Coffin 2 (2017)

(slow guitar music)
I see you cracking
bottles over your head
If it were only
you I'm seeing true
It's a lot of shipment
(tense music)
(phone vibrating)
(suspenseful music)
[Man] Tick-tock, tick-tock.
(ominous music)
Yeah, Jack and I
used to work together.
He was a normal nice guy.
Really professional,
always pleasant.
Yes, I knew his wife as well.
She was really sweet.
They seemed happy,
like they were in love.
This story is one of
the more bizarre tales
we've experienced
in a long time.
Jack Samms, serving an eight
year sentence for manslaughter.
And you set out
to blackmail them
the same way they did to you?
In a way.
[Reporter] Alleges his wife,
Rona, was having an affair.
Yeah, I knew Shawn.
Came to class one time.
Knew his lines.
Very enthusiastic.
[Reporter] Shawn
Justice, now deceased.
Pretty apparent they
had a good chemistry.
[Reporter] As you've
stated in your confession,
when you placed Trick into
a box, a coffin of sorts.
He escaped.
Samms claims that
his wife, Justice,
and a mystery man
he calls Trick,
concocted a plan to extort over
a half a million
dollars from him.
By the time he discovered
exactly what was happening,
it was already too late.
Many say that you created Trick.
That you made him up
in order to cover your
dangerous obsession
with your estranged
wife's new life
and boyfriend, Shawn Justice.
I only wish I made him up.
You did say some among
the ranks in law enforcement
have proof of Trick's existence.
Detective Scott and Epperson
could prove the
existence of him,
but why would the
detectives come forward?
Save a lot of time?
But, it's easier to
do a story on a guy,
a crazy guy in prison,
and the boogeyman.
But, I get it.
You took matters
into your own hands.
You had to find your
wife and, of course,
get your money back.
It was never about the money.
What was it about?
(heavy rock music)
Woo, Buddy.
I'm out of here.
My sister's got her foot
tapping on the front porch.
I hear you.
Can't keep the lady waiting.
You go beat that traffic.
Shoot, there she is again.
ETA, that's my cue.
I'm glad everything worked out.
Shirt and ties are
at the retreat.
We're all out for
the long weekend.
I told Ralph what
you'll be doing
and you'd leave
the place spotless.
Of course, you know, he
was, like, typical Ralph.
Anyway, I went to bat for you.
Appreciate that, Wendy.
You know I've
always got your back.
So, the place is all
yours for the weekend.
I know I'm leaving
it in good hands.
I can't wait to see
the finished product.
I used to work on
these with my dad.
You're gonna do the
finish and everything?
That's the plan.
I call shotgun
for the first run.
You got it.
Hey, I'm a girl
that loves her cars.
Okay, Buddy.
You have fun.
You too, Wendy.
[Wendy] Oh, and Buddy?
If you need me, why
don't you text or email?
I'll check when I can.
I will.
Phone service up there
is for shit, but...
Don't get into any trouble.
(tense music)
Oh, we're making
our way down this 76
We're gonna end up Oceanside
Get out the cars and
we'll grab our boards
And we're going out for a ride
Walking on the
sand, looking around
Making sure we're
on the surf side
Put on our wetsuits
and we paddle out
We're gonna have a good time
As we go down, down,
down to the beach
(suspenseful music)
(cell phone ringing)
[Woman] Hi, this is Mrs.
Rita from Culliver Academy.
Is this Olivia?
Yes, this is Olivia.
[Ms. Rita] Hi, I'm calling
because you're listed
as a temporary emergency
contact for Haley Gingham.
[Ms. Rita] It's protocol
that when students
need to be absent we
need to receive a call,
but Haley didn't
show up at school,
nor did we receive a
call, so I'm giving...
Wait a minute.
I don't understand.
Hold on.
You're saying she's
not at school?
[Ms. Rita] Correct.
It is now after
lunch period and...
No, no, no.
I dropped her off right in front
of the school this morning.
[Ms. Rita] Well,
she's not been
in her first three periods.
When that happens
with no phone...
Hold on.
[Ms. Rita] You are not
Haley's mother, correct?
No, she's my fiancee's niece.
His sister's girl and
we're just keeping her
for a few weeks.
Oh, God.
Can you tell me what
the next step is here?
[Ms. Rita] Why don't
you come into the office
and we'll have you speak
with our guidance counselor
and see the principal.
(engine idling)
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
What's happening?
Oh, God.
Help me!
(suspenseful music)
Oh, God.
Help me, please.
Help me, please.
Oh, God.
Where's Haley?
Okay, wait.
Okay, think, think,
think, think, think.
(tense music)
(cell phone dings)
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, I can't move.
I can't move, I can't move.
I can't move, I can't move.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Can you hear me?
Hello, please.
Help me, please!
Oh, God, what's happening?
Oh, no.
(camera shutter clicks)
No, no.
I can't move.
Oh, God.
No, no, no.
Why can't I move?
Why can't I move?
Why can't I move?
Please, you don't have to.
Please, don't do this.
You don't have to
do this, please.
We have money.
You don't have to do this.
I can pay you.
My fiancee has money.
He can pay you.
Oh, God.
I can't move.
Where's Haley?
Please, don't do this.
Please, don't do this, please.
We've got money.
He'll pay you.
Please, you don't
have to do this.
(camera shutter clicks)
Come back!
Please, help.
Oh, God, please.
What's happening?
[Man] Victor.
Am I late?
Nah, man.
I'm early.
Always am.
Are you hungry?
Wanna grab a bite?
(laughs) Sounds good,
brother, but the merchandise.
Next time, then.
Let's get to it.
All right, last chance.
There's no undipping your
toe out of this water.
Victor, you disappoint me.
How long have we
been doing business?
This ain't like dropping
a package in a dumpster
behind Jack in the Box.
If you think I'm
having any doubts,
you get your boy to count
the money in that bag.
Passenger side floor.
If you say it's
there, it's there.
(trunk unlatches)
[Oscar] Rock
and roll, brother.
Until next time.
Let's make it soon.
We're all clear.
Take 'em at the bridge.
It's okay, sweetie.
You're safe now.
(metal rattling)
(gasps) Oh, my god.
Oh, God.
Oh, my gosh.
Who is it?
What's happening?
Oh, God.
Who are you?
I can't move.
I can't move.
(camera shutter clicks)
I can't move. (gasps)
(tense music)
(camera shutter clicks)
What's happening?
Have you seen her?
Do you know what's happening?
(camera shutter clicks)
(metal scraping)
What's happening?
Have you seen my niece?
Have you seen Haley?
[Clown Mask] Shut up, shut up.
Don't piss him off.
Who is he?
Who are you?
Keep your voice down.
I can't move.
I can't feel anything.
None of us can.
Look, just try to
stay calm, okay?
[Olivia] Oh, God.
Glad that's over.
Debriefing's always a bitch.
How's the girl?
She's good, considering.
Typical runaway.
The father's flying
in from Minneapolis.
Hasn't heard from her
in over two months,
so you can imagine.
That piece of shit
Victor is in surgery.
Took two in the chest when
we moved in, if you care.
I don't.
You did good, agent.
I'm gonna send you away
for a few days of R & R.
You can shave whatever
you have going on there.
Get drunk, laid, you know?
Normal human being stuff.
Yeah, I'm good.
See your kid, agent.
Don't drown in this shit.
I said I was good.
It's what I told
them you'd say.
They had an assignment
for Roberts.
I asked them to give it to you
till we can get your next UC.
You know how these things go.
Gotta get you out of
here for a few days,
protect your identity.
Then, we'll talk about
you going back under.
Until then, call this
a working vacation.
Should be an easy one.
Missing Persons is down an
agent and backlogged up the ass.
Go over there.
Take a few days, look into this.
It's a missing cop
minus a finger.
His digit turned
up in a dumpster
when some homeless dude
was looking for lunch.
His other piece will
probably turn up any day now.
You know how it is.
Lieutenant says he
has a spotless record,
but has been a bit obsessed
with nabbing the Deathstalker.
Even after the bureau took over
and closed the books on it.
He was all over it
until a day or so ago.
Anyway, brass thinks we
should have an interest in it.
File an official report.
Give them the details.
His phone records and
transcripts are in there.
Nothing jumps out.
And they think this is
related to the Deathstalker?
Who knows.
But, we're the ones
that closed it,
so we gotta look under
the skirt of this thing.
Ghost it up when
you go in there.
Do some poking around,
write the report,
but don't break
your back on this.
You up for it?
[Clown Mask] Glad to be
out of that box, huh guys?
Yeah, he brought
me in a box, too.
I don't know how
long I was in there.
I was unconscious
for part of the time.
I don't remember how long.
Wasn't long.
He brought me here last night
and locked me in
one of those rooms.
You haven't been here long.
[Clown Mask] Took
me out of the box
and brought me here last night
in the trunk of his car.
[Face Mask] He's
had me about two days.
I woke up in a
shed of some sort.
This morning he drove us here,
locked me up in one
of those back offices,
and then he brought me out here.
I just went out for a jog
and I think he took Haley.
Who's Haley?
Is she here, too?
No, I don't know.
I don't know.
The school called me and
she was missing, and...
She's my niece.
My fiancee's niece.
She's my responsibility.
[Clown Mask] Keep
your voice down.
He's gonna hear you.
So what?
He knows we're here.
Oh, God.
Do you think he has Haley?
Do you think he has Haley here?
He's right.
You gotta keep it
together, okay?
Whether she's here, or not,
losing control isn't
gonna help her.
There's a good chance that
this guy's just using her
as part of his threat.
As part of whatever demands
that he's trying to make,
so just stay calm.
We're gonna work together, okay?
We're gonna be smart about this.
Yeah, says the guy who
couldn't escape a shed.
(phone keypad beeping)
[Woman On Phone] Hello?
[Woman On Phone] Bobby?
You okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm fine.
[Woman On Phone] This means
your assignment is over.
How's the monster?
[Woman On Phone]
He's good, Bobby.
Scored twice in
one game last week.
Marcus and I took him
for ice cream after.
You know, that place he likes.
He misses his daddy.
He asks a lot of questions,
but he knows what
you do is important.
That's good.
[Woman On Phone] You
want to talk to him?
No, no.
No, no, no, no.
I gotta go.
Listen, I have
another assignment.
[Woman On Phone] Oh, Bobby.
[Bobby] This one's
not undercover.
Tell the monster
I'll see him soon.
[Woman On Phone] That's
what you said last time.
[Bobby] Tell him
I'll see him soon.
Tell him that.
I gotta go.
(metal scraping)
[Clown Mask] Who's
the empty chair for?
I've got an idea about that.
You see these masks
that we're all wearing?
Each one of them is a
replica of ones used
during a major crime
spree that was exacted
by a very cunning criminal.
[Clown Mask] This dude?
This big dude?
No, not him.
It's another guy.
I suspect that's
whose chair that is.
[Olivia] How do you know?
'Cause I worked the case.
He was also there the
night I got taken.
Are you a cop?
Detective, yeah.
Now, how the hell
did you end up here?
For the last couple
years I've been
investigating a closed case.
One that I've been
trying to get reopened.
It was the Deathstalker killer.
Had a major breakthrough
a while back
and I got a message a
couple of nights ago
from a source that claimed
they had information
that would prove my
suspicions were correct
that the Deathstalker
killer is at large.
I was to meet them
at a train station.
I'm out of the car.
Alone as requested.
No guns.
No guns, no wire.
I walked right into a trap.
Where do I meet you?
(train horn blowing)
(train wheels rattling)
(tense music)
(train horn blowing)
[Man In Mask] Come here.
Good God.
What are you doing here?
[Man In Mask] Help me.
Stupid mistake.
Start talking.
He shouldn't have been there.
[Man In Mask] I'm trying.
[Epperson] Start talking.
What is it?
Listen, listen.
It didn't make any sense.
Listen to me, Epperson.
He gave me something.
I can't move.
We've got to get out of here.
We've got to get out of here.
He's watching us.
I knew something was wrong.
He gave me something
and I can't move.
Stand up, stand up right now.
He gave me something.
I can't, Epperson.
Epperson, look out!
Look out!
By the time I felt
the injection in my neck
it was too late.
What happened to your hand?
I don't know.
I woke up like this.
I imagine when
these drugs wear off
it's gonna hurt like hell.
Oh, my god.
He cut off your finger.
Too bad it wasn't your tongue.
You're an asshole.
(doorbell rings)
Oh, what's up, man?
Hey, man.
You got a minute?
Yeah, yeah.
Come on in.
Sweetness, look
who came to visit.
Is Olivia with you?
Uh, no, no.
I, um.
Babe, I think Paul
and I are just gonna
have a couple brews.
We'll stay out of your way.
Is that cool with you, baby?
Thank you.
Oh, unless you drank them all.
At three a.m.
That's cute.
Very cute.
I'm a night owl, you know that.
What can I say?
[Olivia] And the guy who
took you is this guy, right?
[Epperson] Yeah.
[Clown Mask] You're saying
this guy's the Deathstalker?
The Deathstalker
got his name from
the Deathstalker scorpion
because of the way he hunts
and paralyzes his
prey before he...
But, it goes beyond that.
He makes a game out of
toying with his prey.
He derives excitement
from the fear he instills.
He stalks, paralyzes,
captures, and detains his prey.
It's his MO, it's
how he got his name.
So, this guy.
I don't know.
There's something...
This isn't exactly the
Deathstalker's method,
but sometimes they change 'em.
And you're leaving out the
final step of his process.
What step?
Oh, you with the questions.
What do you think?
He kills his victims.
He didn't just bring us
here to mess with us.
Well, I don't know this guy.
I wasn't involved.
None of us are involved.
I don't know him either,
but you heard the cop.
It's a game to him.
I was just out for a jog.
Arguing isn't going
to help us, ladies.
So, where is this other guy?
The one with all these masks.
[Clown Mask] Yeah,
there's another guy
near the box I was in.
He sounded pretty muffled,
but it sounded like
he was struggling.
So, I don't know, maybe?
[Face Mask] Maybe.
I mean, there's gotta be
a reason we're all here.
(chain rattling)
(tense music)
(camera shutter clicks)
(metal scraping)
Told her I didn't
drink 'em all.
Looks like you could
use on, brother.
All right, what's up?
I'm in trouble, man, and I
didn't know who else to go to.
I got a voicemail at
work this afternoon.
No number, just this message.
I have your fiancee.
Fail to follow my
instructions and she dies.
Go to your car.
You will find an envelope
containing your instructions
taped underneath, but
remember these rules.
No police.
If you attempt to
contact authorities,
your fiancee will die.
If you have not
accomplished your task
when the time runs
out, she dies.
The clock is ticking
and I will be watching.
He's got Olivia, man.
I believe him, man.
He'll kill her.
I don't know what's going on.
Slow down.
Back up.
Take it from the beginning.
Olivia's missing and then
you get the voicemail.
I drive up to
where she always runs
and I don't see her car there.
So, I've just been waiting.
I'm going out of my mind.
And when he said no police,
I didn't want to
take the chance.
But, he's got her, and
he knows where I work,
and he knows my car.
Where are the instructions?
I remember the
name from that case
you worked a while back.
It rang a bell
with me, you know?
Jack Samms.
"Jack Samms out of prison
in exchange for Olivia.
"You will be contacted
with a meeting point.
"Enjoy the pictures".
He wants me to get
Jack Samms out of prison.
Why would he take Olivia
and ask me to do that?
How can I pull that off?
Where are these pictures?
(tense music)
It's like looking
in a mirror, huh?
Gary Kirby and his brother.
What'd you make on
that deal, 200 Gs?
How's that going?
Holly Debriggs.
A million, right?
(laughs) Don't cry.
I guess that's the going
rate to get a mother
to turn on her own son.
This job disgusts me.
The Ulysses Corporation.
That was a genius one.
You got away with
a load of cash,
yet their CEO ends up doing
time for what you did.
I love this mask.
This is my favorite one.
The Oxley kid.
Only you are heartless
enough to take
an 18-year-old for his
entire inheritance.
Of course, there was the
evening with Jack Samms.
That one came back to bite you
in the ass a little, though.
Didn't it?
But yet, here you sit
and Jack Samms sits
in a cell doing time.
Of course, there is
my least favorite job
of all that you pulled.
The skull face that
showed up on my doorstep
a few months ago.
And that is what
we're here to discuss.
Listen, come on, man.
You gotta believe me.
It was all a big mistake.
I can get your money back.
Hell, I'll even double it.
Hey, wait, wait.
Let me make a phone call.
I can get your money
back with interest.
I'll do...
[Face Mask] Trick,
he's gonna kill you
if you don't shut the hell up.
Epperson, is that you?
Oh, thank God you're alive.
Listen, you've
gotta believe me...
That's not what you
called yourself, dude.
That's not how you
introduced yourself to me.
For once, do what someone
tells you and shut up.
Okay, okay.
Listen, I just wanna
talk things through.
No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.
Stop, man.
Come on.
I just wanna talk things
through like men, okay?
[Epperson] Trick.
[Clown Mask]
Dude, just shut up.
He's gonna kill you.
Stop it.
Please, leave him alone.
No, he's not gonna kill us.
You're not gonna
kill us, are you?
No, we haven't seen your face.
Your face is covered.
You keep your face covered
'cause you can get what you want
and you get away free.
You know how I know this?
Because this is my game!
You're not a killer.
You were saying?
(camera shutter clicking)
(Buddy laughing)
And now we know each other.
Man, you gotta talk to me.
It's Olivia.
I can't get this Samms
guy out of prison.
Maybe I could come
up with some money.
Angel, listen to me.
You've gotta tell me
he's not gonna kill her.
I'm going to handle this,
but I'm gonna need to leave.
It's very important
that you stay here
and act like
nothing is going on.
Do not leave the
house, understand?
What are you gonna do?
I'm getting your ESN number.
It's gonna help us find Olivia.
Every call you get,
every call you make,
I'll be able to hear.
Every text, every photo.
What you see, I will see.
Just remember,
he said no cops.
Luckily, I'm
not a cop anymore.
[Woman] Then,
the call came in.
[Bobby] About the finger?
[Woman] Yeah,
about the finger.
[Detective] Let's go.
[Woman] He was a good
detective and a good person.
He helped me get the job here
after I finished the academy.
You keep referring to
him in the past tense.
Habit of the job, I guess.
[Bobby] I guess.
That was the case he
worked on a few years ago.
I had called 911
about a tenant of mine
who had gone missing.
Epperson was one of the cops
who showed up to question me.
He was nice.
Partner was kind of a douche.
Okay, that's one of
our guys out there.
Seems like you
boys only show up...
When you guys can't
get the job done.
And, Officer.
Trust me, I didn't
ask for this case.
(subdued music)
[Man] Yes, the
department recognizes
that the case was closed
over three years ago.
Epperson is a
great investigator.
He's my go to guy, but he
developed a fascination,
I'll call it, with
the Deathstalker case.
[Bobby] As in he believes
the Deathstalker's
still out there?
It wasn't just
the Deathstalker.
Detective Epperson
has found it hard
to let cases go just in general.
So, I've heard.
Now, you talk about Detective
Epperson in the present.
Officer Grant talks about
him in the past tense.
preference, I guess.
I guess.
But, in your
professional opinion,
do you think Detective
Epperson's disappearance
has something to do
with a past case,
or the current case
with the Deathstalker?
hot-off-the-press results.
You're the first.
Good timing.
Agent Church, Ashley Fingerling.
She's our lab rat that
discovered that the fingerprints
on the appendage do, in
fact, belong to Epperson.
Agent Church here
is from the FBI.
They want a full report
on this whole mess.
And I get the irony.
My name is Fingerling and I
worked on a severed finger.
Ha ha.
Is that ironic?
I never seem to be able
to use that word properly.
These are the reports.
Go ahead and give us
the lazy man's version.
I ran it through the usual
and came up with a whole
list of things that shouldn't
be camping out in his system.
Triorthocresyl phosphate,
methocarbamol, dantrolene,
amyl nitrite, which is
an offshoot of halothane,
and botulinum toxin.
It's stuff that can be
bought on the black market
without too much of a hassle.
But, the most interesting component
I found was Ginger Jake.
It's a Jamaican root
extract concoction
that can cause
partial paralysis...
That's full paralysis.
It leaves the cranial and
diaphragm nerves intact
so the victim cannot move, but
can still think and breathe.
It's been found in all the
Deathstalker's victims.
Look, I even circled it.
Of course, we'll
run this up the pole
and check for any contraband.
It looks like Epperson
exhausted all his sources
on this case and I know the
bureau has done the same thing.
So, I doubt you guys are
gonna uncover anything new.
It's amazing what kind of drugs
you can buy online these days.
So, okay.
Detective Epperson's
ex-wife was nice enough
to come down here and talk
to you for your report?
She's saving me
some drive time.
I'm surprised she did.
She's not a big fan
of the department.
Thank you for your time.
Our entire department is
aware of what we're up against
and the likely outcome.
The lab reports
confirmed my suspicions.
I'm not gonna stand in
the way of your reports,
so please don't stand in the
way of us doing our work.
We're just trying
to get out guy back.
You won't even know I'm here.
Are you gonna tell
me what's going on?
I need to check
on a few things.
With a gun?
I need you to stay
here for a few hours.
Paul's in trouble, so is Olivia.
My mom is expecting me.
My stuff is packed
and on the driveway.
Please, I have to go out
and I cannot leave
him here alone.
I really need your help on this.
So, basically you're
not giving me a choice.
Okay, I will give you a
little bit and that's it.
This is for Olivia
and for Paul, not you.
Thank you, I think.
Don't answer any calls
you don't recognize.
Don't let him make any
calls, except to me, okay?
And do not say a
word about this.
Not to your mom, don't discuss
it with that friend I hate,
don't tweet it.
I got it.
Listen, no police.
What is happening?
Are we in danger?
I'm just being cautious.
This is for Paul,
this if for Olivia.
We'll talk about us later.
There's nothing
left to talk about.
She's running
She's running through my veins
She's running
There's a better way
She's always dissing me
She's running
She's running through my veins
Ow, God.
Oh, no.
(metal scraping)
When he jabbed me in the neck
with that syringe, lights out.
[Woman] So, you're
the reason we're here?
Look, I do a thing for money
and I make a few
enemies along the way.
But this guy, we did a
deal a few months back.
I guess he wasn't impressed.
You did a deal?
What he means to
say is that he took
the Deathstalker
for all he's worth
and then crapped all over
his life in the process.
Something like that.
So, you're just a con man.
You're just a thief.
I didn't know he
was who he really is.
If I did, darling,
I wouldn't be here.
Okay, so you and the cop
here, you guys know each other.
Why me?
I haven't been involved
with you or any case.
Yeah, well I don't
know any of you
and I certainly don't have
any money he can take.
Maybe this isn't about money.
Well, maybe it is about money.
You straight up robbed the
guy, but none of us did.
At least I didn't.
Maybe about him
killing all of us now
because you bullied him into
showing us his friggin' face.
You really know how to
pick 'em, don't you, Trick?
Why do you call him Trick?
Because he doesn't
want people to know
his real name is
Herbert Herbert.
(laughs) Yes, laugh.
It might have looked funny
on my birth certificate.
Oh, and by the way, my
last name's pronounced
Hebert if you care.
Yes, Epperson, I get it.
I screwed up, okay?
But, this isn't the first time
I've had one come after me.
You do remember what
happened with Jack.
You don't get this, do you?
This isn't one of
your games, Trick.
He doesn't care about the money.
He's a killer and he's
gonna kill every one of us
unless we figure
out a way out of it.
You're so full of shit.
If you know so much
then why are you here?
You expect us to believe
that you and Prick, Trick,
or whatever the hell,
that you guys ended up
in the exact same room years
later with the same psychopath?
I think there's
more to it then that.
What, then?
I don't know.
I haven't figured it out yet.
I think I know why I'm here
and our cop boy
Epperson might be here
because he was tracking this guy
and it just so happens
that we have history.
So, as it was, two
birds one stone.
If we can just figure out
what you people are doing here
then maybe we find a way
out of this together.
Frances Gussley.
Call me Gus.
I haven't been called
Frances since middle school.
Gus it is then.
Special agent Bobby Church.
We spoke earlier today.
I want to say I appreciate
you coming down here
given it's a
time-sensitive matter.
It's really helpful.
Have you seen it?
The finger.
So, they told you
what they found?
I've been on the
bench for two years.
I have a few connections.
Yeah, I understand that.
And no, I have not seen it,
but I have read the
toxicology report and...
I haven't talked
to him in four weeks.
That's what you
want to know, right?
I had to put Penny
down, the cat.
I thought he should
know, you know?
We rescued her together.
Has he mentioned
anything to you
that maybe seemed unusual?
I don't even know
what that would mean.
Yeah, he was irritated.
But, he always seemed
irritated when we spoke
after the split.
Was it a messy divorce?
I don't know why
that's relevant.
I have to look at
all the possibilities.
It's my job.
You know that I've been
asked all of these questions
by his department, don't you?
Why are you from another
field office, by the way?
I was married to a
cop for four years
and in the DA's office
before the bench.
I know a little
bit about protocol.
I get it, but you
gotta understand.
Your ex-husband hasn't
missed a day of work in years
and now, suddenly, he's
not heard from in two days.
Given the recent discovery.
His finger.
Given that, and his involvement
in high-profile cases,
they asked me to come
down here and help out
an understaffed division
for a couple of days.
Like I said, that's my job.
I understand.
You have a job to do,
but I'm afraid that's all
you're going to get out of me.
We speak every few months.
That's about it.
I know very little about
his life these days.
It's not like him to disappear,
but then he wouldn't
share with me his plans
or anything that he
was working on, either.
He's obviously gotten himself
into some kind of trouble.
His job tends to do that.
Some men hit the bottle,
others bang their secretary.
David's downfall
was always his work.
There was a fugitive that
got away a few years ago
and he's still
obsessed about that.
And then the Deathstalker
case came around
and it was his case.
A big one.
And the FBI took
it away from him.
And you took our
marriage away with it.
I'm an actress.
I've done a few commercials,
some small films.
In between jobs.
My parents help me out.
I'm a graduate student.
Getting my masters
in foreign relations
and I just got engaged.
Well, you know what I do.
What I did.
Okay, Trick and I aside,
for the rest of you it
may not be that simple.
You have to think who, or what,
are your friends and
family connected to.
Who have you, or they, been
involved with in the past.
That's where the
answers will be.
(tense music)
Ginger Jake.
[Epperson] You wanna grab
some ceiling there, pal?
So, that's your plan?
You're gonna shoot
a federal agent.
That's the bluff
you're gonna go with?
I'm gonna go for my badge.
Don't get any finger spasms.
No, that bullshit
doesn't work with me.
Hands behind.
Now, I don't want to
shoot you, but I will.
Who are you?
Sally, come on.
Sally, come on.
Come get your food.
Where you at, ho?
(whistles) Sally.
What, did you run away?
What the shit, man?
These are $900
shoes, you psycho.
My dad's gonna hear about this
and you're gonna be gone, man.
You're going to
freaking prison forever.
What are you going
to do with that?
Yo, dude.
I don't even live here, man.
This isn't my place.
Listen, I can pay, all right?
My dad's a big
frickin' lawyer, man.
He could get you
whatever you want.
He can get you anything.
Listen, listen.
Don't do that.
Put it down.
I don't even live here, man.
Put it down!
(electricity zapping)
(glass clinking)
What was that?
What did he draw?
What did he draw?
Guys, come on.
What did he draw?
You can't be serious right now.
A bullseye.
He drew a bullseye.
Why me?
Why am I the only
one who gets it?
We don't know what it means.
We know exactly what it means.
It means that I'm a dead man.
I'm dead, I'm gonna die here.
Look at the numbers.
Look at the levels in the jars.
Let's put this
together right now.
Don't you get it?
When my parents don't
pay Goliath out there,
he's gonna come in here
and he's gonna kill me
and then he's gonna go
down the line one by one.
Number by number.
What do you mean when
your parents don't pay?
I thought you said you
didn't know this guy.
I don't know him.
But guess what, I'm not
some cop who gets caught
and I'm not some chick
who's out for a jog.
You wanna know what
I bring to the table?
My parents are filthy rich.
Boom, that's what I
bring to the table, okay?
So, then why hasn't
he made any demands.
Why hasn't he...
I don't know, simpleton.
Since you're the one with
the bullseye on your face,
I suggest you start
thinking this through
with the rest of us and stop
acting like such an asshole.
That's why he's
taking pictures of us.
He's using the same game I did.
By now he's already
contacted your parents,
your husbands, your
lovers, whatever.
And they're all
scrambling to pay him.
If it is your parents, rest
assured he's already contacted
them and squeezed them into
giving him a bagful of cash.
Trust me, I know how this works.
Except your game was bullshit.
He's not bluffing.
At least we're not in one
of those wooden coffins.
If we don't figure this
out, this will be our coffin.
I'm number two.
Does that mean I'm next?
[Scott] I saw Epperson in
the pictures, so, like you,
I came here hoping
I'd find something
to point me in the
right direction.
Well, Detective Epperson
seems to be holding
up considering.
He and I, we haven't talked
in two, maybe three years.
I needed something to go on.
Olivia, her fiancee, Paul.
We're good friends.
Go way back.
So, let me get this straight.
You know two of these
hostages that are here.
There's more.
Him, what?
He went by the name of
Trick when Epperson and I
first came across
him a few years ago.
He's actually the catalyst
that made Jack Samms
do what he did.
So, what do Olivia
and her fiancee
have to do with Jack Samms?
Nothing that I know of.
But, I'll tell you
something with Trick.
There's definitely more to
this than what we're seeing.
They look like rag dolls.
This Ginger Jake
stuff is no joke.
What do you know about
this Deathstalker thing?
I was long gone before then.
Well, I'm gonna
get my guy on it,
see if he can't
source where this...
No, come on.
I heard the message myself.
He was very clear with Paul.
No cops.
You give this to your person,
who knows what he's gonna do
to Olivia and to Epperson.
So, your guy, he
can find this source?
He's a she.
She's good.
Been doing jobs for me
over the years off and on.
The way I see it, nobody's
gonna put a proper trace
on this thing for a while.
So, my girl, she'll take
a look at the pictures,
she'll see what
we're not seeing.
She works under the radar.
I just need some time, Agent.
Well, my job was to
find Detective Epperson
and then report back.
I gotta do what I gotta do,
but I'm gonna give
you some more time.
I'm gonna give it to
you because I want to,
not because I owe you.
[Scott] I'll take it.
I felt a tingle in my hands
last night when Sasquatch
was changing the
juice in these tubes.
So, you could move?
I don't know, maybe.
I felt my hands tingle.
Seriously, how long
can this stuff last?
Come on.
How much of this crap
can he possibly have?
He only has so much in
each canister for a reason.
I'll wait it out while you
guys figure out a reason.
Never mind the
target on my face.
What is this stuff?
I'm not sure if
it's the same thing,
but the Deathstalker used,
like, a cocktail of different
paralyzing agents and,
like the scorpion,
it'll render his
victims motionless.
They could still breathe while.
While what?
While he tortures
and kills his victims.
That's what.
Hey, Epperson.
I've been wondering.
How' did you get roped
into this and not Scott?
I don't know.
I heard he quit and
joined the private sector.
We haven't exactly
kept in touch.
Did you say Scott?
[Epperson] Yeah.
Not Brian Scott.
He was a detective
and he's in private
investigation and security.
Yeah, that's exactly
who I'm talking about.
We know him.
He's a friend of my fiancee's.
We live right down
the street from him.
You're kidding?
No, he's a friend.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
I can't.
Help me!
Help me!
Stop, dude.
Don't you tell me to stop.
I have a ticking
time bomb on my face
and that ball's about to drop.
(suspenseful music)
What is she doing?
What are you doing?
Be steady with that, girl.
You see what she's
doing, Epperson?
Let her concentrate.
(bell ringing)
(kids chattering)
I hate you.
Your mom even hates you.
Shut up.
[Girl] What a freak.
And you're so dumb.
[Buddy] I'm not
listening to you.
[Girl] You're so pathetic.
I'm not listening.
He peed his pants.
[Buddy] Shut up.
Shut up.
So stupid.
No, I'm not.
Stand up, you loser.
I'm not listening to you.
So ugly.
So pathetic.
I gave you choices.
I gave you time.
Your nose is so big.
Do not interrupt me.
Doesn't he stink?
You'll regret this.
Easy, easy.
Come on.
Am I close?
You're close, just don't rush.
You can rush a little.
No, no, down.
Yeah, down like
another quarter inch.
Just from under the right.
Hook it now.
Damn it.
Are you seriously unable
to shut your mouth
for one second?
Can all of you just shut
up while I concentrate?
(breathing heavily)
(slow jazz music)
[Woman] You sure
you don't want a beer?
I'm good.
Suit yourself, player.
So, whatcha got for me?
I know you got more
than this for me.
You know I do.
There's a lot more
where this came from
as soon as you get
me what I need, okay?
[Woman] Okay.
I just gave you an ESN
number for a cell phone.
It's getting pictures,
texts, calls.
Go over every picture
frame by frame.
All right.
All right, I'm in.
What's my deadline?
Deadline is we need it ASAP.
For an assistant,
he sure do act like
he's wearing daddy shoes.
We don't have time for this.
You know me.
Would I show up if this
thing weren't important?
I'm good for it
and you know that.
Ain't too sure about your
pissant assistant though.
It listens.
You got it trained.
All right, well.
This is some shambollock
stuff going on here.
Tell you right now,
they've got several
rerouting programs working.
GPS is bouncing 50
miles at a time.
It's gonna take me about
a hot minute, or two,
to figure out where
this is coming from.
A hot minute?
I'm assuming you mean what?
It's time we don't have.
All right, give me some space.
I'll go through your
little picture program.
Plus, I do not need
that yapping at my ear.
(door opens)
Don't do it.
No, no.
No, no.
No, no.
(gun fires)
No, no.
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, no.
(Olivia crying)
(breathing heavily)
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, I'm next.
I contacted Zeller.
Epperson's car hasn't
been located yet.
Yeah, well, it's still
too early for that anyway.
And I spoke to Gussley again.
She said she had no idea
where her ex-husband
might set up some
kind of meeting point,
but she also said most likely
he wouldn't choose a spot.
So, no go on that one.
So, you talked to Gus.
What else does she have to say?
Oh, God.
Slide it.
Slide it toward your neck.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, I'm next.
Oh God, oh God, oh God.
Olivia, try to
keep it down, okay?
Oh God, oh God, oh God.
(keypad beeping)
(cell phone vibrating)
Do you see what happens
when instructions
are not followed?
Olivia will be next.
You've got 30 minutes to
meet me with Jack Samms
or Olivia will die.
Wait, wait, wait.
What do I...
[Buddy On Phone] 30 minutes.
Talk to me, man.
Paul, listen.
You heard what he said, man.
He's gonna kill her.
That she's next.
I'm with people right
now we are working on it.
What do I do in 30 minutes?
[Brian On Phone]
We're getting close.
What am I supposed to do?
I can't be without her, man.
I know.
If you can't
find this location.
[Woman] I'll find it.
We need Jack Samms.
Yeah, give it a try.
You got it.
There it is.
Yes, girl.
That's how you do it.
Did she get it?
Yeah, I got it.
You can start kissing my ass
as soon as we're out of here.
Give it a few minutes.
If it works, you should
get some movement.
If any of you are religious,
now's the time to start praying.
(tense music)
Anything yet?
(door opens)
[Olivia] (gasps) Oh, God.
(glass clinking)
Almost time.
(Olivia crying)
(camera shutter clicks)
(suspenseful music)
(breathing heavily)
You did it.
(bell ringing)
(kids chattering)
(metal scraping)
(phone ringing)
[Buddy] Buddy.
[Wendy On Phone] Buddy?
It's Wendy.
Are you at the shop?
[Buddy] Yeah, I was
just gonna leave though.
[Wendy On Phone] Cool.
Listen to this.
My sister and her family all
got the flu, or something,
so I had to cut
my weekend short.
I'm stag tonight, so I
thought I'd come down
and roll up my sleeves.
To help out, keep you company.
[Buddy] Yeah, Wendy.
[Wendy On Phone]
Maybe have some beers.
I think I need to take
a rain check on that.
Shut up.
I really gotta get stuff.
[Wendy On Phone] Buddy,
you're breaking up.
Hey, I'll just swing by, okay?
I'll see you when I get there.
Keep you company.
I'll see you when I get there.
Maybe have some beers.
Company, company, company.
Keep you company.
Maybe have some beers.
I'll see you when I get there.
(alarm buzzing)
Hey, Gus.
Is he still alive?
He is, but there's
very little time.
The only demand we've gotten
is the reason why we're here
and we are running
out of options.
It's done.
He's got four hours till he
turns back into a pumpkin.
Marshal Philips is a
personal friend of mine
and is doing me a favor.
So, Samms stays with him in
his custody the whole time.
Do you understand?
They're processing him now.
If anything goes wrong,
I lose the bench and I'll
end up in there myself.
Don't mess this up.
We have no other choice.
I quit.
Bought a pack.
Thought maybe you were
still living the good life.
You don't owe me for it, but
totally would've been my treat.
They'll be
bringing him through
the side access here
in a few minutes.
Stay in this lot.
Finish this and
have Samms back here
before the assistant
warden starts sifting
through the paperwork
I've just signed.
Not too many people
like you, do they?
Your head's too square.
It's weird.
Buddy, hello?
What's going on here?
Help us.
We need help.
Where's Buddy?
Listen, my name is
Detective David Epperson.
[Olivia] We're going crazy.
Would you listen?
Listen to me.
You need to help us.
You need to leave.
Leave this building right now.
Call 911.
He's dead.
Wait, wait, wait.
I gotta get Buddy.
I gotta get Buddy.
Watch out behind you.
Get off me.
Let me, Buddy!
[Epperson] Son of a bitch.
Stop, stop!
(Wendy yells)
[Epperson] Stop!
[Buddy] You were
supposed to be number four.
Get away from me.
[Olivia] (crying) Please.
(door closes)
Not anymore.
Sorry to hear that.
Don't suppose
you know anything
about what's going
on tonight, do ya?
Not a clue.
Deputy Marshal Philips.
Special Agent Bobby Church.
[Philips] Pleasure.
This is ex-Detective Scott.
Ex huh?
Kind of makes me
sound unaccomplished
when you say it
that way, Church.
Thank you.
Look, you're clock's
already running.
Is this the car you'll be
using for the transport?
And we're using him
as a bargaining chip.
I'm honored.
We're just gonna drive
him around a little bit.
We'll get him right back.
Watch your head.
(cell phone ringing)
How much do you love me?
Depends, babe.
What you got for me?
I went through your
little picture show.
Not much to go on.
You know, IVs,
tubes, the finger.
You know, kidnapping stuff.
So, you got nothing.
Hold on, pissant.
You know, that mouth of yours.
I got a license plate.
Your little
girlfriend, Epperson.
Every picture, his
eyes were averted.
It was weird.
I mean, every picture he's
looking away, he's nodding.
Even my brother
who had Tourette's
that would've been
strange for him.
He was looking at the glass.
There's something reflected
in the glass jars.
I zoom in, I get
a license plate.
And yes, I already ran it.
Because I am the
shit, that's why.
The shit dot com, dot
net, dot org, all right?
Dot edu.
It is registered to a
one Budford A. Sizemore.
Now, let me ask y'all something.
Who would name
their child Budford?
Loretta, we don't
have any time for...
I'm assuming you
have an address for us.
Yes, I got an address,
but he is not
keeping them people
in that little studio apartment
that he's got listed on
his driver's license.
I'm guessing, he's got
'em at his workplace
because he works at a warehouse.
It's a holiday weekend.
So, the place would be empty.
I'm gonna send
you that address.
Stand by.
I told you she was good.
I am the shit. (laughs)
(tense music)
Paul, we found Olivia.
We're on the way now.
(laughs) Exciting.
[Bobby] Let's Big
Bad Wolf this asshole.
Do not leave him alone.
[Philips] I got my orders.
No security cameras.
We could surprise him.
[Bobby] FBI!
[Scott] Epperson.
[Epperson] We're back here.
[Bobby] Show us your hands!
[Scott] He's unarmed.
[Bobby] Stay down!
I need an APB on Jack Samms.
Jack Samms.
I need a forensic team on site.
Four victims deceased.
I have three missing.
She's dead.
[Scott] Where's Olivia?
[Epperson] They're both dead.
[Scott] Where is Olivia?
[Epperson] Get me out of this.
One police officer
in stable condition.
We're in route to the hospital.
You saw the license plate.
What happened in there?
(metal scraping)
[Olivia] Oh, no, no.
Looks like your plan's
not going so well.
Not gonna get any better.
Why don't you get that
lady out of that box
and we'll figure
out how to end this.
I don't know how I missed it.
Yeah, I think
that's a great idea.
To end this.
I never liked needles.
I guess that's why
I didn't have any.
You son of a bitch!
Ah, don't be mad, Epperson.
It wasn't me that
cut your finger off.
I didn't cut your finger off
because I'm not about that.
I'm not into violence, but
apparently my friend here is.
Big man panicked, shot the
kid, stomped that poor woman.
I don't know.
She was just in the wrong
place at the wrong time.
Young girl, Nicole,
she actually got free
and made a run for it,
but didn't make it.
Sorry about that.
I had to improvise a little.
Yeah, it's all right.
I'm pretty good at
improvising myself.
(gun fires)
No one dies!
No one dies!
I told him that,
Epperson, but he failed.
So, he pays the price.
I'm really sorry about
your finger, man.
[Epperson] Where
are you taking her?
[Trick] God damn it.
Come back!
He was running the
show the whole time.
I don't know how I missed it.
Took the truck.
Grabbed that girl, Olivia,
and put her in the
wooden box, took off.
I can't believe he
did this to us again.
(tires squealing)
So, Epperson comes
back in a couple of days.
Yeah, well I'm on the
next train out of here.
This came over for you.
Some more craziness
about that case.
I want a piece of the action
when you get a book
deal off of this.
If you ever find
Trick or Jack Samms,
I'll write that book for free.
Good luck finding that girl.
(cell phone ringing)
Thought I'd save
you the effort
and dial the phone for you.
Yeah, well I still
got a finger for you.
Not that I give a
damn, but you okay?
Yeah, I'll live.
How's the fiancee doing?
Not holding out hope.
Putting a lot on my shoulders.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
Well, like I said,
we'll let you know.
But, you know Jack and
Trick, they're in the wind.
Okay, let me know the word.
And Epperson?
The guy sends you a message
and claims to know
Jack the Ripper,
maybe don't follow that one up.
(laughs) Will do.
Hey, how's the
niece, by the way?
My fiancee's niece.
[Scott] Niece?
Yeah, Paul's niece, Haley.
The one staying with them.
I don't know.
Olivia said something
about Buddy kidnapping her,
but I figured it was
all part of the bluff.
Paul doesn't have a niece.
[Malone On Phone] Agent
Church, it's Malone.
Happy to get you back next week.
Sounds like you had exactly
the vacation you wanted.
Anyway, I don't know if
you're still over there,
but I faxed over a few
things to add to the file
when you hand in the report.
I guess some of Shawn
Justice's family
has been trying to get all
that money from the account
he shared with Rona Samms.
Looks like they got lucky.
The judge just allowed the
funds released to them today.
Rona Samms being a ghost
for five years and all.
Anyway, I've got a couple
agents looking into it.
See if there's anything there.
Sent you their IDs if you
want something to read.
(tense music)
Hello, Rona.
How did you?
I got out.
I guess you don't
watch the news.
In the joint, all
you have is time.
Time to think.
And all you need is one
thing, just one thing,
to get you through.
Through those dark nights.
You know what I had?
I had you.
I thought about you
every hour of every day.
Jack, the money.
The money?
That's nothing.
I moved around a few
things while I was inside.
I still have my old stocks.
Now, Trick, he could never
resist that kind of money
and I couldn't resist
seeing you finally pay up
for your sins.
He and I have been working
on this a long, long time.
I throw him a bunch of
dough, he gets me out.
Luckily, he knows
where to find you.
So, here I am.
And so the clock begins.
Yes, it does.
[Malone On Phone]
Sent you their IDs
if you want something to read.
(suspenseful music)
All this time, Jack.
All this time Trick had you
believing that he had a plan
to get you out of prison
so you could finally
take your revenge on me.
What did you think?
That you could just
throw money at him again
and this time you'd
get a different result?
My god, Jack.
You were so blinded by your
desperate need for revenge
you couldn't see
clearly the reality.
(both laughing)
I wanted you out.
Shawn's sister wanted you out.
So, here we are.
(grunts) Son of a bitch.
[Trick On Tape] Hello, Jack.
Hi, Rona.
I know the air in your
coffins is probably
getting pretty thin,
so I'll be brief.
Look, I had fun planning
this whole thing
with the two of you,
even though your respective
plans were not really the plan.
That FBI thing could've
really changed the game,
but Olivia, she's as sharp
as a, well, a coffin nail.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
She had it all covered
from every angle
and does she ever hold a grudge.
Guess she holds you both
responsible for Sharon's death.
Couldn't let it go.
And me?
Well, money's money.
But even better, I'm always
up for a good performance.
I know things got a
little out of whack.
I had no intention for that ogre
to start opening fire on people,
but he just wasn't
really a thinker.
Not like us.
Although, he did
serve his purpose.
I do feel bad about him
killing our randoms.
They seemed like okay people.
Under different circumstances,
I think we all would've
made a great team.
Oh, well.
You put people in a
situation and they react.
And what a situation it was.
Goodbye, you two.
I recommend shallow breaths.
Maybe our cop friends
and their new FBI pal
will find you in time.
Then again, they always seem
to be a step, or two, behind.
And you did kind of screw
them over, too. (laughs)
Perhaps, it's just
best to settle in.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Tick-tock. (laughing)
(mid-tempo rock music)
Struck by a look from
a girl in the corner
Contrasting colors it's
luck that I noticed at all
Her confession of
a love for a sailor
Is this interest
needs me to stand nearer
With my back to her I
watch through the mirror
Her friends say
hello and goodbye
Vodka water gives
lashes and eyes
While we stand together
alone side by side
Go force ahead
She know how she moves
I'm the devil now inside her
She's the angel
with black nail paint
The angel with
black nail paint
(uptempo rock music)
She's the wind that's
scraping in my ear
She's the glitter flake
she's cold and bitter
She's a white-hot
coal burning in my head
She's the planet
spinning out of reach
She's a planet
spinning out of reach
She's a long dark
tunnel through what's sane
Like a teardrop
falling across machines
She's shot cut glass
slicing deep and slow
You think she's
pure like virgin snow
You think she's
pure like virgin snow
She's running
She's running through my veins
She's running
She's running through my veins
She's running
She's running through my veins
She's running
She's running through my veins
She's running
(ominous music)