Cloak and Dagger (1946)

C'est moi.
I thought you'd
never show up.
We're crowding call time.
Get the piano going. This will be
a short one. I'll put it in code.
Anything sensational?
No. Some are pitchblende.
Forty carloads.
Heading North? Yeah. For Germany.
Highball. He didn't even
get the chance to sign off.
Pitchblende from Czechoslovakia.
Pitchblende from Spain.
Two hundred and fifty carloads
out of Germany in the past 30 days.
And British intelligence says they've taken
the whole output of monazite from Norway.
Our trouble is we haven't enough
people who can analyze scientific data.
Pitchblende and monazite.
I'll be out of town till tomorrow. I've
got to talk to somebody who can analyze it.
Who's there?
An old fraternity brother.
Why, Clem.
How are you?
Don't know how I am. I've been
wandering through cellars...
and breaking down doors
trying to get to you.
- Are you hiding something from me?
- No.
But what are you hiding from me?
I thought you were in the army.
To put you in your place,
I'm a colonel.
Then why the civilian
clothes? I'm in O.S.S.
Never heard of it. That's fine. We're
not supposed to get any publicity.
It's the office of
strategic services.
Around Washington we're called
the Cloak-and-Dagger boys.
Sounds romantic.
Sure. Very.
We do a lot of things, Alvah.
Intelligence work. Morale stuff.
Operations behind
the enemy lines.
Why are you telling me
all this if it's so hush-hush?
How's work
in nuclear physics these days?
So-so. Don't close up on me.
Well, it's hush-hush too, Clem-
government work.
I know. You're working on
the Manhattan project.
That's why I'm here.
What does this
mean to you?
Pitchblende's for Uranium.
Monazite's for Thorium.
We're not working with Thorium anymore.
235 has a more convenient atomic structure.
Any chance the Germans have learned
something about Thorium we don't know?
The Germans?
I wouldn't think so. But... quantities
like these aren't for the laboratory.
They're for
large-scale operations.
Do you think they might be
working on an atomic bomb too?
We've all wondered.
They got the brains.
They know as much about
nuclear fission as we do.
Well, Alvah, they are
working on an atom bomb.
Mm-hmm. Clem,
this is the first time I was
ever sorry I'm a scientist.
in a few years, we'll be able to break
up the atomic structure of this apple.
When we do that,
it will become a bomb.
The energy in this one, little apple could
pulverize this university, this whole town,
its fine hospitals,
its libraries,
its wonderful medical schools, to
say nothing of all the people in it.
we still wouldn't be able
to make one, little apple.
We're running ahead of ourselves.
Society isn't ready for atomic energy.
I'm scared stiff.
For the first time, thousands of allied
scientists are working together to make what?
A bomb! But who was willing to finance science
before the war to wipe out tuberculosis?
And when are we gonna be given a
Billion Dollars to wipe out cancer?
I tell you,
we could do it in one year.
But if anybody's going to develop
the Atom bomb, you want it to be us,
not the Nazis.
Not much choice in that.
Alvah, we need
more trained men on this.
We've got to know
how far the Germans have gone.
Where they're working.
How we can stop them.
Most of our agents
aren't equipped.
They don't know
what to look for.
They're missing clues, I know.
This is a race.
It's the Germans or us.
We've got to get more
scientists into our outfit.
How about what
I'm doing here?
I'm already authorized to take
you off. You know the problem.
You're single. You can speak a little
German. But you've got to volunteer.
There was a time when I thought I'd like
to become some sort of a secret agent.
I gave it up
at the age of eight.
Okay, brother,
you're now a spy.
I've got two plane tickets
back to Washington
Can I even have time
to wind things up here?
Ordinarily we'd give you a few weeks.
I want you to take a look at this.
Know her?
Dr. Katerin Lodor,
one of the great ones.
Used to be my scientific pinup girl
before Hungary sold out to the Nazis
I suppose now she's right in
the center of German atomic work.
She's in Switzerland.
Since when?
About six weeks.
She came over the alps... alone.
She's been in a hospital
in Zurich with pneumonia.
A few days ago she got in touch
with the American consulate.
Said she wanted to see
one of our scientists.
You don't know
how happy that makes me feel.
Say, if she's just out of Germany she can tell us
- this is a terrific break.
If you'd stop feeling so happy
about it and go home and pack a bag,
you could see her in
a couple of days. Okay.
I hope you find
your room satisfactory.
Danke schoen.
Very sorry, sir.
Quite all right.
Here you go.
Danke sehr.
Don't turn around.
The lady you want to see
is at the Angelo hospital.
Room 1-6-8. she's there under
the name of Mrs. Hickerty.
You may come in.
Not too long, please,
Mr. Wilson.
What is your real name,
Mr. Wilson?
Alvah Jesper.
I know your work.
Thank god you've come. You don't
know how indebted I am to you.
To me?
When people find out
what you've done,
they'll know you're not only a
great physicist, but a great woman.
Maybe. The story
isn't ended yet.
What will people think?
What will you think...
if I were to go back
to Germany? Go back?
Oh, but that isn't why you crossed
the alps or got in touch with us.
No. But you see,
I thought I'd be safe here.
I'm not. The Germans
have found me here.
Yesterday I got a letter
postmarked Zurich
I'm to go to Italy to work.
I've been collaborating
there with Polda.
Giovanni Polda?
If I don't return,
beginning Sunday,
ten anti-nazi Hungarians are to be
taken out of concentration camps...
and shot each day.
Each day, they promise me
a letter with names.
With photographs
of the dead people.
So the Germans
are working on atomic weapons?
Italians too.
They are coordinated.
Then what would happen if you went back
and your work helped them to succeed?
What happens if I stay here?
I can't live day by day knowing that
innocent people are being shot because of me.
I'll go back.
I'll take poison.
I can't decide any other way.
Suppose you went back
to work with Dr. Polda?
But you met difficulties
in your work? Obstacles.
That's possible.
That's possible.
And if you felt strong enough for it,
you could help us, too, with information.
There are ways of
communicating? I think so.
I'll have to discuss it. Arrangements
will have to be made, and-
believe me, I would be
strong enough for that.
But you have to hurry. They've
given me only until Sunday
Before I go back,
we have to talk.
I'll need every bit
of information you have.
If you only knew how
the British set them back...
when they bombed that
heavy water plant in Norway
It meant a delay
of months for them.
But what if you
can't arrange this?
Don't worry. It can
be arranged. I will-
oh, I forgot. They keep worrying
over my lungs. I'm due for an X-ray.
I'll be glad to wait. No.
Come back tomorrow morning.
I'll have more strength then.
We can talk all day.
Don't worry about anything.
Tonight I'll sleep.
Such good feeling
to know you can sleep.
Are there any calls for me?
No, sir.
I'm expecting a call. Will you
please have me paged at the bar?
Glad to, sir.
Oh, excuse me. Lassie,
what's the matter with you?
I'm terribly sorry. She's always
getting caught under people's feet.
That's a dog's privilege.
Yes, sir.
Very dry, please.
Yah. This must be
an American
By your clothes, the drink you ordered
- surely an American
And by the fact that you
are new in this hotel.
Perhaps you are just over.
Tell me-
oh, oh. Pardon me.
It's all right.
Tell me, friend.
Are we going to win?
Our cause, I mean.
Naturally, I'm anti-nazi.
The big question is
American industry.
If steel production,
for instance,
can go to 95 million tons,
then we will win.
So now tell me,
how are things in America, huh?
Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Would you mind terribly
if I sat down?
Oh, I see.
Our Gestapo friend has been pumping you.
He does that to everyone new around here.
Thank you.
My name is Andrew Wilson.
Mine's Ann Dawson.
You talk like an American.
I am.
You know, Fritz over there, he's not
very dangerous, but he's a frightful bore.
You better stay away
from him. Mr. Wilson?
Call for you,
Mr. Wilson.
Thank you. May I? Certainly.
- Wilson speaking.
- Listen carefully.
Don't say anything over
this phone you don't have to.
- Yes?
- Something must have got snafued.
You've run into a double play.
Why did-
that tootsie you're sitting with is one of
the slickest operators on the other side.
Knock down that brau, but not too fast,
and fade. Wait for me at home plate.
- Trouble?
- Nothing I can't handle.
We're in a jam.
They found out about you.
Somewhere along the line you
tipped them off. You made a mistake.
- I followed instructions to the letter.
- How did they kidnap Dr. Lodor?
What are you talking about?
I saw her this morning.
Between the time you saw her
and now, she disappeared.
She didn't walk out.
She was kidnapped.
I knew there was something up when
I saw that Dawson woman with you.
What have you been doing since the time
you hit the airport? Give me every move.
I came through the customs.
What did you say?
- Told them I was in watches.
- Nothing else?
Go on.
At the barrier
there was a photographer.
He didn't look like the real article,
so I didn't let him snap my photo.
That's it.
That's your mistake.
We've been keeping away
from Lodor
When you didn't let him take your picture,
they knew you had a reason. So they trailed you.
That's how they knew you saw
Lodor. That's why they snatched her.
That's why
they put Dawson on you.
I thought I was being smart.
Forget it. How were you to know?
You're new at this business.
So they kidnapped her.
There's something
we can do about it.
Get the number of Dawsons room.
I'm getting ideas.
Meanwhile, let your acquaintance
with this Dawson woman develop.
Hello. Will you tell me the number
of Mrs. Dawsons room, please?
Uh, thank you.
No, you needn't call her.
You got a match? Yes,
sir. Here you are, sir.
Oh, don't bother, sir. I'll
pick them up for you. Thank you.
Hello. You're certainly prompt. Come in.
Won't you sit down?
Have a drink before dinner?
Thank you. I'll just get my wrap.
Never mind the wrap.
We'll skip dinner this evening.
Really? I have something I
would like to read to you.
Oh. Are you
writing me poetry?
In a way, yes.
This is a copy of a sonnet...
which will be dropped off at the
German consulate within a few minutes.
It's written on bank stationery.
It reads, "dear sirs,
I am only a clerk in this bank,
"but I'm a true friend
of Germany
"You ought to know that a certain
Ann Dawson, presumably friendly to us,
has recently deposited with us
the sum of 5,000 American dollars."
Oh, that's ridiculous.
"She was accompanied to
the bank by a tall American,
"whom I have never seen before.
"It was he
who paid over the money.
Signed, a watchful friend."
But I-
uh-uh. There's a postscript.
"Mrs. Dawson and that tall American
seemed very fond of each other."
But I don't understand.
What does all this mean,
and why should the German
consulate be interested in me?
I'm in Switzerland
because of my husband.
He's in the air force. He was
shot down, and he's interned here.
I'm an American
Technically, yes.
You were born in America
You were raised there.
But in 1935, you joined the German-America
Bunde under the name of Hilda Winters.
In 1937, you were arrested for organizing
anti-semitic and anti-negro riots.
In 1939, you were in the Columbia
house, Berlin, working for the Gestapo
Since 1940, you've been
operating in Switzerland
Yes, you're an American all right, but
it makes my stomach crawl to admit it.
You lying pig!
Do you think the Gestapo will
believe a clumsy frame-up like this?
I think they will.
We'll find out soon enough.
It's now 7:28. I'll be
getting a phone call at 7:30.
If you haven't told me what I want to
know by then, the letter will be delivered.
Why, they'll laugh at it.
I rather think
they'll do some checking.
A woman who looks like you
was in the bank with me today.
Her signature
was an exact duplicate of yours.
They must have been worried
about you from time to time.
Once a German, always a German
It may apply
to Americans too.
They know I wouldn't betray them.
They know how loyal I've been.
Until an American agent went to
work on you. Offered you money.
And at the same time, rekindled that
faint spark of patriotism deep down inside.
You know, if it ever gets out why they
shot you, you may end up as a heroine.
All I want to know is
where is Katerin Lodor?
If you tell me,
the letter will be destroyed.
Andrew! Please believe me,
I don't know where she is.
Send it.
- Wait!
- Hang on.
She's at
the Edelweiss ski club.
Up the mountain road...
from the village of Mouat.
It's closed now.
How is it?
Everything in order.
One guard in the library.
The other upstairs asleep.
Nurse asleep.
Lodor's room door.
Get started, Eric.
Take your post
when we go in.
The nurse! Get her.
Let me go!
Well, that's that.
In the whole world there were perhaps
ten people with a mind equal to hers.
Once, to solve a problem, she invented
a whole new system of mathematics.
The work
she still could have done.
So you came to Switzerland
for nothing? No.
Did you say, "no"?
She told me she had been working
with an Italian, Giovanni Polda
The leading German scientists are all
Nazi party members in good standing.
I corresponded
with Polda before the war.
He was friendly then. How do
you know he's friendly now?
I don't. But the next
step has to be Italy
Thirty seconds.
It seems your Italian friends are right on
time, lieutenant. Good. Let's shove off, Al.
Thank you, captain.
Good luck.
Haul her in.
Aye-aye, sir.
Hop in, Al
I suppose you rent
this truck from Mussolini.
Sort of. The driver works for
him by day and for us at night.
All right to smoke?
Thanks. Grazie.
Oh. Meet Gina.
Gina, meet Herr doctor Wilhelm of the
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin
We call him Al
Hello, Al
No, tre.
Kill the cigarettes.
I don't talk Italian
Not even any?
Oh, I know
one verse from Dante.
What kind of a mission
do you make this time?
You're not even dressed right
for a German doctor.
Oh, don't worry. I'll be
a German doctor all right.
Does Polda know
he's coming?
We're going to surprise him.
That's crazy. This is a
very important mission, Gina
Very. All of us
have one job to do.
That's to take Al safely in to see
Dr. Polda, and then take him out again.
All right.
Now Polda always comes home from
his laboratory for noon dinner.
After that, he sleeps for one
hour. Then he works in his study.
Does he have visitors
in the afternoon?
Well, in the ten days I watched the house
and get reports, only three visitors came.
Who's in the house? A housekeeper.
Old woman, nice, stupid.
A cook- good cook.
And four secret police
- ovra men. Two for day. Two for night.
And the chief of them is
Luigi. Is it all checked?
Checked from the cook
when I got him drunk one night.
Checked from Dr. Romoli, dentist
of Polda who is with us.
Checked by Marsoli and his ways
and checked by my eyes every day.
Now you know what
a first-rate courier can do.
You're so good at this, I'll get
you a job at it after the war.
I don't like you to talk
like that. I was only joking.
I don't like your joking.
I'm sorry.
- What do you know about that ovra man, Luigi?
- A smart man. Well trained.
That's comforting.
How do I get
to the house itself?
To get to the house has been
arranged. But to get inside-
Dr. Nalheim from Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute in Berlin.
Dr. Nalheim from Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute in Berlin.
Sprechen Sie deutsch.
Dr. Nalheim.
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.
I'm not doctor Nalheim.
I'm an American physicist
and my name is-
I don't care
what your name is.
You're an American
Dr. Polda, listen.
I don't want to listen!
You're insane to come here. How
dare you put me in such danger.
A few years ago,
you wrote me a letter.
At the end of it you said, "only
a free science in the service...
of all humanity
can be a good science."
Who are you?
Alvah Jesper
Thank you.
All right. I can't betray
a fellow scientist.
But you must be insane to come
here. We have nothing to talk over.
Please go.
Dr. Polda, you're working on
nuclear fission. Be sensible. Go.
You're working for
the Nazis I know that.
But I can't believe
you're doing it willingly.
Oh, willingly, unwillingly.
What does it matter?
You have no right to
jeopardize me by coming here.
I have the right.
Katerin Lodor gave me the right.
You saw Katerin? I spoke with her
just before the Nazis killed her.
Katerin dead.
Katerin, dead.
She died because she wouldn't
let criminals use her science.
But you're letting them use
you, Polda So what do you want?
That they should
murder me too?
No. But I want information.
And I want my life.
Is this the Giovanni Polda who
resigned from the royal academy...
rather than shake hands
with Mussolini?
All right. I've become
a weakling. Despise me.
I don't care about people.
I care about myself-
only myself.
You're lying. That's not
the great Polda talking.
What are you afraid of?
What hold do they have on you?
Hold? No hold.
I'm free as air.
All they have is the only person
in the world I care about,
my daughter maria.
They have her.
His masters and mine.
I keep his portrait here so
others will think I'm patriotic...
and so I can have
something to hate.
Not since the beginning
of time...
has there been a man
who has a hatred like me.
- Then fight them.
They have my daughter.
They let her send me
a postcard once a week.
And I let them pick my brains.
Once a week, I cry.
The other nights I drink.
Now they threaten
to take her into Germany
I said something they didn't
like. Only a little thing.
I forgot myself.
Don't you know they can
take you into Germany too?
They're being pushed back here. You
think they'll leave you if they retreat?
No. They won't leave me.
Not till I'm squeezed dry.
- But still you'll serve them?
- They have maria.
For her I'll serve anyone.
Suppose she were safe
in another country?
What? It can be done. Where is she?
She's permitted to leave under
guard in a hotel in Perugia.
The Albergo excelsior.
Oh, let her be in England. America Give
me one letter in her handwriting and I-
we can do better than that.
We can take you out too.
You are not playing
with an old, sick man?
No. It will be dangerous
for her, won't it.
It can be arranged...
You can trust me.
Trust you?
I've lived too long under
fascism. I trust no one.
But a business bargain I make.
If you help me, I'll help you.
Until then, don't think I'm
a fool. I'll tell you nothing.
If those are
your conditions, Dr. Polda.
Do it, and maybe I'll become
the old Polda again.
"A free science
in the service of humanity-"
"can be
the only good science."
Come now. I've got to
take you past my watchdogs.
Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Professor.
Auf Wiedersehen, Dr. Nalheim.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Getting polda's daughter
won't be any cinch.
How do we
go about it?
He and I will
go about it. You stay put.
I might be able
- you might be able to land us in the soup. That's all.
How long can you wander around Italy
without running into the Gestapo?
Or the ovra?
You think they won't
check your papers with Berlin?
No, sir. You stay put
or the deal is off.
Okay. Where can I stay?
Do you have any food stamps?
Then this is the best place.
Just keep out of sight
and wait.
If- if we get
Poldas daughter...
I'll put a notice in the papers
announcing the death in action...
of lieutenant-
lieutenant Rinaldo Amadi.
Amadi? Mm-hmm.
A- m-a-d-I. Amadi.
When you see it, go to
Romolis, Poldas dentist.
He'll have the professor
there for you.
There are partisan airfields in
the north. We'll go out by plane.
You know the vineyard, Pinaros? Yes.
Take Polda there.
How long are you likely
to be? As long as it takes.
A week maybe. What if
you don't get maria?
What if we don't
hear from you at all?
The fortunes of war, Al
You'll be on your own then.
Here's your coat.
Thank you. Grazie.
It's just like new.
Marsoli. Andiamo.
Good luck. Gina, will
you look outside, please?
It's all right.
I'll be seeing you.
Well, make yourself
at home.
I guess having me here on your hands
was more than you bargained for.
In our work
we take what comes.
Please stop
looking me over.
You're nice to look at.
Just like a scene
in the opera, we are.
The people go. The young
couple is left alone.
Quick, the young man must make
compliments. It's expected.
Only there isn't
any music...
and you are not a tenor.
Have it your own way,
but don't add me up
before you know me.
Are we gonna have to
listen to that all night?
Maybe you ask the cat.
You're full of vinegar,
aren't you?
It sounds hungry.
Well, if people are hungry,
it's only natural cats should be.
Have you got
any milk for it?
Oh, I remember.
It comes from cows, no?
Good for babies.
Still, I hate to hear a cat
cry. Maybe a piece of bread.
The American likes cats, hmm?
Only you're in Europe now. Here
you find cats in butcher shops.
This one's been lucky.
But by tomorrow maybe,
plop into somebody's
stew pot.
It must be nice to live in a country
where not only cats are fed, but children.
Please, I'm going to
put on my nightgown.
How does a girl like you
get used to this kind of life?
Do you think anyone
gets used to it?
I think you
do wonderfully, Gina
I never knew a girl
with so much courage.
You're a grown-up man
and know so little.
You know nothing
about cats...
and nothing about people.
What's the matter with you, Gina?
Oh, no matter, except
you come from the moon.
And here we live like-
like Lazarus.
We lie in the grave waiting
for the savior to come.
Only I don't come
from the moon,
and Italians like you
aren't just lying down.
You're too long for the
couch. You take the bed.
Mm-mmm. Listen, in this
work we're comrades.
No. Okay. Tomorrow you'll
have a broken back. I hope.
Thank you.
Well, I don't hear
that cat anymore.
In this country even the
cats learn it's no use to cry.
Micha, micha,
micha, micha, micha.
Here, I hope she has fleas.
Excuse me.
I have no liver with onions.
Only leftovers.
Now you shut up and let me sleep, or
I'll throw you right out the window.
Good night.
I don't mean all I say.
I know you don't.
Good night.
Good night.
Don't be worried.
Everything's all right.
Oh, Al,
why do you wake me?
- why do you frighten me like this? You were dreaming.
You were crying
in your sleep.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I remember.
It might help
to tell me about it.
You've been fighting in the foxholes
a long time, haven't you, Gina?
Tonight I-
I say to myself,
now maybe- maybe for
a- for a whole week...
it'll be easy.
Stay in the room.
Sing a little.
Wash dishes.
No. Not easy.
Not even in sleep.
Signora Dominica?
His cat.
He wants his cat.
Over there. Quick.
Grazie, Signorina, grazie.
No, non parlo italiano.
Oh, congratulazioni, Signori.
La polizia?
Oh, si.
Buona fortuna, Signore.
Buona fortuna, Signore
Brava. Bravissima.
The cat.
It had to be the cat.
It's always the little things-
the things we can't plan that make
us end up in the hands of the police.
We can't stay here any longer.
Is he an agent?
But every janitor has to report
any new person in the house.
I told him
you're my husband.
Why did you do that?
I- I can't register
with the police.
We can't risk that. I
know. I made a mistake.
Do you know of any other safe
house? I'm trying to think.
We can't walk the streets day
and night. We'd be picked up sure.
I know. Shut up for a
minute, and let me think.
We're finished here.
It's not your fault. I didn't
have to tell him you're my husband.
In our work there's no room
for that sort of pride.
Without pride
you wouldn't be Gina
Don't be ashamed
of your pride.
Last night- and now-
you say things that
- that make me feel easier in here.
Maybe you feel charity.
Or maybe-
you like people?
Mostly I like cats.
When was this picture
taken, Gina?
Just before the war.
A hundred years ago.
Any luck?
An apartment. Two rooms
and a bath for three days.
A bath? Who's giving us all that?
A schoolmistress I once knew.
A fascist party member.
I told her I had a German
friend who was very important,
and she was very proud of me.
Tired, Gina?
Not bad. Hungry?
No, thanks.
There's a lot of
energy in an apple. Mmm.
What's that?
Oh, I was trying to
keep busy waiting for you.
But what is it?
It's called plotting the
line integral of a sine wave.
Oh, it's not as difficult as it sounds.
I was imagining I was
riding one of those horses,
trying to figure out how far
I would go altogether,
going around and up and down
at the same time.
Horses going up and down.
And kids- music.
Ever come here, Gina?
Before the war.
The music played "Giovinezza"
all the time- a fascist song.
It spoiled it for me.
You come here with a boy? Yeah.
One you liked?
He was in the picture with me.
He played the cello.
Where is he now?
Somewhere... without his cello.
Maybe after the war
I might come back.
And I'd bring you here. But
the music would be different.
After the war
a lot will be different.
But you won't come back.
I might. Why not?
It's time now.
We can go.
Tonight I am prewar Gina
I teach my little children
in school.
Wednesday I play
chamber music.
I'm very innocent.
And I'm easy to blush.
- A change of clothes does all that?
- Well, we'll see.
I'm still pretty.
A little bit.
Well, even if
you don't think so,
all the ovra men I meet,
they tell me I'm pretty.
I know a man
he is long and tall
he moves his body
like a cannonball
fare thee well, my honey
fare thee well
What's that?
An American cowboy song.
Don't look so funny. One of your shot-down
fliers from New Arizona taught it to me.
- New Mexico.
- New Arizona.
New Arizona.
He taught it to me.
The rest I never learned.
Only the first lines.
He was nice.
How do I look?
- Prewar.
- Do you mean it?
Of course I do.
I'm no ovra man.
Why do you say that?
You brought it up.
Oh. You're jealous,
I suppose. Hmm?
Do you think
I couldn't be jealous?
Do you want me
to dance? Hmm?
Maybe I am jealous, Gina
No, don't make love to me.
Don't be somebody I like.
If you feel like kissing me, and I
feel like kissing you, so we kiss.
But don't be serious.
In my job,
I kiss without feeling.
Last week, an ovra man
with a silly moustache.
Next week, a fat,
Gestapo pig.
Gina, girl.
Why do you keep
whipping yourself, Gina?
Do you think-
do you think it's good to be
a courier in the underground?
You think
it's exciting, heroic.
No. If you fight scum,
you become scum. That's all.
No. I know what you are.
Not so far from that
little girl in the picture.
Go to the door.
Buona sera, Signora.
Buona sera.
Uh, un momento.
Who was it? Hmm? Oh, two
sisters collecting charity...
for children
orphaned by the war.
Anything wrong with that?
Well, wait.
We've got to get out of here. They're
not real sisters. How do you know?
They're stopping at an
automobile parked on the corner.
We're being watched.
Come on. Let me see.
No. Stay away from that
window. Wait a minute.
I follow my feelings. I feel scared
inside, and I'm responsible for you.
Trust my feelings. Listen. Let's
not get too jumpy about this.
If they're from the police,
we'd be arrested already.
I know there's something wrong. I
have more experience than you have.
We must get out of here
- and quick. All right, Gina
Have it your way.
Here we'll be safe
for the night.
I think this is safe. Then tomorrow,
as soon as it gets light, we'll move.
All right.
For a house that was being
watched, we got out awfully easy.
I trust my feelings.
I'm shaking.
I'm shaking all over.
Now you'll go to pieces, Gina
Every day you fall apart
a little more.
Too long. Too much.
Too much worry
and too much fright.
Too much death.
Gina, you're going to be
all right.
Don't worry.
I want you to like me.
I want you to be
jealous over me.
I want you to think I'm
a girl in a white dress...
who has never been
kissed before.
It's in.
The advertisement.
"Lieutenant Rinaldo Amadi."
They've got
Poldas daughter out.
Now we must go to
Nightmare's over, baby. And
another one starts to get Polda out.
We'll manage. Did you
get me a razor? Yes.
Razor... and a blade...
and... a piece of soap.
You're welcome.
Al, in our work
you meet a man or a woman...
for a day or a week,
then good-bye.
But in one day
heart's come close.
Maybe in peacetime
I don't even look at you-
"silly American tourist."
But now I tell you,
I like very much
this long American,
and I want you to know.
Why only "like," Gina?
It's better. Easier.
Sometimes it's better.
Ouch. You must shave
- and hurry.
We've got to
go to Romolis
Give me your coat.
Take this.
Get into that doorway.
Gina, get Polda
Look, it's just like
killing a mad dog.
Except for the dog you can feel
sorry. It's not his fault he is sick.
E morto?
Dr. Jesper
Dr. Jesper
I think you'd better drive.
Oh, it's nothing serious.
Just a little too much
excitement at my age.
I'll be again all right
as soon as I've seen maria.
All right.
Stop around the bend.
That's the first time
I heard your name.
I like it.
Thank you.
Lieutenant pinkie
at your service.
Come on in, folks.
It's okay. It's pinkie.
Hi, Al
Meet professor Polda How
do you do, professor Polda?
How do you do? Where'd
you get that stuff?
Oh, this?
My traveling costume.
Kind of a nice fit,
isn't it?
Oh, meet Pinaro.
Great old guy. If he were in uniform
he'd have a chest full of fruit salad.
Let's go in.
And, uh, this is Pietro.
Buona sera, Pietro
Where's Marsoli?
He'll be along any minute.
And with Signorina Polda
Is she safe?
Perfectly safe.
And very happy
she's going to see you again.
Run into any trouble? Not a
hitch in the whole operation.
Went like a breeze. We worked it
through a little girl in the hotel.
Nice kid.
A little scared at first,
but I- I appealed
to her better nature.
Grazie. Our Perugian friends
fixed up some papers...
that made it okay to
travel by train. Thank you.
This afternoon we got off
at the nearest town.
I figured the others would
make it easier here after dark.
So I came on ahead and checked on
our reservations for the trip out.
Oh, Pinaro Where do we meet the plane?
In a field
about four miles from here.
Gina knows where.
Can I go all the way by car?
Almost. It won't take long.
It's from Corsica. The
plane will land at 4:00 a.m.
What sort of plane
will they send? How big?
They know there are
four of us going out.
I know I should be wishing they'd
come quickly and it'll all be over,
but all I can think of is...
in one hour
we'll say good-bye.
Gina, there's room
on the plane.
There's so few of us here, even
one who runs away is badly missed.
You know that.
Don't you?
I know that.
Signorina Polda
don Pietro Dora.
Signori e Signora,
la Signorina Polda
But that's-
that's not maria.
That is not maria!
Where is she?
Where is my daughter?
In the Perugia cemetery.
She died six months ago.
No. No,
that's impossible.
She's been writing me steadily.
The handwriting is
so hard to imitate.
It is no use. You're
surrounded by Germans
Throw away your guns and
march out with your hands up.
It's your only chance.
Get down!
Looks like they're gonna take their
time about it. They can afford to.
They'll probably have a whole Kraut
regiment out there by daylight.
Al, sometimes one guy carries
the ball, sometimes another.
There's a way out of here
through the cellar.
Grab the old man and Gina and
beat it. I can't do it, pinkie.
Don't go soft on me now.
There isn't time.
It'll be light in an hour,
and that plane can't wait.
Why don't we all try it together?
The only way you can make it...
is if we do enough shooting to
convince them we're all still here.
Now get going!
No, pinkie.
My orders were to get you into
this country and get you out.
Don't go soft on me
at a time like this!
Gina, get him out through the trapdoor.
That's an order. For you too, Al
Put the light out.
I can only give them
five more minutes.
There they come.
Gina, girl, after the war
- who knows what'll be then?
I'm coming back.
Things change.
People change.
I'm coming back for you, Gina
Who knows?
Don't you want me to?
If you don't, say so.
Say it now.
More than living.
Come back.
Come back for me.
Good-bye, my darling.
I'll be back.