Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2009)

Thank you.
Is it always like this?
When I finance it, yes.
I thought Boy was coming.
So did I.
Look, Mama.
Wish your father luck, my angel.
Good luck, Papa.
Thank you.
Wait in the corridor.
I'll be out in a minute.
Don't worry.
All will be well.
God be with you, my love.
Forget melody, follow the rhythm.
Forget Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Strauss...
Forget everything you've heard before.
Whatever happens, follow me.
Legs parallel. Your arm!
It's too stiff!
Put more life into it!
Vaslav Niiinski, stop.
We're all on edge.
I want more life!
Diaghiliev, tell him.
The theatre is packed.
They're in for a surprise.
They won't know what's hit them.
It's outrageous!
What a din!
Go back to Russia!
Quick, get to your positions.
follow the rhythm, count,
and dance to the beat.
Call a dentist!
Call 2 dentists!
Quiet, you stuck-up bitches!
Let them finish!
- Sit down!
- Hands off!
The lights!
Lights on!
Lights on!
Jump! Jump!
Don't get desperate, son.
God tests harder those whom
He loves the most.
What a shame!
Such dispect to the music.
Are you leaving?
What did you expect?
You've seen the audience.
This people are used to...
watching stuff like...
"Swan Lake" or "Sleeping Beauty".
They have no taste in music.
It seems too different and new to them.
They couldn't dance.
Their ability was not enough.
No, Igor.
I refuse this.
We've worked hard.
They danced like idiots.
They couldn't feel the rhythm.
They danced in complete harmony...
with your ridiculous music.
Vaslav, wait!
People react to anything that's new.
You've created a new language.
but we both know that
you created a masterpiece.
Do you know what a man who
confronted a monster should do?
Should he battle him?
He should sing.
Singing is...
Thank you for coming.
There is someone
I want to introduce to you.
Baron, I ask for your generosity again.
When the bar get closed, I said
"Damn, we've lost our chance again."
But doesn't she say that
he is also going to the same way?
When we got to hotel, I was
getting myself ready to say good-bye...
and she said
she is staying at the same hotel.
I've seen her for the
first time in my life...
but we spent the night together.
Duke Dimitri, being an exhale
doesn't slow you down.
With your permission,
I'd like to introduce Gabriele Chanel.
Igor Stravinsky.
- I see your name everywhere.
- I'm pleased to meet you.
I'm glad to see you again.
Excuse me.
Even mourning looks classy on her.
Does she mourn her husband?
Her lover.
They called him "Boy".
He died in a car accident.
Such a tragedy.
Forget about the Mamists
and the Bolsheviks.
Gentlemen, enough already.
Stop talking politics.
Everyone, toast please.
For the victory of Russian ballet.
Thank you.
I'm late.
I'm patient.
Is it true that you compose
your work in this room?
The world turned upside down and
we've found ourselves in here.
This is 20th century.
I'd like to help financially.
Would you mind?
I'd be if it were a couple of years ago.
What about now?
I mind more now.
I'm taking care of myself.
I have a villa outside Paris.
A quiet place, has a big garden.
It's no palace but not so bad either.
You can meet if you want.
But my family is...
They could come as well.
You're not going to abandon them.
I can't accept this.
Why did you call me?
For a very simple reason.
I admire your music...
and I want to help you.
You don't know me.
We can sort that part out.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
I have to go.
Excuse me.
See you soon.
Katia, I have good news.
Lean forward, please.
Black windows...
I've never seen anything like it.
- Welcome, Madame.
- Hello.
Hello, Madame.
- Welcome.
- Thank you for inviting us.
It's an honour to have you.
I hope the air will do you good.
Delighted you decided to come.
I'll show you your rooms.
Follow me.
Take off your hats.
It's not really a family house
but never mind. This way.
I thought the boys could go in here.
Do you like China?
For the girls, the Moorish room.
Be careful!
Not bad at all.
We turned a sofa into a bed.
For the little girl.
It's so pretty!
This is your room.
It's my favourite.
You don't like colour,
Mademoiselle Chanel?
As long as it's black.
I'll leave you. You must be tired.
How are you feeling?
The children seem happy.
I'll be downstairs.
Let me show you your study.
Will you be able to work here?
I'd love to play.
You sing, don't you?
Like a crow.
All right.
You're leaving?
I'm needed at the shop.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Thank you.
Can I play outside?
Put that there.
Help me.
Get on the bed.
Hold this end
and put it over there.
Hurry up!
... lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
They've made borscht!
I miss Russian borscht so much...
Mama, serve me.
Wait a minute.
I really like it here.
We thought you'd like it.
Thank you.
We're lucky.
Mademoiselle Chanel invited us.
Aren't we, Papa?
Thank you.
Shall I lock up?
No, you can go. I'll do it.
Thank you.
- Goodbye, Mademoiselle.
- Good night, Julie.
Harder, Papa.
Yes, higher!
Even higher!
Go on, Papa!
All right?
I'm sorry.
Bring me some water, please.
What's wrong with her?
It's nothing, she's fine.
Thank you.
We should put the children to bed.
Time for bed now.
Is Mademoiselle all right?
I'm fine.
I'm sorry to see you unwell.
I'm sorry too.
Am I disturbing you?
Not at all.
He says you're his best critic.
Probably the most honest.
Childhood sweethearts?
It was beautiful.
But then you marry, have children,
and all that...
May I take a look?
Please do.
I like this.
It's just a peasant dress.
Take it, if you like.
Thank you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Mademoiselle.
I told you to use perfume.
Your hands...
Too long. It looks vulgar.
Very good.
Have a good day.
Have a good day, Mademoiselle.
Let's do it now.
Madame de Rothschild
wants an appointment.
I told you before,
I won't discuss a pay rise.
Is that clear?
What more do you want?
Poiret's girls...
The stitches are always wrong.
If you please...
Will you keep still!
Why do I pay you?
Stand straight, for God's sake!
Still here?
Can't you see I'm busy?
There, a clear, strong line,
you see?
I'm finished.
Send it down now.
Get to work, please.
Do you compose on paper?
No, I always start at the piano.
To feel the music in my fingers.
I never make sketches either.
I need to feel the fabric.
I'm not sure it's the same.
Touch this.
Jersey cloth.
Feel how soft it is?
Yes, I understand.
Thank you.
changes in tempo,
here, there...
It's all in fragments,
I'm never sure if it works.
How do you manage, then?
You need to forget yourself.
Often, nothing happens
but it can come by chance.
As if a door opens
and the music is there.
You try to grab the notes
and find them in the piano.
It's a special feeling like...
Teach me to play.
Like this.
Yes, that's good.
I see.
More legato.
That's good.
That's good.
Go on, but more piano...
the car is ready.
I have to go.
Goodbye, Madame.
Goodbye, doctor.
Turn round.
You wear white, now?
Go up. We'll finish later.
My hat and gloves, please.
I've found my perfumer.
Still obsessed with your perfume.
Not just a perfume.
People don't even wash.
Let's go.
You're not interested?
I'm listening.
I'm after a modern essence,
daring, like a blend.
It's chemistry.
A perfume as complex as a personality.
What shall we call it?
"Cur en Folie" or "Eau de Russie"?
I'll call it "Chanel".
Are you sure you want to leave?
You can come with me.
I'll be away a few days.
You're leaving?
For Grasse.
Decorators are coming in.
I hope they don't bother you.
Does Madame need anything?
A glass of water, please.
Of course.
How long have you been
working for Mademoiselle Chanel?
You're happy working for her?
She's very generous.
I don't understand her.
The war changed things.
Mademoiselle is very independent.
Will that be all, Madame?
Yes, Marie.
Bon voyage, Mademoiselle.
Work well.
Papa, can we play on the swing, please?
Mademoiselle Chanel,
Monsieur Beaux is expecting you.
That's him.
Mademoiselle Chanel...
It's an honour to work for you.
Follow me, please.
A pleasant journey?
This is where it all begins.
Hundreds of flowers are required
to make a single drop.
More than distillation,
it's the combination that counts.
I've been thinking about our project,
"Essence de Chanel".
"Chanel" will do.
You received the latest samples?
Nothing stood out.
But you've come all the same.
The problem is,
most perfumes fade quickly.
You have to reek all evening
for the scent to last.
You literally have to soak yourself in it.
But we're working on a perfume
that won't fade or spoil.
You want a ribbon
rather than a cloud around you?
As my letter said.
There's a first time for everything.
Katiousha, it's getting late.
Come on, my dears,
it's time for bed.
Mama, please, 5 more minutes.
Can I stay with you?
I'll come up to see you.
Off you go now. Good night.
Good night.
We had a nice day.
The children seem happy, don't they?
I don't know what to think anymore.
I feel as if I hardly know you.
let's leave.
We can go somewhere else.
I don't know.
We know people in Biarritz.
I can't.
You mean, you won't.
Have it your way.
If I did, we wouldn't be here.
I'm working well here.
That's true.
Your music has more passion.
Can we stop this now, please?
I want to smell like a woman,
not a rose.
We need a little magic.
A little subtlety will do.
I think we're ready.
There are too many scents here.
Let's go outside.
Too sweet.
Too vinegary.
Each one has over 80 ingredients.
I like these 2.
I'm sorry, but you'll have to choose.
This one.
This is the one.
Number 5.
Hello, Joseph.
I'd like to spend a night with you.
From Mademoiselle Chanel
for Ludmilla.
Put it down here.
Thank you, Marie.
Some perfume for you.
Very kind of you, my dear.
Mademoiselle Chanel
has given me
some perfume.
Kind of her, isn't it?
Actually, I'm happy for him.
He needs distracting.
He gets so caught up in his work.
I simply ask you
not to meddle in his music.
Music is everything for him.
And for you?
You're quite incredible.
Don't you ever feel guilty?
Mama, isn't it beautiful?
Did you thank Mademoiselle?
Thank you.
What's wrong with Mama?
Don't worry,
everything will be all right.
She understands
nothing of your music.
She collects people.
Can't you see that?
Would you even...
care if I left?
Tell me, have you slept with her?
I'm frightened, Igor.
Every morning when I wake up,
I can smell...
something decaying.
At first,
I thought it was the flowers.
But I realise...
it's my body rotting.
It's as if I'm already dead.
Don't say that.
What's wrong?
I'd like to spend a night with you.
Go out in Paris, have dinner.
I can't.
One night?
I thought you'd like to.
I'd like to, but...
But what?
Now you worry about her?
You're the one who made her ill.
You won't make me ill.
It's as if I don't exist for you.
It's not enough anymore.
I'm tired of it.
You think a man is worth 2 women?
You can't even compose
without Catherine to correct it.
I'm as powerful as you, Igor.
And more successful.
You're not an artist, Coco.
You're a shopkeeper.
Get out.
I'd like to talk to you.
I'm in a hurry.
Get dressed.
Mademoiselle Chanel.
Show her in.
You may go.
Forgive me, my dear.
I need a new secretary. Sit down.
For "The Rite"
as long as no one finds out.
Thank you.
This will finance our whole season.
I'm doing it for myself.
By the way,
how is Igor?
Why are you sitting in the dark?
I can see.
Did you have a nice ride?
Very pleasant.
And your card game?
Very pleasant.
I'm glad.
It'll be a fine season.
I'm very optimistic.
We have a fine new talent
and a very generous patron.
Even I don't know.
An anonymous donation.
Well, I financed the premiere.
No conditions?
No conditions.
And I've asked Mademoiselle Chanel
to design the sacrificial costume.
I'm happy to.
Excellent idea.
Very generous of you, Coco.
To "The Rite".
Cheer up, Igor.
To you.
A strange thing happened yesterday.
I was whistling as I walked
and, opposite,
a very pretty young woman,
was whistling the exact same tune.
What do you think?
Coincidence or fate?
- I believe in fate.
- I believe in chance.
Me too.
And you, Igor?
No, that's enough.
It's open.
They're drunk!
That one.
The Hanged Man. That means...
Massine has already begun
working on the ballet.
A change.
That's good.
Perhaps in love.
Monsieur Massine...
Listen to me.
Katia, what's going on?
I hope you wouldn't mind
if I leave you now,
I don't understand either.
I'm sorry.
Don't leave.
It's not because of you.
I'm doing it for the children.
I need you, Katia.
And I needed you.
But now I'd rather be anywhere but here.
It's nearly over.
How much longer do you want?
Another week? Another month?
The children see what's going on.
They know you don't love me anymore.
That's not true.
The weather is better.
There's a good school...
But we just got used to this one.
why can't you Papa, why can't
you work in Biarritzk in Biarritz?
I have to stay here a while longer.
Be good.
Goodbye, Papa.
I love you.
I'm writing to thank you
for your generosity
I'm grateful to you for taking us in.
The next subject
is, I fear
harder for me to address.
You know that the intimacy
between you and my husband
has caused me a lot of pain.
And even though I admire you
as an independent woman
and a strong character,
I cannot respct your morals.
I beseech you
to listen to your heart...
The children need their father
We need him more than you ever could.
Diaghilev is taking the ballet to Spain.
Let's go together.
I won't be your mistress, Igor.
I won't let you down.
You already have.
Come on. Get up.
Come on.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Mademoiselle.