Coffee Shop (2014)

Those of us in the world
of daing are warriors.
Competing on an often
brutal battlefield.
- Hey, Alex.
- Oh, hey...
- Donavan.
- Donavan! Yeah, right.
And the simple truth is,
some are just better equiped
to navigate the terrain than others.
There are the victorious.
There are the casualties.
I'm currently neither,
conqueror nor victim.
I'm the neutral.
The Switzerland of the dating world.
I remain optimistic.
I'm glad we're finally doing this.
My mom was persistent
about us meeting, wasn't she?
- Shamelessly, yeah.
- Wasn't gonna take "no" for an answer.
No, no, she wasn't.
It wasn't always like this for me.
This time last year,
I had the perfect boyfriend.
Every girl's dream.
Handsome, successful, attentive.
But, that was then.
And this...
Well, this is now.
- Oh, come on.
- What happened?
The guy's wide-open on
the two point conversion and he drops it.
Come on, I know.
So, after Mr. Perfect left,
I spent three months... wallowing.
Trust me,
it wasn't pretty.
Then I decided,
since I couldn't go back in time,
it was time to move on.
And I dove into three months
of regimented training.
And yes, by the I mean,
I studied dating.
I felt like "dating",
like any other fine skill,
the discipline that is meant
to be practice and perfected.
I'll have the Asian salad.
Some people may tell you
that you should just sit back, relax,
and let love come to you,
in my experience,
that approach leads to a myriad of
Saturday night of double fudge dribble
and Jane Austen films.
I'll take the steak... bloody.
See that article?
Yeah. I read that one too.
Page 36, paragraph 2,
says, at my age,
I have a 1-in-5 chance
of finding a husband.
Didn't know that before
I let the good one walk.
So, Alex?
Um... Alex?
Tell me, what is it that you do
when you're not
coaching football
or watching football?
Well, there must be something, right?
There's this one thing
that I like to do.
- Okay.
- Mmm.
It's kind of mighty excited.
You touch
brings me to my knees, baby
get burned in my heart
Your love
delights of the dark
It's more...
more than I consider...
Sometimes, on the dating battlefield,
one warrior's forfeit
can be another victory.
Your love is all I need
The search for love
can be unpredictable,
messy, and sometimes,
downright unpleasant.
You've got up there and try it.
It's amazing. You would not
believe the rush. It's like...
it's like getting in the back field and
"boom!" sacking the quarterback.
And the search continues.
But, there is one thing that keeps
even us wounded warriors in the battle.
"Hope" that there really is
a perfect someone out there for everyone.
Or in my case,
a perfect someone... again.
Everything was perfect... before.
My old boyfriend and I were happy.
We were planning our future.
Then the phone call came.
A premiere Chicago firm was looking for
some promising young talent
to their real estate apartment.
It was the golden ring,
he'd been working for.
- The movie over?
- Yeah, few hours ago.
What time is it?
It's early.
You're an ego sister, Donavan.
So, there I was.
Suddenly, face with
the hardest decision of my life.
Leave everything I've ever known and
the town that I love and go to Chicago.
A thousand miles away.
Or watch all of my plans
drive away in the U-Haul.
I hear he enjoyed the deep dish pizza.
Morning, Ernie.
Dark roast, today. Your favorite.
So, see you at ten.
- I love life.
- The first sip is... heavenly.
Hope it keeps us in business.
So, are you gonna tell me
about last night, or not?
Or not.
They hated it.
You know, the problem with being
a prodigy is people expect more.
- They hated it.
- No, no. Hated is a such strong word.
They, they loathed it.
- Better.
- I try.
Two in a row.
I mean, one bomb...
One... not particularly successful play,
I, I can deal with them.
But, the two would...
That's quite the pep talk.
This is unproductive. Okay?
Get some sleep.
Take a week off.
Don't read anymore papers.
Then I need you to find the way
to get us back to where we were.
- Three years ago?
- Yeah.
- I don't want to go backwards.
- Yes, but I do.
'Cause three years ago,
you were writing hit plays,
which means I was producing hit plays.
Three years ago, I was making money then,
but now, I'm spending money, lots of it.
And I would like to go back
to making money
I got it.
I, uh, I, I know
you got another one in there.
What if I don't.
What if all I had was that one.
Well, I wanna go there.
Look, you, you will figre it out.
You will.
- Good morning, Max.
- Morning, sunshine.
- So, how are you, today?
- Grateful, ladies. Grateful.
I have gotten fresh air in my lungs,
good friends in my heart,
and in a moment, I'm going to have
some great coffee in my belly.
Kevin's experimenting on this blend
all weeks. Let me know what you think.
- You get coffee on this blend?
- Three different types.
Then, it's good.
Coffee is coffee.
Don't over think it.
Caffeinating the world is
the public service, Max.
It's serious responsibility.
That being said.
I want a medium,
triple karma dream with the half-pumped
coconut and a third of caramel.
Did he order a coffee or a wedding cake?
- Hey, Kev.
- Hey, how did the opening night go?
Becky and I can't wait
to come up next month to see it.
Cancel your trip.
The play tanked worse than the lifeform.
Come on.
I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
Well, I get hackeled by
an 80 year old couple on the street,
demanding that I get out of business.
How bad would you consider that?
Yeah. No.
That, that's bad.
Look, why don't you just
come down here for a while.
Get out of the city.
Ah, it's tempting.
Bring Jessica. I can finally meet her
and you can finally meet Becky.
Nope, that's over.
I was more fun to date
when I had hit and
I was winning Tony Awards.
Yes, sure.
Aren't we all?
The upside of the complete failure is
it has a great way of liberating you
from superficiality.
I say that you take some
of that new found freedom,
hop in a plane and, uh,
discover some new inspiration.
Yeah. New perspective might be nice.
Hey, I got to go.
Um, I'll think about it.
Think about it.
Hey, Sarah.
Can I get one more pumped picolatte?
That my eyes deceive me or
are you actually awake before ten?
- My sister's impossible.
- Rough night, Becky?
You have no idea. Danielle Steele
all-night movie marathon. Enough said.
More cheesy romance movies?
You do know you have Kevin?
Yeah, babe.
I am your cheesy romance.
Yes, but you've never rescued me
from the couple wagons
floating down the rushing river.
Hmm, I was unaware
those required of me.
Oh, excuse me.
You so did that on purpose.
Hmm, yes.
Yes, I did.
See, that was your perfect
opportunity to defend my honor.
- The master is here.
- The master is late.
Not to mention
loud and obnoxious.
I believe you've lost barista yet again.
Don't worry about it, Eli.
Nobody has beaten you there.
Espresso just bends to it well.
Well, it is an art form.
But, you can keep practicing.
Yeah, well, I am getting faster
and she's getting nervous.
Here comes Eli's super-barista
could have saved the world
one latte at a time.
Don't you have a job
to go to or something?
That's one of the many benefits
of being an executive resale specialist.
- Flexible hours.
- Executive what?
You sell old junks on eBay.
Vintage collectibles.
There's a difference.
Hey, easy, tiger. Save some
for the paying customers, please.
You do realize
metabolism is a gift, right?
An unfair gift.
What is it, like,
pick on Becky morning?
Yeah. Stop picking on my girl.
How was that?
- My knight.
- Mmm.
How was your date with
tall dark and muscle, last night?
Um, my date was... unexpected.
Unexpectedly good
or unexpectedly bad?
Well, he's the coach of
a high school football team.
Likes kids.
He was a captain of his college team.
That's eadership skill.
Sounds promising.
And did you set up another date?
Oh, he also got questionable table manners
and he couldn't remember my name.
- Your name is kind of odd.
- You're odd.
You could give him another chance.
Maybe, he was just nervous.
No, I'm pretty sure I got
a clear picture of who he is.
Just hoping I can get rid of it.
- Oh, you worked so hard on this one.
- Yeah.
You know anyone who wants
a bunch of football studs on last cards?
- Well, there's plenty of fish in...
- Really?
W-Well, there are.
That reminds me why I am here.
Practically, in the middle of the night,
in the first place,
you need to check your computer.
You have a message.
Do I even wanna ask,
how do you know that?
Probably not.
It's been a year now.
I'm coming to town.
I need to see you.
We need to talk.
- Patrick
Kevin's gonna take me home.
Oh, you read it.
- So, what are you gonna to do?
- There's nothing to do.
- Of course, there is.
- Look, Becky. We went over this.
Well, let's go over it again.
Okay. He left and I stayed.
That's it.
If that was it,
why is he writing you a message
saying "he need to see you"?
She's so stubborn.
It makes me nut.
I have no idea what that's like.
She keeps dating these losers
and she's wasting valuable time.
Becky, you like to meddle
in other people's...
- Hey.
- affairs. I... you do.
I'm sorry, it's true.
I love you, but...
I just... I think that you should,
maybe, leave this one alone.
Okay, well, instead of discouraging me,
why don't you help me?
I just think Donavan is
a self-sufficient woman.
- She doesn't need our help, Becky.
- Yes, she's self-sufficient and alone.
Besides, what about what I want?
- Does that matter?
- Of course, it does.
Well, what I want is
for Donavan to be in love
and to have a chance at happiness.
You know, likw we have.
And... if you love me,
you would help me help her.
She just needs a little guidance to go.
So, what do you say?
Are you my knight?
I suppose I could
dust off my shining armor.
So, do you want to talk about
what you're gonna do about Patrick's?
I mean,
there's nothing to talk about.
He lives in Chicago and I live here.
Nothing's changed.
Well, maybe,
nothing's changed for you, but...
you might want to start thinking
what you're gonna do
if something's changed for him.
See you tomorrow.
I've decided you have to come here.
I even have the perfect place for
you to get back to writing.
I'm starting to think there is no
such place.
Well then you have nothing to lose
by trying Donavan's.
Stop brooding and just trust me,
the inspiration you Need is there!
You know that, uh, adjustable rate mortgage
can be a killer when it pops up like that.
I mean, kind of scary.
Well, so can rock-climbing with Becky,
but you managed to survive there, right?
Barely. Yeah.
Seriously, Donavan.
I'm, I am a CPA.
You can ask me if you need help.
I appreciate it, Kevin, but,
I really just need to talk to Mr. Conner.
He's usually very helpful with
hiccups like this, you know?
Mr. Conner is a great guy
and a good banker, but...
it's about the big hiccup to repay.
I think I can handle.
But, it was kind of you to offer.
Thank you.
All right.
Hey, you, uh, you haven't seen
Becky's phone lying around, have you?
She thought it might be in here.
- I'll call it.
- Oh, yeah. Good idea.
Of course.
I should have looked here first.
Can relax we found her phone.
- See you.
- See you later.
Well, I'm here now.
All right. Yeah.
I'll call you back in five.
- Hi.
- Hi, what can I get for you?
What do you recommend?
Well, matching customers to their
perfect drink is sort of my specialty.
- I just need to know more about you.
- Interesting?
Well, what do you need to know?
- Um, what sort of professional you're in?
- Investment banking.
- Long hours too, I imagine? So...
- Uh-huh-huh.
Caffeine... Um...
Spicy or sweet?
A little bit of both.
And so I've been told.
Both. Okay.
How about a chai?
Sweet at first sip and then
the spicy really sneaks up on you.
Best of both world.
Very impressive, Miss Turner.
I'll make it.
I need to practice.
How, how did you know my name?
Because it's on the request for
the extension of your business loan.
Um... Why...
Why did Mr. Conner show you that?
Well, Mr. Conner doesn't own
the bank anymore. My...
My partner and I do.
I'm Frank Miller.
Mr. Conner sold?
Uh-huh. I'm sure
he'll be in here to tell you himself.
I know these small town guys get
personally charming with their borrowers.
But you see, that's the problem.
They base too many decisions
on emotions, and not enough on reality.
But the bottom line is
you're in too deep to get out.
The economy has been tough
the past few years.
I know, it, it happened.
And, and then you had
the unfortunate timing where
you had to replace the roof and
update the plumbing at the same time.
You need to face the facts.
You can not offord
to keep this place open.
And I can not afford
not to force you out.
There must be something
that we can do.
I think we both know
we're just postponing the inevitable.
I didn't come here
to close on you right now.
Look, my business partner and I,
we have some other stops to make.
- So, uh, perhaps...
- All right!
Huh, now.
I may not have the title yet,
but that sir, it's an amazing chai.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Uh, perhaps, we can meet
again next week.
Then I can explain to you more
about the foreclosure process.
- It's on the house.
- Oh, thank you.
You were right.
This is the perfect choice.
I got you a roasted turkey sandwich.
Donavan, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Who was that?
Just another satisfied customer.
Good, I hope he would be back then.
He'll be back.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute!
Do, do I know you?
What is the odd?
The fellow New Yorker.
Benjamin Carson, the playwright.
I love your work.
I love it. You see.
What's a guy like you
doing in a town like this?
- I was actually...
- Wait, wait, wait.
Let me guess, let me guess.
Research for your next big hit.
Listen, investment banking
is just my day job.
I am a playwright too.
I have the best idea for years.
Oh, uh, really?
I got to page 30-97,
that's it, I'm stuck.
But, you know,
it's been gesting ever since.
I'm like fine wine.
It's just getting better.
Is that right?
Who are those guys?
Is there something
you want to talk about?
We should do lunch.
Yeah. Yeah, people, people got to eat.
Yeah, we should.
To be... to be good.
Excuse me, I have to take this.
Hey, it was a pleasure meeting you.
It's good to meet you as well.
Real, real treat.
Hello. Yeah.
Guess who I just met.
Benjamin Carson, the playwright.
Yeah, I just met him and you didn't.
- Wow! He's...
- Shitty.
Huh, definitely not the adjective
I was looking for.
What can I get you?
Yeah, um... just gonna
check out the menu for a second.
So, you're from out of town?
Yeah, I just got here, actually.
Same town as your friend
you were talking to outside,
the one in the suit?
Actually, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
Business partners?
Uh, no.
He has his way, we will be.
I will have a cup of the Darjeeling.
Donavan's coffee.
Ben's tea.
So, you have something against coffee?
If you must know,
it can be a bit bitter for my taste.
I think the correct term is acidic, Ben.
No, I definitely meant bitter.
Do you need some help here?
I don't know, Ben.
Do I need help here?
I mean, you should know, right?
I'm gonna go ahead and say yes,
now I start by switching to decaf.
You city types are all the same.
- Arrogant.
- Seriously?
Seems like you're the one is all arrogant.
Expecting people to kiss
coffee grain you walk on?
Okay, you can have this one.
- What can I get you?
- Love some tea.
Some tea would be nice.
Hey, big sister.
What are you doing?
You would not believe
the day I just had.
Uh, yeah.
Did you know that dodging squirrels
on the scooter is not safe?
- Yeah, me neither.
- Hey, Bex.
Can you hand me
those screwdrivers, please?
- Well, uh, what happened today?
What didn't happen?
Where, where are you?
I'm walking home.
What? Before closing time?
When the last time you did that?
I don't know.
- Talk to me.
- Hey, man. What are you up to?
Oh, uh, just fixing a scooter.
I just want to let you know
I'm here in town
at Donavan's place
you told me about.
No way.
You're here.
Your day was ruining
because a guy ordered tea?
No, not exactly.
Look, it's not that simple.
He uh...
He called me bitter, Becky.
Can you believe that?
Me, bitter?
No, not you.
Yeah, I suppose it has a great vibe.
Except for one of these employees.
Too much of espresso, I guess.
- Really?
- Yeah.
If not for the other girl and
the funny guy who works here,
I probably would have left already.
Oh, well.
What are you doing?
Uh, we are at the beach... dock.
Look, you wanna just kick back tonight?
Have dinner?
You, you wanna get together later?
Dinner tonight, Donavan?
I don't know.
Yes. At my place.
- Kevin says 7 O'clock at his place.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
- All right, we'll see you there.
Sounds good, man.
Talk to you later.
What are you so happy about?
- Who was that?
- That was my buddy, Ben, from college.
I love it when the plan comes together.
How's the tea?
Uh, it's good, actually.
I have expected that
the faint taste of arsenic.
Hey, don't mind Donavan.
She's actually pretty cool.
I think she's just having a bad day.
Oh, she hides it so well.
- Wait, that was the owner?
- Yeah.
No, her life sort of
reminds me of a movie.
Yeah, like a horror movie.
No, more like a romantic comedy.
But, I've never seen one quite
interesting as, as her dating life, though.
- Oh?
- Oh, yeah.
She did some research on the whole
"How to get the guy" thing,
Now, she has this theory that
you should just study for your date.
- Study, study what?
- the guy.
Everything about him,
his job, hobbies,
I guess, so she can talk about
everything he's into on the date.
But, what about what she's into?
I don't know.
- All right, I got to go.
- See you.
Can I help you?
- Ben?
- Becky?
Great to have finally
met you in person.
An unexpected pleasure.
Uh, come in.
Hey, there's the man.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
All right, you met Becky already.
So, that's good
I feel like I already know you.
We are online friends.
Yet, I didn't see post me
anything about the visit.
I was uh surprise
even so much to myself.
Well, here, I can take this.
Can you excuse us for just a moment?
Okay, what are you up to?
Exactly what you asked me
to be up to.
What are you talking about?
Tonight was supposed to be a quiet
dinner with Donavan to cheer her up.
You asked me to help you find someone
for her, so she can be happy, right?
Ben's perfect. I thought this up myself.
He's funny, smart, creative.
Untucked, unshaved, and unneeded.
When I said that, I meant for you to help
me get her back together with Patrick.
Hey, you may have meant that,
but that certainly not what you said.
How did you not pick up with that?
Because you didn't say that.
Okay. So, what? They meet and
violin starts playing, is that your plan?
Maybe. Let's just see
what happened.
It's a good idea.
I had a good idea.
Well, I guess we're doing this.
I'll get that.
This isn't happening.
Please, tell me this isn't happening.
Donavan, this is...
- We've met.
- You have?
Yeah, this is the coffee lunatic
that almost flip me up.
You ruined my entire day.
By ordering tea?
You really need to get out more.
Hang on.
We, we can work this out.
You do that.
I need a Little Debbie.
Donavan, Ben was...
Oh, no. I, I know why he is here.
Do you?
I can't believe you actually
own that coffee shop.
How do you stay in business with
your particular brand of customer service?
Hey, that's my sister
you're talking about.
Your sister?
- This is her sister?
- Okay, I think we're done here.
Ben, do me a favor. Next time
you talk to your buddy Frank,
tell him, I hope
he chokes on his chai.
I should go after her.
Good job, honey.
You had a good idea.
Who's Frank?
Ben is a buddy of Kevin from college.
Not who I thought he was.
Who do you think he was?
Okay, we were just talking about you.
And glad you came back.
Took some coaching.
And suits my curiosity best of
my sense of self-preservation.
So, it seems that is possible, Ben,
that I may have uh...
jump to some conclusions
that were inaccurate
and I may have um...
uninvertedly treated you unfairly.
For that she apologizes.
That was an apology?
Ap... Apology accepted.
Okay, now, that that's done.
Who is Frank?
The guy you were laughing it up with
before you came in here yesterday.
Oh, him?
He, he stopped me on the street.
He's from New York.
He, he knew some of my work.
- What work?
- Yeah, what do you do?
He's a famous playwright.
- You may have read about him.
- I'm a writer.
Uh, he needed
an inspirational place to write,
I suggested here.
You're sure you thought
it was a good idea at the time?
I acted like a complete psycho
over absolutely nothing.
You know, it wasn't over "nothing",
it was over "tea" as I recall.
Well, if it helps, I think
you drink free tea for life.
Well, if I know you,
can I get that deal too?
You have that deal.
Actually, I was gonna try the coffee.
You should.
it's good.
So I've heard.
Ok, um... I can make you something
and bring it over to you.
That'll be, that'll be great.
Yeah, thank you.
So, admit it. Ben's nice.
He's not unnice.
And he's not bad to look at either.
I didn't say he was.
So, you did notice?
- You're fired.
- No, I'm not.
She must have been pretty young
when she opened this place, huh?
Wow, that's impressive.
Yeah, she is.
Not to mention smart,
funny, beautiful.
Yeah, not to mention those.
And feisty, too.
Very interesting.
So, you got a little...
Mr. Conner.
- Hey, Donavan. How are you?
- Good.
Good to see you.
Listen, I'm sorry
about your health issue.
I have no idea.
I'll be fine.
Yes, selling the bank is not
something I really wanted to do,
but, it's, you know, that's what best
for my family right now.
I've heard the new owners are
being a little more aggressive
in certain area than I was?
Yeah. Um...
Frank Miller told me
they're foreclosing next month.
Oh, no, Donavan.
I, I didn't think
they'd do that to you.
Is there anything that can be done?
Well, they're not gonna listen to me.
If that's what you're asking.
I'm, I'm really sorry.
Thank you.
Well, looks like you're getting
a lot of writing done here.
I've done a few pages.
Don't you know pleasure in the job
puts the perfection in the work.
Well said.
Did you write that?
You are good.
I'm afraid Aristotle beat me to that one.
So, you think you're gonna
be around a while, Ben?
I mean, we don't have all
the cornices of New York here. But,...
- No. City is overrated.
- City is overrated.
- Exactly.
- Exactly.
Um... I feel like I can think here.
Well, it's good to know you're gonna
write something new soon.
I'm sure Aristotle will be relieved
to have his quotes back.
- Everything's good for tonight guys?
- I picked up the flyers this morning.
What's happening tonight?
You should come by
and see for yourself.
Maybe, I will.
And bring your wallet.
It's only five pages.
Slow down and it does feel good
to be at it again, though.
No, 5 very good pages.
I love the whole small town arena.
Hey, uh, you know,
Andrew's play in three weeks.
- You're lying.
- Well, you're right.
Hey, call me when you have
more pages to send me.
Can't wait to see this thing going.
- Does tomorrow morning work?
- I'm, I'm hanging up now.
Did she come up with all this herself?
After spending the summer there.
She buys all the coffee
she roasts from them.
It's how they support their villages.
Now, a few times a year,
she throws the fund-raiser.
Excuse me, everybody.
Please, please, can I have your attention?
I would like to present to you all
for one song tonight,...
the amazing, Donavan Turner.
Um, I want to thank you all
for coming out tonight.
Your support in this charity
means the world to me.
I know that, um, many of you
had a chance to know my mother.
She was...
an amazing woman.
And she introduced me to all of this.
She couldn't go five minutes
without quoting the Bible and...
She always reminded me
that "love" is a verb.
And that's what
"Bring a better tomorrow" is all about.
And I'm so glad that it's close
to your heart as it is to mine.
Walk with me by the ocean side
Together we'll take on this life
As the sun melts to pink and blue
So my heart melts for you
Dance with me under the stars
Oh, dance with me wrapped in your arms
You be the bend and I'll be the song
Oh, can you see that we belong?
You and I are meant to be
As the shore is to the sea
Oh, let me be your hand to hold
Your darling kisses you when you're old
- She's good, huh?
- Dance with me...
These people love her.
- What's not to love?
- Oh, dance with me...
wrapped in your arms
You be the bend and I'll be the song
Oh, can you see that we belong?
Oh, can you see that we...
Thank you.
So, you're saying is a good thing
then that he's back?
It's a great thing.
Did you see her face?
- It's definitely still there.
- Well, that remains to be seen.
Oh, how can you forget
about the past, babe?
The thing between you and Patrick
was, what, two years ago.
Well, the problem is not when it happened,
is that it happened at all.
He beat you to the top
of that climbing wall by what...
- 7 seconds?
- After stepping on my hand.
- It was an accident.
- Sure, it was.
The fact is, Donavan may
actually have a chance now.
I mean, with everything going on
in the coffee shop,
it couldn't be better timing.
Bex, that's not exactly
a public knowledge.
Well, Ben is not just anybody.
He can be trusted.
Can you be trusted?
What's the problem
with the coffee shop?
I, I can't believe Caroline's married.
I used to babysit her after school.
Yeah, my mom completely took
over the wedding planning.
Not before she got her sight
set on grandchildren.
Well, it's what she has wanted
for some time now.
Yeah, she has.
So, Becky and Kevin.
They seem to be getting serious.
Yeah, I think so.
You know, he...
he seems to understand her anyway
that none of the rest of us can.
Well, she certainly has a mind of her own.
The trade of the Turner women.
Both the blessing and the curse, right?
Captivating and confounding.
I'm glad you came by tonight.
So, am I.
I wasn't sure what to expect.
It's really good seeing you again.
It's good seeing you too.
Can I drive you home?
Um... No, I, I walk.
I'll also walk with you.
I think I can manage three blocks.
I guess, it's good night then.
Maybe, I come by the shop tomorrow.
Yeah, I'll have a triple
caramel mocha going for you.
You remember.
Something you don't forget.
Okay. Uh, yeah.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
See you.
Did he say he wanted
to get back together with you?
We really didn't get into that.
Of course, he does.
He is a smart man
and he knows what he lost.
You mean, why he left?
- Are you gonna see him again?
- When are you gonna see him again?
Okay, if you really must know,
he called this morning and said
he couldn't stop by.
I was gonna make him
his favorite drink,
but, he asked me to meet him
for dinner instead.
He is so smart man.
He's making his move,
trading a coffee date for dinner.
Your life could be about to change.
Hmm, she's right.
Do you want...
for your whole life to change?
Things are already changing.
They are.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Um, coffee or tea, even?
Uh, Coffee.
Hey, you were amazing last night.
I, I love your charity.
I have no idea you could sing.
Oh, thank you.
It was nice of you to come by.
What size?
Uh, large.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Patrick Cole, Frank Miller.
- Nice to finally meet you.
- Same here.
- Have a seat.
- Thanks.
You know, I have heard nothing
but good things about you.
You are really making a reputation
for youself up in Chicago.
I really appreciate you meeting us
in such short notice, Frank.
Well, I was just thrilled
to get your call
and I'm very intrigued about
your plan to help Miss Turner.
My guys should be able
to work quickly on this one.
If we can come to agreement,
can you meet with Donavan
and me on Thursday?
No, I'm leaving for London
tomorrow night.
Then we need to make
this deal happen today.
Works for me.
Any guy can live with that.
Let me make one call to my partner.
If he says OK,
we'll print this document up.
- We'll be good.
- Great.
You know, I got a quick
phone call to make also.
So, uh, what do you think?
About another hours?
Uh, yeah, about that.
- Hello?
- Hey, Donavan.
Uh, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna be
a little late tonight for dinner.
I know it sounds bad,
but trust me.
When I explain myself,
you're gonna love what you hear.
Uh, so, it'll probably be another hour,
and I'll come to pick you up.
Oh, actually, I'm already here.
So, I can just meet you.
Uh, okay.
That sounds Good.
- And Donavan...
- Yeah?
I'm sorry.
I'd much rather be there
with you right now.
- See you soon.
- Okay.
- You again.
- Small towns.
- No place to hide.
- Not in that dress.
Um, I'm having dinner.
W-With someone very lucky.
Where are you off to?
Uh, place down the street.
Uh, Lucy's.
For, and I quote:
"mind-blowing lime gelato".
- My sister's recommendation?
- Who else.
Except you have a dinner plan or
I'll ask you to join me.
Actually, I just got a phone call.
I have an hour to kill.
I guess, I could do dessert first.
You might have to order for me.
I'm not sure they'll even
see me stading next to you.
Somehow, I think they'll notice you.
All right.
It was an accident.
I wasn't looking to see anything.
If it is bad as you say it is, I just wish
she would trust us and tell us.
Uh-huh. I'm sure
she doesn't want us to worry.
Besides, what can we do anyway?
I don't know, but, we can't just sit by
and watch her loose the place.
She'll be upset if she knew we know.
I thought she had dinner with Patrick.
I don't know.
You want to go talk to him?
No. I'm sure we'll hear
all about it in the morning.
They look cute together, don't they?
Hmm, if you say so.
It'd be good if he dressed a little better.
You ran away from home
to live in the lighthouse?
It actually used to be right there.
I was only gonna live there
until I have enough money
to afford my own boat
and sail away.
I miss sailing.
Anyway, I had a vision
of playing at Carnegie Hall.
- You were that good?
- No.
I could barely play chopsticks.
I guess I had a tendency
to dream a little too big.
You say that like it's the bad thing.
Well, I mean, it, it can be.
Anyway, my mom found me a half hour later,
and I will never forget what she said.
"Lighthouses aren't there
to draw attention to themselves.
They're just there to shine."
Her way of saying,
I didn't need to be so dramatic.
I guess she didn't have that same
conversation with your little sister?
She seemed like
she was a wise woman.
Your mother.
She was.
You know,
she can handle anything, even
the most difficult situations
with such poise and grace.
I always admire that.
Anyway, I just,
I feel closer to her here, you know?
What is this?
Uh, small town tradition.
You know, I had my first dance with
the boy in that circle when I was 12.
- Really? It was that serious?
- Oh, very. Yep.
Four whole days.
I'm not the greatest dancer,
but, I'm pretty sure
I can match the skill of 12-year-old.
Since, we are the only ones not dancing,
you wanna dance?
You've done a very good deed.
I'm so glad that
this whole deal has a happily ending.
So, we'll, uh, tell her tormorrow.
Meet her at the coffee shop at 9:00?
Your girlfriend is gonna be
so pleased with you!
I can see it.
Now, I know...
why this town means so much to you.
It's a part of me.
And I guess, I'm a part of it.
Like the coffee shop.
I guess,
I just thought if I could...
capture a small piece of it
and to share it, then maybe...
You could make a difference.
Yeah. But,...
I mean, I was naive.
The world certainly doesn't care
about the idealistic notion
of a small-town coffee girl.
Why wouldn't they?
I do.
- I have to get that.
- Yeah. Of course.
Yeah, hi.
No, I'm just down at the water.
Oh no, I'll meet there.
I have to go.
But, thank you for the ice-cream.
That show's been sold out for weeks.
So, are you gonna tell me
how you got tickets?
A man has to maintain a little mystery.
You know,
when I left last year,
and you decided
not to go with me,
I thought to myself
there's got be a reason
why we're not supposed
to be together.
And I thought, look backward
on things down the road and...
figure it out that that's the reason
we're supposed to break up.
The thing is, it's been a year.
I still don't get it.
I mean, this...
still feels right.
So, what are you saying?
I'm saying...
what if, last year, we made
the biggest mistake of our lives? And...
this is our chance to fix it.
I should go in.
Think this through.
Well what?
Come on, he just kissed you.
Yes, he did.
Not that you were watching.
What color am I gonna wear
as your bridesmaid?
No Spring tone's lace,
they completely wash me out.
Uh, we're not quite there yet.
I like the sound of "yet".
So, I ran into Eli and
he said you were with Ben,
but, I mean, he's total freak, right?
'Cause I absolutely knew
you were with Patrick
Patrick met with the...
the banker today about the coffee shop.
I only assume you knew about that?
I may have mentioned...
your financial situation, um, to him.
Well, what was the meeting about?
I don't know.
He said he'd tell me tomorrow?
You know?
But, I can only think of one thing.
He's investing in the future with you.
Oh, I can picture it now,
you guys...
standing next to each other
with matching aprons,
serving up mokut chokeup...
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Why not?
Definitely Fall tone.
Same as the new orange.
Good morning.
How was dinner?
It was good.
Very good.
Can I get you your usual?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, it's nice to have the usual.
It sounds good. thank you.
Uh, I, I brought you something.
You did?
It's, it's nothing big.
Seems like,
you're the only one around here
who doesn't have
a mug of your own.
I don't really know what I "do"
or "don't" have anymore.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Good morning.
Are you ready?
- Completely.
- All right.
I trust Patrick'd filled you in
on the details?
Um, no, he hasn't.
Not exactly.
I wanted to surprise her.
Well, without Patrick here,
this could have gone
in very different direction.
I'm so glad we can solve this quickly.
I know.
He was kind enough
to get involve on my behalf. I...
I don't know how I'll ever repay him.
Well, that's the beauty of it.
You don't have to repay
anyone anymore.
Sorry, this doesn't seem real.
Well, I assure you it is
as soon as you sign these.
I'm sorry, who's,
who's this Thomas Kimbell? His...
- wow, everywhere on these...
- He's, he's my client.
He's the buyer, Donavan.
He was looking for
some investments to put quickly,
So, I convinced him
to buy your property.
And he got you a very handsome profit.
If it wasn't for Patrick here,
you could have ended up empty handed.
I have to say, your boyfriend
certainly lives up to his
real estate guru reputation.
Just what exactly does this Thomas Kimbell
plan on flipping my coffee shop into?
- Does it matter?
- It does to me.
It does to me.
You know, uh...
crowding is a serious issue here
when beach season picks up?
Just say it.
I told him the town can use
an extra parking garage.
- He's buying the building next door also.
- Of what?
Yes. A solid deal...
She, she does this sometimes.
She'll come around.
She just needs some time to think it over.
Quickly, I hope.
I could have gotten here sooner,
but I don't run as fast as you.
You didn't have to follow me.
I felt like I did.
Have you ever wondered why
it always seems like
they're building another
parking garage?
I've never liked them.
cold and impersonal.
No-one cares who you are or...
why or how you got there.
They don't care how long you stay
or if you'll ever come back.
In fact, two minutes after you leave,
you just got replaced.
I, I guess, I never have
thought of it that way.
When I opened my coffee shop,
I vowed I would never treat people
like they wee disposable.
Now, I am the one
who is disposable.
No, Donavan, you're not.
I am not sure,
I've ever met anyone who's loved
by so many people
for the right reason as you.
You know, I bought my coffee shop
just before it was torn down.
I've worked so hard
to transform it in to what it is now.
I wanted it to be a place where
friends could go and talk and laugh.
I honestly thought that
it was I was meant to do.
And you did that.
That coffee shop has
a way of changing people.
It changed me.
You know, you, you did something
that so few people do anymore.
You did something,
because you believed in it.
But now, they just want
to tear it down again.
I failed.
No, you didn't fail.
Failing would have been
if you hadn't tried at all.
Oh, I feel like such a fool.
Well, you shouldn't.
But, I know that feeling too.
I doubt that.
Go ahead and google
the review of my last two plays.
But, if hadn't said those things,...
I never would have come here.
And met you.
God really does work
in mysterious ways.
I know it...
doesn't feel like it,
I've watched you and
you're gonna be okay.
I'll leave you alone.
Let you figure this out.
Thank you.
I, I'm, I'm glad that critics
didn't like your two last plays.
That's what brought you here.
Me too.
Donavan, are you okay?
You sounded so upset
on the phone.
Yeah, I've never seen her
pedal that fast... Ever.
Patrick was just trying to help you.
I know,
but just thought that if I...
He had a different idea.
It doesn't make him a bad guy.
He does love you and...
He wants a future with you.
It's just a different one.
Are you really gonna let the parking
garage change everything?
But, it does change everything, Becky.
Does it really?
I mean, either way,
you're gonna loose the coffee shop.
He loves you.
Are you okay?
I will be.
I knew, you just needed
some time to think about it.
I didn't take the deal, Patrick.
I told Frank that I'd go ahead
with the foreclosure
and not fight with him
if he could...
find the buyer who wouldn't
destroy the building,
and use it for something positive.
It's just a building, Donavan.
Not to me.
I don't understand.
My plan made perfect sense.
It did.
On paper.
Letting it all go is gonna be hard,
but, it's the right decision.
For me.
You're talking about more than
just the coffee shop, aren't you?
I guess so.
Yesterday, Becky told me
about you love me.
I do.
I know that you think that you do.
this all made me realize something
that I believe deep down
I've always known.
That's why I was able
to let you go before.
This is just the first time
I've been able to put into words, okay?
You love...
who you wish I was.
- Hello.
- Hey, kid, you're back.
No, I'm still here.
No, no. I read, I read the draft
of the new play you send me.
And you're back. It's gonna be a hit.
I knew, I knew you had it in you.
Yeah, I guess I had. I guess
I just needed the right inspiration.
Well, it's a crazy world
you landed down there
You're suddenly surrounded
by some interesting characters.
you made me a happy man, Ben,
a very very happy man.
That makes two of us.
It is so unfair.
For once, I agree with him.
I tried everything that I could.
But at the end,
there was no way to keep it open.
I'm sorry.
We got to do something.
Yeah, we do.
Now, you look here, darling.
You know what they say:
It's not what they take away
from you that counts.
It's what you do
with what you have left.
Thank you, Max.
But, I don't...
Can we talk for a minute?
No, actually, I'm gonna require
a bit more time than that.
Can you and Eli manage it
without Donavan for today?
I think we manage it just fine.
It setlles then.
Wait. What, what settles?
What's going on?
Our first date that
started about a minute ago.
We don't wanna be late.
I'm not dressed for a...
Where are we going?
You're perfect just how you are.
Shall we?
Text Kevin, and make sure
he has her back by seven.
We got a lot to do.
We better move fast.
Is this really necessary?
I know this entire town, I don't see
how you could possibly surprise me?
I'm a writer.
I specialize in the unexpected.
You sail?
Not at all. Never been on the boat.
But, he can sail.
Thank you.
It's amazing.
Isn't it beautiful?
We need to talk.
Can that wait. I just want to enjoy
this feeling for a few moment.
It can't wait.
- What's wrong?
- You need to see these.
They were underneath the pile of newspapers
on Kevin's dining room table.
I don't understand.
What is this?
It's notes and pages
from Ben's new play.
- His new play?
- Uh-huh.
Yeah. It's about you.
And this odd town.
He's been laughing at you
and using you this entire time.
It was a good day.
It was a very good day.
Yeah, I knew my plan would work.
- Can you explain this?
- Explain what?
"You serious?
She actually studies for her date?"
"Donavan is chronicle retryer.
She has no idea people see her
as totally desperate...
Queen of Mayberry."?
- I can explain that.
- Really?
How can you explain that?
It's not what you think.
Oh, that's right.
Because you're a writer, huh?
Unexpected is your thing.
Plot twist is your specialty.
Well, congratulations!
I've never expected that
you were a jerk or a liar.
Can you just calm down?
If you just give me a minute,
- I...
- What? Give me more lies?
Get more material for your play?
You know, why don't I,
I just burst into tears?
That will be a great scence.
People could...
tap-dance to my agony, right?
Hold on!
I think, by now, I should have,
at least, earned a chance.
Earn a chance?
Really? You earn nothing when
you use my life for a... a punch line.
You're a fraud!
Donavan, wait.
You know, I thought you were genuine.
But, this all is for your own gain.
Go back to New York, Ben, okay?
You don't belong here.
How's that for plot twist?
Are you okay?
I'm not sure if
I'm really up to going in there.
If there is anything which can
make you feel better right now,
it's in that coffee shop.
You go in.
I'll be right behind you.
I just need a minute.
You look more like your mama everyday.
I wish I didn't hear it
more than just the features.
because I could really use
her strength right now.
Tough day?
You know?
Just because things aren't going
the way you've planned,
doesn't mean they aren't going
the way they should go.
It's nice thought, Max,
but, you don't know the whole story here.
Well, you're right, I don't.
But, maybe you don't either.
After my accident,...
your mom came
to the hospital to see me.
She gave me that because
I needed it then.
Like you need it now.
"Don't lose yourself in the temporary."
"No-one has ever seen..."
"no-one has ever heard and
no-one has ever imagined
what God has prepared."
Thank you.
What's going on here?
They're celebrating.
Celebrating what?
You've been here 10 years,
serving us all and
given up so much to do it, Donavan...
We thought you may be wondering,
if it was worth it.
We'll let you decide.
I remember my first day working here.
I was a complete disaster.
Dangerous, really.
But, you were eerily calm.
Anyone else would have
thrown me out on my ear.
Especially, after the whole fire incident.
The first I've ever met Becky,
she was sitting right there.
And, uh, I couldn't
take my eyes off of her.
He stared at me for days.
It was a little creepy.
But, Donavan told me that
he was someone special, and...
I don't trust anybody
more than my big sister. So...
In Your arms
Is where I want to be
When my world
Comes crashing down on me
So hold me close
Keep me Yours always
After my accident,
for a long time, I didn't know
exactly where I fit in anymore.
one day...
you invited me here.
I never will forget the words you said.
You told me that I belong here.
Then, you handed me this mug.
And with that,
I will be eternally grateful.
Thank you.
What you've built here...
is a family.
Can have the beats right away, Donavan.
Mom would be really proud of you.
I'm proud of you.
You wanted to make a difference and...
you did.
So hold me close
Keep me Yours always
Bend me, break me
Be my rock
For now and all my days
Hold on.
I, I have one more.
Haven't you done enough?
Not nearly.
Hi, I'm Ben.
Most of you probably don't know me.
I don't have a list
of life altering moments
that's happened here
like most of you.
But, I do have one.
I told you.
You don't belong here.
I do.
You wrote a play,...
making fun of us.
Of me, actually.
I read it with my own eyes, Ben.
You call me "desperate".
But, you didn't read this part.
You know, pages you found?
You're stumbling in the middle of the story
when things are muddy and confusing.
I didn't know how to write
the end of the story, until today.
You, you said I was a fraud.
And you were right.
I wasn't with you,
but, I have been in my work.
I used to speak for my soul.
And then I began
trying to write hits.
Write things I thought
other people wanted to hear.
And you...
thought you ought to do
the same thing to find love, didn't you?
Become something
someone wanted you to be?
But Donavan,
you're the original.
That's what drew me to you.
You're you.
And you care.
And that's real all the time.
And you taught me all.
Anyone of us has to offer
what's inside us.
That's what I needed to let out.
I didn't write the play
making fun of you.
I wrote a play about
falling in love with you.
I fell in love with you in this place
just like everyone else.
You love me?
Every stubborn, beautiful, frustrating,
and inspiring bit of you.
I'm not gonna let
you lose this coffee shop.
And he was truth in his word.
He actually had a solution.
A new hit Broadway play.
From the very first moment
I met Donavan,
I knew she was like no-one
I've ever known before.
- She was absolutely...
- Irritating and desperate?
- I wasn't going to say that.
- But, you did say it?
Let's see how he digs himself
out of this one.
Yes, I did say that.
Maybe, I even believed it.
Until I got to know her.
And then I realized,
we're actually...
just alike.
Both searching...
Tried to be the best themselves.
- Good on their own.
- But incredible...
- together.
- together.
It's a hit.
You did it, kid.
You did it!
I see more Tony's. I'm not...
Wait, where are you going?
Have fun.
You know where to find us.
W...We open tonight!
The critics said,
it was then, Ben's best work.
Full of authenticity
and hearts and surprises.
I'm incline to agree.
Ben's advance check for the play
was enough to save the coffee shop.
Of course, I insist on
paying back every cent,
but, he had a different idea.
Full partnership.
- This is our wedding planner.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Remember, we want simple.
- Don't listen to her.
The double wedding
has to be extra heavy.
I'm thinking 12-piece orchestra,
I started out thinking,
love was a battlefield.
And the more armors and weapons I had,
the better chance I had of winning.
But in reality,
the armors didn't protect me.
It just held and reeled me in.
Once I got rid of it,
the story ended just I like think
it was suppose to.
It's time for barista war, right now.
You sure you're ready for this?
Ready and waity.
Oh, me too.
I got you.
Good morning.
It is now.
Are you seeing this?
Something is going around.
It's in the coffee.
Welcome to Donavan's.
Never cared much for espresso
'Cause its all a little bit too strong
But man dont give me decaf
Come on dont make me laugh
Gotta have the real thing or its wrong
Like the mocha down in Boca
Corner blend in Monterey
But give me the flavor
That I prefer to savor
Give me my low fat latte
Give me my low fat latte