Cloak & Dagger (1984)

Mein herr! Ach!
Jack Flack escapes.
How could
he escape?
Look at
the dice.
So what?
24. Jack's agility
is 24. He escapes.
That's not fair.
I got killed, and you
should have been dead.
I'm not. Jack Flack
always escapes.
Dumb game.
You just got to develop
better moves, Kim, that's all.
You're getting there.
I don't believe this.
How can he do it, Morris?
I had 10 times as many
bullets as Jack Flack.
Yeah, but Flack had the
ingenuity and the contacts, Kim.
It's better than
bullets sometimes.
Hey, don't feel bad.
I haven't been able
to beat him all summer.
What happens next,
Let's leave it
for now.
I want to think of
something really good
to get you with.
Anyway, I want to
get back to my game.
Don't look at me.
I'm sick of
getting killed.
We could trade.
I'll give you extra gas masks
and a bulletproof vest.
No way.
You never get hurt.
It's no fun.
Jack Flack always
escapes anyway.
Flack to Lady Ace.
Come in, Lady Ace.
Hey, guys, be careful
with those.
I just got them in.
This is Jack Flack
requesting an assignment.
Ha ha ha!
Come on, Kim,
be serious.
You guys want
a real assignment?
You got
your bus passes?
Ok, I want you to
go over to Textronics.
Pick me up some catalogues
for the new 4200.
Come on, Morris.
Give us
something exciting,
like Cloak and Dagger,
only for real.
I want you to infiltrate
their seventh level.
Then go to their
vending machine.
Pick me up
a pack of Twinkies.
There's a secret
message inside.
Whatever you do,
don't let anybody
see you. Anybody.
You coming?
Not if you're gonna be
I won't.
Let's see.
Now what
are you doing?
Jack Flack says to always
keep your gun loaded.
Morris, could we try
these out?
Yeah. Just
don't break 'em.
Time to go, Jack.
See you, Morris.
Oh, great.
Flack to Lady Ace.
Come in, Lady Ace.
Yeah, what?
Come on, Kim.
Play right.
All right.
Lady Ace
to Jack Flack.
Do you read me?
Loud and clear.
Prepare to penetrate
the enemy stronghold.
Follow me in.
This is what I meant
by "embarrassing."
You proceed to floor 7
for Operation Catalog.
I'll get the secret
from the machine.
Wait a minute.
I think that sentry
spotted us.
Davey, put that away.
Hi, kids.
You lost?
If you tell me
who you're looking for,
maybe I can help.
We're looking
for Textronics.
Ah. You're looking
for the Game Division?
Seventh floor.
Thank you,
We'll take
separate routes
just in case one of us
is neutralized.
I'll take the fire stairs,
you take the elevator.
Good, 'cause I'm
not walking up.
Pardon me.
the matter now?
That guy had a gun, Kim,
and it was a real gun.
Oh, Davey, will
you stop it?
I saw a gun!
You're really
being a jerk.
Well, here. Take this
grenade just in case.
Thanks, anyway.
Flack to Lady Ace.
Come in, Lady Ace.
Yeah, Davey,
what is it?
I'm almost
in position.
Give me
your location.
I'm already up here,
and I'm waiting for you.
Mr. Rice's office.
Ok. Start creating
a diversion.
I'll sneak out
the fire stairs
and hit the machine.
Davey, this
is embarrassing
Maintain radio silence
from now on.
Over and out.
Don't let him
leave the building.
moving to the elevator.
Intercepting fully.
Will there be
anything else today?
Ah, do you have
a food machine here?
Lady Ace,
Lady Ace, come in.
Excuse me.
Mr. Rice is
in a meeting.
I thought we were
maintaining radio silence.
Did you hear them?
No. I'm busy.
Now stop bugging me.
Uh, the vending machines
are right over there.
So your friend cut off
radio contact, did she?
Oh. Hi, Jack.
Well, some people
just don't know
how to act on
a secret mission.
I guess we're better off
just handling this one
on our own.
Like the Maracaibo assignment.
Remember that?
Back when I was known
as Agent X.
That was
a close one.
Yeah. There we were,
surrounded by hordes
of angry mercenaries.
All you had was
a ball of string
and a sealed I.O.U.
from the embassy.
And then there was
a letter bomb.
Yeah, that's 'cause
I told you not to trust them.
That's what I mean
about working alone.
I guess
you're right.
Here. Here...
Whatever happens,
don't let them get it.
Tell the FBI...
1 million, 329...
Davey, what
are you doing?
They just killed a man,
now they're after me!
I got Morris'
Help, police!
What's the
problem, kid?
There's 2 men,
they're trying to kill me.
What men?
They're up there!
They just killed a man!
Call the police!
He was right here!
I saw him fall!
I had to run
right by him!
You want to tell me
what is this all about?
Well, these Nazis, or
some kind of bad guys,
they shot
this FBI man.
How should I know?
Maybe they were Russians,
but they shot him,
and he was bleeding,
and he fell.
I knew he was dead.
I'm not kidding you!
I can prove it.
He gave me this
secret cartridge...
No, no, no.
Don't trust him, Dave.
That's the first rule
of espionage.
Always stay true
to your source.
Secret what?
Never mind.
Hi, Mr. Rice.
Hi, Purdy.
Did you see anybody
on the terrace level?
No, not a soul.
We better hold him
for the police.
We better go talk
to the police.
Come on.
Ok, folks,
step back.
Clear the area.
Thank you.
I better be
going now.
You gonna be
all right?
Yeah. I've got a key.
Davey, I've been calling
all over the place for you.
Mr. Osborne,
Lieutenant Fleming,
San Antonio PD.
Dad, I didn't do...
Just wait a minute,
ok? Let him talk.
What's...come on in.
Not at this time.
I've got to keep an ear
out for the squawk box.
Oh. Well, go on
to your room, Davey.
Dad, I want to hear
what he has to say...
Just go to your room,
Davey, all right?
What, uh...
Well, your son
created quite a stir
at the Tower Life
Building this morning
when he reported
a murder.
A murder?
That's right, sir.
We checked out his story
and found absolutely
no credence to it.
Then we tried
to bring him home,
but he refused to
divulge the whereabouts
of what he called,
um, "Headquarters."
Sorry, Officer,
but he does, uh,
do that sometimes.
We got them right
where we want them.
Let 'em think
you're nuts.
See, if we're
gonna be heroes,
we got to keep
a low profile.
No cops, no dads,
we're on our own, pal.
There gonna be any
charges, or what?
Not this time, sir,
but we do think that
you ought to consider
getting him some help.
I have.
For almost an hour,
all he would give us
is his name, rank,
and serial number.
The tougher we got,
the tougher he got.
If it hadn't been
for the little girl,
we would've never
gotten him home.
Officer, I...
They'll sing
a different tune
once you're a hero.
...stuff like this
with parents a lot.
He is a good boy.
He's just...
going through a real
tough time right now.
He lost his
mother recently.
I guess we're both
having a little difficulty
making an adjustment.
Well, I can say
one thing for him.
If we were at war,
I'd want him
on my side.
You ready to talk?
Want to talk
about the murders?
They weren't murderers.
They were spies.
They'd gone there to
kill an FBI agent.
I just intercepted one
of their communications.
Anybody else see 'em?
If mom were here,
she'd believe me.
She probably would.
But she's not here,
and she's not
gonna be here.
We've gotta get
used to that.
I miss her.
I know.
We both miss her.
I bet she knows it.
I'll bet she can see us
right now, you know that?
I've got an idea.
Why don't you and me
call up Dr. Sullivan
You just tell him
what you saw today.
Just...just to see what
he says about it.
Jack Flack was right.
You do think I'm crazy.
You still talking
to Jack Flack?
Davey, you've
got to understand:
Jack Flack
is make-believe,
just like all these
ridiculous games.
They don't make it
any easier for you
to get a grasp
on things.
Want to see something?
See proof?
Let me show you.
This is what
the FBI man gave me.
Hey, come here.
There's something
coming on.
More Cloak and Dagger?
What did I just get
through telling you...
this is important.
Just wait a minute.
You'll see.
Oh, Davey...
Just give me
a chance.
A man was just
killed for this.
Do you want me
to play it once?
All right, play it.
Play it one time.
See, that's Dr. Boom
and that's Jack Flack
going to the secret
underground bomb factory.
Have you seen this
or done this before?
Yeah. I played it
at Morris'.
Now, here we are.
Get the guards.
Got one!
Ok, get the case...
I'd like to figure
this one out.
And I made it.
And where's the proof
you're talking about?
I don't know.
Maybe it's on
the next level.
Now let's shut it off,
all right? Come on.
But I get another life.
Let's just shut it
off. That's enough...
I want you to
get ready for bed.
Can I just play
one more?
Davey, I said no
and I mean no.
get ready for bed.
I hate you.
I know you don't
mean that, son.
You don't
care about me.
Huh! You never
believe me.
when I was a kid,
I was exactly
like you are.
I wanted to be a hero.
That's why
I joined the Air Force.
So I could
be somebody.
Let me tell you
something, Davey.
Heroes don't
just shoot bad guys,
they...they put
supper on the table,
they fix bicycles,
they do boring things...
real things,
not make believe.
I hope
you'll understand that
when you get
a little bit older.
Now, I'm going to
put these games away.
I don't want you
playing 'em anymore.
Dad, if you'd just play
one with me sometime.
Good night, Davey.
Not too smart for
a military man, huh?
Shut up.
Will you get that
for me, Davey?
Is this
David G. Osborne?
It's them!
It's the spies.
The ones
who killed the man!
They hung up.
What'd he say?
Just asked
who I was.
Dad, they know
where I am.
Ah, it's just a wrong number.
Come on, let's...
No, it wasn't!
I know
it was them.
Come on, come on,
take it easy.
Just go on to bed.
It's way past your bedtime.
Can I sleep
in your bed tonight?
Can I sleep in
your bed tonight?
What for?
Well, I don't think
those, uh,
guys will come in
when you're here.
You don't, eh?
Ok, come on.
going to be ok, son.
What is it, son?
Don't leave.
Well, I've got
to go to work, son.
I don't have
any choice.
Well, they're just
waiting for you to leave
so they can get me.
Listen, I, um...
I talked to Dr. Sullivan
this morning,
and I made
an appointment
for us to see him
tomorrow, ok?
Humor him, Davey.
This turkey's
not gonna help us.
We're on our own.
And I got to...
I got to work
a double shift today
on account of
that big inspection
I told you about,
but tomorrow I'm off
so I can go to
the doctor with you,
and you can tell him...
everything you told me
about those spies.
Can't I
go with you?
Come on,
you're a big boy now.
I mean, you're old enough
to stay home alone
without kicking
a fuss, aren't you?
I'll tell you what:
Maybe next week we can get
you in that baseball camp.
You'd like that,
wouldn't you?
If you need me, just call me
at the base, ok?
Lady Ace, Lady Ace,
come in.
Kim, are you there?
Kim, come in.
Yeah, what?
Listen, we got an
assignment for today.
I don't want any more of
your stupid assignments.
Come on, Kim, I'm
really in trouble.
Good. You got me
in trouble yesterday.
Now what?
Remember the spies?
You mean the killers?
Uh, yeah. They're
coming to kill me.
They want the Cloak
and Dagger thing back.
I need you to come over.
What Cloak
and Dagger thing?
Can't tell you now.
It's top secret.
Tell him you're having
your breakfast
and you'll call
him back later.
My mom says
I got to go now.
I'm having my breakfast.
I'll call you back later.
Is he
always like that?
Doesn't it
drive you crazy?
Nah. He's the only boy
in the neighborhood
who isn't boring.
Did I
teach you that?
Well, what's
his father like?
Forget it.
He's not your type.
Wait a minute.
How on earth
would you know
who is or isn't
my type?
He's in the Army
or something.
Guess you're right.
We are on our own.
I'll get it.
There's gotta be
something on this tape.
Probably encoded.
So what do we do?
Have it decoded, take it to
the FBI, and we'll be heroes.
How do we do that?
A good spy always knows
when to bring in
outside expertise.
Morris can do it.
He can do anything.
Don't tell him
too much.
Just enough
to get the job done.
We can trust Morris.
He's my friend.
Friendship is a luxury
a spy can't afford.
What do you mean?
Well, ok, if you
really think so.
Thank you.
Where's my Twinkies?
Guess what.
What, you made it
to the 17th level
of Cloak and Dagger?
No, Morris,
this is for real.
I got this real important tape
I wanted you to see.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, it has some secret code
or something in it.
Will you take
a look at it?
Morris, are you
listening to me?
Yeah, sure.
Hey, Davey, I want to
have the Twinkies
or my money back.
What's this?
You tell me.
Looks like a Cloak
and Dagger tape.
Well, it's not.
Take a look at it.
What do you mean,
it's not?
Who gave it to you?
This guy.
I can't tell you
any more than that.
Top secret, huh?
What do you
want me to do?
I don't know, Morris.
You're the genius
around here.
All right.
Let's have a look.
This microchip
doesn't belong here.
Take a look.
Whoever put this in
really knew what
he was doing.
Look at those
It could be used to
store information.
Input, output...
What kind of information?
Government plans, maybe?
It could be
anything really.
Tell you one thing,
whoever put this in
really went through
a lot of trouble.
Think you can
break the code?
The key is
how to get to it.
I've got an idea.
The guy who gave it to me said
something about some numbers.
What numbers?
1 million...
I bet you anything
that's the secret code
that we're looking for.
Can you think
of anything else?
are you alone?
That reminds me,
I want to get those
walkie-talkies back.
Sure, Morris.
Flack to Lady Ace.
Come in, Lady Ace.
I'm here.
Kim, where are you?
Your house.
Get out of there!
The spies are there!
Seems we each
have something
the other wants,
don't we, kid?
We might consider a trade.
How's that sound?
Just leave her alone.
She doesn't know anything.
She does now.
Do you know the
Japanese sunken gardens?
We'll meet you
there at noon.
If you tell anybody
about this,
we'll break your
little friend in half.
Don't give it
to 'em, Davey.
Rule number 2: Never, never
play by the enemy's rules.
I have to give
them something.
I couldn't
take that.
We do it
all the time.
It's called, um...
commandeering necessary
mission equipment.
Stop right there.
Cut the crap, kid.
Give me the tape.
Come any closer and you're
gonna be diving for it.
Now, are we
gonna make a trade
or are we gonna start
dropping things?
Why do you want it
so bad?
It's just a kid's game.
Well, let's just say
I'm a kid at heart.
Why don't you
go buy your own?
They don't cost much.
Look, kid, don't
outsmart yourself.
I got
a couple of friends
and we play, too,
you know.
If I don't hand that
over to them by 5:30,
your little friend there
is gonna die.
All right,
just put it down,
and I'll let her go.
You let Kim go first.
Anything you say.
Your turn.
Freeze, turkey!
Take my advice.
Don't follow us.
I'll have to use this.
Little punk!
Boy, am I glad
to see you!
Come on!
It's the wrong one!
Oh, what's going on?
Hurry up!
Let's get out of here!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks, Davey.
What for?
You saved my life.
What were you doing
in my house anyway?
I thought
you weren't coming over.
I wasn't,
but then I felt bad
'cause I hurt
your feelings.
I was just mad
'cause you got me in
trouble yesterday,
and I thought
you were dumb
because of all
that murder stuff.
I never thought
it could be real.
Me, neither.
I'm really sorry,
That's ok, Kim.
It's gonna be
all right.
I'm gonna get the tape now.
We have no further use for
the kid, do you understand?
I understand.
We've got to
get out of here.
I'll make 'em
follow me.
You get to Morris'
as quickly as you can,
and tell him
what's happened.
But they'll kill you
if they catch you.
No, they won't.
I'm the only one
who knows where
the real tape is.
Sir, uh, I got
to get off here.
Sorry, junior. We're not
allowed to stop along here.
But it's an emergency.
It's only 3 blocks to the bus
station and everybody gets off.
But I feel sick...
Yeah, like I'm
gonna throw...Ulp!
Run, Davey! Run!
Why is he
shooting at me?
He must've found out
where the cartridge is.
1 million,
That's it.
I'll be right there!
The following material
is for A-4 security
clearance personnel only.
It is a federal crime
to view such material
without proper
I said I'd be
right there.
Looking for
Someone's trying
to kill me.
Well, uh,
why don't you
kill them first?
Don't encourage
him, Henry.
Your food's
getting cold.
Would you
please go away?
Listen, I'm trying
to contact the FBI.
Would you help me?
Get me a direct line
to J. Edgar Hoover.
This is an emergency.
Hoover's dead,
Oh, my God,
they've gotten Hoover!
Now we're all goners!
Sorry, kid.
Can't help you.
Stand still, Davey.
They wouldn't dare
shoot at you
with all these
people around here.
In fact, the more people,
the better.
Over there.
Thank you.
Enjoy your ride.
One child?
Uh...yes, ma'am.
That'll be
50 cents.
Thank you.
Enjoy your ride.
One adult,
2 children.
There he is.
Let's get him.
I'll get him.
No, just get
in line. Get in line.
Hey, buddy,
wait your turn.
I'll go get him
out of there.
No, no, just
take it easy now.
Not now.
Tickets, please.
Thank you.
Your ticket, son.
Hey, here you go.
Sorry, sir.
All full. You'll have to
wait for the next boat.
We want this one.
I'm sorry, I can't take
any more passengers.
There'll be another boat
in 10 or 15 minutes.
my wallet's gone!
Are you sure?
Of course I'm sure!
Don't panic.
Don't panic.
We'll go back over every
step we've been over
and see if we can
find it somewhere.
Come on!
Welcome aboard,
ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Hal.
Now, our tour through the
Downtown San Antonio River
shall take approximately
25 to 30 minutes.
Now, if you have
any questions
or anything you'd like to
ask me as we go along,
please do not hesitate
to do so.
I'm gonna get
close to the boy.
When I give you the signal,
create a diversion.
I don't care how,
just as long as people
aren't looking at me.
Sir, would you
kindly have a seat?
You're supposed
to sit down.
Thank you.
and gentlemen,
I'd like to call
your attention
to the building coming up
here to the left-hand side
which is the Ahmanson
River Theatre.
Parties and fiestas are held
there almost every day
during the summer months...
Look at them.
Sit down.
What's wrong, boy?
You wouldn't believe me
if I told you, ma'am.
Try me.
That man over there
is trying to kill me.
Sir, uh...
please sit down.
Huh? Why?
Because I said so.
Now move.
Don't be ridiculous.
Looks like a pervert,
if you ask me.
George, we've got to
do something about this.
The building here
to my right-hand side
is the old
San Antonio Library
which contains the Huntsberg
Circus Collection,
with 20,000 exhibits depicting
American circus life.
The building that you see
straight ahead
is the Power
and Light Building.
In the engine!
Everybody back
to your seats, please,
and don't panic!
Go back to your seats,
everybody, please.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Why don't you guys
sit down
and quit
rocking the boat?
Sit down!
It's for
your own safety.
Please sit down.
We'll continue
the tour.
What happened
to you?
Where's Morris?
I don't know,
but look.
do you think they...
No. Morris is
too smart for them.
We'll find him.
I think
he's already dead.
Shut up!
You don't know that!
I'm sorry.
What do we do now?
No use calling my dad.
Why don't you call your mom
and tell her
Rice is going to do something
with the tape at 5:30?
Make her
call the police.
Even if she
doesn't believe you,
we need a grown-up.
Ok. What are you
going to do?
I'm going to try to
find Rice and stop him.
I don't know yet.
Well, you going to
stand here all day?
I'm waiting
for the light
to change.
Come on.
They won't hit you if
you just keep moving.
Crazy kid!
He said he had to be
somewhere at 5:30.
Means he'll probably
take his car.
There. "Textronics."
There's no place
to hide in there.
Open the trunk.
What's the matter?
Oh. Tough.
It's now or never.
Come on.
In there?
Hurry up.
Hold it down.
Don't close it shut.
Just hold it down.
Oh! Jack?
Agent X, help.
Help me.
Get him off me.
Isn't it crowded enough
for you in here?
He was my friend.
How could they
do that to him?
I guess he just
wasn't good enough.
Yeah, but they didn't
have to kill him.
When you've been playing
this game as long as I have,
you get used to
this kind of thing.
We've stopped.
Better see where we are.
What happens now?
We just wait
a couple minutes.
I'll walk over there
and make the drop.
So who gets
the game?
I don't know, and I
don't want to know.
We just leave the case,
we wait a few minutes,
take the money.
Only thing I know about
these people is one of them's
missing a couple fingers
from his right hand.
Well, remember
the Alamo, boys.
Sure as hell
don't tell you much.
It's time to go.
Remember, you can win or lose
the game right here.
without representation.
In fact,
they were quite angry,
but they did not
want to fight Santa Ana.
Instead they
tried to negotiate,
content being
citizens of Mexico.
All they wanted
was the reinstatement
of the constitution
and taxes lifted.
In 1835,
negotiations broke down,
and the Texans began
to talk revolution.
General Santa Ana
heard this rumor and...
The souvenir shop is
right through there.
Thank you.
How much time do we have
before that tour bus leaves?
Oh, we've got time.
Let's drop on
by the shop.
Well, look who's here.
Last time I saw you,
you were jumping off a boat.
Were you feeling
a little seasick?
I'm hiding from
that man over there.
Oh, it's somebody
new this time.
Now, isn't it about time
you told me
what this is all about?
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Alamo will be
closing in 2 minutes.
Our young friend
seems to be
in some sort
of trouble again.
Now, here,
just a minute.
What is your name?
Not Davy Crockett
by any chance?
I really have to
go now.
It's a matter of
national security.
Will everyone please exit
through the front door?
What do you think?
I think the boy
needs our help.
Hey, stop that kid!
He's stealing
somebody's bag! Get him!
You got
a hell of a nerve, kid,
stealing inside
the Alamo.
I didn't steal it!
He didn't steal
anything, Officer.
He took this.
Well, that's just
a simple mistake.
I sent the boy in to
pick up my camera case,
and he took
the wrong one.
Oh. Hey!
This yours?
Well, come and get it.
Why don't you take
the boy over to the car
while I straighten
this out?
But that one has
a secret
cartridge in it!
Come on.
Don't worry
about it.
George will
take care of
The car's
over here.
Now, don't you
fret yourself.
George will take
care of everything.
He's very good at that.
He's giving him
the camera case!
He is?
Well, if he did, he had
a reason for doing it.
Slide over.
That's it.
This what you're
so worried about?
No, sir.
It was the case
you gave the other man.
That was the one
with the plans in it.
What makes you
so sure
I gave the wrong
case back?
Why don't you open
it and find out?
You got it!
George always makes things
turn out right.
But how'd you do it?
I just gave that man
my camera case
in its place.
He never noticed
the difference.
Now, do you mind
telling us
what this
is all about?
After all, I sacrificed
my good camera
to save your
Cloak and Dagger tape.
It isn't just
a Cloak and Dagger tape.
There's an extra
microchip in here.
What was that man
doing with it
at the Alamo?
Said he had to give it
to some foreign spy.
Did he say what
the spy looked like?
Only that he had
2 fingers missing.
How exciting!
May I see the tape,
Something wrong, Davey?
It's all right.
Such a clever
little boy.
Don't you think so,
I wish we could take him
to Mexico City with us.
I made an arrangement
with Rice.
He's going to take care
of him for us
on our way
to the airport.
I don't like him, and I
don't like his methods,
and I don't like
those 2 thugs of his.
I made it
very clear to him
that we're
very displeased
with this whole mess.
He won't dare make
another mistake.
Not if he wants
to do business with us.
I made that
very clear.
What time's
our flight?
We better check out.
I'm afraid we won't be able
to use
our dinner reservations.
What a nuisance.
Wake up.
Somebody's coming.
Where are we?
I can't see a thing.
Right back where
you put us.
Hey, pop the trunk,
will you?
Better play dead
or you will be.
That kid is
still out cold.
You want to kill him now
or wait till
the chloroform wears off?
Wait till we get
to the desert.
What's taking
Rice so long anyway?
It can't take him 2 hours
to divide up the money.
I think we
should get extra
for killing the kid.
You're right.
Let's go
hurry him up.
We'll never
get out of here.
Stay cool.
I'm thinking.
What are we
going to do?
Open the door.
Wait a minute.
What are you doing?
a phone here.
Let's get out of here.
I'm calling Kim.
We better get out of here
and find some weapons.
No, Kim, it's me.
Have you told
your mom yet?
No, she hasn't
come home yet.
She left a note,
but I can't read
her writing.
Listen, you got to get
to the airport right away.
The spies
have the tape.
They're kind of old.
A man and lady.
She only has 3 fingers.
Where are you?
I'm in a car.
they're catching a plane
to Mexico City
at midnight.
How am I supposed to get
to the airport?
Use your bus pass.
I want you boys
to pay attention.
You do what I tell you.
Keep your mouths shut.
There's a lot more where
that came from.
What about the girl?
You want us to get her, too?
No. I already
took care of that.
What's that?
Garage door
What are you going to do,
crush her with a garage door?
Not quite.
This is a trigger
for a clock.
It'll set off
enough plastique
to blow up her and
half her neighborhood.
You might have
told us.
We could have been
blown up with her.
That's why
I used a timer.
I told that kid,
"If you cross me,
she's going to die."
So now,
in exactly one hour,
our little friend's
gonna have
a very short,
very loud nightmare.
That will
be midnight.
Yeah. I got to
call Kim.
Go get the van.
Let's get these bodies
out of my trunk.
Not now you don't.
got the key.
I'll pop it open
from the glove compartment.
That's all right.
I've got mine.
He was in there
5 minutes ago.
Great, Alvarez.
the kid's gone.
All right,
let's get out of here.
You got to tell me
how to drive this thing.
I don't know.
This is a real car.
Ok. So much for backing up.
Let's try forward.
Peel out, Davey.
Not bad
for a first lesson.
Don't shoot
at my car.
What are you, crazy?
Well, that pretty well
covers parking.
Give me that.
Go get the van.
Let's go.
You're doing
just fine, Davey.
Push the pedal
to the metal!
Take a right here,
Good. Excellent.
Left, Davey.
The sweeper! The sweeper!
Road hog!
Kim's already left.
She's safe.
Come on, let's go.
What if they planted
the bomb on her?
Lady Ace.
Lady Ace, come in.
Hello, Davey.
Can you hear me?
Why won't she answer?
She probably dropped
her walkie-talkie.
Cheap thing.
We got to save Kim!
Right there!
First we got to find
some hardware
and blast
these guys.
Come on.
I'm calling Dad.
That guy thinks
you're a nutcase.
Come on.
Get out of here.
Come on!
He's gone.
No kidding, Alvarez.
Give me the case.
All right, you stay
with the van.
We'll go on foot.
He can't have
gotten very far.
Come on. Let's go.
This is starting
to get good.
Just like
Cloak and Dagger.
They're trying
to kill us.
They can't kill me.
They can't see me.
They can kill me.
Not if you're
good enough.
That's what this game
is all about, right? Right?
Kelly Field.
Uh, yes. I'd like
to speak to
Master Sergeant
Hal Osborne, please.
It's his son calling.
Just a minute.
Come on. You're wasting
valuable combat time.
Yeah, thanks.
Dad, you got
to help me.
why aren't you in bed?
The spies,
they planted a bomb
in Kim's
and she doesn't
even know it.
Hang up.
Let's go.
I told you
I didn't want you
to get into those games.
You understand that?
this is no game.
Now, I need
your help.
Davey, look,
I got a rush job here.
I do not have time...
Would you listen to me?
They're trying
to take the plans
out of the country
at midnight.
Just calm down.
I don't want you
to get worked up again.
I'll be home just
as soon as I can.
What did I tell you?
He's useless.
Dad, I'm not home.
Now, please, just
listen to me for once.
I promise you
I'm telling the truth.
Now, you don't have
to worry about me,
but get to Kim before
the bomb goes off
at midnight.
What do you mean you're
not home? Where are you?
I don't know. I'm in
a telephone booth.
now listen carefully.
I want you to stay right
right where you are
and don't get out
of that phone booth.
with him?
One down
and two to go.
Come on.
Get the gun.
Davey, come on.
Get with it.
If you're going
to win this game,
you got to take advantage
of breaks like this.
Get the gun.
We got to get
across town
and get a bus
to the airport.
Along the river.
It's the fastest way.
Play right!
I'm not going
to make it in time.
You're going to have to
take these guys out.
You know that,
don't you?
All right, it's time for
the heavy artillery.
Let me have it.
You got it.
Now just wait right here
and take them out.
I don't want
to kill anybody.
You know the rules.
You're supposed
to take out the obstacles
before reaching
the objective.
Can't just go right for
the objective. That's no fun.
We've got 24 minutes
before the bomb
goes off.
That's why you have
to take them out.
Look, how many people
have I killed for you
over the years?
And now you're saying
you don't want to play?
Now, come on, this is
Cloak and Dagger for real.
It's what
you always wanted.
Yeah, but I don't have
a gun or a knife
or anything.
The Crossfire Gambit.
the Crossfire Gambit?
Now go back down there
and hide.
Wait till the first guy
passes you.
Then get Rice's attention
and lead his fire.
You understand?
Davey, if you don't
save Kim,
who's going to?
Good luck.
Hey, Ricey!
What's the matter?
Can't shoot straight?
Good work, Davey.
Now pick up the gun.
He's dead.
Never mind that.
You're winning.
Pick it up.
Come over here.
My dad was right.
I don't want to
play anymore.
Davey, don't chicken out
now! Come on!
Hurry up.
Good boy.
Now hide behind
this tree.
Wait, Davey!
It's a dead end!
Don't come any closer,
or I'll shoot.
Sure you will...
with red ink.
Only this one
shoots real bullets.
I'm warning you.
This is not
a water pistol.
Neither is this.
I could turn you
into shredded meat
in about 3 seconds with
this baby if I wanted to.
But you've been
a real pain in the neck,
so I'm not going
to be that nice.
You know what
I'm going to do, boy?
I'm going to blow
both your kneecaps off.
It won't kill you,
but it'll hurt worse than
any dying you can imagine.
Then you know what
I'm going to do to you, huh?
Shoot him, Davey.
Shoot him.
I'm going to shoot you
in the stomach.
Then when you beg for me
to finish the job,
I won't do it.
I'm just going
to watch you die...slowly.
Pull the trigger.
Please stop. I don't
want to shoot you.
But I want
to shoot you.
Kill him.
The guy's a jerk!
Kill him!
All right, I'll show you
what a real hero would do.
Watch this.
Just get him to
shoot over here, ok?
Agent X will bounce
the bullets
right back at him.
Come on.
Come on, turkey, shoot.
Come on.
Right here. Hit me!
Jack, don't!
Good work, Davey.
You won.
You're not dead!
No, he never
touched me.
I guess this thing
doesn't stop real bullets.
He could see you.
I doubt if he had
the imagination.
Anyway, who cares?
You're a hero.
Hey, Davey.
Look, you killed the bad guys,
you won the game.
How do you feel?
That wasn't fair.
You tricked me!
You made me kill him.
It was a clear case
of self-defense.
Come on. Let's go
to the airport.
I don't want
to play anymore!
I see.
Why do kids
always say that?
Your father
said the same thing.
After all those games of
Cowboys and Indians...
you get tired
of make believe,
you break your toys.
He did hit you.
I'm ok.
Come on. Let's go.
But you're bleeding.
I'm ok. Come on.
Oh! Oh!
I'll tell you what,
M-maybe you better go
to the airport without me.
No, I can't.
No, no, no. Listen,
you're a hero now, Davey.
You don't need an old
jelly blaster like me anymore.
Don't say that.
You'll be fine.
Never did like
that rule...
leaving when
they stop believing.
Maybe I better
go get some help.
No, don't go.
They wouldn't
be able to see me anyway.
It was fun while it lasted
anyway, wasn't it, pal?
But Jack Flack
always escapes.
Want to
know something?
You're the best
playmate I ever had.
You can't
leave, Jack.
I have to, kid.
You're growing up now.
Do me a favor,
will you?
Go get me a smoke.
Over there.
where are you?
Come back. I can't
do it on my own.
Yes, you can.
You were
always on your own.
Save Kim, Davey.
The white zone
is for the immediate loading
and unloading
of passengers only.
There is no parking.
Hi. I'm David Osborne's
Oh, yes.
I know.
Is Kim here?
Isn't she
at your house?
No, she's not.
Look, I just got
a call from David...
Come here. I want to
show you something.
I just got back here.
And look at this.
Is this another one
of your son's games?
I don't think so.
I need the phone.
What is it?
Operator, let me
have the police.
This is an emergency.
My name is
Sergeant Osborne.
I'd like to speak
to Lieutenant Fleming.
Is it Kim?
Is she...
Why is he trying
to reach me?
Two men were shooting
at a young boy.
I'll have Fleming call...
Wait a minute!
I'll hold on.
If you can connect me
with the lieutenant,
I'll hold on, ok?
Two men are dead
down at the river.
They were shooting
at a kid Davey's age.
You and me better get
to that airport.
Sir, which is
the airport bus?
That one over there.
Is this the bus
to the airport?
I lost my bus pass.
75 cents.
I don't have it.
Have to get off,
Can't let you ride
for free.
But you have to!
Listen, I'll pay you
when I get to the airport.
Flight 146 to Mexico City
is about to board at Gate 15,
Concourse "B."
take me to the airport.
You got any money, son?
Yeah, lots.
10 bucks in advance.
I don't
have that much,
but I have to get...
Forget it, kid.
Listen, I don't
have any money,
but I got to get
to the airport.
I'll find some way
to pay you
when we get there.
It's a matter of
life and death.
What happened
to your leg?
Look, maybe we better
get you to a hospital.
That leg doesn't look
too good.
I don't have time
for that.
If I don't
get to the airport,
a girl is going
to die.
Get in.
I was going home
that way anyway.
How long
will it take?
This time of night
about 10 minutes.
But you have to stop them
from getting on the plane.
You see, they have
the "C" and "D" tape.
A Cloak
and Dagger tape,
you know,
a game cartridge.
Only it has stolen
government plans in it.
What does this couple
look like?
I don't know.
Kind of old.
The woman only
has 2 fingers.
Maybe it was three.
I forget.
Will you just stop
that plane from boarding
before they take off
in it?
I think we better
talk to the chief.
Can't we go
any faster?
I only have
a few more minutes.
Yes, sir, boss.
You mind
hand-searching that?
I don't want to put it
through that electrical doodad.
That's all the
description you've got?
I told you
we got cut off!
Look, all you got to do
is check their fingers. Jeez!
Transcon Flight 146
now boarding at Gate 15.
That's their flight!
All right, let me just
get this down here.
But there isn't time!
The white zone is
for immediate loading
and unloading of
passengers only.
There is no parking
in the white zone.
Wait here. I'll find
some way to pay you.
Forget it, kid.
Southwest Flight 2 arriving
from Houston/Austin...
How do I
find somebody?
Tell me their name,
and I'll have them paged.
Uh, Kim Gardener.
Kim Gardener, please report
to the information counter.
Kim Gardener to the
information counter.
Did they call my name?
I don't know.
I wasn't listening.
What's your mother's
name and phone number?
I think they just said
Kim Gardener. That's me.
Just a couple
more questions, ok?
Have you seen
a little girl around 8?
She has blonde hair?
Is she boarding
on this flight?
Stop them!
Just a second,
there, son.
But they have
the cartridge!
I'm sorry, son. You'll
just have to go around
and wait your turn.
Who you with anyway?
Mom, Dad!
Please don't leave me!
Are they your folks?
Just a minute, folks.
Would you mind
coming back here, please?
Uh, the plane's
already boarding.
It'll wait. Let's get
this straightened out first.
Transcon Flight 6
from Miami/Atlanta
is now arriving
at gate 17.
Is this your boy?
Do we look like we could
have a boy that age?
You putting
me on, son?
No, sir. I can prove
they're my folks.
Look inside
that bag over there.
You'll find one of
my game cartridges...
Cloak and Dagger.
May I see that
bag, please?
this boy is lying.
We've never seen him
before in our lives.
I still would like
to see that bag.
Will you give it
to me, please?
Ok, thank you.
Give me your
He grabbed
the gun!
grab the kid.
Please, stay back.
Stay where you are!
This has
a bom...
Take a look
at this.
What have
you got?
Come on.
We'll begin
boarding passengers
seated in rows
1 through 15.
going on here?
Stay back!
Get over there!
Oh, my leg!
Davey! Davey!
Out of the way!
They're wanted by the FBI
for selling military secrets,
which were smuggled in
children's video cartridges.
What about my son?
They've got divers
down there now.
Did this
belong to him?
Why didn't
I believe him?
A hijacking
at Gate 15.
I want a Code 3.
Code 3.
What happened?
2 people have kidnapped
a little boy...
Oh, honey, I was
so worried about you.
They've got
Davey out there.
What did they say?
If they can't get
a pilot
to fly 'em to Cuba
within 5 minutes,
they're going
to kill him.
My God.
What are you going to do?
FBI is sending over
their resident agent.
How long
before he gets here?
It'll be a few minutes.
I just talked to them.
A few minutes?
That may be too late.
My son's on that airplane.
He says we got
3 minutes.
He's bluffing.
He's bluffing
with my son's life.
Let me go out there.
I'm a staff sergeant
out at Kelly Field.
I'm licensed
to taxi airplanes.
Forget it.
He won't
I think he's
flipping out.
What do I do?
Tell him a pilot's
coming out there.
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Listen to me.
They might even buy
the uniform,
but what happens
when they expect you
to take that plane
in the air?
I'll fake it.
One more minute, and I blow
this kid's brains out.
But this
thing has...
Shut up! Shut up!
George, remember
your blood pressure.
Darn kid's messing
everything up.
Calm down.
As long as we've
got the boy,
they'll have to
give us a pilot.
Which one do I pull?
Here comes
someone now.
Jack, please come back.
I didn't mean
to throw you away.
I need your help.
Who are you?
I'm the pilot.
I'm not armed.
Turn around.
Frisk him.
Where's the boy?
He's all right.
He's back there.
He's clean.
Close the door.
Get into
the cockpit.
No funny
or I'll blow
your head off.
Watch him,
Help me, Jack.
What are you doing?
I have to pressurize
the cabin.
Switch over there.
I have to
call the tower
to get permission
to take off.
Is that all right?
San Antonio Tower,
this is Flight 146.
San Antonio Tower,
this is Flight 146.
Jack, please
come back.
I can't do this
on my own.
I need your help.
Request permission
to taxi to Runway 15
for reroute to Havana.
Jack, please come back.
I need your help.
This is captain
Jack Flack.
David Osborne, to
the cockpit right away.
What's the big idea?
You don't have to see the kid.
They told me
to make sure
the boy was all right
before I take off.
Come on.
You're wanted up front.
But the bomb goes off
in less than a minute.
Come on, junior.
George! George!
Davey, get up here
right away!
No, you don't!
Let me go!
Look, it's moving.
Forget the boy
and get back here!
Well, disarm it.
I don't know how.
It's still going.
The door!
We got to get you
out of here.
It won't open with
the cabin pressurized.
Open up!
You'll never fit.
Never mind me.
Dad, I'm not going
without you!
Now take my hand.
Hold my hand.
No, Dad! I'm not
leaving without you!
Let go of my hands!
No! I'm not leaving!
When you hit the ground,
run away from the plane!
Dad, come with me!
How'd you escape?
Jack Flack
always escapes.
I don't need
him anymore.
I've got you, Dad.