Cinderella II: Dreams Come True (2002)

Come on, Gus-Gus. Faster!
What's the hurry, Jaq-Jaq? | What's the hurry?
Fairy Godmother's here. She's gonna | read us the Cinderelly story.
Shh. Pom Pom.
Come on, Gus!
" Cinderella and the prince | lived happily ever after.
The end. "
- We missed it? | - Mm-hmm.
- Maybe you could read another one. | - Oh, I'm sorry, Gus...
but that's the only | Cinderella book there is.
Yeah, Gus-Gus. You heard her. | " The end. " That's all.
Uh, maybe we | could make another book.
- We can tell the stories. | - And make the drawings!
- Yeah! Yeah! | - Yeah! Yeah! | - Oh, what an excellent idea.
No, no, wait a minute. | Who'd wanna read a book made by mice?
Cinderella would read it.
And if you made it, | I know that she'd love it.
But we don't know | how to make a book.
Oh, don't worry, dear. | I think I can help.
Salagadoola menchihka boola | Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Put 'em together and what have you got | Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Now, what do we need | A pencil, indeed
- And crayons | - And glitter | - And glue
- We'll sew up the book | with a thread and a hook | - Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Oh, very nice. Well done, little mice. | But something is missing it's true.
Oh, look there. | The pages are bare.
- We need a story from you. | - Who, us?
No, no, we don't know | any good stories.
Wait, wait! | How's about " First Day In Castle "?
Oh, yeah. | That is a good one.
I'd love to hear all about it.
It was right after Cinderelly | and the prince got married.
Mice-mice move to the big castle.
We had it all to ourselves, and we | were having the time of our lives.
Cinderelly's back!
- Oh, dear, they're back! | - They're back!
- They're back! | - They're back!
- We're back! | - Welcome home.
I still can't believe | I'm going to live in a castle.
Are you sure | this isn't just a dream?
You're a princess now.
Princess Cinderella.
She won't even know the first thing | about being a princess.
She just got back from her honeymoon.
It's going to be your duty | to prepare the girl.
Your Majesty, I am honoured.
Not you, ninny. Prudence!
Of course not you. He wants | the job done right the first time.
The royal banquet will be | Cinderella's responsibility now.
The royal banquet?
You'll teach her everything | she needs to know.
But, Sire, she won't know anything | about planning a royal banquet.
I don't know anything about | planning a royal banquet.
Oh, well. At least I can | stay past midnight.
Perfect! | And I'll be right by your side.
I have to go? | Now?
Father, I can't just | abandon my princess!
Not with the royal banquet | only two days away.
Nonsense! We have important | matters of state to attend to.
Important matters of state!
Eh, Father--
She hasn't had time to prepare.
She's never been a princess before.
I dare say, Majesty, | you do like your banquets just so, eh?
- It's a great deal to ask | of the poor girl. | - Nonsense!
Your Majesty, I can take care | of the preparations as I always do.
Just show her what to do!
We have a princess now. | It's her duty to plan the banquet.
And the king's duty to endure it.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Now off we go!
- Thank you. | - I'm sorry I have to rush off.
Don't worry. I'll be fine.
I know you're gonna surprise us | with an incredible feast.
I just hope you're not | too surprised.
- Cinderelly! | - Cinderelly! | - Cinderelly!
Jaq! Gus! Mary! | Hello, old friends.
Look-look. Big chair | for Princess Cinderelly!
Oh, my.
Big castle too.
Don't worry, Cinderelly. | Us mice here to help.
Why, thank you, Jaq. We've got | a big day ahead of us tomorrow.
Um, this way, fellas.
Good morning, Your Highness.
Your Highness!
Ready for breakfast? | How does a cheese omelette sound?
The princess is missing!
You! You, girl! | Have you seen the princess?
Good morning, Prudence.
Oh, I thought you-- | But those awful clothes!
Well, I-- I didn't recognize you, | Your Highness.
Allow me to introduce | your ladies in waiting.
- Beatrice and Daphne. | - Pleased to meet you.
You're just in time for breakfast.
Breakfast? Ooh, with toast and jam?
Your Highness, a princess | never prepares her own meals.
That is not how things are done.
There are rules about breakfast?
Of course there are rules, | Your Highness.
But it's certainly not your fault...
that you don't know | the traditions of the castle.
That's what the king | expects me to teach you.
I'm sure I can learn it in no time.
Mm-hmm. Come along. | There's no time to dally.
Just do as I say, | and everything will be fine.
The king would be horrified...
to find the hostess of the royal banquet | dressed like a scullery maid!
A princess must be attired | like royalty.
Do I have to wear this all the time?
Oh, of course not, Your Highness.
You'll need something | much more formal for dinner.
Couldn't I just wear | one of my own dresses?
Very amusing, Your Highness...
but it simply isn't done.
It's such a beautiful day. | Why don't we open the curtains?
No, no, no! | These curtains are never opened.
And certainly not | by a princess.
It most definitely isn't done.
Dukes and viscounts | sit nearest the king...
unless there is a marquis present.
Wouldn't it be nice if people | could just sit wherever they like?
No. You must never seat a duke...
above a marquis or below a baron.
Which colour is correct, | Your Highness?
Cream or ecru?
Um, e-e-ecru?
Goodness, no. Cream.
But there isn't any difference.
Oh, my. So much to learn.
So little time.
At the banquet, as always...
the royal menu shall consist | of the rarest roast beef...
French onion soup, tarragon mashed | potatoes, freshly baked baguettes...
the finest truffles in the kingdom | and, for dessert...
Norwegian stewed prunes.
Prunes? | For dessert?
The king expects it. | It is a tradition that is never broken.
Besides, I like them.
Your Highness shall pause here | to greet her noble guests.
Remember. Curtsy to royalty, | wave to nobility.
I know I can do this right.
- Cinderella! | - Cinderella! Hi!
My friends! Hello! Hello!
How nice to see you. | Wait just a minute.
- Open the gate! | - No, no, no!
These gates are only opened | for royal visitors.
You must remember the rules.
Commoners are never | allowed in the palace.
It simply isn't done.
At the very least, one must learn | to dance with poise and grace.
I'm trying. | I-I-I just need more practise.
It must be perfect. | It is the king's favourite dance.
No, no, no, Your Highness. | It must be slower and more formal.
Your Highness, eggshell or bone?
- Eggshell? | - Bone.
Now, who sits next to the count?
- The duke? | - The marquis.
- Gold or silver? | - For what?
- Baron or viscount? | - Who?
- Pekoe or Darjeeling? | - I don't know!
- Braised or broiled? | - Fish or fowl? | - Stand or sit?
- Mind the music! | - Hair up or down? | - Left or right?
- One or two? | - Watch the chair! | - Your Highness!
Your Highness, the dance | is best performed on one's feet.
This is a disaster.
Poor Cinderelly. | Please don't cry.
Cinderelly not happy, | mice-mice not happy.
Jaq, what am I going to do?
I'm a complete failure | as a princess.
Why can't I learn to do this right?
Ah, look at me.
Cinderelly not look like Cinderelly.
It's true. | Something's just not right here.
Like, uh, stewed prunes?
Exactly, Gus. And why do they | have to keep the palace so dark?
And that awful dance.
- And those boring colours | that all look the same. | - And stewed prunes!
Especially those rules about | keeping commoners out of the palace!
Why, I was a dish maid when | the prince married me.
And he loves me because I'm me.
I've been trying to obey someone | else's rules about who I should be...
and how I should dress.
This hair!
I know I can do this. I just have | to stop trying to be someone else.
What's she gonna do, Jaq-Jaq?
Gus, I'm going to plan | this banquet my way.
Who's to say the rules | must stay the same forevermore
Open the gates!
Whoever made them had to change | the rules that came before
So make your own way | Show the beauty within
When you follow your heart | there's no heart you can't win
Oh! Why, thank you!
Your Highness, | the king would not approve.
You're supposed to be inviting dukes | and counts and other aristocrats.
- I am inviting them, along with | all my friends here in the village. | - Thank you.
Your Highness, | I strongly advise against it.
It's simply not the way | things are done.
Perhaps the time has come | to try something new.
So reach for the sky | It's not high as it seems
Just follow your heart | Go as far as your dreams
This party needs help, | starting with dessert.
No prunes. Yuck!
Jaq-Jaq love chocolate.
Chocolate pudding! | Now that sounds good.
We never get to dance like this.
Dance if you want to | Don't fear you'll fall
Take a chance, 'cause it's better | than never to chance it at all
It simply isn't done. | It simply isn't done!
" It simply isn't done! "
It simply isn't done | It simply isn't done | It simply isn't done
There's a world for the changing | and you've just begun
Don't let them tell you | it's simply not done
When you follow your heart | you'll shine bright as the sun
- Your Highness, sand or buff? | - Which colour do you like?
Hmm. Pink!
Hmm. Something's still missing.
Now, that's more like it.
- What will the king say? | - I know this is a big change.
But I have to try this my way.
Well, then, I certainly hope | you know what you're doing.
They're here, Cinderelly! | They're here!
Well, it's too late | to turn back now.
Now, this dance is more like it.
Oh, this dance is horrifying!
The king has arrived.
What in blazes is going on here?
Your Majesty!
- Who opened those curtains? | - This is all | Princess Cinderella's doing!
Oh, what a lovely moon.
- I tried to teach her, Sire. | - Commoners in the palace?
She simply refused to listen.
- Oh, hello, Giuseppe! | - It's a scandal!
Your Majesty, I can explain.
What is this?
Your dessert, Sire.
No prunes for dessert?
An absolute outrage!
Mmm, chocolate. | My favourite!
What happened to the music? | Everybody dance!
I always said we needed | some new traditions around here.
Go on, now, Prudence. | You're missing all the fun.
- Did I miss something? | - Surprise!
Splendid job. Splendid!
It is the princess | who deserves your praise, Sire.
And I am honoured to be | at Her Highness's service.
I think we're going | to be great friends.
I told my son | he had chosen well.
You're a natural.
Hooray! Hooray!
Another dance!
I'm glad you do things | your own way.
Someday I'll get | this princess thing right.
I think that day is today.
Well, Cinderella certainly turned | things around, didn't she?
Yeah, no more big hair.
Or prunes.
Can't get it.
Oh, let me help with that.
Watch it. | I don't like that magic stuff.
Remember what | happened last time.
Oh, now there's a story | we should tell.
Yeah, that's a good one!
Oh, no. No, no, no. | Very, very boring story.
We don't want to hear that one.
- But, Jaq, it's my favourite. | - Okay, let's hear it.
Well, it certainly was | an unusual wish, Jaq, dear.
But things didn't turn out | quite the way you had planned.
Duh, what are we doing | in the garden, Jaq-Jaq?
Gus-Gus not had breakfast yet.
Gus-Gus, we're going to pick | flowers for Cinderelly.
- What for? | - Because we never get a chance | to do anything for Cinderelly now.
Uh, sure we do.
- Like what? | - Uh, well, uh, duh, uh, let's see.
Oh, Cinderelly don't need mice-mice. | She got lots of people to help her.
Well, I want to bring her | a big bunch of flowers.
- That's enough! | - You've got to think big, Gus-Gus.
P-P-P-P-Pom Pom!
- Your flowers, Highness. | - Well, thank you.
Oh, these are even prettier | than yesterday's.
Here's the list of remaining | preparations for the festival tomorrow.
Oh. We sure throw a lot of parties | around here, don't we?
Oh, this is no mere party, Highness.
This is the Spring Festival!
Oh, good morning, fellas. | What do you have there?
For you. | But they're too small.
They're beautiful! | How very sweet. Thank you.
Your Highness, | the festival committee is assembled...
in the library | awaiting your instructions.
And the bath is in the pantry | awaiting you.
I'll see you later, boys.
Good morning, Jaq.
Hello, Mary. | Pretty coat!
I made it for you.
Want to try it on?
Oh, very nice.
Cinderelly forgot party list!
Jaq can help. | Take list to Cinderelly!
I-I-I-I-I got it! | No problem.
I'll be right back.
Very well, the prince and I will cut | the ribbon to begin the festival.
Now, any other suggestions?
I propose we move | the Spring Festival to summer.
Genius! I wish I had | thought of it myself.
Then I'm afraid it wouldn't be | a Spring Festival any more.
- Yes, yes, quite so. Of course not, | I dare say, Your Highness. | - Yummy.
Perhaps this year we should | not invite the children.
- Can't open. | - They appear to be always underfoot. | No children. A brilliant idea.
But the festival is for the children.
And an even more brilliant rebuttal!
Oh, I suppose. | But the lines are so long.
No problem. We'll add more rides.
Help! Oh, I can't stand mice! | Oh! Disgusting!
Jaq, are you all right?
No help to Cinderelly. | Just make a big mess.
I'm sorry, Jaq. | Tell you what.
I'm about to go out to the fairgrounds. | Why don't you come with me?
- I could really use your help. | - Help? Zug-zug!
Meet me at the stables | in ten minutes.
No problem.
Here we are. There, Charger.
Wow. Not sure Cinderelly | can find me down here.
- Jaq? | - Hey, Cind--
- Jaq? | - Your Highness, your escort | is waiting for you outside.
Thank you. Jaq?
Oh, well. | I guess he couldn't come.
Oh, no!
Cinderelly, wait!
I never get to do anything any more. | I never get to help.
Get left behind sitting in the dirt. | Used to help a lot.
Now I'm too small to do this, | too small to do that, | too small to help Cinderelly.
No good to anybody!
Castle not like old house. Castle for | big people. No place for mice. No place!
Everything's bigger than me. | Even flowers bigger!
Don't like being small. | Don't like being a mouse.
I wish I was big!
There, there, dear.
Tell me all--
Jaq? Uh, Jaq?
Oh, there you are, dear.
I heard your wish, Jaq. | Aren't you happy the way you are?
Only big people help Cinderelly. | I want to be big!
No, I want to be human.
Human? Oh, good heavens!
But, Jaq, you've always helped | Cinderella just the way you are.
Cinderelly's a princess now. No time | for mice. Nobody likes mice anyway.
So that's what you think.
I get beat up by cat and-- | and horse and-- and big, scary lady!
Humans are bigger. | Bigger better.
If you really feel that way...
perhaps it would be | for the best to grant your wish.
Bibbidi bobbidi boo!
# The sun's up shining | Silver lining #
# It's gonna be a beautiful day #
Jaq. The human Jaq. | How do you do?
# Church bells ringing | Birds all singing #
Everything's going my way
Zug-zug. I really am human.
Climb the trees | Smell the breeze
Laugh with all your might
Blue skies showing | Everything's going right
You'll never stop the raining | by sitting and complaining
It all comes down to you
You'll smile again | It happens when
You change your point of view
- I love the view from up here! | - When you're small, one inch tall
And then you're six foot two
You've hit the big time now | and the world is looking up to you
There she is. | What am I going to say?
Princess Cinderelly, | it's me. Jaq!
Look, I'm human now. | I'm human now too!
When you're small | One inch tall
And then you're six foot two
- You've hit the big time now | - Princess Cinderelly!
- The world is looking up to you | - It's me!
Yeah, you
- My dear sir. | - Oh, you poor man!
- Sir, um-- | - I'm hu-- | - Oh, Sir Hugh, is it?
- Well, then. Pleased to know you. | - I, uh, " knows " to please you too!
- Are you all right, Sir Hugh? | - Yes, yes, I-- | - Hugh, eh?
- Would that be Belgian? | - What? Eh, no, no.
No, no, no, of course not. | No accent.
I'm so sorry about the mess. | Here, let me help you.
No, no, that's why I'm here. | To-- To help you. I'm--
Aha! The committee sent you!
Oh. You're here to help | with the Spring Festival?
- You're Dutch! | - No. I mean yes. Uh, but I'm--
Late! Your Highness, it is late. | We're expected back at the palace.
- Shall we ride back together? | - Ride? On horses?
- Nice horsie! | - Sir Hugh?
Have you ridden before?
Sir Hugh? Sir Hugh? | Oh, there you are.
Oh. Peach blossoms.
Aren't you sweet? | They're beautiful. Thank you.
Ah, Highness, there you are.
The tailor is in an absolute dither. | The cook is having a crisis.
The animal trainer is flummoxed! | And they're all asking for you.
Could you please find a vase for these? | I'll be right back.
Thank you, Sir Hugh. | You're a big help.
Perfect. | Helping Cinderelly with flowers.
Pom Pom!
I shouldn't be afraid of cat!
I am human now. | Bigger than cat.
But I am still afraid of cat!
Oh, good. | You found a vase.
Happy to help. | Uh, what I want to s--
Your Highness, the Countess LeGrand | is awaiting you in the dining hall.
Think you could keep | her company till I get there?
A mouse!
What am I doing? | I'm a man now.
- A big, fat mouse! | - Oh, no. Gus-Gus!
Get away!
My hero. | Oh, you saved me.
Well, I think we just found the couple | to lead the first dance.
We better go get ready. | I'll send a valet for you, Sir Hugh.
See you at the festival.
Hey, Mary, where's Jaq-Jaq?
I don't know, Gus. | I'm worried about him.
Here I am.
It's me.
Jaq, is everything all right, dear?
Uh, oh, yes. Great. | No problem.
Well, I think you gave your friends | a bit of a fright.
They ran away from me. | Even Mary.
Oh, now surely you don't miss | being a mouse.
No, I guess not.
Aren't you happy being human?
Yeah. Sure not as easy | as I thought.
But I know I'll get it.
Her Highness Cinderella | is asking for you.
The evening's festivities | are upon us.
- Zug-zug! | - Jaq?
Zug-zug, eh? I don't believe | I'm familiar with that expression.
Um, it-it means-- | It's French.
Aha! French is it? | Well, that explains everything.
Ladies and gentlemen, | let the Spring Festival begin.
- Race you to the Ferris wheel! | - Look there.
Oh, an elephant! | Come on! I just love elephants!
- Your Majesty, uh-- | - Let's go!
Around the world!
Up and down. Up and down. | Around like a Ferris wheel.
Uh, are you sure | Jaq-Jaq's here, Mary?
He must be, Gus. | Let's find him.
Sir Hugh, are you | enjoying yourself?
Well, um, there's something--
You're not whispering | about me, are you?
I believe I promised | you two the first dance.
What a lovely dancer. | Oh, my!
Oh! Sir Hugh!
Is that your kitty?
Oh! Isn't she precious?
Ready for the next dance?
Nice kitty.
Oh, I hate elephants!
This is all my fault! | I wish Fairy Godmother was here.
Jaq, this is your chance to help.
What can I do?
Hmm, an elephant. | What do you think could stop him?
- Stop in the name of the king! | - Don't know.
Perhaps a mouse?
Aren't all elephants | afraid of mice?
Are you a man or a mouse?
I'm a mouse!
Oh, dear, now!
How does it go again?
Oh, yes! | Bibbidi bobbidi boo!
Oh! I can see my castle!
I guess there are some things | only a mouse can do.
I'm a mouse!
Yes! I'm a mouse!
I'm a mouse! I'm a mouse! | I'm so glad I'm a mouse!
I'm a mouse! Jaq is back! | I'm a mouse! A mouse!
M-O-U-S-E | I'm a mousie mousie
Oh. Sir Hugh's kitty!
Come, sweetums. | Let's go find your master.
Oh, aren't you just the sweetest, | little, most precious baby?
Jaq, that was so brave!
Mary, I really missed you.
You're a hero!
Jaq, you saved the day! | I can always count on you.
- You're right there when I need you. | - I am?
Yes, you are.
I'm so glad you're back!
Me too!
- Thank goodness that's over. | - Yeah.
No more magic for Jaq-Jaq!
- Not even a little? | - Whoa!
Hey, magic make this | go a lot faster!
Let's go to work.
- Good gracious! | - Oh, no!
- I'm trying to sew. | - I'm splattered!
- How awful! | - It's tragic!
- I feel a bit pale. | - Watch out! That's my tail!
I think we've had | quite enough magic.
- What a mess! | - Yeah, it's a mess, all right. | - A big, old, stinky mess.
- Oh, we've seen worse! | - Yeah.
- Remember when Anastasia fell in love? | - I sure do. | - Yeah!
Cinderella's stepsister? | That Anastasia?
- Yeah! | - Now that's a messy story.
No. It's a love story.
Stop hogging the mirror!
- That's mine! | - No! It's mine!
- No! Mine! | - Hey! That's mine!
Oh, you're right.
- It is yours. | - You did that on purpose!
- Did not! | - Did too! | - Did not! | - Did too!
Girls, stop all this | bickering at once!
Cinderella's ball is tomorrow night, | so pay attention!
Every noble bachelor in | the kingdom will be there.
If you want to find a husband, you have | to make the most of this opportunity.
I won't let you fail me again.
- Yes, Mother. | - Yes, Mother.
Drizella, pin back those curls.
Anastasia, put more colour | in your cheeks!
A perfect appearance | is the only way...
to attract a proper gentleman.
We shall find you | men of wealth and nobility.
- Maybe a count. | - Or a duke.
Come along now. | We need new gowns for the both of you.
- With new shoes. | - And jewellery.
The fancier the better. | Lucifer, come.
Morning, Cinderelly! | Why you dressed like that?
I'm going to the market in disguise | so no one will recognize me.
I want to surprise the prince | with a garland of flowers.
- Want to come along? | - Oh, yeah. Let's go! | - Yes! Let's go!
Gus-Gus come along.
Remember the tradition.
Give these to each other at the ball, | and you'll always be together.
Don't you need a garland | of roses for the ball?
Guaranteed to win you his heart.
Anastasia, what are you doing?
Oh! Nothing. Coming.
Everything smells so good.
Would you like one? | Oh, be careful. They're hot.
Anastasia, I think not.
Everything in this shop is | inferior.
You can build a house | out of these bricks.
Come along, Anastasia.
You're not to say a word | to that shopkeeper.
- I forbid it! | - Yes, Mother.
He's got that look...
and I know that look.
Oh, very funny. | I think they're in love.
Anastasia's in love? | That's crazy, Cinderelly!
Oh, come on, you two. | Anyone can fall in love.
Anyone but Anastasia.
- Maybe she just needs some help. | - Yeah, lots of help.
Well, I had lots of help too, | remember?
We have to figure out how | to get them together again.
I know! We'll lure them into the | square, and here's how we'll do it.
The birds will get her hat. | You get the baker's attention.
Bring Anastasia back here. Get the baker | to come outside and they'll meet | right in front of the shop.
That's right, Gus. | They'll never know what hit them.
- Hey. | - Okay, fellas...
get his attention, and remember, | keep it simple.
Mice in my baguettes!
Come back here! Oh! | Oh! Filthy creatures!
Are you okay?
Oh, no!
What are you doing here | dressed like that?
You look like a laundry maid.
I'm not the one | with egg on my face.
I saw you in the baker's shop.
He must think I'm--
He saw it was an accident. | Don't give up so fast.
What would you know? | You're beautiful.
It's always been easy for you.
Easy? That's not | how I remember it.
Look, Anastasia, you just need | a little help, that's all.
If I weren't | so clumsy and plain--
Listen, why don't you | come back to the castle?
We'll clean you up and then | we'll get you two together.
But Mother forbids it! | She thinks he's beneath me.
And I think she's wrong. | The baker's terrific.
And he cooks too.
Lucifey like Pom Pom, yes?
Mice can help if Lucifey promise | to stop chasing mice!
- There. Good as new. | - Don't stop now!
Mother says that looks | count for everything.
Well, of course you want to look | your best, but that's not | the most important thing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. | What I need is a whole new look.
Make me look good | make me look swell
Make me look fine
We're pourin' it on | you just sit back
'Cause, baby, you're mine
You send me into a spin
Make a splash | when you walk in
Those eyes so rare | the lips, the hair
You're a breath of fresh air
Brushing the fur | comb the hair out
Trim up the toes
Give me the dress and the shoes
And the jewellery and clothes
You can judge your books | from how the cover looks
Wear make-up by the ounce
But didn't they tell you | it's what's inside that counts
Make me a star | make me look great
Make me look grand
I got style and grace | but it's a painted-up face
Gets you a man
Snip, cut | when we are through
You're gonna look so good | it's true
The fur, the bows | the chin, the nose
Oh, ah | Ooh-la-la
Looks won't hide | It's what's inside that counts
You wanna be a bride | It's what's inside that counts
What about a necklace?
- Lucifer! | - Stupid cat.
Remember, you'll catch more flies | with honey than with vinegar.
What does that mean? | Who'd want to catch flies?
I mean the best way to impress | the baker is just to be nice to him.
- How do I do that? | - You could start with a smile.
Better get me | a bigger necklace.
Come on.
- I make babies cry too. | - Here.
He'll never be able to resist.
You think so?
But what if Mother catches me?
She told me never to speak | to the baker again!
Maybe it's time to stop following | someone else's orders...
and start following your heart.
It's late! | I have to go!
But what about the baker?
I could walk you to his shop.
Meet you in the market | at noon tomorrow?
I can hardly wait!
Mother, I have to run to town. | We're out of bread.
Excuse me. Can I borrow this? | Thanks!
I'll wait for you | by the apple cart.
- Do you think she'll like them? | - They're beautiful!
She's going to love them!
What? What happened?
Run for it!
The deal is off!
Don't look at me! | I look horrible!
Wait! Please!
How dare you defy me!
You were forbidden | to speak to this man!
Oh, look at her! | It's a disaster!
We'll be the laughing stock | of the entire town.
You've embarrassed yourself | quite enough with this foolishness.
Dear child, you know I only have | your best interests at heart.
You deserve better. | Come along.
No, Mother! | You're wrong!
- He's sweet. | - She's wonderful.
He's romantic. And we are going | to the ball together.
Drizella, come along.
Oh, thank you! | I never dreamed I could be this happy.
You see? | Dreams do come true.
Hmm, looks good!
Hmm, needs something.
Oh, Gus-Gus, where's your bow?
Right here.
- Ta-da! | - Perfect.
- All finished! | - Are you ready to show Cinderella?
Look! There she is.
Let's go!
Salagadoola menchichka boola | Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Put 'em together and what have you got | Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Salagadoola menchichka boola | Bibbidi bobbidi boo
It'll do magic believe it or not | Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Now salagadoola-mee | and menchichka boola-roo
But the thingamabob that does the job | is Bibbidi bobbidi boo
- Cinderelly! Yoo-hoo. | - Cinderelly. Cinderelly.
- Look what we made! | - Whoa!
Look out!
- What's this? | - It's a book. We made it!
- Do ya like it? | - I love it! What's it about?
- Uh, it's about all of us. | - How wonderful!
I don't suppose you'd want | to read this together, would you?
- All right! | - Yes! | - Oh, boy!
Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
Oh, look!
We're all in here. | And these are our stories.
" Once upon a time | there was a big castle...
and in this castle lived | a prince and a princess-- "
It's magic.
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Mirror, mirror, on the wall | Can you picture me at all
I can be whatever I want to be
I can make my story change
Just like in a picture frame
Magic spells and fairy tales | Pennies in a wishing well
To pick up the pieces
You just look inside
And when you put it together | it's magic
Put it together | You go ala-ka, ala-ka-zoo
And when you put it together | it's magic
Put it together 'cause all you | need is inside of you
So put it together
And go Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Everybody has a dream | Sometimes it's like it never seems
That your wish will change to reality
When you feel you've had enough | don't you think of giving up
There's no mountain you can't climb
One step at a time
All that you needed
Was there all the time
And when you put it together | it's magic
Put it together | and go ala-ka, ala-ka-zoo
And when you put it together | it's magic
Put it together 'cause all | you need is inside of you
So put it together
And go Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
All that you needed
Was there all the time
And when you put it together | it's magic
- It's magic | - Put it together | and go ala-ka, ala-ka-zoo
And when you put it together | it's magic
- It's magic | - Put it together 'cause all | you need is inside of you
And when you put it together | it's magic
Put it together | and go ala-ka, ala-ka-zoo
And when you put it together | it's magic
Put it together 'cause all | you need is inside of you
So put it together
And go Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi
Salagadoola | Menchichka boola
Bibbidi bobbidi
Bibbidi bobbidi