Claustrophobia (2011)

KEEP OU Come on.
This way.
Here it is.
Want to kiss?
But only...
...if you dare to lie
in one of those things.
You don't dare, do you?
Are you scared?
lf you do it... can touch me
somewhere else too.
Will you do it or not?
OK. But no longer than ten seconds.
- OK. l'll help you.
Not until the door is closed
can you start counting.
One, two, three, four, five...
...six, seven, eight...
OK. Ten seconds, let me out now.
Hello. Let me out.
Let me out!
First we'll drug the rat
with 40 milligrams of Nembutal.
lt's important that we...
Eva Lennearts.
Classes start at nine o'clock here.
And not at a quarter past nine.
- Sorry.
lt's important that we inject the rat
in the spine. So, here.
Go ahead.
Not in the vertebra, underneath it.
You have to turn it around.
When they're asleep,
we make a small incision... the abdominal cavity.
Like this.
Eva, would you mind
putting this back in the storeroom?
lt's your rat.
The only one that survived
the lab session.
Sorry. l still find this difficult.
As a vet, you'll have to do it
at some point.
How badly do you want this?
l'm not sure yet.
- You'd better give it some thought.
A failing mark again, l'm afraid.
- Thank you.
Can l help you?
Dr. Mentink told me
to bring this one back.
Has it been used?
- No, just drugged.
Then it can go to the gas chamber.
- Sorry?
Those are the rules, sweetheart.
Anything that's been used,
has to be cleaned up right away.
We won't miss him.
They're out of sausages.
What are you reading?
- A script.
An audition tomorrow.
- Again?
We've got an exam tomorrow, remember?
This is more important
than the anatomy of a cat.
There we go again.
- l can't cut into an animal like that.
Well, why don't you drop out?
For the third time.
Are you nuts? Put it away.
Saved it from the gas chamber.
- You didn't it.
Hey, Dino.
- Dino?
As in your ex Dino?
Befitting. Another rat.
Can you take care of him for a bit?
l have that viewing at two, remember?
- l won't feed him.
lt's only for an hour. Thanks.
Damn it.
Good afternoon.
- l'm here for the viewing. Eva.
Eva Lennearts.
- Right. One moment.
Well, this is it.
lt's been empty for a while.
l haven't had time to clean it yet.
But if you take it,
l'll make sure it's clean.
All windows are insulated,
so the heating is cheap.
There's plenty of space.
Are these books yours?
- No, from the previous tenant.
Throw them out, for all l care.
Why did she leave them?
- She left without giving notice.
Never heard from her again.
That broad still owes me three months' rent.
How much is the rent?
- 600 a month. All-inclusive.
When can l move in?
This weekend,
as far as l'm concerned.
What's this? Save the Animals,
Everything OK? Are you moving in?
- Yes, at number 24.
Then we're neighbors.
l live over there.
- Eva.
Do you need any help?
- No, thanks. l'm fine.
Good luck.
Well, cute guy.
- lt's my downstairs neighbor.
Now you know where to borrow sugar.
Or l will.
Did you take good care of my ex?
- Of course.
l take good care of all of them, don't l?
Man, l'm thirsty.
Do you have anything to drink?
- l think so.
Come on, boy. Over here.
lt's huge.
- You can move in too.
What are you looking at?
Got a good view, pervert?
Go and watch something else!
Cynthia, come on!
- You like that, don't you?
Come, let's unpack.
Welcome, Eva.
First we'll do the version
you came up with and then we'll see. OK?
Whenever you're ready.
Go ahead.
You cheated on me, douchebag.
You've been cheating on me
since that party with that bitch.
And you were my best friend!?
How long have we known each other?
What the hell did you do?
Very good. Thank you.
l'd also like to do scene 153
where you find your friend's body.
Followed by that scream, of course.
Ready? Roll camera.
- ls the body over here?
Over there's fine. There we go.
Very good. Thanks. That was it.
- Can l do it again?
No, don't worry, you did fine.
This is just the first round. OK?
Thank you.
- Bye.
First message:
lt sucks, Eef,
l just heard about your stupid audition,
l'll pick you up and we'll go out,
My treat,
Could l have a mineral water?
A margarita, please.
My feet hurt. Don't yours?
Are you OK? Don't let it get to you.
What's done is done.
Your neighbor is here.
l'm just sipping through my straw.
- You're sucking it.
Did it work out?
- Sure.
l'm Cynthia.
- Hi, l'm Alex.
Can l offer you anything?
- l'm still good. Thanks.
A margarita, please.
- A what?
Another margarita, please.
Could l have a margarita
and a vodka on the rocks.
l had to lug a lot,
but luckily l'm very muscular.
Cheers. To your new home.
- To your new home.
This is a great song. Let's dance.
- You go.
Come on.
- No, you go.
Come with us.
What's your name again?
- Alex.
Right. Do you have anything to drink?
- l've got some wine.
Then we can have a drink at your place.
l'm going to bed. l'm exhausted.
One more drink.
- Go ahead. l'm going up.
Just one.
- One. Come on.
One more drink.
- You go.
You have to come with me.
Alex? Do you live by yourself?
No girlfriend?
Are you a surgeon or something?
- Almost.
l'm an intern
specialized in gastrointestinal surgery.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
There you go.
What about you guys?
- First-year Veterinary Medicine students.
But she wants to quit.
- Really?
Mrs. Save the Animals wants to quit.
- Cheers.
To you
because you're such a good neighbor.
- Yes, cheers.
l'd like some more Cabernet Sauvignon.
l'm going home.
Don't get up.
l'll let myself out.
Thanks for the wine.
- You're welcome.
Don't stay up too late.
- No. See you tomorrow.
Who are you?
ls this a prank?
Do l know you?
This is not funny.
l get it now,
so just let me go. OK?
Wait. Don't leave, please.
This month's rent.
Thank you.
That's my girlfriend.
She's not feeling too well.
l'm a doctor.
l can take a look at her.
That's not necessary.
- Are you sure? lt's no trouble at all.
When l need a doctor,
l'll give a shout. OK?
l have to use the bathroom.
l have to use the bathroom.
Could you please tell me
why l'm here.
No. l really have to use the bathroom.
l want to know why l'm here, damn it.
What are you going to do?
Who's Lisa?
Her name is scratched into the bed.
Was she here as well?
Do you do this more often?
Abducting girls
and tying them up in your cellar?
What is this really about?
Do you get off on it?
Does it make you feel good
to hold women against their will?
Do you jerk off behind that camera?
ls that what you're like?
Whose is this?
God damn it!
Help! l'm here! Help!
- Hi, Jaap.
Are you knocking on that pipe?
That knocking is coming from here.
- Oh, right. l'm working on the pipes.
At one AM?
- Yes. Stupid time of the day.
l had to. There was a stench.
l'll come by tomorrow.
- That's all right. l'll take care of it.
Next time, call me. Understood?
Have a nice evening.
Alex! You forgot something!
What you did was very stupid.
lt wasn't necessary.
- Oh, l did something stupid?
You leave me no choice.
Drop dead.
What are you doing?
Alex, please.
Stop whining.
You really have to stop whining now.
They'll start looking for me soon.
No doubt.
Did you spike my wine that evening?
- A sleeping pill.
And in Cynthia's?
l can't stand tight spaces.
That's why.
What did they do to you?
You can always go back.
l can help you with that.
And then we pretend
nothing has happened.
Don't you lie to me.
Don't you lie to me!
Eat something.
l need my medication.
Take off your pants.
Some company for you.
- Hey, Dino.
- l'm here to have a look at your pipes.
You don't need to. lt's fixed.
- lf you don't mind, l'll have a look anyway.
Which pipes are they?
ln the bathroom.
Black with sugar, please.
Two cubes should do it.
Down here!
Down here!
- Put it on the floor.
lt's still clogged up somewhere.
Do you hear that?
l have to flush it.
Do you have a garden hose?
- Why?
So l can pull it in the hole
and flush he blockage away.
l'll go and have a look.
Help! Down here!
l've been locked up.
ls this one long enough?
Where's the cellar door?
l wasn't using it.
So l bricked it up, as you can see.
Bricked up?
- Help!
lt's against the rules.
You should have talked to me first.
- Sorry.
Here. Do you hear that?
- That tapping. Are you deaf?
Right. Yes.
That could be anything.
lt's coming from the cellar.
What's in the cellar?
You're clever, right?
- Yes.
You don't have to worry about the rent
for the time being.
Spaghetti Bolognese.
lt's my specialty.
Let me know what you think.
Hey, Rose, it's Danny.
Do you know the skeleton key number?
124. OK.
No, that was it. Thanks.
l'm sorry about your rat.
l shouldn't have done that.
Do you like the food?
l'll leave you alone.
An emergency? No.
lt's a mistake. My girlfriend
was pulling another prank.
lt won't happen again.
l'm sorry. Bye.
Detective Danny de Koning.
l'd like to ask you a question.
l'm looking for the landlord.
- Yes.
He's hardly ever around.
Did you ring his doorbell?
We're working on the case
of a missing girl who lives here.
At number 24.
- Eva.
Eva Lennearts, yes.
Do you know her?
- l've met her.
When was the last time you saw her?
About a week ago, l think.
Did something bad happen?
Why don't l come in.
lt's easier to talk that way.
May l?
- Pardon?
May l?
- Have a seat.
You saw her a week ago?
Yes. That's right.
- What's your name?
Alex Purvis.
P, U, R, V, l, S.
How long have you been living here?
- Five years.
By yourself?
- Yes.
Would you like something to drink?
- Water, please.
What was she like?
- Pardon?
Eva. When you saw her.
Did she seem tense? Stressed out?
Stressed out? Not at all.
She seemed to be quite relaxed.
How's the investigation going?
- l can't tell you.
That's it.
l've got enough information.
Here's my card
in case you remember something...
Oh, thanks.
- can call me.
Thank you.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Good luck.
- You too.
Who's that woman upstairs?
My girlfriend.
- Why is she in a wheelchair?
She was in a car accident.
And became paralyzed.
l was driving.
l'll always take good care of her.
- Until death do you part.
Does she know l'm here?
Who l am?
lsn't she jealous?
That l demand all your attention now?
Luckily, my girlfriend doesn't ask
questions anymore.
lf you cooperate...
...l'll release you in a few days.
Stick out your arm.
This will sting.
What is it?
Just go to sleep.
Awake already?
You're doing well.
That's good.
lt's a big day.
lt's a big day for us.
You can take it.
lt's Danny.
Do you have the telephone number
of psychiatric clinic Westvoorde?
l'm sorry l had to keep you waiting.
Detective Danny de Koning.
- Menno Willems. Have a seat.
How can l help you?
- l'd like to ask you about Alex Purvis.
He was your patient.
- Yes.
He was here for about a year.
What was the matter with him?
Mr. de Koning, you know as well as l do
that l can't tell you that.
Alex suffered from...
...a serious form of schizophrenia.
He wasn't able to function
normally anymore.
He even tried to commit suicide
a few times.
What was the cause?
- A childhood trauma.
Alex was stuck for three days
in the morgue freezer...
...of an abandoned hospital.
Without food or drink.
Afterwards, he didn't talk for months.
He was in shock.
lt's called claustrophobic fear.
ls it known who did it?
A girl. As a prank.
- A girl?
l'm sorry, but this is all
l can do for you.
There's medication on your night table.
l removed one of your kidneys.
My wife contracted kidney damage
during the car accident.
What are you going to do to me?
Nothing at all.
l'm going to let you rest.
l'll release you in a couple of days.
ln exactly four days.
Why exactly four days?
Alex? Why exactly four days?
Dr. Willems?
This is Danny de Koning.
We spoke about...
...Alex Purvis, that's right.
Did Alex ever mention the name
of the girl who locked him up?
Yes, of course.
Her last name?
You don't.
OK. Thank you. Bye.
Alex speaking?
- Good evening. Detective de Koning.
Could you come to the station in an hour
so l can talk to you?
No. l'm very busy.
l understand that it's a lot to ask.
But it's important.
- What is it about?
l'll explain everything
at the police station.
lf there's no other way
l'll come and see you.
l'll be there in 30 minutes.
- Thank you.
Good afternoon.
l have an appointment
with Danny de Koning.
He's not here.
He was going to meet me here.
- He's not in the building. Sorry.
Danny de Koning speaking.
- lt's me. l'm here.
l'll be there in about 15 minutes. OK?
- Your colleague...
l'll be there in 15 minutes.
Lisa Veenstra?
Can you hear me?
- Who's there?
Eva. Eva Lennearts.
Detective Danny de Koning.
Eva, listen. Are you by yourself?
Are you hurt?
- Yes.
l can't open the door from here.
l can't reach it.
Eva, listen.
l'm going to get help.
l'm going to get help
to come and get you.
l'll be right back.
Do you know each other?
Hi, honey.
Let me...
...have a look at your wound.
That doesn't look good.
lt's not good, sweetie.
lt's not good.
Everything will be all right, honey.
Really. lt'll be fine.
Eva, wake up.
Wake up!
Damn it.
Recess is over, Eva.
The code. Now!
Help me!
Are you Lisa? Can you talk?
Blink once if you can hear me.
Are you Lisa?
Blink once for yes and twice for no.
Do you know the code?
How many numbers does it have?
Five? Blink the amount of the number.
Get it?
What's the first number?
Three? And the second?
So 315. Go on.
What's the last number?
What's the last number?
The last number is zero.
But you can't blink that.
You could have used this one.
lt opens all the locks.
Man, you're nosy.
lt's a very effective neurotoxin.
lt paralyzes 90 percent
of the body's muscles.
The only thing you can do
is blink your eyes like Lisa.
You're sick. You're sick, damn it.
Shut your arrogant face.
Hi, sweet Lisa.
When we were kids,
Lisa put me in a freezer for three days.
The kind of freezer
they store bodies in.
Can you imagine?
l decided to get back at her.
So l inject this stuff into her
every day.
But this fucking stuff
damages her kidneys.
That's why l needed you. Thanks.
Thanks so much.
- What are you going to do with me?
Are you going to wait until her other
kidney fails and then harvest mine?
l'm going to use you up.
Anything that's serviceable
l'll use for Lisa.
Let me out!
Let me out!
Let me out.
Breathe calmly.
Eva, let me out.
What sort of music do you like?
Eva, you don't get it.
You'll really like this.
lt's over.
What are you going to do?
Stay here.
Very good. Thank you.
Now the scene where the door opens,
the killer comes in and you see him.
OK? Camera.
OK. The door opens...