Class Act (1992)

Jo! I mean, hey! Look, this is not me!
I am Duncan Pinderhjuz.
Watch out, I was a genius.
I mean, I am a genius.
-They housed me.
-Oh, and I Pi-you Herman.
Haha, that's ridiculous. No, no, I do not understand.
You see, I was on the way to college.
Vukovac, average 5.00, you know,
I get a degree in biochemistry.
Or applied mathematics.
But things did not turn out like that.
I come from a good, healthy,
intellectually stimulating environment.
A Blade, it's another character about whom I will
talk ... Well, he ... It is the end ...
-I see it, our lives have been opposed.
-Yeah ...
Wait, start from the beginning.
Maybe this will help to clarify things.
Duncan Piskila in the nose.
While I looked on good behavior,
Blade is free to let yellow streams.
How many times have I told you so
the refuge that matter!
I was a real human sponge, absorbing
wealth of knowledge that our world offers.
Blade became the king of pornography.
I was the perfect child
who has learned to share.
While he calls himself became
hardened criminal.
I have always looked
in the future ... continue ...
He has watched the neighborhood.
I was on the right track
the academic home of glory.
Blade was on the right
Road to Alcatraz.
It was the summer before my senior year
and we were moved to a new area.
Can you forsake us. There are good
candidates for strumming there in the corner.
I was wrong. But one of us
spent the summer with his brothers at his favorite resort.
Be good to me, Blade!
Dick Rijkaard, what a pleasant
surprise. What's up, bro?
Still trying to reduce your crime?
And when I'm going to smoke here?
When you solve to be
nice guy, Michael.
Stop with the "Michael" shit,
You can not hold me here.
I would not need to be here,
whatever the law that I violated.
Shut up!
I'm a minor ...
I am a black juvenile ...
It starts me a headache,
my ears bleed!
Give more shut up.
Just to let you know.
Farkon not come here to pay bail
for a small car thief.
And I ask you to stay here
as long as this figure does not look good.
Hey, do not look at me like that!
But I do wonder,
a judge and let it out.
You see, I'm talking about.
Raise your tone and the people and listen.
I am a free man.
Power to the people!
Wait, wait, wait.
Not so fast.
-Judge and let it out under certain
conditions. -What kind of conditions?
First, you have to go to school
and to have good grades.
Come on, man. Me and schools.
It's like oil and vinegar. Do not mix up.
-Oil and water.
-No matter ...
Watch out, it is very simple. You want to get out
here, you have to go to school.
You go to school, filled with 18 to the end of term.
This means that you will not be minor.
So, If you will not have good grades,
or catch you in a fight
or even how visi with his brothers, or how
wipe your butt to the side, buddy ...
It would be a violation of your probation
and arrest him, and as an adult.
How to wipe your butt to the side? What
talk bre? Dude, you just do not love me?
And, yes, I almost forgot. Judge you
prepared a special gift before you go.
That's what I'm talking about. That's all I wanted.
Some respect. What is it?
Fuck you!
-Next it was ... The burger well
looks. -And it tastes good, punk.
Doctor Oppenheimer, Dr. Martin,
from the heart
I speak as a third Pinderhjuza generation.
This is the culmination of his life's dream.
Next: Raging beavers!
Duncan, Haford has the most
criteria for admission to the world.
And the fact that you are perfectly
did the entrance, had on average 5.00
what concerns us Hafordu,
is not enough.
-Excuse me! -Will to say that all
Your achievements fall into the water
If you have passed a physical in order to fulfill
requirements for a diploma in high school.
No diploma, no Haforda.
We moved because we found a school
that assesses physical only "pass / fail".
-So I will not have to play the asthma.
-Duncan has never been spotski type.
As you can see, everything went well-oiled ...
... Until the first day of school.
Mmm, ass bonus.
Herman! Damn kids
we are going to damn nerves.
Jail bird.
And that was it.
The mistake that will change my life.
-What do you say, how big were the boobs?
Oh, they were ... Bre Wait a minute.
To get back to the story. OK?
-Quite a record, a young man.
-Oh seriously?
Profilina rights.
And the result at the reception.
Yes, at least I wrote the name correctly.
-Crime ... What a crime!
The crime is that there is above average
5.00. Obviously you need a bigger challenge.
-Someone like you smori in a place like this.
-There you are right, boy.
-Excellent. So I thought of something
further for you. -What further?
How would you like to show what you know
on TV?
Where? To "high in America?
Very funny. No, no, it is a local TV
competition called "Cup of Knowledge".
TV competition?
In fact, it's a competition between
students from rival schools.
Strong shocks, one on one,
Man to Man.
That's it. When I heard that you
final year to spend with us
I was free enough to report
Higgins High School for the show.
I want to predvodi our team against
and other schools and to break a.
I know you can do it, you write the file.
-To them smash?
Yes, to razvali.
-To kill them, send them to sleep.
-To sleep, yes.
-Do they dig hands.
-Yes, exactly that.
I'm looking for this school all his life,
who knows how to use my skills.
I think I understand.
Just rely on me, brother.
You, there!
-This is the nepoverovati.
-Thanks directors less.
-This you call a score in the entrance?
-They told me I was unique in history.
Well, not joking.
It seems to me ...
It seems to me that unless you should have
average of at least 3.50, are in great problem.
I hope to average 5.00, sir.
Hey, stop acting smart,
I know you think you're one in a million.
I actually statistically
one in 3.75 million.
Hurts me what you think you are, prikane.
You will not scare me, and now is lost
before I call security.
"But, sir!
-Hey, hey, move away from me!
If we pretend the problems, immediately call
police. And now back to class!
So, we took the schedules
and went his way.
Shut up, baby!
-Welcome to Advanced Latin.
-It is an honor to have you in class.
-Yeah, what's the deal? Where is Rijkaard?
You know Rijkaard? He was a brilliant poet.
-Is that it?
I am Miss Simpson.
If you be patient with me I will try to
I am a professor. As if you need a teacher.
Yes, imagine that ...
Please, sit.
Hey, hey, hey, man, I know not to sit
at my favorite place. Move up.
Hey, dude, I know not to sit
on my second favorite place.
"But I thought you said ...
-Shut up, give a lemma, gunpowder, tail, top dollar ...
You want to pay you to sit here?
-Are you crazy?
-Of course I'm crazy!
That's why I'm here. Wrong to me
suneroglavi realized.
Will you pay me for the privilege
I do not sit down on the floor.
In fact, irrelevant. Save money, buy
yourself 'policy, as well as what you got sick ...
Pencil, crayons, markers ...
I do not care. I'm easy.
Amor omnia vincit.
Love conquers all.
Latin, the father of all the Romance languages.
'You sure you're in the right place?
Let me see your card.
By that I'm here.
Well, since I will molest the whole
six months, you should at least know my name.
Hello, my name is Lollipop.
-Why do they call you Lollipop?
-Wedge said because I'm cool
but I'm sloppy, I do not agree with him.
-What is Wedge?
-This thing is Wedge.
-Where is my Kinta?
-I have nothing, man.
I'll give you this, deny!
I said, deny!
Give me the gun!
-What are you doing with my a she?
-Wedge, iskuliraj, I'm fine.
Give me one reason why you
is broken nose, faco.
Well, because you are really good man
and we should be friends.
Hey, Wedge, I think you should
to think about it.
Tell him to the last character you have been touched.
Say what you do to him.
I did his homework?
That's my man.
No, no. Do these words
"Intensive care" mean anything?
A multi-con ... con ...
Contusion and fractions with serious
internal injuries and the conclusion ...
That's a lot of pain.
Your days of beatings have passed.
I want to introduce to you my man
2 teeth, one leg longer than the others.
Hurricane-Hugo-cool-suit, all-my-children
it-looking, none-our-children-it-no
Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla ...
My man, that is. Michael Charles
so. Blade Brown.
ikam and that it hit.
So you're the Blade Brown. Well, listen
Blade, do not stop me on the road. Get it?
-Get it?
-I have my head around.
Lift to all!
And now, reading is the foundation.
So to continue with this
school joke.
You, give!
Oh yeah, reading is the foundation.
OK, kids, now we have
20 minutes of free time.
So, you're a Blade.
Well, I heard about you and Sarel of Luanda
who said Devon, who said Sisiliji
who told me to let you know knowledge.
I think not a good idea
that you and I talk.
I said Sarel Luanda,
who said Devon, who said Aliti
who told me that you know how to do
things we never dreamed.
Is that correct?
Well, I know how to do certain things ...
I have never met a guy who ...
I did not even ...
-Bye. My name is Ellen. Ellen Grove.
-What 's the heart?
I read your discussion on
Lipopolysaccharides and induced modulation
creation and conduct of human monocyte
urokinase at the national competition.
-What one go, girl?
-It was excellent.
Good morning, students.
This is your manager, Mr. Short.
I want everyone to welcome you
to another great year
here in high school Higgins.
We will start with traditional rally against
Drugs and hope you will all join
in great time.
What makes me proud as a director
this school is that I joined newcomer
and probably the smartest of students who
I have ever met to lead a team
representing our school in the Cup
Knowledge. Pinderhjuza Lord Duncan.
Duncan this morning I was personally convinced
that they will tear your hands.
Well ... Go back to work ...
-Duncan, you're so intellectually aggressive.
-Wait a minute, I did not ...
And maybe I am ...
-Do you I look stupid?
-Is this a trick question?
I told you to keep away from
my shit. And she is my shit.
You, me, park, after school.
I would like, Mr. Wedge, but I
to do homework after school.
I do not care, just drag
Get your ass over there. Come on, baby.
Do I look stupid to you?
'You see the Blade?
Blade Brown?
'You see the Blade,
Is that someone saw Blade?
Hey, Blade, how?
My main man.
-Well, I guess ...
-OK, see you later, brother.
Directors less.
There was a terrible mistake ...
-You must be Blade Brown.
-No, that's the error ... I am Duncan ...
No, no, no ...
I am Duncan Pinderhjuz. You think
this is funny? That was a joke? Come here!
-What's wrong, brother?
-Something tells me that you are the Blade Brown.
-Where are you going? Do not move there.
-Look, today I really was not given.
First, someone wants me beats that I have.
Then you want to beat me up for not you.
And then you want to be you.
What do you really want?
No, do not be me.
Be you, but for me.
Go to my classes this half of
and I will let you live.
If not, then you can die.
Look, today after school mountain named
Wedge wants to drill a tunnel in my head.
How to fake such a fight?
-Leave it to me.
You better be on that role or will odglumi
a label on cars for the disabled.
Got it. And do not you say
anyone, anyone about this!
And you will be in the parking lot after school.
OK, now it is finished.
You are free.
Prepare for a fight.
Go away go, man!
Hey, everything is taken care of.
We will take top dollar for this fight.
Good boy ...
Sorry, damn freak.
It's me, Duncan Pincus.
I just saw that escapes Wedge
home mommy. Blade is the winner.
I have to turn on,
I have to smash some homework.
That's right, you heard a geek.
Worth of man.
Jo, Blade, you broke that Wedge,
and did not even sweat. You're the king.
Here's your part,
80-20% right? Yes.
Can I blejim with you?
-To bleji?
To blejim with you, that senior to you,
you keep your back to me, I keep you back.
Of course ... I guess ...
Be careful, move up, one goes.
Get out of the way, pussies.
Poploajte way for the king.
Poploajte way for my man.
Hey, Blade, which this time you too
do not give a phone number.
Will my phone number?
I have no paper.
Never mind, just write it here.
Seeking Blade Brown
"Is it a video?
Tell him to Rijkaard asks Dick.
Is that you remember?
These are two words, Dick Rijkaard.
Will and my address?
Pinhed (iodina heads)
get over here! Now!
I have to go.
Later, DaSisa ... Damita.
-Can I go home now, please.
-O how we need to talk, komo.
-People must think you're me.
So I thought. -Oh, no.
-I want to drive home Lucille.
-Lucille? And my parents?
Dad would I be if I brought logirao
girl home. Not pregnant, right?
-This is Lucille, I personally was nabudio.
-Are you crazy? I do not know how to drive.
-I do not have permission.
-Me neither. You'll learn.
Because, if destroy, I mean, if it
you make the slightest scratch on the paint.
Back at the workshop, Jack.
Go ahead, enter inside.
Lucille has one of the most sophisticated
hydraulic systems of combustion in the world.
And I will not even mention the high-tech,
lubrikacioni, liquid, rotating design.
-Brother, the wicked!
-And my bike is a killer, if you're going downhill.
-Is that it? Where is it?
-There he is there.
It's not bike, it's bajs.
-Cool, huh?
Get out, Pinderpiako.
I do that sjebe. Delete!
-Get away from the foot brake!
-Slowly, Lucille.
Girl, it's Blade Brown.
So good!
-Are you okay?
-I went.
It was Duncan Pinderhjuz.
It is wonderful.
-Not mine.
-Wow, dangerous wheelchair.
... Even if it was the last thing ...
I mean, Blade ... How Blade can drive ...
Curb, the curb!
Pinderpovraka damned.
"I am a mom, Michael.
Sounds like you have added a couple of lock ...
I went out. Home alone.
Are not you glad to see me?
The judge says I have to take care
about you. Do me a favor. Stay out of trouble.
I hope you paid for that haircut.
You know, Duncan. Maybe you could
to take off 6-7 cm hair.
Dad, we've already talked about that.
Just express aerodynamics.
Have you met someone at school today who
on your social and intellectual level.
-Well, actually I did not.
-Duncan, not just a matter of what you know.
But who you know.
-I fully agree, dear.
I will.
Fuck, where are you so far?
Do you deaf?
-Can I help you?
-Yes, I ask Duncan.
-Blade, what a surprise.
-Good crate.
-Mom, Dad, this is my friend Blade.
-Blade (blade), it is your name?
Dad, is not it your name?
-Blade came to help him around
home. -Really? What's the problem?
Is that you have a problem?
Is not it funny? It requires many
to do, Blade, AJDEMO up.
We'll be back.
-Invaded this. It took me years
to build a reputation and I will not allow
to ruin a pussy like you.
All right, what is so special to you?
-First you have to oblai properly.
Style is more than a state of mind, my brother
so I have brought some equipment to wear.
Oh, yes.
Yes, and you can not be a soul player.
-What are you talking about, these things are the eggs.
I do not like these things to market what you're wearing.
-With the market? This is not the market.
This is the best of JCPenney-I, buddy.
-Loose, do not shout.
And now, to start
to get rid of this.
Here, take this.
It's not hygienic.
I'll give you hygiene, take!
Oh, yes. It fits perfectly.
-We have to settle one more thing.
What's going on up there?
Better to go to check.
You'll like it, stop it vrpolji
or I'll have to hold.
Stop me blow my back.
Too hot for me.
Honey, what's wrong?
Julie, did you ever think
about the sexual orientation of our son?
Well, the right to tell you,
I thought he was gone.
Blade brand in all its glory.
Hi, Dad.
-Hi, Dad.
Is that was our son?
Like how to move the roof,
like Legos.
-Shut up.
-Wind in the hair. Breeze through the locks.
Shut up!
-What do we ask here?
-If you're going to be Blade Brown
You have to know where Blade Brown is coming.
I thought you izmileo under a rock.
I injured my tooth. No gold, but I did
premolar. Front-grinder ...
How's the tooth now?
-God, but you're sensitive.
You have to follow me leader.
Come on, do not be udaljavaj.
-You want to dance, baby?
-Come on, sexy.
To check whether (svrava) often?
I mean, do you come here often?
You know, as soon as I saw
I thought you and me ...
You want to play with me?
You know what I think when I see you?
Skiing down the slopes of Blue Ridge Mountains.
Where have you been all my life?
Well, what do you say?
Double fun.
How are you?
Oh, sorry.
Simon, brother,
This night is crazy.
Lisa was?
What is it? Got a problem?
Hey, hey, Iskulirajte, he was with me!
-What's up?
-Nothing special, bro.
Frutti, Gogo, this is my nigger D.
He is good with me.
-Where is your party, brother? When you went out?
-Do not worry and talk later about a job.
Now we need to turn on.
-Wait, I just entered the TRICK.
Retard, how could you mix that brother
and retard. -I call that retardo?
-Dumb are you, brother.
-You are stupid.
-Can we go home now?
-Sit down here!
Let me explain a few things.
You have to throw lingo like you're in the story.
You know, as a program.
-The Word on my computer?
No, brother. Listen to me.
You have to talk like they're in no mood.
Like you this is not new.
OK, look ...
No prebije someone
but he razvali oil for bunja.
No muva girl
but startuje ubu to your native.
OK, I understand. The second part of the words
add in, and the first syllable of it.
You know, like, fallen ujbi for tment.
Or I will have a good ransom for onje this' year.
-Yes, it is dojajno.
Dojajno, sick mom, too ...
One by one thing. To return to that
"It" things. Whether it is used with verbs.
Let's say I have a plane to New York.
Is it: "But for the lazy uvionom entered above"?
-Well, it depends ...
-From how you're dressed.
-But for the lazy if I wear something specific?
That's right. -This is sick.
-Did you hear me? I said that it was
sick. -And you? I said thank you!
-Are you deaf (cool)?
-Dude, I'm the most cool character in the whole region.
-You're deaf?
That's right.
I think that the Blade Brown
the biggest ass on the planet.
You're not deaf. -If you do not quit
I disuje, utnuu and in the mouth.
Thanks for that walks around the wild side.
I think we should ugnem for the lazy.
I need my Ufer for horses.
-I light.
-Wait a minute.
Since I am doing something for you,
and you need to do something for me.
I do thee.
I let you live. Remember?
And I appreciate that, but in addition, have
to help me pass a physical.
And sports. No problem.
Do I have eggs in sports.
Man, if I did not take off ... -Just
One more thing. You will need my clothes.
The shirt is here ...
And the shoes, to complete ...
I would not say ...
I'll manage.
OK, but do not forget shoes.
Nice shoes ...
Hey, your child will become a partner
(Homi) eggs. Beautiful cookies.
Is he to say fag?
Open the door, man.
What happens here?
Back off, man!
Blade Brown, now you're mine.
Gentlemen, I will say this only once.
No cheating, no fights, no biting
no spitting or anything unsportsmanlike.
OK, listen. This will tell
only once, because you tomorrow
Weak you come running here with certificates of
doctor for all of the sensitive skin and asthma.
I want to see good, clean sport
fight. And now there and have fun.
Have fun!
Goes right to me. What should I do?
Catch-it, man.
What next?
Merry Christmas, Wedge.
-What are you doing, man?
Pleasant, boy.
-Order it, brother.
Are we ...?
Thanks ...
Mommy ...
Sorry, man ...
Hey, Coach. It was a tough nut to crack.
I did not know how to fix it, but ...
1, 2, 3, ispada.
Blade, is not it? Come on, get over here.
I want to see how utira ball.
-Do I have to, sir?
-Yes, you, sir.
-Where do you want to kick?
-How about between the two pillars?
-It is a blow to the 50 yard line.
-Come on, brother.
How did you do that?
In fact, it is very simple. Need only
include wind speed, gravitational force,
angle of rejection, symmetry and weight
ball. -Do it again!
Izvale this.
You go to football. You'll be my secret
weapons. The two of us will be very close.
Mr. Frog, will you liz?
Will liz Mr. Frog?
You know, this is a very
interesting species of frogs.
Yes, I know.
Thus, the wet and slippery.
Biology is so real.
Hey, Damita, I thought it will be
play with my frog.
Your frog does not jump in my direction.
New tadpole in the city.
Here's my address. I picked up tonight
about 8 to organize everything to biology.
Hey, Damita, I thought it will be
play with my frog.
Duncan Pinderhjuz.
Are you ready to explain your
dissertation? Mag-what?
Thesis on human
sexuality and reproduction.
You are asking the wrong student, professor.
I'm not ready to present disermaciju.
-Dissertation. Why? It was in the syllabus.
-What bus?
Syllabus (curriculum).
Because we need help, and the only sister
smart enough to help it.
-OK, I'll give you another day.
-Thank you very much, Professor.
-My name is Mrs. Ipswich.
-Whatever ...
-Duncan. -Hey, hi.
My address. Why do not you invite
tonight and to begin the dissertation.
-Yes, of course.
-Okay, bye.
Hey, how do you think? Hey, baby, what do you think
of Brooks Brothers. Brooks Brothers.
I'll just go home to start
dissecting the text on its database.
See you tonight, right?
You took your shit at football
to see you now.
Thanks for telling me to pay bail, Mink.
-You will return my money.
Let us go from here.
You look like a piece of meat in the Rocky.
So, you've got problems at school?
-Ma jok, Mink. Everything is cool.
Cool ...
Well, I hear different.
I hear that for some Blade Brown
You look like a fool.
Is that correct?
I hear that the whole school saw it.
My brother ', it's bad for business.
Sorry Mink ...
You should look up to you
and only to you, and if that's the problem ...
I need to get rid of.
Come on guys.
There she is ...
Limpa, alac.
Duncan ...
-Jo, Ellen. What's up?
I'm glad you're Chilling, come on.
Of course.
Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?
To grandma's house?
Little Red Riding Hood,
are not you at the wrong end, Jack?
Where were you referred? I do not belong here.
-Is this 6714?
-What do you mean, brother?
It's about time.
I went, dad.
Are you ready?
I thought we going to do
Domestic biology.
Sugar, we must
do a little research.
Oh, it's fresh. Kotrlja at large.
Let me see how fast to go.
Wait a minute, has a very sophisticated
hydraulic system of fuel combustion.
-Are there any dogs?
-No, we do not have a dog.
You are sure that the neighbors do not have a dog or something?
Because if you destroy these shoes ...
I gave a lot of money
for these shoes, girl.
I felt something,
something wet.
-So this is one garbonzo?
-Gazebo. -Whatever ...
You know what I like
with you, Duncan?
You may be a serious student, but you
some wild brook hidden in it.
-No shit?
-You see. I love you so swear. God.
Duncan ... I want to find
your wild side.
No, not you. Can not
I believe you have it?
-Yes, I have it.
-No, no, no. See, I do not understand.
You see the flower there?
You're like this flower.
All delicate ... and beautiful.
Respectable. Get it?
-And what are you?
-I am like the other flower.
All rough and ugly. Would not it
like to ukrasi living room.
How is that sexy.
What's sexy about that?
In "Much Ado About Nothing", Shakespeare
wrote: "Living in your heart,
die in your lap,
and be buried in your eyes. "
Yeah, so?
Well, in his time "to die", as
as he put it, meant
"To experience sexual orgasm.
-Hey, wait a minute.
My nigger Shakespeare rapped
splashing on some wool?
-Well, I guess, and so can be said.
-Sorry, I thought about making love.
-You really are wild in some way.
-Is that it?
Listen, I have something to tell you.
It does not matter. Let's go.
I know a place nearby.
Miss vain, how are you?
You look like Robin Givens, baby.
Call me Mike Tyson, where are you going?
My eyes have seen the glue.
I'm not lying.
I have to have.
Do not they zamera, Damita.
We'll take the food and left here.
Hey, you do not mind if one of my
partner dancing with your girlfriend, right?
-Look, Kais up with the wrong bitch.
-Honey, I love women with long tongue.
Pull your slimy hair perm ...
Perm? Wait a minute, I do not have perm.
This is the natural hair.
You do not know me, you will not pick on me.
My man will not suffer.
Who he? What will Mr. oiani
to do? Us soaked with tears?
-Looks like Lenny Kravitz.
-I say we throw a coin.
If the head, beating him,
if a letter, beats him.
-Yes, brother. You break it, and I'll be
here. -Blade. Will not you defend me?
-One Blade.
-Dude, you're Blade Brown?
Um, yes?
I think ... Yes! You fool!
You want to make a fuss?
-No, no, sir Comrade Brown.
-We did not understand.
You know, we just have fun.
-Yes, yes, yes ...
You fucked up, huh? I think you
three of you trying to fool me.
No, brother.
Beware, I am Blade Brown.
The strongest, craziest character in the end.
-True, true ...
-And now, I think we should
to Lipat here before me
push to clarify things with his fists.
Come on, girl. I think we need
some fresh sighs of payables.
With this lot is finished.
-How do you say, sweetheart.
Wait a minute.
What are you looking at?
-What? What did you say?
-I said I'm sorry.
-I thought so.
You know I'm going to odalamim, boy.
But not tonight, because I like you.
Have a nice evening.
It is so pathetic. When men
constantly prove their manhood
acting like bullies,
at the end just turn out funny.
Yes, pathetic.
It was so funny.
're Scared to death, baby.
Stop here.
Did you face them videos?
You face them videos?
You were so vicious.
Yes, fled as if
have a passion in his shorts.
If I liked you even when
I would not be so powerful?
I mean, when my people
would not be so afraid of?
Blade, you're cool anyway.
If I liked you even when I
a nerd and if I did not beat up people
and I'm not so cool.
Would you like me then?
"But you did cool, so do not worry about it.
"But, wait a minute.
I'm serious. I want to know.
I want to know you inside.
I want to meet you inside me.
No one had ever asked it of me.
-So to me it's important.
I want to show you something.
Come on.
Come on.
-What ...
-Surprise. Do you like surprises?
-Well, I guess ... -Excellent.
-What we are looking in the wax museum?
-I work here.
-Look at that.
-I've designed.
-You? -Yes, I am.
I am, really. Is that you like?
-Yes, that's cool.
You know what I like about you?
You are strong and fierce.
But you're honest. I feel like
that there are no secrets between us.
DC, brother, I went with it.
-Yeah. It was mine.
I'm not lying, man.
-I enjoyed myself tonight.
-And I am.
Damita, I have something to tell you.
-OK, what?
Well ...
You should do homework
in biology tomorrow. -Okay, he can.
Well, good night.
-See you tomorrow?
-Of course.
What are you morons watching?
So ...
-It was nice.
-Me too.
-Naravno, Duncan Pinderhjuze.
-Wait, before we proceed.
With respect to Tim Duncan Pinder ...
-You did not really want to help you around
one dissertation, right? -No, not really, but ...
I knew it. Good night.
-What do you want? -I need some help
disermatacije for tomorrow in biology.
I will not fall out fool. What should I do?
-Think about it. Find something you love.
Something you know. So you may
intelligent to talk about it.
-You mean, I find the angle from which it has
sense in my head. -Well, I guess.
Thank you, brother.
Good morning, Mom.
-Do not tell me to do homework.
Yes, I do homework.
-What is it? -What?
-It! -What?
-It! -Flower.
What is required here?
Someone gave it to me,
because he thought I was special.
And I put it there
for you.
Involves injecting
Fuel and rotation.
Increase in speed depends on
what is your axle.
And in most cases they are required to
lubrication and traction control.
And you should pay attention
and to prevent overheating.
And it was a "Human Reproduction"
Duncan Pinderhjuza.
As you can see, science
my life. Any questions?
What does the description of cars and components
a human sexual behavior?
Well, think about it.
Where most action takes place?
Oh, Duncan. This is great. Human
sexuality as a function of the middle of mating.
-Exactly what you said, lady.
More questions?
Help! Help!
If you want to naduva, INC
to pay the man. Where is my money?
Mr. Wedge, was a long line at the bank,
and I am under great pressure
and I had homework.
Let him go! -Sick of me is yours
Ochre-regidi-growth ass. To perform it.
Now! -No problem. This way.
-Let's do it!
Wedge Stop, I want you
remember just such.
Not bad, but you mistakenly wrote "Alas!".
-Say, "I ask nicely."
-Please nice. All right, you can go.
There were 8-9.
Hey, this kid looks like a boxer
Buster Douglas. Thanks man.
Smarao me for some money for coke.
-You're not my buddy if petlja drug.
No longer will I see you with this shit,
otherwise I will be there to save you.
I'm sorry, brother.
You have heard it. Just say no!
Go back to class.
Blade! Blade!
-Just because you play the style we sjebava.
-Hey, it was your idea.
If you like, let's go now with the director of muzzle is shorter
that he tell the whole story. -E will not.
Iskuliraj. I ought to
help around the home.
-Yes, I want to do it for you. -No,
need to help me do it alone.
What are you looking at me?
Cool, friends. Tyson, rastaman.
Right out of your mouth. Talk to me.
I know that you have no idea what it is,
but I'm Julian Thomason
and organize the craziest show on Drugs,
ie. Drugs and dance tomorrow night.
And my ears have just felt
that you and dro ... oge not really any better ...
... A combination, and I fully
I think it's bad ... ZRE.
Drugs? I?
Wait a minute.
-No, I'm against. -My shells are also
felt to know that Kidas microphone.
and I would be grateful if you could
to do it tomorrow at the dance
5 will be a topless dancer from the Slope Sua.
Will have high heels, mini skirts, and silicone will be shooting.
and playing in cages on either side of the stage.
If you do not turn out. Think it is
too much for concert on drugs, friends?
-Yes. -No.
-So you reckon?
-No. -Yes.
-Yes! -Yes? -Yes!
See you later, mates.
Concert on drugs
there you go off repinu.
"I do not know how to rap like you, and not
know how to play like you. -Could ...
Frutti, Gogo, will you mute this shit?
-Now? -Play music.
50% of all in the attitude and style.
Got it, body language is very important.
But words must come from above.
Try this.
Try this.
With hips.
Add to this.
Go ahead, play.
Try this ...
This will be a long night.
This figure ... You two ...
-I'll get you the money, Mink. I promise.
-Billy, Billy, Billy, did you not learned anything?
I thought I learned not to give
promises that you can not fill?
You let the Blade Brown Disuja the
everyone. No wonder no one pays you.
I think it is high time
to throw rubbish.
No, you have to trust me.
He steals your money, not my fault.
He steals your money ...
-Trying to take over your territory.
-You better not Farbas me.
-I change my hair color, and, I swear.
Thank you, Mink.
Thank you God, thank you brother.
-Stop cmizdri, stupid bitch.
-I think it is high time to visit
Blade Brown. -Yes, fix it!
Do not leave me here, take me.
Go back, what are you doing?
-What's up, nigger?
-Figuratively speaking, Dad.
Duncan, we have to
talk about the hairstyle, the clothes ...
"I can not, I referred to the dance.
Oh, go to the dance?
-Come on Blade and me.
-Are you going to the dance with the Blade?
Yes, we admire the 'competences better, dad.
Peace be with you, Mom.
Do you have any surplus rounds?
-I think I have. -Good.
Hold on man, we're it or not?
-I. -Well, it will take me.
No, no.
Duncan, I saw your girlfriend there.
-Go away, little Dork.
Where were you until now? What happened?
-I could not fix your hair.
Are you sure that you know where are we going?
-I think I know.
How to "think you know"?
You want to meet evil Minka?
Yeah, buddy. It was the egg.
Too strong, too ...
Remember what I have taught. It's time.
-I wanted to talk about it.
Listen. Do not be angry with me
what those five players from the Slope Sua
could not come tonight because they were
suddenly broke out in a rash of ... poison oak
and I thought it would be tasteless
to appear tonight. I was thinking.
But otpevau song ...
Descends from the stage!
Wait. Wait.
Okay, shut up.
Will bring you face when you wait
your buddy, my pal. Blade!
Really changes his mind, brother.
-Do now to pimani.
Tyson, what's up? Do me now
ispali not they liked my pesmica.
I thought that I would throw a tomato in his mouth.
Just spit in the microphone, everything will be okay.
Do not worry.
Do not let them see that you are shat themselves.
Broke up.
That's my boy.
Destroys my reputation.
Where is another microphone?
I almost fainted when I did not you have gone
to the stage to repuje. Why did you do?
I do not know, it is likely that
wild brook broke out from me.
-What is it, honey?
And I want to do something wild.
-Is that it? Well, to think.
A mini-golf there all night in. ..
Yes. I'm for. Definitely we can
to do it. Let's do it.
Whose is this mean mating?
Let's make bacon.
You pressed the button.
You guys tear.
-Kidam, walk, kidamo ...
-Where did you learn all that?
On-street. That's my pitch.
It's innate. Lot
inherent happens on the street.
However, you were the eggs,
with large J.
-Yes, Damita?
My mom is tonight.
Oh my God, between us,
fish, you've got it all.
You are the best fish that I saw
at this school in the last 6 years.
Just to pick up some things,
Now I go back.
There it is. Grab it!
Blade, wait!
Get in there, punk.
Be right back.
Do not know how to type?
-Sorry brother, caught the Pinderhjuza.
-Hey, is it not the genius?
-Yes, that's me. Get in the car!
This is probably a good time
to tell you how sorry
I beat the number of times.
This was due to pressure.
I had to maintain its reputation.
Why not leave it all behind?
Shut Blade.
Michael Charles - Blade Brown.
You are married.
Always valjam of the joke.
-Who are you? "I am a mink.
-What are you doing, Mr. Mink?
Well, let's say that I am a businessman,
and you destroy my business.
Destroy ... This is a strong word.
Is not it?
Yes, but what is bad for business is bad
for the economy. My economy.
And now I have to challenge you
severe brain damage.
Wait a minute, it would cause
little more than brain damage.
Something more like the flow of blood to the brain.
Nice grinds you, is not it Playtex?
-To touch it!
Brother, deny!
I tell you to refuse!
Are you sure that you know how that car look like?
-Of course, I have a photographic memory.
-You what? -Photographic memory.
You know, like Li Mejdors, the bionic man.
I have this crap.
-You said that you have a photographic memory.
-Even Li Mejdorsovo sucks sometimes messes.
Mom, I know that I was home the whole
night, but I pulled some things.
I do not do more such things.
Do something for a good friend.
Hello, Uncle Teopolise?
I am, Lollipop, go for a hearing aid.
You can not find it? Take a glass.
Put a glass on the phone. I am,
in the hospital I broke my leg.
I have to go for a walk the dog.
Come on, get in the car!
There they are.
Come on guys.
Grab it, man.
-I have it.
Hold on, guys.
Hang on!
Draw the line right.
Do not you let him!
Give me the gun, upucau this little trash.
-I do not have a gun. -Where are you? -In the trunk.
What is required in the trunk?
They let you have it ...
Lift me!
Mink hell, I fled. Sorry.
-What do you mean stupid shit?
-Wait, Mink. I think I know where they went.
-You better think you're right. Let's go!
Thanks, it was the hair. Let's go to
Wax Museum. -Okay, I follow you.
Retard, did not I tell you?
I told you not to lose!
And you two, is not I have
said do not let ...
-I think I know where they went.
-Where, where, where?
I forgot. -How can you forget?
You know what I am going to forget?
I will not forget that you exist,
That's it, brother. You do not exist for me.
Dude, Even Wooller.
It is a five-Sejdek.
It's not five Sejdek,
It is even Wooller the quiz "Danger".
-Good thinking Pinkerpikice.
-My name is Pinderhjuz. Duncan Pinderhjuz!
I'm sick to my ismeva name.
I'm sick of you and me to play the point.
And I felt sick to live
smorni your life bookish moth.
Wait, wait. You are Duncan Pinderhjuz?
And you're a Blade Brown? Oh, man.
-You lying son of a bitch. "I can not
I believe that would do such a thing.
Blade, or whatever your name is ...
-Stop. It is very simple.
I did it just because I was
He forced him to pass a physical.
No, it forced me to be on, that would not been going
in prison. I said that she would face sand.
You're not my partner. You're a genius. Can not
I believe that he associated with genius.
Feverfew. Feverfew nasty chicken fat,
and corn oil, and cream of wheat.
Belongs to me sick of the same
the thought of vomiting.
OK. This want of you.
I want you two to open the door.
And you stay to watch out for cars.
"But Mink, in the red zone we have.
-Make sure you everything is fine.
"But Mink ... -Open the door, retard.
I really care about you.
-Do not touch me, liars. Duncan and Blade ...
Someone is going, let's go.
There it is even Wooller. -It is not even Wooller,
retard. This is Jimmy Svagart. Let's go.
Back down.
We know you're here.
I saw something moving.
Where did they go?
There they are.
Go for them, and you,
retard, come with me.
Look, brother. Willie Nelson.
It's not Willie Nelson, retard.
This is Colonel Sanders.
Quietly bre!
Come on, we have to go from here.
This way.
This way, hurry. Let's go.
The house of fear.
Let's go this way.
Continue to go.
Will you stop you're shaking,
we are creating anxiety.
Shoot him, Shoot him!
-Upucau you if you do not shut up.
I'll go that way, and you go by this.
-I go with you. -Hey, what is it?
Go there!
You did not scare me.
Hasta luego.
Bon voyage.
Duck, baby.
Just you and me.
Good shot.
I know a shortcut, let's go.
Follow me, hurry.
Stupid tunnels.
I hope that no rats.
Exit here, pussies!
Exit, I know you're here.
We fix it.
I know ... that no one is talking while I'm talking about.
Hands in the air. Take a gun.
And it is in short the whole story.
Everything was the fault of Blade Brown.
Had it not been for him, I never would
finished here. -A would not have met Damita.
"It is true ... -I still would
was a weakling. -I guess you're right.
Hello, how is it?
Sit down, punk. And reduce the volume
and jackets. Hey, delinquents.
Hey, bell. What's up?
The girls were released an hour ago,
and now you can go.
And you, Brown.
-I? What's the deal?
-Because we need.
-Have you heard? Wait, a little louder.
-Yes, you heard me. Need you. -Wait,
want to tell me that I need the cops?
Yes, that is. And I think it stinks,
but they need a personal interview against Mink.
Plus, the judge says he wants to
back to school because you're a good role model.
But, you know what I mean?
Once poor, always poor.
I'm sorry to hear that, but I have
things to see and people to work.
People to see and things to do.
-Come here, guys.
Wait. This we will no longer need.
What did you eat?
See you later, Ajzace Hayes.
-The pleasure is mine, Whoopi.
Hey, Duncan. Think you can me
spoji with the manager's secretary?
One with large ...
Yeah, yeah ...
You think I liked her?
-Anything is possible ...
Hello. Holy shit.
Hey, ladies.
Parents will kill me.
-Uncle Teopolis be beating me.
You should be proud. Can not
serem, Pinderhjuze, you were good tonight.
-Wait, you pronounced my name correctly.
I know. In addition, I want you to apologize.
All of this was my fault. Sorry.
-Besides being dragged me between rounds
and shot at me, I think that there was no
so bad. -At least you solved the problem.
And what will I do with Ellen. I really
like the girl, and I think she hates me.
I can not be as smart as
You two ... In fact, smart as you.
This could be a problem.
-You gotta help me, what should I do?
-Wait, I know. -What? -This could be
large. Bre-Say, what? - "Cup of Knowledge". -What?
Let's go ...
Wait, I do not understand. Where are you going?
-I'm tired, that's your problem?
Can I hanging with you, that blejim
with you, that kuliram with you?
Dude, this is your man.
-Yes, of course, come on.
I do not know how much this means to me.
Hey, get with the times. Go my people.
Want to tell me that you two ...
You ... He is a ...
That the two of you ...
We return to "Cup of Knowledge"
Skip leading Venkman.
Welcome back, we missed you.
I'm your host, Skip Venkman.
This is the "Cup of Knowledge". This week schools Higgins
against the Catholic school for girls St. Peter.
Get ready for a trial of strength.
In mathematics, the division extended so that
relationship longer and much of the same
than most of the lesser,
is called as?
Higgins, Duncan. -Skip, it is
golden ratio. That ratio is about 1:1,618.
Correct answer.
The couple known for his
Catholic totalitarian rule
and is responsible for the Spanish Inquisition?
Vol. Peter. Here you go Jodie.
Ferdinand d'Aragon et Isabelle de Castille.
It is in French, Skip.
1974th Donald Johanson discovered
Lucy in Ethiopia. It was kind?
-Australopithecus afarensis.
And that sound is spelled the end. Thank you all.
O-oh, we have a draw.
This issue is deciding who gets
paid vacation to Hawaii for two,
and, more importantly,
new flooring for the sports hall.
The question is.
In William Shakespeare's play "Much Ado
About Nothing "Benedict said,
"Living in your heart, die in your lap,
and be buried in your eyes. "
What is the meaning of the word "die"
the way he has used?
Tell your response, please.
... "Die", as he was on
used, was meant ...
... "Die" meant
"To experience sexual orgasm.
That means the ISPRS ... Sorry.
It means to experience sexual orgasm.
This is the correct answer.
My son is a genius! -Thank you once
once you've watched the "Cup of Knowledge".
I'm your host, Venksters.
Hawaii, Hawaii!
You were amazing.
-My son. -Thanks, Mom.
-I'm so proud.
I love you, Skip.
Congratulations, Ellen.
Look, Ellen. I'm sorry I lied to you.
Shakespeare was quite difficult,
and hanging out with smart kids ...
I think I can cope with it.
Shut up, Blade Brown.
Hey, Pinderhjuze!
If I ever ever after
again be a lie, and prebiu.
If you can not be good!
behaved towards me, and prebiu.
And if you approach does not immediately
and kiss me, and prebiu.
What is it, dear?
-I am afraid to know.
Daddy! I can explain.
My son. My wonderful wonderful son.
Is that you comfortable? Is that you should bring
something young lady? Pience, anything ...
In the midst of something we, Dad.
-Well, my son. I hope you put the cap on.
What was the noise, my dear?
-Nothing, dear. Only our son Duncan
for it with a sexy fish
in his room. God, but the ... gifted.
I am so proud
on it. Good night, sweetheart.
And so the story ended.
Blade again became his.
He finished the Hafordu,
with a little help from me and Ellen.
I heard that the master
in extracurricular activities.
As for me, I've got
football scholarship to Stanford.
Can I kick it? -You can not.
Now is the time for my version of the story.
My much better. It all started
when I was a glow in the eye of my father.
What are you doing? -A?
-What are you doing?
Telling his version of the story.
-I have already told the story.
Not all of this to watch again.
-It was your story, mine is much better.
It has plenty of sex, chases
cars and sex, hip-hop and more sex.
It's over.
-Did I mention sex?
Pack up the screen!