Ci Ling (The Treasure Hunter) (2009)

In this vast desert,
many dynasties were established
Leaving behind countless legends.
Over thousands of years,
these dynasties rose and fell.
All that remains is this desert.
Beneath it lies a vast treasure
hidden deep below the burning sand.
No one can open the door to the treasure:
It is protected by a group of secret guards.
They have guarded this desert for generations.
The legend says only the leader of the guards
can be called the 'Eagle of the Desert'.
Every one of the guards
is master of an oriental martial art.
Every two decades, a new leader is selected.
A new 'Eagle of the Desert'.
When a new leader is chosen,
his opponent will be cast out.
In the desert, power is everything.
Only the victor survives.
No one remembers the loser.
Countless explorers have come to this desert,
hoping to find its great treasure.
Few of them returned alive.
What keeps the legend going
is the 'Eagle of the Desert'
Miss Lan, you know the deadline has long
I don't care what happened to you.
This is an ultimatum.
Chief editor, can i change the topic?
I'm so fed up with these explorations and tomb
Tell you what? I've a great idea for a romance...
Who wants to read a romance?
The readers of Qidian Chinese Literature Online
are all waiting for the sequel to Ghost Town.
Send me the draft in 3 days.
Otherwise you'll be fired!
Fired? He's threatening me?
Give me some more time, please. I've been
What happened? Being chased by the editor?
Hey, you haven't come home for ages.
Come have dinner with me tomorrow night.
But i...
So that's it. I'll wait for you.
Excuse me, please write, 'To Pork Rib'.
P-O-R-K R-I-B. I was born in the year of pig.
Thank you so much!
Sir, what would you like to drink?
We came here for business, not drinking.
We heard that they never question the
provenance of the goods.
Therefore our master
decided to send us here with these antiques.
We've travelled across all of Siberia.
We hope you can offer us a good price.
As long as they're genuine, i promise it'll be
worth your while.
Are you implying they're fakes?
We'll see whether they're genuine or not
when they're examined by our expert.
Just wait here.
He'll be here in a minute.
So you're the expert?
A Macedonian bronze... US $500,000.
A mediaeval gold scripture! Cool!
A Chinese bronze bell? Let me try.
This is not for you.
This is our master's alarm clock.
It's only peaceful because he's asleep.
If you strike the bell and wake him up,
we'll be in trouble.
I see.
You stole it, right
No, my mom gave it to me.
'My mom gave it to me'? No matter, I'll confiscate
What? Confiscate it?
Mind you, I'm not stealing them from you.
I simply return them to where they belong.
Don't strike it!
Don't strike it!
Don't! Please don't.
Crazy people!
Come on!
I never get scared. I'll just kick your ass.
Tell me if it hurts, OK?
It must be quite valuable.
Let me see... what we find today is...
People later discovered that in many ancient
there was nothing but a skeleton.
Not a single tomb art craft.
Let me tell you, this is called a 'pauper's burial'.
Master Hua, i heard a batch of antiques just
Well... most of them are fake.
According to historians,
The most daring tomb raider in history...
Wow! You bought a lot!
Come on, he's giving things away again.
Master Hua, have you made up your mind?
Made up my mind? About what?
The Lost City!
I've found out who has the map.
Our dream is coming true!
Pork Rib, how many times have i told you?
The chance of coming out alive from that place is
very slim!
Besides, i don't believe there is a genuine map.
Yes, there is. This one is genuine!
Master Hua, you don't want to waste your life
away like this, right?
If we can find that map, everything will be settled!
Do you remember last time? Lf...
You're helping yourself not me!
Pork Rib, are you afraid of dying?
No, I'm not.
Let me make it clear to you.
You're not afraid of dying, but that doesn't mean
you won't die.
Master Hua, you've finally agreed!
Just hang in there a little longer. We're nearly
This bag... take it.
Everything you retrieved
has been returned to its country of origin.
Here is a new case
Qiaofei, look at this.
An ancient city lost in the 11th century.
Once upon a time, there was a king.
He had the largest glowing pearl in the world.
The pearl was in the city.
When Genghis Khan was fighting towards the
One hundred years later, an old warrior came out
of the city.
He told someone this secret before he died.
The person was called the 'Eagle of the Desert'.
He led a few hundred ancient warriors
to guard the city.
I saw them protect the city with my own eyes.
It was at that moment that i decided to go down
this path.
To return these treasures to where they came
It's Lan Ting's birthday tomorrow.
I've asked her to come over. Come join us.
Are you sure? She won't be happy to see me, will
You're the one who won' t be happy, aren't you
it looks like I'm not the only one who needs to
patch things up with her.
Master Tu, please don't drag me into your family
Hey, can't you concentrate on the book?
How can i? It's such trash!
Then why are you reading it?
Well... i treat it as a joke.
Wait, it's not that bad, is it?
It's not just bad but really bad.
This book is full of crap!
Full of prejudice against archaeology and
Everyone is described as a greedy opportunist.
This book of yours... i bet it won't sell.
You're still a nuisance.
You're always big-headed and you never respect
other people
Hey! Your dad wants you to go home for dinner.
You abandoned Mom and i
for archaeology.
Why did you come back?
Why should i go back just because you ask me
Please follow the suggested route.
Sit down.
Keep to the left and then turn right.
Chief, let's drink a toast to you!
Chief, come on, another one.
I don't know what's wrong with him.
He couldn't live without meat before.
But now, meat scares the shit out of him.
Master Hua, come eat something. You can't live
on biscuits.
Pork Rib,
isn't it a bit too dangerous
to abduct this girl?
Well... you don't understand...
Master Tu is really difficult.
It took me so long
to find his weakness.
It was his precious daughter!
So, what are you going to do with her?
No way! Are you falling for her?
Well... I've got an idea.
Anyway, when i get the map,
I'll leave her to you. Am i being fair enough?
You thought i was joking? I said 3 more days!
I checked my email hundreds of times
and not a single word there!
I warn you, don't ever try to test my limits.
Are you listening to me?
Can't you make up something new?
Miss Lan, i have a boss to report to...
Anyone there?
Let me ask you nicely, OK?
I don't know where i am.
You've lost your memory?
Call yourself a writer? What lame excuse is this?
Why don't you say that you don't know who you
Bitch! Are you calling the police
What do you want?
You shut up, baby!
I want something from your dad, so you're my
Then you took the wrong person.
The wrong person?
You're the writer, right?
I asked for your autograph. Do you remember?
He wouldn't care about me.
You're wrong. I know he loves you very much.
He'll definitely come to rescue you.
Chief, someone has arrived.
How many?
One, just one.
Who are you? You're not who we're looking for.
I came here on behalf of Master Tu.
Who do you think you are? Since Master Tu
doesn't care,
maybe we should just kill her.
If it wasn't for Master Tu, you think I'd bother to
Is this genuine? I'm an expert, you can't fool me.
If my dad wants to rescue me, he should come
Stop fussing around! What's the difference?
It's different. I won't leave until he comes.
Your dad will never come.
So what excuse does he have this time?
He already died for the sake of this map.
That's impossible.
Why are you lying to me
He asked me to have dinner
No... that's impossible.
You should count yourself lucky that you didn't
go home that night.
Don't look at me like that.
I would never kill anyone.
I don't kill!
I'm a gentleman!
If he had handed over the map sooner,
Master Tu wouldn't have died.
See? Told you i didn't do it!
Everyone who has seen the map has to die!
But i haven't!
Take her upstairs, quick!
'The Sandstorm Legion'!
Wow! I thought it was just a legend! It's true!
Bonehead, Bonehead!
Hey, that legion of something has come!
Come on, let's go.
I thought you didn't want to rescue me?
Come on!
Why did you touch my ass?
I'm so scared!
Why are you hugging me so tight? You never did!
What are you talking about? Go away!
OK, see you.
Come back!
No... i can't stand it.
Come on!
Master Hua!
What happened?
We're finished!
Master Hua, hurry! Lose them!
Come on!
Quick! There's dynamite in the box.
Take it out, quick!
Hurry up!
Blow them up!
Ciaofei, look up ahead...
Hold it.
What for?
Yes! We made it!
What are you looking at?
What's wrong with the chief this time?
As soon as he woke up this morning,
he ordered us to destroy all the statues of gods in
the square
He said he dreamt of being chased by statues
last night.
Chased by statues all night?
Yes, in his dream.
He's been acting like this since he woke up.
Little Feather, i thought you'd gone?
Chief, i just wanted to know what lay beyond this
Well... i never thought what lay outside this
desert was another desert.
But, chief, it's still worth my efforts. Here you are.
What is this?
I don't know. But i saw many people fighting over
So it must be something valuable.
It looks like the season of eagles has come.
You still like lying on your back looking at the
Tears don't roll down your face when you're
staring at the sky.
I'll take you back tomorrow.
I don't want to go back. I want to stay.
I can never understand how someone could
leave his wife and child for the desert.
I can't understand it.
I want to trace my father's steps.
I think i can find the answer.
No, you won't.
Haven't you caused enough trouble?
My dad's dying wish is hidden in the map, right?
Can we stop talking about it?
Surprised to see a young guy like you could fight
so well.
You're a fierce rival. Good to know that.
But i never thought the 'Sandstorm Legion' really
Luckily i grew up in the desert.
This is not a big deal to me.
So i see... you'll be fine if you follow me.
It's a pity that the map is gone.
But you don't look worried about it at all.
Is the map fake?
Who says it's fake? I can get it back.
Oh... it's tagged!
I knew it! You're as sly as me.
Good, now we're in the same boat.
We should help each other from now on.
If you need any help, I'll definitely give you a
See... after the map is put on the scene
these mummies, horse riders, masked robbers
and the legion of something have all appeared.
Who knows what will show up later, right?
Just give me a shout. My name is Pork Rib.
Have you finished yet?
Yes, nearly...
But if i need any help, you'll have to help me as
Let's be fair to each other.
So, that's it!
Here, it gets cold at night. This will keep you
Give me a shout when you need help.
Is something wrong with your friend?
Nothing serious, he's just a little crazy.
So that's it. Bye. Let me know if you need any
Are you warm enough?
Want some?
Do you remember that i watched you practice the
I crept up to the window.
Your dad caught me and i was punished.
Would you please stop talking about my dad?
Alright, I'll stop.
Here, try some. That idiot gave it to us today.
Drink a bit. It'll make you feel better.
He never cared about me.
How could i care about you?
I mean my dad.
You enjoy reading so much, right?
You're a bookworm.
Bookworm? How dare you bring that up.
Now i remember...
My first visit to a book shop. I went with you.
And you vanished the day after. For ten years.
Was it because i called you a book thief?
Why did you steal that book for me?
Well... i guess i was young and i liked you.
Liked me? In what way?
As a friend.
Otherwise, what do you think?
Right, we could talk about anything as friends.
Kind of brotherly love, right?
You look really embarrassed.
A toast to you, brother.
Keep drinking. It's best if they both get drunk.
Then I'll take the tracking device over.
Can you use it?
Of course not! Otherwise i wouldn't need you.
Master Hua, as long as you're with me, i don't
need the map
To be honest, if it weren't for you
i would never be able to realize my dream.
This is the one and only time.
I've pinned all my hopes on you.
Master Hua, where are they?
Where are those bloody kids?
They're gone.
Damn it! They're so bloody rude!
Stop wasting your time. They drained the tank.
Where to, Master Hua?
To the 'Traveller's Village'
'Traveller's Village'?!
Fantastic!! The explorer's paradise.
The meeting place for desert treasure hunters.
You can buy anything if you've got the money.
Yes, it's a paradise but a dangerous place as
If you're not strong enough, you'll be destroyed
by others.
You're just trying to scare me, right?
You no good! You no good!
Do i look good?
Hey, you were really bad.
What do you mean?
They gave us the drink and you drained their
What will happen to them?
You feel sorry for them? Why don't you go with
You're really nasty!
I don't think so.
The map is nearby.
The map?
Hey, kid. Stop!
Stop! Come here.
Get out of my way!
Chief, they're so daring. They're chasing me!
Aren't you tired, kid?
You no good! You no good!
Chief, look how arrogant he is!
So what?
Out, all of you.
Deathnow what is that?
What? I don't get it...
He will eat you!
And what are you?
We haven't seen each other for years.
You're still the same. Haven't changed at all.
You know me?
I'd recognize you even if you'd turned to ashes.
Who on earth are you?
It's not important who i am.
The point is that i know who you are.
It doesn't matter. Who cares who you are?
Just give the map back to me and I'll leave you
You really want the map?
But you have to smash this blade first.
What are you doing here? Get out!
Oh, i see.
No wonder you stayed away for so long.
You've got a beautiful girl with you.
I bet you on this.
If you win, you'll have the map back.
If i win, i want her.
OK, deal!
Hey, how can you bet on me?
Give me the map and I'll spare your life.
Brother Ciaofei.
Dao-dao, go back.
Brother Ciaofei, these are the biscuits i baked for
When you finish them, you must come back.
Well, I'll think about it.
OK, see you.
You have to keep your word when you finish the
You didn't keep your word.
You said you'd be back soon.
Why didn't you return?
Well, here i am, right?
What is the use of coming back now?
Why has everything changed? The Legion is
supposed to
protect the desert but now they've become a
Even you've changed as well.
Yes, i have. So what?
What happened to you? Can't even make a living
out there?
That's why you came back, right?
You've not seen each other for so long.
Why do you keep fighting all the time?
He didn't keep his word.
He ate the biscuits i made for him,
but he broke his promise.
I really hate men who don't keep their promises.
Well, he's always like that.
He vanished into thin air ten years ago.
When he returned, he acted as if nothing had
It's all his fault that everything has gone wrong in
the desert.
It was all because he lost the fight and left for
Everything we had has been ruined.
Since you were not here,
why do you ask what happened in the desert?
Since you left, what was the point of coming
Hey, so you left us for the desert ten years ago?
So the legend of the 'Eagle of the Desert' is true?
Stop talking about the bloody Eagle of the Desert.
I don't want to talk about it.
If you're the Eagle of the Desert,
to be honest, that's so different from my
Stop pestering, or I'll go after the map on my own.
You don't have to Little Feather has already
given it back to me.
Really? That doesn't sound likely
Why not? Could it be fake?
Look! Look at all the stuff!
Yes, here i am.
Is our stuff ready?
I got your order ready long ago.
Pay for it.
How much?
$5,000! Does it make you fight better? Or is it an
You don't need an aphrodisiac in the desert, do
Pay for it if you want to stay alive.
I will do, but can't it be cheaper?
It isn't shark fin, floe gras, swallow's nest or
sashimi, right?
This is extortion!
Would you like some quality ham?
No? It's OK! Why did he freak out like that?
He comes out in a rash when he sees meat.
When are we leaving?
When we finish eating. What's the hurry?
Eat! You never know when the next meal will be.
Mm... tasty!
Don't fall in love with me!
Attention! Free maps of the lost city!
Free? Really?
Really! Really!
Really! The map is genuine! It is!
What happened?
Brother Ciaofei, I'm here to bid you farewell.
It's vintage wine. Drink a toast to your success.
Why the hell did you do that?
Not enough trouble in the desert for you?
Everyone has the right to pursue his dreams.
Don't forget it was you who told me that!
Look at those who hang around in the
'Traveller's Village'.
Each of them dreams of making a big fortune.
But without the map, they could never make it.
Forget about it!
Isn't it a good thing that i gave them hope?
I believe you'll be the first one to find the city.
You've failed once.
You won't keep falling for the rest of your life,
Let's go.
I wish you great success!
Why did she do that?
She's no longer the person i knew.
Master Hua, we'll make a big fortune!
Master Hua, Master Hua!
Look! Look at this.
Master Hua, look at this.
The map of the lost city. Isn't it incredible?
It's fake.
No way! Fake?
Doesn't matter.
I've never had such a great opportunity in my
whole life.
I'll give it a try even though it's fake.
Let's go, Master Hua!
They've all already left.
I don't want to lag behind them. Hurry up!
Chief! Chief...
Silly you.
I knew you wouldn't leave us behind.
Will we find him this time?
The only person who could find him in the desert
is Qiaofei.
Master, are we ready to go?
No hurry. We'll wait until they've all left.
Then we'll go in the opposite direction.
The opposite direction? Are you drunk?
Why don't you go with them?
You really want to know why?
Of course!
Turn yourself upside down and I'll tell you.
What the hell?
Yes or no?
Come on.
Hold his legs.
Unbelievable, you can only see it upside-down
Come, hold them tighter.
Look carefully. Do you get it?
No, i don't.
Hey! Yes, i got it! I saw it!
There is a face! Really! A face in the map!
What the hell!
Master Hua, i saw it! There really is a face!
But what is this face?
You won't get into the city if you can't see the
Other people are wasting their time.
Wow! You're so cool!
Fool, you see the face when you turn it over. Get
It becomes so clear when you turn it over.
Hey, really! Here it is!
Hey, why did you ask me to get upside down if
we can turn the map over?
Well, because idiots all look at the map upside
Bastard! You no good! You no good!
Don't you dare try it again!
What's funny? Stand upright!
Why are you laughing? You've lost all your teeth!
I warn you, never fall in love with me!
What do you think?
I don't know.
You don't? Then how would i know?
Tell me when you figure out why i fell for you.
They put poison in the city as defense.
The poisonous air rises to the sky. It kills all the
Look, only those blood-sucking bats are immune
to it.
It's because they live on the blood of dead bodies.
Are you saying that the city is right over there?
Do you think that cloud looks like a face?
I think the city lies just underneath it.
How did you know that song?
Your dad taught me.
He often played it at night.
I want to hear it again.
It was the song
my dad wrote for me when i was born.
I thought he had long forgotten it.
No, he hadn't.
He was going to quit after he found the pearl.
So he could spend more time with you.
He said he'd spent too much time retrieving stuff
for other people.
But he lost what was most precious. His family.
Cry, cry it out. You'll feel better.
Pair of twos, pair of fives, pair of sixes.
Take it easy!
We're getting ready to leave. Quick.
Everything packed up?
Master Hua, when we return from the lost city, I'II
teach you golf.
I won't be able to play it.
Hey, brothers, the city is just over there!
Let's take a picture, as a memento.
Master Hua, why did you stop? Are we there?
Someone got it first. Let's wait here for a while.
Master Hua, you know what? I lay awake all
You know what i was thinking?
I was thinking of going back! Funny, isn't it?
I've dreamed of coming here.
But when i get here, i want to leave!
Master Hua, be honest with me.
Is our chance of survival really slim?
What do you think?
I think... I think...
Err... i certainly think not!
Otherwise you wouldn't have agreed to come,
You never answered the question i asked.
How did you get out last time?
Why were you the only survivor?
Was it because you never got in?
Everyone who went in died.
You're the only who came out alive.
Isn't it strange? Are you immortal?
If you went in as a group, you should come out
as a group...
Then why did you...
i warn you for the very last time.
If you ask me this question again, I'll kill you.
Master Hua, you won't.
You'd have killed me if you wanted to.
How did you get out?
Wow! I never thought there would be ruined
lying deep in this desert.
These statues must be worth a lot of money.
Hey, why do you always think of money?
You wouldn't understand. You're such a princess.
Well, we come from different worlds.
You're still such a good fighter after all these
And as reckless as before.
You know each other?
He's the legendary 'Eagle of the Desert'.
I've something to give back to you.
Let this decide our future. What do you think?
Eagle down.
I bet Eagle up.
You won!
I won the competition and it didn't jeopardize our
I was very touched
until one day while i was out waking
i found a coin with eagles on both sides.
Then i realized I'd been cheated.
Let's fight again today.
But the rules have changed.
The winner will have to leave while the loser
Eagle, you must have lost your mind.
I won't fight against you.
Count me in, if you're fighting.
Dao. Dao?
I knew it. If Qiaofei hadn't come back,
you'd never show up.
It's true that you follow him everywhere.
Can't you tell that he's already had...
Let me make it clear here.
I never wanted to fight you.
Don't think I'll be kind to you just because you
don't fight back
Do you really want to fight?
OK, I'll fight you.
All you do is protect Ciaofei.
You really broke my heart.
You're always a heartiness fool in any case!
Eagle, have you had enough?
Dao-dao is here for you.
Stop pretending! You're such a hypocrite.
Why did you do that?
If this can shake a fool awake,
it will be worthwhile.
Dao-dao, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
Let's go.
Master Hua, get up! Get up!
Why is it getting windy again?
Is the Sandstorm Legion coming?
It's too late.
Master Hua, are you there?
Chief, where are we?
In the lost city, of course! Or are we in Hell?!
Master Hua, Master Hua!
What are you doing?
This is not Hell.
You scared the shit out of me!
This is not Hell.
Ah, it's you guys.
Where is he?
You mean Master Hua? I can't find him either.
We've finally made it here and he... was really
Well, forget about him. Come, follow me. I'll
protect you.
Hey, chief.
Leggy! Leggy!
What are you doing?
This is not Hell...
What kind of weird flowers are they?
Monster Lilies. They live on corpses. They're
highly poisonous.
I'll go have a look.
Master Hua! So you're still alive!
I can rely on you from now on!
Come, we'll follow your lead.
Master Hua, it's so cool!
Shit! I can't believe it. There is nothing in here?
Is it a pauper's burial?
Didn't they say there was a lot of treasure here?
Where is it?
You lied to me! Where is the treasure?
You liar!
There is nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
Damn it! Master Hua...
Hey, you've been here before.
I'm home.
Although you saved us,
i won't let you take anything.
I'm home!
Hey, don't you think it's strange?
How come this chamber is so clean?
Take cover.
Lan Ting.
Lan Ting.
Lan Ting.
Lan Ting. Lan Ting.
Lan Ting.
Wow! Tons of gold. It's covered with gold
Master Hua, we're rich!
I don't have enough gold.
Come on! Run!
Such a pity!
Wait! Wait! Where is Master Hua?
Master Hua. Master Hua.
Master Hua! Let's go.
We've got enough gold. Let's go. Come on.
Where to?
Home, of course!
Pork Rib...
My heart never left this place in all these years.
Master Hua!
Hey, are you coming or not? It'll be too late if you
don't leave now.
Ciaofei, you were right.
I've been to this place before.
There were more than 20 of us...
They all died.
I lived on...
...their flesh
Let's go!
Brothers, we're going to conquer the desert
When we walk across it, we'll find the lost city.
We'll dig up its civilization.
Shed light on its history.
Come on, let's go!
Wait a minute.
Hey, Master Hua, I've just become a father!
Can you name my child?
Ah, a boy?
Yes, a boy. With a gun!
Just hang in there a little longer. We're nearly
This bag... take it.
Come with me.
We belong to different worlds.
Miss Lan. You truly are a gifted writer, and today
we are here at her premier
This is a true art form, the treasure mystery,
leaving all of her fans clamoring for more
Miss Lan, this is a truly wonderful book.
Will you be writing a sequel?
Miss Lan.
Tell, me is everything in the book true?
Please excuse me Please
Thank you, excuse us
Miss Lan, now you're the most popular writer on
Baidu. Com.
I've decided to sign you up for the next 5 books.
You don't have to thank me
This is the contract. Please have a look.
Thank you, but i want a life of my own.
Have you lost your mind?
Such an ungrateful bitch!
When i was little, I'd lie on the ground
staring at the sky, thinking of my dad.
In that way, tears wouldn't roll down my face.
I felt that you weren't there for me
at every stage of my life.
After this trip to the desert,
I've found a way to make up for your absence.
Dad, I'm missing you so much...
Now i realize that we were staring at the same
I've always wanted to ask you.
What's the difference between our worlds?
Although we live in different worlds,
now you're in my world, i can protect you.
But i didn't invite you.
You just intruded into my world.