Code of Honor (2016)

[sirens blaring]
[motorcycles approaching]
Glad you could make it.
Yeah, well, if you have
what you say you have,
boss'll do more business.
First show me the money,
then we can talk business.
Clean, and uncut.
Straight from the source.
This man right here is in charge
of FDA approval.
I usually prefer ecstasy,
but, uh...
I'm an equal opportunity
kind of guy.
We're under attack!
[train whistle blows]
[woman reports in Spanish]
Over a dozen gang members
are dead
in what can only be
described as a massacre.
Early reports indicate
that several of the victims
were wanted in connection
with a variety of other violent
crimes throughout the city.
Now if you take a look
behind me here,
you can see that most of them...
[helicopter whirrs]
[police radio chatter]
Morning, Captain.
With all this media circus,
is it?
What the hell happened here?
- Drug deal gone wrong?
- Very wrong.
They forgot to take the drugs.
Think Vincent Romano
is behind this?
Isn't he behind everything?
So, who are
the victims today?
It's a mess.
Buddy's laying over here
and what's left
of the 1st Streeters,
which, as you know,
up until last night
were the most vicious,
violent gang in the city,
responsible for more rapes
and murders than your average
Third World army.
Over here, we've got the remains
of the Whiteboys,
white supremacist version
of the 1st Streeters,
only these guys got cash and mob
ties to back 'em up.
All the upstanding citizens
of society.
Yeah, most of them were shot.
One of them was blown up.
One got a knife to the throat.
Whatever happened here, somebody
walked away with a lot of money.
Not exactly, sir.
How much is in there?
Enough to say that someone
is very unhappy.
Smoking cigars now, hm.
And I thought he was perfect.
Put your hands on your head
and turn around real slow.
Let me guess,
you're pointing a standard
police-issue nine millimeter
Glock at me?
Holds 15 rounds in the mag,
16 if you count the one
that's not in the chamber.
It's nothing any run-of-the-mill
Kevlar vest wouldn't stop.
The irony is,
your academy training has you
pointing at my torso,
not my head.
[cocks gun]
Last chance.
Relax, Detective,
I'm on your side.
It is Detective, isn't it?
I'm just assuming the patrol
officer would have some sort of
age requirement.
- Who are you?
- Special Agent William Porter.
I'm also gonna take a gamble
that that Glock isn't gonna
shoot me before
I can show you my ID.
What are you doing here anyway?
This isn't a federal case.
He's using this rooftop
as a staging ground.
Tell me, which him?
You'd need a small army
to take out these two gangs.
You know, I'm thinking several
guys with machine guns?
A couple of knife men
in the alley,
bomber to take out the Mercedes,
spotter or two on the roof, so
come on, tell me, how many hims?
It's just one.
What happened
to the drugs?
Where's the money, Ex?
I-- I don't know.
I need to see a doctor!
[breathes rapidly, then screams]
You're gonna keep on bleeding
until we understand what
happened here.
Mr. Romano isn't very happy.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Who did this?
[stammers] I didn't see
any faces.
They were everywhere,
they were all around us.
Who would do this to you?
Get rid of him.
[growls angrily]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Who would do this to us?
There's no other cartel strong
enough to pull this off.
[woman on TV] Good evening.
Recent crimes rates in our city
are increasing
with such rapid momentum
that citizens are looking to
our political leaders for
News Channel Four's very own,
Michelle Gibson,
has contacted Mayor Randolph's
office for comment,
however it appears that
Mayor Randolph's active
campaign for governor,
seems to be the only thing
on his agenda,
other than defending numerous
accusations of infidelity.
As of this time, the mayor
has declined to comment
or return our calls. Erin?
Erin, we have breaking news
from the old missile silo
on the edge of town.
Reports are coming in
that a violent,
yet selective assassination
of known gang members and drug
dealers occurred last night.
What we know at this time is
that several cars were riddled
with bullets
and one vehicle exploded with
such devastation
that its make
has yet to be identified.
Moreover the crime scene
is littered with corpses
and body parts so mutilated
and scattered,
that the police have yet
to establish an accurate body
Our city's Police Captain
Connolly and several detectives
are on the scene.
our Channel 4 News copter has
been in the air all morning.
We will bring you updated
details as they become
[up-tempo techno music plays]
[indistinct chattering]
How bad is he?
Oh, poor baby.
Tell him Mommy will be there
as soon as she can.
Get your pants off, Keri.
You're on next.
Thank you.
Hey, Natasha?
Hi, Keri.
What's going on?
My son got sick at school.
Can you cover for me?
Of course.
Tell the little guy
I hope he feels better.
Thank you.
You're a life-saver.
What do you want me
to tell Jack?
They'll be only two of us until
the shift change.
I know, I'm sorry.
Tell him...
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Oh, and the scary guy
in the back isn't tipping.
What does he look like?
I don't know, I didn't
get a good look at him.
Well, he hasn't seen me yet.
[techno music continues]
[car alarms blaring]
Good evening. Not even
24 hours has passed
and we find our Channel 4 News
team back on scene
where yet another atrocity
has besieged our town.
- Eric?
- Thank you, Erin.
Breaking news, Channel 4
is on the scene
at the Snake Eyes Strip Club.
We are hearing that an apparent
bomb or other incendiary device
has annihilated this building.
Bomb squad officials report
that only a military-grade bomb
could cause a destruction
of this magnitude.
And it is assumed to have been
remotely detonated.
The question remains,
who would be capable of getting
a hold of such a device?
[man] Raise it up.
There you go.
More to the left.
Here you go, miss.
Did you find any
other bodies inside?
This is Jerry Simon
coming to you live
from the charred remains
of the Snake Eyes Strip Club.
It seems that our fair city,
which just last night
played host
to the bloody massacre of two of
our most violent street gangs,
must now bear witness
to the fiery destruction
of its most notorious
strip club.
Girls said they were the only
dancers in the club at the time.
Luckily it was
between shifts.
- They see anything?
- No, they were in the dressing
That building was filled
with weapons and ammunition.
There's gonna be
a lot of dead in there.
The 1st Streeters,
the Whiteboys,
now the Snake Eyes Club.
Are we looking for someone to
arrest or to thank, Rodriguez?
Captain's been to more crime
scenes today
- than he has all year.
- [chuckles]
You can say that again.
Well, it looks like somebody
turned off the alarm
over the emergency exit.
Not that it
would've mattered.
Fire boys are telling me they're
pretty sure it was a bomb.
Destroyed everything
but the dressing room.
That's some serious
precision bombing.
So, what are the chances this
is connected to last night?
Yeah, I'd say "pretty good".
Excuse me.
Oh, my God--
Miss! Miss,
you have to stay back.
[stammers] I was just here.
- Okay.
- You have to stay back.
Excuse me, miss?
- What is your name?
- Who are you?
My name is William Porter,
I'm a federal agent.
Did you work here today?
- Who said I work here?
- Come on.
I assume you didn't come
all the way down here in those
shoes to go jogging.
I was just here a few hours ago.
It was the scary guy
in the back, wasn't it?
You saw someone?
Did you see his face?
Come on.
Agent Porter,
what can I do for you?
Well, you might
want to talk to her.
She was here earlier today.
It's him.
[Detective] Hey!
What the hell's going on,
Who were you chasing?
His name is
Colonel Robert Sikes.
He's a commander of one
of the Special Forces' most
elite units.
His service record is
Skills at hand-to-hand combat,
weapons, firearms, and
explosives is unmatched.
He's trained to blend in
to any city, any terrain.
And he's using those skills and
that training
to go after gangs,
or drug dealers,
or anyone who, in his mind,
is threatening the moral fabric
and well-being of this country.
A vigilante.
[Porter] He's more than that,
This is a military mission
to him.
His targets, wide-ranging as
they may seem, are not random.
They are carefully
chosen for maximum
So, what, he's looking at these
gangs as insurgents?
Well, the strip club was a,
uh, supply depot.
What about the dancers?
They weren't his targets.
If he wanted them dead,
they'd be dead.
You seem to know a lot about
this Colonel Sikes.
Would you mind telling us
why "a commander of an elite
Special Forces unit"
is on a military mission
to save our city?
While Colonel Sikes was hunting
down terrorists in Afghanistan,
his wife and little boy,
safe here at home,
were killed in a drive-by
shooting, completely random.
The killer was aiming for
a rival gang member.
And Sikes' wife and little boy
just happened to be nearby.
His wife died almost instantly
and the little boy lingered on
for a few more days
before joining his mother.
Did they ever catch
the shooters?
No, there were so many suspects,
the police couldn't even
determine which gang was
But it didn't matter anyway,
Sikes had already snapped
and begun his self-ordered
mission to secure the homeland.
What else should we know
about this guy?
Well, he doesn't drink,
he doesn't do drugs,
he doesn't sleep around,
and, until recently,
he didn't smoke, either.
Well, we appreciate very much
all that information,
Agent Porter.
We'll catch him.
Well, I hope you're right.
But, uh, no offense, Captain,
I don't think that your
department is skilled,
equipped, or trained enough to
deal with Colonel Sikes.
He's been on Special Ops
missions all around the world,
usually with entire armies
chasing him down.
And they don't have to yell
So what makes you so qualified
for the job?
I've been in those places
with him.
So are we supposed to arrest
everyone with a buzz cut,
or are you gonna tell us what
this guy looks like?
I already requested
the Pentagon send over
Sikes' picture and file,
at least whatever's
not classified,
not that it'll help.
He'll have already changed
Aw, this is such bullshit.
Listen to me, Sikes is trained
to be a ghost, a shadow.
When this is all over, you might
even wonder if he ever existed.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I gotta go find the girl
that you lost.
I lost?
You're the one who drew
your gun and ran away
and knocked over those innocent
[chuckles] She's a witness.
The police still do use
witnesses, don't they?
[laughs] Look, asshole,
I don't give a shit whether you
work for the government or not.
Until this becomes
a federal case,
you're just a tourist here.
Sikes is trained to leave
a survivor,
to scare people out of doing
whatever it is they're doing.
Now this girl, Keri,
she's a random variable.
If he let her escape,
he could be following her.
If she escaped on her own,
she could be a target.
Assuming she is telling you the
truth, all you know is that this
girl's a stripper.
You don't even know
her last name.
Well, I'm gonna find her...
perhaps even before
she's killed.
So what do you expect me to do,
sit on my ass and wait for you
to save the day?
- Safest place for your ass.
- Fuck you.
I'll keep in touch.
Turn around, smart ass!
Put your hands up!
[officer 2]
Get up against the wall.
- Hey, homey,
don't say anything!
- [officer 2] Shut up!
Don't be looking around,
look straight ahead.
Spread your legs.
Let's get this shit off of you.
- Oh, come on!
- Come here!
Get your ass over here!
[officer 1] Partner,
shots fired! Shots fired!
- Get down!
- Put out a help call!
Officer needs help!
Officer needs help!
Send an ambulance! Shots fired,
I got two suspects down.
Officer needs help.
Officer needs help.
The Snake Eyes Club
is completely destroyed.
I want to know who did this.
I talked to the two strippers at
the hospital.
They're lucky to be alive.
But they said she left
just before the explosion.
She even talked about seeing
some scary guy in the back of
the strip club.
Where is she?
There were too many cops around
to pick her up.
We'll get her, though.
I want this girl here...
Breaking and entering's
against the law.
And I could even tell you how
much time you'd get for that.
Now look, I don't want any
trouble with you boys.
[both shout]
- [knife slices]
- [groans]
- You have a good day, honey.
- Okay.
And when you get home, we are
gonna go on a little trip.
Just you and Mommy.
It will be like
our little adventure.
- All right?
- Okay.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Yo, where's my money, bitch?
[scoffs] Hey,
nice to see you, too.
Here you go.
Shit, that's all you got?
Just give me my cut.
Your cut? You know,
you need to be working more.
I'm just doing this
till I get back on my feet.
Hah-hah, back on your feet!
- [grunts]
- Oh, my God!
[telephone rings]
Captain Connely.
- Weren't we just here?
- Yeah, you know me and
strip clubs, Rodriguez.
So let's pan up the blood.
Tag his face, and then
we'll whip over to the neck.
Uh, the wound on the neck.
And then we'll pull back out
for the wide.
- Beautifully gratuitous.
- Hey!
What the hell
are you doing here?
Hi, Detective, Jerry Simon,
Jerry Simon Says.
It looks like you've a few more
dead bodies back there.
I don't care if you're the Pope.
This is a crime scene.
Get the hell outta here.
- The body count is rising--
- Guys!
It looks like they were killed
with a very big knife.
You should make a statement,
Detective or I'll make one
for you.
Hey, please don't touch him!
Okay, we're leaving.
1st Streeters, the Whiteboys,
this club and now these two.
I think you've got a vigilante
on your hands.
- No comment.
- Thank you, Detective.
Okay, we're leaving.
This is just the beginning,
isn't it?
This is Jerry Simon coming to
you live for a special report.
I find myself again outside of
the Snake Eyes strip club,
which just yesterday exploded
in a fiery blast,
killing almost everyone inside.
But this morning,
two more bodies were found,
each killed at some point
last night
outside of the very same club.
Although the police are denying
it, this reporter believes it
to be the work of a vigilante.
A "super-vigilante,"
if you will.
He first targeted the violent
1st Streeters and Whiteboy
He then moved on to the
notorious Snake Eyes club,
which you can
still see behind me.
And now, he hunts the muggers
and criminals that
infest our streets.
It is unknown if this
crime wave will end.
If you ask me,
the modus operandi
of this vigilante will escalate
until our peaceful hamlet
is washed of these
vicious criminals.
[man on TV] The footage that
Jerry Simon Says
is about to show is gruesome.
But it's the truth.
I advise any children
out there watching
to do so
with extreme caution.
Those are the two crack heads
I had watching the place.
I didn't think anyone
would actually go back.
[Jerry] Let me take you live to
the Jerry Simon Says studios.
I am about to share with you
some expert observations
that clearly raise questions.
And this bastard
used a hunting knife?
Two of them.
Without blinking.
...and the most recent bombing
of the Snake Eyes strip club.
Folks, when you've been
an Emmy Award-winning journalist
as long as Jerry Simon has,
you develop eyes
in the back of your head.
Case in point.
To me, this gentleman
is a person of interest
and somebody needs to
find him and talk to him.
Furthermore, my gut instinct
begs the question,
why is he so chummy
with this single
mother/seductive stripper...
- [Romano] That's him.
- ...who miraculously survived.
Uh, sir, I'm not
so sure about that.
Why is that?
I've seen this guy
around before.
- Where?
- With the police...
I think he's a cop,
maybe even a Fed.
Feds don't kill people
with hunting knives.
That's him.
And when you bring that
little bitch in here,
I'm sure she'll tell me
the same thing.
Mac and the boys are
picking her up right now.
[door handle jiggles]
I'll scream.
I hope for nothing less.
[man] We work
for Vincent Romano.
We're here to ask
a few questions...
and for your sake,
we better like the answers.
Now put down the fucking knife!
[Keri screams]
You remember Mr. Romano?
Your old boss
at the Snake Eyes club?
Yes, but I was
hired by Jack.
I didn't do any
of that other stuff.
Haven't you been watching
the news this week?
It's not safe anymore for
people in your profession.
Yours either.
You going on a little trip?
Just-- just a weekend getaway.
But it's not the weekend yet.
Why go away when we can...
party right here?
We want to know about
the bombing.
I don't know anything.
She doesn't know anything.
- [Ex grunts]
- [sobs]
We don't believe you,
There was a man
sitting at the back.
But I didn't see his face.
I swear.
It's not me
you need to convince...
- it's Mr. Romano.
- [knocking on door]
Answer it.
You try anything stupid,
you die,
and so does your kid.
- Who is it?
- Special Agent Porter.
We met outside
the Snake Eyes club.
I believe we have some
unfinished business to discuss.
It's not a good time.
Never is.
[men grunting]
[grunting continues]
- Are there any more?
- [panting]
- [softly] Are there any more?
- No.
Are you okay?
- [sobs]
- [sighs]
Where's your little boy?
He's at school.
All right, we gotta
get out of here now.
Do you think there's
more of them?
It's not them
I'm worried about. Come on.
Come on.
We need to get you
to the police station.
No, I have to
go get my son.
You can call him
from the police station.
Look, if you ever need
anything, anything at all,
this is where I'm staying.
Thank you.
[tires squeal]
They're in the alley!
- Go!
- [continues screaming]
What's wrong with you, man.
You're slipping.
What, you can't check your six?
Just like old times, huh?
Me saving your life
and your hooker girl
flying up into the wind.
How about this,
you do what you do,
I do what I do.
We'll see who comes out on top.
I appreciate you
killing some of the bad guys,
that was nice of you.
Oh, I'm gonna stop you, boy.
I wanted to ask you something.
Would you give your life
to save the world,
if nobody knew you did it?
See, that's the difference
between you and me.
And you're not telling me
when we'll settle anything.
I'm gonna dictate the time.
Tomorrow, midnight,
Devil's Garden, come alone.
[sirens approaching]
I want to assure all of you
that this crime wave
will come to an end.
We have the best police
department in the country.
And we're working
around the clock
to make sure that all the good,
law-abiding citizens are safe.
Mayor Randolph has called
the events of this past week
"a crime wave".
But perhaps it's a wave
of a different kind,
a wave of justice.
Murderers, robbers, rapists,
dealers, pedophiles,
and the Mob.
None are safe.
A source of ours at the police
says that other than
the actual acts perpetuated
by the super-vigilante
this past week,
there has been virtually no
other violent crime
reported throughout the city.
In an online poll we took
earlier today
shows that the super-vigilante
currently enjoys
a higher approval rating
than Mayor Randolph.
I'm Jerry Simon.
Draw your own conclusions,
ladies and gentlemen,
I'll draw mine.
And to all you criminals
out there,
Jerry Simon says...
it's judgement day.
And cut.
That was great.
Of course it was,
it's me.
Mr. Mayor! Your thoughts on
the super-vigilante, sir?
I'm sorry, Mr. Simon, I have
an important meeting to get to.
Just one quote.
Mayor Nate Randolph
for Governor.
What do you think, Neil?
I think he's an asshole.
You gonna let him
be governor?
Well, it's not up to me.
It's up to the people.
Mr. Mayor, your wife's
holding on line two.
Tell her I'm in a meeting.
So, I really need some.
- [man] Yeah, I don't think so.
- Come on, I'll suck your dick.
I don't know, the last time you
fucking chewed it all up with
those teeth.
I won't this time,
it'll be really good.
All right,
but you owe me.
[knocking on door]
I didn't know where else to go.
Well, why don't you
go to the police?
Everyone would know.
I'm not exactly
the girl next door.
Well, the police don't care
about your job.
That's the difference
between them and him.
[sighs] Please?
William, this is Corey.
Corey, this is
my friend, William.
Hey there, Corey,
how you doing?
[clears throat]
Uh, sorry, I wasn't
expecting company.
It's okay, we weren't
expecting to need it.
Honey, do you need
to go to the bathroom?
Um, do you mind if I use it?
- No, go right ahead.
- Oh, thanks.
[water running]
[inhales through nose]
Are you a good guy
or are you a bad guy?
Well, what did
your mom tell you?
That you're a good guy.
That's what my son
thought, too.
How old is your son?
- How old are you?
- Six.
Six-years-old, hm...
I think that's about how old my
son was the last time I saw him.
Where is he?
I don't know.
He'll sleep
through the night now.
He can sleep through
You know, you can stay here as
long as you want.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
You know, you think your life
is gonna turn out one way,
and then it goes somewhere
completely different.
Right now, I just...
I just want him to be safe.
He'll be safe here.
And so will you.
The news is right. There hasn't
been a violent crime reported
in almost a week.
And hell, if it wasn't
for Colonel Sikes,
wouldn't have much
of any crime reported.
All the other precincts saying
pretty much the same thing.
Hey, if we don't get this guy
soon, we'll all be out of a job.
There'll be no one else
left to arrest.
A drop in crime,
no matter what the reason,
it's gotta be
a good thing, right?
For the department,
for the city.
Listen, if we
play this thing right,
at the end of the day,
you guys are gonna be
very popular around here,
and you might just be looking
at the next Chief of Police.
As long as we don't count the
dead bodies of the unrighteous
littering the streets,
then yeah, we can tell ourselves
we're doing a fine job.
Aren't you being just a little
bit dramatic, Detective?
What, you think all the city's
criminals are on vacation,
They're shit scared of this
"super-vigilante" and so am I.
We don't know anything about
this Colonel Sikes.
He could just as easily start
taking out school kids tomorrow,
and there's not a goddamn thing
we can do about it.
Yeah, we don't even have
a picture, or a description.
Porter's right,
we're chasing a ghost.
Speaking of Agent Porter,
we heard from him?
Not a peep. But I did call
the Pentagon myself about Sikes.
- [Captain] And?
- After two hours of being
to every ranking
officer on duty,
they couldn't even tell me this
guy existed,
let alone give me his file.
And don't expect them to
anytime soon.
Plausible deniability.
- Where have you been?
- Drunk.
But I am meeting Sikes
at midnight.
That doesn't give us much time.
- Devil's Garden.
- That's Vincent Romano's club.
That makes it interesting.
You sure about that?
Oh, yeah, he's gonna be there.
- He's the one who set it up.
- Why?
It was the honorable
thing to do.
We need to shut down every
street in a three block radius.
I agree. Let's also
get SWAT on the move.
I want to nail
this bastard.
There was a catch.
He wants me alone.
Oh, yeah. And I want
to lose ten pounds, pal.
Well, he sees any cops,
he's gonna disappear.
You're never
gonna find him again.
So what do you suggest?
All right, I'm going in.
I don't care if
the whole damn place explodes,
nobody moves an inch
until I give the word.
All right, everyone,
you heard him.
No one move until I give
the go ahead.
We hear you loud and clear,
[techno music plays]
How are you, William?
I took the liberty
to order you a drink.
I thought you
might want one.
I'm here to take you down,
Since you've been in town,
you've killed two crack heads,
a bunch of gangsters.
Man, I thought
you'd come to help me.
That was just self-defense.
And you let the media think that
I did all the killing.
That was kind of clever of you.
I don't smoke anymore.
He who never met a girl
he did not try to fuck,
a drink he didn't want to drink,
a vice he didn't like,
has now given up cigars?
What in the hell happened
to you anyway, Robert?
Hey, man, I never went soft,
that's what happened to me.
I still love my country.
I still love my family,
even though they're gone.
And I'm still an honorable man.
Kimi and Patrick's death
doesn't justify
this one-man crusade
you've been going on.
Except for the cigars,
their deaths have nothing
to do with any of this.
I know you went
soft a long time ago,
but you and I took an oath,
along with every other soldier,
to defend our country
against all enemies,
foreign and domestic.
So now you just, uh, kill anyone
that you decide is "evil"?
[scoffs] That's very noble.
There are places
in this country,
places in every city,
where people can't go
without fear of being robbed,
mugged, murdered.
We don't accept that
in other countries.
Why should we accept that here?
We also took an oath to protect
the Constitution.
Or have you
forgotten that?
There's right and wrong.
The laws are meant to serve us,
not to serve them.
Slavery was a law,
and if it wasn't for men
like us standing up,
it might still be there.
He's here.
So, in your little world,
who chooses who's "good"
and who's "bad"?
- You?
- Judges, juries,
military tribunals,
but somebody has to
start somehow
trying to make a difference.
And if you've seen
what's happened to the crime
rate around here,
I'd say I'm
doing something.
And who do you think
you'd be serving?
Certainly not the innocent woman
and the scared little boy
hiding out with me.
Are you, of all people,
trying to lecture me
on morality?
I never missed a soccer game.
I never forgot an anniversary.
I never went over the speed
limit or cheated on my taxes.
You, on the other hand,
you had a beautiful wife
and a son who loved you
more than anything in the world.
You drank, you lied,
you cheated, and you fucked
everything that moved,
foreign and domestic.
I served my country
proudly and honorably.
And my wife was
ripped away from my life
without any regard
for her innocence.
Yours left you
on her own free will
because you were
such a son of a bitch.
And I'm the bad guy?
If I'm the "bad guy",
what does that make you?
The man who's going to bring
your little crusade to an end.
Detective, get in here and let's
take this son of a bitch down.
Knowing that you're such
a trustworthy individual,
I brought this little
jamming device.
I'm done fucking with you.
Don't move!
No, you're not gonna shoot me.
I hope you don't think
I've gone that soft.
You're sitting on a chair that
has a bomb underneath,
kind of like the bomb
that we used to take out
that Iraqi General,
the one that goes boom
when you stand up.
Yeah, that one.
You shoot me, you die.
My life for yours, that
sounds like a pretty good deal.
I'll make this easy.
My finger goes off this
everybody goin' die.
Goodbye, William.
[man] Oh, shit!
- [all screaming]
- Move it, move it!
Kill him!
All of you, get out of here!
Go on!
- [gunfire continues]
- [all shouting]
Stay down!
You've got the wrong guy!
Drop your weapon!
Don't you move!
Don't do it.
You all right, Porter?
What the hell happened in here?
He was here.
He put a bomb under my chair.
If I get up, it's gonna explode.
I don't see anything.
It can't be that small.
There's no bomb here, sir.
[chuckles] That son of a bitch.
[helicopter hovering]
[chatter on police radio]
There's a lot
of dead people in there!
I don't care whose
standards you were using,
not all the victims
were bad guys.
He had a jamming device.
No transmissions were possible.
Don't go anywhere.
This guy's not gonna stop
until I have an Emmy, a Peabody,
and a Pulitzer.
- Let's do some reporting.
- [chuckles]
- How could this happen?
- We had only static
from the moment Agent Porter
entered the club.
He said Sikes
used a jamming device.
It would have to be
one hell of a jammer.
The static I heard
sounded a lot more like
Agent Porter simply
turned off his wire.
Porter turning off his wire?
That doesn't make any sense,
- No, no, it doesn't.
- What would you like us to do?
I would like you to get
your asses back to the station
and book Romano.
And take Agent Porter with you.
And don't let him
out of your sight
until I get a chance to talk to
whoever the hell his supervisor
is back in Washington.
I'm gonna nail his ass
to the wall for this.
Hey, detectives,
looks like the super-vigilante
struck again.
What's the body count this time?
Why don't you
go chase the ambulance
and count them
yourself, okay?
I only report the news,
I don't make it.
Where's Agent Porter?
He's still alive.
Who? The super-vigilante?
Yeah, the "super-vigilante".
You know him, don't you?
Yeah. He's, uh...
Colonel Robert Sikes.
He was my commanding officer
and my best friend.
Took me under his wing
when I was just a scared kid
looking to serve my country.
He knows what I'm capable of,
and what I'm not.
Oh, my God, are you all right?
Uh, yeah, I am.
Look, you should be happy.
The police arrested
Vincent Romano tonight.
Oh, yeah, thank God.
I saw it on the news.
What happened?
Robert, uh...
He set me up to help him take
down Romano and the cartel.
That's a good thing, right?
Well, for you and Corey, it is.
Oh, uh, he loves baseball.
He never had a glove.
This was my little boy's.
You're not gonna be safe as long
as Robert's out there.
You need to go to the police.
He still wants me dead?
My hope now lies where it always
has, in stopping Robert.
And the only way to stop him,
is to become him.
That's her.
That's my little girl.
You said, um...
this happened at
Devil's Garden?
Yes, ma'am.
There was a shoot-out
and your daughter just...
happened to be there.
I'm sorry for your loss,
Are you, Detective?
You just brought in
a mob boss.
You'll probably
get a promotion.
They're gonna be transporting
Romano downtown soon.
- Think we can still make it?
- How fast can you drive?
"Tonight, 10p.m.,
the Snake Eyes Club,
you don't bring the police
and I don't bring my gun."
Neil? Neil!
[Detective] This is the footage
from Romano's security system.
That's Porter
talking to Sikes.
And there's Senator Richards'
Well, at least she wasn't
shot by one of ours.
And what's a senator's daughter
doing in a mobster's club
It's a hot spot.
All the kids go there.
Do you know who owns all the
places you've been to, Captain?
[telephone rings]
Captain Connely.
All right.
It's time.
Romano's ready.
I want this transport done
without incident.
No press, no comment,
no nothing.
Once Romano's downtown, he's
the D.A.'s problem, not ours.
- You got that?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- Make me proud.
[indistinct chattering]
Well, Mr. Romano is
an upstanding citizen
of this community.
All he did was try to
defend himself inside
his own place of business.
He didn't kill anybody,
he didn't shoot anybody.
And I'm sure the judge and the
jury will see it that way if it
even gets to trial.
I'm sure the judge
and jury will.
Thank you for your time.
- [reporters clamoring]
- [Jerry] Let's go!
Come on, Neil!
- Mr. Romano!
- Mr. Romano!
Mr. Romano, is there any truth
to the accusation
that the girl was killed by your
direction at the Devil's Garden?
- We're following behind Mr.
Romano right now--
- [officer] Come on, move!
Keep on walking.
Move, please!
- Thank you, move!
- [clamoring continues]
Watch your head.
Nice and easy.
- Nice and steady.
- [Jerry] What we're witnessing
now, Mr. Romano,
the crime boss who's been
accused of everything
from prostitution
to racketeering to murder,
this may be the very last time
we see him outside--
[people screaming]
[all shouting]
[footsteps approaching]
Hey, partner?
There's someone in the captain's
office to see you.
Detective Peterson,
I'm Keri Green
and this is Corey.
We need your help.
As governor,
my administration
will be for
the creation of new jobs.
Most importantly, it will
be against crime.
The so-called "super-vigilante"
is a menace to all the good,
honest people of this city.
That is why
when I am elected governor,
I'll be able to insure
that he gets the electric chair
for all the terrible acts
he's committed.
Now we have one of
the finest police departments
in the country,
but we must never be too proud
to ask for assistance.
This "super-vigilante"
is a plague upon our city,
and is nothing short
of a domestic terrorist.
You shouldn't have said that.
And that is why,
with the help of
the Honorable
Senator Richards,
I have asked the FBI
to assist us
in stopping this terrorist
once and for all.
So, you never saw Colonel Sikes
at the Snake Eyes Club?
No. I never got
a good look at him.
I never saw his face.
You never saw him plant a bomb
or leave a briefcase?
No, I left
before any of that.
But you've been
with Agent Porter since?
I went to my apartment first,
that's when Romano's men came.
They thought I knew
who blew up the club.
They were gonna kill me
if I didn't tell them.
So who killed the men
in your apartment and
outside your building?
Agent Porter.
He's the one who saved me
and my son.
Agent Porter killed them?
All except for
the guy with the broken arm.
He said Colonel Sikes
killed him.
Did you happen to see
Colonel Sikes do this?
No, I had already run away.
Agent Porter definitely
killed the other six?
It was self-defense,
they were trying to kill us.
I don't doubt that, Keri.
But Agent Porter
seems to have disappeared
and he didn't tell us much
of anything before he left.
- [door opens]
- [Rodriguez] Jim?
We need you outside
for a moment.
Don't go anywhere.
We have some
pretty big mouse traps.
What's going on?
I'm Agent Donavan.
This is Agent Franks.
Sorry for the late hour,
but we're taking over
the "super-vigilante" case.
Well, the first agent you sent
did a real bang-up job.
We're the first agents here.
What about Porter?
Who's Porter?
Special Agent William Porter?
We don't know anybody
by that name.
[Donavan] There is no
William Porter with the Bureau.
- [Jim] Nothing at Customs.
- [Rodriguez] ATF is out!
CIA says he's not one of theirs.
I want a check with DIA.
I'm on right now
with the Pentagon.
Yeah, good luck getting
anything out of them.
Homeland Security has access
to lots of different kinds of
Detective, what made you think
he was with the FBI anyway?
Well, he had a badge
just like yours.
Obviously, not like mine.
Thank you. Okay, so the Army
has a Major William Porter
and a Colonel Robert Sikes,
both inactive.
It'll be a bit,
but the files are on their way.
This guy knew a lot more
than he was telling you.
We gotta find him now!
[police radio chatter]
Wait here, stay sharp.
It's Peterson, open up,
we need to talk.
And we're back
at the scene of the crime.
Safe place for a meet?
Probably is with
the super-vigilante around.
Hey, boss, you sure you know
what you're doing?
Ratings gold.
Hello, Jerry.
I hope, for your sake,
you came alone.
I did, it's just me
and my cameraman, Neil.
I actually believe that.
That surprises you.
No risk, no gain.
Man, the only thing that
surprises me is the way you lie.
I report it how I see it.
The truth is subjective.
Truth is absolute.
People are subjective.
Well then, this is your chance
to set the record straight.
You promised me an interview,
that's why I'm here.
I know exactly why you're here.
It has nothing to do with
setting the record straight.
Don't worry, son.
I know you're just
trying to follow orders.
Who are you?
I'm just a man with a plan.
What is this plan?
Oh, it's a little
regime change.
And an uneventful demise
of someone like you.
I thought you said no weapons?
No, I said no guns.
This is not a gun.
- [screams]
- [knife slashes]
- [sighs]
- Well, if you remember anything
more about this, give me a call.
Clerk said that Porter checked
out earlier tonight.
He paid in cash.
There's a call for you,
Detective, it's Porter.
- Porter?
- The mayor is the next target.
What? Okay, you listen to me
very carefully,
we know you're not a Fed.
[Porter] I'm not
a lot of things,
just a man trying
to atone for my sins.
You know, at some point you're
gonna have to come in, right?
I can't do that right now.
Look, one way or another,
this thing ends tonight.
The FBI is here.
Well then, you should have no
problem tracing this call.
The Jerry Simon Says show
just went off the air.
He said Mayor Randolph's next.
[woman] Yeah, I can hold.
I've been holding--
I want units both at City Hall
and at the mayor's house!
They're already on their way.
Captain, I got that trace on
Porter's call,
it came from a pay phone
next to the Snake Eyes Club.
Good, I'll let Peterson know.
I'm sure the Feds
are already on it.
Mayor's not at home. His wife
says he's working late tonight.
He's not at the office, either.
No answer
on his cell phone.
[sighs] Then where
the hell is he?
Well, nobody's gonna beat you
in the ratings tomorrow, Jerry.
Don't be gentle,
it's only evidence, guys.
I'm never gentle.
This could show
the super-vigilante in action.
Memory card is gone.
Yeah, he's known not
to make things easy.
[cell phone rings]
This is Donavan.
Well, he's mayor of one of the
largest cities in the country,
how hard could it be
to find him?
Find out who he's screwing this
week and track him down instead.
That's a good idea.
You clean up here, Detective.
Let's get in the air.
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah, well,
the Feds just left me here.
Tell me you got some
good news.
How about this,
the file's just arrived.
Really? Okay, well don't keep me
in suspense, what do you got?
Not much, most is classified
or blocked out.
Colonel Robert Sikes,
missing in action,
presumed dead,
wife deceased, son deceased,
and then it's a laundry list
of medals.
- And that's it?
- That's it.
Porter's however, is
a little more interesting.
Major William Porter,
he was discharged soon after
Sikes went missing for,
get ready, disorderly conduct,
drinking on duty,
assaulting a fellow officer,
disobeying a direct order.
[Porter] I'm not
a lot of things.
Just a man trying
to atone for my sins.
Marital status: divorced,
one son,
no known address for either.
Too bad these guys
weren't switched.
If it was Sikes who had come to
help us catch Porter,
this would have been over
the first day.
Smoking cigars now, hm,
and I thought he was perfect.
His wife and little boy,
safe here at home,
killed in a drive-by shooting.
That's Porter talking to Sikes.
The static I heard sounded a lot
more like Agent Porter simply
turned off his wire.
[Captain] And why
would he do that?
So, you never saw Colonel Sikes
at the Snake Eyes Club?
No, I never got
a good look at him.
You never saw him plant a bomb
or leave a briefcase?
[Keri] No, I left
before any of that.
[man] Agent Porter killed them.
He's using this rooftop
as a staging ground.
[men grunt]
[Porter] His skills at
hand-to-hand combat, weapons,
firearms, and explosives
is unmatched.
[reporters clamoring]
Who are you?
I am your super-vigilante.
We've been after the wrong guy.
Porter is Sikes.
[muffled gunshot]
Tell me you have something.
The mayor's aide, Tanya Jones,
apparently she used
her credit card earlier tonight
to rent a room downtown.
The Feds are on their way.
Send everyone! This is it!
Send everyone!
You never remembered
to look behind you, either.
What took you, man?
I've been waiting up here
all this time.
I was starting to get
kind of lonely, man.
I was waiting for you.
Thanks to you,
I'm kind of ahead of schedule.
You helped me with the cartels,
I really appreciate that.
One way or another,
we end this tonight.
Somehow everybody's thinking
that you're me, and I'm you.
Well, that is unfortunate.
That was a nice touch, man.
That's some cool shit.
You never
answered my question.
I'll ask you again.
If you thought you
could save the world,
but nobody would know it
and you might have to give
your life in doing it,
would you do it?
My life?
Yeah, sure.
Everyone else's, no.
Well, I'm done.
Come on, my man.
Major William Porter, this is
the FBI, stay where you are,
or we'll open fire.
Take him.
[rapid gunfire]
[sirens approaching]
Okay, listen up, let's get these
people out of here.
It's gonna get ugly, go, go!
[device beeping]
[helicopter whirring]
[helicopter flies past]
[device beeping]
Your family hates you,
your country's done with you,
the police are looking for you,
but I'm gonna have
to kill you first.
Come and get it.
[cries out]
[rapid beeping]
Dog tags found on the body said
his name was Robert Sikes.
Detective Peterson was right,
there was no William Porter.
I'll let the military figure
that one out.
I don't care if his name
was Porter or Sikes,
all I know is
the super-vigilante is dead,
case closed.
Sounds good to me.
- Is that him?
- Let's get him out of here.
What's left of him.
Did you find anyone else?
I don't think there
ever was anyone else.
The man you know
as William Porter
is our super-vigilante
and that's him.
I'm sorry.
Thank you, Detective.
I wouldn't lose too much sleep
over this guy.
He was a killer...
not a savior.
William Porter saved me
and my son.
You don't believe me,
do you?
About what?
That Porter and Sikes
were the same person.
You still think there were two
of them, even though we only
found the one body.
I believe you got the bad guy.
What more do you want?
- [Rodriguez] Take care of him.
- [Keri] I will.
Where did you get that?
Your friend
just gave it to me.
Can I keep it?
He said I had to ask you.
Yes, you can keep it.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
[instrumental rock music]
[music ends]