Circle (2015)

Don't move.
They can see us.
What is this?
I don't know.
Where are we?
Where do you think?
Oh, my God!
It's all right, okay?
It's all right. You're okay.
Help! Help!
Just calm down!
- John!
- You're fine.
Where are you?
Oh, shit.
Is she dead?
I think so.
Jesus Christ. What was that?
I don't know.
What was that?
Oh, shit.
What the fuck?
- What?
- Everyone freeze!
- Oh, my God.
- They can see if we move.
Stand still, and we'll be fine.
Don't lift your feet
off the ground.
And don't touch anyone.
- What's that noise?
- Shh!
Oh, my God.
Where's that coming from?
Okay, now...
calm down. Calm down.
It's no use!
- Everybody calm down!
- No.
- We need to calm down.
- Everybody!
Calm the fuck down!
Just... just think! Breathe.
Here we go.
Everybody shut up
for one second!
Does anybody know
what the hell's going on?
They're killing us.
No, it's not them.
Are you guys seeing this?
The lights on the floor...
you see them move?
- No, I don't see anything.
- What lights?
What are you talking about?
Look at your hands.
When you move them,
it changes the floor.
Oh, shit.
I only see one.
Yeah, I only see mine.
I think you can only
see your own.
What did they do to us?
I think they messed
with our hands.
What does that mean?
- It's us.
- Us?
What do you mean?
We're choosing who dies.
- Fuck!
- What happened?!
Somebody did it.
Nobody fucking do anything,
Well, it's not working,
you see?
We have to try something.
Nobody do it!!
God damn it!
- What the hell?
- What is wrong with you people?
All of us, We're gonna die!
All of us, We're gonna die!
We're all fucked!
Oh, my God.
This is unbelievable.
It's a vote.
We're voting.
Look, they're killing
whoever gets the most votes.
How do you know that?
Because the chimes go off
when you close your hands.
And that's when you choose.
We should try not doing
it again.
Forget it.
Someone's gonna screw it up.
What if we... what if we
vote for her again?
Yeah, let's try that. Okay.
Guys, that's not...
no, that's not gonna work.
We have to try something.
Yeah, everybody, let's vote
for the dead woman again.
- Really? Are you serious?
- Come on.
You guys picked
the wrong person.
- No, we didn't.
- Guys, it just doesn't work.
But why him?
Maybe he got
the second-most votes.
- Or the most so far?
- We have to try something.
No, I-it's not gonna work,
guys, okay?
There's nothing we can do.
We're all screwed.
- Let's try not voting again.
- Please.
- It's not gonna work.
- We need to try.
Okay, nobody vote.
Let's wait it out.
How do we know
that won't kill us all?
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...
Is it over?
- Oh, my God.
- Okay, nobody move!
Just everybody let's ride
this out.
If we don't choose,
it chooses on its own.
Somebody needs to do something!
This is not working, obviously.
- When you said that...
- Everybody quiet!
Now, there is no reason
for us all to just keep killing
each other off like this.
Well, what the hell else
are we gonna do, my man?
We don't have a choice.
What I mean is we can choose to
go about this in a certain way.
So There's about a minute
or two between each round.
That's not a lot of time.
Yeah, no shit.
Maybe if we spend
less time worrying
about who's gonna die next
and more time trying
to figure this thing out,
we'll get somewhere
and be able to stop this.
What do you suggest?
Okay, I've been
looking around the circle.
And I see five or six people
in their 70s and 80s.
If this is a vote,
I say they go first.
That'll buy us some time.
- Please.
- No, no, hell, no, man.
- Mnh-mnh.
- Are you serious?
Look, the way I see it,
they'd be the next people
to die in real life, right?
What's the difference?
He's right.
Old people first.
That's, uh, t-that's fair.
How is that fair?
They'd be the next
to die anyway.
Yeah, of natural causes,
not of us killing them.
- What's the difference?
- This is crazy.
- We have no choice.
- That's fucked up, kid.
It's a fucked up situation,
but we have to do something.
Which one first?
We'll start with him,
go clockwise after that.
1, 2, 3...
Now wait a minute.
4, 5, 6.
That should buy us 10 minutes.
No, no, no.
There has to be another way.
You have a better idea?
We're sorry.
It's the only way.
But I have just as much of
a right to live as any of you.
You've lived your life,
old man.
I know that was hard,
but you all did the right thing.
We're gonna have to make
some difficult decisions.
Just shut up, all right?
We get it.
You wanted to buy some time,
and we did that.
Let's not waste it.
Let's figure out
what the hell this is.
Any ideas?
Come on! Somebody?
What about him?
- Who, me?
- Yeah, I mean, you ought to know
something about this.
I don't know anything.
- Oh, bullshit.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
you guys have to know.
Know about what?
Uh, how about... what about
a fucking alien invasion?
- I don't know.
- What?
Look, I know
just as much as you do.
- Bullshit, man.
- I swear I don't know anything.
Well, does anybody remember
anything else?
I was in glendale.
Yeah, I do.
We were stuck in traffic
on the freeway.
- Me, too.
- So was I.
Right, uh, we were trying
to get out of the city,
but it was total log jam,
so I got out of the car
and... and started running.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Everybody was running.
Yeah, and then
everything went dark.
That's what I remember.
So, what happened?
- I was pulled up.
- Into the ship?
I don't know.
Tractor beam?
- So are we in the ship now?
- Do you think there are
other people doing this?
Other circles?
They wouldn't go through
all of this for just 50 of us.
Why Would they do this?
I don't know, but the next time
that I could see,
I was in a small room,
and everything was red,
like, um, like a darkroom.
And there were a ton of bodies
piled up on one another.
I assumed that they were dead,
but I don't know.
They might have just been
Everybody but me
and one other guy.
- An alien?
- No. No, no, no, he was a human.
- Who? One of us?
- I don't know.
I don't see him in here.
Everything else is
kind of a blur.
I just remember waking up
right here, and there was...
Some kind of gas.
I think that we were
all drugged.
Does anybody
else remember anything?
Come on. Anybody!
Yeah! Yeah.
I do.
- You?
- Yeah.
I remember the... the red room.
And I-I saw him.
And I saw them.
Well, what did they look like?
Well, they were big
and black... dark green, maybe.
A-a-and wet.
And they spoke, too.
It sounded almost like Chinese.
Yeah, Chinese,
or Japanese, maybe.
Chinese aliens?
Bullshit. He's lying.
Yeah, he's next in line.
He's just trying
to buy some time.
No, II-I swear.
Uh, tell them.
Tell them you saw me.
You see? He's full of shit.
I swear I'm telling the truth.
Just give me some time
to think.
It's a trick.
Don't believe him.
It's coming back to me.
It's coming back... numbers.
I remember numbers.
And there was something else.
That they...
now, where were we?
Wait. Who's next in line?
Her with the hat.
Who, me?
How old are you?
- That's not old.
- Old enough.
Hey, we said 70 or 80, not 50.
What's the difference?
That's a big difference.
Come on, lady. You're not 52.
How old are you?
Don't lie.
- I'm 52.
- Bullshit.
Yeah. Why's your hair so white?
I had cancer.
Aren't you supposed
to be bald, then?
What kind of cancer?
Breast cancer.
So You're dying, then?
No. It's in remission.
I'm better now.
You sure?
I beat it.
It could come back, though.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
I'm just saying
she's more likely to die
than the rest of us.
That's not true.
What are you, a doctor, lady?
Actually, yes, I am, asshole.
Look, cancer or not,
she's over 50.
She's gonna have to go
- What?
- We never agreed to that.
- Yeah, no way, man.
- I mean, what, do we start
killing off people
over 40 next?
I'm 43.
You gonna kill me next,
- Hey, you got a problem?
- Yeah, I got a problem.
I think maybe
anyone over the age
of, maybe, I don't know, 35
might have a problem.
What do you guys think?
Okay, hey, now...
just hold on a second.
I'm just trying to help.
Fuck you.
We Can't be afraid to talk
to each other in here.
It's the only way We're gonna
figure out how to stop this.
Come on, man.
We're not gonna stop this.
We're just fucked.
We don't know that.
Exactly... we don't know
anything yet.
If they wanted to kill us, they
Would have done that already,
but they didn't.
So let's use this time
and try and figure out why.
What do we do?
Maybe we should figure out
why they chose us.
Chose us?
Why they picked us
to be in here.
It was a giant space vacuum,
I don't think
we were hand-picked.
Yeah, he's right.
This is... this is just random.
We don't know that.
Maybe it wasn't random.
Maybe they chose us
for a reason.
There's probably a zillion
people doing the same thing.
We're doing right now.
Okay, but it's just us in here,
I think we need to know
more about each other.
Maybe if we do,
this will all make sense.
It's worth a shot.
Anybody want to start?
Uh, yeah.
I'll go first.
Hi, I'm Beth.
Um, I live
in woodland hills, California,
but originally
I'm from Richmond, Virginia...
born and raised.
I've worked in human resources
for the past 11 years.
Um, I just kind of fell into it.
I actually went to college
to be an English major...
university of Virginia.
Go Wahoos.
I'm 36, single.
No kids.
But I do have two nephews
from my sister Noreen.
She's actually my twin sister.
What else? Um...
Oh, I have a dog.
Her name is Cloody,
and she's a terrier mix.
And I have two cats,
J.J. And Ricky.
Oh, my God.
I-I think that's about it.
I-is there anything else
I should say?
No, that's great.
Great job.
Who wants to go next?
At least she didn't have kids.
Yeah, that's
what I was thinking.
- Me, too.
- So what?
That doesn't matter.
She was still a human being
just like any of you.
- What was her name?
- Beth.
Maybe we shouldn't say
our names.
Why not?
How does it help?
What's the point
in talking at all then?
No, no names. He's right.
We don't make this harder
than it already is.
Yeah. Yeah, I mean,
if it's anonymous, it's...
what? Easier to kill everyone?
That's not
what I was gonna say.
- I'll say it then.
- It doesn't matter.
Names aren't necessary.
Someone else should speak.
How about you?
- Me?
- Yeah, You're next in line.
No, fuck that, man.
I ain't saying shit.
You seen what happened to her.
She ain't say nothing wrong.
Well, someone should speak.
Okay. I will.
I'll try to keep this short.
My name's Craig. Hey, no names.
Right, I'm sorry.
Anyway, the reason
I'm saying anything is
because my wife is standing
next to me.
I thought
that Would be important.
That Can't just
be a coincidence, right?
Well, is anyone else related?
Anybody... Know each other?
I know her.
We're, uh... Coworkers.
Never mind.
It's not important.
Affair... got it.
Anyway, I-I just wanted
to ask everyone,
please don't vote for my wife.
You can vote for me,
but, please, just spare my wife.
No, everyone will take that
into consideration.
Okay, thanks.
Uh, okay.
Um, uh, you go next.
Come on, go.
Hey. Do you speak English?
- Oh, well, he's gone.
- I-I-it's okay.
I-I speak Spanish.
We don't need
a fucking translator.
Yeah, I'm sorry,
but he's right.
It's a waste of time.
- No, it's not.
- Seor.
What's he saying?
See? It's already wasting time.
No, it's not.
We're all human beings.
Yeah, we all count the same
in here.
We shouldn't kill someone else
over someone
who Can't even contribute
to the conversation.
Hhhe's right. That's not fair.
I mean, I'll bet
he's not even here legally.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah, what,
now you need a green card
to be fucking abducted?
You know what I'm saying?
I mean,
he shouldn't even be here.
What does that matter?
Ask him if he was
in the country legally.
Ask him.
Ah, see?
Come on. It doesn't matter.
Sure it does!
This guy was probably
hanging out
in front of the home depot
with 20 other illegal aliens.
Look, while the rest of us were
running away from the ships,
he was probably running
towards one going,
"trabajo, trabajo!"
You know what, asshole?
These guys work their asses off
for barely minimum wage.
Taking American people's jobs.
- Here we go.
- What?
You don't think I work hard?
Yeah, I'm sure your
corner office is a real drag.
Hey. Hey.
- Who, me?
- Yeah, don't I know you?
Huh. I wonder why.
No, seriously... he asked
if we knew anyone in here.
I know him.
I don't know you, man.
You're a mechanic
in north Hollywood.
Raul Jimenez.
- I remember you.
- What'd he do?
I didn't do shit.
He's lying, man.
He beat the shit
out of his girlfriend...
really bad.
At least, I think
it was his girlfriend.
Hopefully not anymore.
Come on, man.
Are you sure it was him?
I remember him 'cause of
that tattoo under his right eye.
That teardrop... see it?
- Fuck you, man.
- What's it for?
It's for my cousin.
He got shot.
By a pig like you.
Yeah, and it's my fault
you guys are criminals.
He was 16.
One less criminal
on the street.
Fuck you, man.
Is it true or not?
- About his cousin?
- I don't know.
No, about him.
Yeah, it's true.
Tell them.
Tell them how you beat the shit
out of her.
And it wasn't the first time,
and it won't be the last time,
Tell them!
Okay, maybe
we shouldn't stereotype in here.
Bitch got
what she deserved, man.
- Shit.
- There he is. See?
These assholes...
man, these assholes never learn.
She shouldn't have
fucked around on me, man!
Like that makes it okay
to beat the shit out of her.
Oh, yeah?
What are you gonna do, man?
You gonna shoot me? Huh, pig?!
I don't think I need to.
Recognize anyone else?
No, I don't think so.
Yeah, anybody else?
Unpaid parking tickets?
- What if that's important?
- Huh?
Like, maybe
We're supposed to figure out
who's good and who's bad.
The world doesn't work
that way, sweetheart.
That's right.
Too much gray area.
But maybe that's
what they want us to do...
kill off certain people.
And, like,
oh, my God, who's gonna decide?
No, not me.
All of us... as a group.
Kind of
what We're doing already?
Kind of not stopping
this whole thing at all?
We don't know that. It might.
There has to be a reason
behind all of this, right?
God, sweetheart.
Not every shitty thing
that happens in this world
has to have a reason behind it.
Maybe they just want to fucking
watch us kill each other.
Well, we should
at least consider it.
Consider what?
What she means is...
who deserves to live?
Based on what?
Based on everything.
Morals and values,
what you have
or haven't done in life.
I think we need
to put it all out there.
Yeah, and we've got
plenty of time standing around
debating everybody's character.
Well, We're here
to do something.
It's to die.
H-hey, um...
I got an idea.
How about we, uh...
How about we kill
all the black people next, yeah?
What are you talking about?
Don't play the race card, man.
This is all just fucking chance.
Yeah? Right.
That's why most of us are dead,
It's every man
for himself in here.
Yeah, you need to shut up
with this racism stuff, okay?
Nobody gives a shit around here.
I give a shit around here.
Look, I'm just saying.
I'm not fucking next, all right?
Y'all done reached
your minority quota.
That's fair.
This guy... man, do you see
anything fair going on in here?!
This is the exact
fucking opposite of fair!
We'll see.
Don't look at me, man.
You started this shit.
Come on, man.
You know I'm right, brah.
Think about it.
They'll kill
each and every one of us off
until There's none of us left.
Come on, man.
There's plenty of white people
that are dead, too.
Come on, man, There's
plenty more still alive, too.
What exactly are you trying
to do with this?
Make yourself a target?
Because that's
exactly what You're doing.
Yeah. Real smart.
You don't see me
counting asians.
Well, maybe you should try.
Don't fall
for this racism bullshit.
He's just trying
to save his own ass.
You damn right,
you uptight asshole.
- So what?
- So what?
You feel like you
deserve a free pass
because You're fucking black?
Nobody cares.
Exactly. Nobody gives a shit.
I ain't talking
to your stupid ass.
I'm trying to help you, bro!
You shut the fuck up,
talking to me, man.
It's not gonna
fucking help you here.
'Cause it usually helps me
out there, right?
Oh, here we go.
Let's all feel bad
for the black guy.
'Cause he had to struggle
so much more than we did.
All right.
Just drop it.
Like you people don't get
enough help.
What the fuck you just say?
You guys are all the same.
You run around.
You just want people
to hand you things
like you fucking earned it.
That's what wrong
with this country now...
socialist bullshit.
You want some reparations, too?
I mean, Jesus Christ.
Give me a fucking break
around he...
I think we need to keep
our personal prejudices
out of this.
It's not helping the situation.
Yeah, they don't matter
No, no, hell no.
They absolutely matter!
What you mean?
I'm not gonna die
so some racist can live.
every single thing needs
to be out there on the table.
Yeah, so if we could have
all the racists step forward,
that'd great.
Look... whatever
your race, ethnicity,
nationality is,
it's not important.
What's important is
that, collectively,
we figure out how to stop this.
We're on the same team here.
Oh, are we, though?
We all want to live, don't we?
So let's work together.
We Can't keep turning
against each other.
Yeah, that's
what they want us to do.
I think she's right.
That's what this is about.
They want us to play
their little game.
Maybe they're watching
us right now.
- Studying us.
- Let's not give them
- what they want.
- Exactly.
Any ideas?
What happens if we force a tie?
- We tried that.
- No.
We tried not voting at all.
There'd be more time
between rounds.
Hey, everybody.
Vote for yourself.
Hhow do we do that?
You Can't vote for yourself.
It doesn't let us.
All right, then, everybody vote
for the person
to your right, then.
The living person.
Right, don't vote
for the empty spaces.
If we do it right, we should
all get exactly one vote.
8, 7, 5, 4...
3, 2, 1.
- The fuck?
- Damn it!
- It didn't work.
- Ohh!
- What happened?
- We screwed up.
- All right, let's try it again.
- It won't work!
They thought of everything!
Did you vote for the person
to your right or your left?
I did right. This way.
Well, somebody messed it up.
Somebody just made a mistake.
Okay, look,
we have to try this again.
All right.
Very carefully this time,
everybody vote for the arrow
that points to the person
on your right.
Got it?
Sweetie, you see the arrow?
This arrow... You're gonna
pick that arrow, okay?
No, We're all gonna be okay.
I promise, okay?
- Come on!
- No!
It's a tie.
Everyone vote again!
What the fuck just happened?
- They tied.
- How?
We all got the same number
of votes, right?
No, we didn't.
How do you know?
- 'Cause I voted for him.
- What? What are you...
why Would you do that?
Because he voted
for the pregnant girl.
I saw him.
If I didn't vote him,
she'd be dead.
- You sure?
- Yes.
Why Would he do that?
We all know that we Can't
vote for ourselves, right?
Well... What do you think happens
when we get down
to the last person left?
One of us gets to live.
It's a game.
It's a process of elimination.
The last man standing gets
to walk out of here alive.
Or woman.
Why Would they do that?
I don't know,
but between the kid
and the pregnant girl,
I'm sure that guy figured
it's most likely gonna
come down to one of them
in the end.
If we get rid of them,
we'll all have a better chance.
You know what? If he's right,
and one of us do get
to walk out of here,
it should be one of them.
Why's that?
'Cause it's common sense.
People, come on.
Things are different in here.
Women and children first...
I'm sorry.
But that shit
doesn't matter anymore.
Look at the pregnant woman.
She counts as two people.
One of them's gonna die
eventually, so...
Which one?
It's okay. It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
No! No!
Oh, come on, come on, come on!
Don't do anything!
They'll both die.
We have to know what happens.
What is wrong with you people?
She's just a kid.
Why Would you go after her?
One of them has to die.
We need to decide.
- No, we don't.
- Listen, we should just
leave them out of this
for as long as possible.
Let's just forget about it.
No, we Can't do that -
- not anymore.
- Why not?
It's too dangerous for them.
They've been exposed.
Oh, come on, no one is going
to vote for them again, right?
She's never heard
of birth control,
so she gets to live?
We need to come
to a majority decision
before each elimination.
Otherwise, they are constantly
gonna be in jeopardy.
He's right.
We need to protect them now.
We don't even know
what kind of a kid she is.
I mean, what if she's
a miserable brat?
She's like 10.
Hey, kid, you get good grades?
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah, yeah.
Straight a's?
Oh, my God. She got a "b."
Let's kill her.
Look, at least one of them is
gonna have to die.
So we should decide now.
Just kill them both!
Just fucking kill them...
what about volunteers?
- What?
- Volunteers?
- Are you nuts?
- I don't know.
Maybe someone wants
to step forward.
I'll do it.
- Why?
- Now, wait a minute.
He doesn't have to tell you
or anybody else why.
He's volunteered.
That's enough.
Well, I want to know why.
Lady, it's
none of your business.
Let him answer.
I guess I just don't want
to kill anyone.
How old are you?
No, someone else.
What do you mean
"someone else"?
He's a fucking kid, man.
He's 16. That's old enough.
- Old enough to what, to die?
- To make your own decisions.
He's a stupid kid.
He doesn't know any better.
I don't care.
If you volunteer, you volunteer.
It's his choice
if he wants to die.
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
If someone wants to volunteer,
we should respect that,
no matter who it is.
Son, what's your name?
I'm Shaun.
Are you sure
that you want to volunteer?
I'll do it.
It's fine.
Well, uh, this is gonna be
a whole lot easier
if we can get a few volunteers.
Easier for who? You?
Look, we got to take control
of this situation.
And this is the best way.
I mean, hey,
if We're all gonna die,
it might as well be
on our own terms.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'll teach
those fucking aliens.
Hey, We're doing
what we can, man.
it's the best idea we got.
Then you volunteer.
I don't see you
stepping forward.
We should all step forward.
I mean, everybody but her.
So mass suicide, then?
Well, that... that's great.
Let's do that.
Hey, uh, kid...
You still want to volunteer?
You're a fucking hero, kid.
You know that?
Yeah, right.
No, I'm serious.
Look, if I make it out of here,
I'm naming my next kid
after you.
- Thanks, Scott.
- Thank you, Scott.
Fucking assholes.
You knew his name was Shaun!
Whatever. The kid's a hero.
Yeah, he bought us two minutes.
Somebody toss him
a purple heart.
All right, enough.
What are you looking at me for?
Oh, you think it should be me?
I was in Afghanistan
for the past two years
risking my life
to keep the rest of you safe.
I just got back two days ago.
I was on my way
to see my family.
I got a 7-month old
who doesn't even know who I am.
My wife...
I haven't seen my wife in...
I'm not fucking dying in here.
I'm not.
I'm going home to them.
Don't worry...
I'm not voting for you.
Me, neither.
Yeah, We're... We're gonna
get out of here, man.
- Yeah, sure we are.
- Come on, man.
No, you come on, man.
He knows the truth.
We all do.
Let's just accept it.
Just stop.
You're gonna die, dude.
We all are.
Time is, uh, running out.
Yeah, we still need
a volunteer.
I volunteer.
My son, Oscar...
He passed away last year.
- He was riding...
- His motorcycle.
It's okay.
I've forgiven him.
You'll see him again.
Do you think?
I go in peace.
Bye, everybody.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
"You'll see him again.
- Bullshit.
- Yeah, seriously.
He was just trying
to give her some peace
in her last moments of life.
There's nothing wrong with that.
She sacrificed herself
so that others could live.
That doesn't go unnoticed.
- Says who?
- Says God.
How do you know?
I'm a minister.
And God is watching
over all of us.
He has a plan.
We just have to have faith.
Enough, man.
I'm sorry?
With all due respect...
That's just bullshit.
Standing around there
talking about faith
when people are being blasted
to shit left and right,
that's fucking ridiculous.
Hey, man.
If there is a God,
he doesn't give a shit
about any of us!
That's not true.
Oh, my God.
We're all dying in here.
This shit's not gonna end
until this motherfucker
gets all of us, okay?
So, you want to have faith
in something?
Have faith in this!
Okay, because that's God
in here now, all right?
That's God right now in here.
So pray to him,
or ask him, even better?
What does thou sayeth, God?
Who among us will get to go
to your divine kingdom?
Hey. Take it easy.
Or what?
You're gonna fucking kill me
because I have an opinion?
It's just as valid
as yours, man.
Looking around this room,
I think
I might have some friends.
I think people agree with me.
95% of people believe in God.
You're in the minority.
Yeah, well,
95% of people are idiots.
Are you calling us idiots?
I'm not calling anybody idiots,
all right?
All I'm saying is this...
if there is a God,
is this something...
does this seem like
he Would allow this?
Is this something he Would do?
You fuckers are gonna kill me
because You're afraid I'm right?
What are you doing?
You're fucking cowards, huh?
Wait, please.
I didn't even say
anything wrong.
He did. Who the fuck is this?!
Looks like God
just cut you a break.
For another two fucking minutes.
Guys, I know this girl.
Don't I know you?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I know you from somewhere.
- Me?
- Yeah.
Are you an actress?
You are so familiar.
No, I'm not an actress.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Stacy something.
- No, Christina.
- Christina.
- Christina.
- Yeah.
Wait a minute.
Is Stacy your stage name, then?
No. I told you...
I'm not an actress.
That's what it is, right.
Guys, actress, porn star...
I get it now.
It's a huge difference.
What? I'm not a porn star.
Hey, I don't think anybody
cares around here, you know?
I mean, I just couldn't
figure it out before.
Now I know.
Whew. I'm a huge fan.
What the fuck are you doing?
I don't do porn.
I don't think it's a problem.
I think everybody's got
to make a living.
I don't have a problem with it.
- I don't do porn.
- All right, whatever.
Hey, I'm just trying
to pay her a compliment.
He's lying.
I got to be honest with you,
you know?
I did like you better, though,
before your enhancements,
because now,
it's just like, "wha bam!"
Look at these bad boys."
He's lying.
Are they real?
That is none
of your fucking business.
- Are you saying they're real?
- So what?
Half the girls in L.A. have
fake boobs.
Yeah, and I'm sure
it's great for business.
- I don't do porn!
- Who paid for them?!
Tell them. Go ahead.
Oh, it's okay, sweetheart.
Who paid for them?
- Was it your employer?
- No.
- No?
- I-I mean, he did,
but it's not like that.
He did? No?
Oh, now it's getting
really difficult to decide.
No, David is my boss,
but We're also...
I am not...
ah, aha!
You see, Stacy over here thought
if she gets those double d's,
oh, David's gonna love her.
I mean, he's gonna love her way
more than his own wife and kids.
I mean, who cares
if they're already a family?
It's never stopped you before,
has it?
What, are you gonna run off
with him?
You're gonna have a bunch
of kids on your own?
Settle down by the beach?
Is that what You're gonna do,
I think
we should take into account
if people have families,
Why? How many kids do you have?
- I have seven.
- Of course you do.
- Yeah, I got 12.
- Yeah, I got 26.
Oh, now, now, come on,
Shouldn't that be taken
into consideration?
Yeah. Yeah, we have a daughter.
Emily. She's 3.
We all got families.
Yeah, your kids
ain't gonna save you in here.
Hey, and I'm not asking
to be saved.
I'm just saying...
If you don't have children,
maybe you should volunteer.
I think that's reasonable.
Yeah, well, maybe some of us
want to have kids someday.
- Yeah, well, I still am a kid.
- Yeah, me, too.
And I think
that if you don't have children,
you should do the right thing
and step forward.
How old are you?
What, me?
35, but I have a kid.
- Just one child?
- Yeah, a daughter.
- You married?
- Yes.
What does your husband do?
I don't... uh...
You don't what?
Why the sudden interest in me?
Well, We're
all just being honest.
I just thought
I'd ask you a question.
Well, I'm not on trial,
so how about you tell us
about your life?
Easy... I'm 41.
Uh, I've got two boys,
an 18-month-old baby daughter.
Married to the same
amazing woman for 12 years.
Um... That's it. Your turn.
Still waiting.
I raised
my four younger siblings
during my father's
heroin addiction
and my mother's
clinical depression,
then attended vassar
under a work-study scholarship
before serving in the
peace corps for three years
in Nepal,
and then returned to the U.S.,
where I've worked
for a non-profit ever since.
Okay, but you still haven't
answered my question.
What does your husband do?
I have a wife.
So, You're a lesbian.
Yeah, so, what?
It doesn't make any difference.
That's not necessarily true.
Dude, so she's gay.
Big deal... what's the matter?
What, you think it's okay
for a child to be raised
with two gay moms?
It's not fucking 1950, dude.
Yeah, seriously.
Mind your own business.
What, you think it's okay
to raise a baby girl
in that environment?
Two gay moms having sex
all over the place?
It's not as bad as two men,
but it's still wrong.
Maybe it's a good thing
that You're here.
You're gonna give
that little girl a chance
to have a normal life.
Whoa, whoa.
Come on, man.
Where are you going with this?
- I'm not homophobic or anything.
- Yeah, right.
Do you think that this is
someone worth dying for?
I know a lot of you
are religious.
This country was based
on family values.
This is a woman who has sinned.
Doesn't that mean something?
We've all sinned.
Yes, but some more than others.
I mean, maybe that's
the whole point of this thing.
Maybe if we figure out
who the sinner is amongst us,
that maybe
this whole thing will end.
I mean, we have no idea
what these aliens want.
I mean, maybe that's the answer.
So aliens want me to die
because I'm gay?
Look, nothing personal.
I'm just trying
to get this to stop.
You think I'm the only one?
My son's gay.
And There's not
a damn thing wrong with him.
- What if he had a point?
- Just drop it already.
No, no,
not about the gay stuff.
I mean,
what if one of us dies...
the one they want.
This all ends.
Jesus, we just keep going
in circles.
Why Would they single
one of us out?
We have a problem.
Well, this guy said
that one of us might make it
out of here alive, right? Yeah.
Yeah, because we Can't vote
for ourselves.
Well, I'd like to know
what's gonna happen
when There's
only two people left.
What do you mean?
If There's
only two people left,
you can only vote
for the other person.
- Shit, they Would tie.
- And they Would both die.
No, no, no. Not necessarily.
One person doesn't have to vote.
Wait, what?
- A sacrifice.
- Yes.
What does that mean?
It means that if it comes down
to one of us and one of them,
we don't vote.
Somebody Would have to sacrifice
themselves to save the other.
Yeah, right.
And who Would do that?
I Would.
Sure you Would.
I Would. Wouldn't you?
I really don't know
what I Would do.
Let's hope it doesn't
come down to you, then.
At least he's being honest.
In here, the truth
gets you killed.
In here,
everything gets you killed.
We should pick someone
we can trust.
We Can't trust anyone in here.
I think we know that by now.
Well, somebody's gonna
have to do it.
We should decide.
We don't have
to decide anything.
Whoever's left in the end
will make that decision.
What if it comes down
to the two of them?
Well, then,
they'll have to decide.
Or we can decide for them.
You should have never
married that asshole.
I know.
What happened?
- They tied.
- How romantic.
I thought if no one voted,
I-I-it chose randomly.
Not in a tie, I guess.
See? They both Can't live.
That means
one of them has to go.
They're not going anywhere.
One of them has to die.
You guys want them to decide?
A little kid?
That's too much responsibility
for a child.
Yeah, he's right.
We need to be the ones to do it.
Do what?
He wants us
to kill one of them.
I'm just saying
we do what needs to be done.
Bullshit! You're just trying
to save your own fucking ass.
It doesn't save me
any more than it saves you,
but it guarantees that one of us
will make it out of here alive.
Otherwise, we will all die.
Listen, this is a trick,
all right?
Once he gets one of them
out of the way,
he'll just go after the other.
Don't fall for his bullshit.
If we had to choose
one of them,
who Would it be?
What do you do?
- What?
- Oh, come on, man.
Hey, it's a fair question.
What do you mean,
like, for work?
Yeah. Of course it'd be the guy
in the sweater vest to start
this class bullshit, right?
Hey, hey, hey!
We're trying to decide
who deserves to live, right?
Oh, and, uh, career choice is
the way to do that.
I'm just saying
that some people contribute
more to society than others.
Who cares what she does?
She's pregnant.
That's what matters.
Well, there are plenty
of babies.
I mean, people have
lots of babies.
The world has enough single moms
on welfare.
She might be unemployed.
So, what?
That doesn't matter.
What does your husband do?
- What?
- The daddy... the baby daddy.
What does he do?
Do you even know
who the father is?
Yes, I know who the father is.
Yeah, yeah,
but you aren't married, huh?
Look, he's... We're waiting.
You're waiting for what?
For him to get out of prison?
- Oh, come on!
- He's not in jail.
Okay, so, what does he do
for a living then?
Enough with the inquisition.
Well, what do you do?
- I work for a bank.
- Of course you do.
We lend people money
to start their own businesses.
Does anybody here have
their own business?
How much did you make
last year?
I'm not talking about salaries.
Well, You're the one that
started talking about the jobs.
No, I'm talking about being a
contributing member of society.
Now, I work my ass off
every single day,
and I never, never take handouts
from anyone.
I lend people money
to live their dreams.
And... and outside of work,
I contribute
a significant amount of money
to charity.
Well, that's easy when You're
pulling down six figures.
- Hm.
- Oh, uh-huh?
A-and what do you do?
Uh, I'm a graduate student.
Uhhuh, in?
- Psychology.
- -Well, that's useful.
How about you? What do you do?
- Fuck off, dickhead.
- What do you do, huh?
You collect
your disability checks?
Listen, guy.
If You're trying to get us
to not vote for you,
You're going about it
the wrong way.
Seriously. Look, look, look -
we need to come up
with some sort of metric here,
some way to decide
who deserves to live
to the next round.
All I know is is
if one of us gets to live,
it's gonna be one of those two.
At least, if I have
anything to say about it.
Well, I think we all know
what that means.
Yeah, yeah, he's right.
She's gone. He should be next.
- Oh, nice, two-for-one.
- Seriously.
Well, I mean,
somebody has to go, right?
Don't you see
what they're doing here?
They just killed her to get the
majority back in their favor.
They knew
that she was on our side.
- What side?
- Yeah, yeah,
there aren't any sides here.
Oh, really?
So you never voted
for the two of them?
- No, of course not.
- Bullshit.
You don't know
who's voting for who in here.
None of us do. I think we have
a pretty good idea.
People, please, if they get
the majority back on their side,
they will kill both of them.
That's what they want...
to get them out of the way.
Only the rest of us
can stop that from happening.
You're paranoid, man.
Okay, who's with me?
The two girls plus me...
that's three.
There's 16 of us left in here.
We just need six more
to get to nine.
That's enough. Wait, nine what?
- Nine votes for a majority.
- Exactly.
I'm in.
Good, good. Five more.
Everybody understand?
This is crazy.
It's not gonna work, man.
All right, I'm in.
- So am I.
- That's six.
That's six. We need three more.
What about you guys?
What exactly
are you asking us to do?
We're asking you to help us.
- Yeah, but how?
- Look.
They are gonna vote
for one of those two girls
each and every time.
Eventually, they are gonna get
what they want,
unless we stop them.
- Stop them how?
- By block voting.
Hey, man, it's
just playing defense.
He's right.
There's no other way.
- It's just a numbers game now.
- This is ridiculous!
Are you with me?
- What do we do?
- No one's voting for them
this round, okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
we said the guy
who doesn't speak any English.
He Can't help us now,
so, once he's gone,
we can all discuss
what to do next.
You all know
what needs to be done!
Yeah, vote for the kid!
It's the only chance
that we have!
God... Damn it!!
You're fucking pathetic man.
You'd kill a kid
to save your own life.
Yeah, that's right.
I want to live... just like you.
No, not just like me.
I wouldn't do that.
Oh, yeah, well,
we'll see what you do
when it's your ass on the line.
No, I don't think you will.
What's that supposed to mean?
What, y-y-You're gonna
kill me now?
Because I want to live, huh?
I'm... I'm a fucking bad person
because I don't want
to fucking die in here?
You know what? Fine.
You want to play games?
I'll play your game.
I say we get rid
of both of them right now,
starting with the kid!
That gives us all a chance
to walk out of here alive.
Now, I know I'm not the only one
in here that wants to do that.
He's right.
There's 15 of us left.
All we need is six
to even the playing field.
- This isn't a game.
- No, it's not.
But you decided to make it
a game when you chose sides.
Well, we chose.
We just chose the side
that said everyone
in here is equal.
No one's special.
You of all people
should understand that.
Hey, you.
Don't you love your wife?
Of course, I do.
Well, well, don't you want
to give her a chance
to get out of here? Huh?
How's that gonna happen
if You're on their side?
Listen to him.
If you choose their side,
You're just sentencing your wife
to death.
Our way will give her
a chance to live.
Yeah, yeah, b-but...
but nothing!!
Do you want to save her or not?!
Okay, okay, fine! We're in!
- Me, too.
- What?
Well, he... he's right.
Okay, that's, uh, that's five.
We just need three more.
Everybody vote for the kid.
We're voting for you.
Come on, people!
Don't you want to live?
All right, make them tie again.
They'll both die.
- That's fair.
- What?!
He's right.
We'll take that trade.
What?! W-what are you doing?!
Don't do it! She's just a kid!
Fuck. What just happened?
You lost, assholes.
Fuck you.
Why didn't they tie?
Yeah, it doesn't make sense.
Why did they tie the first time
and not the second?
'Cause somebody
changed their vote.
Why don't you ask your wife?
It was you?
I mean, yes, but...
why'd you switch?
I didn't.
All right, I just didn't vote
the second time.
I couldn't. I'm sorry.
Right, because You're
a good person.
Hey, stay out of this, okay?
Look, listen, lady, nobody said
this was going to be easy,
but it needs to be done.
Yeah, listen,
they both Can't live anyway.
He's right... one of them is
going to have to die eventually.
We need to band together.
Otherwise, they're going to win.
There's no winning here, man.
We all lose, okay?
And that's fine.
We've had plenty of time
to accept that.
There's only one thing left
that we can do,
and that's go out of here
with some dignity.
And maybe we can save
two people instead of one.
But he's not talking about her.
He's talking about getting r-I-d
of the k-I-d
sooner rather than later.
I think she can spell.
We just need
to get this over with.
Rip the band-aid off.
Why drag it out?
- You're outnumbered, man.
- He's right.
It's over.
You want to live, right?
But I don't...
Want to kill a little kid.
It's okay.
Fine, everybody vote
for the guy with one arm.
Oh, please, man.
No, no, no, listen, listen,
if we get rid of him,
it'll even things out,
and we'll actually have
more time to talk about this.
There's nothing left
to talk about.
Man, listen, You're just trying
to buy yourself more time.
I'm trying to buy everybody
some time.
All right, what the hell
just happened?
What does that mean?
It means
the tables have turned, bitch.
People are starting
to see things clearly.
Who did that?
G.I. Joe next...
he's the leader of the pack.
Kill him first,
the rest will cave.
Great idea.
There's only 13 of us left.
We only need seven.
What do we do?
There's nothing you can do.
We've got the majority now.
Let's vote for her.
He wants to protect her?
Let's put him to the test.
Hey, hey, hey,
just wait a minute, okay?
Everybody do it. He'll switch.
No, wait! Give me a second.
Be reasonable, man.
I am being reasonable.
You want to give
- your wife a chance?
- Yeah!
Then, do the right thing!
Otherwise, she's got
30 seconds to live.
- No!
- There's no right thing in here!
Yes, there is! We all know it.
Listen, if you kill me,
you'll die, and she'll die next.
We all know that.
- Come on.
- Do you love your wife or not?
Come on, please.
Oh, fuck! Okay!
Yes, I'll switch!
Fucking pick someone else!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
All right, everybody vote
for the black guy.
- Wait, what?!
- Okay.
Fuck y'all, man!
Of course.
True love conquers all.
You're out of options,
my friend.
Yeah, well, you all
just killed yourselves.
you, you, you, you all did this!
And you...
You just killed your wife.
I hope You're happy.
I did what I had to do.
Yeah, well, now she's gonna die
because of you.
At least my way gave her
a chance.
- Just shut the fuck up, man.
- Yeah, just drop it.
You're probably not
even married.
I mean, think about it.
What are the odds of them being
the only married couple in here?
Those other two
knew each other.
- So they said.
- That's not gonna work, dude.
So You're saying
that they're married
and they just happened to be
placed right next to each other?
Think about it, people!
Isn't it possible that they just
made this whole thing up?
- No.
- Why Would they lie?
To survive... nobody wants to
kill someone's wife or husband,
especially right
in front of each other.
They just made this whole thing
up to get our sympathy.
You're crazy.
Am I?
How long you been married?
Five years.
What's his parents' names?
Um, mark and Lisa.
Where'd she go to college?
When's his birthday?
- Uh, April.
- April?
9th April 9th.
What's his name?
What is your husband's name?
He already said his name.
That's right. He did.
The first time he spoke,
he said his name.
Just drop it, man, okay?
What's... His name?
She doesn't know.
Of course she doesn't.
Yes, of course, she does.
She's just not gonna
play your fucking games.
Let's put them in a tie
and see what happens?
- What?
- If they're married,
There's no way
they will vote for each other.
Okay... We made it up.
But it was her fucking idea!
Yeah, yeah.
I just went along with it.
No, he said it first.
I had nothing to do with it.
Oh, come on!
She's a liar! Look at her!
- Please don't kill me.
- No, kill this bitch!
Why are you crying?
Just shut the fuck up,
all right?
- You shouldn't have lied to us.
- I didn't lie.
Yes, you did.
You said you were married.
Iam married.
Just not to him,
and I do have a daughter, Emily.
I didn't lie about that.
How many people in here
do you think were married?
Had husbands, wives, kids?
You had no problem
with killing any of them.
- I didn't kill them.
- Yes, you did.
We all did.
But listen, you still have
a chance to make it out of here.
There's 11 of us left.
We just need 6 votes.
If you join our side,
I promise I will keep you alive.
Don't listen to him.
He's just trying to use you.
Hey, you want
to get out of here?
You want to go back home and see
your real husband, see Emily?
How about you?
What side are you on?
What, you don't speak?
Okay, he doesn't want to tell us
who he's voting for.
And that's fine.
I understand that.
Nobody wants to make enemies
in here.
I'm gonna go ahead and say
that he's on our side.
You have a daughter, don't you?
- What's her name?
- Chloe.
That's a beautiful name...
You want to see her again?
- And your partner?
- Wife.
- Amelia.
- Chloe and Amelia.
Do you want
to see both of them again?
- I'm sorry.
- Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Hey, that's five.
We just need one more.
Come on, people... one more.
- Who are we voting for?
- The army guy.
No! Pick somebody else.
- Uh, the cancer lady.
- What?
No, no, no, all right.
You all know who to vote for.
Holy shit.
What do we do?
It's... it's okay.
It's okay.
Okay, There's,
uh, seven of us left.
All we need is four.
One, two, three...
Is it a boy or a girl?
I don't know.
Don't you want to find out?
Yes, of course, I do.
All it takes is one vote.
It's really that simple...
just once.
No, no, please.
Please. No, no, I won't do it.
I will not do it.
Well, then You're killing
your own child.
How about you, man?
You want to live?
You know where I stand.
- What about you?
- Jesus Christ.
What do you think?
Forgive me.
No, don't!
Yes! Jesus Christ!
Thank you, Jesus! That...
okay, so it's, uh,
it's three to three.
There's no way
you can protect them now.
Yeah? Okay, well,
we'll see about that.
You realize
that it's you or them, right?
So be it.
Are you volunteering?
If I go, you go.
Okay, um, how about this?
I'll make you a deal.
You give me one of them,
and I'll give you her.
- W-what?
- A trade.
Which one do you want?
Either one...
doesn't matter to me.
What?! What are you doing?
Okay, deal. Deal.
You get the little girl,
I get the phony wife.
The three of us will vote
for her. The three of you
will vote for her.
How do I know I can trust you?
- No.
- We'll vote in order.
1, 2, 3.
- Okay, deal.
- W-w-wait a second.
It's okay.
Listen... trust me, just...
Okay. I'll go first.
- But I-I-I...
- Trust me.
- I don't know about this.
- It's okay.
It's okay. I got you this far.
- Okay.
- Let's do it.
- What are you doing?
- Just do it!
No, no.
Okay, now her.
Okay, it's your turn. Go.
Hey, go. It's your turn.
What are you doing?
It's your turn!
- Come on, man, vote!
- Hurry!
What are you doing?
Vote for the kid!
Are you nuts? Vote for the kid!
What is he doing? Vote!
What are you doing?
Come on! Vote! Please vote!
Jesus Christ.
Why didn't you vote?
Because he doesn't vote.
- Never has, not once.
- What?
He's never even said
a word, never voted,
and he's made it all this way.
Dumb fucking luck.
Maybe not.
- Maybe it was no accident.
- What are talking about?
I think that There's a reason
why he's still alive.
Yeah, because he's been hiding,
hoping we wouldn't notice him.
Well, guess what, buddy?
Your time's up.
There's nowhere left
for you to hide.
No, I don't think that's it.
Then what?
Think about it.
He's the only person in her
who has never voted.
So he's survived this long just
because he hasn't participated?
I don't know. Could be.
That's the answer
to all of this.
So what does that mean?
That he... he gets to live?
Does that make him untouchable?
There's one way
to know for sure.
Let's see what happens.
If we vote for him,
maybe all this will stop.
Come on.
Come on.
So you made all that up?
No, no.
He's never voted.
I don't think so, at least.
That, and he's never said
a world... I mean,
not that I can remember.
I don't think he wants
to give them anything.
We've already given them enough.
Do you want us to vote for you?
He knows we
don't have a choice.
Why are they doing this to us?
It's some kind of experiment,
I guess.
And that's it.
Yeah, maybe.
I mean, maybe they just
wanted to learn about us.
Learn what?
I don't know.
Maybe just to see
what we Would do
and who we Would choose and why.
For what?
To understand us...
what we value,
what we don't,
what matters to us.
By making us kill each other?
When we kill someone,
We're judging them,
and We're saying that There's
something wrong with them.
I think that's
what they've been looking for.
So what do we do now?
That's up to the two of you.
But how do we choose?
I don't know.
But once I'm gone, one of you
is gonna have to step forward,
otherwise, you'll both die.
But You're gonna have
to decide for yourselves.
I Can't do it for you.
You don't have much time.
I'll go.
- For the baby, right?
- Uh-huh.
That's very brave of you.
What's your name?
Okay, Katie.
We'll go together, okay?
It has to end this way.
There's no more time. Do it!
fuck. Come on.
Of course.
Of course.
All that...
all that for nothing?
All that.
What's the matter, huh?
I'm not good enough for you?
I'm not the one that you wanted?
I'm exactly the same
as everybody else in here!
They all got to make
their own choices!
They chose to kill each other.
That's what you wanted to see,
right, huh?
Well, there you go,
We're assholes.
Fuck you.
We all know that we Can't vote
for ourselves, right?
Well... What do you think happens
when we get down
to the last person left?
It's a game.
It's a process of elimination.
The last man standing gets
to walk out of here alive.
Between the kid
and the pregnant girl,
I'm sure
it's most likely gonna come down
to one of them in the end.
You're gonna have to decide
for yourselves.
I Can't do it for you.
It has to end this way.
You don't have much time.