Clearing, The (2004)

Excuse me, honey.
- Cologne?
- I better get going.
...61 degrees downtown.
In Harrisburg, the governor has given...
Remember we have the
Finches tonight.
- You sleep okay?
- Yeah, fine.
Why are we having the Finches?
We haven't seen them in ages, and I think
we should make an effort with Eva.
- Is there an occasion or...
- No, no occasion.
He used to be your
good friend. You know?
Yeah. Are you gonna
speak to Jill today?
No, I spoke with her yesterday.
Why? You worried about her?
Should I be?
Well, why don't you
give her a call?
I think I'll give her a
call this afternoon.
Well, that's a good idea.
She likes her job?
Yes, she seems to.
She wouldn't tell me if she didn't.
No, but that's only because you've made
your opinion on the matter so clear.
Okay, you hound.
Hey. Come on.
Come on, hey.
Come on. Attaboy, attaboy, come on.
No, not... Hey, that's cruel.
Well, he's gotta learn how to swim.
It's how I taught the children.
You did not. Anyway,
I taught them to swim.
See you later.
Wayne, please don't be any
later than 6:00, okay?
- 6:00.
- Yes, please.
Not active. Press the services button now.
Shut up.
...dashing optimism that profits
will soon show signs of rebounding.
Dow Jones Industrials were
down by a third of a percent,
a half percent decline
for the S&P 500.
Near 2.5 percent lower
for the NASDAQ.
Graciela, that's beautiful.
Thank you.
Hi. Wayne's late.
Can you believe it?
- Hi.
- What's he doing?
- He's working.
- Why the hell is he doing that?
What else is new?
Tom, can you make us drinks?
Yes, and I want that good Scotch.
I'd like to speak with Wayne
Hayes. This is his wife.
One moment, please.
I'm afraid he's not at his desk.
Well, is he gone for the day?
I'm afraid I don't know,
Mrs. Hayes.
I'd like to speak with
Alex Rice, please.
One moment, please.
He's gone for the day.
Would you like his voice mail?
No, no message, thank you.
Please leave a message.
Well, I hope you're on your way.
- As usual, you've spoiled us.
- Yes, Eileen.
Everything was
absolutely delicious.
It was nothing.
I didn't do anything.
If this isn't doing
anything, well...
You should be so lucky, Tom.
Well, I'm so sorry
Wayne couldn't be here.
That's all right.
He never liked us.
What is your emergency?
Yes, hello?
I need to report a missing person.
- Hello?
- This is Detective Seymour.
There was no sign of break in.
Doors were locked, alarm was set.
Can you think of a reason
why he'd be parked there?
Did he know anyone
in the neighborhood?
No, not that I'm aware of.
Was he under any
particular kind of stress?
No, I don't think so.
What's your husband's height?
- He's 6'.
- Weight?
About 175, 180 pounds.
- Eyes?
- Blue.
Blond hair.
How's the baby?
He's still such a bad sleeper.
I wonder how he's gonna
get on in the world.
He'll be a grown man
living with his mother.
Your next one will be better.
I think you get one of each.
No, we're not gonna
have a next one.
He's in our bed every night.
Oh, I'd love to see them.
Do you think they could come out?
We'll see.
So tell me more about
what the police said.
Well, it was questions mostly.
They wanted to know if anything
had been bothering him recently.
Apparently, people
wander off all the time.
They said that?
They said they were going
to check the river.
No, that's not Dad.
- Yeah?
- Hi, Wayne.
- Hi.
- I don't know if you remember me.
Arnold? Arnold Mack from Hadley.
That was a long time ago.
Yeah, it sure was. I'm
supposed to show this to you.
What the hell are you doing?
If you make a noise I'll shoot.
Give me the keys.
Your hands.
Behind your back!
Legs out. Let's have your shoes.
Now, tell your wife
you're all right.
Am I?
This is Wayne.
Eileen, I'm fine.
The possibility that they're watching
the house, we have to take seriously.
We'll set up surveillance
and stay with you until
the situation is resolved.
They've instructed you to confirm
receipt of the keys in a personal ad.
It's a common mode
of communication.
We'd obviously like to
get them on the phone.
So we'll monitor all calls in the event
that we're successful in doing that.
I understand that our presence
here is an imposition on you.
But I need to ask all of you to try
to be as open with us as you can be.
So if Mr. Hayes mentioned anything,
something on his mind,
something bothering him, any
information that you can give us,
the better off we are.
I want to assure you that our
first priority is Mr. Hayes' safety.
In a situation like this, lack of
control can be the hardest part.
We're here to get you back
some of that control.
Where have you been?
- Talking to Lane.
- How is she?
We spent most of the time discussing
the color of what's in Oscar's diapers.
I hope the FBI found
it interesting.
How's Mom?
She's okay.
I think she thought he left her.
- She tell you that?
- No.
Of course not.
He would never do that.
Why not?
Because he'd be lost without her.
He might think about it,
but he'd never do it.
Most kidnappings in this
country are small in scale.
Usually over disagreements
about drugs.
They usually work themselves out.
Someone pays the bill and on they go.
A high-profile case is
a different matter...
We're free.
We'll be on our way in five
minutes. Everything's fine.
Put those on, please.
Sit down.
All the way.
Put your butt down.
Straighten your legs.
Hold it a minute. Hold it.
Your hands'll be better in front.
Do you mind?
Do you mind if I take off my coat first?
A little hot in the trunk.
Okay. Hands in front.
All right. Let's get going.
No, please, please, sit down.
Pepsi for breakfast?
One of those bad habits.
Everything will be paid
for by the bureau.
I don't know if that was explained.
No, that's all right.
You have a wonderful place here.
Yes, we built it about five,
no, six years ago.
I hope we're not getting
in your way too much.
- No. I think we'll be all right.
- Good.
Well, enjoy your breakfast.
Thank you.
It's good once you're in.
It's cold.
Keeps you young.
You know, I can't remember the
last time we swam together.
Yeah, it's been a while.
When you were little we had
a hard time getting you out.
I quit.
But under the circumstances...
The shoes all right?
I mean, they fit okay?
Yeah, they're... They're fine.
No, no. Those things are killers.
I've been telling my wife
that for years, but...
Are we gonna have a
conversation now?
Is that it?
Okay. I don't need to talk.
What made you think I smoked?
Look, Arnold, how much
are we talking about here?
I could call my lawyer.
Whatever it is.
This has nothing to do with me.
I'm just doing my part.
- What... What is your part?
- I'm doing it. This is my part.
Did you take the pictures?
No. I'm not a photographer.
We should really get going.
We've got a long way to go.
- You mind telling me where that is?
- I'm sorry, I can't.
Were there disagreements
you can remember?
With former employees?
Any unpleasant departures, grudges?
Someone who may feel they were
owed something? Anything like that?
No, not that I know of.
I hear there was anger over your
husband's use of foreign automobiles?
No, there was just a few letters.
That was all.
About a year after he sold primary
control in the car-rental business,
he resigned and formed
a new company, right?
- Right.
- A consulting firm?
- Yes.
- But it wasn't successful.
So he's been advisory director at
Lennox-Stuart for the two years
- since closing the consulting firm?
- That's right.
Do you know a Ms. Louise Miller,
formerly in the employment
of your husband at Lennox-Stuart?
Yes, my husband had
an affair with her.
And she left your husband's
employment in June of 2001?
I told him to let her go.
And as far as you know, that was
the end of the relationship?
Yes, as far as I know.
Your husband's phone
records indicate they were
in regular contact
beyond that date.
Is that all?
Sure. That's it for now. Thank you.
My children don't know about this.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell them.
I understand.
Ham or tuna?
We'll split it.
Thank you.
You know, Arnold, I think
you may have the wrong man.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You want my neighbor,
Mr. Shipley. He's loaded.
You think I made a mistake?
Happens all the time.
Perfectly intelligent people,
pick up a wrong bag
at the airport...
I know all about you.
"The man Hertz and
Avis are afraid of."
- I see...
- You grew up in Altoona.
You married your high
school sweetheart.
You won a scholarship
to Penn State.
You had a good job, but you quit
to start a car-rental business.
Didn't make sense at the time,
but you made it work.
In those days the greatest challenge
was keeping your marriage together.
- They wrote that. I didn't.
- You like to watch the Pirates.
You have a house on
a lake in the woods.
A boat in which you like to float on
summer afternoons to clear your mind.
And two children,
a son and daughter,
all grown up now.
That about sums it up.
So when did you lose your job?
I guess it's obvious, huh?
Eight years ago, November.
And what did you do?
I was a manager of sorts.
And you thought if you were hardworking
and loyal you'd be safe, right?
I worked there 17 years.
Out of their hands, they said.
- Well, it probably was.
- That's what they said.
Changing economy.
Gotta keep things profitable.
- I've heard it all.
- Nothing personal.
- Yeah, right.
- It's a terrible thing.
A lot of good people
lost their jobs.
I'd say 30 percent of our work force
at one point was from Hadley.
You could have come work for us.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't
condescend me, Wayne.
I know how the world works.
That's why I'm out here with you.
So, what does your wife
think about this plan?
- My wife?
- Yeah. Those are her cigarettes.
You can keep things from your wife.
- I don't know.
- What?
You've never deceived your wife?
Well, there are levels of deception,
Arnold. I mean, this is a whopper.
Well, how about you?
- Me?
- You know everything about me.
Tell me about yourself.
All right. Um...
I have a wife and two daughters.
One of my daughters supposedly lives
with us. She's got some boyfriend.
I think he's a mute. Can't tell
you the last time I saw her.
My wife
is trying to kill herself
with cigarettes.
We live with her father.
He sleeps in the den.
He has his own TV,
but he's hard of hearing,
and he doesn't like to wear
his hearing aids at night
so he lies in bed and plays it so loud,
we can hear it in our room.
Sometimes he leaves it on all night.
But what can I say? It's his house.
I don't say anything
much at all, Wayne.
It's a household of...
...disappointed people.
We have our health,
and we have each other, so...
Everybody suffers,
isn't that right?
Yeah, everybody suffers.
Did you always have that moustache?
So long as I could grow one.
This is Wayne.
Eileen, I'm fine.
Our profilers believe the letters are
probably being written by one person.
Male, some college education,
white, over 30.
But we do believe we're
dealing with a group.
To keep a hostage for a prolonged
period requires multiple participants.
Why haven't they
asked for anything?
They're showing you
who's in control.
I'd like to suggest a
different approach.
They haven't acknowledged our
request to communicate by phone,
so we should place a personal ad
confirming you received
the recording,
but we also claim you
got a ransom demand.
You're willing to pay. You just
want to pay the right people.
If they think you'll give
their money to someone else,
they usually call within 24 hours.
Okay, so we're agreed.
We do what Fuller says.
Well, I'm not gonna make
this decision alone.
You're not alone, sweetheart.
Where are you going?
I'm going to get
something for Oscar.
You're going shopping?
It's his first birthday.
It's important we celebrate it.
Are you coming?
Happy birthday dear Oscar
Happy birthday to you
- Is he asleep?
- Finally.
He woke up the minute
I put him down.
Wayne will be sorry
to have missed it.
Yeah, he loves birthdays.
You know, Lane, for my first birthday
after Wayne and I were married,
he wanted to surprise me, so we
drove to a hotel in the mountains.
We could not afford it,
but he insisted, as usual.
Anyway, when we got there,
they'd never heard of us.
I don't know, he messed up the
reservations or something.
Anyway, he was devastated,
so he pleaded and then he
tried to sound important.
- But they took no pity on us.
- Poor Dad.
We finished up at an all-night diner,
because there were no hotel rooms.
But he made them put candles
on everything we ate.
In the rice pudding,
in the hamburgers...
And they all sang "Happy
Birthday." it was great.
I remember once he convinced me
it was a special birthday treat
to go to work with him
and help clean cars.
I fell for that too.
You loved it. Both of you.
He really made you feel like you
were the center of the world.
I hope Oscar gets to feel that.
He will.
Hold it.
This is where we meet the others?
- No.
- What then?
Just a break.
You can sit over there.
May I see the pictures of my wife?
What for?
May I see them?
She'd hate the idea
of being watched.
She's self-conscious. Even with me.
She's beautiful.
You know what I think?
I don't think there's
anybody watching my wife.
And do you know what that means?
It means I'm gonna have
to give you the slip.
You wouldn't want to do that.
You'd get me into a world of trouble.
- I'd be sorry about that.
- Anyway,
your wife'll pay and
then you can go home.
If she wants you back.
Have you done anything terrible?
I've never pointed a gun at anyone.
Does your wife know about
the company you keep?
That woman?
I told you I know all about you.
I followed you there once.
I sat outside.
- You followed me?
- They asked me to.
I'd say that's a whopper, Wayne.
Isn't that a whopper?
- We should get going.
- This is a beautiful spot, Arnold.
You picked a great day for it.
I didn't pick it. Let's go, Wayne.
I love my wife, Arnold.
We have two beautiful kids.
And I'm just getting to know them.
For most of their lives
I've been working.
I missed a lot.
I'm not suggesting you
didn't love them.
Come on. Let's go.
- Come on.
- No, this'll do just fine.
- Tell me where we're going.
- Let's go.
Look at yourself.
You've lost your job,
you put people in trunks...
- Get up.
- What if everybody did that?
You goddamn lunatic.
How many times have you
fired that gun, Arnold?
There's a hunting
cabin near the top.
I'm gonna drop you off,
then I go. That's it.
There's some guys waiting for you.
I work for them. They're okay.
I wish I'd paid better
attention, you know,
but I was mowing the lawn.
All I remember is,
he wasn't a gardener.
He was white, middle-aged, I guess.
He was wearing a suit, I think.
And he was standing at the side of
the car, talking to Mr. Hayes.
A driver from one of the local bus routes
remembers a man of similar description.
We've come up with a composite sketch
based on those descriptions. Here you go.
Does that resemble
anyone you might know?
Yeah, it resembles a million
people I might know.
What about the personal ad?
There's still no response.
As they have so far refused
to make phone contact,
I'd like to demand an assurance
of Mr. Hayes' safety.
I think this organization
would expect such a demand.
Wait a minute. Mr. Fuller,
at your suggestion we threatened to
give their money to someone else.
Since then, they haven't contacted us.
They've made no demand.
We're further from resolving this
than we were to begin with.
What difference does it
make who was on the bus?
I think you don't have the faintest
fucking idea who those people are!
So, what would you
consider an assurance?
A phone conversation.
If they won't confirm
your husband's safety,
we should consider the
negotiation over.
Come here.
Mrs. Hayes, if they can
make you desperate,
they know you'll give
them anything they want.
I want to apologize for my son.
Well, that's not necessary.
- Please, sit down.
- You know, it's strange.
You've never met my husband,
but you know all about him.
Yeah, I'm used to it.
You'd like him.
He inspires confidence.
It's his great talent.
A man like that needs
to be appreciated.
It gets worse as they get older.
They feel themselves being forgotten.
You don't have to
explain anything...
I'm trying to explain
my husband, Mr. Fuller.
Did you tell my son
about that woman?
I asked him to look over
some phone records.
- I don't know...
- You said you wouldn't.
- I said that I understood.
- What if I looked into your marriage?
It wouldn't look very
good at the moment.
What are you doing?
I was thinking about Dad.
I'm afraid I'm never
gonna see him again.
What would you say
to him if you could?
That I love him.
You know,
when I told him that I
was pregnant with you
that's the only time
I've ever seen him cry.
He knows you love him.
These guys waiting for us,
have I done something to them?
And you. You seem to
know a lot about me.
Have I done something to you?
No, you haven't done
anything to me.
You're good with names.
You're famous for it, you know?
I read somebody can meet you once
and you see them again 10 years later,
and you greet them as if you
saw them every day of your life.
That way you manage to make each
and every person feel important.
Fortune magazine.
To be honest, I'm not surprised
you don't remember me.
Give me a minute.
I started at Hadley a few
months before you left.
One day we crossed
paths in the hallway.
The man I was with pointed you out
and said, "That's the guy to watch."
We met in the cafeteria
a few days later.
I introduced myself.
We talked for a while, actually.
I wanted to see what
the hotshot was like.
That was a stressful
period in my life.
- Can't blame me for not remembering.
- You were very gracious, don't worry.
You bought me a cup of
coffee, and we talked.
I think actually we saw eye to
eye on quite a few things.
I think you might have enjoyed talking
to someone of like mind for once.
And you kept up with me?
In the papers?
Like the man said, I watched you.
Like the man said.
And that's it?
That's why it's me?
- Let's go, Wayne.
- I worked hard my whole life.
Everything I've got, I've earned.
Nobody handed it to me.
I don't deserve this.
You all right?
I think that was my wife.
I have something for that.
I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to hurt you.
So, what's the plan
when you're done here?
I'm going away.
- Someplace hot?
- That's right.
I'm taking my wife away from here.
Get back to the way you were.
That's right.
I see.
- So she'll go with you?
- Of course she will.
And give up everything for you?
Leave her father behind,
and the kids?
They'll be all right.
She'll miss them.
You can't go back, Arnold.
My wife doesn't look at me the
way she did 30 years ago.
Nothing you can do about that.
Is there...
...any news about Wayne?
You know, the FBI came to, um...
To speak to me.
- How can anyone be so cruel?
- When did you see him last?
It was a while ago.
I didn't... I didn't know he'd
started seeing you again.
I'm sorry.
I mean, what was it like
when he was here?
I want to know.
Did he bring you things?
Were you in bed?
Sometimes he'd bring me things.
What things?
He brought me that book.
He hates New York.
Um... I've never been.
You know, when I left the company,
he helped me with this place.
And then he just started
coming around now and then,
you know, to see how I was.
We were here for each other.
I think I'd prefer if you'd
been fucking in hotels.
You know, Eileen...
I don't know what I would
have done without him.
He's a great man.
I went to see her.
I know.
You know, I never talked to him
about it. I never asked him why.
I just told him to get rid of her,
and we got on with our life.
I didn't want to know.
I love him, and she admires him.
They may allow your husband
to watch the news.
What are you doing?
I'm tired, Arnold.
There's a stream up ahead.
You can soak your feet in
the water. It'll feel good.
How long you been married?
24 years.
She stood by you.
You're a lucky man.
Would you do something for me?
Would you mail a letter for me?
To my wife?
You could mail it when you go home.
I might not get along too well
with the guys at the cabin
and I'd like to tell her something.
You can do that for me.
Shit. Would you...
Please, could you cut me free?
You can read what I write.
I won't say anything about
you or where we are.
Be careful where you mail it,
so they can't trace the postmark.
After we were married and
she was pregnant with Tim,
she sometimes had this feeling
when I'd walk out of a room,
like maybe I wasn't coming back.
I traveled a lot with
the businesses then
and I think she got over it.
I don't think she suffered much.
When I asked her to marry me,
I wasn't completely sure.
I had my doubts.
But I...
I couldn't imagine
my life without her.
And that's never changed.
I think that's the same
as being sure.
You think?
I don't know.
I think it is.
We can go now.
We have a demand.
Do you recognize these?
The demand comes to
approximately $10 million.
They've requested that you,
Eileen, deliver the ransom.
It's 9.5 in diamonds,
2 karat, round D flawless.
The most common stones on
the market, easy to move.
And half a million in
non-sequential 100-dollar bills.
Why do they want my mother to go?
We can't send an
agent in her place.
They know what she looks like.
They've requested that we put the
ransom in Wayne's sports bag.
The lining's too thin for us to put
in a tracking device of any range.
I advise you not to pay the ransom
without confirmation that
your husband's all right.
Eileen, they've given us three
days to get the stones together.
Tell them you need more time.
Tell them you need proof
that your husband is alive.
Do you know how you do something
completely beyond the realm
of your normal behavior?
You imagine it. Every piece of it.
Until it feels real.
Like something you do all the time.
I wasn't nervous this morning.
It was like driving to work.
The sky, the weather,
I knew what it was gonna be,
even before I opened my eyes.
They offered me money.
Real money.
And all I have to do
is bring you to them.
Tell me, Wayne,
if you were in my shoes,
wouldn't you do it?
No, I wouldn't.
Do you know what it's like
to see your wife go to work
every day instead of
float in her pool?
- No, I don't.
- Well, it stinks.
It stinks seeing your
life fall apart.
Everything you planned for,
everything you counted on.
To see it happen and not
be able to do anything,
as if you'd become invisible.
You don't know what I'm
talking about, do you?
Do you?
My mother was sick
when I was growing up.
My father worked in a mill
just like everybody else.
He should have done something
else with his life
but he accepted his
place in the world.
People would try to get him
to settle their arguments,
whatever the argument.
He was above it.
- He knew everything.
- It's a nice story...
Hey, goddamn it, listen to me!
I listened to you.
And when he got sick,
they'd come around the house,
stand by the bed
and try to brighten his mood.
And after he died,
they raised a glass to him, came by
the house to see if they could help.
And even though he was dead,
felt like he hung around.
Now, all of a sudden,
he really was dead.
He might not have lived for anybody
except my sick mother and me.
Just the two of us.
But we missed him.
Really missed him.
I don't know that
I've even got that.
So all you have to do
is just take me to them.
You think they'll let me go,
once they know I've seen your face?
What about you?
Think they're gonna let you go?
It'll be all right, Wayne.
No, it won't.
No, it won't.
You don't understand, Wayne.
I understand.
Look at you. You don't
even have any shoes on.
I understand there's
plenty of people like you.
You think this is for your wife?
You think if you steal my money,
go to some beach someplace,
your life won't be such a waste?
This is for you, Arnold.
This is what you amount to.
Because the truth is,
you can't make it yourself.
And my family is gonna
suffer because of you?
You're a piece of shit.
You're a miserable piece of shit.
- You have no right to speak to me...
- Shut up.
Just take me to whoever
it is you work for.
I'm done with you.
"This is your final chance.
Thursday, 1:00 p.m.
"The exact location will appear in a
personal ad on the day of the drop.
"Do not involve the FBI."
What is it?
It's blood.
Let's get this to the lab for analysis.
Can you grab some evidence bags?
According to the lab report,
Wayne's white blood cells
have begun to expand
to an unsafe size.
What does that mean?
It's not a conclusive
indication that Wayne is alive.
Does that mean he's dead?
I can't let you go, Wayne.
Mrs. Hayes. Phone call for you.
Hello? Mrs. Hayes here.
What are you doing?
- What do you mean?
- You were told no FBI.
No. No, I told them to stay away.
You think I'm an idiot?
No. Why?
They're all over the hotel.
No, but... No, I told
them to stay away.
There's a subway station across the
street. Exit through the side.
I'll call you on a pay phone.
She just hung up.
Hold on.
She's on the move.
I don't see her.
She made phone contact.
Did the FBI ask you
to carry anything?
- My phone.
- Get rid of it.
She dumped the phone,
west entrance of the station.
Stop here, please.
- There's a deer-crossing sign.
- Sign?
- Do you see it?
- Yes.
Now, there's a viaduct up ahead.
Stop the car between the lights.
You drop the bag here.
Turn off the engine.
Turn on the interior lights.
I wanna hear his voice.
Do you hear me?
Tell them you need
proof he's alive.
- Eileen. Eileen.
- They're showing you who's in control.
I wanna hear his voice.
Do you hear me?
This is Wayne. Eileen, I'm fine.
Same series number?
Same place? blueberries,
coffee, and look at this,
even red wine! Look at that.
Don't forget the trash.
Have you ever spilt chlorine
bleach on your colored clothes?
Yeah, this is Larry
Schmidt over at Foodland.
I think I got another one of
those hundred-dollar bills.
Charlie, baker, one,
one, four, zero,
one, two, one, seven, Charlie.
Here we go. That'll do you.
$83.13 is your change.
Thank you for shopping at Foodland.
Thank you.
It's Fuller.
Did you want us to
catch you, Arnold?
You passed several
consecutive 100-dollar bills,
in a two-week period at a store that
sees maybe a handful in a month.
I don't think you're
stupid, Arnold.
My wife won't understand.
She's not so unhappy.
Why did you wait all day?
I imagined it that way.
In the dark.
You know...
There is no cabin.
I said...
There is no cabin.
I couldn't have done
it in the light.
- How did you pass the time?
- We talked.
- About what?
- About our families, our wives.
Regular stuff.
And then as soon as it was dark...
"I feel about you now the
Way I did when Jill was born.
"If you love me,
I have everything I need."
Do you love me?
Then I have everything I need.