Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)

Maria Enders will not Jakarta. Neither Lima.
OK for Annie Leibovitz, but one day. And New York, as agreed.
I know it will be just, sorry.
Excuse me, I have another call.
Call me tomorrow, okay? OK.
Here Valentine's assistant's assistant... Maria Enders.
It was the date of the hearing, but...
She will not be there, we have already told the lawyer.
It was she who filed for divorce, why she would dam?
This is ridiculous.
Well, we'll...
Sorry, we are...
Sorry, I hear very bad...
We are in the train, I do not know whether... Shit.
No, not always.
We are in the Alps, mountains, tunnels and... Yes.
Did you read the article on Google and the personal data? This is...
Shameful. They have too much power.
Thank you.
I have no network, but I had Gwen.
It will remove the stuff on X-Men IMDb.
One, that's enough. I will not play again Nemesis.
You should remove it now, everyone talks about already.
Tired of playing in front of green screens.
I'm too old.
Fans will be disappointed.
Could you talk to... What's his name again?
Urs Kobler. It is set for tonight?
Yes I Am. You have your three interviews, the award presentation
and the official dinner.
He is waiting for us at the station to take us to the Dolder...
The hotel you wanted.
- I'll read my draft?
- Of course.
"I am honored that Wilhelm Melchior has entrusted me the price it deserves.
"You know, he decided to retire from public life.
"No timidity or pride. It is modest and generous.
"But he wants to preserve the tranquility of his writing.
"I wish you promise to give it to him personally,
"But Wilhelm me banned.
"I have to join tomorrow in Sils Maria, home,
"But provided only to arrive empty-handed.
"I am here tonight because I owe him everything.
"He chose an unknown 18
"To play the play Snake Maloja , and then for the film.
"The unknown who played Sigrid was me.
"In two months,
"He gave me everything I needed for me to make career."
Until then, it will.
After I did that fragments.
I finished for you?
It must be my tribute. With my words.
If I dry, I'll tell you.
According Mappy, you have 2 hours 30
to go to Sils Maria. It was a driver.
I texted the wife of Wilhelm. She did not answer.
It does not look like Rosa. I gave you the right number?
I have to take.
I have to talk to you.
I know, I just heard.
I have not told him yet.
Whenever I can, okay? I understood.
Still nothing on the net, only this release and...
- Comments.
- What kind of comment?
Nothing interesting. Nonsense, gender...
"I thought he was already dead, he has done nothing good in 20 years."
"The media are interested in the writers.
"People are dying everywhere and we do not care."
"I do not know, but my condolences to his family."
I had Urs Kobler. We canceled the press.
I will see clearer tonight.
It will be really...
- Different.
- It will be a disaster.
Formal and stuffy. Everything he hated.
Yes, people will be sad.
You expect what? It...
He's dead.
If I were loyal to him, I would not go.
You will find the words.
It will come naturally. I believe...
Who better than you honor?
You love him. This is different.
I love him.
I know so little of him.
You see what I mean.
If you want to be loyal to him,
you have to go.
Of course. We are in the process, it can cut...
I'll ask him.
- This is France Inter.
- God.
You have to take it, sorry.
- Rosa just called.
- I remember.
It is no longer reachable. She is very busy, it...
must go to the morgue.
- You know more?
- Yes I Am.
Wilhelm was home. Rosa was the doctor in Basel.
She believes that he wrote all day and he wandered,
but it does not clinched and warned the neighbors.
Door closed, no light. He was not there.
When have they found?
By late afternoon. In the middle of nowhere.
Probably a heart attack.
What a joy to see you.
The vultures took the next train.
Join us at the hotel.
See you there.
We are... I do not know what to say.
My first reaction was to want to return.
I understand.
It was also considered whether to
take the lead or cancel.
You know, in Switzerland,
we do not like to spread things in public.
Especially bereavement.
What should have been a celebration
became a posthumous tribute.
It will attract unwanted press.
We will keep it at bay.
The paparazzi are everywhere.
I have to think about it.
Everything falls on me,
- I dunno.
- Of course.
Therefore Henryk Wald is invited.
Henryk Wald?
Yes I Am.
He collapsed, too,
but he will jump on the plane
to be with us tonight.
If you prefer to decline the prize,
Henryk can. See for yourself.
It is linked to theater Wilhelm.
His plays have been written for him.
- You do not like it?
- We made two films.
It was not really well.
But I'm glad he comes.
It was close to Wilhelm and Rosa like it.
It is a great actor.
One last question.
- I forgot to say, forgiveness.
- Chanel.
The press officer is waiting for you at the hotel to try your dress.
- You do not have.
- You do not have to.
It can be switched off?
And no fruit, thank you.
OK, this is in order. Thank you.
So she is going to stay?
- Yes, it remains.
- If I have to change the tickets.
It remains, believe me.
I not arrive, it's impossible.
I can not find the right words.
His body is not cold and everyone wants him.
Obviously qu'Henryk Wald
would be delighted to receive the award.
- If I could ignore...
- Henryk?
You want him yet?
I have no reason that to change.
He was in love with you?
He was furious that I did not give him.
It is perverse, violent.
It beats women.
He likes to humiliate them.
Look on the Internet.
Internet is despised, right?
- Caroline?
- Yes I Am.
- Valentine.
- Good Morning.
Thank you for accepting.
I know this is difficult.
- Here Berndt.
- Good Morning.
- Good Morning.
- Nice To Meet You.
Trash pictures of Lindsay Lohan...
He's the manager.
I will be more stylish today.
Is Rosa.
I mind?
I just wanted to tell you...
Thank you.
It's good that you're here. Is good...
you accept the price.
This is what Wilhelm wanted.
Henryk? I Will Not...
You know what he thought of Henryk.
Less he understands, the better he plays. If he does not understand, it is excellent.
I would have liked to kiss you, but...
I'm leaving.
I can not stand to be alone in Sils,
it's too difficult.
But there is one thing I want you,
and only you...
He was sick for a long time?
The autopsy said what he took?
I see.
He had everything.
Superb. Look a little.
Lift the chin. Thank you. Magnificent.
Maria? Sorry, it's...
- Your future ex.
- The look?
- One minute.
- The eyes...
The press is there.
I do not know where we will be able to settle down.
You should know that was known at the university.
In literature and theology.
I had the privilege to play in all its parts, everywhere.
It was reclu. Mysterious, inaccessible.
It was the easiest man in the world.
He loved skiing in winter
and hiking in summer.
These are my fondest memories of him.
Son? Recent piece is a destructive vision.
I played in these parts.
That is true. They can be frightening.
Gray hair ocean.
I will say a few words.
I hope to live up to.
Then I will present Henryk.
Once he finished, he invites you to join him.
And you present the film. That's it.
Wilhelm I saw it two weeks ago.
We went hunting.
He was like himself.
There, and not there at the time.
He did not come to the award ceremony.
I told him that you would miss.
I went to Long Island.
We spent a week together.
- I know.
- I do not care that you know.
Henryk, it'll be us.
- This is us.
- Excuse me.
We had an adventure in turning Snake Maloja.
- No kidding.
- I was a young scatterbrained.
He really enjoyed myself.
After the shoot, he disappeared.
- It destroyed me.
- You've seen afterwards.
We did another film together.
- Which one?
- Better forget it.
A German adaptation of Tolstoy.
Nothing terrible.
Ten years later, I was famous.
Suddenly, he was interested.
He harassed, called me at night. I did not give in.
And that he did not like.
He made me pay. Each day of shooting.
He was masterful in this film...
What title already?
It plays a Soviet defector.
With missiles codes and everything.
I do not see. Ever heard.
It's perfect.
So intense.
In the physical scenes, he that look... It is...
- I like him.
- I understood.
I like him as an actor.
Unfortunately, it must already start tomorrow morning...
Henryk Wald!
I was on that stage there 4 years,
to the room The Reichstag burns,
Wilhelm Melchior.
I did not know it would be his very last room.
He was sitting in third place,
in watching me.
I've never played so badly.
Maria, you in five minutes.
Wilhelm Melchior will always be among us
through its parts.
I am privileged to play
here in London, everywhere.
I do not tell him "goodbye"
but "soon, Wilhelm".
Thank you, Henryk,
for this beautiful tribute.
Please welcome now
an old friend of Wilhelm.
Applause for...
Maria Enders!
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Good Evening.
- Welcome.
I am honored to receive you.
I would have preferred otherwise.
It's good to celebrate his piece.
I held that Zurich makes him homage.
He was very grateful to you.
It happens.
She will be happy to escape that.
- His last play was in Zurich.
- I know.
Grim picture of our political class.
- To say.
- You know,
your character was terrible.
Klaus Diesterweg is there.
Excuse me.
I already told him no.
He wants to see you.
It does not interest me.
It's perfect. Listening to it, it is not binding.
This is the best.
We saw the same productions.
If you prefer to talk with the mayor and Henryk, go ahead.
No, thank you.
Alright with you if I eclipse?
- I go out with Berndt.
- Berndt?
The photographer.
We will go elsewhere, it's dead here.
No problem. I will not stay.
Have fun.
Thank you for your time.
- It's a pleasure.
- I do not insist too much?
I saw your productions. I liked it and...
I know we will have the opportunity to work together.
Give me another chance.
I played Sigrid Snake Maloja
when I was 18 years old.
It was more than a role for me.
Somehow I stayed Sigrid.
Exactly. Sigrid Helena seduced...
She is not a lesbian. I've always been straight.
- I did not say that.
- Sigrid is free.
Beyond all. It is disruptive and unpredictable.
I have always identified with that freedom.
One way to...
protect me.
Do you smoke?
I Do Not. I try to avoid.
And Helena embodies the opposite?
Helena is 40 years old, entrepreneur.
It is totally in love with a girl who does not like it.
And which leads to suicide.
Yes, it's just the opposite.
What attracts Helena with Sigrid, despite their difference?
This is obvious.
If you say I'm old Helena, you are right.
I can not play either.
I see it very differently.
Despite its small bourgeois life, responsibilities,
it is not incarnate order.
Much less the opposite of Sigrid.
She is married, has children.
His social life is a success.
She sacrifices everything. It is destructive.
Sigrid find this hidden violence in Helena.
Hidden or bullied?
Time passes and it does not accept it.
Me neither, I guess.
There is no antagonism.
This is the attraction of two injured women.
Sigrid and Helena are the same person.
One and the same person.
This is the subject of the piece.
Since you were Sigrid,
Only you can play Helena.
How are you so sure?
You and I know that Wilhelm wanted to write a sequel.
Yes I Am.
But Sigrid 40 years.
Not on Sigrid becomes Helena 20 years later.
Who will play Sigrid?
Jo-Ann Ellis.
She played in a superhero film.
- And apart from that?
- Not much.
She is 19 years old. It is more interesting
his interviews.
She played for the theater.
She will not be swallowed by Hollywood.
She admires you and is ready
to abandon its commitments.
I listened carefully.
But to be honest...
The role scares me. Helena scares me.
I am in the middle of a divorce,
I feel alone and vulnerable.
Too vulnerable for that.
I understand your refusal, but...
It would be a missed opportunity.
Especially for Wilhelm.
I have to go.
Excuse me, I do not stay dinner.
Good night, Maria.
I have another reason.
Susan Rosenberg.
She played Helena with me.
I remember Susan Rosenberg.
She killed herself by car a year later.
Superstition I have always linked her death to suicide Helena.
Poor actress
who did not understand the role.
But its conventional game highlighted
modernity of your performance.
You owe him a lot.
I beg you.
Thank you.
Is it possible to change this?
I'm sorry, it happens.
You were with Klaus Diesterweg.
You're going to accept his offer?
- What gives?
- You know that.
It is a good director.
I would accept a role without hesitation.
You mean I should accept?
Good God, no!
Much is said about this more...
He never completed.
Sorry to be rude, but I'm a simple man
and the part is very simple.
A mature woman falls in love with a girl who manipulates her as she wants.
The girl takes advantage of her,
made him let go of all that it can
and dropped.
Love Helena makes stupid
and blind to what is obvious to the public.
But that's all she ever wanted.
She is fascinated by his own downfall.
It's clear as day.
Here it is, the success of the play,
still played today.
Why tell a different story?
I find your simplistic reading.
I know Sigrid...
It is more interesting than that.
Yes, it enjoys Helena.
Yes, it fascinates and she knows it.
You can stop there, but not me, because I incarnate.
You only see what there is on the surface.
The play is about their mutual attraction.
It is more subtle and profound.
More true.
Their relationship is not as cruel for Sigrid.
Cruel to Sigrid?
- She will recover.
- How do you know?
Time youth.
It's life before her.
Helena is not old.
It also has life ahead of her, but she gives it up.
Helena did not used to be rejected.
She does not accept his own weakness.
First Post M. Wald, please.
Grand Hotel du Lac, please.
Klaus made you believe, then?
You're going to play Helena.
I did not say that.
But I think the question.
Yes I Am.
You sure do not want a drink?
I'm already drunk, darling.
I found the road, sorry. I have not adjusted the GPS.
It was worth an hour or so.
I had a dream.
We were in rehearsal and...
The past and present are mixed.
- I am disturbed.
- No kidding.
I would not have said yes to Klaus.
But the death of Wilhelm, mourning... I could not refuse.
It is a director crazy scene.
Jo-Ann is a star, it pays well.
I do not need money.
Rest as much as you want.
I like the idea that you work your role
in the place where it was written.
You promised. No ghosts.
There are none.
- I was joking.
- I Do Not.
You half-joking.
That's what I wanted to show you.
Wilhelm committed suicide here.
But that remains between you and me.
This is the Maloja Pass, down there?
- The serpent?
- The snake.
Why a snake? In the play,
is ambiguous.
The Maloja snake.
This is a cloud formation.
Quite rare,
in unexplained.
It announces the weather.
The clouds come from the Italian lakes,
they pass the col
and are pushed by the wind in the valley
like a snake.
That's why it's called the snake.
The phenomenon Cloudy Maloja.
His signs.
Clouds pass the Maloja Pass.
The so-called "Snake Maloja".
Wilhelm was fascinated by this film.
He marveled that the true nature of the landscape
was revealed in these images.
It shows time passing.
This film has almost a century.
In fact, it comes from far away.
It makes all its beauty.
- It was great. Thank you.
- Thank You.
I do not promise to come see you in London.
I hope you change your mind.
The theater is only theater.
Oh, Maria.
He belonged to Wilhelm.
Keep it.
At 18, you were no longer a child.
There had to be some form of attraction.
Wilhelm is not a saint, right?
May be.
If he chose me, he felt something.
But it was in the unspoken.
- You admit...
- And that's not important.
It's not very important.
If this is not important, what is?
All that matters is the film.
So there was the attraction.
Why? It was mutual?
Yes I Am.
I Will Not! I know.
You do not understand.
I was attracted to Wilhelm, but...
This is normal. It suited me to have only the attraction.
And privacy.
There has also had intimacy?
Stop weigh every word.
More would have affected our relationship.
I was...
My intuition told me
it was worth more than desire.
I understood. You loved him.
Of course not.
Does not simplify, it's too easy. It was less than that.
And it was better.
I might remember
that what suits me.
Yes, I believe.
- You change often version.
- Bitch.
You want to usher in a mall?
I Do Not.
To advertise for glasses?
- I Do Not.
- Only in Latin America.
- I Do Not.
- OK...
A Spanish horror movie. You'd be Mother Superior.
There is even werewolves.
An interview with an Italian magazine
for active women: "Seduce after 40 years."
- I Do Not.
- This is the cover.
I Do Not.
- Mario Testino to the photo.
- I do not care.
Jo-Ann Ellis film released in Europe.
She wants to meet you.
- When?
- Next week.
Where you want. It can come here, if you want.
Certainly not here.
She will go to the Waldhaus.
- The movie comes out when?
- The past week.
Did you read the newspaper lately?
Sorry, you want one?
He goes to St Moritz, if you want.
I prefer to wait repetitions.
And keep the image of me at 18.
I know, I know, it's confusing.
But it's more interesting.
I've not known in 18 years, but I'm sure Jo-Ann's worse.
How can you be sure?
You have Googlee?
I just looked at the pictures.
You should dig a little deeper.
You quickly fall upon his photos naked.
And his latest exploits.
Such As?
His break.
Andrew Beltram?
You know who this is?
No idea.
You live in what world? This is...
- The big star.
- According to whom?
They are numerous, beware.
He broke because it is smashing,
deceived the public.
She went to her army.
He farted a cable and put it out.
He put out violently.
Not really the description of Klaus.
The neighbors had to master, as she pulled in all directions.
She had to make a rehab.
- It's better.
- According to its press releases.
At Last.
And classical training,
the theatrical experience,
- Is bullshit?
- No, it's true.
It worked and she started messing around.
It was to be jealous
all the Hollywood crap.
TMZ has chosen the most promising actress
ready to ruin his career.
You should have told me earlier.
You despise gossip net.
It's not gossip, it's the info.
The info celebrities. It's funny.
- I thought you loved her.
- Yes I Am.
I love it. It is not...
insipid as any Hollywood.
You describe it as a self-destructive crazy.
- I did not say that.
- Excuse me, I must have misunderstood.
Where are the cigarettes?
Just before you.
She has the guts to be herself.
At his age, it's pretty cool.
I do not see what there is cool
getting high and trying to kill her ex.
I think she has a future.
This is my favorite actress.
You mean more than me?
No, I...
I did not say that.
I'm more... What?
And I do not have the same intensity. I Do Not.
- I did not say that.
- Of course not.
Stop following me or I'll kill you!
I'll kill you, bitch!
I have a difficult question.
You have been transferred to the Forbidden Planet.
I do not know.
You had the role of Anne Francis, Alta.
- May be.
- After your arrest
the studio canceled the contract.
Even if that were true,
it would have cost a leg and an arm.
Let's say it's true, but that is wrong.
But in the event, I could not
not even talk about it because
I have a confidentiality agreement.
Of course. Imagine that you have been arrested
and insulted the police officer.
That is a fact not hypothetical verified.
I have been arrested
and I attacked the policemen.
- The reaction of the studio is hypothetical.
- Absolutely.
And hypothetical reaction would cost them crazy
a seven-figure sum which,
in any event,
would be confidential.
Will you be in the Forbidden Planet?
Rather die.
In a very slow death,
food poisoning.
It is said that you will go on stage.
In a piece called Maloja Snake.
Maria Enders.
She plays the older woman
and me, the girl who will push her to suicide.
Where will you play in London?
They gave me the name of the theater...
- This is in negotiation.
- Who staged ?
- Klaus how?
- Klaus...
- Klaus.
- Klaus Klaus?
- Klaus Klaus.
- Yes .
Do your job, you're a journalist, whore.
- You do not know.
- Santa Klaus?
- Klaus Kinski?
- Klaus Barbie?
That's the chair.
The office door.
The office.
All right, go ahead.
Come In.
Sigrid, I called you because your course ends
and I wanted to congratulate you.
Personally. Sit down.
No, there... in the chair.
Everybody sing your praises.
Including more wicked,
depending on who I would not have had to take the company to the death of my father.
Because I will perish.
Who misjudge me, not as a woman, but because of the numbers.
And the numbers are not what they should.
It's true, I do not sleep at night.
It's eating me from the inside.
They convinced me and they are right.
Why say that? It does not concern me.
You want it to be known?
In the pitying, they let you go?
I have less experience than you.
But to me, it has the opposite effect.
When they speak of you,
esteem which they offer,
they use you to humiliate me...
Fuck! I was wrong, damn!
- This is... what?
- To signify me...
This is to mean me!
I hate this fucking scene.
I remember Susan Rosenberg
and disgust she inspired me by putting himself in the shoes
This defeated woman.
Obscene pleasure she drew, night after night.
- Why defeated?
- Defeated by...
By age,
by his insecurity,
- Leaving that bamboozled the girl.
- Stop,
- It goes further than that.
- I take.
This woman is ready to kill even before the play begins.
Sigrid will be only the instrument.
I repeat.
When they speak of you,
esteem which they offer...
it's me joy to mean they have to give you what they have denied me.
They are using you to humiliate me.
It's not that your youth
or attractiveness.
It's your assurance, your unwavering confidence.
You do not know me.
Nothing touched you, you radiate confidence in you.
- And do not you?
- I wear a mask.
Some are fools, others see clear.
I recognize them right away.
If there is one thing which I excel,
is reading behavior.
How do I read yours?
In your opinion?
I hesitate to say it, but it's clear.
Do not hesitate.
Helena nervously crosses his legs,
takes a cigarette.
You talk about your insecurity,
your vulnerability,
you trust in me.
I do not know why.
You expect something?
Can I be frank?
The figures do not prevent you from sleeping.
- What, then?
- Desire.
For me, I think.
I knew from the first moment.
Pardon, I had fun playing it.
- You left me.
- Amused?
What a strange word...
Not what I expected.
This text is impossible.
Damn it. The room is bad now?
No, but everything is weighed to put Sigrid in value.
I do not read it that way.
I see his arrogance, cruelty.
Helena and humanity.
She talks about her suffering.
It is moving.
I repeat.
What a strange word...
Not what I expected.
But what a poor idiot.
Or that you were talking about desire.
To me to be frank.
It makes me uncomfortable.
And it forces me to look at you differently.
And it destabilizes you.
You can tell me.
Gets up, lights a cigarette.
You want to say, say it.
Yes, it's true.
You destabilize me.
I wanted to ask you to stay
and become my assistant.
...Or she refuses, she accepts.
Without hesitation, she accepts.
I feel bad this morning.
I feel dirty.
I do not like Helena, despite humanity you see in it.
- You want some?
- No, thank you.
Or because of his humanity. I feel bad about yourself.
Why I infligerais me?
So do not do it.
That's what I say. I do not do it.
I would take the car tonight.
Berndt rents a house in Lake Como.
It's not next.
This is...
two hours by car.
Starting soon, I'll be back at dawn.
- You'll pull all alone?
- Yes I Am.
Be careful on the road at night.
You have a history with him?
I mean... it's serious?
I like him.
You like him.
We will not know more.
You're jealous.
Of my time.
Of my thoughts.
Perhaps my affection.
No, I am delighted that you have a boyfriend.
It does not happen often.
And when you have one, you the uses fast enough.
- I'll tell you.
- You bet.
I do not know if I should believe what little you talking about.
Free to you.
You give me the keys? I'm late.
- Sorry.
- See you.
Everything is possible. But you're under contract.
The canceling will cost.
I thought, I repeated, I can not.
Finally, I do, but...
It's too hard, I despise too Helena.
I am Sigrid and I want to stay that way.
Sigrid 20 years old.
I do not care. I know I'm right.
It does not interest me. It ruins my memory is not constructive.
They're going to sue you that will last for months.
- They can replace me.
- Too late .
Klaus wants only you in Helena.
I am hostage?
You will be in a prestigious room waiting for you for 20 years.
I ask you to get out of there.
OK, but it will not be cheap.
Work it up!
No need to be angry,
we will deal with it,
but I put you on your guard, okay?
Wait. Stay with us.
We are mutants, like you.
We doubt all.
Our powers.
The we deserve?
Do we have the right to use it?
After all,
what is good and evil?
Who are we to decide?
Scarlet Witch and Dr. Pretorius agree.
Thou hast not betrayed.
Forgive you.
Do not judge you so harshly.
You do not understand?
This is not an error.
I betray Alliance long time now.
And I refer directly to Sargon.
You know why?
Because I'm crazy in love with him.
You remember the attack of the Guild?
I fought. But only, I failed.
You were not there.
Neither Dr. Pretorius or Scarlet Witch.
He isolated in a field neutralizing my powers,
and I caved.
- You were sought.
- I was alone!
A prisoner in her fortress.
I know he raped you.
He did not violated.
I fell in love.
I refuse to believe it.
Sargon is not a mutant,
but he understands their desires.
I was his mistress.
You're crazy. Sargon loves no one.
He took advantage of me, then I repudiated.
But maybe if I obeyed,
he wants to take me back.
Place your bets.
No more.
28, black.
Place your bets.
9, red.
I stayed, but I felt my brain shut down.
You do not find the great?
- It is fascinating.
- Its role is stupid.
Because of the spaceship?
If it was a factory or a farm,
- You would love.
- Yes I Am.
I have trouble with bimbos
dressed astronaut
debiting of psycho two balls.
- I have already given.
- I like it.
I know... I'm sorry.
There are no less truth
that in a supposedly more serious film.
It explores its shadows.
She dares, really.
In a blockbuster, it's cool.
She has a great presence.
But that has nothing to dare.
Despite his superpowers...
His superpowers?
- Yes, his superpowers.
- Superpowers?
What? It's a clich,
but no more stupid than another.
Despite its power, emotions dominate.
She loves one way.
This love for Sargon the enemy,
the leads to madness. Shit.
You find nothing of interest there?
I do not know, Val.
She goes to his loss.
But basically this is what she wants.
It's downright powerful.
Damn, sometimes I hate you.
You make me dizzy.
And Sargon, you find it
Interestingly, too?
- Yes I Am.
- Super.
I Do Not. Sargon is zero. This is...
Damn it.
You put everything?
Have you seen?
My powers to open the doors.
Can you drive?
- I drank as much as you.
- Exactly.
You said earlier that
unlike Jo-Ann,
I take these roles seriously.
What? I Do Not.
I never said that.
I despise these characters and their...
Psychology comics, but not her.
What makes it superior to me.
Do not be jealous, it's not appealing.
She dives into his character.
Not me.
That's why you admire her work.
In a film like this tonight, there's...
no distance.
This is normal.
- It's culture.
- OK.
- What's wrong with my game?
- Nothing.
What should I do to make you admire me?
I think too much?
I'm too classic?
Not as released?
You're here to talk to me. So talking about.
I do not know...
You can not be accomplished actress and you're full
and hang on to youth privileges.
I can not be old, as I do not want to be young?
Yes I Am. I do not know... I guess.
Absolutely. Well said.
I'll tell you good night.
How did it go with Berndt?
You know what? It bored.
- You would not believe me.
- Try.
You convaincras me maybe.
I'm exhausted.
I have not the strength.
Okay. Good night.
I spoke with Jay.
He does not see how to get out of my contract.
I thought so.
Knock before entering my office.
You called me.
I Do Not. I asked you to come.
- What is the difference?
- If I summon you,
it is for a business purpose.
If I tell you to come, it's personal.
- So it's personal.
- Yes I Am.
Needless to strike.
If everyone does.
I could have been in a meeting.
Surprising that Josephine had left you pass.
It does not concern.
- She understood.
- What?
Our personal relationship.
Since when does she know Josephine
we have a "personal relationship"?
Be silly. She eyes.
I make you a drawing?
No, it's useless.
I thought it was between us.
I am appalled.
Who else knows?
I do not know.
In an office, gossip travels fast.
I'm your assistant.
I am under-qualified.
People have seen me move freely,
create a vacuum around you
and keep you under my control.
To empty...
Your grip...
- Do not you realize?
- I Do Not.
I do not see it that way.
Everyone understood before you.
We stop here?
Look at the last line of Sigrid.
Everyone understood before you.
Helena hesitates, looks Sigrid.
Which took place at my house the other night...
I do not deny anything.
I had desired. I do not know.
It's like you had me driving.
If you got left handle is that you wanted.
I want nothing.
Stop! I hate that condescending tone.
Listen. It must stop.
- If you say so.
- It's over.
- I am going.
- No, you stay.
I have nothing wrong with your work.
- I stay and that's it?
- It stopped
- As if nothing had happened.
- Yes I Am.
Helena, thou art not.
If I stay, you'll be my lover.
I will continue to isolate yourself from others.
I will strengthen my grip.
- Do you want that?
- Not necessarily.
I warn you, that's all.
If you want me to leave, say it.
She said nothing. Say it. It is time.
End of Act II.
- Are you hungry?
- Yes I Am.
You'll be my lover.
I will continue to isolate yourself from others.
I will strengthen my grip.
Do not you find it ridiculous?
- Because it is steep?
- I Do Not.
This is bogus. I do not believe in that.
Our emotions can not blind us?
Yes, but not at this point.
It is too theoretical.
A bit silly, even.
It's theater.
A truer interpretation of life.
Sigrid Helena expresses desires.
She pronounces the unsaid.
- She formula.
- Cruelly.
- OK.
- Yes, cruelly. It is malicious.
You're not themselves.
I must be the character.
When it's wrong, I feel.
It's visceral.
It can be...
literary but no less true.
I feel the difference, I hear.
You have to go. The sun goes to bed.
I know a shortcut. It is steep,
but it goes directly to Val Fex.
- It's not there, Val Fex?
- I Do Not.
Are you sure this is the way?
Actually, not really.
Not even sure if this is a way.
Maybe we missed a turnoff.
You're right.
I'm pretty sure the Val Fex
is not there.
We go down. We arrive somewhere.
I think this road goes to Maloja.
And what do we do in Maloja?
We take the bus.
Do not keep me if you think I'm simplistic.
Why do you say that?
If you find my review
is not interesting...
I do not see what I'm doing there.
I give you the answer, but anyone can do it.
Study a text,
it is not live.
It's not against you.
You hate the piece and Helena.
Do not blame me.
I'm doing my job.
- Are you ready?
- Yes I Am.
Do not lie to me.
You received the confirmation of a flight to Tokyo.
You read my mail? Are not you ashamed?
I have no shame a long time.
I searched your office because you want to leave me.
I know when and how.
Helena is rough. Sigrid calm.
It was enough to ask.
Yes, I have accepted a job in Tokyo.
A pharmaceutical lab.
Far more interesting than here.
More interesting than here?
Did I not give in to all your requirements?
No society has entrusted you as much power.
It weighs on me.
And I've been around.
The world is changing.
I want to feel it, to join.
Voyager. Switzerland is too provincial.
It breathes and resumes.
With me, you are not free?
You're too dependent on me.
It's unhealthy. I have what in return?
Anything you want, you know.
A job in a box soon liquidated.
How can you say that?
Open your eyes, my dear.
I'm not your poor.
I did not learn anything useful.
I'm not your poor.
You will not hold.
You should listen to your bankers.
- Your administrators.
- This is wrong.
Damn it...
The relationship between these two women...
- This is disturbing.
- Disturbing...
Today, everything is "disturbing" even the most mundane ideas.
It is a male fantasy.
No, you're wrong.
Why should I pay myself?
You did not say that when you played Sigrid.
I was a kid.
I did not ask me these questions.
As Jo-Ann in his film.
No doubt.
This innocence Do not you miss?
- I can not find her.
- But if.
Accepts Helena as you accepted Sigrid.
Preferred strength to weakness.
Youth is better than maturity.
Cruelty is cool, suffering feared.
She is...
It is ripe and innocent.
In its own way. That's what I like.
You want a coffee?
You did not answer.
You have your reading of the play.
Mine disturbs you.
It's frustrating for me.
It's painful.
It will not.
No, no.
Please, stay.
I need you.
The music of the 18th is my favorite.
It is bright and cheerful.
Me too. Romantic music
is sad and depressing.
But I still prefer rock,
- Even worse.
- Not me.
I have listened too.
What a snob!
Tastes can wear.
Like desire.
I knew evil Handel.
Music rarely touches me so much.
- Are you kidding me.
- No, but...
This is adorable you want to adapt to my tastes.
But I'm not a music lover.
Aside from pointy things imposed by my parents,
I know nothing about music.
Thank you.
- How was your wife?
- Okay.
I'm kidding. It was awful.
But you know...
It is modest.
She expected.
- You told him about me?
- No, I said...
I was going to finish my novel.
It must have doubts.
She does not know we know each other.
She'll see the tabloids.
You will not find us here.
If anywhere, it's their job.
What did you say to Maria Enders?
I took advantage of my tour to view.
She did not find it suspicious?
His assistant did not seem to meet.
- Pleased.
- Likewise.
I would not have recognized you.
Really? If you have seen me on the net or in the movies.
But it is disturbing.
You look like your roles.
Not at all, I hope.
No, only the best.
You do not look like Nemesis.
- Chris, he is a novelist.
- Pleased. My assistant.
Nice to meet you. Really.
I get you something?
- A cognac.
- OK.
- The same.
- Okay.
Nothing, thank you.
What did you like infusions?
Verbena, mint and chamomile.
- I do not mind a chamomile.
- OK.
You can not imagine what an honor it is for me.
When I was 15, I saw...
This film about the CIA, with Harrison Ford.
- I have a hole.
- A beetle on its back .
Yes, with Harrison Ford.
You taped me.
You were embodied class, all I wanted to be.
Your way to confront politicians and military, it was captivating.
My first movie in Hollywood. I was lost.
Sydney Pollack was great, but I do not always understand it.
I did not dare ask.
Fortunately, Harrison helped me.
So Much.
After I begged my parents
to take me to see The Seagull.
They did not know you,
they hate the movies.
Provided they tolerate the theater.
More than the tolerance, they are in love.
They see everything.
On leaving, they said you were the best Nina.
It meant a lot to me.
Before that, I did not dare tell them that
I wanted to be an actress. Thanks to you,
I could follow my vocation.
I prefer your 1st French films.
There was a ring of ICA in London.
I almost seen everything. You came.
You must have forgotten.
I remember it perfectly.
You spoke very freely of your business.
You were asked
if you had any regrets. You said:
"We have no right to regret.
"If one is sincere, it is the sum of his experiences."
I said that?
Maybe not word for word.
You do not think?
I Do Not.
I agree completely, 100%.
I'm intimidated to take your role.
Nobody will play like you.
Do not be too severe.
All interpretations are good.
I can not wait to repeat tomorrow.
- This is at Wilhelm, okay?
- Of course.
As his ghost does not spying on us.
Do not worry, it is benevolent.
Benign? I do not know.
Me either.
It is brave to play Helena.
It is a way to face time.
I do not know. Sometimes...
I think that this is just a job.
And I will be happy for it to end.
Thank you.
- You always want to see the snake?
- Yes I Am.
The weather tomorrow seems ideal.
Be up there at sunrise.
It's beautiful when it passes the Maloja Pass.
Great, fabulous. Thank you.
They are really nice.
I really...
It is more interesting than what you said.
His parents are musicians.
He, too, is good. It is...
I said something funny?
They spent the evening flatter you.
Normal that they like you.
- No report.
- No, of course.
It was what movie? A beetle on the back.
It has a scoop tonight.
What a scoop?
She is with Christopher Giles.
Chris? His name is Christopher Giles?
- Yes I Am.
- It's known?
It is super known.
I do not know what price he had...
He is married to the artist Dorothea Von Duisburg.
She has exhibited at the Serpentine.
Never heard of them.
Look on Google.
How do you write the name?
Giles. G-I-L-E-S.
He is with her.
When it will be known, will be... a tsunami.
On their planet.
Their planet has a name.
It is called the real world. Welcome.
Be careful with that. Pass it to me.
I thought the whole night in the death of Helena.
His death?
It does not necessarily die.
It disappears.
That's your interpretation.
It's pretty ambiguous.
It starts to walk and did not return.
For me it is clear.
You do not know.
It can reinvent elsewhere.
We can not know.
Imagine what you want.
We are on the right path?
I am willing to get up early, but get lost and miss the snake.
There is one. Happy?
Why do you think that?
I have a map.
I show you? Come on.
We spent this curve, there 10 minutes.
There, you overlook the valley.
- See?
- How do you know?
Damn, what you're boring.
Why tell the contrast part of what she said?
At 20,
you could see the ambition of Sigrid, its violence, because you the feeling.
- So what?
- That's what I say.
A text is like an object.
It varies depending on the viewpoint.
I do not know.
Come on, we'll miss the snake.
There will be none.
Go to hell.
This is the snake?
I Do Not.
It's mist.
But it undone.
It's still beautiful.
It takes shape and flows into the valley.
This is perhaps the snake.
We have to be patient.
No, this is not the snake.
I think it is the snake.
Not you?
What are you doing?
Answer me!
How is the hotel?
Very well. Thank you for the flowers.
Have you talked to Klaus?
He can not wait to see you.
Call him. He thinks you're avoiding the.
We dined together. He has 30 minutes late.
You call me to kill time.
Just kidding.
I do not avoid it.
I want to talk to him face-to-face. I got done.
Klaus knows the risks you take.
He is sincere. He does it for you and Wilhelm.
And for advertising.
20 years after Sigrid, I'm Helena. The press only talks about that.
Like all artists, he has a sense of com '.
- It is a crime ?
- "Know how
"And do know is twice knowledge."
Baltasar Gracian said that.
I do not know who it is,
but he is right.
Press about you and your work.
OK for pictures, no interview. It's too early. Do not move.
Yes I Do?
Tell him that I go down.
Thank you.
Is Klaus.
It's going to go.
- Hi.
- Sorry for the delay.
A tragedy occurred.
Dorothea made a TS. She's in a coma.
- Dorothea?
- The wife of Christopher Giles.
...Chris's friend Jo-Ann?
Yes, but you're not supposed to know.
They were together in Sils.
I thought it later.
Sir, we can go.
She opened the veins in the workshop.
She was found in a pool of blood.
What horror.
It is a famous artist.
It's a great girl.
Beautiful, talented, she has it all.
I love his work.
I do not understand.
Jo-Ann is destroyed.
She was at an exhibition.
She can not return to the hotel. The paparazzi surround it.
I invited. It does not bother you?
Not at all.
It's a rumor, but the press smelled something.
Somebody blogged
Jo-Ann had come to London to play that.
And it's true?
It does not need an excuse,
but the press will not give up.
They want a picture with Chris.
She'll be there in five minutes.
You wanted to talk to me?
Sorry, I head elsewhere.
I spoke with Rosa yesterday.
I told him you were in London,
we began to rehearse.
- It made him happy.
- Okay.
Try not to disappoint.
A Castle Laroze. Thank you.
Rosa told me fragments after Maloja Snake.
Proof of confidence.
Some pages are missing context, but...
others give insights into the room.
How old was Wilhelm when he wrote it?
35 years?
- 38.
- 38?
- Over at the time of the film.
- He was still young, in action.
25 years later, it analyzes and puts things in perspective.
He may think of posterity.
Better to stay true to his youth.
- Forget additions?
- Yes I Am.
Wilhelm did not take back.
Instead, his last writings
are bolder and more...
Take things differently.
Think like him.
Fast forward into the future,
instead of the past, that...
- Any news?
- His condition is critical.
She lost a lot of blood.
Chris said she was calm, it was the idea.
Where is Christopher?
Dorothea family is there.
They chased the hosto. He joins us.
Here? This is silly. The paparazzi will follow.
He says there is none.
It is naive. They spin.
They are discreet. Tell him especially not come.
No messaging. I send a text message.
If they follow, one is cooked.
- You have your driver?
- Yes, outside.
Christopher sent to my club.
There will be peace.
Chris. Hi.
It's okay? Did you get my messages?
Klaus said that the paparazzi following you.
I have not seen them.
If we photograph,
it's a catastrophe.
I call my driver.
You just take us?
The club my address. First we go. Join us by taxi in five minutes.
Shit, they follow us.
No, no news from the hospital.
I really need you.
Take the first plane. I'm stuck here
London. One begins to repeat tomorrow.
If it is not doing,
it will be a nuclear disaster.
- You want to change hotels?
- I Do Not.
Wherever I go, they will find me.
As well stay here.
For me it goes.
But it will be hard for Chris.
- The media will crucify him.
- I Do Not.
It is I who will take.
I usually let it be written horrors.
It cancels repeat tomorrow?
- Maria, it bothers you?
- Not at all.
No question.
I prefer to work.
- There is not much talked about.
- I Do Not.
I will make you drop the new scenes.
We talk seriously.
Yes I Am. Tomorrow, after the rehearsal.
After work, I am gutted.
Same here.
The next weekend, I joined my children in Italy.
We'll manage. Good night.
When they speak of their respect for you,
is to mean me joy to give you
which they refused me.
They use you...
I have everything printed.
Tell me if you need an English lawyer.
I know a real estate specialist.
The compromise of sale.
Your ex redeems your hand at the agreed price.
I wanted to discuss.
I may be wrong.
And for the studio Street Chemin Vert.
It's expensive, but well worth it.
- There's more to sign.
- Tomorrow.
You take the Eurostar to 8 h 15.
You will be returned to London for dinner.
- I can accompany you.
- No, I'll go.
I say what Piers Roaldson?
Remind me who it is.
It will make a film:
Electric Shockwave.
He did what?
Nothing. He is 25 years old.
According to Jay, it is and it will happen.
What is the role?
They have not yet sent.
This is the first part.
Your character is a sort of hybrid.
A creation of genetics, with a soul.
It happens at the 23rd century.
On earth?
Maybe, I'm not sure.
There, thank you.
Thank you.
Tell him that I care and that I read the script. OK?
The scenes Klaus sent thee.
- I forgot.
- You want to repeat them?
No, I have not read them.
- He awaits your opinion.
- Let him call me.
He may be waiting for your reaction.
You have them for two weeks.
I understand.
I prefer to discover at the last moment
for it remains spontaneous.
I did that for Sigrid. I will do the same for Helena.
Tell him that I find them very well.
Very good, but a little long.
- Jo-Ann, you hear me?
- Yes I Am.
The same, a little faster.
Forget a folder, there is enough.
- Is taken.
- OK.
Excuse me.
- The General's tomorrow.
- I know.
- Thanks for having me.
- With pleasure.
I'll light it.
Coffee, please.
You guess my 1st question.
The media circus around Jo-Ann
Will he steal the show?
Only show account. Not the rest.
Fortunately, Dorothea got away.
You offer a new reading.
But the audience he will be receptive?
That is my question.
I hope so.
Are the shows tight, cut off from the outside world?
I Do Not.
Each viewer brings his subjectivity.
It is not determined by the tabloids.
Some will come to the scandal.
Will they see the room or something?
- Jo-Ann.
- What does he?
I wanted to ask you...
The scene at the beginning of Act III,
when you tell me you want to leave.
I beg you to his knees.
You order pizza for your colleagues.
You go without looking at me,
as if I did not exist.
If you were marking time,
to prolong the distress of Helena, alone in his office.
There, as you cheeks,
the public out with you and soon forgotten.
So what?
When I played Sigrid,
I did it last, I found it
It worked very well.
Everyone cares Helena.
Sorry, but for me it is a laminated woman.
I speak of the character, not you.
Sigrid when out of the office,
Helena is a wreck. We get it.
We move on.
The public expects later.
If you prolongeais a few seconds.
I not feel too, Maria.
You're right.
I am lost in my memories.
Old habits always come back.
It should be destroyed.
No doubt.
- Hello, come in.
- Good Evening.
Thank you for having me tonight. That's nice.
Tomorrow we leave at dawn for spotting Ukraine.
- The exterior is turn it.
- I read your script.
I wrote it with you in mind.
In mutant?
I approach genetics from a human point of view.
In reading, I imagined someone younger.
Maybe my youngest.
You saw me in old movies.
I have changed.
It has no age.
Or all ages at a time, like all of us.
Can I be frank?
Maybe because I work with it,
but reading, I kept thinking about Jo-Ann.
Personally, I never think about Jo-Ann Ellis.
She is smart.
She has talent.
It is modern, such as heroin.
It is not modern.
Not like this.
It is beyond time.
Out of time...
I do not understand. It's too abstract.
I do not like this time.
- This is yours.
- I did not choose.
If my time was Jo-Ann and net scandals,
I have the right not to feel concerned.
It is not against it. I thought you would understand.
Rideau in five minutes.