Cold Blooded (2012)

Man 1: Split up!
What are you doing??
Just keepin' them safe, man.
That's fucking crazy!
Come on, let's go!
Will you keep your
voice down, goddamnit...
Look, Holland said
split up...
I'll be at his place tomorrow.
We're going together,
with the fucking diamonds!
Police Officer:
Freeze! pursuit of two suspects
...down Dundad Street...
- -I need back-up now!
Gimme the gun...
Fuck me...
Give me the gun!
Fuck me.
Look at me...
Look at me, goddamnit!
Gimme the gun!
Let me do this for the team.
Got him!
We're good, Buckmire.
Cuff him.
Officer Jane.
43rd Division.
You the night shift?
But, I've never been
up here before.
No more beds.
The only space left in the
hospital is this old unit.
It's all the way down
at the back, too.
Just keep walkin'.
You're all by
yourself in there.
Not really.
You like nights?
I can't complain.
Sure you can.
It's good to complain.
Keeps you human.
Have a good night.
Wake up.
Sorry. Time to go.
Shift change.
shift change.
Ah, fuck...
How are you supposed
to stay awake around here
without a TV and some DVDs?
Huh? They oughtta
have that back here.
Yeah, they should.
I'm gone.
like it was totally normal...
Casual shut-eye
before the shift ends,
no big deal.
I know, I know...
I'm not gonna
snitch him out...
It's just I've got one
scumbag in a coma
and then my guy's
asleep at the wheel.
It's like, what am I?
The only person here
who gives a shit?
It's not exactly
what I had in mind
when I signed up.
No, you're right.
It's not a big deal,
I just hate how
it's assumed that I'll be ok
with things like this.
Sometimes I wonder
if I'm actually cut out for it.
The job...
I knew what I was getting
into but I thought
we were supposed
to be the good guys.
Now I'm not sure what's
allowed and what isn't.
How 'bout personal phone calls?
Those allowed?
I gotta go...
I love you...
Would you send
a doctor down here please?
I'd like to get him
down to 4rd Division
so we can arraign him
in the morning.
If he's good to go?
Squeeze my hands...
So, I'll need you
to sign a release form.
You do realize in this situation
I actually have the authority?
Yes, of course.
Then you listen to me.
This man's been unconscious
for thirty-six hours,
Sinus fractures,
nasal fractures,
temporal hemorrhaging...
Two fractured ribs.
You can't move him yet.
I understand...
I'll check on him
in a few hours.
A few hours, is that
three or two hours...
A few hours.
What a cunt...
I'm Eddie.
Nice to meet you.
You a hoops fan?
Yeah, I don't blame you.
I lose more money to those
assholes than you wanna know.
Anything you say can be used
against you as evidence.
Oh, yeah?
Well, if there's some new law
against being a basketball fan
in Toronto, you're
gonna have to lock up
like... almost
five-hundred people.
Tell me, are they still trying
out that new run on offense?
Forward can't do it,
he's wheezing up
and down the court.
Why the hell does he fall in
line with those bullshit plays?
Guy's a star, he should be
doing what he wants,
not kissing the coach's ass.
Can't have wins
without team work.
Oh, yeah, you're a fan.
Well, I work the games,
you pick it up.
Yeah? That why
you became a cop?
Free games?
Come on, we're gonna
be here all night.
Might as well pass the time.
Why'd you become a cop?
Why do you steal diamonds?
Eh, what else is there to do?
I'll tell you what,
you come in here
and talk to me,
I'll tell you why
I steal diamonds.
Let's hear it.
I just like to be my own boss.
No, really, what am I doing?
Take some shiny
rocks from one guy
I sell them to another guy.
If those two guys think
those rocks have value
well, that's their problem.
Nobody gets hurt.
Nobody gets hurt, huh?
No, man, I don't even
hurt anybody's feelings.
I'm the least of
the criminals out there.
You've any idea how fucked up
the diamond trade is?
Well, I've read some things.
Guys getting their arms
chopped off in Africa.
Right, yet somehow
I'm the bad guy.
Oh, yeah...
Life is so unfair.
Do I seem like
a bad guy to you?
I don't make the rules.
No, nah...
They say jump,
you say how high.
That's the job.
They say flap your arms
and cluck like a chicken,
you start flapping?
Okay, chicken, your turn.
Only two types of people
want to be cops, so...
Either you're a bully,
or you're painfully naive.
"I just want
to help people."
I told you.
Free basketball tickets.
You know, we're not
so different, you and me.
Well, except that you break
the law and I enforce it.
Yeah, that's not
really the point.
You remember that old cartoon,
the sheepdog and the wolf?
They punch in, the wolf
spends all day trying
to get the sheep,
sheepdog spends
all day fucking with the wolf?
That's us.
You and me.
Cops and robbers.
End of the day, they punch out
they walk home together.
Just doing their job.
I'll remember that
the next time
I arrest a guy
for raping his daughter.
Now, come on, that's
a whole other thing...
A completely
different cartoon...
That's, that's like...
Japanese cartoon.
You and I me, we meet
on the street? Off-duty?
I bet we have some laughs.
I don't know...
I don't tend to find the humor
in killing my partner.
I never killed anybody.
That's not what
Buckmire's report said.
The cop who knocked me?
He ran around the corner,
saw you standing
over the kid's body
with a gun in your hand.
You tried to escape.
He subdued you.
No! No, that's bullshit.
I don't even carry a gun!
You go, you tell
somebody that...
You write that shit down!
Oh, fuck...
Did they put that on the news?
Dead kid, half a million dollars
in missing diamonds...
That's news.
Fuckin' hell.
Well, if you didn't
kill him, who did?
Look, I been unconscious
for a couple of days,
could I please get
a trip to the shitter?
I don't think so.
Come on, I really gotta go.
My gut is fucking killin' me.
No funny business.
You can wait.
I can wait??
How much are constables
making these days?
Less than detectives.
That close?
You're close,
I make that in three weeks.
How'd you like that, huh?
Make that kind
of money in a hurry...
Not like that.
Come on...
Maybe take some time off.
Push out some kiddies
with the husband.
Who said I was married?
What the hell is that then?
That to remind you to pick up
milk on the way home?
Maybe I don't want kids.
Alright, fine,
you don't want kids.
But I bet you want
your freedom. Hm?
Make your own choices,
do your own thing.
What if I made you an offer?
Three hundred fifty grand.
Five years salary.
How would we do it?
You give me a phone,
I call a guy...
He'll come down here
tonight. With cash.
We just gotta make it
look like a struggle,
you're gonna have to put
a bullet in your leg.
Flesh wound, make it look
like I overpowered you, ok?
What's his name?
This guy you're calling.
His name's Doug.
Doesn't matter.
Where's he coming from?
Who cares where
he's coming from?
Why do you care...
You're a schemer.
We're not so different.
Oh, come on...
I thought you liked me!
I told you, it's got
nothing to do with me.
I have another offer for you.
I'm not interested.
What if I can get you
a promotion?
I'll give you everything
on the job I just did.
Names, addresses,
Think about it, you take
that to the brass,
you don't think
they'll notice? Huh?
Let you into
their fancy little club?
What's in it for you?
You let me go.
No way.
Come on, we'll make it
look real good, you know?
Like a big escape.
I don't care if you pull Osama
bin Laden out of your ass,
I'm not letting you go.
Now lie there and shut up.
I feel like I got Osama bin
Laden coming out of my ass!
I'll tell you what...
You give me the names
of your crew, their addresses,
sign a confession that
you killed your partner,
and we'll talk about
a bathroom visit.
I didn't fuckin' kill anyone!
Suit yourself.
One name.
And an address.
Louis Holland.
Met him at Millhaven
a while back.
Said he knew this
jewelry store clerk...
Needed some money fast.
Some square.
That was our inside man.
Told us when and how
to do the job.
In exchange for, you know,
a piece of what we got.
That was it...
I don't know the number,
somewhere on Dundas East.
Jarvis and Dundas, maybe?
Dispatch, this is 4319.
Go ahead 4319.
Can you run a check
on suspect Holland,
first name Louis.
Last known address
Dundas Street East.
Stand by 4319.
Good, and you?
Dispatch for 4319.
Go for 4319.
I've got a return on
a Louis Holland, Caucasian,
age 39, five-eleven,
at 244 Dundas East.
Convictions for robbery armed,
possession firearm,
possession property.
Copy that.
And Dispatch, I'm taking the
prisoner on a bathroom visit.
If you don't hear from me
in fifteen minutes,
send immediate backup.
Copy that 4319, standing by.
Look, I don't care
about going to jail,
it's part of the job.
Two years is one thing, twenty?
That's why I'm tellin' ya...
I didn't kill anybody.
In here.
IN... here.
That's the girls.
Well, it's here
or back to the room.
Christ. Whatever.
Go in there.
Are you fuckin' kidding me?
Yeah. I am.
This one.
Those stay on.
Do I have to explain
this to you?
You're a smart guy.
You'll figure it out.
Fuckin' hell...
You pulled the wrong chart
for this patient.
I did?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't get a wink
of sleep today.
If you can't fit
your personal life
around this job,
find a new one.
Sorry to interrupt you
while you're working,
but I think I know you
from somewhere.
No, you must be mistaken.
Really? My face
doesn't look familiar?
No. I'm busy here.
Excuse me...
You don't live in Forest Hill
by any chance, do you?
Yes, you must have
seen me there. That's it.
Yes, I knew it.
I have seen you there.
You drive an Audi,
right? 2008, silver?
Where did you say you lived?
I've seen you there in your
car, we must be neighbors.
Look, I have a patient waiting.
I've seen you around
Ormsby Crescent, right?
21 Ormsby Crescent?
Who the hell are you?
With your wife, Shereen?
And your kids, right?
Paul and Anna?
I hear you don't let
them watch a lot of TV.
Time's up.
Cordero, you're done.
I'm gonna break that door down
in 5 seconds
if you don't...
Mind if I wash up?
Arms up.
Can I wash up now?
Back again?
This is Officer Barnes.
He wants these men here
to identify the suspect.
I'm bringing them in.
Uh, fine.
I just have to scan you.
What would you do for a living
if you weren't guarding
sheep all day?
Never thought about it.
Come on...
What do you like?
What do you do for fun?
Oh, you know, take ecstasy
and go to the zoo.
That kind of thing.
Seriously, what would you do
if you won the lottery?
I mean, you're not a cop
so what do you do for kicks?
What are you up to?
Alright, you got me.
Was just trying to distract you,
just looking for ways out...
Bad habit...
I'm sorry, I'll stop.
What? Are we
late for something?
Move it!
Against the wall!
Spread your legs...
Drop it!
Drop what??
Let's go.
Tie him up.
Hey, how did you get
that past security?
I helped you
get in, but...
I'm not gonna help you
rescue your friend.
I have a duty to this hospital.
Dr. Gill...
If you don't do
exactly what we say,
I'm going to call my partner,
who, as I said, is sitting
in your living room
And if I have to call him,
I'll ask him to do something.
I don't believe you.
He might just scare them,
tell them you're dead.
Or he'll cut up
your wife's mouth,
so you can never
kiss her again.
Or maybe he'll tie them up
and burn the house down.
It's really a question
of his imagination.
So what's more
important to you?
This hospital, or your family?
It's just not possible.
The guard won't let us
out with a patient.
Thank you for your concern.
But let us worry about that.
Right now, we have
some wires to cut.
You know...
You don't have to take this...
so personally.
It's just business.
You never answered my question
about winning the lottery.
Dispatch, this is 4319.
Go ahead, 4319.
The situation is stable,
but can you make a note
that the prisoner tried
to escape but was unsuccessful.
I'll put it in my report and
we can amend his charges.
Copy that 4319.
You okay?
Do you want backup?
No, I'm fine.
It was nothing.
I've got officers available...
I'll send someone down.
No, Dispatch, you'll just have
2 officers sitting on their
asses instead of one.
I got this.
Copy that 4319.
You know, I'd still
like to take you
for that beer
after work sometime.
Get off me!
Get off of me!
Undo the strap!
Unbuckle that strap!
Get off me!!!
Get the radio then!
Stop panicking,
and stop being stupid.
It's a strap...
Stuck in the holster!
Get him!
Get off of me!
Put it on...
Let's go...
How are we gonna get out?
Oh my God,
we're trapped in here.
Maybe Holland
got away from her?
Maybe he got the gun away?
We should go and try
and find him maybe...
He might need our help.
There's gonna be more
policemen here soon.
She's gonna call more police.
There's no time,
we gotta get outta here.
We can hide.
We can hide somewhere...
Stay really quiet.
Then we can sneak out tomorrow.
Or something.
You know, even if they
found us, we could say
Holland forced us
to come in here.
We were hostages.
Don't panic.
Don't be stupid.
How many of you are there?
You're Holland, right?
You been talking to him.
Don't believe a word he says.
Everything he says is a lie.
Yeah, well, he got
your name right.
Don't move.
We're goin' out.
What about Holland?
There's nothin'
we can do for him.
This is the move right now.
You're just gonna leave him?
There's nothin' we can do here.
We must find the doctor,
that doctor get us
past security, and then
we out the hospital.
I don't know...
What you trying to say?
You tellin' me Holland
is the only man
who can make a plan?
Course not.
So, come...
Where's the officer?
I disarmed her.
Well, why you take the hand?
Where you goin'?
We lookin' for you.
Well, I'm right here.
But Cordero ran that way.
So let's find him.
Okay, you're alright...
Everything's gonna be fine.
We can get a surgeon
here within the hour.
It's a complicated procedure
but not impossible.
Okay, don't panic...
You're in the best possible
place for this to happen...
We're gonna get you out of here
and into surgery as
soon as we can.
I'm cold...
I'm cold...
Hey, hey, hey...
You're alright.
We can get a surgeon
here within the hour.
That's plenty of time.
Jesus, it needs
to be kept on ice!
What has to be kept on ice?
Alright, Grimes,
you go that way.
George, you take that one.
I'll stay near the exit to
make sure he doesn't get out.
You find him,
don't talk to him,
don't try to outsmart him.
He's a smart bastard.
You got weight
on him, not brains.
Just cut him if you need
to and bring him to me.
I need him to answer two
very important questions.
And take care of this.
What's wrong?
When the police don't
hear from that officer
for another hour,
they're gonna send
someone down here
to check it out.
We need to be out
of here before that.
I don't want
to do this...
I did everything you asked.
You never said anything about
breaking into a hospital.
I just want to go home.
You can't do that.
You're part of a crew here.
We don't care what you want.
The crew needs
to get this done.
You're being selfish.
Besides, one of these days,
you're gonna need help.
Because life is cold.
And you're gonna wish
someone was there to give it.
And if you're in a crew,
someone will be.
Can I guard the door then?
And you go look for him?
Okay then...
Where is it?
I don't know.
You don't know?
No, I don't know!
We can't look for it right now!
We need to get out
of here to safety!
We can come back
and look for it.
We have to...
We need to get out of here
and secure this place.
Then we can come back
for your hand.
Officer, come on!!!
- Come on...
- Okay...
Okay, uh...
We need backup...
The phone...
No, I tried it.
It's dead.
And I don't have my cell phone.
Where are they now?
I don't know.
Gone, I hope, with Cordero.
The security guard outside
the unit has a phone.
We can get there
in about two minutes.
The exit's
just up ahead...
It's okay...
There you are.
No, no, no...
This must be
your lucky day...
getting your hand
cut off in a hospital.
Which reminds me:
where are the keys for these?
Where is my hand?
Oh, it's around somewhere.
I'm glad you're
not dead, actually.
Last thing I need on my record.
I'm even happier to see you.
But you broke our deal.
So unfortunately I'm gonna
have to make that phone call.
No, please, don't!
I'll stay right here.
I'll need the keys for these
right after this.
It's me,
there's been a...
Ain't that a bitch.
She won't be
any trouble, right?
Probably go hide
until we're done.
She's only got
one hand, after all.
Come on...
Let's go finish
that phone call.
Hi. Yeah, sorry, no, I couldn't
hear the phone ringing...
Well, it's good.
It's fun, yeah...
Everybody's being really nice.
Well, a little.
Yeah, everybody's
buying me drinks,
I'm just not drinking them all.
Should get held up every week.
I miss you.
I know, I'm sorry
I didn't call.
I think I'm still like
a little bit rattled, you know?
So, is it okay if I'm a little
later than I said I'd be?
Yeah, yeah, it's me.
Yeah, sorry, there
was an interruption.
Someone didn't want
to be part of the team.
So I need you to make a point.
You're bluffing.
Put it on speaker.
Shereen, don't worry!
Nothing's going to happen!
Nothing's gonna happen,
Shereen, just...
He does now.
So what are we gonna do?
No, no, no, no, no...
That's too much.
More heat than we need.
I don't know.
Something more than that.
Yeah, that fits.
Put it on speaker again.
He's gonna break
your son's arm.
No, look,
you don't have to do that!
I'm sorry I left earlier,
I promise, I won't
do it again! I promise...
Stop it, stop it!!
He's just a kid!
Please, just let him go!!!
Stop that!
Just stop it!
What do you want me to do??
I'll do anything!
I warned you.
And you didn't listen.
No, stop, no ahhhh!
God, no!!!
Family is first priority.
Where are the diamonds...
you asshole?!
Tell me!!!
Face down on the ground.
Holy shit...
Don't move!
What the fuck happened??
I said don't move!
I just want to find out
what happened to you.
Holland did it.
Now get down on the ground.
Jesus Christ...
Three seconds, then you get hit
with 50,000 volts
of electricity.
Ok, think about this
for a second, ok?
You can't shoot both of us,
you're not going
to be able to reload
that thing with one hand.
What's gonna stop him
from running away,
or attacking you?
It's not that tricky,
who's the bigger threat,
him or me...
Get up...
Oh my god...
that hurt.
I guess they're not here
to rescue you.
Let's go!
Ok, just wait...
No waiting!
Your buddy Holland's
standing guard at the door.
We can't get out that way.
I know a way out.
It has padlocks on it,
but I can pick those.
We can climb to another floor.
No, we are going to hide
and we are going
to wait for backup.
You don't wanna fuck
with this man, Constable.
He looked out for Dembo,
like he was his own kid.
If he thinks I shot him,
he'll kill everything in here
to get to me, including
the fucking plants.
You have one hand and no gun.
This is very bad.
We gotta get
the fuck outta here.
Alright, show me.
Just one thing.
I help you, you let me go.
Come on!
I help you, you help me.
I can't do that...
Sure you can.
Okay, fine.
I'll let you go.
Trust me!
Yeah, right...
Alright, I'm gonna
need a beer can.
For what?
You wanna get out of here,
I need a beer can.
Or a pop can.
For what??
Trust me.
What do they want?
Fucked if I know.
Well, maybe they think
you killed Dembo
so you could take the diamonds.
Shit, since your people blasted
it all over the fucking news,
I bet they do think
I killed Dembo.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, well, I can't blame them.
If you didn't shoot him,
who did?
Who else was there?
Look, I saw it.
A ten-year veteran
with commendations is
gonna kill a suspect
for no reason?
Yeah, you're
so fucking naive...
Because it's his job.
It's gang shit.
Oh, now Buckmire's in a gang?
You're in a gang!
I told you before
- Cops, crews,
it's the same fuckin' thing.
Yeah, I think that's
a slight exaggeration.
No, it is not an exaggeration.
That is real talk.
And you're gonna be
pretty fucking useless
as a cop until you
figure that out.
How long you been doing
this job? Huh?
A year? Two years?
Let me ask you a question:
Buckmire work basketball games?
Does he work nights?
If Buckmire shot Dembo
he must have had
I guess you're gonna have
to ask Buckmire then.
You have one minute.
Oh, yeah...
Now, how does that help us?
I'll show you.
Be careful, Babylon.
You want this back
with the fingers, yes?
Give it to me.
You give me the man,
and I give you the hand.
Fuck you.
Tase this cunt.
I want my hand first.
The fuck are you doing?
Hey! You can't
just hand me over.
I'm under arrest.
Oh, you want to go
by the book now??
I'm getting you out of here.
Toss me the hand.
Look, if I throw this to you
I got nuttin'.
Now, you send
that boy there first.
You're smarter than you look.
Ya damn right.
Fuckin' hell...
You watch yourself, Grimes,
this one hates "Jammies."
Don't you, Constable?
She's gonna taser your ass
first chance she gets...
No, no, no!!!
- Fuuuuck!
- Stay there...
Put it down.
So you can catch.
Yeah, and so I won't shoot you.
You got it all
figured out, don't you?
I ain't got it all
figured out, Babylon.
I stay calm,
and I'm not stupid.
Throw it to me.
Get up!
My fuckin' hand!
Cry me a river!
Handcuff him
to the chair...
I'm going to leave
you alone again.
And you'll be here
when I get back.
So, this is what we need
to get through...
Give me
your knife...
What's your first name?
Okay, Frances, you stupid fuck,
if I stab you,
I'm killing myself.
Now, we got two good
hands between us
and we need both of those hands
to open this padlock.
We're partners.
Get it?
Tell me what to do, I'll do it.
Which will take ten minutes
when I can do it in one.
Come on, Frances,
the whistle's blown.
We're off the clock.
Let's get out of here
and grab a beer, huh?
Alright, turn it on its side.
stand it up...
Lay it flat.
Good, just hold it there.
Sorry I called you
a stupid fuck.
Just keep working.
Give me the knife.
Now, hold the padlock.
I feel like a thief.
Yeah, see we're
not so different.
How long you been married?
Three years.
Must be happy
to have your ring back.
Oh, yeah, you sound ecstatic.
Well, I have other things
on my mind right now!
Where'd you go
on your last vacation?
We went to, um...
Squares, man,
they're always talkin'
about my husband this,
my husband that.
You haven't
brought him up once.
I used to be married.
So, who was that on the phone?
Your mother?
I thought so.
You're good, though,
you had me going for a while.
I don't even like diamonds.
Ah... They're just
a rock with a name.
So why do you bother
with the ring then?
Guys at work leave me alone.
I knew it, you don't
even like cops.
No you don't.
You don't like cops,
you don't agree with the laws.
Who the hell are you
doing this for?
And you call me a liar.
One more.
No, I'm sorry!
No! No!
Please, please!
Please, please
don't hurt me, please!
Calm down.
What happened?
I found him.
I almost had him...
He was just about
to tell me where
the diamonds are,
then that cop came.
I barely got away...
From the half-dead
lady cop with one hand?
She had a taser!
So you decide
to hide in the closet?
I just want
to go home...
I don't want my
share anymore, ok?
You can keep it.
We're almost done here.
Grimes probably has him by now.
We'll be out of here
in fifteen minutes.
Just hang in there.
No, no, I just...
I just want to go home.
You'll never hear
from me again.
But not until we're done here.
I did everything
that you asked me to.
You go watch the doctor.
I'll be there
in fifteen minutes
and we can get out of here.
Thank you.
Where are they now?
I don't know.
I, I saw them...
I saw them...
He was trying
to open some elevators.
Near a bunch of gurneys.
Let's go.
- Keyes...
- Yeah?
This happened to Cordero
because he turned on us.
I wasn't gonna
hurt you, you know.
With the toilet paper tube.
Unless you had to.
I was just after
the torsion springs,
so I could pick the lock
on the handcuffs.
The tube was just
a distraction.
Yeah, well it worked.
I'm really not that bad a guy.
So what happens?
You get it open and then what?
We climb down
to the next floor?
Yeah, you can open
the door from the inside.
How do you know that?
I saw it on TV.
How are you gonna climb down?
How am I gonna climb down?
Very carefully.
You go first.
I'll follow.
The first phone or security
guard we see, this ends.
Or, I have an idea.
You go first, I'll follow you.
And once we're out,
you just don't look back.
I can't.
We had a deal, Frances.
Look, I am sorry...
Come on, let's go!
You knew that
I couldn't do that!
I'm the only thing
standing between you
and getting killed right now.
And you're still playin'
this fucking cop bullshit!
Get that lock open.
Why, so I can go back
to jail sooner?
It is Holland or jail.
You pick.
What about you? Huh?
What are you gonna do?
Be a desk clerk?
You can't be a real cop
with one hand, Frances!
Look, you know
I didn't kill anybody.
You don't give a fuck
about diamonds.
I'm the only one trying
to help you!
Trying to get you outta here!
We have more in
common than you do
with the cops you
work with, so fuck them!
What about me?
Open the door!
Now what?
You first.
I hope you die of cancer.
No, no, no, no, no!
You get that upset about a cop?
Imagine I killed a human being.
Like Danny.
You were upset when
he got killed, right?
Yeah, Louis,
of course I was...
No. You only care
about one person.
I'll tell you where
the diamonds are...
I don't care where they are.
Well, that's not true.
But first, I want to hear
what happened to Danny.
It was the cop.
The one who busted us...
He shot Danny.
Danny didn't get a shot off?
No, Danny gave up his gun.
He surrendered.
I don't think so.
He did, Louis.
I was right fuckin' there.
He would never go
down without a fight,
and he'd never turn his back
on us by giving up.
If someone wanted to screw us
and take the diamonds,
they'd have to kill
Danny to get away.
So you're just gonna
believe what you see
on the news like some
fuckin' square?? Louis...
One chance.
Tell me where the stones are.
I swallowed them.
You swallowed them.
That's brilliant.
I can't kill you without having
to drag your corpse
out of the hospital.
Gives you more time to figure
out how to get outta this.
You're so goddamned smart.
No wonder you crossed us.
You probably think
we're all idiots.
I don't.
I need a unit to
report to Scarborough Hospital.
I'm not getting a response
from the officer on
prisoner detail there.
Dispatch, this is
4311... we're near there.
We'll check it out.
Copy that 4311.
Dispatch, this is 4303...
I'm actually in the parking lot
of the hospital right now.
I'll check in on the officer.
Copy that 4303...
Stand down 4311.
That's far enough.
What did he ever do to you?
Nothing, man.
I was right there beside him.
The cop could have
shot me instead.
He coulda sold me out a hundred
times but he never did.
I know, Louis,
I swear to God...
I woulda done anything
for that kid.
Get in there.
We need to get outta here.
This is the way out.
Those were Nylon knives.
That's how we got them
through security.
I'm not going
to cause problems.
What I did before...
that was a mistake.
What mistake?
I tried to get away.
He called my house and he...
He had the man there
break my son's arm.
Oh my God...
I'm so sorry.
Why... why would
he do that?
You're going to be okay.
And your son,
he's gonna be okay.
Just... sit there, and
everything is gonna be fine.
Okay, we gotta get out
of here right now.
Okay? You're
takin' me out...
No, no, no,
I can't...
That was a cop!
I need to get out right now!
We can't get through
security without the others...
The guard will
ask where they are.
Well, think of something!
Why should I?
Because I have
a family too! Okay?
My wife, and I need
to get back to her!
I'm not like them!
I'm just a clerk
from a jewelry store,
and I made a mistake.
A big mistake.
Just like you, right?
This mistake could
hurt me, and my wife,
and I just need
to get back to her
and tell her the truth
and say I'm sorry. Okay?
Just get me through
the front door.
All I need is a head start!
I don't know what
to say to the guard...
Think of something!
Untie me.
Holy shit.
Are you okay?
What the fuck happened here?
Is the hospital secure?
No, I'm alone.
Dispatch didn't hear from you,
so they sent me to check in.
Now, talk to me.
Three men came in.
I took one out.
That's two loose,
with the prisoner.
They took my radio.
And they have my weapon.
What happened to your arm?
I was handcuffed
to one of them...
What are you doing here?
Hang on...
Dispatch, I need
immediate backup
at Scarborough Hospital,
officer down,
three armed suspects.
Going 10-0-3 to avoid
giving away our position.
You stay here
and wait for backup.
My hand!
I'll get it back.
Now, stand down.
Why are you here alone?
Patrol duty.
I took the call
to check in on you.
Go in here and lock the door.
I'll come back and get you
as soon as it's over.
Oh, man...
What the hell??
Whoa, whoa, wait, wait!
The cops are gonna
be here any second, man...
Hell, they're probably
already here, ok?
I can get the diamonds
out for you, Holland,
just let's get
outta here! Huh?
That's okay,
I'll just grab them now.
- Okay, okay!
Okay, I'll tell you everything!
I'll tell you the whole story,
exactly what happened...
The truth...
Shouldn't have turned on us.
Holland, please...
No, Holland!
Please, no!!!
- No, no, no! Ahhhhhhh!
Drop it!
On the ground. Now.
All the way.
Hands behind your head.
Fucking hell.
Where's the third guy?
By the entrance.
Fuck. Hey, killing me's
not gonna fix this, man.
I told her everything.
And she believes me.
She'll fall in line.
Not her.
She's gonna talk.
She's your problem, not me.
I'm not gonna say shit.
Gimme the gun.
Gimme, your gun, I'll do it.
Look, you can kill a cop,
if you want to.
Or let me do it,
then let me split,
you'll never see me again.
Tell 'em I escaped
and you got here too late.
Why the fuck would I do that?
Fuck, fine.
Hey, go ahead.
Kill a cop.
Don't fuck around.
I'm not doing twenty
years for killing a cop
when I can do two for robbery.
You don't even work nights.
You gotta take him out.
He's gonna kill you.
Don't listen to this
piece of shit.
This is what he does,
he shoots his mouth off
and distracts you.
I know.
That what happened to you?
You got distracted?
I made a mistake.
This fucker said
the guy had a gun.
I had to report it that way.
And I need your
help to fix this.
Pick up your weapon and
point it at the suspect.
He's escaping.
I'll make sure they
bury your hand with you.
You don't...
regret it, huh?
Killing that kid?
Not really.
He was a human being.
He had a mother, and a father.
He would have done
the same to me.
So you'd do it again, huh?
That's my job.
Don't go anywhere.
You know what
you're going to say?
You have to convince her.
If you don't,
she'll know something's wrong.
I will. Just get
me out of here.
Everything alright?
You been back there a while.
Where are the other two?
They're still questioning
the suspect.
You can't leave them
I'm gonna have to ask you
to go and get them right now.
I know. It's an
unusual situation.
This man suffers from
and it was just
too much for him.
I'm just gonna walk
around with him
for a bit so he can relax,
and then we'll go back in.
The other man is with
the other police officers.
I'm sure he's fine.
You're claustrophobic?
Know what I'll do? I'll
leave my pager number.
You contact me if
anything happens.
I'll take full responsibility.
Five minutes.
And then you go in
there and stay with them.
Okay. Good.
Thank you. That
was great.
It worked. It was perfect,
because I was so nervous
I actually looked like
I probably wa...
No! No, please!
I'm claustrophobic!
Please stop!
He was taking me for a walk!
Tell them!
The police are already here.
Hold him for them.
I need to call 911.
Please... I just
want to go home.
He has a phone.
Let him call his wife.
Where is he?
Time to punch out pal.
Let's go get that beer.
Nobody gets hurt, huh?
You know I'm not
like those other guys.
Your guys? They got no use for
a cop with one hand.
It's not about them.
So loosen one
of these a little bit.
I'm not trying to play
games with you, Frances.
I'm trying to help you
because I need help.
How are you gonna help me?
The stones.
They're very close.
I know.
Ah, fuck.
You can keep that too.
Right back where I
started, huh?
Not really.
I'll tell them about Dembo
and Buckmire before I quit.
But you're not gonna let me go.
Bye, Cordero.
Fucking hell.
Oh my god.
You alone?