City Hall (1996)

New York City.
So many things have been
said about it...
... but there's only one
I really like.
"New York.
It can destroy you or fulfill you,
depending a good deal on luck. "
No one should come here
unless he's willing to be lucky.
And I got lucky.
I had an apartment downtown,
but home was City Hall.
That's where it all began.
The day started out like other days,
with a ceremonial function.
The mayor was giving the key to
the city to the governor of Tokyo.
- He liked soup for breakfast.
Fish soup.
My dad offered to put it on the menu.
But, "No, no,"
Mr. Hayatama said...
...who was a very gentle soul.
"No, it would be
too much trouble. "
My dad replied, "Too much trouble
is no customers. "
The mayor, and he was the best mayor
the city ever had, was my boss.
I was his deputy mayor...
... his right-hand man...
... or his boy...
... depending on who was
talking about me.
But in Brooklyn...
... something else was going on
that would change everything.
It started with a cop...
... Eddie Santos, the toughest detective
in Brooklyn North.
He was on his way to a meeting
with Tino Zapatti, a drug dealer...
... whose only distinction was being a
nephew to Paul Zapatti, a mafia boss.
James Bone.
A child on his way to school.
Watch your step.
Finally, Vinnie Zapatti.
Cousin to Tino...
... a rat Detective Eddie Santos
had in his pocket.
- All set?
- Let's go.
It happened on the corner of
Broadway and Marcy in North Brooklyn.
- You ain't going out in no playground.
- Please?
- No, it's raining too hard.
- Oh, man.
Here comes our boy.
Get out of the car.
You said you wouldn't take him in.
Just wanna talk with him.
Turn him away from me.
Keep up with me.
You can move faster than that.
Yo, Tino!
- Hey, how you doing?
- What's going on?
I got something for you.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hey, Tino.
Two men dedicated to
the lives of their families...
...bridging the continents
of Asia and southern Europe...
- Can it wait?
- No, no, right now. Please.
Two men, crossing two continents
to meet in a third... we have here today...
...the governor of Tokyo
and the mayor of New York.
Welcome to New York City...
...the sushi capital of the world.
Welcome. Enjoy.
We got a shootout.
Kid's dead.
So's the dealer.
And the cop?
Not good.
Whose bullet killed the child?
We don't know yet.
What's our ETA?
Bellevue in 10, sir.
How old was the...?
What was it, a boy?
Six years old.
And what was our budget
as of midnight?
$31.7 billion.
It costs a lot to have our
children slaughtered in the streets.
Coming through.
Step back, please.
How's he doing?
Just coming out of surgery.
- Coming through.
- Give them room.
Step back. All the way.
Where's the widow?
She's not a widow yet.
You'll introduce me.
Combat Cross,
Medal for Merit...
...Honorable Mention,
Department Medal of Honor.
- Any kids?
- Two.
Five and 3.
A boy and a girl.
Wife's name is Elaine.
Elaine Santos.
Which one is she?
Don't point.
In the red. The other's the sister.
I'm John Pappas.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
If there's anything we can do...
- Which one was the shooter?
- They're both shooters.
One's dead, one's almost.
We know the dealer.
Tino Zapatti.
It's Paul's nephew.
- What happened?
- Don't know yet.
Detective Santos was signed out,
that we know.
But he carried no radio,
wore no vest.
- Any backup?
- Zero.
Total breach of department policy.
What was the guy doing?
Taking a meeting with
a drug dealer? You got me.
But it adds up to a dead kid...
...and a dead nephew of the head
of the Zapatti family.
Here's a guy headed for...
...Attica on a 10 to 20,
and he cops probation.
No jail time?
Probation's a sentence
in New York these days.
Which he skips out on
two years later.
We've been looking
for him ever since.
The mayor will want to
step up for the wife.
I wouldn't do that if I were him.
And who are you, again?
Internal Affairs.
...we can bury Santos.
And if it turns out
he was dirty, well...
...good cop turns bad.
Happens all the time.
Sure. We'll give him
a full-dress funeral, to boot.
Who is she?
A lawyer for the
Detectives' Endowment Association.
I guess she'll be representing
Eddie Santos and his family.
- I was wondering when you'd ask.
- You don't have to wonder anymore.
- Shock him.
- Clear.
He's flat.
This city takes care of its own.
Set a press conference for 12:00.
Make sure the Post
takes the first question.
You know what the
first question will be:
"Whose bullet was it?"
Call Senator Marquand. Be cool.
Tell him everything's under control.
I'm just staying
ahead of the curve.
Abe, get a copy of Tino Zapatti's
probation report.
Which Zapatti is that?
A nephew. One conviction,
off on probation. A punk.
We're headed for Park Drive.
How's about we swing over to the FDR?
We'll make better time.
What's your pleasure?
Where did the boy live?
Give me a read on
the boy's apartment.
515 South Fifth Street.
Fifth Street.
Marcy and Broadway.
That's where we're going.
We've got no advance,
no protection.
That's where we're going.
I'm the mayor.
Make room here, please.
We need some help around here.
- We need more police.
- When you gonna send us some help?
Glad you're here, Mr. Mayor.
The father's seated in the corner.
I'm all yours, Leslie.
Questions and answers. Who's up?
- The Post.
- Marx or Sadler?
Then I know what's coming.
"Has probation become
a sentence in this town?"
Judge Stern has a powerful record.
He served six years and meted out
the stiffest punishments in the city.
If the report recommends probation,
then probation it has to be.
After that, they'll start in
on the mandatory crap.
Good morning.
I want to welcome the
Revs. Williams and Birch...
- You got the probation report?
- In the office.
I'll be there in a minute.
- And my dear friend
Reverend Milton Parks...
...of the First Church of Harlem...
...Reverend Chapman
and Reverend Murray.
Thank you
for coming here today.
I know it wasn't easy for you.
Well, what can I say?
How do I start this?
There is one thing, as mayor...
...that I will never get over...
...and that is the death
of a police officer.
There is one thing in life
that I will never get over...
...and that is the death
of an innocent child.
But this is an incident
that won't go away...
Tino Zapatti's probation report.
The whole city...
... all parts of the city...
... Bushwick, Jamaica,
Washington Heights...
... Brownsville, Harlem...
This thing looks okay.
Very okay. But
there is a conviction.
Criminal possession
in the fourth degree.
In the fourth degree. A 4-C.
It's a probational offense.
Practically a misdemeanor.
Kevin, there are 4-Cs,
and there are 4-Cs.
You keep looking at that
as if it weren't kosher.
A cut of meat is kosher.
A piece of fish...
...savory foods are kosher.
But a probation report is not kosher.
A probation report is merely
a probation report.
I am a good Louisiana
lapsed Catholic, Abe.
Don't talk to me about kosher.
Give it to me straight.
What's wrong with this?
It's too kosher.
Translate that for me.
The Virgin looks pregnant to me.
Look. The supervisor signed this.
So what?
That's a lot of weight for a 4-C.
So what happened... the original
little probation officer?
Where is his signature?
Do you know this supervisor?
His name is Schwartz.
- A landsman of yours?
- Landsman...
Stop trying your Yiddish out on me.
You sound like a Shakespearean actor
from a Savannah pogrom.
- But do you know him?
- Sure. But the trial was 2 years ago.
I was long gone from the department.
Hello, Larry.
Good to see you.
This is Deputy Mayor Calhoun.
The first deputy mayor
to set foot on this floor.
We had a commissioner once,
but it was the wrong floor.
- May I have a seat?
- Please sit.
Abe, you're already at home here.
I think I know why you're here.
I've logged 12 calls already.
Tino Zapatti.
- You want to know why I handled it.
- Exactly.
Because sometimes we get overloaded.
And you take on the extras?
The extra-specials.
Such as Zapatti family members?
Something like that.
- Mr. Deputy Mayor...
- "Kevin" is good enough.
Any case that comes here
that looks like it's connected...
...I take a special interest in.
- Why's that?
- To avoid making mistakes.
You sure made one on this.
I blew one, okay?
I don't mind admitting it.
But let me tell you something.
I'd rather blow one in 100...
...than send 10 men away on
mandatories who don't deserve them.
You sound like an enlightened man.
And you sound like
you're fucking with me.
You have anything to add, Abe?
It's okay. You're doing fine.
Everyone wants to know
how these things happen.
How long have you been on this job?
Three years.
Look, these things happen...
...because we are awash here.
In criminals,
in half-baked social workers... a city that doesn't function,
in a world...
...that doesn't know
right from wrong.
- Mr. Schwartz?
- Larry.
I owe you an apology.
No apologies.
I came in here
with a big head of steam.
It was inappropriate.
Look, it takes more than...
...three years to get up to speed
in this department.
Only one man would've made
a good probation officer. Kafka.
And he wasn't available.
Thank you, Larry.
Call me if something
opens up in the big building.
You know, keep me in mind.
He'll be right with you.
South Brooklyn Democratic Club.
I don't think it makes
any difference whatsoever.
Have your son stop by.
I'll be happy to
take care of it.
Gussie, come on in.
Hello, Mr. Anselmo.
Thank you so much...
...for seeing me.
- You look beautiful.
- Thanks a lot.
- Let me get that.
It's my pleasure.
So how can I help you?
- They're gonna throw me out.
- Who?
- Morty Brill.
- No one'll throw you out.
He says I'm underoccupied.
Can I help it if my daughter moves out?
Isn't she entitled to a life of her own?
Of course. How is Helene?
- Still working at the navy yard?
- Thanks to you.
So what can you do for me,
Mr. Anselmo?
Well, it's simple.
See that Mr. Brill
obeys the law.
You're grandfathered in over there.
If he says you're not, call me.
A landlord like Morty Brill
looks for ways around rent control.
How would he understand a law meant for
working stiffs like you and me?
Thanks, Mr. Anselmo.
Thanks a lot.
Mr. Schwartz is right outside.
Thanks, Clara.
- I'm sorry.
- Would you come speak to my club?
Which club?
Terrible Tiles Mahjong Club.
How many Tiles belong?
You got it, sweetheart.
- Just tell me when.
- Fantastic!
You'll come for dinner before?
- I'll make a brisket.
- I love brisket. Get home safe.
Well, I'm taking a cab anyway.
Thanks again.
Hello, Larry.
- I gotta see you, Frank.
- Well, here I am.
How about a cup of coffee?
No, thanks.
We gotta talk.
Are you finished here?
Well, the business of government... never finished.
Come on, let's take a walk.
Mr. A!
How are you, Milton?
I'm as corny as Kansas in August
I'm as normal as blueberry pie
No more a smart little girl
With no heart
I have found me a wonderful guy
Speaking of blueberry pies...
...bring us a couple, Milton.
Are you la mode?
No, thank you.
I don't want any pie.
Apple for him.
And coffee, Milt.
- What's the matter?
- You know, Frank.
You look terrible.
You should take a vacation.
I don't want a vacation.
I got 18 years in, you know?
I save up my time.
I put in my hours.
I'm eligible for pension in 6 months.
I don't want a vacation!
So what is it?
Get the deputy mayor off my ass.
Him. Yeah.
You couldn't handle him?
It was easy.
That's what I'm saying.
It was too easy.
Don't throw bouquets at me
Don't please my folks too much
Don't laugh at my jokes too much
People will say we're in love
What was that?
Milton and I are great
Rodgers and Hammerstein fans.
"When you walk through a storm,
keep your head up high. "
It's not your signature
on the probation report.
Now watch your mouth.
That was quite a risk you took.
The guy was wrong.
No, mayor.
I don't care if he is from New York.
Tells off a
Cabinet member like that...
...he's your enemy for life.
Secretary of Urban Development...
...that's the hand
that feeds the cities.
You know, senator...
...they say a man's stature... determined by his enemies,
not his friends.
It also got you
the cover of Time.
You're going national...
...Mayor Pappas.
People magazine next.
That "stature" thing.
Who said that?
I believe I did, a minute ago.
I was having an acute attack
of self-importance...
...but it's about to come to an end
because here's the man... cut me down to size.
Kevin, we missed you.
Sorry, folks.
Didn't mean to interrupt you.
Kevin's been busy today, I'll bet.
This must be Mrs. Marquand.
It's been quite a day for you.
We don't want any stray bullets
around Madison Square Garden.
Ignore the senator.
He keeps a little
anchor to windward.
Don't we all?
Shouldn't we return to
the burning issue of the day?
The convention?
We'll turn this city
upside down for you.
We'll stage the
right kind of convention.
- What kind is that?
- The kind that re-elects the President.
Where else?
Second cities like Chicago?
Resonating with memories
of Hubert in '68?
The land of Jerry Brown and Tom Hayden
that nominates a Mondale.
You could go to Miami,
but it's Casablanca.
We'll make you a winner right here.
You're not a New Yorker, are you?
Ferriday, Louisiana.
Huey Long country.
"Every man a king,"
but no one wears a crown.
I love this guy.
Thank you so much.
Lovely evening.
Kevin, give me a call
in the morning.
I need some stuff for
The New York Times.
An editorial lauding our choice
of convention city.
The President loves a good
Times editorial.
- Let me assure you...
- The vote's in. We got it.
Let them catch their shuttle.
I'm sure they're running late.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
MacNeil/Lehrer, Friday night.
Zapatti's bullet
killed the child.
It wasn't the cop.
That's it!
That's what passes for
good news these days.
I'll take it.
I saw Tino Zapatti's
probation report.
Exemplary, but an odd thing.
It's front-loaded.
- With who?
- With supervisory personnel.
But it's signed off on
by an honest judge.
- Judge Walter Stern?
- Yes.
Thank God.
I'm meeting Frank Anselmo
for breakfast.
- Oh, good. Where?
- Woerner's.
- The hangout at Borough Hall?
- That's it.
When you go to Brooklyn,
you're Frank Anselmo's guest.
Don't piss up his leg.
Just get him off
this infrastructure thing.
Nothing wrong with it...
...just unaffordable right now.
Good work tonight.
Mrs. Marquand couldn't stop talking
about the cover of Time.
I think she collects them.
National ink,
the mother's milk of politics.
Did I hear right, or
did we get the convention?
It's not signed and sealed...
...but it is delivered.
And you were the closer.
I thought I had him with
the second-city stuff.
Of course you did.
You know why?
It belongs here.
New York City.
This is the place.
Excuse me.
All right,
the story's on the 10:00 news.
A little slow.
- Took the life of an
innocent 6-year-old...
... on his way to school
during a police action.
They're all over it
like a cheap suit.
It's gonna stick
to us like one too.
- 6-year-old James Bone...
... on his way to school.
Ballistics from the police lab
... the wayward bullet that killed
the boy came from Zapatti's gun...
Here you are, Mr. Zapatti.
Find Vinnie.
I wanna have
a little talk with him.
Yesterday, on the corner of Broadway
and Marcy Street, gunfire broke out...
... claiming 6-year-old James Bone
along with 21-year-old Tino Zapatti...
... a convicted felon on probation...
... and a 32-year-old
police detective, Eddie Santos.
The police commissioner
has disclosed...
... that an investigation is under way
into Santos ' activities.
Question: What was Santos doing
with a drug dealer...
... wanted for probation violations?
Good morning.
It will raise serious questions
of corruption in the courts.
Stern gave Tino Zapatti,
a drug dealer...
... probation instead of
sending him to prison.
The question
everyone is asking...
... because of this
unusual disposition...
... is, why did the judge do that?
Good morning, Mrs. Santos.
I'm Marybeth Cogan.
We met at the hospital.
That's Randy and Maria?
These are my kids.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.
- I'm sorry to have to talk to you here.
- It's all right.
Hear from anyone
in the department today?
A couple of the guys.
What did they say?
I called to pick up his things
from the precinct.
They said his locker was sealed.
But the captain came to see me.
He was very nice.
What captain?
Homicide South.
Eddie's commander.
He's required to call on the widow.
Is anything wrong?
Don't talk to anyone without
checking with me first. Okay?
We're in the wrong business.
You get lost?
There's a key to downtown Brooklyn,
but I sure don't have it.
Murray, Lenny, you know Kevin.
Kevin, this is Dan.
Kevin, how are you?
Tex, sit down.
Take a load off.
Louisiana, Murray,
for the umpteenth time.
Can't take a joke?
What'll you have?
Oatmeal with skim milk,
bananas, brown sugar.
So what's new?
I'll give you the headlines.
S & P's
lowering the city's credit rating.
We're gonna close two firehouses.
Result: 150 demonstrators
at City Hall.
The park commissioner
has quit... run the San Francisco Ballet.
The stock exchange insists
on leaving town.
Plus a zillion other
little rancid goodies.
Plus a kid got shot.
- And a drug dealer.
- And a cop.
No wonder the deputy mayor's
here in Brooklyn.
Well, but...
...he's very welcome.
Where is the stock exchange
moving to, my boy?
White Plains, they mutter.
They've been muttering that
for years.
One day they'll stop muttering
and go.
That's why we need city land
for Bank Exchange.
- No argument, Lenny.
- And a subway stop.
And an off-ramp from the expressway.
The city's $25 billion in debt.
We're in no position
to build off-ramps.
to build a subway stop?
What's your interest in this?
Did you buy a few options
around the city property?
Of course he did.
So did every other
developer in town.
Notwithstanding that,
Mr. Deputy Mayor...
...if you don't transport
their employees...
...Bank Exchange will
dump this deal...
...and forget about New York...
...and put up their 60-story building
in New Jersey instead.
So be it.
The mayor loves Bank Exchange
but can't afford infrastructure.
You're flying
in the face of real politics.
Subways get people to jobs.
Jobs mean votes.
I thought John Pappas liked votes.
He loves votes, Frank.
But no infrastructure.
Much as the city approves of
a subway station and off-ramp... can't pay for them.
- Where are you going?
- I have an appointment in Manhattan.
This meeting's over?
I heard you say no.
Can I offer you a ride?
No, thanks.
I make it quicker on the train.
Here he comes. Judge Stern!
Why did you give Tino Zapatti
probation, Your Honor?
Why did you go soft
on the drug charge?
Is probation a sentence
in this town?
They're burying little James Bone.
Are you going to the funeral?
Get me the file on Tino Zapatti.
Mr. Deputy Mayor...
...I'm Marybeth Cogan.
"Detectives' Endowment Association,
Legal Affairs, Co-counsel. "
Very nice card.
I represent Santos, and
you're muddying my client's name.
- Take it up with Corporation Council.
- And get it buried?
You should tell the mayor someone's
taking him up the wrong street.
Maybe we could explore this
in more detail.
Maybe over coffee.
I'm talking about a hero detective
and his widow's pension.
Why don't you wait in my office?
No, I don't think so.
I'll expect to hear from you
in the morning.
No, no, that's wrong.
It won't go away
unless you do something about it.
This is a crisis that could derail us.
The way Willie Horton sunk Dukakis...
...Tino Zapatti can sink us.
Good afternoon.
Where you been?
My Brooklyn meeting.
How'd it go?
I think I just pissed up
Frank Anselmo's leg.
Felt good.
Okay, Leslie.
Tomorrow's Times, Post and
News are all keeping the shooting...
...on the front page.
What'd you expect?
Nothing short of a triple ax murder
will take it off.
Keep feeding the press,
morning and night.
Emphasize our
tough stand on crime.
The 20% drop in homicides
and street crime last year.
Also, Stern's record.
Good, Kevin.
Corporation Council?
We've commissioned a study that'll...
...prove this city has the toughest
probation guidelines in the country.
Get Community Affairs involved.
Tell Parks...
...clean up their playgrounds.
Hover, nudge, show we care.
And then we gotta do
something concrete.
Something big,
something important.
Something that means jobs.
That means building Bank Exchange.
I won't let these shootings interfere
with my program for the city.
I'm speaking at the boy's funeral.
James Bone's funeral.
That's a blueprint for trouble.
I don't care.
It's the right thing to do.
I don't think
you'll be welcome there.
They got me anyway.
Let's go to work.
Kevin, I need you.
So what happened?
Frank Anselmo and his real-estate
cronies is what happened.
They want the subway stop to raise
their land value.
The property around Bank Exchange?
Anselmo said,
"No subway stop... Bank Exchange. "
- And you said?
I thought we could keep Anselmo
on the back burner...
...but we need Bank Exchange.
We need jobs. We need that money
going into the community.
Given the situation at
Broadway and Marcy...'s politically expedient.
The hell with
politically expedient.
I'm talking about a 60-story building
that'll employ 3000 people.
It'll put food on the table.
That's what counts. That's what
we're about. That's Bank Exchange.
That's all it is.
You said we can't
afford a subway stop.
That'll take politics.
More than one way to skin a cat.
Get in there.
Keep that staff fired up.
You're the boss.
What are you doing tonight?
Hadn't thought about it.
You ever see Carousel?
The musical? You serious?
A little before my time.
You'll love it.
Frank Anselmo will be there.
I'm free.
...Frank Anselmo's in there.
Tell him to come up.
I want to see him in the lobby.
Just list them for me.
That's all.
Let me get back to you.
We're missing the best part.
You know it by heart.
I saw you lip-synching.
Well, lucky I do.
I couldn't hear all the words.
I don't know if it's my old ears
or the subway underneath.
- Did you like the Billy Bigelow?
- He's good.
Good voice.
What'd you think of the
Julie Jordan?
Good act, no voice.
My Nettie could sing better.
We met 25 years ago, Westbury...
I heard about that.
Speaking of performances, Frank.
I don't wanna hear about
another one like this morning.
Your boy embarrassed me.
You'll have to live with it.
- Why?
- Because he's my boy.
There's oil...
...under that vacant lot, Frank.
You don't need to politick me.
I run Kings County.
Jobs for people of this city.
Not leases for Lenny, Murray
and all your greedy pals.
Just because this kid thinks
he can elect you President...'d forget who got you here?
I don't forget anything.
You're developing a short memory.
Or a selective one.
You want me to
refresh it for you?
I'm sorry, John.
Here it is.
The off-ramp costs me five million.
Another $35 million
for the subway stop.
You'll get some from me.
The rest I got to beg Albany.
I got better things
to beg for from Albany.
I got a solution.
How about a spur... the Canarsie Line?
- Are you crazy?
A spur is $ 120 million
a track mile.
Bank Exchange is good for the poor.
It's good for the jobless.
It's good for the whole city.
As for subway stops,
infrastructure, off-ramps...
...we can't afford it.
Then you'll have to
forget the whole thing.
I love the second-act opener.
Then you won't wanna miss it.
"This was a real nice clambake. "
I'm building up my IOUs
with Albany.
The governor needs to
step up with a new subway stop...
...or I won't support him
for re-election.
And the off-ramp?
Next year.
- It's already in my budget.
- Next year's too far.
You're only a boss, Frank.
I'm the fucking mayor.
Mayors rule.
Bank Exchange.
My way or the highway.
Why do I get the feeling
you're getting the bigger half?
Let me ask you something.
If I'd have offered you less...
...would you have been polite
and taken it?
Of course.
You got what you wanted.
I like to kiss the pretty ones.
There's another pretty one.
You got Bank Exchange.
- How did you know?
- I saw the kiss.
I saw the smile.
How'd you get it?
I didn't say no.
But he'll take a bath
on those leases.
It'll just take him longer.
- Something for him, something for me.
- More for you?
No, no.
More for the city.
Hey. Cigar.
Sneaking in a drink for Sydney?
I was.
Now they're both for me.
Helps Frank Anselmo go down.
Off-ramp and a subway stop
already budgeted for.
But I'm left holding the bag.
What are you complaining about?
The bag's full of cash.
Minus a year.
You can weather a year.
You can weather 100 years.
I've got partners.
You're my partners!
You're holding so many
options on land... could buy Brooklyn.
You could probably
buy Staten Island too.
Would you excuse us, please?
Of course.
I got an appointment anyway.
Then it works out nicely.
You sure
Bank Exchange is all set?
We got everything we wanted.
Now you can get
something else for me.
- What's that?
- My name out of the papers.
With $40,000.
What am I gonna do with $40,000?
Let me ask you a question.
You ever heard of a cop
with $40,000?
Who wasn't crooked?
A cop with $40,000
would make big headlines.
Say hello to Nettie for me.
I will.
- Take care.
- All right.
That's for the dead cop.
Reverend Chapman will introduce me?
With one sentence.
And then what?
Get out of here.
- And which way is that?
- Side door.
No. Out the front.
Is that a good idea?
Intel's out there, and they say
people aren't happy.
The mayor of the city of New York...
...the Honorable John Pappas.
Thank you, reverend.
I was warned not to come here.
I was warned.
They warned me:
"Don't stand behind that coffin. "
But why should I heed
such a warning...
...when a heartbeat is silent...
...and a child lies dead?
"Don't stand behind...
...this coffin. "
That boy was as pure
and as innocent... the driven snow.
But I must stand here because...
...I have not given you
what you should have.
Until we can walk abroad
and recreate ourselves...
...until we can stroll along the
streets like boulevards...
...congregate in parks,
free from fear...
...our families mingling...
...our children laughing,
our hearts joined...
Until that day,
we have no city.
You can label me a failure
until that day.
The first, and perhaps only great
mayor, was Greek.
He was Pericles of Athens...
...and he lived
some 2500 years ago...
...and he said:
"All things good of this earth...
...flow into the city...
...because of the city's greatness. "
...we were great once.
Can we not be great again?
I put that question... James Bone...
...and there's only silence.
...could not something...
...pass from this sweet youth to me?
Could he not empower me... find in myself the strength... have the knowledge... summon up the courage... accomplish this seemingly
insurmountable task...
...of making a city livable?
Just livable?
There was a palace...
...that was a city.
It was a palace!
It was a palace, and
it can be a palace again!
A palace in which there is
no king or queen...
...or dukes or earls or princes,
but subjects all. Subjects...
...beholden to each other to make...
...a better place to live.
Is that too much to ask?
Are we asking too much from you?
Is it beyond our reach?
Because if it is...
...then we are nothing but sheep...
...being herded
to the final slaughterhouse.
I will not go down that way!
I choose to fight back!
I choose to rise, not fall!
I choose to live, not die!
And I know...
...I know that what's within me... also within you!
That's why...
...I ask you now... join me.
Join me.
Rise up with me.
Rise up on the wings...
...of this slain angel.
We'll rebuild on the soul...
...of this little warrior.
We will pick up his standard...
...and raise it high.
Carry it forward...
...until this city...
...your city...
...our city...
...his city... a palace again!
Is a palace again!
I am with you, little James.
I am you.
Thank you very much.
Terrible thing to bury a child.
Your trip to Washington.
The stuff for the
Convention Committee.
History of New York City
for Senator Marquand.
Reservation at the Willard Hotel.
Lincoln stayed there, by the way.
Enough about me.
Enough about me.
What are you gonna do tonight
after I'm gone?
I don't know.
I hadn't thought about it.
You're gonna
get yourself a good meal.
You're gonna pass on that
double cheeseburger from Roy Rogers.
You're going to go to Dominic's
and get takeout, on me.
Get a decent meal.
But before you go to Dominic's,
go to Macy's...
...and get a chair...
...with legs and arms.
That apartment of yours...
...looks like it belongs
in a homeless file.
Then it's off to Crate & Barrel
for a knife...
...a fork, a spoon...
...and a glass while you're at it.
Then I'll need a dishwasher.
Just throw them out
after you finish eating.
It's on me.
Get a life.
I've got yours.
It's quite enough.
You read this?
Today's Times editorial?
"Judge or Be Judged"?
"Notwithstanding Judge Stern's
distinguished record... must ask,
'Would he be on the bench...
...if he were not a former
law partner of the mayor's? '"
I didn't appoint him.
He was nominated like everybody else.
Everybody knows the party
arranges nomination of judges.
Whose side are you on?
I'm on yours...
...and I always will be.
But I smell a hanging party.
We should put
distance between ourselves...
...and Walter Stern.
- Distance is shit.
Distance is something you do
to your enemies.
It's the thing of the '90s to make
friends extinct. Distance... the absence of menschkeit.
Translate that for me.
You don't know what
menschkeit means?
I don't.
You know, something between men.
It's about honor, character...
That's why it's Yiddish.
I didn't know you'd
taken up the language.
Abe laid it on me.
Abe's a good man.
You're a good man, Pappy.
Underneath that Louisiana...
...cane syrup...
...plain red dirt.
Not that different from the
pavements of Astoria, where I'm from.
You and me...
...are sticking by
Judge Walter Stern.
Man, thou art dust...
...and to dust...
...thou shalt return.
If there's anything I can do...
...please feel free to call.
- Thank you.
- It's the least we can do.
Good morning.
Where's the mayor?
He had to go to Washington
on convention business.
This rates an inspector's
funeral, and that includes the mayor.
The mayor's absence in no way
diminishes his concern...
...for Mrs. Santos
and her children.
Where'd they get all that stuff from
in the newspapers?
At school, they tell my girl
her daddy was a drug dealer.
We'll get our press people
right on it.
What about Internal Affairs?
What are those clowns doing?
Where you going?
- City.
- I thought we were in the city.
Not if you're from Queens.
Let's start over.
Where you going?
Hop in.
Go fuck yourself.
Not to be disrespectful...
...but the Transportation Department...
...wasn't prepared
for 1000 people.
You're just going to
wait for an hour...
...then ride a bus,
then slepp on a subway...
"Schlep. "
Not "sleep. " "Schlep. "
Get the gumbo out of your Yiddish.
How do you feel about the L.I.E.?
I hate the L.I.E.
Take the Grand Central.
Catch it at Astoria Boulevard.
Go ahead, I'll show you.
Santos was a good cop.
You're doing a vile thing.
It's wrong... blame a dead cop
and steal a widow's rights.
You keep saying that.
Nobody's doing anything.
You've got all the answers.
Don't even have the questions yet.
Well, I got a question for you.
You hungry?
Swing by that diner up there.
The North Star.
Best Philly steak sandwiches
in New York City.
Or do you call them
Philadelphia steak sandwiches?
Who we gonna meet here?
What are you talking about?
You surface in front of my car
at the cemetery.
You show just enough leg
so I'd stop.
And the Grand Central
is the long way around.
Who we gonna meet?
Albert Holly.
He was Eddie Santos' partner two years
ago when Tino Zapatti got probation.
Thank you.
Eddie got ahold of something,
he wouldn't let go.
Eddie Santos was a pit bull.
Pit bulls are ugly,
but they're not stupid.
What was he doing
without backup?
It wasn't the first time
he'd taken Tino down.
He'd never had
a problem with him before.
Somehow, Tino must have
got the drop on him.
It happens.
Why didn't he tell anyone
he was going up there?
Because it was his collar.
He made that case against Tino,
then the judge went south.
There is no way Tino Zapatti could have
walked two years ago unless...
...unless interested parties...
...had the judge in their pocket.
Walter Stern is a jurist
of national reputation.
I don't care if he's
Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Somebody got to him.
And based on that one interview... were able to come to the
conclusion stated in your testimony?
That and the V.A. Records, yes.
Do you mind passing this
on to the judge?
- Based on only one interview?
The defendant has a
lengthy, documented case...
Please answer the question.
- Would you restate the question?
- All right.
Based on that one interview,
you were able...?
Where are you going with this?
Your Honor, the witness interprets
the defendant V.A. Record one way...
...our psychologist
interprets it another.
Another and another
until the end of time.
So much for expert witnesses.
Let's take a break.
I see you've already met
Peter Ragan, my law clerk.
He's written
some of my best opinions.
He appeared before me first time
I presided over moot court at Yale.
You could say Peter and I
are joined at the hip.
Thanks, Peter.
Please have a seat.
Thank you for seeing me,
Judge Stern.
And how can I help you?
Tino Zapatti.
What about him?
How did he get off with probation?
I can only sentence in accordance
with the conviction.
He was convicted of criminal
possession of the fourth degree.
They found a kilo in his car.
Is it your intention
to try the case again?
Not at all.
But I read the rap sheet.
I am certified to this state
as a Supreme Court judge...
...and you're sitting here
rearguing a 2-year-old case.
You're out of line,
and I'll so inform the mayor.
I'm here on the mayor's behalf.
You think I've slept
the last two nights?
Don't you realize I know
what a mistake I made?
That's it.
No basement or anything?
You saw it,
the rumpus room.
With the pool table?
That's right, captain.
I'm only doing my job.
I'm very sorry...
Oh, sorry, crap!
You're snooping around like a Nazi.
Please. You know this is the
last thing I wanted to do.
Then get the hell out of Internal
Affairs, and get an honest job.
Marybeth? Two-bars has been
here all morning.
He went over the place
from top to bottom.
You gotta do something
about Eddie's pension.
They're gonna reduce it.
What about
the Police Memorial Award?
The precinct says it goes
to the next of kin.
Well, this piece of brass
isn't here to give me any award.
$40,000 in cash was found
in Detective Santos' strongbox... at his summer cottage
in Ulster County.
Emergency Service Unit workers...
Yeah, I'm up at the cabin.
They found the money.
Good work.
I'm watching it now.
What is the connection to the deaths
of James Bone and Tino Zapatti?
What was Santos doing
with $40,000?
The mayor understands the implications
of the discovery in Ulster County...
... but would like to stress
that these are implications only.
Can you believe this shit?
We never set foot in that dump
after Eddie's father died.
- It's full of hornets' nests.
- Yeah, busy hornets.
Never in our life
did we see $4000 cash...
...much less 40.
There's only two people know
that's not Eddie's money. You and me.
Who is this?
Vinnie Zapatti.
I can get you out of this.
I can get you the pension, the medals.
You want them?
Sure, sure, I want them.
Good. Now, I liked Eddie...
...and I wanna help you,
but you gotta help me.
What's that mean?
An airplane ticket and $ 10,000.
$ 10,000!
For God's sake, I can't...
- A lot of money! What've you got?
- Who are you?
Marybeth Cogan.
Detectives' Endowment Association.
I represent the Santos family.
What have you got?
I made the meeting
for Eddie with Tino... he could give up
what he knew about the judge.
And what was that?
10,000 and a plane ticket.
I'll give you the destination later.
Your information is worthless
unless I can bring a witness.
Which Zapatti are we meeting?
Paulie had two brothers.
Tino was John's boy, Vinnie is Jimmy's.
So Vinnie and Tino are cousins?
That's right, cousins.
They have cousins in Louisiana?
Down there, we're all cousins.
If you got a cousin,
you got a vote.
Then why not run for office
instead of carrying the mayor's bag?
I consider it an honor
not only to carry his bag...
...but also to fill it with
things I think the city needs.
Oh, the kingmaker.
The man behind the throne.
I'm beginning to suspect
you don't like politicians.
You're no politician.
They run for office. You're a walker.
Take a right at this gas station...
...because we are almost there.
Thank you.
Vinnie sure likes strange places.
It looks like Monday night
in Key Largo.
He's impersonating Mafia.
Vinnie Zapatti's a joke
to his uncle...
...but a dangerous joke.
As far as I'm concerned,
they're all dangerous jokes.
Do me a favor and
don't write them off just yet.
I said they were dangerous.
Wonder what Vinnie's doing
in a place like this?
Wonder what we're doing
in a place like this.
- This is it.
- Where's our boy?
- I don't know.
- Think Vinnie had a change of heart?
If he's a Zapatti, he has no heart.
- Let's go.
- Don't turn around.
Marybeth, right?
Who's this?
The deputy mayor.
Deputy mayor?
What do I need you for then?
Don't get smart.
I'm the only chance you got.
All right. Let's go.
This a Searider?
What, you know boats?
I worked on a Shrimper like this.
This ain't no Searider.
It's a piece of shit.
They call it a Surfrider.
I wanted a Searider,
but my uncle wouldn't pop for it.
Your uncle like boats?
Who? Paulie?
Paulie wouldn't know
a cleaver from a fucking cleat.
It was my dream, you know.
Free of the goombahs.
Run a charter in the islands.
Eddie was gonna help me.
You and Eddie?
That's a strange marriage.
He was only gonna find clients.
I'll tell you something.
If I'd met him earlier,
I'd never be in this mess.
If only Tino hadn't whacked Eddie.
Know why he was there that morning?
Santos wasn't there to take Tino down.
He was there to get information
on the judge.
How do you know?
I was there that morning.
What information on the judge?
That you get with $ 10,000
and a plane ticket.
Come up with it by tomorrow.
This meeting is adjourned.
Let us bring you in.
We'll put you in the
Witness Protection Program.
No, thanks. I got my own
Witness Protection Program.
The sharks are already circling.
Another Zapatti washed up.
They fished him out of
the 79th Street Basin.
Victim's hands were bound in a
Forensics reveal blows...
...from a blunt instrument.
Where have you been?
- Had a busy night.
- I'm sure you did.
Read this morning's
operations printout?
What about it?
I was with Vinnie Zapatti last night.
He's dead because of Tino Zapatti's
probation report.
Now there's four deaths.
They're connected.
- That's all I know...
- That's all I wanna know!
- Just trying to circle the wagons.
- Circle the wagons?
Who do you think you are?
Some gumshoe in a dime novel...
...loose-cannoning around the city?
Consorting with known mobsters!
Kevin, for God's sakes!
You're the mayor's right-hand!
What are you fucking around for?
You see this desk?
It belonged to Fiorello La Guardia,
"the little flower. "
He was about 5 foot tall.
Used to read the funny papers
to children over the radio...
...and was about
the best mayor the city ever had.
Know what La Guardia said?
"Why is it
every time you can do some good...
...the nice people come in
and mess you up?"
Be nice. Don't mess me up.
- Did I wake you up?
- You kidding?
I've been trying to figure out
how to raise $ 10,000.
The hook is in, and I'm close.
Vinnie is Eddie's passport...
... to an honorable death.
- Vinnie's dead.
- Murdered.
- What?
Vinnie Zapatti's dead.
He washed up
near the 79th Street Basin.
- Oh, God.
- Heads up.
Call when you get to your office.
Bronx. Take East River Drive.
Now, look.
I don't have a lot of time.
I cleared it with the captain.
Take all the time you need.
You're pulling rank on me?
Still looking for a new shoe size?
I know all the jokes. "Cement C."
What I need now are the straight lines.
The police commissioner
works for the mayor.
- What is your point?
- Trust me or fuck you.
Stand up.
I just need to see... many people...
...that I'm talking to.
It's just me.
All right.
Eddie called me from Manhattan South.
The night before?
He wanted me to come up there with him.
You didn't go.
- You did the right thing.
- No, I didn't!
He had no business there
without a ghost.
That should have been me
plus backups.
But Eddie was such a hothead...
I mean...
...the kind that never cools off.
What do you want to tell me?
There was another probation report.
This one... set Tino up for the max,
What happened to it?
I don't know.
Who wrote it?
That's all I got.
The probation officer...
James Wakeley.
You won't find him on Leonard Street.
Where is he?
Upstate, working parole.
I told you not to come up here.
You made a long trip for nothing.
Do you want to tell me the truth
now or under oath?
You looking to grow
brass balls, miss?
I'm doing well without them.
Do you want a subpoena,
or may we continue?
What brought you here
from Leonard Street?
New York State parole officer.
Better pay and pension.
- Nicer surroundings.
- Think so?
- What happened to Tino Zapatti?
- He's dead, isn't he?
I'm talking about two years ago.
He got probation.
What sentence did you recommend?
Ten to 20.
I saw the rap sheet.
Tino was pushing drugs to kids.
Not doing it himself,
but having kids deal for him.
Weapon from a previous homicide?
Disappeared in the second report.
Who ordered it?
That I don't know.
Why didn't you ask?
Sudden urge to move to the country.
I forgot about it.
Now if you'll excuse me...'d better get out of here.
My lumbago tells me that
snow is coming.
You better hurry.
Buffalo gets socked in pretty fast.
Thank you for your time.
Watch your step. It's slippery.
Thank you.
- How long?
- About an hour.
You don't want to suffocate
in a tunnel.
They got to dig one out ahead.
Meanwhile, enjoy the snow.
We can't eat snow.
- Try that diner over there.
- Any good?
Lemon pudding's not bad.
Be back in half an hour.
Like a sauna in here.
- My toes are like icicles.
- Warming up?
What'll it be?
A burger, fries and a Coke.
How is the lemon pudding?
- Homemade.
- I'll give it a shot.
- To go.
- You got it.
Say, why is this called The Floyd Diner
instead of Floyd's Diner?
Because you're in Floyd, New York.
Who'd have thunk it?
Floyd, New York.
Like Clyde, New Jersey.
Could you imagine spending your life
in a place like this?
I can.
I grew up in one.
Ferriday, Louisiana.
There's something special
about small-town life.
So what are you doing in New York?
Every Louisiana boy
catches politics like a disease.
I didn't know that.
That's a fact, and I was no exception.
After law school, I headed where?
Floyd, New York.
Washington. Leapfrogged...
...from staffer
to congressional assistant...
...until the mayor of New York City
came down to testify.
And he gave a speech that day...
...that will stay with me
for the rest of my life.
I went up to him and told him
I admired him and what he stood for...
...and while I was thanking him...
...he asked me if I liked stone crabs.
Halfway through dinner, I had a job.
At the end of dinner,
I felt like I had a new home.
And here we go.
I hear the curve in your voice.
I've been with Pappas for 3 years...
...and I finally found a place, where
you can make a difference.
Well, you did.
You made a difference
to Elaine Santos.
You cleared Eddie's name,
got their pension.
Yeah, but not so fast.
We gotta keep Wakeley on ice
till I find that report.
We don't need the report.
We just take Wakeley's deposition.
No, that's all you need.
I gotta get that report,
see where it leads.
What if,
while you're playing detective...
...Wakeley decides
it'd be healthier to disappear?
Then we're left with nothing.
How's Elaine
supposed to feed her kids?
That's a risk we gotta take.
I don't need you
to get Wakeley's deposition.
If you talk to him on your own...'ll feel the full weight
of the mayor's office upon you.
It's not a pleasant feeling.
You're a mean prick, you know that?
Where I come from,
that's a compliment.
Hold on a minute.
To what?
Your ambition?
John Pappas' coattails?
Burger, fries, Coke
and a lemon pudding.
I'll take these.
The mayor's boy gets the lemon pudding.
Mr. Schwartz?
Kevin Calhoun.
I've just been talking
to a friend of yours.
- I've got the probation report.
- Where are you?
Right around the corner.
At Franklin and Hudson.
- George.
- Abe called me.
He's in the back.
That's the only way in.
The back door's gated.
All right.
I got a couple marriages.
It's your play.
Throw the card for me.
You've been practicing all your life.
Freddie, give us a minute.
He's dead!
Schwartz is dead.
I heard it on the phone. I was...
Get ahold of yourself. It's okay.
You were right.
You knew it from the minute
we saw him that day.
It wasn't kosher.
There was a second report.
That was only a feeling.
Now it's a fact.
Stern looks so judicial.
How could he be so corrupt?
The sweater unravels.
I'll give you one this time.
"The only thing new in this world is
the history you don't know. "
New Testament?
Harry Truman.
Judge Stern's a good man.
He's good? 5 people are dead!
- What's your point?
- You throw the book at the guy.
Embrace Detective Santos.
Max death settlement for her.
Medal of Honor for the deceased.
I'll make sure Leslie
makes the morning editions with it.
So you got this all figured out?
- That's my job, isn't it?
- That's cold.
That's cold.
I mean you don't just...
It's more complicated than that.
Forgive me.
I know the two of you are old friends.
Be careful how you judge people.
Most of all, friends.
You don't sum up
a man's life in one moment.
There are no cold answers, are there?
There's no simple yes or no.
A man's life is not the bricks.
It's the mortar.
It's the stuff that lays between.
The stuff...
The stuff you can't see.
I've known Walter my whole life.
God! He's a decent man.
- He's a good man.
- But this is tough stuff.
This is body-bag stuff.
Tell me if there's some other way.
There isn't.
Die's been cast.
It was cast a long time ago.
Go easy.
Give him a blindfold and have mercy.
Walter Stern was a tough man,
but he was fair.
We give back the same. No?
And you be careful.
Keep George with you. Let him drive.
I gotta go in here.
I knew James Wakeley would surface...
...just as I knew
when that bullet hit that boy... would keep traveling.
And find its way...?
To me.
If only it had found me first.
If only I could have stepped
in front of him.
Regrets are pathetic, aren't they?
I was tired of being
the white-shoe litigator.
Defending the arbitrageurs...
...and the '80s go-go boys.
All it took was $50,000
to change my life.
Fifty thousand,
and the judgeship was mine.
Absurd, isn't it?
The mayor has the highest
regard for you, judge.
And I for him.
Your resignation in about six months
would be appropriate.
Six months, did you say?
How about six hours?
This is the scene at
the D.A. 's office...
... where city officials have been
brought in for questioning...
... in the story surrounding
the resignation of Judge Walter Stern.
After the checks
and balances rap, we'll go into:
"Revelations are not
Consider Judge Wachtler,
a man of impeccable credentials...
...who fell subject to... "
- Take it out.
- The whole thing?
- Leave the Wachtler stuff in there.
- Just say it plain.
- You know the rest.
Sharks are getting hungry.
Give them a one-minute sign.
Lean and hungry, even the fat ones.
Any news?
Got anything?
Thirty seconds,
ladies and gentlemen. Thirty.
Convention's coming to town.
You gonna be all right?
Thanks for asking. I'll be fine.
Damage control, remember.
Damage control.
- You look good.
- Of course. I'm the mayor.
Lyndon Johnson said:
"Everybody will give you ideas
on how to get out of trouble...
...cheaply and fast.
And they all come down to this:
Deny your responsibility. "
John F. Kennedy said:
"An error doesn't have to become
a mistake...
...until you refuse to correct it. "
There were explosive developments...
... with the incident at
Broadway and Marcy.
The revelation of a missing
probation report...
... may result in the
handing up of indictments...
... by the grand jury
of Supreme Court Judge Stern...
... and Brooklyn Democratic leader,
Frank Anselmo.
His connections...
... to Mafia chieftain, Paul Zapatti,
are certain to be examined.
Sources say the career of the
political boss is over...
... and a long prison term
is in the offing.
Chester, what are you doing?
Did Mommy let you out? Did she?
And how was your day today?
Give me a kiss.
You okay, Frank?
Fine, sweetheart. I'm fine.
It's been on the TV all morning.
Yeah, I know. I heard.
I fixed you some osso buco.
I had a feeling you might
come home for lunch today.
It smells good.
I'll just go get the clothes.
That machine's thunking again.
How are you, Frank?
- I'm good, considering.
- Yeah, of course.
Of course.
Nettie's down with the laundry.
Stay for lunch? Osso buco.
Osso buco.
Nettie fixes it piemontese.
Peppers and everything.
No, that's all right. I had my lunch.
- Can I get coffee?
- No, thanks.
What do you think?
Well, same old thing.
This time it's this Calhoun guy.
I never liked him.
- He's a cracker.
- Of the worst kind.
He's out of here tomorrow.
No, I don't think so.
What are you talking about?
He's a reed.
You push him and he bends.
Not this one.
This one's a terrier.
I had a dog like him once.
I went to have him put down.
He jumped out of my arms at the vet's
and took off for the park.
Sometimes I still think
I see him out there...
...watching me...
...gnawing on an old bone.
Excuse me.
Hello, Nettie.
Can I help you with the basket?
No, no. I didn't know
Frank was expecting you.
Due espressi?.
Maybe later.
we can beat something like this.
I don't like the odds.
We go back a long way.
I know, I know.
I tried to close the door, Frank.
Couldn't get it shut.
- What do you want me to do?
- Take the pressure off yourself.
Here's the thing. They'll tell you:
"Yeah, yeah, sure.
You have the key to the cell.
Go ahead. "
But you won't be able
to open it without singing.
You're a singer.
Give me a chance, and I'll show you
how quiet I can be.
It's out of my hands, Frank.
Do the right thing, will you?
- Make it easy for yourself.
- Frank, honey. Lunch!
And your family.
Senator, I guarantee this is nothing but
a blemish on a great metropolis.
The party will never see that blemish
in June.
All it'll see is the Garden,
the Plaza, the Waldorf...
...electricity, excitement, fun.
Catch the noon news in D.C.
He's only magnificent.
Four extra classes
graduate the academy this year.
Unions? Did I hear you say unions?
Every municipal contract...
Harriet. You watching this?
World Bank interest you more?
Want to read about the
convention in the Chicago Tribune?
Well, okay. Okay then.
Wait till you see his performance
on the 6:00 news.
When the train leaves the station...
...the Times, good and gray lady
that she is, will want to be onboard.
What happened to you?
I called you.
You were down in the basement.
I'm gonna get a washer
at Orchard Supply...
...stop the machine from thunking.
I'll eat when I get home.
Be careful.
Of course.
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed
And blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
I know the water's rising.
It's up to the floorboards.
But I guarantee you...
...we're bailing it out faster than
we're taking it in.
Let me call you back.
I'll call you
when we can talk at length.
Anselmo just killed himself.
And this is the original
probation report.
The one we were looking for.
They found it in Anselmo's car.
The police commissioner gave it to me.
He didn't want it ending up
as tomorrow's headline.
"Tino Zapatti.
Recommended prison sentence:
- Check this one out?
- This one's kosher.
The story ends where it began.
White-shoe lawyer,
Brooklyn clubhouse boss.
Walter Stern and Frank Anselmo.
Don't see them in the same room.
Something's still wrong, you know?
I know.
Before we nail up the house
for the season... more door to close.
Afternoon, Mr. Calhoun.
- Sorry, the judge left for the day.
- Of course you're sorry.
Is that your signature?
We record
the receipt of all documents.
What about phone calls?
You keep a log of them?
Take a minute for me, please.
Look up the dates of Frank Anselmo's
calls to this office.
You're in the wrong pew, Mr. Calhoun.
Frank Anselmo never called this office.
What about the mayor?
He's in his dressing room,
Mr. Calhoun.
Where you been?
I was looking for you.
Trying to get
to Senator Marquand.
Well, he got through to me.
They're moving the convention
to Miami.
Miami? Why?
They like Miami.
Glamour. Whoopi Goldberg, Madonna
just bought houses in South Beach.
Maybe we can nominate them.
I thought it was all cut.
Cut, not cut.
Politics. Nothing's cut.
Where you going?
I'm gonna pay my respects
to Nettie Anselmo.
Do you think that's wise?
- What's wise got to do with it?
- The perception...
Fuck perception!
Talking menschkeit.
Stuff between men.
The "there" that's there.
The thousand telephone calls.
The bouquets and the brickbats.
The space between a handshake.
You know.
Stuff that goes with you
to your grave.
There's space between a handshake
for right and wrong?
Why are you pressing me?
I'm looking for an answer.
You want an answer?
Okay, Pappy.
Think of it as colors.
There's black and there's white.
And in between is mostly gray.
That's us.
Gray's tough because it's not
as simple as black and white.
And for the media, certainly not
as interesting.
But it's who we are.
What are you gonna do now?
You mean "we. "
We'll fight the sons of bitches.
We're gonna come out swinging.
We're gonna tell them, "Hey!
We're only human.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Frank Anselmo is dead.
He was a friend...
...but the last
of the clubhouse bosses is gone. "
We're gonna clean up
the Augean stables.
We'll go to Miami...
...have them on their knees, begging me
to make the keynote speech.
And then?
A short sojourn to Albany...
...followed by a long one
at the White House.
If I didn't know better,
I'd be bursting with admiration.
I thought I'd come in and
find you on your knees.
Instead, you're turning
adversity into triumph.
That's just a reflex.
An old habit of mine.
But it's still good to hear you say it.
The way you say it too.
"Adversity into triumph. "
It's good to know
you still believe in me.
Did I say that?
I don't know.
I thought you did.
Don't fathers listen to their sons?
How is your father these days?
I haven't heard you mention him
for a while. Where is he?
In a nursing home in
Crowley, Louisiana.
Plays dominoes with orderlies.
Fulminates over his Cream of Wheat.
Don't be too hard on him.
We can't dictate our finishes.
I don't like the sound of that.
Of course you don't.
Because underneath
all that need to believe...
...under all the concrete
you poured into my pedestal...
...something is crying to get out.
You know I called Judge Walter Stern.
Anselmo called me.
I knew the Mafioso had called him, but
in this business, you don't trade names.
And I called Walter.
That's all there was to it.
I was doing Anselmo a favor.
Run caution lights all my life.
This time you ran a red, and
someone cut across the intersection.
A cop and a 6-year-old child.
That's with me forever.
That's not good enough.
Not good enough?
You think I don't know that?
I hope so, John.
Scares me when you call me John.
Why's that?
Because I...
...I thought a minute ago
we were off to the White House.
I thought I could feel you come aboard.
The old menschkeit.
Menschkeit is horseshit.
It's 120 years of graft
and sweetheart contracts...
...featherbeds and
inside information...
...and everywhere people in power
gather to carve up the turf.
That's your menschkeit.
It's horseshit.
You know where you can put it.
Maybe spread it over the fields.
If we cross our fingers,
maybe a flower will grow.
It has.
Out of all this crap... emerged.
- You're the only voter I care...
- I'm getting that "con" feeling.
- Like you're copping a plea.
- No, come on. No plea.
I'm just a pol who kept rolling along
until he ran into a stone wall.
You were that wall.
And I realized...
...just like me when I was a kid.
Young, ambitious, go-getter, but fair.
Trading up, but always for
the right causes. You're doing good.
Not putting money in your pocket.
Just trying to maintain your position.
Your power.
What good are you
to the people without it?
But down deep... know there's a line you
can't cross.
And after a thousand trades...
...and one deal too many...
...the line gets rubbed out.
I had the fire in the belly
just like you, Kevin.
And the odd thing is,
I still have it.
Never left me.
I had the dream...
...and I had the weight.
Like one of those guys before me said:
"If a sparrow dies in Central Park,
I feel responsible. "
Well said. I feel that way.
I was gonna take
that feeling with me...
...all the way to Washington.
The things you could have done.
Fucking things I could've done.
You're gonna take yourself out, John.
You're gonna take yourself out.
Take a long vacation in Greece.
Pick up the law again.
Go the way of William O'Dwyer.
He fucked up
and played ambassador to Mexico.
I'm not that ambitious.
Then suck it up,
and find some other way.
Listen to you.
I thought I'd see a boy's tears.
The tears are there.
Just can't see them right now.
You got the stuff, Pappy.
I love to see it in a guy.
Kevin Calhoun for City Council.
Voters of the 6th District...
... come meet your next
city councilman, Kevin Calhoun.
Kevin Calhoun. How are you?
Kevin Calhoun.
How about some literature?
Kevin Calhoun. How are you, sir?
Good afternoon.
I'm running for 6th District.
We got some important issues.
We need to clean this place up.
I'd love your vote.
I'm running for City Council.
Hello. Kevin Calhoun.
- Running for City Council.
- I'll vote for you.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Will you be voting?
- You're running in the 6th District?
- I am.
Well, 6th District is my district.
I'm very interested
in who'll represent me.
I'm interested that you're interested.
As Huey Long once said, and I quote:
"If you got a friend, you got a vote. "
- Did he say that?
- He sure did.
He told me to move to the 6th District.
He said the people are special.
- So do I have your vote?
- You can count on it.
That's one.
No. More than one, actually.
I hear Elaine Santos is ready
to stand up for you.
Sounds like a groundswell.
I wish I could tell you I won...
... but I got thrashed by a
Dominican from 104th Street.
I got branded an outsider,
and I was never in it.
But I'll be back in 2 years,
and I'll win.
You know why?
I'm willing to be lucky.
And if you're willing to be lucky...
... New York will give you a chance.