Clear and Present Danger (1994)

Target bearing 020.
Contact 020.
- Range 20,000.
- Range 20,000 yards.
- Course 255.
- Course 255 true.
- Speed 13.
- Speed 13 knots.
"Enchanter, Mobile."
Well, we're a long way from home.
Wake 'em up!
It's the Navy!
Quick, put out the flag!
This is the United States
Coast Guard.
Heave to
and prepare to be boarded.
Enchanter, you are a US-flag ship,
and we are going to board you.
Heave to now.
Muster your crew on the bow.
You two, go forward.
Randall, come with me.
- Stay where you are.
- Kneel down.
Captain. Captain?
Go ahead, Senior Chief.
It's a bad one. I think you'd better
send over the video camera.
Jack, come on in.
- How high is the pile on your desk?
- About this high.
- Now it's this high.
- What have you got?
You heard about that business in the
South Caribbean? I need the details.
- By when?
- As soon as you can.
- OK.
- Jack? Be discreet.
- What do you mean?
- You'll find out.
I love a mystery.
- Ryan, John P.
- Let him through.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- You know where you're going?
- Yes. Thank you.
- Where do I park?
- Right over there.
Main passageway, going forward.
Master stateroom,
blood on the deck...
19 cartridges were recovered,
as well as the two weapons
that fired them.
Blood samples taken were
consistent with the crew, Hardin
and his wife
and his son and daughter.
I got blood on the sheets and pillow
on both starboard and portside racks.
There's blood there, too.
They were killed in their staterooms
apparently as they slept.
Dragged topside
and thrown overboard.
The two men in custody surrendered
after a brief attempt to escape.
What do we know about them?
The men in custody?
Half a dozen arrests for drug
trafficking in Bogota, Mr President.
Suspected ties to the Cali cartel,
not Medellin...
- You alright, James?
...according to DEA.
- Why?
- Nothing exotic, sir.
Straight piracy and murder.
It's not the first time.
It's the first time
it was a friend of mine.
Yes, sir.
- What was that? You alright?
- Yeah.
I haven't slept in 36 hours.
Did I make any sense?
What did you say?
Just kidding. Good job.
- You should give diplomacy lessons.
- To call it as I see it is myjob.
- And he's yours.
- Wait for me.
Shut the door.
I promised the American people I'd
do something about the drug problem.
You are.
You support the Colombians' efforts
against the cartels...
And accomplish nothing. Do these
drug dealers think we're powerless?
That they can keep doing this kind of
thing, and there's no response ever?
Are you suggesting
a course of action, sir?
The course of action I'd suggest is
a course of action I can't suggest.
I'm... not sure
where that leaves us.
These drug cartels represent
a clear and present danger
to the national security
of the United States.
Do you know what you've done?
I killed a thief,
a thief who was stealing...
...from me!
And his wife, and his son,
and his daughter,
apparently with no thought
of the consequences.
Should I let his children avenge their
father's death when I least expect it?
He was a good friend
and a political ally
of the President of the United States.
That doesn't surprise me.
- It should concern you.
- What can they do?
Come after me? Arrest me?
You're scaring me.
Will you stop long enough for me
to tell you something important?
Thank you.
Listen. You pay me to counsel you,
and I am counselling you.
I'm keeping you alive
with information.
If you disregard my counsel
and keep running your business
the way you have been,
with your balls and not your head,
two things will happen.
I'll quit, and you'll get killed.
You forgot to tell me
about your scouting trip.
- No, I didn't.
- You made another contact. Who?
Castro always asked me
about my sources.
- I always gave him the same answer.
- Castro didn't pay you what I pay.
This one will cost you nothing.
You're using a woman.
It won't float.
- John, what do you want? Toast?
- Waffles!
- No time for waffles.
- Anybody seen my keys?
Either on the front hall table
or in your pocket.
- Where aremykeys?
- Pancakes!
- Toast, please.
- Thank you.
Bye, Dad.
- Bye, pal.
- It won't float!
It's not supposed to float, it's
a submarine. It goes under water.
I thought I had the flu.
I'd still think so if they weren't
telling me otherwise.
What are they telling you?
Pancreatic cancer of an aggressive
nature, if I heard them right.
Well, what does it mean?
I guess it means I'm in big trouble.
- I mean, can they operate, or?
- Maybe.
That's what they said, "maybe", which
sounds suspiciously like "no" to me.
There's one of them now.
I'm not dead yet.
I am in a hospital, which means
that I'm not in my office,
which means
I don't know what's going on.
- I need you there.
- Where?
- In my office, doing my job.
- Wait a minute...
I hate not knowing
what's going on, you know that.
I wouldn't know
how to do your job, sir.
You've been around.
You've been to the White House.
- Once. I hated it.
- No, you didn't.
Want to know about politics
in Washington? Four words.
"Watch your back, Jack."
Bobby, you should be the first
to know, or the third or fourth.
Ryan is to be
Acting Deputy Director, Intelligence.
It will be a provisional appointment,
of course, until James recovers.
Get him up to speed
on our aid programme to Colombia.
He must talk the Oversight Committee
out of another $75 million.
And not make a complete fool
out of himself.
What about the Hardin murders?
I'm on it. The President's calling
for a full-court press.
So, you guys are going to be
working together hand in hand.
That's great.
Margaret, why don't we
leave all his things?
OK, yeah.
Ryan. I can't believe itl
He's not a team player,
is thatwhat you're saying?
He's a Boy Scout.
A goddamn Boy Scout. Believes in
loyalty, cleanliness and knot-tying.
So leave him out of it.
He's the Deputy Director of
Intelligence. That will be tricky.
What does he need to know?
Nothing. He needs to know nothing.
He's going to know nothing.
I want a copy
of the President's authorisation
of this new action
against the cartels.
- You want what?
- You heard me.
He doesn't know about it.
Let me explain it to you very simply.
This is your deal, not mine.
Unless I have written authorisation,
this thing is over before it begins.
I'm not going to be the only one left
without a chair when the music stops.
That's a clever name for it.
Revenge is a very, very, very
dangerous motivation.
Are you able to handle this operation
or not? I'm looking for a yes or no.
You're looking for a political mess.
- Yes or no?
- Is that what they want?
They want what every first-term
administration wants. A second term.
I don't imagine the boys on the Hill
have approved this.
Have they?
Is that a "no"?
I want the money in my account
before I move an inch.
You got it.
- I need a Comsat link.
- You got it.
- An insertion team.
- You can have a brigade.
Just 12 men who understand
discretionary warfare.
Special Ops. Spanish speaking.
- How are you today, sir?
- Very well.
- The purpose of your visit?
- Business.
- What business are you in?
- I sell tractors.
Well, I build them, then I sell them.
- And how long will you be staying?
- A few days.
I know it's a risk,
but what's the alternative?
Zapping a retina with 6,000 rads
of cobalt? Not a pretty picture.
Prettier than a tumour
spreading in the cranial sack.
- What is her name?
- I'm trying to have lunch.
Listen... Hungry?
- Starved.
- We could forget about lunch.
- We did that last time, remember?
- Do I remember? Do you?
- Vaguely.
- Maybe I should refresh your memory.
- Maybe you should.
- Yourtable is ready now.
- We don't need it. I'll get a cab.
- Moira?
- Hi! How are you? How's Jack?
- He's great, just great.
- You still with the FBI?
- The Director's office.
- Who was that?
- My new friend.
Seor Roberto Landa.
- Doesn't he look like Jack?
- Does he? I can't quite see.
- Only Latin.
- A Latin Jack? This I have to see.
I have to go. Bye.
Well, we know it's not piracy.
Pirates steal boats.
They had plane tickets to Bogota
the morning afterthe killings.
- Hey, Dan.
- How's it going?
We're sneaking up on a motive.
Dan Murray, Bureau.
- Ralph Williams, DEA.
- Said anything yet?
- Yeah. "We're innocent."
- Till the DA offers them a deal.
He already has.
Regular or extra crispy?
Either referring to fried chicken
or the electric chair.
Are you picturing a hit?
On a respectable American
businessman and his family?
You're assuming he's respectable.
We have memos, letters,
credit card statements,
phone bills, everything
you could need to break his code.
- What's this?
- Old high school yearbook.
- Sweethearts, football team...
- You think?
- I don't know.
- OK, let's see what we've got.
- No cream?
- There wasn't any.
Let's startwith birthdays.
Bet your ATM code is your birthday.
- Close.
- In reverse?
Alright, his birthday is...
That would be too easy, wouldn't it?
Let's try it in reverse.
No. His wife's?
No. His son's?
- This could take...
- Months.
Son's in reverse. This is for you.
No. Wife's in reverse.
No. Daughter's in reverse.
You've got to change your ATM code.
No. Wife, daughter. Nothing.
Got it.
I got it!
Wife's birth month,
daughter's day, son's year.
But not in reverse. Sorry.
Print me out that one.
Good boy.
Three years ago, Hardin received
an infusion of foreign capital
which he invested in 20 major
shopping centres in the US.
In the middle of the recession,
he posted record profits,
at least to the IRS, who he feared
more than his own partners.
To them, according to the stockholder
statements he was giving them,
the shopping centres
weren't doing nearly as well.
But he wasjust skimming
most of the profits, $650 million,
and putting it in accounts
in Luxembourg, Panama
and the Cayman Islands.
They killed him for it.
- His partners.
- Who were his partners?
It seems clear that he was laundering
money for the Colombian drug cartels.
Jesus! I knew the man for 40 years.
We went to school together.
We almostwent
into business together.
That would have been good.
The press is going to
have a field day with this.
- No one outside this room knows.
- They will. They always do.
It will come up, you're right
about that. When it does,
we'll downplay your relationship
with Hardin somehow.
- What?
- What?
- We'll defuse it.
- Do you disagree?
Well, actually, yes. I would go
in the other direction.
If a reporter asked if you and Hardin
were friends, I'd say "good friends".
If they asked if you were good
friends, I'd say"lifelong friends".
Give them no place to go,
nothing to report. No story.
I mean, it's no sense in
defusing a bomb after it's already...'s already gone off.
- Damn!
- Shit!
Do you see him?
Alright. Move your team
two metres to the left.
That's it. Stop.
Touch that light-coloured grass.
Sniper at your feet.
Nothing here, Sergeant Major.
- Damn!
- He is good.
Thatwas close.
How's he moving so fast?
I see him. Come in.
Straight in. Now. Run!
Keep coming.
Stop. To your left. To your left.
And stop. Sniper at your feet.
What is it?
He had lunch here.
McDonald's quarter-pounder.
With cheese.
- Damn!
- That's four.
Alright, you won this one.
Come on out!
Soldier, how did you get
that close to me?
Sniper approached instructor by being
a sneaky bastard, Sergeant Major!
Do you know the fine for littering
in California, Chavez?
Yes, sir!
I saw you on the sniper course.
You looked good.
- Just about finished here, Sergeant?
- Yes, sir.
Looking forward to taking
some leave with your wife and kids?
- Don't have any wife or kids, sir.
- What do you have?
You don't call anybody often, you
don't write or receive many letters.
Who are you, sir, if I may ask?
Mr Clark and I are putting together
a mission. My team is a part of it.
You'd be gone up to six months,
after which, if you're not dead,
you'd have your choice
of assignments in Special Ops.
...defusing an issue that was
snowballing into another scandal.
"The New York Times"reports that
you and Hardin were good friends.
No, not good friends.
We were lifelong friends.
I said that. I said that.
I told him to say that.
- What?
- I didn't say anything.
- But you were thinking something.
- No.
I was just distracted by the trouble
you were having with your ensemble.
Well, it's not every day
you have to look trustworthy.
- Who told who to say what?
- It's not important.
- The President?
- Yeah.
Mom says she makes more money
than the President.
She's probably right. Bye.
Thank you, Dr Ryan, for the
information you've shared with us.
- Thank you, Senator.
- We have to help the Colombians
in their struggle to curtail
the drug cartels' activities.
However, I'm confused.
How do you see additional funds
advancing this programme
from the failure that it is?
- You see what I'm getting at?
- No, I'm afraid I don't.
You said this effort would be
totally benign on our part.
Our assistance is limited
to supply and advice only.
I've read that.
I've also read a similar finding
written 35 years ago
regarding a little-thought-of
sliver ofjungle in Southeast Asia.
You're comparing our request
for anti-drug funds to Vietnam?
I'm comparing it to every time
a committee such as this is asked
to render judgement
based on less than all the facts.
I'm afraid I don't know
what to say to that.
You can assure us
that we have all the facts.
I thought I had.
You can further assure us then
that this increase in funds
will not be used for
any covert military action.
I don't know how
you're getting to this.
Long experience, sir.
No troops then?
I enunciate that clearly because I
don't want there to be any mistake.
No troops.
You could say
I have your word on that?
You could indeed, because you do.
Listen up! Dog tags.
Take 'em off, pass 'em forward.
Check your pockets for anything
that can be used for identification.
We're feet dry.
LZ in sight. Get ready.
Good luck, boys. Go get 'em.
OK, let's take her down now.
Go, go, go!
Hey, Bob.
- How you doing?
- Good, sir.
Good to see you.
- Morning, Jack.
- Ryan! Come on in.
- Do you know everyone?
- Yes, yes.
- Coffee? Bagel?
- Coffee. Black.
- How's the family?
- Good, sir.
- When do I meet the other Dr Ryan?
- She's dying to meet you, sir.
Good, good. Sit down.
Thank you.
- The cash is still there?
- Sir?
- In Hardin's offshore accounts.
- $650 million.
- And change.
- And change.
- And we have the account numbers.
- Yes, sir.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's get it.
- Let's get it?
- Let's turn this thing around.
$650 million and change.
It's worth ten times that
in political capital.
Well, this connection between
Hardin and the cartels is a theory.
- Theory?
- Atheory of mine.
- It's a theory?
- Well, I know the money is there.
But who exactly Hardin
was working for, I don't know.
I think we would have to establish
that before we could seize the money.
So go down there. Establish it.
- Go where?
- Colombia.
Who, me?
I leave you alone for two weeks,
and you walk into a big bear trap.
What was I thinking?
You were thinking about impressing
the President. You shouldn't do that.
- November.
- January.
Of last year.
There's a guy down there,
at least he used to be... Clark.
We go way back. Good man.
If you hit a brick wall, look him up.
Admiral Greer?
- Chemotherapy.
- Oh, shit.
Here we go again.
How's Ritter behaving?
Ritter's Ritter.
He's leaving me alone.
Are you sure?
Watch him like a hawk.
- How are you feeling today?
- OK.
We'll get you in a room, give you
warm blankets, get you lying down.
Then we'll get you back
to your room and comfortable.
Variable, this is Knife,
stand by to copy, over.
Variable, this is Knife,
stand by to copy, over.
Knife, this is Variable,
your signal is five by five, over.
The chicken is in the pot. Over.
- Cook it.
- Roger that.
Honey? I'm late.
- Bye.
- Have a good trip.
I'm not gonna say it.
Be careful.
Local time is, well, actually, it's
the same as Washington, 11:16am.
is 69 degrees Fahrenheit...
Dr Ryan!
DEASpecial Agent Jean Fowler.
How you doing?
- First time in Bogota?
- Yeah.
Let's not stand here
and let someone take a shot at you.
Come on, sir, let's go.
- And these two are?
- They're brothers.
Don't do that. Give Dr Ryan
a bit more air back here, please.
We don't have a picture.
Escobedo's intelligence officer.
We don't have a name either,
but we know he exists.
The invisible man?
Gently, gently, with your hands.
Luis, put your hands together.
No, your hands together!
Luis, watch the canter.
Yes, very good.
We lost another plane.
- Who is doing this?
- If I had to guess...
No, I did not ask you to guess.
I can guess.
Someone has been talking
to the drug police.
Impossible. If anyone spoke to
the police, I'd be the first to know.
Is one of the others trying to ruin
me after what I did to the American?
I guess that wasn't quite the
deterrent you thought itwould be.
Find out who it is.
What do you make of this, Colonel?
An opportunity.
An opportunity, Sipo.
- Good afternoon.
- Messages, please?
- Dr Ryan?
- Clark? Sorry I'm late.
I've got ten minutes.
I'm positive Hardin was tied
into the cartels. It's drug money.
- But you can't prove it.
- So far.
- Mind if I ask you a question?
- No.
Why are you telling me all this? I've
been out of the game for a long time.
I was told that you were wired, and
that you knew the town and people.
- That you were a player.
- Who told you that?
Jim Greer.
How's he doing?
He's not good.
He has cancer.
- He's a good man.
- The best.
You a coffee drinker, Dr Ryan?
- Yeah, I like coffee.
- Try the Lindo brand.
- Lindo?
- I think you'll like it.
Mr President,
I've got some good news.
Hardin's partner here was someone
you may know of. Ernesto Escobedo.
- Escobedo? It figures.
- Is this another of your theories?
No, sir. We can call this one fact.
Escobedo, like every drug lord here,
also had legitimate businesses.
Hardin was doing business with these.
Importing, among other things,
coffee, which means nothing,
but he was paying too much
for this coffee. $6,200 a pound.
- That's expensive coffee.
- I'd have to agree.
This is good news.
I think this does it.
Sir, I also have some other news
which is not so good.
Oh, God.
The DEAfeels that the government
here would want the seized funds.
- Or at least a large portion.
- This is our money.
- We found it.
- We can try telling them that.
Try? Tell them.
Or don't tell them, I don't care.
- Sir, with all due respect...
- This is our money, tell them that.
I wouldn't know what to say or
where to start. I'm not a negotiator.
You know someone
in their government?
I went to school
with their Attorney General.
Jacobs will come down.
He'll negotiate. This is our money.
Thank you.
I hate this job.
Eyes up!
Demo team, up!
Fire in the hole!
Let's go, let's go!
Move out! Go, go, go!
Down! Down!
Whoever did this is dead.
Whoever did this to me is dead!
Do you hear me?
Are you listening to me?
Mr Jacobs, could you sign these
before you leave?
Moira, why don't you
call in sick tomorrow?
And the next day.
I won't tell anybody.
Even when you're not here
there's plenty to do.
- Your itinerary.
- You're arguing with me about this?
You work too hard. Adis.
- LandayLanda.
- Roberto Landa, please.
- This is Moira Wolfson.
- One moment, please.
I think he's on the factory floor.
Hold on.
- Yes?
- A Moira Wolfson is calling.
I told her you were
on the factory floor. Go ahead.
- Moira!
- Hi.
You free the next couple of days?
- Next couple of days?
- I am.
My boss is leaving the country.
- Can I call you later?
- Alright, call me at home. Bye.
Good afternoon.
Good news in the fight against drugs.
An investigation
by the Department of Justice
has identified several
bank accounts from Luxembourg
to the Cayman Islands,
used for laundering drug money
on an unprecedented scale.
With five foreign governments
we have taken steps
to seize those funds
- which amount to over $650 million.
- Shit.
Also to seize 20 real estate
joint-venture investments in the US
which were the primary agencies
in the laundering operations.
You did say $650 million?
That's right.
$650 million. And change.
They're stealing my money!
- What's our take?
- It's hard to say at the moment.
No, it isn't. You're stealing my
money. I made it, you're stealing it!
Mr President, can we speak with
FBI Director Jacobs about this?
- Jacobs is not available.
- Someone will die for this.
He's personally involved in the
investigation and is pretty busy.
This avenue has to be avoided.
They'll be coming from the airport.
Up Avenida Aeropuerto El Dorado
all the way to Gran America.
Santa Fe's our spot. As much as
I'd love to be here for this,
I have to take care of business in
Washington, tying up loose ends.
Don't hang up, don't hang up.
- Hello?
- The machine is still on, Moira.
- Emil, good to see you.
- Andy, good to see you.
- Agent Murray, Ambassador Ferris.
- Hi, good to see you.
- This will bring you up to date.
- Alright, let's go.
- How's the food?
- It's like Mexican food.
- You hate Mexican food.
- I hate Mexican food.
- Hi.
- Hello.
All my secretary knows about America
is what she reads inPeoplemagazine.
- How's the place?
- Come inside and find out.
It's awful.
Isn't it?
So I take it you shouldn't
drink the water?
They put water in your room,
but I'd stick to the bottled stuff.
So what do you brush your teeth with?
You use the bottled water, or you'll
be in the can all yourtime here.
The hold-up
was a government connection?
Yeah, that's the connection.
Back up! Back up!
- Step on it!
- Stay down. Stay down.
Damn it! Back up!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Take it easy, Andy.
Got to keep moving. Go, Jack!
Dan! Dan!
We can't stay here!
The car! Is it running?
It's running!
The smoke will give us cover.
It's our only chance. I got him.
Make for the driver's side.
Ready? Go!
- Get in!
- Go! Go!
Oh, excuse me, ma'am.
- Do you have a call for Dr Ryan?
- Just a moment. Bogota today.
Ten members of the escort party
were also killed and eight wounded.
Five of the dead
were security personnel...
- Cathy?
- Don't tell me you're in this.
Right in the middle of it.
Honey, Dan was killed.
Dan Murray.
He was ten feet away.
There was nothing I could do.
- I'm coming home.
- Thank God.
I love you.
- Wasn't his going there a secret?
- It was.
- Then I don't get it. What happened?
- Nobody knows.
- How stupid are these people?
- They believe they can do anything.
You know what? They're wrong.
- Yes, sir.
- They're wrong.
They've directly challenged the
sovereign power of the United States.
No more sending messages.
He wants them to get the message
whether the phone rings or not.
- Those are his words?
- Do they sound like his words?
He can't be clear when clarity
is what he wants to avoid.
What he means is the gloves come off.
I'm telling you,
I had nothing to do with it.
I didn't. I wish I had done it,
they deserved it. But it wasn't me.
Who did then?
You know, you have no answers.
Is this the way it was with Castro?
No answers?
- You don't want to hear an answer.
- Yes, I do.
Itwas done to look like you did it.
By one of the others.
As you suspected. It's always
a friend who hates you most.
Give me the phone.
- Rojas.
- Did you do this thing?
Did I do this thing? Are you calling
to ask me if I did this thing?
You don't consult with us.
You put us in danger.
And now you want me
to believe it wasn't you?
It wasn't, Enrique.
The Americans will retaliate
against all of us.
I swear I had
nothing to do with it.
Why do you expect me
to listen to you when you lie?
- Goodbye, Ernesto.
- No, no, no!
Don't hang up.
We must have a meeting.
- When?
- As soon as possible.
Tomorrow night. I am not
telling you, I am asking you!
May we meet tomorrow night?
- Tomorrow afternoon.
- Thank you.
- He's scared.
- He should be.
I don't know what you said to him,
but it was right.
Strange, don't you think?
Jacobs and his secretary
getting killed on the same day.
He wasn't his secretary. He was
a member of the security detail.
- I don't remember his name.
- I'm talking about Moira.
Moira, remember?
Jacobs's secretary.
I know Moira, honey.
What are you talking about?
- She said he was a Latin Jack Ryan.
- He was.
- That's what she called him.
- The point is, he's Latin.
Which connects her death and Jacobs's
beyond the fact
that they worked together.
You saw somebody you think
is responsible for both killings?
- Yes.
- Yes.
She did.
She did.
I saw him from a distance.
From behind.
- Medium height, medium build, etc?
- Mind if I look at these?
Is that what the people
from the cabin said?
Did you check out
these calls to Venezuela?
- So you have no leads?
- I have a lot.
Afictitious name on a register. A
stolen phoned-in credit card number.
Two eyewitnesses, one of whom
saw a guy but really didn't see him.
Excuse me,
could you play that again?
Yes, sir.
The machine is still on, Moira.
You have a recording
of the killer's voice.
Jack. I think we've got something.
This is from the answering machine.
And this was recorded yesterday.
I'll play it for you.
The machine is still on, Moira.
He's scared. I don't know what
you said to him, but it was right.
Run a match on that.
He's Cuban.
35 to 45.
Educated in the United States.
Eastern United States.
- It's the same voice.
- You're sure?
- Yeah.
- How sure?
90 percent.
- I need a name.
- Could be hundreds of thousands...
I know. I need a name,
and I need it quick.
300 is topside.
Target is set.
- Hector!
- Enrique!
Good to see you!
- It was not easy for us.
- How are you?
Rojas, Diaz...
What the hell is this?
What the hell is this?
My new toy. Like it?
You see this?
That's your new target,
unless it's not big enough.
Variable, this is Easy Rhino.
Do you copy? Over.
Loud and clear, Easy Rhino.
- Do we have a gig?
- That's a Rog.
Target is lit.
Start the music.
Into attack.
Pickle's hot. Target is acquired
and lit. Coming down.
Fernandez, Vega...
Looks like a full house.
Damn it!
Why doesn't he fix this road?
Shit! Thought we had everybody.
Keep the target painted.
Mother of God!
Circular error probability zero.
Impact with high-order detonation.
Have a nice day.
The man's completely out of control.
He has no...
His name is Cortez, Felix Cortez.
A colonel
in Cuba's intelligence service
until a few years ago. Disappeared.
Turned up working for the Macheteros,
a terrorist group in Puerto Rico.
Disappeared again.
Yesterday, we taped him
talking to a Cali cartel subject.
I'll fax what I have on him.
If he shows, pick him up, OK?
- You know I can't do that.
- I mean the police, the Colombians.
The Colombian police
do not pick up members of the cartel.
Unless they've got a death wish.
You've been down here.
Wait a minute.
Oh, Jesus!
Jack, something's happened here.
At least 30 people were killed,
including women and children.
The bomb exploded in a car
belongingto a Rojas associate.
- Jack?
- Yeah, are you watching this?
- Did this just happen?
- Just now.
Send me all the stuff, and we'll
put a tail on him if we spot him.
If he's still alive. I've got to go.
...a series of explosions.
- Cops claim the violence...
- A surgical strike, you said.
- It was perfect.
- They brought out a kid. On NBC.
- Take the gloves off, you said.
- I know what I said.
- A bit late to change your mind.
I'm not changing my mind.
I hadn't counted on
this kind of collateral damage.
- Neither had he.
- It will be interpreted as I said.
Rivalry that ended
in the blast of a car bomb.
- Morning, Rose. Finish the report?
- Hot off the press.
Could any of the bombing victims'
names be aliases?
No. All IDs have been confirmed.
Who were you hoping for?
If he's not here, he's not here.
Cortez. He's not here.
- Why was Operations copied on this?
- Ritter requested it.
Ritter? You look very nice today.
Thank you.
Car bomb.
What happens
when a car bomb goes off?
- It explodes.
- It blows up and out?
And a missile?
- This deeper crater?
- That's characteristic.
Bring up the satellite photo.
HMX and TNT.
When you mix it 70-30,
you get a compound called Octol.
Put enough explosives in a car,
you get a crater that big.
- It's very stable. Very expensive.
- Would it still be in the crater?
- Very violent.
- There would be pieces all around.
- Where is Octol made?
- Lots of places. Europe. The US.
But nobody uses it. Nobody can
afford it except the military.
An aerial bomb would do that.
But that's not an aerial bomb.
- It's not?
- No.
There is also
a cellulose residue on everything.
There should be shrapnel.
Here and here.
- But there isn't.
- No bomb fragments.
"Cellulose encased
laser-guided bomb."
The Americans are here.
"We have something in common.
We cannot implement policy
without tacit authorisation
from our employer."
"We also both know that there are
American troops in Colombia
fighting an illegal war."
"I will be at Hotel Paloma de Oro
in Panama City on Wednesday."
"I suggest we meet."
- Six, this is Point. Over.
- Six here.
The stuffs here, a lot of it.
I'm also looking
at 100 to 150 men, armed,
waiting around for something. Over.
Colombian Army? Over.
They look like mercenaries.
- Over.
- Alright. Get back here.
Abort mission.
I say again, abort mission. Out.
150 armed men?
Raise your arms, please.
Thank you for responding to my note.
And so promptly.
I had nothing to do
with the death of Mr Jacobs.
It was an act of madness.
But typical of the men I work for.
- What do you want?
- Same as you. Mineral water.
You agree that as long as Americans
want drugs, someone will supply them?
I don't want to be here
any longer than I have to.
You mentioned a gang war.
What does that mean?
- That we want the same thing.
- Same thing? Really?
Only, so far,
you've done all the work.
You took care of the little fish.
I will take care of
the one that got away.
Once Escobedo is gone,
I will be in a position to help you.
- You want to help me?
- Your country. Your people.
By restructuring the drug trade.
By regulating it. What would you say
if I promised to halve the cocaine
shipments to the US?
I'd say you'd been using
too much of your product.
I can also promise you
regular quotas on major arrests
that your police
can take credit for.
Imagine. Dramatic seizures.
Drastic reductions.
No more senseless violence.
You'll have your victory.
In return for what?
I also need a victory,
to establish my position
with what is left of the cartel,
so I can help you.
I need to defeat those soldiers
blowing up everything they see.
Give me maps of their locations.
Cut off their communications.
DEA's sending the audio surveillance
tape. They haven't got it yet.
You know what you think about
when you're lying here?
You know you're gonna die,
and you think...
...that's alright.
You lived a long time.
You had a family that loved you.
You had a job that you thought
made a difference.
That you thought was honourable.
And then you see this.
I'm afraid if I dig any deeper... one's gonna like what I find.
You took an oath...
...if you recall...
...when you first came
to work for me.
And I don't mean to the National
Security Advisor of the US.
I mean to his boss.
And I don't mean the President.
You gave your word to...
...his boss.
You gave your word... the people
of the United States.
Your word is who you are.
What else have you got there?
I brought you some new magazines.
The situation in East Timor seems
to have stabilised during the day.
- Is that it?
- Except for the other thing.
We've accomplished a lot.
We're seeing results.
Drug shipments are down.
Price on the street is rising.
The perception is the administration
is doing something right.
What's the bad news?
I'm worried about the car bomb coming
so soon after Jacobs's assassination.
Just the kind of thing
reporters live for.
- They'd love to make a connection.
- And you think they will?
I think it's time
the whole thing went away.
- If that's what you think.
- I think so.
Then it should go away.
It never happened.
Well, it's possible.
It would be easier if you told me
whose system you want to break into.
- Morning, Dr Ryan.
- Morning.
Well, we're way beyond birthdays now.
I'm gonna have to write
a special program here.
OK, sweetheart, let's get to work.
Fine, good.
Yes. Here we go.
Reciprocity. What's that?
- Yeah?
- I forgot to tell you,
after you get the code,
wait until he's off his system
before you log on.
- He will know it when you do.
- Jesus, Petey, it's too late.
Oh, my God!
- Bob, Jack Ryan here.
- Good morning, Jack.
Listen, maybe we got off
to a bad start.
We're going to work together.
We should get to know each other.
Do you play tennis?
Tennis? Do you play tennis?
- Yeah, I play tennis.
- How about we get together?
Next week?
Hour before we startwork?
- Jack?
- Yeah.
Computer theft is a serious crime.
So are crimes
against the Constitution.
Son of a bitch!
Son of a bitch!
Come on, come on.
You'll go to jail, pal.
What is that? What do you think
you have there?
You broke the law.
You are such a Boy Scout.
Look at you. You see everything
in black and white.
No, not black and white, Ritter.
Right and wrong!
- You see? There you go again.
- Why was I kept out of it?
You're neck deep in it.
You went before Congress.
You got the money for it.
You lied under oath...
- I never lied to Congress!
- You told them no troops.
- There are troops!
- You know I didn't know that.
No. I have no recollection of that.
That's the term you have to learn.
- Who authorised this?
- Sure, they'll ask you that.
- Who authorised this?
- I have no recollection, Senator.
I did not sign up for somebody's
bullshit political agenda.
Who authorised this? Cutter?
Cutter couldn't tie his shoes
without permission.
- If I go down, you're going with me.
- Wrong again.
I have an autographed
"Get Out of Jail Free" card.
"The President authorises the Deputy
Director CIA, Robert Ritter,
to conduct Operation Reciprocity
including all support necessary."
"This operation is deemed important
to the national security of the US."
Etc, etc, etc.
You don't have one of these,
do you, Jack?
Grey! The world is grey, Jack.
Got any idea how I'm gonna
get out of this mess?
Absolutely none.
Yeah. This is he.
Thank you.
Admiral James Greer devoted his life
to his country and his family,
giving selflessly
of both his wisdom and his love.
He served his country
for more than 50 years.
Enlisting in the Navy at 17.
Graduating from the Academy.
Achieving three stars for his flag.
He lived through tumultuous events
in his country's life.
He participated in them. He made
them clearer to the rest of us,
with his knowledge, his honesty,
his integrity and his courage.
I can't see them,
but I know they're there.
Five kilometres due east
from your position.
Keep pushing forward.
We'll trap them.
Never, though, was he deluded
into thinking that one man
could solve the ills of the world.
Always the soldier, on the
battlefields of the South Pacific,
Korea, Vietnam and Washington,
he fought as part of a unit
to preserve the ideals...
- Knife, this is Variable, over.
...of his nation.
Knife! This is Variable, over.
To the refuge of the earth,
we entrust our friend's body.
To the protection of our God
in Heaven, we entrust his soul.
To ourselves, we entrust his spirit
and the principles he lived by.
We're gonna miss you, James.
Variable, this is Knife, over.
Variable, this is Knife, over.
Variable, I am not receiving.
We are under heavy attack.
- Need air support, over.
- Go, go, go!
Variable, this is Knife, over!
Variable, this is Knife!
Where the hell are you?
Present arms.
On behalf of a grateful nation,
our condolences.
- He was a very great patriot.
- Thank you.
All aim.
- Hello?
- Jean Fowler for Dr Jack Ryan.
This is he.
Jack? You've got to hear this.
Picked it up this morning.
Variable, this is Knife. We are
under attack, need air support.
Variable, this is Knife,
where the hell are you?
Jack, what do you want me
to do with this?
Make a copy, Jean.
Make ten copies.
Get them to me
as quick as you can. Thanks.
Jesus. They're going to leave
those guys down there.
He's on American 915.
He'll be in Bogota 7:50pm.
- Yeah?
- It's Ritter.
- Where the fuck have you been?
- We have a problem.
We've got a disaster!
I can't get through to my men.
We had to shut down
the satellite link.
- Clark?
- You had to what?
It's Ryan. He found out everything.
He threatened to walk up the Hill
if we didn't
shut down the operation.
OK. It's shut down. Just give me
some air and my men are out of there.
Clark, maybe you're not hearing me.
There is no air. We are shut down.
I'm on a plane.
I'm gonna kill him.
Don't get on a plane.
He's coming to you.
American Airlines at 1950 hours
with no security.
- Who is this?
- National Security Advisor Cutter.
Once Ryan's gone, we're back on line.
You understand?
Yes, sir.
- Jesus!
- Get in the van.
Don't be an asshole,
I came to find you.
You found me. Get in.
Behind the wheel.
- Ritter.
- Ryan's dead.
I killed him. Turn the op back on.
You said get rid of Ryan
and we're back in business, right?
What the hell are you doing here?
I came to help you
get those guys out.
What can you do to help me?
What do you need?
A helicopter.
A helicopter.
No, thank you.
- Is this happy hour?
- It's always happy hour.
- Your pilot owns thisjoint?
- He lives here.
Here he is.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Morning. I'm here to rent the Huey.
Sorry, we don't rent it any more.
But it is for sale.
How much is it?
Two million dollars.
My pilot and I would
have to do a test flight.
Of course.
You just have to leave a deposit.
How much is that?
Two million dollars.
Would you take a company cheque?
- Here we go.
- Big son of a bitch, ain't she?
- Do you have any time in this type?
- Nine o'clock.
- Get out of my chopper.
- No. Mychopper. Let's go.
Their last communication
put them here.
The closest extraction point is here,
in this gorge.
I got it.
- Is that a body down there?
- Yeah.
- One of ours?
- One of mine.
Find a place to set her down.
We'll look for the others.
Nowhere to run to.
No place to hide.
Blood trails everywhere.
They all lead to the river.
These are the falls
we saw from the air.
The bodies should be
about 50 metres down.
You left us!
You left us with no support at all!
Fuck, you left us out to dry!
- You son of a bitch!
- Easy! Easy!
- It's not his fault.
- Whose fault is it?
It's my fault.
It's my fault.
I was on point
when the last attack came.
Over a mile away.
By the time I got back, it was over.
They were taking the Captain and Oso.
The others?
I buried them.
Road to the town.
They loaded the prisoners here.
Blood everywhere.
- God knows where they are now.
- Escobedo knows.
What are you going to do?
Knock on his door?
Morning. I'd like to see Ernesto
Escobedo. I have no appointment.
Hands up.
Hands up!
It's a tape recorder.
He's in.
Bird, this is Variable, over.
Bird, this is Variable, over.
Dr Ryan. Come in.
Sit down. What can I do for you?
I didn't know who else to turn to.
I have a problem.
An associate of mine,
a coffee buyer and his assistant,
were on a business trip
in this area.
They unexpectedly disappeared
yesterday. I'm very concerned.
Coffee buyer?
It's very important to me
to find them.
Coffee buying is becoming
a dangerous business.
Yes. Well, it was for Peter Hardin.
- Who?
- He was a client of Lindo Coffee.
- Lindo Coffee has many clients.
- You must have heard of this one.
He owed your company
a great deal of money.
Well, I'll have to talk to accounting
about that.
$650 million.
And change.
Are you offering to help me with
the collection of an unpaid debt?
- No.
- What are you offering?
Felix Cortez has sold you out.
His next move is to murder you,
your family,
and take over the cartel.
Where's my tape recorder?
Play the tape.
Let's move.
I'd like you to meet
my new friend, Dr Ryan.
Doctor? Why? Is somebody sick?
What does he want?
The safe return of his associates.
And what does he offer us in return?
Whatever this man has told you
is a lie. He lies for a living.
He's in the intelligence business.
You're in the intelligence business!
You've taken care of the little fish.
I will take care
of the one that got away.
Once Escobedo is gone,
I will be in a position to help you.
So, the question is...
...what am I supposed to do with you?
Well? I guess I'm supposed
to kill you with this bat!
Get up.
Dramatic seizures. Drastic
reductions, no more violence...
You'll have your victory.
In return for what?
- Where are they?
- They're here.
Kill the plant. The American
killed Ernesto! Let's go!
Bird to Variable, over.
Bird, this is Variable.
Where the hell are you?
I'm cruising about five clicks
south of the village.
- Stay there. I'll get back to you.
- Roger that.
- No one.
- The prisoners!
Come on, guys. Let's go, son.
We're going home, boys.
Pick us up
at the Lindo Coffee factory.
Not only can I expose you
to the press, so can the soldiers.
Do you want to take your chances
with the courts and the reporters?
Do you want to end the career
of your commander in chief?
Let's go!
Get your asses in here!
Come on, we got to go!
Come on!
Hold it! We wait for Ryan!
Yeah? We're out of here!
Set it down! He's down there!
Come on!
I've got you!
Chavez, cover me!
Your hand. Give me your hand!
The President will see you now, sir.
Jack! I'm glad you're here.
Sit down.
Can I get you anything?
- Come on, sit down.
- I would prefer to stand, sir.
Some things have gone on here
that I'm just becoming aware of.
I was kept in the dark, as you were,
for a very long time.
- Troubling things.
- Yeah.
Now we have to sort them out, figure
out who is responsible for what
and what to do about it.
We have to do this very delicately,
otherwise people might
get the wrong idea.
We have to lie.
- Did I say that?
- No, you didn't.
- You're upset.
- I'm upset.
It's understandable. Do you mind
if I give you a bit of advice?
You know this because you're smart.
Never make important decisions
while you're upset.
You did. American soldiers and
civilians are dead because of it.
- I never ordered any...
- No. Don't play that game with me!
You won't dishonour their memories
by pretending you didn't know!
- How dare you lecture...
- How dare you, sir?
How dare you come here
and bark at me like a junkyard dog!
I am the President
of the United States!
It gives me no pleasure
to do it, sir.
As Acting Deputy Director
of Intelligence it is my duty
to report this matter
to the Senate Oversight Committee.
You're not going to do that.
- I'm not?
- No, no.
You've got yourself
a chip in the big game now.
You're going to tuck that away,
save that for a time
when your own ass is on the line.
And then you're going to pull it out.
And I'm going to cash it in for you.
I don't think I have anything more
to say to you, sir.
The country can't afford another
scandal, Jack. To protect itself,
it won't allow another deception
that goes all the way to the top.
You'll take the blame. Cutter
and Ritter will take some, too,
but it won't amount to much,
a slap on the wrist.
Then $20,000 an hour
on the lecture circuit.
The rest of the blame
will fall on Greer.
Yeah, you'll take him down with you.
You'll destroy his reputation.
But that's as far as it will go.
The old Potomac two-step, Jack.
I'm sorry, Mr President,
I don't dance.
Ryan, have you got a minute?
We need to talk!
The Committee will come to order.
The Chair will now call Dr Ryan.
Dr Ryan, thank you for appearing
before the Committee today.
Thank you, Mr Chairman.
Please stand
and raise your right hand.
Do you solemnly swear that
the testimony you're about to give
is the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
I do.
Dr Ryan, you may consider yourself
under oath. Please be seated.