Cinema Komunisto (2010)

Film history
is history of power
of creating a history.
Tito Party
Get ready.
This is the story,
of one country,
that no longer exists.
Except on the film.
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
The cinematography
had priority importance,
within a scope of then Yugoslavia.
We were one of the leading
cinematographies in Europe.
Steva Petrovic
assistant director
Film town was built by
the state of Yugoslavia.
We had big chances.
Worked side by side
with renowned world directors,
we produced great world decors,
and the world great films.
Veljko Despotovic
What's the time?
Time of revolution.
I founded the Association
of Film Actors of Serbia,
and also the Association
of Film Actors of Yugoslavia.
It was wirtten on the door:
"If you don't think you are the best,
don't come in. "
Bata Zivojinovic
film actor
Today the film is much
different, than it was before.
The impact of the film was
Film was a powerful weapon
of propaganda and so on.
Gile Djuric
studio director
Every country and every government
enforces it's own themes.
It was like that. And it always will be.
That every power
promotes itself.
I think that formula of the film
is to be fair to the theme.
Fairness of the film can be
best seen by how long it lasts.
That is the first
and only law of the film.
Veljko Bulajic
film director
On a photograph is Tito,
the bandit leader.
Josip Broz Tito,
born in Kumrovec,
on 25th of May, 1892.
Comrade Tito, call his eagles to war.
Josip Broz Tito
Marshal of Yugoslavia.
Comrade president Tito,
I was your cinematography
projectionist, for 32 years.
I am grateful for everything.
It's wrong.
Leka Konstantinovic.
Tito's projectionist
Berlin is down!
Berlin kaputt!
Hitler kaputt!
Berlin is down.
Our victory.
The end of war.
May 1945
The year 1945 will stay
in remembrance.
Justice came,
for which we fought.
Everything will be gratious
in new Yugoslavia.
The whole country will be
Beginning of new
Comrades, the war is over.
But the revolution continues!
Our people's revolution!
Yugoslavia was in war
from 1941 till 1945.
The whole country was in ruins.
Belgrade was destroyed
three times by bombs.
In 1946 and 1947
230 km of railway was built.
All that was built by youth.
Of course, not only the youth.
For the first week we
exceeded the norm by 70 percent!
I was also there,
mainly as an organizer.
Steady! To the right!
Forward, march!
We slept in the barracks.
In order to demonstrate courage,
we slept on the boards.
We didn't want blankets nor paliasse.
We were like that.
We liked to work for our country.
Part of the middle class,
are skeptical about this feat of ours.
They can't understand
that our 5 socialist years
is like their 55.
If it is required my Comrades
we will work day and night.
Our country expects that from us.
Along with this struggle
on 1-May, 1947 in Belgrade.
The construction
of the film town started.
Vlasta Gavrik.
In 1951 it will have seven
modern studios and other objects.
It will represent adequate technical base,
for the realization of major
tasks of Yugoslavian cinema.
Central film studio, Avala film.
When I came to the film town,
it looked something like this paper.
A huge field.
That was the beggining
of our cinema.
When nobody knew how to
construct a film town.
The Engineer, uncle George will
explain to you about the assignment.
Hello, youngsters.
What can I tell you?
Do you see that hill? -Yes.
Let's go.
It began by plan
of the construction
of big studios three x three.
The buildings for tone and editing.
The building for carpentry workshop.
A little further, on the right side
is the building for wardrobe.
Apartments for the actors.
Premises for the mask.
Today's reception desk is at the
entrance to the Avala film.
Here is the entrance gate.
This is a piece of asphalt road.
It was 300m long,
everybody was proud of it.
Good afternoon. Avala film.
How may I help you?
Good afternoon.
Yes, what do you need?
Just a moment,
hang on please.
Yes we've reached
a decision.
Ranko Petric.
The director of Avala Film
85 percent.
Through our privatisation.
Avala film was formed
as the central film studio
on Yugoslav Government's decision.
Here is the decision,
which was signed by the PM,
Marshal of Yugoslavia,
Josip Broz Tito.
For the party.
The whole concept was the
central film place in Yugoslavia.
That 30-50 films should be filmed
in the first five years.
That didn't happen.
Only Studio no. 1 was built.
It is one of the largest
studios in Europe.
That dimensions exceeded
the possibilities.
Of financing and
also personnel.
The idea of socialism is
like the idea of the God.
Those are great ideas
which must be supported.
Film town can not be built
just like that.
We are aware that we
will have a lot of difficulties.
Until our workers overcome the obstacles,
that are derived from
our backwardness.
They understand that the expansion
of socialism is in their own interest.
That it can be achieved
only with the creative enthusiasm.
This new, better life that
our people work with their own hands.
That is socialism.
Led by our Party and Comrade Tito.
We heard that from Lenin
and Rusov.
That film is an important category
of state and the party propaganda.
Can anybody show on the globe
where is Mother Russia?
I know.
Which Russian you like the most?
- Comrade Stalin.
The first attempt to
produce a film
was collaboration with the MOSFILM,
from Soviet Union.
A scene was filmed on
Belgrade city square,
where people carried large portraits of
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
and much smaller portraits
of Josip Broz Tito.
Josip Broz was the alpha and omega of that war.
This is due to the terrible delusion.
It all flared to terrible
Tito refuses obedience to Stalin.
May 1948
They want to erase the glory of
our people and their heroic fight.
Stalin threats by invasion
on Yugoslavia, June 1948.
Bureau of fraternal communist countries.
Informs on the state of communist parties
of Yugoslavia.
Big problems arised.
There was a conflict with the
East European countries.
They attack us from all sides.
Titoism - betrayal of socialism.
Russia wanted absolute domination.
If they dominate one whole country,
they will ask for other conditions.
Do you support Tito or Stalin?
- De Gaull
Whole my life I praise Stalin.
Now you want to take his picture off.
Wait Straia, maybe we should
remove the other picture.
Consequence of the resolution
of Inform-Bureau.
The withdrawal of Soviet films
from our distribution.
You don't have right
Comrade Stalin.
This is what we tell you the people!
Later on the unit was formed.
Their task was to provide
movies from the other side.
That means, mostly from
Hollywood production.
"Tarzan triumphs"
I am on the right side.
The leader is on the right side.
In the Army is also like that.
I was not afraid.
The first time I came I was.
Not from Tito but from the work.
The first time I came.
All the cabinet was there.
What kind of meeting that was- I don't know.
He looked at me.
"When did you arrive here?"
- "Today", I responded.
From where?
- From guard.
He pat me on the shoulder.
"Good", he said.
No one else said hello.
They were passing by.
Every day Tito and me watched films.
He watched.
I stood here.
And when he goes somewhere.
I set-up the film.
Even if it was late in the night.
He watched the film.
President Tito was
a great admirer of the film.
From what I know
and others know better.
He went to cinema every night.
He saw all our films.
He loved western-film.
He loved Kirk Douglas and
John Wayne.
I forgot their names. I don't work for 27 years.
Once I started the projection
at 3 a. m.
President asked me:
"Why you did not go home?"
I said. That I have a great film.
"What kind of film?"
- "War film. "
He sat and watched it till the end.
Around 5:30 the film ended.
His limousine came and he left.
I wondered, when does this man sleep.
On 20th of October
the Liberation Day of Belgrade.
President of the republic
Josip Broz Tito.
Opened a permanent exhibition
of Yugoslav war history.
War museum
Belgrade, Serbia.
On the opening ceremony was
Jovanka Broz, Tito's spouse
and Yugoslav top executives.
"This museum will be the historical monument. "
Tito said.
"My wish is that we do not fill this Museum
with some future battles. "
Show the order
to all fighters.
"The window must fall tonight. "
Today is hard to speak about the wars
that happened to us.
We made films about the people's liberation battle.
We didn't have criteria
of how this must be done.
Many of you are asking who we are.
We are Partisans.
We don't recognize the occupation.
We struggle for freedom.
Fellow proletarians!
Death to Fascism!
- Freedom to the people!
Death to Fascism!
- Freedom to the people!
Fellow aviators, Death to Fascism!
- Freedom to the people.
These films were very authentic.
But in some places it was exaggerated.
Cousin arrived. Cousin arrived.
No trace of the bandit.
Do not underestimate them.
Grandpa, what is that roar?
Soldiers are killing enemies.
Frees Kozara.
There were films,
that were telling the truth.
That were critical.
Films that we do not have today.
Army goes!
Proletarians go!
These are not scenes from the documentary film.
Neither authentic war footage.
It is one of the shooting day of the
"The Partisans",
from the director Stole Jankovic.
These are soldiers,
that are on military service with camera and actors:
domestic and foreign.
I am from Kragujevac.
- With whom you befriended from the actors?
With Mr. Bata.
- Where are you from? Slovenia.
I was determined to go to German group,
but I ran to the partisans
without anybody noticing.
So I'm a Partisan now.
- Who are you?
Dead Italiian.
- And, when you're alive?
Salih Krasnic from Bosnia.
I'm serving the military service.
Comrade Commander of the Battalion.
Would you like to tell us,
are the soldiers losing time
compared to the classic military service?
I would not agree with that.
Because, this is how
we remember and encourage
the way of Partisan fighting.
Let them closer and without excitement!
Partisan war films were funded
and loved.
Bata Zivojinovic, myself
and other actors were visiting factories
and talked about how good this film will be.
That is how we collected money.
They understood the role of film.
It was interesting to
to see actors in uniform.
When we said that we need money
to complete the film,
they gave without asking
how much.
The whole of Europe was brought to its knees.
But here on Balkans,
Yugoslav Partisans are outsmarting us.
Fire Comrade! -I don't know.
How you don't know to shoot? Fire!
That is how many of the partisan films incurred.
That were terrific.
There are films, from the beginning
till the end I kill Germans.
Hitler before death said:
"Kill Bata Zivojinovic"
They attacked us here,
here and here.
Tito was very eager
to shoot films
about War and Partisans.
Attention, Division Brandenburg.
Josip Broz, known as Tito.
The film crew, soldiers and commanders
involved in the shooting of the film
sent a welcome telegram to Comrade Tito,
at the beginning of the shooting.
Highly respected Comrade President.
This morning will be received
the first copy of the film, from the laboratory. Stop.
Thus ending a long-term work,
in which we invested
our knowledge and skills.
In order to fulfill our duty
to the revolution. Stop.
We will be honoured
to show you the results of our work.
Copy of the film will be
available from tomorrow. Stop.
I'm talking how much Tito was
familiar with creating films.
Especially films about him.
He was not a layman who would
say what you've done-you've done.
He was very analytical and
to the detail.
For us and the environment
we were proud of what he said.
Here is the example of what
he wrote on screenplays.
"Arrange that I can watch the film at home. "
"This does not correspond to reality. "
"I will read the scenario and give my opinion,
I should not be directly shown. "
Here are the authentic German tanks,
from the war.
I keep all these photos.
I can enlarge this photograph,
and put it into any office
from that time.
Scenographer does that.
Where is Tito?
Tito especially liked,
that his car in the film has
the correct numbers on a car-plate.
This is Tito's car.
He was thrilled that they knew
the exact car number,
that the Germans captured.
Tito is there.
Tito must be there.
Gather all the men and attack.
I have often asked myself,
Mr. Captain,
what makes these unarmed, barefoot people
oppose us and get killed?
What is that strange force that guides them?
...Partisan is on the guard...
They believe.
They are convinced
that the world thanks to their efforts
will be different and better.
That is how they infecteded the masses.
I think that is the secret of
their eternal and impossible endurance.
Tito's residency
Uzicka, Belgrade
I have not been here since 1980.
I still keep the key from
the forest house.
I want to give it to someone who runs it.
Here you go.
- Thank you. Welcome.
I have another one but I
will keep it.
NATO bombed this residency
in 1999.
The film screen was there.
My equipment was there.
I set it up every night.
Chairs were there.
Comrade Jovanka and Comrade President
were sitting there.
At 6 in the evening I came here
and set it all up.
Comrade president asked me:
"Which movie is on?"
I respond, sometimes I give him the scenario.
And then watched the movie.
When they are alone, they have quick dinner.
In 15 minutes.
But when the guests are there
it's not known when they will end.
Then, I sit and wait. That was
the hardest part - when I sit and wait.
This is Belgrade
the capital of Yugoslavia.
Two big rivers, nine hills,
one million inhabitants.
In the last 2000 years
it was destroyed 54 times.
Today is Friday, 29 April
119 day of the year.
The Sun rises at 4.40.
Film town in Belgrade,
revived this year as never was before.
Avala film, this year made several movies
for our and foreign companies.
Here are a few scenes
from the film "Roman Virgins".
1962 was a turning point
in the activities of the film town.
At the head of the company came
Mr. Ratko Drazevic.
He was a completely different
personality than of his predecessors.
What is it? Do you like me?
It occurred to me that I know you.
Many people know me brother.
Do you want something to drink?
In Avala film,
in the era of these co-productions
came one true european mag,
producer in the american sense.
That's how they called him,
Hollywood mag from the Balkans.
Well-known Ratko Drazovic.
A dangerous partisan, member of the group
that caught Draza Mihajlovic.
He had that experience,
he spoke foreign languages and so on.
I think, there was a role played by
his former company Udba.
He have killed and
There was some kind of foreign aid from US
that was intended for our country.
He resold it to South America.
Money was probably used for
goverment suspicious jobs.
That man labeled our cinematography
and its beginnings.
When he came he was
seen as fear and suspense.
He made order
in Avala film.
In year or two he made
many foreign partnerships.
He brought Americans.
His job was
to start with big co-productions,
and to bring the money.
Of course, that money
was going to the state.
"Long ships"
The world came to Avala-film,
through Ratko Drazovic.
And Avala film went to the World.
"Long ships" was
a beggining of our entrance
in the world cinematography.
Producing of films
that will be shown to
the whole world.
Why did you decide to shoot a movie
in Yugoslavia?
Not one studio in Europe
and America is big enough.
It was necessary to
build facilities
in which we have shown
our abilities.
We shown that we are equally good as
Americans. That they are not better than us.
We attracted them with the perfect
facilities and with trained crew.
Although we learnt from them,
we did not show that.
That's the movie business.
Film is finnaly - a lie.
We are just trying
to be as realistic as possible.
Ratko Drazovic requested to strictly
follow the instructions:
Americans should not feel that
they are not in Hollywood.
Everyone here keeps
repeating two words:
"Nema problema"
That means: No problem.
Obviously, we do not have anything
except problems.
If the house got demolished,
"Nema problema".
We started filming
summer scenes.
The sky was beautifully blue.
Suddenly, it started to snow.
If a team does not appear or it is
not ready - "Nema problema".
We changed the plan and
started shooting winter scenes.
But the snow melted,
the spring came.
"Nema problema, it will snow again"
Last week in Belgrade,
we had a chance to meet
some well-known film workers.
Among others - Dawn Adams,
the partner of Charlie Chaplin.
Neo-realist director
Giuseppe De Santis
began preparations
for filming.
With his assistent Veliko Bulajic,
the casting director.
English film crew with Anthony
Hopkins and David Swift,
record their version of "War and Peace"
in Deliblatska Pescara.
In Belgrade Fair Hall 1, started shooting
of "Marco Polo".
Marco Polo is played by the young
French actor Alain Delon.
Hotel Metropol became a place
of residence for film-stars.
On its terrace we met
protagonists of the film 'Nevihta'.
Roy Thinnes.
Anthony Quinn recorded a film here.
Metropol was the best hotel.
The best hotel in Belgrade.
All the most important
film-stars have stayed here.
The sudden arrival of Mr. Hitchcock
upseted everyone except him.
Sofia Loren and Carlo Ponti,
were visiting President Tito
and his wife Jovanka Broz.
That is Sofia.
You took her to Brioni? -Yes.
Once me, the other time Veljko Bulajic.
But I did not bother her,
he did.
Was she beautifull?
- Who? Sofia Loren.
Was she pretty? -Great.
- A little big, but.
They knew that Yugoslavia is
a country that has everything:
An army, 50-100 tanks, cannons,
air-planes. Everything.
I didn't need to take the director
to the spot. He trusted me.
I've showed him the places
where I was filming.
I love these long photos,
in which the whole landscape can be seen.
I know every stream,
river, lake, hill and forest.
Here you have this,
but there is a better forest in Macedonia.
For "Marco Polo"
we built the Beijing from the 13th century.
Then we built a palace
for Kublai Kahn.
It turned out that the money was
main political motive for the job.
The country
needed foreign money then.
Co-productions was great help
for our country.
Everything was done perfectly.
We were aware,
that we need the foreigners. Because
of dollars that they've brought here.
For every shooting day we needed
at least one hundred statists.
Let us in.
- I can't.
Yesterday you said that statists
come today.
Today I say to you nicely
to come tomorrow.
It often happened that on recording and
in the film crew,
came people from state security
to check what is going on.
Is that you? -Yes.
Steva Petrovic, who was
the main representative of Avala film.
Was in all co-productions,
as an assistant director and director.
He liked to appear in the shortest scenes
in these films.
They've shortened the sentence!
First, it was:
We recorded so much films
and earned a lot of money.
It is a true shame that we
don't do it anymore.
And that Avala film collapsed.
You can't even find it in
a phonebook anymore.
As an example of the quality of products
that were made in Film town.
I'll show you the costume of
one of the main Viking's,
that was made specially
for the film "Long ships".
It was made in 1962,
today is the year 2006,
means that it is retained
for almost 50 years.
and it is still used for recording
From the rich collection of costumes
of Avala film
we present you the suit of
King Milan Obrenovic.
It was used
at least in 20 movies.
When Anthony Hopkins
came to Belgrade.
To record
"War and Peace. "
We spoke to our trusted
The film was filmed successfully,
an the film "War and Peace"
seized the world.
Was it like that? -Yes, it was.
The laboratory of Avala film.
Currently without electricity.
Dan Tana.
I am shocked to see this place.
Once beautifull - now ugly.
Neglected and uninsured.
A lot of money and effort was used
to build it.
It is a tragedy that it collapsed
and that it will dissapear.
Until recently we have
fought to preserve it.
It was going
to a disaster.
However, it went to a disaster.
List of films shown to Tito,
Since 1949, I have kept a
record of movies for every day.
That president watched.
I've got logs for each year.
That way I know that
I've played 8801 film.
My work-day?
Me and the driver went to look
for a film that day.
We went to Morava film.
If we dont find a film there,
then we go to Avala film.
We drove around Belgrade
for two hours.
You cant have good movie
every day.
I wanted to cry.
I couldnt get a movie.
How many times I borrowed movies
from cinema 'Beograd' and 'Jadran'.
When they finished I
took the reels.
They finished a show about 21h.
Me and the chauffer took the film
to Uzicka.
We chased it around.
I reversed the reels, played.
I brought the film once.
That he watched couple of years ago.
I thought that he wont remember.
He said:
"We saw this already!"
I said: "Comrade president. "
"It was probably a long time ago. "
" Five years ago" He said.
I looked in the book.
He was right.
It was exactly five years.
It is really strange.
Do you like it?
- Yes, it is nice.
Who's theater is this?
- State's.
The future of our country
will be in good hands.
We don't need to fear for
tommorow when we wont be here.
There is a young generation,
that will know how to manage Yugoslavia.
The nation that has youth like this,
dont need to fear the future.
You weren't born then.
That was a good country.
Country. That built flats.
People finished schools,
got jobs, made love, traveled.
Roman arena,
Pula, Croatia
Yugoslavian cinematography
began producing so many films.
That we had to show them somewhere.
Not only in cinema,
to earn money.
But to the people. For they own good
and illumination.
Yugoslavian Film Festival.
I was not in Pula for a long time.
But I kept it in a good memory.
That was one elite life
of Yugoslavian film.
I thought it was going for the prize.
Forward, for a prize.
Cnematography in Yugoslavia
highlighted social recognition
with the film festival in Pula.
At Vespasianus Arena.
They have made seatings,
stage and big canvas.
Dear guests.
Dear public. Good Evening.
Welcome to the 25th
festival of Yugoslavian film.
It was a great atmosphere.
Scenarists came,
film workers, actors and producers.
Guests from the whole world.
Arena was always full.
10000-15000 people.
Every evening.
How do you rate your film year?
I've seen almost every movie.
And those that will come.
It is proven, as it is every year.
That the actors are always good.
This year the only problem is
who will win the prize.
"Award Pula's Arena"
was important. Like the oscar,
in America.
Undoubtedly it will have a lot of views.
One who gets the gold arena,
he got himself a job. It was like that.
I will show you the award.
The silver one is similar, it is
only from silver. This one's from gold.
Pula was a huge war port.
If it happened that not enough
tickets were sold.
War ships came with 2000-3000 mornars,
in nice white uniforms. With hats.
Those mornars applaud and make the
atmosphere. It was great atmosphere.
In presence of
the president of republic and his wife,
with other
respected guests,
the 14th festival of Yugoslavian
film was opened in pula's arena.
Tito's residency.
The island Brioni, Croatia
Pula is attractive on another line.
It was close to an island called Brioni.
Because the films were shown in Pula,
we went on reception
to Comrade Tito's residency.
When it was Pula Festival,
Tito watched the films day earlier.
And gave his thought.
The main spy and informer was the man
who was film-operator on Brioni.
That Leka, he was Tito for us actors.
He was link between Tito, film and us.
We waited to hear what Tito said to Leka.
About film, actors and everything
in particular.
Not everyone could approach to Leka.
But the one who aprroached to Leka.
We asked him what Tito have said to him.
Whole city knew what Leka said,
what he heard that Tito said.
When people heard the news,
that Tito said that Bata Zivojinovic
is the best actor.
Bata won the award.
Bata Zivojinovic said that he
would like to visit Brioni.
Comrade Jovanka said:
"Why you didn't bring him?"
"Comrade Jovanka,
I don't have that power to bring him. "
Tommorow night she urged.
The most prominent event
for the time of the festival,
was arrival of festival delegation
to president Tito on Brioni.
On that occasion,
president of council of festival
France Stiglic gave the Gold Arena award
to president Tito.
Then he guested the authors:
Myself, Sasa Petrovic,
Fadil Hadzic and France Stiglic.
We talked about
state of cinematography.
We expected to get a support
for our opinions.
Milena Dravic and Bata Zivojinovic
were there.
Bata charmed Tito.
Tito was delighted with his charm.
Bata is very witty.
He said: "Comrade president.
You have a very beautiful house. "
Tito responded:
"It is not mine, it is state house. "
"Then I will come
here with my wife for the summer. "
It turned out that he invited me
to tell him the jokes,
that people were telling about him.
I noticed the michrophone rod,
that got close to us,
to record our speech.
"Come on, tell me" He said.
"I don't want. "
"How's that. "
"If I tell you, they will arrest me. "
"Who will arrest you.
I arrest in this country. "
Tito asked me,
which will be my next work
I responded that I would like to
direct "The Battle of Neretva".
It seemed to me, that
the humane battle for wounded on Neretva
is very inspirative for
one true, powerful war film. Epic film.
He thought.
We were silent.
And then he said: "That is
not it, what my co-workers told me
let it be how ever
you want. "
I saw how Veljko Bulajic approached and
whispered something to president.
President turned
and looked at me.
He called me.
He said that he really cared
about making of that movie.
That our history should teach the
upcoming generations...
And that Avala-Film is required
to participate.
"Make a contact with them,
and pay them 400 million
from the budget reserves. "
Population of Prozor,
Gracanica, Jablanica and the surroundings
saluted to the strateg of
"Battle on Neretva".
Until the end of the road
where the celebration...
...took place of the 35.
aniversary of that battle.
Long lived comrade Tito!
President Tito went to the
memorial park
on the hill of Neretva.
Here, on the stone monument,
on which are engraved
his historical words
'Wounded can not be left"
president fired up the eternal flame.
"The Battle of Neretva"
Cameraman Tomislav Pinter
and director Veljko Bulajic
recorded war events on the
upper flow of the river Neretva.
That was, 25 years ago, of
significant importance for our future.
We are participating in
shooting of the scenes,
in which our soldiers fought for
saving the 4500 wounded.
The recording lasted 16 months.
On unseen Bosnian Hills.
The recording lasted so long,
that two generations of soldiers
finished miltary service, in the film.
In the most spectacular
Yugoslavian film,
are engaged the most famous
and the most famous
Yugoslavian actors.
Bulajic has a special talent,
which can be seen in the film.
His mass scenes are emotional
to the public.
That is a special gift, gift that
we didnt see even in Cecil B. De Mille.
Actors, be more proud. The minister
is speaking, the senator is speaking!
That is not happening every day.
Brother cetniks, hear me!
Tito's head will
soon fall here-in front of my legs!
Prominent world-actors were guests
at the Tito's residence at Brioni.
President Tito evoked memories of
the fateful days of the last war,
where he made an imortant decision
to demolish the bridge
to deceive the enemy,
and immediately build antoher one,
to rescue the wounded soldiers.
The artists have listened to Tito's words
about dramatic historic happenings.
The artists will plant those stories
on the film screen.
Run away now! Go!
Forestman, let's run!
You start! Wounded run!
"Down with force and injustice
People will judge it themself,
Go away night shadows,
our day has come "
What is this?
I don't know.
Memo Begovic
In '68 shooting of a movie
began here,
and the director was Montenegrian,
Veljko Bulajic.
He looked for someone who plays the flaute,
to fulfill the film.
I said to him: "What else do you need?"
"I didn't catch the camera right
return and repeat it. "
And that was it.
This kind of films by equipment,
couldn't make even the best in the world.
Push it.
Americans, they couldn't show
'Battlle of Neretva', no theory.
So much planes,tanks and else,
and to throw it in the river
to be seen in the film,
there's no one but us that can make that.
When Tito said that we can.
When he confirmed, we could do
whatever we wanted.
You could destroy the bridge.
When I came to Jablanica with the crew,
I proposed
to demolish the bridge for the film.
What are you going to do with the bridge?
- To destroy it.
Without destroying the bridge in this way
ta prizor ne bi bil tako dober.
What's going on, Duka?
Vlado, destroy the bridge!
We must destroy the bridge.
Ivan, that is Tito's order.
The end!
We have made a
pirotechnic probe,
for the effects, light and smoke.
To be sure
that we catch
the destroying of bridge.
We had six cameras.
I gave a command to record with all six.
And recording started.
It was a dramatic moment.
We risked it.
It was perfectly organised.
With Russian and German pirotechnic equipment,
and Yugoslavian cameras. It was perfect.
It's interesting, when bridge
was destroyed,
When bridge fell
cameras were recording,
not a single camera recorded
the actual fall of the bridge.
Wait, but you can see that in the film.
- Yes, but that's a maquete.
No. Maquete was different.
Maquete was used before that,
for practice.
We destroyed real bridge.
I proposed to house of Jablanica,
to build the museum
on both sides of the bridge.
In order to attract the turists.
How long it have been
tourist attraction, I do not know.
People were standing by the bridge
and photographing it.
I do not know what is now
with the bridge, is someone in charge
and is it an object that would
atrract the tourists.
Glory and thank you.
People fix the bridge!
'Battle of Neretva' had
big sucess.
It was nominated for an oscar.
The film was shown
to whole Europe.
President of judges in Monte Carlo,
close friend of Pablo Picasso,
said to Picasso that
he saw an interesting film.
He proposed to Picasso
that he make the plaquette for the film.
As you can see,
Picasso made a plaquette for the film.
That was the second and final
plaquette that he made.
The first he made was in 1928
for Bunuel,
this was the second plaquette
in his career.
From 1948 till 1970
I was'nt on vacation.
When I went to retirement in 1970,
general Balenovic went to Tito.
"Comrade president,
Aleksandar Konstantinovic Leka
should be retired. "
Comrade president thought
and then responded:
"Let him retire,
but to continue working with me. "
This is the watch, that I received.
On the back it's written 'Tito'.
The big sucess of 'Battle of Neretva'
convinced Tito,
to alllow,
that his character appear on film.
The question arrised
who will be the actor.
Tito choosed.
It is known that director
chooses the actors.
But, as Tito was alive,
it was normal
that he will choose.
Richard Burton met Tito
before the start of shooting.
Many times they hung out together.
He had his concepion,
of course, agreeing with Tito.
President Josip Broz Tito and
his wife Jovanka
on Brioni recepted famous film-stars.
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
Burton was Tito
in the new super-spectacle "Sutjeska".
It's important to,
that Tito was wounded on Sutjeska.
If the wound has been
it could have changed the
whole history.
It's one of the most important
moments in his life,
so he watched it very carefully.
He was reading the scenario, going
through material he gave his opinion.
Comrade Tito,
the British mission came.
Message for Tito.
- Should I carry it?
I don't trust them.
I don't trust them too.
You're good.
From the conversation of president Tito
and the crew of the film 'Sutjeska'.
Stane Dolanc:
That scene when the president Tito,
is injured, I think something is missing.
Nobody came to Comrade Tito.
Tito: Nobody came...
I was going after to see if
you are alive or not.
That is right. No one came to me.
Dolanc: I agree Comrade Tito, that's
what you know and a few more people.
Although, the world wants to know
how nobody approaches Tito now.
People don't know.
Tito says, nothing is changing.
So you are pleased with today's work?
We shouldn't make something so powerful.
- No, it is good.
The winner of the 20th joubilar festival is
the film "Sutjeska" from director Stipe Delic.
The audience that is
always faithfull to the festival,
warmly greeted the actors.
I declare Comrade Tito
for the president without a limit of
a mandate.
Declaration of Tito as the
life-long president, 1974
Tito and Yugoslavia
as the symbol of sucess.
Wherever you go there was
We enjoyed a big
respect in the world.
I met Tito when he was
visiting America.
Hollywood stars made a reception
in honour to Tito, 1974
He asked me, are we going to talk
serbian or serbo-croatian.
I said how would you like.
- Serbo-Croatian!
He said, you speak terrific language,
where were you born?.
"In Yugoslavia" I said.
"I was born there but I came here in 1952"
- "So, you escaped?"
"Of course that I escaped"
- "I would do the same"
I came to Yugoslavia in 1975,
it was a great life here. Great.
I couldn't believe that you suceeded
in Comunism.
Children were going to the seaside,
to the mountains,
Healthcare and education
were completely free.
I couldn't believe how it
was free.
That sucess was not real.
But we must pay now, because
we took loans. I don't know.
"To know all - No problem"
It is an expression which means
that everything is in the best order,
and that is why we wont
talk about it anymore.
It was not allowed to
talk about some things,
especially against the
If this country is in a depression,
I must throw it away.
Film people were scared,
if they write or record something,
that they will be declared
as state enemies.
My thesis then was:
Socialism as an idea is good,
but the people wrongfully
implement it.
Art must criticize.
When we talk now about Tito's time,
I can say that some wrong things
were done.
And my career ended like that.
Branko Pesic,
was my good friend...
He called me In 1972 and said
that somebody is going to kill me,
that I really messed up.
"Resign and escape as soon as possible. "
Other people came to Avala film,
that weren't risking with politics.
Comrade Director?
There were many hard decisions,
that couldn't live in the free world.
But there were also easy ones,
that people remember as a happy situation.
that they willl never have.
And never will have in the capitalism.
I played the last movie.
He layed there. I was behind,
mounting the projector.
All the time he holded his leg.
I thought that he will not see the end.
He said: "Leka, stop it,
my leg hurts too much. "
The doctors came.
And they've took him to Ljubljana.
That was the last time I saw him.
"Tito's funeral, 8. May 1980".
"Tito died, the idea lives. "
"Boundless sorrow in our hearts"
"Yesterday at the clinique in Ljubljana... "
I went to Tito's funeral 350km by walk.
He was a wise man.
He was lying a lot,
but we loved him.
4. May, 1980 at 15.05
Sirens denote the time of Tito's death.
I was in jury in the Cannes festival
when I heard the news that Tito is dead.
Everyone asked,
what will be with Yugoslavia after Tito.
It was considered that he is
keeping an eye for it.
Preparations for the 38. film festival
in Pula, that will be held
from 26. July to 2. August,
are going faster these days.
It would be a great pleasure,
that Europe,
that know us better now for
our multi-nacional conflicts,
remember us for
well-organized film festival.
No one even dreamed that
everything will suddenly collapse.
But it is true that our
house was mined.
Pula, 26. July 1991
We cancel this festival, simly as a call to
people of culture to stand up against
the violence,
that is in every pore of our life.
That summer
the war in Yugoslavia started.
What is going on now with your theory
of revolution interests?
Revolution will pass,
and also the memories of this time.
You're victim will be hard,
but quickly forgotten.
That revolution, that you carry in yourself
will die here with us, forgotten.
Unfortunately we conclude
this sad story.
I don't want to be pathetic, to say that
I want to cry
when I see Avala
as some lame trash.
Before, it looked as a roman park.
Picture of Yugoslavia,
about the life in it,
about the country itself
is more and more unclear since it's
I think that it will end up in a fog
and a total ignorance of what it was,
which will either be denied
or over-glorified,
as a land of immense happiness.
Scenario and direction
Listen! They think,
that the partisans are destroyed.
We will now see
then we'll talk
and laugh to tears.
Begin there.
- You, up there, spin it!