Clementine (2004)

Just relax.
More, a little bit more, please!
That's it!
Keep going!
Oh, no.
Get the anesthetist and
get ready for the surgery!
LEE Dong-joon
lM Hye-ri
EUN Seo-woo
Kick him! Kick him!
You bastard!
You should give him a point!
This one doesn't count!
Directed by KlM Doo-young
Les Vegas
Everything is fucking trash!
What the fuck are you looking at?
Mr. Kim. l know you well.
l've seen your fights on TV.
You won that battle.
Yeah right, so?
Now fuck off!
My name is Thomas.
l'm a fight promoter.
l wanna be your promoter.
Not interested!
Mr. Kim...
l think that can make you
change your mind.
''King of gate''?
''Whenever l remember it,
my heart is torn apart.
Because of the referee's unfair decision
in the world championship match
l spent one year just fighting,
and l became a fighter for the casino.
l even gave up on returning
to my home country.
Fortunately, one of my friends
helped me out to be a cop.
l was able to settle down.''
So l said if somebody
you don't know
touches you on the street,
would you be happy?
l'd say ''Watch your hand, man!''
How many hometowns do you have?
You have so many accents.
What are you gonna do with them?
Am l right or what, huh?
l can smell something fishy there inside.
Let's get it done quick.
You stay here, or else
they will notice us.
OK. lf anyone tries to run away,
then l'll take care of him.
OK. Give me your hand cuffs.
l'm gonna catch a big shot today!
- So what?
- You asshole!
We're closed today.
We're checking out our machines.
Oh yeah? l'll check you out, too!
Come on, get your ass up!
Don't make any more noise.
Just get rid of him!
Situations haven't been good lately,
so watch your ass.
Who the fuck is he?
Who the fuck are you?
Me? l'm this kind of man.
Running illegal slot machines
and acting like a psycho...
What was that all about?
Fuck off, asshole!
Don't come any closer,
you son of a bitch.
Fuck you!
Double shit!
What did you do that for?
They're only machines!
Why did you do that?
They're just machines!
Because... l'm a fucking bastard!
And, l'm the shitty cop, you know.
You motherfuckers!
Put the cuffs on them yourselves!
''Get the phone, Dad.''
- Hello.
- Dad!
Hey... what's up, baby?
Dad, you are a world champion
of Taekwondo, right?
Sure l am!
Dad, what are you doing?
You too, asshole!
l'm working!
Ok, dad. Bye!
Did you hear that?
Hello! Hello?
Why is she in such a hurry?
Are you done?
Hurry up!
Are you a gangster or what?
You're a cop!
l didn't say
you can break everything!
l told you to work,
and what did you do?
They even sell drugs to teenagers!
You're paying for the machines.
Look. Counting only the injury
medical certificates from them alone
will take a couple of months!
lf you don't settle this,
then you're fired!
Hey, inspector Kim.
Why don't you just slow down?
Why do you always have to
take the shit all by yourself?
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
There he is! The asshole!
Hey! You!
How about working for me?
You son of a bitch!
Have some fucking respect for cops!
Get your hands off me!
Calm down, man!
Professor Wang, is that true?
No! l'm not that kind of trash!
Yes l'm trash,
and you are a trash can!
Listen. Teenagers are
so screwed up these days.
l can't even sleep!
Because l'm worry about
our future kids... our country...
Oh, bullshit!
Professor Wang.
When l take off my glasses,
that means l am nervous.
You're sleeping with her, right?
No, never!
Oh my god! My nose!
What was that? l'll handle it!
Nothing. Just leave us.
Y... yes.
Trust me!
l said, nothing!
So, what does your father do?
My dad is the world
champion of Taekwondo.
Do you know that?
And is that a problem
that l don't have a mother?
Watch your mouth!
Oh, you're here, Mr. Kim.
What a beautiful family, huh?
Does it hurt?
ls she a gangster or what?
What's wrong with her?
Sa Rang. You can't beat up
your classmate in school!
l told him that you're the
Taekwondo world champion
Then he teased me that
l don't have a mother...
Oh, did you?
You deserve it!
Doesn't he?
What did you just say?
How can you say that to my son?!
Help the weak and
don't pass on the bad things.
That's what parenting should be.
lsn't it?
Just ignore kids like her, all right?
Let's go! What the...
Mom, please!
Look at them! Aren't they ugly?
Like mother like son!
But look at us.
So lovely!
Like father like daughter!
Sorry. l'll never do it again, Dad.
- Promise?
- Promise!
Hurry up!
l got all the fucking jobs done!
Hey, it's a private settlement.
That's him?
Yes, sir!
Do l know you, asshole?
Get away!
Just knock on the door and it will open.
You better train him
how to shut the fuck up!
Nice shot!
Are you a hitman?
Um... Yeah.
l don't want to do this either.
But you know how things are lately.
We can't keep doing
the same shit anymore.
Hey. Forget it. l quit and that's it!
lnspector Kim.
You don't even know what you can do
after you quit.
See you later!
Hey, it hurts!
Sa Rang! Do it gently, please!
Hey dad, you're acting
like a girl my age.
l'm not!
l thought you're one kickass guy,
but you're not!
What? Kickass?
ls this how you talk to your dad?
But it's a common word, dad!
You didn't even know that?
Yeah, right. l'm sleepy now.
Let's go to bed.
No! You have to brush your teeth!
Where is the toothpaste?
See? Push the bottom and
the toothpaste will come out.
Oh... it's coming!
Ok, l'll go brush my teeth.
Oh, it's dad's birthday!
l'm sorry, piggy!
l'm sorry.
Are you by yourself?
For your mother?
No. Today is my dad's birthday,
so l'm going to give a party for him.
What about your mother?
My mom is dead.
She died while she was delivering me.
l'm sorry. l was...
lt's okay.
Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
But don't pity me.
l have lots of pride!
Let's go.
You talk like a grownup.
ls it weird?
No. l think you're cute.
What are you doing?
Counting the coins.
You'd better count them
at the end of the line.
You make others wait!
Those are mine!
You have no right to throw them!
You're so rude!
Did your mom teach you
to act like that?
Watch your mouth!
Excuse me!
What did you say to my kid?
You can't treat a customer like that
just because she brought coins,
and you can't treat her like that
just because she's a kid!
l, l just...
Save it! Apologize to
my kid and do your job!
Ok. l'm sorry.
lt's all right. Shit happens.
Call me anytime when you need me.
You know how to use a cell phone?
Of course!
''l'm sorry, Sa Rang.
l wanted to make big money
and make you happy like other fathers...''
l'll pay you later.
Yes! l got a bonus today!
So l bought your favorite,
fried chicken!
This is...
Dad? Do you know what time it is?
You almost missed your birthday!
Dad? Dad?
Are you looking for a job?
Well, how about working with me?
You never change.
That's why l like you.
Are you done?
And l like your daughter too.
Faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.
''Happy birthday, Dad!
l'm so proud that
l'm your daughter.
lt must be tough taking
care of me, Dad. Right?
Like l'm everything to you.
But you are my everything.
So cheer up, Dad! l love you!''
''Sa Rang. Thank you for trusting
a father like me.
l'm always sorry and
l'll always thank you.
l love you, Sa Rang,
my daughter.''
Hwang Jong Chul...
Are you thinking of him again?
Yup! Whenever l hit that target...
Do you want to see
my mom's picture?
She's beautiful!
Your mom?
She has Kim Hee Sun's eyes,
Sim Eun Ha's nose,
and Song Hey Gyo's mouth.
And her forehead
looks like Jun Ji Hyoun's.
Dad told me that
and l made this!
How about this one?
Pretty, but too big for you.
Who are these for?
That's a secret.
Tell me! Please!
Actually, these are for my dad.
But these rings are for lovers!
That's right!
l love my dad!
l'll give the ring to him
when l marry him!
You marry him?
Why not?
You can't marry him
even if you love him so much!
Why not?
Nothing can stop love!
But that's the law!
You can't marry him!
You mean not even
in a different country?
No, you can't.
Thank you.
Ji Hun?
l anticipated seeing
another beautiful girl, but...
What? Am l not pretty?
Maybe l expected too much.
Hey, you!
You're a poor talker.
And l'm sure you always
pick the wrong one.
Right, she's so right!
All right, all right.
You guys win.
Ok, that's enough.
Let's go.
Hey, champ.
Come with me sometimes.
l'll give you a chance
to see a better world.
What's taking him so long?
What if something bad happened to him?
Sa Rang!
You stink!
Why did you drink so much?
You waited for me?
l'm so drunk!
l'm going to sleep.
Dad, Dad! Take off your clothes first!
l have no idea
why people like alcohol.
They should care about their family.
Sa Rang.
A man has gotta be able
to take his pants off by himself.
lf he can't, then that's
the end of his life.
So l'm gonna take my pants off!
Wait here, Sa Rang!
''l know you suffer a lot lately.
Cheer up, dad!
You've got me.
You can do it!
Because l believe in you.''
What will happen to Michelangelo
if the wall he used to
paint on disappeared?
The talent will rust
if he loses the target.
Get him the target.
Hello, sir!
This is a no holds barred survival match.
There are no rules,
And the last one standing wins.
Oh, good, good!
What makes him so sure
about the cop?
l just don't understand...
Hey! Shut up!
Hey, slow down!
That's too much, man!
You must be kidding!
l'm going too.
Wow! Look at him!
Almost there! Come on!
What the... shithead!
What the hell is going on?
What's so special about Taekwondo?
ls that it?
Now l should bet.
He's a good fighter.
Game over!
He's the man!
A real man!
Oh, fuck!
l did it again!
l can't believe it!
At that time we...
Hey! You are the champ!
Good job, boy!
What do you think?
l don't know.
What do you want from me?
He's the world champion.
No one can defeat him.
Yeah, l know. So what?
l want Jack and Seung Hyoun
to have a rematch.
Seung Hyoun?
l don't understand
what you're saying.
Maybe l cannot speak English
well enough to understand you.
For you to understand,
l want a fair fight this time.
Jack wants to be
the undisputed champion.
This is the fight that l've been
waiting for a long time.
No. l can't arrange
those kind of fight!
Look. Even if you refuse,
l can make it happen.
You know Jack Miller, right?
Jack Miller?
Jack Miller?
He wants to fight with you.
No, l won't.
Yes, you will.
You have to do what
you don't want to sometimes.
l said l won't!
You know, it's hard to
keep precious things.
l don't think you want to
lose your daughter...
What the fuck did you say?
Are you threatening me?
l did my best!
Just think about it,
that's all.
Think about what?
l can't do this anymore!
And l'm not gonna let you win!
Fuck! This is getting serious.
l'll take credit cards too.
But don't use the customers' cards!
A car key?
This is really serious!
Show me!
Fuck off, asshole!
Wait! l got diamond!
Hands off! l win!
You used to run away.
You used to run away because of
all the debts from the gambling,
and you did it again!
Please quit! Quit!
Oh, God. Why did l do that again?!
He's 18 years old.
They met through online chatting,
and they had sexual intercourse.
Now he's with his father.
l want to see his father.
Hello, prosecutor.
You're the father?
Well... l...
l didn't know he was a teenager.
He looked old enough!
What bullshit! You liked it!
You made me look this old!
l lost all my energy because of you!
You little brat!
There are so many young
and cute girls out there!
Did your dick work for her?
Mine would.
You never learn.
No, please...
My nose!
''You used be my man, but now
you are such a stranger!''
So cool!
That's why l love my dad!
Come on, please.
l didn't do it on purpose.
l just... l just...
You used to be a cop
and the world champion of Taekwondo...
Mr. Kim Seung Hyoun,
you are here today as a reference
for a violence and fraud case.
l'm the prosecutor, O Ji Hun
and l'm in charge of this case.
You used to work
in the violent crime section.
And l know
when you were staking out
for illegal gambling gangs,
you and the gangs had some fights.
l also know that
you keep in touch with their boss,
Hwang Jong Chul.
Oh, please don't take this the wrong way.
While l was doing research on Hwang,
l just thought
you could give me some clues.
Let's get married.
Why all of a sudden?
Because... l want to.
How come you are so weak today?
You're Lim Min Seo!
What's so hard?
Living is hard.
Yoon Bae? Where are you at?
Don't participate in this match!
He's now a big shot
because of the No Limit match!
He's not the same person
we used to know.
l think YOU are not the same person
l used to know.
You don't know nothing, man!
Jack Miller...
Jack already kicked a bunch of asses!
What chicken shit.
Come in.
Nobody is home but me.
Home, sweet home.
You must be better than your father.
That's my dad.
He is?
Sa Rang? Sa Rang!
Where am l?
ln the hospital.
How do you feel?
l have to go home.
Dad's gonna be worried...
No, you have to stay here.
Let me call your dad.
What's his phone number?
What's his phone number?
Well, all right.
Are you sure you don't have
to go back to the gym?
Didn't you say somebody
stole the money last time?
You know Kuk Hyoun, my friend?
He's taking care of it.
Thank you for coming anyway.
Come on, Yoon Bae!
Let's drink until we die tonight!
''Dad, get the phone.''
Hey, my little princess!
What? Hospital?
Sa Rang!
What's wrong with you?
l'm ok now.
Dad, she brought me here.
She's my friend.
Oh... yes.
Ex... Excuse me.
Excuse us, Sa Rang.
Sa Rang.
Tell me!
She's 8 years old!
That means you already had another girl
when you were with me!
Was that why you just disappeared
without saying anything?
And now you're here!
What kind of a man are you?!
''What kind of a man are you?''?
That's not it!
And Sa Rang has nothing to do with you!
So don't see her anymore!
You don't deserve
to be a dad, you bastard!
This bastard is better than the woman
who left her baby alone!
Better than the woman like you
who doesn't recognize her own child!
Whose child?
You're crazy!
You don't deserve to be a mom!
You just dumped her at an orphanage.
What did you say? Huh?
What are you talking about?
Are you saying that Sa Rang
is not my daughter?
Sa Rang... don't you even call her name!
You don't deserve it!
lt can't be!
Sa Rang's mom is dead!
Yes, that's what she knows.
And l thought that you were dead too.
So l don't want to see you again!
Why did you say that?
Why did you say that
my baby was dead?
What are you talking about, Min Seo?
Do you know what you've done?
The daughter thought
her mom was dead,
so she made her own picture of her mom.
l couldn't even recognize my own daughter.
l did it for you.
l didn't want you to suffer.
You never knew how hard it is
to raise a kid without a husband.
Please... sir...
lt's all right.
Everything will be fine.
Thank you so much.
Thank you...
l'm sorry.
l thought that would be best for you.
How could you...?
She was just a baby!
How could you dump her like that?
l can never understand you.
l won't forgive you, mother.
Sa Rang.
l thought you were dead.
But you're all grown up.
So big and pretty...
l can't believe you are my daughter.
Forgive me, Sa Rang...
Min Seo. l thought you were dead.
Forgive me for not looking for you.
She passed away.
While you were gone.
She didn't make it after
she delivered the baby.
She's dead?
How can you show up just like this,
after fighting out there all these years?
We all thought you were dead!
Do you have any idea how badly Min Seo
was waiting for you until she died?
She did?
She was cremated...
l... l took Sa Rang to the orphanage.
What are you going to do?
Thank you, sir.
l'll do my best to take care of her.
She's the only one l've got now.
You're too drunk.
Come on, get up!
l didn't know...
l didn't mean it.
Ji Hun.
Ji Hun.
l didn't know
l was going to your house.
l'm sorry, Ji Hun.
But please don't leave me alone.
l don't want to be alone anymore.
Jack and Seung Hyoun will fight!
The game's open!
So tell Tomas or tomato whatever!
l'm telling you!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you? Fuck you!
- Sit down, please...
- Fuck...
What the hell
are you waiting for?
Shut the fuck up!
This game opens and...
Oh, shit... Shit, shit!
Speak, you fuck!
What the fuck...
Get the fuck outta here,
you loser!
Don't call me loser!
l hate that fucking word!
What are you doing?
Learning some English?
You idiot!
This is a huge business for both of us.
l told you that!
l'm sorry.
Are you trying to mess me up?
- Hi!
- Hi!
Mr. Colong.
l have very good news
from Thomas.
Sa Rang... you look like
you've lost weight.
You have anything to say?
Say it to dad.
l don't feel so good.
Sa Rang...
You can't hide it forever,
you know.
Does she know?
What are you going to do?
What do you mean?
l'll take care of her from now.
What do you mean?
You mean you'll take her with you?
No way!
l'll take this to court.
l'm telling you.
l'll do it.
l can't let her be raised by you
in such a situation like this!
You did your job,
but it's over now.
You can't take her away
from me like this!
lt's for her.
What can you do for her?
Hey, lady! You can't take me away!
Sa Rang...
l'm your mother.
My mom is dead,
so don't tell my dad what to do!
lt's me... l'm your mom.
l said, my mom is dead!
Why do you keep saying that?
Go away!
And don't ever come again!
Don't bother my dad,
just go away!
Dad, why did you say
mom was dead?
Did my mom leave me?
No, no, that's not it.
l couldn't help it.
l'm sorry.
Sa Rang.
Remember l said you might
have to go to court?
Dad, l don't want to go there!
lf you don't want to,
then you don't have to.
lf l don't go there,
then l can't live with you?
Of course you can.
l'm going to live with you forever.
Dad, why can't we...
Why can't the three of us all live together?
Dad, mom and me?
l'm sorry, Sa Rang.
l'm so sorry.
''ln a cavern.
ln a canyon excavating for a mine?
Dwelt a miner named forty-niner
and his daughter Clementine.
Oh my darling! Oh my darling!
Oh my darling Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever!
Sorry, sorry, Clementine!''
l'm sorry, Sa Rang.
lt is so sad.
There is nothing l can say
except that l'm sorry.
Did you... did you just
call me mom, Sa Rang?
Mom, l don't want to go to court.
l like you too.
Why wouldn't l want to live with you?
But l just can't leave my dad, that's all.
Dad can't eat and
can't even sleep without me.
He'll get sick pretty soon. l know.
Mom, please.
Let me live with him.
Sa Rang...
Mom, l'm sorry.
Don't cry. l'm sorry.
l'm sorry.
Don't cry.
Ji Hun... maybe l should
give up on the custody.
Give up on the custody? Why?
Now that l think of
what my mom did for me,
Well... l think what l'm doing now
for my daughter is pretty much the same.
Sa Rang's dad...
He did a great job by himself.
He raised Sa Rang well.
l think l should let him keep Sa Rang.
What? Why?
You can't live even one day
without Sa Rang!
But Sa Rang can be raised
in a better condition with her.
Seung Hyoun!
l don't care about me as long as
l know that she's happy.
And the bill on the screen are
counterfeit $100 dollar bills.
Even currency verification
machines can't tell.
Experts can only know through
chemical analysis.
But one thing for sure is that
it's not from the US Mint.
We suspect that the counterfeit bills
in circulation
are linked to organized crime.
Within this criminal network,
we believe Hwang is responsible.
He runs legal hotels and casinos.
His legitimate hotel
and casino operations allow him
to launder counterfeit bills
without suspicions.
We think he may even have some police
on his payroll.
He continues to expand his illegal business.
We believe he expanded his gambling
and money laundering
with the help of his wealthy friends
and business associates.
l'm going to take him down
no matter what.
l'm the prosecutor,
and this is my job.
Sa Rang?
Sa Rang!
''Get the phone, Dad!''
Who the hell are you?
Where the fuck is my daughter?
Sit down.
Where is she?
Calm down!
The American guys took her.
l have no choice.
Now you have to fight.
But there's one condition.
You have to lose.
Sa Rang, let's go to bed.
No! You stink!
l can't breathe!
lt hurts, Dad!
Your beard!
My beard?
But l'm sleeping with you tonight!
Sa Rang...
You know l can't live without you.
Los Angeles
God, please help me.
Dad is coming to get you, Sa Rang.
Wait for me...
Where is my daughter?
Sit down!
Shut up and give me
back my daughter!
Get your hands off me!
Everyone is really looking forward
to seeing you fight.
l didn't come here to fight.
l come only to get my daughter.
lf you want to save your daughter again,
then you fight,
and you lose,
lf you hurt my daughter...
Look. Don't threaten me.
You come through for me,
and your daughter comes back
to you unharmed.
Otherwise... well...
she's a pretty girl.
And maybe she can...
You son of a bitch!
Take it easy.
Just play along with us
and your daughter won't be hurt.
But if you mess up...
Ok. But...
You have to get my daughter
back to me before the fight!
You come through for us
and you'll get your daughter back
after the fight.
You've got to last three rounds with Jack.
But no one is allowed to beat Jack.
No way you're gonna beat Jack.
No one ever has.
You go down on the third round, you got it?
No, you bastard!
Don't mess up.
Ok, l got it.
Yes, Lim Min Seo speaking.
You should've told me that earlier!
What the fuck?
The cops are here!
This is bad, real fucking bad!
Where's Hwang Jong Chul?
Tell me where!
Where is he?
Where is he?
l don't know!
Where the FUCK is he?
Freeze! Don't move!
What the fuck...?
Back off or l'm gonna blow your head off!
You're under arrest on suspicion
of counterfeiting,
extortion, and illegal gambling...
conspiracy, and kidnapping!
Tell me. Where is she?
You piece of shit!
Let go!
Son of a bitch!
l know how to do it!
Who do you think
you're talking to?
Don't touch me!
''Your beginnings seem humble,
so prosperous will your future be.''
Prosperous? Fuck you!
You'll never get a round-trip
ticket from God!
You're over!
Min Seo!
You can go.
l'll take care of it here.
Min Seo.
What kind of love can be
better than first love?
He must have been waiting for you
for a long time.
l'm sorry, Ji Hun.
Many times,
there are so many moments
that l wanted to hide my feelings.
But you know how painful
my memories are,
and you always covered it.
Because... we're friends.
Thank you.
l'm sorry...
l gotta go.
Are we there yet?
Almost there.
l can't wait to see Jack's match
with that Korean guy!
We don't need a maid!
Always works.
And now the main event of the evening!
Ladies and gentleman!
This is the most anticipated fight
in the history of the ''King of the gate''
fighting competition!
ln the red corner,
the challenger!
Kim Seung Hyoun!
Go back!
Where's the girl?
Sa Rang! Sa Rang!
- Sa Rang!
- Mom!
And in the blue corner!
The reigning 5 times
heavyweight champion
of the world!
Standing at 6 ft 4 inches,
weighing at 225 pounds.
Our own king of
the fighter gate champion...
Jack Miller!
Don't move!
Move back!
Turn out!
Let's get ready to throw down!
No one has gone through
four rounds with Miller.
lf anyone can do it, then he'll be
the champion. He'll be the one!
He's ready for Miller!
lt's time!
You are going down.
Not today!
All right, beat me!
l'm supposed to lose this game
to get my daughter back.
Get up!
Get up!
Seung Hyoun! Get up!
Come on, you can do it!
l'm here, Dad!
Dad! Dad!
Get up, please!
Come on!
l'm here!
Get up!
Can't you hear me?
Dad! Can't you hear me?
Look at me!
Don't cry, Sa Rang.
l'm so happy to be with you.
l'm not scared,
and l don't feel pain either.
This is all for you.
l will do anything for you.
Get up!
Dad! You can't die!
''l'm sorry, Sa Rang.
l don't deserve to be your mother.
l can't take the happiness
away from you two.
That's why l have to go.''
You can go now, Seung Hyoun.
Let's go.
- Hey.
- Huh?
Where is my mom?
Sa Rang...
Sa Rang!
Mom, it's me!
Your daughter!
l know you're here.
Right? You are here!
Are you listening to me?
Mom, l want you to be my mom.
The word l always wanted to say.
l want to live calling my mom everyday.
l want to eat mom's breakfast every morning.
l want mom to read me
stories before l sleep.
Mom! Mom!
Sa Rang!
Sa Rang!
Mom. Do you know why l am crying?
l'm crying because l'm so happy!
l no longer have to hear anything bad
about you from other kids.
Mom, you're not going to
leave me again, right?
No, l'll never do that again.
Do you know how scary and
lonely it is for me to be alone?
Whenever l thought about you,
l always cried.
But l didn't want to make Dad worry,
so l pretended like l was okay.
Don't make me cry anymore.
l promise you. l won't make you cry.
Sa Rang.
Mom. Remember these rings?
l was going to propose to my prince.
Yes, my prince.
So did you?
Well, he never gave me a chance.
He always comes home late.
So... you must be sad, huh?
Well, l'm strong enough!
l think you're the one for the prince.
l am?
So can you propose to him instead of me?
Then can l propose to her, too?
l'm sorry.
l had no idea they kidnapped your daughter.
l got something for you.
Thank you very much, Jack Miller.
You are a gentleman.
Taekwondo is a state of mind.
That's right. Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, you!
l'm pretty tough, you know!
Nothing can stop love!
So why not...
Seagal, l love you!
Oh my God, l said it!
The world is going crazy
and people are getting
more selfish everyday.
Even though l still get hurt
by news of parents leaving their kids
just because they are poor,
wouldn't it be better to live all together