Clean (2004)

Paris, a few weeks later
Steamed duck.
Chicken saute.
Chicken curry.
White rice.
Enjoy your meal.
White rice?
All done?
Careful. Everyone knows.
They want to tell Mr. Li.
You'll get us all in trouble.
And with the pills
you're totally spaced out.
Fried noodles,
white rice,
stir-fried shrimp,
and Peking duck for two.
Another fried noodles.
I'm here.
What's wrong?
I'm sick of this shitty job.
I couldn't get your prescription.
And I'm worried.
Alexis hasn't answered for 4 days.
I'm all out!
I know. And I told you
I'd do my best.
We better get going.
Who's she?
Aline. Alexis's ex-girlfriend.
She still has the keys to his place.
We haven't spoken in over a year.
This is a pain in the ass.
I tried before.
It's chained from inside.
See what I mean?
Don't bother. I already tried.
Allow me.
Let's clean up
then we'll call the cops.
Give me a trash bag.
- You should lay off that stuff.
- Fuck you.
It's none of my business.
It's your life.
- Are you coming or not?
- Watch your tone!
You asked me for a ride.
Now I have to help Aline.
What should I do?
Go sit and wait for the cops?
I can drop you off somewhere
or leave you here.
I don't need your help.
Do you pity me? I don't need pity.
Emily, just shut up.
You're only here
because I'm Lee's wife.
- Fuck off.
- Get lost! Get lost!
No need to say it twice.
What's going on with Tricky?
His manager is putting you
on the guest list.
Who the hell cares
about the guest list?
I want 5 minutes with him.
I know.
I'm waiting for an answer.
I need to talk to him.
You think he'll help
get your son back?
Wake up.
Look at you.
You think you can raise a kid?
Want some money for a cab?
I know we're not Limp Bizkit,
but for once
I'd like to do a sound-check.
The band before you screwed up.
I can't be everywhere.
Don't take it so personally.
It's the club-owners who suck.
They care about the beer they sell
not the music.
I don't like being yelled at.
I'm upset.
I had to get it off my chest.
This morning I got the demos
I did with Gloria.
Who's Gloria?
I told you about her.
I met her in prison.
- Are You angry?
- You bet your ass I am.
In prison who was the punk
you or her?
No, it's like that for the men.
For us, the problem was trying
not to get raped by the guards.
But... if you care...
I managed just fine, thanks.
Thank God for your letters.
Everyone else forgot about me.
Come off it.
Except the press
who wrote tons of crap.
Yeah, here too.
Skip the first two tracks.
They're mediocre remixes.
Start with the third.
You do the vocals?
I wrote the lyrics too.
Gloria did the music.
Come on, Elena...
That was an easy shot.
Is Gloria still in jail?
She was involved in a hold-up.
A guy got hurt.
She's been in over a year
and hasn't gone to trial yet.
How many tracks do you have?
About ten.
I know it sounds pretty rough,
but obviously
the conditions were lousy.
Not good, not bad.
I can't say.
Like a lot of other stuff.
You mean it sucks.
I didn't say it sucks.
Let's get out of here.
I'm lrene Paolini's assistant.
- Hello.
- This way.
She shouldn't be long.
With her you never know.
I'm always apologizing for her.
It's a real pain.
I know. I used to work with her.
- I know.
- Really?
I watched you
every week on the cable.
Introducing video clips, MTV-style
dressed like a total bimbo.
I watched the show for you.
I was a huge fan. I still am.
When was it...
at least six years ago...
- How old were you?
- Fifteen. I was in high school.
I wore my hair and clothes like you.
- You want a coffee?
- Yeah, I do.
My name is Sandrine.
- We spoke last week.
- Oh yeah?
I put your call through to lrene.
I haven't stopped
thinking of you since.
Last night I dreamt of you.
Was it a good dream
or a bad one?
A little of both.
I went to a hotel.
I had to see you.
They wouldn't let me in.
It wasn't even a fancy place.
I told them
'I'm a friend of Emily Wang's.'
They didn't believe me.
I became hysterical.
I was crying.
It got later and later.
Fortunately Lee Hauser was there.
He recognized me and let me in.
But when we got up to your room...
you'd disappeared.
The bed was left unmade.
- And?
- Nothing. I woke up.
Are you in Paris for good?
I don't know.
It depends on a lot of things.
Does it depend on lrene Paolini?
I need to find a real job.
To do something with my life.
Right now, things aren't great.
It's true that I'm counting on her.
Did she offer you
something serious?
No, nothing.
We just spoke for a minute.
How typical.
All she cares about is herself.
The heyday of cable is over.
The network
doesn't give her much freedom.
It's a police state.
I wanted to work with lrene Paolini
because she used to try new things.
I guess that's sort of true.
She's given up now.
You're being harsh.
You had your share of blows.
You've lashed out too.
People badmouth you
but you haven't given up.
That's why I respect you.
And not lrene Paolini.
Are you okay?
Hey it's you.
I couldn't get hold of him.
They came late
and went to do the sound-check.
But I got you a ticket.
- But no backstage pass.
- You said you would.
Yeah, but they're being control freaks.
I could barely get one for myself.
Tricky has to convince Lee's father.
I want to see my son again.
At least once in a while.
It's only human.
I'm not asking much.
I wrote him a letter.
Will you give it to him?
Call me on my cell phone
after the concert.
I'll tell you where we're eating.
Come meet us.
Did you get to see lrene Paolini?
No. She stood me up.
I'm waiting for another appointment
He got your letter.
Someone else gave it to him.
Hold on...
Excuse me tricky I have Emily.
She's on the phone.
And she's on the street outside.
What should I tell her?
- Nothing... OK...
- Apparently, it's not a great time.
What I suggest is that...
Meet us at the stage door.
It's on Rue Caumartin.
Go ahead.
Mr. Li wants to see you.
I called to say I'd be late.
Take care of this.
She's your niece.
Follow me.
- No use coming back.
- What did I do?
You know.
You didn't keep your word.
You must respect your family.
If they respect me.
My mother won't speak to me.
I was like a father.
I lent you money.
I gave you a job.
- What a job!
- It's not good enough for you?
Yeah, yeah...
Ashamed working
with other Chinese?
I never said that!
We had an agreement:
no drugs here.
- I respected that.
- Liar!
They could shut down my restaurant.
Give me a light.
I'm gone for good.
And I'll pay you back.
Don't bother. Keep the money.
London, a few days later.
Sorry, the other day
I was with the head of programming.
I know... it's the same old thing.
I detect a note of reproach.
Not at all.
It's just that I know you.
- You're angry about the past.
- No.
I'm still angry with you.
You really didn't treat me that nice.
We don't have to see each other.
I can leave now if you like.
- No, don't.
- If you act up, I won't stay.
So Sandrine says
you're moving back to Paris...
I can't go back to London.
Too many memories.
What are you going to do now?
I wanted to discuss it with you.
A drink?
The same thing... a whiskey.
As I was saying
I thought I'd talk to you.
I thought maybe you could help...
Maybe, but times have changed.
Sure, but times seem to be
treating you okay.
Yes, because...
I'm good at my job...
good at corporate politics.
But if I had a little freedom...
No, please... forget about it.
You're busy
but I wanted to thank you
for the show. It was great.
Thank you. That's so nice of you!
- See You soon, I hope.
- See you soon.
Lee didn't leave you anything?
We weren't married.
We had a joint account.
Almost empty.
And your son?
If I want to see him
I need to turn my life around.
I need a job, for example.
- And to stop shooting up.
- That's history.
- I doubt it.
- I said that it's history!
I was on methadone
but I stopped taking it.
Do you know how often
I hear that in my office?
I've known you long enough
and I've heard all your lies.
- I've changed.
- People don't change.
That's your opinion, not mine.
Sandrine said
you were stoned out of your mind.
You can level with me.
I don't care. It's your life.
She's pretty, Sandrine.
- Do you sleep together?
- No.
She dumped me two months ago.
- Do you still love her?
- Two days ago I followed her all night long.
- Did she know?
- Yes. She pretended I didn't exist.
She was with a woman
her new lover.
I've known for a while.
I couldn't care less.
This woman has
a restaurant near Beaubourg.
It's doing okay.
Not too pretty, but very maternal.
Unlike me.
I did something incredibly stupid.
And it's too late to yell at me.
Sandrine stopped by
to have me sign something.
I got her into the bathroom
locked the door and left.
I swear!
It's not funny!
You're not a kid anymore.
You can't do that!
- I know.
- Pathetic.
Is lrene here?
Come here.
Come closer.
Yes, I'd like a taxi.
Thank you.
- What Did You tell her?
- That it's over.
- Are You serious?
- Dead serious.
- You just killed her.
- I doubt it. But I really hope I did.
This way.
Through the courtyard.
It's lrene.
She'll call all night to apologize.
- You want a whiskey? I do.
- Sure.
Then I'll be going.
Is it true you and lrene were lovers?
It's too much. I'll get drunk.
So what?
Before Lee, you were with lrene.
Not with her.
But yes...
We were lovers.
- Did Lee know?
- Sure he did.
Sorry for all the questions.
No need to apologize.
It's no secret.
- I got it.
- It's heavy.
I'll manage.
Yann and Henri are friends of Jeff's.
- Hi.
- Want to see your room?
I thought you'd call last night.
I saw lrene.
- Any luck?
- No, a dead end.
I told you not to count on her.
I crossed that bitch
off my list ages ago.
You can unpack.
You can stick the crates in the closet.
- Like it?
- It's great.
The bathroom's that way.
If Jeff's dog bothers you
just hit him.
Beat it!
Are you two coming?
- We're finishing something. Later.
- Later.
I told Jeff I'd stop by rehearsals.
Here are the keys.
For the house and for the gate.
You can always reach me on my cell.
Make yourself at home, okay?
See you later.
What's wrong?
Want a painkiller?
I took one.
I wish Lee were here.
To take me in his arms.
To tell me it'll be okay.
I'm sick of being alone.
I keep screwing up.
Why did he leave me all alone?
- Ronaldo Demachy.
- Hi.
Sorry about the wait.
I'll be frank. I'm seeing you
because lrene Paolini insisted.
She's someone I respect a lot.
I won't waste your time.
I want things to be perfectly clear.
I think they are.
We're opening a boutique
in the Printemps department store.
You'll have certain responsibilities,
but it's a step above salesgirl.
I understand that.
It's very hard work,
and to be honest
not very well-paid.
I've thought it over and I want it.
Do you know our line?
Of course.
We target active women with
limited means but who expect quality.
Not exactly your profile.
But the store
attracts a lot of tourists,
Sure. No problem.
many of them Asian, so speaking
several languages is a major asset.
Come meet Madame Gregory.
She runs the show here.
She's busy overseeing
our new lingerie collection.
you'll have to fit into our mold.
- Meaning?
- You can't dress like you are now.
Or like you did on your cable show.
It would look bad.
- You saw the show?
- It was my generation.
It was a lot of fun.
It was before cable TV caught on.
It was for the happy few.
The cool set.
There's Madame Gregory.
- Are you home?
- I'm going out soon.
How was it?
- It didn't work out?
- Yeah, it'll work out.
I don't exactly have a choice.
I learned that in prison.
- Learned what?
- To adapt.
If I want to see Jay
I have to change my life.
Even if the new life sucks.
It's the life most people live.
- Yeah, but it's grim.
- Being a junkie was better?
I don't know.
I honestly don't.
- You went shopping.
- A little. For Jay.
He can sleep downstairs.
Don't bother. I'll make room
with me. He'll be fine.
It's no bother for a weekend.
Exactly. If I only have two days
I want him near me the whole time.
Don't get carried away.
What do you mean?
What happens when he has to go?
Back to London. Then back
to Vancouver. It's far away.
I'm sorry to be harsh.
You're right.
Maybe it's better if I don't see him.
I don't know.
Why is Albrecht coming?
I wrote him to say I'm doing well
that I found a job.
I guess he doesn't believe me.
He's checking.
Are you up to the test?
I'm trying to change...
But I don't know
if I can take care of a child.
I want a coffee.
I'll meet you inside.
Got any change?
Remember I told you about Gloria?
- The girl you met in prison?
- She's out.
I thought she was in for a while.
It turns out the case was dismissed.
She called last week.
She wants me to join her.
- Where?
- San Francisco.
She found a label.
They like our demos.
Be careful.
Do you have a contract?
She didn't mention one.
Is there any money in it?
They're willing to pay for sessions
with a real producer.
- What's his name?
- David Roback.
- Got a light?
- No.
He has a group called Mazzy Star.
Excuse me, do you have a light?
Sorry for bothering.
Thank you.
They did a few albums.
Good stuff.
I remember Mazzy Star.
But he's only free next week.
To record on Monday
I'd have to leave on Sunday.
I'm not going.
I don't know how to tell Gloria.
She'll be disappointed.
Tell her you'll come later.
It's now or never.
And Jay comes first.
If I go to San Francisco
I'll fuck everything up.
I've done enough of that.
I won't do it again.
- Hello.
- Hello, a table for two.
- Smoking or No smoking?
- Smoking.
Step this way, please.
Thank you.
It's the Vincennes zoo.
That's the name of the town.
So what do you want to see now?
Thank you.
Anyone home?