City Girl (1930)

You must get this amount or
it will be serious.Your Father
"First call for lunch
in the dining car"!
Your handkerchiefs are
under your shirts.
Use a clean one every day.
Don't stay out late at night
Don't take up with strangers.
Remember we are depending on you
to do your best.
Was that the first call for luncheon?
Guess so. It's the first one
I've heard, ma'am.
Maybe I made a mistake...
...sendin' Lem to Chicago...alone.
I raise wheat to sell, not to
play with! Every grain counts!
Give us this day
our daily bread....
Get to work, Kate... that fan's
for the files!
If the files are as hot as
I am, they need it!
Can you beat it ?
He's praying !
Betcha two bits he's gonna
take a chance on the hash !
I'd like some corned beef hash
and coffee, please.
You win!
Gee! I'm sorry!
It was my fault...for
putting 'em there.
Minnesota, eh?
Swede ?
No.. pa is Scotch
Ma is Canadian...
...and I'm plain American.
Lonesome in the big city, aint it ?
What you doin' here?
I'm down here to sell
our wheat crop.
Well, old wheat king, how about
some bread pudding for desert?
I always do that at home.
It makesMa's work easier.
Living on a farm
must be wonderful!
I'm certainly glad to have met you!
I'm glad too.
No letter from Lem yet.
I'm worried, Mother.
Lem's doin' what's right...You keep
forgettin' our boy's a grown man now.
maybe you're right,...
...but I can't help thinkin'
of him as a little shaver.
Just the same, if he don't sell right,
I'll never be able to make both ends meet!
Hey! How does he rate a private breeze?
How old is this fish anyway ?
Don't ask me Mister!
Look in his mouth!
Figurin' how much it'll cost to
take her out tonight, Buddy?
I sold the wheat today...
I hope Pop won't be mad.
He sent you to sell it, didn't he?
But i didn't get his price.
It was droppin' so fast I was
afraid to hold out any longer.
I'd rather be deaf than blind,
wouldn't you ?
I can see you'd be nice company.
What do you do with your evenings?
You'll never know!
You shouldn't 'a done that!
Fighting over me!
I'd fight anybody who tried
to lay a hand on you!
I'm going home....
on the one o'clock train.
Cut short the side order, Kate...
the boss is givin' you the eagle eye!
There's something I wanted to ask..
I wanted to ask...If you...
If you... like... like living in the city?
Guess one place is good as another.
It's all a wash-out,
If you ask me!!
Well s'long Kid! Give my love
to the cows and the chickens!
I think... I'll wait a minute.
If you marry the one you are
thinking of all will be well.
I left something behind...
got to get it.
If we get married right away
we can be home by morning.
Just married a sweet girl
waitress in big resyaurant
Know you will love her. Bringing
her home tomorrow.
Your Son
Good girls ain't that free and easy
about getting married.
The boy's been roped in!
Oh, Lem, it's wonderful to have a home
and a mother and father...
And a man of my own...
...a real two-fisted guy...
to take care of me!
Ma ...this is Kate!
This is the prettiest bridal bouquet
I ever saw!
You're Marie, ain't you?
If I catch you playin' with wheat
again, I'll whip you!
Father... here's Kate.
How much did you get
for the wheat?
Didn't I tell you not to sell
under $1.15?
If you'd been tendin' to my business
'stead of your own, you'd 'a waited.
Change your clothes
and get to work!
The harvesters are
comin' in the mornin'!
Don't mind Father....
he's upset.
And he never can bear to be crossed.
I want to talk to you!
I'd like to know what you expected
to get out of marryin' Lem.
What any other wife expects.
I married Lem because I...
..I love him..
Women like you love for
what they can get out of it...
...But you'll get nothing from me!
You can go back to Chicago!
You certainly smeared it that time!
Now I'll never give Lem up!...
I am going to make a man of Lem Tustine
in spite of you!.....
...And if you think he'll let me go away
without him...
...guess again!
I'm master here!
My son does what I say...
...and so will you!
Your... father... hit me!
Kate... I can't strike
my own father!
And this is our honeymoon!
I got some surprise for you! Lem's went
an' married a city girl!
Good looker?
The old man's like a mad bull...
tryin' to bust it up...
...An' last night, she slept
in the bedroom alone...
...'an he slept in the loft!
I'm gonna have first look! Maybe
I'll help the old man bust it up!.
Well, Pa-in-law, where's the
blushin' bride?
Get busy! Do somethin'
to earn your keep!
How do you like bein' here?
Bein' here's all right... I don't
think much of the company.
Don't waste any more time...
we got to get started.
Aw, she don't weigh
no 187 pounds!
I don't want anything to eat.
Looks like you've popped
into a hornrt's nest.
You said it!
There's your chance, Mac...
to check up on that weighin' machine!
Kate... we can't go on like this...
I didn't think anybody could
ever come between us......
Kate, Let's forget this quarrel
and be happy.
I love you... you're my wife.
If you marry the one you are
thinking of all will be well.
Lem! This aint the bridal suite.
You mind your own business!
that goes for all of you! And if anyone
wants an argument, I got two good ones!
Hailstorm Sweeps Canada
There's a hailstorm comin'!
We'll have to work all night
to save the crop!
Divide the men in two shifts, Mac...
double pay for overtime!
...double pay for overtime!
I cut my hand on the machine.
Say, are you crazy?
A girl like you buryin'
yourself in a dump like this!
What's the matter with you hicks?
Don't people ever
fall in love out here?
You didn't look exactly lovin'
when you ran...
...out of that room tonight.
Why don't you chuck all this...
come away with me when we
finish the harvestin'...
I'll treat you right...
and that's more than...
...old Tustine will ever let Lem do!
I always knew you
wasn't a good woman!
I'm goin' to find Lem now...and
tell him what kind of wife he's got
What's the use of talkin'
to that old devil?
I know how to get even with him...
The storm'll be here in no time...
I used to think the country was clean,...
...that men out here were decent...
But you're all sports!
You all talk big
when you want something!!
If that's the way you feel about it,
I'll give you somethin' more'n talk!
I don't want anything from you!
I can fight for myself!
You agreed to work all night!
We've changed our minds.
We're quittin' now!
My father says he caught you and Mac
planning to run away together.
Haven't you anything to say?
Not a thing... you can
believe it or not!
If I thought it was true...
Yeah? What would you do?
Run to Papa?
I'd smash Mac so's he'd never come
hanging around my wife again!!
You got to learn any
man can get a wife!!
But it takes more'n a license
and a wedding ring to hold her!
I guess our marriage was a mistake.
I'll shoot the first man
that leaves my farm!
Listen to me Kate. I've settled
your score with the old man!
I've called the men out...
and we're leavin'the wheat
to rot in the fields.
I'm leavin' with the men in ten minutes
and you're comin' with me...
..If you don't I'll say you
put me up to ruinin' the wheat!
Are you comin'?
Yes...yes ..but I've got to
have time to pack.
Here's somethin' Mac forgot!
We're waitin' for Kate
...she's comin' with me!
I thought I could help
you by staying,...
...then you believed
that lie about me and Mac.
Mac tried to get me to go with him
but I wouldn't. Maybe with me gone,
They'll work and save the wheat
I never loved anybody but you,
Goodbye, Kate.
Father... it's Lem!
Son, you know I...I wasn't
meanin' to shoot you.
There's some things worse'n shooting.
One of 'ems the hell.. been putting
Kate and me through.
...Now I'm going to find Kate...
...and take her away...
where we can live our own lives.
I been wrong, Lem,
and I'm sorry...
...Don't leave us! Let me find
Kate and beg her to stay.
No...I got to find her myself.
I won't try to stop
you again, boys.
You can go whenever you want to.
We ain't goin' to leave
till your wheat's in!
You're on the wrong road.
There's only more farms
like ours that way...
...That's the road to the station.
Let me give you a lift, Kate.
Remember when we first
came along this road... happy we were?
When I got your note
Kate, I went crazy...
Father, here's Kate.
Can you forgive me... Kate?
Come back with us...
to your home.