City of God (2002)

Fuck, the chicken's got away!
Go after that chicken, man!
Get that chicken!
If Li'l Z catches you,
he'll kill you.
Yeah, well, he's gotta find me first.
Get that chicken!
Hey, kid! Get that chicken!
Get that chicken!
Shit! The cops!
Hell, don't fucking run off!
Give me that.
Hey, Melonhead!
You fucking fag!
A picture could change my life,
but in the City of God,
if you run away, they get you,
and if you stay, they get you too.
It's been that way
ever since I was a kid.
You're useless, man!
- Go get the ball!
- Fucking useless!
Hey, kid!
Give me the ball. I wanna play.
You wanna mess with me?
Fuck off.
What's your name?
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.
- I'm Rocket.
- Some advice, Rocket...
Don't let Li'l Dice touch that ball.
He sucks.
You lose, pal.
That's Shaggy.
To tell the story of the City of God,
I have to start with him.
...eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve...
But in order to tell Shaggy's story,
I must tell the story
of the Tender Trio.
Well, Shaggy?
The gas truck's coming.
- What are you fucking around for?
- You're not gonna chicken out.
The notorious Tender Trio
was legendary in the City of God.
and Goose.
Tagging along were always Li'l Dice
and Benny, Shaggy's brother.
I never had the courage
to follow my brother.
OK, let's go.
- Come on, Goose.
- Let's go!
Stop this fucker!
Stop or I'll shoot, motherfucker!
Get out!
Hurry up, asshole!
Gimme the money!
Who wants gas?
More! You wanna die
for your boss's damn money?
Shitloads of money here!
You see, asshole?
Fuck! The cops!
Clear out! Everything is fucked up.
Back then, I thought
the guys in the Tender Trio
were the most dangerous hoods
in Rio.
Here! Buy some new balls.
But they were just amateurs.
Even my brother, Goose.
Give this money to Dad.
But don't tell him it's from me.
- Hey, Stringy!
- Yeah?
- Let's go.
- Look how much I've got.
We came to the City of God
hoping to find paradise.
Many families were homeless
due to flooding
and acts of arson in the slums.
A street light!
We'll have electricity!
The bigwigs in government
didn't joke around.
Homeless? Off to City of God!
There was no electricity,
paved streets or transportation.
But for the powerful,
our problems didn't matter.
We were too far removed
from the picture postcard image
of Rio de Janeiro.
Do you think I can become
a lifeguard one day?
I don't know.
Being a lifeguard
is better than a fishmonger.
I don't want to sell fish. It stinks.
- Are you insulting your father?
- No.
So what do you want to be?
I don't know.
- Not a hood or a policeman.
- Why not?
I'm scared of getting shot.
Put that thing away, kid.
Are you nuts?
Pointing that gun at me?
Take it easy with the kid, Goose.
Li'l Dice is with me.
Right, I'm a gangster too.
That gas truck didn't bring much.
So what?
We rob gas trucks every day.
One today, another tomorrow.
No, we need to rob
some rich guy's house.
That's the only way to get outta here.
Hell, no. What you need
is to follow my plan.
That's it.
The little fart's getting
too big for his britches!
He gets high
and starts talking bullshit.
You two junkies aren't worth
half as much as that kid.
What you got in mind, Li'l Dice?
To be a real hood you need more
than just a gun. You need ideas.
And Li'l Dice had them.
- Is that the motel?
- Yeah.
We grab the money and get out.
No killing.
- I need this.
- Don't touch my gun.
- Don't do that again.
- Don't point at me.
Don't point your finger at me!
Stop acting like a baby!
Here's yours.
Let's go!
- Not so fast!
- What?
You stay here and keep watch.
If the cops come,
shoot that window over there.
- Why me? Let that dork do that.
- Calm down.
I gave you this great plan for free
while that guy's absolutely useless!
- You just had the idea.
- Exactly!
You're just a kid, remember?
You cover us, OK?
Let's go.
You'll get your turn.
Stop trying to rush things.
You stay there.
EXI This is a hold-up, bitch.
You should be studying or working.
You don't look like hoodlums.
You can't even tell.
You should be working, studying.
Shut up! What a pain in the ass!
OK, Clipper?
Shall we go in?
I didn't order anything.
It's on the house, sir.
Hand over the money!
Keep calm. All I want is your cash.
- Don't point that...
- Your wallet...
Hey, man.
What kind of whorehouse is this?
- You from the church?
- Yes, brother.
Give it to me!
You're fat and flabby!
Wanna take her place?
What's going on?
- The cops!
- Let's beat it!
Take that car.
I'll go get Li'l Dice.
Jesus, what a car!
Something fucked up.
Li'l Dice is gone.
The cops are shooting. Let's go!
Slow down! Hold on.
You said you knew how to drive.
I do, so cool it!
Turn! Watch out!
You fucking asshole!
Hey, I didn't do it on purpose.
No-one saw anything.
So keep your mouths shut,
Hold on, I twisted my ankle.
Goose fucked up his ankle.
- What happened?
- It fucking hurts.
Take him into the woods.
I'll shoot to distract the cops.
- In God we trust.
- In God we trust.
Pass me the telephone, Penguin.
Shorty is another notorious guy
in the City of God.
But it's not yet time
to tell his story.
It fucking hurts, Goose.
Shut up.
You sound like a damn sissy, man.
Climb up!
No-one saw anything?
How odd! A car crashes into a bar
and no-one saw a thing.
I suppose
you didn't see anything either?
As usual, no-one saw,
no-one knows.
So what's up, Shorty?
They're hiding in the woods.
Hello, Melonhead.
I have this feeling
that they're out in the woods.
- The motherfuckers.
- They're out in the woods.
Felipe, lock up the car.
Rangel, come with me.
I can't see a thing.
How the hell can they see?
Fucking jungle.
- They stole a fortune at that motel.
- I know.
What if we took the money?
Are you crazy?
I'm not getting mixed up in that.
I want to exterminate these guys.
What? Since when is stealing
from niggers and thieves a crime?
It won't be hard to nab them.
I have a stoolie in the City.
Did you hear those shots?
If I catch one of them, I'll kill him.
Open the door.
- What's the matter?
- The cops are after me.
The cops are on my ass!
Hide me!
Quick, come in.
I thought the cops
would be down there all night.
I had a vision, Goose.
You been smoking something?
- You've had a job, right?
- Yeah.
What's it like?
What do people say?
I worked with my father.
And fathers talk a lot of shit.
You know what, Goose?
I'm getting out.
I don't want to die.
This gangster's life isn't for me.
The cops are still down there.
I don't give a shit.
I'm going back to the church.
I will say of the Lord,
he is my refuge and my fortress,
in him will I trust.
Fear not the terror by night,
nor the arrow that flies by day.
- Stop, motherfucker!
- Don't move!
Stop, or I'll shoot!
...shall abide under the shadow
of the Almighty.
The hold-up at the motel went down
as the bloodiest in history.
The destinies of the outlaws
then took different paths.
I don't think this guy
was involved in the heist.
See here?
- He's a worker, not a hoodlum.
- I'll make him one now.
Destiny put Clipper
back into the hands of God.
Shaggy was in Bernice's hands.
And Goose was in my father's hands.
Why do you do these things?
You think I'm a fool?
From now on, you'll work with me.
Your younger brother
will keep an eye on you.
If I catch you
with money that isn't yours,
I'll kill you.
That goes for you, too.
Get changed!
You start work immediately.
Having a hood as a brother sucks.
You always end up footing the bill.
Don't worry.
Dad's mad at me,
but he'll get over it.
Give me that, Rocket.
It's not for you.
- You have to study.
- Getting shot doesn't scare you?
I'm a hood because I got no brain.
But you're smart.
You should study.
I go to school
because I don't like physical work.
Promise me something...
That you'll never touch this gun.
Let's shake.
We'd better hurry.
I'm gonna sell a lot of fish.
And don't laugh.
You grinned when I got slapped.
- Who, me?
- I saw you.
What is it, Shaggy?
Cat got your tongue?
Your fidgeting behind me
makes me nervous.
I'm thinking of what to say to you.
You're thinking, as well?
Don't. It'll be your downfall.
My heart has chosen you.
And I follow my heart.
Are you pulling my leg?
You never heard
of love at first sight?
Hoods don't love,
they desire.
You criticise everything I say.
Hoods don't talk,
they smooth-talk.
Well, I'll stop
wasting my breath on you.
Hoods don't stop,
they take a break.
Talking about love with you
sure is complicated.
It's not love, it's a con game.
It's just that I love you.
You just might end up convincing me.
After the hold-up,
there were constant police raids
in the slum.
Every day, someone got beaten up,
someone was nailed.
But no-one had seen anything.
No-one knew anything.
No-one blabbed to the cops
about where the thieves
were hiding out.
Why don't you change your life?
Get a job instead of
lying around in bed all day.
- Good-for-nothing!
- What do you mean?
You think you can make money
working? Go ahead.
That's right, Shaggy.
What do you think I do all day?
Take it easy, baby.
You know all I want is to be with you,
have kids
and a farm, raise chickens,
grow pot and get high.
Sure! For me,
that's nothing but smooth talk.
What? I almost got rich
with that motel job.
Are you kidding?
The cops are still looking for you
because of the deaths in the motel.
What deaths?
What are you talking about?
Did you see anything?
You don't know shit, so shut up.
You weren't there.
I didn't kill anyone.
I bet it's those fucking policemen,
and I'm the one taking the rap.
They even nabbed Li'l Dice.
So don't bring it up again!
- I don't care who did it.
- It wasn't me.
Let me just say.
I don't want my kid's father
to be a hoodlum. You're all alone.
- All alone?
- That's right!
- Clipper's gone religious.
- Hallelujah!
- Goose is working.
- Ass-kisser!
- And you?
- I haven't changed. So what?
They've deserted me, that's all.
Then I'm deserting you too.
I'm splitting, Shaggy.
Come with me, if you want.
Otherwise I'll go alone.
Fish for sale!
My brother had promised
to stop messing around.
But a hood doesn't stop.
A hood takes a break.
Goose began messing around
with Shorty's wife.
I have trout.
But for special customers like you,
I also have a kisser fish.
Hey, that's a mullet!
Doesn't your husband
go down on you?
Mine, before entering me,
has to use his tongue.
For about half an hour.
And from behind?
Do you let him?
Good God, no.
Doesn't it hurt?
The first few times.
Then you'll see, it's fantastic.
But you need a banana.
What for?
You're missing
the good things in life, girl!
You take a banana, warm it up...
Put it up your thing,
while he takes you from behind.
It's a real rush!
Ask your husband.
I couldn't. You don't know him.
He's liable to beat me.
Try him.
Men go wild for smut like that.
Motherfucking nigger!
Whoring bitch!
Rocket, give me your shorts.
Take them off, damn it!
- No way I'm getting naked!
- You want your brother to die?
- Give me your shorts!
- Give me your shirt.
Your shorts! Hurry up!
I knew it. It's always me
who forks out for that bum.
The bastard ran off.
That's his brother.
- That brat there?
- I'll castrate that fucker.
Fish! Fish for sale!
Hey, kid, come over here.
- Where's your brother?
- He's not working today.
- Get in.
- I didn't do anything.
- Get in!
- What about my fish?
Hurry it up, kid!
- I don't want to lose my fish!
- Forget your fish. Give me that.
Get in.
- My father will kill me.
- That doesn't matter.
Let's go. There's nothing here.
That day, my father swore he never
wanted to see my brother again.
Let's go, Felipe.
And he never did.
No-one ever saw him
in the slum again.
The story of the Tender Trio
was coming to an end.
Li'l Dice?
Shit, man. I thought
you were a goner at the motel.
You're fucking loaded!
Don't, Benny.
That's our money.
Fuck you.
Cut the crap and give me the money.
Tell your brother Shaggy
that Shorty is squealing.
I'm leaving the slum.
But Shorty had his hands full.
Let's go see, Stringy.
A neighbour called the police
before sunrise.
The tabloids went to town.
"Man Buries Wife Alive
in the City of God."
Along with reporters,
the place was swarming with cops.
The hoodlums took off.
You wanna die?
It's you who's gonna die
if you don't do what I say.
And show the lady more respect.
Let's go, damn it!
- There are cops ahead.
- Fuck them, let's go.
- Where to?
- Anywhere, just go.
What's the matter?
Have mercy!
This car is a piece of junk.
- My ass! Start the damn thing!
- It needs a push.
Push, Shaggy!
You? I don't understand.
You want to arrest the thieves?
Over there.
Nab that guy over there!
Run, Shaggy!
Stop the car!
This way! He's over here.
We got that son of a bitch!
- The bastard!
- He's a murderer.
On the day Shaggy died,
I remember the crowds
and a camera.
I'd always wanted to have one.
Let's go to school.
- Well?
- Let's go to the beach.
- But we have an exam.
- So what?
Everyone else is at the beach.
Come on, let's go!
She's in a bikini,
but doesn't want to go.
What's that saying you have?
The sun is for everyone,
the beach for those who deserve it.
I bought my first camera
when I was 16.
Like all poor people,
I started at the bottom
with the world's cheapest model.
So, Rocket? How are things going?
- Any luck getting laid yet?
- None.
Angelica, I was crazy about her.
So, Rocket, still clicking away?
She was gorgeous and the only girl
in our gang who screwed.
I wanted to lose my virginity with her.
With her, buddy?
She's got a guy.
- So? I'm not jealous.
- Her dad's a sergeant.
No-one's perfect.
Closer together!
I was the official photographer
of our gang.
The gang of groovies.
Everyone paid
to have copies of the pictures.
Tiago, move back a little.
Is this OK?
I need a joint.
Instead of smoking, man,
you should snort coke. It's far out.
You snort, Tiago?
I prefer a good toke.
If you like, I can get it for you.
You can?
Then go on, move your ass!
But the choice stuff is coke.
That's a real narcotic.
- Your mouth is all salty, Tiago.
- Screw you.
You want to be a lifeguard, Stringy?
- You're never in the water.
- What?
- I'll bet you a beer I swim better.
- You're on.
If you like,
I can go get you a joint at Blacky's.
I'd have done anything to please her.
Buy her pot, coke.
I could go to the top dogs
to buy quality stuff at a good price
because the local boss
was a former classmate, Blacky.
Who is it?
Come in.
- How are things down there?
- Fine.
- And the kids?
- Fine too.
- You want to buy or smoke a joint?
- Buy.
Come in, buddy.
Who is it?
This was Blacky's turf.
But it hadn't always been his.
- Hey, Blacky.
- Fuck, Li'l Dice.
You show up like this at my place?
Who said it was your place?
Dona Zelia began selling drugs here
in order to raise her daughters.
She also gave away drugs
to boys at times
in return for special favours.
Her favourite was "Big Boy".
One day, he grew very big!
Zelia's operation was so amateur
that he had no trouble
seizing it from her.
Big Boy used
the neighbourhood kids as dealers.
- What about my pot?
- Stick it up your ass.
The best dealer...
I sold everything.
...was a guy called Carrot.
Can I have a sip?
He earned Big Boy's trust
and moved up to become a manager.
Blacky, 20 for us and 5 for you, OK?
One day
a buddy of Carrot's showed up.
His name was Aristotle.
My wife needs an operation.
His family had taken Carrot in
when he was down and out.
He couldn't refuse
to help a brother in need.
Here's the dope. I want the dough
no later than Friday.
- You've bailed me out, brother.
- Friday.
He's my buddy.
Practically my brother, Big Boy.
Give him another week.
Either you kill him or I'll kill you.
Carrot had no choice.
- Hear the news? I got a job.
- I said Friday.
Don't do it, man.
Carrot wanted to kill Big Boy,
but it wasn't necessary.
Big Boy hadn't paid off the cops.
He died in jail.
We got them!
Carrot took everything
that belonged to Big Boy,
but didn't want the apartment.
The place was ill-fated.
Carrot gave it
to his most trusted dealer...
150 bags.
We can sell loads.
That's how he took over
the local trade.
But not for long.
Who is it?
Go see.
- Hey, Blacky.
- Fuck, Li'l Dice.
You show up like this at my place?
Who said it was your place?
Yeah, who?
Li'l Dice?
Li'l Dice, my ass.
My name is Li'l Z now.
Li'l Z had always wanted
to be boss of the City of God,
ever since he was called Li'l Dice.
They're having fun, and not me?
I want to get out of here.
What, kid? Your friend took everything.
What do you want?
That night, Li'l Dice
satisfied his thirst to kill,
though he knew
Shaggy would never forgive him.
To avoid being punished,
he left the City of God.
He had to work hard for peanuts.
- What's with you, kid?
- You're an idiot.
Yeah, Benny!
Li'l Dice and Benny managed well.
They had the gift of crime.
- You have more than me.
- It was my idea.
The only problem
was running into an older hoodlum
like my brother Goose.
Li'l Dice?
Shit, man. I thought
you were a goner at the motel.
You're fucking loaded!
Don't, Benny.
That's our money.
Fuck you. Pass me the money!
Benny, tell your brother Shaggy
that Shorty is squealing.
I'm leaving the slum.
Take it. From Shaggy.
You'll need it.
From one hit to the next,
Li'l Dice grew up.
At 18, he was the most respected hood
in the City of God.
You're of age now, watch out!
He was one of
the most wanted robbers in Rio.
Li'l Dice, how's it going?
Happy birthday.
I'm so glad you've turned 18.
- Get lost, Tuba!
- Excuse me, amigo.
Give me a beer!
Didn't you see me, prick?
You didn't see me?
What's up, man?
Up yours! The next time,
I'll waste you, asshole!
Li'l Dice was ready for anything.
I wanna talk.
And he was itching to start.
- Who are the fattest cats here?
- There are tons of them.
Look at Jerry Adriani.
Gold chain, snazzy clothes.
Look at Pereira
and the chick he's with.
Bernice. She was my brother's girl.
Check out his car.
Then there's Blacky.
Covered in gold.
Gold chain, gold watch.
Look at Carrot, and his car.
They're all dealers.
They're all fucking loaded.
Hold-ups bring in chicken shit.
The big bucks are in drugs.
- I see.
- Especially in selling coke.
- But you need money.
- Not really.
We'll kill these clowns
and take over their business.
- When do we start?
- Now.
is the light that shines forth.
He brought you here.
Why remain in the City of God,
where God has forgotten you?
I know what you want.
You want power.
I have something
which will give it to you.
To change your fate,
I give you my protector, boy.
But you mustn't fornicate
with the amulet,
otherwise...'ll die.
The boy is no longer called Li'l Dice,
but Li'l Z.
Li'l Z will grow up.
You'll stick with me,
I'll stick with you.
Li'l Dice became Li'l Z
and he began to kill.
He started one morning,
taking over Jerry Adriani's racket.
He spent all day on the job.
By night, almost all of the rackets
in the slum were his.
The only business
he didn't touch was Carrot's,
since he was a friend of Benny's.
All that was left was the apartment.
But that would be easy.
Who is it?
Go see.
- Hey, Blacky.
- Fuck, Li'l Dice.
You show up like this at my place?
Who said it was your place?
- Yeah, who?
- Something wrong, Li'l Dice?
Li'l Dice, my ass.
My name is Li'l Z now.
Li'l Z, see?
- You're a goner, bastard.
- Don't kill him. He understands.
Right, Blacky?
It's all yours.
I don't want no trouble, OK?
I should have taken this chance
to avenge my brother's death.
You'll live, but you'll work for us.
That's easy to say.
- Where are you going?
- He's clean, Li'l Z.
What's your name, kid?
- Rocket.
- He's Goose's brother.
- Goose?
- The late Goose.
Quick, kid. Run along.
Tell everyone that this business
now belongs to Li'l Z.
And that we'll be selling coke.
Got that?
- Where's the turf?
- Over there, on the left.
Selling drugs
is like any other business.
The supplier
delivers the merchandise,
which is then packaged
on the premises.
It's done in an assembly line.
Boring as hell.
Pot is wrapped up in "lids".
Cocaine is put into packets,
and then into bundles of 10 or 100.
You can even make a career
in dealing drugs.
The kids start out as delivery boys.
They're paid to run errands
and take messages.
Then they become lookouts.
If the police arrive,
the kites disappear
and everyone scrams.
Later, you become
a dealer or a "vapour".
When the heat's on,
the "vapour" quickly evaporates.
Moving up the ladder,
you have the "soldier".
And if the guy is good at maths,
he can become a manager,
the boss's right-hand man.
The police receive their part
and don't make trouble.
Since Li'l Z killed off
all of his enemies,
there were no shoot-outs
in the City of God.
You could drive there.
The playboys felt safe
buying their drugs there.
The City teemed with addicts
and Li'l Z grew rich.
- Do you want to try some?
- Cheers, mate.
- Can't decide which to wear.
- This one's cool.
If dealing were legal,
Li'l Z would have been
man of the year.
But things were risky for me.
I was afraid of him.
And he was everywhere.
What a drag this guy is.
Whenever I wanted to smoke a joint,
I had to go see Carrot.
Half a lid.
But it was worth it.
I only smoked with Angelica.
She and Tiago had split up,
so I made my move.
I was about to win her over.
These pictures are really great.
- You think so?
- I look good here.
- You look beautiful everywhere.
- I'm serious.
Me too.
A setting sun, a deserted beach,
a long kiss.
I was sure this was it.
But the Runts arrived.
Can I have a toke?
- I'm going. See you later.
- You're leaving?
She's leaving!
Hold on, Angelica.
- Your joint, man.
- Keep it.
What a cool guy.
That was my first run-in
with the Runts.
- Steak and fries, Benny.
- Great!
- A tip for you.
- Really? Thanks.
- Wanna eat something?
- No.
Wanna trade this watch?
After Angelica left him,
Tiago began snorting more and more.
- Is it your grandfather's?
- No, my dad's.
When a guy is really hooked,
he ends up in the hands of the dealer.
- Two bags often.
- One often.
OK, one bag.
For Tiago, it was different.
- Watch out!
- Sorry, Godfather.
Godfather, my ass.
Did I baptise your kids?
- I'm sorry.
- Now beat it.
Blacky, lend me your bike.
Hey, wanna race?
- Where to?
- Up to the highway.
- OK.
- Ready? Go!
Pretty tough, wasn't it?
Yeah, you're good.
- Where'd you buy those sneakers?
- Not far from here.
- The shirt as well?
- No, uptown.
- Cool.
- It's a designer shirt.
If I give you money,
can you buy me one?
Shorts and a shirt?
Buy whatever you can.
- What size are you?
- Measure me.
- With what, man?
- Shit, with your hand.
- Shoe size?
- Seven.
Turn around.
Hey, Benny!
You got the digs?
- Just one pair of pants?
- No, there's more.
- You like it?
- Yeah.
There's some change.
- Keep it.
- Cool.
This is Benny.
- This is Rocket.
- Hi. I know him.
I've become a playboy.
Hey, gangsters, listen to this.
Watch out.
Groovies shake their asses
before laying a big one.
Oh, yeah?
Fuck off, you bastards!
Making fun of me?
Benny, didn't I tell you
to shoot Carrot?
He's endangering the slum.
- Cool it. Go talk to him.
- I'm gonna kill that fucker.
- Stop trying to wipe out everyone.
- I'm gonna kill him.
Don't worry, Angelica.
The guys in here are cool.
Sure, I'm not worried.
You gonna dance, Benny?
What about Carrot?
Go talk to the guy.
Benny was the coolest hood
in the City of God.
He gave away pot, paid for drinks.
Li'l Z was the opposite.
He had one obsession,
to be the boss of the slum.
He wanted an excuse
to take over Carrot's racket.
- Hey, Carrot.
- What's up?
You shouldn't let the Runts
do hold-ups in the slum.
You look after your section,
I'll look after mine. Got that?
I'm gonna get a drink.
- Hey, Rocket! How's it going?
- Great.
- You OK?
- Good.
Your friend?
- Hey, Benny!
- How's it going?
- Hey, Tiago. How are you?
- Good.
- May I?
- Sure.
Wanna dance?
- Is it OK at your place?
- No problem.
My parents are out.
You'll be all alone with her.
You can lose your virginity tonight.
Not so loud, man!
Everyone will hear.
- You're beautiful.
- Thank you.
Nothing's happening.
Look, man, I know the Runts
are associated with you.
Think I'm a sucker, you little brat?
You want to take my racket?
I want to talk to you
because you're fucking useless.
Get your hand away!
The Runts
are screwing up our security.
Wait, Rocket.
Give the baby his bottle.
just ask the kids to cool it, OK?
He's useless.
He lets the Runts do hold-ups.
The police come around,
and that's bad for business.
I'll do it only because I like you.
But you need to change
that baby's nappy.
I'll show you who's the baby.
Tell the kids that in my slum
no-one robs or rapes!
No wonder you're "Little" Z!
The Runts were kids
who didn't respect the laws of the slum.
They would mug residents,
hold up bakeries,
especially in Carrot's section.
What are you doing?
You rob me all the time!
But they didn't know
that the City had a boss now.
The City had become
much safer for residents.
There were hardly any hold-ups now.
You just had to go see Li'l Z.
- Let's go.
- Don't hurt the Runts.
I won't touch them.
Don't worry,
no one gets through.
- Hi, Steak.
- How's it going, Li'l Z?
- Wanna take a walk, Steak?
- With you? Hold on.
Mum, I'm going out with my friends.
That's the best chicken I ever ate.
The old guy was scared shitless.
Feeling sorry for him?
You're crazy, man!
Why not stick up a bank
or a supermarket?
- Peanuts. Drugs are where it's at.
- Yeah, selling drugs.
Shut up!
But you have to start out
as a delivery boy.
You wanna be a delivery boy?
It's a rip-off.
It takes a long time to move up.
You have to wait till
an older guy gets killed to move up.
I don't wanna wait
till some guy croaks.
I'm gonna do what Li'l Z did.
I'm gonna wipe them all out.
Talking about me, kid?
The boss is here.
Come back, you brat!
Where do you think you're going?
They're quick, those kids.
They run fast.
- They're all gone except you.
- Any others?
You're gonna pay
for the ones that escaped.
You choose.
Shall I shoot you in the hand or foot?
Come on, choose!
Hand or foot?
- Choose, for fuck's sake!
- Come on!
Come on, choose!
- Hand.
- The little hand, eh?
Hey, Steak'n'fries,
let's see what you're made of.
Choose and then kill one of them.
- Leave it. I'll do it.
- Butt out, Tuba. This is for him.
Go on, Steak.
Go on, choose one and shoot.
Come on, I haven't got all day.
Go on, Steak,
choose one and shoot.
Go on, I haven't got all day.
I wanna see what you're made of.
Come on, get it over with.
Come on, I haven't got all day.
Well done!
You did it.
You're one of us.
Very good, Steak.
Get up, brat. Go back to your rat hole.
Without limping!
Tell your buddies
that no-one robs in Li'l Z's slum.
Go now. And no limping, OK?
While Li'l Z was winning
the respect of the residents,
Benny was winning Angelica's heart.
As for me, I was still a virgin,
single and broke.
I had no choice.
I had to take a job in a supermarket.
I worked long hours for chicken feed.
I wanted to be laid off
so I could buy a camera
with the severance pay.
But things didn't work out that way.
- It's the guy on the beach.
- Hey, bro!
- Still smoking good stuff?
- Yeah.
That guy's too cool.
Hey, kid. Come here.
Lift up your shirt.
We give these kids a chance.
They don't appreciate it.
- What about my severance pay?
- What severance pay?
That fucking manager
thought I was part of the gang.
You're fired for serious misconduct.
Get out. Immediately!
I didn't get a single cent.
It was like a message from God.
"Honesty doesn't pay, sucker."
The bus sure took a long time to come.
I should already be at work.
Shit, hide that gun.
Are you nuts?
It was Goose's.
It's broken anyway.
The company
doesn't run many buses on this line.
It's always someone else.
It's my grandfather's fault.
And then they make us squeeze!
Have a nice evening, ma'am.
I know that guy.
He lives in the City.
He'll recognise us.
So? He couldn't care less
if we take his boss's money.
OK. Let's go.
Well, boys?
Aren't you from the City of God?
I'll let one of you through
without paying.
You should study
so you can get out of the slum.
- It's too full of cops and hoodlums.
- Did you study?
I was in school and in the army.
I was the best marksman
in my barracks.
This job
was all I could find afterwards.
But I do karate.
If I'm hired somewhere,
I'll leave the slum.
- Do you fight, then?
- I'm for peace and love.
But if I have to...
He didn't know he would have to.
But not yet. It's not time
to tell Knockout Ned's story.
- We should be going.
- Let's go.
- Goodbye.
- Thanks.
See you.
I couldn't do it.
He was such a cool guy.
Yeah, totally.
That's Gerson's brother.
Let's go home.
- No way! That bakery's empty.
- What will you say?
I don't know. "This is a hold-up."
Here's my number.
- You like soul or groovy?
- Soul.
That one didn't work either.
The counter girl was just too foxy.
And she flirted with me.
Will you call me?
I couldn't pull a gun on her,
she was such a cool girl.
Yeah, I agree.
Excuse me.
I'm lost. How do I get to Barra?
- To Barra?
- Yes.
I thought, "Tough luck
for this guy from So Paulo."
- We were going there.
- You're kidding.
- You're a lifesaver.
- That's right.
Because no guy from So Paulo
could ever be cool.
- The body's over here.
- We found it, chief.
The forensic expert!
Not a pretty sight, eh?
- What a great singer.
- You like him?
I love music. What about you?
Tell me, do you also like pot?
I can't say. I've never tried it.
The devil recognises his own.
Do you have papers?
- I've run out.
- I have some.
I'd always been an ace
at rolling a joint.
If I'd had the same skill with girls,
I'd never have missed
so many chances to lose my virginity.
For a So Paulo guy
you're really cool.
Thanks, bro.
What did they use?
- A club or a rock.
- And the child?
- Untouched.
- Thank goodness.
- How long ago?
- About four hours.
- Can we take it away?
- Go ahead.
The murderer
has to be from the City of God.
You bastard! You motherfucker!
Did you have to kill
your chick in the slum?
The place is crawling with cops now!
- Come on, Li'l Z.
- Come on? Fuck you!
I had to avenge my honour.
Her family's turned me in.
You won't have any problems.
The cops are everywhere
because of you.
- You're dead meat, asshole.
- Let up, Li'l Z.
You've punished him enough.
You know the law.
Anyone who kills in my slum
has to die as an example.
That was his business, Li'l Z.
Listen, you son of a bitch,
get outta the slum.
You showed no respect, understand?
Don't fuck up again!
You know what, Benny?
You're too nice. If you raise a snake,
expect to get bitten.
He wasn't worth shit.
- A dirty traitor.
- Shut up, Tuba.
I'm going for a walk with my girl.
Don't take too long, though.
When things calm down, we'll get back
to our business with Carrot, OK?
You need a girlfriend, Li'l Z.
Know what I'm thinking, Benny?
That I'm so sexy?
That too. But I mean,
you know what we could do?
- Make love again.
- I'm serious.
We could go away from here.
This violence sucks.
Go where?
To a farm.
We're really hippies at heart,
aren't we?
A farm?
Peace and love?
Benny was just too cool
to go on being a hoodlum.
He succeeded in getting everybody
together for his goodbye party.
The gangs.
The soul crowd.
The religious crowd.
I'll pay you a visit at the church.
Thanks for coming to my party.
The samba crowd.
The groovy crowd.
And Li'l Z,
who had never danced in his life.
- Want to dance with me?
- Huh?
- Want to dance with me?
- I didn't hear...
- Want to dance?
- No, thank you, I'm with someone.
Hey, Rocket!
Come, I want to talk to you, buddy.
You can't just split with that chick.
Why not? I'm gonna go live on a farm,
smoke pot, listen to rock.
You wanna throw away everything
for that bitch?
She's not a bitch, she's my girl.
We'll take over Carrot's business.
It'll be yours.
- Carrot's a good guy.
- He's a motherfucker!
Everyone's a motherfucker to you.
That's why I'm leaving.
I'm your friend.
I don't want to fight.
You got to understand, I have to go.
I love you, man, but I've had enough.
let's see if you have any balls.
You wanna die? Fuck off, bitch!
Strip, nigger.
I wanna see your ass.
Hurry up! Take it all off!
I want to see you naked.
Take it off!
Let's go, nigger!
Show your ass to everyone!
Stop it, please.
You loser!
Take it off!
What's up, Benny?
This camera for a bag of coke?
I don't deal any more.
Come on, do it for me.
You're my friend.
- Is it stolen?
- It's OK, it's my dad's.
Your dad's?
Give it to Li'l Z.
Rocket would love this camera.
- Yeah, here.
- Great.
Here I am!
- You wanna be a photographer?
- Yeah.
Here's a present.
Shit, dude! This is great!
Now move your ass.
Shake it!
You'll take some great pictures.
Give me that.
- Give me back the camera!
- No!
Give me back the camera!
What's your problem?
Are you crazy?
They've killed Benny!
Fuck! Call an ambulance!
Where's the motherfucker who did it?
Z, Benny is dead.
No! Call a doctor!
Get out of here, bitch!
It's your fault!
- Go away!
- Motherfucker!
Where's Carrot?
Blacky's here.
He's in trouble.
I'm fucked.
- Why?
- I'm fucked. And you are too.
I think I killed Benny.
Li'l Z's coming to take your place.
We can get him,
he's in the dance hall.
You killed Benny?
I didn't mean to. He moved.
I was aiming at Li'l Z.
Come on, let's go.
You killed the coolest hood
in the City of God.
Let's go get Li'l Z.
Carrot knew that without Benny
only a miracle could save his business.
We're fucked, man.
But what better place
for a miracle to happen
than in the City of God?
Look who's here.
My sugar babe.
- Let me through.
- Gimme a kiss, girl.
Let me through, please.
Have you seen what you look like?
Come on, Li'l Z.
Hi, honey.
Everything OK, baby?
The problem was simple.
Li'l Z was ugly.
Knockout Ned was handsome.
He could get any girl.
Li'l Z had to pay or use force.
It was a duel
between the handsome good guy
and the ugly bad guy.
Let me go!
Just enjoy it.
Come on.
You're mine now.
I told you'd be mine.
Hey, faggot, your broad's really hot!
I can't even look her in the face now.
I can't.
Why didn't that fucker kill me?
Hold on.
Why didn't I kill that fucker?
Let's go back.
- What about Carrot?
- Let's go back.
You gonna kill him?
Knockout Ned, motherfucker!
Come out, you loser!
Take it easy.
I'm going out.
Let me go.
- Gerson!
- Come back, son!
This doesn't concern you, kid.
We're here for your brother.
Let's talk. We can work it out.
My brother's a peaceful guy.
Is he too good-looking
to come talk to me? Call him.
He hasn't done anything.
Are you crazy?
You know who I am?
- Li'l Z, man.
- He's Li'l Z.
Call that motherfucker!
Go on, man.
Calm down. I'll call him.
I hurt my arm.
Carrot will have to wait.
That loser got what he deserved.
Let's go!
That bastard killed my brother.
I can't let that go.
Want a gun?
- My son.
- Calm down, Mum.
Please, Mum.
- Do it right, asshole.
- There's no other way.
How did I let that loser hit me?
Shit, it's deep.
- It's as if we were brothers.
- Shut up.
Both of us hurt in the arm.
You by one brother, me the other.
- Shut up!
- That was incredible!
- Shut up!
- That Knockout Ned's not bad, eh?
He came out of nowhere.
Shut up, Tuba!
You're a fucking pain!
It was as if the City of God
had suddenly found a hero.
God bless you, son.
That kid was just asking
to be killed.
Keep cool.
You did a good job.
You'd better go hide.
I thought Knockout Ned
would start a revolution here.
But God had other plans.
Steak, where are all the dealers?
They're hiding.
Li'l Z is in a bad mood.
They get us hooked
and then they go off and hide.
Do me a favour.
Go get some nose candy for me.
I'll try.
Tell them it's for Tiago,
to keep my buzz going.
go to Carrot's and tell him.
Li'l Z says
that if you kill Knockout,
he'll leave you alone.
Hey, Knockout Ned.
Did you hear that?
Grab the kid!
You heard the boy?
If you don't stick with us,
you're dead.
I think you should join us.
We'll be partners.
Drugs aren't my thing.
This is just something
between me and him.
Those guys aren't worth shit.
They'll do anything for power.
Got the kid.
Like that kid.
They're all robots, like this punk here.
What's in your head, kid?
Can't you see
you're wrecking your life
with that maniac
and a bunch of trigger-happy fools?
Are you crazy?
- You're just a kid.
- A kid?
I smoke, snort,
I've killed and robbed. I'm a man.
Shit, you have no idea!
You should join up with us.
Shall we kill him?
Steak, we're going to grind you.
- OK, I accept.
- Great!
Tell your boss that Knockout Ned
and Carrot are in command.
But on one condition.
No killing of innocent people.
I can't accept that, understand?
OK, no innocent people.
No innocent people.
Steak fucked up!
Cool it, little shit!
Have you got a gun for me?
No, but we can hold up a gun store.
No problem.
I don't want to hold up anything.
I'm not a hoodlum.
This is a personal affair
between me and him, OK?
I'm not a hoodlum.
He raped your chick,
killed your uncle and brother,
gunned your house,
and you killed one of his guys.
If you're not a hood, then get out.
- It's a hold-up!
- This is a hold-up!
The first time...
Where are the revolvers?
...Knockout Ned saved a sales
assistant from being shot by Carrot.
We said no killing!
That's the rule.
We want the boss's money.
Everyone keep calm.
You want us to go? We do too.
Come on, give me the money!
Look at the ground!
The second time,
Carrot saved Knockout Ned's life.
Ned learned that
there's an exception to every rule.
Exception to the rule.
- Are you the manager?
- Yes.
This is a hold-up.
Everyone on the ground!
On the ground!
Give me the money!
I'm not kidding.
The first person
who moves is dead!
The third time,
the exception becomes the rule.
With the hold-up money,
Carrot and Knockout Ned
prepared to face Li'l Z.
Carrot could protect his business.
Knockout Ned,
the best marksman in his battalion,
wanted revenge.
First, the Italians. This is a 9mm.
- Let me see.
- Not bad, eh?
The sight isn't well-aligned.
I'll give you a good price.
The 12mm. The "hand job".
See why?
An Uzi, 9mm. It's Israeli.
The Star of David.
- Jewish.
- I want a 30-06.
Now we can start having fun.
The war's on.
Let's start with a prayer.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Hoodlums have guns, but can't shoot.
One bullet from Knockout Ned
was worth ten from Li'l Z's gang.
Li'l Z couldn't take it.
He counter-attacked.
The slum had been purgatory.
Now it was hell.
I decided to get out.
That's how I became a reporter.
Great photo!
I bet it's by Rogerio Reis.
What did I tell you?
Like any pro,
I started at the bottom.
Way down at the bottom.
Without knowing what awaited me.
Instead of going home,
I'd go over to the paper.
A guy from the City of God
worked in the lab.
Check this out.
He helped me move closer
to what I loved most In life.
- Hi, Rogerio.
- How are you, Pierre?
This is Rocket.
He's a photographer.
Hello, Rocket.
- He's a fan of yours.
- Really?
You have good taste, Rocket!
- Well, I'm done. I'm off.
- See you.
What a cool guy!
What should have been
a swift revenge
turned into an all-out war.
The City of God was divided.
You couldn't go
from one section to the other.
Not even to visit a relative.
The cops considered anyone
living in the slum a hoodlum.
People got used to living in Vietnam.
And more and more volunteers
kept signing up to die.
- This kid...
- What do you want?
A boy from Carrot's gang punched me.
The war
was an excuse for everything.
Li'l Z's soldiers kicked my ass.
Take this.22.
The jerk who raped my sister
is with Carrot.
Li'l Z evicted my family.
I'm unemployed...
Kill... Be respected.
A guy from Li'l Z's gang
is messing up with my sister.
I'm Tiago, a friend of Benny's.
- Can you read? Can you add?
- Yes.
I'm pretty good in business.
OK, get to work.
- What do you want?
- To get my father's murderer.
- What's your name?
- My name's Otto.
What's the matter?
- He's a worker.
- But he wants a gun.
He won't last a week.
A year later, no-one remembered
how it had all begun.
Take that!
For both sides, the aim was
to take over the enemy's business
in order to buy more guns
and take over more businesses.
I smoke, snort,
I've killed and robbed. I'm a man.
The media started taking an interest.
The police had to intervene.
A gang leader from the City of God
was arrested today.
Manuel Machado, aka Knockout Ned,
was hospitalised
after being wounded by Li'l Z's gang.
Our reporter interviewed him.
Is the war still going on?
It's still going on.
Have many people died?
Many have died.
Mostly innocent people.
Just knowing me
is enough to get you killed
by Li'l Z.
The police don't go in there?
They go after me, not him.
I've been in jail
while he goes on killing undisturbed.
And they don't arrest him.
Knockout Ned says
the war will continue.
Police Chief Guedes
has promised
to arrest both of the gangs.
I'm the boss here, but he gets
his picture in the paper!
- Have you found mine?
- Just Knockout Ned's.
Keep looking.
At least my name's got to be in there.
- There's nothing.
- Can you read?
Just the pictures.
Hey, what the fuck are you doing?
It's just the want ads.
I don't care! Read everything!
But there aren't any articles.
Want a bullet in your head?
Gotta show them who's boss here.
- Give me the camera!
- No way!
Take my picture, man.
I can't work it.
Go ahead.
I'll hold the Beretta.
Let me try.
Back off.
There's no click.
What a bunch of bozos!
I'm fucked off with you guys.
I have an idea.
I'll go get a guy I know.
Hang loose.
Here he is.
Take the camera.
Well, kid?
Aren't you a photographer?
Make the camera work.
We can't do it.
Take our picture.
- You fucking broke it.
- It wasn't me.
I think the problem is here.
- What's your name?
- Rocket.
Another picture, Rocket.
- How about two rows?
- What?
Two rows.
Everyone with their guns.
You're outside, for Christ's sake!
- Talk to him nicely, kid.
- Sorry. Move in, please.
Another one.
- I think the roll's finished.
- Show us the pictures.
- They have to be developed.
- Developed?
How much is it?
Take this money
and bring back the pictures.
- I have to remove the film.
- Keep the camera.
Benny wanted to give it to you.
It's yours.
Don't forget the pictures.
The photos, Rocket!
- Pierre!
- What?
Can you develop this for me?
I can't, Rocket.
I could get into trouble.
It's only for the paper's reporters.
I could risk my job.
Develop these for me.
This one too, OK?
I'm going to lunch.
- You're lucky. What size?
- What?
For the enlargement, what size?
Well... Whatever you think is best.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Let's go.
I'm in deep shit now.
I'm as good as dead.
Someone had signed
my death sentence.
I wanted to bash the jerk's face in.
Are you Marina?
Because of you, I'm dead.
You stole my photos.
Dead? Stole? What do you mean?
Not so loud.
Not so loud?
I'll be killed because of you.
You were gone,
your photos were in the lab.
There's nothing I can do.
The photos in our lab are photos
to be published in the paper.
I saw the photos, I published them.
- You stole them.
- I did not. Here.
- Give them to me.
- Just a second.
Give them back to me.
Are there any others?
Calm down. What's your name?
- Rocket.
- Rocket?
Nice to meet you. I'm Marina.
Now, relax. I have money for you.
For your pictures.
Here, when we use a picture,
we pay the photographer.
- Do you want to be a photographer?
- Yes.
Great start! On the front page.
- How did you get these photos?
- I live there.
Rocket, no photographer
has ever been able to go in there.
If you could bring us
more pictures of Li'l Z,
the paper would buy them.
We'd pay you.
Could you?
I don't know.
What's the problem?
The problem?
I can't go there any more at night.
And during the day?
It's too risky.
Look, man! They've finally
understood that I'm the boss.
What's your
photographer-friend's name?
He's good.
I'll take more to show the others.
So, Rocket, is it yes or no?
It's a great opportunity.
You made the right choice.
Very good!
I'll give you some film, lenses,
and another camera.
I'll show you the equipment room.
There's another problem.
- What is it?
- Where can I sleep tonight?
I can't go back now.
This is a 135mm.
- Will you be close up or far away?
- Far away.
- Can you measure the light?
- Yes.
Try it.
Aren't you too close?
I don't know what made me
go talk to them like that.
Maybe I was going to die,
but now I had a camera
and a chance
to become a photographer.
Watch out for the dog shit.
Not to mention
that the night was still young.
- Want something to eat?
- No, thank you, ma'am.
Nothing to eat? Nothing to drink?
A joint?
Try this.
It's time to go to sleep.
I'll show you your bed.
- The water is hot, isn't it?
- Yes. You've never taken a hot shower?
- No.
- What do you do?
We heat up the kettle.
- Why are you standing there?
- What room do I sleep in?
Unfortunately, there's only one room.
You have to sleep with me.
I won't go into the details
of my first sexual experience.
Just relax.
Because elsewhere
another more important sex scene
for the slum was taking place.
Carrot was helping Knockout Ned escape
without firing a shot.
The policeman guarding him
was in the willing hands of the nurse.
And in the meantime, to eliminate Carrot,
Li'l Z was investing in munitions.
He invested heavily,
even if he couldn't pay.
- Remember the double-barrel?
- I already have it.
This is a repeater rifle.
You don't have this one, the Browning.
It'll shoot down a plane.
I'm not shooting down planes.
And the one I asked for?
The AR-15, Uncle Sam.
- You can't get them in Brazil.
- Uncle Sam, my ass.
I have a solution.
The Rugger. Ever seen one?
It's like the AR-15.
Same caliber, but lighter.
With an infrared sight?
400 shots a minute?
- It depends.
- It depends, my ass!
Trying to fuck me over?
I'll fuck you over first.
You leave now
without the money or the guns.
What do I tell the boss?
That's your problem.
You'll think of something.
You heard him, chubby? Get out.
Beat it, fatso.
Li'l Z had made a big mistake.
He should have known that behind
every salesman lies a supplier.
And they don't joke around.
Have you seen this?
What do they need an AR-15 for?
These stories
will push the police to investigate.
They'll nab you.
And me, along with you.
Think I'm going to give you away?
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
But don't fuck up again.
Come here!
Listen, you tell him.
Let's go make
that sleazy little dealer pay up.
Come here, kids!
- Do you like chicken?
- It depends.
We'll eat some chicken
and have Carrot for dessert.
I have a present for you.
A big one for you.
Are you really giving us these guns?
Yes, but I want you on my side,
against Carrot.
Then can we hold up
anyone we want?
Not in the slum.
- Can you shoot?
- More or less.
Hey, you guys, come help these kids.
I know. You do it like this.
Get that chicken!
Come on, let's go.
If Li'l Z catches you, he'll kill you.
Yeah, well, he's gotta find me first.
Hey, kid! Get that chicken!
Get that chicken!
Shit! The cops!
Hell, don't fucking run off!
Give me that.
Hey, Melonhead! You fucking fag!
Get the hell out of here!
Come on, let them kill each other.
They can fuck themselves.
Rocket! Take a picture of us!
What are you waiting for?
What's happening?
Let's go!
Run! Run!
Move, come on.
Let's go!
Kill one of these faggots! Blast him!
Take it easy. Don't move.
It hurts, man.
Easy does it, kid.
Why did you join this fucking war?
Knockout Ned!
Li'l Z's been hit. Come on!
Wait here. Hold on.
- What's your name?
- My name's Otto.
I want to get my father's murderer.
Wait here. Hold on.
The fucking cops!
On the ground!
- Hands over your head.
- Don't move!
- Come on.
- Stand up!
- Let's go.
- Move!
- You're the one I want.
- You're finished, pal.
Handcuff him.
- Wait! Where are you going?
- I got something to clear up.
OK, lovebirds.
Come on, Li'l Z,
let's go settle our scores.
Come on.
Not you.
You're a present for the media.
- Does it come to 10,000?
- Almost. That's all I have.
- That's all there was, chief.
- We searched everywhere.
Let him go.
What about this ring?
Is it gold?
Fill it up.
You'll owe us the rest.
Let's go.
Fucking war!
Knockout Ned is dead
and I'm dead broke!
You're fucked, eh?
Kids, we'll have to do a few hold-ups
to get my business going again.
- Your business, Li'l Z?
- What's your problem, kid?
This is for our friend, motherfucker!
A Soviet attack!
The business is ours!
This picture of the hood
will guarantee my salary.
This one will make me famous.
It'll even make the cover
of a magazine.
I won't have to worry
about Li'l Z any more.
But the cops?
Where are the other photos?
Only this photo
could've gotten us killed?
I think so.
- At least it got you a job.
- Not a job, an internship.
- It pays a little, doesn't it?
- A little.
What about that lady journalist?
Was she a good lay?
- More or less.
- You didn't like it?
I don't think journalists
know how to screw.
- Cocoa robbed three houses in Barra.
- Better kill him.
- Who shot Roger?
- It was Beef.
Kill that fucker.
We should kill the chief
and Gringo as well.
- What about Cherry?
- Let's go. Us two, and three others.
It's a deal.
Have you heard of the Red Brigade?
No, but if they come,
we'll kill them.
- Who knows how to write?
- Me, sort of.
Let's make a blacklist.
We'll kill them all.
- Put fucking Nightowl on there.
- And Croquet.
Leonard, too.
He owes me money.
And Chinaman.
He thinks he's hot stuff.
And Claudio.
- Where's Giant?
- Come on, Giant!
I forgot to say,
my name isn't Rocket any more.
I'm now Wilson Rodrigues,
Manuel Machado, aka Knockout Ned,
was hospitalised after
being wounded by Li'l Z's gang.
On leaving the hospital,
our reporter interviewed him.
Many have died.
Mostly innocent people.
Just knowing me is enough,
just being my friend.
If he thinks someone knows me,
he'll kill them.
The police don't go in there?
They go after me, not him.
I've been in jail three times,
while he goes on
killing undisturbed.
And they don't arrest him.
Knockout Ned
says the war will continue.
Police Chief Jose Guedes
has promised to arrest
both gangs in the City of God.