City Streets (1931)

You gotta admit...
it's a pretty swell-lookin' layout.
I'll buy.
But I can't do nothin'
until The Big Fella gets here.
Here he comes now.
He's the boss, you know.
Hello, Big Fella!
How's tricks?
Well... how about it?
You're lucky...
You're getting paid for it.
You ain't got no right...
on this side of the river, anyway.
No hard feelings.
No... sure not.
I'm moving my Mob in... tomorrow.
OK... tomorrow.
"No hard feelings."
Nobody could hit nothin'
with this piece of tin.
Now what do you want Poppa to hit?
You ain't hit anything, yet!
Try the ceiling...
aim straight up!
Hey, look out...
What do you think you're doing?!
I guess I know what I'm aiming at.
You may be, but not with your head.
I'm aiming at that little duck
over in the corner.
By the way you're shootin' Mister,
I'd rather you aimed at ME!
You can't hit anything with that.
You do it for me.
Come on, show me.
You showing off again?
Shooting all my profits away.
Every cent I make!
That's what you do
every time I turn my back.
Why, you'll pay for every one of them
out of your salary!
And the next time you are
caught shooting, you are fired.
Where are you going?
Alright, but see you get back
in half an hour.
Alright boys...
see how good you can shoot.
Would he really fire you?
No, he's just like an old bull
we had back on the ranch.
He stamps around a lot,
but he hasn't got any horns.
Hi, Nelly!
Hi there, Kid!
I almost wish he would fire you.
How's that?
Then you could get into a regular job...
Something good.
You're into your usual number
You think you're pretty tall
and smart, don't you?!
Come here!
That's what you really look like.
Take a look at yourself!
I don't look like that!
Let me go!
Aren't you gonna get any supper?
-I'm not hungry.
Well, I am...
I'm starved!
Want a weenie?
-My love.
How many?
I can't eat two!
-YOU again?!
Say, listen, Kid... I've had about enough
of you round here.
This ain't even
for a person anyway.
Didn't I tell you
about that guy before?
You oughtn't to be wastin' your dough
in these joints.
I won something,
didn't I?
Another elephant.
Do you want it?
Thank you!
That's alright.
Gosh, it's great!
It sure is.
I love it when it's really rough...
And the big ones come tearing in.
I remember the rollers...
they looked a mile high.
And when they hit...
I got all soaked.
Gee, it was swell!
Yeah, I know.
I used to want to be a sailor
before I made up my mind...
about the circus.
You sure go for jobs
with no dough!
There's plenty of money
in the circus.
I can shoot and throw a rope
and do trick-ridin'.
I used to ride some pretty tough broncs
back on the ranch.
You'll probably get stranded again,
the way you did with the rodeo.
Only next time you won't even land
with a pop-gun joint.
Money isn't everything.
People use it sometimes
to get married on.
Don't you worry... I'm gonna
make plenty of money for both of us.
Oh, Kid... Why won't you let me
talk to Pop?
He could put you in right.
Doin' what?
I wouldn't like that kind of work.
It isn't work...
You just go round and collect
from saps that do.
That's all Pop does.
And he's always got a big roll.
Gee, you could be smarter than him.
We could have cars
and servants.
And everything!
I wish you weren't
in that racket.
You'd have different ideas
about things.
Where have your ideas got you?
We can't even afford
to get married.
If you loved me,
you'd marry me anyway.
Yeah... and live in a tent!
Why not?
I don't like tents.
It isn't the tents.
It's me.
You don't really love me.
Don't be a sap!
I want to see you make something
of yourself.
A racketeer like that step-father
of yours.
What's the matter with racketeers?
Anyway, they're smart!
They're not dumb... somebody I know.
Well then, why don't you get yourself
a racketeer.
Well, maybe I will!
Go ahead, you big dummy!
Wait a minute!
That's yours!
Oh, Kid... I'm sorry...
I didn't mean it.
Yes you did!
-I didn't, Kid, honest I didn't!
Yes, you did.
You think I'm a sap!
Of course I do, Kid...
But I love you... on the level!
No you don't.
Yes I do, I do!
I DO love you!
No you don't.
-I do!
I love you!
I gotta get back!
Gosh, your late, too.
Happened before.
Meet me when the shootin'-gallery closes?
Yeah... Pop's gotta go out,
but I'll be back at 12 o'clock.
-Come here.
Come here!
Where've you been?
Where've you been?
I said where've you been?
Out with that shootin'-gallery mug again?
Answer me!
Come on!
Spill it!
Good kid!
You'll never tell nobody nothin'!
Here... for keepin' your trap shut.
Good kid!
I gotta go over to Blackie's.
Stick around, till I get back.
Lay off!
That's mine!
You picked yourself a big-shot alright!
Go ahead... laugh!
He may not be a big-shot but he can
shoot better than anybody in THIS Mob.
I saw him shoot a cigar
out of a guy's mouth, once...
...when the guy got fresh.
Cigar? You don't say!
Jackie ain't sung a tune all day.
I'm worried about it.
Well, goodnight, Blackie.
Get in there, you!
Don't get sore, Blackie!
It was just a good-night kiss.
A good-bye kiss, you mean!
Oh, you don't scare me!
Just because you're running this Mob,
don't mean you can pull anything like that.
Forget it!
It didn't mean nothing.
No hard feelings!
No... not as long as you
stay away from my girl.
Hello, Big Fella!
How's tricks?
Hey, Pop...
If anything happened to Blackie... you think you could hold
his Mob together?
It'd suit ME better.
You've a nice sunny disposition.
I'd be willing to do business with you...
...if anything happened to Blackie.
Thanks for the confidence in me,
Big Fella!
Hi Blackie... how's things?
Hello, Aggie!
How's tricks?
What's been keepin' you?
Nothin'... Why?
Ready to go?
I'll be with you in a minute.
You little bum, you!
Use your phone?
Say, listen, Babe...
Blackie and me
is just goin' over to Joe's.
Meet me round the corner from there
in 15 minutes...
...if you have to break your arm
to get there.
I said... if you have to break your arm
to get there.
Anything wrong, sweetheart?
He'd better stop slappin' me around...
`or he's gonna get his, some day.
Suppose he don't live that long?
It'd be alright with YOU,
wouldn't it?
I don't hear you sayin' "no".
You know, it's tough keepin' the ash
on a cigar...
If you don't keep smokin' 'em,
they go out...
...and the ash drops off.
You didn't happen to run into
The Big Fella on your way in did you?
See you soon, Aggie.
I think I'll carry your rod
for tonight.
What's up?
Have I done anything?
No... not yet.
Come on... get it out!
What kind of a bodyguard
does that make me?
Well... come on!
I ain't goin' in there.
Why not?
What's the good of me
without a rod?
I ain't takin' any chances tonight.
Listen Blackie...
You know The Big Fella wouldn't try
to put the fix on you through ME!
Not him, nor nobody else.
They know what I think of you.
Everything OK?
I guess so.
-No hard feelings!
What's the idea!
Let go of my hand!
In the river.
Hey, you!
What do you know
about this murder?
What murder?
Why, a fellow got bumped off
back there...
And the guy passed his gun
to a girl.
Oh! I saw a girl
running down the street.
Oh, you did?
Which way did she go?
She went down that street.
-You're welcome!
Why, Blackie and me was pals.
I'd like to get the guy
who did it, myself.
You ain't figurin' on suicide,
are you?
Lay off! Pop and Blackie
was just like that!
Just like that,
when you give it to 'im.
Why he went out
before I got here.
I just been sittin' here,
playin' checkers with Aggie...
..and smokin'.
That's right.
For how long?
Half an hour.
Why don't you get wise, sister?
We're your friends.
Everybody knows
YOU didn't kill him.
So why not spill who did?
The Inspector would still
give you a break.
We're just tryin' to give you
the right steer.
How about it?
Decided to come through
with who gave you that gun?
OK... possession of the gun makes you
an accessory-after-the-fact, anyway.
Listen, sweetheart...
why get left with an empty sack.
Why take the rap for Cooley?
You want to do a couple of years
up the river for him?
He'd turn YOU in.
It WAS Cooley, wasn't it?
I told you Pop isn't in this.
Maybe not.
Bring Cooley in.
Well, Cooley, I guess this is once
you'll come clear.
She says you're out of it,
so I'm lettin' you go.
But I'm holding her, unless she'll spill
who gave her that gun.
Don't hold out
on the Inspector, Babe.
I'll leave you two alone.
Maybe you can make her see
what's good for her.
Sure... she'll listen to Pop...
Won't you, Babe?
Listen, Pop...
The Inspector's right, Babe...
Think it over.
You should tell him all you know
about this.
Never hold anything out
on the Inspector, Babe.
Probably a plant... dictograph.
Safer to talk this way.
Play ball with them, babe...
they'll let you take a plea.
Sit tight... keep your trap shut.
I'll get you out of this.
The Mob'll stick by you.
Pop... I was to meet The Kid at 12 o'clock...
You go to him... tell him.
So you won't even answer me, eh?
You'll never do a day's time.
Trust Pop. You play ball
and The Mob won't let you down.
Gee Pop... supposing they do
send me up?
I won't see The Kid maybe
for an awful long time.
Forget it!
Don't squawk!
Nobody in the beer racket
ever welshed out on a pal, yet.
What are you doin' travellin' around
with that West Side Mob, anyhow?
Pop, he might get troubled
bein' in a spot like this.
Tell him I love him, Pop.
No matter what happens... sure and tell him.
I love him.
Sure, but don't you spill nothin'
to that cop...
I don't care what he promises.
Keep your shirt on!
I won't.
Well, how about it?
Just drool. now Babe...
tell the Inspector...
Nice view you've got from here,
Glad you like it.
You'll probably see it
plenty more times.
Why, you act as if I wasn't trying
to do you a favour.
Could I help it
if she won't talk?
You know how kids are nowadays...
The ain't got no respect for parents
or the law or anything else.
Alright... clear outta here!
But don't kid yourself
I want to let you go.
There's a shyster with a writ for you
downstairs, so I've GOT to do it.
The law don't look so good when
it works both ways, eh Inspector?
Goodbye, Pop.
Goodbye, Babe.
See you soon.
Maybe not so soon
as you think!
What are you worried about
the time for, sweetheart?
Where you're going, you'll have
plenty to spare.
Hello, Kid.
Still open?
Where's Nan?
-I don't know.
Try one, Mac.
Get that cigarette over there.
Say, they tell me you shoot pretty good...
is that right?
I shoot some.
Well, go ahead ans show us
what you can do.
Oh boy!
What's funny?
That you couldn't even hit it.
I can hit you.
Your initial?
Hey, gimme that!
Right over the bump!
Say, you!..
Say, listen, Kid...
Why don't you get out
of this dime-a-throw racket?
I can use a guy
that can shoot like you.
A man tried to sell me
that number, too...
But it was no sale.
I'd just as soon be a cop, as that.
Oh, you would.
What would you do if I told you
the cops framed Nan?
What do you mean?
They got her down at Headquarters.
What for?
A guy gets bumped off...
and they plant the gun on her.
The police did?
That's cops for you.
But let's go up there...
I got to see her!
Not a chance...
They wouldn't let you see her.
Besides, she wants you
to keep out of this.
But somebody's got to do somethin'!
Get her out.
-Not so easy.
Takes money.
Lots of it.
Big lawyers and expenses.
Have you got any?
Well, I'm willin' to do all I can,
but it ain't enough.
Don't you want to help?
Yeah, but...
I haven't got any money.
Now, listen...
Why not play along with me?
You can make a lot of dough
in the beer business.
We can work together
to get Nan out, see.
Well, what'll I have to do?
Just pack around with me... I'll show you.
Here... take this,
and keep it on you.
What are you afraid of?
You won't have to shoot anybody!
Don't you want to help Nan?
`Good boy! Nan 'll be tickled to death!
When they open those gates
and let me out...
Johnnie's gonna be sitting there,
waiting for me.
He promised.
Pop promised I wouldn't do
a day in stir!
I'm doin' it, ain't I?
Oh, well... you got a dirty deal.
Johnnie 'd never pull a thing like that.
Look up and see me laughin'
when you don't find him there.
And if I wave my handkerchief,
you're wrong.
I won't be.
They ALL leave you holding the bag.
Oh, I know the line they gave...
"Play ball with us Babe,
and The Mob will stick by you."
They never welsh out on you
in the beer racket.
I know, believe me!
They can all kiss my foot,
when I get out.
Well, I'd rather have a guy
in the beer racket...
...than a circus act.
-That's what I thought.
I thought The Mob stuck by you
if you didn't squawk.
Now I'm glad The Kid
AIN'T mixed up with them.
Mugs like that.
What's that?
-I don't see anything.
What's that car doin' there?
I better stop
before they give it to us.
No... turn your lights off...
Keep rolling.
Step on it!
Keep on rollin'!
I've come for Esther March.
A party for Esther March!
Well, goodbye!
She's wavin'!
Johnnie alright.
Long may she wave.
Johnnie! What's the matter?
Talk to me... Johnnie!
I thought there was something
funny about it.
Poor Johnnie!
That's bein' 'Johnnie-on-the-spot' alright!
They all get it,
sooner or later.
Your lucky your boyfriend isn't
mixed up in the booze racket.
Don't I know it!
It's no use the rest of you people waiting...
It's nearly 4 now.
I've been waiting so long.
I'm sorry, it isn't MY fault
we've had such a crowded day.
Better hurry, you only have a minute.
It's swell seein' you!
It's great seein' YOU.
Boy, you're good to see!
And you too, Babe!
I wish I could just touch you!
I thought you might never come.
I had to tell them
that we were married...
...or they wouldn't let me see you.
Did you say that?
And how!
Have you missed me?
I'll say I have!
What have you done to yourself?!
Do you like my get-up?
The circus in town?
-Not much!
Gee... you must've come up
in the world!
I'll say I have.
Doin' what?
I'm working with Pop.
Oh, Kid!
You had it right, Babe...
It's great... I love it!
Oh, don't kid me, please!
I'm not.
What's the matter with you?
No, it can't be true...
It mustn't!
I thought you'd be tickled to death.
Oh, Kid!
Time's up!
Sorry, but you came late.
Just a minute, please.
No! I'm sorry.
Goodbye, Nan.
I'll be waiting outside for you,
when you come out.
Come along!
-Goodbye, Kid.
You must've come up in the world.
I certainly have.
Doin' what?
I'm workin' with Pop.
-Oh Kid!
Oh no!
It's great
I love it!
Oh, no, Kid... No!
Time is up!
You certainly had it right, Babe.
Time is up.
It's great!
I love it!
No, Kid, no!
Come along, come along!
Lucky your boyfriend isn't mixed up
in the booze racket.
I love it!
That's bein' 'Johnnie-on-the-spot' alright!
It can't be true, can't!
You had it right!
A party for Nan Cooley!
How do you like it?
Hello... you must be Nan.
Yeah, to my friends.
Then it is to me.
You know The Big Fella, don't you?
No, she doesn't.
But she will.
I'm glad to see you out.
You are a lucky mug, Kid.
Hot stuff, eh Chief?
Red hot!
See... what did I tell you?
It's a swell joint alright.
Nan! Baby, you're lookin' OK!
I'm alright.
-Well, what's eatin' you?
You ain't sore?
Not at Pop!
Can the Pop stuff!..
Sell it to somebody who wants it.
Is that any way to talk,
and me so glad to see you?
Yeah... And what did you do
to get me out?
He did everything he could.
I know he did.
Oh, Pansy!..
She's your new Mom!
Oh, I'm glad to meet the family!
Be yourself, I'm dieting.
-Don't let Nan get your goat.
I don't blame her...
Going up the river is no picnic.
I thought you'd gone.
Hey, I have an idea!
-They must be giving them away.
I'm giving a party for Nan.
Tomorrow night at the Club Villa,
so The Mob can meet her.
Coming-out party?
-That's right.
What do you say?
I'm tired.
It'd do you good!
Thanks, Chief, we'll be there.
Mighty nice of you
to do that for Nan.
I'll do a lot more for you, too.
How do you spell it?
Well, I'll see you tomorrow night.
Oh, Nan... we got a lot
of swell dresses for you!
Pansy picked them out herself.
Come on Pop...
you and me's got a date!
To buy a new dress for the party!
-But you got lots of new dresses!
Oh Pop! Don't be mean to Pansy!
Ain't she clever at thinkin' up answers?!
Why don't you like The Big Fella?
He's a great guy.
Yeah? Well, I know better!
Oh, Kid, let's not go
to that party tomorrow.
Let's drop this mob,
before anything happens.
I thought we settled all that
out in the car.
If you call not listening to me,
settling anything.
Kiss me!
-Let's both beat it tonight.
Kiss me!
Kid... there's gonna be trouble,
I know it.
Let's be sensible.
That's what I am being.
Mighty sensible!
Get a load of The Big Fella!
He's all steamed up!
He sure is!
And is it a burn-up for The Kid!
That brat of yours
is certainly a queer one...
She's got The Big Fella
out on his feet... and don't like it!
She'll learn.
Stop worrying about The Kid, Baby!
I don't want to just dance
with YOU all the time.
Can't you give The Kid a break?
At least let me sit with him
for a while.
I will give him all the break he needs.
Hey, Baldy... come on, sit down.
Sorry old man,
but this is my chair here.
No, it isn't.
But this is my lady's wrap here.
Well, you can have that,
we don't need it.
Pick that up!
Pick that up, I said!
Let's have another dance.
No... thank you, but...
No refusing... come on!
And if you start anything,
you'll get more than a fork in your hand.
He must know about US.
We're gonna get married.
That's more of a reason...
He wants to show you
where you get off.
You're gettin' too big
in this mob.
I thought you and him were...
We were...
Till he got a look at HER!
She better lay off him, or...
I can make you very happy, Baby!
You could have everything!
A car of your own...
...a chauffeur, and all the clothes
you can buy.
No thanks... not tonight,
or any otter night!
Oh, think it over.
I'll leave the offer open.
You think I'll change my mind,
don't you?!
Others have.
It's about my turn, isn't it?
Oh, Kid, I thought you were
never going to ask.
Hey, Pop...
That kid of yours
made a big hit with me.
Yeah, so I've noticed.
Any objections?
No... sure not!
-But what?
Well you know how it is
with The Kid.
He's pretty handy with that gat of his.
I take care of him.
So could we, Chief.
The rest of this is mine.
-What's the idea?
We just started, and I've been
dancing with you all evening.
But I want this one, too.
No you don't.
-Who do you think you're talking to?
Come on, Baby!
Wait a minute!
Hey... trying to get tough?
Nobody takes my girl away from me,
not even you.
Get that?
No hard feelings.
Get off the floor!..
What's the matter with you?
Don't get excited, buddy!
Kid... you shouldn't have done that.
There'll be trouble.
I can take care of myself.
But Blackie didn't do any more
than you did.
Nobody's taking you away from me,
Blackie or no Blackie.
What's the matter?
Take me home, will you Kid?
Home... why?
I'm tired.
Let's get out of here.
How about those two guys
from Detroit?
We don't owe them.
That'll be fine.
What do you suppose we want guys
from out of town for?
They're gone.
He's taken her home... Pop's house.
Now listen...
Make it fast.
Here's the address.
Listen, Kid...
I know what I'm talkin' about.
What about Blackie?
Nan baby, you're seein' ghosts.
Things won't look so tough
in the morning.
You're not going back
to the party?!
Sure...The party's no fun
without you.
Goodnight, Nan.
No more nightmare, see?
Excuse me sir, there's a man
outside to see you.
Who is it?
-I don't know, Sir.
Don't go, Kid!
Didn't he say what he wanted?
-No Sir.
Just that it was important.
Do go out, Kid...
It's a plant, sure.
That's what I want to find out.
Don't, Kid, don't!
Don't worry.
I know what I'm doing.
Don't Kid... Don't be foolish!
Kid, please don't go!
I'm alright.
You stay here.
Kid, don't go!
Kid... come back here!
Looking for me?
-Who are you?
You ought to know who I am...
if it's so important.
Drop those.
Kick 'em out!
Now go home and tell your mommas
you've been born again tonight.
Step on it!
What did I tell you?!
I'll take you upstairs
to your room.
We gotta beat it tonight...
Catch a train. Go now!
No! You're going right to bed.
Where are YOU going?
Back to have a little session
with The Big Fella.
Please, Kid, please don't go!
If you love me...
They'll get you sure!
They're not getting me now,
or anytime.
Kid, please don't go.
Please, if you love me, don't go!
I won't let you!
What do you want me to do... crawl?
-There'll be no crawling.
Listen, Nan, I've got to
handle this my own way...
I'm having a showdown with them tonight,
and that's that.
No, Kid, no...
Kid, please don't go!
Please, if you love me...
Kid, come back!
Come back, you fool!
You fool!
Club Villa?
Mr Maskal please.
Tell him to hurry.
It's very important.
Big Fella?
It's Nan.
Does that offer of yours still hold?
I'll say it does!
I'm leaving for home right now.
I'll give you 5 minutes
to pack up and get out.
You think you're a fast worker,
don't you?
Throw me out, grab the kid's girl,
knock him off...
All before morning.
You're not giving THIS baby the air!
I'm NOT leaving!
Look who's here!
Hello, pal!
Where's The Big Fella?
-1He's gone home.
Where's Nan?
Did she fall, without bein' pushed?
Listen Big Fella, have a heart!
Oh, no, it's top stuff...
Get out, and step on it!
In a hurry, ain't you?
What's the matter...
You expecting company?
You know your way out.
Well, hello Baby!
It's nice of you to come.
Let me help you
take off your clothes.
Heavy, isn't it?!
What you carrying... gold?
Now, is that nice?
I always carry it with me.
You won't need it here.
Oh, now... is that living up
to your side of the bargain?
I told you it was C. O.D.
Oh...OK baby.
Don't get so fussed about it.
I'll call McCoy now and tell him
to lay off, if that's all you want.
I'll do more than that for you, Baby.
Hello... Club Villa?
This is Maskal... get me McCoy.
Only with Kid out of the mob.
Run him out of the rackets...
that's the deal.
When you come through, I will...
not before.
Alright, baby, have it your own way.
You'll see, I'll treat you square.
Oh, darling!
I'm crazy about you!
And you'll see how happy
I'll make you...
You can have everything!
Car, clothes, everything!
What about Agnes?
-Who cares about Agnes?
Hello, Mac...
Say, Mac... forget that about The Kid.
Yeah... I want you to lay off him.
Baby, you sure have me on the run.
Yeah, you heard me...
Forget it.
And don't you worry about Agnes.
I am through with her for good.
Yes, I want you to lay off him, yes!
But listen Chief,
he just took a sock at me...
Let me in! Big Fella!
Open the door!
Help! Help!
A shot! I heard it and the door's locked.
Open the door!
Open the door,
or we'll kick it in!
Come on boys... hurry up!
Big Fella!
Speak to me!
Speak to me!
Oh, he's dead!
You'll get plenty for this!
I didn't do it, I tell you!
I didn't do it!
-Then who did?
What's goin' on here?
The Big Fella.
They think I did it, but I didn't.
I just heard 2 shots and somebody
threw the gun in and locked the door.
That's true, Kid, honest!
Why, you killed him, you...
Kid, I swear I didn't!
Of course you didn't.
Wait a minute!
You believe me,
don't you Kid?
Sure, I believe you.
But what was YOU doin' here?
Why did you come?
That's MY business.
It wasn't because you thought
you could get me out of a tough spot, eh?
-Well, I know better.
Now, get out of here!
Say... who's goin'?
What right have you got to...
-Beat it!
Well, I like THAT!
Look here, Kid... we ought to wait
till McCoy gets here.
I'm runnin' this show.
Good night.
Maybe Mac 'll have something
to say about this.
Maybe he will.
I'll just stick around and see.
Well, what's the good
of all this arguing?
It's a cinch... sure...
If Nan didn't do it, who did?
Yeah, who?
-That's what I'd like to know.
How should I know?
Plenty of people 'd've been glad
to knock HIM off.
WHO, for instance?
Agnes, for one.
ME? how do you get that way?
Why should I?
The Big Fella told Nan
that he'd given you the air.
That's just rubbish
that yarn of hers.
Me and the boys think it was Nan.
We want to know who's runnin'
this mob now, anyhow.
I am.
Who says so?
I say so, for one.
He's right, boys.
It's alrighta, Kid!
-That's right!
And when you talk to me...
take that toothpick out of your mouth.
You dumb egg!
You gonna let him get away
with a thing like this?
If HE's runnin' this mob what are you
gonna do about The Big Fella?
He was knocked off,
wasn't he?
What are you gonna do about it?
The payoff's up to you.
-It's up to you, Kid.
Are you gonna let her
get away with it?
Not much!
Don't worry...
Whoever it is, will get
what's coming to 'em.
To HER, you mean.
If it wasn't her, what's that gun
doin' here? It's hers!
She said it was.
And the door locked.
That's right, Kid.
Are you tryin' to KID us?
Tryin' to give us the run-around!
What's your idea?!
Well, what about it?
Who said it was her gun?
-She did.
That's right...
She said so herself.
The door...
-The door was locked.
If she didn't do it,
who did?
He knows what he's doin'.
Don't be a sap!
Well, what are you
gonna do about it?!
Leave it to me.
Don't bother...
Big Fella!
We'll handle this.
We'll take him for a buggy-ride!
I'm running this show.
And I'm driving that buggy!
Hello, Nan...
Listen... meet me outside your house
in 5 minutes. Will you?
No... I can't explain now.
No... everything's alright.
So far, so good...
But be sure that
you go through with it.
I said I would, didn't I?
And don't try to pull
any fast ones!
Or WE'll pay double!
You get me?
You wouldn't try to frighten me,
would you, Mister?
Wait a minute...
Don't be in such a hurry, Chief.
We're goin' your way...
He thinks he can put one over.
We'll let the both of them have it!
Suits me!
-Yeah... come on!
What's the matter?
-Nothing... nothing. Get in!
What for? Where are we going?
-Get in... it's alright.
What's the matter, Aggie?
Why are you in such a sweat?
Me? I'm alright.
I thought you said The Big Fella
hadn't given you the air?
Sure! You heard me.
Then, where were you goin' with THIS?
What were you hidin' it
back of the curtain for?
Hey... what are you tryin' to do?
Can't you see that train?
-Slow down! Are you crazy?
Pull up!
Slow down!
Hey, what's the idea?!
Hey, are you crazy?
Slow down!
Put on those brakes, or I'll...
Well, why don't you go ahead
and shoot?
At this speed?
Don't be a fool!
Feed it to HER...
That'll stop him!
You put a slug in her
and you'll get the clip.
That'll help make up your mind.
Cover 'em!
Now shoot,
or tip your hardware overboard!
Thanks, boys...
We're slowin' up here.
This way out.
Maybe the walk back home
'll clear your heads.
And you can figure out for yourselves,
that it was Agnes that got The Big Fella.
Now get out!
And you can kiss a beer-barrel
goodbye for me, forever.
No hard feelings!