Classe Tous Risques (The Big Risk) (1960)

Why don't you take
the train with us?
Because I'm leaving by car
with your dad.
Pierrot... When we're back in France,
we won't travel any more
and we'll stay together.
We'll stay together all the time.
You understand ?
You know... We might
arrive before you do.
You'll buy us 2 shirts.
- I won't forget it.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
O. K. ?
She would have liked
to tell him to be cautious.
But it would have been no use.
Since she'd been packing and unpacking,
she had stopped speaking.
Or almost.
The children followed.
They were well cared for.
But did not go to school.
For this last trip,
she was travelling light.
In her bag, she had
what money was left.
But to leave Italy,
to get across the border,
much more money was needed.
And the two men knew only
one way to get money.
He was Abel Davos, sentenced
to death in absentia.
On the run for several years,
Davos had almost no money left,
and because of anxiety he moved
from one place to another.
The Italian police getting
nearer every day,
going back to France
seemed better.
They might have forgotten him there.
The other man was
Raymond Naldi, his friend.
To them the city was neither
pleasant nor unpleasant,
they didn't see it.
And they didn't see the people either.
In any case,
we've got no choice.
Can't be worse than in Torino.
How much ?
Is that all ?
That'll be enough for the trip.
We won't stay in Ventimiglia
long anyway...
We're not there yet.
We'll make it.
We'll do as we said...
- Where did you leave the motorbike ?
In front of Conte Maggiore.
You filled her up, didn'tyou ?
Heads. You lose.
I won.
Call control 4.
Have them close Road 6.
Come this way.
He must have gone to the village.
We're the best !
Bus stop.
Mummy ! Look !
Can I get into the water ?
No, darling.
Mummy !
Here they are !
I was really worried, you know.
Well... We're here!
Where's Ferruci ?
- He's waiting at home.
I'll go there.
How much did they say there was ?
Six or seven million.
Without those road blocks
it would have been very simple.
In 4 days' time, you'd
have got through without risk.
I had planned it all.
Now, it's not possible any more.
But waiting here, near the border,
is more dangerous.
... and you can't go back either.
I think San Remo would
be the best now.
there's plenty of tourists there.
What does he say ?
He says we should try
by way of San Remo.
Let's try San Remo.
Come inside, darling....
We'll go into the sailor's house.
Right ?
- Yes.
Pierrot... go inside too.
Come on !
There... Menton !
Go to the right !
They're sleeping.
- Let them.
We'll wake them up
when we arrive.
Slow down a little.
Because of the noise.
What shall we do with the boat ?
Once we're off, we'll block
the tiller and make it go offshore.
Stop the engine.
Come on, Thrse !
Pierrot... you watch Daniel, o.k. ?
Hey there !
What are you doing ?
Leave your hands where they are
and come this way.
Before going to Italy,
he was working with Crazy Pierrot.
A good shot.
- Yes.
What about the woman ?
I don't know.
The first time,
we saw them in Rome.
They mugged a collector.
One dead.
Then in Genova and Torino.
Two dead.
Give a description.
He was tall,
with wide shoulders.
Dark hair, a square face.
He was dressed in blue.
He had a child with him... 7 or 8...
The other one.... 4 or 5.
Thank you.
We'll send you the report.
All right.
So... the stations, the roads,
the airports and the hotels.
From here to Marseilles.
Kids must have their
meals at regular hours...
and they need to sleep a lot.
Tragic gunfight between
Customs officers and mobsters.
One of the murderers
is on the run with 2 kids.
The man is
on the run with his 2 children.
Every necessary measure has
been taken so that
the fugitives can't leave the area.
Pierrot... Listen carefully
what I'm going to tell you
is very important.
In the streets,
we can't walk together
as we did before.
You'll have to walk behind.
You'll have to hold
Daniel's hand.
You'll walk 10 yards behind me.
From here to that column there.
Can you see ?
- Yes.
And if I don't call you...
And if I don't call you,
you mustn't come.
And if one day...
you see men surrounding me,
you mustn't come near.
Or cry out. Nothing.
You'll go in the other direction,
with your brother.
Where shall we go ?
As here, in a church.
You'll ask for the parish priest.
But don't worry...
it won't happen.
Now, we'll go out, I'll phone
my friends and they'll come for us.
So... we do as we said.
- Yes.
Paris is on, Sir.
- Thank you.
I'd like to talk to
Henri Vintran, please.
- Who is it ?
- Is that you, Riton ?
- Yes.
- Abel speaking.
Abel ! No... really..
it's you ?
Yes... I'm calling from Nice.
I'm very ill
And with the children.
Can you hear me ?
- Of course.
Therese is dead.
Bloody hell ! The whole story,
down there... that was you...
Yes. It's urgent.
Bloody hell !
- I don't know where I can go.
Let's see...
You've still got some cash ?
- Benazet.
- What ?
- Be-na-zet. Quai de Lunel.
Yes, but you must come.
You must come at once.
With an ambulance.
Or something like it.
As for the meeting place...
we'll meet where we used to.
where we used to meet.
Yes, I can hear you.
Where we used to, yes...
Don't worry !
You see everyone, Jeannot,
Fargier, all our friends....
They're still there, aren't they ?
Yes... We're there, all of us.
Don't worry !
All right. I'll call you
again in two days' time.
O.K. ? Ciao !
Ciao ! See you... In 2 days' time.
Don't worry too much !
Between the Porte St Denis
and the Porte St Martin,
there were 50 Ritons. But
there was only one Riton of the Porte.
And Riton of the Porte was not one
to think cheaply of friendship.
His business was done
A beer.
A beer.
What's wrong ?
- Yes...
When Jeannot comes,
tell him to meet me at Fargier's.
At his hotel.
The whole story, starting
in Italy, that was him....
It was.
Where's the meeting place ?
The Grimaldi Post office.
As it used to be.
A former safe-cracker, Raoul Fargier
owned a hotel and a house in Le Vsinet.
He still got involved from time to
time. But he was very cautious.
Jean Martin, aka Little Jeannot,
still active, was an unlucky guy.
And in 2 days' time,
he'll phone me.
You already said it.
Such a situation
requires thinking things over.
I don't think so.
It's a simple enough situation.
You always find things simple.
Well... we drive down with an ambulance,
a machine-gun,
and we bring the kids back.
Didn't he ask for this ?
Yes. But what does "we drive
down" mean ?
I can say it too.
You forget one thing :
For a start, you can't go.
He's on probation.
Well... Jeannot, I don't get it :
what are you saying ?
Your leaving Paris for 2 days
is out of the question.
If you're summoned by the judge,
what'll you do ?
We can't send Abel a man
who risks being arrested.
I'll go even further.
Riton can't either....
Nor can I actually.
It is not for us to do this.
You can be sure of it though,
I'd like going too.
Some people could talk.
We're known as his friends.
What we need...
is someone who won't
attract attention.
But some really trustworthy guy.
There aren't many of those.
We don't need fifty. Just one !
It should be possible to find.
Yes, maybe...
but we must look for him
straight away.
That's it.
And you centralize it all at my place.
Right... You'll go to Nevada's.
I'll call him at his bar.
For the rest, trust me.
We'll buy an ambulance with
all the legit paperwork.
No use getting excited.
- Bye, Jeannot. See you later.
I know them. I know them all.
Your Fargier will send you on a goose
chase to avoid getting involved.
Of course, he won't.
Abel hadn't got his phone number.
Otherwise, he would have phoned him.
Why didn't you give him
his number ?
Too late for that.
Give him and we'll leave
for the country.
That way, Fargier will have
to give back what he owes.
I owe him one too.
This place...
If Abel had not given me
the money, it wouldn't be mine.
Yes, but Fargier owes Abel his life.
Abel got him out of prison.
I know what I have to do.
I too know Fargier well.
I'll let him think things over.
When Fargier thinks things over,
it's never bad.
As for us,
we'll walk behind.
- Several of you will drive down there ?
- No, I don't think so.
Jeannot can't do it...
As for Riton...
He'd drive down there if I did.
And I won't.
What are you saying ?
Listen, Sophie. I said I wouldn't go.
But he'll come back here all the same.
Safe and sound.
Once he's in Paris,
I'll personnally take care of him.
Like a brother.
Come on, Daniel !
- Yes !
- Take your balloon !
Here they come !
Hello, children !
Hello, Sir !
You come here !
Know what I'll do with you ?
A package....
And do you
where I'll throw this package ?
Do you know ?
- Stop it ! he'll get dirty !
My balloon does not fly any more !
It does not ? I'll inflate it if
you help me putting on the plates.
Go get the plates !
Hurry !
Where the boats are,
why doesn't the sea move ?
It's done on purpose !
So that they won't bump
into each other
and won't be damaged.
- Because it's a harbour.
- That's it. It's called a harbour !
The phone, Abel...
when you're ready...
Thank you. I'll go now.
There's no answer, Sir.
Right...Thank you.
Not bad, is it ?
How much ?
- 450
- 'Morning.
- Hello.
That's all I could find.
Not new. But fast enough.
It's good. Quite good.
To hide a kid...
Or a Stein.
That's it.
We only need a driver.
And what does Nevada say ?
He says they're not easy to find.
In the beginning, if I had been
told, it'd come to that,
I wouldn't have believed it.
But we've got to face it,
Now, the cops visit
the hotels 3 times a day.
You know, Abel,
they say I'm trustworthy...
It's the truth.
No one ever got into trouble
at my place.
But you...
you know, Abel...
You can't remain unnoticed.
Sure... you're very cautious.
But people have eyes everywhere.
And a man alone with kids...
People talk.
You can't stop people from talking.
I should never have
accepted the money for the room.
Your case.... is not a matter of money.
You did what you could.
Dad !
What's the matter ?
Shall we stay here long ?
When will they come and get us ?
Where shall we go afterwards ?
To Paris.
My name's Stark,
Eric Stark.
Nevada told me about you.
So... I came
May I ?
Mr Nevada....
Raoul Fargier.
I have someone here who
says you sent him.
Yes.... All right...
You'll excuse me.
It's no small matter.
So, you're one of us.
In a way...
I work alone.
It has a few advantages.
You heard about me?
- Hardly.
- I'm Abel's friend.
His best friend.
We used to be partners.
At the time, we took
decisions for everyone else.
No one has ever taken
decisions in my place.
Depends on who you deal with.
That's the past.
Today, you shouldn't be here.
I should be driving the ambulance.
But it's impossible.
Absolutely impossible.
There would be too much to explain.
What you do is your own concern,
only yours.
We're talking.
And I haven't thanked you yet.
I'm grateful, you know.
Really, I am.
Good !
You know Abel ?
- By name.
- I'll give you a photograph.
You'll meet him
at the Grimaldi Post Office, at 4 p.m.
Old meeting place.
I must tell you...
In case of police road block...
Abel, now, has got no choice...
That's part of the trip.
To a guy we'd pay,
we'd tell stories...
but with a man like you,
I had no right to.
Right... So ?
So when would you leave ?
Any time.
- At once ?
If you want.
- But tell me... if I understand...
you're always available.
For some things, I am.
Right... Come on....
I'll introduce you to Riton.
and to the ambulance.
Fargier is sending me.
I've got the ambulance.
Let's go out.
What's your name ? Stark ?
Eric Stark.
What about the others ?
- They're waiting.
You're working with Fargier ?
- No.
Why are you here ?
Nevada told me Fargier
was looking for someone.
And you came.
For a guy you don't even know.
For nothing.
A man on the run with his 2 kids...
that's pitiful, right ?
I had a friend whose name
was Raymond Naldi.
You knew Raymond ?
In Paris, they don't know that.
I didn't want to tell you either but...
with all the thoughts you have,
I think it's better.
You know...
It was time you came.
But it was not for
you to come.
I'm glad I'm here.
You'll get through all this.
Now, we'll go and get the kids.
With them I always tried to laugh.
So we should try to go on having fun.
There's no reason why
it shouldn't go on.
Take this.
- Thanks !
I'd never been
in an ambulance before.
At a time, people said
you were in Switzerland.
At the very beginning, I was.
In Geneva...
And afterwards
we went across to Italy.
You've never been able
to settle down somewhere
At a time, I thought I would...
When Daniel was born.
We were living beside a lake,
near Lugano.
Looked like a postcard.
There was a guy
who was making boats.
We were getting along.
I even worked for him.
And... well...
What do you think of Fargier ?
Fargier ?
A cautious guy.
Leave me alone !
Something wrong ?
Mind your own business.
We need no one.
We do.
Hey, watch out !
What's good with me...
is my left one.
I can't stay here.
Where were you going ?
He was going to Nice.
I was going to Paris.
You've got a suitcase ?
- Yes.
Let's go get it.
So you're an actress...
- Yes.
He was a road manager.
I didn't want any more.
And he did want.
What are your plans ?
- Same job with different people.
I hope you won't get
into trouble because of me.
If you left, I think
the kid would wake up.
Would you like helping me ?
The guy in the back
had problems with his wife.
It's not the first time.
But she shot him this time.
She loved him like crazy and
he felt like changing wives.
So she shot him.
We're taking the kids
to an uncle's.
She was sent to the country.
To my place, in Switzerland.
You understand ?
It's horrible.
They're famous people
and we didn't do things legally.
Bullet wounds must be
reported to the police.
We didn't report anything.
Sometimes there are
police road blocks.
So what ?
They can ask for the patient's papers.
And take us to the hospital.
And the woman will go to prison.
Not a good start in life for kids !
So you're not an ambulance driver.
I'm his friend.
My name is Eric.
Liliane...I'll help you
as much as I can.
There's a nurse's coat. You could
put in on and go in the back.
In the event of a control...
Not too uncomfortable ?
He's asleep ?
Serious ?
- Fractured skull !
How far are we from Paris ?
- Two hours.
Are you all right ?
- Right... Let's...
Watch out ! Road block !
Come on, Pierrot. Hide, quick !
Excuse me. Papers please !
You've got a patient ?
- Yes.
Excuse me.
What's wrong with him ?
- Fractured skull !
You can go !
We could meet again...
- If you feel like it.
Yes indeed.
I live at number 58.
At Mrs Weber's.
Good bye and...
thank you.
Good luck.
Good luck for everything.
- Hello.
- Hello, Fargier ?
- Yes.
- Riton speaking.
Wait a second.
- Yes.
- Abel is in Paris.
He's just called.
Meeting at my place in half an hour.
I'll be there.
It's white wine.
At this hour....
It was really a narrow one...
He's been really
worried about you.
He couldn't sleep at night.
At first, he didn't want to tell me.
That's what I am like,
you know me...
You called. I had to answer.
It wasn't easy though, you know...
Times have changed.
Well... we did what we had to...
You found a great guy, didn't you ?
And... it's better for you here
than in Nice.
Well... it depends.
Think of the kids....
You'll have to find a place to live.
That'll be difficult.
Of course, it'll be difficult. Whether
it's Paris or Nice, it's the same.
Can you take the kids outside ?
Come on, Daniel...
Leave this here.
What's with you ?
You see, for me,
Nice or Paris, it wasn't the same.
In Nice I didn't have any friends.
In Paris I do have some.
Riton, for instance.
And what do you think
Riton can do ?
I'm talking to Riton.
Yes but I'm his wife.
Well... now you know what...
his wife'll go and sit in the back.
That way, she won't interfere.
I'm really pleased, you know.
What's going on ?
I was explaining Denise we'd
never been partners, she and I.
But we were, you and I.
And Jeannot.
And Riton, Riton of the Porte.
But not his wife.
Of course, but she didn't mean that.
What do you mean then ?
When you phoned from Nice,
I could not go down there, Abel.
I was on probation
and I still am.
Now I'm watching you
here with your kids.
You don't know where to sleep.
And I only have a small room
You couldn't stay one hour there.
I am only a useless friend, Abel.
But... you must believe me...
since you left, I've only been
going in and out of prison.
I haven't done much.
I have nothing but a phone number.
Call me any time.
For whatever reason.
I'll help.
Thanks, Jeannot.
To tell the truth, Abel,
the situation is difficult.
At my place, with Sophie,
it's not possible.
She's changed so much
you wouldn't recognize her.
She's like a living dead.
I've tried everything.
We've seen plenty of doctors.
Nothing can be done.
The slightest emotion would kill her.
So... I thought
of a cousin in Britanny.
He doesn't write often
but I guess he's still there.
I don't think he'd say no.
The most difficult part, though,
is to find the way...
You get my meaning, right ?
The way to ask him about it.
Well....I can try writing to him.
When Sophie came to me
to take you out of the hole
and you'd still be there, Raoul...
I didn't talk to her about
a cousin in Britanny, did I ?
I didn't say I'd try writing...
I know that, Abel.
We all know.
And who sent a stranger
for me in Nice ? You did.
And so did you.
You're smart, both of you.
You think the odds are against me.
It starts with the driver you look
for, praying to God not to find him.
And it ends with a cousin in Britanny.
I didn't come here to get milk.
See ? You should have listened to me.
We should have left him in Nice.
He hasn't changed a bit.
Mr Chapuis ?
What are you doing here ?
You don't know ?
The gunfight, near Menton...
It was you ?
What about Therese ?
Oh... my poor fellow.
Where are your children ?
I don't know what to do about them.
I can't go on dragging them
with me, I...
They have only me or Child Welfare.
I've thought of finding people
who'd take care of them,
I'd have payed for that but...
if one day, they're asked
questions, it will be a catastrophe.
What do they know ?
When Therese was there, they thought
we were travelling, that was all, but...
that night, on the beach...
And I tried lying to them.
But I couldn't find the words...
Where are they ?
- Over there.
Mr Chapuis is a very nice gentleman.
He's got a sister, Jacqueline, who
will take care of you.
But you must obey her.
You'll live in a very nice house.
Like uncle Ray's.
It's in the country,
there's a garden.
So we won't live in Paris any more ?
No, it's very close.
It's called Arcueil.
You won't be coming with us ?
- I will. but not right now.
But don't worry. You won't be left
alone. And Eric will come often too.
You said I would go to school.
Once there, you can go.
Now, we're going to take
the underground and the bus.
I'll go with you...
- No, stay here.
I live Passage Doisy.
There are two ways in.
Nobody knows my address.
On the 6th floor,
there's a small maid's room.
It is very quiet there.
He's been working
in this museum a long time ?
It's the only work he's done.
Just like my father !
They've been at war together,
wounded together...
and afterwards...
the Navy Museum.
They're yours ?
Yeah !
Shall we go ?
Take this.
I didn't think that one day the kids
would sleep in the same room as I.
When I was their age, I used
to spend my holidays at the Chapuis's
Pull on your side.
Leave it !
I'll finish later.
You know...
Riton and Fargier...
You'd better forget them.
It's done already...
They're dead for me.
You want an alarm clock ?
No, thank you.
I'd rather sleep to the end.
Thanks for everything.
You'll be sleeping here but
downstairs, it's your home...
There are no other rooms here ?
- We've seen it all, commissioner
I can go back to Paris then.
- Mr Benazet ?
Commissioner Blot, Crime Unit.
You've got tenants here ?
- No.
You did have tenants.
- Unofficial ?
A father ?
It wouldn't be a problem if it
were an ordinary father...
But it was Abel Davos.
And you knew it, Mr Benazet...
Have you got a jacket ?
Go get it.
Nice is big.
- And Paris is bigger still.
You've been warned.
If you ask questions, I'll lie.
It is the right of those
who are asked questions.
It's an optional right.
- Like sitting in the bus ?
No, no. Up to now,
it was quite good.
But something is not working there.
It's because of your "Hey".
There's not enough feeling in it.
It may not be your fault.
It maybe because of the text...
I can change it if you will...
It won't be necessary...
We start at the beginning again.
With Christian, Marguerite
and Janine.
I went to your place and
I was told you were here...
As you can see, we're rehearsing.
I can see that.
You don't mind ?
No, not at all.
How are the children doing ?
They're fine.
What about your friend ?
He's feeling much better.
What about his wife ?
His wife ?
She's all right. Quite all right too.
What about the machine-gun ?
You've told me
a beautiful story...
I came to tell you
the rest of it.
If you're interested.
At that road block,
if things had got wrong...
your friend would have used the gun ?
He didn't shoot.
It's all that counts
You like seafood ?
Seafood ?
What do you really do in life ?
You really want to know ?
- Yes.
I'm a thief.
But each one has his own past.
Yes and each one knows it well.
Especially as speaking about
it can't change anything. So...
So ?
At spring they can carry all they can
find : bits of straw, threads...
And they don't know what to do with
them : they forgot.
They're domestic birds.
Now, they're clumsy.
As if they were ill.
You noticed all that ?
All you have to do is watch.
When you watch, you learn things.
It's true.
Am I disturbing you?
No, not at all.
His wife Therese Davos.
It's me, Eric.
Good morning.
- Good morning, Eric.
You're fine ?
- I'm all right.
Fine weather, isn't it ?
- Yeah.
I've got the papers. And the passport.
It will be helpful to peek outside.
I've seen the girl from the ambulance.
What does she know ?
She's a nice girl.
And she would love to go
and see your kids with me.
If she loved it so much...
You know... Abel... You don't have
to go out. I can help you.
It's never right to live
on other people's money.
What I meant is...
we could work together.
No, thank you.
The last one was Raymond Naldi,
and when you see the result...
What are your plans ?
I don't really know but I...
I think things over and...
When I'll decide to move,
I want to do it alone.
And only once.
To end it all.
You understand ?
As you like.
Right... I must be going because...
- Yes... Go !
Several times, they asked for their
father. I said he was on a trip.
What about their mother ?
- Daniel asks for her sometimes.
But Pierrot does not talk
about her.
Did you know her ?
- No, I didn't.
She was a good girl.
But Abel did very bad things when
he was very young.
Therese heard about it afterwards,
when it was time to pack.
Pierrot was born then.
And they loved each other too much
to listen to advice.
When people are happy together,
they don't part.
Since he won't come, tell him I have
always hoped for something for him.
I don't know for what,
but I have always hoped.
Abel is in Paris, Fargier. He's helped
you too much for you not to help him.
But between me and him I wonder
who you'll choose to help.
Neither one nor the other.
The past can wake up quickly.
Mine is not sleeping. It's dead.
And you don't owe anything ?
It would take several lives to
be able to afford such luxury.
As you've got only one...
- And I care for it.
What did he want ?
- Nothing, darling !
He was here about some stranger
who goes around under a false name.
You love me ?
- No.
- Any good ?
- No.
See you tonight.
I'll come by.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Are you all right ?
Yes. What about you ?
I'm fine.
He's in.
Thank you.
Oh, it's you.
- Yes.
So you're glad ?
-Well... you don't expect it...
and it happens.
I like hearing what you're saying.
And I'll tell you something else, Eric.
If one day, you decided
to do something else...
I mean... something with which you'd
be sure to sleep at home every night...
Well... I'd be glad to hear it.
I was already told so.
I'm telling you because you always
think you're the smartest and...
when you can't defend your own
flag, you're nothing
You go down a little each day until...
Until nothing.
Until today.
Don't say that, Abel.
I didn't come for this,
but for something else...
Tomorrow, I'm starting something.
What is it ?
It's not much, but...
it will help me out and
I'll have some money for the kids.
And they might be able
to change names too.
Because Davos...
is not a name any more.
And afterwards, I'll leave.
So I wanted to ask you...
in case it didn't work out well...
to follow them until...
until the older one has made a life.
Of course.
It's just in case...right ?
Mr Arthur Gibelin, please.
We'll see...
Hello, Gibelin.
-That's a surprise. Abel himself !
I really didn't expect to see you.
You're alone ?
You can see for yourself.
For a man in your situation...
Coming here...
You could have met
anyone going up here.
Don't worry about that...
- Try to put yourself in my place.
I thought you were dead.
Gone far away...
You know... dead or gone far away,
that's about the same.
When you hear one and the others,
you don't know what to think.
You haven't seen Fargier ?
What's important is to breathe
and not forget good old Gibelin.
Yes. I won't be able to come back.
I'm leaving in an hour.
You've got some cash ?
It depends what you call cash...
Well...that's a lot !
You know... Times are difficult.
To get 4 units, it takes a lot...
In the past, buyers were begging
to buy. Today...
I beg to sell.
I give you for 20 and ask for 4.
But be warned I won't take less.
And if you haven't got them here,
no use to show the goods.
So ?
- I've got the amount.
But I'm not sure what you've got
is worth it.
It's junk.
Glass !
You've been had.
It's impossible !
You're crazy, Abel !
I trusted you.
Now just imagine the diamonds
were good. Open your cash-desk.
I've got nothing.
I was bluffing.
I swear, I was bluffing.
- Hurry up !
You won't do this ?
- I will.
I've got nothing to lose
and you know it.
So ?
- In the desk drawer.
Which one ?
- Top right one.
Sit down.
Come on !
Your keys !
There's almost 5 million there, Abel.
Don't complain. I'm not counting.
You must have made at least
a hundred off me.
You buy jewels at a quarter
of their worth.
Who's the girl
who opened the door ?
My daughter.
You had a daughter ?
She is my wife's.
I got remarried.
Now we'll put everything in order
and you'll call her.
and you'll tell her to go out and leave
the door open so that I can go out.
And comb your hair !
Come on ! Let's do it !
Little girl, you'll go to your aunt's
to tell her it's o.k.
O.K. for what ?
She knows.
- Right !
- One second !
You're talking?
Yes, shut the door.
If i want to.
Will that do ?
Come on !
Come on !
Get in there.
Is there any one else in the house ?
Yes. Only a woman washing
clothes in the kitchen.
Bye Gibelin.
Write this in the losses column.
It'd be better never to see me again.
He'd rather not see them.
When is he leaving ?
In 3 days'time, I think.
But I'm staying.
They've got friends ?
- Kids make friends in 5 minutes.
All is fine, then.
Money in the name of Chapuis.
The passport... Everything...
Except that I must leave.
It will be your first
time across the Atlantic ?
Gibelin is making a hell of a ruckus.
He says he trusted him.
And he is ruined.
He's ruined !
Let's not exaggerate, o.k. ?
It's more serious than you think.
Abel now can attack any one !
Where will he stop ?
I don't know !
- It'd be better if you knew !
Listen, Riton !
I talked with Gibelin a lot.
I explained everything.
And he understood our position.
I frightened you ?
I thought it was the guy
at the end.
The guy at the end ?
He's always bothering me.
Wait, I'll take this away.
- No, no. Go on ! I'm in no hurry.
Thanks a lot. I won't be a minute.
He must have thought
things because,
at first,when meeting him in the
staircase, I would smile to him.
What's going on ?
- It's always the same at this hour...
They're all washing.
So up here...
What can we do ?
- We wait.
You've not been living here long.
- No.
I work at the doctor's,
on the 3rd floor.
Ah, there it is !
What do you do ?
- I take water, as you can see.
Who's sending you ?
I'm warning you. I shoot.
Private detective.
You know where I live ?
Second floor.
Bravo ! We'll go there together.
Nice place !
You get many visitors ?
So you're looking for
someone living at my place.
Why ? You won't say...
Who for ? You won't say either.
I served in the Military Police, pal.
I know all the tricks.
Out there, you could
have shot me, couldn't you?
But at your place,
it seems more difficult.
The neighbours, the noise...
The body...Don't you think ?
Maybe, yes.
You see ? Not too noisy...
Feel better ?
- I'm all right...
So, your name's Jacques Imbert. You're
working for Pereire Detective Agency...
The boss does not tell us everything.
He pays, we obey.
I was to follow you until I knew
your friend's address.
Something to do with a woman,
I was told.
Your friend took another man's wife
and he wants her back. I don't know.
You saw my friend?
No. I swear.
You will see him.
And your boss will see him too.
That way, everybody will be happy.
I'll talk to the boss about it
and I'll call you back.
All right.
Goodbye, Madam.
I'd like to talk to Mr Bacheres please.
You've got an appointment ?
- No.
And you won't see one of his assistants ?
- No. Him or no one.
And what's your name ?
- Mr Jacques Imbert.
It's an emergency.
Come in, please.
- Thanks.
The guy who was looking for you
is still alive. And so are you.
Might not be for long.
Sir, threats are useless here.
So is coarseness.
There are laws protecting
our activity.
Laws that are made for all.
Depends when.
First you'll give me
Eric Stark's card.
Not so bad.
And for whom that joke ?
For a man looking for his wife.
Come on, go on !
He first told me of a man
called Stark.
And he gave the name of a place
he would go to. A bar.
Yes that's it.
He said this Stark knew
his wife's lover.
And I am the lover ?
You fit the description.
What's your customer like ?
I never saw him.
- You work without knowing ?
As long as I'm paid,
I don't ask anything else.
What's his name ?
Mr Jean.
How do you contact him ?
I have a number. I phone.
He's told about it.
He phones back about 30 minutes later.
You're going to call him. Now.
And you'll tell him
you can take him.
You'll tell him to come for you here
and ring 3 times.
What happens next ?
You'll send your staff away.
And we'll wait for him together.
Come on !
Come on in !
So... I stole your wife ?
Listen... I'll explain...
I'm quite sure of that.
You had nothing to be afraid of.
- You only wanted to know my address.
That's right. I wanted to speak to you.
- Well ... Talk !
It's because of the money.
I miss it. I swear.
You're going down, Gigi.
Really down.
You were smarter before.
You thought I'd give it back ?
I'd just stolen it from you.
And I'd give it back ?
Poor Gigi !
You think I'll believe this ?
You'll tell me the rest
on the way.
You've got a car ?
- Well... Come on !
You didn't know Stark.
Who told you about him ?
Fargier !
- Fargier !
And Riton ?
- I only saw Fargier.
You cried on his shoulder
to get your money back...
He agreed. But under one condition.
That you ratted on me to the cops...
For Fargier, it was easier.
You can't think that.
- No.
Fargier gave you Stark's address
to make me a favour.
As if he didn't know your kind
betrayed one day...
For 4 pesetas,
you'd sell your mother.
You're crazy.
What do you imagine ?
You have too much imagination.
I've already forgotten your address.
You don't forget
what was so hard to get.
You're sweating fear, Gibelin. You went
down so low you can't breathe.
You can stop here.
You won't do it.
What are you doing here ?
I saw Gibelin...He's dead.
Raoul, I think
it's the end of the road.
For whom ?
- For one of the two.
For both of us.
I'd like to talk to
Mr Vintran, please.
You'll find him down there.
He owned a hotel. He had retired.
That might be the reason.
You're retired too.
The man who killed Fargier shoots fast.
Somewhat like Abel.
You see what I mean...
Abel ? No one has ever seen him again.
I swear, no one.
The past is the past.
And Abel, to me,
is as good as dead.
Yes but he's alive.
There's a command from headquarters.
You can't leave here.
You're allowed to come here
and go to your flat. Nowhere else.
Not allowed. Bloody hell !
What's happening to me ?
A piece of paper can be torn down.
It depends on you.
There's no hurry.
We'll pick Abel up when he leaves
after having finished with you.
If you give me a hint...
we can get him when he gets out his bed
I'll be allowed to leave the bar ?
- You will be...
Mr Stark ?
- Crime Unit.
You're joking ?
It can be anything...
Come on !
Eric ?
What are you doing ?
We found the janitress.
He is in the room on the 6th floor.
You fool !
You wanted to warn him !
There's a door !
Do not stay there, Madam.
Get into your rooms.
You don't want me to stay ?
You want me to come back tonight ?
Stay at the caf.
We must avoid moving around.
I was wondering if you'd come.
You can see.
My leg will be all right
two months from now.
As for the rest...
helping a criminal...
I won't be inside for long.
I don't think it's too bad for Stark.
Wounded in the leg.
He's in the Hospital.
I found Riton's hiding place.
Concordia Hotel in Neuilly.
Shall we go now ?
Look !
Fargier ?
No, at the bottom.
After her husband's death Sophie
Fargier dies of a heart attack.
She was the nicest one !
She was unlucky.
She was, yes.
But Riton is really lucky !
Because I'm finished with it all.
I'll leave you, Jeannot.
What's wrong with you ?
I've had enough.
Therese, Naldi, Sophie
and now, Stark.
Stark, whom I can do nothing for.
Don't you get it ?
Here's what I can do for Stark !
You'll find him a lawyer...
Abel !
- There's no Abel any more.
There's nothing.
Get the hell out of here, Jeannot.
Make me a favour.
Go away !
That's it !
A few days later,
Abel Davos was arrested.
Then he was tried, sentenced
and executed.