Cleanskin (2011)

(Harry grunting)
(Breathing heavily)
(Reporter on TV) Iraq has
increased the level of its oil reserves
by 24 % since Saddam Hussein
was removed.
The country has 133.1 billion barrels
of extractable oil
up from 115 billion barrels
estimated previously.
- Under Saddam Hussein...
- Fucking bitch!
- ...political isolation meant
little new exploratory work
was undertaken.
Closer to home, with the government
way ahead in the opinion polls,
the focus of debate in
the upcoming general election today
switched from the economy
to the domestic terror threat.
The government claims
that domestic terror groups
fractured since
Osama Bin Laden's death,
and due to increased cooperation
with key Middle...
People have no idea about
the shit storm that's about to go down.
Is this thing real?
Don't play with it.
Have I lost weight?
Was gonna say you look different.
I've lost weight. I mean, I feel good.
(Electronic lock beeps)
It's 50 short.
(Door closes)
Get her out of here.
What about my money?
Get your hands off me.
Don't touch me!
You're still fat, Harry.
- Get off!
- Bitch.
(Tires screech)
OK. Now.
Follow them.
Take a left here,
head to the center of town.
I'm going in.
There's too many people.
They're gonna go upstairs, find there's
no one there and that'll be it.
Give me your fucking gun.
Wait here.
(Woman gasps)
Excuse me, sir.
(People shouting)
(People screaming)
(Harry grunts)
(Trigger clicking)
Ah! (Groans)
- (Bone crunching)
- (Screaming)
(Alarm rings)
(Woman crying)
(Camera shutter clicking)
He never stated his destination?
He gave his driver instructions
as we went along.
He never suspected
who you worked for?
The Semtex?
It was taken.
I placed a tracer in one of the blocks
the night before.
The tracer went offline
when the attack took place.
We're tying to kick-start it
remotely now.
The perpetrators knew
we were gonna be there at that time.
They knew where we were going.
And you didn't stop them?
Perhaps you don't
belong here any more.
So we've no idea to whom
the Semtex was to be delivered?
You and I, Charlotte, in five.
(Door closes)
Difficult times.
He's getting pressures from on high.
You did what you could, Ewan.
(Chuckles) Oh.
Present from my ex-husband.
Get that seen to and get some rest.
(Doorbell ringing)
(Unlocking door)
(Woman) On my break.
I've got two minutes left.
No, I'm not smoking.
I'm not inhaling, I'm walking.
I'm out of breath
cos I had to rush back from lunch.
Tuna sandwich.
Tuna sandwich and some crisps,
and a chocolate biscuit
and a coffee, no sugar.
Hey, we gonna go for drinks? Make it...
about quarter past, yeah?
How's Dad? And the fence?
The garden fence.
Just tell him to wait
and I'll help him the next time I'm up
because his back won't hold up.
I'll get time off. It's not a problem.
I don't know when.
I'll let you know when I know.
Hey, one minute.
It's a good job. Gives me time to drink.
Think, I said think!
About whatever. I've got my degree,
I can do what I want.
Look, I've gotta go, I'm late.
Yep, I love you too.
Bye. Bye, bye, bye.
See ya.
Can I help you, sir? Table for one?
Almost there.
How did you do it?
Doing something strenuous?
Your girlfriend will love the scar.
Come back in two days,
take the stitches out.
Might still be here.
Back in a minute with some painkillers.
(Reporter on TV) It's been confirmed
that a suicide bombing
occurred earlier today
at 12:30 in the busy
South London restaurant, Driscoll's.
With currently confirmed casualties
of 20
and with more understood
to be injured.
The restaurant was full
of lunchtime customers,
including a large meeting being held
by the 2004 Committee,
an organization which had
Middle East energy interests
and championed the Iraq war.
Three backbench MPs were members.
All are believed
to be amongst the fatalities.
(Scott) The same Semtex that was
stolen was used in the bombing.
An element in Whitehall feels that
Obama's inclusive doctrine
has spread across the Atlantic
and has made us complacent.
They're pushing for sweeping changes.
If they discover that the Semtex
was being monitored by us
and that we could have stopped it...
I don't need to tell you
the repercussions for this government,
especially with the election looming.
The clock is ticking on all of us.
It's just you and I here, Charlotte.
What can you do for me?
We are here to remember
Corporal Peter Walcott Tiernan,
taken from us in the service of Queen
and county in Afghanistan.
He bravely answered his county's call,
and leaves a loving wife, Louise,
his brothers, lan and Daniel,
and his mother, Margaret.
It's at times like these that
we must find strength and peace
in the memories
of what he meant to us,
an honorable son and brother.
(Cane clatters)
He was older than his 25 years
and was the one his family relied upon
since losing their father at an early age.
He undertook his responsibilities
with dignity and strength
and maintained a strong family bond.
(Organ playing)
(Congregation singing hymn)
Remember he said
he had a trial for United?
He said he missed out
cos he was too fast.
You remember, sir?
Yeah, I remember.
Last letter I got from him, he...
He said the regiment
weren't the same since you left.
- How are you, mate?
- How do I look like I am?
Cold makes it hurt like a bastard.
I can't sleep properly.
What happened there?
Ah, some stupid accident.
- Is that your wife?
- Yeah.
Thinks I'm some sort of invalid.
She can't stop fussing.
You should be thankful.
See that bomb they set off in London?
It was on the news.
It never ends. None of it.
What was the point of Pete dying, sir?
Dying in some shithole county
for nothing.
- What was the fucking point?
- What's the matter with you?
Have some respect for him,
for his family.
You got hurt, but you're here.
You're alive.
Listen to me,
We move on.
What's here and now,
that's all that matters, all right?
Go back to your wife.
If you need help,
you can always find me.
We stick together, all of us.
Have you moved on, sir?
From what happened?
(Child giggling)
(Mobile phone ringing)
(Charotte) A car will be downstairs
in 15 minutes.
I'm Mark.
Baby daughter.
Take the path through the wood.
You'll find her at the other end.
Bit of a walk.
You've seen the news.
Semtex was used. You understand?
It was strapped to his jacket,
No details on who he was.
CNN have no clear images.
There's nothing left of him.
We're bound by procedure.
In this situation,
we cannot afford those constraints.
This is off-reservation.
It's why you're at my home.
I want you to find who's responsible
and stop him
in whatever way you feel fit.
Let it be done quickly.
It'll be you and Mark.
He's young but capable.
Very good with a gun, I hear.
I want it low-tech, old trade craft.
If you get caught,
I don't want evidence.
I'll supply technical backup
and the sweep and clean.
No luck yet with the tracer
you planted in the Semtex
but we did find something curious
of your man Harry.
No bullets in his automatic.
Any thoughts?
You're my hands on this, Ewan,
my conscience.
Wipe it clean.
No loose ends.
(Knocking continues)
Where's Harry?
Fat cheapskate owes me money.
Harrys dead.
I want you to think carefully,
more carefully than you've ever thought.
Was there anything...
Anything unusual happened
in the last few days?
Anything you know
but you're not telling me?
Dead? What are you talking about?
(Door opens)
I'm leaving.
You took the bullets from his gun.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't have time to waste.
I know you know something
and I'm not leaving until you talk,
- one way or another.
- (Sobbing)
I don't know anything. Please.
By the time I'm through with your face,
nobody's going to wanna look at you,
let alone pay to fuck you.
He said nothing would happen.
- He told me it was just business.
- Who did?
- A client.
- Which client? Tell me about him.
- Young guy, said his name was Paul.
- Paul?
I saw him regular for two months.
He wanted to know stuff about Harry.
- What stuff?
- What he was up to, his routine,
he paid me extra.
I told him useless stuff -
who he met, what time, his routine,
- just useless stuff.
- What about the bullets?
Said it was a joke to take them out.
Said Harry showed up with a gun.
He wanted to teach him a lesson.
Where did you meet him?
What did he look like?
At his house. Expensive place.
Short hair, brown, slim,
could pass for Greek or Italian
but he was an Arab.
- How do you know?
- I have Arab friends.
I know what the language sounds like.
Heard him speaking it on the phone.
You know his address?
When the bomb went o,
there was a flash,
and then there was lots of smoke.
A lot of glass flying. There was
a lot of people on the ground.
Horrendous, huge explosion...
I don't know.
I just felt it more than anything else.
How have you been?
Good, yeah. You?
Yeah, I'm good.
Do you, uh, live around here?
No, I'm just... Coffee.
It's good to see you.
Yeah, you too.
I have to go. I'm late for something.
Listen, um... Do you have a number?
If you... If you give me yours, I can...
- If I can get this thing to work.
- It's all right, give me yours.
I'll tap into this.
Um... OK.
- (Phone ringing)
- Got it.
Look, I have to go.
I'm really late for something, but...
Really nice to see you again.
(Man on TV) Horrific.
What we saw was devastation.
It was just horrific, really.
It was like being in a war one.
It was cray and I heard screams.
People like, kind of injured,
and their clothes were all, like...
Everyone was just covered in dust.
(Woman on radio) We have with us
today Crispin Jones,
who is an intelligence expert.
Crispin, what are your thoughts
about the recent spate of bombings?
(Crispin) Well, I think it's too early
for us to speculate
as to who's involved, but, um,
the hallmarks of the bombing
really do point
to home-grown Islamic terrorism.
Cowardly way the bombs were lit
in a public place,
nature of the types of explosives,
and it seems to be...
(Turns radio off)
Off you go.
(Doorbell ringing)
Can I use your bathroom?
Yeah, you know where it is.
So why are you here?
You always said if I needed any help
I could speak to you.
I need money.
Can I get a drink?
Yeah, sure.
Get your fucking hands up!
- You got me into this!
- Fucking whore!
- Get your hands up!
- Fucking bitch!
- Get away from him!
- You got me into this!
Check outside.
(Muffled thud)
(Breathing heavily)
(Footsteps approaching)
(Ringing tone)
(Hangs up)
(Mobile phone ringing)
- Hello?
- (Katy) Why'd you hang up?
Yeah, I didn't know what to say.
Why didn't you move your lips
and something would have come out.
Listen, are you free to meet?
(Man on radio) It's a bright,
sunny morning in London town,
with highs in the early 20s...
Coming up, lots of new music
and a few other surprises in store
It's nine minutes past eight...
Time for some music.
It's Blur, from their last album,
Think Tank.
(Mellow rock music playing)
I love this song.
Oh, God, it's gonna stay in my head
for the whole day now.
(Ash) Shooting star?
It's going out in beautiful flames.
You remember I said
that I was late a couple of weeks ago?
Well, I came on the other day.
Aren't you relieved?
I'm disappointed, actually.
I mean, obviously, that kid would have
my good looks and massive brain.
(Laughs) When do I get to
meet your mum?
Well, you'd have to put
some clothes on first.
You haven't told her
about me, have you?
Is it cos I'm not a nice Muslim girl?
She doesn't know
that you're a bacon-eating,
lager-drinking sex maniac?
John Major signed a peace treaty
with Sinn Fin
because the IRA's violent actions
forced him to.
Gery Adams changed from a terrorist
to a politician but it was violence
and legal action that forced the change.
Not one lawyer was involved.
Gery Adams is a murderer.
This is a law class.
It's not a political forum for you to...
Actually, in today's context
he is recognised and accepted.
He's being invited to have tea
with the Prime Minister, for fuck's sake.
(Students laughing)
Ash, just keep it civilized.
I'm sorry.
Cos he matched them with violence.
I mean, look at Israel,
created through a violent struggle
and now it's an internationally
recognised state.
In America, the American forefathers
fought the British,
beat them hands down,
and now what are they?
They're the biggest
superpower on this planet.
Why? Because violence
is the supreme authority
all authorities derive
their power and legitimacy from.
Law is completely irrelevant
in the face of true force.
That applies to any county.
And what's your county?
(Students murmuring)
Can I have a word?
You may be smart
but you are close to failing.
It's a "D", I'm afraid.
I can handle this.
Ash, do you really want
to practice law?
- Ash?
- Don't worry.
"All right, I'm coming out.
"You, coming out now.
"Any man I see outside
I'm going to shoot.
"Any son of a bitch
who starts to shoot at me,
"I'm going to shoot them, too.
"Then I'm going to kill
all his friends, his family,
"and then second generation,
"Then I'm going
to burn their house down."
(Chuckles) It's Unforgiven, you know?
Clint Eastwood after he's killed
everyone for murdering his friend,
played by the noble Morgan Freeman.
Oh, man, great actor.
I'm Nabil. You are?
- I'm Ash.
- Ah, Ash.
Like cigarette ash. (Chuckling)
It's not your real name, huh?
Don't be ashamed of who you are, huh?
Short for Ashraf, yes?
You look how
they've killed Muslims, huh,
- in Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo.
- (Bell rings)
And now they've invaded Iraq
for the bloody oil.
Come to one of my meetings.
Here, take... Take, uh...
Take some of these, yeah?
Take five, you give them
to your friends.
You have friends, don't you?
Your face!
(Kate laughs)
Oh, Allah wouldn't be pleased!
Sorry, what did you say?
- What were you guys doing in there?
- Just a little pick-me-up.
Were you doing that shit with him?
Ash, don't start. I'm not in the mood.
(Reggae music playing)
Come on, come on.
(Both chuckling)
- (Gasps) Oh!
- Oh!
You all right?
- Let's go.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Get the fuck off me!
- Easy!
Get off me! God.
(Breaks glass)
Come here.
Ash, I'm sorry.
What the fuck's
the matter with you, huh?
Tying to make me
look like a fucking idiot?
- No.
- Doing that shit with him, huh?
That fucking prick.
What were you doing
in the fucking toilets, huh?
- Nothing.
- Sucking his cock?
- I'm sorry.
- Was he feeling...
- Fuck off!
- Come on, Ash.
Just as long as you have
a fucking great time,
you know, fucking get wasted.
You don't give a shit about anything,
do you?
- You don't care about anything.
- Look, I'm sorry.
Listen, look, I'm sorry, OK?
I'm sorry.
I promise I won't do it again.
This is the last time, OK?
You know I love you.
(Nabil) We must rise up against
these Western pigs
who occupy our lands.
Who come at us with smiles
to take what's ours
and turn us against each other.
In this so-called democracy,
if you speak up about
Muslims being slaughtered,
you're an extremist. Huh? Yes?
(All) Yes, yes.
But if you are passive, huh?
Silent, easy to control, huh?
You're a good Muslim. Yes?
Just like a dog, they throw you a bone.
But keep you on a leash, ah?
You know the type of Muslim
I'm talking about.
He's so ashamed of who he is.
He gives himself a Western name.
He tries to think and feel
like his Western master.
Live like him, be him!
You say to him...
My friend, you say to him,
"Let's stop the murder of Muslims."
And he would say,
"You ignorant foreigner,
"you want me to jeopardize
my nice life and my county, huh?"
This is the fool who wears
an England football shirt,
and says,
"Ah, we won the match." Huh?
And the man next to him,
in the same shirt,
he calls him a Paki, hmm?
A nigger.
Ask yourself, "Who are you?"
(House music playing)
All right, matey?
I'll just get a couple of pints, please.
How's Kate?
She was off her head last night.
I've never seen anyone drink
or snort as much as that in my life.
An animal.
So how come you weren't there?
She not tell you she was out?
I wanted her to suck me off
but she passed out.
(Heart beating)
It's OK, hey, no problem.
It's all right, my friend,
it's no problem, no problem.
Come, come, move, come.
It's all right, it's all right, a racist.
Bastard. Come on.
You know, it felt good, what I did.
You know, sometimes to earn respect,
we have to do things
we wouldn't normally do.
You know, people like us
have to do that
just to get the basic respect
most people take for granted.
In Afghanistan, hmm,
we had to fight to earn respect
and freedom from the Russians.
You were there?
What was it like?
What happens on the battlefield
is between you and God.
I am here now.
God didn't will it for me
to enter paradise.
But I'm content, you know?
Contentment is a state of mind.
Like Palestine.
You know, law is not for me.
I don't want to be part of any hypocrisy.
(Laughter, chatter)
Would you call them
dignified human beings, hmm?
They're just having fun.
My friend, no, we are not like them.
(Muffled house music playing)
What time is it?
You have a rough night?
My head.
Listen, Kate.
I don't think we should
see each other any more.
Same shit every day.
You don't know when to stop.
I'm 23, for God's sake.
Look, I'll stop when I'm older.
I'm enjoying myself.
Will you just relax, for Christ's sake?
Right, I don't want to see you
any more. OK?
I don't want this any more.
You can go back to sleep if you like.
Oh, what, just like that?
Black and white?
It's so fucking easy for you, isn't it?
You want to end it with me and...
you end it, just like it's nothing.
You want to leave? Just go.
(Woman) Get over yourself.
(Reporter) The terror level
stays at "critical"
and some are calling London
a city under siege.
The government announced today
that it would proceed as planned
with the general election.
We ask whether it would be best
to postpone the election
in the interests of public safety.
The government, however, may feel
that an alteration to the election date
would be seen as a victory for...
(Siren wailing)
Nice place.
(Toy squeaking)
Present for my baby daughter.
You have to check for small parts.
Ever wondered why they do it?
Too simplistic to think
they just hate us?
What does that have to do
with this girl?
Look at her.
Have you served for your county?
I fought over there.
To stop this from happening here.
Didn't stop. They're not going to stop.
And neither will I.
I'm going to find every one of them...
and send them to the death
they pray for.
(Mobile phone ringing)
(Charlotte) There's a file for you
at the drop box in 10 minutes.
Come on.
You hesitated before
you gave the safe signal.
Is someone following you?
I couldn't say.
Did you walk here?
I've been down Holborn,
Chancey Lane, Oxford Street.
- Two hours.
- Shall I report it?
I'm not sure.
Bombings are making us all nervous.
Don't worry about it.
They found the receipt in Paul's house
for two pay-as-you-go phones.
Paul had one. The other was used
two hours ago from that building.
The phone was used
to call Afghanistan.
He's in there on his own.
It's not registered to anyone.
It's an abandoned council property.
We can go in round the back.
We go in and take him.
Shots to the head.
Anything else allows him to detonate,
(Metallic thud)
(Hushed) Come on.
- Get up!
- Ah! No!
Don't! Stop! No!
Where's your jacket, hey?
- I said don't shoot!
- Face the wall!
I said face the fucking wall!
- Face the fucking wall!
- I said don't shoot!
Close the door. Go!
Let me just talk to you, man.
I said let me talk to you!
How many people were you gonna kill?
Just give me a second, please.
Get on your fucking knees!
I don't know what
you're talking about, all right?
- How many?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Just listen to me and calm down,
and me and you can...
An eye for an eye, yeah?
I'm just like you.
I'm just...
I'm just like you, all right?
You're nothing like me,
you fucking animal.
Please, don't!
I can do what I want to you.
I can do anything I want.
You know that?
Please don't!
(Screaming continues)
(Screaming, breaking glass)
Let him burn.
(Breathing heavily)
Oh, fucking hell.
The tracer on the Semtex
was kick-started.
This will take you right to it.
Who was the man I just killed?
You have to go now.
Mujeeb Ajmed. Pakistani parents,
At the precise moment
he was signing on, squatting in the flat.
Not a bomber.
What other options
were you faced with?
Considering the past days' events,
your past...
what you've been through,
what we've all been through.
You were not there.
We have removed all traces of you.
It was a squat in a dealer's hangout.
What's done is done.
How did he get the phone?
Stolen, obviously, from Paul.
Do you have anything
that would link you with this incident?
Just his jacket.
Get rid of it.
This is no time to doubt.
Innocent lives are at stake.
Finish it.
Do you remember lan?
The stoner who used to steal
our milk and top it up with water.
Oh yeah, he used to piss
into a water bottle
cos he couldn't be bothered
to walk to the toilet.
Yeah, I saw three
full bottles in there once.
So what have you been up to
all this time?
Oh, nothing much, just been drifting.
You didn't get into law?
No, it wasn't for me.
I always thought you were
gonna be a high flyer.
Have your own firm.
Not like me. I always knew I'd end up
working in the dullest law practice ever.
Why don't you just quit?
- It's not that easy. I can't just...
- No.
- ...leave my job.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
So are you, um...
Are you married or anything?
No, not married.
Relationships, yeah.
There was this one guy
but that just ended.
No, I loved him.
He just wasn't interested.
Wasted four years of my life.
Lost it a bit, actually.
Still managed to keep my job
at the law firm.
And then I went crazy wanting kids.
Never met anyone.
Nothing serious.
How's your mum?
Is she still tying to get you
to mary a nice Muslim girl?
No. She, um... She died
a couple of years ago.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
You look beautiful.
I hardly ever think about those days.
Uni feels like another life to me.
What you doing?
We, uh, we organize activities
for young Muslims.
Camping in the Brecon Beacons,
rafting, paintball, team bonding.
(Ash) And we combine these
with religious teachings.
Now, as a successful Muslim
businessman, you want your staff...
- Your Muslim staff.
- be of good character, right?
Thank you for coming to visit me
and for making this offer,
but I'll have to pass.
I don't involve myself
in my workers' private lives.
I'm not a religious man,
but faith is a... a personal thing.
What they do in their own time
is their business,
and that's what's great
about this county.
But thank you.
Great about this county?
Man, this is the same county
that has destroyed so many cultures.
All our cultures.
- Thanks for your time.
- No problem, thank you.
(Dog barking)
Oh, Muhammed.
(Laughs) Hey, you look well.
Salam aleikum.
Yeah, how are you?
Good to see you, my friend.
Oi! (Chuckles) Hamed!
Don't shoot me! I'm only...
Hey, good to see you.
How are you?
Good to see you, good to see you.
- Salam aleikum.
- Yussif, yes?
- Yes, yes.
- Which one is this?
This is the one we send to the boys,
but it's the truth.
You're doing excellent work, very good.
- Thanks.
- Now come, we need to talk, huh?
- Yep.
- Shall I come with you, Bruv?
No, just, uh, finish up.
He wasn't interested.
No problem. Ah, there...
There are other business people
we can approach, you know?
It's a matter of, uh, getting their
young workers to join us, huh? Huh?
You know,
this gym was a very good idea.
You're doing very, very well, my friend.
Very, very well.
You want to do more, yes?
What have you got in mind?
A test of your will.
And then we shall see about you.
This is Sergeant Glenn Conlon.
Ex-military with
intelligence associations.
He has served in secret prisons
all over the Middle East,
killing and torturing people we know,
you know, people close to us.
He's not in the services any more,
you know, he's...
bought a farm.
Stables, you know,
he wants the quiet life.
He's retired from killing
and humiliating Muslims.
We don't retire.
We don't forget.
There is a man coming from the
Middle East. An important man.
He lands next week.
You'll go and meet him.
You'll do as he asks.
But he needs your assistance.
This is a foreign country to him.
You'll need another man.
You have someone?
(Ash) Yeah, Yussif.
(Nabil) Good.
You're going to help
our friend with Sergeant Conlon.
Peaceful streets.
(Siren wailing)
(Amin laughing)
He gets up at 8:00 a.m.,
goes to the barn,
cleans it for an hour
and then goes to the stables.
Who lives with him?
- Nobody.
- No wife?
When he comes out of his house,
follow him into the barn.
Show him the gun.
We come out, we beat him,
tie him, take him.
You do everything like I tell you to,
you understand?
A knife for you.
No fork.
(Horse snorting)
(Horse whinnying)
Go and see what is happening.
(Yussif shouting)
- (Bones cracking)
- (Yussif exclaims)
(Yussif screaming)
(Metallic clink)
(Thud, creaking)
I'm going to cut
your head off like a pig's.
- Anyone else here?
- No one.
Put him in the van.
Put your dead friend there, too.
Turn the camera on.
(Camera beeps)
(Conlon screams)
(Gurgling, screaming)
- (Machete hacking)
- (Moaning)
- (Machete hacking)
- (Gurgling)
(Man on radio)
Some breaking news for you now.
A Mr. Glenn Conlon
has been reported missing.
Mr. Conlon was a banker and
a former private in the Army Reserves.
His sister, Rebecca Conlon,
and her 8-month-old daughter
were found brutally murdered
at his farm in He Mordshire.
The police have little to go on...
There is anger in you.
(Laughing) Makes no sense.
Why are you helping us?
You're angry with me about
the woman, the baby.
Do you think he cared for the families
of the men he tortured and killed?
You're confused in the head. Majnoon.
Take it.
These pigs kill our people
all over the world
and you feel for them?
What's the matter with you?
Be a man!
The woman saw my face.
The baby.
You're not one of us.
You haven't suffered like we have.
This is your county.
Well, I am sorry about your friend,
you know.
But he was taken doing God's will.
- A true martyr.
- And that soldier?
I mean, he was just a reserve.
My friend.
Do you think they would publicize
the fact that he was a torturer?
And what about the woman
and the baby, huh?
Collateral damage.
Who invented that phrase? That...
Enough of this!
You know you can't stay
in this county, huh?
Too dangerous. One door closes.
Another opens.
Before our colleague left,
he said you were a capable man.
But that you... You know, you need
experience to see what
these pigs do to your people.
I think he was right.
You'll go there, with a new identity,
to our friends.
Be taught useful things,
then you'll come back.
And if you don't return...
then your prize will be more than
anything any one of us could wish for.
It's what you wanted, yes?
(Woman on radio) n unidentified,
deceased male was found
horrifically burnt in an abandoned
warehouse in East London.
The body was so disfigured
no details of him are available.
The location was
a known drugs factory
and haunt of local gangs and dealers.
- Police are treating...
- (Turns radio off)
There's nothing we could have done.
We were doing our job.
Our job is to do what's right.
What did she mean?
She said something about you.
What was she talking about?
My wife was killed in the bombings
a few years back.
I'm sorry.
She'd have been 34 this year.
She had nothing to do with all...
With all this, you know?
Some days...
Yeah, some days, I...
That thing still in there?
How do you turn it off?
You turn it that way. No.
That way.
The other way.
- The other way. Yeah.
- (Squeaking stops)
(Sirens wailing)
You OK?
I remember this.
It's embarrassing.
Look, I'm sorry about what happened.
About the way I acted back then.
If I could change it, I would.
Is everything all right with you, Kate?
- With your life?
- It's fine.
It's not as easy as it used to be,
but don't have to talk about that now.
We just... We slipped away.
I have never stopped
thinking about you, Kate.
You have to know that.
(Mobile phone ringing)
Look, if you have things to do,
we could just meet this afternoon.
I know this pub.
I'd like to.
- (Mobile phone ringing)
- (Ash sighs)
Where have you been?
Paul was meant to go ahead last night.
He's vanished.
- Were you followed?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
We have to change our plans.
You have to make contact
with the third man and help him.
- You stay with him. I'll be in touch.
- When is he due to go ahead?
What's the matter with you?
It isn't time to be weak and emotional.
We have no time for emotions now.
Especially when your brothers
and sisters are suffering.
(Doorbell ringing)
You know who I am, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Is there anything else?
- Any papers? Receipts?
- No.
OK, use this.
I'm going to go first.
You wait here for a few minutes
and then follow me, OK?
You stay calm.
Have a look round, Mark.
Check round the corner.
Have a look up there.
(Mark) It's him!
- We got him.
- (Charlotte) I heard.
There was someone there watching.
- Who?
- I don't know.
Somebody across the road.
He got away on a bike.
He's connected.
Get the CNN footage.
Should be a clear shot of him.
There are mo rooms
at the Glassmore Hotel
booked in the name
of Michael and John Smith.
Check in.
I'll be there when I have something.
One more thing. There is a team
on us, our people. Watch yourselves.
Our people? Why?
What we are doing is not
standard. Make sure that...
(Disconnected tone)
Where the fuck's she gone?
You look tired.
I'm fine.
It was a nightmare getting
here with all the madness.
There was a bomb scare
on the train coming here.
Scared shitless.
Bunch of murdering maniacs.
Hope they kill the lot of them.
You know when I said I didn't think
about those days at uni any more?
- Yeah.
- I was lying.
I know.
You know, I thought I saw you
once a few years ago.
I just lost you in the crowd.
Well, I'm not going anywhere.
Especially since it's your round.
Can I get a red wine
and orange juice, please?
No problem at all.
There you go. That's f5 exactly.
Thank you.
(Mellow rock music playing)
(Door opens)
Good, good. You take it to the car.
Here, you, take...
Take the cake. I will be five minutes.
My son, it's his birthday.
They were there. They knew.
You shouldn't be here.
Your target is an American neo-con.
Head of a think-tank, instrumental
in planning the war on terror.
His daughter is getting married
to an Englishman.
I'll know tomorrow.
You still have your phone, huh?
God be with you, my friend.
Will I see my family?
Oh, you'll see everyone
who's important in your life.
Everyone who has passed away,
and... And... And it will seem like
only half a day has passed
since you last saw them.
(Kicks metal can)
You OK?
I'm good.
You did well.
Stay alert.
- (Mobile phone ringing)
- Yeah.
Yeah, I know the place.
(Turns camera on)
for those of you looking for reasons,
then I suggest you pay
attention to what I have to say.
for far too long, you've ignored
what is happening around you.
You've not seen the inevitable
that is coming at you.
The inevitability of my actions.
Who are you, hey?
Who are you working for?
- Talk to me. Who sent you?
- (Screaming)
(Ash) You've never opened
your mouths in protest
at my people's suering.
Answer me!
- Your silence has been deafening.
- Who sent you? Talk!
Words have had no impact on you.
Politics has had no impact on you.
Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine.
The list goes on and on.
And you continue to ignore it.
You seem confused at our actions.
Lost in your decadent world.
Unable to act.
Unable to move.
froen in time.
So now I'm going to communicate to
you in a language you can understand.
My words are dead
until I give them life with
your blood and mine.
(Static over earpiece)
I'm sure by now your
newspapers and television
have depicted me as a madman,
an evil outsider
hell-bent on destruction.
Your corrupt and degenerate media
will spin my actions to suit
the government agenda.
They want you misinformed,
scared and docile,
so that you continue to ignore
their murderous actions.
They are happy for you
to lose yourself and all that this world
has to oer so that you stay unaware
and intoxicated
with their mindless chatter.
So that you do not question
the situation you find yourselves in.
Trapped in a vicious circle
of your own doing.
My life has been a journey
towards violence,
but it's not one I regret.
There is no guilt for me.
There is no thoughts of the past
or what I did or didn't do.
My search is over.
My hands have been guided by
a force that's greater
than anything on this world.
I've found my peace.
You must understand that things
do not happen without reason.
There are no coincidences.
(Radio beeping, crackling)
Come in, come in.
(Ash) So listen carefully
to what I have to say.
Where are you?
Give us your location, where are you?
Everything is in position.
He has entered and heading towards
the kitchen area.
CCTV has been immobilized.
(Ash) The material world that you
worship is meaningless and empty.
It means nothing to me.
I leave it behind gladly.
- I have sacrificed myself...
- (Door slams)
...for something higher than what
this world has to oer.
I strive for a higher ground.
Now, your government,
the government that you voted for,
commit atrocities against
my people all over this world.
Your support for them
makes you responsible.
I'm not a hypocrite.
I will not sit by while my brothers
and sisters are being slaughtered.
(Ash) The path that has led me here
has been littered with obstacles.
But I have remained strong.
I am sure of my actions.
Then I will not falter.
Until you stop the bombing,
imprisonment and torture of my people,
we will not stop.
We have entered the realm of war,
and I am a soldier.
Until we feel security,
you will be our targets.
You are all responsible
for turning a blind eye
to the butchery of my people.
I'm only a man, but my actions
are the price you pay
for your apathy, for your debauchery.
I've lived amongst you,
but I'm not a part of you.
You've not seen me until now.
I am God's lonely man.
Your 9l1 1s, your 7ns,
are what my people
suer on a daily basis
around the world.
You know nothing of suering.
So now I'm going to show you.
My prayers have all been answered
and no earthly force can
take them away from me.
I will rise up against you.
- (Gasping)
- You'll not forget me.
- (Gunshots)
- (Screaming)
You have killed thousands
of my brothers and sisters.
That much death has a consequence
you will pay for with your blood.
There will be more like me,
I promise you.
And we will bring hell
to you and your kind.
And my conscience is clear.
I have no regrets.
I live forever. I go to a better place.
(Women sobbing)
(Urgent chatter)
What the hell is going on?
You'll need my car.
We need my car.
(Siren wailing)
(People screaming)
(Alarm sounding)
- (Out-of-service tone)
- (Sighs)
- Don't! Stop!
- Where's your jacket?
(Video camera beeps)
My name is Hussein Malik.
for three years I've worked
as an undercover agent
for our Secret Services
and infiltrated Nabil Alawi
and his circle.
Three months ago,
I discovered a plot by Nabil
to steal Semtex for the purposes
of an attack on London.
I informed my controllers
to arrest Nabil.
The following day,
the first bomb exploded.
I met with my controllers.
They tried to take my life.
My life is in great danger.
I need a guarantee of protection.
A Secret Service team
are after me now.
I have enclosed the evidence I have
accumulated and proof of my identity.
(Male reporter) Since sweeping to
power last month in a landslide victory,
the new government has been
quick to make domestic security
the top of their agenda.
Having been given a mandate by
the public with such
a resounding election victory,
it's our duty to follow that lead,
and to prioritize making
our country absolutely safe
from these cowardly terrorists.
(Male reporter) One of
the government's first steps
was the removal of the Secret
Service's old guard, Sir Scott Catesby,
and the passing of
more stringent terror laws
which saw the deportation
of the radical cleric Nabil Alawi.
I am returning to my country
of birth tomorrow
but I am distraught that the country
that is my home is expelling me
on false charges.
I will fight for my corner.
God save the Queen.
(Male reporter)
Last week also saw
the first oicial announcement
into the bombings.
The perpetrators
were a home-grown cell.
None had been identified as
potential threats prior to the attacks.
Meaning they were all cleanskins,
completely unknown to any
of the intelligence services.
(Male reporter) The ringleader,
Ashraf Ahmed,
was personally responsible for
the bombing of the Glassmore Hotel.
The bomb was a timed device
placed in a luggage item,
causing a massive explosion
in the foyer of the hotel.
Ahmed himself was
killed by security services
as he tried to trigger a suicide device
just prior to the foyer device exploding.
Helen James, head of the
Glassmore Hotel Victims Committee,
had this to say about the findings.
I don't see how you solve
the underlying problem
and I don't think anyone really does.
And, of course, this may lead to...
to, you know, more security
and more troops going out
and possibly more people being killed,
but I don't see how
that solves the problem.
(Thunder rumbling)
Ewan! I thought they'd gotten to you.
There you go.
It was with his files.
You must have left it
when you last met.
You knew all about the bombings.
Pretended you were
tying to stop them.
You worked with this Nabil,
then got him safely deported
without arrest.
And I wasn't meant to make it out alive.
You were in line with
a promotion of the new government,
helped them win, got rid of your boss.
Must be happy with you.
Played me perfectly.
Knew all about my wife.
Knew I'd kill anyone you put
in front of me.
You can use her
as an excuse if you want.
But what you do is in your nature.
I love my county.
I'd kill for it and I'd die for it.
Good for you.
The press have been sent
copies of these files.
They show you were responsible.
Those files are nonsense you made up.
No one will believe it.
They might...
if you buckle under
the pressure of the story.
You're out of your mind.
It's in my nature.
(Thunder rumbling)