Col cuore in gola (Deadly Sweet) (1967)

Pop, the 12th one.
- May I open?
- Open.
Is he your husband, madam?
Ok, Pop.
He died instantly,
miss Burroughs.
By a concussion.
So far there's no trace
of the car running down him.
Deadly Sweet
Hey Bernard, how do you do?
Ah, you're looking at
Jane Burroughs, aren't you?
Forget her.
Her father has just passed away.
That one is Jerome, her brother.
They are consoling themselves
Damn, what a bedlam!
Shall we dance too, will you?
They have it in just for me, I don't
understand. They are unbearable.
What's the matter with you?
Forget them, don't care about them.
A happy family, isn't it?
He's the mother's consolation.
Leris, an art dealer.
This is what he uses to say
about himself at least.
Dunno, let's forget that.
And you, what are you doing
here alone?
Well, bye, keep in touch
if you wish.
- Thank you, would you like to sit
down, darling? - No. - Please...
Let's go, come.
- Take it into my account.
- What?
Note down.
I'm sorry, your account
has been closed.
It's a Mr. Prescott's
order. I'm sorry.
Understood, I understood.
It wasn't me to do that.
It wasn't me to do that.
That car, there!
Qu'est-ce que c'est ton nom?
Wie heisst du?
Cmo te llamas?
Pos onomate es?
What's your name?
- What?
- Jane.
Ah, my name's Tarzan.
So, Jane, where are we going?
What did you do inside
that room?
I saw you left the club.
Why did you come back there?
Why did you go up to
Was he your lover?
Jane! Move, come on,
don't be childish.
About you and him
I don't give a damn.
If I'm asking you for it, it's
just for helping you out. Come on.
Move, come on.
Let's go, come.
As soon as Martha entered
the club together with Leris,
I was beside myself
with rage.
I went out to give vent
to my feelings.
And when I came back
I went up to Prescott's...
and he was there, lying down
the floor.
- Just like you saw him too.
Do you believe me? - Sure.
Yes, yes, and your brother?
Jerome, he went out together
with you, didn't he?
No, I don't know where
he went. Why?
But why did you go up
to Prescott's?
Because he was waiting for me. It has
been a week since daddy has passed away.
Swept away by a car.
Everybody said
it was an accident.
But I don't believe it.
I know exactly Prescott tried
to blackmail my daddy.
Ah, a blackmail.
And why?
- What did he do?
- Daddy?
Nothing at all.
He was a formidable man.
Immaculate, honest, even a guy a bit of
the old stamp but unable to do evil at all.
No, in case it's Martha.
Prescott had a strange picture
of his.
He wanted to use it
to compromise daddy.
This woman was so beautiful
that she was scaring me.
Oh, Bernard!
I'm explaining to you how things are
and you aren't even listening to me?
- So, did you understand?
- It's a very simple story.
Who killed Prescott
has stolen Jerome's picture too.
Or, if you prefer, who stole
Jerome's picture
has killed Prescott.
But why? Who?
Unless that picture was
somewhere else instead.
What are you doing?
I'm going to Prescott's.
Do you know where's his house?
At no. 23, Belgrave Road.
Ok, wait for me here.
I'm coming with you too.
No, you've to stay here.
Oh no, Bernard, be careful,
it's dangerous. Throw it away.
Yeah, you're right.
I took it only to
complicate this story.
To fund a counter.
Upstairs, hurry up!
Shit. The police.
Holy cow!
Be still!
What me worry?
I'm in a hurry, man, pull out the
agenda you stole from Prescott.
Ah, that one.
Here's it!
It's me, Jane.
You have scared me.
Open the door.
I didn't expect you'd come
back so quickly.
Open the door, there's pretty
much mystery in the universe.
Ok, I'm waiting.
Did you find out the picture?
No, no picture.
What now?
Bernard, please, reply.
What now, so?
So, I don't smoke.
"Water on a woman's body
is like a dew
on a rose's petals".
Lao Tse.
Who is?
A Chinese poet.
"Talk about you, LSD".
Lao Tse?
No, Nadine.
Hello, Bernard?
Bernard, can you hear me?
Hello, Bernard!
Where are you?
At my home. Listen
to me, Bernard...
At what time did you leave?
I don't remember.
You were sleeping.
Why didn't you wake up me?
Jane, hello, Jane? Reply, Jane.
Why did you go away?
Come on, Bernard, now I cannot
talk with you, but I've to meet you.
I'm coming immediately.
No, you cannot come.
Are you mad?
Yes, absolutely.
Tell me where do you live.
Hello, Jane? Reply.
You cannot come here,
let's meet outside instead.
I don't know, wherever you want.
Piccadilly Circus?
That's right, in front of
the movie theater at the corner.
Ok, in 20 minutes.
Agreed, bye.
- Bernard, I've to talk with you.
- Me too, but not here. Let's enter.
- They are pursuing me.
- I know, I read the newspapers.
The Defense Minister
of Israel,
has sent his assault troops
against Rau's forces.
Israeli army is fighting on 3
fronts: Sinai, Jordan...
The police came to my home.
The police?
Yes, they are interrogating all the persons
who were at Prescott's yesterday night.
- Did you see Jerome?
- What?
Jerome, your brother,
did you see him?
Ah, no, no, he hasn't come back home
this night. No, I didn't see him.
In the Far East fights between Vietcong
and American Marines are going on...
Does he use to do that?
I want to know if he usually don't
come back home at night often.
Ah, well, yeah.
Often enough, yes.
- Where does he go?
- I don't know.
To his friends, boys and girls.
But why are you asking me for that?
Oh, Bernard, tell me what
you're thinking of.
I think, dear Jane, that your dear Jerome
must know a lot of things about this story.
At London, a demonstration
against violence
in Trafalgar Square.
Don't worry, we'll find him,
you'll see.
Come on, move.
Let's go and search for him.
Why are you silent?
Why should I speak?
Tell me something about Jerome.
There's a little to say.
He uses to speak a little too.
Let's search for him where he
uses to go.
Also Edgar says that the best
way to hide for someone
is to make himself very
Citizens of London, let's restore
stakes, death sentence and flogging.
Let's sentence alcohol, smoking,
gambling, sex.
Let's set fire to miniskirts
And destroy chocs with liqueur.
Let's chase away gays,
socialists, suicides, fornicators.
Stop with the modern
immoral morals.
Ehm, stop with the Beatles
and the Rolling Stones.
Let's start all over again. "
Let's start all over again.
Who are you, my angel?
My name is Jane Burroughs,
My parents are dead. Height, 5
feet and 4 inches and a half.
Blonde hair, blue eyes.
Nothing as to particularities.
- Breast, 34. Hips?
- I don't know.
But your mother is not dead.
Martha isn't my mother. Mama
died when I was 7 years old.
And the day when daddy
got married again with Martha,
it's like as he had
died too.
I grew up alone with Jerome,
so we care for each other.
He's more than a brother,
for me.
I wish I had lived a life similar
to those stupid movies indeed.
A chimney, a visit to a zoo
on Sunday, mama and daddy
who care for each other.
Daddy was incredible.
If he lost some money in winter, he
used to earn the double in summer.
- And you?
- I'm a descendant of Napoleon, it's different for me.
- Ah, now I understand.
- What do you want to understand? I'm an actor.
- Stop it, stupid.
- Seriously, acting and lying is my job.
- Are you acting at this moment too?
- Je ne sais pas. [I don't know (in French)].
Damn! I wonder why I'm following
you, just "je ne sais pas".
- What "je ne sais pas"?
You don't know why you're here with me?
- No.
It's to find out that picture
again, no?
Ah, yeah, that picture. But tell me
a thing, so what's on that picture?
Find it and you'll see.
Why should I get stuck
with this story?
You're just a child.
I know, but I don't
want to grow up.
I could cry if I think
I'll be older one day
- and I will no longer understand anything.
Nothing about nothing. Is it bad?
- Yes.
It's good and bad.
No, it's not bad.
Yes, it's bad.
No, it's not bad.
It's neither good neither bad.
And I'm neither
good neither bad.
What are you?
I am what I am.
Yes, I am what I am and
that's enough.
And then?
And then I'd like to be different
but I'm doing nothing to be like that.
- And what are you? - Je
ne sais pas. - Stop it!
Once again "Je ne sais pas"... but I
like you when saying "Je ne sais pas".
Help! Help! Help!
Wait for me!
Wait for me!
Wait for me!
Wait for me!
Shit. Here they are once again.
What a pity.
They ruined everything.
So, what are we going to do now?
- Je ne sais pas.
- Please?
Let's come back to my home.
- This cannot be done.
- Why not?
It might be already watched over.
- What?
- Come.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going to call a friend.
No problem, I've just finished.
Better, do you mind to be so kind
to hang up the phone for me?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
David, this is Bernard.
Were you sleeping?
I think so.
Sorry. I need to meet you.
That's right.
Can you give hospitality
to me for some time?
Did they chase you
away? Sure, come.
But I'm not alone.
Ah, who's that lucky
baby bird?
Jane Burroughs.
Very good.
So you made it.
So, may we come?
It'll be a pleasure,
when do we meet?
Hello? Bernard?
Listen, maybe you, who
know everything,
do you know where I can
find Jane's brother by chance?
Jerome? I don't know,
if he's not at his home
he might be at Veronica's home.
Who is she?
A model. She sleeps with
him and she works for me.
Do you know where she lives?
Yes, wait, I must have
her address somewhere.
I'm finding it very soon.
Don't hang up.
Here's it,
We'd better call an ambulance.
How it happened? Anyone has
seen what occurred?
How do you feel?
Are you feeling better, now?
- Yes, yes, thank you. - Is it better?
- Yes, nothing important, thank you.
Who's there?
A David's friend.
I need to talk with him.
Well, tell me.
Well, not here, let me in.
No, not right now.
I'm sorry.
Come back later.
Who's there?
We're checking meters.
One more time? You came here
one day ago.
A check of a check.
What the hell do you have still
to check out?
As if those wicked meters didn't
already waste a lot of money!
Who's there?
I'm the postman, there's a pack.
Who are you? What do you want?
What are you looking for here?
"You can be delirious
for a pale olive".
- Where's he? - Go out right
now. What the hell do you want?
That pale olive.
Who is he, do you know him?
What do you want?
The picture.
Quel photo?
That one you stole from
Prescott when he killed him.
Listen, pale olive, no jokes,
I'm not playing games.
What the hell is he
talking about?
- Who's that Prescott?
- Help! I'm calling the police!
Very well, say to her to make
a call to the police.
Hang up, it's useless.
So, tell me what you want,
When you left the club yesterday
night, where did you go?
He came here, pourquoi?
At what time?
Around midnight.
You prepared her well.
Listen, now that's enough!
Who do you think you're?
Maybe a Jane's guardian?
Jane has been kidnapped.
- What? Who?
- Jane!
No! It's too much funny.
Hello? Who's speaking?
Jane, put me through to Jerome.
It's Jane.
- Jerome.
- Jane.
I'm imploring you,
do what they say.
Jane, where are you?
Jane is safe.
But to get her back you must pay
ten thousands pounds right away.
This evening at 9 o'clock,
at the northern exit
of the zoological garden.
Be alone and no tricks.
In short, what's the hell
is that story?
This mad guy comes first,
then that mysterious call.
- Quiet.
- What is it coming?
And how did you know that?
- I was together with her when it happened.
- Who was to do that?
That's exactly what you've
to tell me, dear.
I only know a black Buick
stopped close to Jane.
And a nigger pulled her
into the car.
While you were staring at that
scene peacefully?
- While I was knocked out
by a dwarf. - A dwarf?
- Yes, a dwarf.
- Ah, a dwarf.
- A dwarf.
- Yes, a dwarf.
- Ah.
- What? - Let me think.
- Therefore a dwarf.
- Listen, no kidding.
The dwarf is a Leris' man.
Let's go to him.
- Bye. - Come
on! - Mais enfin!
Let's go, quick!
Leris is surely not so stupid
to keep Jane at his home.
So where do you think
she might be?
At the docks of the "K.M."
Why there exactly?
That dwarf is working there.
Excuse me, sir?
Can I catch a boat taxi here?
Excuse me, a boat taxi?
Come and see.
Ehm, a boat, a boat, ok?
- Help, I'm chocking.
- Where's the dwarf?
North Acten, behind the cemetery.
The ruin, along the railway.
Merci, monsieur.
What happens, Bill?
What happened? Reply!
Count to 10.
Then, open wide the door.
Untie me, hurry up!
My dress.
Hurry up, let's go
away from here.
Hey, but what's got into you?
We'll meet at the flippers.
That's enough, let's go
to the police.
Stop it.
Why did you lie to me?
I didn't lie to you.
You pretended to ignore
where Jerome was.
- And that call, therefore?
- What?
Ah, that's the reason.
You're a stupid guy.
I didn't know where he was.
The dwarf knew that.
He made the call.
I swear.
Don't you really believe me?
You've to believe me.
Tickets, who needs a
a ticket? Your ticket, please.
Where do you get off?
Where you get off.
Thank you.
Tickets, who needs a
a ticket? Your ticket, please.
- So, do you believe me?
- No.
- No.
- No?
Not yet.
Try it one more time.
- One more time.
- Stop it.
Don't you see all the people
are staring at us?
And so?
What's bad?
I'm a stupid girl,
you just want to have fun.
Luckily it's almost done.
- It's enough to go to your
mother's lover. - Leris?
Yes, why?
Finally! Did you find Jerome?
How nice!
Good, you could make a success.
Who knows, it's enough someone is
photogenic when doing this job.
As soon as I come back, we'll
make a series of prints.
"Anyway I say to you
the most suitable colour...
for a gorgeous body,
isn't the green of grassland
neither the blue of lakes, but
the black of a photo studio. "
Michelangelo Antonioni.
Wait, what are you doing?
Leris might be into
the gallery.
It's in connection with
his flat indoor.
- Is there Leris?
- No, no.
Holy cow!
On the car!
Why do you run away?
He's a Prescott's man,
he saw me going up to him.
He's sure it was me
to get rid of him.
Be careful!
Be careful!
Holy cow!
Hurry up, move!
Holy cow!
Where are they?
Here they are.
Seek them!
That way!
Move, come.
- Come on!
- Go!
Here they are.
Get on.
They made it.
- The best thing is that we
divide. - What?
I'm getting off at the next
stop, so they will follow me.
- But I...
- Go to David's.
- I want to come with you.
- Stop it!
And remember
try to find out Jerome.
I'll reach you there.
I hope that at least.
Don't be afraid.
Getting rid of me won't be
so easy for you.
And don't move from David's
for any reason at all.
- Understood?
- Mm.
Here he is.
Come on, let's run into him!
That way, run.
You this way, you that way.
Be still! You're trapped!
Spit out!
I'll make you speak.
I'll make you cry out.
I'll make you piss your blood.
I'll make you implore.
I'll make you scream.
Anyway nobody can hear you here.
That's enough, where's
the agenda?
You have a time to speak till
I'll end up leafing off
your eyelashes.
You speak, you don't speak.
You speak.
You don't speak.
You speak.
You don't speak.
You speak.
You don't speak.
You speak.
You don't speak.
You speak.
You don't speak.
You speak.
You don't speak.
You speak, you don't speak.
The girl who was with
me keeps it.
Where is she?
She's waiting for me
in the centre.
Release him.
He'll lead us to her.
Open your mouth.
Go. And keep your mouth
The police, come on,
surpass them.
Here's patrol no. 18,
send an ambulance.
There was a car crash,
two wounded persons.
We captured a third guy
having a handgun.
Another guy has run away,
we don't know who they are.
We're leading them for
an interrogatory.
They were riding a black Jaguar with
this registration number: XY5243.
I'm repeating, a black Jaguar,
XY5243. Over and out.
This way, move, come on, turn
towards me. On you back.
Come on, look at me.
Hey, what did you do?
I thought actors could have
their body doubles
for the dangerous shots.
But I use to be a body double
of myself every time.
Come and lay down here.
- Have you some band-aids by chance
or something similar? - Dunno.
What's up, don't you feel good?
No, I'm tired.
Fed up with all
this mystery.
You don't believe me
anymore, true?
"The truth is that, working
decisively without ever deflecting
from the revolutionary
principles, the people's back
will be nice, powerful and
harmonious". Mao Tse Tung.
Stop it, it's useless.
- Everything is useless, meaningless.
- Like in a movie.
Quiet. Quiet, Bernard.
Let me love you at least,
my angel.
I'll be fine again through you.
Oh, yes.
Me too, me too.
David! David!
Is it done?
As soon you can, come down.
Veronica has come.
Together with her friend.
Ah, the high disappeared
Do you show me the last
Look at them, here they are.
Jerome has come.
Did you hear?
How nice!
Look at these ones!
I have been waiting for you
for a long time at the flippers.
Where's Martha?
Have you been at home?
Just for a while.
Was she there?
- My coat? - Jane, it's there. - She
was entering while I was going out.
I'd like to know what's
this whole story.
- Have you a car?
- Yes. - Lead us.
- Where?
- To home?
- What?
- To home.
Why, if I may ask?
We've to talk with Martha.
She won't be there.
She went out.
Go ahead.
She went to a happening, she
wanted me to accompany her.
Ok. We're going there too.
We weren't invited.
We're going there regardless.
But I have no a proper dress,
I cannot.
Don't worry, baby, your look
is very nice anyway.
I'm coming too.
No, not this night.
Go to bed.
- Shit! You're always having it for me.
- Forget it.
Show your look.
Not bad.
Come, we'll have fun as well.
What's the matter with
Martha now?
Leris has been killed.
Why did you do that?
You know well what I mean.
You want to joke.
Leris' assassination
is not a joke.
You're crazy.
Where did you go yesterday night,
when you went out together with Leris
away from Prescott's?
So you're the French guy.
Yes, a supposed Prescott's
What did Leris do yesterday
I've already referred to
the police about that.
He led me to his home.
And we have been staying there
all over the night, till dawn.
But why?
Where's Leris?
Inside his bath.
As a corpse.
Do you recognize it?
It's the Jane's one, where
did you find it?
Besides Leris' corpse.
I knew that.
I knew she was still
his lover.
She was the one to do that.
Jane killed him!
Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane.
Come on, let's go away.
I don't care about what you did.
No, Bernard, I cannot do it.
Go away, you have no longer
to do with me.
Take it, this ear-ring is yours.
You cannot do it, Jane.
You cannot.
Bernard, but don't you understand?
I cannot, I just cannot do it.
And I don't want it, moreover.
So, go ahead.