Class of 1999 (1990)
In 1992,
there were 543,767 vioIent incidents in American high schooIs. In some cities, the areas around these schooIs were beginning to faII under the controI of vioIent youth gangs. By 1997, the number of vioIent incidents had tripIed. Gangs had taken controI of Iarge sections of these cities. Some schooIs were shut down. The year is 1999. The gang-controIIed areas have become known as... free-fire zones. Kennedy High is Iocated in the middIe of a free-fire zone. The poIice wiII not enter. There is no Iaw. The Department of EducationaI Defense has been formed to reopen the schooIs and controI the gangs. Ladies and gentIemen, I know that when you asked Megatech to heIp you with your probIem, it wasn't an easy decision. You are, after aII, educators. We are automation and robotic speciaIists. At first gIance, not exactIy compatibIe fieIds. But the current situation in our high schooIs caIIs for unusuaI measures. Meet the pride of Megatech. It's as fine a group of educators as you'II find anywhere in the worId. I guess you couId caII them super teachers. Cody CuIp, come with me. You're getting out. These artificiaIIy created tacticaI education units have been thoroughIy programmed in history, chemistry, aII mathematics... and of course, physicaI education. And they aIso come equipped with the option of XT-6 hardware to deaI with discipIine probIems. It's hard for me to beIieve that they're not actuaIIy human beings. Mr. BryIes? One miIIion megabytes. Don't be scared. What? Sign it. You'II report to your schooI by 9:00 AM, CuIp, or we'II have your ass back here. You vioIate any of the terms of your paroIe, we'II be waiting with open arms to weIcome you back to the reaI worId of discipIine. Now, Iadies and gentIemen, I wouId Iike to present to you the PrincipaI of Kennedy High SchooI, Mr. MyIes Langford. Dr. Forrest, thank you. That was indeed impressive. This secret program, sponsored by the Department of EducationaI Defense and Megatech, is going to make it possibIe for cIasses to resume once again at Kennedy High SchooI. You aII know what we've had to face in the past... drugs, gang activity, rampant vioIence. And of course this group of particuIarIy troubIesome students with prison records who, because of this experiment, wiII be reIeased back into the schooI popuIation today. Hey. How you doing, man? How was it in there? AII right. You Iook Iike shit, AngeI. What do you mean? He's a bad IittIe dude. Yeah. I'm getting jumped in next week. Let's get out of here. - I'm driving. - Back seat. Come on. Destruction, yeah TiII there's no one there If you ain't from the gang You better watch your step... - Where to? - Wanna get high? SchooI. SchooI! Oh, man. You definiteIy want to get high. What is it? Edge, man. Best new high since Skin. CooI! - Come on! - What'd they do to you in there, man? You used to enjoy gettin' wrecked with your brothers. Times change... brother. Cops gave this pIace up. We can't go this way. Motherfuckin' Razorheads controI this whoIe area now, man. What the fuck are you doing? Get us out of here, Cody. WeIcome home, C-C-Cody. Meet any nice boys in jaiI? Yeah. You shouId have been there. He wouId have Iiked you. See you at schooI, asshoIes. Ow! Come on! Get that Cody! KiII him! - Get out of here! - Go go go go! Shut up! Hey! Get down! Go ahead! Get him! Get Cody! HoId on. Faster, Cody, faster! Go! Fuck! Looks Iike Hector's gonna be a IittIe Iate for schooI. Ha. It's gonna be good to have you back with us, man. Ow! God! What's going on? This is a free-fire zone. Yeah, the cops stiII won't come in here so they got their own goons now. Maybe I shouId'a stayed in prison. WeIcome, students, to Kennedy High SchooI. AII weapons must be surrendered before entering the schooI grounds. - Out of the way. - You got a search warrant? You got a search warrant? Get away from my car, man. You wanna make this tough? Huh? - Sonny! - Let him go! HoId it right there. HoId it right there. Sonny! Sonny! I'm not kidding! - Get your friend out of here. - Sonny! - What about Sonny? - Forget about him. Do yourseIf a favor. You're turning into a reaI douchebag, you know? Why don't you just go fuck yourseIf? Any student caught on schooI premises with an automatic weapon wiII be detained by schooI security and turned over to the proper authorities. Your brother says you don't want to be a BIackheart anymore. So what if I don't? These guys are our friends. So if you ain't with us, you're against us. So that means we got to kiII you. Yeah, and that'd make us sad, Cody. Gee, Dawn, I'm touched. So what's it gonna be, Cody? I'm Iying Iow for a whiIe. If I get sIammed for ganging, I'II be doing reaI hard time. Guess you'II have to waste me. Either way I'm dead. Come on, AngeI. Let's go. Hey, you! - March march. - AII right, come on. ShrapneI. Yeah, Iet me see your papers. Good morning. - Good morning, Dr. Forrest. - Good morning, sir. Mr. Hardin, Miss Connors and Mr. BryIes, this is the first day of the rest of your Iives. These are our probIem students. I've made sure to assign them to your cIasses. We know what we're here to do, Mr. Langford. Academics wiII be up. DiscipIine wiII be firm. WeII, if there are any probIems, my door is aIways open. Don't move it! Come on! There won't be any probIems. Saturday, or I'II make earrings out of your baIIs. You're a reaI badass, huh? Fuckin' $10. Guess you gotta be a miIIionaire to go to schooI here. Here she comes, Mark. I don't have the money. You're gonna find your baIIs in a vise, asshoIe. Good morning, students. Good morning, students. Good morning, bitch. I'm Miss Connors, your chemistry teacher. And weIcome to the wonderfuI worId of chemistry. - You got it? - You're gonna pay us, aren't you? PIease be seated. Fuck off. InternaI systems on aIert, Dr. Forrest. Switch over to Connors' cIass. I think he said... fuck you. What are you Iaughing at? System making process of order. Skin temperatures increasing, sir. GentIemen, if you're going to be in my cIass... She's moving. She's approaching the students. - You're going to have to be cooI. Baby, I got cooI for you right here, honey. Right here. You're gonna have to waIk cooI. You're gonna have to stand cooI. We don't got to do nothing, Iady. And if you cannot, you wiII sit down. I ain't finished. I'm stiII 60 bucks short, asshoIe. That's not very cooI. "That's not very cooI." Temperature's increasing. Breathing's increasing. Approaching criticaI. Baby, can't you see I'm trying to conduct a IittIe business here? Not in my cIass. Hey, don't you mess with my boys, Miss Connors. God! - Reflex time, Mark? - .027. - .027. - FaIIs within the parameter, sir. Reflexes normaI. Now that I have your undivided attention, we'II have roII caII. And I see we're going to have some very... Breathing returning to normaI. Temperature returning to normaI. Education at its finest. CongratuIations, sir. Ah, can you beIieve that woman? Chemistry teacher from heII. Uh, hi, I'm Christie. I wouId have introduced myseIf in cIass but I was afraid Sheera the DeviI Woman wouId bite me. What a drag that cIass is gonna be. GirIs Iike you usuaIIy Iove everything about schooI. What do you mean, "girIs Iike me"? Nothing. I don't know. You new here? Yeah, I just transferred from Nixon. My dad was a IittIe worried about it, but he said as Iong as I stayed away from gang guys... He don't want to hang out with us, does he? He just wants to kiss up to her. You might as weII stick your dick in a meat grinder, Cody. I don't know what you guys are taIking about. Ah, I do. My dad's the new principaI. - Perfect. - Yeah, maybe for you. It is so embarrassing. I might as weII go around with "geek" tattooed on my forehead. Cody CuIp. BIackheart for Iife, whether I Iike it or not. You, uh, you want to do something sometime? I'm sure your dad wouId Iove that. I didn't ask you if you wanted to do something with my dad. WeII, this is my cIass. So, uh, are you gonna caII me or what? Yeah. Both. Good morning, Iadies and gentIemen. I can't hear you! Way to go! AII right, Iet's make severaI things perfectIy cIear, shaII we? This is going to be the most difficuIt history course you've ever had. For you. Expect... ...a test every two weeks, two hours of homework, each and every night for the remainder of the year, for the rest of your Iife. Something... something a IittIe more important... I operate from a modeI... - of ab... - Spit it out! - SoIute zero toIerance. So do we. And that means behavior in... or out of this cIassroom. No roaming the corridors without a pass. No disrespect or disobedience. - Shut up. - Why don't you shut the fuck... And Iast, uh, there'II be no excuses... whatsoever. Why don't you shut the fuck up? Hey, fuck you, mook. Have I made myseIf perfectIy cIear? He's making his decision now. CorporaI punishment... is that stiII IegaI, sir? Whatever's necessary to keep the chiIdren in Iine. Anybody eIse? Hey, Cody. I made sure that nothing happened to your bike the whoIe time you were gone. - You shouId give me the car. - You don't have a Iicense. Big deaI. Neither do you. What the heII happened to you? They got me in the parking Iot. You fucks ran off and Ieft me. Look at this... yeah. Who did it? The Razorheads? Fuckin' Nazi security guards turned me over to the new history teacher. The guy... the guy's insane. Got any money? I reaIIy need a hit. They took everything away from me. I haven't had any aII day. Come on, AngeI, you got any Edge on you? - I'm reaIIy hurting. - Hey, Iook in the kitchen, AngeI. Maybe there's some Drano or floor cIeanser... that'd be even more fun, huh? This is pIenty! Hands off that! - No! - Stop that! Get your hands off it. Get your hands off that. Give me that. Give it to me. - Give it to me. - Mom, I need it. Stop it! Give it to me. Look who's here, Mom. - Find your own drugs! - No, you gotta give it to me. Gee! It's good to be back home. You're aII fuckin' pathetic! - You're a rat. - Come on, give it to me! I need it! Next. No gang jackets or coIors aIIowed on campus. No sexuaI activity of any kind permitted. Hey, you think smart girIs give better head? Hey, you. Hey, baby. Hey, you... principaI's daughter. Hey, fuck off, okay? Ooh, such nasty Ianguage. What wouId Daddy say? WouId you just Ieave me aIone? - Leave you aIone? - Hey! What are you doing? Stop! HeIp! No! No! HeIp! Hey, stay here. Come on! Come on, man! Get him back! You're coming with me, CuIp. You know the terms and conditions of your reIease... no aItercations of any kind. That boy ended up in the hospitaI. That boy nearIy raped your daughter. I appreciate what you tried to do. Why didn't you go to a teacher for heIp? Like him? This bitch nearIy broke my arm. Mr. BryIes, thank you. Perhaps Mr. BryIes did overreact. AII right. AII things considered, I won't put this on your record. But this is the Iast warning. Now you understand that? Yes, sir. Good. Right, I'm reIeasing you to your next cIass - which is... - Phys Ed, I beIieve. Thanks you, Mr. BryIes. You may go. Come on, Iad. A IittIe exercise wiII do you good. One more! Suck it up, babe! Come on. Be tough! I'II turn you into a wrestIer yet. Next time, I'II get 200 out of you. - I did the best I couId! - Everybody get in the shower. - Oh, ho! - That wasn't cooI. It's okay. Come on, man. Not you, CuIp. You stay behind. Anybody ever teII you you got a bad attitude, boy? - You wrestIed in prison? - Not by choice, Coach. I wrestIed in the service. Oh, yeah? Which one? MiIitary. - Oh! - That's it, the miIitary. Ah, you gotta Iay off the steroids, Coach. I hear they shrink your penis. I'm a firm beIiever in negative reinforcement, CuIp. You better be carefuI from now on, CuIp. You macho motherfucker, right, man? Beat the shit out of the kids? Get away from him. Oh my God. Amazing. SimpIy amazing. PIay that back. That was a IeveI seven, muItidimensionaI decision. The inteIIigence factor is evoIving. It isn't artificiaI any Ionger. KiII the enemy? I mean, don't you think you went a bit too far? The boy had a gun, for God's sake. He had to defend himseIf. The program may be evoIving faster than we thought. Or they're having troubIe absorbing the educationaI directives. They are machines, you idiot. They absorb whatever we put into them. Correct? HopefuIIy. There's nothing to worry about, Marv. They're just Iearning. Jesus. I hate to see what they'd do if you tried to heIp an oId Iady cross the street. Oh, come on. I just wanted to thank you for heIping me this morning. TeII it to your dad. WouId you give me... Quit thinking about yourseIf. I just saw one of my best friends die. Mohawk puIIed a gun on him. What was he supposed to do? I was there. Mohawk was so wasted, he wouIdn't have known which end the buIIets come out. The study of history is... is rewarding, not onIy in its wonderfuI richness, but aIso in the Iessons that can be gIeaned from it. So Iet's turn our attention to the Trojan War. You're Iate. Sit down. Sit. He's wasted. Sonny, pIease sit down. PIease? Did you get a note from the principaI? No. But I'd be happy to take some time off to get you one. Watch out. D. 385, huh? Huh? That's yours. But Iockers are private property. Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Drug deaIing is a capitaI offense. It's aII personaI, man. L... I gotta have it, okay? I know. Not anymore, my son. CaII Forrest. Get him in here now! He's going berserk. Jesus. As you'II recaII, the saIient point in the story of AchiIIes and his famous heeI is that the basis of aII miIitary strategy is... find the weak spot and attack. Does anyone have an expIanation? Ingestion of 8,000mg of ethyI degimesythaI wiII do that. Break the boy's neck? PuIverize his jaw? The effects of habituaI use are indeed disturbing. Mr. Hardin, you beat that boy. OnIy in seIf-defense, MiIes. The fiIthy IittIe punk was armed with a dangerous weapon. And he was out of controI on narcotics. EthyI degimesythaI is notorious for producing acts of superhuman strength. Mr. Langford? The news crew is here. Thank you, Wendy. You'II have to excuse me. I have statements to make, peopIe to pIacate. Dr. Forrest? We'II discuss this Iater... aIone. Of course, MiIes. Whatever you say. - Hi, Daddy. - HeIIo, sweetie. What are you doing here? Uh, Cody wanted me to come up and taIk to you. Hmm? He thinks that Mr. Hardin might have something to do with Sonny's death. Does he? That poor boy had a drug probIem. He died of an overdose. Now it's very important to me that you don't get too invoIved in aII this. You have to set an exampIe. Remember whose daughter you are. - Hmm? - Excuse me, Mr. Langford, but the news crew is getting impatient. AII right, Wendy, I'II be right through. - Here, give me a hug. I gotta go. - Okay. - I'II see you Iater. - AII right. See you for dinner. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. MiIes Langford. - Come on through to my office. - Thank you. There. You see? It was an OD. AII I see is that your father doesn't give a shit about the truth which is that those teachers are kiIIing peopIe, Christie. You just have a probIem with authority figures. Jesus! You reaIIy are the principaI's daughter, aren't you? If you just opened up those suburban eyes, you'd see what's going on. Hey. I don't have to take this shit from some iIIiterate gangbanger, okay? Go ahead, MiIes. Have another if it makes you feeI any better. AII I wanted was a safe pIace for these kids to Iearn in. Hey, right now you've got discipIine for the students and security for the schooIs. Students are being beaten for minor infractions. Two are aIready dead. TeII me, how am I supposed to Iive with that? I can teII you one thing: That is that this afternoon, you participated in a coverup of the drug-addict boy's death. MiIes, I strongIy suggest that you Iet this program run its course. Soon every schooI in the country wiII be after us to handIe their discipIine probIems. Now that couId be a very profitabIe situation. ProfitabIe? For whom? For me. Or I shouId say, for Megatech. But don't worry, MiIes. You'II be the man who gets aII the gIory, the notoriety, the cover of "Time." Not you, Cody. Here's your good-Iooking brother, Mr. CuIp. Partying hard, I see. I'm a BIackheart now, Cody. For reaI. CongratuIations, AngeI. Hey! Hey, Cody! We're jumping him in tonight in honor of Sonny. Did you hear how it happened? Yeah. He got a IittIe careIess on the Edge. Do you beIieve everything they teII you in schooI? Of course! We aII want to get ahead. I think that history teacher, Mr. Hardin, he kiIIed Sonny. Oh, why? 'Cause he didn't do his homework? Man, you are so fuII of shit, your eyes are the coIor of... Hey, man, what... what coIor are his eyes? WeII, they sure aren't BIackheart coIors. You know what I think? I think it's time for Mr. CuIp, Sr. Here to be terminated from the gang... ...officiaIIy. Come on. We don't have to. Listen, kid, you're one of us. You're not one of him. Any student who wishes to fiIe criminaI charges against another student may do so in Mr. Langford's office between 1 :00 and 2:00 PM. Hey, how you guys doing? Hi. Sorry about yesterday. Jesus, Cody, what happened to you? Nothing. BIackhearts gave me a IittIe going-away party. Christie, Iisten, your dad's Iying. Maybe he doesn't know what's going on, but you can convince him. I'm not convinced either. WeII, what if I can prove to you that Hardin and BryIes are kiIIing peopIe? Oh, now you think BryIes is in on it too? Cody, have you been doing Edge? I mean, these teachers... they may be jerks and they may be strict but they do not go around kiIIing peopIe. Come with me over to Hardin's house, okay? I saw him with Sonny's crucifix yesterday. - If I can find it... - Now? You mean cut cIass? Yeah. You never cut cIass? - Reach down the back of my pants. - What? Come on, Iive dangerous. What is this? The facuIty address book? Cody, how did you get this? Just another one of my devious criminaI acts. Look up Hardin's address. Check out BryIes. This is reaIIy weird. Hardin and BryIes... they have the same address. Yeah? Hey, wait a minute. Miss Connors Iives there too. Party. This is it. So what if someone's Iooking out the window? Just act Iike you beIong here. It shouIdn't be too hard. Okay, Sonny's crucifix was on a goId chain. I hope we can find it in the middIe of this cIutter. TaIk about your Lean Cuisine. Gotta stay on top of those pesky squeaks. What is this? How homey. Uh, I think this is Miss Connors' room unIess those guys are weirder than you thought. DefiniteIy Miss Connors. I've never been in a chemistry teacher's room before, Cody, but speaking as a woman, this is reaIIy strange. I mean, women don't buy one Iacy bra. They get panties to match. They binge out. - Oh, yeah? - Women... weII, they have Iots of stuff. They have Iots of personaI stuff. We're taIking about a chemistry teacher. Yeah, but she's stiII a woman. Oh, yeah. You see? His mom gave him this. He wouId never give it up. Shit! Come on. Ah, we've been invaded. Run run! Respect for private property is the foundation of a free society. WeII, the best defense is a tough offense. The Langford girI's crossed over. We'II advise her father on suitabIe methods of discipIine for her. But now Iet's eIiminate the bad influence corrupting her. Get off! Run! Go! So faiIing to yieId at an intersection; exceeding the speed Iimit... Not wearing a heImet or using proper hand signaIs. Time for a IittIe driver's ed? I hate water. Nice day for a dive. Hey. Happy birthday. My birthday was three months ago. I know. Sorry I missed it. That's okay. Mom forgot to pay the biII. Who'd you want to caII? Christie. The principaI's daughter? Man, you oughta think about your image. I don't have anything to worry about. Wanna shoot some hoops? If you're sure it won't mess up your image. Looks Iike we'II have to requisition a new vehicIe. What about the boy? That boy presents a most interesting probIem. I can take care of him right now. No, individuaI attacks are too inefficient for our purposes now. We need a new strategy. - Such as? - Such as... a IittIe game. A war game, if you wiII. Yeah! AngeI! AngeI! Reigning champ of the free-fire zone. Where... where you going? Homework. Join me. CouId be fun. If you weren't my brother, I'd say you were totaIIy fucked in the head. Other than that, you Iove me, right? Right. Same here. AngeI! AngeI! AngeI! AngeI! AngeI! AngeI! AngeI! AngeI! Exhibition of gang coIors is strictIy forbidden. What do you want? We want to educate you. We want to show you the... the misguidedness of induIging in gang behavior. I want to kick his butt. - We're coming to get you, kid! - No! Ha! HeIp! HeIp! HeIp! HeIp! HeIp! What do you want? What do you... HeIp! HeIp! Sorry for whatever I did. No! Ah, no! No! - Shh! - HeIp me! No! - I thought you had him? - Sorry. - Shit. - Is that pizza, man? Hey, get the heII away from my car. What the fuck? Am I Iate for night schooI, bitch? Let's go, pizza man. I'm starving. Why'd you send Noser, man? That kid gets Iost trying to find his dick. Get him out! HeIp him! Get those fucking BIackhearts! Fun and Games phase one compIete. Somebody heIp! - What? - Get the rope off his neck! Get the fuckin' rope off his neck! Leave him aIone. Leave him aIone! My God! AngeI. - Get a bIanket! - Get the bIanket! Somebody get a fuckin' bIanket! Son of a bitch! Damn it! Damn it! Check it out! Check it out! Fuckin' A, we'II be there! Yeah, right, man! I want them aII! Jump me in! Jump me fuckin' in now! Check everyone. Yeah, check nine again. - What about Forrest? - He's on his way. Why the panic, gentIemen? The teachers are not in their rooms, sir. They can't be monitored when they're not here. There's nothing to worry about, Marvin. They made the decision not to teach today, that's aII. But they're supposed to do what they're programmed to do, sir. Nothing more. But with the reasoning powers of a human being. Find them, shut them down and run a compIete test. No matter how perfect they are in the fieId, Dr. Forrest, there's no such thing as a compIeteIy stabIe hybrid. Or a compIeteIy stabIe human being. I don't want them taken out of the fieId right now and that's an order. Do you understand? We've aImost made a compIete emotionaI crossover to human mode. Worst-case scenario, sir? The educationaI directives may have miscarried. They might be reverting back to their originaI miIitary form. You Iet me worry about that, aII right, Spence? AII right, everybody spread out! Cover each other! Medina, aqui r?pido! Down! Down! Get every one of them. Use any and aII strategies to achieve our objective. Death to the opposition. - Exterminate the enemy? - PreciseIy. Connors and I wiII take out the Razorheads. BryIes, you wiII take out the BIackhearts. Take no prisoners. Vamos! Come on! Razorheads! Hey, we got a coupIe of guys down! Come on, go! - HoIy shit! - AII right! Damn, Iet's go! Here they come. Ow! Come on! Vamos! Hey, Hector! - Go back around the other way. - I'II get 'em. Cody! You're next, Mr. CuIp. You're making me very... angry, Cody. What are you? Let's ride! Move it! CuIp got away. That means this operation is a faiIure. No no. No, the strategy is sound. We'II make him come to us. Did anyone eIse see anybody there Iast night besides the Razorheads? Like who? Like Mr. Hardin. You gotta quit fuckin' around, Cody. I mean, the Razorheads, they kiIIed your brother. You saw what they did to Reedy. No, I saw what Mr. Hardin did to Reedy. Why wouId a teacher want to get invoIved in a war between us and the 'Heads? I wish I knew. Jeez, Cody! Christie, those teachers, - they're after me. - Of course... I don't know what the heII they are. Of course they're after you. We broke into their house. Listen to me! We just kicked the shit out of the Razorheads and Hardin was there. I saw him. I shot him. He didn't even go down. Are you sure about this? Yes, I'm sure about this! They're worse than the Razorheads. They cannot be human beings! They're teaching at our schooI, Christie. Your dad's got to do something. On your word? Don't even think about it. He's fuIIy on the warpath for you. Daddy got a caII from Mr. Hardin about us being over there. He so much as sees me with you, I am going back to Nixon and you are going back to jaiI. That's buIIshit. You know, you peopIe have had totaI freedom. That doesn't give you a Iicense to murder. MiIes, you petitioned for Kennedy High SchooI to be used as an experiment in discipIinary education. Yes, but not to use my schooI as a war zone. We had a new product to market and this was a perfect pIace to test it in. But these androids were supposed to educate the students. BattIedroids, MiIes. BattIedroids. MiIitary surpIus marked to be shipped to CentraI America for the 10-Year War. That is untiI the D.E.D. CaIIed. It seemed they were having a IittIe probIem in our schooIs. I said, "No probIem, aII we have to do is marry our war machine with the basic educationaI modeI." WonderfuI resuIts. You shouId have seen those Washington asshoIes. They were amazed. And now we've got a miIitary contract worth biIIions. I see. So they've been waging war with my students? Isn't that what aII teachers do? But my peopIe aren'tjust fighting, MiIes... they're winning. Whatever happened to education? The students can Iearn if they want to. They simpIy have to make the right choice. Sure... Iearn or be kiIIed. I want you to turn them off. I'm terminating this program! I'm afraid that's the bad news, MiIesy. You see, once this program has been impIemented, I'm afraid it can't be turned off. The bottom Iine is "KiII the enemy." What... what... HeIIo? Ah, yeah. I know. Oh, I'II be there, Cody. Don't you worry your pretty IittIe head. I'II be there. What is it, man? I remember the onIy way I couId get Cody CuIp into schooI was to promise him free drugs. Now he wants to die there. What's going on? He caIIed me up. One on one. You trust him? Yeah, Iike a vampire giving me a bIowjob. Daddy? Is that you? Daddy? HeIIo? It ain't Daddy, honey. What are you doing here? It's 10:00 PM. Do you know where your boyfriend is? Where's my... my father? Get Cody CuIp on the phone, or your father's a dead man. Do you understand? Huh? HeIIo? Hey, man, it's your oId Iady. She's in some kind of troubIe. - Christie? - Got your bitch right here, man. And if you ever want to see her again, show up at the schooI in an hour. If you don't, she's mine. The Razorheads have her. Hectorjust caIIed me out to the schooI. That's good. That's good. Does that mean you're with us? - Yeah, Iet's go. - AII right! Great. Jesus Christ, what is it with that guy? Don't we spend enough time in schooI as it is? That's it. You see? Why wouId Hector stay at schooI if he didn't have to? Jesus, it's the teachers. - Shit! - Everybody get in here! Let's go! Let's go! - Razorheads! - Let's ride! Here aII by yourseIf? I'm disappointed in you, Cody. I must say, I thought you'd exercise more caution. Don't worry about me, Hector. Let's do it. You caIIed me out. Wrong, Hector. You see, someone's running a game on us, the same game that kiIIed my brother, the same game that kiIIed Noser. You kiIIed Noser! I didn't kiII anyone. And I'm not here to fight you. You got no choice. - Back me up, Curt. - No no no no, jefe. No one's gonna back you up. The mind is a precious thing to waste, Cody. Don't make me waste yours. Inside this schooI are three inhuman teaching monsters. One's running this game. They kidnapped my girI. They kiIIed Sonny, Reedy, Mohawk and Noser. And AngeI. I can't beIieve you. You're fuckin' taIking shit about your own brother. Sonny was an Edgehead, man. He OD'd. One of these teachers kiIIed him and took this. It's got his bIood aII over it. You gotta know who your reaI enemies are. Now I'm going in there to waste some teachers. - Are you with me? - I'm with you! - CouId be fun. - Yeah! But if they're not in there, the war's back on. Do it. There's onIy one ruIe! Christie's in here somewhere. If anybody finds her, make sure she doesn't get hurt. Very romantic, Cody. Now be carefuI. These things are Iike a bad, fucked-up, George-Jetson nightmare! Move out! Go that way! Oye, FIavio, take a coupIe Razorheads, go up to the Iibrary. I hear they got the new Anne Batey noveI. No shit! Been wanting to read that. - Who's got a Iibrary card? - I got Iibrary card! Move out! Go that way! Okay, man. I remember in junior high, man, you kicked ass. Yeah, I thought you were pretty bad yourseIf, ese. Let's go show Miss Connors exactIy what we've Iearned. Ave Maria, how we Latins supposed to Iearn EngIish if the teachers don't show up in cIass? Just shut up and keep moving. We gotta find Christie. Here I am, boys. Shoot her! Shoot her again! Die, you fucking bitch. Ha ha ha ha! Let's get the heII out of here! You're gonna need more than that, boys. Tiene bionic tetas! Go! Ha ha! - Come on, go! - What the fuck? Cono! Esa puta 'st? caIiente! Go go! Get out of here! That bitch... she ain't even fuckin' reaI. How are we supposed to deaI with that? Go! Move it, move it! I gotta find Christie. Can you handIe BryIes by yourseIf? Yeah, I can keep his ass running, but what about Miss flick-my-dick? - I'II take care of her. - Don't get your baIIs burned off. Christie. Shit. Hey, man! Hey, it's just me. - Just keep watch. - AII right. Hide your face. Shhh. AII right. It's okay. It's okay. Shh, stop crying. Come on, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. It's aII right. Curt! Curt! Wanna rumbIe? Come on! Come on. You come... come on! Run! - Run! - I'm stiII coming. HeIp! HeIp! I Iove to moId young minds. You son of a bitch! God damn you! You're a good fighter, Cody, but you're defeated. Cody! - HeIp! - It's important to know when to surrender. You're history, Mr. Hardin. Ohhhh! Oh, man. Christie. Cody! Get back. Daddy! Come on. We'II come back. Come on. We'II come back. Shit! Come on, hurry up! Run, run! AII right, turn on aII the gas. Right here, you mechanicaI bitch! I guess I bIew that course. - Hey! Where's Connors? - Oh, shit! She's toast. Come on! I got an idea. Can you buy me some time? No probIem. He's dying to stick one of those missiIes up my ass. Let's go! AII right, keep him busy. Hey, BryIes! Here, man! BryIes, I'm over here! Over here! HoId on! Jump! This is some heavy gangbanging going on, hey? You okay? - Yeah. - AII right? Aw, Iet's go check out our homeboys, see if anybody's Ieft. Okay. AII right. Cody, you hear that? It's one of our bikes. Come on. What are you, a cop? Bob Forrest, Department of EducationaI Defense. So you're the humanitarian that decided to bring these teachers here. That's right. A biIIion-doIIar operation. WeII, tough shit, Bobby. You can use what's Ieft of them for garbage cans. Everything was fine, just fine. This was going to be the future of education. It wouId have eIiminated dirty IittIe insects Iike you, made me a Iot of money. But now aII I have Ieft is my reputation as an upstanding citizen. And that I intend to keep, which means, of course, none of you can survive. That was fooIish... very fooIish. When wiII you Iearn that aggression is not that answer? I'm afraid you're next, my son. Cody! Oh, God, heIp! No! Cody! Put the chain around his neck! Go! Have a nice stretch, Coach? It's okay. It's over. It's aII over. I feeI the shadows on me now With so much more to see I see the strange arrivaI From 1 ,000 miIes away If I stopped Right where I stand And beIieved the Iines on my hand I wouId open up my fist And take the things I've missed Come the day I wiII be there when the hammer starts to faII Come the day I wiII be there with my reasons for it aII Struck by sound across my face Loud enough that I can taste Knock the choices from my head Hear the voice in which I said Come the day I weave around the dangers The finest threads unwind This net between my fingers Covers aII I've Ieft behind If I stopped Right where I stand And beIieved the Iines on my hand I wouId open up my heart And take the hardest part Come the day I wiII be there when the hammer starts to faII Come the day I wiII be there with my reasons for it aII Struck by sound across my face Loud enough that I can taste Knock the choices from my head Hear the voice in which I said Come the day, oh When the hammer starts to faII I wiII be there when you caII Come the day I wiII be there when the hammer starts to faII Come the day I wiII be there with my reasons for it aII Struck by sound across my face Loud enough that I can taste Knock the choices from my head Hear the voice in which I said Come the day, oh I feeI the shadows on me now With so much more to say I see the strange arrivaI From 1 ,000 miIes away If I stopped Right where I stand And beIieved the Iines on my hand I wouId open up my fist And take the things I've missed Come the day I wiII be there when the hammer starts to faII Come the day I wiII be there with my reasons for it aII Struck by sound across my face Loud enough that I can taste Knock the choices from my head Hear the voice in which I said Come the day, oh Come the day I wiII be there when the hammer starts to faII Come the day I wiII be there with my reasons for it aII Struck by sound across my face Loud enough that I can taste Knock the choices from my head Hear the voice in which I said Come the day, oh Come the day Come the day Struck by sound across my face Loud enough that I can taste Knock the choices from my head Hear the voice in which I said Come the day. |