Closing the Ring (2007)

Our God is marching on
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
His truth is marching on
In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the sea
With a glory in His bosom
that transfigures you and me
As He died to make men holy,
let us die to make men free
While God is marching on
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
His truth is marching on
Please be seated.
Chuck always said to me,
you talk too much".
So he'd be pleased
that his beloved daughter, Marie,
is going to say a few words.
I know that daddy
would be very pleased to see
so many veterans here today.
Especially members of
the 401st Bomber Group.
I guess he would want to talk
I guess he would want me
to talk about his life...
...and about the most
important thing in his life,
his love for my mother.
He was a brave man
in wartime in his lifetime,
and in the long illness
that led to his death.
But his was an unspoken bravery.
His heroism was as quiet
and as constant as he was.
Many loved him.
You don't smoke.
I thought I'd take it up again.
You should be in there, you know.
I know what she's gonna say.
I just can't sit there and
listen to all of that.
I understand.
Only you would understand.
I'm really sorry.
No need to.
It was his time to go.
No, I mean about being late.
I mean I'm sorry about that too,
I mean, about him...
It's all gassed up, dad.
It's ready to go.
Sure you want this?
He would.
You won't remember daddy
for what he said.
As you know, he didn't say much.
He never spoke to me
about the past,
about the war and
about his medals.
Not even once.
He felt that a man should be
judged for his work...
...and for the way
that he led his life.
Marie will be upset that you
missed her eulogy.
I don't think Marie cares
either way if I'm there.
Your husband was a fine man.
You'll miss him very much.
Well, I know you loved him, so
He never believed that, Peter.
All the years I wore this ring
we never talked much about love.
Would you like me to
take you back inside?
They'll roll him out
when they're through.
At least he has a grave.
Bloody hell!
What the devil do you mean,
creeping up on me like that?
What you digging for?
Who the hell are you?
I'm Jimmy.
Eleanor Reilly's wee lad?
I know you.
She's my granny.
My mum went away
she is back any time now.
Does your granny know
you're up here?
Don't know.
Well, you go home
Tell her Mr Quinlan said you're
not to come up here again.
This is a dangerous place,
do you not know that?
The Army is here all the time.
If it's not them,
it's the Republicans,
the bloody IRA.
So what are you doing here then?
None of your bloody business!
You're digging something.
I dig here sometimes
for my granny.
I can keep a secret, you know.
You tell me one secret
you've ever kept.
My granny keeps photographs.
In her dressing-table.
You what?
From the war Americans.
And that's your secret, is it?
Well, it's not any more,
you halfwit!
You just told me.
But you asked.
Do you want to spend your whole
life being a complete eejit?
No wonder your mammy buggered off.
Oh, shit!
Come on, back up here.
Give me a hand
Come on
And listen don't you
tell your granny.
Promise... Cross my heart.
What is it?
The past, boy.
The past.
That's a Harvard.
Here he comes.
That's Jack.
Is that your crazy father?
It's a tradition, Marie.
God, you're as stupid as he is.
Flies beautiful, doesn't it?
He could have killed us.
He's not allowed to fly that low.
Don't make a fuss, Marie.
It's exactly what your daddy
would have wanted.
Oh, really?
Is he doing it for daddy,
or is he doing it to impress you?
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Is he coming around again?
Oh, I certainly hope so.
You should take this.
There's a family trapped.
That's it.
One down, on the right.
Michael Quinlan,
where in God's name have you been?!
Get in that shelter right away!
Everybody outside, come on. Run!
No messing about, come on!
Didn't expect to find you here.
Well, where did you
expect to find me?
Not usually with us.
In the Georgian Hotel with one of
your gentleman friends.
I do more for the war effort
than you, Mrs Doyle.
Making your woolly underwear
for the troops.
And you taking it off fast
as they can put it on.
we missed you at evening Mass.
You'd have got here
in time for a seat.
You're a big lad now.
Will you be joining the Army,
fighting for King and country?
No, I'm gonna
be a fireman like my Da.
You can sit here, Michael.
Can I sit there?
We can't possibly mix
both congregations, Michael.
I'm forced to agree
with him there, Michael.
Sweet Jesus, is that you?
You're taking a chance,
aren't you?
Cathal, you'll
get yourself caught.
They've put
a reward out for you.
I don't care.
These are for you.
Look, I had to see you.
Dear God in heaven!
He has connections
over the border.
I thought you were away fighting
for the other side, Cathal Thomas.
He's right.
It's a dangerous place for you.
Is he fighting for the Germans?
You should join us.
Don't you dare.
Thousands of good Catholic Irishmen
serving in the British Army,
fighting against Fascism
My son's one of them.
And you... you're a damned traitor.
I say, hello,
are you all right in there?
You all right in there?
Cathal, no.
We'll not say anything.
If he's a policeman,
I'll kill him!
He's a Brit.
He's Army, not police, Cathal.
He won't know you.
Hold the door.
Come on, Mr Cobb!
Hurry up!
Come on!
The door is stuck.
Don't say a word.
Good evening, Officer.
Everyone all right?
We're fine.
Do you think they've gone for
the night, sir?
I think so, but there may be
some unexploded stuff.
So best stay down here
till the all-clear
Could you pass the word.
We need an ambulance
in Market Street.
Four casualties.
I like your helmet.
What on earth is this?
Where did you get it?
Bloody thing is loaded!
Who gave this to you?
You little idiot, Quinlan.
What are you doing with that?
Belonged to his old Da.
From the last war.
He'll scalp your arse, so he will.
I've got to confiscate this.
No need to tell the police,
Sure, he's only a wee lad.
No need.
Are the police up there now?
The local boys?
Afraid not.
Just my chaps from the barracks.
I'll come up and give you a hand.
Oh, Jesus.
Get the hell out of here, Cathal.
We should have given you up.
You could have, but you didn't.
None of you did.
Is this what we're looking for,
Mr Quinlan?
Just a piece of iron?
From the fuselage.
Or the wings, maybe.
Biggest piece I ever found - B-17.
You know what that is?
It's a rock group.
A band.
It's not a bloody band.
It's an airplane, you eejit.
Oh, right.
Crashed here.
Ten people killed.
Blown to bits.
They've all forgotten,
but I remember.
You remember it crashing?
I heard it.
I lived down the bottom,
Murray Street.
Still do.
What do you do this for,
Mr Quinlan?
What are you looking for?
Why should I be
looking for anything?
Why do you dig all this up then?
Just shut up and
give me a hand here.
See if we can lift it.
Hey, Ethel Ann, come on.
But... okay.
Oh, no.
Okay, chocks in and checked.
Come on out, sirs.
That was the most incredible
thing I've ever done!
Hello, fellas!
That was fantastic.
Jack, those B-17s are
just the greatest!
It's a piece of cake to fly, too.
Pilot showed us how.
Oh, sure.
You wanna take us up now then,
You know.
I feel like I could though,
you know.
You look swell, Ethel Ann.
Yeah, okay, come on.
Who wants a soda?
Let's go to Joe's.
But I thought you all had classes?
So, we skip one.
You'll get in trouble.
We're all gonna get in trouble,
there's a war coming!
Yes, trouble!
Big trouble!
So, it's supposed to be
the final approach...
...and we're thinking
something's wrong...
We're flying at the runway at,
God, 200 knots!
And the instructor says,
"Well, buddy... " well about putting down
the flaps?".
And the pilot goes,
"Oh, shoot!".
And wham!
Puts down the flaps,
but he pulls back the stick
at the same time.
That airplane must have been
standing straight on its tail.
No, wait,
I saw you guys coming in.
You were like that was me.
Anybody want another soda?
No, thank you.
No, thanks, Jack.
I wish I'd been up there with
you I really wanna fly.
I don't think the Air Force
would like that.
You got any cash?
There's plenty of girl pilots.
Amelia Earhart.
But not in a B-17.
Not with a bunch of hairy
apes like us.
So what about pilot school?
Still going?
I don't know.
The other guys are okay,
but I got problems with math.
They won't stop me
from going up there.
Bombardier, gunner.
I don't care.
Nor do I,
so long as you're happy.
I'm happy.
I've never been so happy.
Seems the whole town is
in love with that girl.
Never thought she'd choose
the country boy.
Country boy?
I trust him with my life.
Don't worry, my lips are sealed.
Young love, huh?
Come on.
One hamburger and three fries.
Come on, lover boy.
Come on, guys.
I guess you upset her.
Not hard to do.
Stupid tune.
Oh, come on,
they were great tunes.
I need a drink.
Steady, you've had a few already.
Why not?
I can have anything I want now.
What do you want, Ethel?
Go inside.
Well, at least let me
get the door for you.
I can get the door, thank you.
I've lived here long enough.
Well, just as you please.
This house.
Does seem kind of strange,
doesn't it?
Coming back to the house that he
built without him in it.
Jack, thank you for
the air raid and all.
My pleasure, girl.
Scared me half to death.
You ought to lose your licence.
Yeah, that's what the Sheriff said.
But I told him it was
an old tradition.
Class of June '42.
Go home, Jack.
What do you mean, now?
Yes, now.
Come on, dad.
You won't forget
to do something for me,
will you, Ethel?
What's that?
Your father's picture
at the Air Academy.
Put it back, please.
You never talk about those times.
Neither did dad.
Did you know a lot of these boys?
Yes, they were
a great bunch of guys.
We had some good times.
Could you tell me about it?
Could you tell me about them?
What you want to know
is whether I did it
with one of them and which one.
Well, why not?
It's notjust a picture,
they were flesh and blood.
Okay, just forget it.
Have you been with Pete yet?
Jack's boy, Pete.
Have you been with him yet?
Mom, what has gotten into you?
How much have you been drinking?
Time you got something
for yourself, Marie.
Life is passing you by.
Peter is a nice guy.
I'm just not ready.
But you must never,
ever let a man build you a house.
As long as you stay there,
he'll stay with you.
You may try to hide him
but he'll be there, inside it.
Why don't you try it with Peter?
Would you stop talking about sex?
You shouldn't be thinking about
that right now.
Well, what the hell else
should I be thinking about?
Daddy! We just buried him!
I guess this means I won't be
getting any any more, huh?
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Me, too.
Your father was a fine man.
I guess I should be
grateful to him.
The boys at the Academy I didn't.
I mean, it wasn't like that.
I was faithful.
I was always always,
always, always faithful.
So, how do you say three
I's in Spanish?
I, ya, ya.
It's so big.
He had his cousins
helping him over the winter.
But they're back at the farm now,
so we're helping him finish it.
That's it.
Good morning.
Teddy around?
Back at the house.
Thank you.
It's beautiful.
He's sure been working hard.
I wasn't expecting you so soon.
I fell asleep upstairs.
You've framed out
the upstairs already?
Sure have, I there's
so much more to do though.
Could you guys help me
bring up the latest delivery?
That pile up by the road?
Yeah, we can do that for you.
Come on, Chuck.
Jack, these are my best clothes.
Come on.
How come you've told me
so little about this place?
It's no secret.
Where did you
get the money for it?
My dad left
me this piece of land.
A little cash.
I worked in a sawmill last summer,
and they they paid me in lumber.
I wanna look upstairs.
I thought you told me you were
away getting an education?
That was it, I guess.
I read books, too.
Place is solid.
Building up to a standard,
not down to a price,
is what the lumber guy said.
Oh, I'll bet he did.
Hey, buzzard.
He's around here all the time
Keeps me company.
You've almost moved in.
I may be running out of time.
What do you mean?
The war I guess.
So it's gonna come, then?
That's why we all
joined the Air Academy.
Why are you doing all this?
Your folks wouldn't
like me one bit.
But when I do ask them,
I've gotta have something I can show.
Something I can give you.
You're building this house for me?
If I get into the Air Force
become a Sergeant maybe, then
that'd be something.
And then I could ask your folks.
I'd be some kind of gentleman.
You are a gentleman, Teddy.
I sure don't smell like one just now.
Let me try.
Excuse me?
Let me smell you.
Are you kidding?
I wanna remember you.
Just as you are now.
Don't move.
I wanna remember
this moment all my life.
Teddy, Ethel Ann?
Come on, Chuck... Let's go.
You're so beautiful.
Sometimes I can still smell it.
Aviation fuel.
That was 50 years ago.
And you said it burnt.
Some soaked into the ground,
I can't smell it,
but, look, I found this.
What is it?
Granny says
I shouldn't mix with you.
You promised me
you wouldn't tell her.
She says you're worse
than a Protestant.
What's worse than a Protestant?
An atheist.
Mr Quinlan, what we're doing,
is it illegal?
Only there's a man over there.
Do we stop digging?
Turn away, don't look at him.
He'll not bother us.
You took your time, Cathal.
Mr Thomas to you
There was no need
for you to be here.
Just an observer.
Do they think I can't
run my own operation?
Why did they change the target?
Wouldn't want to
lose support community.
And we have interests in that area.
You mean you're
selling drugs there.
Beautiful view
Who is the old man?
He's digging up an airplane.
It crashed here.
And you let him do it?
I know him.
Digging on Black Mountain
is a bad idea.
Never know what you'll find.
What I gave you, what is it?
It's very good.
A switch... Radio, maybe.
I'll get it home,
do some research.
I found that, you know
By rights it's mine.
Shankhill Road.
You're an atheist then?
You don't believe in God and
the Blessed Virgin Mary
and all that stuff?
Why not?
a fireman in Belfast.
Clearing up after that lot.
Will there be a second one?
There's always a second one.
That's the one does the damage.
They wait until the Army get there,
or the police.
Or the bloody firemen.
It's ready.
Last time a man used this switch
was 50 years ago.
And that man was killed.
Right here, in this very spot.
Here, you found it, you do it.
No, thanks.
Why not?
Don't want to.
All right
I will.
What the hell was that?!
It's too bloody soon!
It was supposed to be
set for 20 minutes.
Maybe just as well.
High Command thinks that bombs
may be a little old-fashioned.
"Counter-productive at this stage
of the struggle. "
It's a war we're fighting here
Yes that we are.
And maybe you're
losing it for us, Cathal.
Have you thought of that?
We have suffered a serious
setback in Hawaii.
Many American soldiers and sailors
have been killed by enemy action.
American ships have been sunk,
American airplanes
have been destroyed.
The lives of our soldiers and
sailors depend upon the manner
in which each and every one of us
fulfills his obligation to
our country.
Gunnery School?
Well, when do you go?
Next week.
Chuck is training as a pilot.
Jack is gonna be a navigator,
and they need gunners, so that's me.
I have to go.
So it's over, then?
All this.
Oh, no.
I'm gonna send postcards home
every day.
My folks think I'm walking out
with Chuck.
Good old reliable Chuck.
If they only knew it was you.
Well, I'm not gonna send them
to your folks' house, Ethel Ann.
I'm gonna send them here I mean,
when any of us guys get leave
we're gonna come back here,
we're gonna finish the house.
I can put a telephone in.
What are those places in college,
where everybody stays
like brothers?
Okay, well, this will be
our fraternity house.
Chuck can get away
from his parents
and Jack can get away from
all of his girlfriends
and we can be together.
I mean, this is your home.
It can't be my home without you.
When I'm through Gunnery School,
they'll give me some leave.
You could marry me.
We could do it secret,
but when I'm back for good,
we'll do it proper,
we'll invite everybody.
Is that all right?
Ethel Ann, say it's all right.
It's gold.
I love you.
I guess I'm just not used to
feeling so much.
I will always love you, Teddy.
I'll be yours till the day I die,
I swear it.
There won't be room for anyone
else in my heart but you.
No-one else, not ever.
Till I'm laid in my grave.
I love you.
Mom, are you all right?
What are you doing in my room?
This is not your room.
What do you mean?
I'm moving back into this room.
But you and daddy were always
in the other room, you
Okay, if you want my room,
that's fine.
I understand.
Mom, why don't you come to
the grave with me today?
It's a beautiful grave.
We can just be there together
with him.
Dad, of course.
Your father, he was a fine man.
He saved my life, actually.
You know, picked me up
put me back together.
Always treated me right.
He was a fine man,
he was a good husband.
Is that what you want?
No, what I want is for you to
start grieving like everyone else.
Grieving I was 21 years old.
My life was over.
You don't know what grieving is.
What do you mean?
It's none of your business.
That was before you married daddy.
Before I was born.
What happened?
I am going to
move in here tonight.
This is my house,
and if you don't like it,
you can leave.
So leave.
Have a seat.
Can I get you something?
No, thanks.
Peter, would you mind
giving us a minute?
When I was a kid,
this was the Soda Fountain.
Your Ma used to come here
all the time.
She loved those disgusting
root beer floats.
Her life was over at 21
That's what she said.
I'm trying to understand, Jack.
What happened to her?
The war happened,
for Christ's sake.
And the kids she knew,
some of them didn't make it back.
Yeah, but you did, and dad did.
Yeah, that's right.
He was shot up in a B-17,
she nursed him back to health
she put him back together.
No, she said that he
put her back together.
Well, they helped each other.
All right,
so they helped each other.
But what happened?
She said her life was over, Jack.
Hi, Jack.
Oh, hi.
Look let me give you
a piece of advice.
If I were you,
I wouldn'tjust come in here
and start digging around.
The past has gone.
Digging around?
What am I supposed to do?
Pretend that nothing is wrong?
You don't understand what
it's like at home without dad.
I knew Chuck for 50 years.
For 40 of them, he sat right
there where you are now.
Don't tell me I don't understand.
And if your
Ma doesn't want to talk to you
that's none of my business, is it?
So get the hell out of here.
And that's just
what she told me to do.
Hey, you okay?
I'm sorry.
What did you say to her?
Too much.
Not enough.
Hi, granny.
You know, I made you your tea.
And it's gone stone-cold,
and I had to give it to the cat.
No, not more of
that filthy stuff!
Please, don't do that.
Oh, no, Jimmy.
At least use your own blade.
Don't be using my good knife.
In fact, I wish you wouldn't
go up that mountain at all,
do you know that?
Because things go on there
that you shouldn't be
poking your wee nose into.
What things?
Just things, son.
And I wish you wouldn't mess
around with that Quinlan fella.
He said he knew you
when you were young.
Never, never, never!
He's a born liar, that fellow.
Always was.
So you did know him, then?
If you spent more time
looking for ajob...
Don't be stupid, granny.
Don't you call me stupid!
I've worked all my life.
There are no jobs.
Then go to London,
find your mother.
And that pimp she ran away with.
And clean that up after you,
will you?
And don't use the sink again.
This is not a hotel.
This is me who has to keep
this place clean, young man.
I'm not spending my life
cleaning after you
Ethel and Teddy.
Ethel and Teddy.
Looking sharp.
You ready?
I'm ready.
Want a beer?
We got it all worked out.
Jack stole the key.
I borrowed it.
This place looks great.
Nice job setting it up.
Yeah, I thought I'd bring
her straight back here, you know?
Carry her across the threshold.
Be out of your way.
Oh, no.
Me and Ethel Ann,
we don't want that.
I mean this is the last time
we're gonna have to spend together
before we leave.
And you're both officers, right?
So I'm not gonna be able to
talk to you after this.
Yeah, you will.
We got plans.
We're gonna fly together
in the same plane.
There's no there's no
chance of that.
Yes, there is.
I've been dating this girl down
in Personnel Administrations.
I can pull some strings.
Yep, we can fly together.
What do you mean, no?
I've been working on
this girl for weeks.
Well, I mean,
what if we didn't come back?
All three of us in one B-17.
Jesus Christ, Teddy.
We are not all flying
in one plane.
If I don't make it through this
I gotta know
that there's somebody
to look after Ethel Ann.
To take my place.
There's no-one could do that,
Oh, really?
So I'm the only person
in this room
that's in love with Ethel Ann?
What are you talking about?
No, I mean,
I think she's a great girl.
She's wonderful.
But, no!
You're not in love with her?
No, I'm not!
All right.
But Chuck is.
God, Teddy, I...
It's okay, buddy.
It's okay.
She's yours, Teddy.
I never I would never,
ever, I swear.
She doesn't know, she never will.
Chuck... shut up.
It's just practical.
I need to know that there'll be
someone to look after her.
What about Jack?
Whoa, no.
Guys, I'm not that kind of guy.
He's already got girls
in every state.
I drink, I smoke, I belch.
And he can't dance.
I can't dance.
You're the dancer.
You're the guy.
This isn't even gonna happen.
You're gonna come back,
you're gonna have seventeen kids.
You're gonna gonna
find a nice girl from Idaho.
She'll be a potato.
In a sack.
So it's all right then
if I can fix it
for you and I to fly together?
Jack, that would be great.
Teddy, I never
I know.
I know.
I know that, Chuck.
But if something happens to me,
you gotta care for Ethel Ann.
Promise me.
I promise.
Jack, you promise to help?
Sure I promise.
You guys believe in God?
I don't know.
No, me neither.
Let's say a prayer.
Dear God...
tomorrow we're leaving for combat.
And today I'm getting married.
Both of which are pretty dangerous.
Oh, hi.
Maybe you were expecting Pete.
I guess you haven't seen
each other for a while, huh?
Jeez, that music is loud!
Yeah, it is.
She's not going out any more,
not even to dad's grave.
She's drinking,
she's cutting everyone off.
Well, you are, too.
Pete misses you, you know.
For God's sakes, Jack,
I like Peter,
but now is not the time.
Okay... Sure.
Front bedroom.
She won't sleep in her
and daddy's room any more.
She's moved into mine.
The front room?
She's moved back in there?
What do you mean, back?
That was always my room.
They were always in the other one.
Answer the phone, Marie,
and give her these, please.
I'll come back some other time.
Is that America?
Is this ajoke?
No, wait.
It's all right, I got through.
So maybe you'll finish
before midnight!
Could I speak to Mrs Gordon,
You've got the wrong number.
No, I mean, sorry, I mean
Mrs Roberts.
Mrs Ethel Roberts.
That was my mother's name
before she was married.
Who is this?
My name is Jimmy.
Could I speak to her?
About what?
I'm calling from Belfast and
I don't have a lot of money.
All right, just a minute.
Pennsylvania 6-5000
There's a phone call for you.
Will you pick up the phone?
No, thanks, sweetheart.
No, thank you.
It's a man, says he's from Belfast.
Pennsylvania 6-5000
She doesn't wanna answer,
you'll have to leave a message.
Can you hear me?
Now, just a minute, please.
Did you pick up?
Who is this, please?
My name is Jimmy Reilly.
I'm calling from Belfast.
Could I speak to Ethel.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure
what her name is now.
Marie, you can hang up now,
They told me she
wouldn't have the same address,
not after 50 years
but I thought I'd try anyway.
Are you there?
What do you want?
I have something
belonging to you.
Well, I think it belongs to you.
It's a ring.
A gold ring.
It's got names on the inside.
A ring?
It says 'Ethel and Teddy'.
Can you hear me?
Oh, bugger!
Wait a minute
wait wait there.
Please, do you have any money?
I do, and I've a mind to use it
if you would get
the frig out of there!
Oh God.
Look, listen to me,
I'll call you back.
I'll call you back.
Sorry, America.
Long distance.
You could have walked there
in that time!
I wish he would.
Mr Quinlan?
It's me.
Mr Quinlan?
Bloody hell!
It's 6.30 in the morning!
Please, I need a phone.
It's really urgent.
I found something.
Well, it wasn't your brains,
was it?
Go to hell!
I found a ring!
On the mountain.
A gold ring.
It belonged to one of the crew.
It's got names on it.
I went to the library
and they told me
to call
the Veterans Administration
only I had to keep calling,
and it cost a packet.
And when my granny found out,
she went apeshit.
So, I had to use the phone box
and call America,
but I ran out of money,
and that was last night,
and I have to call her back!
The name on the ring
You wanna see it?
No, I don't.
I don't want it.
Get out.
Get out!
Mr Quinlan.
Are you all right?
So, you found it.
You stupid bugger!
Doesn't mean a damn thing to you,
but you found it!
And then what do you do?
After 50 years, you just call her
up out of the blue!
"Oh, guess what I've got!"
Well, I thought she'd be pleased.
Only, I was halfway through,
and I ran out of money.
What do you want me
to do about that?
Well, I just wanted to
use your phone.
Get inside
Come on.
I don't believe it!
This is incredible.
All this stuff.
Don't touch it.
This is fantastic!
Phone is there.
Go on.
And be quick.
Three six nine two?
Yes, who is it?
Do you know anyone in Gander?
Yeah, it's an airbase.
Yes, I'll pay!
See you Jack.
Ethel Ann?
No, it's not Teddy, it's Jack.
Jack, hi!
How are you?
Oh, it's so good to
hear from you.
Where the heck is Gander?
Well, what's it like up there?
Are you on your own?
No, Chuck got back a week ago.
He hurt himself,
but he's okay now.
Hey, you should see me
in my nurse's uniform.
I'm training to be a nurse.
Chuck says I look great.
I bet you do.
It's so good to hear from you.
Have you spoken to Teddy?
Is he okay?
The last I saw him, he was good,
but I broke my ankle.
I was dancing.
So, I'm coming home on leave.
Jack, you're crazy!
He broke his ankle in a dance.
Hey, can I talk to Chuck?
He wants to talk to you.
But then I wanna talk to
you again, okay?
Hi, Jack.
You keep smiling.
You hear me?
Whatever you do,
you keep smiling.
Yeah, I'm gonna do that, Jack.
Yeah, so what happened to you,
Oh Christ... Oh Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Chuck, I wanted to talk to him!
He'll be here in a few days.
Weather is clearing.
He's grabbing a flight
with some transport boys.
What is it?
I would give anything not to
have to tell you, Ethel Ann.
Tell me what?
Tell me what?!
Could I speak to Ethel, please?
Yes, this is Ethel.
This is Jimmy Reilly.
I found this ring
on Black Mountain
Where the plane crashed.
And I thought it might belong to
one of the airmen who got killed.
For Christ's sake!
Are you there?
The ring says 'Ethel and Teddy'.
Ethel Ann.
That's my name.
Oh, right.
Only, on the list of
dead guys there was
On the list of... deceased
there was Teddy Gordon
So I called the veterans people.
Only they said he wasn't married,
but he left everything in his Will
to Ethel Roberts.
And they had an address
They said you'd probably moved.
But you haven't.
The ring
Would you like me
to send it to you?
No, no, no.
But it's yours.
No, it's his.
But he's... I mean, he's not here.
Then you keep it.
All right.
And we were married.
Well, they said you weren't.
Maybe she was cut off
Shall I call her back?
No, leave her alone.
You go home.
Can I leave it here?
The ring.
It won't be safe
with granny around.
Mr Quinlan.
I'll let myself out then.
Come on, Jack.
Teddy, this is crazy.
I can't do this.
Well, you got him then.
We got a bit of a problem too.
We don't have time for a problem.
I'm not allowed to do this.
I haven't taken Final Orders.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
She's gonna be here any second.
She's here now.
I think it was my mother's.
Ethel Ann?
He's marrying you?
Your folks
will never agree to this.
That's why they're not here.
Jack will you give me away?
are you going to marry us?
I can't.
You don't have a licence
Is this a church?
And is God here?
What do you mean?
This man is going to war.
I love him.
I want God to protect him.
So I'm asking you
is He here right now?
Then marry us... In His sight.
You got rings?
Just the one.
One ring?
Well, it's the ring you gave me,
I had our names put inside it.
I'm gonna marry you with it and
then I want you to take it with you.
I got it for you, Ethel Ann.
This way you can remember me
wherever you go.
Okay. Okay.
Say the words, Wilbur.
Matrimony is a holy state not to
be entered into lightly.
Because in the eyes of God
this is forever
And I mean forever.
Teddy... do you take this woman,
Ethel Ann,
to be your lawful wedded wife
all the days that you shall live?
I do.
Ethel Ann do you
take this man, Teddy,
to be your lawful wedded husband?
I do.
I'll be yours till the day I die.
You better do whatever
you're gonna do with that ring.
Jack, will you?
By the power vested in me
by the state of...
No... can't say that.
Just say what you can say.
By the power vested in me,
by the God of Love...
who sees all things,
and hears all promises...
I now pronounce you man and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Bloody great!
Do you know who we are?
We know who you are.
You're a lucky lad, Jimmy.
Those Republican bastards
could have found you
if we hadn't been watching you.
Why were you watching me?
Do you know him?
Yes, you do.
I don't.
He's lying to us.
Can you tell me who this is?
That's me.
Thank you.
And this man?
That's Mr Quinlan anything.
He's not done anything.
Where did you get those?
What about this one?
Have you seen him?
Take your time.
You've already told us a lot.
Hasn't he?
I haven't told you anything.
Yes, he has.
You've identified
two photographs.
That's very helpful.
His name is Cathal Thomas
By the way...
didn't you say
that you had seen him?
Or did you deny
not having seen him?
I didn't say anything.
But you just did.
He said yes.
I don't wanna help you.
But Mr Thomas will think that
you have been helping us.
That's what he thought
about this gentleman.
And, yes, you do know him.
That was his body
you found this morning.
But I thought that was
from the airplane.
Afraid not.
He was buried
there six months ago.
By Mr Thomas, actually.
As a punishment for helping us.
Thanks for finding him.
Now all we need to do
is find Mr Thomas.
Why don't we keep
the lad for a few days?
Let him watch some dirty videos.
I'll put the word out
how helpful he is.
Don't... don't be doing that.
Or of course
I could let you go right now.
But if, if I did do that could I
rely on your help in the future?
Like keeping an eye
on Black Mountain.
Letting me know
if you see him up there.
I didn't hear that.
Did you say you are
gonna help us or not?
Yes or no?
If we let you go
without roughing you up
they'd be suspicious,
wouldn't they?
So... say thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, Jimmy, where have you been?
Oh dear God!
You stupid idiot!
Mr Quinlan,
what are you doing here?
Mr Quinlan...
Jesus, it's you!
Don't hurt me, please.
You know me, then?
How come, when we've never met?
What did they do to you?
I told you not to go up there.
Would you look...
Leave him alone.
I told him about you, Cathal.
I'll get you a cup of tea, son.
You're a bloody liar.
You've been talking with
the Special Branch, Jimmy.
You were seen.
I said nothing.
You found a body.
But you couldn't
keep your mouth shut.
You went to the police.
No, they were on the mountain
were watching for you.
They were they now?
So, let me guess
They showed you my photograph.
Asked if you'd seen me.
And what did you say?
Yes or no?
No... I don't know, I got confused.
Little creep.
Do you want a bullet in the knees
or would you rather lose your balls?
Jesus, Cat!
He's just a kid.
He knows nothing.
Good for nothing
This is all your fault.
I kept telling him
not to go up the mountain.
Digging up the past.
Why can't you just let things lie?
We wouldn't wanna be
digging up your past.
Don't you dare!
Shut up, the pair of you!
I got something planned
on that mountain.
So if I see you again there
will be another body up there.
He's my grandson, Cathal.
I'll shoot him, Eleanor.
Don't think I won't.
You better see me out the back.
I heard you were in trouble
Come here to find you.
Found Cathal instead.
You all know each other?
You need to get out of Belfast
for a wee while.
But I've nowhere to go.
Yes, you have.
What's all that for?
I want you to do something for me.
I need to know if she's all right.
I want you to go to America.
I think you should
take it back to her.
All right?
Listen, you Republican shite
the IRA can be most unpleasant.
But if you mess with us,
you won't recognise
your granny's body.
Who are you?
Friends of Mr Maguigan.
He says you'll help us
find Cathal Thomas.
We know he's around here,
and up there in the mountain.
All you have to do
is lead us to him.
We're watching,
Jimmy Every second.
I'll get it.
It's me... I'm really sorry,
I had to call you.
Please, I need some help.
I found a body, on the mountain.
I found a body!
What are you saying?
What are you telling me?
They never found a body.
Don't you tell me that,
you little bastard!
I'm an old woman,
and I wanna be left alone.
No, it's the IRA.
They buried a man on the mountain.
I found him.
I have to get out of Belfast.
Mr Quinlan said I should ask you.
What do you want me to do?
Can I come and stay?
What, come here?
Please, just for a wee while.
But I don't even know you.
Mr Quinlan wants me
to bring you the ring.
I could give it to you... Please.
Just for a couple of weeks,
till it blows over.
Well all right, you can come.
Hey, Jack.
Good trip?
The worst.
This one is Teddy's.
Looks like you got yourself
a story there
She been crying?
I have.
What happened to you?
Oh, I got shot up over Bremen.
Plexiglas in my eye
I might lose it.
I can't fly, can't even shoot.
I'm out of the war.
Ethel Ann is looking after me now.
That's good seeing how he
wanted you to take care of her.
He should have asked you, Jack.
She doesn't love me,
but I know she could love you.
I wish he'd asked you, Jack.
Well, he didn't.
And we promised.
You're the man, Chuck.
Let's do this.
Hi, Jack.
You better come inside.
What the hell is going on here?
She doesn't tell me a damn thing,
just someone is coming to visit.
Where from?
I don't wanna leave her alone,
but I can't
take much more of this.
All right.
Go on, get out of here,
both of you.
You look like hell.
You wanted me to grieve
Would you go to
the airport for me, please?
I'll send Peter.
No, I want you to go yourself.
I don't even know who this guy is.
Neither do I.
Marie says he's from Belfast.
that is none of her business.
Ethel you have got to talk to her.
Will you take your hands off me?
And who the hell
do you know in Belfast?
Who is this guy?
His name is Jimmy Reilly,
he's arriving at 12.10 tonight
on American 301.
Would you meet him at the airport?
You listen to me!
If you don't talk to Marie now,
you're gonna lose her.
She's gonna go.
You just tell her what happened,
she'll understand.
Listen to me.
All the love she ever got
was from her daddy.
All the kisses and hugs and
bedtime stories
and cuddles never from me
You think now
she will understand why?
I think you should
give her the chance.
Well that's what I intend to do.
Now, please go.
No, don't do that, please.
Just... come on in.
I'm sorry.
I'm real glad you're safe.
Look at that foot.
Must be hard for you,
not racing around.
- Let me take these.
- Thanks.
Did they find a body?
So there's no proof?
Ethel Ann, he's gone.
We could arrange
a memorial service.
We're the only ones
who will remember him.
There's no family now.
No children.
Was that his case I saw you
put in the hall?
I brought his things
back for you, yeah.
Let's bring it in.
Open it up.
There's plenty of time for that.
No, let's do it now
You must be Jimmy.
How do you do?
I'm great.
I'm just great.
Come in, please.
Oh, thank you.
Through there.
Why did you do this?
This is Jack's son, Peter.
Jimmy Reilly.
How do you do?
Nice to meet you.
Let me take that.
And this is my daughter, Marie.
Jimmy Reilly.
Hello... How do you doody?!
Did we speak on the phone?
Sit down, Jimmy.
How was the flight?
Oh, it was fantastic.
Well, not all the way.
We had to fly to London first
then right across to New York.
And they gave us meals and all.
No charge.
And they had little
things of salt and pepper,
sachets, I've got some here.
And they had little bottles of Irish.
And there was a film.
And then we had to fly
from London to New York,
then from New York to Detroit,
and from Detroit to Branagan.
And it was really fantastic.
Jack, do you remember
when we used to take two,
three, maybe four days
to do the same thing?
We'd have to go from Belfast
to Iceland to Newfoundland.
Dad... you all right?
Yeah, why don't you take
these cases upstairs.
Oh, thank you,
but this one is for you.
Mind if I put this on your table?
No, go ahead.
Just let me get the flowers there.
They made me open it up.
This whole thing is for me?
They couldn't believe
what I had inside.
Look at this.
Part of the aileron.
Starboard wing.
And these are switches from
the radio operator's position.
And this is a piece of
Plexiglas curved,
from a gun turret.
And this... a pressure gauge.
They had to breathe oxygen,
you know, they went that high.
Oh Jesus Christ.
All right, momma, that is enough.
Tell me what
this is about right now.
Look... is this all right?
I mean, this stuff
is just fantastic
for me and I just thought would
you like to see the ring?
The what?
The ring.
It's my secret Mr Quinlan said
I can't keep secrets, but I can.
Except I told Mr Jack in the car.
What are you talking about?
I found it on Black Mountain.
Where the plane crashed.
In the war The B-17.
The B-17?
A B-17 'G' turret
It had the new chin it had double
And that's where I found the ring.
What ring?
Whose ring?
Mr Gordon's.
Well, your dad's.
Before he was, you know killed.
In Belfast?
Are you just gonna
let this happen?
My daddy wasn't killed in Belfast.
He died here
a couple of months ago.
And his name wasn't Gordon,
it was Harris.
Chuck Harris.
Wasn't it, mom?
Of course, he couldn't be
your dad You're too young.
Shall I put these away?
Maybe you don't
have a place for them.
I have a place.
there's some tools out back.
A crowbar, some hammers.
Would you bring them to me,
What... now?
I need to take down this wall.
Stop, momma!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Take it easy!
This was daddy's house!
You are not going to smash it up.
This was
never your daddy's house.
He just let you believe it.
Then whose house is this?
Which of you gentlemen is
going to bring me the tools?
That's what you really want?
He kept all your letters.
I guess you don't
have a place for these.
Oh, I have a place.
Did he have any photographs,
Right side.
He never even got to write these.
Ethel Ann maybe we ought
to take some of this stuff down?
Nobody should touch this wall.
We could make an album,
take the photos and
put them in a scrapbook.
This is his wall.
This is his house.
I don't want anybody
Ethel Ann, this is your house.
He left it to you.
He wouldn't like it
you living here every day,
this stuff staring down at you.
He was gonna build a shed out back.
We'll just use the wood.
Do you want us to build you a shed?
No, I want you to board it up.
Don't touch it, just cover it up.
Is that really what you want?
This Teddy who was he?
Sergeant Teddy Gordon.
Rear gunner on B-17337833.
He crashed June 1st, 1944.
He was killed.
Mrs Gordon.
All those years daddy lived in
another man's house.
I'm getting out of here right now.
Marie, your mother needs you.
You shut your mouth!
Shut your mouth!
He loved you!
In spite of all of this,
he loved you.
But you never did, did you?
And all of his life he knew... locked your love behind
a god-damn wall!
There was no proof.
And it was all I had left of him.
I don't care about him.
You bitch!
You shut daddy out!
And then you shut me out!
All of my life, all you have
ever done is shut us out!
Peter, can I please
come stay with you?
Go and get in the car.
You were kids then.
The both of you.
But you haven't been kids
for 50 years.
That wall should have
come down a long time ago.
Mrs Harris?
Mrs Harris,
I brought you the ring.
Gentlemen, the city of Belfast,
dead ahead.
Do you think you could
fly this thing backwards?
Can't see a damn thing back here.
Oh, sure you can.
Just look out your ass
like you always do.
Oh, boy.
If the babes of Belfast only knew
what we had in store for them.
Mr Maginty!
Is it a raid?
Relax, Michael.
It's the Americans.
They've a new base near here.
No, I'm talking to somebody else.
You know what that means?
First, we're gonna
win this bloody war. See you tonight.
There will not be a single virgin
in Belfast by the end of the year.
Hey, Teddy!
Hiya, Teddy.
Hi, Eleanor.
Why don't you join in the party?
Find some girl for yourself?
I'm fixed, thank you.
Gorgeous man like you.
Climb down there.
Don't you know he's sworn
to eternal love?
Just like we are.
I need the powder room.
I won't be long, boys.
Come on.
I need some air.
She is great.
In every department.
I'll bet.
Yeah, I'm gonna marry her.
I'm gonna ask her tonight.
Well, she's very
...popular... Jack,
you're drunk.
You got your girl.
Why shouldn't I get mine?
No, get a girl.
Fall in love.
Not... with Eleanor.
Oh, yeah?
Who should I fall in love with?
How about Ethel Ann?
Don't you walk away from me!
You got your love.
You got her and you
gave her away to Chuck.
Not me, no.
Jack wasn't good enough.
I did not give her to anybody!
"If I die, just pass her on
down the line to good
old reliable Chuck. "
Who cares what Jack thinks?
Are you in love with Ethel Ann?
No, I don't love her.
I wouldn't touch her.
I'm gonna marry Eleanor.
Why the hell shouldn't I?
She's a tart, Jack
Jesus, my ankle!
You broke it, you asshole!
I was lying, of course.
I loved Ethel so much it hurt
just thinking about her.
So did Chuck.
Three guys wanted her,
two of them got her,
and then there was me.
And when my ankle healed,
I signed on for more missions.
Stayed to the end.
Jesus, I should have died
Somehow I always came back.
And I could see how broken she was.
Real bad.
She depended on Chuck now.
He needed her.
I mean, he'd have lost
that eye but for her.
She wouldn't move out of
the house so he moved in.
I left them to it.
I got married.
Three times.
The only good thing that
came out of that was Pete.
And your mom wouldn't marry Chuck
for ten years.
Another five before you came along.
Your dad was so happy to see you.
He nearly died ofjoy.
Now you know it all.
Do I?
Why did they wait so long
to have me?
I guess she couldn't bring herself
to believe he'd never come back.
I mean, there was no body.
Everything burnt up.
Is he still trying to
get you to go back?
She's not going back, dad.
How is the Irish kid, Jimmy?
Oh, jeez!
He's having a ball.
Your mom is taking him everywhere.
Oh God, he's a funny little guy.
She doesn't talk much, but,
oh boy, does he make up for it.
She never did have a son.
There you go.
And I guess I was an accident,
Excuse me.
"I love you, Chuck. "
I never heard her say those words
Not once.
They had good times together.
They made a good couple.
They never spoke.
They both knew
what was behind that wall...
and they didn't say a damn thing
to each other in 50 years.
Neither did you.
Well, we didn't need to.
Everybody needs to talk.
No, honey.
Everybody needs to cry.
And your mother never did.
Not once.
You have to forgive her for that.
Do you ever wish you had just
pushed in and married mom?
Oh, no, don't ask me that, please.
Ask me anything you want,
but please don't ask me
that question.
I was... dead.
We all got killed
or maimed all of us
and Teddy didn't choose me.
And when he got killed,
I knew it was my turn to die next
...and I knew I deserved it!
That is not true.
They got a new navigator,
just a kid and he screwed up
It was my fault.
I should have been on that plane.
Hey, Teddy,
how about that dance tonight?
Get yourself a new girl?
I got me a girl
Same one every night.
Yeah, but she's a long ways away.
No, si she's right here with me.
Tight squeeze down there.
You mind if I join in?
Langford, Langford,
this is F-Fox 338733.
Hell, how low does this cloud go?
All the way down,
by the look of it.
You guys see anything?
No, negative, skip.
It's pretty dark out there.
Brad, you got a fix?
Well, yeah, kinda.
I mean we should be seeing
Belfast right below.
Navigator, you got a fix or not?
I think one of the beacons is out.
It's not making sense right now.
Bloody hell.
Full flaps.
Full flaps!
Jesus Christ!
Two hoses,
seven bar pressure!
Michael Quinlan!
What the devil
are you doing up here?!
You'll get yourself killed!
Get down!
More tea, love?
No, thanks, no.
Plenty of tea.
He's late.
Very, very late.
He's not late.
Will you just sit down
or something.
He's here, Michael!
Oh, thank God, he's here!
He's here!
Don't be dribbling
on my new shirt, granny.
Mr Quinlan.
How about you?
Don't shut the door!
We have a guest.
Is this your first
visit to Belfast?
God, I can remember
when there were
hundreds of Yanks around here.
Lovely people,
we had a great time with them.
I nearly married one of them.
He kept saying to me,
"Would you come back to Branagan?".
Then he broke his foot.
Then he went back to Branagan.
And I never saw him again
And he was in a fight
truly, a fight over me.
I know you wouldn't believe it now,
but he was.
He were gorgeous.
I'd have had him, all right.
Jack! Jack Etty.
How did you know that?
You mean your Jack?
And my granny?
That's disgusting!
Shut your mouth, young man.
So you would have known Teddy?
Teddy Gordon?
You see, I had so many of them
Well, no, I mean I knew
an awful lot of them.
Very friendly people.
Oh dear.
I have photographs somewhere.
What are you doing here,
Mrs Harris?
That's a rude question!
What a question!
It was her idea
She just bought a ticket and came.
Wake up.
She's gone.
She's gone. She's gone.
to look for bits of him.
You're drunk.
I have been for some time.
Dad never told her, did he?
That Teddy made him
promise to marry her.
Hell, no.
Why not?
It's like she had
Teddy's permission.
Why didn't you say something?
Because it was none
of her god-damn business!
You're a coward, dad.
And you're a liar.
You lied to Teddy and Chuck,
and worst of
all you lied to yourself.
You've always loved Ethel.
Go and get her!
Don't be stupid.
Oh, for God's sake, Jack,
go and get her.
She's your mother.
Go get her yourself.
You know what,
I have better things
in my life to do.
Mr Quinlan
how was it that night?
Well, they say it hit
the ground somewhere here.
I think this is
where I found it.
The ring?
And you're still
finding the pieces?
A buzzard.
He's here all the time, you know.
Keeps us company.
How about that.
We have them too.
Would you say Mrs Harris,
I'd like to know would you say,
on balance have
you led a happy life?
Well, I have to wait till
it's over and I'll work that out.
You're a strange man, Mr Quinlan
Do you believe in keeping
promises, Mr Quinlan?
What about the promises you
make to the dead?
Do they count?
Even more.
I think promises are stupid.
Well I promise my granny
I'll wash the dishes.
And I mean to, but I never do.
You're never free of the promises
that you make, you know.
Even if you break them,
you're never free of them.
It's the German.
It's the bloody Germans!
It's not the Germans, granny.
We have to get out of the house!
Contact, Pound Street,
one man down.
Wait out.
Are you all right?
I'm so sorry!
It's not usually like this here.
Belfast is a great place really.
Only we have to
get out of here right now.
- Get out? Why? Another bomb?
- There'll be another bomb.
There's always a second bomb.
We have to get out! Come on!
No pulse, he's a goner!
There's another fucking bomb!
Clear the street!
Get everyone out now!
Leave him!
We'll pick him up later.
I'm so sorry.
I really am.
Come on, Mrs Harris.
don't be bothering with that.
Granny, get out!
Come on!
Come on, Mrs Harris, quickly.
Clear the streets!
There's another bomb!
Move, move!
Come on!
Top of the street!
You stupid bitch!
Get out the back door!
Do not return to your houses!
Right, get that cover hose on.
Get them behind the wall.
Mr Quinlan.
Haven't seen you for a while.
I have friends down here.
Anyone hurt?
Only that poor squaddie.
And they want us to go down there
and get him.
And blow more of us to pieces.
We need to clear this area.
Take her in, would you?
You're okay.
- I know her. No, sir, She's my friend.
- You can't go back. No way.
I told you before,
you can't go down there.
Clear the area immediately!
There's another bomb there!
Get out of this street
Oh my God.
Clear the area!
Oh God.
Get back here!
What the hell are you doing?
Leave me be.
There's something
I have to tell her.
Hold it!
That's as far as you're going.
This is Pound Street, sir,
but we can't get through.
Oh, this is okay.
Thanks. Back!
Move back!
Get body cover on!
Oh God.
Oh Holy God!
Mr Thomas!
Please don't do it!
Mr Thomas!
Mr Thomas!
Come on, quick as you can.
Jack Etty?
It's Eleanor.
Eleanor Reilly.
Jesus Christ, Eleanor.
You must be looking for
Teddy's girl.
Yeah, Teddy's girl.
She's over there,
but we've all been evacuated.
There's been one bomb,
and they're saying
there will be another.
Mr Thomas please.
You bloody little eejit!
Get away from here!
Are you trying to
get yourself killed?
We knew he'd be up here somewhere.
Thank you, Jimmy.
I'm sorry, sir, no further.
No, wait a second, please.
Mrs Harris?
Come slowly away, please.
There's another bomb here.
I know.
You move away, this is none of
your concern, Mr Quinlan.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it bloody is.
You might survive, you know that?
Just with bits of you blown off.
Arms, legs, eyes.
I've seen it.
Teddy wouldn't like that, now...
Nice try, Mr Quinlan.
You're a brave man.
No, I am not.
Do you think he looked like this
when he crashed?
He was alive.
I was there.
Help me, please.
Help me!
Help me, please.
Please, kid, take it.
Take the ring.
Promise me to tell her she's free.
Teddy says make her own choice
Ethel Ann.
Give her the ring.
Promise me.
I promise.
I didn't take it.
I should have found you.
Told you what he said.
I looked for it.
All my life.
The ring.
You were free.
He wanted me to tell you that.
I'm so sorry.
We have to go, Mrs Harris.
Have to go now.
Come on.
No, no! No!
Have you ever been in love,
Mr Quinlan?
Life is hard enough.
So, is it possible to
love more than once?
I know I have.
That's for sure.
We've left it a bit late.
Well, that was my fault.
According to Marie,
it was my fault.
I don't know why I should
get all the blame.
Because you're an easy target.
You're getting too old
and too fat.
How come none of that
ever happened to you?
It happened to me.
But, if you promise to love
one person and no-one else,
for ever and ever?
You can't make promises like that.
Oh yes, you can.
You can't keep it.
Well worth making it, though.
I'd love to fly.
I'll take you up some time.
Teddy was gonna take me flying.
He promised.
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy
He was the greatest guy
in the world when he was alive.
But once dead, my God,
what a pain in the ass!
What's happening to me?
You're grieving, girl.