Cirkus Columbia (2010)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991
That woman...
Ma, give me a sweater!
I'm chilly.
Martin, you shouldn't eat that way!
Wait untiI I cut it.
I was just tasting.
Wash your hands.
Maric passes the ball to Bajevic!
Bajevic to Vladic!
Hello, Martin.
Hey, Mr. Savo.
- How are you?
- Good.
What's new?
Working at the gas station.
Helping Ma... Good boy!
How's your radio?
Anything new?
I got as far as Varazdin,
but lost the connection.
What's that?
Arrived yesterday from Belgrade.
Got two of them.
SpeciaI military equipment:
a new antenna.
It amplifies the signaI 700 times.
Thank you, Mr. Savo!
Hold it like a baby!
this is a secret!
Martin, use the stairs!
I didn't want to show it to him.
His draft notice came yesterday.
I'll take care of it.
Everybody receives one.
We're on high alert.
Maybe it's nothing, but...
But what?
Nothing. I'm not sure myself.
No one knows
what the big guys are planning.
Don't worry. I'm here.
Savo, come on.
It's nonsense.
Who's going to shoot at whom?
People here
have always lived together.
Who'd dare divide Bosnia?
Falling hammer!
Here, your hammer.
You could've killed us.
- What's that?
- A new antenna.
This will reach America.
Come down for lunch.
Clean your room!
He vomited again!
We should pull over, Divko.
We're almost there.
Hold on, my beautifuI Bonny.
What can I get you?
Two bottles of red wine,
some cheese and olives...
You shouldn't bite Daddy like that.
Fill it up!
Come Bonny, time for some air.
- You got a toilet?
- In the back.
Wake up!
How much?
In Deutsche Marks? Around 33?
- No change.
- What?
No business all night.
You're my first customer.
So now what?
We wait for the boss.
Where is he?
Asleep at home.
He comes at 9.
You could at least
clean the windshield!
Highway robbery!
Look at this kid.
Nothing but criminaI genes!
No change?
Who does he think I am?
We'll wait for that boss of his.
Then he'll be fired in no time.
He vomited again.
I'll be back!
Weapons fired in Croatia,
the war has taken its first victims.
Now, ourcorrespondent in Zagreb...
I never thought I'd come back.
That's my Ma and Pa.
I've been gone for 20 years.
Wait till you see our house.
You'll forget all about
Linden Strasse!
We'll be happy here. You'll see.
Bonny, we'll be happy here.
We're here.
Praise Jesus, Father Ante.
Praise you!
All is settled.
I'm here if you need anything.
This is all ours, now.
We can do anything we want.
What are you doing?
Go to Marija's,
take a crate of beer.
On the city's account.
Got that?
Run! Make it quick!
I can't believe it!
Wait in the car.
Virgin Mary, is that you?
Munich! Frankfurt!
The girls will curse you!
The boys are leaving
Who will marry them?
Let's go upstairs.
Why didn't you send word
you were coming?
It's been a century!
You're a smart cousin.
You made sure the Communists
weren't playing tricks,
that they didn't give
only crumbs of power.
You waited untiI
the deviI took them away!
You're criticizing me already?
Only kidding!
Take it easy.
I never thought I'd live to see this.
Nothing lasts forever,
my good Divko.
There now, welcome!
Here's to you!
It's good.
Been drinking this for 20 years.
And what's this?
Sweet Mother Mary!
That same smell...
that same taste, that savour...
that speciaI smokiness.
I've been eating that for 50 years!
What's that car?
And next to the car?
Is that American, too?
No. That's my future wife,
as soon as I get rid
of the first one.
- Did you sort it out?
- Yes.
Love, bring me that file
I told you to put aside.
What did I tell you?
I sort things out fast.
Thanks for your donations.
The Communists are out.
I don't regret a cent.
for this day!
Bloody hell!
Waiting for the dentist
seems an eternity...
Imagine 20 years.
What a price to pay!
I almost gave up.
We have big plans.
We're counting on you.
We need you.
Croatia seceded.
It's our turn now.
But my problem first.
All originals.
Birth certificate,
marriage certificate,
and most important,
the land registry.
It's all ready.
Get the police chief on the line.
Take that red star off!
It's not ours.
But we don't have our symboI.
Then nothing is better.
Where's the warrant?
- Who is it?
- Police, Madam.
Open the door!
Is it Martin?
No, Madam.
We have an eviction notice.
Who are you evicting?
The legaI owner, Mr. Buntic,
filed a request
for your eviction.
Are you mad?
I've lived here for 20 years.
please open the door.
I will not!
Good day!
Open up!
It's hot!
Call the fire brigade.
Come to "Victims of Fascism" Street.
Just the man I'm looking for!
Not now!
Lucija, open up!
Leave me alone.
Some ointment for the burn.
Lucija, please open up.
Let's settle this fairly.
Since when are you fair?
You sold out to those bastards!
Don't give us any trouble
or our police will fuck you up!
Bili, cut the crap.
Where are you going?
Get lost!
Who's that?
Your son, Martin.
Just like me when I was young.
- What happens to him?
- We take him to the station.
He'll calm down.
What about Lucija?
Not my problem anymore.
Do what you want.
Living 20 years at my expense
is enough.
Tell your men to bring my things
into the house.
Set the table.
The plates are over there.
Got them!
All the money in the world...
can't buy you figs like these.
- Why?
- They're the neighbour's!
The harder they are to steaI,
the sweeter they taste.
SteaI them yourself,
or they aren't as sweet.
I brought it all in.
Thank you, Divko.
Let's walk.
Good day, my good people.
Welcome, Divko.
Give me a spritzer.
Drinks are on me.
Give her one, too.
I'll have some juice.
Good, good.
I've got something speciaI for you,
just a minute.
How do you like it?
It's nice.
Yes, it's nice.
Here you are, just off the spit.
You can't find this in Germany!
Try it.
Good day.
It's the same merry-go-round!
My mother brought me here
when I was a boy.
- Come on!
- We shouldn't...
Let's go!
It's just for children.
I'm someone's child, too.
Come on!
For the first time in 22 years
I can sleep like a man.
So you like it here?
It's hard to decide what's better:
the traditionaI food or the music.
Raise the hood
and let's check the oiI!
Check on Bonny!
- Call the police.
- Forwhat?
Just some kids.
Clean this mess up!
What a day!
Thank God it's over.
In the name of the Father...
What's wrong?
- Maria, what's wrong?
- Nothing!
Nothing at all.
Where are you going?
How could you throw Lucija out?
So that's it.
- People say...
- Forget about people!
People are never pleased.
It's Divko's house.
He was born there.
His father and grandfather, too.
It's his.
But why lock her up?
She attacked the police.
The law is the law.
She can't just
attack the authorities.
I need to get my hair done.
I can't take your mother
to the clinic.
Not like this!
So I'll take her!
- Where's her card?
- Find it yourself!
Come in, Martin!
Martin, my boy, how are you?
- And your mother?
- They kept her.
Crazy, all of them!
- Are you hungry?
- No, thanks.
I rescued him from the park.
Those bastards
won't spit on Tito anymore!
- Want a drink?
- No thanks.
They threw us out, Mr. Leon.
Yes, I heard.
How can they do that?
It's all due to that!
Torn down from the wrong side!
All of them jumping for joy...
No idea what's ahead!
We should have torn down the Wall.
Us Communists! Not them!
My dear Martin,
no good will come of this.
You're the former mayor, Leon.
Anything you can do?
If I get involved,
it will only make it worse.
No one cares
what I have to say anymore.
I get death threats by phone.
Me, Martin...
Me, who brought progress
to this backwater village.
I brought electricity
to every stable,
built a culturaI centre
and factories.
They're threatening to kill me,
those fascist pigs!
Have you seen yourfather?
He's the best person
to help you with your mother.
If he tells that lunatic Ivanda
to let her go, he will.
Be nice to him.
You can spend the night here.
But you'll have to face him
sooner or later.
I should go, Mr. Leon.
Don't put things off in life.
We should have crushed the bastards
to avoid this.
Martin, we saw your new mother.
Martin, wait!
Forget that asshole.
How are you?
They let me go,
but they kept my mother.
They'II let her go by morning.
My parents fought about it.
What now?
I don't know.
Where to?
I don't know.
Sleep at my house.
Let's get a drink.
Don't be mad.
I just want to be alone.
Is it because of my father?
No. I swear.
I just want to be alone.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Martin, how's the antenna?
Good. But that's not why I'm here.
- What's wrong?
- They locked Ma up.
Who did?
Ivanda, the mayor.
My father is back from Germany.
He kicked us out of the house.
Don't worry. I'll sort this out.
Prepare the patroI!
- Where is she?
- At the police station.
Go and wait for me.
We'll be right there.
Listen, Lucija...
I can release you
if you cut the crap.
The crap starts with you!
Be reasonable.
You lived there forfree
for 20 years.
Divko made no trouble.
Only because he was afraid
to come back!
All the rats are coming home
now that you're in power!
I'm trying to be nice.
Don't mess with me.
Looking for jaiI time, a triaI?
You attacked the police!
And why is he free?
He was wanted by the authorities.
Ask Leon, he knows.
I don't know what the authorities
or Leon did,
I just know they're gone
and they're not coming back.
You know only what suits you.
And this doesn't.
I'll get a lawyer.
Come here.
For Martin's sake, don't.
If we lock you up, he'll be alone.
That's what Divko wants.
Don't say
we don't take care of you.
Keys to a municipality flat.
Take them.
UntiI you get things straight.
Is everything okay?
Everything is fine.
- Do you need anything? A lift?
- No, thank you.
Stay out of this.
These are old, unsettled issues.
But thank you again
for looking after us.
If you go anywhere
near Lucija or Martin again,
you'll have me to deaI with.
Are you threatening me?
Is that the way
of the People's Army?
Not the Yugoslav People's Army,
but I, Savo Radovic.
I don't give a fuck about you,
Savo Radovic.
I'm the boss here now.
His time is up. I guarantee it.
Don't, Mom, please!
We'll get through this.
We just have to stick together.
Fuck you all!
Is Divko home?
I'm Azra.
You must be Martin.
I came to pick up
my mother's things.
Is that so?
Do your old man a favour.
Take these to the glass shop.
Get them fixed.
They broke last night.
The only shop is out of town,
by the river.
There neverwas one in town.
But I came for Mom's things.
- Help me out.
- With?
To carry these to the shop.
So you need company now?
Give me a break and help.
I hooked up with Nikolina last night.
We were alone at the boules field.
I grabbed her tits,
and she got all wet.
Then we went to Jozo's farm and...
Yeah, right, you grabbed her tits...
- What's that?
- What?
- That smell...
- What?
The scent of a virgin!
Piss off!
Can you repair these?
I don't repair glass,
I replace it.
That's it.
Come back in half an hour.
One. Two. Three!
Where were you yesterday?
I went home.
I fell asleep by the radio.
I forgot to tell you!
I reached America last night!
Sure! And where did you wake up?
Would you give me a break, Pivac?
The antenna cable was disconnected.
I plugged it in: America!
Now I'll kick your ass!
Martin Buntic,
the best CB in Herzegovina,
reaches America and beyond!
If I was afraid of mice,
I'd keep a cat as a bodyguard.
- Did you get the QSL response?
- Not yet.
When the actuaI card arrives,
you can show it off too!
What are you doing?
Dreaming about your new mother.
Fuck off! Take a dip and cooI off!
The things I'd do to her...
Go on, a bit more.
If I screw your new mother,
will we be related?
Wait up, cousin!
Cousin, wait!
Here you go, boys.
Good as new.
I haven't got any money.
It's all paid for.
Your dad came by.
He paid and said you'd come.
Why didn't he bring them?
Your old man ain't normaI!
You still got your rocks off.
Here you go.
Two keys.
- Here.
- I have no change.
Have a drink on me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Where is my key?
What for?
For the house.
When would you go out
without me?
I brought the windows.
Go install them.
Azra, set three plates.
It's good!
Sit down.
- I just want Mom's things.
- Sit down.
You got a girlfriend?
What do you mean, no?
I just don't!
Why are you getting so upset?
I'm not upset.
Just don't ask me.
How old is he?
You like him?
Don't know.
There's no other cat like him.
When I found him,
he was a frozen flake.
And look at him now.
He's like a child.
There's no one I can talk to
like him.
Isn't that right, Bonny?
Divko, stop talking nonsense.
I've come back.
I'm sure it was tough,
not having a father.
Savo and Leon
took good care of us.
the former mayor?
- Who's this Savo?
- The army captain.
He got me into
the amateur radio club.
Blood isn't water.
All of this will be yours one day.
And if you want,
you can come live here.
This house is yours.
You don't have to decide right now.
Think about it.
I should go.
I said I wouldn't be long.
I just wanted to take some things.
Take or leave whatever you want.
It won't bother me.
What's all this?
I went to get your things.
Where did you go?
- To see him?
- To get our things.
Who told you to go there?
I don't want you near that house!
It's not ours anymore.
You mustn't see him!
Is that clear?
Do you hear me?
Please don't do this to me.
Ok, Ma.
What's the matter?
Martin is my son.
He can live with us.
It's a big house.
We came here for your divorce.
To become husband and wife,
have a child.
Why did you come back?
Why not?
This is my house, my home,
my country. It's all mine.
It's all yours,
you can have it all.
But stay away from Martin.
Why? Isn't he my son?
Good night, Divko.
Hey, Martin.
They arrested us yesterday.
I didn't know they let you out.
Last night I stopped by
but you weren't here.
What could I do, Martin?
You didn't call and I didn't know
what was going to happen.
No problem, Miro.
Thanks for giving me a chance.
What are you doing?
Leave him alone!
Someone, help!
You're a good luck charm!
Kitty cat!
Wake up.
Bonny's gone.
Divko's going crazy.
He thinks I let him out.
No, he was here with me last night.
What are you doing here?
I slept upstairs.
Oh, yeah?
How did you get in?
Through the skylight.
I used to do the same...
Blood isn't water.
Listen, I left the skylight open
and I think...
maybe Bonny got out that way.
Damn you!
You left the window open?
Were you born in a barn?
Why do you sneak in like a burglar?
Didn't I give you the keys?
Bonny will come back, Divko.
How do you think he'll do that?
Tell me.
Is it Bonny's first time here?
Does he know anybody here?
Do you?
Did I when I was in Munich?
I'd have died of hunger
if it weren't for cousin Cipo,
God rest his souI...
Can Bonny ask someone in the street
where Divko's house is? No!
Can he go to the police
and say he's lost? No!
Then how can you be so sure?
Someone will bring him home.
No one is going to bring him home.
You'll find him and bring him home.
And you, you go with him!
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
And I doubt we'll find him.
God knows where he is.
I didn't even have breakfast.
Hungry? There's a grill nearby.
I'm a vegetarian.
So have a chicken sandwich.
Chicken is a vegetable here?
Well it's not really meat.
I bought you some fries.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
So, you don't remember Divko?
He left when I was a baby.
My parents had a troubled romance.
Ma's father
was a partisan commander.
Dad's fatherwas executed
for being an Ustasha fascist.
Ma got pregnant,
they married
and all hell broke loose.
One side disowned them,
the otherwas silent.
When Divko was drafted,
he feared for his life.
So he ran off to Germany.
Like in Romeo & Juliet,
but they all survived.
What's with that cat?
Divko had a tough time
living in Germany.
One night, he found Bonny
while taking out the trash.
He adopted him and fed him.
The next day, he got a job,
and things started going well.
He's convinced
Bonny brought him luck.
I reached America thanks to him.
With the radio?
And what are all those cards
on the wall?
The QSL.
When you make contact
with someone,
he sends you his card
as proof.
The goaI is to reach
as far as possible.
Pivac will go mad
over the QSL from America.
I'm not hungry.
So who am I cooking for?
Ma, you know I hate peppers.
I'm tired, and I'm not hungry.
Not surprising, since you eat
hamburgers instead of my food.
How do you know
I bought hamburgers?
Didn't I forbid you
to go there?
All of my equipment is there!
You care more
about your equipment than me?
Bring it over here.
There's no space...
Bring it or don't bring it.
With Eurocrem.
And don't dive from the rocks.
Ok, I won't.
- And don't swim when you're hot.
- Promise, Miss Lucija.
She's gone completely mad.
Let's go.
- Where are we going?
- To look for the cat.
Lucija, where have you been?
They gave us the keys
to some old shack.
What happened?
Divko came back and threw us out.
Well, take a look at this.
Everyone brought things
to help you out.
Finish her up. I'll get the car
to transport all this.
Why did I come here?
Why did I bring him?
Forget about that cat, Divko.
The whole town's laughing at you.
That woman and your son
meowing all day long!
For God's sake,
they'll meow untiI they find him!
Fuck what people say!
Give me another one.
They're really laughing?
All day long, dear Divko.
My mother's a Buntic,
no one should make fun of us.
That's why I'm telling you.
Is Lucija making fun, too?
How should I know?
I hearwhat's said here.
She never comes.
It's her, I'm sure.
She started it.
She can't stand that I brought back
a beautifuI, young new woman.
How long will this last?
UntiI I find him.
And if you don't?
What if someone took him away
or ran him over?
Why do you always have
to be so pessimistic?
I hear the river is really warm.
Pivac, you don't have to do this.
Go swim.
Why are you so touchy?
You've been on my case
for three days.
Shit, just a quick swim!
Go ahead, be my guest!
Fuck you, asshole!
- Mr. Leon?
- I was attacked.
- Who?
- Who knows? It was dark.
Jelena got scared.
I'm taking her to herfamily,
but I'll be back in a few days.
Better not come back alone.
Once in the Party,
you are never alone.
When people realize
where these idiots are leading them,
they will beg us
to take back the power.
I sent a letter
to all the party members,
telling them to be ready...
I was attacked right after that...
There must be a mole
in our organization.
Come on, Leon!
In six months this new government
will be locked up.
But this time, they won't come back
from the camps.
Keep your eyes open,
don't miss a thing.
- No pasaran!
- No pasaran!
Let's go!
Come here!
Jump in!
Company halt!
- What's this?
- Says right here.
Some trucks have arrived.
There's an orderfor ammo.
Load everything
and send them back at once.
Get out!
Close the door.
Listen Savo,
you're a Serb like me.
I know, I'm a Yugoslav too,
except there's no more Yugoslavia.
So what now?
I'm a Communist.
No one gives a fuck
what you say you are.
What matters
is how they perceive you.
Look at the Croats...
Can't you see Krajina province
is preparing forwar?
This is Yugoslavia.
But if it disappears,
this land will belong to us Serbs,
and no one will expeI us.
I can't do that.
As you wish.
But I have to know
who I can count on
when the shooting starts...
and it will start.
Think about it and let me know.
We don't have much time.
Hey. Any luck?
I don't know where else to look.
I have turned every stone.
What does Divko say?
He's been grumbling all day.
Only drinking stops him.
Why are you with him?
What's it to you?
Don't know. It's just strange.
My fatherwanted me
to marry somebody.
When I refused, he beat me up.
I ended up in the hospitaI
and met Divko.
He'd been in a car accident.
He was very kind.
Afterwards, I had nowhere to go,
and he offered to take me in.
That's it.
So, you like Azra?
What do you mean?
The band.
You have their posters.
Oh, them. Yes.
I'll go mad from this heat.
Is it always this hot?
- Sometimes it's worse.
- So what do you do?
We stay in
orwe go down to the river.
Swim in the river?
Sure! I'll show you some day.
Some day? Why not now?
It's pretty far.
What about the bicycle?
Fartin' Martin!
Piss off, Pivac.
She's less of a pain than I am!
Give me a break!
She wanted to cooI off.
I'm not swimming.
- She does look hot!
- Stop it!
You don't think so?
Wouldn't you bang her?
She's my old man's wife!
Even better.
She'll trust a relative.
Don't talk like that.
You gonna stop me?
Shut up! You're pissing me off!
- Am I?
- You are!
- Fuck your stepmother.
- Enough!
You're jealous because of the radio!
- Fuck her!
- Stop it, she'll hear you.
Fuck your stepmother!
Knock him out, Pivac!
Give it to him!
Smash his face!
Enough both of you!
It's alright.
What happened?
Nothing. I dived and hit a rock.
Didn't I tell you not to dive?
- Please give me a break, Ma.
- Wait.
A shame we didn't
move in here sooner.
What are you doing?
No one will make fun of me
No one.
Now Divko
is going to have some fun.
Have some fun...
You'd better not be spitefuI.
You only get shit out of spite.
Just mind your own business
and serve me.
That did it!
No one's indifferent
to Deutsche Marks.
I'm finally going to sleep
like a man.
And the divorce papers?
The divorce, Divko.
Isn't that why we came back here?
Do you really think
I can deaI with that now?
We'll sort it out
once we've found Bonny.
Here he is, Divko.
Last night,
we were by the partisan cemetery
when I saw something move.
That's not Bonny.
It's your Bonny, Divko.
He's just gone a bit wild.
That's not my Bonny.
What do you mean?
What colour is my Bonny?
- Black.
- And this one?
No need, Divko...
Take it. For your effort.
Thank you, Divko.
Where are you going?
To look for Bonny.
Shall we have breakfast?
You've already had yours.
What brings you here?
- Is Martin home?
- No idea where he is.
Since that damn cat disappeared...
I'd invite you in,
but I'm late.
Tell him to stay away
from the barracks.
Things are heating up in Croatia.
We're on the highest alert.
Listen, I've been thinking
about leaving for Germany.
I've got a cousin there,
he would help out.
So if you and Martin...
You know he's like a son to me...
Better get him out of here.
Are you serious?
I couldn't leave everything.
Just think about it, Lucija.
You know that I...
respect you.
Things don't look good.
That's all.
- I sold him the shop.
- What?
He offered me good money,
twice what it's worth.
I'm off to Belgrade with my wife.
My mother's not well...
He promised to keep
both you and Milena.
Are you alright?
I looked for you in town...
Is it cold?
Are you angry with me?
Bonny! Here, Kitty, Kitty...
Go to hell, all of you!
That piece of shit
is making fools out of you!
Where were you all day long?
I went to see Mr. Savo.
Mr. Savo, at the barracks.
- And what's up with him?
- Nothing much.
- Why are you Iying to me?
- Who's Iying?
You are Iying!
I'm not...
Savo was here today,
looking for you.
You were out
looking for that cat, eh?
Shame on you.
Did you see him again?
Did he offer you money?
I've had enough of this!
That's between you two!
Kill him if you want.
I don't give a shit!
Just leave me alone!
Savo says there's going to be a war.
He wants to go to Germany,
and he wants us to go with him.
What would we do over there?
What if there is a war?
What if you're drafted?
There's shooting going on
in Croatia.
I don't know.
The wages are good over there,
you could go to the university.
Study engineering.
I don't know.
What about you?
I don't know.
How would I know?
Here he is, Divko!
We were out in the field...
It's 7 o'clock!
I know, but I couldn't hold him
any longer.
He scratched me!
And I was sure
you'd be so glad to see him.
I'd be glad
if you brought me Bonny
and not these mangy cats,
every morning.
This isn't him either?
- Is Bonny a tomcat?
- Yes.
And this one?
She looks just like Bonny.
if you come again before 10 o'clock,
there'll be hell to pay!
Sorry, Divko. Thanks!
Him again?
I've had it.
Look at me, all scratched up.
I'm not looking for that cat anymore.
If this is what life is like here,
I'm going back to Germany.
Go get dressed.
What for?
I'm taking you somewhere.
What are you doing?
Where are you taking me?
You'll see.
Don't peek.
I can't see. I'll fall!
What's this?
This is yours.
What's mine?
It says right there: Hair Salon.
What am I supposed to do with it?
Well, you'll be the boss.
The best place to meet people.
You've gone mad since we came here!
I'm looking for Bonny.
Anything's better than this!
Is everything okay?
Are you angry at me or something?
Yourfather has gone insane
since he got back here.
Do you take after him?
Are you as nuts as he is?
Is there a disco around here?
Where do people go out?
No disco...
There used to be dancing
at the culturaI centre.
But all they have now
is folk dances.
I've had enough of folk music.
That's all Divko listens to!
What do you listen to?
Do you have any tapes?
I've got EKV, Azra...
Azra again!
Sing something...
And what do I do,
When my friends leave,
When the girl I...
- You know it?
- Never heard it.
I'll make you a tape.
It's so hot!
Shall we go for a swim?
Where have you been?
The Serbs are bombing Dubrovnik.
What will they do next?
Blow up the Old Bridge in Mostar?
Good kid, eh?
It would be nice
if he came to live with us.
I feeI a bit guilty
for not being around.
It's tough growing up
without a father.
It may be better
than having one like mine.
- Come, let's go back to the salon.
- Please, I want to talk.
Come on, you didn't take
a good look at it.
You'II like it, I swear.
Look how nice it is.
We'll change the colours,
the chairs, have equipment
shipped from Germany.
There won't be
another shop like this one.
Where did you get this idea?
I've got a nose for these things.
I'll go get some wine to celebrate.
We'll treat ourfirst customers.
Sit. I'll be right back...
Why did you bring me here?
For a normaI life
or to settle old scores?
You don't know anything.
How could I with your silence?
You've changed since we got here.
Well, this is the reaI me.
Let's go back to Germany.
We don't need a marriage.
My folks will never accept me
It's just a piece of paper.
Let's leave this place.
Do you really think
I'd go back there?
I've been waiting years
to come back here!
You want me to leave?
You really don't care what I want?
What's going on?
You haven't touched me
since we got here!
Stop shrieking.
You didn't even get
the divorce papers.
What am I to you?
Just some trophy you can show off?
Wait, I brought you the tape.
I'm sorry.
I've been such a fooI.
No, you're not. I'm the fooI.
I thought you liked me.
Don't cry.
Wait. Stop.
Let go!
You think you could love me?
- Praise God, Father Ante.
- Praise God.
Mr. Savo, I didn't recognize you.
I don't even recognize myself.
And I'd better get used to it.
Your mother and I
have decided we should leave.
What? We can't leave!
Listen, the whole place
is falling apart.
There will be a bloodbath.
Time is short. Roadblocks
are cropping up everywhere.
And ourwars have never been short.
would be too much for me.
I've made up my mind.
We're leaving.
I'm on duty tonight.
I'll get my things
from the barracks then.
I finish my shift
tomorrow at 6 AM.
Let's meet here at 6:15.
- Can I bring my girlfriend?
- What girlfriend?
I've got a girlfriend
and I won't go without her.
Why not? There's room in the car.
- What about herfamily?
- She doesn't have any.
- What are you up to now?
- Bye, Ma!
Where are you going?
- What are you doing?
- Listen.
- Are you crazy? If Divko sees you...
- I don't give a damn.
- Get out!
- We have to talk.
I'll wait upstairs.
What are you doing?
We leave for Germany tomorrow.
There's room for you too.
You're really crazy.
Why Germany?
Mr. Savo says
the war is getting close.
He has a cousin there
who'll help us.
And later, if you want,
we can go to America.
You really would want me
to come with you?
Of course.
Will you?
I don't know...
What do you mean?
I thought you...
Do you love him?
I do.
And me?
I love you, too.
You can love both of us?
I can.
I'm off...
What time?
What are you doing?
Who are you?
Eitherwe attack them by surprise,
or they'll catch us,
like they did elsewhere.
It's up to you.
You like my uniform?
Why do you have a uniform?
I signed up.
Somebody's got to fight.
We can't all fuck around
looking for a cat.
I'm relieved.
Now I know this warwon't last long.
It won't.
We're attacking the barracks.
Gonna crush those damn Serbs!
What barracks?
As if there were five of them...
Savo's barracks!
What's this?
My antenna.
The one that Savo gave you?
No, I already took it home.
So, you're gonna sign up?
We have a few more uniforms.
If you do it now,
my old man will give you one.
I have to ask my mother.
Are you chicken shit?
Fuck off, Pivac.
Fuck the army and the war!
- I could kick your ass for that.
- Are you crazy?
Go let Mommy tuck you into bed!
- Where were you?
- I went to get the radio.
You went there again.
Not now, Mom. There's no time.
Close the window, there's a draft.
What are you doing?
I have to warn Mr. Savo.
They're about to attack the barracks.
My God, everyone's gone crazy.
I'm listening.
They will attack the barracks
I repeat...
Mom, why are you cleaning up?
I can't leave a mess behind.
We'll manage over there, right?
As long as we're together.
Everything is fine together.
And we can always come back.
If it doesn't turn out ok,
we'll come back.
Who's your girlfriend?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
What's going on?
Go away.
There he is. It's him.
Alerting the enemy, eh?
- What's happening?
- This way.
Let him go!
They're taking my boy!
Ranko, Marija!
Are you there?
Open up!
Stop! Where are you going?
- To see the mayor.
- He's not here.
I know he's here.
Get lost.
- Let me in!
- Want to be arrested?
Move it!
Go on!
Come in.
You two haven't met yet.
Divko, it's serious.
I have to talk to you.
Sit down.
You know, the two of you are alike.
Except it seems Azra
wants to be an American whore.
Divko, they've arrested Martin!
It's better that way.
If I had got my hands on him...
What are you talking about?!
Your son wanted to run off
with this one to America!
Forget about that.
He's in jaiI...
Should I be surprised?
He's your son, for God's sake.
They're going to kill him!
I'm not so sure he's my son...
Whose could he be, you old fooI?
No other man has ever touched me.
That night, they came to take me,
so that I would follow you
to Germany,
to report your every move,
who you saw.
That's why I didn't come.
They threatened to kill my parents
and they would've killed you
if you had stayed.
What could I do?
And you?
You never even bothered to call!
Not once in 20 years.
Out of spite, probably.
You do everything out of spite.
I thought you would change
with age.
But the years went by,
and you've remained selfish
and insane.
- Out of my face!
- I'll shoot!
At who?
I probably paid for that rifle.
Divko, what brings you here?
You know damn well.
Listen, I can't do anything.
I'm only the mayor.
It's an army matter.
They're guys from Mostar.
I don't know them.
He alerted the barracks
of our attack.
Why would he do that?
Savo's a father to him.
He gave him that radio.
I guess that's why.
I am his father.
The only one he has in this world.
He's my son, Ranko, let him go.
I can't. I'm not allowed.
And I'm afraid.
They'II let him go in a few days.
Now! Aren't you in charge?
But I'm only a civilian authority.
This is a military matter.
- And the uniform?
- Nothing. I was just trying it on.
I don't know a thing about the army.
I'm even scared shitless
of this pistoI.
Well, I'm not!
Take me to the boy, now!
Divko, have you gone mad?
I haven't gone mad.
I've always been mad.
Let's go!
What the hell are you doing?
That money I sent was
to torch houses and lock people up?
They started it.
Look at what the Serbs did.
Were we supposed to let them go on?
And burn people's houses?
Keep this up,
and I'll miss the Commies.
You motherfucker.
You're betraying our cause!
Fuck your Savo.
No Buntic was ever a traitor!
You're the first!
Stop it!
Who asked for your advice?
He's just a kid, Divko...
You shut up! Sit down!
- Don't!
- One smack's not enough?
You weren't born when the Buntics
were fighting to have this country.
Get out, go home.
- What's with him?
- He's lost it. He even took my gun.
Open up! Divko!
Thank you.
I'm Savo Radovic.
It's a pleasure.
Divko Buntic.
You have to go.
They'll be here any minute.
My car is at the barracks.
- But I can't go back there.
- Follow me!
- What about our things?
- Forget about them.
- Come in.
- No. We'll wait here.
Get out.
Thank you.
Thank you...
for the boy.
Take good care of them.
Here, take this.
You'll need it.
Remember this:
you can buy everything with this,
but you can't have it all.
Thanks... Dad.
Go on now!
Get out of here!
And you?
I'm staying.
I've been away too long.
No more running for me.
And besides,
I have to wait for Bonny.
Come on, let's go. Hurry!
Look who we found
at the edge of town.
And now?