City of Life (2009)

What's wrong?
What the hell?
Sorry, wasn't meant for you two.
You idiot! Pay more attention!
Khalfan, he said he's sorry.
I did apologise but now
I've changed my mind.
Instead of standing there
with your boyfriend
get lost before I fuck
the both of you!
Let me go!
I should have killed him!
I didn't mean to hit you
It's not like that, but...
He was huge bro!
Bro, you and I have bashed in bigger
heads than theirs before.
Yeah, but there's always a time
and a place for everything.
He can't see me like this!
Just sleep at mine.
We're not in high school any more.
Hey Fatima
You're covering now?
Where's Khalfan?
Khalfan's in the bathroom.
Is this what you're looking for?
Thank you!
We were playing football
and I just fell...
and hit my head.
You know what?
It really suits you.
What you two doing?
Khalfan, when are you going to
stop this childish nonsense?
You're gonna get hurt one day!
Fatima, we weren't fighting!
I'm your little sister, I know what
you're up to! Be honest with me!
- Fatima!
Close your mouth, big guy.
No but, I just wanted to say...
remember when we were younger
she used to be this annoying
little girl, and now she's...
Careful, huh!
Was gonna say 'all grown up'!
Well bro, you need anything?
Nah, see you later!
This is yours.
What's this?
Money for the exhaust
No, no way!
It was a gift!
Can I offer you anything sir?
Okay sir.
You can put this away
and try not to crease it.
What an asshole.
Who knows what's going on in his life.
Maybe he lost millions in stock exchange,
or his wife has just cheated on him or...
or...maybe he's just an asshole?
Or maybe he's just an asshole.
Uncle Basu!
Uncle Basu!
Uncle Basu!
Can we have the ball back please?
Do you have any idea how
much this is gonna cost me?
Sorry uncle, but we
have one over left!
It was a six!
No, broken window means you're out!
Enjoy-W, enjoy my man!
Not like you have to go through this!
Hey Basu, do your Peter Patel move!
Not now! I'm late.
Oh go on, please!
That's my bus. I have to run!
May I ask why the door's locked?
Sorry, didn't realise.
It's Friday if you forgot.
Get ready for the mosque
and stop this childish behaviour.
But father, I don't feel so good.
Of course you won't feel good
if you keep going to bed
so late in the night.
What happened to your face?
It's nothing.
Been fighting?
No father, I was playing
football and fell.
Playing football eh?
You know...
Almost a year now you've been
saying you're looking for work.
Till now we've seen nothing.
Know this...
Start of next week
you're working in the
real estate company
- But Father...
- No but or anything else!
Like you've heard!
Be there!
Or we'll see how tough you are
without a car and credit card!
Has anybody seen my wallet?
Excuse me
Pardon me
Goodbye sir
- Thank you
- Thank you
Have a nice day
Thank you, bye
Safe journey
Natalia, can I have a word please?
Thank you
Bye now
Salim, what are you doing?
Get a move on!
Eh, Basu!
Come here!
Is this the time you come?
Sorry, there was traffic
and I missed the bus
If this happens again,
I won't see you again.
Now go!
Listen here!
I'm watching you!
Ignore him. He is just jealous of you.
I've got good news.
They are shooting a
Bollywood movie in Dubai
and I know the security guy
so I can get you onto set.
Really? That's excellent.
Lets talk later before we get fired.
Thanks for waiting
Don't worry, you're paying for the cab back.
How was it?
they accused me of stealing.
That's crazy,
you don't even take shells from on the beach.
Thank you
So I guess it's you they should have
been questioning then?
You got me!
Took out all this cash
for shopping in Rome
and you never even left the hotel
you boring cow.
Come on Columbo.
- Hey, Nana! Fatima!
- Hello Faisal
How are you?
I'm fine, and you?
Well thank you, praise be to Allah.
How are you feeling?
Oh, the leg's still troubling me...
You can still kick his butt any day...
Get that cigarette out of your mouth!
It's dirty!
Nana, you can't get dirtier than Khalfan!
No, he isn't dirty, he's clean.
I sure have no manners...
I didn't offer to help her
with the shopping.
Brother Faisal,
pray five times a day
grow your beard
shorten your thobe
and then I'll think about
having this conversation.
Now drive.
Can we stop a moment?
Natalia, no. I've got a date.
Please, I promise I'll be two minutes...
Please, please, please, please...
Two minutes
May I have a look?
Yeah, sure.
Can I help you?
I've never noticed this place before.
We've only been here for 25 years.
Are you interested in ballet?
In the past...
actually...he was my mentor.
Gregor Khail
In Berlin?
Bit of a career change but...
mm We
- Excuse me?
Mrs. Bateman, telephone.
Excuse me...
I'd be delighted to show you around
if you'd like to?
I have a friend waiting outside
but a quick tour would be lovely.
Right, we'll do that.
Thank you
Okay, so...
If a teacher tells you off for being late,
you tell them that Daddy was earning
the nice teachers salary, alright?
Bye Dad
You have a very beautiful little girl.
Thank you
I prefer she learned Karate,
but who's gonna argue with a little gin who
wants to learn ballet?
Never underestimate a ballerina.
You're a long way from...Prague?
I would be if I had any connection to the
I'm sorry. I get my Prague's and my...
...Bucharest's mixed up.
Not bad second time around.
Often but not always.
So I'm guessing you're not from Deli?
Well it's more like on the outskirts of Deli.
And that little teller is Chantelle
So Mr. Berger...
your excuse for
being late this time?
Well, there was a five-car
pile up on the highway.
Or shall I make it six. Is that alright?
I was just about to show this
young lady round the premises.
Careful she bites!
...And straight and roll up through the spine
into fit... and...
- Releve... and in fifth
- And demi-point turn to the left
- And point and point...
- No Chantelle, to the left!
- Yes okay. And I want these anns to be...
- more rounded, yes better...
I'm very impressed.
You know, this maybe a little premature,
We're always looking for new instructors.
Why don't you leave us your telephone
Why not?
Do you have a card Michelle?
Thank you
Here we are, that's my card.
Thank you very much
It's a pleasure
Bye Bye
Thank you, Millennium Tower
Millennium Tower, okay.
Oh no
I'm sorry that's all I have.
that's all you have
please keep it.
No, no.
I mean I didn't get a chance
to change the money,
I'm truly sorry.
Thank you
Sir, taxi.
4-A straight
Mr. Khan doesn't like
racing drivers.
Take it easy!
Okay so listen, tell me,
what are the men like here in Dubai?
Are there loads of rich Arabs?
Arabs, Brits, Yanks. You name it, they're here.
All spraying Cristal around on the off chance
we hop into bed with them ladies.
Oh come...You say that like it's a bad thing?
But I love Cristal and especially in bed!
Get that down you,
we're going in five minutes.
Awww thank you,
but I wouldn't be good company tonight.
Come on Natalia, it's ladies night
Skank night you mean!
The only lady in here has
got mud on her face!
How ironic's that?
Oh, it's on.
- We have in the studio with us today
- Bollywood legend Peter Patel.
- An actor who needs no introduction
- And has just finished filming
- his twenty ninth feature film, 'Pan of the
- So Peter tell us,
-what does it feel like to have...
- Hollywood throwing scripts your way?
- This journey has been really nice.
- I've always thought that
it's time to move beyond...
(Chattering and giggling)
...Bollywood cinematic legends.
- Were you ever intimidated?
- It was a really nice thing to work with all
those legends but, you know
- I'm sure I can
- matter to the upcoming generation as well.
(Whispering and murmuring)
s...sorry sir
Look this way
Turn around boy
Bloody hell...
You look exactly like that Patel boy.
You could pass for his twin.
Many people say this.
Don't know if it's
good or bad.
Well we've been driven by a Bollywood star!
You want to sing for us?
- You're so funny...
All right, all right. That's it, that's it.
Thank you, that's it.
That's it
Thank you
When you've got something,
make the most of it!
None of the people that perform in there
...look half as decent!
Thank you
Ask for Raj
Tell him Khan sent you.
Your driving a taxi...
What more do you have to lose?
Thank you
Rumour has it that a top Bollywood
producer is in Dubai scouting for talent.
Who knows?
'What's that saying?
Luck by chance?
Hey Khalfan, how's it going?
Join us?
Later, later...
Peace guys!
Peace to you too!
Boys, you all know Khalfan.
What's up? How are you guys?
Welcome, get comfortable!
Here Khalfan
When did Rashid get the bike?
Just yesterday
Oh yeah, you're coming
to the party tomorrow?
No, no
I'm a bit busy.
With What?
Just a small thing.
Hello boys
What's up?
' What's up?
' What's up?
How's everything?
Good, good...
Help yourself
What's this?
I never touch this stuff!
This stuff never
touches me either.
Rashid, gorgeous bike.
I know
Can you ride?
Khalfan? Ride?
Khalfan can do a wheelie
with a blindfold on.
Wanna bet?
Thousand dirham's
and let Faisal help you out.
Let's go boys.
I love this sound!
What are these types
you hang out with?!
Oh, you guys are here?
Thought you were further away!
Next time,
look after your daddy's money!
Good morning sir
Good morning
- Peace be with you
- Peace be with be with you too
Good morning sir
- Good morning
- Morning
Good morning sir
Good morning sir
Good morning sir, how are you sir?
Good thanks
Welcome Mr. Faisal
How are you sir?
- Good thank you
- Please, I'll take you to your office.
You will have to remind me of your name.
Rajiv, sir
I've been working here for the past
fifteen years.
Yes and you are the...
I was the manager over here.
So my father gave me your job?
No, no, no, no not at all!
In fact he's a very good man.
And he had promoted me as your
key assistant sir.
And...What are those?
These are the annual reports,
your father told me to prepare it.
And I've been working over the weekend
on this...
especially for you!
Would you like to have some coffee or tea?
Some juice or cold drink?
Thank you
So what shall I do?
Thank you, have a good day, thank you.
Hey Natalia,
it's Guy Berger.
Guy Berger?
Guy, beautiful daughter at the ballet school,
Hello Guy
So what were you doing at the ballet school?
I found it by coincidence.
I used to be a dancer.
Why'd you stop?
I didn't have a choice, I tore my Meniscus.
That's a tough break, I'm sorry.
How did you get my number?
I had to sleep with your boss!
I hope Gunther wasn't too hard on you
Gunther was a perfect gentlemen.
He brought me a family meal
at KFC and after that, well,
I was all his.
I hope your wife was okay with that?
I'm divorced actually
Do you look after your daughter full time?
I would love to, but it's...
it's a legal thing.
Look, I got your number off Connie.
I just wanted to say thanks for being
so sweet to my daughter the other day.
She loves you.
Sure, it was a pleasure.
Are you MW?
I'm okay
I think...
happiness is overrated anyway.
How about a drink tomorrow night,
to say thank you?
No sorry l can't, I'm flying.
Cabin crew's not too bad.
Well you see the world, ya know...
from the inside of a hotel room!
I suppose tonight's out of the question?
'What's for lunch?
Just a second
...Chicken Korma
Forgot to tell you,
we're having pre-drinks with Tariq tonight.
Who's Tariq?
You know, the rich guy with the Maserati.
And you, are you happy with what you're
Ah you know, it's advertising,
it's what I do and I'm good at it.
Sorry about that
Look...l suppose tonight's
out of the question?
Here's to overrated happiness.
Why not?
Shall we say seven?
Let's say seven.
I'll phone you later.
Hello Papa, how are you?
Hello Papa, how are you?
Papa, did the money arrive okay?
I know, but I've been busy.
I have a very good role...
No, don't tell the
neighbours just yet.
We'll surprise them
when it comes out...
Yes Papa
ls Mama there?
Let me speak to her please.
Mama? Hi!
How are you Mama?
Missing you a lot,
especially your cooking.
Hold Mum!
One second Mama...
Hello? Hello?
How are you?
Good thanks and you?
Very good, thank you!
What juices are there today?
Juices are Titanic, Abood, Raheeb, Lulu
Maharaja, Ismail Mattar, Polaris, Waslawy,
- Do you want anything?
- No, I'm fine!
Just get me one Polaris.
Who's that?
Some chick.
Which chick?
Tell you later!
Hook us up, bro!
But Rashid,
How can I come without him?
He's my friend!
0k, what do I tell him?
Are you sure it's going
to be a nice party?
Hey hey...
Next time, if you want to get
fucked wear a red dress!
Who's the bitch now?
Who is the bitch?
Khalfan what are you doing?
Get in the car!
Man, you saw their faces?
Where you running? Come back!
Don't mess with me again you clowns!
Khalfan, what are you doing?
Lost your mind?
Don't remember him?
He flicked me off!
That's great!
But what if the cops came?
Did you not think about my "name"?
My reputation?
R" You name",
What am I, a piece of shit?
Khalfan, stop messing around
and think about your
future for a change
Stop fighting in the middle
of the street and find a job!
What made you so perfect
all of a sudden?
Since when do you have a job?
Since now!
From when the old man told me he'll
take everything from me if I didn't.
Which means I represent
the family name now.
I have to think about
more than just myself.
That's all I do?
Just think about myself?
Stop the car!
- I just...
- Stop the car!
I would have done anything for you!
Go to hell
Hey, Natalia
Hey, Guy. How are you?
Good, I'm good.
I'm just about to shoot an Ad and
we've got a very big problem.
The campaign I've been working on
for weeks,
I've been dreading
and the models gone AWOL.
And you would be perfect for it.
Listen it'll only take two hours,
it'll be fun and more importantly
you'll be getting me out of a hole
the size of the Grand Canyon.
Please Natalia don't say no.
I'm really sorry Guy but I can't.
I've got a flight at six that I cant risk missing.
- Mr. Berger!
Give me two minutes!
No, you see that's the thing.
You'll definitely make it,
you don't need to get ready, just get here,
we've got everything here
and it'll be well paid and...
oh please Natalia, I'm begging you...
- Please, please!
Excuse me sir
Excuse me, is it a Bollywood shoot?
Come here
Come here
Here, over here to me
Look who came?
Hey buddy!
Come with me!
Peter Patel is ready for his shot, sir.
Oh my God!
That's fantastic
Why are you standing here?
Go backstage to the tent
you can relax there.
Sir, I brought my photographs to show you...
It's 0k... it's ok
Why so modest?
Who doesn't know you?
The whole world knows you.
Listen up!
Didn't I say that Peter Patel
was useless.
Didn't I?
...but today he will be useful!
He'll drop me home in his taxi after work.
Cam era...cut!
And that is a wrap.
Around of applause for Natalia please!
YOU were awesome.
- Thank you brother
- Thank you
Okay, let's get here changed and
let me know the gate is good?
Okay, we've got a car waiting for you.
And we will have you out of here in no time.
Thank you so much you saved my life.
You're wonderful, I love you.
Hey angel chop, chop.
We don't want you to miss your flight.
Now, as soon as you get back,
you telephone
and we go out and celebrate,
alright? No argument.
And this...this is for you.
Okay hurry up, go!
Peace be with you father
Peace to you too
Would you tell me what happened
on Jumeirah Road?
Don't know, what happened?
You know how small Dubai is
A friend of mine saw you
How many times have I
warned you about fighting?
It's pointless.
Give me the key to your car.
But father... it wasn't me!
Don't argue, you were seen!
Give me the keys I said!
I need to put an end to this
spoiled irresponsibility!
I don't know why you humiliate me like this.
In the mosque people ask of you
"Where is your son? Why is he not at
Tell me what to tell them.
I'm sorry father.
I feel you're a complete stranger to me.
Even though we have the same blood
running through our veins.
I'm tired...
of trying to put you in the best
clothes and in the best car.
But I won't accept you mining
everything I have built!
Do you think I grew up like this with ease?
No Faisal! No!
This is not the example I set for you.
You are an embarrassment to all Emirati's!
Where is your compassion
and sense of pride?
If your mother, God rest her
soul, were still alive...
she would be ashamed of your behaviour.
Raj sh'?
Mr. Raj?
Mr. Raj my name is Basu.
Sir, Mr. Khan sent me.
Mr. Khan?
You...can you sing?
I've been practicing for ten years sir.
Babu, take him to get ready.
You are on the show, 11 o'clock.
Thank you sir
Come on... quickly!
What's this boss?
It's a changing room.
To survive in this field you need talent.
Who's this?
It's Govinda. You'll learn.
Here, all the money is in tips
and only myself and Raj decides who gets it.
Come on, it's your turn.
What song do you want to play?
The "lkhtiyar" one...
The Peter Patel one, right?
Bloody carbon copy, come on!
- Mr. Rashid
- How are you?
- Mr. Faisal
- So nice to see you again
Please come with me,
your table is ready.
Just a glass, I've got a flight tomorrow.
- It's the usual Mr. Berger
The usual?
Well you know, I get dragged here
from time to time...
This is to you...
I swear your face is going to
win us the account.
More like the make-up artist will.
Look, will you just take some credit?
Okay, they're making
commercials here all the time.
The phones have been ringing off the hook.
Think about it,
it could be a new start for you, you know,
a whole new life.
I don't know if that's for me.
But it was good fun the other day.
And you were brilliant!
I'm not twenty anymore.
The airline pays well and it's secure
and I really like my job.
You are frustrating.
Olga, my flat mate. This is Guy.
Nice to meet you.
Can I borrow her for moment?
Bring her back
Who's that?
A friend
- Just a friend
- Just a friend.
I know that type of friend.
I love the way we kill ourselves
trying to get you out and
all he needs to do
is click his fingers.
I'm sorry Olga.
You're sorry hmmm?
- Hello ladies
- Hello
Hey! Come join us
In your dreams!
Stuck up bitch!
Definitely Russian.
Cold as ice, like their shitty weather!
Think she's a "pro"?
Definitely a "pro"!
Enough guys... Come on!
How much?
'What's so funny?
Never mind
Olga was just cooling off some Arabs.
Look, our tables ready, come on.
Girls! Join us
Oh my God!
Hey you
Fancy seeing you here
Hey, listen Guy I've got a flight in an hour
could you please turn this boat around
and take me back before I get fired?
Babe, we're an hour from home and
another hour to the airport.
It's just not gonna happen.
This is serious. I'm on a warning already.
It's not gonna happen, I'm sorry.
I'm such an idiot! I'm such an idiot!
Sit down
Look, I'll... I'll phone them and
I'll... I'll say you're sick.
Look at this place!
I thought this was what you wanted?
I can hardly remember getting on the boat.
Trust me,
no-one can feel as bad as I do this morning.
Now, put your hand on the steering wheel.
Come on
There it's all yours.
So where are you taking me then?
Round the world
- In how many days?
- Trust me. It won't take 80!
Oh, The King... The Great... The God Father!
Hey Raj, everything good?
First class!
How is that Patel boy performing?
Mr. Khan, you can see for yourself.
There are crowds outside waiting to see him.
Please come
Mr. Khan, how do you like the show?
This is for him!
Only for him!
Hey sir, what are you saying?
Of course.
Waiter, a special bottle of
Champaign for Mr. Khan.
Not the expensive one!
Wake up mate! The light's green!
Fuck sake!
S...sorry sir
No, no. I'm running late and I'm
being driven by Ayrton Senna.
Just keep them busy till I get there.
Well, be creative. That's what I pay you for.
Don't show them any of the film
or print until I arrive.Alright?
Sir, you a filmmaker, sir?
Mate, do you wanna keep your eyes on the
Advertising. TV
That is also very good sir.
It's here mate, here, here!
Yeah, I'm getting it, getting it.
One-second sir
Sir...l sing
- What?
- I dance
and have you heard of one actor, Peter
This is my full name sir...
- I want to...
- I'll look at it!
Listen stop talking!
- My phone number is written behind it sir!
- Stop talking...
- Thank goodness. We can do this together,
alright? - Thank you sir!
You with me? Good
Alright mate? I'm just about two seconds
Okay, literally two seconds away.
Sir, Mr. Guy Berger and his
colleagues from the Ayah agency.
Peace be with you
Peace be with you too
Okay. Let's get down to it.
I don't have much time I'm afraid.
Alright, well, further to our previous meeting
we've got some of the material that
we spoke about
that we would like to present to you.
As per your request about
giving back to the community.
We'd like to suggest,
a daily cash prize that will really grab the
people's attention.
I can see the merit in this.
But it really has to be a substantial prize
for it to stand out in the shopping festival.
Let's make it a daily prize of
one million dirham's cash!
That will show our commitment
and prove we are serious.
Well, that is more than generous
and something that will really prove
very attractive to the public.
Let me show you some of the stuff
that we have already developed.
Just like to put the screen on...
So that brings to an end the visual display.
Here is some of the visuals
and graphics that we've have created.
Mike, our graphic designer, developed this...
which is our hero leaflet and something we
want to use at the airports.
Probably as neon signs in the malls and
all over the United Arab Emirates.
And back here we have our friend
the scratch and win card.
Which we now know has one
million written across it.
Thanks to you.
This contract here...
simply approves the visuals
and then we'll be a step closer.
Okay, thanks
There was a time when people
had to work their entire lifetime
to earn such a sum.
Now all they have to do is scratch a card...
And they could win a million!
- Oh my God...
Are those Guy's?
Just a small pad then?
Hey where are the Flamingos?
They got tired.
Welcome to my humble abode
very 'humble' indeed!
Don't look round, don't look round...
This is Alex Pearson and his
Jumeirah Jane wife...
Elizabeth, how are you?
Hello darling
Hello Guy! Good.
This is Natalia
And her friend...erm...
Very funny!
Very good to meet you.
Natalia used to be a ballerina,
but now she's modeling.
Actually, I'm a stewardess.
You're the new find Guy told me about?
The one that's heading the
Dubai shopping festival campaign.
Oh, I can barely get this one
away from the pool.
Do shut up darling!
What a beautiful dress.
Yes it is isn't it?
Thank you.
So Olga, you've not seen the villa, have you?
So maybe if you would like
to show her around?
I'll catch up with you later?
- Bring me ice, immediately.
- Bring another case of champagne too.
Asshole from Rome, no?
Okay, hurry up kid?
You almost cost me my job.
And you are?
Flight from Rome...
you accused me of stealing
your wallet!
Well I was asked who the last person was to
handled my jacket and it was you.
I'm not a thief.
Yeah, well I don't know you.
I'm sorry
I'm...I'm sorry.
That was completely rude.
And I apologise for my behaviour
on the flight back there.
I was being a real asshole.
Please join me...
But you are really going to
have to make up for it.
What is it that you do troubled flyer?
Are you a friend of Guy's?
He helped me launch my restaurant.
I'm Nasser by the way
I am Olga and that's Natalia
How do you do...
You must be the girl that
Guy's raving about.
And...what about you Olga?
Just a friend,
but I've never met a restauranteur before.
When are you going to invite us out, huh?
It's the Marina Cafe.
Just let me know when you're free.
So why were you having a tough time?
Actually it was the end of a relationship,
wasn't the best experience I've ever had.
In fact it was a real nightmare.
But change can be good,
it allows you to meet new and
interesting people, huh?
Oh Naz.
Please tell me that you
are not depressing the girls
with stories of emotional
heartache and suicide?
Come on Guy,
who can resist two beautiful,
charming ladies like these?
Naz is the best chef in town.
He's literaly a magician...
And what he lacks in the bedroom he
certainly makes up for in the kitchen.
And he's cool too...
for someone who is about to serve
100 people dinner
in 27 minutes!
Under control...
Come on, you got to come see this
feast he's prepared for us.
You coming?
We'll catch up with you.
which of those sports
cars outside is yours?
mine's the Mini in the catering truck!
Well, you know having
your own restaurant
isn't that shabby either.
It pays the bills.
Come on...
lets forget the food and get a drink
sounds like you need it.
What a night
You okay?
Babe...babe what?
I don't know what
Do you think it's all
happening a bit fast?
I'm falling for you.
I can't help it
and I don't want it to stop.
Excuse me just a second.
You okay?
It must be Nasser's famous food I ate.
Wow, I must be dreaming!
Didn't know if you were ever
going to sleep here again.
It was either learn to cook
or continue to eat at
Nassers restaurant every night.
It looks delicious.
How's it been?
It's all happening a bit fast but...
he's lovely.
I'm happy when I'm with him
and I miss him when I'm not.
I just never thought he was your type,
the high roller with the sports cars.
What do you think is my type then?
Come on Nat!
He's so smooth he can
sell sand to the Arabs.
He has to be otherwise
he wouldn't survive in this world.
Enough about me.
Tell me...
Which is it?
Has Nasser stolen your heart...
or have you stolen his pin number?
Haha. Very funny.
He's actually a really sweet
guy for your information.
He might not be rolling in it like
Guy, 'Miss. hidden agenda'
he does own his own restaurant
so that means something.
Do u seriously think I'm with
Guy because of his money?
But listen...
he's older, divorced, has a kid and...
if I'm honest I think he's
a little bit of a playboy,
so just be careful.
Because maybe he's just
having some fun with you
and then he's going to move on.
Because that's what playboy's do.
He's not a playboy.
I just hope what you have with
Nasser is more about you and him...
than that restaurant
and what you can buy with it's profits.
Okay, I'm going to ignore that comment.
Thanks for cooking.
I've got to get some sleep.
I've going to talk to Guy,
before I leave tomorrow.
It must be important...
It is important.
I don't want to fight.
Come on girl, what's the matter?
Promise me you won't tell a soul
I haven't told anybody
I'm pregnant
Oh you poor girl, this is terrible.
Don't worry I can fix this, I have contacts,
we'll sort it out for you, how far gone
are you?
No, no, no you got me wrong
I don't need help.
I just need to talk to Guy.
You're not doing this just to put the
pressure on Guy to commit are you?
I'm not talking to you anymore,
but for your information,
Guy is a wonderful father.
You are so naive.
Natalia, wake up!
If they find out you're unmarried and
they'll fire you.
You'll be single, jobless, pregnant
and back at your momma's
place in Bucharest.
Now is that what you really want?
What's wrong with you?
You just can't be happy
for me, can you?
[What happened with you and Khalfan?]
- Faisal?
Hi. Who's this?
- Forgive me, but have you and Khalfan
- R's Fatima
Hi Fatima!
No don't worry!
It's a small thing and
everything will be ok.
How's Nana doing?
- Thanks m God, shes fine.
I wish I didn't have to go.
Oh I know, I know
And I wish you weren't working this
weekend too.
at least it will give me time
to spend with Chantelle.
Get her away from her mother.
When I get back,
we need to talk.
Is there anything I can do?
I know we haven't been together for long.
It's just that I
really, really like you.
You like me?
So, erm...
So that's what this is all about?
About you not knowing where you stand?
Well you don't have to worry about
that because I love you.
Did I say that or did I think it?
No. I think I said it.
Oh, babe
Oh my God. You are so late.
- Oh God...
Oh my God...
Go, go!
Thank you.
Have you been partying all night?
Sorry sir!
What sorry?
That's the third time this month!
Not to mention the complaints I had
about your bad driving.
Now do this
Hand in your papers, uniforms
and keys and leave.
You've lost your job!
One more chance sir!
Not in my hands anymore.
Orders were from above
But my salary?
You'll get it next month!
There's a big line of people
waiting for this job
They all need a chance
Next month? But sir, I need to
send money home.
That's not my problem!
Sir...a month?
How will I pay my rent?
Sir, please sir...
- Please everyone, bare in
mind crew turnaround...
- Also the new schedules
have been issued
- So do take note of any changes...
Natalia, where are you going?
Never mind...
- And that's all for today and
I will see you on board.
You're a star!
Go see the world!
Natalia, this is unacceptable.
Continuously arrive late or call in sick.
I can't help it if you have
food poisoning again!
You've been formally warned!
Take this to administration,
there's going to be a disciplinary hearing
and you're off roster until then.
Hey Faisal.
What's up?
Yeah, I'm very close
Ok Rashid, just park out front
Yeah, just like you
said before, out front?
On my Way"-
Wait here
Mister, why are you
polishing your fruits?
It's a grocery store,
not a gold souq.
So they buy it
I say, how's Nana?
Good, thanks be to God
Sir, can I perform
here every night?
You don't have to pay me
I could live off the
tips alone.
'What's wrong with you Basu?
If you perform everyday,
won't the public get bored?
That's why I say,
only twice a week!
how can I live off tips
from just two nights?
Understand Basu,
I also need to run my club!
Go now and call Babu over here
Yes sir.
Rashid, come to the basement quickly!
Just come!
Nana always sends me out
to buy stuff we don't need.
Convinced she'll win the million.
God bless the shopping festival.
God bless my grandmother.
What do you want from me?
Come here!
What do you want?
Khalfan, they kidnapped Faisal.
In the car in front of me!
I don't know why!
Who? I don't know.
Rashid, Rashid!
Stay on them, I'm on my way!
What's up Khalfan?
Tell you later
Uncle Basu!
Uncle Basu
Here, make a call! Make a call!
To whom?
Bollywood stars are coming, and
they're looking for back-up dancers.
Call them, you will get it.
Dhruv it doesn't work that way,
it's not as easy.
Just talk to them
Why are you calling them?
Ma'am, Bollywood dance concert at...
in which city?
Ma'am I dance...
Media City?
Building number seven
Ma'am, anytime I'm coming?
Good luck
Thanks Dhruv!
I just wanna know one thing...
What do they want from Faisal?
Don't worry about them!
I will son them out!
Khalfan come quickly!
What are you doing here?
I thought you would be
with Chantelle.
There's a change of plan, she's with
her mum.
Babe, your supposed to be working.
It's been a very long day.
I'm on suspension.
Oh come here.
I really, really need to talk to you,
it's all so messed up.
COME on...
just tell me slowly...
Has someone been here?
We just found out we're
first in line for a
massive campaign, it's gonna be huge.
Chantelle's at her mum's and...
What? I'm not allowed to have a glass of
champagne in my own house?
Come on...
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I don't know how else to say this,
so I'm just going to come
out with it because...
Stupid bitch...
See honey not meant
to be here, right?
Supposed to be on a plane!
On! My God...
You will have to excuse me I've had a
little too much champagne.
Shut the fuck up Olga!
It was nothing...
Media City Boss. Please go fast!
Take it easy. Relax!
Boss, please go fasten
My career is at stake.
My brother if the car is working,
your career will work.
Relax, here listen, it's
my favorite song...
Get up!
Get up!
Get up!
Get up!
Who do you thing you are rich boy?
With your little poor friend.
You think you're better than us?
Dream on!
I know how to raise you.
Who do you think you are?
You're all nothing!
I spit on you and your kind!
Abdullah, get the knife!
Leave him a mark so
he doesn't forget us
You think you can do this
in front of my brother?
I'll show you!
If you're a man enough,
cut my face.
What you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
What's happening in front of me...
ls really scary!
I'll call the cops...
I'll call them.
Don't think of the cops!
I can't!
I can't!
Guys, go check who's there!
Come on! You and
me, head to head!
Come on!
Come on!
Drop the knife!
HE'S got a gun!
Faisal, you drive!
Abdullah, get up!
Boss, the road is empty, can
you drive a little faster?
Where to go faster?
Relax! Take it easy!
Where are you from?
You know where I'm from?
Free Kashmir!
What's free Kashmir
got to do with it?
Boss please drive a little faster!
My brother...
this is a taxi, not a plane!
I know it is a taxi.
It was my taxi.
I drove it for many years.
Same seats,
with the same stain,
everything is the same.
The only difference,
is the Qur'an hanging on the mirror.
What?! What did you
say about the Qur'an?
I didn't say anything...
Why did you stop. Just drive!
Now you say drive!
Today you're saying
this taxi is yours!
Tomorrow you'll say
my country is yours!
Then you will say
I am yours!
You could have been killed!
You're really crazy!
He wasn't going to do shit!
Yeah? How do you know?
He had a gun!
All this because of a flicking off?
What a waste
You're the one
who's a waste!
Khalfan, fuck off!
You don't think what your grandmother
and sister will do if you get killed?
You would look after them
I know that much!
Boss, actually
I have a 20 euro note.
Will it be 0k?
Why bother me?
What is this?
Twenty euro, euro, euro...what?
Brother this is not America.
This is Dubai, take
out the dirham's.
Boss, I adjusted to
a note like this once.
Can you please?
I'm not going to adjust.
My country and your country
have adjusted long enough
I'm not gonna adjust.
Boss, everyone has their own dreams.
I'm sure you do too.
If you get me there in time,
maybe my life will change.
Your life will change?
Stop dreaming.
Wake up!
I don't need to wake up,
I dream with my eyes open.
You know I love you
and that I would do
anything for you too!
I'm sorry Khalfan!
Don't be sorry bro
Life is too short!
Anyone in the ca!)?
- Check in the back...
- No one there?
Tell me he's okay?
Tell me he's okay?
Don't worry, God willing he'll be okay.
Oh my dear!
Where's Khalfan?
Dear Faisal?
Where is Khalfan?
Oh, where is Khalfan?
Where is he Faisal?
Where is Khalfan?
My Fatima!
My Fatima!
Where is your brother, Fatima?
Oh Khalfan!
How are you feeling?
I am so sorry Natalia.
You're the last person on earth I
want to see. Get out.
Please Natalia!
It was a bad mistake,
I know I screwed up.
Okay, he invited me over to chat about you
because he was concerned about you...
- Fucking hell!
- He kept pouring me drinks and it just
I really didn't mean it.
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
Did you tell him that I'm pregnant?
Oh of course not.
Now get out.
I never wanna see your jealous, money
grabbing face ever again!
I know how much it hurts.
But I will, I promise, make it up to you
my darling you...
Make it up to me?
Make it up to me?
We're not friends.
You knew how I felt about him
and you did it out of spite.
If ever a person has been dead to
me, it's you.
Get out
Nat. I know I have no right...
but please don't tell Nasser.
Get out
What is this?
How dare you bring alcohol
into this house?
But father, I killed him.
If he wasn't coming for me he
would still be alive today.
I wish it was me who died.
No my son.
Get these thoughts out of your head.
It's not you who killed him,
it was the lifestyle you
both have been leading.
This is what killed him.
As I warned you.
Sleep and try to forget.
You have to deal with
this like a man.
You need to give your life some value
or at least...
give Khalfan's memory some value.
This time I'll forgive you
but I swear to God
even though I shouldn't
if you ever bring this sin
into my house again
you will not be my son
nor will I know you.
[Three men have been arrested for
kidnapping and attempted murder]
[Horrific accident on
Shk. Zayed Road]
Well, I must say I'm really
pleased with the results
and we can release you.
Thank you Doctor.
Can I see the mirror?
Oh yes. Yes, yes of course
here you are
Don't worry.
This has come out much
better than I thought
you're lucky to be alive.
Hi Natalia
You're a lucky woman
the baby's fine.
I'm going to have them
release you in the morning.
Sleep well!
My dear Khalfan
is getting ready
Man, what you spinning?
You're gonna take off!
You're starting to bald.
We're getting older.
You want a glove?
What am I, Michael Jackson?
Waiting for the fish today.
I love this life!
You and your cigarettes!
Think you're gonna catch
fish smoking that way?
I dare you, I dare you!
What's this?
You're just envious
Dear boy, got excited that he's gone fishing.
What happened?
You okay?
I don't know what to say...
I'm an idiot.
We got drunk and it just happened.
I don't care.
I fucked up,
the last thing
that I ever want
is to hurt you.
Give me a chance,
let me help you with this.
What do you mean, this?
Olga told me.
She was worried about you.
I've got a friend, he's a doctor.
He's the best in town.
No one need ever know
you were pregnant.
Like it never happened.
I'm keeping the baby.
You're upset...
and you're emotional.
But you know that, that is impossible.
Let's just make this as
painless as we can.
Just leave...
you're pathetic.
we're not in Eastern Europe.
Seriously Guy fuck off!
I don't wanna see you,
hear you or anything.
I'm having the baby
and neither you nor anyone else
is going to stop me.
Let me explain something to you
in case you don't understand.
This is my city.
I know everyone.
And if you don't have this abortion
and get rid of this baby,
I will make it my mission in life,
my reason for getting up in
the morning to make you,
so intensely fucking miserable!
That you'll be sprinting to the clinic!
So you listen to me when I tell you this,
I will fucking break you!
Think about it?
While I was recovering
in hospital
I got evicted from my home.
I really need to get back on stage.
Even if it's for two
nights a week.
Nothing can be done for you.
One glass
Sir, if you're not gonna
help me, who will?
Look Basu
Not all work is bad.
Why don't you work as a waiter?
Doesn't pay as good
as a taxi driver
but it's something.
Here, drink!
Think about it
my friend.
Hi Natalia
Olga told me about your accident.
Are you okay?
No, actually I'm not.
I'm leaving tonight for good.
What happened? What about Guy?
I found this in our flat.
Whoa. Wait a minute...
Can you explain this to me?
I can't
You're a nice guy Nasser.
I just came to say goodbye
and wish you good luck.
Take care
I remember the date, 20th February.
When my father was burnt alive in
front of me.
My mother was killed
my kids were taken away.
I'm asking what was their fault?
What was their fault?
Today, your father was killed.
Your mother has been burned,
your kids have been
taken away from you.
Why should I care?
I look at you, and it makes me laugh.
Who are you?
How did you enter?
You don't see there's
an audition going on?
Go, take him out!
I perform
Where, in a circus?
Get him out of here!
I don't want to see you again!
20th of February, I still
remember that day.
When my parents were burned
alive in front of me.
My wife was killed
My kids were taken away.
What was their fault?
What was their fault?
You all are the ones responsible
for their death!
And, today
your parents have been burned
your wife has been murdered
and your kids have been
taken away from you.
Why should I think of you?
Let them die.
You have no right
to cry for them.
No right!
One more time,
from the top.
Thank you sir.
Thank you.
Have you got something I wanna hear?
I came to tell you, you have no right
to threaten me or my child.
And whatever I choose to do with my life is
of no consequence to you and never will be...
- Really?
- Daddy, daddy, daddy! Can I go swimming
Of course you can...go on.
God Bless You!
Please come in