Collection, The (2012)

I know this day's like your darkest
day of your life
I know you miss your mother
And even though she's not here right now,
she'll always love you
You understand that, don't you darling?
Yes, Daddy
But i'm going to be around more,
I will always be here
I promise
Trap his victims
People still missing
going murderous
vicious crime spree
we'll dedicating every availabe research to hunt this man down
The Collection
the serial killer has claim to yet another victim
And what is becomes the most vicious crime spree in our city history
this unpleasant series of violent murders
has many stayings in doors and living
in fear
Good morning.
I think we can share it this time
The serial killer can traps his victims at home,
business and work places
And kills them
however,it appears that he takes one victim from each
crime scene,this people may be still alive or captive
More over fifty people
still missing
grieving families are seeking answers
and the authorities have began
the man hunt
that's why people wonders in the string of murders
the killer seems to strike without any pattern
which make it impossible
for police to track his moves
it's best to described it's a predator without boundries
targeting men,women,
children, young, old
he does not discriminate
The last missing person is no stranger to crime himself
Arkin O'Brien,is a twice convicted flee
who is abducted shortly after
paramedic responded to a 911 call
O'Brien's wife, Lisa, recently
reacted to the abduction
whoever's watching this
Please, if you see this and you have him
Please let him go.
Please ...
let him go.
We'll hunt this man down,
we'll hunt his trail
and we will bring him to justice
are you here?
Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to make
it tonight babe.I got a work till we're close.
I'll make it up to you though,
something really special.
who're you talking to? Come on! lets go
- alright?
- Okay, you are off the hook.
I love you babe, i love you,i love you so much
I love you too
- Hey Missy.
- What are you doing?
studying, now
- Brian bell on me.
- good, get dressed. I'll take you to the party.
I don't know, I'm kinda tired.
I think I'm just gonna go to bed.
yeah I got you, look out your window.
I'll be down in five
You think I pick right shirt?
it's not about your shirt litle brother.
it's about how you wear it
All girls say that,dude,
and none of bit is true.
every detail counts
- I've been workin' on some..
- Stop it, stop
First of, don't call me "dude".
Look, when you want to be the one, you don't
walk up to and say "hi, I need to sleep with you"
Say "nice shoes".
sound make sense?
just try raise some confidence for a change
lets go,lets go,lets go!
Hey, Josh.
nice shoes
I can't believe your dad let you leave that
house for that psyko when you know he is
- He didn't.
- terrific
- Where is this place, anyway?
- It's way up here.
You know, its entry by password only
- And which is one...
- 'Never More'.
Wow, this really looks inviting.
this has to be it.
That's gonna be the doorman
Tell the password
'Never More'
stay down
Help me.You gotta help.
come on. now!
Help me.
you gotta help me.
Help me
Look out!
- What do we got here?
-Hey, just stay calm.
- Where is my wife at?
-Hey, just stay calm
- My arm is broke badly
- Give him the 20 mg antiversive and 10 mg of morphine
- Can you tell me your name?
- Arkin.
Please notes that there's
scratches on subject right arm
- One, two, three.
-Oh fuck!
We need some help here
right now
Hold him down
Hold on tight, give him antiversive 10 mg. now!
You can't be in here.
- the fuck is goning on? Get out of here.
- Wait a second.
Okay,easy guys.
Okay, easy.
I thought I never see you again.
we ain't that lucky
What happened to you?
I got you now.
You don't have to give me flowers
- I didn't.
- What it say
What it say?
"For the collection".
"get well soon,
cant wait to meet the family ".
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
- What?
- Listen to me.
- You gotta go to your mom.
- No
Go now. Don't tell anyone where you were
going and don't even welcome back.
- No, please.
- Go.
Go now.
Got it from here buddy.
Have a good night.
Hello, Arkin.
I've told you guys everything I know.
I'm not a cop.
Who are you?
My name is Lucello.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- relax.
I'm here to help you.
I'm working for a man whose daughter gone missing.
Did you see her at the party?
were she alive?
The last time I saw her.
Did he take her?
If they didn't find a body,then
He always takes one.
Her name's Elena.
I got 48 hours tops
before she's dead.
I think you've pretty good idea
where that man might be
But what you think you can find
this guy when the cops can't
Because I'm allowing to do things they won't.
I've assembled the team where
we gonna find him and kill him.
What's the plan?
- He's gonna lead us to where he lives beings hell.
- what about the police?
They had their chance.
This man deserves beyond the law
She's all I have.
- Find her.
- Sir, I'm always been there for you.
She'll be home tonight.
Thank you Lucello.
- Elena
- Daddy.
I got you.
Whose house?
get away.
get away from me. No.
What are you doing?
get away from me. No.
We are going in to the girl tonight.
And this man, Arkin O'Brien ...
is our best chance
to bring her home alive.
Let's be clear about one thing.
I'll help you get there.
But I will not go inside.
You help us find Elena
and you walk.
We'll do the rest.
Tell us what we need to know.
If we gonna find this guy,
we've to started at the begin.
He through me in the red trunck.
I cut my forearm every time I got to a 100.
If we turn right or left I'll make this thing cuts
Drive 5 miles under the speed limit.
Stop fully at every stop sign,
don't caught the engine to the else
Follow my instructions,
I'll take you where to where he took me
You better be prepare man.
Bring everything you got.
If he catches you,he's gonna make
You wish you were dead.
I'm not gonna walk in there like this is
sunday dinner because this is his house
And he would cut your balls off
to feed him to you.
This hotel has been abandoned for years.
This is the place.
You're the expert.
Can you get us in there?
I'll get you in there and I'm outta here.
Watch your back in there, it's built like a mess.
The whole place is rift.
That's why you'll lead us in.
What are you talking about?
It's the same deal Arkin.
I'll kill the guy, but you gotta help us find Alena.
What were you think I know
where she's at?
Because you're only person I know to
see the inside of this hotel and live.
Ladies first.
You the dick.
Guard the door and stay in the radio.
There's something moving in there.
No way man, put that gun in my head.
No fuckin' way , I'm not going
You already banned at night girl once,
you gonna do it again?
Please give me something
to protect myself with.
- Are you kidding me?
- Nope.
What the fuck was that?
Are you okay?
His tongue been shoot off.
This peoples are completely blown out.
this guy's been cooked out of his mind.
He messes with him.
He chop it off.
They don't do what he says,
he turn them into his dogs.
- It's like a zombie.
- He's not a zombie.
Just a person.
More what it left to them
These enough drugs can turns
anyone into animal.
What is this place?
Ok,listen up this is what we gonna do
One ...
Shit, what the fuck?!
Come on.
This way.
What the fuck!
- This asshole fuckin' what's this in this fuckin' shit.
- relax.
The cell useless.
we're not getting any signal down here.
We gettin' jammed , either police should be all
over this place any second.
We're in concrete tomb,
ten feet underground in the part of the city,
Rough only been shit on. Nobody gonna hear us
because there's no one round to listen.
Alright, lets get movin'.
Stay close.
Who's out there?
I can hear you.
Please let me out, please.
I can get you out after you be quiet, ok?
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
How did you get out?
did he let you out?
He didn't let me out.
I got out
He did this to me.
I'm Elena. What's your name?
Do you know way around here?
No, no. We can't
leave this room.
- No, we can't just go.
- We can get out of here, okay.
Okay, come on.
Come on.
Hands up.
- Please.
- Stay back.
- Please help me,
- The fuck is this?!
Stop right there or we'll shoot.
I should leave.
What did you make?
"The Collection"
Get Back!
Where's Arkin?
You don't wanna go in there.
- Thanks
- We should keep moving.
- He likes me, you know ...
- Wait, what do you mean?
He ...
- You never win.
- What?
You are not
strong enough. You cant win
We weren't suppose to get out.
He's testing me.
- He's testing me again. Get away from me
- He will hear you.
Get away from me.
Help me, please.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me.
Hey, up here.
Somebody help me.
You got the bad and the good look.
I told you, to cut his heel.
Look out!
Hey, help me.
Help me.
I told you,
he pickin us off one by one.
If you want to live,you gonna a stop
,listen to me,
before he tear us a part,
and leave out this fucking girl.
We gonna work together
and get the hell out of here.
I'm not leaving without her.
If you find her by now
she's probably be dead.
I've been watching over her since she was a little girl.
I promise to her father ...
I know where she is.
She tried to get me out of here.
That way.
Are you sure?
No, no.
It's not Elena.
- What are you doing?
- It's a trap, it try to lure us away from Elena
- Are you gonna pass her?
- My objective is Elena.
Well, fuck your objective.
Can't you hear that?
Don't act like you don't give a fuck
Stay with her.
Stay with her.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me.
please. No. Please.
please, help me.
No, no. I got you, okay.
Get out of there.
That way.
- get me out.
- Elena.
Get me out of this fucking thing
its ok.
We gonna get you out of here, okay.
Let's go.
- No, no, she's crazy.
- Look at me.
You're safe.
- We gotta go.
- yes, come on.
I think I know the way out.
Come on.
- How many shots you got left?
- Two.
Give me the gun.
Not a chance, we are on the third floor.
We leave this out as when we came in
we won't make it with those things down there.
Look, it's time for you to trust me.
Give me the gun.
If I want you dead,
I woldn't saved your ass back there.
You left me.
Look, there is nothing what I can do.
I am sorry, but there was nothing I can do.
I can get us out of here
if you give me the fuckin' gun.
Did you just shoot somebody?
It just fire try to get attention.
Sorry, dude.
He'll call the cops.
Now he know exactly where we are.
Shots fired.
I repeat: Shots fired, need backup.
On the Road 6769 Argento hotel.
The shot coming from the hotel.
We just need hold on,
and not draw attention to ourselves.
Sensible enough
The fuck is she just do?
- He likes me now.
- I told you
Right here.
- Shut up.
- You're all gonna die
Let's go.
I can't
- Go now save her.
- I'm not leaving you like this.
Arkin,bring Elena home.
Go Now.
Go Now! go!
Go go.
Trying to tell you.
Fuck you!
What are you doing man?
Come on! fuck you! you piece of shit!
Do you remember me?
Come on! fuck you! come on!
Come on, You fucking pysho piece of shit!
come on,I love to fuckin' tear you into pieces
Come on,man!
I'll fuckin' eat your heart. I tear you into fucking throat
Come on, you fuckin pussy ,look at me pussy
pussy ,pussy cut me here.
Come on, what are you doing, come and kill me!
- You come in here.
- No, no.
What are you doing?
We gotta get out.
There's a way out.
Put your hands trough.
Where's the fucking knife?
- Try to pull.
- I can't get it.
Take it out take it out.
almost got it.
I got it.
There gotta be another way.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I need you to step on my forearm.
Rebrake it
just do it
Elena, somebody just fuckin do it
do it!
We need the firefighters,right now.
wait a second.
Give me your hand. Ready?
- Shit
- We cant stay here
- We gotta go.we gotta go
- come on.
Two floors. Don't look down,
hold the rope.
- got it.
- Yes, do it.
Keep moving.
This way.
Oh, my God ...
Kill him, Arkin.
Kill him
Help us.
- help, we're here.
- There are people in there.
How dare you?
Look at me.
Come on, hurry.
Place the body at the south in the parking lot
we're waiting for body count
all those insects,
You quite The Collector.
You're 200 miles in the radius
where we last saw each other
There are 14 licences entomologists.
And you're number twelve.
It's better than a museum, didn't?
Fucks you up real good.
Turn around.
Turn around.
You here to kill me?
that'd be too nice.
First I'm gonna make you feel
everything that I feel.
And then I 'm gonna kill you
So that you can never hurt any body again
Fuck you! fuck you! fuck you!