Cold Creek Manor (2003)

The family of a woman who died
after a botched police raid
intend to sue the city
for $500 million,
naming the city,
the police department,
and the officers involved
in the raid.
You're listening to WNYC
and wnyc. Org.
It's 50 degrees right now.
We have cloudy skies
over the city at 4:29.
Good morning.
I'm Soterios Johnson.
Remember to reset the clock.
- Thank you.
- Look at this.
Almost 8% up from last year.
Yeah, but that's
a nationwide trend now.
What are you thinking?
More cutbacks?
I'm not sure.
We'll know more
after this afternoon.
I caught the last 10 minutes
of your husband's
documentary the other night.
Really interesting stuff.
I'll let him know.
He'll be pleased.
It's a real labor of love
for him.
He was, what, the director?
Yeah, director.
Writer. Voice-over.
It's real low-budget stuff.
It's tough to make a living
in that business.
Oh, shit.
Up! Up! Up! Up!
We're late.
Your mom forgot to reset
the alarm again!
Dad, these shoes hurt.
Well, then change them.
Pour your juice, Jesse.
Just pour your juice.
Oh, shit.
Dad, where's Mom?
She's in Cincinnati or Chicago.
Someplace like that.
Oh, my God.
It's late.
I have to be at school
early today.
That's not gonna happen.
Hey, Dad, do they have
a Niketown in Milwaukee?
I'm just gonna call Mom.
Hey, Jesse.
She is on an airplane, okay?
I know that.
I'm leaving her a message.
Leah, I have to make a very
big decision by this evening.
So let me ask you something.
What would you say if...
I offered you the VP slot?
Do I have to say yes right now?
When do we have to be back?
We're booked on the 6:00 flight.
Let's stay over.
We'll discuss this over dinner.
Tell them
I'm five minutes away.
I've got the presentation.
I'm ready to roll.
- Dad, we have to go.
- I really need some lunch money.
- All right. I've got it.
Cooper's office.
Jesse speaking.
- Hey, mom.
- Morning, honey.
- These new shoes are hurting.
Okay, honey, we'll go this
weekend and get you some Vans.
That's what you said last week.
- Jesse, we gotta go.
- See you later. Bye.
- Good.
All right.
Hang on.
Bye, kids.
Love you.
Give me a hug.
Let's go. All right.
Hold your brother's hand
going out.
- Have fun.
hold your brother's hand!
Cooper, what are you doing?
It's almost 8:30.
Well, we ran
a little bit behind today.
Someone forgot to reset
the alarm.
- No, don't go over that way.
- Why not?
- Hey, asshole!
- Jesse, stop! Jesse!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Jesse! Jesse!
We've got to get out
of the city.
How are we gonna do that?
So, what about my job?
Take a year off.
Write a book. You always
wanted to write a book.
So, Mom, how can
we afford something so big?
We would get a lot of money
for our house in the city.
Big houses in the country
cost a lot less
than tiny houses
in New York City.
There are some houses
that the bank has foreclosed on.
That means someone ran out
of money.
So the bank can sell it
at a really cheap price.
That's screwed up.
So is your attitude, young lady.
I was reading the articles.
- Sure, you were.
- I was.
Could you fill it up
with unleaded regular, please?
I'm gonna stretch.
Do you want me to check the oil?
Oh, that's okay.
Great weather.
Yeah. Nice.
We're serving lunch.
Do you want me to tell you
the specials?
Oh, that's all right.
We already ate.
- Hey, Mom?
- Huh?
How many more of these stupid
houses do we have to see?
This should be the last one.
I couldn't get it arranged
to get inside.
We'll just take a quick look
and be on the way home, okay?
Where you guys headed?
Cold Creek Manor.
So if we just go on down
the road here,
are we going
the right direction?
It's about a mile that way.
- Wow.
- Wow.
- Hey, don't fool with that.
- Look.
- What?
- It's unlocked.
Hold this.
It's unlocked.
What are you doing?
- Dad, we can see it from here.
- Cooper.
- What?
- We can see it right here.
We'll just take a look.
Just take a little peek.
Nobody here.
stay close to your brother.
Stay together.
Catch me!
Kids, once again, don't go far.
We are about to break
the law here.
Yeah, Dad.
Let's break the law.
We're gonna look around
for two seconds.
Then we're out of here.
- Oh, sorry.
Thanks, Dad.
What are these?
Those are farming... things.
For what?
For farming.
Dad, we got that.
Can we buy this house, please?
It's so cool.
Can we?
I don't know.
What do you think, angel?
It's pretty cool.
Mom, what do you think?
We'll see.
We had no intention
to break the law.
No harm done.
I didn't know the property
was on the market yet.
Don't bother, young lady.
Mobiles do not function
in Bellingham.
You folks gonna buy it?
- We'd like to.
- We're thinking about it.
Well, if you decide to buy,
better you than some guru
and his cult.
We could do with some new blood
in the county.
You kids put
your safety belts on, now.
Seat belts.
Okay, folks.
Take care.
Well, rather than cherry-pick
the odd nice piece,
I'm willing to make
a generous offer of $18,500
for the entire contents.
Excuse me.
But I'm from New York, okay?
Go tell your father
I need him down here right now.
It's a beautiful house.
It's a beautiful town.
- Dad.
- Yeah?
Mom needs you.
In a minute, Jesse.
She said she needed you now.
I know. I know.
But I'm busy right now, okay?
Stan, Declan, this way.
Come on.
All right.
Stan, put that box
right up there.
Declan, take that box
into the office.
All this goes, too?
Uh, yeah.
I think so.
What about this room?
Oh, God, there's so many rooms
in this house.
- Oh, boy.
- Maps.
Paper work.
Maps and more maps.
"Hammerhand will find the weak.
Hurl them down to rot and reek.
Bash your skull and toss you in.
Your pain is short.
Your blood runs thin.
The strong are spared
to breed and spawn.
Graze around the devil's yawn."
What are you doing?
Just going over
all these papers.
The kids are starving.
Do you want to go eat?
I'm hungry.
- Yeah, me too.
- Look at this.
- Is that this house?
- Yes.
- Look at that.
- Wow.
That was taken in the '30s.
Look at that car.
Isn't it great?
Look at the yard.
Doesn't look like that now.
But it will again.
- Think so?
- After you mow it.
Let's go eat.
I'm hungry.
Kristen, would you mind
hanging up the phone?
Where'd you get that jacket?
It's Grady's.
Hot drinks.
Who had the tea?
- Oh, she had the tea.
- You had the tea?
- Yeah.
- Tea for you.
And coffee for you.
You wanting cream and sugar?
I'll take some cream.
How do they have any right
to be dumping his stuff?
They bought it.
They bought everything in it.
They could rent a locker.
They could put it in storage.
And the cream.
- Oh, thanks.
- Great.
Food's okay?
- Yeah. Good.
- Yeah.
I'm Cooper, by the way.
Ray Pinski.
Great to meet you.
- This is Leah. Kristen.
- Hi.
- Jesse?
- Yeah.
- Kristen.
- Ray.
- Ray?
- Oh. My wife.
I'm Ellen Pinski.
This is our daughter, Stephanie.
- Hi. Leah.
- Hi.
Do you kids like horses?
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, yeah. Sure.
Well, Stephanie has a horse.
And I think he needs
feeding right now.
Would that be okay?
Yeah. Sure.
Kristen, why don't you go, too?
Hmm? Go on.
I said, "go."
Go. Now.
Why don't you leave
that cellphone here with me?
If someone calls,
I can tell 'em where you are.
- They're at that age.
- She's tough.
Kids love horses, though.
Well, basically,
she loves cellphones.
But I'm hoping she'll move
into horses eventually.
Hey, really, come on.
Sit down.
Oh, good.
They're bonding
with the Pinskis.
- Five, actually. Five.
- Five.
Then, you're locals, then, huh?
Well, I mean...
I don't want to go that far.
- But...
- Yeah.
We've been here a long time.
Takes time to get there.
I mean, we send everyone
Christmas cards every year.
But haven't got one back yet.
Okay, this is a bit
of a sore point.
But I don't think
it's anything personal.
Did you guys get a card?
I didn't get a card.
I got two cards.
Oh, you're kidding.
- You didn't get a card.
- I got a card.
I didn't get a card.
I'm so upset.
It was about to fall down.
The ceiling was coming down.
Well, you're putting money
back into the community.
Money back into the community.
- That's right, Cooper.
- Money back into the community.
- We always say that.
- Yeah.
How about that blue truck?
- Out front?
- Yeah.
- Is it for sale?
- Oh, yeah.
He wants the truck.
You want the truck?
Well, I might, yes.
- We do?
- We need a second car.
Well, that's news to me.
It's a great truck.
It's a beautiful truck.
I'll do you a good deal on it.
Ray'll do you good.
- You better.
- Oh, I will.
Could use a little work.
Okay, I want you to close
your eyes.
Wonder what this could be.
Here comes a step.
Ready? Step.
Here comes another step.
Ready? Step.
- I'm stepping.
- Whoa.
Okay, our "neigh"bors are here.
Hi, Ray.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
What do you think
Stephanie's holding?
Well, take a look.
- Oh, my God!
You guys are the best!
She likes it.
Well, what are you waiting for?
See her eyes?
They just lit right up, huh?
She loves it.
Want some coffee?
- Oh, I'd love some.
- Come on in.
She's so surprised.
Hey, Ray.
Hey, good to see you.
Okay. Have fun.
Don't tell me that
you did this all on your own.
This is my office.
- This is your office?
- Yeah.
What's all this stuff?
It's all things from the family
that lived here before.
The Massies.
- Look at your garden.
- What's this?
What's this?
Final days?
Well, this is a time line
of the Massie family.
That's incredible.
What a project.
Well, it's what I do.
I do documentaries.
- Yeah.
- What's this?
Oh, that's the family
that lived here before.
That's the pool.
Oh, listen, if you guys want to
swim, come over to our pool.
That's... Grady.
- No, it's Lorna.
- Where'd you get that?
Oh, these tapes?
They're gonna want that back.
Well, they can have it.
You just found the tapes here?
They were in a closet. We bought
the house and the contents.
How much footage do you have?
Oh, miles and miles.
Hammerhand will bash your skull
and throw you down
the devil's throat.
Hammerhand will bash your skull.
- Hey, Dad?
- Yeah?
Thanks so much for Chester.
I really love him.
I don't want any present
for the next five years.
Yeah, I really believe that.
I'm glad, honey.
Are you happy here?
I'm so happy.
I really like Stephanie, too.
We like the same kind of stuff.
What about Jesse?
Think he's happy?
I think he's happy.
But he's really into Grady
and all his old stuff.
All his army garments.
It's a phase.
I think it's really creepy.
Think he'll go to college
like that?
I hope not.
Think they'd send him
back to us?
he'd probably like that.
There's some really,
really weird guy
looking at all your stuff.
May I help you?
Excuse me.
I'm Dale Massie.
I used to live here.
Uh, Cooper Tilson.
Nice to meet you.
This is my wife, Leah.
Pleasure, ma'am.
Hey, young man.
That's Jesse.
- Kristen.
- Young lady.
Do I smell burning?
What's cookin'?
Mmm. Mmm.
That is so gross.
That was so tasty, Mrs. Tilson.
Thank you.
Speech time.
Kristen, Jesse...
why don't you go see
how Chester's doing, okay?
It's a pony.
How nice.
Is it all right if I smoke
in here?
Uh, sure.
Thank you.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I screwed up.
Bank took everything.
You bought it.
You're doing a great job.
This place is gonna be gorgeous.
Really gorgeous.
Look, uh, Mr. Massie...
Oh. Dale.
Please. Call me Dale.
Dale, I feel...
Well, we feel bad.
If there's anything that you
want to take, go ahead.
It's yours.
Please, don't feel bad.
A house is just a shell, right?
I mean, you live in it
for a while.
Then things change.
Now it's yours.
I do have one question
for you, though.
Do you know what you're
getting yourself into?
Restoring this house?
We thought that it would take
about two years
to just, you know,
to get it kind of...
I just got out of jail.
Three years for an accident
that wasn't my fault.
I need a favor.
I'm asking you both
for a break here.
I really need a job.
Now, I know this house
better than anybody.
I could help you fix it up.
We could start with that pool.
That is one beautiful pool
out there, Mrs. Tilson.
My grandmother put that in
in 1926.
You know that?
I could have you
and the kids in there
by Friday at the latest.
I thought it needed relining.
Who told you that?
That's nonsense.
Well, okay.
Why don't we start out
with the pool?
And then we'll see
how it goes from there.
Thank you.
I think we're gonna be
good friends.
I gotta use a rest room.
May I?
Yeah, it's right out the hall
and to the...
Well, you know where it is.
No sweat, Mr. Tilson.
Well, thanks again for dinner.
Yeah. Sure.
Sleep well.
It's gonna be great.
Maybe you should offer him
a ride.
Okay, be mean.
Where the hell is he going?
Back to prison.
Hello, stranger.
I was just making
something to eat.
Oh, yeah?
But I ran out of bread.
You want some iced tea?
Oh, you... Fuck!
- I think he's a creep.
- Kristen.
Do we have to have him around?
I told him that we would
see how it went.
So we'll just...
- We'll see how it goes, okay?
- Yeah.
You ready, Dale?
All right.
Kill it.
No peeking.
Devil's throat!
You're it.
I'm not playing anymore.
- Oh, sore loser, are we?
- Shut up.
Hammerhand will bash your skull.
Hammerhand will throw you down
the devil's throat.
Bash your skull.
Bash your skull!
Shut up.
- Hey!
Thus bringing active
light where there was none.
Today, New York City has the
world's largest concentration
of full and partial
cast-iron facades.
Sorry to bother you, sir.
We're gonna need to spend
a little money on the pump.
Is it okay to send
one of the boys to the store?
- Sure.
Just give me a second, okay?
- No problem.
- The best, from the 1870s,
are in the SoHo-Cast Iron
Cast-iron architecture
was a mass-produced
American architectural...
New York, New York, huh?
You got a lot
of great equipment.
American architectural
innovation of the 19th...
Man, this room used to
terrify me when I was a kid.
- It was my daddy's study.
- Cast-iron architecture...
How much?
Couple hundred, max.
- Here.
- Thank you.
What do you make of these?
Uh, I don't know.
- You're a historian, right?
- What do you think they're for?
- I have absolutely no idea.
What are they for?
They're killing hammers.
Back in the day,
when Cold Creek Farm
was in its heyday,
there were 20,000 sheep here.
Come the season, they were
slaughtering 1,000 a day.
That's a lot of bullets, right?
So my grandfather and his
blacksmith, they designed these.
Pretty cool, huh?
Check this out.
Look at the spike.
Straight into the brain.
Small, little, clean hole
right through the skull.
No bone splinters.
And no pain.
Design got better
and better over the years.
Then the bolt gun came out.
It became redundant.
Seems to be one missing.
What am I doing gabbing here?
We both have jobs to do, right?
- Hey, Mom.
- Come in.
- Yeah, the water's great.
- Oh, no.
Okay, look.
If you'll get in,
I'll clean my room.
- Oh.
- Okay?
- You never will do that.
Oh, it's really warm.
Oh, it's nice in here.
Ah. Nice job.
Thank you, Mrs. Tilson.
It's Leah.
- Like the jet, right?
- Yeah.
Oh, we didn't know
it was gonna be this hot.
I don't think your daughter
likes me very much.
Sure, she does.
She's just a bit shy.
She's a pretty girl.
Just like her mama.
- The ball.
- What?
- The ball.
- The ball.
When do you get to see
your children?
Not since the day their mother
took off with them.
It's a big country.
If you want to disappear...
they just disappear, I guess.
I'm sorry.
Must be hard for you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Come on in.
I don't know.
Maybe later.
The water's fine.
- I've got a lot of work to do.
- Just fine.
So you did it.
Oh. Yeah.
Probably a foolish thing,
but couldn't resist.
And Dale Massie's working
for you?
Hey, can I ask you something?
Why was Dale in prison?
Uh, he had an accident
with his car.
He ran some guy over,
and the guy died.
Massie was sent down
for manslaughter.
It was before my time here.
I was in the Army.
Can we go?
You met my sister?
- Yeah. Hi.
- Hi. Ruby.
Nice to see you.
Who was Theodore Massie?
Dale's father.
Well, there's no record
of his death.
Well, it makes sense.
He's still with us.
He's in the nursing home
in Greensville.
He's a big asshole.
It'll be a public holiday
when that guy dies.
Nice to see you.
Regards to your family.
Oh, my God!
Jesse, get out of the pool!
Just get out!
- Mom!
- Jesse, hurry!
Get out of the pool!
Are you all right?
Take it easy, guys.
I got him.
Oh, my God.
I got him.
He's harmless, guys.
I promise you, Mrs. Tilson.
You don't need to be scared
of this one.
- Triangle heads.
Those you got to be careful of.
Those are poisonous.
This one here...
Twist him around.
This one here has got
a straight head.
See, Jess?
You can touch him.
I promise you.
Feel his texture.
Oh, hey, Mr. Tilson.
- You want to hold him?
- Oh! God! No.
- He won't hurt a flea.
- No.
If you folks are gonna live
in the country,
you can't go around being scared
of all God's creatures.
It's the heat
that brings them out.
Come on, little fella.
Put you back where you belong.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
There was a snake
in the middle of the pool.
Jesse was right in the middle.
Then Dale came up and got me.
And he took me out,
and then he got the snake.
- Mr. Massie.
Mr. Massie, you got company.
He's awake.
He just needs time to revive.
Uh, no, sir.
My name is...
Fix that lower gate?
Mr. Massie?
Them heifers get out?
A truck will kill one
or hurt it bad enough
I'll have to put him down.
I'll be sure and check
the gate...
Well, you better do more
than check, you little bastard!
I'll whip you so hard,
you'll shit blood,
you lazy, good-for-nothing...
Mr. Massie!
I'm not Dale.
My name is Cooper Tilson.
And I'm studying the history
of Cold Creek Manor.
And I was hoping that you could
talk to me about the place.
I don't talk to the government.
I'm not from
the government, sir.
Chocolate cherries.
Chocolate cherries.
Chocolate cherries!
Bottom drawer!
What are you waiting for,
for Christ's sake?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Okay. Okay.
I'll talk.
Wiped everything out.
Maybe we did cook the books
a little bit.
What the hell
you gonna do about it?
Nothing, sir.
That was a long time ago.
Bang, went the hammers.
Bang, went the hammers down
till they were all dead.
All of them.
Who was dead?
Bang. Next. Bang. Next.
Bang. Next.
And he didn't have
the stomach for it.
"Pooh. Pooh."
Didn't even kill it.
Wriggling on the floor.
Making noise.
I had to finish him off myself.
You see, you have to hold it
like this, you know?
One bang in the head.
It's better than a bullet.
Cheaper, anyway.
And straight into the brain.
Give me another cherry.
Down the devil's throat.
No spine is what happens
when your mama's a whore.
Running off with
any old cock of the walk.
Piss for brains as well.
Give me that.
They'll always be there,
you know.
Thank the Lord.
Cold Creek Manor.
Tammy. Grady.
Give me another cherry.
I'm sorry, sir.
They're all gone.
You little shithead.
Nurse. Nurse.
Now, Mr. Massie.
What's all the yelling for?
Thank you, Mr. Massie.
Give my regards
to President Bush.
I sure will.
He means the older gentleman.
It was lovely meeting you.
Thank you.
You too.
Good luck with the house.
Thank you.
Nice to have a visitor,
Mr. Massie?
He's from the President.
No, he's not.
He bought your house.
What you saying,
you stupid little bitch?
He owns Cold Creek Manor.
Oh, my God.
Wake up, sleepyhead.
Go lay an egg!
Roosters are boys.
Shut up!
Wake up!
Go away!
I'm gonna make breakfast.
- Ah. He makes his own breakfast.
- Oh. Morning, Dad.
Oh, Jesse. Jesse.
Oh, my God!
Dad! Dad!
- Dad!
- What?
There's a big snake!
There's one in my room!
- Kristen! Careful!
- Careful!
Where's your brother?
Jesse! Jesse!
- Oh! Oh, God!
- Jesse!
- Oh, God! Don't move!
- Don't move!
- Don't move!
- Don't move!
- Don't move!
- Why?
- Just stay there!
- It's a snake.
Oh, my God!
It's a wire. It's a wire.
Come on!
Calm down.
Everybody, calm down!
Up the stairs!
Up! Up! Up!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Hey. Is everything
all right up there?
There's snakes!
There's a snake!
There's snakes everywhere!
We're coming up.
Hey, Chester.
- You okay, Dec?
- Yeah.
They're coming down.
All right, Jess. You ready?
You got a clear path.
You're gonna be okay.
My boys are down there.
Hang on to the side.
We want to get you
out of the house.
- You got him, Dec?
- Yeah.
No more snakes.
No problem.
Come on. I promise you.
- Hang on to my hand.
- You can do it.
All right, sweetie.
Hang on to the side.
All right, Mrs. Tilson.
You ready?
Yeah. No.
You got it.
I promise you.
We want to get you
out of the house.
Hang on to my hands.
All right.
Oh. Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
Declan, meet her halfway, okay?
You okay?
- Go ahead.
- Thank you.
All right.
Coming down.
Mr. Tilson, take it slow.
We all clear, Declan?
Honey. Sweetheart.
They assured us
there's no more snakes.
Hi, Dale.
Uh, there's more food
if you're hungry.
No, thanks, Mrs. Tilson.
I really came to say goodbye.
Where are you going?
I understand how you feel.
Might have been more manly
to tell me to my face, though.
You're right.
And I apologize.
It was a pleasure
meeting you all.
It was a pleasure
meeting you, Dale.
Great job integrating
with the locals.
It's for the best.
The best for who?
Maybe we should go feed Chester.
Miller time.
Jesse, I've told you 18 times
that that's not what it means.
Then what does it mean?
I thought it was
the right thing to do.
What is your problem with him?
That guy put the snakes
in our house.
Why would he do that?
Because he still thinks
this is his house.
He wants us out.
Oh, come on.
I'm sorry, Cooper.
But I'm having trouble
relating to this.
Well, you don't seem to have
a hard time relating to him.
Meaning what, exactly?
You know exactly
what I'm talking about.
Dave Miller asked me
to sleep with him.
Dave Miller.
Dave Miller.
Hit on me on the airplane.
He offered me the VP spot
and then asked me to spend
the night with him in Chicago.
- What did you do?
- What did I do?
I moved out here into the middle
of nowhere with you.
I turned into
some 19th-century housewife.
Which was great for a while.
It felt like this weight
was lifted off my shoulders.
And you were supposed to
carry us through.
But that is not
what's happening.
- We're drowning here.
- No. No.
- And it is time to get out.
- No. That's not what I said.
What did you do?
I said yes.
But then I called you
on the phone.
And that was the day
that Jesse was very nearly
killed by that car.
Cooper, that was
a wake-up call for me.
That's why you agreed to
come out here, right?
Hey, buddy.
Hey. How are you?
I understand
Steph and Kristen,
they're gonna go on a shopping
spree with their moms.
Yeah, yeah.
Can I buy you a drink?
Uh, no.
I got to get back.
One beer's not gonna kill you.
Look, Cooper.
Word to the wise.
Be cool around here, okay?
I didn't come here
to start a war, Ray.
All I'm saying is come in,
buy a round of drinks.
Show there's no hard feelings
between you and Dale.
What do you say?
Come on.
I'll buy you a beer.
Come on.
Drinks on Mr. Tilson.
Thanks, Mr. Tilson.
Appreciate it.
Take the shot, man.
Take the shot.
I want to play the game.
You still buying?
What are you drinking?
One for me, one for you.
Two more.
It's Cooper, right?
You're a funny guy, Cooper.
Here. Let me help you
with that one.
Such a gentleman.
- Didn't you hear what I said?
- No.
No, I didn't.
Don't fuck with him.
He'll rip your fucking head off.
You got another one of these?
It's my birthday.
What do you say?
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Another round.
One more.
No. No. No.
None for me.
I got to get going.
That is true,
Mr., uh, City Slicker.
Mr. Fuckin' Coop.
Get out of my face.
And get out of my home.
I know you put the snakes
in my house.
Oh, yeah?
Why don't you try
and prove that?
Let me give you some advice.
Don't you ever...
come to my house again.
And if you harm one hair
on my family's head,
I will kill you.
Did you hear that, sheriff?
This man's threatening my life.
How much?
Come on.
Loosen up.
I'm trying to play a game
right now.
Dale, I'm gonna...
- You ever fuckin' shut up?
- Hey, Dale...
You just never shut
the fuck up, do you, Ruby?
You're not a man.
- You're not a fucking man, Dale!
- Oh, yeah?
You gonna keep talking to me?
Is that it?
Dale, don't!
What are you doing?
Get the fuck off me!
Dale! Wait!
Stop it!
Enough! Enough!
Back the fuck away, Massie.
Back up!
Step away!
I got enough
to throw you back inside
for the next five years,
you piece of shit.
You touch my sister ever again,
I swear to God it'll be the last
thing you ever fucking do.
Annie, he didn't touch me, okay?
I fell.
I've been drinking, and I fell.
He didn't touch me, okay?
You made your point.
Are we done?
Get the fuck out of here.
What happened to the car?
It's all bloody and broken.
And everybody's out there.
Mom's out there.
- She seems a little bit mad.
- Huh?
So what happened?
Did you hit something?
Did you hit another car?
- Oh. Oh.
- What happened?
What'd you hit?
It was a deer.
Couldn't stop.
Jumped right in front of me.
What happened to you
last night?
Mom, Dad, come here!
- What?
- Hurry up!
There's something over here!
Come on!
- What's going on?
- What's wrong?
Now what?
What is it?
Oh! Cooper!
You killed my pony!
Kris. Kris, wait up.
Wait for me!
Oh, my God.
You want us
to take care of this, Mr. T?
I didn't do this.
I didn't hit the pony.
Just leave her alone.
She's crying.
It was Dale.
Last night at the bar,
there was this thing.
It was a fight.
- And Dale and I spoke.
- Were you drinking?
But I did not kill Chester.
How many?
So you were drinking
and you hit a deer.
You are absolutely sure
that it was a deer?
Yes, I was absolutely sure
it was a deer.
Leah, you have got to
believe me.
Last night,
Dale, he would've killed Stan
if the sheriff hadn't drawn
a gun on him.
And he punched out
his girlfriend.
If the sheriff hadn't
been there,
I don't know
what would've happened.
Let's get out of here.
Right now.
From whatever is happening.
We promised we would never put
these kids at risk.
Let's just go back.
Go back to what?
We already sold the house.
There is no place to go back to.
This is our house.
This is our house.
So what, you're not gonna do
anything about this?
I didn't say that.
I'm gonna give him
unofficial warning.
I'm gonna tell him to keep off
your property.
That will not do a damn thing.
Then maybe you should take
your family back to the city.
I will not be intimidated
by a thug.
You have it your own way,
Mr. Tilson.
I am just trying to help here.
Why don't you call me when you
got something to show me?
Hey, Dad.
Hey, son.
Listen, honey.
I know you think that I did
a terrible thing.
I swear to you
I didn't do it.
On my life, honey.
I didn't do it.
Dad wouldn't kill Chester.
He's probably gonna kill
whoever did it.
All right.
That's enough, Jesse.
Cross my heart
and hope to die.
Then who would do
such a horrible thing?
Hey, fellas.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Is that you, Janice?
Oh, you're looking good.
Dale Massie.
When are we gonna have
the pleasure of your company?
I've just been busy sorting
everything out at the house.
- You walking?
- Yeah.
He seems like a nice man.
- Who's that?
- Mr. Tilson.
Mm. He's married, Janice.
He's got kin.
I didn't mean like that, Dale.
I just meant he seems like
a nice guy.
- So you met him, huh?
- Yeah.
Where at?
He came by to visit your father
the other day.
He was making a documentary
about the house.
He wanted to ask
some questions.
Excuse me.
You are a piece of work, man.
Accusing me of trespassing?
Did I say anything
when it was my house?
When I was stuck in jail
and you were caught red-handed
going through the place,
did I say anything?
No, I didn't.
I didn't say a goddamn thing,
'cause I wouldn't do that.
He had all my personal
Lorna and the kids...
all laid out on the table
on bulletin boards.
Real personal stuff to me.
Ruby? Ruby?
Can I get a check, please?
Ain't it cool?
You come tap-dancing in here,
grab the property
out from under a guy
who's late on a few payments.
Guess what he paid for
the property and the contents.
Joe, take a guess.
What do you think it was worth?
Your place is
about the same size, right?
Maybe five.
- Try 210 grand.
How about that?
How much are you getting
for that movie about my family?
Oh, don't worry.
I'll be sure and buy the DVD
with that $50 I got
for fixing your pool.
I mean, here I am.
I'm doing my level best to try
and be a good neighbor, right?
And you accuse me of being
some kind of sadistic prick.
Well, I guess you're just
trying to protect your family
the best way you can.
But when I've done wrong,
I own up to it like a man
and I set things straight.
That's what I do, Cooper.
We'll have our time, Massie.
This isn't it.
I think you're full of shit.
That's what I think.
Why don't we go outside
right now?
Hit him, Dad.
Knock his brains out.
When your man starts
pointing fingers,
he better be ready
to back it up, don't you think?
Ruby, I got no beef
with Mrs. Tilson.
- Out in the car.
- Kristen, get in the car.
It's that motherfucker right
there that's pissin' me off.
Hammerhead will smash
your skull!
Hammerhead will bash
your brains!
Throw you down
the devil's throat!
He killed his children.
I want you to get the kids
out of here.
I want you to take them back
to the city.
To New York.
Just get them out of here.
- What?
- Stay with Tina.
- No. You have to come.
- Okay?
Just pack enough clothes
for a couple of days.
- I'll come as soon as I can.
- What?
- I just have to find...
- What?
I have to...
I have to find more...
- What?
- More evidence.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye.
Bang, went the hammers down
till they were all dead.
Bang, went the hammers.
Bang, went the hammers down
till they were all dead.
All of them.
Cold Creek Manor.
Always there.
Tammy. Grady.
Always there.
Tammy. Grady.
And straight
into the brain. Dead.
Give me another cherry.
Down the devil's throat.
Jesus Christ.
What is the devil's throat?
I have no idea.
Mr. Tilson, this here,
this is all circumstantial.
This won't hold up
in a court of law.
You think they're buried on
your property, which is how big?
I'll search every inch of it
if I have to.
Well, there are two issues here.
Both are relating to
Dale Massie.
He's a piece of shit, all right.
But I don't think
he's a murderer.
I don't want to believe it.
I don't want to believe
that he murdered his wife
and his two small kids.
But he is on to you.
You have absolutely
pissed him off.
You should be careful.
So here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna give you a walkie.
It's a secure channel.
Keep it with you.
And if you need anything,
you just holler.
I'm gonna check in with you
on a regular basis.
I will check this all out
just to be sure.
Johnny Roth does
everybody's teeth around here.
I'm gonna run
that engine number, all right?
All right.
Hey, Mom?
Got it.
So you made it.
Everyone okay?
Sweetheart, I am so close.
I swear.
Then everything is gonna be
all right.
Cooper, this is destroying
all of us.
Leah, do you remember
the other day in the diner
when Jesse shouted something
at Dale?
Something about
the devil's throat?
You remember that?
I need to talk with him
about that.
Cooper, we can't drag
the kids into this.
They've been through enough.
They're traumatized already.
Just this one thing.
It's the key to everything.
- Lf I can find...
Sheriff Ferguson, come in.
Sheriff Ferguson,
can you read me?
Howdy, Mr. Tilson.
Something's strange.
My phone just went down.
Is your phone working?
Yeah, it is.
But maybe not for long.
We got a storm blowing in.
I ran that Honda number,
and it matches.
That's Lorna's car, all right.
Now, don't get too excited.
It's just circumstantial.
But maybe I'm not crazy.
It's possible.
Anything's possible.
I'll swing by later on.
- Mom.
- Yeah?
We have to talk to you.
Show her.
You fix that front gate?
Yes, sir.
I took care of it on Tuesday.
I put in three new hinge bolts.
She's as good as new.
Hey, look.
I brought your favorite.
You're lying.
You lost the farm.
Where'd you hear a crazy thing
like that, sir?
That's not true.
Have a chocolate.
- I got the ones with the dark...
- Don't you lie to me, boy.
You're the corrupt spawn
of your whoring mother.
I saw it.
I saw you.
Shut up.
Please, sir.
Just shut up.
I saw everything.
Everything you did.
She told you she was leaving you
and taking the kids.
They weren't even your kids.
See, you couldn't even
make babies.
You're not even a man.
Not even a man.
"Pooh. Pooh."
You couldn't kill an animal.
But you killed them.
Hey, what'd you do
with the bodies, boy?
I buried them, sir.
Is that what you did, boy?
Are you ready for a cherry, sir?
I'll get you a good one.
Here you go, Pop.
You got a little chocolate here.
She was doing it with everyone.
You hear me?
With everyone.
She told me.
She did everyone!
Oh, my God!
- Leah.
Are you all right?
I know where it is.
The devil's throat.
The kids found it
when we first moved in.
I got two speeding tickets
trying to get here.
And I'm so sorry
I didn't believe you.
God, we have brilliant children.
Yes, we do.
I'm going for a smoke break.
All right.
Yeah, hi.
Yeah, this is Sheriff Ferguson.
I had a question for Dr. Roth.
No, I understand.
Are you his assistant?
What I wanted to know was did he
treat the Massie children,
Tammy and Grady?
There's an edge.
Hey. Look.
Take this off.
- Help me lift this.
Lift. Lift.
Oh, my God.
- Be careful.
- Oh, Jesus.
Annie, I'm here.
Hey, Rose.
Where's Annie?
I don't know.
She must have stepped out.
- Have a good one.
I'm gonna lower
the video camera.
See what's down there.
[Camera beeps]
It's on.
You know, it's getting dark.
Maybe we should come back
Just five more minutes,
all right?
Then we'll go.
Night vision.
Hold the light.
It's down.
- Wait.
- What?
- I saw something. Go back.
- Where?
- Back a few frames.
- Back?
What is that?
Oh, my...
Oh, my God.
Do you read me?
Yeah, sheriff.
Sheriff, I read you.
We found the devil's throat.
They're down there.
The bodies.
I'm at the house.
Where are you?
Uh, we're close by.
Just take the back road.
Cut across the first field.
You're gonna see my truck.
I'll come meet you.
Okay. Over.
Sheriff, I don't see you.
Oh, my God.
Sheriff, do you read me?
What is your position?
Devil's throat, Mr. Tilson.
Hi, Leah.
Hang on!
Cooper, it's Dale!
It's Dale! It's Dale!
Look out!
Oh, Cooper!
You're gonna be all right.
Grab that vine.
I'm here, honey.
I'm here.
- I'm not gonna let you go.
- Cooper, he's up there!
Don't worry about that.
Come on.
Just get out of here.
Take another step, honey.
That's it.
Come on, honey.
Grab the rope.
Keep hold of the rope.
That's it.
Come on, baby.
That's it.
I got you.
Come on.
Ow! Careful!
We'll take the Jeep.
We'll get to a pay phone.
Call the sheriff.
I saw them!
I saw them in there!
Oh, my God!
Son of a bitch!
Let's get in the house.
What are we gonna do?
It's out of our control
right now. Come on.
Get on the table.
Let me see.
Is it cut?
You motherfuckers!
Give me the flashlight.
Go upstairs.
- Go! Go! Go!
- I'll never go without you.
Come on, motherfucker!
It's me.
Let's go this way.
You scared the shit out of me.
- Open it!
- It won't open!
- We're trapped!
Come on!
You guys should have stayed
in New York.
This isn't the place for you.
You know nothing about farming.
Dale, what are you doing?
What do you want?
It's a little too late
for "want," Leah.
"Do" is something, though.
What am I gonna do?
I'm gonna smash
both your skulls in
and throw you down
the devil's throat.
That's what I'm gonna do.
How'd you like it down there?
Did you see my family
down there?
Did you meet them?
You gonna throw those at me?
Try and hit me, Leah.
Oh, fuck!
No good, Cooper.
I could have fucked her
anytime I wanted to.
Just like the rest of them.
Bunch of fucking whores.
Did I hear a bone crack, Coop?
Let me tell you
what's gonna happen.
It's only fair
that you should know.
It's gonna be real quick.
Real painless.
A blow to each of your heads.
And then I'm gonna throw
your bodies down that hole.
It's that simple.
I got a question for you,
Do you think I'm nuts?
Yes or no?
I got another question.
You know what?
Fuck it.
Fuck it.
Let's just do this.
Get up.
I said get up!
You got anything
you want to say?
Any last words?
Keep it tight, Leah!
Looking for this?
Keep those legs down!
What's the matter, Dale?
Did I hear a bone crack?
How's it feel, Dale?
You fuck!
Get out of my house!