Clinical (2017)

[fire crackling]
[wind howling]
[wind gusting]
[haunting music playing]
[distant choir singing "Silent Night"]
[touch tones beeping]
[line ringing]
Hello, this is Dr. Jane Mathis.
I am calling in a prescription
for Nora Green.
Yes, no "E."
DOB 2/2/1998.
Yes, calling in for Risperdal,
125 milligrams.
Sig one tablet PO BIO.
Distribute 60-plus. One refill.
My phone number's 610-555-7682.
DEA B4758491.
NPI 13663.
Great, thank you so much. Bye-bye.
[line rings]
Hello, it's Dr. Mathis
and I was just calling to see
how you're doing on the new medicine.
If you're sleeping okay.
If you still have anxiety.
[touch tones beeping]
Yes, but I need you to try harder.
You can't cancel within a 24-hour window.
- [line rings]
- Hi, Greg.
Does 2:00 p.m. on Friday
work for you?
Great. Thank you so much.
[choir singing
"Ding Dong Merrily on High"]
[loud clatter]
[ominous music begins]
[girl] Dr. Mathis?
I did what you told me to do.
You need to listen to me.
Give me the glass.
Nora, it's okay.
I'm going to call the ambulance,
and you're going to give me that glass.
Nora, look at me. Look at me.
You were wrong.
Give me the glass.
You were so wrong.
Let me help you.
No, no, no!
[siren wailing]
[screen door squeaks]
[birds chirping]
[wind chimes ringing]
[swing chain creaking]
[child playing in distance]
[Jane] Remember when you were a kid
and a year felt like a really long time?
[Terry] Perils of age.
Last week I was 20.
So, it's the anniversary.
[Jane] Two years.
I feel like I have to move on now.
I need to be helping people.
I can't... I've been avoiding this
for too long.
[Terry] What would you like
to talk about today?
[Jane sighs]
feeling slightly disconnected,
some mild form of general anxiety,
obsessive-compulsive thoughts...
Jane, you drive 90 minutes
every week to see me.
Let's make it worth the trip.
You are the patient now.
I'm sorry, I... I just...
I think it's time to move on.
Last time you talked
about going to see her.
I'm not ready.
the painters left yesterday.
Now it's kind of back
to how my dad had it.
He was always working, but he...
he wasn't at work
when I was a kid, you know?
Could always go and visit him.
I am seeing this guy.
He's a cop.
- I know what you're thinking.
- What am I thinking?
You're thinking I...
You're thinking I'm dating Miles
because I have a...
I didn't know he was a cop
when I met him, okay?
I just want you
to find someone you care about.
He's a really good person.
And, um, it's been a while.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
I like him.
Well, that's good!
You see that, right?
You're confronting the trauma,
and now you're getting on with it.
You just take care of yourself.
I'm taking it slow.
- Good.
- Yes.
That's what all great psychiatrists say.
[patient] Finally,
you know, I just got up,
I walked into her office,
and I told her... you know,
I told her that she was wrong.
You know?
It... it offended me as a person.
Feel good?
Actually, yes!
It's like this giant weight's
been lifted off my shoulders.
[no audio]
[no audio]
Good. That's the hour.
Um... you think there's anything
you might be able to give me?
You know, I'm still having
a lot of anxiety.
Let's try a few more sessions
working through it first.
All right?
Dr. Mathis.
[heavy breathing over phone]
Can I help you?
[sighs] I...
I thought...
I don't...
I-I don't know how to start this.
Are you looking for a psychiatrist?
Ah, um... I was in a bad accident...
severely injured, and they tell me that
you're the best at this kind of thing.
Well, I should tell you, Mr...
Alex, I don't do post-trauma anymore.
I haven't for quite some time.
But I can recommend some very qualified...
Please, I don't... I don't know if...
I need to start over fresh.
I need to put this behind me,
and if you're the best,
then I... I... I need you.
[melancholy music swells]
[crickets chirping]
[pounding on door]
[glass breaking]
[dramatic film score
playing on television]
[clock ticking]
Ebenezer Scrooge.
Oh, no! What do you want of me?
- [clattering]
- [dog barking]
You don't believe in me.
[sighs] Oh.
[A Christmas Carol
continues indistinctly]
[clattering continues]
[dog barking]
[wind chimes clink]
[branch cracks]
[tense music swells]
[inhales and sighs]
[whistling "Winter Wonderland"]
You must be Alex.
Come in.
Sit anywhere you'd like.
Most people choose the couch.
Clich, I know.
What can I say?
I like to give people options.
Uh, it is Alex, right?
Unless you prefer...?
Um, yeah, that's fine.
Can you... pull the curtains?
Oh, sure.
I like your lack of Christmas spirit.
Well, holidays are stressful.
I like to make this place a safe zone
for those who are about
to drown their relatives in eggnog.
So... what's the first step?
You tell me.
Why are we sitting here?
[soft scoff]
Besides the obvious?
Do you want to talk about that?
See, this is why I never do this.
What do you mean?
It annoys me that you people
never guide the sessions,
sort of leave us here,
like struggling fish in a boat.
Also, my... my last therapist
couldn't stop staring.
Well, Alex, that's what therapy is.
We listen...
and then we analyze and treat.
I want someone to tell me
how to live with this.
Well, I'm not a life coach.
You open up,
and we talk.
Therapy's a give and take.
You get out of it what you put in.
But shouldn't you ask more questions?
Family history?
Why I dream of being buried alive
by my grandfather?
Does that happen?
It was a joke.
Well, we can start off
by talking about your childhood.
I want to talk about this.
I don't see myself.
That's... that's common with people
who've undergone
such a extreme procedure.
Women, and...
well, people who've even had
a simple nose job
are bothered by their own reflection.
This isn't some housewife desperately
trying to hold on to her youth.
I need medication.
I want to take something
so that I can forget
about this transplant.
It's been my experience...
that drugs usually make things worse.
I'm not like other psychiatrists.
I won't put you on something
I don't think is necessary.
I care about the patient first.
And the other shrinks don't?
- Don't?
- You said you're not like the others,
that you care about the patients first.
And the other doctors,
what do they care about?
Well, everyone has their own approach.
But I believe that talking
and exposing what's bothering you
is the healthiest, and coupled
with things like meditation,
leading a balanced life, and...
if I find that there's no other option,
No drug company kickbacks?
Look, I'm sorry.
I get defensive
when I have to talk about me.
It's just so...
- Weird?
- Yeah.
Fucking weird.
- Mm-hmm.
- Sorry.
Well, why don't we do this?
Why don't we just start over,
and we'll go at your speed.
[underbrush rustling]
Hurry up!
[eerie music rises]
You coming or what?
[Clara] You want some of this?
Oh, yeah, thanks.
Whew. You're getting slower.
- [laughs]
- Mnh-mnh!
- Sprinter versus long distance.
- Mm.
No, I-I thought I saw something.
It was probably a deer.
Have I told you
how glad I am that you're back?
[chuckles] You must've been
so bored without me.
No, I just... It's nice having
an old friend around.
Well, it won't be that exciting.
Well, can we at least go out
a few times?
I mean, bring, um...
- Miles.
- Miles.
- [chuckles]
- Miles.
Yeah, well...
Clara, don't.
I'm proud of you.
Okay, thank you.
I really am.
[Clara laughs]
[voyeur panting]
You ready?
[slow rock playing]
- [Jane] No.
- [Clara laughing]
[Miles] Best job in the world.
[all chuckling]
There's no place like home...
This place is nice.
Yeah. It was a nice place
to be a kid.
Not hungry?
I'm sorry.
This time of year makes me think about...
Yup. I couldn't shut my brain off
hours after clocking out.
Used to infuriate my ex.
How'd you stop?
Years and years of therapy.
Oh, ho, I see.
Should I contact your doctor
for your records?
Might not be a bad idea.
Let you know what you're in for.
How was your day?
I was at the grocery store,
and this little girl was staring at me.
And how did that make you feel?
I mean, she was just a little kid, but...
she didn't look away...
and it really got to me.
I mean, I was supposed to be
this new person now, not a...
not a freak.
Well, it's...
better than the alternative, right?
You know, before the operation,
I didn't leave my house for a year.
You don't have to now.
Deliveries and online shopping.
It was easy.
Lonely, but easy.
I was miserable before I got
on the donor list,
but now, after this change...
I don't know
who I am anymore, and that's...
It's worse.
At least before when I looked
in the mirror, I knew who I was,
and now... it sounds like bad lyrics,
but there's a stranger looking back.
We're going to begin
what's called exposure therapy.
We need to go back
to the night of the accident.
I don't... I don't know if I can.
We'll just start from the beginning.
Very slowly.
I'm not sure how I got there.
What do you remember?
I really don't remember.
Alex, breathe.
Breathe deeply.
Very good.
I want you to place yourself there.
Oh... hmm.
Uh, it was a Thursday.
I was coming home from work, so I...
I must have been driving.
[Jane] What was the road like?
Was it bumpy or smooth?
[Alex] It was smooth...
like they had just repaved it.
There was glass...
and a... and a bumper.
I-I had to slow down.
[emergency indicator clicking]
[tense music rises]
It's hard to describe. It's...
fractured, like of a...
a broken plate or something.
The pieces are there, but it's...
It's impossible...
- to put it...
- [horn blaring]
Back together.
[Alex panting]
- Alex?
- I feel strange. I can't...
I can't do this. I thought...
I thought my life would change, but it...
God, it's... it's gotten worse.
I'm going to get you a glass of water.
At least before, I was me.
Look at me. Look... look at me.
Look at me.
Take a deep breath in.
Deep breath. And out slowly.
Alex. Alex.
Alex. [Clapping] Alex!
Now, nice and easy.
You had a panic attack.
Let's... let's try something.
Um, it's an exercise.
It's called 478.
So, exhale completely.
Close your mouth.
Now breathe in for four
through your nose.
Hold it for seven,
and then exhale
through your nose for eight.
[exhales abruptly]
[chuckles] I know, I know,
it takes a little getting used to,
but that'll help the next time
this... this happens, okay?
I'm so sorry about this.
No, no, no, no.
You're not the first.
It's a lot of trauma to process.
Same time next week?
Uh, you sure you're okay?
I'm fine. Thanks. I'm sorry.
In the bleak midwinter
Frosty winds made moan
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone
[vocals continue, distorted]
Snow had fallen, snow on snow
Snow on...
And then you woke up?
Sort of.
I felt heavy.
Like I couldn't move.
It's been a while
since you've had sleep paralysis.
I can prescribe something.
No, no. No.
I'm fine.
Well, what do you think
is triggering this?
Possible cyclothymia? I...
What's going on here? Hmm?
- It's been a rough couple weeks.
- No, what's going on?
- You're not being...
- What?
You have stopped progressing.
I don't think that's true.
We spend most of the time
talking about renovating your house.
I had to drag this dream out of you.
And even now,
you don't want to go much further.
Now, if you weren't you...
and you were just some other patient,
I would say that you lack insight,
but I know there's more
you're keeping from me.
I've taken on a post-trauma patient.
He was horribly disfigured
a few years ago, and it's made him...
We talked about this.
He needs my help.
You promised to take
less extreme cases.
It's the only thing I'm good at.
Well, that's absurd.
He's not dangerous, he's just hurt.
I'm already helping him.
Well, what is it doing to you?
[thunder rumbles]
[crickets chirping]
[thunder rumbling]
[TV playing indistinctly]
[clattering, glass breaking]
[phone beeping]
[line ringing]
[glass shatters]
[line ringing]
[door closes]
[object shifting]
[Miles] Jane?
I hear something strange.
What's going on?
Oh, can you...?
[loud clattering]
[Alex] Why did it happen?
- Aah!
- Jane!
- Why did it happen?
- Alex?
Why did it happen?
What is it? Jane, talk to me.
- It's a patient.
- I'm coming over. I'll be right there!
Why did it happen?
Alex. Wake up. You're asleep.
Why did it happen?
Wake up. Alex!
[both panting]
[Alex quavers]
[police radio chatter]
[Miles] So, what do you want to do?
I'm not gonna press charges.
But I'm gonna
stop seeing him as a patient.
Is this what happened last time?
He's on sleeping pills.
Look, I-I appreciate you
looking after me.
I can take care of myself.
I promise.
What's wrong with his face?
Oh, it's...
Can you stay tonight?
Of course. Yeah.
Of course I can.
Okay. I'm gonna go talk to him.
I'm right over here.
We're going to have
to discontinue our sessions.
I can recommend someone.
It was a mistake.
Please, I was doing so well.
I need this.
You're really helping me.
- Alex.
- Please, I promise.
This will never happen again.
You have to take a chance on me.
You don't understand.
I let my guard down before. I...
I'm... I'm very sorry,
and I promise, I will...
I will do anything...
Anything you ask me.
- Just... Can you stop?
- I know you're the only one who can...
I can send you a list of recommendations.
[door opens]
You must be Nora.
Come on in.
How, um...
How do I start?
You don't need to be nervous.
This will be easy.
It doesn't seem easy.
If at any point you're uncomfortable,
you can always stop.
You're in control.
Do you see a lot of kids my age?
I specialize in adult
and adolescent psychiatry.
Is this confidential?
[tense music]
The only person I'll talk to is you.
No one will know I'm here?
No one.
And I do...
need help.
[clock ticking]
[gasps, panting]
Hey, what's... what's going on?
Oh, it's just... It's okay.
I-I-I couldn't breathe for a second.
- Oh!
- You all right?
So, what do you think?
Mm? [Startles]
Um, maybe you should...
I don't think there's any possibility
of me getting ahead in that place.
I don't know, I just don't see it.
[no audio]
[no audio]
[vocalist] I see the
Snowflakes fall...
Oh, yeah!
- Here you go.
- That'll do it.
- More lights.
- Little bit of color.
[laughs] I really don't know
what got on that. Oy.
- Oh, that's not pretty.
- Yikes.
- Oh.
- We got a lone survivor.
- Yeah.
- [chuckles]
[dramatic music starts]
I'll take that.
Hey, listen.
We've been seeing each other
a while now, right?
I think we're at the point...
where if something...
if you want to talk about something...
I'm not gonna run away.
I like you, Jane.
A lot.
[phone buzzing]
- Oof.
- [beeps]
Oh, Jane... This is Alex. I t...
I took too many pills.
Can you help me?
I don't have anybody else.
- Something important?
- Yeah.
It's a patient of mine.
I'm sorry, I gotta go.
Everything all right?
- Yeah. I'll explain when I get back, okay?
- [keys jangle]
[door opens and closes]
[static hissing]
[pounding on door]
Alex, open the door.
[pounding on door]
Open the door.
You... you didn't call an ambulance.
But if you don't let me in, I will.
I didn't mean to call you.
It's okay.
What did you take?
If you don't tell me,
I'm going to have to call 911.
[sighs] I'm scared.
[sobs] I don't want to live like this,
but I can't...
I don't want to...
I keep thinking about...
I keep thinking about her.
[gasps] Alex.
I'm sorry, Jane.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
How many of these did you take?
[Alex sighs]
I just wanted to sleep for a while.
What did you give me?
It's called Naloxone.
I only use it for emergencies.
And you didn't call an ambulance, did you?
- 'Cause I can't afford...
- Don't worry.
Please don't give up on me.
The breathing exercises have been working.
The insomnia is still bad,
but it's better than...
You put up some Christmas decorations.
When I came in, I saw the tree.
You were saying something.
Stay with that.
Better than...?
You know what I was about to say.
But you need to say it.
It's better than trying to kill myself.
Very good.
For the first time in a long time,
I-I really want to get better.
Well, then, we need to finish talking
about the night of the accident.
We need to learn how to exist with it.
I... do you think I can handle it?
Yes, you can.
Come on.
- Oh...
- Ahem. Take a breath.
Start breathing evenly.
In and out.
Feel the weight of your limbs
pulling you down.
Feel the ground underneath your feet.
Breathe deeply, evenly.
Yes, that's good.
Just relax.
Now, take me back.
[Alex] I'll try.
[Jane] You're on a road.
[Alex] I'm on the road.
There's a hand.
Help, please.
I need to help him, but...
I'm really scared.
My-my face feels hot.
[woman sobbing]
I can help them.
I can help them. I'm doing this.
Get back.
Hello? Can you hear me?
I'm gonna need your help, okay?
And then...
- [police radio chatter]
- And then...
I don't know. I can't...
Oh, I can't. Damn it. God damn it.
That's okay. Just pause for a moment.
No. This-this isn't helping.
This is... this is a nightmare for me.
I-I kn... I know what happened.
You know because you were told.
I think you saved them.
And I wish I'd never stopped.
There's nothing you can do about that.
We're not here to regret the past.
I think we're onto something, Alex.
Do you know what PTSD is?
Of course, it's all you hear about
on the news with the cops and soldiers.
Right, there's that, but it can be used
to describe all kinds of traumas.
Assaults, loss of a loved one,
major surgeries...
So, if we can expose the trauma,
we can move past it.
I don't... I don't want
to keep remembering.
It's-it's too much.
I can't. I can't. I'm sorry.
Just try.
In your apartment, you mentioned "her."
Was that the woman in the accident?
Oh, I can't sleep because I keep
being dragged back to that place.
Do you have any idea what that's like?
I do.
I do.
Um, I've, uh...
You've what?
- I've...
- You've what?
I have to go.
[door opens]
[phone buzzing]
Hi. Um... it's Alex.
[sighs] I just wanted to apologize.
That-that wasn't me.
I-I appreciate what you're trying to do.
You can't just storm out
whenever anything gets painful.
That's not gonna help you get better.
I know, you're right. I'm sorry.
You're right.
You're only trying to help me,
and I'm...
I'm waking up in your house
and running out of...
Can I still see you next week?
Same time.
Have a good weekend.
[crickets chirping]
[object bangs]
[distant dogs barking]
[wind rises]
[faucet running]
[labored breathing]
- [grunts]
- Aah!
[Nora] You don't have to be nervous.
This'll be easy.
[distant choir singing
"Ding Dong Merrily on High"]
Nora, I want to help,
but this needs to stop.
[singing continues]
[vocalists, on radio]
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
E'en so here below, below...
- [music stops]
- [nearby clatter]
[Nora] Dr. Mathis?
Dr. Mathis?
[Jane gasps]
[birds chirping]
[doctor] We needed the room.
You should've notified me.
Well, you know how this works.
Her next of kin died a year ago.
He was the one footing the bills.
I mean, I'm... I'm not a monster.
I kept her here as long as I could,
but I had to let go of most of my staff,
and Nora showed progress.
She was my patient.
I should've been notified
of her release.
When she left the facility,
she was calm, she was stable.
You mean doped up?
Look, whatever happened
between you two,
the medication had
nothing to do with it.
Where were you keeping her?
Right this way.
This is our quiet room
for our more aggressive patients,
people who might hurt others.
It actually has one of our best views.
How long was she here for?
Twenty-three months.
What are you looking for?
I have other patients.
Like I said, it's the best view
in the building.
You could've pressed charges,
you know.
Might've made things better.
Did you tape your sessions here?
You went to your psychiatrist's office
and assaulted her.
Do you remember doing that?
It wasn't like that. I just, um...
I just wanted to show her what she did.
[doctor sighs]
It's painful, I know, but...
How could you know?
Unless you've been through it.
She told me to confront...
You mean Dr. Mathis.
She told you that.
That's curious,
because her notes on your sessions
said that you both agreed
that it was a good idea.
No, I...
I-I didn't know...
Nora, we need to get better
before you can go home.
I'm not the one that's sick.
I saw him for the first time,
and when I went to him,
he smiled and put his hand on me.
Nora, listen to me.
- Please stop scratching.
- He grabbed my wrists like he used to,
to hold me down.
Nora. Nora, please listen to me.
- In place so I couldn't fight back.
- Nora, stop!
- He took me to a clearing...
- Stop! Stop!
Room 111! I need help here!
Nora! Nora!
Nora, stop!
That was the last thing
she said about that night.
She never brought it up again.
That night she broke into my office.
She told me I was wrong.
Well, that's part of the job.
She wanted to forget...
and I wouldn't let her.
[Jane] They let her go.
[Miles, over phone]
Who was paying for it?
[Jane] Her dad.
But I just found out that he died.
I didn't even know they were
in contact with each other.
She told me they hadn't spoken
since she was a kid.
[Miles sighs]
We got her description now.
We'll find her.
Okay, thanks.
- If she comes back, don't try to engage.
- [knocking]
Oh, I gotta go. I have a patient.
Okay. Bye.
- Hi, Alex. Come on in.
- Hi. Thank you.
I'm so sorry about that, and...
I'm also sorry about the noise.
Um, look if you want to reschedule,
that's fine with me.
No, it's... No, it's fine.
Is, um, is this... is this about me?
About what I did?
This isn't about you.
There were a few disturbances,
and it's better to be safe than sorry.
Well, if there's anything
I can do, let me know.
The other patients I have...
I'm not saying
that they don't need my help,
it's just that my area of expertise is...
I-I understand.
It's hard to be something that you're not.
Has your process ever not worked?
I'm sorry, I...
I treated a patient a while ago.
She suffered abuse
for her whole young life.
But she couldn't see who it was.
To her, as a child, he was a monster...
coming into her room...
constantly taking from her.
At some point, we managed
to piece together some memories.
Who was it?
Never got that far.
What was stopping...?
I made a mistake.
I relied too heavily on medication,
and I didn't listen to what she needed.
I failed her.
And I'm not going to do that again.
Let's go back
to the night of the accident.
[clears throat]
[Alex] Hello?
[victim screaming]
Hello? Can you hear me?
I'm gonna need your help, okay?
Come with me.
I pulled her onto the grass.
[truck horn blaring]
Staring up at the sky...
I felt numb.
There was shouting, but I...
I couldn't hear them.
I couldn't move.
It didn't bother me.
You were in shock.
You might not believe this, but I...
I wasn't scared.
Not really.
Until I remembered...
I-I kept asking them what happened.
I don't... I don't know
if they could hear me,
but I-I needed to know
what happened to...
To my...
to my... to my daughter.
I'm sorry, I-I didn't...
I didn't know.
I don't know how long I laid there...
staring at her body.
I couldn't... I couldn't tell you
about her earlier. It was...
It was impossible to talk about.
If I hadn't stopped to help those people,
she'd be alive.
I can remember it all now.
So clearly.
This is the first time
we've confronted your loss.
This is a huge breakthrough.
Do you see?
Do you see that?
Now, instead of being haunted by it...
you can learn to live with it.
I can't... I can't breathe.
Alex. Alex.
Remember what I told you.
Come on, 478.
You did good.
[thunder rumbling]
[Scrooge, on TV]
conduct me where you will.
I went forth last night on compulsion...
- [phone buzzes]
- and I learned a lesson,
which is working now.
Tonight, if you have aught to teach me,
let me profit by it.
[thunder rumbling]
[Man, on TV] Look.
[door slams]
[chimes, ticking]
[rain pattering]
Thanks, Charlie.
The sooner the better on this, okay?
It's going tonight.
Yeah, see, someone's been
messing with your system.
That jump in the timecode there,
that's where you saw the footprints.
And then it picks up a few hours later.
There's nothing in between.
I was the only one who had access to it.
She must've stolen the code off my desk.
Why didn't you tell me about this
the first time it happened?
I could've helped you.
If I call the cops, she goes back
to the ward, drugged and forgotten.
She hurt you.
If I had listened, really listened...
Hey, you can't think about it
like that, okay?
Some people,
they're just not wired right.
That's it.
[Jane] I am terrified,
and I haven't been sleeping.
[Terry] I don't blame you.
I had to cancel my patients, Terry,
and that really hurts because of that...
the trauma patient.
He really needs my help.
And I just keep seeing Nora,
and I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Jane, you have to accept the fact that
you cannot help this woman anymore...
and you should come and stay
with Liz and me.
That's really nice.
I will be staying with Clara, though,
until this is all over.
- But thank you.
- You're welcome.
Can I have a glass of water?
Yes, you certainly can.
[radio playing oldies music]
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
We don't have a session today.
I cancelled all my patients.
I know. I got your message.
I was just in the neighborhood,
and I thought...
You can't just drop by like this.
Is everything okay?
I can recommend a doctor
if you need to speak...
No, that's all good. I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize...
I didn't mean to intrude.
It's been so long
since I've talked to someone, I...
After our last session, I thought
maybe we were closer than that.
I am your doctor.
It's easier for me to do my job
if we maintain some sort
of distance and boundaries.
You... Won't happen again.
Here. Just until things calm down a bit.
He's a good friend and a very good doctor.
I'm sorry.
[phone buzzes]
[clock ticking]
[crickets chirping]
[distorted audio]
[Nora] You were wrong.
[Jane] No!
[sharp cry]
[Jane panting]
[panting continues]
You were wrong.
You did this to me.
[muffled scream]
Wrong, wrong, wrong!
[clock ticking]
[soft gasp]
[distant whistling]
[floorboard creaks]
[Jane gasps]
[Nora] Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
Get out... [screams]
What did you do?
What did you do?
Why are you doing this to me?
I just wanted to help you!
[Nora shouts]
Leave me alone!
[Nora screaming]
[screaming stops]
[soft groan]
Ah, what's that?
Why are...?
Where am I?
What am I doing here?
What's that?
What is that?
[monitor beeping]
Don't be afraid. We just need
to ask you a few questions.
Why... Why am I here?
We're going to get you the right care,
I promise you.
Mathis, Jane.
Intake session number one.
This is a mistake.
Do you know why you're here?
Nora Green attacked me in my house...
and I had to defend myself.
I don't remember much more,
just I f...
I think I was drugged.
Can you just... can you please
get me out of this thing?
It's not that easy, Jane.
You're going to remain here
on a psychiatric hold until your trial.
This was obvious self-defense.
Where's Miles?
He can explain everything.
Or Clara. Does she know where I am?
We got your blood tests back.
I'm sorry, Terry, I didn't tell you.
I've just been so anxious lately.
Can you please tell me what's going on?
How long have you been
taking scrips from me?
Terry, I never meant to hurt you
in any way. I-I don't...
What would you say to Miles
if he were here?
What would I...?
I would ask him for his help.
He knows what's been happening
between me and Nora.
She doesn't need to see that.
She's my patient now, and, yes...
Yes, she does.
[Jane screaming]
Hey, hey, hey!
What's going on? What's going on?
What did you take? What did you take?
Come here, come here! Jesus!
- Look at me!
- No.
Hey! Hey, what did you take?
Come on, come on!
Look at me. Look at me! Come on.
- [screaming]
- [squelch]
We think he came over to find you
because you weren't picking up your phone.
Probably to tell you they found Nora.
No. No.
She hung herself.
A couple of days later,
a neighbor came by,
complained about the smell.
You were in a drug-induced hysteria,
- and we're going to figure this out.
- I didn't do this.
I didn't do this.
I-I did... I didn't do this.
You did see this.
Could I talk to you
just for a minute, please?
Just for a minute.
I don't want to make
trouble here, but I can.
We're going to put you on a regimen.
I'll consult with Dr. Drummond.
You help us help you.
There's some police outside.
They want to ask you some questions.
End session.
[birds chirping]
[rope creaking]
Why didn't you tell me?
I thought we were close.
I thought you felt comfortable.
I would've helped you, you know?
I was so excited when you moved home.
So excited.
I'm just sorry you did this all yourself.
[Clara] I know you didn't want
to do this, right?
I... I have to believe that.
You... you were scared.
We're gonna get you out of here.
At the trial, I'm gonna be
your character witness.
But I told them, I don't have character.
I'm a psychiatrist.
It's Christmas in a few days, so I'll...
I'll try to come visit.
[Taser crackles]
[labored breathing and moaning]
I'm so sorry.
- [Nora] No, you were wrong.
- [Jane] I didn't do this!
I didn't!
No. No!
[cries out]
[door opens]
Where... What are you doing?
- Where...?
- [door slams]
You have nothing to say?
I want to be let out.
I don't belong here.
You killed a police officer.
Would you rather be in jail?
Someone did this to me.
All of this.
Nora, you mean, or Nora's ghost?
This isn't what we're here for,
but I'm gonna humor you.
Nora Green, who was dead
by the time you turned homicidal,
broke into your house,
injected you with a drug cocktail,
left, hung herself, and decayed.
Do you belittle all your patients?
No, no, no, I'm just trying
to make you understand
so that we can start your therapy.
Isn't that what you do,
the, uh, confrontation technique?
I help people by...
By breaking their sanity.
You help no one.
Nora's reality was so distorted
by the time she got here,
she couldn't tell the difference
between what was real and what wasn't.
She was convinced her father was dead,
and the entire time I'm sitting there,
looking at this girl,
feeling so bad that
she's being manipulated by...
an unstable physician.
Say that part again.
You don't help anyone.
No. The part about her father.
She had talked
about how she killed her father,
even though I spoke to him.
He was paying the bills
in this facility the entire time.
What did she say she did to him?
That's not important.
His face?
How would you know that?
Don't do it!
Don't do it.
Unlock me.
Take a breath.
Right now.
[Taser crackling]
- [chimes tinkling]
- [clock ticking]
[bell jingles]
[soft gasp]
[bell jingles]
[Jane gasping]
[sharp gasp]
[strangled sobbing]
[soft cry]
[distant rummaging]
[soft gasps]
[man whistling]
Open your eyes.
It's time for some
confrontation therapy.
[small chuckle]
I've been trying to find a way...
to sneak you out of that place.
Sitting in that parking lot
every day, and...
You come running out!
It was a Christmas miracle!
Why are you doing this?
You forced your way into our lives.
Poisoned her.
She was perfect.
Tell me...
I want to understand.
You couldn't possibly understand.
You don't allow yourself to feel.
I've been watching you.
The pills. The isolation.
Keeping everyone at arm's length.
I don't.
I love Miles.
Of course you did.
He knew exactly what was going on.
That's why he's alive.
[Jane sobs]
Or your... your... your best friend.
She just wanted you to open up.
- [Jane sobs]
- Mmm.
And Terry?
A guy you pay to sit in a room
and reveal nothing.
You had no problem talking
to me about Nora.
We were happy.
Happier than you've ever been.
You're right. I'm a mess.
When my parents died,
I was young.
I was alone,
and I ran from this house.
Trying to be
what they would have wanted.
But you failed.
Just like you failed to keep your hands
off your own flesh and blood!
[Jane groans]
Can't help who you love, Jane.
Stay put.
Enjoy the view.
[distant clatter]
[soft groan]
[sharp gasp]
[Jane gasps]
[Alex whistling "Winter Wonderland"]
[Jane gasps]
[whistling continues]
[soft cry]
[cries out]
All this to punish me?
You needed a lesson
in accountability.
[Nora] Dr. Mathis?
[Alex] I stopped paying
her insurance payments.
Filed my own death certificate.
Changed my name. It was easy.
But easy.
[Alex] Tell me something.
What did you see...
the night you slashed up your boyfriend?
[Jane] I saw Nora.
[Alex laughing]
That's perfect.
I saw what you made of her.
[pained gasp]
I loved her.
More than any father could.
[pained gasps]
There was no car accident,
was there?
There was, actually.
Funny story.
[soft chuckle]
I couldn't tell the hospital the truth.
They would ask too many questions.
Fucking bitch!
They wouldn't understand.
[frustrated groan]
[horn blaring]
That's why they put you
on the donor list.
Now, tell me...
all the time we had together,
there must have been...
something real.
Some part of you that wanted
to confide in me.
That little girl in the grocery store.
That wasn't the first time
you felt like a freak.
It's not about your face.
You've been this way
for a long time.
Who hurt you, Alex?
Who hurt you so badly
that you couldn't stop yourself
from hurting Nora, too?
I can help you.
I can make you feel normal again.
Let me help you.
What happened to you?
[Alex screams]
[lock clicks]
[door rattles]
Terry was first.
He died of a heart attack
midway through.
But I learned a lot from Clara.
And you're next.
[Jane panting]
[Alex grunts]
What are you doing in there?
Taking more pills?
Taking more medication...
To help you forget?
[Jane cries out]
[pained grunts]
[crying out]
[Jane panting]
[crying out]
[Alex screams]
[crying out]
[pained cries]
Oh, God. Ohh.
[pained cries]
[sharp gasp]
Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle
Jingle all the way
Dashing, dashing, dashing, dashing
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh... hey!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh... hey!
Now, now, now, now
Now the ground is white,
Go it while you're young
Take the girls tonight
And sing this sleighing song
Get a bobtailed bay
Two-forty was his speed
Hitch him to an open sleigh
And... crack! you'll take the lead
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh... hey!
Dashing, dashing, dashing, dashing
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh... hey!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
[somber theme playing]