that guy tell me?
Can I get ghagro (skirt) and
choli (blouse)? - What?
A blouse and a skirt?
- Yes, a blouse and a skirt.
Whose do you want? You give me.
You give me.
You shameless guy!
You want my skirt and blouse?
Yes, I want.
Oh no! - If you don't mind
then I will take it myself.
Uncle! Come soon! Come soon!
Papa, come soon!
What happened?
He is saying that he wants
my skirt and blouse.
Yes, I want it.
You give me. Give me.
Hit him! Hit him!
Definitely you must have
done something.
That's why you are in such a state.
This is good that I reached
at the right time.
Or else they would beat you up...
...and cooked you for dinner.
Sit. - What kind of people are these?
They only make me work from
morning till evening.
They don't even give food.
He is also sitting here.
Did you get the news?
They beat me up very badly
in the kitchen.
Yes. Even there they beat me.
Why are you crying?
Now don't go anywhere.
Yes. Sit here. Sit.
You will get it here only.
- What? Beating? - No, food.
Take this. Take this plate.
Give him.
Which animals skin this is?
This is bread.
- How can I eat just this?
I need something with this.
Can I get pickle?
Do you want 4 of them? - Yes.
Take these 4. 1, 2. 3 and 4.
What is this? Yuck! - 5 and 6.
Did you wash your hands?
Since 24 hours I have been washing clothes
and that too with soap.
And should I wash my hands for this food?
- Dirty guy!
Can I get a saw to cut it?
Thank God that today the bread is softer
as compared to the other days.
So are these those 2 fools
who have come to work?
The boys are good. Very hard working.
Do they give only so much to eat?
Is it?
So should we get you food
from 5 star hotels?
Eat quickly and get to work.
No, no. I am not used to eating
such strong and rigid food.
Look at him. How quietly
he is eating food!
Give anything to him.
He will eat it quietly.
And if you tell him anything then
he won't even listen. - Why?
Is he dumb and deaf?
- Yes, he is dumb and deaf.
But he is not proud of it at all.
He is asking for buttermilk.
- He is asking forte.
Yes, he is asking forte.
Whatever you get, get 2 of them.
Is she the madam you were
talking about? - No!
She is also a madam. But above her
there is one more madam.
Like him.
Why? Does she eat a lot?
No. She can't speak.
But she can hear.
Shruti! Shruti! Shruti!
Shruti, come with me.
I have to show you something.
Come with me for a minute.
I want you to meet a man.
Come. Come with me!
See this.
Neither he can hear nor speak.
But it doesn't seem that
he is either dumb or deaf.
You fool!
I am getting to eat animal skin, and that too
you are not able to tolerate.
I will kill you today.
Wait! Wait, you scoundrel! Wait!
Come here. Come here.
Sir, please forgive me. I didn't see you.
If you didn't see me then how did you
aim right under my eye?
No, no. I was hitting him.
- Whom? - Him.
This poor chap who is dumb.
Wait! Wait!
Now I will show you the fun.
Wait! Hold this. Hold this!
Now you hit him.
And listen, it should hit him here only.
Hit him!
You dumb guy! I am your brother.
Hey! Now hit me!
Hit him!
Whatever happens, it's always
Mangal Mangal Mangal.
Do you people also think about anything
apart from Mangal?
Mangal is not your elder brother.
He is the son of your elder brother.
I agree that he is the son of
my elder brother.
But he means more to me than
my elder brother.
Whatever he says will be the law in...
...this house and everyone will have
to follow it. Even you.
Hey! Uncle!
Wait! Stop all this!
Is this a place to play?
Why? What happened?
What if your legs break?
- Then we will get it plastered.
One can plaster your leg, but I can't...
...plaster the tent if anything
happens to it.
All these things are mine.
I can come here whenever I want.
Hey! Go away! - Why should I go?
Come on now, go!
Cut carefully!
They had asked you to cut plants.
What are you cutting?
If you are going to stand in front
then it will get cut.
Go away!
What happened?
- That is what I am asking.
What is happening here?
What do you want?
If I have tied it then
I only will take it away.
Leave this. This I have tied.
I am not talking about this.
You very well know that and even
the members of the family know...
...that as soon as the marriage
takes place I take it and go.
Hey sir! What happened?
Sir, I was saying that...
- He lengthened my tie.
What did he tie? - He had tied it
for the marriage.
For whose marriage?
- Shruti madam's marriage.
Okay! So he is Shruti's husband. - Hey!
What nonsense are you talking?
Will you get me killed?
Wasn't he yelling and saying that
he has tied it?
What he meant that he has tied the...
...tent of the marriage he hasn't
married Shruti! - What?
Is this a tent?
I thought this was a house?
In your village do your houses
look like this?
This is not a house. This is a palace.
It was senior sir's order that the house
should be decorated like a palace.
It is Shruti madam's marriage, right?
When is the marriage?
The date of marriage has passed by.
The day the marriage was there,
that day it was broken.
It is very sad that the marriage is
broken on the marriage day itself.
The marriage was broken
in this wedding tent...
...and in this tent only the marriage
will take place.
This promise was taken by Mangal
in this tent itself.
Without my consent who is he to have
taken an oath in my tent?
Will he take an oath by asking you?
Don't talk too much!
You are getting the rent, right?
See sir, don't entrap me.
I already have 2 to 3 marriages and a
festival at a temple to handle.
I have taken advance for all of them.
I have to dismantle this tent from here
and put it there.
If you touch this tent then
I will break your hands.
Are you jesting or are you
speaking the truth?
I am speaking the truth.
Then it is fine. Otherwise I don't like
these kind of jokes.
And yes, if that female never gets married...
...then for God's sake don't tell me to...
...leave this tent as a
wedding memento for her.
When Mangal brother took an oath...
...then every member of the house took an
oath that till Shruti...
...doesn't get married till then no one
in the house will get married.
Why won't they get married?
That was good.
Otherwise I wouldn't be capable of...
...marriage by washing the marriage clothes.
But I want this marriage to
take place at any cost.
Otherwise when will I get married?
According to your age there is only one
female who is worth for you.
That moustache guy's wife.
But for her you will have to get rid
of that moustache guy!
Hey! Stop talking nonsense!
I like Rupa! Rupa! - Rupa?
What is Rupa?
Will you get married to a vest?
Shut up! She is not a vest.
She wears a skirt and a top.
Who is in the kitchen making breads...
Who had got you beaten up!
Hey! Stop talking nonsense.
Make my drink!
Don't yell! Don't yell!
I am making. Don't talk.
I think I am very high!
That's why I can hear different
kind of voices.
Hey you shorty!
Either you drink or go to sleep!
I will go to sleep.
Hey! Go to sleep!
What is going on? - Shut up, you dog!
Go to sleep.
There is no one over here
to listen to me.
I want to speak.
Since so many months I haven't
heard my own voice.
Is anyone there?
"The season is a slayer."
"I hope that this disloyal heart
doesn't get lost somewhere."
"There is a huge dilemma."
"I hope that this disloyal heart
doesn't get lost somewhere."
"Neither is there peace nor is
there any tranquillity."
"For whom I am waiting for?"
"For whom I am waiting for?"
"The season is a slayer."
"I hope that this disloyal heart
doesn't get lost somewhere."
"In the laughter of the moon I must
sway in it's moonlight."
"I must sway in the captivating light."
"In the laughter of the moon I must
sway in it's moonlight."
"I must sway in the captivating light."
"If not in love..."
So you can't speak but can sing!
Stop it. Tell me why did you do this drama?
I know how to get you speaking. Come on.
Where is he gone? - I am down here.
At your feet.
The fact is that I can speak and
hear too at times.
I am a dumb guy of a different sort.
To tell you the truth...
I have only one kidney.
Then why are you dumb?
Is your kidney in your mouth?
No... the doctor said that
I should not work.
Or I might get a heart attack.
So my uncle advised me to act dumb... as to escape work and
also win some sympathy.
Please let me stay here till my uncle
returns with the money.
You can't understand the pain of a guy
with just one kidney.
If anyone else comes to know this truth...
...then I shall ensure that no Gujarati
in this house gets to drink even water.
What!? And how will you do that?
I will consume poison, jump into this
well and kill myself.
Ok, we are letting you off this time.
But if anyone else in this house learns
the truth about you...
...then you will end up losing your other
kidney too. Got it? Go now.
What is it?
Last night I dreamt of something.
- What kind of dream?
In the dream I saw that the three of us...
...were sitting together and drinking alcohol.
And this dumb guy spoke.
Shut up, you dog! Didn't he say
the same thing? - Yes.
But how do you know...
...what he was saying in my dream?
You only said that all three of us were...
...sitting together and drinking
alcohol in the dream.
Then even I will hear. Am I deaf?
I am also so foolish!
But in your dream... - I understood.
"It has come. It has come.
The message has come".
What message? - "The message has come.
See this. Shruti dear's marriage
has been fixed.
Mangal has sent the fax.
Shruti madam, your marriage
has been fixed! - Hey!
First we will take sweets and go
and then we will tell her.
Come on. - Come on. Yes, come.
Shruti dear!
Shruti dear! Whatever you like
from this take it.
I have to give you good news.
She is asking how much of our property
have they asked in dowry?
Don't worry about that, dear.
That Mangal will handle.
Here. Have the sweet.
Take it, dear.
They have asked for 2 Ahmedabad...
...companies and a lot of
property over here.
So this is clear that they don't want Shruti
but they want her wealth.
So what is wrong in that?
The tradition of dowry is on since ages.
It's not a new thing.
Once they get the property then
she will be just a burden.
And Shruti doesn't want to be a burden.
Because of this reason should we make...
...Shruti madam sit at home
throughout her life.
Mangal must have thought of something...
...and given consent
for the marriage, right?
Correct! Mangal won't take any
decision without thinking.
He has only lived his
entire life for you.
Shruti, you must agree to your brother.
Why don't you all understand?
She doesn't like all this.
See, we all know that
whatever decision...
...Mangal takes only that
happens in this house.
Then it is better for all of us
to agree to what he says.
What is this? Is this the time
to cry? Come on!
Now your marriage has not
taken place, right?
Come on. Get up! Get up!
Me? And talk to your brother?
Have I lost my senses?
Let anyone tell him anything
but he won't understand.
Everyone knows that his love for you...
...has increased so much that
he has gone mad.
Hey! But you don't worry.
Your brother won't come to know.
...and even this marriage
will not work out.
I have a plan for that.
Come here!
Tell me. What is it?
What kind of clothes have you worn?
This... this is that body builder's 'kurta'.
I wear it as a nightdress.
Why did you call me? - Take this.
Why are you showing your teeth?
I... that... I don't accept
love letters. I feel shy.
I will hit you one! Talks of love letters.
Take this!
What is this? - It is written in Hindi.
- That even I understand.
I am Shruti's lover...
It is a message. - We have to send it
across to Gujarat.
But I don't have so much time with... that I will give it
till Gujarat and come.
You don't need to go to Gujarat.
Just once if your voice reaches Gujarat.
That is enough.
Take this. - My voice...
Not this voice. Read it in your
original voice.
Hello, I am Jaichand Rathod.
Who are you?
Some Jaichand Rathod is there.
You speak.
You read. - Okay. - Read.
Hello. I am Shruti's lover speaking.
Okay? - Speak properly.
We are in love since 2 years.
We can't live without each other.
And whoever comes in between and
tries to marry Shruti then... will get to see both our
dead bodies on the wedding dais.
Did you understand? - What!
Hey you loud mouth!
Will you wake up everyone?
Sorry. Who is he?
He is Shruti's to-be husband.
Okay. So what did I tell him?
That you and Shruti are lovers.
- Is it?
And you both are having
an affair since 2 years.
And both of you can't live
without each other. - Is it?
And if Jaichand and Shruti get married
to each other then he...
...will find both of your dead bodies
on this wedding dais.
Then their marriage will be broken.
Yes, of course it will be broken.
And only you will be responsible for this.
Hey see! This is a sin.
Now stop all this here itself!
Because if anyone gets to know that
you can speak then you will be...
Hey! Listen!
No one is there.
Have you sent this message?
In our place we don't get message
but Gujarati news.
No, no.
I am talking about love messages
not about newspaper.
What are you talking about?
I know about Chocobar,
Beer Bar, Birbal Akbar.
I don't know about what you are saying!
See, if you want to write a love letter...
...then write in the language that
I will understand.
I mean that now I will read this.
You explain me the meaning of this.
It is the cooker!
In the light.
I am Shruti's lover speaking.
We are in love since 2 years.
We can't live without each other.
And whoever comes in between
and tries to...
What did you say, you donkey!
Hey! Where are you running
with the letter! Wait!
Hey, Kanhaiya! I am saying wait!
Give it to me back or else
I won't spare you!
That is my love letter. For the first time
someone has written it to me.
Hey, return that back!
That is... Kanhaiya!
Who are you? Who are you!
Why did you do like this?
Brother, you don't hit him. Please!
Who asked you to do this?
Tell me!
Tell me or else I will kill you!
Tell me!
Mangal! Mangal! - Uncle, you don't
come in between.
Listen to me. This scoundrel had called up!
He has broken my sister's marriage.
- No!
He only had said that...
- Listen to me!
He cannot speak. He is dumb.
He is dumb like our Shruti.
In the night someone threw
this letter on me.
He snatched this and he was
running away to tease me.
They broke the marriage because of
an anonymous phone call.
It doesn't matter if they believed
in the phone call.
If we transfer our export and
travel agency business on their... then they are willing to
marry that day itself.
So... then have you agreed to
their conditions?
Yes, I did.
I said that I would give
whatever they asked.
Except my sister.
What do those people think?
Is my sister a burden on me?
Whom I will just throw away like that!
I am not worried about the money.
I want that you should get such a guy...
...who should love you and not your wealth.
Wherever he might be in the world
I will find him and get him.
And whatever he asks for
I will give him that.
Even my life. - Mangal!
Why do you worry, Mangal?
I had made that wedding dais
for her marriage.
Only on that wedding dais her
marriage will take place.
Yes, uncle.
Forgive me. I didn't know that the
situations would become like this.
But I knew.
After getting the first blow from
that body builder I understood.
That I am going to be in this state.
Now it is not advisable
for you to stay here.
You must go away from here tonight itself.
I should go away? Where to?
Anywhere. If you want money
then I will give you.
How much will you give me?
Will 500 do? - What! 500?
That body builder hit me at least
400 to 500 punches like Jackie Chan.
And for that only 500?
Even if a cycle guy hits you,
one gets more than 500.
So how much do you want
to get from here?
13,90,000. - That's all!
Just so little? This is very little.
Oh! Is it like that?
Lf... I give you 15 lakhs then? - What!
Then the deal is final.
Absolutely final.
Hey! Don't try to act too smart!
If brother comes to know that
you can speak then he...
...will beat you up not like Jackie Chan
but like Mike Tyson.
That's why I am telling you to
disappear from here.
Tomorrow morning
I should not see you here!
Hey smarty! Wait!
What do you think of yourself?
You are threatening me?
That letter which you have written is
still in that body builder's hand.
And here everyone knows that I have
just come a few days back.
I don't know Gujarati.
And why will I be interested in
breaking her marriage?
Am I her lover? - Hey! - Hey, you!
Don't show your temper!
To prove that the handwriting in the
letter is yours I just have... tell them to match your handwriting
with the letter.
After that you only answer them.
If I get angry I will also tell them
that you were jealous since...
...they were thinking only of her marriage
and not of yours.
And then they will even start
doubting that it was...
...because of you that the
earlier marriage had broken.
And by mistake if I open my mouth
then you will be doomed!
Good night!
Gundya-bhau, stop! - Why should I stop?
I have come here to battle it out.
Battle? - That scoundrel, hits my nephew?
That fool!
Gundya, don't be a goon.
If they come to know that I have told... then I will have to
lose out on my job.
Just let go of this job of his!
I will give you a job.
Come to my boat from tomorrow.
What work will I do on the boat?
I will transform you into a scary person
and insert an iron...
...rod into you then even the crows
won't trouble the fishes.
You all have hit my nephew, right?
Till the time this matter doesn't get...
...solved I am not going to go from here.
No, no. Go!
Come out! - He has come. - You Gujarati!
You Gujarati!
See, Gundya brother,
we committed a mistake.
You committed a mistake?
Is this an answer?
You hit a dumb and deaf person so...
...ruthlessly and you say that
it was just a mistake.
Calm down! - Remove your hand!
See, you do one thing.
Take your nephew with you.
Give me the money later.
You had given your word.
Now stick by it!
Now don't change colours
like a chameleon.
What did you say?
That till the time I don't return your... you are not going to leave them.
Did you say that or not?
So then till the time I don't give you...
...the money, don't leave him
and I don't even want him.
Listen to me... - Hey! Don't come
in between our discussion.
Yes! My money matter is different.
But this... that you hit him so badly.
Settle those scores!
Softly, softly.
Mangal is inside. - I am not afraid of any
Mangal (Mars) and Shani (Saturn)!
And I am also the son of Kharwar!
When any fisherman's son cries then... you know what the mother says to him?
Go to sleep, go to sleep.
Or else Gundya will come.
Go to sleep!
I have heard this a lot of times!
Saw even he has heard about it.
Call your Mangal or whoever it is!
I won't even spare him! Call him!
Scoundrel! Hey, I told you not to touch me.
Didn't I tell you!
Whatever happened, it happened unknowingly.
- I understood, sir.
Whatever I did was a mistake.
I have already atoned for it.
Call him! - Kanhaiya!
I have put him on a job.
20,000 salary. Is that fine?
If you open your mouth the
next time then...
Take care of it.
Don't let it go anywhere. Okay?
I... will come on the 1st and
will take this and go. Okay?
Yes. Okay!
You want to steal the iron?
No, no.
If they catch me with this then they will
make me a Jabba like you.
Iron will disappear!
I have lost 18 crores
in the soap business.
See, no one should come to know
about this. - Okay.
Did you get the money?
- No, I didn't get it.
Then for what have you come here
with a sad face?
You are useless of the first order!
Can't you get the money back?
When I had given him the responsibility... get the money back from the people
of this village then only...
...I had understood that this company
would get doomed.
By hiding it from Mangal, very sneakily
I give you so much money.
And you are ruining me only.
What should I tell you, Seth-ji?
That boy named Jeetu was so cunning that
everyone fell into his trap.
And even I fell into it.
But money has gone, right!
You were saying that he died by drowning... the water and you will get the
money from insurance.
What happened of that?
His father is saying that his body
hasn't been found yet.
So that's why the insurance people are
not giving the money yet.
Lie! His father is talking nonsense!
His father must have
taken away all the money!
Go and catch his father's throat and...
...after that we will get
our money back quickly.
It is not a big deal to catch his throat.
The people have made his
condition worse than this.
They removed his loincloth
in the middle of the market.
They have thrown stones at the house.
Now the people are saying that
now if he doesn't...
...return the money then they
will burn his house.
This is the right thing!
This is how you get your money back!
This is how a person
gets his money back!
This is a true Indian.
Have you got the accounts? - Yes, here are
the accounts. Here it is.
One minute.
This Jeet guy has really made
my life miserable to live.
Sir! You, the person who is
wearing a loincloth!
Listen! I am Prabhat Singh Chauhan's
daughter. Meenakshi.
Do you know any guy called Jeet?
Yes, what happened?
- Do you know him well?
I know him very well.
He was a fraud of the first order!
He used to take the money and disappear.
Now since he is dead.
Even his body is deceiving us.
Even that has disappeared.
Till we don't find his dead body
I can't even sleep peacefully.
Do you have any photograph of his?
Wherever we might find his dead body... recognize it as a proof
I always keep his photo with me.
Look at this.
He has betrayed the entire village.
He is not worthy of any trust.
He is just telling lies
one after the other.
And he is not related to Gundya- bhau.
His father is the head master of a school.
And he hasn't even spared him!
Because of him it has become difficult
for their entire family to live.
'What are you doing? '
'Lf you don't pay the money on time
then this only will happen! '
'Leave me! '
Whenever there is an urgent work office...
...people take an off on that day itself!
If this money doesn't reach Mehta sir...
...till 5 o'clock in the evening
then it will be horrendous.
Look this money.
5 o'clock. 5 o'clock. Mehta sir...
Mehta. Cap.
It should reach him.
Or else everything will go wrong.
Hey! I learnt it.
It is very easy.
Take this. Count it quickly. Check whether
it is right. And come.
Brother, father hasn't come till now.
We will find him.
You all don't worry.
Uncle will come.
They have taken a lot of money and gone.
And along with them that
boy is also there.
That Gundya-bhau's nephew,
if he does something then... - No.
That boy can't do anything of that sort.
I know he is a fraud of the first order.
He will definitely betray us.
And he can do anything for
money, brother. Anything.
I know that's why I am telling you.
Do something quick. Please!
Tell us! Since when he is here?
After he has gone from here has
someone called here? - No.
We have looked for them
at a lot of places.
But till now we have no news of them.
There is a message from the station, sir.
Sir, we have arrested him.
But he is not saying anything.
We have found that person.
But he is not saying anything
when he is being asked.
When I go and slap him only
then will he start speaking.
Come on!
Father... father... what happened to you?
- What happened?
Uncle. - How did this happen?
Nothing. Nothing. Don't worry.
Are you okay? - Don't worry.
I am fine.
We had met with a small accident.
Good that Kanhaiya was with me.
He saved me.
He took me to the hospital.
Then whom we had to give the money... he gave the money and came too.
And after that he went to take medicines.
But he didn't come back after that.
Did he come here?
When you didn't come back then
I thought that...
That I really ran away with the money.
TeacherJaidev Prasad's son
has learnt everything.
But he didn't learn to rob.
And nor do I know to betray anyone.
If I knew then I wouldn't be
in this state today.
Before people burn my house down...
I will have to go there.
Because they will get the
insurance money only...
...when my dead body will reach there.
But I can't even walk and go there myself.
Someone will have to lift me...
I mean my dead body.
This was my second birth.
Without saying or hearing anything.
I was just going on living.
But now the time has come to end
even this birth.
Burn them.
And this... what is this account?
This account... is the account of
fishing finance company.
35 lakhs is our investment then how...
...have we suffered losses of 36 lakhs?
See we gave 35 lakhs to people on loan.
And to get the money back
we had to spend 1 lakh.
Actually the thing is that
in order to get...
...the money back I had go to the
hospital many times.
And I am counting all that
and telling you.
Oh no!
I feel before Mangal gets to know about...
...this I will have shut
all the businesses.
No problem. We will inform
Mangal brother.
And not only about these losses.
But we will also tell him about
all the losses of this year.
Yes. And how much do you have
to take from Sharma-ji?
Who is Sharma? What is Sharma?
Where is Sharma from?
Tell me, do you know any Sharma?
Yes... yes.
No, no. Which Sharma?
See, he himself doesn't know Sharma.
I don't know Sharma.
So then... then how do you all know Sharma?
What are you all talking?
Is it?
Then ask all that from Mangal brother.
Girls! Girls!
Listen to me. See, dear.
Don't tell anything to Mangal brother.
That... whatever you will tell me
I will give you that.
I don't want anything.
First stop all these futile businesses.
And think something big.
I will.
Do you know why does Mangal brother's
every business run so well?
Because he starts every business of his
from Shruti's hands.
That's why listen to me, father.
And get your new finance company
inaugurated by Shruti's hands.
But... how is that?
Listen to me carefully.
Right now you give Shruti 13,90,000.
And next year she will return you
all that money with interest.
Give it. Give it. Give the money.
As it is we give the money to outsiders
and run into losses, right?
This time we will give her the chance.
And if there will be a loss,
then it will be at home only.
Hey Bandya! - I didn't know that
I look so handsome.
What do you have to say? - Shut up!
We haven't called you here to see
how handsome you are. Come here.
And keep the bag down.
And whatever we said you understood, right? - Yes.
What did you understand?
- To keep the bag down.
I will give you one!
This is not a joke! This is a
job of great responsibility.
Of what? To keep the bag down?
Now tell me. What is the first thing
that you will do?
First I will board the village's bus.
Then I will give the conductor 100 rupees.
I will buy a ticket worth 92 rupees.
Then? - Then I will take the
remaining change back.
Oh! Then? - Then I will get down
at the bus stop.
And after getting down I will ask
for the house of Javed Prasad.
Not Javed Prasad. It's Jaidev Prasad.
Yes, that's fine. The remaining work
I will get done with it quickly.
How is that?
I have written down everything in a paper
and kept it in my pocket.
Yes, what is the name of the
teacher's son?
The dead Jeetu.
You don't need to say that he is dead.
Just say Jeetu. That is enough.
- If it is enough then it is fine.
Who are you? - Bandya.
- How are you related to Jeetu!
I am dead Jeetu's very close friend.
Tell me one thing. How does this
dead Jeetu look like? - Why?
What do you have to do?
No, if I meet him on the way then
I will give him the bag.
What is the need to go so far?
Now are you going or not?
- Fine. I will go.
Hey! Take the bag and go at least.
Oh! This bag is very forgetful.
Wherever I keep it, it stays there only.
Come on straight!
And listen! - Yes.
Don't come back after you give the bag
like a tamed dog.
How much ever information you can...
...gather about Jeetu get that and come.
Come out!
Hey, come out!
Give my money!
Move aside! Move aside!
Don't spare him!
Shut up!
What is this? Give money! Give money!
Is this the house of Jeet who is dead?
Yes, it is. What is the matter?
Amongst all of you who is the
father of Jeet who is dead?
Why? What is the matter?
So you are Jaidev Prasad? - Yes.
What do you want?
The boss of All and Soul company has sent me.
That means the partner of
Jeet who is dead.
It is the matter of money, is it?
- Yes, yes. How do you know?
Then you also go and stand in the crowd.
They all have gathered
to burn this house. - What!
To burn the house? - Yes, go and
stand with all of them.
And after that all of you
together burn us.
If that repays all of your loans
then it is fine.
But the truth is that I don't have
even a single penny to give you all.
And I don't even have the courage
to commit suicide.
You all may do you as wish. Go!
You get down! Get down!
Early in the morning you have come
with a bag to ask for money.
And why have you got such a small bag.
Why haven't you got a big truck?
Hey you! Go now! Like you even
we have come to take our money.
We are no fools!
I have not come to take money
but to give it. It is in this bag.
What! - He says that there is
money in the bag.
What did you say? - That I have come
to give the money.
To whom? - To you.
You mean to say that you have
come to give him money.
Was I speaking in Chinese till now?
No, I heard something else.
Actually Master-ji,
the company ran into losses.
Still it is making profit.
So the share of profit that belongs to
Jeet who is dead that is in this bag.
How much is it?
I don't know how much is it? I was asked
to deliver the bag here.
So then open it, you fool!
Why are you standing?
Open it! Let's see.
What was the need for you to do all this?
She said to send it. So I sent it.
Whenever I was in trouble,
I used to remember God.
I used to wish for a lot of things.
But he never listened to me.
Then I started feeling that
he doesn't exist.
But today I saw him.
Just give me your consent to thank you.
Mohan... this is Mohan Rao-ji's house, right?
Yes. Why?
I was thinking of seeing him
once and going away.
I am Mohan Rao.
You have seen me. Now go away.
- Okay. Thank you.
What is it?
Jeetu who is dead, I am his
very close friend. - What?
I mean that I am a close friend
to dead Jeetu. - What?
I mean I was.
I mean... I am... I am.
What are you talking? You fool,
have you gone mad?
What work do you have?
People say that this is the house
of that girl Pooja whose...
...marriage was to take place with
the Jeetu who is now dead.
Shut up!
I warn you from taking his
name in the house!
Okay. Fine. I will not take his name.
Can I meet her?
- She doesn't stay here!
If you want to meet her then
go to her husband's house.
Husband's house? - Yes, husband!
Husband! Husband! What nonsense!
And anything else?
Now if you ask even anything else
about him then...
Go from here!
Oh God!
Hey! This is him!
Who is he?
What did you ask?
Who is he?
How are you related to Jeetu?
So you don't know who he is?
I will explain you now itself!
You scoundrel! You demon!
The bone of a fish!
You betrayer! You have maintained
your friendship very well!
You deceived me so much!
Jerk, I saved your life then you could
have at least told me something.
Tell me one thing.
I want to hear you speak.
And remember one thing.
If I can save your life then
I can even make you speak.
Speak up, you jerk! Speak up!
Please forgive me, buddy.
Okay, now listen. Now listen. One second.
- This is not fair.
Just understand my problem.
What is all this happening?
I have found out everything.
I have used my brains and
found out everything.
He can speak. - Fine. Leave all this.
- I have left it.
Do you want to use my brain and
find out about anything? - Yes.
Along with your brains use
a little of soap too.
The clothes are kept outside,
go and wash them and come.
Then what? Husband!
What kind of husband!
He said that and spat.
One thing is clear that the
relations between...
...the father-in-law and the
son-in-law aren't pleasant.
Uncle is very hot-tempered.
Okay, this is good that
Pooja has got married.
Even I used to pray
for the same thing.
That wherever she is
she must be happy.
That is enough for me.
Have you seen her husband's photograph?
The pain of seeing one photograph
hasn't gone yet.
You keep quiet, you dumb guy!
I am finding your friendship
very difficult to handle.
She is asking that now all your
difficulties have been solved.
Then why don't you go to your village
and meet everyone and come?
Pooja has always waited
for me to marry her.
I have done a lot of injustice to her.
Now I don't want to do
any more injustice.
She is married today because
she thought that I was dead.
If I go back and she sees that I am...
...alive then she won't be
able to tolerate it.
Her settled life will get ruined.
That's why I have decided that
I will never go back to the village.
So have you decided to stay here only?
Yes. I am thinking that I will learn a...
...little bit of Gujarati and
stay here only with you all.
Is it? So do you have so much guts?
- Yes.
So should I get her married to you?
- Yes.
I am telling the truth.
She really likes you a lot.
Do you like her or not?
No, no.
No, no.
Tell me whether you like her?
- No, no.
That means you don't like her?
No, it is not that I don't like her.
I like her. - Okay.
So this is Romeo's inner feelings!
That smart Charlie!
No, not like that.
You all were joking so even I was joking.
I am not going to get trapped easily.
Have you become blind along with
being dumb and deaf?
Sorry, buddy! I didn't see it.
Now will your father wash these clothes?
It was just a mistake.
- I will kill you. Sorry.
Whatever loan my son had
taken has been repaid.
He fulfilled all the promises
he had made.
He couldn't fulfil one wish,
which he had made to you.
No what will you do by staying here?
In front of you your
entire life is there.
It is just the matter of one 'Mangalsutra'...
...which he didn't tie around my neck.
But I was always meant for him.
Since childhood.
Bygones are bygones.
Forget everything.
It is not that I haven't tried.
But it is just not possible.
From this body my soul can go away
but not Jeet's memories.
Dear, you have the right
to live your life.
At least give me so much right
to live as Jeet's widow.
This is where my happiness lies of
being Jeet's widow.
Are you teasing me?
It has fallen... it has fallen.
It has fallen... it has fallen.
This heart has fallen in love with you.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
You have written it very well.
But for whom is it?
For me?
Good. I have at least helped you
in writing your poetry.
By the way, how come this became
your hobby suddenly?
Was she calling me a monkey?
No, no.
What is it?
If I show you something then
will you tell me what it is?
What do you want to show?
One I will give you!
After getting beaten up so many times... haven't come on the right track.
If you do this act again then
you will get beaten up badly.
Remember that!
The fool!
It has fallen... it has fallen.
This heart has fallen in love with you.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
I have been captivated...
I have been captivated.
Your allure has captivated me.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
When I saw you for the first time.
I lost my senses and
I didn't know where I was.
It has fallen... it has fallen.
This heart has fallen in love with you.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
I have been captivated...
I have been captivated.
Your allure has captivated me.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
I had never thought that
this would happen one day.
I will find the lover of my dreams.
Now even thorns seem like
flower buds to me.
This desire has come in my heart.
It has fallen... it has fallen.
This heart has fallen in love with you.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
What effect have the desires had on me?
Wherever I see, I see only you, beloved.
My silence has become a
language in its own.
My fervor has now become a saga.
It has fallen... it has fallen.
This heart has fallen in love with you.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
I have been captivated...
I have been captivated.
Your allure has captivated me.
Oh beloved! Oh beloved!
So you don't know anything?
I know that in Shruti's heart
there is something for him...
But Shruti hasn't done anything wrong.
I know my dear one!
How is he related to Gundya-bhau?
He... is his nephew.
How many years is he with you?
From 30 years he is with me.
Then what must be his age?
- He must be 25 to 26 years.
Not more than that.
The calculations are not right, Gundya.
I... I got scared.
Whenever I get scared the
accounts get messed up.
But why are we arguing with his age?
How much do you want it to be?
We will keep it that much.
That will be fine, right?
You just tell me the figure.
I want to know everything
about him.
About his parents,
about his family.
No, don't ask me about that.
I can't even say anything about that.
I am only everything to him.
His parents, everything.
Did he do anything wrong?
Gundya, you know my sister very well.
Many alliances come for her
but all are just after her wealth.
After they get the wealth she will
just be a burden for them.
I want that she should get married
to a boy who is like her.
So that none of them should be a
burden to each other.
They should live happily.
Can you... help me?
You are right. But where will you
find such a boy?
And I don't know any other Gujarati
apart from you.
Do you have any boy in mind? - Yes.
But he is not a Gujarati.
He is your nephew.
Will you give him to me?
And anyways I don't believe in Hindi...
...Marathi, Gujarati,
Bengali discrimination.
You mean... marriage.
Think of it. Then let me know.
Who are they to fix my marriage
without asking me?
Your uncle. - He must be your uncle.
It is my marriage.
I should at least be asked.
If they ask you then you
won't be able to hear it.
And if you hear it then
you can't even speak. - So!
So then all of us together
took the decision. - Bandya!
You are not understanding
the situation.
What is there to understand in this?
If you keep quiet then
you will get married.
And if you open your mouth
then you will automatically die.
Now amongst these which condition
do you want?
That you decide!
- Bandya, listen to me...
You don't need to think.
This can never happen.
This relation is not worthy for us!
Who knows from where he has come!
After waiting for such a long time, you...
...have found 'this' guy
for your dear sister?
I wanted someone who understands
and loves her.
I didn't think of anything
beyond that.
Only love is not everything.
She has to live too.
She can't speak.
And the person who is supposed to...
...marry her he can neither
speak nor hear.
Then how will they live?
I can speak, right?
So I will speak for them.
I have ears so they will
listen for them.
Are you out of your mind?
Till now if anyone used to commit a...
...mistake then you used
to punish them!
And everyone else used
to accept it. Even me.
And today you are going
to commit a mistake.
You will repent!
Remember what I said!
You will really repent a lot!
I will repent, uncle.
But without any complaint.
All of this wealth is yours, uncle.
I will give it to you.
I will go away empty handed.
But I only want that
my sister's marriage...
...should take place in this
wedding tent itself.
What did you say?
What... did you say?
You will leave all this property, which... have earned yourself
just like that!
What is the use of all this property?
Does anything else make a difference
to my life apart from you?
I just want that we should not
get betrayed in this.
My daughter should not be betrayed.
No, uncle. I am very sure that
he will not betray us.
I am not worthy of calling you a brother.
Brother, till now I wasn't saying anything
nor was I hearing anything.
But this was my helplessness, brother.
Uncle, this was my helplessness.
In helplessness only a
person can do this evil act.
He betrays... he lies... he robs.
Do you know the consequences of
messing with us?
Hit him! Hit him!
Wait! Leave him! Wait!
Now did you get to see his true colours?
Now also if you want to get your sister
married to him then go ahead.
When my sister said that she likes you...
...then I was waiting to hear
you call me a brother.
But now I am hearing the same word
from a betrayer's mouth.
Why did you do this? Why!
Forgive me, brother.
I should forgive you!
I am ready to forgive you for deceiving me.
But I can never forgive you for jesting
with and deceiving my sister.
Henceforth you will not say anything.
Move aside!
You will never say anything.
I can bear everything but I cannot bear of
being accused to be a betrayer.
Your sister knows everything about me!
I have not hidden anything from her.
In fact how much she knows about me...
...that much no one in this
world knows about me.
If you are right and if she also
is betraying me like you.
Then from today onwards
I will not have a sister.
No, brother. You will not
do anything to her.
There is no fault of hers
in this, brother.
Today you will have to hear
the entire truth.
What were you doing?
It is not your fault in this.
Dear, we wipe the tears of every person
coming at our doorstep.
You also were doing the same thing.
See... see everything will happen
the way you want.
No happiness is bigger for me in
this world apart from yours.
No, dear. Don't cry.
Dear, Jeet has told us everything.
He is a very nice person.
We have full trust on him.
Till today you must have
lied so many times.
But at the end you also said the truth.
I know that this is reality.
But from today onwards you will have... forget your past and live with us.
No one else will have
any right on you. - Yes.
If you agree to what I say then you...
...will have to promise me one more thing.
That you will never leave
Shruti and go.
You will always be with her
for the entire life.
If you are sure in your intentions
only then take this oath.
I will never leave this house and
Shruti till I die.
This is my promise.
"This heart has fallen for it!"
"This heart has fallen for it!"
"This heart has fallen for it."
"For the discourses of your love."
"For the desire of your love."
"For the boundaries of your love."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"For the celebrations of your love."
"For the discussions of your love."
"For the zeal of your love."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"Oh my beloved!"
"Listen to what the heart has to say."
"My heart has fallen for you... for you."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"For the discourses of your love."
"For the desire of your love."
"For the boundaries of your love."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"For the celebrations of your love."
"For the discussions of your love."
"For the zeal of your love."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"The style of the love between us
is very charismatic."
"Over here neither anyone is like you
nor anywhere else too."
"All through the day and night
I am lost in your thoughts."
"Now what is life without you, beloved."
"Oh my beloved!"
"Listen to what the heart has to say."
"My heart has fallen for you... for you."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"The intoxication of madness has
captivated me like this."
"That I can't see anything else
apart from you."
"Now every moment I just wish for you."
"You are there in my breaths
and in all the fragrances."
"Oh my beloved!"
"Listen to what the heart has to say."
"My heart has fallen for you... for you."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"For the discourses of your love."
"For the desire of your love."
"For the boundaries of your love."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"This heart has fallen for it."
"Come on, dance!"
Greet me! Greet me!
I am not just that Gundya sir.
I am your boss's to be relative now.
What? Relative! - Greetings, sir.
Yes, now say that Gundya sir, come inside.
Gundya sir, come inside.
This jerk who is kept
by that moustache guy!
"The moustache guy is
on the other side".
"Take me that side."
Boss! Boss!
Leave my hand! - Don't go inside.
Go back! Go back!
Once if Gundya sir puts his foot forward
he never takes it back.
If you step even one foot forward
then you won't have any legs left.
Don't go inside.
Wash the clothes! Wash then!
I am going to meet my son
and my relative inside.
Not son, nephew.
He was my nephew.
Now I have adopted him.
From whom have you adopted him?
- From me.
I was his uncle, right? - Yes.
So I adopted him from me only.
So I became the father then, right?
Oh God! Boss, don't go inside.
Who are you to stop me! Move aside!
Boss, 'he' spoke. - Who spoke?
See... see.
One minute.
What did you say? - I didn't say anything.
He said that he didn't say anything.
Then why did you tell me that
he said something?
I didn't say that he spoke.
Then what did you say?
- I said that 'he' spoke.
But when I asked him if he spoke...
...then you said that
he didn't say anything.
Yes, he didn't say.
- And you told me that he said.
I didn't say that he spoke.
I said that 'he' spoke.
Hold this. - Yes.
You will die! You will die today.
See who has come?
Come, come, Gundya.
We were waiting just for you.
See what have I got.
I have got 'Khakara', 'Jalebi', 'Gathiya',
'Barfi', 'Halwa' and 'Mohanthal'.
This is for you.
Have these fried snacks.
And I have got coconut and sweets.
Didn't you get sweets made form fenugreek?
No, that I didn't get that. - Not a problem.
That we shall give you.
Sure. You will make me eat
with your own hands.
Will you meet your nephew?
Yes, call him. - Kanhaiya!
Your dear uncle has come.
- Dearest uncle!
Kanhaiya! - How are you related to him?
- I am his uncle.
But he won't understand that
in this language.
You will have to explain him
in his language.
Tea... so uncle.
Understood? - Yes.
You are my uncle.
Did I hear anything?
- Yes. How are you, uncle?
Hey... hey.
You can speak. - Hey! What?
My nephew has started speaking.
My nephew has spoken
for the first time.
Say. Say something. Say again
for the first time.
Uncle, this is not the first time.
I can hear and speak from before only.
He is saying a lie!
He is dumb. I swear by my mother.
He... is making you a fool.
He is acting as if he can speak.
Tell Seth-ji the truth.
Say that you are dumb.
I have already told them the truth.
That I am not dumb or deaf.
And I also told them that
you brought me from the ocean.
Now do you have to say anything?
Whose bone breaking noise was it?
It has not broken yet.
It is going to be broken.
Eat all of this and finish it.
Then Mangal will decide
what is to be done with you.
Don't do anything to me.
I am saying the truth. I didn't know
that this dumb guy speaks.
How is he your nephew?
You know that I am an Indian.
And all Indians are
my brothers and sisters.
So he is the son of one of my brothers.
So then he is my nephew.
In our India this happens.
I don't know how it is in Gujarat.
I don't know.
Is this so?
Whatever be the case!
Since you have got him here
so we forego your loan.
What about the interest?
- That also I forego.
That also you don't need to pay!
See, whatever I did I did that
since I was helpless.
Okay? But your future now is very good.
Though I am fake, but don't
forget this uncle of yours.
Today whatever I am is because
of you and Bandya.
I will never forget this. I will never
forget this till I die.
Give this to Jeet's house.
There is enough money in this because...
...of which his family can live happily
for their entire life.
I want that they should bless him.
They should remember him
with a lot of affection.
Do you want to tell anything
to your family?
There is no need to tell
anything to my family.
You know everything.
I don't want anyone to come here tomorrow
and claim that I am their son.
Okay, let's go.
No, we don't want this money.
Just think that Jeet himself
has sent this for you.
And even Jeet has a share in
what we earned in the business.
You only say what should we do?
You are right. We don't need this money.
What will we do with them?
Who is she?
She is... she is... Jeet's...
What of Jeet?
She is Jeet's widow.
Yes. How do you know?
Jeet had told me.
- What did he tell you about me?
That he likes me?
You go inside, dear.
You knew Jeet very well, is it?
Not very well, but from the heart.
I wish I had known his heart.
Then this situation would
never have come today.
All this is destiny's game plan.
We also can pacify ourselves with that.
Keep this money.
And get this female married.
And Master-ji, I even tell you that
if you have a little love...
...left for Jeet then spend the
rest of your life happily.
So what if he died. See he is at least
at a good position today.
At least you should be happy about this?
I said it so many times.
But no one believed me.
He can be very far but still
I can hear his heart beat.
Since past so many days I was feeling...
...that my son is not dead he is alive.
"Sway and turn around...
sway and turn around... just sway!"
"Sway and turn around...
sway and turn around... just sway!"
"Sway and turn around.
Sway and turn around."
"By swaying and whirling."
"My beloved has taken my heart and gone."
"Sway and turn around...
sway and turn around... just sway!"
"First he got my heart beating."
"Then very secretly
he stole my tranquillity."
"First he got my heart beating."
"Then very secretly
he stole my tranquillity."
"By swaying and whirling."
"My beloved has taken
my heart and gone."
"The eyes met first."
"Then they felt shy."
"Then it felt as if our breaths
have stopped."
"I don't know anything."
"I don't know how this saga unfolded."
"It's the effect of your magic that
I have started quivering."
"I didn't care about myself,
that's the state it left me in."
"By swaying and whirling."
"My beloved has taken my heart and gone."
"Sway and turn around...
sway and turn around... just sway!"
"I don't know why my heart
has become restless."
"The desires of the heart
have started increasing."
"What has started to happen to me?"
"I seem to have lost my tranquillity!"
"I don't know what all I think."
"I am awake all night."
"My maddening feelings."
"I just get her thoughts in mind."
"By swaying and whirling."
"My beloved has taken my heart and gone."
Come inside, father.
No, I won't come inside.
Whoever you want to say
you can tell them and come.
Then we have to leave immediately. Come on.
Father, give me some time.
I'll surely come. - No.
No, you will have to come
with me just now.
My son, at this moment don't let me go
empty handed from here.
Not for me.
Not even for your mother's eyes.
The day you had jumped in the ocean...
...since that day a girl is living
in our house as a widow.
You will have to think about her.
About her tears.
The hands that have taught you to walk.
I am begging with the same hands
and asking you.
Today you will have to come with me.
Dear, don't refuse.
You haven't met Jeet?
Why didn't you tell me?
Jeet dear! Listen to me. He is Verma-ji,
he is a very good friend.
Greetings. - He has come from Delhi.
He is Malhotra sir and he is Kapoor sir.
- Greetings.
Listen dear, the engagement ceremony
is going to begin.
Everyone is waiting. Come. Come.
Come, Verma-ji.
I will get him and come. - Listen.
Now he is a member of this house.
He is not your son.
How can he not be my son?
I will see who has a right
on him more than me?
Listen to me. - Don't create chaos!
Why shouldn't I? I will take
my son along with me.
I will see who stops me!
Fine! Then go inside!
Go inside and ask for your right!
Do you know what will happen inside?
In front of your eyes
your son will be killed.
Do you want to see? Then go and see.
Go! Go!
Aren't you responsible
for this state of his?
Now at least let him live in peace.
You go from here.
When you have already accepted
that he is no more.
Then why do you want to get him to life
and again get him killed?
What they said is that true?
Dead people never come back.
And the people who think
like this are foolish.
And do you know who is the most
foolish amongst them? You!
He had not married you then how can you
call yourself his widow?
Now get out from this house!
I can't keep you in this house
for even a single moment!
Leave her! - Get out!
- What nonsense are you talking?
Now you have no right to stay
in this house. Get out!
You have seen him.
You called him. But your son
refused to come home.
Isn't it?
Now you got to know how much that
your to-be husband loves you!
If he doesn't even love you then
why are you living in this house?
Why are you living in this house!
We are friends since childhood.
When a daughter was born in my house...
...I don't know in which inauspicious time
I had said that... daughter will go to this house.
I have got such a
huge punishment for that!
Now who ever I give you to,
you will have to marry him. Or else...
Or else I will burn her alive
in front of your eyes.
And you will have to see that too!
I am going home.
To meet Pooja.
Once we should ask for forgiveness
and take her consent too.
I must do this at least.
I will come. For sure.
But just pray for me that
I have the courage to face her.
You came back.
My son has come back.
Forgive me, father.
I don't know where
I will go to atone for my sins.
My child!
Don't say anything, son.
If I don't even understand you today...
...then I am not worthy of
being called your father.
Come, dear. Come home.
There are two people in the house
waiting for you eagerly.
And are living only by taking your name.
Come, dear.
Your prayers have got him back.
Now stop crying.
From now on Jeet is only yours.
Only yours.
Isn't it, son?
Dear, now don't even let her be
in this state for a moment.
Take this vermilion and put it
on her forehead.
Tomorrow is my marriage.
I was helpless. I had to repay loans.
For your happiness and peace
I sold myself over there.
Now I don't belong to you all.
I am theirs now.
Look, dear. She is not an ordinary girl
who is just waiting.
She has foregone all the joys of life...
...and is living the life of a widow.
Your widow!
If even a tear drop of hers falls in the...
...courtyard of this house then
even God won't forgive you.
By letting go of your parents,
by leaving...
...her in this state which loan
are you paying back.
Which level do you want to reach?
If you tell them that someone like me... waiting for you here
then won't they agree?
If it is difficult then let it be.
I was just saying... just like that...
Jeet! Ask for what you want!
I will beg everywhere in the streets
and fulfil all your wants.
But don't refuse my daughter.
Don't refuse my daughter.
Where is he?
He won't go anywhere without telling you.
See, you were dead and your family
also was ruined.
These Gujarati people have
given you a new life.
They have given you a new life.
If you forget this then
God will never forgive you.
Even if God forgives you then
they will never forgive you.
And if you don't go there then
they will come here.
Then you think what will happen.
What is the need to think?
Pooja is your past and that girl,
your future. That's all!
Come on, sit inside.
- Come on, sit.
Nothing will happen by just thinking.
Come on!
I had gone to my home. - That's all!
You have broken one promise,
by going to your family.
Now will you break the
other promise too?
Of not to leave this house and Shruti.
Once she has cried on the wedding dais.
If she again has to go through
this betrayal then she will...
She will never be hurt because of me.
From my side a small gift to you.
It is a ring. But it is very small
it won't fit your finger.
But when you have your child,
it will fit perfectly in it's finger.
I can only do this much. Be happy!
Is the marriage over?
It is going to start. It is on.
What! They will go for a walk instead of
getting done with the marriage.
This won't do.
Tell them first to get married and
then they can go for a walk.
So that I can take my wedding tent
with me and go. - Shut up!
Just eat and drink and go from here. Go!
Come. Greetings.
Jeet our Jaipur's partner, Mr. Gupta.
There are some more industrialists.
Come, come.
Jeet he is... he is...
- He is my father.
He is his mother.
And she is his fiance.
We have come here for her.
We are taking our son and going back.
Back? - Yes, back.
You will have to give him back!
Let whatever happen.
We will take Jeet form here and go.
You will take him from here and go?
- Yes, I will.
I will. Do you have any doubt?
- What did you say?
You will break my sister's marriage
and take him back.
Yes! This marriage will not
happen at all!
If you are not getting a
boy for your...
...sister's marriage then go and
throw her in the ocean.
What did you say!
I should throw my sister in the ocean.
In the ocean, is it?
You will take him and go.
Move aside!
You will take him and go?
Wait! - My sister!
Stop it!
If you raise your hand...
- What will you do? - Brother!
He is my...
I will not let him go.
Let anything happen.
I won't let him go away from you.
Dear, forgive us.
Give us our son back.
I was living as a widow till now.
What will I now live as?
Tell me.
You only tell me.
She can't speak. She is dumb.
You have taken birth only for Jeet.
Only you.
Not me.
I will never come between you both... never.
We don't celebrate happiness in our
house over other people's tears.
We are ready to give our life
to wipe someone's tears.
It is our blood that runs in her veins.
Today she also has got this opportunity.
Let's go.
That dumb girl can't even speak out
the pain of her heart and weep.
Don't leave her and go.
We don't want to achieve anything... taking the curse of this family on us.
I will not curse you.
None of us will curse you.
Now I won't give you more sadness.
I will not live like a widow.
If you will give that dumb girl
a life then... my heart there will be
more respect for you.
I am saying this from a true heart.
The marriage has taken place!
The marriage has taken place!
I got my wedding tent back!