Cocktail (2012)

I want to complain
Can I have a complain register?
In fact airline should be sorry
They are making safety drill from
very beautiful girls.
And I wasjust looking at you
I couldn't concentrate on instructions,
Now the plain will go to sea
then I mean,
I wouldn't know what to do...
And If I would die...
then who will be responsible forthat
If you will read it,
then you will have chance to
survive in sea
What will happen if you won't
be here
nor something would happen nor
anything is gonna happen
I don't know
If something will happen
You didn't tell me your name
I wish my name would be longer
So why you are going to london?
I am shifting to London
What you do?
I am a software engineer
It's boring but not like you
that you are chatting with strangers
all night long
Stop it!
This is my first time
and because of you
So do it!
Don't stop!
Let it be!
I don't know what happened
You said and I sinked down
You are very naughty
It's legal yet
but my shifting will be over
in an hour
Are you nervous?
Look! Flight isjust about to take off
It's such a long flight
We will get time to chat
Why you are getting so nervous?
You are going for 2 days
If you will show my any flash of my
Dehli flashback to your aunt
then remember...
Assume that I will open your sin's
database to your mom
Which database?
I am already naked,
Everyone knows about me
But you have to commit sins
in future
I will help you to hide them
I will have to book the table
You are talking to me
Same childish game,
I don't know you,
Get lost etc etc
Let's move on Sonu,
Let's take a fresh start,
Now what?
I will have to beg on my knees,
I made a mistake
Look at my condition
Now fogive me
Whoeveryou are?
My husband is waiting for me outside
You got married?
Now I will endure this sorrow
But you have the address
Address is also wrong
I don't know perhaps I would
have copied wrong
Obviously I will try
It must be changed,
How is that?
Listen! Aunt won't be so worried
But don't tell her anything
I will call you later
I am coming
I was thinking do you believe
in love at first sight
Rather I should come back again
Then say it!
I will put my life
I will work really hard
I will make a system forthem
that even I wouldn't corrupt it
I was thinking,
I will shift in some hotel
forfew days,
Your dad is a rich man
My parents are not alive
But I have saved some money
But my parents are alive
I don't know where those rich
people are,
but every month they send my
hugejuicy cheque
But you don't even know me
You know I didn't know my parents
when I was born
When I lived with them still
I didn't know them
Stay here!
Until you don't sort it out
But nothing is clear
Either he will come or not
I don't know how much time
it will take and I...
If I would be stuck so you
won't help me
Definitely but!
So account settled
He is the same,
Your husband!
That airport guy,
I have told you
You know I have never seen such a
shameless and cheap person
Does anyone spare this chance
Thank God that I met you,
I have found you everywhere and you...
In this foriegn country you are
chatting with yourfriends
How could you do this to me?
I am begging you
We can't take a fresh start to forget
whatever happened
Let's take a fresh start
after an hour
But right now this meeting is
really important for me
It's important
and this...
Tell me!
Where is Mama?
Cheap Person!
You are blamming your mama
Make me suffer!
He already shifted with her
He shifted with her
And what were you doing?
You are in dehli
I am taking care of him
I am his guardian
Now that girl and his work is
in London
So I suggest him that take a room
in nearest building
Do you understand?
So what's up?
Have you got guava this year?
That tree has been cut since long
Who me?
I agree he is little bit cheezy
But he have something,
He is always having fun
Even pig is always having fun
He have another qualification
I didn't need this information
I will tell you what else
Gautam is that typical type of pest
who will use you
He will live in your house forfree
lying on this sofa
he will eat popcorn from your money
and he won't pay a single penny
Grocery store is empty
I have told you that you should
have call first
It happens in west
If Gautam is inside then tell them
You are Gautam's friends
I mean...
What a lovely surprise?
And you?
What were you saying to me?
I will say whatever he will
tell me to say
What were you saying to me?
He is grown up
This one...
Answer me what I am asking
You tell...
Let yourfamily check the facebook
they will leave everything
and come here...
What were you doing?
Come fast!
What happen?
But what happen?
Water has filled inside her body
She is not breathing
Bring the doctor
How would I find a doctor
on beach?
I will try
She is awake
Are you alright?
Whatver happened but she
is fine now
I will take her inside
I will take her
You enjoy the sunset
We have already enjoyed,
You are not going anywhere
I saved her,
I will take her
Take a walk
Be carefull!
You are so grown up but
you don't care foryourself
I will get you something to eat
What happened?
He is a fraud!
He is running marriage business
He married with you to rob you
And you think you have a problem
that's why he left you
I don't want to discuss this issue
But I want to discuss this issue
I want to discuss,
Do you understand
Why are you insisting?
Because you are a fool
And to being an intelligent it's
my duty
that I should help you
What do you think that you will give
me tips and my life will be changed
Now what will happen to me?
Don't worry!
I am here
Dr. Gautam will fix everything
And you are so handsome,
intelligent and good looks
and in much quantity
Now I am like that but you
are not so bad
You have some intelligence and
You looks good
I have an experience
Actually! I will also say that
you are hot
Do you really think that I am hot?
I am afraid
that if I will touch you so
I should be burned
You are so original
Your eyes are like post card shot
They make people dreaming
whoever saw them
he finds himself
and your lips...
whoever look at them once
he thinks later
he thinks in night
and your smile
Your smile is social service
People are losing theirtension
You wear so many clothes
But a person will think
that what's that what you
are hiding
Like your waist...
nobody is allowed to see it
how does it feel to touch it
I shouldn't say something else
Otherwise you will look down again
Are you feeling cold?
Your hands...
I want to hold them
but I am also afraid
that if somebody will hold them once
who would never leave them ever
That's why girls gone flat on you
You are amazing,
But today it was really amazing
That was my best performance
It's gone natural
I kept speaking what I was feeling
You also try it sometime
Why do you need to try?
You are so beautiful
that people would fall down to
see you
So why don't you fall down?
We will have to leave
I was really enjoying,
You are late...
Earlier girl like you shouldn't
need to ask
I don't understand
My heart is beating like someone
is about to shoot me
I didn't sleep lat night
I said I am not falling in love
What do you think?
I'm in deep trouble
My counting will be in people
like Devdas and Majnu
You are right
Nothing's gonna happen
to sit here
I must make a move
Thanks to you
God shall fullfill your needs
By the way all you need is here
Okay sister!
Keep me in your prayers
Meera was right!
You are a nice girl
Just wear good dresses
Tell me one thing
You don't have affair with
some guy
Howeverthe society becomes modern
It's not good for a girl to live
alone for longer
Tell your parents
get you marry
Where they live?
Dad is busy in his business and mom
I don't know
If their own marriage is in danger
so how they would get you married
But you don't worry
I will find a groom foryou
Look! You are coming to Dehli
For Gudlu's marriage
Yourjob will be done there
Myjob will be done too
It was a mistake
We both were drunk
You were lonely and
I am characterless
It happened
We don't have to do it again
We are not like each other's type
Actually we both don't like
each other
and I am Veronika's guy
And you are someone else's wife
So let's handle it with maturity
let's make it happen like
it was earlier
And let's forget it all
Thank God that everything is cleared
What's happening?
That's what we have to avoid
All these things arejoke foryou
You must be addicted of
these situations
I wish I would be like you
Life would be very simple
Till today I also...
Please let's not make it complicated
Let's stay away from each other
and we will forget everything
Now don't go to Shakuntla mode
There is nothing serious between
me and Veronica
Everything is already cleared
For me it's already cleared that you
both live in same room
and you both use the same toothbrush
I am not talking about
right and wrong
Perhaps I am different
like Desi, illetrate
But I am sorry I don't have capacity
to understand it all
So I will explain you
We are friends
And we also enjoyed,
I don't want to understand
But I amjust saying that I know
She will be happy for us
And when she will listen
she will say first of all
Let's party!
And you willjump down to my room
from her room
And we'll also enjoy it...
Isn't it?
Where are you going?
Distance from each other
Please forgive me
But I have got the case
If Veronika will tell Meera that
there is no problem
then there is no problem
Carry on!
I am leaving!
How am I looks like?
What my mom is doing with you
If I will wearthese kind of dresses
I shall grow my hair
in short if I shall become like Meera
then your mom will accept me
Accept for what?
We neverthought about marriage
But it could be...
I know you will get marry with
your mom's choice
it will be tough but I feel
I can do it
And by the way we like each other
What were you saying?
It's really hot...
I am sweating
I neverfeel happy for
someone to leave
You three must get the award
Thank God that this drama is over
Real drama will start now
People says that it's such an
amazing feeling
Novels had been written on that
But uncle I have realized something
about those people
that they all are liers
To sell their books they all
write lies
It's not an amazing feeling
I am feeling like a cooker with
this pressure
I am breathing hot
My blood is boiling like
it's burning
and I can't run away from
this fire
It's inside me
When I stand up so I feel
I should sit down
when I sits so I feel that
I shall drink two more drinks...
If this is an amazing feeling
that it happened amazing today
ljust want...
that I should buy vegetables and
go home
and Meera is making breads,
Taste of home made food
I am a rascal of flirt type
I don't have any religion
but mummy...
Did you everthink why?
It's possible that I hook up
with so many girls
because that girl...
I didn't met that girl yet
but now when I met her
then do it...
Clothes are still easy
but you know that thing inside you
So now you want to become Desi
After meeting Gautam's mom
And you know like she was
with you
I never had it
And I will get training from you,
You will have to help me
What's up?
Where is Meera?
I have to talk to you
Every problem could be solved
to discuss
Big countries can solve the warto
sit on a table and talk
so we can't solve the issue to
sit on this table
There is something running between
we three
and I want that...
all those things should be placed here
I didn't expect this from you
and like get off my face dialogue
should happen here
I have to talk to you,
We are already talking
you love me and I love her
Now tell me what to do
And she won't admit because of you
but she loves me too.
Nothing's gonna happen to escape
Gautam! I told you...
I made a mistake
But never...
You have already made a mistake
Why you are behaving like kids?
I have told you that it's not possible
I have told you forget it
I can't forget
and I can't pretend to forget
like you
So tell me what to do
I will never come between both
of you
It's not possible
Why not?
In fact it should be happen
Two people like each other so
obviously they have to be together
In this situation...
You should console me
I have taken those bridal magazines
very seriously
Otherwise I will fall in love
with you
I couldn't think anything since long
I have drink 100 pounds bear
Actually I am also very impressed
This music,
These lights...
Take me somewhere along with you
in your world
in the world of relationships.
I know what everyone thinks
about me
that Veronika is good enough
for only one thing
I never let anyone know that how
I am from inside
Just give me a chance and you will
also find out that everybody is wrong
that Veronika is also a normal girl
I will do it,
I could be a good wife
The best...
Betterthan Meera
Have some water
I will do whateveryou say
I will become howeveryou want
Look at me once
how would I survive
Why you can't take me along?
She came for one,
and she is gone with another one
Your phone is ringing
You thought I won't come
But it's good that you came
I have to talk to you
Would you do me a favour?
Shall I do it before you say
You really like me?
You respects me
So please I am begging you stay
away from me
If you like me then stay
away from me
If I wouldn't like you so why would
I came closerto you
You have become fool falling in
love with me
I will never come to Veronika's way
Specially after knowing that how she
is serious about you
Two girls are playing with me
Now you understand how does
it feel?
You have played alot
You had so many toys
I could be one
We both know...
that's different
but how long?
Tell me...
Just look at your self once
What are you?
Till yesterday you were with Veronika
and today you are here
You don't care either Veronika
lives or die
But you are here today
you are following me
That's your pattern and you will
keep doing that
Take care of Veronika
She needs you
Believe me I know her
And did you know yourself...
that what are you feeling?
Listen! You understand one thing
that whatever I feel foryou
and rather whatever it takes
that's my promise to you that's
not possible
I won't let it happen
I have decided
so fine!
I have also decided
Now I will ask you everyday
that have you changed your decision
or not
Don't worry we will meet soon
When you will go to office
when you will come home
and you will also have lunch break,
We will make a time table
If we will have to do it for lifetime
Who were those people?
Are you Gautam?
Why you are doing all this?
I knew that you will come back,
I knew that you'll realize that
you love me
She will be fine soon
But problem is in mind
This is Kunal.
My husband!
I couldn't come to meet her
But everything will be fine
He will come to you
At least forfew days,
Till then why don't you stay with me
He should really feel that we...
like husband wife
It's fine!
And I sleep on sofa many times
By the way there is no chance
of ourfuture
I don't believe in that but
Who knows what will happen?
I was thinking we can put our
divorce papers on hold forfew days
We both will get time to
think something
You are doing alot
What's happening?
My best friend is getting married
And with that guy whom I love
and I wouldn't come
So meera!
What I want to say...
What I am thinking
You propose her
What everyone thinks...
about us
My family
what I also think...
Do you understand?
Like I was earlier
And what I am now
What I am standing here
You really enjoying
When you will have to do it...
So do it!
Then let me do
You are standing here
You are making me nervous
That was not
Because that natural acting.
Because that was right
That's what happened
You have become like that
I couldn't even think
Now I am not like that
Because I...
When you were gone
It was not possible for me
What were you saying
It's really hot