City That Never Sleeps (1953)

I am the city.
Above and part of America.
Melting pot of every race, creed, color
and religion in humanity.
From my famous stockyards
to my towering factories.
From my tenement district
to swank Lakeshore Drive.
I am the voice, the heartbeat of this
giant sprawling sordid and beautiful
Poor and magnificent
citadel of civilization.
And this is the story.
Just one night in this great city.
Now meet my citizens.
This one is Gregg Warren.
A mechanical man working in a window.
Once he was an actor.
Now he's down to this.
and here comes Johnny Kelly
also one of my citizens
A man who tonight has
reached a crisis in his life.
He came here at this
early evening hour to see
Sally Connors, free, wise and 21.
She has the face of an angel.
And a young university professor
once mistook her for one.
But when he discovered her profession,
dancing in a nightclub his love stopped.
And suddenly he stopped living.
Move it, buster.
-Oh, Johnny, it's you.
-Yeah, hey.
-Why don't you go up and park it?
-I will.
This early show's a drag.
You're telling me.
There weren't more than a dozen
couples up.
And now folks another
lovely young lady...
-Hi, Angel.
-...beautiful and direct from Paris...
...well known to discriminating
audiences all over Chicago...
...the exquisite, the graceful
and voluptuous...
...Agnes Dubois
Well, here goes nothing.
-What brings you here at this hour?
-You. I wanted to talk to you
What about, sweetie?
Well, what about, sweetie?
About us.
It's Kathy again.
It's pretty wry.
-I can't seem to...
-So you're getting cold feet.
It's a big move to make.
You said yourself
it's what we both wanted.
You said the way things are now
you felt smothered.
-I do.
-And so do I.
When I was younger,
when this whole tired cockeyed world
was younger I was going to be
a pretty shining star
in ballet slippers.
Now I've been ground down to this.
Four shows night after night.
Sweat, more sweat, leering eyes.
I'm just like you.
I'm suffocated.
You've talked about California... in the sun under the great big
crazy sky.
Honey, I guess I do want that
for us but I...
But you're sunk in your rut
and you'll never get out.
Did you know I've given my notice here?
You can cancel it, can't you?
They've already hired a replacement.
Honey, I...
I'm sorry. Sometimes I think it's right
and sometimes...
Forget it.
What do you intend to do?
Go away with Gregg.
That mechanical robot out in the window?
You're backing out on me.
What do you want me to do?
Crawl into a deep freeze?
You talk so big. We made such plans.
Never mind, Johnny.
Get this goodbye over quickly.
Come here, Johnny.
I've been there.
And this is another one of my citizens.
No, not him.
Not the little fellow.
Hayes Stewart.
He started out in his youth
to become a magician.
Magic is still his hobby.
Hayes became so talented
with his fingers.
His hand was so much quicker
than the eye.
His greed so much greater
than his conscience,
that he began picking people's pockets.
And his career as a hoodlum
went on from there.
And here is my most brilliant
criminal attorney
Being interviewed by the press as he
stands beside his lovely wife, Lydia.
A man who in the eyes of the world,
was the ultimate in success and
fortune and good living.
-I'll get it, darling.
-I'll get it, my dear.
You stay here to charm
the gentlemen of the press.
Will you excuse me a moment?
Yes, this is Penrod Biddel.
No, not this evening.
Nothing that can't be interrupted.
This is Johnny Kelly, Mr. Biddel.
I've changed my mind.
I've decided to listen to your offer.
I was almost sure you would.
You better come here tonight.
Take the service elevator.
OK, I'll be there.
Johnny, haven't you left for work yet?
Look, just because I'm your mother
in law, you could answer me.
Oh well, have it your own way.
but Johnny do you realize
this is three times
this week that Kathy's
had to stay late at the office?
And with you working the graveyard shift
you scarcely see each other anymore.
I declare, I wonder why you bother
to stay married.
But then she makes more money
than you do.
I suppose that makes it very convenient.
Very comfortable for you.
Makes it nice and easy.
well no matter how much I try to do
for you and Kathy,
it just isn't appreciated.
Sometimes I think you don't
like me coming over.
But after all,
Kathy's all I've got.
I'll tell you this, Johnny Kelly,
if I were Kathy,
I wouldn't stand it for a minute.
I'd just walk out.
Do you hear me?
Goodbye, Mother.
I want to talk to you.
You did.
Last night.
Whatever you left out, your
mother filled in today.
Don't leave this minute, please.
I'm sorry, I have to, Kathy.
What few years I've left of this life,
I want to enjoy.
A woman should certainly
have the privilege
of seeing her own daughter
whenever she wants to.
Oh, hello, honey.
What did you tell Johnny?
Nothing at all. why?
Is he gone?
Yes, he's gone.
Too bad you didn't marry
that Kitchener boy.
He and his wife are living
out on Lakeshore Drive.
Not that Johnny isn't decent
and honest and all,
but you should've had a man
to give you the comforts of life.
If you'd listened to me, you'd never
have married Johnny in the first place.
Telephone for you, Pop.
OK, Bill.
Sergeant Kelly
Pop, I hate to bother you...
...but I've been worried about Johnny.
He's been acting so strangely.
And tonight I found part of a letter
he started to write to his captain.
What did it say?
Well, it sounded as if...
...I hate to say this...
...but it sounded as if he was
thinking of quitting.
I'm sure you're wrong.
there's nothing the matter with Johnny.
nevertheless I wish you'd have
a talk with him.
I'll catch up with him at roll call.
will you call me later?
You take it easy now and quit fretting.
I can't help it, Pop.
I love the guy.
That makes two of us.
Kelly. Junior, that is.
-Present, sir.
How long you been with us, Michaels?
Three months and two days, sir.
-You want to see Johnny?
-Is he all checked in?
Take off, Junior.
Something wrong, Pop?
I just happened to be in the station.
-Well, I'll walk you down to the garage.
-How have things been going?
-Fine, fine, great. Couldn't be better.
Sour about something?
I hear the Bears are a one touchdown
favorite Sunday.
Don't change the subject.
Stop digging at me.
What's the matter, Johnny?
Don't you like your job?
Yeah. It's making me filthy rich.
Still thinking of California and that
fishing boat, aren't you?
Anything but this.
I could have you fired
for a crack like that.
You'd be doing me a big favor.
-Kathy's worried about you.
-Oh. been complaining again?
No, she just loves you, that's all.
She loves her job,
that big position of hers.
Maybe instead of a friendly chat you'd
like an unfriendly punch in the nose?
Not tonight, Pop.
Then ease up.
Where's my partner?
He's sick tonight.
Same old earache, I suppose.
He ought to have his ears cleaned
out or chopped off.
Ready to roll?
Who are you?
I'm your partner for tonight, Kelly.
How do you know my name?
I've known it for a long time.
I wish I could return the compliment.
I don't think I know you.
Well, you can just call me, uh, Joe.
With a sergeant along,
I figure I'll do the driving.
You might be a sergeant
yourself someday.
-Not me.
-Sure about that?
I wonder what kind of night
it's going to be.
This car usually has it pretty quiet.
Car 108, Car 108.
Eastside ninth district.
10316 Avenue J
Second floor in the rear.
Man beating a woman.
The city at night. A million homes,
three and a half million people
all different from one another.
People loving, people hating,
people stealing, people praying.
Same old shinola.
Car 284, Car 284.
The Starlight Ballroom - a knifing.
Probably some goon
jealous of the taxi dancer.
He spends ten cents
and thinks he's in love.
The grief of a city.
I'm sick of listening to it.
How did a man in your frame of mind
become a policeman in the first place?
My old man, Sergeant John Kelly.
Sergeant. He's been on the force
for twenty seven years.
He wants us to be a family of cops.
He pushed me into it.
I suppose you had different plans?
Anything but being a cop.
That reminds me.
I have a little errand. Do you mind
watching the car for a few minutes?
No, not at all.
Be right back.
-Oh, hello, Johnny, come in.
-Thank you.
I gave the cook the night off.
-Will you have a drink?
-I'm working.
For me or the police?
That depends.
You know, Johnny...
I could make a big man out of you.
I've helped a lot of people.
It's a hobby of mine
to take a human being...
and give them glamour,...
-confidence and polish.
Would you excuse me a moment?
I know you're busy, darling, so...
I'm going over to Helen's for a while.
Did you have to call me in here
to tell me that?
I wanted to say goodbye.
I couldn't very well have done that
in front of company, could I?
-Be home early?
-Of course.
Give my best to Helen.
You see, Johnny, this is the thing...
I can give a person dignity and pride.. them face the world.
I can face the world.
Oh, can you?
The world you're in now?
I see how you win your court cases.
Let me tell you the story
of a man I once helped.
His name is Hayes Stewart.
A rather handsome chap...
...considering the tawdry profession
he was in.
He was a pickpocket.
Did you ever hear of anything
lower than a pickpocket?
Yeah, I've heard of a few.
Well, I met him in a rather odd manner.
Well, he stole my wallet.
He emptied my briefcase.
Then came to my apartment and had
the gall to blackmail me
for its contents.
And he was really very good at it.
You should have turned him in.
No, no, he could be of use to me.
Before he left here I convinced him
That I could find better things
for him to do. For instance...
...certain documents in my possession...
...often prove very valuable
during a trial.
Now he's worked for me ever since.
He's prosperous, wears the finest
clothes, and has the manners
of a gentleman.
And the instincts of a killer.
I've heard of him.
He's the job I have for you.
Mr. Stewart is becoming very ambitious.
He wants to be independent.
He's going to try to break
into my office safe.
-What's he after?
-A document.
The Declaration of Independence?
That's what he thinks.
He'll be at the Fister Building
on Dearborn St. at 1AM this morning.
I want you to grab him right in the act.
You don't need me to get him.
Call headquarters.
They'll be glad to get
an advance notice on a burglary.
If Mr. Stewart were simply arrested,
taken down and booked... would be rather ticklish.
Unless I spring him within a few hours,
he might start singing.
What do you want me to do?
Kill him for resisting arrest?
Oh, no. Nothing so crude.
Rough him up a little bit
if you have to.
Slip the handcuffs on him and shove
him in the back of the police car.
Then take him over
the Indiana state line.
He'll only come right back.
The Indiana police are looking for him.
A slight case of manslaughter.
A year or two in the penitentiary.
Seems like an awfully roundabout way to
get rid of somebody.
I don't exactly want to get rid of him.
What he needs is a lesson in ethics.
I'll let him cool for a few months
in the Indiana jail.
Then I'll step in
and obtain his release.
He will be grateful to me
and our relationship will be resumed.
There's just one hitch.
Oh yes, of course.
I forgot the most important thing.
There's five thousand dollars in this.
Let's call it a gift for whatever
is your favorite charity.
That's a lot of money.
But when I have an important errand
done for me I...
...I'm an extremely benevolent man
-That's not what I meant.
-No? What then?
Tonight I'm unavailable.
Not while I'm wearing this.
Tomorrow will be different.
Tomorrow will be too late.
The time is tonight.
It won't work.
I'm not going to try it.
Yes, you will.
And I'll tell you why.
Hayes has been palling around
with a young kid.
Sort of a sidekick.
The kid hasn't become involved
in anything yet.
But if Hayes continues to be
on the local scene...
...little Stubby is going to be in deep.
And you'll be looking up at him
in the police lineup.
Holding his cap in his hand.
And blinking at the lights in his face.
any particular corner
on the Indiana line
you want Hayes Stewart dumped on?
Third and E Street
He'll be there.
if I want to get in touch with you
for any particular reason tonight...
Car 749.
That would be rather awkward.
Then try the Silver Frolics on Wabash.
Ask for Angel Face.
Angel Face?
Yeah, she works there.
Get your errand squared away?
Yeah. Part of it.
Car 12, supermarket, 3546 Addison St.,
burglary in progress.
Everything quiet?
We haven't been asked
to do a thing so far.
Car 134, Car 134.
Corner of Elston and Montrose.
-Disturbance on street.
-It's like a jungle.
Ever think of how it would be
without the police?
Sure, every man for himself.
Violence, bloodshed, fear,
no protection.
Do you lecture on the side, sarge?
Car 44, Car 44.
4721 Hyde Park - meet robbery victim.
A soldier in tavern at that address.
probably some guy just back from Korea
been rolled for his train ticket
and whatever money he had.
Sure, happens every night.
In a way we're like soldiers.
-An army of policemen.
-Knock it off will you?
You're not very impressed
with your job, are you?
It's my last night on the force.
Because I'm not impressed.
Will you do me a favor?
Give this to the captain in the morning
in case I'm not there.
I tells them I'm fed up with the job.
Fed up with life too?
Far from it.
Is he mechanical or is he real.
Anybody who comes up with the right
answer will be a guest of the house.
Watch him stand. Watch him move.
Ask yourself whether he is real.
Or whether it is all coils and springs.
Some human, huh?
Gets them inside though, don't it?
Car 11. Calling Car 11.
50th and Dearborn - dead man
in a vacant lot.
Want to have a cup of coffee?
In there?
They give us courtesy
in the the kitchen.
They're doing their bit to keep the
policemen of Chicago happy, huh?
Didn't I see you in here
a couple of hours ago?
Angel Face just went on.
-You going to wait for her?
I'll tell you something.
It's getting so the mechanical man
practically busts a spring every time
he sees you walk in here.
He ought to leave her alone.
That's practical for a lot of people.
Like those guys out there.
Two old fashions, no ice, no water,
no sugar and no grenadine.
on the level
Gregg is serious about her.
He's got his coils wound up too tight.
He wants to get out of that plate glass
window and work up an act with her.
-So I've heard.
-Two vodka martinis.
The people who ordered them
Russians by any chance?
Who knows? What do I have to do?
Get an affidavit every time
anybody orders vodka?
You're a clever kid, aren't you?
drop dead
I'll give you a tip, buster.
If you're as crazy about Angel Face
as I think you are...'ll move in fast.
Got a stopwatch?
I thought you said goodbye.
I did.
What do you want?
A repeat performance?
-Hiya, copper.
Well, her most devoted fan.
You and Angel Face wanna smooch?
Come on girls, let's have some coffee.
I could sure use it.
All right.
What's the message?
I've handed in my notice too.
What notice?
To the police. I'm quitting.
Tonight's my last night.
All those plans we made,
we're going through with them.
Are you sure this time?
I am. We start fresh.
The whole slate wiped clean.
No past, only a future.
You did come back to me.
How about you? Are you sure
I'm the guy for you?
No one else you'd rather be with?
Like a mechanical man
or a college professor?
A cop.
I'm sick of this town.
I'm with you, Johnny.
When I first came to this town,
I was going to be...
...Oh, there was a lot of things
I was going to do.
Become famous.
But Chicago's the big melting pot
and i got melted but good.
Tomorrow's a new day, Angel Face.
I'll go anywhere you want me to go.
I'll pick you up in the morning
at the apartment.
We'll leave then. Be ready.
I am ready.
Car 743, Car 743.
825 Cedric Street.
Sick woman on the sidewalk.
Let's get over there.
Car 749 going in on that call
at 825 Cedric St.
Car 749 OK.
Hey, that coffee cup
must've had lipstick on it.
All right, stand back.
You guys better take over.
what happened?
Her husband came running
down the street yelling for a cab.
I slammed on my brakes
and went in after her.
I got her halfway into the cab
but I figured it's best
that we don't move her.
Give me a hand, Joe.
Easy. Easy does it.
Get a blanket.
This makes the third baby
I've delivered in the last two months.
You should have been a doctor.
Doctor Kelly.
I'll take it
Take it easy, will you?
How many babies you think
I've handled already this week?
I don't care how many you've handled.
Take it easy.
You talk like you're its father
or something.
You got any kids?
On my pay?
Who is it?
Stubby Kelly.
Back again?
-What you been doing?
I thought you were supposed to be
home before now.
No, I'm working, remember?
Your old man thinks you're still bell
hopping here?
Yeah, sure.
Pretty gullible isn't he?
He's a square.
But he'd really go to bat for you if you
got into a jam wouldn't he?
He'd really go all out?
I'm his son, ain't I?
You ever tell him that you know me?
No, I ain't told Johnny or my old man.
You told me not to.
There may just come a time
that I want you to tell them.
How do you figure I'm ever
going to get in a jam?
I feel like I'm rotting away.
Standing on the street corner
whistling at dolls.
Running and getting sandwiches and stuff
for the guys in the pool hall.
I had more fun when I was
a bellhop here.
Why don't you let me go with you
some time?
I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
I just want to turn a trick with you.
How about tonight?
Are you kidding?
Tonight's the night you go with me.
Oh, man.
That's it over there.
You follow me over and not too close.
I'm going in through the freight chute.
I want you to help me open it.
I'm going in with you, ain't I?
No. As soon as I'm out of sight, you
come back and wait here in the car.
Anybody asks you why you're sitting here
tell them
-Say you're waiting for your old man.
Fister Building. that's funny.
What's funny about it?
Coincidence, that's all.
Lot's of big jewelry firms,
insurance offices, attorneys.
I heard the elevator.
Heard it as plain as anything.
Ain't supposed to be a soul
in this building.
But I saw that indicator move
up to the sixteenth floor.
We'll go up and take a look.
Must have been a spook that brought
that elevator up here.
-Maybe he got off on the next floor down
-Who? the spook?
We'll hit them all.
This is Hayes Stewart. Hi.
I've got to see you.
I just scored a big handful of nothing.
Meet me at the place.
Well, that's all now.
That's all.
I could have sworn somebody was
here. What are you doing?
I just wanted to see what brand it was.
What brand was it?
Nervous Millie - 90 proof.
I suppose you boys are laughing
at me but I saw that elevator.
-And I don't know who...
-Man, we're not laughing at you.
This is what we're paid for.
To answer every call.
Most of them don't amount to much.
But you can never tell
when it's for real.
Who knows? maybe I'll see you
later on tonight myself.
That's right and if you ever see
anything that bothers you...
...anything that you wonder about,
you get us over here.
I sure will do that.
What are you doing here?
-What do you mean what am I doing here?
-Just what I said.
Well, you sent for the police,
didn't you?
Yeah, but they left.
They left without me?
-You're a cop?
Detective Stewart.
And uh...
Don't let them kid you
about that elevator not moving.
It did. You were right.
You really think so?
I know so.
-Now would you let me out?
-Oh, I sure will.
Sure I will.
Isn't that a pretty green?
It's the exact model and color
I was going to get Kathy
for Christmas last year.
They wanted too much dough.
Well, maybe you can get it this year.
How long you and Kathy been married?
Three years and four months.
Does she know you're leaving?
How did you know I was leaving her?
I mean does she know
you're leaving the police force?
Knock off will you, sarge?
So you're leaving
the police and your wife.
I'm starting from scratch.
You're sick inside, Johnny.
Something's got you all fouled up.
What is it?
What's got you so torn up and confused?
It's my fault, Pop.
I make more money than he does.
I just didn't realize
how that must eat on a man.
His pride.
I suppose it makes him feel...
Inferior is the word.
I guess you're right.
But that's going to be different.
I'm quitting my job tomorrow.
We'll live on what he makes.
After all, Pop, you raised a whole
family on a policeman's salary.
It just means cutting a few corners.
The only thing that really worries me
besides the letter... probably doesn't mean a thing
I found this by the telephone.
What would he be doing
with an attorney's card?
Penrod Biddel?
Did you forget your key again, darling?
Darling, you never gave me one.
What are you doing here?
I didn't expect you.
Did you expect me to be somewhere else?
Not exactly.
I'm an ex-magician.
Always look for the unexpected.
Now that you're here, Hayes,
I'd like to have a talk with you.
What for, Mr. Biddel?
To tell me how you picked me up out of
the gutter and made something out of me?
And how I agreed never to do
a job you didn't assign me?
You're becoming too ambitious, Hayes.
Why, Hayes?
Could be I'm tired
of doing all the work.
You're wrong.
All the work is done up here.
And muscles are cheap, huh?
Yes, I can buy all the brawn
I want. Anywhere anytime.
-Would you mind if I did my own
thinking from now on?
I would mind very much.
I guess you're going to miss me.
That's about what I was
going to tell you.
-No kidding.
You're going to fire me, huh?
-I can build persons up and...
-You can tear persons down.
I understand you're planning
a big job for tonight.
It's done.
It wasn't easy.
You're a very smart man, Mr. Biddel.
For a man as smart as you I can't
figure why you keep such important
papers in your bedroom safe.
It's a funny note, Mr. Biddel.
Isn't it?
What have you done with them?
This is right back where we started
three years ago.
I got my hands on some documents
incriminating enough to send you away
for 99 years.
Only I wasn't smart then.
I let you give me a lot of fast talk.
Tell me all the things you were going to
do for me what a big man I'd be.
All that hot air and malarkey.
I gave you back 99 years of your life.
This time I want a hundred thousand
dollars cash and I want it tonight.
Where do you think I can put my hands
on that kind of money at night?
You're a very smart man, Mr. Biddel.
You do all the thinking.
You said so.
Well, think.
Think hard.
It's your problem.
You've got the greatest gall
of any man alive.
I'll be waiting for you in my hotel room
Tell me...
What gives you such
insufferable confidence?
The knowledge that if you're not there
with the money
inside two hours the whole batch of
stuff goes to the district attorney.
Wait a minute, Hayes.
How did you get those papers?.
I had an accomplice.
Aren't you going to ask me who?
All right.
Your wife.
Who are you?
I'm trying to find Johnny Kelly.
It's very important. I must reach him.
Once I called the station
he works out of.
I left a message for him to call me
whenever he checks in.
Would you do that again?
What's the matter with you,
gramps? Do it yourself.
I'd much rather not leave my name
with the police.
You call him and tell him
it's urgent that I see him.
Biddel is the name.
Calling Car 749, car 749.
Disturbance in alley between Superior
and Huron street east of Hudson Avenue.
Car 749 OK.
-Good dice, come on.
-Come on, blow it.
I want to see those dice.
There's nothing wrong
with these dice, man.
I want to see those dice.
There's nothing wrong
with these dice,man.
Those dominoes are lopsided as hell.
That money ain't legally yours.
Look, I dropped my whole paycheck.
I got a wife and six kids.
A sick wife and hungry little children.
Shame on you, brother, for even being
in a gambling game.
I'm sorely tempted to give you
back your money.
But my conscience tells me
you ought to learn your lesson.
Look, Johnson, all three of us
dropped our whole day's pay.
-But them dice are loaded it ain't legal
-Look out, the blues are coming.
All right, stay where you are.
Well, if it isn't my old friend,
The Deacon.
Just a quiet little game
going on here, officer.
All that money's yours, eh, Deacon?
Since it's laying there, it's open.
-We were just breaking up the game.
-Give me the dice.
How much is down there?
Thirty-six bucks.
Deacon, I'm shooting thirty-six bucks.
And you're fading me.
No sir, Officer Kelly, I ain't.
I said you're fading me
for thirty-six bucks.
What do they say, Deacon?
You and I both know what they say.
All right boys, pick up your money.
Next time be careful
who you shoot craps with.
Deacon, here, makes his living this way.
He's a leech. A human bloodsucker.
But yell too loud when you lose,
you're liable to wind up with no head.
So wise up and get out of here.
-You ain't going to take me in?
-Of course not, Deacon.
By the way, how many times have I
arrested you so far this month?
-Was it three?
-No sir, four.
And that's more than enough.
I've been punished. I see the light
Living on the misery of poor little
souls. Shame on me.
I'm going to throw the book
at you this time Deacon.
You're really going to take me in?
You're through shaking people down
for a while, Deacon.
because you're going to live
at the county.
Then the only people you'll be shaking
down are the dumb taxpayers like me.
-Let me go and I'll even get a job.
-Get in.
Big responsibility looking out
after the public, isn't it?
Just routine.
But I got a definite offer if I can
just put the act together.
It's no use, Gregg. I've thought about
it but I've got other plans.
I told you about it, didn't I?
A comic routine; Mr. and Mrs. bit.
There must be other girls you can get.
You'd be the wife and I'd be the
nagging husband. It's the switch.
I got some of the material
written down here.
Some other time. I ...
I got to go back out
to the window anyway.
They ought to give me a longer break
than fifteen minutes.
I'll say they should, Gregg.
Know how it feels to be out there for
an hour and a half without a rest?
I can imagine.
One, two...
But I don't think about it.
If I did I'd be in a nuthouse.
What do you think about?
I got a game I play.
I told Sally about it.
He pretends he isn't there.
I'm counting, see?
But all the time I'm thinking
I'm not in the window at all.
I'm out by the blue Caribbean...
...and Sally's with me.
Lying there on the crystal white sand
in a black bathing suit.
And I can hear the waves
hitting the beach.
I can see the whitecaps dancing
across the water.
You hurt all over don't you, Gregg?
Not when I go to the places where I go.
Sometimes I'm on a mountain top and
It's snowing.
And Sally...
...Sally's wearing a snow hood and... ski pants and white mittens.
She's laughing because she feels
so cold that she feels so good.
How can I get another girl
to play my wife?
If you don't play her
there's no act. That's all.
That's for me. They want me
back out in the window.
Telephone, Sally. It's for you.
Know who it is?
Who else?
Don't answer it.
Hi, Johnny.
I got your message. Anything wrong?
I don't know. There was
this Mr. Biddal or Bill
He seemed very upset. He waited
around for you about an hour.
-Did he leave a message?
-Oh, yeah.
He said...
Your appointment is changed.
The time is now.
And the place, the Continental Hotel,
Hayes Stewart's room.
Darling, what's better than money?
You tell me.
The black magic of Hayes Stewart.
Wanna give me some magic?
There's the magician.
Your magic touch.
I'm in a different world.
No wonder I'm willing
to give up everything.
Room 320.
Oh, you're the best. The best.
He's on his way in.
This is it, kitten.
is it all off?
Yes, all.
What are you so nervous about?
You don't have to rub his face in it.
But darling, I was rubbing
your face in it.
Oh, you're upset.
I've stolen a lot of things in my life
but never someone's wife.
What's so funny?
You with a conscience.
He doesn't have the money with him.
I'll handle this.
If he had the money, he'd be
carrying it in something.
Lydia, keep out of this.
All right where is it?
I can explain everything.
Where is it?
But first there are one or two
things I'd like to say.
May I sit down?
I tried my best to help you the same
as I've helped others in the past.
You, Lydia...
When I first saw you,
I was selling coffee and hamburgers
behind a counter in a railroad station.
Yes, I had an hour to kill.
And you used it to murder
years of my life.
Sure, you made a lady out of me.
The best dressed hash slinger
in Chicago.
But you've never stopped
talking about it since.
You've thrown it in my face
three times a day.
You told everybody we met,
"Look at my lovely wife".
She used to be a two bit waitress
with broken arches.
And look at her now.
Yes, look at her now.
Maybe I was boasting...
...because I was very proud of you.
Have I ever done anything
really to hurt you?
Or you, Hayes?
Tell him about the ride to Indiana.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I heard your instructions to that cop.
How could anybody be hurt
by a nice solid year in jail?
I guess there's nothing left to be said.
Except I...
I'd like to present this farewell gift
to both of you.
Look out!
You're right. He hasn't got it.
Why'd you have to shoot him, Hayes?
You could have just taken his gun.
He was an old man.
What were you afraid of?
Are you concerned with him or us?
But I didn't want to get mixed up
in anything like this.
-Let's get out of here.
-Where to?
Somebody must have heard that
shot. They'll call the police.
Where are we going to go?
You can't shoot a man as prominent
as him and run very far.
You're right. The police will be here.
This is my room. They have my name.
-Hayes, I'm scared.
-Wait a minute.
They'll never search
a police car for us.
If he could use that cop we can.
He'll get us out of the state.
You said that was the deal he made.
Where do we find him?
He told him he'd be
at the Silver Frolics.
-His name's John Kelly.
-Let's go.
Calling Car 749.
Car 749, Continental Hotel,
room 320, a shooting.
Car 749. OK.
Did he say the Continental Hotel?
He sure did.
The guest in 337 reported a shot.
We didn't investigate right away
because it could have been a car
backfiring or almost anything.
Then the man in 337 called again
and said he saw Hayes Stewart
and a woman leaving.
Said it looked like
they were in an awful hurry.
So I came up with the passkey.
I knocked and nobody answered.
I opened the door and found
this man here the way you see him.
I called the squad roll even before
I called you. There's the gentleman.
This man's in a bad way.
-Are you the house doctor?
-I'm a doctor.
He lives in the building next door.
I thought it best to ask him over.
I can't do anything for him here.
Everybody clear out until
the squad roll arrives.
Let's everybody clear out.
All right, folks. come on, Doc.
Hayes Stewart?
The hotel manager said
two people left the room.
Who was with him?
It's not important.
Any idea where he went?
Looking for you.
Silver Frolics.
Aren't you going to report in?
Police 31313.
Give me the squad operator.
Officer Kelly, Car 749,
21st District reporting in.
That shooting at the Continental Hotel.
Victim is Penrod Biddel.
Yeah, that's him.
he was shot by Hayes Stewart.
The only lead I have is that Stewart
may be headed for the Silver Frolics.
Cars 749, 771, 774 and
attention all cars.
Wanted for assault with
intent to kill - Hayes Stewart.
Description follows:
Calling Car 749.
Car 749, come in.
Car 749, acknowledged.
That's Johnny's car.
He must still be on that
Continental Hotel call.
-Let's go in on that call.
-OK by me.
Car 784, 784.
Go ahead, 784.
Did 749 report?
Not yet. They're tied up.
We'll go in on that call.
OK Car 784. Silver Frolics on Wabash.
Is he mechanical or is he real?
Watch him walk. Watch him move
Then guess whether he's
made of wax, metal and putty...
...or is he of flesh and blood?
What is it? What's the matter?
Nothing. It's nothing.
The police?
Yeah. One of them is Kelly.
You boys want a good table
with a nice view?
-Are you kidding?
-We're just looking around.
Officer Kelly.
-Officer Kelly?
Who are you?
Mrs. Penrod Biddel. Are you looking
for Hayes Stewart?
Yeah, I am.
How did you know?
The deal has changed. Arrest him.
He just shot my husband.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Come on, we'll pick him up. Where is he?
He's upstairs but I can't go.
What's the matter, lady?
If he knew I pointed him out,
he'd kill me.
We'll protect you from him.
Come along.
I'll handle it.
Hayes Stewart?
What is this?
Don't you know?
Is your name Kelly? John Kelly?
Yeah, that's my name.
That's different. I've been
looking for you.
Well, what do you know?
I've been looking for you.
-Fine. Are you ready to take me?
-Yeah, I'm all ready.
You sure you got this straight?
I'm positive.
Well OK.
But it won't be Indiana. I want you
to take me to Cicero instead.
Are you crazy?
I'm taking you down
to the detective bureau.
You're under arrest
for shooting Penrod Biddel.
Quit being cute, copper. you made a deal
with Biddel to take me out of town.
A deal to do what?
You're Officer John Kelly, aren't you?
That's right.
Oh. I get it.
It's suddenly crystal clear.
Hayes, Hayes. Here.
What happened? Tell me
what happened over there.
Anybody get hurt or anything
like that? What happened?
Tell the kid what happened, Lydia.
Quit pointing that gun at me.
Am I, sweetheart?
-am I?
-I'm going.
-Shut up! You're staying.
You look as if you're crazy.
You're right. Crazy's the word.
I was happy. I was contented
following orders.
Then you came sneaking around
with your big ideas.
I was only trying to help.
Telling me how we'd take
the old man for all the money.
The places we were going to live.
Making me the hottest hood in town.
Then when the showdown came,
you were great in the showdown, honey.
True blue. A hundred percent solid.
You were sensational, Lydia.
-You were so great that I'm going to...
-Hayes, don't!
Let me get out of here.
Let me get out of sight.
Why don't you tell me how much
you love me, sweetie?
Oh, you fool, you.
I used to do a magic act about
a disappearing girl.
Here's the way it goes, Lydia.
Just like this.
-She's been shot.
-Just like Biddel, huh?
-She's worse off than he is.
-Is she dead?
Funny, the call said
the shooting was inside.
You better go and check.
It's Pop, Johnny.
-I waited for you, son.
Kathy's a fine girl, Johnny.
Take care.
Why did it have to happen to him?
-What was he doing here anyway?
-He took your call, Johnny.
Who was it?
-Hayes Stewart?
The hood.
Cop killer.
I know how you feel.
I don't think you have
the slightest idea how I feel.
Why do you say that?
I feel like I'm in a cement mixer being
slowly chopped and pounded to death.
I've seen all I can stand to see.
He was an old man.
He should have been retired by now.
That's the way he wanted it.
To be killed in the line of duty.
Stupid copper.
You want to see me?
You saw it didn't you?
The shooting on the street.
You know what I'm talking about.
Answer my question.
Where did Hayes Stewart go?
I'm a mechanical man.
I don't see. I don't hear...
...and I don't feel. Remember?
You mean to tell me
you didn't see him go?
I didn't see a thing.
Gregg, Johnny's father was killed
right here in this club.
I saw it all right.
well then come up with some answers.
I could even do better.
-What, for instance?
-Just by chance, a hundred to one shot.
I'm the only one to see
him kill that girl.
He's still somewhere
in the neighborhood.
When he realizes he's got a witness...
...When he figures out that
I'm not made out of just...
sawdust and bailing wire.
-Just tell me where he went.
-I don't know exactly.
A nearby building for sure.
I have a hunch he'll show.
So lose yourself out in the street.
Wait for it to happen.
Gregg, you're not going
back to that window?
Sure, I am.
To wait and count...
...and dream some more...
Of the blue sea...
...and mountain tops with falling snow.
That's the way a man is
when he's made of sawdust.
You can't let him go back
to that window.
What if he can help me?
Stop him, Johnny. Please stop him.
He's just a nice guy
who shouldn't have to die
like a freak in a window.
He shouldn't. He can't.
It's all off.
What is?
Clay pigeon night.
What's the matter?
Nothing. It just struck me funny.
When I was a kid I
always wanted to be a cop.
Here he is again - the mechanical man.
He walks, he moves but is he real?
Is he a human being or is he a machine?
Guess whether he is man or robot.
The correct answer entitles you...
-Get in will you, sarge?
-What's up?
I'll explain in a minute.
...a human being or is he a machine?
A mechanical man. He walks
he moves but is he real?
Is he a human being or is he a machine?
-Shut up!
Please, Hayes, tell me
what happened in that club.
Nothing, i tell you.
I just winged him, that's all.
What's the matter now?
Why leave here? This is
as safe a place as any.
You saw those cops roll away.
Then there's that dummy.
What about him?
He saw me kill Lydia.
That ain't a human being.
How can it see anything?
That's what I got to find out.
I never killed anyone before her.
There's not going to be anybody.
Not anybody who can say they saw me.
Hayes, please let me cut out.
-Let you what?
-Beat it!
Oh, no.
That dummy's not the only one
who saw what I did to Lydia.
Hayes, you don't think...
Come on, what's the big mystery?
What's your plan?
-Stay here.
-Do you think he'll come back?
It's our only chance.
-Call in and get another car.
-I already have.
Gregg, listen to me.
Sometimes people make
a lot of mistakes in their lives.
I know I have.
Too many of them.
I almost made another one tonight,
a terrible one.
Now I want to straighten out
and have a good life.
Hey, Sunny, what do you make of him?
He's cute.
Think it's real?
That thing?
Gregg, I...
I want to dream like you...
...of the beautiful things.
Please come out of this window now.
I want to do the comedy act with you.
You know...
...the husband and wife routine.
I think it's awfully cute that...
...the husband is the one
that does the nagging
Please, Gregg.
Harry, look, look.
The mechanical thing is crying.
Then he is a real man.
What about the shooting in the club?
-He's dead.
Can you navigate?
Yeah, yeah.
Then get yourself out of here.
I will.
I will.
Attention cars responding to plan 5
in the twenty first district.
Hayes Stewart wanted for the murder
of a police officer.
Last seen fleeing west from State St.
an alley between Kinsey and Hubbard.
Cars 762, 769, and 782 proceed to stated
area and attempt to barricade alleys
at Dearborn Street, Clark
and La Salle Street.
Car 769, OK.
Get me the police.
Calling cars 762, 769, 782 and 788...
...proceed to area
under elevator tracks...
...between Kinsey St. and the river
just east of Wells.
Police officer needs help.
There's an "El" station
a few blocks that way.
Get up on the tracks and cut them off.
Hayes Stewart...
...this is the police.
Halt or you'll be shot down.
Hayes Stewart.
This is your last warning.
Give yourself up.
Wait a minute. That's Johnny Kelly.
How can you see that from here?
That's Kelly all right.
Officer Kelly...
...if you are Kelly...
...if you're a police officer,
identify yourself.
If you are a police officer,
identify yourself.
All right, copper, you want me
come and take me.
That's Johnny's badge all right.
He won't be down
until that killer's down.
Come on, boy.
I'm sorry, Johnny.
Can I help you, officer?
No thanks, father, I can handle this.
He's my brother.
...killed while resisting arrest...
...will report the full details...
never mind that.
I'll have the report filled in for you.
thank you, Joe.
we all feel very badly about Pop.
Oh, Johnny...
Your badge.
You almost lost it.
Yes, sir.
-Who are you looking for?
-My partner.
Didn't I tell you he was out tonight
with an earache?
Johnny Kelly's home.
Home to stay.
While others are just
getting up to go to work...
...for everywhere every minute
of every hour... this melting pot of every race,
creed, color and religion in humanity..
...people are working,
laughing and dying.
Some, like Johnny Kelly...
...are being born again... the city that never sleeps.