Cinderella the Cat (2017)

A luminous future
awaits the city of Naples.
The Science and Memory Hub
is soon to become a reality.
The 300-square-kilometer area
of the current maritime station,
is ready to host 1,200 businesses
for approximately 100,000 new jobs.
Deus ex Machina of this project is
the shipping magnate Vittorio Basile,
father of the photosweep,
the light-impulse technology
that enables the recording
and reproduction of reality itself.
Don Vittorio, in one of the thousand
rooms of the 'Megaride' cruise ship,
jewel in the crown of Italian
naval engineering, shows the media
the model of the holographic globe,
that promises to bring to our home
all the wonders of the world and
safeguard them here for all eternity.
The Science and Memory Hub,
a Neapolitan fable that will soon
be discussed worldwide.
- Hi, Daddy!
Ah, it's you! You've found
my little princess' slipper.
No, Mia doesn't remember
where she lost it.
I don't know.
Don't despair, little Mia.
I'm sure Mr. Gemito will find it
seeing as we can't take a step
without finding him in our way.
It wasn't my decision to escort you.
Nor mine!
It's the technological hub
The Science and Memory Hub.
Right, it's this project that puts
you in a difficult position.
And yet I feel at ease here,
I've worked here forever,
I've obtained the port concession
for 80 years
and there are already
many people at work.
That's precisely the point, sir.
I don't like the people
you surround yourself with.
Fine, then get lost!
Seriously, you shouldn't take
certain things so lightly.
You're always serious, Gemito,
always troubled.
Can you spare me your grave tones
at least on my wedding day?
You don't look so well, you know?
It's true, you're right.
But this ship
I don't understand
It doesn't seem like a suitable place
for a little girl,
things happen that I can't explain.
No, all that is magnificent
amazing, sir.
I have no idea how it works,
but I've come to terms with it.
And so?
I know it doesn't make sense,
but sometimes I see things
that never happened.
The ship is watching us,
recording us, processing us,
it puts us back in the spotlight.
I mean, you think you're here now
but you might be a faded hologram,
an old memory
floating into the future.
You're making fun of me, sir.
Have been from the moment
you set foot on this ship,
but at least I got
a smile out of you.
All right, but now
you've got to take me seriously.
It's 6:00, the ceremony is about
to start and you're still here.
You didn't think to tell me sooner?
Bye, darling. Stay with Gemito,
be a good girl till Daddy gets back?
Gemito, will you deactivate the
communications with the outside?
- Do you remember how to do it?
- Yes, but
Why did you reactivate them?
- Your father's incorrigible, Mia!
- Yep.
I love you so much
isn't there any alternative?
To what?
I mean
he seems like a very good person to me.
Who? The old guy?
He's 50, he's not old.
He's a man of integrity with many
wonderful projects for this city.
Yeah, right,
the "Science and Idiocy Hub"!
- What's so funny?
- What's so funny, Angelica?
To put a Science hub
in the port of Naples
is like giving a silver fork
to a starving man.
It means you want to mock them,
to piss them off.
These are the people who ruined us.
They were born into wealth
and think they know people's needs
'cause they've read two books.
Two books? He's got a library
as big as this ship!
Anyway, I think
he's a respectable man.
Look at me.
You're not in love with that moron,
are you?
In love, absolutely not!
But he's sweet
and I think he really loves me.
Why rub him out? A guy like him, I
can wind him around my little finger.
How often have we done it?
I'll turn him into a puppet.
Listen, Salvatore Lo Giusto
warns first, then shoots second.
I don't know what you've got in mind,
anyway, by noon,
Don Vittorio Basile is a dead man
and you, Angelica Carannante,
his bride, though mine body and soul
and that's a fact, will be
his widow and that's a fact too.
Got it, baby?
Don't look at me like that,
we decided this together.
I'm doing it for us, for me and you.
Come here
Think of when we'll be rich,
important, happy.
I'll be the king
and you'll be my queen.
how much longer
are you going to make me wait?
Mrs. Angelica Basile,
remember that as of tonight
you are a married lady.
Won't you mourn this loss
at least for a while?
What will we do with the little girl?
We'll wait until
she's old enough to sign.
- Meanwhile who looks after her, me?
- You've got six kids, Angelica.
One more, one less
What's the difference?
Bye, bye.
And make that thing shut up!
I love you so much
Why is it that when you see me
you get as mad as a cat?
Baby, whatever did I do to you
that you don't want me around?
I have given you so much love
You know that's true
I love you so much
and you don't care for me
I love you so much
but you don't care for me
Calm down, calm down
Tonight isn't about me.
The woman who can swindle me
is yet to be born.
I've known Don Vittorio
since we were kids,
at 18 they already called him
"the scientist".
Noble blood, an important family
of developers, inventors
and he is no less.
He's got slightly outlandish projects
like this ship,
the ship of ghosts.
But as Angelica says, he's a genius.
A great shipowner, rich,
intelligent, optimist
He only picked the wrong city.
And then Angelica
Of course,
she doesn't have blue blood,
an important family only
from a numerical point of view:
third of seven daughters
and with six kids depending on her.
But innate elegance,
an exceptional beauty!
That's how fairy tales begin.
Or is this already a happy ending?
All I know is that this is love,
Do you remember love?
Here it is!
Let's hear it for the bride.
Mama looks so beautiful.
She looks like a princess.
- I'm going to cry.
- Luigi, are you wearing mascara?
Of course, it's Mama's wedding!
Is that lipstick mine?
Yes, I love this color.
Don't touch my makeup.
- I've told you, it's gross!
- Shut up!
What did Mama say?
We can't make her look bad.
There are important people here.
What a handsome man the shipowner is.
What elegance, what style.
Yes, absolutely, Anna.
He's too handsome.
And you're too queer.
Here's the best part.
I now declare you man and wife.
- That's Daddy.
- Yes, see?
Now they're husband and wife.
Yes, I'm with the kid.
Leo's on the west wing, I believe.
Yes, sir.
And now let the real party begin!
Someone's shot Don Vittorio!
It's a tragedy, it's a tragedy!
The little girl is under my care now,
these incompetents
must leave at once.
Neither in the crate, nor in the
shoe, I'm going through it all.
Forget about it, bring the shoe here
and we'll analyze it better.
- But now close the crate.
- Wait, it must be somewhere.
Maybe it's not in all the crates.
But you can't open them all.
Gemito, your mission ends here.
Inspector, what we're looking for
must be here somewhere.
I'm not giving up, if I don't find it
I'll go aboard and get it back.
Gemito, this is not advice,
it's an order, got that?
The ship's communications
are shielded, there's no contact.
Besides, you have some precedents
in the ship,
the cover wouldn't hold up.
You're behaving unreasonably!
With all due respect, I volunteered
for this job and I'll see it through.
This guy's lost his mind!
This is insubordination,
don't you realize? I'm calling you
back to order for the last time!
Hey, Prince Charming!
What the fuck are you up to?
Fuck off, James,
you gave me a fright.
Get your hands off that!
Damned all be the Chinamen!
Don't sweat it.
We'll just tell them it fell.
What's in that head of yours? Shit?
You'll get us in trouble!
There are 100 more crates, they won't
notice if we take a few grams.
Think again, Prince Charming!
You can't pull one over on the King!
He knows how to make shoes properly,
he's no Chinaman!
He hides the stuff real good.
What time is the King arriving?
- How thrilling that he's coming.
- Let's hope he makes it on time.
So exciting!
Wow, my legs are trembling!
Boy, am I gorgeous tonight!
Listen to her!
When the King sees me,
he'll change his mind and marry me.
Maybe he'll change sides
and marry me instead!
Go ahead and laugh, you broomstick!
The King likes flesh,
besides he's a man, not a faggot!
I refuse to get shot because of you.
I'll speak to them
and then you can deal with it.
First of all, Chinaman, you better see
if they understand you when you talk.
shut up!
I already told you that Chinamen
don't have the light to speak.
This pipsqueak thinks he gets a say!
Leave it, James.
He knows if he talks
the three of us have had it.
We've had it anyway
thanks to your lubbish.
"Your lubbish!"
"Your lubbish!"
Chinaman, I'll see that you've damn
well had it if you don't shut up!
You're pissing yourself, huh?
Fuck you, James!
To hell with all the Chinese
except Bruce Lee.
He was cool, unlike you!
Guys, look!
The King's shoes, fairytale shoes.
Perfect, refined, cut out for you.
They're almost here.
I didn't understand, I can't hear
A clean job, got it.
Are you crazy? Not all three!
James is on board too, he's cool,
he's a friend.
All right then
I won't make a big deal about it.
As you wish
Piece of shit!
- What did he say, James too?
- Yeah.
That's bullshit, he's cool,
I can vouch for him.
- That's what I told him.
- And?
- Couldn't give a shit.
- Then we gotta do it.
- I'm kinda sorry.
- Me too.
Still better than where you live.
It's true, you're right.
And this would be
the port of a big city?
What happened to this crate?
You been messing with the crates?
It must have fallen, relax,
we didn't lose anything.
- If it fell, I didn't drop it.
- Hey Scar!
How do I know it's all in order?
Scar, you have my word,
the Chinaman is a butterfingers.
- For pity's sake!
- But it's all in order.
So, it's the Chinaman's fault?
Why doesn't the asshole speak up?
Because I'm training him well.
I taught him Chinamen
must keep their tlap shut.
Fuck you, James.
Nice work!
Chinaman, if there's anything
missing in here
Got it?
Enough of this bullshit,
that fucking crate was opened by
No two ways about it,
these fucking Chinese
don't wanna complehend.
And now what do we do
with the Chinaman?
Hold on,
I'm still getting over James
Darn you!
Put him in an empty crate
and bring him inside.
You two go to the Ace of Clubs,
I got passes for the balconies
in your names.
- And the Chinaman's pass?
- I've shot him now.
The Chinaman's pass
put it in his coffin, he earned it.
Do you two always need
to make a racket?
Where's that tramp gone, anyway?
Cinderella the Cat?
Who else?
The Cat! The Cat!
Who knows, she's always crawling
through the air ducts.
Maybe she's spying on us,
that nosy tramp!
- Mama!
- Anna, Sofia, Barbara
While Luisa and Carmen
are performing this evening,
there's a little job for you
in the balconies.
A dirty job?
No, this is serious, Sofia.
A clean job.
Don't make me worry,
take precautions.
No, you can't do this to us,
not tonight that the King's here!
It's to please the King
that you must do this job.
Don't worry, we're always ready,
we always do our job.
But Cinderella's got to clean up.
Of course! Now get ready.
Luigi, stick around, in case
one of your sisters needs help.
I'll take care of it, don't worry.
Who's going to pay us now?
The money will be waiting
in the balcony.
What are these balconies?
Where have you been living?
In La La Land?
The balconies are up on top.
That means they bring the show
into your room.
You just have to hope
you don't get the sixth sister.
- Why, what's with the sixth sister?
- She's got a surprise downstairs.
But what do I know,
you might like it.
Gemito, do you copy?
What's wrong, you got a sore throat?
Don't go in there, find an excuse
and come back.
Got a sore throat, Prince Charming?
I got a chill on the rubber boat.
So you wanna go home to your wife?
No, nobody's waiting for me.
He's walking into a death trap.
I shouldn't have given
a delicate job like this to a madcap!
Gemito, you're a moron!
As if that cat's gonna answer
You want me to believe
you were already here?
Don't go wandering around,
you're supposed to stay here.
You always say yes,
but then you do as you please.
Help me do up this dress.
Are these your exercises?
Don't tell me
you're pleased with them!
Your handwriting's shit.
You should practice more
instead of traipsing around.
Are you done with my dress?
Listen up, little one.
You need to do what I say
and do it well.
Tomorrow you turn 18
and it seems to me that you've
become slightly full of yourself.
Am I right?
Do you take me for a fool?
The fact that you're coming of age
doesn't mean a thing,
because you're an ignorant child,
you can't even sign your own name.
If I didn't look after you,
you'd come to a bad end.
Because as I've already told you,
you're a little girl
with problems, right?
Now listen carefully
to what I tell you to do.
After the six sisters' show,
you must tidy things as you know how.
Is that clear, little one?
Now go and clean up my room.
And remember to wash your hands
before you touch my things.
Give me a good reason
to stay here in this squalor.
What do you want me to say, Gemito?
You're not from here, I get it,
but my family built its fortune
in this city,
in this port.
If I had your intelligence,
I would have tried my luck elsewhere.
Maybe you're smarter, Gemito.
You won't let the past, history,
memory screw you like it did me.
You'll weigh the anchor
and go far away.
I hope I'll know
you're somewhere else next year.
I hope so for your sake, truly.
You just need to be careful
with your affections.
Mr. Lo Giusto,
if you'll forgive my asking
Could we put the window up
a little bit?
As you've surely noticed, apart
from the cold, it's also rather damp.
Mr. Lo Giusto?
My dear Cozza
- Can you smell this stench?
- Y-Yes.
Do you know how long it is
since I've been back?
At least two years.
I'm perfectly aware,
but if you'll allow me
If we wanted to keep the window open,
we could have come back in summer.
But you know
that would not have been possible.
Of course, because the girl
needs to sign when the time comes.
But, in all truth, this marriage
could have been brought forward.
- How about we close the window?
- Sure
- Good!
- Sure, we could have done it then.
We could have gotten married
after the mourning was over.
You'll agree, the sooner one attends
to certain issues, the better.
- Or else you pay the consequences.
- What do you mean?
I mean that, say the lady puts
her foot down
because she feels neglected,
the guardianship falls on her.
I do say! Such a beautiful woman!
Why ever not marry her sooner?
- Also to avoid certain risks?
- What risks, Cozza?
I am the King!
When I desire a woman,
that woman is mine forever.
The problem is that beauty fades
and I'd end up married to an old hag.
- Praise the Lord!
- What do you mean?
I mean that marrying Lady Angelica
is not just necessary,
but it's also a great fortune.
She's a sensationally beautiful,
elegant woman.
Let us admit, between us men
of a certain virility,
she's also got a remarkable body,
flesh So voluptuous
Settle down!
I had a mountain drenched in sun
and many things still to learn
I had five, six, seven children
and so many beautiful things
yet to come
I had a window over the sea
The fishermen's lamps
lit up the dark
Stairways wound up through the alleys
And colored flowers
tumbled down the walls
And there's no way of knowing
if you still love me
False things are of no use
And there's no way of knowing
anything since you've been gone
These lies have frightened me
The day I lost everything
You didn't admit
even the slightest excuse
'Cause of that stuff you sniffed
through your nose
You tore away my wedding dress
A beautiful life on earth
can't be found
The evening falls itself
inside and out
And like a moth in the rain
it dies as this heart of mine
strikes midnight
And there's no way of knowing
if you still love me
True things are never lost
And there's no way of knowing
anything since you've gone
Lies have frightened you
Lies have frightened me
Lies have frightened us
Prince, were you getting impatient?
Did I make you wait too long?
Believe me, I'm worth the wait.
I give to you
my gorgeous daughters' show.
- Mr. Cozza
- May I?
Shall I go ahead Shall I proceed?
I'm telling you to proceed.
Go, go! Come on!
This is truly
a marvel of chemistry!
What are you waiting for? Get
comfortable and take your hat off.
It's late, I've got to go.
- Where?
- Have mercy!
- That's it, you've offended me!
- I really must
You piece of shit!
Piece of shit!
Piece of sewage!
Get that asshole!
Luigi, are you okay?
let's kill that piece of shit.
Free coke!
What the fuck more can I say?
I love you so much
I love you so much
but you don't care for me
What if we got married?
Don't make fun of me, Don Vittorio.
I'm a lonely woman,
I'm more fragile than you imagine.
Think about it, Angelica,
I could look after you
and all your daughters.
And you could help me with Mia,
you know better than me
how to raise a girl.
Are you serious, Don Vittorio?
Would you really marry me?
You're an enchanting woman, Angelica.
I should be the one begging you.
What more can I add?
How can I say
And that's the end of that!
- What's going on?
- Ship to base, do you copy?
Ship to base, do you copy?
Gemito, we receive you!
I don't know how the fuck you
managed, but we receive you.
I've made it into the command room.
I can still remember a bit
about how this stuff works.
Are you safe?
Has your presence been noticed?
I've been stabbed.
Luckily I had my vest on underneath.
They knew there was an infiltrator,
I don't think they knew it was me.
Can you hear me? Try to gather some
pictures and get out straightaway!
- Gemito, what's going on?
- Just a moment.
- What's going on?
- Just a moment.
Just one moment.
Did you see that too, little one?
Anyone there?
Gemito, do you copy? Gemito?
There's the asshole!
No point running away, you're fucked!
Please, save your applause
for tomorrow,
that's the big day,
my wedding day.
remember that all these years,
even whilst I was away.
I was working for you,
to transform this port, this city
into a wealthy place,
where there are jobs for everyone!
He went that way!
Get that piece of shit!
Just as well
You spared us the trouble
of bringing your body here.
Wait, let me speak.
Bye-bye, baby!
But now I'm curious
- About what?
- About what he was going to say?
What could that fag have to say?
Here, you can tell Mama
that you did it.
I'd like to dedicate this number
to my city, to my people.
To you!
Naples, Naples
You need to be worthy
of being a Neapolitan.
Smells like smoke
They've set the trash cans alight
Two sailors
are pulling up a net
They've caught a wheel at sea
and two tires
Whilst three boys further ahead
are busy mugging people
Smell this air,
it's practically toxic
From Procida to Resina
Smog in Mergellina
where no doubt you gotta hand over
two euros to a junkie
If to stop for a coffee
your car you wish to park
ls there any place in the world
more revolting than Naples tonight?
The common folk round here
are not famous for their honesty
They're a mass of ignorants
thieves and felons
So uncivilized! Completely rotten!
Without an ounce of dignity
And as the moon says:
If in the shit you live
it means it's the shit you love!
We are the chorus
of Naples
Potato peel
Rotten potato peel
Is it really you?
You've got the same eyes.
Look how you've grown,
you've become a real beauty.
Do you know who I am?
I'm Gemito.
I was one of the men in your father's
escort, I was his friend.
Your father do you remember him?
What happened to your voice,
why aren't you speaking?
Listen to me, little one,
we've got to get out of here.
We've got to escape
from this nightmare.
Do you know if there's an exit
anywhere in the hull?
Come on,
I'm taking you away from here.
You're right, you don't even know me.
But for me it's different, I know so
many things that you can't remember.
You had that smile
and that light in your eyes
Like your father, Mia.
The best people I have ever met
in this life.
If he knew you were still here,
he wouldn't rest.
Would you believe me if I said
that I'm here for you?
To save you?
Here, look at this.
I've kept it all these years,
it belongs to you.
It seems like yesterday, searching
the corridors for it hand in hand.
Your father was waiting for us and
Everything was supposed to go
very differently.
I found it in my pocket when I left
this ship for the last time
and I've often wondered
if it was my memory
or that little girl
playing tricks on me.
Gemito, do you copy?
- Yes, I'm here, Inspector!
- Here where?
In the ship's hold.
It's a cemetery down here.
They'll grant us a search warrant
no doubt
Take all the pictures you can
Do you know how to get out of there?
Yessir, there's an opening in the
hull, come get me at the old pier.
Copy that. We'll be waiting for you.
I won't allow you to stay here, even
if you can't understand why now.
I'll be back to get you, Mia.
I'm taking you away from here.
I promise you. Got that, little one?
And so I have returned
And now just like we used to
Let us sing that ancient tune
Time goes by and the world changes
But true love never goes astray
Is this how you clean my room,
little bitch?
Is this what Mama told you?
Do you think we're all stupid
like you?
Now clean everything up!
I'll take you to Mama,
that way you can learn your lesson.
With you, my beauty, I fell in love
Do you remember,
in front of the fountain
The water within never runs dry
Like a love wound that never heals
It never heals
Because had it healed
my love
I wouldn't be here to gaze at you
amidst this scented air
And to tell you, my sweetheart
Sweetheart of mine
Spring has returned
and so too has love
Do with me what you will
And here I was
thinking you'd forgotten about me.
You mustn't ever think that.
You disappeared for two years.
Angelica, maybe you don't realize
what we've set up.
Tomorrow at midnight, we, Salvatore
Lo Giusto and Angelica Carannante,
we'll be the richest couple
in the land.
And then, anything you desire,
my love,
even if it's a stupid whim,
we'll buy it anyway.
Money's not everything in life.
What kind of bullshit is that?
It's not bullshit, I know
perfectly well what I'm saying,
I've been making things run here
for 15 years,
keeping this ship up,
looking after that tramp!
You've always sent me money,
and gifts too.
But where were you
when I wanted to sing with you?
Where was my man
when I felt sad and lonely?
I was working, Angelica.
See that blackbird?
Remember how heartily
it would welcome me?
Is that still him? Is he immortal?
It's him, yes,
but he doesn't sing anymore.
He hasn't sung for 15 years.
He must have grown old too.
Come on, I know it hasn't been easy,
for anyone,
but now why are we talking about it?
We've won,
it's time to be happy,
it's time to celebrate.
Mama, this bitch
hasn't cleaned a fucking thing.
You oughta
Bow down, bitch!
Sorry, but I never imagined
It's just that this little bitch
does things, I swear
Is this what I taught you, Anna?
- No, Mama
- Silence!
Get that filthy tramp
out of my room.
Who's this young thing?
The oldest of the six,
don't you recognize her?
Of course, I do.
I meant this other little one.
Her? The trouble
we got landed with 15 years ago.
- This is Mia?
- Yes, she's all yours.
Take this trouble for yourself.
And so, you're little Mia Basile?
What a pretty little mouth.
And what bright eyes!
Doesn't she have really bright eyes?
Who would have thought
you'd grow up so well
given whose daughter you are.
How true
How true.
Well? Why don't you speak?
You're not scared of me, are you?
I told you, the girl was traumatized.
Only natural, look how you're
treating this little gem.
I'm surprised at you,
this little girl is our treasure,
the most precious thing on this ship.
And tomorrow's her birthday.
The little princess is about
to become a woman, huh?
Angelica, give her the suite
on the eastern side.
Fill the room with flowers,
perfume, shoes
and everything that ought to be in
the room of a respectable woman.
And above all,
give her a decent dress,
actually, at least ten,
so she can choose.
I've got to go now, I've got
important international guests.
I don't want any surprises.
Mama! Has Don Salvatore gone mad?
Is he serious?
Salvatore is always serious.
And what are you looking at,
you little slut?
You want a new dress? Yes?
- You want the latest fashion?
- Anna!
- The very latest trend?
- Anna!
Do what the King said.
Go call the errand boy
and tell him what he has to do.
Stop your crying.
You're grounded. Don't move
from here until the blackbird sings.
I love you so much
- Are you done playing the hero?
- No, sir.
Now they have to give us the warrant
and we have to get back in there.
One step at a time, my boy.
First, let's get you
to the infirmary.
Thank you.
The King's wedding!
Tonight at 10:00pm,
on board the 'Megaride', the Ace
of Clubs Hall. You're all invited.
Do you like how I've set you up?
Why did you turn away?
Do you want me to leave?
This dress looks so good on you,
doesn't it?
Here, let me have your foot.
Don't worry if it's dirty,
I don't care.
It doesn't take much
for me to know a foot,
to understand what it desires.
Do you like shoes, little one?
I'll prepare the most beautiful shoes
for you that have ever been seen.
Your wedding gown will be the envy
of every bride in the world,
and then you'll live
in a dream palace
with a hundred people at your
service, to grant your every wish.
You just have to say yes.
Not now, at a quarter to midnight
my men will come get you
and bring you on stage.
And you'll say it
in front of everyone.
It's fine if you only nod yes.
Do you think you can do it?
You're a good girl.
I'll make you the happiest woman
in the world.
It's not just a game.
These holograms are our testament.
I know that many prefer to forget,
you too say you want to leave
what you were behind you,
but you see, Angelica, we're only
the first part of the story.
The best is yet to come.
Mama, the shoes have arrived!
The errand boy
left them in the private room.
He said they're gorgeous!
Come, quickly!
What you refuse to understand
is we're not talking small stuff,
there are huge interests at stake,
pressure from above.
Did you ask yourself
how they knew about the mole?
You mean they're not going
to give us the warrant?
Who the fuck is he? How did
he get out of the ship alive?
And when were you going to tell me
about the warrant?
After the police take a photo
with the cake and the bride?
The warrant will be here any minute,
you mustn't be under any illusions.
Above all it's a police operation,
there mustn't be any personal issues
in the way, got it?
You better spill his name now,
name and surname!
Confidential information, my ass!
If nobody took things personally,
the world would go to the dogs!
The bastard boarded my ship!
As sure as my name's Lo Giusto
if you don't tell me his name
Primo Gemito! Go on, write it down:
Primo Gemito!
It took you long enough.
It's just a fucking name.
And what a stupid fucking name it is!
I don't know about his name,
but his surname, if I may,
sounds pretty important indeed.
I want to direct
the operations in there.
Do you realize what they've done
to that little girl?
Little girl? She's 17.
Actually 18.
- Cozza!
- Yes?
I asked you if there weren't
any other solutions.
- To what, may I ask?
- To Angelica.
If I really had to marry her.
- Well?
- I've found another solution.
I'll marry the little girl.
Tomorrow is her birthday,
it's written in the file.
Now I get it!
- Which little girl?
- Basile's daughter.
I'll marry her and I don't need
to ask Angelica anything, agreed?
He came back to marry the girl,
not Mrs. Carannante.
The contract for the reconstruction
of the port, Basile's will
They waited until the child
was able to sign it,
they planned it all 15 years ago.
Those bastards had already
thought of everything.
This is something new
that I never would have thought of.
Well can we?
Technically, it's a brilliant move,
like the great chess player
and improviser,
which you are, but
But what?
I'm still rooting for Lady Angelica,
if I were you, I'd think twice.
If I were you I'd think about
getting the right paperwork ready.
- I don't want any more surprises.
- Of course.
The King's wedding!
This evening, at 10:00pm,
on board the 'Megaride',
in the Ace of Clubs Hall.
You're all invited!
- Hello?
- Primo Gemito?
- Yes.
- It's Salvatore.
- Salvatore who?
- Salvatore Lo Giusto.
But call me "sir", I prefer it.
Salvatore Lo Giusto, I'm on my way
over, I'm going to ruin your party.
Indeed, they told me
you did everything you could
to attend,
but if you'd told me sooner,
I would have invited you myself.
But I've already got an invite.
And only I know the name
and age of the bride.
- What?
- You heard me.
You're getting a bit too cocky.
Listen to me, Primo Gemito,
Salvatore Lo Giusto
warns once then shoots.
Know what your name means, Primo?
It means "first"
'cause you're the first asshole,
and the first to board my ship with
no ticket and to take a trip to hell!
My name's Primo because
my parents wanted a numerous family
but then they died young.
You're calling to threaten to kill
me, to frighten me.
But I died 15 years ago, together
with that ship and this city.
Now it's just a ghost story.
Listen to this asshole!
What are you two looking at?
Have you emptied the hold yet?
- Mama, they're gorgeous!
- Just perfect!
- They're too small for me.
- No shit, you've got huge feet.
Hurry, hurry! Bring them to me.
- I don't get it
- They're too small.
No way, there must be a mistake.
They're too small!
Maybe slightly.
Mama, maybe he didn't remember
your size, we'll change them.
Put them back on the pedestal.
Miss, please excuse the intrusion,
I'm Mr. Cozza
and these magnificent Valkyries
here present are our stylists.
God forbid, you're already
beautiful as you are,
but the King, as you will be aware,
takes care of the slightest detail.
God, I'm so handsome.
Do we know what happened
with the shoes?
What's to know?
They got the wrong size,
who knows
if they'll change them in time.
It sure is strange.
Doesn't something smell fishy?
Maybe go for a wash then, Barbara!
Look what the cat dragged in! You're
lucky you got out alive, scumbag!
You're insulting a public official,
Cuff him.
Scumbag! Cesspool! Piece of shit!
When my wife got to the altar,
they had to convince me it was her,
because, well, she's never been ugly,
mercy me, no,
but she's not exactly a model.
Angelica, what are you doing here?
I've been stuck here for 15 years
and I don't even know why anymore.
What did you come back for?
What are you talking about?
Get ready, it's nearly time.
I am ready, I have been for 20 years.
And you?
What's going through your head?
A bit of brilliantine.
Salvatore wanted you to be alone
when you opened his gift.
But bear in mind
that in a few minutes
the two gentlemen outside
will accompany you on stage.
May I?
Get ready for the party
and stop worrying,
Salvatore Lo Giusto has never and
will never let you want for anything.
Salvatore! You've only ever
tasted my sweet side.
You can't even imagine
what I'm capable of.
I'm in,
I'm heading for the bridge.
We can finally go from safeguarding
the inheritance, to transferring it.
Then we can only hope
the girl doesn't play any tricks.
She's too busy with her new wardrobe,
she doesn't have time for pranks.
In fact
Go give her a hand, you never know.
And when it's time,
bring the little one to me on stage.
- Three of us for a small girl?
- She's not the problem, dickhead.
Mama, what's wrong?
The King wants to marry the Cat.
If you love your Mama,
the Cat must die now.
Go back to your room, Mama.
I swear that I'll bring you
the cat's head and tail too!
You needn't put on a clean suit.
Salvatore, it's you.
You want to give me a heart attack
on my wedding day?
I still haven't congratulated you
on Angelica's shoes,
a masterpiece, truly,
I'll have to repay you somehow.
Our problem isn't repayments,
but everything we've got in common:
born in the same neighborhood
with big plans for this port
and we fuck the same woman.
Are you mad?
No, the mad scientist is you.
You'd have done better not to come
back, this city's not for you.
Salvatore, put the gun down,
I'm asking you like a father.
- You're aiming it at the wrong man.
- Oh, please, you'll make me cry.
I'm giving my soul to this city,
I've got big plans for all of us,
for you too.
The city is like a beautiful woman
and a good plan is like
a good pair of shoes.
It's not enough for it to be
beautiful, it has to be custom-made,
follow the shape of the foot,
it has to be comfortable.
And if it fits properly,
rest assured, you can control
the woman even from a distance.
But don't worry yourself,
Don Vittorio,
you see, I'm the only one to pull
the shoe strings around here.
Is everything all right, miss?
Miss, is everything all right?
What do we do?
Let's break the door down!
- We're breaking the door down.
- Stay clear, miss.
Where the fuck is she?
Check the bedroom, I'll go this way.
No, he's not here yet,
any minute now though,
the room's almost full.
Calm down, gentlemen,
there's room for everyone.
Primo Gemito, please, come in.
Would you like to come down with us?
I could never go so low.
And yet, you were seen splashing
around the hold last night.
True, but there was a time when even
the hold was an hospitable place.
Listen to me, Mr. Gemito,
you're too attached to the past,
if you go on like this, very soon,
all that will be left of you will be
a faded, old hologram.
There she is, the little bitch.
Where are you going, you bitch?
I'm gonna kill you.
We'll see if that teaches you.
The girl's coming with me.
My Barbarella!
One of the most important pages
of my life is about to be written
but also about this ship,
this port and this city.
You need to know that marriage
is not just an act of love.
No, no, no!
It's a contract, it's serious.
Of course
it's like a bill of exchange.
But I figured this out
some time back:
marriage is the only true instrument
of social revolution.
Mama, they had guns,
they took us by surprise.
Kill the Cat,
she's been nothing but a curse on us,
she's brought us nothing but trouble.
You kill her.
Keep away.
I've waited 15 years
for this day to come.
You were supposed to be here, in
their place, that's what I'd decided.
And I was supposed
to be in your shoes.
That's how it was supposed to be,
it was all arranged.
I found a rich, cultured,
intelligent man
who loved me.
But I wanted the King!
And the King wanted me.
And so I did everything
I was supposed to do.
I was impeccable,
15 years, 15, always impeccable.
But I got one thing wrong
I made your father's same mistake.
I gave my trust.
And now it's all over, little one.
You're only guilty of one thing:
you stayed here.
This ship has to disappear forever.
Now I'm going to go down
to the fuel room
and I'm going to blow everything up,
because I've decided nobody
here is to be saved.
But you need to do
one last thing for me.
Do you feel up to it?
There's a blackbird in my room,
your father gave it to me
thinking I'd like it.
But how could the poor man know
anything about me?
I kept the blackbird all these years
only because it stopped singing,
that's the only reason
I didn't kill it.
But now
Life's so strange
now I want it to be
the only one to survive.
But it needs to fly far away,
it mustn't set foot back
in this shithole of a city.
Bye, little one.
Calm down, we'll see in midnight
with a piece written by the Shaman,
it's called "Bad Grass".
But I've made it mine
because I'm the King.
Go, Shaman!
The Shaman is therapeutic.
I'm the foulest of weeds
Rest assured, you can't kill me
I was born clean, I swear it
but you'd rather not listen.
I'm a filthy weed
Good luck trying to kill me.
Mr. Basile
Forever waiting for a falling leaf
to drift by and visit me
My ears are sewn shut
I've no eyes, I've no mouth
But the inner workings of people's
minds are no secret to me
My ears are sewn shut
I don't see, I won't tell
But I've grasped the thoughts
of the people of the world
I rely on myself
I'm nothing but crabgrass
I'm stuck to this wall, rigid with
fear and I can't even scream
I long for a storm
to blow me away
to blow me away to a far away place
then I'll finally breathe
My ears are sewn shut
I've no eyes and no mouth
But the inner workings
of people's minds are no secret to me
My ears are sewn shut
I don't see, I won't tell
But I've grasped the thoughts
of the people of the world
We're here but the hatch is stuck.
Let's try from the other side.
My ears are sewn shut
I don't see, I won't tell
But the inner workings of people's
minds are no secret to me
My ears are sewn shut
I don't see, I won't tell
But I've grasped the thoughts
of the people of the world
There aren't any bodies, down there
they've cleaned everything up.
I'm the foulest of weeds,
Can't be rid of me easy
I was born clean, I swear
but you'd rather not listen.
I've managed to activate it,
I'm looking for the girl.
Can't be rid of me easy
Forever waiting for a falling leaf
to drift by and visit me
It's all about to blow up, they're
laying waste to the fuel area!
Evacuate the ship, immediately!
How the fuck does this thing turn on?
Red alert! All passengers
are to leave the ship at once!
There's a fire in the fuel room.
Stay calm, stay calm!
It's just some cop who's got it
into his head to ruin my party,
but he's a nobody!
He's a guy who likes to play pranks.
Where the fuck are you going?
Where the fuck are you going?
Sit down!
Sit down! Sit down!
And if I pause for a beat
and I can almost picture
a way to reinvent the world
that's more serene, more cheerful,
more authentic
though by no means free from harm.
What's "I can't find her" mean?
I don't give a fuck about the ship,
you've got to find the girl!
I found her! I found the girl!
I'm going to get her
from the east wing.
Where the fuck are those idiots
who were supposed to bring her to me?
And now let the real party begin!
Inspector, I'm abandoning ship.
We're going down like the Titanic!
Someplace, somewhere,
we'll say farewell
Someplace, elsewhere, on me
you'll dwell
Without love, push forwards
just the same
but bring me back immediately
but bring me immediately
to where we left off
Where were we, where?
I drift between
the beginning and the end
over the wharves
at the edge of the world
where we used to sit and gaze
at our lives as they slipped by
Mezzarecchia, if you leave
before you find her,
I swear by my own name
Little one
where were you?
I was worried about you.
Everything's about to blow up
thanks to that madman.
What are you doing with that gun?
And where are your shoes?
What's this supposed to mean?
You wanna play games
with this shitstorm going on?
Without love, we push forward just
the same and so, take me back now
Bring me to where we were
Where were you when all was black
As I lit another candle
to the Virgin Mary?
Without love, we push forwards
just the same
It's all over, we gotta go.
So tell me now, tell me where are we?
We're on board a ship, sailing faraway
But without love, where can we go
where can we go, where?