Collapsed, The (2011)

Rebecca, wake up, we've gotta move.
Come on, pack your stuff.
We need to find...
We need to find new shelter for the night.
Someplace more out of the way.
Underground maybe, I don't know how safe
the surface is going to be.
Well, what are we waiting for then?
Are you okay?
Yeah, let's just keep moving.
Are you sure it's this way?
You kidding me? I know the city
like the back of my hand.
I think he's right, dad.
Shit, it's dark down here.
- Watch your language.
- Shhh...
Sorry, mom.
Good a place as any, I guess.
Do you think things'll ever go back
the way they were?
I hope so.
Why didn't the government do anything?
It's like they wanted it to happen.
Oh would you stop it with
the 'what ifs' already!
They don't dous any fucking good.
Oh come on, mom! Don't you think
we have bigger shit to worry about... than whether I say fuck or not?
Besides, it's not like the government was
exactly safe either.
They're in the same boat as we are.
Yeah, but they've got guns and bombs
and technology we haven't even heard of.
Probably them that started this,
for all we know.
Rebecca, please. Just get some sleep.
Somebody has to be coming for us.
Nobody's coming.
- What?
- I said nobody's coming, Aaron.
I don't want to talk about this.
We have to. There's no candycoating this.
We've been out here a week now,
and it's just getting worse.
We have to be thinking survival.
There's got to be safe zones somewhere
in the city. We just have to find them.
Look, we all have to get realistic here.
Aside from the streetlights,
the power went out a few days ago.
I haven't heard a siren or, hell, even
many people on the streets, for even longer.
What do we do?
We need to get out of the city.
Soon aspossible.
And go where?
Dover's Bend.
I'm worried about Daniel too,
but it's a long way from here.
How are we going to get there?
We have to get a car.
First thing in the morning.
Well if things are this bad here, what makes
you think it's a good idea to go there?
Besides knowing our son is alive?
It's much lower population,
we know the area.
Plus with all that farmland, we could survive
easier if we have to hold out for a long time.
Try to get some rest.
I'll take first watch.
You sure it's safe down here?
Safe as it's going to get.
Someone comes, we hide at track level. Any
real danger and we take off down the tunnel.
Just avoid the third
rail... power might still be on.
Now get some sleep.
Don't have to tell me twice.
So how many shots are left in the gun?
What's the matter, Becky?
That was my blanket.
Yeah, I know.
We'll find you another one.
You think we should stop?
It might have gas.
Could be someone setting up for an ambush.
But we're low on gas, dad.
I'm aware.
It's not enough to get us to Dover's Bend.
What are we going to do?
We need to get as far
as we can on this tank.
Hopefully something turns up.
Hey! Look! Agas station!
Power's probably out here too.
Doubt the pumps work.
- We should stop anyway.
- There's probably food.
Yeah, okay. We need supplies.
Yeah, okay. We need supplies.
Let me go take a look first.
You think the gas pumps still work?
We can't stay out here for too
long. We're too out in the open.
Don't worry, mom. We'll be okay.
Here he comes.
Come on, let's go.
Come on!
Can't stay long, the pump control in here is
dead, but we'll check outside before we leave.
Just get what we need.
As much as you can carry.
On it!
How long do we have?
I wouldn't trust anything needing a
fridge. Power's been out too long.
Did you see a bathroom key?
Bathroom is in the back.
Did she say bathroom? I'm after her!
What is it, dad?!
- Oh, fuck.
- Dad?
We need to get out of here now.
Through the back of the store.
What wrong?
Head out the back door. Now! Move!
Run to the tree-line! Fast as you can!
Hold on!
We need... To stop... A moment.
We need to put more distance
between the mand us.
Two men. Dangerous.
But we have guns. We could have taken them.
Now they've probably got our gas.
They had machine guns.
I'm fine.
Leave the safety on. Don't waste ammo.
We can walk now at least, right?
Just as long as we keep moving.
Keep your eyes open.
We should go back and get the car.
It's too dangerous.
So what's the plan then, walk the
rest of the way to Dover's Bend?
If we have to.
I think it's alright to
stop here for a while.
How far is it?
Far enough.
What does that mean? If we walk,
how long is it going to take us?
Well, if we stop and sleep each night...
I'd say a week. Maybe week and a half.
It can't be that far.
If we took adirect route, we'd get
there in about 3 days.
So let's do that.
It's too risky. We have to keep away
from populated areas as much as possible.
Otherwise, we might not make it.
I still say we go back for the car.
Those men are probably still there.
That place was full of supplies.
- All the more reason to go back, I say.
- Hey, dad?
Yes, Rebecca?
Can I head off for a bit?
I need some privacy.
Give your sister the gun.
Thanks, dad.
- Don't go too far.
- I won't!
What is it?
You really still think we can make
it all that way on foot?
We have to.
It's our best chance.
The car was almost out of gas anyway.
But it could get us a lot closer,
cut our hike in half.
The car makes us too much of a target.
A moving target. Walking we might
as well be sitting ducks.
And what about the men with the machine-guns
that are probably waiting at the car?
Daniel's dead.
Deep down you've got to know that.
I don't know that.
And neither do you.
I just think we should find a bunch
of supplies, and an abandoned house...
...close by, and stay as long as we can.
We're too close to the city still.
It would be too hard to defend.
Did you hear it?
Hear what?
That... sound.
There's something out here with us.
It's not just a sound.
You've all felt it by now, right?
Whatever it is. Travelling around us.
Yeah, it creeps me right the fuck out.
You think it has something to
do with what happened?
No idea...
Doesn't matter right now.
Your mother and I, we've been talking and...
I'm going to go see if we're
able to get the car back.
I thought it was too dangerous?
I'm just going to check it out.
If the men are still there,
I'll head back before they see me.
Well, I'm going to go with you.
- No, I'm going alone.
- You're not going anywhere.
But, I'll stay in the tree-line,
and you need a look out.
Keep it with you.
You see anyone that isn't us, you shoot them.
We should be back in a few hours.
If you're not?
The don't wait around here for us.
Keep heading North-East.
As soon as we can, we'll catch up to you.
Be careful.
Give me the binoculars.
Looks like they're gone.
That's good news.
I said "looks like".
What are you reading?
Just something Jeremy gave me.
You know you can talk to me, right?
When we get to Dover's Bend, even
if Daniel's alive... What then?
I think you're father's right. It's
the safest place for us.
No, I mean... What then?
Is that all life is now?
We just live and...
You'd rather we didn't? It's better
than the alternative.
Is it?
I had a life with Jeremy, and now he's dead.
Everyone's fucking dead!
So is that all it is then? We just...
We live? And...
- What your father did...
- No! Don't make excuses for him!
I know he had to do it. I just...
I know it's what had to be done.
There's nothing I can say to make any of us
feel any better about this.
I don't need to feel better...
I just worry about what happens when I
have to make that choice my self.
Don't worry. It takes a special
breed. You're not like your father.
That's just it.
I am like him.
I think I'd do the exact
same thing if I had to.
Damn car won't start. They took the gas.
Aw, fuck.
Well, we should go back in
and get some supplies.
I don't want to linger.
Something's not right.
You and your sister
filled your packs, right?
Yeah, but it's only enough for a couple days.
It'll take five minutes to grab some more, dad.
Then we head back.
I need to find a book.
You can read this when I'm done.
Kind of cursing being a fast reader now,
'cause I'll be done this in no time.
Probably end up having to read it again.
I never could get into
reading a book twice.
You're smoking again?
Want a drag?
No... thanks.
How many do you have?
Two more. Got'em out of Aaron's bag.
He's going to be pissed at that.
Your brother shouldn't be smoking anyway.
Should we collect fire wood or something?
I doubt we'll be camping here.
I'm guessing your father's going to
want us to move on when he gets back.
Back when it was an option,
I enjoyed this shit.
God, what the fuck was I thinking?
Cheers to that.
How long you think they've been gone?
Couple hours.
They should be back soon, I think.
What is it?
We're almost there,
it's just through those trees.
Okay, you go ahead.
I'm going to go take a piss.
I'll wait for you.
- Don't worry, I'll be fine.
- Are you sure?
What happened?
Tell me what fucking happened!
...from the store.
The men from the store?
Which way did they go?
What are you doing?
Tell me which way they fucking went!
Don't. They'll kill you too.
Are we just supposed to do nothing?
They deserve to fucking die!
Keep your voice down.
Why? They're just like all those other sick
fucks that tore every thing a part to begin with.
They could still be close enough to hear,
and they're way better armed than we are.
Let them fucking come!
Look what they fucking did.
We're dead anyway.
Just a matter of fucking time.
- At least I could...
- No... No!
We can survive, we can make
it. But we have to be smart.
You don't have to give me the gun, but...
just think about it.
We owe your mom and sister more than just
running off and getting ourselves killed.
Just calm down a moment,
and think this through.
We can't stay here long.
What are you doing?
We need to bury them.
Just find something to dig with!
It'll take too long to dig deep enough
like that. We don't have that kind of time.
It'll have to be fucking shallow then.
We can't leave them like this.
Come on.
Let's walk another mile or two.
Then we'll try and get some sleep.
Sorry, dad.
This looks great, mom.
You should try the sweet potato.
Aaron doesn't do sweet potato.
That's not true, I like it in fry form.
Can I just say that I'm
glad we're all here like this?
It's been too long since we've
eaten as a family.
Cheers to that.
Oh, did I tell you I
start full time next week?
That's good news.
Soon she'll be lending us money.
That'll be a while yet.
Jeremy and I got enough to payfor without...
He's dead, you know.
We'll stop to rest soon.
Is that all there is, then?
Just keep on walking and pretend
like nothing happened?
Dover's Bend is still our best shot.
And what if that's what gets us killed?
We take that chance anywhere now.
We don't have a choice.
Look, what ha...
What is it?
It's me! It's me! It's only me.
Aaron, it's okay. You're safe now.
It's not safe...
It's not safe.
What were you shooting at?
I don't know.
I don't remember.
How about I take the gun for a while?
No... I'm okay.
But you've only got two shots left.
Make them count.
Come on. Let's keep going.
We'll stop for lunch soon.
I'll take first watch to night.
Look at you.
You need some sleep.
You look like a zombie.
I'm fine.
No you're not.
You've been up most of the night for the
better part of the week watching out for us.
It's my turn now.
We'll take shifts, then.
Eat up, we should go.
I'm not hungry.
That probably means you're too hungry...
What are you thinking?
Possibly shelter forthe night.
Here, take this.
Give me the gun.
I'm going to run up and scout it out.
You get into that tree-line and
cover me with the rifle.
How do you know how to do that?
I don't.
It's just a shitty lock.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Come on.
Smells mouldy in here.
Your grandfather used to take me to the
same kind of camp when I was younger.
What are you looking for?
Folks in places like this are a lot
more trusting than most. He alw...
He always kept a 'hide-a-key', just
in case he'd get locked out.
Found a hot-plate.
There's a lantern too.
This has fuel left.
Still some juice in this too.
We might actually get hot food tonight.
Ah, nice
What is it?
There's beer in here. Three of them.
I don't know if I'd be drinking that,
probably been there a long time.
There's enough food in here
to last a week or two.
We not staying that long.
I say we cook ourselves a hot meal for once,
and do it before it gets too late.
In a couple of hours it'll be dark,
we won't be able to see anything.
Yeah, but we've got light.
And we should save it.
How about we use the fire pit out front?
I don't think we should be attracting
that kind of attention.
I'm gonna have a beer.
Where'd you find that?
It was Rebecca's.
Food'll be ready in 20 minutes.
What are you doing?
Saw the cleaning kit inside.
Realized I haven't checked the
rifle since I grabbed it.
Could be all messed up.
You mean it could've blown up in your hands?
Nah. These old things were
made to last in the mud.
Still, you never know.
Where'd you learn how to do all this stuff?
The map and compass I learned in cadets.
The hunting thing...
it's kind of a family tradition.
How come you never asked me to go?
Because I stopped going when
you were really young.
Life happened, I guess.
Between paying bills and taking care of you
two I didn't really have time to go.
Then when your grandfather died I... um...
didn't really have a reason anymore.
Besides, would you have been interested in
coming if I had asked?
Seems when you got older if it didn't have
anything to do with music, you weren't into it.
A lot of good that did me.
Spent all that time and money trying to get
somewhere, and ended up with nothing.
Don't talk like that.
You were just getting started.
Who knows how far you would have gone...
with another 10 years of work.
Another 10 years...
I guess I'll never know.
Listen, right now the best thing we can
do is just focus on what's most important.
To me, that's you, and Daniel.
- Daniel's dead.
- No.
He has to be.
I need to know, one way or another.
So suddenly you care about all of us?
Would you be doing all this
if it was me instead?
Of course I would.
Why would you say something so stupid?
You're all I care about.
Then where were you growing up?
You were always in the city. Working.
You were never around.
Aaron, this is not the time for this.
You know I had to go where the work was.
This might be the only time for this.
By this time tomorrow we could both be dead.
So, tell me.
It had to be more than just work.
It's complicated.
Make it simple.
If you want me to keep on following
you around, just be straight with me.
I don't see how this is going to help,
it's just going to up set you.
Just tell me.
Your mother and I, we were
just having problems.
What kind of problems?
She cheated on me.
I don't believe you.
Believe me or don't believe me...
It's the truth.
We got past it...
your mother... she's never been
good at routine.
You know, that's what marriage
becomes after a while.
After kids, debt and responsibility, it's
just the same thing day in and day out.
I think she just got bored.
I've forgiven her since.
At the time though, we needed the space.
Kill two birds with one stone:
Put food on the table,
and had time to think.
You know she was never really...
We were both to blame.
I'm sorry about leaving.
But it was for the best.
I mean, eventually we all ended
up in the city anyway.
Except for Daniel.
Don't be angry...
In the long run I think it helped us.
You aren't going to say anything?
I don't have anything to say.
Besides, none of it matters now.
We should get some sleep.
In the morning we'll grab as much food as
we can carry and get moving.
You get some sleep. I'll take first watch.
Kill for me.
Okay, weneed a stop.
I need new shoes, man.
My fucking blisters have blisters.
Don't lance them.
You don't want an infection.
I wish I had grabbed some
antibiotic cream from the store.
I saw it sitting right there.
We're running low on food.
How much further do we have to go?
We've gotta be getting close. We've
been walking for 6 days now.
We're about a day or so
away from county limits.
Say another half day to hit Daniel's place.
We should stop and eat then.
Then get going?
So what do you want, beans or... beans?
What are my choices again?
Green or brown.
In that case, brown.
What is it?
I think it's following us.
I don't hear it.
It's different than usual.
You ever think that we're walking out
here, totally isolated, and out...
...there things are going back to normal?
Do you actually believe that?
No... But there has to be
safe zones, or something?
We'd never know because we're in the
middle of fucking nowhere.
You saw what happened as much as I did.
You've got to know that can't be true.
For all we know, we're the only
living people for hundreds of miles.
And the only way we've stayed that way
is by being out here like this.
I guess you're right.
I just hope to fuck you're not wrong.
Doesn't matter either way.
Let's just keep walking.
What is it?
Come on. Come on!
Come on, Aaron!
Oh, fuck!
Wait here, don't move.
Stay down.
Don't go... Dad!
Stay down, Aaron!
Aaron, get down!
Aaron, stay down!
I'll be back for you.
You killed my son!
Show yourself! You coward!
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Had it my way I'd just let you starve.
So why don't you?
Why don't you just kill me
and get it over with?
John's got it in his head you're sick,
an boot-heel ain't no cure for what ails ya.
Just so we're clear, you try something stupid,
I'm gonna put a bullet through your fuckin head.
Now I'm just gonna untie
one hand so you caneat.
Don't let this crazy fucker near
me, man! He's going to kill me!
You've gotta untie me, man. We've
gotta get the fuck outta here.
Who are you? What did they do to you?
My name's Phil. But we ain't
got time for this shit.
It's not what they've done.
It's what they're gonnado.
Fuck man, hurry up. We gotta get
moving or we're fuckin' dead.
What happened to you?
Was just tryin'to survive.
Same as you, I'd guess.
Then they came.
Killed my girl. Tied me up.
Who are they?
They're fuckin' cannibals, man!
They must've been following us...
You need to calm the fuck down.
How many are there?
In the house?
What are you gonna do, man? We
gotta get the fuck outta here.
They took people from me too.
No man, fuck that.
We leave, and maybe we live.
You go, and they will kill you.
His rifle is over there, take it.
Feelfree to run.
"It was all the government, you know... "
"I mean, I saw this coming
years ago, I saw this coming 10 years ago... "
"I know they got a vaccine, they
gave it to me years ago. "
They told me they were just testin like,
uppers or something. "
"Like a pep pill, or something. "
"I'm not sick. I'm not sick. I know
I'm not sick. Because... "
"because I ain't crazy. I ain't
crazy, I saw this comin. "
"I saw it comin'years ago, because they give
me the pills, man. They give me the pills. "
Now, Peter.
I say we just kill him.
It's ain't worth the risk.
We don't know if he's infected.
Either way, it's another mouth to feed,
and we ain't got the supplies.
I think he's awake.
So what's your name, then?
No need to struggle.
Don't hurt yourself.
Fuck you! I'll fucking kill
you for what you did!
Now look what you've done.
What did I tell you?
He'll come around, trust me.
What is it you think we did?
You, or one of your men...
You killed my son.
What makes you think that?
I tracked the killer here. So don't pretend
like you're in the fucking dark.
You think we'd chance leaving our
perimeter with that thing out there?
Wasn't us.
Don't have that much of a death wish.
You're lying to me. I saw what I saw.
I'm telling you, he's gotta be one of them.
One of who?
That's what we have to decide,
before we know what to do with you.
What are you talking about?
We need to know if you're infected.
Look at me!
Do I look infected to you?
Doesn't work like that, asshole.
What does she mean?
You mean you don't know?
You been out there blind this whole time?
You must've heard it, felt it?
Make no mistake about this, It has
a consciousness, and it's fucking thorough.
All this shit might have seemed like a virusat
first, but that changed pretty fucking quickly.
And what do you thinkit wants?
Isn't it obvious?
It wants us dead.
Every last one of us.
I don't have a fucking clue.
Hey, pay attention. This is important...
You ever deal with cockroaches?
There's only a few ways to actually
effectively get rid of' em.
One is this poison powder.
Roaches get it on them and eat it,
then they go back to the nest, and eventually
it makes it's way around to all of em.
What's your point?
That's what this thing does, I think.
It infects us some how, and
then it forces us to kill.
It uses our trust against us.
We're taking a chance even
trying to live together.
Any one of us could be infected,
and not even know it.
There were five of us until recently.
The bastard just turned on us.
I've heard enough of this shit.
You'reall fucking paranoid, and
I've already told you...
I'm not infected!
Haven't you been listening?
You wouldn't know if you were.
You expect me to trust a word you say when
you've got some innocent kid
beaten near death and tied up in the barn?
You were in the barn?
You can do whatever you want to me...
at least he's got a chance now.
What did you do?
You just don't get it, do you?
It's not "you saw what you saw" anymore.
It's "you saw what it wants you to see. "
Phil turned on us. He tried to kill us, and
then didn't remember a fucking thing.
Now when I talk to him, I don't
know if I'm talking to him, or it.
What'smore dangerous
than a guiltless killer?
Easy to believe someone who has no
memory of their crimes.
So this is nothing personal,
I just can't take the chance.
What the fuck? Oh, fuck!
Oh, fuck! No!
No... Dad, stop! Dad? No, please!