Club Havana (1945)

Club Havana.
Yes, Mr. Norton?
Table for two?
Club Havana.
Five for tonight?
Sorry, we cannot fill
your reservation.
Club Havana.
Have you seen Jimmy?
Yes, I saw your sweetheart outside
about five minutes ago.
- Still thinking about that ivory tickler?
- More than ever.
Why don't you marry him
so you can forget him?
- Isabelita.
How do you like the arrangement
for your new song?
- I like it very much.
- Good.
- A call for you, Mr. Charles.
- I'll be right there.
Make a specially good performance
tonight, eh Isabelita?
- We have a big crowd.
- I'll try my best, Mr. Charles.
Alright, Myrtle.
What this place needs
is a good first aid station.
Don't they ever get tired
of coming here?
Every night the same food, the same
faces, the same entertainment.
They don't come here for
the entertainment.
This is a clearing house
for their nothing.
The smaller talk tonight will be
the scandal in tomorrow's papers.
Don't you ever get fed up
with it all, Hetty?
I can't afford to.
These women tell me more
than they tell their husbands,
but I get good tips for listening.
Well, my job isn't worth
the money.
Every time one of these guys
gives me a quarter tip,
he thinks it makes him
a licensed chiropractor.
That's one trouble I haven't had yet.
And when I'm not fencing off passes,
I'm walking my feet to the bone.
My next job is going to be
demonstrating wheelchairs.
Sometimes I wonder what genius
thought of the idea
of this glamorous nightlife.
- Some glamour.
A lot of married dames
playing footsie under the table
with somebody else's husband.
Why did you have to run your hand
through his hair for?
Well, how did I know
he wore a toupee?
Well, how do you like that?
Oh, that.
Leave it to that one
to frame an alibi.
I can't understand how a nice girl like
Julia got mixed up with a heel like him.
Do you think he killed her?
Who knows.
- Jimmy!
- Don't sneak up on me like that!
- What's wrong with you, Jimmy?
- Nothing's wrong with me.
Just getting a little fresh air.
You've been acting all day
as if you were scared about something.
What is it, Jimmy?
- Jimmy!
- Let go of me!
- You've got a gun.
- Keep quiet, will you?
What are you up to, Jimmy?
Don't ask me about the gun,
I can't talk about it now.
Alright, be stubborn about it
if you want to.
I'll get somebody else
to take me home after the show.
Don't be unreasonable, darling.
I'll explain everything if you give me time.
You'd better start right now.
After all, if you haven't done anything
why do you have to carry a gun?
I haven't done anything,
honest, I haven't.
- Alright, have it your own way.
- Isabelita!
Back again?
I feel so conspicuous
waiting out there.
Make yourself comfortable.
Sit down, or have a cigarrette.
I... came early because
I'm meeting a gentleman.
I didn't want to keep him waiting
on my first date with him.
I understand.
Suppose he's late,
suppose he doesn't show up at all.
He'll show up alright.
They always do.
He certainly seemed anxious enough
to make the date.
- Do you like my dress?
- It's awfully pretty.
It's a model,
I've got it at cost where I work.
- 59.50, without alterations.
- No!
Even that's much more than
I can afford but...
Maybe it will be a good investment.
It must cost plenty
to bring a girl here.
It certainly does, honey.
Maybe I should have suggested
a cheaper place.
You see he's...
He's still an intern.
It's nice seeing you again, Mrs. Lineker.
We've missed you.
I've been away, Charles.
Tell me, has Mr. Norton arrived yet?
- I believe he's at the bar.
- Thank you.
- Hello, Johnny.
- Well, Ros.
You don't seem very glad
to see me.
Why didn't you wire me
before you got on the train?
I was too confused, I guess.
All I could think of was getting back
to you as fast as I could.
Your message came this afternoon,
so I had to break an important
business engagement to be with you.
- I'm sorry, darling.
I didn't think anything could be
more important than seeing you.
- Good evening, Mr. Rogers.
- Good evening, Charles.
We have a reservation
for five, I believe.
The usual table.
Charles, I have the chance to put over
a big deal tonight and...
Well, I need a little cooperation.
You mean you want
to sign again?
That's it, Charles, only for a couple
of days and I'll pay all the other tabs.
- I don't know, you see I...
- Honest, Charles?
- This time it's only for a couple of days.
- Well, alright, Mr. Rogers.
Thanks, Charles.
You're a gentleman.
Who is that with Charles?
He looks awfully familiar.
Who is that man?
That's Clifton Rogers,
the promoter.
- Clifton Rogers.
- Clifton Rogers, he's with millions.
Good evening, Mrs. Ross.
Mr. Gwynn.
- Two?
- Just two, Charles.
Henry, number 17
for Mr. Gwynn and Mrs. Ross.
Thank you, Charles.
- Let's have a drink.
- Alright.
Order one of our specials
while I powder my nose.
I'll only be a minute.
- Hello, Hetty. How are you?
- Hello, Mrs. Lineker.
- Not Mrs. Lineker any more.
- No?
I've just got back from Reno.
I'm free, Hetty, free!
I'm awfully glad.
- At last I can marry Mr. Norton.
- How wonderful!
If anyone deserves happiness, you do.
Thank you, Hetty.
Who's in there.
She's just got rid of one husband
and she's expecting to get another one.
She was married to a drunken brute.
Before I marry,
I'm going to think it over for days.
Sometimes, when love comes along,
you can't do much thinking.
And here's a little tip, honey.
When you order tonight,
Young interns can't afford
girls with big appetites,
specially in a place like this.
Do you think he'd bring me here
if he couldn't afford?
Well, you bought a dress
you couldn't afford.
He's here!
Am I alright?
Take it easy,
you look just right.
I'll wait till he's not looking
and then I'll pretend I've just got here.
Take it easy.
Hello, Bill.
- Hello, Lucy.
- Sorry I'm late.
I've just got here myself,
I was detained at the hospital.
- An operation?
- An emergency.
Gosh, I hope you didn't rush it
because of me.
Don't worry about that, Lucy. All I did
was stand by and help the surgeon.
- Doctor Porter.
- Good evening, doctor.
Yes, we have your reservation.
- How about a drink at the bar?
- I'd love it.
You had me worried for a minute
when I couldn't see you.
- I wouldn't break a date with you, Bill.
- Your gown is very becoming.
- Do you like it?
- Yes, I do.
- What are you drinking?
- You do the ordering.
Two bacardis, please.
You start.
Darling, your drink! You're not drinking
what we always have together.
I've been on Martinis lately.
Don't sound so defiant!
There's no law against it?
- The table is ready, Mr. Norton.
- Thank you. Come on, Ros.
Oh, Tico Tico, tick.
Oh, Tico Tico, tock.
This Tico Tico,
he's the cuckoo in my clock.
And when he says "cuckoo",
he means it's time to woo.
It's Tico time for all the lovers
in the block.
I've got a heavy date,
a tte--tte at eight.
So speak, oh Tico,
tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, "cuckoo",
but if I'm late, "woo-woo"!
The one my heart is gone to
may not want to wait!
For just a birdie,
and a birdie who goes nowhere.
He knows of every lover's lane
and how to go there.
For in affairs of the heart,
my Tico's terribly smart.
He tells me:
"Gently, sentiment'ly at the start!"
Oh, oh, I hear my little
Tico Tico calling,
because the time is right
and shades of night are falling.
I love that not-so-cuckoo
cuckoo in the clock,
Tico Tico Tico Tico Tico tock!
You always have the gayest crowd.
I feel completely young
when I come to the Club Havana.
You are very kind, madame.
- Mr. Rogers is waiting.
- Good, good.
And seor Molina, such charm,
such personality.
You know I've always had a secret
desire to have a romance with that man.
No, really, quite seriously.
I feel that a man who understands music,
must understand women.
- Good evening, Mrs. Cavendish.
- Hi, Cliffy.
We're like delicate instruments,
you know.
And it's the way we're handled
which make us produce either harmonies
or discords.
when I'm emotionally stirred,
I always develop the most
tremendous appetite.
I think I'll have a steak.
Yes, a large one.
And two bottles of Pol Roger.
Of the 28, Charles.
Very well, sir.
Chicken sandwich.
I told you I was sorry, darling.
Well, at least you could tell me
what's all about.
- Don't you trust me?
- Of course I trust you, dear.
It's just something
I have to work out for myself.
Everybody thinks I have an interest
in the place.
What's wrong?
What are you staring at?
- I thought Joe Reed was in jail.
- They let him out, he had an alibi.
- Didn't you read the papers?
- I didn't see a paper.
What was his alibi?
He said he wasn't even in town
the night Julia was murdered.
Don't turn around,
he'll know we're talking about him.
What are you so jumpy about?
The night of the murder
Julia got home a little after I did.
You know how you can hear
through the walls in our hotel.
What are you trying to say, Jimmy?
The cops said she was killed
about 4 o'clock.
- They were right, I heard the shot.
- What?
Few minutes later I saw Joe Reed
coming down the fire escape,
with a gun in his hand.
- Did he see you?
- I don't think so.
I was scared stiff. When the cops grabbed
him I thought they had the goods on him.
I figured I could keep my mouth shut
and I wouldn't get mixed up in it.
Jimmy, listen to me.
You must keep quiet about this.
I can't.
I've got to do something
about it, Isabelita.
I've got to tell the police.
But Jimmy, if he finds out!
Think I can do it
without his finding out.
We'll talk about it later.
I suppose showing himself in public
is Reed's way of thumbing his nose
at the murder charge.
Yes, but I wish he'd picked out
some other caf.
- Having a good time?
- Wonderful.
Isn't this a beautiful place?
I've never realized how much
I was passing up.
You know, this is the first time I've been
to a nightclub since I left college.
- I thought you went all the time.
- Too busy.
Certainly internship is hard work
and no pay.
Besides, I never knew any girls.
What about all these pretty nurses
I thought about?
A doctor doesn't like to be reminded
of disinfectants all the time.
Just think.
If you hadn't walked into the shop that day,
we wouldn't be here together now.
Of course.
Want to dance?
So I don't see how
my proposition can fail
to return big profits
on the money invested.
How does it strike you,
Mrs. Cavendish?
It sounds very interesting.
The way you tell it.
Then, why not come in on it with me?
I've never put my money in
other people's schemes.
It's a principle with me.
Wherever I invest it, I control.
Well, I'll be willing to let you buy
the controlling interest.
That wouldn't be fair to you.
It's your idea.
Besides, I have so many interests
requiring all my time now,
that I prefer to dispose of some,
rather than add any more.
I see.
- You're disappointed.
- Very much.
But only because I thought it would be
such a pleasant association.
Wait, I have a counter-offer.
Children, eat.
I've buried three husbands.
The first was an old man.
He left me a large fortune.
After that, I can afford
to marry for love.
However, I'm no longer
romantically inclined.
I'm much too wealthy.
Children, eat.
But it is convenient,
to be naughty.
Companionship means much
when one has grown more mellow.
And the masculine point of view
is awfully important.
Besides, I enjoy the comfort
of having someone...
To buy the tickets, to drive my car,
escort me wherever I want to go.
Yes, I see.
- For you, such an alliance would be ideal.
- For me?
Your pleasure is making money.
Mine is keeping it.
You have no capital.
I have millions.
So this is what I propose.
We will marry.
I will finance your schemes.
You will handle all the business.
The disbursement of money
will be my department.
You mean I'll be free to operate
with all the capital I need?
Under my supervision.
It's the best proposition
I've had in years.
Then you accept my proposal?
Most heartily, my dear.
- I thought it would appeal to you.
- Of course.
- That's the way mama does it.
- Yes, mama.
What's wrong, Johnny?
Nothing, Ros.
What is wrong, Johnny?
Let's get it over, darling,
before it spoils our evening.
I don't know how to say it.
You shouldn't be.
Not to me.
That's what makes it so difficult.
You've been swell.
Johnny, that has a strange ring
of the past tense about it.
I'm afraid that's the way
it is to me.
We always said we'd be honest
with each other, didn't we?
Ros, I feel terrible about it.
Before you went away I was happy
with things as they were.
I didn't see anything but stars.
Now there's another face
in the stars.
- Love?
- Very.
She's a...
I don't know, I can't explain it.
It means...
I can't even fight for you.
I wish it hadn't happened.
Well, it's just one
of those things I guess.
I know.
I suppose I shouldn't be so stunned.
I've seen lots of romances
go smash.
It's the kind of thing you see
happening to others,
but you just never think
they could happen to you.
Please, Ros, don't.
It's alright, darling.
I'll get hold of myself.
Only it's hard to do it
just like that...
Don't tell me I can't even snap
my fingers!
There, you see?
- I did it.
- Ros.
Around the corner from
my apartment,
there's a darling little
ivy covered church.
And every time I passed,
I used to plan.
Our wedding there and...
living happy ever after.
But anything that doesn't
include you, darling,
just doesn't make sense.
I'll go and see
if my hair's turned white.
Order some more wine,
will you darling?
At least tonight is mine.
Mrs. Lineker, what happened?
Does it show on me as much as that?
And your dress!
Oh, that.
It's just some champagne.
But champagne will leave a spot
if you don't wash it off.
It'll just take a minute.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Cavendish.
You were saying...
This will be my last husband,
I think.
He's rather stupid, but we'll get along.
And he goes well with
my early American furniture.
Yes, he goes very well
with the furniture.
Well, I shan't need
those sleeping pills any longer.
Do you have insomnia?
Yes, but when I can't sleep
at night now,
at least I'll have a partner
for gin rummy.
Money is a wonderful asset.
That's all a woman needs
to compete with beauty it seems.
If she has money.
And if she has enough.
What a character!
- May I have a glass of water, Hetty?
- Certainly.
- Here you are.
- Thank you, Hetty.
- Thank you, Hetty.
- Mrs. Lineker, this is 20 dollars!
Buy yourself something,
to remember me by.
You want to leave now, Ros?
Let's stay a little bit longer,
do you mind?
Of course not.
And let's have one last glass
of champagne, shall we?
Why not.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kingston!
- Good evening, Charles.
Your table is waiting for you.
This way, please.
It's a pleasure to have you
with us again.
- I suppose he means... together.
- No doubt.
You know, I haven't been here
more than twice since our separation.
I've been here quite often.
I hated the sight of the place,
on account of the memories.
So did I.
Thank you, Charles.
Only, I did come once in a while.
- To see if you were here.
- Darling.
- We are being particularly sentimental.
- Maybe so, but I like it.
You always did make me feel...
sentimental, Suzie.
- Not always.
- Now, now.
We promised to let bygones
be bygones.
I'm sorry.
It's gay here tonight.
Now, don't interrupt them
for a while.
I don't think they're interested
in food at the moment.
They are quite old to be romantic.
They've been husband and wife
for 11 years.
- Really, Monsieur?
- Yes.
They were separated about
a year ago, but...
Now I think they're going
to be reconciled.
Habits are hard to break.
And desire.
I used to wonder what we'd do
if we ever met.
Wether we'd just say "Hello, Willy",
"Hello, Suzie",
very casually and then pass by
or even pretend not see each other.
I know, that worried me a lot too.
- And then, I did see you once.
- You did? Where?
At the theatre, you were with
a foreign looking fellow.
That must have been Orlando,
or Rhett, maybe Andre.
- I didn't see you.
- I ducked, so you wouldn't.
I felt kind of sick and lost inside.
You know, even when I was hating you
the most, I was still in love with you.
- Really?
- Of course.
I know it's hard for you to believe,
but I never stopped loving you either.
I do believe you.
I didn't at first,
but after Doctor Pearson
explained to me...
- Dr. Pearson? Who is he?
- A famous psychiatrist.
He said your trouble
was your age.
Lots of men who've been steady going
and dependable all their lives,
act a little peculiar after
they've passed 40.
Baloney! How does he know?
He never saw me in his life.
He doesn't have to see
a person to tell.
He's an authority on human behaviour.
That's ridiculous! There was
nothing wrong with my behaviour.
You just didn't realize it, darling.
He said it comes on so gradually,
a man doesn't know it.
- What comes on?
- Your second childhood.
That's a big lie!
The man is obviously a quack!
I'll tell you what was the matter.
We were in a rut.
You were beginning to get on
my nerves and I...
I didn't think
you'd say things like this,
or I'd have never considered
to meet you tonight.
I've been able to afford more and better
clothes on the separation settlement
you are paying me than I ever could
when I was living with you.
I have more time to devote
to things I enjoy.
More invitations to shows,
parties, weekends.
I'm living at a hotel,
where somebody else has to fret
about the servants and the marketing.
I get my breakfast served
to me in bed.
I have hours
to fritter away every day
in beauty parlours, dress shops
or just gadding.
Why, Suzie!
I haven't had a worry or care
since our separation.
So you don't think I'm going back
to that humdrum life, do you?
Suzie, don't you love me any more?
I suppose so.
But if I come back to you, Willy,
is going to be on my terms.
Your terms...
He's still here.
What are you going to do?
I'll be right back.
Club Havana.
I'll have him paged.
Page Mr. Moreland.
Myrtle, will you get me
Miami 46464, please?
Miami 46464.
OK, Jimmy, take booth 1.
Hello? I'd like to speak
to Captain Hagedone, please.
About the Dumont case.
He didn't give his name, but he wants
to talk to you about the Dumont murder.
OK, Casey.
Hagedone speaking.
I have some information
about the Dumont case.
- Well, what is it?
- I can break Joe Reed's alibi.
Sure about that?
Yes, you saw him coming down
the fire escape.
What time was that?
Yes, that checks.
Well, why don't you come in
and tell me all about it?
I'm not coming any place
till Joe Reed is in jail.
I'm not taking the chance on his
finding out that I put the finger on him.
Supposing I make a deal with you.
I'll pick Reed up tonight and then you'll
come in later and tell us the whole story.
He's at the Club Havana now, eh?
That'll save us the trouble
of looking for him.
Are you sure you don't want
to give us your name?
I'll pick Reed up within the hour.
See you later.
Thanks, Myrtle.
Club Havana.
Table for three?
What's the name, please?
Yes, Mrs. Dorey, thank you.
And page Joe Reed.
Another reservation.
I have a call for Mr. Reed.
Over there.
- Did you phone the police?
- Yes, I hope they get here in a hurry.
Look, Isabelita.
I think he got a phone call.
I don't like the look of it.
Relax, I'll be right back.
- Joe, you're in trouble.
- Yeah?
The phone call was just a stall,
you've got to get out of here fast.
What are you talking about?
I listened in on a call to the police.
They're coming for you.
- Who made the call?
- Jimmy Medford, the piano player.
He says he saw you up
at Julia Dumont's place.
He won't give them his name and
he won't talk until they jail you.
- OK, baby.
- Joe, it's not true.
- You weren't with her, were you?
- Of course not, the guy is crazy.
There wasn't anything between
you and Julia, was there, Joe?
Tell me the truth.
I said there wasn't.
- How many times do I have to tell you?
- Sure, Joe.
You've got to get away.
I'll give that girl some excuse.
Forget it.
I'm in the clear.
And don't worry about that girl either.
She doesn't mean a thing.
They never do mean a thing,
do they, Joe?
I've got to make a call.
Give me Miami 88427.
Hello, Ace.
Get over to the Club Havana
right away.
Meet me at the beach.
I'll be waiting for you.
What's the matter, Ros?
Are you alright?
- Quite alright, darling.
- Are you sure?
I guess this champagne
is going to my head.
- I'm alright, see?
- You'd better not drink any more.
- Well, Johnny Norton.
- Hello, Jeffreys.
- Mrs. Lineker, Mr. Jeffreys.
- How do you do?
A stroke of luck,
finding you here Johnny.
I tried to reach you today
about the Maxwell deal.
- Yes, anything new on that?
- Can I see you alone?
Do you mind, Ros?
- Go ahead.
- Good night, Mrs. Lineker.
Are you sure the kid saw you?
Hagedone's on his way
when Hallett grabbed me.
It's a rough break, Joe.
If the kid testifies, you're nailed.
- The cops don't know who the kid is.
- I don't get it.
When he put the finger on me
over the phone,
he said he wouldnt sing
until they pinch me.
There's a grand in it for you.
There's an awful lot of heat
on you right now, Joe.
Make it two.
Pick up five grand tomorrow.
- OK.
- How will I know him?
The kid's at the bar.
I'll spot him for you.
OK, Joe.
besame mucho.
Each time I cling to your kiss,
I hear music divine.
Besame mucho.
Hold me my darling and
say that you'll always be mine.
This joy is something new,
my arms enfolding you,
never knew this thrill before.
Whoever thought
I'll be holding you close to me.
Whispering, it's you I adore.
Dearest one,
if you should leave me.
Each little dream would take wing
and my life would be through.
Besame mucho.
Hold me my darling and
tell me you'll always be mine.
Hold me my darling
and tell me
you'll always be mine.
I'll be right back, honey.
Isabelita, my name is Reed.
I throw some parties every
now and then.
I'd like to have some
of my friends hearing you.
You could make yourself some
extra change after hours.
- Thanks, I...
- Well, now, think it over.
You too.
- I almost went limp.
- Jimmy, I don't like it!
I don't either.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Sorry to barge in like this,
but we've got business here.
I see.
I've got to pick somebody up, but I'll do it
with the least possible disturbance.
- Thank you, Captain.
- I understand Joe Reed is here.
Yes, he is.
Kelly, you'd better stand by the door
there. Bosson, you come with me.
Callahan, I think that call came from here.
See what you can find out from her.
Hello, Reed.
Sit down, have a drink.
It's just the same,
I haven't time.
I bring a guy in for questioning.
I see.
What about?
An alibi.
Can the guy phone his lawyer?
Do that from headquarters.
Drive my car home, honey.
I'll pick it up tomorrow.
Let's go.
Well, that's over.
- Are you still going through with it?
- Yes, as soon as the club closes.
I don't like the idea of you carrying
a gun. There's no need for it now.
- OK, I'll get rid of it.
- No, I'll get rid of it.
Then I'll be sure.
Here, put it in my bag.
The phone operator
doesn't know a thing.
Stick around with Swanson.
What's wrong, Ros?
- Nothing wrong.
- Come on, you'd better get home.
Try to walk.
We're leaving now.
Something is wrong!
Don't be cross with me, Johnny.
It's so much easier this way.
Just a beautiful drowsiness...
and sleep.
- What is it, Mr. Norton?
- Get a doctor, quickly!
Certainly, at once.
Take her to my office.
- Pardon me, Doctor Porter?
- Yes.
One of my patrons is ill.
I'm sorry to impose on you like this.
- That's alright. Glad to be of service.
- Maybe I can help.
This way, doctor.
She's in my office.
I'm Hetty. Monsieur Charles thought
you may need some help.
I will in just a minute.
Mr. Norton,
do you have the know if Mrs. Lineker
has been under a doctor's care recently?
I don't think so.
She appears to be under the influence
of some sedative.
You didn't see her take anything
within the past hour?
- Is that her handbag?
- Yes.
- May I look in, please?
- Of course.
- A powerful sleeping drug.
- Mrs. Cavendish's sleeping pills!
She must have picked them up
in the powder room.
- Get me a quart of strong black coffee.
- Yes, doctor.
- Do everything possible, doctor.
- I will.
Mr. Norton, I think you'd better go
back to your table. You too, Lucy.
- You'll keep me informed?
- Certainly.
Come along, Mr. Norton.
- Can I show you to your table?
- Thank you, it's right over there.
I don't think you need to worry,
Mr. Norton. Bill is a very fine doctor.
Please, let me stop.
I'm so tired!
Just try a little longer.
You're doing fine.
- Is Mrs. Lineker alright?
- You may go to her now.
Will you excuse me?
I don't want to.
Don't you understand?
I understand perfectly, but what you
tried to do never solves any problem.
It only complicates them,
for those you leave behind.
You've got no right to destroy life,
even your own.
- Mr. Norton, come in.
- Thank you.
Mrs. Lineker can go home now, but I
recommend a long walk out of doors first.
I hardly know how to express
my gratitude, Doctor.
I don't know what would have happened
if you hadn't been here tonight.
- Don't mention it. I'm glad I was here.
- Thanks for everything.
Good night, Mrs. Lineker.
- You wanted to see me, Mr. Rogers.
- Yes, Charles.
Yes, Charles.
Put the check on my account.
Thank you, madame.
And will you send us a
statement of my...?
- As you wish, Mr. Rogers.
- Yes, Charles. Please, do.
Come, children.
Put on your coats.
My dear, I should have met you
sooner, much sooner.
Looks like everybody
is going home.
Is it that late?
I'm afraid it is.
- I guess I spoiled your evening.
- I've enjoyed every minute of it.
A doctor never knows when
he'll be called upon.
- His life isn't his own.
- I can see that.
Shall we go now?
Thanks, honey.
- I'd better get to police headquarters.
- I'm going with you.
- Now look, Isabelita.
- There's no use arguing.
- I wanna thank you again for your courtesy.
- Don't mention it.
I hope you'll both come again soon
and be my guests.
Thank you, Monsieur Charles.
We'd be happy to.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Monsieur Charles.
- Good night, girls.
- Good night, girls.
- Good night, Myrtle.
Monsieur Charles!
- What's the matter, Myrtle?
- I must see Jimmy. Has he left yet?
He didn't come out this way.
Try the back entrance.
Good night, Mr. Charles.
Myrtle was just looking for you, Jimmy.
You can catch her if you hurry.
- Thanks.
- Good night.
- I wonder where she was.
- I don't know.
Look out, Jimmy, look out!
Call the coroner's wagon, Swanson.
She's dead.
Come on.
What about Myrtle,
is she alright?
Poor kid, she saved our lives.
So you're the one who called
Captain Hagedone.
That guy Myrtle ran down
was Joe Reed's gunman.
Next time you'd better
tell the police who you are.
- A lot safer.
- I've learnt my lesson.
You'd better come along
to headquarters with us now.
You stay here, Swanson,
take care of things.
Look at me, darling.
I didn't think I'd ever have
to face you.
You almost didn't.
I almost lost you!
Darling, I've lived the lifetime
in the last few minutes.
I won't forget it.
- I'm sorry it was so messy.
- It never happened.
Come on, dear.
We're both awake now.
Now for a nice long walk.
Yes, dear.
Always together.