Cimarron (1960)

Come on, hurry. Let's go.
Come, come on. Come on.
You are not leaving.
Why won't you understand
that I have to go where my husband goes?
I suppose that even if he jumped
off a cliff you'd have to follow him.
You see, I love him very much.
Love. How much good
will your love do you... the middle of a wilderness
surrounded by Indians?
What kind of a frontier woman
do you think you'll make?
You've never had to cook or wash
or keep house in your life.
Your father and I saw to that.
I can learn, Mother.
- And that husband of yours.
- Mother.
Yancey Cravat. That isn't even a name.
It is my name now.
What is a lawyer
going to do on a homestead?
If only you'd let me say something.
If Yancey says he can do it, he can.
I warned you when you married him,
a man you had only known three months...
...that you'd live to regret it.
I will never regret it. Not for one second.
There's never been
anything like it in the history of the world.
Imagine, a whole territory
settled in one afternoon.
Whole cities springing up in one hour.
I'll bet you there's thousands
of people on that borderline right now..., right this moment, steaming
and waiting for that opening gun next week.
Now, can you imagine it?
Can you just imagine it?
Look. Here.
Here is the Oklahoma territory...
...over 2 million acres of the finest land
the crow ever flew over.
And here, see...
...that's all divided up
into quarter sections.
Like that. That's... Um...
Here are the soldiers all lined up in a row.
Here they are all lined up... see that nobody gets into that territory
before they're supposed to.
Now, now here...
Here come the settlers.
Here they come, thousands of them.
Thousands of them, from all over.
And here. Here you are, honey.
Here they come.
And they're just so anxious.
They're just starving
for a piece of that land.
They're starving for it.
Matter of fact, they'd fight for it.
They'd even die for it.
Well, how about that?
Charley, hand me
a few more of those settlers, will you?
That's a boy.
And give some to the children too, huh?
Oh, Sabra.
Oh, my Sabra.
Here. Have yourself a settler, huh?
Mr. Yancey!
Better not forget this, Mr. Yancey.
You might need it one day.
- Goodbye, Father.
- Goodbye, my dear.
I envy you.
All right.
Now, remember what I told you, dear.
A little tighter.
Both reins.
That's right.
And I'll follow you.
You all ready?
- Yes.
Good luck, darling.
Mother. Goodbye.
Goodbye. Goodbye.
Yancey, it's getting
awfully lonesome back here.
Well, we'll be stopping
right up here ahead, honey.
That's very pretty.
Where did you learn that?
In the old country.
What does it mean?
"If God keeps me alive, believe you me...
...I will take care of no one but thee. "
Darling, how many times
you walked towards me...
...I looked at you, wanted you?
How many times
you didn't even look at me?
And I wanted you.
- Yes, sir, she sure looks good from here.
- Ha-ha-ha.
What are you laughing at?
Hey, hey, hey, come on.
Let's start sailing.
What do you want with me?
- Wants to know what we want.
- What do we want?
Anybody who wears anything...
- Oh, look at this. Look at this.
... As pretty as that ain't no pea patch.
Get up.
I ought to shoot your ears off,
scaring my wife like that.
Cim. Hey, what's the matter with you?
Don't you recognize me? The Kid?
I recognized you.
Oh, Cim, how was we supposed to know
it was your wife?
Somebody else's wife,
everything would've been all right.
I'm sorry. We didn't mean anything.
Well, I guess there's no harm done.
- How are you, boy?
- Just great.
- Who's this?
- It's Wes.
- I'm Pat Jennings' boy.
- Jennings.
- Remember Hoss?
- Yeah, don't tell me.
- This is what's-his-name, uh... Barry.
- Barry.
Ned Barry's boy, yeah.
Say, last time I saw this fellow,
he was just about so high.
We heard you got killed in a gunfight
out in California, remember?
I used to work for this boy's daddy
as a ranch hand.
How nice.
What are you boys doing?
Devilmenting around?
We're kind of riding around.
I used to ride the old bag line myself... off the old hospitality
of the South as it were.
Well, you had your breakfast?
- No, we ain't ate yet.
- Fine.
Honey, you better lay out a little more
food and cups and saucers and all.
We're gonna have
some guests for breakfast.
Just turn around and step over there...
...while the little lady gets out of the water,
right over there.
The first of you
bindlestiffs that looks around...'ll get the meat end of this rifle
right between the eyeballs.
- All right, you can get out now, honey.
- Get out?
If you stay in there,
you're gonna catch cold.
You want them to stay
and have breakfast with us?
- Well, these are my friends.
- Oh...!
Sir, we really gotta be going.
No fooling, we're late now.
Where are we going?
Listen, ma'am. Uh...
I'm awful sorry we, uh, discommode you.
I hope you won't hold no, uh,
you know, grievance against old Cim.
I tell you, when I was a little buster,
no bigger than a rabbit...
...I used to follow Cim around
everywhere he went.
He spit on a stump, I spit on a stump.
And all I ever wanted was
just to grow up and be like him.
And so if I've done anything at all, anything
to come between you and him, uh...
All right. All right.
- Skimmeroot.
- Ha-ha-ha!
Honey, I'm afraid
you hurt my friends' feelings.
I hurt their feelings?
I'm afraid you did. Come on, dear.
In the West, you never turn a man away
without a hot meal in his stomach.
It just isn't done.
Oh, well, you'll learn.
There we go. There, now.
Come on, now,
you're still not scared, are you?
No, I'm not scared.
I'm just frozen and cold.
All right, dear.
And don't you dare talk to me again
until I tell you you can.
All right, I won't talk to you anymore.
Not until you tell me.
You all right now?
What happened?
What's the matter? You lose your horse?
Never had none.
Where you from?
You mean to tell me
you walked all the way from Missouri?
I guess so. I'm here.
Suppose you get in out of the rain
and ride with us.
- You wouldn't object to that, would you?
- I wouldn't, but maybe you might.
I got my family with me.
Oh, we'll make room.
- Yancey Cravat.
- Tom Wyatt.
Hi, Tom. This is my wife here, Sabra.
Sabra, this is Tom Wyatt.
How do you do, Mr. Wyatt?
- Hello.
- Nice to meet you.
That's my family.
Now, what was that you said
about making room?
Well, I said we could, I guess we can.
I guess.
Come on, we got a ride.
Let's get out of the rain.
Come on, you itty-bitty.
Pa got a ride for us.
- Itty-bits, you'll fall.
We got a ride.
- What is it, Tom? What is it?
This is my wife, Mrs. Wyatt.
And this is my children. Janet.
- You wanna meet my children?
- No, never mind for now.
Suppose you take this wagon.
Listen, you take my wagon,
and you children...
...half of you get in the other wagon
and half of you get in this wagon, all right?
That's right.
Come on, you itty-bits.
Go get in his wagon...
...before this poor man
change your mind.
Which ones go in which wagon?
It doesn't matter.
Just so we're half and half.
Hold them up there, boys.
Man, ain't that something?
- Hey.
- Get on back to the line.
I guess we made it, Sarah.
I guess we did.
Hey, you.
Hey, you can't stop there.
Hey. Yancey.
Hi, Ned. How are you, boy?
Fine, fine. Ma'am.
Haven't seen you since you were selling
Indian ponies to the cavalry.
Not in that business anymore?
No, I gave that up.
It's really something, isn't it?
Yeah, just one big headache to me...
...trying to keep
all them too-sooners out of there.
I sure hate to think about tomorrow.
Look at all of them.
We haven't got enough land
for one-third of them.
There's gonna be an awful lot of mad
and disappointed people... say nothing of the dead ones.
You mean all this land
and there won't be enough?
No, honey. The land around here
ain't fit to raise goats on.
But over there, right over there...
...just about,
oh, I'd say about 10 or 15 miles... never seen
such rich farming and grazing land.
That's the land we'll have to run for.
Hey, I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
Hey, Ike, where you been?
Where you been?
Hey, you're all dressed up
like a prune picker.
Have you seen Sam Pegler?
There's 10,000 people down there
and he's one of them.
Wait till you meet Sam,
he's really something.
He must be something.
Yancey won't stop talking about him.
How about taking our picture?
Take my picture.
All right. All right.
We'll make a nice, big group shot.
All right, now, watch the birdie.
Take our picture.
- Take my picture.
- Take our picture.
My bird's kind of stringy.
How's yours, pretty?
Don't blame it on the bird.
Even butter's stringy to you with those
horrible, misfitting, store-bought teeth.
Mike, you old frog-sticker.
How you doing?
Well, I'll be. Yancey.
Have you seen Sam Pegler anywhere?
Not yet, but he'll be here.
Hey, Ike, look who's here.
I seen him this afternoon.
How are you, Cim?
I'm fine. Hi, Grat.
- You didn't waste any time, did you?
- Come and see me.
Yeah, I'll do that.
Where do you know these people?
- You know everybody.
- Oh, honey, they...
Hey, Cimarron.
- Hey, Dixie, there's Cimarron.
- Yancey, how are you? Where you been?
Who's that?
Oh, uh, it's nothing, honey, they're
sort of friends of mine, ahem, you know.
Well, he could have wrote you at least.
Uh... Well, I'll explain it all to you
someday, dear.
Pins. I have pins, needles.
Calico. Hamburg lace.
Hey, mister, mister, come over here.
Come here.
Have you any candy for the children?
Candy for the children? Plenty.
Help yourself.
There's all kinds of candy there.
There's red and green
and yellow and licorice.
There's licorice down below.
Did you get it? Huh?
You look so young, madam.
How long have you been married?
Two weeks.
Two weeks?
- Lady, the candy is on the house.
- Ha-ha-ha.
Wait a moment, mister, no, listen.
These are not our children.
Honey, it's all right.
Hey, Tom, that's Pegler's wagon up ahead.
I'll see you there.
Come on, buddy, let's go there.
Indians got as much right
to be here as anybody else.
Sam Pegler,
I want you to stay out of this fight.
Somebody's got to help him.
- Look at those fellers. That's a darn shame.
- Terrible.
Look at the baby.
Back to the reservation.
Send them back where they come from.
Wait a minute. This fellow's got
as much right here as you have.
You stay out of this, old man.
Shame's on you. Well, I...
Stop it!
All right, break that fight up.
Separate those men.
What's this commotion all about?
This Indian's got just as much right
to be here as anybody else.
Let me have your papers.
Now, this man
has been legally registered.
And according to law, he's got as much
right to make this land run as you have.
You heard what I said.
Now, go on, get back to your wagons.
The Indian stays.
Now, go on, break this up.
Go on. Now, move along, everybody.
Go on, move along.
I wanna tell you something, old man.
You try to run
that newspaper of yours up here...
...the same way you did down in Texas...'re gonna get buried here.
And I don't care who your friends are.
Let's go, Millis.
Man, you really are something, Sam.
- You can't keep out of trouble, can you?
- Now, why should I?
Why should you?
Honey, this is Sam Pegler.
This is my wife, Sabra.
Your what?
Well, ma'am, I'm pleased to meet you.
Mavis, come look
who's hooked himself a wife.
Oh, you poor girl.
What are you talking about?
Wait a minute.
Just don't pay no attention
to her, because...
This is Jessie Rickey.
- How do you do?
- You know what he is?
He's one of the best printers in the
business, when he's sober he is, that is.
Well, you know the last time he smiled,
it caused an earthquake.
- You done pretty good in that fight.
- How do you mean, pretty good?
He almost got himself killed,
risking his life for an Indian.
Suppose we, uh, give this fellow a hand
here and get this wagon turned up.
Sir, do you mind if we help you?
Why don't you get on that side here.
- Sam Pegler.
- Yancey Cravat.
- Sol Levy.
- My wife.
Tom, suppose you go down to that end.
Now, watch it when...
- Tom Wyatt.
- Jessie Rickey.
Sam, take good care of it.
Yeah, I'll watch it.
That's my wife.
All right, let's go all together. Heave!
- Why do they call you Cimarron?
- It's a long story.
He's mean and wild and crazy.
That's what the word means.
Come on, you wanna make her think
she married a wildcat?
She didn't marry a scat rabbit.
Do you know what you married?
A lunatic.
- He don't know what he wants.
- I do.
- Do you now? Now, do you?
- Of course I do.
How many things you been already?
A gambler, a gunman, a lawyer.
Now you wanna be a farmer. Bah.
No. I don't wanna be
a farmer, I wanna be a rancher.
- I give you just two months.
- That's different.
You'll be pulling
your hair out with both hands.
No. No, not this time.
This is the first time in my life
I've seen a piece of land and I said:
"This is what I want. "
More than anything, this is what I want.
You know how long
I've been dreaming about that land?
You know how long?
Ever since I used to ride herds
through this country.
I used to lean down, pick up
a big handful of that earth and smell it.
It was so rich.
You know how you do?
It smelled so rich you felt like you just...
You just throw out a handful of seeds
and a whole crop of corn would sprout up.
Ten feet high.
That's what I wanna do.
I wanna grow my own food
and raise my own cattle.
Now, just a minute.
There's only one thing wrong
with that little dream of yours.
Corn just don't pop up 10 feet tall.
No, it's gotta have plowing and planting
and weeding and watering.
- And then along comes a drought. Ruined.
- Shh.
- All right.
- And as for that fictional cattle...
All right. All right. Ha-ha-ha.
Say, you really are something,
young fellow.
Come on, little lady.
We've got a rough day ahead.
I'll get out the bedroll here.
Good night. Good night.
Oh, ma'am, I don't want you to think
we meant nothing by what we were saying.
- We were just joshing him.
- Oh, I know.
Oh, there is just one thing, though.
You see, we kind of raised that lunatic.
He's kind of like a son.
Well, we never had any
children of our own.
And I was just thinking,
you being his wife and all...
...maybe you could talk him
into trying the newspaper business.
It isn't so much for ourselves.
Well, now, wait a minute, Mother.
That enters into it.
You see, a man hates to work...
...and have everything
that he stood for just disappear.
- Well, it's just that...
- Kind of like to pass it on to somebody.
Yeah. You see, we need
somebody to leave things to.
- Sam.
- And...
Listen, how many times?...
You never give up, do you?
I told you
I don't like the newspaper business.
I just don't like this business
of being a crusader all the time.
- It's an embarrassing thing, you know.
- Who's a crusader? I'm not a crusader.
You are, Sam, you are a crusader.
Isn't that right?
Every time
some unpopular cause comes along...
...old Sammy gets himself
right in the middle on the wrong side.
Somebody's got to.
- That's what I'm talking about.
That's exactly what I mean.
No, sir, you're not gonna catch me
spending my time...
Wasting my time behind a desk.
Just look out there,
look at all those people.
Isn't that a sight? And every one of them,
every one of them have some sort of dream.
What's the use of any of us being here...
...if we're not chasing
some sort of a dream of some kind?
There they are out there.
Good men, bad men, lawmen, gunmen,
horse thieves, wanted men... not wanted so much by anybody
or anything, anyplace.
But they've all got
that dream in their head.
They've all got that new life
they're hoping to lead sometime.
And how many of them...
...four out of five,
ain't gonna make no life...
...ain't gonna find no land, no nothing?
That's good old Mavis.
I don't know
how you put up with her all these years.
Well, somebody's got to.
I know. Come on, honey.
Good night. Good night, Sam.
Good night.
I love you.
Stand by.
You know,
you're welcome to use one of my horses.
The way I ride, I'd never be able
to hold my own against these boys.
Don't worry about it, honey.
We come this far, didn't we?
I didn't come this far
to get done out of my land.
Bye, Pop.
- I'll get my land somehow.
- Bye, Pa.
And what's gonna happen
if you miss that stagecoach?
Well, I'll worry about that
when I come to it.
All right, now.
Suppose you take this along
just in case, huh?
- Thanks, for everything.
- Good luck, Tom.
Come on, itty-bit,
go back to the wagon now.
Hope you get your land.
Pa's gotta go.
You just stay with your ma, now.
How on earth
are we ever gonna find you?
You all stay with the folks. I'll find you.
Let's say goodbye to Daddy.
- Bye. Bye. Bye.
- Bye.
- Yancey, can you see our land from here?
- No.
It's in that direction, though.
Way out there there's a big grove
of trees, and then there's this gully.
On the other side of the gully,
there's this big hill...
...and on top of that hill, there's some
of the finest grazing land you ever saw.
You best come in town with us.
- You mean that the town's already set up?
No, no, no, they have it, uh...
These certain sections plotted off
into, like, town lots.
Is that right? And all the rest
is divided up into farms.
- One hundred and sixty acres apiece.
- Yeah.
- And it's free?
- Yes.
All this wonderful land just here to take.
They're about ready.
I'm gonna saddle up.
Huh? Oh.
What a foolish sight. An old character
like you racing like a tomcat.
Never mind the lecture.
Help me get this rheumatic old knight
on his wooden charger.
I said, take your hands off me,
both of you.
Since when do I have to have help
getting up on a wagon?
Come on, Sir Galahad, upsy-daisy.
- Come on, you.
- Ahh...
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
Take good care of that wildcat, Sabra.
He won't be easy to tame.
I will.
Hey, Dixie, where'd you get them pants?
Hey, Dixie.
Hello, Dixie. You racing for land?
I already know the land I want.
Hey, Dixie. Hey, Dixie.
Hey, Dixie.
Yancey, who is she?
Well, I gotta tell you all about that
someday, honey.
Now, look, you stay back here
till the race gets started, right?
Now, you come on, itty-bits,
get in that wagon.
Come on, get out of the way
of them horses.
You come with me, baby. Get over there.
Get up there, Nellie.
Never mind about that thing, just get up.
I got two hands
and I can't handle all of you.
Well, we're off to the hunt.
Exciting, what?
What? Cecil, button your duster.
Yeah, or I'll button it for you.
- I got money, I got money.
Okay, get on the back if you can.
I paid.
I gave the man up there the money.
Let me on. Let me on here.
Get ready.
It's Pa. I think it's Pa. He didn't make it.
Is Pa hurt? Is Pa hurt?
I'll do it myself.
I got to do it myself.
I got to do it myself.
Hey, soldiers, I crossed the line.
I crossed that line, didn't I?
I crossed that line.
I got my land. I got my land.
I got my land.
Nellie. Go, girls.
Hyah! Hyah!
Get him.
Aah! Help, Yancey!
This is my land now.
Well, how about that?
Yeah, how about that?
Yeah, the land is so rich out here, all you
gotta do is toss out a handful of seeds...
...and up pops a corn patch 10 feet tall.
So I'm told.
- Now, come on, Dixie.
- Don't come near me.
So help me, I'd sooner put a bullet
through you than not.
You know, I think you would too.
Yancey, did you get the land?
Well, I didn't exactly get the land I wanted,
but, uh, well, I got to thinking.
Uh... After all, we're not farmers,
so, what would we want a farm for?
It's not worth it.
What do you wind up with?
I'm a woman.
Where are my children?
I'm a woman. Where's my house?
I'm a woman.
Where's my man?
You, my rheumatic old knight.
Who's gonna climb up
on our wheezy old charger...
...and lead us into the thick of things?
What good is it without you?
I'm lonesome.
Already, I'm just plain lonesome.
Come on.
Hurry, let's get these claims.
I got mine.
You gotta line up.
I'm in a hurry.
Line up to file claims for your land.
First come, first served.
- Line up, don't block the door.
Let's go, hurry up.
Jessie, suppose you stay and,
well, you help me run the paper.
Are you sure you want to do it?
Somebody has to.
My, what a lot we've seen together,
you and me and this, this wicked old...
I wish you would change your mind
and stay with us.
No, Sam left a lot of things
he was fixing to do...
...and I might just as well get going.
Yancey, you're getting right smack
in the middle of things.
You'll only end up
getting yourself killed too.
- Goodbye.
Well, I better get myself situated.
Yeah, I guess we all better.
You know where to find me.
Listen, everything will be all right.
Honey, you stay here.
I have something to attend to.
- Yancey, Yancey, where are you going?
- Before you know I'm gone, I'll be back.
Yancey, please,
don't go looking for trouble. Please.
There are things a man has to do
a woman doesn't understand.
- It's different here.
- Suppose he kills you.
What's going to happen to me?
What can I do here, all by myself?
Yancey, please.
Don't go looking for trouble, please.
Oh, please.
You must help me, please.
I'm so afraid.
I don't know what to do.
It's this place.
Is this where we're going to settle down
and raise a family?
- It's all right, please.
- Oh, darling, I'm so...
- I hate to be afraid.
- Oh, please.
Sabra, please, it's my fault. It's my...
- I wanna make you happy.
- I've gotta take care of you more.
But just help me. Tell me what to do.
- I love you. Shh.
- Please don't leave me.
Wait, darling, wait, please.
Listen. Listen, I need you
far more than you need me.
- You help me. You help me, darling.
- I just love you so much.
We just gotta be patient with each other,
that's all.
What are we going to do? Hmm?
We're gonna go home.
- Yes.
- Oh, no.
Oh, no.
We came to stay, didn't we?
And we are going to stay.
- No?
- You. Oh...
Sabra. Sabra, over here.
- Sabra, when's the baby due?
How are you?
- Well, a couple of weeks from now.
- You poor thing.
Come on. Take a blow there.
- No, Kid.
- Come on.
- One, two, three, four...
- Kid, no!
- No, I don't wanna go.
- Walk it out.
I'm gonna shoot the bottles
out of his hands.
- I don't want... No.
- Take bets now, I've got $5.
- I got $50 say you don't.
- Fifty?
We ain't seen $50
at one time in our lives.
- Anyone could take all or a piece of it.
I'll take all.
Just one thing.
I don't see any point
in killing a white man.
Hey, Moses. Yeah, you.
Or is it Izzy?
If you're talking to me, the name is Sol...
Stand still.
Hold up your arms.
When I speak, you jump.
You hold up your arms
or I'll cut you from end to end.
Let's shoot.
Hey, Moses,
don't you worry about a thing.
All right, everybody, clear out.
Clear out back there.
I gotta see what I'm shooting at.
Good night in the morning.
You again, ma'am?
- I'm sorry.
- Don't you "ma'am" me.
You bunch of good-for-nothing loafers.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself,
playing with guns.
- You think they're toys?
- Sabra. Sabra, darling.
Take care of her, please, Sol.
Take a look, Millis. Millis!
Worth twice the price to see his face
when those bottles broke.
Oh, if I ever see a guy that was scared,
he was it.
I never seen anything so funny in my life.
There you go, Joe.
Get your money, men.
- You the one that did the shooting?
- Well, now, look who's here.
What's the matter,
you got no white-men friends?
Now, I'm not gonna ask you again.
Was it you or wasn't it?
As a matter of fact it wasn't,
but don't let that stop you.
I done it, Cim. I was the one.
What, are you gonna write that up
in your paper?
I'll tell you, we'll really give you
something to write about.
- Won't we, fellas?
What are you doing? I'm not a child.
You ain't no liquor-bellied saddle tramp,
neither, like you're trying to be.
You think that's being tough?
Think that's being a man?
What are you doing?
Treating me like a child.
I don't want you hanging around
with that crowd no more.
I'll get you in a hotel,
give you a job on my newspaper.
- Wait, now, who do you think you are?
- Your friend, for one thing.
Think your daddy would be proud, the way
you're gambling, spitting and drinking?
I ain't nothing.
You think I'm something, but I ain't.
I promised your father
I'd look out for you.
What if I help you out?
Send you back East to school?
Would you try to make something
of yourself?
- No, Cim, I'm nothing.
- You better make up your mind, boy.
You go kill yourself
the way your daddy did.
Nobody's gonna care.
And nobody's gonna stop you.
You know something?
I think if you put your mind to it,
you could make something of yourself.
You hear me?
Maybe I have faith in you.
Oh, don't, Cim.
Just don't have faith in me, that's all.
- Please, don't have faith in me.
- Just think it over.
You just think it over.
Hey, Wes, Hoss.
Hey, skimmeroot! I'll see you, Cim.
That Indian woman,
what does she want?
Honey, uh, there's a little something
I have to do.
- It's, uh, you know, I won't be very long.
- Darling, supper is ready.
Well, suppose you keep it warm
for me.
Before you know I'm gone, I'll be back.
Stay with her until I get back, Jessie.
All right, hurry it up. Get him up there.
Back away. Back off.
Mr. Jessie.
Mr. Jessie, please,
would you get Sol to get Mrs. Wyatt?
- Yancey hasn't come back yet.
- Are you all right?
- I'm all right.
- Are you sure?
I'm all right.
Let him hang.
He stole one of my horses.
Now we wanna see
the rest of the Indians watch him.
You heard what I said.
I heard you.
I was against it, Yancey.
I told the Indian he wouldn't be safe here.
I didn't think they'd go this far.
Why isn't Yancey back yet?
You got no call to worry about Yancey.
He'll take care of hisself.
I'm really scared of everything.
Well, why shouldn't you be?
Now, you drink this now.
Come on.
Pretty good whisky.
Ain't gonna do you no harm.
It won't be as terrible as everybody says,
having a baby?
- That one hurt, didn't it?
- Just a little.
Well, it's supposed to hurt a little,
along about this time.
- Here, drink it.
- More?
Good for you.
Nothing for you to do now
but lie back and enjoy it.
What are they laughing so much?
What is there to laugh at
at a time like this?
- Don't you drink?
- Not when I'm having a baby.
What are you so nervous?
You'd think you had 10 babies already,
you wouldn't be nervous.
I'm not nervous, just thirsty.
What kind of a name is that?
Yancey insisted on it.
- What if he's a girl baby?
- A girl?
- Yancey would send her right back.
- Ha-ha-ha.
I bet he would.
I can't have a girl.
No? Well, that's what I said.
And I got eight girls.
I've got eight of them.
Gentlemen, you're fathers.
- Yancey, what?...
- Shh. Shh.
It's all right, baby. It's all right.
Shh. There.
Oh, my darling.
- Hey, Tom.
- How are you, Yancey?
Hey, that's quite a contraption
you got there.
- It look anything like it ought to look?
- Well, how ought it to look like?
Here's a picture in the magazine.
Where? That it?
How about that?
You really done it, huh?
- Seven hundred feet down now.
- Yeah?
And I ain't found enough oil
to grease a fiddle.
Yancey, for once I'm afraid
I don't think too much of your advice.
I could have stuck those Eastern dudes with
this whole useless farm at $25 an acre.
You wait a minute, Tom.
I figured those Eastern dudes
you talk about.
They're not gonna just give
their money away.
For something they don't want on top
of this ground...
...there must be something underneath.
Yeah, but how far underneath?
I don't know how far down...
...but look, if you strike water,
you'll still be ahead.
- I'll strike China first.
- Ha-ha.
Look, I'll tell you
how you gotta figure it, Tom.
If you weren't sitting around digging for oil,
then what would you be doing, huh?
- That's what I mean.
- I'll see you, Tom.
- So long, Yancey.
Come on in, it's time to eat.
- Oh, hush, woman.
You come on in now, Tom.
Food's on the table.
- Hi there.
- Hello, Sarah.
- Will you come on in now?
- Hush, woman.
- Come on in now, Tom.
- Oh, hush, talk, talk, talk.
I swear, I think he's gone
clean out of his head.
He don't do nothing but stay out here
with that thing, whatever it is.
Meantime, the potatoes are rotting
in the ground.
Everybody's laughing at the fool.
Oh, hush, woman.
Will you come on in?
I'm gonna throw your chitlins to the hog.
You know what you can do
with my chitlins?
Hey, he sure has managed
to keep hisself busy...
...these past few years, hasn't he?
You'd think they were hunting
a mad dog or something.
Why is it you always have
to take the wrong side of everything?
Every paper in the territory
has got an editorial.
"The most dangerous public enemy
since Billy the Kid. "
"If the territory of Oklahoma
is ever going to be made a state...
...these killers must be stopped. "
- Sabra...
- Only you in the world could have the nerve...
You don't understand. You just don't...
Eight innocent people have been killed
and how many banks have they robbed?
When I first knew that boy, his father
was one of the biggest landowners... of the biggest ranchers
in this territory, Jessie.
The government come along
and they decide they're gonna break up...
...that grazing land,
and give those ranchers three days.
Imagine that.
Three days to get rid of their herds.
You know as well as I do that buyers
take advantage of a situation like this.
And in one day, this man loses everything
he spent all his life building up.
In just one day.
Now, you know
what happened to him, Sabra?
Do you know?
In four months,
he was shot for being a cattle rustler.
There, now, supposing,
just supposing, Sabra... were 8 or 9 years old,
like that boy was.
What do you suppose a thing like that
would do to you?
I didn't know that.
Terrible thing is,
I could have helped that boy.
I could've done something for him.
I don't know what, but I...
I just didn't bother. I didn't...
I didn't take the time.
- Lf you hadn't been so stupid, we...
- What are you bringing that up for?
- I made a mistake.
- You won't listen to nobody, will you?
Every time I bring up the town of Osage,
you change the subject on me.
That couldn't have anything to do
with Yancey Cravat, could it?
I'm sick of you.
I'm sick of looking at you.
And I'm sick of hearing your voice,
and I'm sick of smelling you.
Go where you want to, will you?
Just get away from me.
That's fine with me.
Hoss, you coming with me?
I go with him.
That's good enough.
All right.
You wanna get the train?
We'll get the train.
To tell you the truth,
I don't care no more what we do.
Come on, Hoss.
Hey, Dixie.
How are you?
Hi, Dixie.
Pretty nice rig.
I'm looking for a lawyer.
Are you still a lawyer?
Well, I... Uh...
I'm not much of a one anymore,
I'm afraid.
I don't need much of a one.
In that case, I'm your man.
Here, would you like to sit down?
Well, now, what can I do for you?
Hurry up, Yancey, we'll be late.
Oh, uh, do you mind running along?
I got business to attend to.
It will just take a few minutes.
Would you mind if?... Um...
No, no. I wait for you.
- Honey, honey.
- Yes, you go play.
Cimarron, you can go and play with Ruby
in the yard, but don't go out in the street.
Uh... Do you mind if we have
a little privacy? Lt...
It's a...
- Well, it's customary, you know.
- But I'm not listening.
Who wants to listen? Go right ahead.
I don't want to listen.
Do you want to listen, Mr. Jessie?
Well, suppose we step outside, hmm?
Look, all I want is some legal papers.
I'm selling the farm.
- Now, can you draw them up for me?
- You're selling the farm?
Just answer me yes or no.
If you can, fine.
If you can't, I'll go someplace else.
Yes, of course,
I can take care of that for you.
Well, here's all the particulars.
You know, who's buying
and for how much and all that.
And when you get them done,
just bring them out to the farm.
Well, would you believe
a human being could have such nerve?
She wants him to draw up
the papers for the...
I think it's about time right now
that you tell me about this woman.
There's really nothing to expl...
The Cherokee Kid,
got him cornered at depot.
Get the Cherokee Kid.
The Cherokee Kid gang.
- Hoss, come back here.
- Hoss.
Cim. Cim, come back.
If you hadn't been so stupid,
we wouldn't have gotten in this mess.
We shouldn't have come to Osage.
All right, so I didn't figure it right.
Well, we gotta get out of here.
They'll be around us any minute.
Hey, the schoolhouse.
Yeah, they won't figure
on shooting us in there.
Go on, all you kids. Get over in that corner.
Go on, get over there.
No. No.
Don't shoot, don't shoot. Are you crazy?
- There are children.
- My boy's in the schoolhouse.
- Get over there.
- Go.
- Hold on.
- Get over there.
- Cover the window!
- Get down. Get down on the floor.
Down, all of you.
All right, it's okay. Stay here.
My boy's in there. Please get my boy.
Take it easy, Johnson.
There's a lot of other kids in there.
Kid, I wanna talk to you.
Keep out of this, Cim,
we don't want you in it. Keep out of it.
Don't come any closer!
If you wanna get these kids
out of here alive, you drop the rifle.
Drop it!
Now, you get us our horses.
Sol, bring me their horses.
Come on.
Now, you bring them up to the door.
That's far enough.
Now we can get out of here.
- Wes, what are you doing?
- Mommy. Mommy.
- Wes. Wes, leave that girl alone.
- Mommy! Mommy!
- I'm coming out with a kid.
- Mommy! Mommy!
I'm coming out
with this kid in front of me.
You're not coming out with any kid.
All right, you kids get out of here,
all of you. Come on, move.
I told you not to have faith in me,
didn't I?
Didn't I?
You girls like hotcakes, right? Want some?
Careful. Watch it, now.
Want one?
I made it myself, you'll love them.
Have one. You'll like it.
Here's Mrs. Cravat.
She can tell you where Yancey is.
Oh, hey.
Mrs. Yancey Cravat...
- Now, hold on. Just hold on.
- Please.
- Please, one question...
- Hold on, now where's Yancey?
Leave me alone now.
Like I told you, you can read about it
in the next issue of the Wigwam.
- Oh, that's not...
- Went for smokes, I guess.
Now, now you stay here.
I come back in a moment.
I just get changed.
There you are.
Everybody's looking for you.
Reporters from New York
and every place.
They want to get some pictures of you
receiving the checks.
I got them.
Here, darling.
Your reward money.
I don't take money for killing a man.
Then what was your reason
for going in there?
I felt responsible.
What about your responsibility to us?
You risk your life for everybody else,
any hopeless cause that comes along...
...but you tear up a check that could
give Cim a little security for once.
You'd give our boy security
by killing another man's son?
Yancey, I'd give anything to have kept you
from going through what you did...
...but it's done now, and we might as well
be practical, just for once.
Why don't you tear up our bills too?
All of them.
I don't care. Why should I?
Scrape the grubby ends together
day by day.
Go ahead. Tear them up.
You wouldn't care
if I took that money, huh?
How can I understand a man like you?
- Don't you know that we have a child now?
- Yes, yes.
He needs some money
for some education.
He needs some money
for some advantages in life.
Oh, but what does that matter to you?
That was his money you tore up.
What is that in you that?...
That hunger, whatever it is, to be there
in the middle of any excitement?
You don't know the meaning
of responsibility, do you?
What is it you want?
- Did it occur to you that you are wrong?
- Just wait...
No, no.
Everybody else is on the wrong side.
It's that I don't know
what it is you want.
- I just want to be like everybody else.
- Yes, all right.
Well, perhaps you and I, we just...
Maybe you didn't think of this.
Maybe you and I see things differently.
Yes. I guess we do.
Know something else?
I don't know, maybe...
Maybe you picked yourself
the wrong man.
And for you?
Am I the wrong woman?
I can't please you.
I just can't please you, Sabra.
Son, I hope that someday,
when you get to be an old man...'ll be able to tell your grandchildren
that you saw the day...
...when this town became civilized.
- You understand what I mean?
- Yes, Daddy.
Yes, and that the things
that are happening out there now are just...
They just can't happen
and won't happen.
And there's something else,
and this is even more important.
You listen to your mother.
Because she's the only one
who makes sense around here.
You just don't doubt that for one minute,
no matter what any...
What anybody says to you.
Now, there.
Let's make out we don't see her.
Now, look at our nice horse.
Our horse.
Yes, our horse.
Here you go. Fix him up.
And I says to myself:
"If I can only get that land,
oh, I've got to get that land.
If I can get it, then I'm sure
that most of my problems, they'll be...
Well, they'll be solved, you know.
Some way. "
Then I got to thinking
that even if I had gotten the land... wouldn't have solved
most of my problems at all, really.
Depends on what your problems are,
I guess.
I guess so.
Well, you got the land,
it didn't solve all of your problems.
I don't think. Did it?
It solved one thing, though.
It kept you from getting it.
Listen. Listen, now.
Did I ever tell you, did I ever say to you
that we were gonna get married...
...and that we
were gonna live here together?
- Did I ever? Did I ever s?...
- No. No.
I never did.
You never actually
said you wouldn't, neither.
I thought about you a lot, a whole lot.
I love you.
You came here to bring the papers, and
you brought them, thank you very much.
Just leave the bill on the table.
A little breeze feels kind of good, huh?
Do you feel better now?
I never could resist a little old hill
to holler from.
Any time you wanna borrow my hill
to holler from, you just holler away.
As long as I got it.
You do much?
- Hollering?
- Yeah.
Or don't you need to?
Me? I'm done hollered out.
Any ideas?
Oh, yes.
Sure, I've got a lot of ideas.
But a man just can't wear two hats.
Not at the same time.
Well, what do you figure
on doing now, Dixie?
Well, I don't know. Go back
to what I ran away from, I guess.
You know,
there's not much else I can do.
Of course, uh, if I had a man...
Oh, come on, now. Come on, here.
You never tried real hard
to get a man, Dixie.
Because all you'd have to do
is just bat your eyelashes...
...and you'd cause a stampede.
That's a fact.
You know,
a man can always, uh, buy a new hat...
...if the one he's got don't fit him.
If he wants to.
Who do you think you're fooling?
You're not fooling me.
I know you, I see all the signs.
You left me and you're gonna leave her.
It's just a question of time.
And when you got those jumping meemies
of yours like you always do.
I can see it right now on your face.
There ain't no family,
no conscience in this world can hold you.
And you know it, don't you?
Tell me to my face I'm wrong.
Maybe you don't know me
as well as you think.
Time for school, children.
Everybody in.
School's starting.
Last bell, children. Inside.
I wanna go to school, Daddy.
Oh, you do? Oh, it won't be long
until you'll be old enough.
- And then you'll cry to stay home.
- No, he's not gonna cry. Are you, son?
- No, Daddy.
- No, you bet you're not.
Now, well,
you look like a real little lady, darling.
You better hurry.
Don't want to start being late the first day.
Well, I hope she does better
than I did in school.
I was kicked out of class the first day...
...for hitting the teacher
with a hard-boiled egg.
- I bet you did.
- That's a fact.
- Daddy, look.
- Huh?
They don't want me.
The school board has considered
your request on behalf of that Indian girl.
By unanimous decision,
your request has been denied.
Meeting is adjourned.
You don't expect me
to keep quiet about this, do you?
You can do what you want, Yancey...
...but I gotta tell you,
all you'll do is make enemies for yourself.
If you love the Indians so much, you ought
to make your living from the Indians.
You start printing nonsense about this
and I'll pull out all my advertisements.
- So will a lot of other people I know.
That's right.
Good. Good.
Let's keep our children's blood pure
and their heads empty.
Yancey, Yancey.
- Yeah?
Telegram from the news service
just come in the depot.
What do we have here?
How about that?
How about that?
"President Cleveland proclaimed the opening
of the Cherokee Strip, September the 16th. "
- The Cherokee what?
- Six million acres of land.
That makes that old puny run we were on
just look like a Sunday school picnic.
What are you talking about?
Honey, uh...
Honey, don't...
- Please don't say no, yet.
- No.
I don't want to hear it.
Come on. Don't say no until...
Usually, we have a chance...
- We can discuss it, darling.
- I'm not interested.
Please, darling.
Let's go.
And leave everything?
Just when we were beginning
to get a little established?
For what reason?
To start all over again with the dust
and the mud and the shooting?
We've got a child now
to be responsible for.
I'll tell you what we'll do, then.
All right, fine.
We'll go
and we'll sort of take a vacation.
- What kind of a vacation?
- We'll just go and look at it.
This is the most important thing that's
happened in the history of the world.
- You won't even go and look at it?
- I don't want to go.
Who's going to take care of Cim
and run the newspaper?
All right.
All right, we'll take Cim with us.
- And Jessie, he'll run the newspaper.
- I don't...
- He's done it before.
- I don't even want to discuss it.
- Oh, honey.
- You get that crazy look out of your eyes.
We are not going.
We are not going.
And that's the end of it.
Well, I guess that's the end of it.
I guess, huh?
Come on, Yancey.
We're all waiting on you.
Are you sure you won't change your mind
and come with me?
Son, you be real good to your mom,
you hear?
Treat her real good, huh?
And I'll bring you something real nice.
Come on, now, don't look so sad.
Before you know I'm gone, I'll be back.
Make way! Move over!
Make way!
I wanna go with my daddy.
I wanna go with my daddy.
I wanna go with my daddy.
If you get shoes for one of them,
you gotta get them for all of them.
Don't worry, Sol, I'll pay you.
When my oil well comes in,
I'll pay you double.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Take the shoes.
Thank you, Sol.
- Bye, Sol.
- Bye.
- Goodbye, Sabra.
- Goodbye, Tom.
And now you.
I don't know, Sabra, you went to the bank
and they wouldn't give you the money... now you come to me for it.
What have you got to put up
for security?
If I had something,
I wouldn't have to come to you.
Now, listen, Sabra, friendship is friendship,
and business is business.
If you haven't anything to put up...
What's that?
Stem-winding clock?
I'll take the clock.
But that's a cheap watch.
You can buy one anywhere.
What are you talking about?
All my life,
I wanted a nice little clock like that.
You've got the loan,
I've got the security.
It's a deal.
- Close the door.
- Where is it?
On the table.
Cim, it's for you.
- For me?
- Yes, here.
Look, Ruby. It has my name on it.
It's a present to me from Alaska.
And there's a letter in it too. I'll bet you
anything that your daddy's coming home.
I bet you anything.
What is it? A bearskin?
Yes, a lovely bearskin.
- It's a lovely bearskin.
- What am I supposed to do with that?
Now, don't be rude.
You know better than that.
It's not the gift,
it's the thought that counts.
Now, be careful with the letter.
There must be a letter somewhere.
I don't see any letter.
Then it's somewhere around.
Oh, boy, look at this.
Boy, look at those teeth.
Oh, God, look at these claws.
Bet he was 8 feet tall.
Reckon he could eat a man.
Give my best to your husband
the next time you write to him.
Yes, I will. Thank you.
Do you expect him back soon?
Well, it's hard to say.
He's away on business, as you know.
It's difficult to foresee the complications
when you're away on big business.
It must be really big, to keep a man
away from home for five years.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Good evening.
I thought you were a masher.
I am.
Walk you home?
All right.
What do you care?
Let them talk.
I guess one more piece of gossip
can't hurt me.
Me? I only wish it was true.
Why don't you get married, hmm?
Is that a proposal?
It would be, if I had any sense.
Ah, sense. Ha-ha-ha.
Already I'm finished.
Do you know what water is to fire?
That's what sense is to love.
Some people in love aren't crazy.
There's love and there's love.
Me? A woman might love.
But Yancey,
if you'll excuse the expression...
...there's a man you could love.
Hey, Sol.
Thanks for the hat, I love it.
Isn't it a lollapalooza?
I'll, uh, see you later on.
Well, listen, women...
It all comes out in the wash.
How can a woman walk like that?
You'd think she'd be embarrassed.
Listen, you tell me every day,
"It pays to advertise. "
Oh, no.
- Sol?
- Hmm?
Can I ask you a favor?
You know everything I've got.
Would you?...
- I mean, would you ask your friend?
- No.
You don't even know
what I'm going to ask you.
Am I stupid?
Does she know where Yancey is, right?
- What else?
- So she does know.
- You have discussed it with her.
- Please, Sabra, don't ask for trouble.
So she does know.
Well, I better go and ask her myself.
Sabra, you can't.
I bet you I can.
Why don't you come in here? It's quieter.
Hey, hey.
- Sit down.
- Here?
Yeah, we can talk in here.
I had a very good reason all prepared,
an excuse for my being here.
But I don't think
you'd believe me anyway.
That's good.
You seem to know me
and how I operate.
You shouldn't get me confused with them
kind you read about in the storybooks... know, with the heart of gold?
If I had a heart of gold,
I'd have sold it long ago.
For twice what it's worth.
I guess you know essentially
why I've come here.
I don't know nothing.
You want me to know something,
you gotta tell me straight.
I have reason to believe
that you know where my husband is.
- And?
- Naturally, I'd like you to tell me.
Where he is?
You're not making it any easier for me,
are you?
Why should I?
Well, I haven't heard from my husband...
I mean, I haven't heard from the man
in two years.
I don't know whether he's dead or alive.
He ain't dead.
Did he write to you?
Oh. So it ain't just where he is,
you wanna know if he wrote me too.
Well, I don't think it's unnatural
that I'd be curious.
You women really puzzle me.
You so-called respectable women.
Would you address me
with my proper name?
You say anything because you want to?
- Not without worrying what people think.
- I didn't know I was getting a lecture too.
Is it free?
I don't give nothing free.
In that case, I'd better check the price
before you continue.
It might not be worth it to me.
Your husband's in Cuba.
Him and two buddies.
He joined the Rough Riders.
Thank you.
Is that all you wanna know?
I'd like to know much more,
but I doubt if it's any of my business.
- You really think that?
- No.
But I'm not going to give you
the satisfaction of asking.
You know, I've always wondered
how come a man like Yancey...
...married a woman like you.
And I think
I'm beginning to understand it.
Do you know also why he left me?
Don't you?
I might as well tell you.
He didn't write me.
His buddy Matt did.
That surprise you, my telling you that?
Very much.
Kind of surprises me too.
I doubt if I'd have told you
if the situation were reversed.
You know, I'd take him away from you
in one second if I thought I could.
I'm glad you put it that way.
Oh, what a shame you don't know
the hold you've got on that man.
Oh, I'm not sure of that.
You know, all I keep thinking
is this saying I heard once...
...about the woman
who is composed of three parts:
One part mother
and one part companion...
...and one part, you know.
It's that third part that worries me...
...and it's not because
I wouldn't like to, either.
Well, I'll tell you something,
for what it's worth.
I wouldn't worry about that
if I was you.
And I'm not exactly an amateur at spotting,
you know, who's got what.
You really mean that?
You know, that's about
the nicest compliment I've ever got.
Thank you. Good night.
Good night.
Good night. Thank you very much.
Good night.
Mrs. Cravat.
Good evening, Mrs. Lancey.
Good evening, Mrs. Kuye.
We all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home.
When Johnny comes marching home again
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Go ahead, Cim, find your daddy.
- Daddy.
- Hurry up, Ruby.
Come on, Ruby. Let's find Daddy.
Daddy. Daddy, Daddy.
"Welcome home, Daddy. "
Sabra, please don't be so stubborn.
The whole town is going to be at the train
to meet him, it doesn't look nice.
I don't care how it looks.
If Yancey Cravat thinks he can disappear
for five years with never a single word...
...and then come back
and find me at the station waving a flag...
...and carrying a welcome sign,
I don't know who he thinks he is anyway.
And how he even has the nerve
to come back here.
No matter how many Spanish hills
he ran up and down.
And if he thinks
he can just calmly walk back into my life...
...a person would have to be crazy
to forgive an irresponsible, selfish...
And you, you stay right here, now.
Right here.
And you don't move.
And you see what I'm going to tell him.
I want an audience.
I'm telling you.
Yancey's not on this end.
- He ain't in there.
- Well, he's gotta be.
Daddy's not on the train, Uncle Jessie.
Daddy's not on the train!
All right, where is he?
He ain't on the train.
He didn't come back.
Are you sure?
That's him, all right. That's him all over.
You ought to have seen
the faces of the committee.
They searched that train high and low.
No sign of him nowhere.
I won't get over it.
My love.
You know, son, I know that I haven't been
very much of a daddy to you...
...but I would like to make it up to you,
somehow, if you'd let me.
I'd like to make it up to both of you.
Well, you think you'd give your old daddy
another chance?
Now, do you think
you might squeeze a little smile out for me?
I know I don't deserve one right now,
but perhaps you could give me, uh...
...sort of an advance on one
you might decide to give me next week.
How about it, son?
Let me in.
Let me in.
It's Tom. It's Tom Wyatt.
Let me in. It's Tom Wyatt.
It's oil! Look at it.
Smell it. Taste it.
Oil. I hit oil.
I hit oil. Oil.
It's oil.
We're rich.
Yeah, I never...
Oh, Lord.
Oh, no.
Well, there goes the money
in the cookie jar.
Oh, my. What's so funny about that?
It's okay, Mama,
I'll go to college next year.
It is not funny.
- What do you think of all these statues?
- Wonderful.
Cost me $ 100,000
just to have them cleaned.
Sit down here, dear.
- May I help you?
- Sabra.
Thank you, Tom.
- Senator, here's one I got in Milan.
- Ha-ha-ha.
Call him a senator, old windbag.
He couldn't senate my Aunt Fanny.
Hors d'oeuvre, madam?
Where did you get them from?
Some little-bitty midget?
When I was poor, I used to have
my sandwiches that were that thick.
Look at that.
Make half a dozen, six, seven sandwiches
out of one measly piece of bread.
Hi, Yancey.
Hey, Tom.
Hi, folks.
Come here.
You want to hear something funny?
You know why they put that Indian
reservation way out there, where they did?
Hi, folks.
Because that ground was so useless...
...they figured it was so worthless
that nobody'd know what to do with it.
It'd just be useless.
Well, sir, those 2000 Indians
squatting in their rags out there...
...are now just about the richest nation
in the whole world.
Yes, sir, they've discovered oil
on the reservation. Ha-ha!
How about that, huh?
Well, I call that divine providence, Sabra.
- Isn't that right, Tom?
- It sure is.
Wait till they find out
I got it all sewed up.
I own every drop of oil out there.
Have a drink to my new oil field.
Come on, Yancey,
I'll pour you some champagne.
No, thanks.
Come on, Sabra.
Well, I just hope you're satisfied.
Every time I manage to get us
socially accepted again in this town... come along
and do something against it.
You promised, too, didn't you...
...if you did come,
you would behave like a gentleman?
- Didn't you promise me?
- Yes, yes.
What did Tom Wyatt do so terrible, huh?
He must have paid the Indians
for their oil rights.
Nobody forced them to sell.
It's purely business, isn't it? Hmm?
I never thought of it quite that way.
I'm sure you didn't.
"Wyatt swindles Indians"?
Yancey, you're crazy.
You can't print this.
I told him I wouldn't run it off.
What's the point of having a newspaper
if you can't have fun with it?
- Dad's right, Mother.
- I'm not talking to you.
I'm talking to your father.
Now, this is out-and-out libel.
We'll be ruined.
Jessie, I'm gonna tell you something.
You know those Indians up there?
You know they're not gonna get 5 cents?
Not one nickel of all that oil money.
All those politicians and that Tom Wyatt.
Tom Wyatt, I tell you.
But you can't prove it!
I know I can't. I know.
Sabra, I know that I can't prove it.
But I'm gonna tell you...
Son, they don't know that.
Whenever you're dealing with crooks,
you know what you have to do?
I mean, if you know you're right?
Well, I tell you, you just stir up
a great big fuss, like we're doing right now.
And what happens to those crooks?
They just run.
Yes, sir, they just run
just like a bunch of scared jackrabbits.
Yes, sir.
I tell you, we're gonna get that Tom Wyatt
out of there...
...and we're going to make
those Indians millionaires.
Now, give that a turn, will you, Jessie?
Turn around there.
That's it.
Yes. Yes.
Look, Tom, I'm sorry.
I've got my own skin to save.
Now, wait a minute, Rollins.
How'd they get the news
in Washington?
From some little cheap,
small-town newspaper?
Every newspaper picked it up
from the Associated Press.
Well, I ain't through yet.
You'll find there's more than one way
I can milk a bullfrog.
Yancey, look out.
Those crazy Indians.
What do they think,
that they own the street?
You'd think one of them would stop and
help you, after all you've done for them.
We'll just give it a little push
and we'll be in fine shape.
Fellows, would you mind
giving me a hand here?
I better walk.
I got Civic Club due in 10 minutes.
All right, dear. Here we go. Easy.
- Yancey.
- Yeah?
- Yancey.
- Yeah, what?
- Yeah, what for?
- Lord, where is that darned thing?
Telegram just come in.
Thought maybe you'd like to see it.
They want you to come to Washington,
get yourself appointed governor of the...
Oh, here it is... Territory.
Well, how about that?
Must be pretty hard up for politicians
if they wanna make you governor. Ha-ha.
You're not joking there, boy.
Train leaves at 7 tonight.
I went around to check it.
Would you mind not telling Sabra
about this for a while?
- Why?
- What do you mean, why?
Maybe I don't wanna be the governor.
- I don't get along very good with politicians.
- All I done was give you the telegram.
If you wanna keep it from her,
that's your neck, not mine.
Well, I gotta get back.
Yeah, sure.
Well, how about that?
That's it.
What are you doing out here?
Just sitting out here?
I've got 23 women
and they'll be here in a minute...
...and you just sitting out here.
You are supposed to be helping Jessie
this afternoon.
What are you doing out here?
Did you make the salad?
- Ruby...
- You didn't make the salad?
What are you doing?
What are you wearing?
I've got the Civic Club due here
in a minute.
it's a big Indian festival day today.
- She told you about it.
- What big Indian festival?
I've got 23 women,
they'll be here in a minute.
Did you make the pineapple
and the marshmallow salad I told you to fix?
Not yet, dear.
But you can't walk out
and leave me like this.
Well, that settles it.
They've got to go.
I have put up with their insolence,
their arrogance...
...even their endless brood of relatives,
but to ask me on a day like this...
You told her they could go.
I heard you.
I don't like this, young man.
I don't like it.
I promised I'd drive them out.
I won't discuss it. You are not going.
If you can't keep away from that girl,
I'll get her out of the house.
You go and do your work, just for once,
or I'll have to talk to your father about it.
- Hello.
- But...
- I'm Theresa Grayfox.
- I'm Sally Crowfoot.
- But she...
- Arita showed us what to do.
I hope we've got everything
the way you like it.
But marshmallow.
You take my coat away. Oh.
Oh, Sarah.
- Looks like we're too early.
- No, it's fine.
It's just that everybody else
is a little late.
You just walk right in.
- Yancey?
- What?
It's almost 3 in the morning.
Did you wake me up to tell me that?
I want to go out and get Cim.
He hasn't come home yet.
Oh, honey, leave the boy alone.
- But it's almost 3 in the morning.
- It's 3 in the morning, fine.
He's not a baby.
But I don't want him out there
with those Indians all the time.
I'm worried to death
what's happening to that boy.
He has got no drive, no ambition at all.
And that girl, that Ruby.
I really think they're getting serious.
Well, they are, well, that's just fine.
It shows he's got good taste.
Can't you see I'm worried?
We have got one son.
That's all we've got in this world...
...and I see him drifting away from us
day by day.
And it's my fault, both of us.
Please, we've got
to do something about that boy.
Please, before it's too late.
- Please.
- All right. All right.
You're really worried about him,
aren't you?
You promised that you'd make up
for all the things you never did for him.
Well, now is the time.
Please, Yancey.
We have got to find a way
to get him out of this town...
...into a different kind
of environment entirely.
I know we'll never be rich like everybody
else, but if we find money enough to...
What's that?
Oh, no.
Oh, my.
This could be the answer to everything.
Do you know what it could mean
for the boy to be the son of a governor?
It says they just want me
to come up and talk about it.
- But...
- It doesn't say that I've got it yet.
So you mean there's a chance
you might not get it?
Oh, you women.
If you didn't have anything to worry about,
you'd worry about that.
Oh, but...
It's something new.
And I'm so nervous.
Why? What have you got to be nervous?
How about that? Look here.
Oh, I guess I don't know
how to act among civilized people anymore.
Look at that.
Yancey, look.
- We are invited to a party tonight.
- Fine, that's fine.
Not a party, the party.
The Congressional New Year's Eve party.
Isn't that wonderful?
- Anything else, sir?
- Hmm?
No, uh, thank you very much, son.
Thank you, sir, and happy New Year.
- Happy New Year to you too.
- Same to you.
- Yancey, isn't that wonderful?
- Hmm? Yes, it is.
To Sabra, my Sabra.
- Happy New Year, darling.
- Happy New Year.
Who are the Lou Brothers?
Well, they're the, uh... Uh...
No, actually, no.
There's only one man, I think he's
on the committee that recommends me.
I'm not sure, exactly.
What's he want to see you for
right now?
Well, it beats me.
Oh, my goodness, what next here?
Do you think something's wrong?
I don't know if there's anything wrong.
I tell you what I can do.
I can take a run upstairs
and find out what it's all about.
All right.
I suppose I do that while you put on
your nice, pretty party dress for tonight.
How's that suit you, huh?
Oh, you suit me fine.
Hey, you know something, Sabra?
You know, I got to thinking...
...I don't know, all that you've had to
put up with from me, all...
Being married to me all these years,
I don't know how you've... Ha-ha-ha.
I don't know
how you've managed to do it.
You don't expect me to be noble
and deny it?
No, now, I want to tell you
something, though.
Tonight, being as it's New Year's Eve,
I'm gonna make a very special resolution.
You know what it is?
It's a resolution that I'm gonna try
to make it up to you.
I'm gonna try.
Say, honey, I need a shave. Yeah.
- Would you promise me?
- Maybe I don't need a shave.
- Yancey, would you really promise me?
- Yeah.
I know what you're gonna say.
All right, I promise that tonight I'll, uh,
try to behave like a perfect gentleman.
I'll try.
- You go ahead. You look fine.
- I wouldn't say that.
But you can't go with the cigar.
Give it to me.
- All right.
- Don't be too long.
I won't.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- What? What? What?
- No, wait.
- Honey, that's nothing.
Darling, I can't see. Turn around.
- Honey, that's okay, all right?
- That's it.
All right, okay.
Oh, how can I be so happy?
Well, Mr. Cravat, I'm Lou Brothers.
Come on in, sir.
Happy New Year to you.
It sure is a great honor to meet you, sir.
- Oh, this is Mr. Walters.
- Hello.
- Glad to know you.
- Mr. Self.
- How do you do?
- Hello.
- Mr. Greer.
- How are you?
- And Mr. Hodges.
- How do you do, sir?
You know, it's not often a man
has a chance... meet either a great newspaper man
or a great American.
Here we have both,
right in the same person.
Yes, sir, and a great war hero to boot.
It sure is getting deep in here.
Hi, Yancey boy. How was the trip?
Well, now,
I didn't expect to see you here.
Well, that's the funny thing about this city,
always expect the unexpected.
Yeah. So I see.
Everything all right? Your room all right?
Oh, yes, it's fine. Just fine.
All right, sit down.
Why don't you make yourself at home?
All right.
Well, now, this looks like we're getting
ready for an all-night poker session.
What are the stakes?
I just wanted you
to meet some of my friends.
Some of the boys you'll be bumping into,
once you're the governor.
Gentlemen, it's like the fellow says:
"What's good for oil
is good for Oklahoma.
What's good for Oklahoma
is good for the country.
What's good for the country,
well, it's good for the whole wide world. "
The man can't say "Pass the sugar"
without bringing tears to your eyes.
Is there anything special you'd like to do
or see here in Washington, Mr. Cravat?
I'd be more than happy to have my office
take care of the whole thing.
Let me fill up your drink, governor.
Oh, hold on there, Tom.
I'm not the governor yet, you know.
It's just a little matter of signing
your name.
- Am I right, men?
- Yes, sir.
- Lf you say so, Tom.
- Right.
The thing is, Yancey...'re talking to the committee
right now.
Whoever we recommend
will automatically get it.
- Are those real diamonds you got on there?
- Yeah.
My, would you look at that.
Two of them, huh?
You know something, when I see
the way you've sprouted up, Tom... know, the way, all this...
My goodness, it's really something.
Yes, sir.
And I ain't forgotten my old friends,
Just like I know they won't forget me.
What do you mean by that?
You sure squeeze a man
into laying it on the line, don't you?
I wouldn't say that, I mean I just want to
sort of try it out and see what happens.
Let me put it this way, Yancey.
Ain't nobody gonna ask a man
to do anything out-and-out dishonest.
Why, of course not.
But at the same time,
a little cooperation...
No cooperation,
and no governor, is that it?
I guess that's about it.
I see.
That's good liquor you serve here.
Well, we'll see, Tom.
We'll see.
Happy New Year, gentlemen.
- Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year, Yancey.
Oh, my, I can't get over it.
I just can't get over it.
My husband is going to be the governor,
and I'm dancing.
Oh, come, let's dance again, please.
I want to swing around
and around and around and around.
Oh, Yancey. I'm dizzy.
I was so afraid you'd disappoint me.
I didn't even want to think about it,
your getting made governor...
...because every time I used to count
on something, I'd only get disappointed.
But this time,
this time when I really didn't think of it...
Oh, Yancey,
I want you to know how grateful I am...
...for what you do for Cim and me.
- Yancey.
- Sabra.
Sabra, there's something
I've got to talk to you about.
I can't do it, Sabra. I can't, I'm sorry.
Now, I know I promised
and I gave my word...
...and I'm going back on that word,
but I just can't go through with it.
I wanted to be governor for you and for Cim
more than anything in the whole world...
...but I can't.
So that's the end of it?
I'm sorry I have to disappoint you
once more, my darling.
But I can't do it.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
And never brought to mind.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
And days of auld lang syne.
All right, that's the end of it.
What do you want me to say?
How am I going to go back
and tell everybody you didn't get it?
I keep on watching everybody
getting richer and richer.
We don't even have the money
to get our own son out of trouble.
You talk as though the only thing we've got
to do is to give him a big bank account...
...and everything will be all right.
No, Sabra, no.
We can't live his life for him, Sabra...
...and we can't expect him
to live our lives for us.
Yancey, I have forgiven you a lot.
More already than I should have.
But I'm telling you now,
if you disappoint us in this...
...I'm through.
- I'm just through.
- Don't say that, Sabra, please.
If you can't for your own son,
you are selfish.
Can't you ever do anything for anybody
except yourself?
Don't say that. Don't say that,
Sabra, please don't.
Go on. Go on.
Go away from me.
Leave me alone, forever.
But eight stories.
I know what I'm doing.
- We need it.
- You what?
At least, we will need it.
Two hundred thousand dollars.
That's a lot of money, Sabra.
I mean, you want to expand, all right.
Build yourself a little building,
but that's a lot of money.
Didn't I always pay you back? Before?
Before? Before. Before.
Before, I loaned you 5, $600.
But $200,000?
What can you put up for security?
A very good dinner, Sabra. I enjoyed it.
Sorry I have to rush off like this, but you
know how it is, business before pleasure.
I've got a lot of these things
at home.
- Listen to that old fool talk business.
- Now, hush, Sarah.
High muckety-muck talk, that's all it is.
Just talk.
- Second childhood.
- I'll second-childhood you... about two minutes, you know it.
- You know who I miss?
I miss old Yancey,
the ornery old son of a gun.
Remember the time he picked us up?
On our way to the starting line.
If we're gonna go, let's go,
you old tomcat.
Well, we'll be seeing you.
In a couple of months,
when we get back from Paris, France.
Have a good trip.
- Bye.
- You take care of yourself.
I will.
Hi, boy.
- Good evening.
- How are you, Ruby?
Mrs. Wyatt.
Hello, Ruby.
My dear.
- Hello, Mother.
That was a good meal, wasn't it?
Why didn't you call and let me know
you weren't coming home for dinner?
That's the least you could have done,
no? Let me know?
I thought you knew we had guests.
Dinner was arranged accordingly.
That is impolite.
Ruby and I have gotten married.
I know we should have told you before.
But I knew what your attitude would be.
What am I supposed to do now?
Am I supposed to kiss you...
...and tell you how happy I am?
We're leaving tonight.
I've got a job.
It's in Oregon.
We did wanna say goodbye.
You needn't have bothered.
You go, you go,
there's nothing to talk about.
If you want to throw your life away,
then you just go ahead and do it.
Like your father did before you.
If you want to go, then go.
Aha. What are you doing here so late?
- We've been looking all over for you.
- How are you, Sabra?
We just came from your home
and every place.
I've been trying
to dream up something special to say...
...about the anniversary issue tomorrow.
So far, all I've got is a big, fat blank.
Sabra, this is Jacob Krubechoff,
the famous sculptor.
I'm very honored.
How do you do, Mr. Krubechoff?
He's the best there is.
Half a million is nothing
to ask for his stuff.
He wouldn't even pick up a chisel
for a quarter of a million.
My work, I'm afraid, doesn't impress them
half as much as my price.
Oh, dear Mr. Krubechoff.
The thing is, Sabra...
You know I'm building a university?
With all the children I got, it's cheaper to
build one than to send them all to college.
Well, anyhow, I hired Mr. Krubechoff here
to put me up some kind of a statue...
...something that'll stand
for the Oklahoma pioneer.
- That's wonderful.
- We got to talking.
We all decided, the whole committee...
...that nobody stood
for the spirit of the pioneer like you did.
So that's how come we wanted
Mr. Krubechoff to talk to you and all...
...and we thought
maybe you'd pose and everything for him.
- Am I right, Sol?
- Yeah, yeah, yes, you know.
Something nice, like you and the little boy
in a covered wagon.
Something nice, very simple.
But you're out of your minds.
I haven't decided yet
what should be the best to represent...
Whatever it is, the spirit...
...but I would appreciate,
maybe you'd talk to me.
I'm afraid they have given you
the wrong idea.
I was just sitting here thinking,
as a matter of fact, you know...
...nothing really has turned out
the way I thought it would.
My son and... Look at this.
That's my son.
My son, he had to run away to get married,
to do what he wanted to do.
They won't live
in the same state with me.
He won't even write me a letter
once in a while.
And my husband. This is my husband.
He had to run away too.
I haven't heard from him
in about 10 years.
- The newspaper, nothing, noth?...
- The news...
What's the newspaper? The newspaper.
Oh, my dear.
I've made it bigger, louder, more profitable.
Yes, I have made it more profitable.
But it hasn't got the spirit it had
when my husband was here.
But, Sabra, please,
I mean, this whole thing...
And that's what you want to symbolize,
the spirit of the pioneer, with me?
Oh, Tom.
This is very sweet of you, Tom.
What Sabra means is...
I think he knows what I mean.
Don't you?
- Let's all go and have a cup of coffee.
- I have no time.
- I'm sorry, I have to...
- Have you got the editorial?
No, I haven't got the editorial, but...
I'm trying to squeeze out
something at least.
- Please forgive me...
- Look, this will take five minutes.
The newspaper will not run away.
- You will have a cup of coffee.
- That's enough.
You might as well go ahead.
- They've waited this long.
- What's happening?
- Coffee will make us all think.
- Off you go.
- You are out of your mind, all of you.
- Come on.
What's come over you?
You know what I ought to run tomorrow,
in place of the editorial?
I was just thinking about it before.
We just go down for a cup of coffee.
One little woman told me once...
You remember her, Sol, Jessie?
Her name was Mrs. Pegler
and she told me...
It was on the day when her husband
got killed in the land rush.
"It's not worth it," she told me.
"I'm a woman," she said.
"Where are my children?
I'm a woman," she said.
"Where is my man?"
"It's not worth it," she said.
And I'm beginning to think
that she was...
Oh, you.
And you.
Congratulations, Mother.
Oh, Ruby, darling.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Oh, my boy.
I'm afraid two of your honored guests
are just a little sleepy.
- You brought the children too?
- Yes.
- Where are they?
- Over there.
Come with me. Come on.
Oh, Arita.
Oh, Arita.
- Hello.
- Mother.
Oh, do you remember
when I told you to stick with it?
Do you remember that day
when I told you?
Oh, she wanted to give up, and I told her,
"You stick with it, little lady. "
- And she stuck.
- Oh, you.
And she's made something.
- You said...
- No, no.
Speech. Speech.
- Speech.
- Speech.
- Speech.
- Oh, Tom, you make a speech.
- You are a much better speaker than I am.
- Speech, speech.
Well, I feel...
I'm afraid
I feel like a fraud standing here.
If it hadn't been for so many people
like Mrs. Pegler...
...there wouldn't have been
an Oklahoma Wigwam at all.
And Jessie, who got us started.
And Sol, who kept us going...
...through all the mean and ugly years,
both spiritually and financially.
Oh, yes.
And, uh, most of all... You were
looking for the spirit of the pioneer.
Well, his spirit is here tonight.
God only knows where his ornery self is.
And you all know who I mean.
It's easy enough to drudge along
and cling on to something...
...what somebody else has created.
And that's all I've done.
Just to survive.
But the leaders, the true pioneers...
...they are rare and hard to come by.
Sometimes even harder to understand.
And almost never appreciated
until it's too late.
But such a man was my husband.
No, I don't mean "was," I mean "is. "
Because every time
I hear a sudden noise...
...or see an unexpected shadow,
I hold my breath...
...waiting for my Yancey
to burst in on me and pick me up...
...and pick up the conversation
exactly where he left it 10 years ago.
Well, I hope he still can pick me up,
the weight I've put on.
Oh, my God.
My darling Sabra.
I can just hear you now,
accusing me of chasing excitement again...
...but I feel sure America is bound
to get into this thing, sooner or later...
...and I had to get into it as soon as I could,
and don't ask me why.
I guess somebody's got to.
For 11 years,
I've been trying to write this letter to you.
And when I think of all the things you've
given me and how little I've given you... does a man say
to a woman he loves:
"I apologize for loving you"?
We've just gotta be patient
with each other, that's all.
I just love you so much.
- What if he's a girl baby?
- A girl?
Yancey would send her right back.
Oh, I'll bet he would.
He's part of the history, a man like that.
We'll be proud of him.
Round and around
and around and around.
Listen, I need you
far more than you need me.
You helped me. You helped me.