Coffin, The (2008)

This story is inspired by a trueThai
ritual, "Non Loeng Sadorcro" which
literally means: "Lie in Coffin, to rid
of bad luck and prolong life."
This is perhap's as close as
anyone can get to death.
I'm lying in the coffin...
a funeral is being performed on me.
But I am not dead!
Just following a secular custom
practised only in Thailand.
It's believed to help one cheat death,
and get rid of bad luck.
Many find it hard to believe.
But I do...
and I'm not the only one!
In a province in
Central Thailand this morning
thousands of people turns out
to go through a bizarre ritual
called "Non Loeng Sadorcro"
literally translated as
'Sleep in coffin to get
rid of bad luck.'
After the monks had chanted,
I can feel...
bad karma leaving my body...
when I got out of the coffin,
I felt I've been given
a new leash of life.
My daughter was in a coma.
So I wrote her name
on a piece of paper,
and prayed for her when
I was in the coffin.
One week later,
she came out of the coma.
Even the doctor's
said it's a miracle.
My mother had liver cancer,
we tried all the different
treatments but they didn't work.
So we brought her
to go to this ritual.
She had a spontaneous
remission after that.
The organisers expected the crowd
to reach as much as 10 thousand,
before the end of this
making it the biggest mass
funeral for the living
the world has ever seen.
And this event has
already made it's way
into the Guiness Book of World record.
When r u coming back to Hong Kong?
Everyone is panicking! They can't
have a wedding without the bride!!
Everyone please come this
way and choose your coffin!
Don't worry, there's enough for everyone.
Those who want to donate a
coffin, please come this way.
All of your bad luck will be gone! And the
coffins we use today are brand new...
Please free your mind, and think
about the principle of Buddhism.
Lay down!Turn your head to
the West where the sun sets!
and listen to the monks
preaching about death.
Now, I'd like to inform once
again to the team workers:
Please do not touch the coffin...
Cause it'll bring bad omens
to the person lying inside.
Close your eyes...
You hate it?
How can you make that
look so...
I take that as a compliment.
One.. Two.. Three... contact!
There's no pulse?
And no blood pressure.
His pulse is back...
below 98.
How long did his heart stopped?
- You sure?
- Sure.
What happened?
Why am I here?
You became sick during the ceremony.
You heart stopped beating, so
we brought you to the hospital.
But you seem alright now.
The burial ceremony?
Please stay calm.
Don't get up now...
Please don't get up now...
Jack is very stressed! He thinks
you've changed your mind. Have u?
Don't be a runaway bride pls.
Wedding is next week! Call me!!
Do you feel better?
You look half dead.
How do you know I was here?
In emergency like this,
they usually call your best friend's.
Is there a last dialled
number on my phone?
Can you be this smart
when you're sick?
How're you feeling?
I am alright.
what the doctor say?
Major case of claustrophobia,
sensory depravation trivials,
vivid hallucination...
which in turn lead
to psychotic behaviour.
The last bit is my own analysis.
I didn't know you believe
in such ritual.
You did it for Mariko, right?
I--I just did what I
had to do...
you don't have anything to lose.
You must stop that and
take on your life.
there're cute one's
outside the waiting booth.
I'll get one of then to
heat up the foods,
and give you an injection.
Your dinner's been heated up.
Are you okay?
Sue, I think I need some
help over here.
Do I look like a groom now?
You can't even put on a tie properly.
That's why you must marry me.
To help you put on your tie?
- Uh-hum!
- Here you go.
Why did you say yes?
I don't know, I was drunk!
Come on, tell me one good reason.
Because your father is filthy rich.
That's not a good reason.
Because you're good in bed.
That's even worse.
Because you need someone to
take good care of you.
Sue, how're you feeling?
I was worried sick.
Nan, how come you're here?
They call me at the university. They
found my name card in your wallet.
Why didn't you let me know
you were coming to Thailand?
I'm sorry, it was a
last minute thing.
Sue, as long as I know you,
You've never been a last
minute thing kind of person.
Sawasdee ka doctor.
Sawasdee khrap.
How're you feeling, Miss Wong?
It hurts.
You are very lucky.
We were afraid your rib might've
been broken and puncture your lung.
But I've checked all the films,
you're fine.
It's just a bruise, not to worry.
It wouldn't have matter anyway.
What do you mean?
Doctor, didn't you see those cancer cells
in my lung when you did the x-ray?
You have cancer?
There's nothing wrong
with your lung, Miss Wong.
Now, you just have to rest, okay?
Sue, I don't understand.
What is this?
Why didn't you tell me anything?
What happened to this patient?
Oh, we transfer her to room 406,
she awaken last night.
It is at the end of the hallway.
Thanks, thank you...
Make yourself at home, okay.
I still can't believe why the
cancer's all gone.
It's probably gonna be back in my
lung tomorrow when I wake up.
It won't.
You're really such a lucky girl, remember.
Listen all you gotta do is
go back to Hong Kong.
and be a good wife to that lucky man.
Take care of your flight for you tomorrow.
Thanks mum.
Jack!!'re here.
When did you get here?
I'm sorry!
I should have told you.
Did Nan call you?
When did you come?
I missed you so much.
I know... miss you.
Yes, Joanne?
I'm fine!
Don't worry about me, Jack's here.
Everything's okay,
I'm gonna tell him...
What're you talking about?
He's right here beside me.
Look I--I, Joanne, I'm gonna've
to call you back, okay.
Is everything alright?
I'm just gonna go look for Nan.
I'm sorry.
No, it's Joanne.
Jack was in an accident.
He's dead, Sue.
I'm so sorry.
Jack is in the bedroom.
There is nobody there.
Sue what is it,
there's nobody there, right?
Yes, nobody.
I thought I was going to lose you.
I am here...
alive and well.
It's so nice up here.
We can always come
back for the honeymoon.
I'm sorry...
A little presumption.
No... you're not.
You mean...?
Are you sure?
You mean you are not?
I am but....
Like you always say that I can
do my painting in Thailand.
Don't worry, I won't fall into a comatose.
You can be in a coma as
many times as you want.
I mean--
I didn't mean it that way.
Thank you for always taking care of me.
It's getting chilly, let's go inside.
No, I want to stay out
here and see the sunset.
Okay, I'll get you something to wear.
- No--no!
- What happened?
What's wrong with you...
Mariko... I'm here with you.
How's she doing?
Still shaken.
That's why I want to spent
more time with her.
You know Chris...
we come into this world lying,
and it's best we leave it lying too.
It is the same woman.
The woman I saw...
Is the same woman Mariko saw.
How is that possible?
I also don't understand.
Do you know who she is?
Maybe the coffin you laid in was hers.
Not possible,
The coffins were new.
You sure they used new ones?
Thai Temples - North East Thailand
'Wat Dhammajakdaram'
Professor Tananchai,
thank you for taking the time
to see me and my friend's today.
You're welcome!
I'm really sorry to hear about your fiance.
Thank you.
Professor Tananchai has been
conducting research,
in cases of people
who've met with strange
incident after their coffin ritual.
I am not an expert.
I just got personally interested
after the death of my best friend.
What happen to him?
This was taken less than an hour
before Joe drown.
We were on holiday together,
after we graduated.
Joe and I were competing who
would make it to the shore first.
Just to impress the girls, you know.
Both of us were in the
university swimming team,
he was trailing behind me.
And then--
... he's gone.
At Joe's funeral, his mother was
the only one who did not shed a tear.
After his body was cremated...
she finally confided in me,
and told me why.
I cause the death of my son.
I found out I had stomach cancer.
But I didn't tell anyone in my family.
I didn't want to worry them.
The doctor said it was terminal,
and I don't have long to live.
Later someone told me...
about the coffin ceremony.
I didn't believe in these things.
But then I thought, why not?
That is when I went to the ceremony.
When death is right in front of you...
you try to evade it.
After the coffin ceremony,
I did not feel any difference.
But the doctor told me...
my stomach cancer is gone.
How do you explain,
this and Joe's death...
Is there any relation?
Joe died on the same day that the doctor
told me the news.
The doctor told me...
that my cancer is gone.
You have to know...
you cannot escape retribution and bad luck.
You can only pass it on to your loved ones.
Please mommy, everything is fine now!
Did you just see?
What is it?
Just now!
'Wat Dhammajakdaram'
Hush my baby and do not cry...
My baby!
Give me back my child!
Give me back my child...
Hey, are you alright?
Have you been able to
determine wether--
there's any links between the ritual
and the strange event's that follow?
All I could do is to collect
irrefutable medical data,
recorded actual cases
that had happened.
Surachai Chuchart... 43.
went into the coffin with colon cancer--
on the 17 of July 2004.
Experience spontaneous
regression in less than a week.
No further record of mishap.
Sukhontha Glin-ngam... 67,
went to ritual on the
Heart problem markedly
improve within days.
Grand-daughter had a bad fall,
just about the same time.
Had any of the cases encountered,
paranormal experiences after the ritual?
There was only one.
It happened 5 years ago.
But I'm not allowed to tell
you more about the case,
without the subject's prior permission.
Why did you go into forbidden area?
I saw a woman entering the area.
No females are kept in here!
So it must be a lady ghost!!
Why do you look so pale?
Nothing... nothing of importance.
How long have you been a grave caredigger?
Even before you were born!
Taking care of the dead...
makes me treasure my life.
How many bodies have you cremated?
Did you cremate a woman and child recently?
You want me to get you on a
flight back to Hong Kong tomorrow?
Isn't this's like our
university day?
Me drying your hair...
sleeping in the same room.
Having instant noodles.
Wearing the same clothes.
Missing the same classes.
Sharing the same boyfriend.
I'm so sorry Sue,
how insensitive of me.
It's alright!
I mean...
my father died of cancer.
So I was determined not
to end up like him.
I eat well...
I take good care of my health.
I do exercise...
I even become a dietician
so that I could advise other people
on how to eat and live well.
You are well now.
Yeah.... but Jack is not.
Jack's gone.
He's gone and it's all
because of me.
Don't say that.
When I was in the coffin,
I was actually thinking--
why could it be Jack!
He smokes all the times.
Why couldn't it be Jack?
It's so unfair.
I am so sorry.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Tell you what--
I better go with you to
Hong Kong tomorrow.
Thank you.
My pleasure!
I'm just going to get dressed.
You can take whatever
you want from the closet.
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
I have to see Professor Tananchai again.
'Wat Dhammajakdaram'
I've cremated a lot of bodies...
never met with anything unusual.
None we could not burn.
But there still are some preparation problems.
Like the furnace door that is stuck,
and the burner could not lit.
Or the coffin kept shifting.
Then we bury them here.
They should be waiting for you.
No!!! Chris?
What should I do now?
You lie in the coffin once more.
It's because of death that you're able to live.
You shouldn't wait until a loved
one's death, to realize your own life.
Death is not death,
as you can see life.
Death before dying, is death that will never die.
Sawasdee khrap.
How are you, Chris?
I am well.
This is Nan.
- Sawasdee ka.
- Sawasdee khrap.
And Sue.
Professor Tananchai told me about your lost.
I'm sorry.
Chris, why did all this things happen?
The wheel is spinning--
I guess because we distrupted it.
And how did you fix it?
I didn't!
Mariko went into a coma,
same night I found May's body.
She never came back.
She died 5 years ago.
I'm sorry, Chris--
I didn't know.
It's okay.
You know, my parents died
when I was really young.
And the idea of people leaving me,
had always scared me
more than my own death.
I'm sorry...
I guess I'm not much help too.
Yes you are!
I am sorry, May.
If I had known I will harm the both of you.
I would not have joined the coffin ceremony.
It's not Mariko's fault.
He could have been a good man.
When I got home...
the house was on fire.
I wanted to save him.
But I failed to do.
You left me because of him?
If he was your child,
I would have stayed behind.
I am sorry.
I'm going to miss you.
Me too!
I have to leave now.
Will we meet again?
I had a relasped of cancer,
a few weeks after I went
into the coffin a second time.
Since that day,
I never saw Jack again.
I have been going for
chemotherapy for awhile now.
It's not the best thing
that could've happen but er--
--I guess the wheel's spinning,
and I don't want to interrupt it!
Do I look like your groom yet?