Clockers (1995)

There is a place
That is so hard to find
Behind the walls
We build inside our minds
Some break the walls
Some break the rules
Some even
get things changed
And when they do
that leads to the truth
Yet questions still remain
But all that it's saying
Somewhere in life
there's a joy to be
Between the hope
and reality
There in a mirror
and then the street
That's where you'll find
People in search of a life
And what of love
Is that a point of view?
And when you're alone
It can seem so confused
That's when a friend
can pull you in
Lend you a helping hand
But what happens when
your only friend
Sells you out in the end
How do you face it?
Somewhere in life
there's a joy to be
Between the hope and reality
There in a mirror
and then the street
That's where you'll find
People in search of a life
In search of a life
Searchin '
Lookin' in a bottle
Lookin' in a needle
Lookin' in the street
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Searchin '
Straight from Brooklyn,
better known as Crooklyn
Never take us short
cos Brooklyn's the borough
Straight from Brooklyn,
better known as Crooklyn
Never take us short
cos Brooklyn's the borough
We did it like that
and now we do it like this
We did it like that
and now we do it like this
Now the clock hits
Who got the cocaine?
Don't tell me it's the
little kids on Soul Train
The metaphor sent
from my brain to my jaw
It comes from other places,
not the typical places
Journalistic values are yellow
and then the court falters
You watch Channel Zero
and that bitch Barbara Walters
She'll have you believe
black invented crack
When President Lyndon had to form a
law way back in '63 with Kennedy
Yes, the double-cross
Remember that's when they
blew his fucking head off
Vietnam vets come back
lookin' like one-armed pets
Mixin' thoughts, purer text
No picket fence,
no job, no ATM in the car
Blue collar
comes to bourgeois
Depressed in your chest...
Chuck D is the bomb, boy.
Get the fuck outta here.
Chuck D ain't shit.
That nigger Chuck D is assed out,
and the rest of Public Enemy.
That what I'm sayin'.
Speech, motherfucker.
What about him?
Speech? He
a bitch-ass nigger.
How the fuck this thing gonna
say Chuck D the hardest rapper?
Nigger ain't
never shot nobody.
You gotta be
hard nowadays!
First of all, I know
niggers ain't slappin'
bitches up.
They ain't takin' pussy.
Niggers ain't shootin' shit up,
ain't done time for murder.
How the fuck they hard?
Do what you gonna do. I ain't
buyin' shit that ain't hard-core.
You ain't gotta shoot nobody
to prove you're hard-core.
Hold on.
Only niggers
I have representin'
is my man Tupac,
G Rap and Wu-Tang.
Motherfuckin' Dr. Dre,
straight up.
You said it.
No fuckin' around.
Niggers talkin' all
this positive shit.
world ain't positive.
That's why motherfuckin' sex and
violence sell more records.
All I'm saying is I like
positive rappers, get it?
Get the fuck outta here.
Them niggers
ain't homeboys.
Put them poor-ass
niggers over there.
Come on, yo, yo.
Forget that shit, man.
We gots to be
about business.
You ain't supposed
to be over here.
Get your ass over there! You
supposed to be on the lookout.
ain't no joke.
It's hot outside, man.
We gots
to get that money.
I understand that,
but it's hot.
What's up, man?
What's up, man?
How ya doin'?
What you need?
What you got today?
I got red caps. They're phat.
Two for one, man.
Lemme take two.
Two? All right, hang tight.
all right, man?
You know that, man.
Children of the ghetto
Runnin' wild and free
In a concrete jungle
Filled with misery
There's no inspiration...
What's up, man?
You got the money?
Keep an eye out,
all right?
Raise up!
Come here!
Get off me, man!
Get off me!
Hey, Strike, where's the fuckin' dope?
Stand the fuck up.
Where the vials at, man?
I know you're carrying.
Collars for dollars. What the fuck is this?
The local church?
Yes. Ah, gotcha!
What you doin'? I got nothin'!
Why you checking me for?
Get the fuck off my ass! I don't play
that maricon shit, all right, man.
I love the smell
of surprise...
Smell your
fuckin' breath.
It smells like victory,
brother! Victory!
Always in the news
Toughness is their motto
And bitter
are their blues...
Open your fuckin' mouth.
Lift up your fuckin' tongue.
Lemme see under
your tongue. Open.
Take off your fucking
pants, or whatever
you fucking call 'em.
Dicky check time.
Spread your butt cheeks, man.
Spread 'em. Let's go.
Let's see under your balls.
You know I hate doin' this.
Lemme see under
your ball bag.
Strike's balls.
Strikes and balls.
Three-two, full count.
Basesloaded with bacon strips.
Pull up your pants, bitch.
Man, where's your
personal hygiene?
You're a motherfucking liar. I change
my drawers every day. I stays clean!
Let's get the fuck
outta here. It's over!
See you later, bro.
Fuck you, too, man.
Fuck whoever you...
Some niggers
had you assed out.
Glad to
be of service, fellas!
Somebody gonna drop a
cylinder block on your ass!
Take that fucking
gun and badge...
Ain't got the stomach
for this shit no more, man.
You see my doctor yet?
Huh? You go see my doctor
like I told you?
That Moo shit is what's killin' you.
Get rid of that shit.
Here. Drink that.
Not the whole thing.
Yo, Rodney. Can't
take it much longer, man.
I'm tellin' you.
Maybe you won't have
to take it much longer.
You know who
you're looking at?
That's Darryl.
That's Darryl Adams, the thief.
That's who that is.
He's stealin' from me.
Layin' back in the cut, passin' some
baggies and rakin' in the dough.
Nice indoors work,
huh, Darryl? Clean, safe.
You got this clown sellin' ounces?
Why him? What's up with me?
'Cause you like my son, man.
Strike, my son.
If I'm so much
your son, then why
my black ass always
up on them benches?
I need you to be
where I need you to be.
Had this dream last night.
I'm standin' in the desert
with all my kids.
My for-real kids,
my kids from the store.
They's all laid
out in front of me,
like they's my
army or something.
God comes up, points at you.
Tells me,
"This one right here is
gonna be your sword
and your staff."
God, man. God said that.
He pointed right at you.
Darryl Adams wasn't even
in the motherfuckin' dream,
'cause that boy's a thief,
and he got to be got.
Got. Hmm.
Can't you get
Errol for that shit?
You know Errol gave
hisself the big
The virus.
My man messed around
and took that "A" train.
Anyway, can you see Errol
in there sellin'
whale on a bun and
ounces and fries?
Strike, you really
wanna get off the benches?
You deal with it, for me.
The illa killa
The one for the thriller
The one from the hood
actin' like a gorilla
I need the illa killa
The one for the thriller
The one from the hood
actin' like a gorilla...
You got any chocolate Moos?
No, we don't have
no damn chocolate Moos.
This is a bar, son.
Yo, Ronnie!
Oh, shit.
What's up, man?
What you doin' here, man?
You know,
just slidin' through.
Yo, big bro. I was
just thinkin' about you, man.
I love you, too, Ronnie.
All right. Good.
The chick is in a hole cos she
shouldn't have freakin' shot...
Here. Try this.
It's sweet.
You know that's
Ahab's over there.
You know that's
Ahab's over there.
The competition.
You know that clown that works in there?
The night manager, Darryl?
Darryl? No.
Darryl Adams.
Yo, the brother
is bad peoples.
How is Darryl Adams
bad people?
'Cause, yo, he beat up
this honey Charise, man.
She's only 16. She came
in askin' for a job.
This nigger took her
to the back office,
talkin' about
"slob my Johnson."
And when she said no, he started
slappin' her up and shit.
Yo, the brother's foul.
A woman beater.
A dope-dealin' woman beater.
Man, I don't know
about all that.
Who's sayin' all this?
Yo, man,
the shit is real.
Her moms is mad stressed
out about that shit.
She wants some
motherfuckin' payback.
She wants to
see that man dead.
What if it was you, your daughter?
Charise is her only child.
He just got to
be got, huh?
Yo, got ya, comin' at ya
Chrome to the dome...
Wasn't that
your favorite song?
Come on, man.
Vic, why you
fuckin' with me, man?
I'm tryin' to kick
some serious shit here.
Should've known I couldn't
come to you about nothin'.
I know somebody.
My Man.
Who that?
Look, My Man.
A friend of a friend.
He'll do the job.
How much he talkin' about?
So what's the deal?
I'm listenin'.
What you want me to do?
Nothin', man.
Just chill. All right?
My little mans,
my nephews, how they doin'?
I miss my kids, man.
Why don't you take your ass
home if you miss your kids?
There's the motherfucker.
What's up, Strike?
Yo, black, we closed.
I thought you
don't eat this shit
because it fucks with your stomach.
This is Ahab's, nigger.
We ain't got no Di-Gel, no
Kaopectate, no Pussy-Bismol!
Boom! Gotcha.
You still here,
motherfucker? What's up?
Mylanta! We need more Mylanta
out here for this girl!
a fuckin' triple-header.
Outdoors in the mud,
6O casings around,
and a big herd of Nubians stepping
all over everything, man.
Ahh! I don't like them
airplane bottles.
What the fuck happened?
Oh, that boy got shot up!
Who did?
God would know, I wasn't here, so I
really can't talk intelligently about it.
Yo, uh... I wouldn't want you
not to talk intelligently.
The body cold already.
Excuse me. Coming through.
Thank you.
Damn! Excuse me.
Hey, hey. Welcome
to the show that never ends.
Bartucci, what you got?
We got a black male,
dead man.
Darryl Adams, 22-years-old, the
night manager of this joint.
Plays like this.
Kid's standin'
by the door having
a conversation
with another male.
Pop, pop. Darryl goes down.
Shooter does a Carl Lewis.
Neighborhood says
there's four shots fired.
At this point,
that's all she wrote.
Nah. Way too fast.
Drugs? Was he a scumbag?
To tell you the truth,
I never seen this kid before.
Boys, Darryl Adams.
Darryl Adams, the boys.
Hi, Darryl.
Hello in there.
Live by the gun,
die by the gun.
The kid had brains.
Good thing he was
wearin' his gold, huh?
Bing, bing, bing!
Ricochet Rabbit.
I still think it
was the food here.
Hal, get in there,
tell me what you got.
There she blows.
Let's see.
No powder burns on the face.
These eyes have lied.
No stippling on the eyes.
Looking about 30,
Doors one and two.
Okay, let's see.
Nothin' up the sleeve.
He might get better,
but he ain't never gettin' well.
And presto!
Slapped him five.
On the light hand side.
Hey, look at that.
Looks like some kind
of an Egyptian peace sign.
You're right there.
it says goodbye.
Moe. My main man. Gonna
need prints off that door.
Fuck you, Rocco. That'll
really narrow it down.
We'll get half the yos in
Brooklyn off this door.
What, did you eat
an Ahab's Burger?
You owe me six more.
I love my job, too.
He's got more
prints than my ex-wife.
He wearing any?
Give me one second,
all right?
Must be his golf jacket.
It's got 18 holes.
Oh, Christ!
Come out, come out,
wherever you are
The monkey's on
the trolley car
Looks like they did come out.
Here's one. Two exits.
What's the grapevine say?
What they always say. "We keep
our ear to the grindstone."
Was he clockin'?
I don't know.
Hal, how ya doin'?
Hi, Lar.
Check the pockets.
Son of a bitch!
That's Darryl Adams!
He used to work in Rodney's candy store.
I saw him all the time.
If he worked for Rodney,
he definitely was clockin'.
Hal, check
the pockets again.
Sure. Hold on.
What's up, Darryl?
Clockin' like
a motherfucker, man.
You guys done yet?
Oh! Marvello the magician!
Catch a bullet
with his teeth.
What a catch!
What a smile.
Darryl, you've outdone Willie Mays.
You got my vote for MVP.
Another stain on
the sidewalk, huh?
Get a pail and a mop.
One, two, three.
All right. Show's over!
Officers, send 'em home!
See ya, Hal.
Take care.
Moe, don't make me come back
for those fuckin' prints!
What you cursin' about?
I'm sorry.
Beep. beep!
Excuse me.
All right.
I won't do it again.
I'm outta here, man.
Got 50 bucks?
Nah, man.
All I find,
all I keep.
Don't be lookin' at me
in the eye, nigger.
Your ass will be
on this mural, too.
I know that look.
You wonderin' howl
got that AIDS, ain't ya?
Nah, man.
You a lyin' motherfucker!
It wasn't from
fuckin' with them punks.
I ain't no homosexual.
I ain't say all that,
all right?
Fuckin' with this shit.
I can't believe
I got this shit.
All this time in these
motherfuckin' streets!
And I'm
a smart motherfucker.
I know I should've
left that shit alone.
One time I was studyin'
to be an accountant.
Now this shit is
fuckin' my body up.
I have a goddamn
death sentence.
That's why I don't
give a shit about nobody.
And I don't wanna
see your ass no more!
'Cause you ain't
got no business
out here fuckin'
with this shit.
You'll end up like me.
Or worse.
My old man was a preacher.
And when I started
messin' with this shit,
he said,
"You gonna pay for that.
"You gonna pay
for that shit, boy."
He was right.
You can't cheat
this shit no more.
Get the fuck outta here!
Why you wanna be
always arguin' with me?
Listen to me. How many
pair of sneakers you got?
The pair I got on
makes six.
Yo, Rodney.
Wait a second.
Six, right?
How many pair
0' feet you got?
Two, like everybody else.
He don't see what
I'm talkin' about.
You don't see what I'm
talking about, do you?
What, man?
How you gonna make 10
and spend 10, nigger?
Ten minus 1O
make what? Right?
You wanna be
a zero nigger?
I don't want me no
zero nigger. Right?
You ain't got one.
Now you see what
I'm sayin' to you?
Nigger wanna
spend all his money
gonna wake up broke
every day of his life,
why, 'cause the nigger
don't believe in hisself.
Thinkin' like a two-minute clock,
man, instead of the long haul.
Long term. See your future.
Y'all come work for me, this
shit gonna be very different.
You gonna be
saving crazy money.
You gonna buy your moms a house
in Strong Island. Right?
Everybody stick out your
hands like this, palm down.
What you all see?
What you see?
You 'posed to
be seein' green.
All right.
You get it, man?
No. You get it,
nigger? All right.
I got it.
Excuse me.
You all have
a job to do inside?
Let's go. Who trash?
What's the matter
with you?
You ain't heard
what happened?
I ain't heard nothin'.
Rodney, you told me if I wanted
to get off them benches...
All's I hear is that Ahab's
lookin' for a new night manager.
I heard that.
Look here.
You gonna chill for a week or two, right?
Let the shit die down, right?
Be workin' still at my spot.
You gonna be on the benches,
but Ahab's is the joint.
I'm tellin' you.
I got it. I'm all right.
I'm all right.
Nigger look bad, boy.
We're gonna do, we're gonna mix the
shit up with the food traffic, right.
Right. See,
right now, we're doin'
way too much
business from my spot.
We got a crowd of black,
white customers,
out-of-state license plates,
what have you.
Somebody gonna check that out. They
gonna drop a dime on me, call 911.
And you know with my jacket,
I can't go back to jail.
Ahab gonna be a nice front. You
did good, Strike. You did good.
Now why you lookin'
like that? Somethin' wrong?
You know it's me
and you, right?
What I tell you?
You like my son, right.
I'm gonna look out for you.
I ain't let you down yet,
have I? Okay, then.
Come in here. I'm gonna get
somethin' to eat for you. Come on.
Hey, Strike.
What's up with that
train set you got?
It's all right.
Fuckin' Choo
Choo Charlie.
You readin' a train book?
Every man should have a hobby. Fuck's yours?
Collectin' welfare checks?
That shit ain't funny, man. Why
you tryin' to play me, Strike?
I'm talking about the...
Fuck that, man!
I don't talk about
them motherfucking toys
you been playing with
inside your crib.
Yeah, I know, 'cause I'll
bust your motherfuckin' ass.
Yo, Shorty,
who you laughin' at?
One time says freeze!
Hey, little man.
Stay right there.
Stand up, mastermind.
Oh. Is that Rodney?
Rodney rang?
You ought to know.
Y'all hear that noise
about Darryl last night?
Yeah, man.
Yeah, well... I had to tell
his moms and pops last night.
That ain't no joke making
notifications, I hate it.
I just hope I never have to
notify none of your parents.
Leave this shit alone!
How them trains comin'?
Little man, come here.
Come here.
What'd I tell you about bein'
around these knuckleheads? Huh?
I'm watchin' you.
Go on upstairs.
Yo, Andre. Why don't you go
chase some criminals or somethin'?
Shorty. What you lookin' at?
Come here, man.
Yeah, you. Come here.
Come on. Hurry up.
Quick. Time is money.
Come here.
God damn, Shorty,
this is some nappy shit.
When was the last time
you been in a barbershop'?
I don't know.
Put your hands up.
Ding-ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Watch out. Flip. Shoot.
Watch out! Duck! Come on.
Throw us somethin' else.
Where your manners at?
What's your name,
anyways, Shorty?
Tyrone Jeeter.
All right. Shorty.
There goes my brother,
Victor. Shit.
Wait right here, all right?
All right.
Be right back.
Uh! Watch out!
Oh, man... Uh! Uh! Flip!
Who did this, huh?
Who did this, huh?
Who did this?
Who did this? Who did this? Who did this?
Who did this?
Who's tryin' to be my son's daddy
and gave him this haircut?
Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Nobody don't know
nothin' now, huh?
I know you.
I know you.
Cedric Stanley Gilmore.
And I know you, too.
Ronnie Dunham.
You used to live next
door to me, remember?
I know your mother. Gloria.
You all ain't
nothin' but a bunch
of good-for-nothin',
death-dealin' scum.
I find out who's been
messin' with Tyrone,
I'm gonna put a bullet in
your butt my own damn self.
Don't let me
find Andre either.
Have a good Sunday.
Shit. I know that bitch
ain't talkin' to me.
Scientific, man, shut up.
You shut up, man.
Okay, Victor?
Ready to go?
Normally I'd
cuff you, brother,
but you look like the
kind of guy I can trust.
Like I said, I had some drinks
at Kool Breeze. Uh, Scotch.
Like two or three.
I usually go in there
after most work nights.
Uh-huh. How long
were you in there?
Uh, I don't know.
About 8:30 till about 10:00.
See, my shift at Hambones...
I'm a manager.
It don't end till 10:00. I wasn't
feelin' very good, so I left early.
You weren't feelin' good,
so you went to Kool Breeze?
It wasn't like it was a "goin'
home" not feelin' good.
You had a headache?
An argument?
No, just tired, man.
Go ahead.
So I left Kool Breeze,
started walkin' home.
I cut through
Ahab's parking lot.
And this guy just flexed on me, man.
He jumped outta nowhere.
I got scared.
You know the rest.
Tell me, Victor.
I shot him.
Hey, little man. I like that cut.
Where'd you get it?
You know...
You used to have
a good head on your
shoulders before
Rodney got a hold of you.
Still do.
You know, Ronald,
I been lookin' out
for you since
you been yea high.
Now, you don't want my guidance?
Fine. It's your life.
Let me tell you somethin'.
You even glance in the direction
of that little kid Tyrone,
and I'm gonna
fuck you up so bad
you're gonna wish
I had killed you.
Do we have an understanding?
Do we have an understanding?
Why do we keep goin' through this?
Man, I told you already.
The guy jumped outta
nowhere, I got scared...
Bam! Then I ran. I ran.
Calm down.
You mean bam, bam, bam, bam.
Four bullets in the body.
Where did you
carry the gun?
In my gym bag.
What else you carry in it?
My uniform from Hambones,
a sandwich from home.
I don't eat Hambones myself,
as quiet as it's kept.
Okay. Was the gym
bag zippered, locked?
Don't shake
your head, Victor.
Where's my mattresses?
I told you about my
mattresses for them kids.
They keep asking me, "Andre, you
say we gonna have a tumblin' club.
"We need some mattresses."
I say, "Strike's buying 'em.
He promised."
Look, I ain't
busted you yet,
but till I do, you gonna
be my main benefactor.
You gonna sponsor this club,
you understand me?
And, Ronald, I'm only tellin'
you one more time, you hear?
The store was closed.
One of them Jewish holidays.
What Jewish holiday?
I don't know. Pick one.
Tomorrow, all right? I swear,
I'll swing by tomorrow.
Andre, these cuffs
is too tight, man.
You and me
used to be tight.
Am I under arrest?
What for?
Could you uncuff me then,
please, and let me outta here?
You don't have
to live like this.
There's more than just
these projects out there.
Don't you wanna go someplace
you never been before?
I mean, you love trains, but
you've only ridden the subway.
Go on, man.
Get outta here.
And get them mattresses
for my kids, hear?
- Never.
- Never?
You're so close,
you never walked
by on a hot day
with your two kids?
Stopped in for a soda?
With my two kids?
I barely see my two kids.
I'm always working.
When I get home, I'm exhausted.
Do you have any kids?
Yeah. I have
a two-year-old daughter.
Have you ever
come home so tired
you hated the sound of
your own kids cryin'?
Your own flesh and blood.
My wife, Sharon, says,
"Quit a job. You got two."
What the hell she thinks I got two
jobs for in the first place, huh?
Look, I'm tryin', man.
I am really tryin' to move
us out of the projects.
You know what I'm sayin'?
I'm working, I'm saving, I'm
trying to do the best I can.
Provide those ends.
I gotta work.
I'm never late. I gotta work.
Victor, listen to me.
You're a good, decent,
church-goin', God-fearin' kid.
And if you did
pull the trigger,
there has to be
a reasonable answer
other than what
you've told me here.
I gotta ask myself, why would Darryl,
the night manager at Ahab's,
try to rob you in
his own parking lot?
So I think it had to
be something personal.
Mmm-mmm. No. I never
saw him before in my life.
He flexed, you shot?
I'm through with it.
I told you what happened. I gave you the gun.
What else do you want?
The truth, Victor.
The truth is
lookin' at you, man!
If a guy did something, if he
threatened your family, this helps you.
You were buggin'. "Can't sleep, can't
eat." This helps you in court.
What did that prick
do to you?
It was self-defense.
Self-defense, huh?
I wanna see what you see.
Uh. I disagree.
I don't think I do
look that fuckin' stupid.
Dang, man. In the papers.
I thought Vic was legit.
What happened?
Boy already had like
five jobs and shit.
Aw, shit, man! What the fuck
the Homo-side want now?
235 Hoyt,
Mandela projects, all right?
Yo, Tyrone.
What's up?
Come over here and watch
the car for me, all right?
All right?
Yeah, cool. What
you gonna give us?
Catch you
in a little bit.
We ain't
gonna do it for free.
I'll take care of
you later, all right?
Excuse me, sir. Which
building is 235 Hoyt?
Right there.
Thank you.
Is that Nintendo or Sega?
What's it called?
Whatever happened
to "Tiddlywinks"?
Rocco, don't you know this is the
new sensation across the nation?
Where you goin'? You
didn't push your floor.
My friend's house.
Everybody wants to
be a gangsta, right?
Yeah, you like that, right? You
like lookin' at that, right?
Wanna know
how much it costs?
I know that already.
Yeah, I'm sure. Probably
want to buy one, right?
How you know
I don't got one?
Why did he have that gun?
Everybody has a gun.
Does he have
a drinking problem?
He only drank
at night.
That makes two of us.
How about drugs?
He's as clean as
the Board of Health.
Did he have any
new friends recently?
Hangin' out with
any new people?
Not that I know of.
You must be thinking
of my son Ronald,
but he hasn't lived
here in quite a while.
He's quite the athlete.
You boys must be
proud of your daddy.
I'll bet.
Something's not right.
When I'm workin' on something,
I gotta make it right.
These are my two sons,
Victor and Ronald.
Victor's a hard-working,
handsome young man.
He doesn't lie.
If he said it was
it was self-defense.
Why don't you believe him?
Mrs. Dunham, do you
mind if I borrow these?
I have to go around and retrace
his steps the other night,
and I'd rather not show a mug
shot, if you know what I mean.
You be good boys, now.
Take care of your mother.
You know him?
He's an arrogant
piece of shit.
Comes into my store all the
time like he craps beige.
He used to work with Rodney last
year in his store, with Darryl.
Now he runs
the crew on the benches.
Clocks for Rodney, just like Darryl.
Let's bring him in.
So, what up, man?
They went to
the ninth floor.
Shit! I knew it.
Did they say anything?
Asked me about Gangsta.
Anything else?
All right, Shorty.
You did good, man.
Go upstairs before your moms
come down flippin' some shit.
All right.
Go on upstairs.
Who you hidin' from?
Come on, man.
Fuck you sneakin'
up on me for?
I'm not gonna keep tellin' you
to leave that boy alone.
You tell him that.
How you feel
about your brother?
It's fucked up, man.
I heard he confessed.
You been to see him?
I'm goin'. I'm goin'.
You need to have your
stomach checked out.
By the way.
My kids thank
you from the bottom
of their hearts
for their mattresses.
Now doesn't that
make you feel good?
You know this kid?
Yeah. He was in here.
Boy was in here Friday.
He had one drink.
One drink?
Wasn't drunk?
- He was rude.
- Yeah.
Ooh! I'm just gettin' warmed up.
But it's the bomb.
Was he with anybody?
He came in alone.
Might've had a conversation.
Can't recollect.
Do you recollect the
shooting across the street?
Yeah, who do you
think called the cops?
So that's who
you're lookin' for?
Do you remember if the kid was
here before or after the shooting?
He was in here before.
You know how I know?
'Cause I was watchin' him. 'Cause I
never saw him before, he was jumpy.
Thought he might have been
one of those stick-up kids.
This is Strike.
Jesus Christ.
They don't
look alike to me.
What about him?
Oh, yeah. Victor? A regular.
What's up with him?
Strike, how come you didn't
tell me your brother did it?
Come on, Rodney, man.
You forgot?
You told me you
didn't wanna know nothing.
Yeah, you right.
Victor popped Darryl?
Hey, I don't know
if he even did it.
Victor, your brother.
You supposed to know.
Errol, just...
We ain't had that conversation
about Darryl, did we?
What conversation?
There, you see?
Ain't no problem.
Go ahead, man. Break.
That's my boy!
Came in one night only,
on the night of the shooting.
Has the jumps. Never sat down.
Left sober before the shooting.
Yo's jacket shows
possession with intent,
possession of unlicensed
firearm and assault,
for which he still
owes three years.
Listen to me now, Rocco. He's all strung out.
Has a few over his limit.
He gets fried,
walks out of Kool Breeze
with the heater
in his gym bag.
The Adams guyjumps out,
startles him.
Pops the first guy
who steps on his Nikes.
It's like
a capper on a bad day.
That's how
these Nubians do it.
He gets religion,
comes in, gives it up.
Pack it up. I'm not
wasting my time on this.
Come on, Larry. Can't you
see what they're tryin' to pull?
Yo walks in,
says he's the shooter.
No record, two adorable
kids, two jobs.
Model citizen.
Claims self-defense.
Okay. All right.
Who's gonna argue?
Now, this other one,
If he tried to pull that bullshit,
they'd throw the key away.
He's a known scumbag.
No wonder this confession sounds
like horseshit. He's lying.
Victor never got
off that bar stool.
Yo was taken away
for his brother.
For what? Hmm?
Brotherly love?
Fear? For money? What?
They ran a game
on me, these two,
'cause this cocksucker
is an innocent man.
Just because a Nubian,
excuse me, Lieutenant,
got a wife, a job,
two kids, a dog, a goldfish
and a bank account,
he can't be a shooter?
You did everything but stick
your tongue down his throat.
The kid didn't budge.
Rocco, listen to me.
Even if this Victor kid is sellin'
us a line of shit on the tape,
which is what they all do anyhow,
even if they're givin' it up,
this is still a good,
solid "closed by arrest."
And if I'm wrong, and Rodney
conspired in on this, or Strike,
or the fuckin' Medellin
cartel, I don't give a fuck.
'Cause we got the shooter.
We locked up
the wrong brother.
The wrong brother. Yeah,
yeah, it's on you, okay?
What I want to know
is where the fuck
did these two yos
get balls big enough
to think that they could
put this one past me?
I'm tired of hearin' that
"yo" shit from you. Back off.
I'm sorry, Lieutenant. Excuse me.
I don't mean any offense.
Anybody can bust off an oowop. What
makes your brother Vic any different?
Come on, man.
Papers say he had a .38.
Regardless what
the papers say...
Wait, motherfucker.
When was the last
time you bust off
an oowop? Last time
you murder somebody?
I ain't never murder
nobody, but you don't
get out my face
talkin' that bullshit,
I'm gonna murder someone now!
Yo, chill. Hold it, man. Kill that noise.
Homo-side creepin' up.
How you
doin', fellas?
Look who's here.
Ronnie Dunham, big man.
Can I talk to you a minute?
Go on, bitch.
I'm Rocco Klein,
DA's Homicide Squad.
You got a minute?
I'm doin' the Darryl Adams job.
Your brother, you know?
How's he doin'?
Don't know.
Haven't seen him yet.
That's no joke in there.
You been in?
Just overnight on a confusion.
Wasn't no thing.
I thought you were dead.
I was. I came back.
Mr. Barnes waiting for you?
Nah, not me.
I'm not happy about this.
Your brother fessed up, but it
was some bullshit explanation.
you know what he told us?
How the fuck would I know?
I wasn't there.
Wasn't there?
Wherever he was
telling you all this.
What do you think happened?
Got me.
You think him and Darryl Adams
had some static? A beef?
Did you know Darryl Adams?
No, no, no.
You didn't know
Darryl Adams?
Nah, man.
I never met him,
nothin'. Nah.
When's the last time
you saw your brother'?
It's been a while.
Week, month, year?
Which one?
Two months.
Two months?
You wanna get that?
What you talkin'?
That ain't mine.
What do you know?
Ronnie, I was lookin' for
some help, some insight.
Your brother's got those two
nice kids, your nephews.
Maybe the guy
was a crack-head.
Darryl? A crack-head?
Crackin' up? Says who?
Ain't nobody...
It's just around, you know.
You know what
I'm tryin' to say.
You clocking?
How long you been
What is you, deaf?
I don't hustle.
Look. Here's my card.
You hear anything,
boom, pick up the phone.
I'll be seein'
ya around, Ronnie.
Cos I wouldn't do this
Lord, if I tried...
What he want?
Somethin' about my brother.
Wasn't nothing.
This is from Rodney.
He say whack it
up into ounces.
He'll hit you off later.
Yeah, all right.
Jo-Jo. You
know Rodney Little?
Rodney's got this yo, Strike.
Yeah, he's the yo that likes
to drink the chocolate Moos.
I'm working on something,
I need him to talk to me.
You mind laying a couple
of cards on him for me?
Need him to start sweating.
What are you gonna
do for me?
Nothin' you don't
already do for yourself.
Strike, my man!
This is a new day, Strike.
Dinkins out, Rudy in. Law and order.
Cut the budget. Party's over.
Crackdown on drugs,
crime, niggers,
spics, homeless, squeegee
men, African-Americans.
Have a seat.
So what's up?
Not a thing, Detective.
Detective? Call me Jo-Jo.
You like basketball?
Nah. I don't like sports.
What do you like?
Choo-choo trains?
You can't dunk a basketball?
Get the fuck outta here, man. You been
slammin' before you was crawlin'.
All right, listen. I'm here
'cause I like you. I do.
Tomorrow night's
gonna be knocko night.
We're coming down on these
projects like a fuckin' broom.
So, if I was you, I'd take my
homies out, say 9:00 p.m.,
for chocolate
Moolies or whatever
it is you drink,
till about 11:00, bet?
Yeah, bet.
I look out for you,
you look out for me.
Yeah, all right.
No, no, no.
No "all right."
I look out for you,
you look out for me.
You look like five hundred.
Five hundred.
That's a start.
Good. Every week, I look out for you.
I tell you when we're hittin'.
Week in, week out,
you look out for me.
This is my man, Kirby.
Kirby gonna double back in like 30 minutes.
You lay it on him.
You tell your boy Rodney I got
some good stuff he could use.
Finest, highest quality.
Peace out.
I think you dropped this.
If I was you,
I think I'd call this guy.
Yo, Strike.
Who's here to
see Victor Dunham?
Aw, man. I love you.
I love you, man.
Cool, man.
You look good.
After you, man.
Somebody got bored shaving.
So they decided to
cut me up with a razor.
And they stole
my sneakers, too.
Yo, big brother.
You made
the papers, man.
Ronnie, can you get
me outta here, man?
I'll try. What's the bail?
Fifty thousand.
Fifty? God damn!
What's the cash options?
My lawyer says
maybe in a week,
I can get that 10% thing.
Maybe Rodney got...
Tell motherfuckers to stop
fuckin' with you and all that.
Yeah. Yeah. Maybe.
Look, man, I'm gonna try
to get you outta here, okay?
some of these brothers,
some of these men,
they love jail.
But all this,
this ain't for me, man.
I'm gonna get you
outta here, all right?
You kiss my
babies for me, please?
All right.
Thank you.
We've been open for about a year.
We've done pretty well so far.
When I read about it, my heart was broken.
Victor is a sweetheart.
Was he ever late for work?
Never. Like Swiss movement.
Did he ever steal?
No, he was honest.
Get any visitors?
See him in here?
Victor was my buffer.
He could talk and
reason with them.
Anybody ever threaten him?
Open up your eyes
and realize things is tough
Yo, shit is mad rough
when you livin' in the city
Walk with your head high
Step with the bitty-bop
Got to survive when you
slam or you do or die
Cos niggers try to read
through a nigger's eyes...
May I help you?
May I help you?
Yeah, let me
the fuck in the store.
This is a store, right?
People buy shit in the store.
What do you wish
to buy, brother?
I wish to buy
what you got.
Maybe we don't
have what you want.
Hold on. Who are you,
the security house nigger?
They rent you by the hour?
We're just trying to help...
Fuck that, man!
'Cause I'm black,
that automatically mean
I'm gonna steal something,
Nigger, I came in here to buy
a birthday gift for my mom!
But you ain't shit,
and neither is this bullshit
kung fu Chinese bitch store!
Fuck you, motherfucker!
You think I'm playing?
I'm gonna bring my steel and pump
bullets in your motherfucking ass.
Think I'm playing?
You disrespectin'
me on my mother's birthday!
I G's up twice a day, man.
How much you make in a month?
See this? See this? It's a
hundred dollar bill, right?
Use it in
your kid's birthday.
I'm gonna come back here.
I'm gonna kill your ass.
Thank you.
I'm gonna kill your ass.
What did he want?
Did that kid ever come back?
Hey. What's up, Mr. Brown?
Hey. Mr. Dunham.
Ty, that's my landlord, Mr. Brown.
Say what's up.
How you doing, sir?
Pleased to meet you,
young man.
This is Tyrone.
This is my little brother.
Anybody bother you, any of these
heads out here, you let me know.
I got something for the
crack-heads my damn self.
Young man, you do like your big brother.
Leave those drugs alone.
I got some food on
the stove. See ya later.
All right. Peace.
Go up the steps. Hurry up.
Shorty, what you doin'?
Don't touch that.
Buggin'. You know anything
about what you're touchin'?
Little buster.
Lionel Trains, right? They was
built in the early 1900s.
But them cheap shits, they only
ran on dry cell batteries.
But after World War ll,
when more folks
started getting
electricity in their
cribs and shit like that,
they made the new ones.
Yeah, phat, right?
Profit's all in the cut.
Don't never forget that.
Shorty, if I ever see
or even hear about you
messin' with this stuff right here,
man, sniff in' or pipin' up...
Come here, man.
The word to my mother.
Put a cap in your ass.
This ain't no TV movie
violence bullshit neither.
This stuff out here is real.
Real bullets hurt and
real guns kills you dead.
See this right here?
This a .25 automatic.
I keeps this for all
them ill niggers out there.
Like that one dude, Errol.
Now that brother's crazy.
He will blast your ass,
just won't give a fuck.
The messed-up thing about it is
that they never find the body.
Just the blood
stains on the ground.
If he ever tried to creep up
on me, I'm gonna gat his ass.
And you best be ready
to do the same shit, too.
Aw, don't think that
just 'cause you're 12,
small and shit,
that he won't smoke you.
Just last year, he caught
himself a 10-year-old.
I knows you
probably thinking about
what Mr. Brown said
earlier and all that.
But, chill, don't even
sweat that shit, man.
He's old and poor. He don't
know what time it is.
This is how you get
that money right here.
How do you think I got that
phat-ass train set right there?
From pumpin' this
white shit right here.
Any fly shit you want in
this world, it costs money.
And this is how
you get it. Hustling.
Don't never forget
that shit neither.
Yo, Shorty, you're smart, right?
Answer me this.
Boss buys him a key
for $22,000, right?
Cuts it up to 3,500,
$10 bottles.
Boss takes 60%, $17,000
profit, leaving up $7,000,
50% of which is mine.
How much for me?
Thirty-five hundred.
My man, Shorty. Keep hittin'
them books, all right?
If I ever catch you playing hooky,
I'll put a cap in your ass.
My name is M-O
and don't you forget it
Takin' out your boys and you
don't know how I did it
Pickin' off your crew
one by one
Don't step in my way
cos I just might have a gun
May be loaded
Just might not be
Cos I'm a menace to society
My name not Sticky Fingers
but I still get hip
So back the fuck up and just
Cos steppin' on me
you'll be a-writin' your will
I'm like an Energizer
can't never die
Ba, ba, ba, ba, nice try
Ha, ha, ha, I saw you
run in the building
Throwing up my guns
to the ceiling
Ba, ba, ba,
here I go again
Ba, ba, ba,
cops are comin' in
Run into the back, man
I'm fast up the staircase
I got no time to waste
Nobody seen my face,
so I leave without a trace
Make the drops over on
Smith Street from now on.
Yeah, all right. Oh,
yeah, crooked-ass Jo-Jo.
He said he got some
weight for you to buy.
that motherfucker.
Fuckin' faggot. He tapped
me up for $500, too.
Errol told me you talked
to the Homicide cop.
How'd that go?
It was aight.
"Aight" or all right?
It was "aight," all right?
I ever tell you about the
first time I killed somebody?
Errol Barnes made me do it,
'cause it was three guys
burned us on some bogus dope.
Errol's already killed the other two.
We got the third guy.
Be cool, man. Chill,
motherfucker, chill.
Ain't you sorry
you fucked with us?
I ain't fucked with you.
You're lucky we don't
throw your ass
off this roof like them
crackers down South.
I didn't do shit, man.
What the fuck
is my name?
Errol, man.
You're goddamn right.
Motherfucker crying like a baby boy.
Tears, snot flying, shit.
Errol turned to me. Says,
"You got to cap him,
or I'm gonna cap you."
Man, come on, that shit
ain't necessary, man.
I ain't gonna cap that boy. He's
scared like a motherfucker.
You think I'm
playin' with you?
Open your mouth.
Open your mouth.
Open it!
You gonna take this piece,
and you're gonna put that
motherfucker's brains out.
You understand me?
I got it.
Go to it.
I said you shouldn't
have did that shit, man.
Come on, please! Please!
On three, Rodney.
I can't stop my
hand from shakin'.
Don't you dare
chump out on me.
I can't stop my
hand from shakin', man.
Cap him!
All right!
Don't you wish
you'd done us right'?
Hey, hey, hey. Don't you ever,
ever fuck with me, boy.
Do you know me now?
I'm a bad man.
Errol couldn't have me runnin'
around here knowin' what he did
without somethin' personal
hangin' over my head, too.
Personal, Strike.
Otherwise, I might give him up
someday, you understand me?
That's the reason
why I needed you
to be bloody on
this Darryl thing.
You hear me?
Errol Barnes, boy.
Motherfucker had a sawed-off
shotgun right in my mug, Strike.
He's my best friend, too.
What's the matter with you?
You okay? Shit!
You gotta take care of yourself out here.
Wipe that off.
You Okay?
You ain't seen my doctor,
have you?
Strike, why I got to tell you things
two and three and four time, huh?
Why you don't
want to listen to me?
You Okay?
To be honest, I don't really give
a fuck because you lied to me.
Lied about what?
You said Darryl had a drug
problem, a crack-head.
I asked around.
The guy was clean.
I was just speculatin'.
That's some
nasty-ass speculatin'.
Damn. You're comin' at me
with mad questions.
I'm just tryin' to answer them shits.
Then you said
you never met 'im.
Maybe just by eye,
all right?
"Just by eye." You and him
never had any static?
So there's no way
Victor could've been
cuttin' through
the parking lot in the dark,
and Darryl would've
mistaken him for you,
like, "There goes
the motherfucker, Strike."
No, man.
'Cause you and your
brother in the dark,
you guys probably look
like two peas in a pod.
What the fuck
you tryin' to say?
All black people look alike
at nighttime or something?
I can't even tell you
guys apart in the day.
You got jokes.
Anyways, you and
your brother close'?
No. Not really.
I forgot. Long-lost brothers.
When was the last time?
A month.
Strike, you told me
two months before.
If you know so much, then
why you keep asking me?
You know what Alzheimer's is?
Some kind of beer?
Wise guy. You visit him yet?
He's claimin' self-defense.
He goes to trial with that,
those two nice kids of his,
by the time he'll be gettin'
out, they'll be goin' in.
Did it ever occur to you maybe
he didn't even do the shit?
You know who did?
Who did it?
Come on, man,
I gotta go. I'm sick.
Here's my card.
Got two already.
You better have
that checked out.
What the fuck
y'all lookin' at?
MANI Oh, shit!
You all right, man?
Strike! Strike! You smokin' crack,
motherfucker, huh? Get the fuck up!
Get an ambulance, man!
Let's get an ambulance!
Let's get him
the hell outta here.
He'll be all right.
Watch it, guys.
One, two, three. Let's go!
Here you go.
It's all right, man.
Hit that pipe
today, pal?
Dice that shit.
He don't use.
Anyone ever tell you not to do drugs?
Where do you live?
I'll give you all that.
Just get him to the hospital.
Welcome to Ahab's. May
I take your order, please?
Yes. We need
a Double Whaler on a bun.
One Double Whaler
on a bun. With cheese?
Yes, with cheese.
A Fried Shrimp Boat.
One Fried Shrimp Boat.
Two Fried Shrimp Boats.
Two Fried Shrimp...
Could I please get my Captain
Ahab with a clam roll?
Captain Ahab, Captain...
What's up, boys?
It's a nice car you got.
Yeah, it's my dad's car.
How ya doin'?
Power windows,
air bags, cellular phone.
Bet he paid
a pretty penny for this.
Oh, yeah. We were lookin'
for the Short Hills Mall.
It's not here.
No. What, did you come down from
Connecticut just to buy some whiting?
Some golf balls.
You buy anything else around
here that I should know about?
Some gum.
You like soul food?
Can't say I do.
You like to
wear lipstick?
Todd, why don't
we get outta here?
McCauley does in
the back, occasionally.
You like skirts?
we did wrong?
You ever suck
a black man's dick?
Jesus, Todd,
let's get outta here!
A big, 16-inch tar baby?
If I toss this car and I find any
drugs, I got 12 baboons in a cage,
who are gonna be callin' you
boys Mary all night long.
We don't have any.
Shut up, man!
Who's got the drugs?
Give it up now.
We don't have anything.
You got five
seconds, boys.
Todd's got the drugs!
Shut up, man!
Shut the fuck up.
Fuck you guys, man!
Put your hands
on the car.
Take it easy!
Fucking cocksucker!
Fucking touch him again, I'll rip
your throat out, motherfucker.
Get your hands up.
What's up?
You tell me.
What you up to, man?
You the one involved
in all the drama out here.
What you saying, man?
How you always know when I'm
comin' out of somewhere?
Don't you know
I know everything?
Didn't I tell you
to go see my doctor?
Didn't I tell you to stop
drinkin' that Moo shit? Didn't I?
Yeah, you did, you did.
No doubt, man, no doubt.
Strike, how you so
smart and so stupid?
Cut me some slack.
I heard that Homicide came
back on you again yesterday.
He ain't sayin' I'm in.
He's just fishin', that's all.
You and him fuck
buddies now, or what?
You got jokes, man.
Come on,
get in, get in.
How do you feel?
I'm all right.
You better be, 'cause we got
another big order come in.
Hey, Rodney.
if God created anything
better than crack cocaine,
he kept that
shit for hisself.
That shit is
like truth serum.
It will truly
expose who you are.
I mean, you happen to be a
low-life rat bastard motherfucker,
who will sell off his newborn
for a suck off that glass dick,
crack will bring it
right on in the light.
I don't care you black,
white, Chinese, rich, poor.
You take that first hit,
you on a mission.
And that mission
will never end.
Even when the house, the
money, loved ones are gone,
they send you to the joint,
you still gonna try to cop.
No doubt.
Only time it ends, Strike, that
mission, when you six feet under.
That's the reason
why I don't ever want
to hear about you
using this shit.
You understand me?
No. You crazy?
All right, then.
'Cause it's
also the reason why
I ain't never
goin' outta business.
I'm a great businessman,
And I got me
the world's greatest product.
Now you think about that.
Yo, what's up with her?
I'm gonna see you at
the store, all right.
Go ahead.
All right.
You believe I used
to deal with that
woman when she
looked like somethin'?
Yeah. You didn't
know that, did you?
She used to look good,
She looked better
than she look now.
Finest shit we got today.
Let me see.
But ain't y'all pregnant,
You got to
maintain that, man.
We already know that.
That's the last I'm
gonna sell to y'all,
'cause y'all got to take
care of that, for real.
Got red caps?
I'm getting tired of
these nickels, man.
Where the dimes at, Lou?
We don't
got it like that.
Come on,
let's do this.
You got it?
I got reds and I got yellows.
What you need?
Two yellow ones.
Two yellows?
I want two reds!
All right, Veronica. Slow down, girl.
Why you in such a hurry?
Because I wanna
get out of here.
Wanna get outta here?
Let me see this money.
No, I said two.
Let me see
the money. Chill.
I want yellow,
not her.
You want yellows?
She wants yellows
and I want two reds.
It's the same shit. Both of 'em
just to crack your ass up.
I want three of 'em.
And I said two.
You notice the tablecloths out
there with the African prints?
The nice carpeting and the plants
hanging from the ceilings?
It's all Victor's ideas.
You see, Victor
always wanted to make
this place like
somebody's home.
He treated
everybody with respect.
The workers, the customers,
even the clockers.
Like, okay, you asked me
about last Friday night.
We got three cocolo
chocho face maricones
trying to set up shop out there,
right in front of my business.
I reach for my trusty Roberto
Clemente Louisville Slugger here,
and I'm ready to bash in a head,
I'm ready to bash in an arm.
But Victor, he says...
No, Jesus, no. Let me
handle them, please.
We set somebody up
in the bathroom over there.
Put somebody there
as a lookout in the window.
Sorry, but you brothers
can't clock in here.
This is a family place, and
I need you to respect that.
Here. Take
these jumbo sodas.
This is a Pepsi.
An orange. A root beer.
I would
appreciate it very much
if you would
leave the premises
when you finish
with your jumbo sodas.
Usually they would just be happy
to get the free jumbo sodas,
but on this particular night, Leroy
pulls out a roll this big and says...
My boss says that
he'll pay you $300
a week if you
let us set up here.
What did he say?
You see, Victor puts please and
thank you into every sentence.
So, it was either...
No. Please, thank you.
Please. No, thank you.
What? You tryin' to be fuckin'
burger boy of the month, man?
Wait. Your girlfriend likes
you smellin' like burgers?
No. My wife...
Oh, your wife. Got it.
I see, okay, look...
We're tryin' to
do something here.
I can respect that.
You take your
business outside,
and I'll handle my
business here inside.
You can't even smile, man. You don't
like this job. Feel that money.
It's power.
I need you to respect that.
I'm gonna
miss you, man.
So, listen, I have
to go out and
check the floor.
I got a business to run.
So, Jesus...
I pronounce it "Jesus."
I feel more comfortable
calling you Jesus.
My mother called
me Jesus, my father
called me Jesus.
You call me Jesus.
All right, Jesus. So is that
why Victor left early Friday?
He said he
wasn't feeling well.
Fuck. I gotta
make a call.
There's a phone
out in front.
Wasn't feeling well?
Would you feel
well after working
65 hours a week in
a place like this?
It'll definitely make
you sick. Try it sometime.
You give me your badge, I'll give
you my apron, you'll be sick.
How much cheese
you make yesterday?
I made like a motherfuckin' yard.
I did all right.
Yo, Strike!
Here comes Shorty.
Take this.
Shorty, what I told you?
It's yours.
Shorty, what did I tell you?
I told you!
Here comes your moms.
Get out of here,
you crazy?
This is yours.
What did I say? Huh? You hear me?
What are you doin'?
Did you hear? You hear me? I told you!
You leave my son alone!
Don't you ever in your life put your
motherfuckin' hands in my face.
I'll put my hands
wherever I want to!
You stop buying him shit.
I ain't buyin' him shit.
Go home. Go!
The Nikes, the Sega
game, the haircut!
You thought you
were slick, right?
I saw him riding the bike. You
wouldn't let him bring that home.
Yo, lady,
I'm telling you, man,
you best stay
the fuck out of my face.
I am not scared of you.
Maybe you're not scared of me.
Maybe you're scared of Andre.
You get Andre.
I don't give a fuck.
You are sellin'
your own people death.
All of y'all. I'm not gonna
let you take him with you.
You hear me? I can't let you do that.
I can't let you do that.
You can't! You understand?
I'm gonna go get Andre.
She took
a pop at him, the ho.
Yeah, here come
your friend, man.
Now you're beatin' up on
defenseless women? What gives?
Come on, man.
She attacked me.
Can I talk to you a minute?
Have a seat.
Don't look so depressed.
Worse things could happen.
Ronnie, have I treated you
like a hard-on out here?
Have I not treated
you like a man out here?
Talked to you with respect,
with courtesy, huh?
What the fuck are
you talkin' about, man?
Why you tryin' to make
a fuckin' fool outta me?
What you talkin' about?
What am I talkin' about? You told
me you didn't know Darryl Adams.
I'm running around like
a horse's ass on that.
Not only did I find
out that you know him,
but you worked a whole year
with him at Rodney's store.
Why the fuck
didn't you tell me that?
I thought you meant
this other Darryl.
What other Darryl? And if
you knew some other Darryl,
you should have said, "Yeah, I
know him," right? I don't get it.
Look, I only know one Darryl.
Explain something else
to me. You said
you didn't see your
brother in two months.
Oh, God.
You got all kind...
Ronnie, don't "Oh, God" me.
You got all kinds of pissed off
at me just like you are now,
'cause I forgot that
you said that, right?
You didn't see him two months.
Yeah. Yeah.
Guess what?
I go into the Kool Breeze,
the bar your brother was in
just before the shootin',
the bartender lD'd
you in there that night.
He even remembered
the drink he made for you.
Pia colada, straight out of a can.
Does this ring a bell?
Why did you lie to me, Ronnie?
'Cause, man, it's my brother.
What's your brother'?
Your brother made you lie?
Tryin' to look out
for him, that's all.
Explain to me how you lyin' to me helps him.
He's locked up.
What you tryin' to say?
You tryin' to pin this on me?
I didn't say that.
You said that.
I just asked you
why you throwin' me
a line of shit.
Why did you say that?
Oh, man... See, you fuckin'
with my words and shit.
You confusin' me. Twistin' my
shits around and all that.
Me? Oh, who's twistin'
who here, Ronnie?
All's I'm askin'
is why did you
try to play me like
such a jerk on this thing?
Please, stop fuckin' with me.
What's in it for you?
Damn, man. What the fuck is this?
Twenty questions or somethin'?
We already spoke
about this shit.
I just want to know
what you know, man.
Hey, Ronnie. I just want
to know what you know.
Am I under arrest or what?
Fuck, no! If I arrest you,
I can't talk to you.
Then the conversation's over.
You don't have to do shit.
But if you wanna continue
to do business out here,
without Jo-Jo and his crew, or
anybody else I can think of,
puttin' their hands in your
pockets every two seconds,
I would really think about
takin' a ride right fuckin' now.
What the fuck
I look like?
I ain't goin' nowhere
with your Homo-side ass.
Are you comin' or what?
How you doin'?
Man, you crazy, man?
I ain't goin' up in there.
Yo, Rocco. Yeah, come on, man. I
ain't got nothin' to say, man.
I was prayin' that you
could help me out here.
Because to
tell you the truth,
I've come completely around on
this to your way of thinking.
What's my way of
thinkin' about this?
I know your brother is an
innocent man, just like you do.
If Victor was my brother
and I knew what you know,
every day of my life
would be a living hell.
You think we can do something
about this, Ronnie?
Do about what?
All bullshit aside.
You, me, Victor, we all
know who did Darryl Adams.
Who do you think, Ronnie?
I don't know. You tell me.
You little fuck. You did it.
I know it, you know it!
Your brother knows it.
What's the thinkin' on this, because
if Victor claims self-defense,
he'll get off
because he has no record?
His life is over!
I know it's rough out here
for young, black males
with slavery, racism, no jobs,
single parent families...
Fuck that.
Don't fuckin'
gesture at me like that.
Have some fuckin' respect. But
you're the fuckin' king snake!
You're a low-down, cold-blooded,
evil junkyard nigger,
like I've never
seen in my life.
What you talkin' about?
What'd you do,
offer him money?
Who the fuck are you kiddin'?
You're not the Mafia.
You're not
even Rodney Little!
You're a skinny-ass
snake motherfucker.
You think you're hot shit. You ain't
nothing but a cold, fucking fart.
You don't know a motherfucking
thing about me.
You don't know who I am.
You ain't nothin'
but a racist-ass,
nigger-hating cop.
You don't know how it is
for brothers out here.
And you motherfuckin'
definitely don't know...
Don't point
your finger at me.
...nothin' about
what's goin' on out here.
Don't you fuckin' point your finger on me.
You tell me.
What's goin' on out here?
What don't I see?
I ain't tellin' you shit, all
right, till I see my lawyer.
Listen to me. I talked to all your brother's...
Listen to me. Look at me.
I got something nice to say.
I talked
to all your brother's people.
You know what?
He's one of the decent ones.
Probably in his
deluded decency,
he thinks he's doing
a noble thing with you here.
But you and Victor playin'
me for a patsy? Usin' me?
Back up with that shit.
I read you like a Marvel
fuckin' Spider-Man comic book!
I been inside your bald pea
brain since you were born.
Twenty fuckin' years! You
don't play me, I play you!
Rocco, you can't do
this in front of our house.
Understand? It's no good.
Strike. Strike.
You want to
make yourself crazy
goin' after
someone else on this?
There's your man,
right over there.
Hold on.
Get your little ass
in the car.
Fuck Rodney.
Yo thinks he's
gonna okey-doke me.
He's goin' down, Larry.
Down for the fuckin' count.
All right, Rocco. Take it easy, all right?
Just take it easy.
How ya doin'?
Fuck you, too, Rodney.
Come on. Hey.
Take it easy.
I'm gonna cripple
that cocksucker.
Larry, I swear on my mother's
grave, I'm gonna cripple him.
You were supposed to be
at my spot an hour ago.
You were supposed to be
at my spot an hour ago.
What am I supposed to do? Tell
Homicide I can't talk right now?
I gotta go bag up some ounces
for my boss, Rodney Little?
He arrest you?
Why didn't you tell him
to go fuck hisself?
What did he want?
Nothin' much. You know,
same old, same old.
He ask about me?
Nah. Damn.
'Cause I never said nothin'
to you about shootin' nobody.
All's I said,
you want Darryl's spot,
you got to get it
for yourself.
Shit, I didn't
even say that.
Fuck you, Rodney.
Excuse me.
Who the fuck are you
talkin' to like that?
You outta your
motherfuckin' mind, hmm?
You think I'm one
of them little crew
niggers sittin'
on a project bench?
Open your mouth, nigger.
Now, you feel that?
I put this gun
in your bad breath
smellin' mouth,
I will pull the trigger.
I'll splatter what little
motherfuckin' brains you got
all over the Corinthian
leather interior of my car.
This is my
wife's brand-new car,
so you know I
don't give a fuck.
You understand me?
Do you understand me, bitch?
Let me tell you
somethin' else.
If I ever hear
about you talkin'
to that Homicide
one more time,
that Rocco motherfucker, I don't
care if he asks you the time of day,
if I hear about
my name comin' up,
I'm gonna know it was you
and I'm gonna kill ya.
I mean, you are 187 on the
street, you understand me?
Do you understand me?
Word is bond.
Now get your motherfuckin'
ass outta my car.
Who bought you this shit? Did
Strike bought you that shit?
Where your mama at?
She know you out here?
When I was a little boy,
my daddy would
have kicked my butt
all over the street.
I don't have a father,
all right?
You got one now.
Listen, when Errol is talkin'
to you, boy, you listen.
You're not my daddy.
Look here.
I'm your daddy now.
You get your butt...
You little motherfuckers,
get outta here!
Look here. Now I got to deal with this.
Look at this.
Shit. What the fuck
is he doin'?
I'm a bad man.
Get your hand off me.
are you doin', man?
Get the fuck outta here.
Errol, come here.
Step off.
Shorty. Now, fun and
games is over, all right.
I warned your ass
about Errol, didn't I?
Huh? Didn't I?
What's goin' on here?
I don't want to see your ass
hangin' around me no more.
What'd I do?
Now take your ass
home to your moms.
I don't want to see your ass no more!
We ain't boys.
You a little nigger.
This is real nigger shit.
You're a little
motherfucking kid
need to be in school.
Get your ass up...
I thought I was def!
Shut the fuck up!
Take your ass
home to your moms.
Get the fuck up them steps.
Hurry up, man!
Hurry the fuck up!
Shouldn't have
taught me, then.
I busted these
four yuppie dickheads
from Connecticut
over at Ahab's.
They drove down in
Daddy's Benz to cop.
So fuckin' what?
I'm gonna use them to pinch that
motherfucking shine head Rodney.
I got 'im set up.
You got Rodney set up?
Got that fuckin' yo set
up just like the movie.
Let me do a favor for ya.
Me and Mazilli know the prick.
Let us pick him up for you.
Then you'd owe me two favors.
You ain't gonna let me
forget. I ain't worried.
No, I won't.
I wash my face
in dirty water
Cos it gives
my mind a little order
And I play that game
just like I should do
But my whole world
slips away
I live my life,
I live it slowly
And I take my time,
I'm in no hurry
Yeah, I'm livin'
And when I go
then I would surely...
Mr. Mazilli.
What you need, man?
I need you, brother.
Oh. yeah?
For what?
I got me a warrant on ya.
Warrant for what?
You want to arrest me?
For what, Mazilli?
You must have sold
to an undercover, man.
Oh, man, please!
You so desperate,
you sellin' shit yourself?
Excuse me.
All right.
Who tryin' to set me up?
What do I know?
Come on, man.
I'm Homicide, man.
How long we been
doin' business, huh?
All of a sudden,
it don't count for nothin'?
All I know is, somebody
says Rodney's your buddy.
He's not gonna break
balls if you go in. So?
Right, Rodney?
Rocco Klein, Rocco Klein.
I always wanted to ask you.
You Italian, you a Jew? What are you?
You can't make up your mind?
Yeah, you.
I'm from the lost Black
Tribe of Israel, the Yos.
Now put the rag away, lock up,
get your shit, and let's go.
I'm a businessman, all right?
I'm tryin' to make a dollar.
Yeah, I'm proud of ya.
Let's go.
We got a job,
too, okay?
go find Errol.
Tell him to come down here
and mind the store for me.
Tell my wife to get my
bail money together, too.
Give Errol my best,
all right?
Better put a leash
on that psychopath.
The Santa Fe F3.
Considered the most attractive
paint scheme on any rail road.
"Dear Mr. Herman Brown,
"I had to leave suddenly,
but I'll be all right.
"If my little
"swings by
"he can have
"my train set."
We will concentrate on the
characteristics of the shells
and the paint of over
40 original variations.
God damn, man!
Who stole my gat?
Who set me up, Mazilli?
You better not tell me. Save
my ass from a homicide charge.
Don't tell us before, man. We like to
figure these things out, all right.
Takes all the fun out
of the investigation.
On the real side,
who served me up?
What do I look like?
One of your hoes?
Yo, genius.
Who do you think?
He's in a jam. It must've
been the chocolate Moos.
Yo, Sharon!
Hi, Uncle Ronnie.
Yo, what's up,
Mark? Chillin'?
All right.
So, how Victor doing? What's going
on with that bail situation?
Down to $5,000.
Good. Good. It's about fuckin' time.
Check this out.
somebody's gonna see you.
Put that away. Hurry up.
That's $5,000
right there, all right?
Give that to Mommy. Tell her
to get her son up out of jail.
Don't tell her I gave
it to you, all right?
You goin' somewhere?
I might, but I don't know.
Ronald, you need to
talk to your mother.
You listenin'?
Yeah, I hear you.
All right.
Okay, let's go.
The Dunham brothers
are up, and
he catches it. Yes!
Yo, Scientific?
What's up, B?
What's up?
What you guys just
sitting around for?
What the fuck you yellin' at?
That nigger Rodney got locked up.
Locked up? For what?
You don't know why?
- No, I don't.
- Strike.
You know.
Yo, Strike!
Hold on.
Yo, Shorty. Come on, man.
Get out of here, man!
I gotta talk to you, man.
Get out of here.
I said I gotta talk to you!
Get out of here!
Hey, Ronnie.
Stop egging me!
Put it here, pal. Let me
talk to you for a minute.
You wanna fuck with me?
Let me show you what
fuckin's all about.
What the fuck
you talkin' about, man?
Your man is in the joint.
I just came by to thank you.
Fuck you, Rocco. You can't
pin this shit on me!
Oh, no? All I know is that
Rodney makes bail tomorrow.
He'll be back
out on the street.
What do you think your
homies will tell him?
If I was you, I'd fly down to the
DA's office right this minute,
work out something
and get my ass protected.
Come on, man, I don't even be fuckin'
around no more. I don't be hustlin'.
Ronald, do yourself a favor. Tell
me what really happened at Ahab's.
How your boss Rodney pressured
you into doing Darryl.
I tell you, that nigger set
Rodney up, man. I know it.
Nobody wants you on this. We
understand you had no choice.
Rodney had you scared to death.
Kill or be killed, right?
Man. You don't even know what
the fuck you talkin' about.
You just got me killed on
some dumb shit. God damn.
Black man say he didn't do
somethin', you don't believe him.
Black man say he did do something,
you still don't believe him.
Have a good life.
Oh, fuck!
I know you niggers know I
wouldn't diss Rodney like that.
Homo-side is buggin'.
Word up.
Word to Allah, man. You a
motherfuckin' punk-ass lyin' bitch!
Fuck you!
I'll fuck you up!
You a fuckin' snitch!
That nigger snitched on Rodney!
And you punch like a bitch!
Your mama's in her bed.
I ain't gonna wake her.
You don't get it, do you?
- Yo.
- Errol.
I'm in the lockup.
Lockup? For what?
I don't know. I'm still trying
to figure it out myself.
But I know who put me here.
That little punk-ass,
You know what you
gotta do, right?
It's done.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You still around here,
What you think?
All right. I guess Errol
ain't find your ass yet.
Errol? What he want?
Yo, Strike.
What he want, stupid?
How the fuck I'm
'posed to know?
Maybe he wanna play with your
fuckin' train set or somethin'.
Man, fuck you.
Fuck you, nigger!
I mean, snitch.
Shorty, how many times
I gotta tell you?
Stop sweatin' me. You a kid.
This is grown-up stuff.
You gonna get hurt out here.
Take your little bag of
candy, take your little bike
and go find some friends,
all right? Damn!
Fuckin' kids, man.
Oh, shit!
Boogie-Down was performing
Down with
the sounds called VDP
Boogie-Down was performing
It ain't no joke
Back in the days
I knew rap would never die
I used to listen
to Awesome-2 on WHBI
I used to hear
all kind of rap groups
Before samplin' loops rappers
wore bell-bottom Lee suits
Me and Kenny
couldn't afford that
So we would go to the park while
they was jammin' to hear rap
I used to listen
till the cops broke it up
Always thought to myself
"Damn, why they fucked it up"
But nevertheless I was in
love with the microphone
And it stayed that way
until I left home
On the streets of New York
now I'm free
But with freedom
comes big responsibility
I used to walk around
driven by the force
I remember how large Super
Rhymes was when he fell off
I used to wonder about
crews that used to rock
They were large but none of them
could manage to stay on top
Do you ever think about
when you outta here
Record deal and
video outta here
and Range Rover outta here
No doubt BDP is old school,
but we ain't goin' out...
What you want, little...
Yo, Ty! Ty!
You little motherfucker!
Some years went by, I signed
myself into a group home...
What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?
You buggin'?
I don't know
what happened.
I've known this kid
his whole life,
since he was a baby,
and his mother, too.
Good, decent people.
Whatever happened out there,
it was a big mistake.
I mean, Tyrone's never
been in trouble before.
He's like 85th percentile on
the national education test.
Now this thing could
ruin his life. Please.
Just help him with his moms
and his statement.
You know what I'm askin'.
Does my son
have to go to jail?
Would you permit me
to talk to him?
If you talk to him, does he
still have to go to jail?
Tyrone, you know
what you did, don't you?
You know it was wrong?
He knows.
Okay. We got that
outta the way.
You did wrong.
But you were scared, right?
You couldn't help it.
My son was terrified.
Tyrone, you're a good kid, but it's
tough growin' up in the projects.
Drugs, crime, peer pressure. You know
what that means, peer pressure'?
I hear you're
real intelligent.
Don't your friends
make fun of you
when you get straight A's,
speak correct English,
attend school, go to
classes, don't hang out?
Don't they call you
white boy?
Don't they call
you soft because
you ain't
hanging with them hard?
I know they do, but all you
want to do is the right thing.
But they keep threatening you,
threatening your mother.
Tyrone. So you get a gat.
So you, too, can be hard-core.
Protect yourself
and your mother.
Do you know
the man you shot?
That was Errol Barnes,
a stone killer.
He did time for
killin' a kid your age.
Here you are, riding your bike,
minding your own business.
You have a gun,
but it's for protection.
All of a sudden,
there's Errol,
that kid killer,
standing in front of you.
He's got this horrible
look in his beady eyes.
You see him reaching... Tyrone, look at me.
Look at me, Tyrone.
You see him reaching for
that .38 stuck in his waist.
You know he's gonna gat you.
Then who's gonna protect your mother?
You never fired
that gun before,
but Errol was about
to pull that trigger.
You're scared.
All you wanna do is ride your bike.
It's either him or you.
But there's this killer
standing in front of you.
Reaching. There's no time to think,
his finger is on the trigger.
Boom! Boom!
The gun just
appeared in your hand.
That's what happened.
That's what exactly happened.
And when I ask you what happened
with the tape recorder on,
that's exactly what you're
going to tell me, right?
Because you
always tell the truth.
Now, one last thing.
We need to know, again, tell the
truth, where'd you get the gat?
I found it.
Where'd you find it?
In the bushes.
Where in the bushes?
I'm not turning it on yet. Where
in the bushes? What bushes?
The bushes near my building.
you gotta help me out here.
And your mama.
The truth.
Okay. I borrowed it
by accident.
From who? Remember,
you always tell the truth.
I borrowed it by
accident from Strike.
Strike! Motherfucker!
All right, son. All right.
You did the right thing.
I was tryin' to
give it back to him,
but he doesn't
speak to me anymore.
I keep trying,
but he keeps egging me.
All right, son. I'm gonna
put the recorder on now.
You state your name,
and you tell the story,
relax, just the way
you told it to me.
Your name?
Tyrone Jeeter.
MAN 12 Oh, shit.
that nigger up, man!
What the fuck you doing?
You ruined that boy's life,
you fuckin' parasite!
I had nothin' to
do with that shit!
I'm tired of excuses!
- Mommy!
- You know nothin'!
"It's not my fault." I'm not
hearin' that bullshit no more.
It's motherfuckers like you
that mugged Rosa Parks.
Who the fuck
is Rosa Parks?
Who the fuck
is Rosa Parks?
Who's Rosa Parks?
It's hard on
the brothers out here.
Brothers! You stupid,
ignorant motherfucker!
Brothers? Brothers!
Is this the way
you take care
of your brothers, huh?
Real brothers take responsibility
for their actions.
And I'm gonna make damn sure you take
responsibility for the boat you're in.
Come on, man. I won't be fuckin' around.
I'm done with that.
Done with it?
Done with that?
You bet you are. You are
done from these streets.
You're gone from
this project, and
you're gone from New York.
You hear me?
You hear me?
You hear me?
Oh, shit!
Come on,
you son of a bitch!
Yo, why don't you stomp
that nigger, too, man?
Come on, man.
Get back! Get back!
Gonna shoot everybody?
Get the fuck back!
Get the fuck back!
Come on!
You want somethin'?
You got it, man!
You got it! What?
Get up. Get up,
get up, get up!
If I ever see you again,
I'm going to kill you!
I'm gonna shoot you five times in
your dome, put a gun in your hand
and say you tried
to raise up on me
for this beat
down you just got.
Do you understand? Do you understand?
Do you understand?
He wants to fly but his
wings won't let him go
He wants to travel,
but don't wanna go so low
Oh-oh, Daddy,
when I grow up
I want to be
a silent hero...
Ah, look who's here! I was
just comin' to get you.
Rodney or Andre?
Rodney! Take a number,
you're next!
What'd you think you was gonna do?
Become the fuckin' president?
Yo, man! Why did Tyrone
do that stupid shit for?
The boy did it for you.
He was protecting you.
Rodney ain't no fool.
He sent Errol after you,
and this poor fuckin' kid
stepped into the breach.
David and Goliath.
Now he's a 12-year-old murderer.
Way to go, Strike.
Don't lay that
on me, all right?
Don't lay that on you?
I had nothin' to
do with Tyrone.
You had nothin' to do
with what Tyrone did?
Can you look yourself
in the fuckin' mirror
and tell me you had nothin'
to do with what Tyrone did?
Why the fuck you
had to come shake
my hand in front of
the whole world anyway?
Didn't I tell you not to play me?
Did I not tell you that?
I don't give
a fuck what you said!
You can't put this on me. You
can't put this weight on me!
Why should you carry
the fuckin' weight?
You must be
a wonderful fuckin' guy,
everybody tryin' to protect your
back, Tyrone, your brother, Victor.
But you know what?
They all went down
protecting your back
from the same guy,
and he's still out there.
I'm the only one that can protect you now.
That's right. Me. Me.
So you tell me how Rodney pressured
you into cappin' Darryl Adams,
and we'll drop
him down a hole.
Now, don't tell me Rodney pulled
the trigger if he didn't.
All's you gotta do now
is tell me the truth.
Did you shoot Darryl Adams?
No, man, no. Damn.
Who did?
Who the fuck
is Scientific?
He's down with my crew.
Did you see him
kill Darryl Adams?
Did he tell you he
killed Darryl Adams? No!
Did he tell anybody
else he killed Darryl'?
I don't know!
Why you keep sweatin' me?
It was Errol Barnes!
Get up! Get up,
you lyin' cocksucker!
You crazy?
I'm gonna hand-feed you
to fuckin' Rodney myself!
I swear to God! It was
a nigger named My Man.
I swear to God, my brother
said My Man would do it.
My Man?
I didn't have
the heart to do Darryl!
I didn't have
the heart to do him!
Victor said My Man
would do it.
We was in Kool Breeze and shit,
and Victor, he just told me,
he was like,
he said, "My Man."
Maybe Victor was so drunk that
he did tell My Man to do it.
Bullshit, bullshit!
Let's go see Rodney.
If you don't get your hand
off my son, you better...
Victor called me
from the bar.
You ain't gotta
tell him nothin'.
Victor called me
from the bar.
Mom? I think I'm
gonna do somethin' bad.
Ma, I can feel it. Look,
I'm just tired, that's all.
I'm just sick and tired.
And somebody's gotta pay.
Somebody's gotta pay.
He came back into
the house an hour later.
Victor! Baby,
what's wrong?
Oh, Mama, I shot somebody!
I shot somebody.
He was
throwin' up all night.
I didn't even know
that other boy
was lyin' dead in
the parking lot.
The next morning, he says
that he can't get out of bed,
his legs are cramped,
he can't walk.
Mama, let me tell you,
it was like a dream.
It was like
somebody else was pullin'
the trigger,
you know what I'm saying?
And that's what happened.
I swear,
I'm gonna help Victor.
What is going to
happen to my son?
Did you get
the money from Sharon?
Huh? Forthe bail?
She wouldn't take it.
My son Victor said it was self-defense.
Believe him!
you is dead."
stole my bags, too.
Yo, Strike.
Your boy Rodney took
a piss in your car.
So, where do you
want to live, Ronnie?
I don't know,
man. You tell me.
We's goin' to the Port
Authority Bus Terminal.
Please, Rocco, man,
take me to Penn Station.
Same difference.
Victor is
pleading self-defense.
What's up with Tyrone?
Does he get bail?
No bail on juveniles. His
mother has him until the trial.
So, how much time
is he gonna get?
Maybe a half-year in a youth
house, if he's lucky.
Rocco, before I get out, man,
just answer me this one question.
Why was you so gung-ho
about all this shit, man?
Most cops, brothers
killin' other brothers
ain't no big thing.
Blas, blas.
What made you care about me, my
brother, Victor, Darryl Adams, Tyrone?
Huh? What made
you give a shit?
If I ever see you again,
I'll book you on charges
of criminal solicitation
and conspiracy
to commit murder.
I'll let Andre
beat you down again,
then pick up Rodney
on the same charges,
and I'll make sure you two
share the same cell.
The same fuckin' bed. Do
you understand me clearly?
I understand you clearly.
I just wanted to say thanks for
gettin' me outta town, that's all.
it ain't mine, man.
I stopped doin' that.
Get the fuck
outta the car.
Final Call newspaper!
Get your latest edition
of Final Call newspaper.
Sir, how are you
doing today, sir?
Did you get your latest edition
of Final Call newspaper?
"Justice in Black
and White," sir.
No, thank you.
Thank you very much, sir.
Have a pleasant and good day.
Final Call newspaper!
Get your latest edition
of your Final Call newspaper!
How about you, sir?
Final Call newspaper.
"I'll kill you."
I guess somebody read his
shirt the wrong way, huh?
Whoo! Right through
his fuckin' mouth.
Another stain
on the sidewalk.
Hal! Lunch.
Another dead motherfucker.
DMF. All right. Well,
Hal, let's go to work.
Take it away, Lieutenant.
Hey, guys, how you doin'?
They should blow these
projects to Timbuktu.
Why bother? They kill
themselves anyway,
like one of those
self-cleaning ovens.
Yeah, right.
No fuss, no mess.
That's how the Nubians do it.
Cycle of shit.
Take it easy, guys.
Take it easy.
What the fuck happened?
One snap, that kid
Scientific got shot up.
What's a Scientific?
That could be you next.
Mr. Scientific.
Nothin' you ain't
seen before, right, fellas?
Did you see
anything over there'?
Back in the early 1900s,
when trains ran on batteries,
when people had no electricity
in their houses...
After World War ll, right?
You know I love you, don't you?
After World War ll, right?
When people started getting
electricity in their houses,
they made these, the new ones.
Wanna hear a whistle?
Here is my hand
for you to hold
Here's a part of me
they have not sold
I've wandered far,
I've had my fill
I need you now
Do you love me still?
Only you have seen
The hidden part of me
Call me foolhardy
if you will
I loved you when
Do you love me still?
So many smiles
and lies surround me
Empty expectations,
faceless fears
Sometimes this life
is a bitter pill
I love you now
Do you love me still?
You have been mine
since time untold
Our love is immortal,
don't you know
Others will come
and they will go
But I loved you young
and I'll love you old
Only you have seen
The other side of me
Call me naive
I think you will
But I loved you then
Do you love me still?
Here are the eyes
that only see you
Here's a mouth
that only calls your name
Here is a song
they cannot kill
I love you now
Do you love me still?