College Kumaran (2008)

My Guruvaurappa! Today my
result is coming. Help me to pass.
My Krishna saved me.
Child! Why are you here?
Can't say when Principal will come.
What happened?
Didn't father tell you anything?
There was ragging in the canteen
Problem because of the college students.
Chairman Sethunathan was the reason.
God! Don't know what will happen?
Anybody can make a complaint...
But when you give witness
before the Syndicate members
& PTI committee,
you must think carefully.
Particularly about college
Union chairman.
She may not know that...
But Karunagaran Nair
knows it.
Some years ago, Sethu Nathan's father
Sekaran Panickar M.L.A
&I tried to get approval to start a college here.
Luck &god's grace were with me
at that time.
Father &son together planned
to destroy this college
since I started this college
step by step.
To take revenge, using the students,
Sethu Nathan became chairman of the college.
So, Karunagaran Nair must give more thought
to give witness, tomorrow.
Tell me, Nair!
Did you see Sethu Nathan trying
to molest this Parvathi Nambeesan,
"Kalathilagam" of this college in the canteen,
because of her refusal
to accept his love?
I saw it.
What did you see Karunagaran Nair?
Sethu Nathan tried to molest this girl
in the canteen.
When I tried to prevent it,
he & his friends beat me.
They threatened to kill me.
If I didn't go there in time,
This girl would have jumped from the
upstairs of the college & killed herself.
Must punish Sethu Nathan
Karunagaran will you tell, what you told
now, before the committee tomorrow...
I will tell, sir.
I'll tell the truth anywhere.
Brother! My black tea...
I was just missing you
I'll give now.
Have you decided to give statement
in Sethu Nathan's matter?
I too have a daughter in that age.
This kind of incident must never
happen in this campus.
Why are you taking this risk in this age?
Is ragging is something that doesn't
happen in the college cam pus?
This is not only ragging, he tried
to molest that girl here.
You know well about the character
of Sethu Nathan's father?
People give importance to him
& his party in this place.
I know Vasu will say like this.
You also belong to M.L.A Sekaran
Panickar's party.
What I want to say...
Vasu kutty don't say anything. My decision
remains the same without any change.
Radha child, why did you
come in this night?
Vasu kutty has seen me...
...coming & going since this morning
to tell about a good matter.
But I couldn't see my father.
What child?
Mr. Karunagara I got the
entrance in M.B.B.S.
Oh! God.
Is it true, child?
See, the number has come in the paper?
Good... You go home child.
Father will come soon.
Why? My job will be over,
after giving Vasu kutty the black tea.
We'll go together, ok?
Brother you keep everything ready,
I'll come now.
How long I'm waiting here,
you come home, and I'll take care.
Hereafter if father wants to see me,
he must get appointment.
Is it? If you are like this now...
how will you be after finishing your M.B.B.S
&having stethoscope on your shoulder?
I'm very happy child, but your
mother is not here to see this.
Daddy! In this happiness don't drink & cry
for two days &make them sad days.
Give me a tea.
I'll do that.
Oh! Current has gone.
It'll take a long time to com e.
Child! Light that lam p.
Let me prepare some black tea for
Vasu kutty, if not he won't leave us.
Where is matchbox, father?
It's by the lamp, see.
Did you get it, child?
Yes, I got it.
After 10 years...
After 10 years...
Head lines of the news.
Discussions will be held in the cabinet
meeting to cancel the permission...
...for new courses in the
colleges of the state
Because of this, life of 30 students
of Thiruvananthapuram...
...Mahatma college will be ruined.
News from Mahatma College...
Friends! Our management only
is not the reason for this...
Forgetting all other things & doing
damage to the education is not only
the act of Government
but also Sethu Nathan
That is the reason for this
agitation against Sethu Nathan.
Government should give justice...
Sethu Nathan must resign
from the education portfolio
Long live CFI...
Hey! Stop- --
You stand...
Listen to me.
Don't be so exited.
What is there, if the
courses are continued, or not?
We must celebrate this day
given to us by god.
No good is going to come by blaming others...
Me your Principal or
Sivarama our manager...
...really do not know anything about this.
This Government & University only promised
to give approval for these courses
So, you say that, this is the
mistake of the Government.
Obviously we are 100%
innocent in this matter.
Long live...
Please go outside.
Stop this.
Please listen to us. Go out.
All students come out.
Down with Management.
We are not the reason for that.
You have ruined the life of the students.
Break everything.
Sree kutty!
What Veena?
"The meeting has been destroyed"
Management, take decision.
If you touch the students, Government
will have to face the consequences.
Let the Government decide.
Don't stand looking! Tell them to stop.
Please stop
Listen to me
Children! You know what
Supreme Court has said.
Education is more important
in the campus.
Why are you doing like this?
Move... Now, police will come.
As attacked in Changanachery
they'll come &attack here also.
I don't know anything.
Where are the students?
In the course it'll be corrected,
this agitation is not necessary.
I can't.
Sree kutty.
Where is that captain?
Call him; he is the only one,
who can solve this problem.
As he said where has the captain gone?
Come, let's go &call him.
Don't disturb. lam at work...
Hey SMS! When we are in tension,
you are happily eating here.
But who is going to stop my tension?
What is your tension?
I have not come here to eat.
Before coming here, I have
worked 9 years in the University.
Were you a lecturer there?
Not lecturer, I was washing
glasses in the canteen.
Who will eat all these food,
if not me? My father?
Give me your mobile;
I want to send one SMS
First give me the money,
and then I'll give you the mobile.
Do you want to use my mobile in this
campus, where mobiles are forbidden?
By this SMS, you know
how many love affairs succeeded
& how many ended in divorce.
I have many mobiles, has anyone
of you ever sent a love SMS to me?
It is not for that, we have to send
an urgent message to the captain.
God! Going to call the captain?
Why didn't you tell me before?
No SMS make the call directly.
Suresh! Where is the captain?
He is there.
What are you saying?
Will you give or not?
Leave the knife &go.
For sometime, you are
showing the knife before us.
You are charging 2501- for a knife.
To show the respect
I'm asking 4 knives for 501'-
I'll beat you.
If you beat me again...
Will have to cry.
Didn't I tell you that I'll cry?
You should not come to this area;
I must not see you again.
Hey Bhargava!
Phone for captain.
All are having mobile, why
this captain doesn't have one?
Captain's mobile is his brain, not even
a single number could be deleted from it.
Who is this?
Hello... Captain...
Bhargava! How much will the front
glasses of our vehicle will cost?
Why are you asking now?
Want to buy a new one.
If broken, we'll have to buy.
This will not break.
Suppose it is broken?
It won't
It Will...
It won't...
But it will...
It has broken.
Why did you stop?
Go on beat... Beat each other & die.
Is that why your parents
sent you to the college.
Tea for 1 rupee, Puttu for 2 rs.
Rice for 10 rs., Biriyani for 15 rs., enough.
I have stopped everything.
Because I'm providing you
I'm getting all this.
Throw everything away.
Long live CFI
Long live JSU
No one will say "Long live"
following you.
Students love me more than you
party men.
Captain knows very well, with what difficulty
my father & mother are educating me.
They are starving for
my fees & books.
How will we get this year,
if we loose it.
I... I will give you back,
whatever you loose.
I won't allow your father & mother... loose even a single paisa
which they spend for your life.
I'll get the permission for the courses
which have been denied now.
What are you talking meaningless?
This is the decision of the Government.
What can a canteen man do in this?
Vikram sir!
Just forget that you are the cousin of the education Minister...
If Kumaran say something,
he'll do it.
You know that...
Kumara! How could it be done?
We'll fight
Fight... Even now we are suffering
because of the fight.
Not like the students fighting
with each other. But with unity...
To become one power.
Unity of students.
Long live... Unity of students.
Long live...
Victory to captain...
Unity of students...
Now they are calling from their heart.
So brothers & sirs take rest
for sometime and then see...
A reality show from Kumaran
& the students.
Unity of students... Long live...
Government, give us justice...
Unity of students... Long live...
If you touch the students,
we'll take care of you later...
Unity of students... Long live...
Education minister... resign...
Minister Sethu Nathan... resign...
There is not even one student, of the party is in that crowd.
Sir, you say a word; police will come
& disperse them.
Is it your plan to solve this problem by
giving approval to the course.
I'll solve it, but Sivaraman should
transfer the college in my name.
I'll give whatever they want.
Will it happen immediately?
Will happen... Must happen...
I'll do it.
That college must belong to me.
Not to anybody else.
It is the ambition of my father
who passed away.
If it doesn't happen,
I'll destroy the college.
Unity of students... Long live...
Minister Sethu resign...
Go & bring him... that brave hero...
Unity of students...
Long live...
Come with me...
Minister wants to talk to you.
I'll come now.
Good morning
Sit down
No sir, I'll stand.
No need of creating
any problem anymore,
I have also studied for 5 years
in this same Mahatma College.
What is the necessity for creating
the problem, to talk to me?
Sir, you did not forget anything.
Why are you making the students suffer
by making them stand in the sun?
It is like stamping on the
abdomen of their mothers.
No need of telling that, Kumara.
Nothing is going to come out of it.
It'll happen, sir.
It will not happen, Kumara.
It is not like old times.
If anything has to be done through
the ministers there are some ways.
Now what sir said is correct.
There is a solution for everything.
If you surpass that... this will be done.
What is it?
The conversation you had with Manager
Sivaraman demanding
1 &a half crore &for the recognition
of your party, for giving approval
for the Bio technology course over phone
is recorded in this. Now listen to it...
1 &a half crore. Not even a single
paisa should be reduced.
The group belonging to my party in your
college must be given recognition
What you said now, is impossible.
I know
I didn't become education
minister for nothing
Education can be bargained easily
in this small Kerala,
So I have demanded for this portfolio.
Telephone is not like us, it always speaks
the truth like our Mahatma College.
Sir won only with a leading of 176 votes
Purushotaman of the opposite
party has filed a suit in the court...
...accusing you of winning
with 250 false votes
I have the evidence of you
providing liquor & money...
...not for 250 votes but for 500 votes.
If I show that, where it should be shown,
not only your minister post,
even your M.L.A post will be gone.
Why do you involve in this?
I too do not understand that,
why did sir do like this?
Even spitting &sneezing from
sir like you will be news.
Ministers from Delhi to Thiruvananthapuram
have lost their posts...
...because of the telephone
conversations only.
What are you going to do to prevent
loosing your minister post"?
&the support of public in the middle?
Make your own decision.
Son of a bitch.
Did you call me?
I love you...
We got everything we lost.
Victory to captain & victory
to Mahatma College.
Varsha! Get the vehicle.
Captain, nothing has happened to me.
I had faith that god will heal him.
You are the god.
Vishnu! This is Kichu,
studied in our college.
Now he is a junior doctor here.
Bhargava! You stay here.
I'll come now.
I know where you are going?
Don't do that captain.
Must... I must... Vishnu
Though it is you, who had been stabbed,
the pain I have in my heart.
I must find the person, who has given
the knife to Prakash.
6, 7 hours have passed since you
came into this jail. Isn't it?
Not even one chief has come
to save you?
I thought of your family for a minute,
that's why I came.
But have ever thought of them?
What will you get following
this rowdyism ?
Hey! Here...
Who are you?
Who are you?
You have come into the station
& asking me,
head constable Sudhakaran,
who are you?
You know "Kundara"
lam the one, who totally cleared,
the rowdyism at "Kundara"
Were you a sweeper there?
One punch...
Sir! Don't. S.l sir is coming.
It's good, S.l has come.
Now you will get something tasty...
It's good you have come now,
otherwise I would have kicked
him like I did at "Kundara"...
What is he talking?
He is a stranger.
Do you know who he is?
It is...
He is everything &the captain
in the college, where I studied.
Enough of that story. Now I have come
to release this pious man from the lockup.
Captain. That is...
He is a student of our college.
I have to take him at any cost.
I also want the knife taken
from his custody.
But there are some formalities
to be adopted.
What formalities? The person
who has used him is someone else.
A captain!
An uncrowned king of the students.
Most devoted god of the
teachers of the parents.
All his activities must come
to an end from today.
Sir! Be patient.
Everything will come to an end.
Shall I send the brave
in with the knife?
This is Prakash, who belongs
to a poor family.
He has no father.
His brother & mother educate him
by earning as helpers in constructions
And Vishnu who is in the hospital
stabbed by him...
ls the son of an ordinary
Government servant?
I want to know which party
made these two boys like this.
I have already warned you many
times, that no party...
...should enter inside the campus
of Mahatma College.
Not even a single soul will support
you from there, till I'm there.
Why are you interfering in this?
To your betrayal of the people
who work day &night
this is my punishment.
If you come to the college with
the excuse of the children...
To take over that college,
which is running decently,
you made an attempt,
but we won the game...
But this must come to an end.
If not... I will end it.
This is the blood symbol of your party.
This is the thing that was used in olden days
by the kings to destroy. Come on...
Sir be bold, we know how to finish him.
What can you do?
Call him, that Murari, where ever he is
in the world, call him immediately.
Management... Take a decision.
Sivaraman , this incident between
Prakash &Vishnu is unbearable.
One week has passed,
still we can't do anything.
Enough... Don't talk more
and tension me.
What is there to become tension?
We will close the college.
Student's unity... Long live...
Give some solution
to the student's problem.
Rama... Rama...
Com e.
Where is it?
Give it to me.
I love you
No "Sugion"? Only "Bajji" & "Bonda"
you adjust with this.
Tomorrow you must bring "Sugion"
This is what you are doing in the dark.
You know what I like.
Why are you announcing it?
Ok eat it.
Don't make me suffer by giving
her oily snacks everyday.
Hey, you go inside...
Tomorrow "Sugion".
What? Nothing...
Bhavani look,
captain of the team has come.
Captain! Mother only is spoiling him.
Nothing like that.
He himself will learn all these things.
Remove your hand...
What? Remove your hand.
Can't see Kumaran at day times.
There are some errands here at day times.
How could he come at day time?
He has to go behind the students
to pay fees to those who can't pay,
to buy books to those who can't buy,
to open and close the college
&to sweep the college
You mustn't make fun of him like that,
because of the captain only our
college is getting medals & rank.
Say like that Sree kutty.
Everybody in this world knows about it.
But he can't spend his time like this.
Tell him mother. That is correct.
You must have somebody to help you,
with at least a glass of hot
water at your old age.
Go & sit there, I will get you "Sugion" later.
Without marrying, how long are you
going to remain as "Mahatma"?
He doesn't know anything, even
about the marriage of "Mahatma",
He married at the age of 13 years
9 months... As a result sorry!
His trying revealed that
I'll kick you...
I didn't mean that "Mahatma",
I meant this "Mahatma"
in our Mahatma College.
Oh! Me...
Need not do anything like that.
We all together have taken a decision.
To make the captain marry
in the coming vacation
So you think that girls will fall in line
with "Thalii in their hands?
There is nothing to desire or to wish for,
but there won't be anything if
there is a divorce after the marriage
It's correct, but, it is not so hard
to get a Sita for a Raman like this.
If there is not one like that,
a new Sita must born in this world
Everything will be good, doing
the ceremony for your parents
&joining in the new Profession
on the same day
Leave that, have you informed
your parents about the new job?
Yes. I told them, they also agreed,
all I want now is uncle's blessing.
Uncle's blessing will always
be with you, be well.
I must know one thing; you should
not forget the way you came.
When you put one step forward,
you must always remember
the distance you have crossed.
Murari, he is the person
Tell me after everything is over.
Who is this enemy?
Friend, why have you stopped your
KL1216 ambulance in the centre of the road?
If you want to go to the hospital,
take that route
Yes! To take your dead body
Is it? Bhargava, this chap is nice,
who are you brother?
Your "Death God"
"Death God"? Bhargava "Death God"
You have come in the ambulance here,
leaving your buffalo, what is the idea?
You know why "Death God? has come
Hey! "Death God" tell me what is the matter,
and then only it will be thrilling.
It is raining too.
You have recorded the telephone
conversation of the Minister
& acted against the party men
in the college
Bhargava it is imported, you don't get
soaked in the rain, move away
Let me love this "Death God" a little
Come and fight
What's the problem?
Fighting between rowdies. Can't go now.
Bhargava open...
Throw him inside
In spite of my warning, you started
getting on top of the head.
Get lost you dirty fellow
What is this, teacher?
How are you going
to teach the children?
When you can't even keep your
appointment order safely
Even so you are late by one
& a half hours
I told you sir that I was caught up
in a mess on the way.
Sir, you were asking for tea. The boys in
the canteen have a lot of work, drink.
Not for me, for her.
Hey! Girl Drink it.
How come he is here?
Oh! You already know her,
No sir, I don't know her.
He is the one who is responsible
for all my problems
Problem? I don't know
about any problem.
Didn't I tell you that I was caught up
in a traffic jam, in this heavy rain?
Because of the fight on the road,
he is the one who was fighting.
Kumaran ?
Fighting in the rain, I don't know
anything sir, just like that.
Just like that... I am telling the truth.
Because of you only I am late by 1 &a half
hour on the day of my joining the duty.
My appointment order, my certificates
all have become soaked in the rain.
Do you know that?
I don't know...
No... This complication is because, you
two have not got introduced before.
This is Kumaran of this college,
canteen Kumaran.
What? Is this rowdy is running
the college canteen? Too bad.
The character and appearance
of a tea stall man
She is talking like this for some time.
What will happen to the condition of this
college, if she is given admission here?
I am going to... This girl...
She is not a girl; she is the new English
Lecturer, Ms Madhavi Menon
English lecturer? This one?
One minute...
What Kumara?
Be careful with your decision,
because it concerns student's future.
Why do you ask such questions?
Because I'm not satisfied with this girl
There is no problem with her, Kumara.
Could she understand your tension?
She is going to teach the students,
not you.
That's why, I am so tensioned.
Enough. I am the principal of this college.
You need not worry about that. Come...
Kumara! For her age, she is more qualified.
You watch out. This Madhavi
teacher is going to be outstanding.
Captain is not here.
Here. This fruit salad is free for Ayisha.
Then fruit?
That I'll give.
I am asking for your photo
for a long time.
So Bhargava loves me so much?
Don't you remember the day,
when I gave you egg &fruit?
When captain was not here. Can't you
understand my love from that?
Not only that. I am ready even
to change my religion for Ayisha.
I have also decided a name.
Want to know?
V.M.Kunjalikutti Ettan.
Go Chetta.
Ayisha! Life without you is like
"Uppuma" without salt for me.
This "Uppuma" is for your lunch.
Why are giving only for lunch,
give for dinner also.
Go on eat it.
Is this your job?
Then you think sending SMS to
everybody like you is my job?
Don't mingle SMS with "Uppuma".
It'll upset the stomach.
If captain comes to know about this?
You are the reason for the students
for falling in love, in this college.
If captain comes to know about that?
You have gone with Bindu Rashid
as well as Veena Isaac.
Enough or else I'll kill you.
He is like that.
Bhargava! Let us take a decision.
We'll decide.
You follow your own way
& I'll follow mine.
I'll show you my way.
I was thinking about my body for a
minute, otherwise... Captain, come
No captain. Let's not have
unnecessary problem.
That teacher is of a different character.
Captain is more than that.
When he is here, why should we fear?
Enough. Don't talk big
with your small mouth.
The boys told me, that they were not
allowed in the class, because they came late.
They are not like other boys.
Do they have horn?
They are distributing news papers & driving
auto to maintain the family.
That's why they are a little late.
I don't want to know about that.
I follow Punctuality in my class.
That's a very good thing. But...
I'll take care of her, today.
How much'?
20 I-
Who is it?
You ?
Why you are here?
Kutty, why you are here?
Why are you shouting?
Do you have B.P?
Yes, you have it.
Kutty, why you are here?
Principal allowed staying here till
I get a house. Matron!
Are you the Matron here?
No, watchman on duty has gone on two days
leave, since his child has become ill.
Oh! You are the one, who have
locked this gate. Open it...
Sorry, I close the gate at 7'0 clock.
You are 15 minutes late.
I had been to buy some important things.
I don't want to know about that.
Late means late.
What? What's happening here?
Matron, he refuses to open
the gate for me.
How can I open the gate,
if she comes late?
Leave it, she is not a student,
she is a teacher.
That's the problem. How would students
behave, if teacher is like this?
I won't open the gate.
She is the new appointment.
She is just learning...
Ok! I'll forgive this time, next time
you'll see my character.
I will see you later.
We did our duty.
Matron, ask her to check her
B.P. tomorrow.
You only have B.P... Go...
Don't lock the door.
Don't fight with me,
three more girls have to come?
Matron, you know what the time is?
Those Shalini & her friends
never listen to me.
He is always crossing me.
Who is he?
He is like the one brought
in from the Saraswathi Shetram.
Oh! Current has gone.
No current.
It's our luck.
Everybody must have gone
to sleep.
Is Matron, sees...
Power cut is at the correct time.
No power out. I cut the power.
To catch these tigress.
You know what the time is?
Where had you been all this time?
There was a live programme shooting
in the channel.
What programme?
You won't understand that.
Song dedication programme.
Do your parents know about this
song dedication?
You are girls; it is your duty
to take care of yourself.
They know how to take
care of themselves.
You go inside, we'll see him later.
I asked because I didn't know.
You are taking the girls to whom I refuse
&chasing those, whom I recommend.
Matron, I can't understand.
Ask her about her star, because
she is always clashing with me.
Speak carefully,
you don't know about me.
I know about one thing.
She'll give me a head ache.
I told the principal on that day
itself. Let him suffer now.
Call her.
Nothing. Call her.
What do you want?
lam not your Kutty. Canteen man must be
in the canteen, this is my class room.
Hari kuttan's mother has been hospitalized.
I have come to take him.
What happened to my mother,
There are attenders here
to come &inform.
Let the tea man do his tea job.
I don't want to see you
in my class again.
For whatever reason it may be.
You go.
Excuse me. lam going to do something
that should not be done.
Kutty! You told me that a tea man
should look after his tea job.
If a person is supposed to do
only the job he knows,
then she is quite unfit to do this job.
When I asked the students, they told me
that you improved them a lot.
You know great lecturers
have taken classes here.
Oh! You teach them.
Kutty! Leave me.
As you shine here, can you teach even
a single sentence without grammar mistake?
A single word without spelling mistake.
Enough? Or else want me
to take the whole class?
If you want to study, even a common man
who doesn't know any slogan can do it.
I am telling you again, check your B.P.
I told the principal on that day itself.
Let him suffer.
Don't think that, you have won.
To behave like this, this is not a shandy,
this is college.
It must be either you, or me.
One of us must remain.
Why do treat my complaint as so silly?
What is this teacher? If Kumaran does
something there must be a reason.
I know that very well.
That means, you don't believe me.
Since my childhood,
I have studied with many sufferings
& have come to this position
You don't know anything about me.
Why should teacher become,
so emotional?
Sit &tell...
No sir, I'll stand.
I don't know whether anybody has told
about this to the teacher before.
Teacher must go for B.P. checking.
What happened to you, teacher?
Without knowing anything about Kumaran,
why do you hate him?
He is not simply called captain by everybody.
Before coming here, he was a captain
in the army, Captain Sree Kumar.
Before that, he was a very good
student in this college.
He was a rank holder in B.Sc & M.Sc.
He was the attraction of the college
for arts & sports.
Champion of the University.
So, can he send me
out of the hostel?
He is conducting the class coming
into my class room ?
Sir, it is not important how was a man
yesterday, but how he is now.
Only from such a person, we can expect
a change &we can cultivate him.
Teacher need not talk about the past.
It is the fate of Captain Sree Kumar
to become Sree Kumaran.
No sir, this is my fate.
None of you understand,
what I say.
Too bad! I do have my feelings.
I'm sorry.
Son! Why don't you
give a break now?
Captain, is everything over?
Only two days passed,
since the stocks were bought.
But you two have
finished everything.
Only I know the difficulty of
consuming it &bringing it out.
Then how could I put it in?
Don't waste the gas.
Save it & cash it.
Give me a boiled fruit.
Have you grown up enough
to eat a full boiled fruit?
Stand up.
What is this? Is this the way to treat
those who come to the canteen?
He is not eating for free,
he is paying money.
Money? He...? For the past 4 months,
he is evading from making the payment.
Isn't there a limit in this age,
to eat freely?
I'll pay, write it in the account.
No, he will cheat.
You sit here.
You go & bring the gas.
Why are you here for such
a long time, without eating?
What's the problem?
Don't know whether we can write
our supplementary exam.
What is it?
We have to improve in Maths.
But even half of the portion
has not been covered.
Didn't touch Algebra yet.
Vikraman sir takes your class.
Isn't it?
Yes. But he is not coming
to the class.
It's correct. But I heard that,
he is not well.
It's not correct. He has taken medical
leave & conducting private tuitions,
Charging enormous fees.
Entrance coaching, l.A.S training,
special tuitions everything is there.
Many rich students are studying there.
But we can't afford that, captain.
That's why... We...
ls what you said now, is true?
Yes, captain.
I'll come now.
Where are you going?
To attend a special class.
This is not your college,
this is my place.
There is no any dispute between us.
Get out.
Why are you here?
I came to with the students.
You continue the class. Let them also study.
See, this is not Mahatma College.
Creating scene here will not
do you any good.
You can't do anything.
You are teaching only
to the rich students,
also teach the students
who come from a poor family.
I'll make you teach them.
Yes, this is your business.
Years before you joined
in Mahatma College as a lecturer,
not because of your degrees.
To solve the problem with your cousin,
Manager Sivaraman arranged
for your appointment with a good heart.
But you are making use of that
job to do this profession.
Vikram sir, if money is so important to you,
look for some other job.
This profession has a dignity.
Spoiling it, you need not teach at our college.
You have made the teaching
profession as a business
...for that I'll get you a "good job".
You can't do anything.
Remember, that we teachers have
an association in this country.
What association?
Your association is only
for Bonus &allowances.
Those crowds cannot understand
what humanity is.
You need not be afraid.
You'll get whatever you missed.
Your portions will be fully covered,
before the exam.
You must not come to the college campus
even to receive your suspension order.
It'll be sent to your house by post.
Shall I go, professor Vikram sir?
What is the use of having
a cousin as a Minister?
A canteen man has put a black mark
in my service book.
He has made me sit in the house
& showing off in the college.
Why cousin is not talking anything?
Receive the suspension order & stay
at home temporarily for sometime.
I'll think about the solution for this.
Is this the answer you are going
to tell my brother?
There is problem, Nimmi. That's why.
If I interfere in this now,
Press people & our opposite party
will make a big issue of this.
Don't try to avoid, He is arrogant
because some students are behind him.
If you can't do something for this,
what is the use of my cousin being a minister?
Be patient. All will end well.
Come &eat.
No. First you take a decision for this.
Then only I'll step in here.
I am leaving.
Brother... Let him go.
Give me something to eat.
I feel sleepy.
Tell me, if you can do anything
for my brother.
I want to know immediately.
In this night...
After that you can have your
dinner & go to sleep.
Eat the "Bonda" which was prepared
day before yesterday.
Now I'm standing before the famous Mahatma
College, which has been recognized
Since the question papers were stolen,
the exam has been postponed.
Physics question papers for the
llnd year only had been stolen.
Police has taken into custody, Narayanan,
the watchman who was on duty last night.
Many facts are expected
in the enquiry.
Narayanan, Isn't it?
Are you the night watchman?
Question papers were brought from
the university last evening at 5.30
Principal says that he went home after
locking the question papers inside. Isn't it?
Then, what happened?
I don't know anything about
that sir, I promise.
Nothing happened? You were
on duty, when this happened.
Tell me, what are
all your responsibilities?
You will loose your job;
you'll be in the jail for your life.
Sir, don't do anything to me.
lam a watchman only for the name sake.
That means...
Actually Kumaran stands guard.
Since I have wife & children, he used
to send me home in the midnight.
After that this campus is in his hands.
Yes sir, Kumaran sent me home
at 11.30 last night.
Who is that, Kumaran?
Where is he?
Who, sir?
The one who used to be with you.
Oh! Valsan. He has gone to the market.
Where is your captain?
I don't know sir.
You won't tell, rascal.
Go inside.
Do you want this?
Come here.
Put these certificates that side.
Sir, get in the jeep.
What sir? What is the matter?
To go for a picnic. Get in...
Tell me, how the question paper was stolen?
Sir, I don't know anything.
Two persons came into the college last night.
I went out to see, who they were.
Who are you to see that...? Police?
There is no any connection of Kumaran
in the missing of question paper.
I'm taking Kumaran
to enquire about that only.
Sir, this is college campus, there is
no need for any police active here.
We won't allow you,
to take the captain.
You can't take captain.
You decide...
I got this under the bed of Kumaran.
See? Did you all see?
This was under the bed of Kumaran.
Why are you keeping quiet?
Can't speak?
Do the manager, has to say anything?
Get in
Get inside the jeep.
This must be a plot, Kumaran wouldn't
have done this. I'm confident.
Police has taken the one who
always supported you.
So no class or anything.
Come sir.
How did you get the question paper?
How did it come to your canteen?
Tell me...
I already told you that I don't know.
I don't know anything.
You know everything...
I'll make you talk.
Sir, please, I know him very well,
he is not such a type...
Question is to him.
For how long, you are doing this?
Who is behind this, Tell me.
This C.l.Isaac know everything
about the captain's army
If you make the matters easy,
we need not go further.
We want justice.
Why are you looking?
Beat & chase them.
Sir, they are students,
can't say how they will behave.
If I beat you like a dog,
they will calm down.
Didn't I tell you, sir?
Don't shout.
Start charging.
If you touch anyone of them,
I promise on my mother, I'll beat you.
What's happening there?
Did you arrest that canteen man?
Are you doing this to save the
minister? Or to harm the people?
That sir...
Be careful with the students.
Sir, I have the evidence for his
stealing the question paper.
We'll talk about it later.
Release him before
the situations worsen.
Sir... That...
if you don't release the captain,
you'll have to arrest all of us.
Don't think that you've escaped. There is
an end to every game that has no license.
I'll get you on that day.
Get his signature & send him.
Signature... Captain you go.
Did they beat captain?
Good question. This question
must be asked to C.l.Isaac.
Yes. That's correct. I love you.
As far as I know, person who comes
to steal will not make noise.
As far as I know, person who comes
to steal will not make noise.
Their intention is not
to steal the question paper.
To trap the captain.
Who is that? Why?
That's what we have to find.
Without seeing the person,
how can we find?
They came on a bike
which had a different sound.
What captain?
There was no such sound
in this bike before.
I bought this newly & set this.
If you alter the silencer,
you will get different type of sound.
Where do you do all this?
If you see Michael, you'll
get any kind of sound.
Is this enough?
Yes. This is the sound...
To which bike Michael has set
this sound before?
What is the matter?
How many bikes are there in this
city with this sound?
Recently I had set the
sound like this for a person.
Who is that bike owner?
Baby, Baby is a bike racer.
So everybody call him "Bike baby".
I am a circus man.
Everybody say that
I have a small source to live.
I want to learn at least something
from baby sir.
Accept me as your disciple
Everybody will pay advance before
starting. This is my advance...
Shall we send the file?
Send... I'll take care of it.
Shall I send it as a special?
You must be with me always.
You also come.
Good omen! Isn't sir?
Where are you going in this morning,
to make a dog of a goat?
What is your business here?
Oh! The boss also is here. Then
both the brother in laws is together.
They don't have time to take care
of their own children.
Started for the cabinet meeting so
early in the morning. Is this the job?
What do you want, Kumaran?
I have to come to invite sir,
to an opening ceremony.
What opening ceremony?
I want to open a press for
printing question papers.
One punch
Sir, tell him to keep quiet.
I'm talking about opening a press.
Afterwards I'll print all the
question papers in that press.
Then I'll sell the question papers in the
market like selling "Chalamathi" fish.
Calling, "want question paper"...
I'll lockup even your grandfather
&to the college canteen to sell tea.
If you do anything to me,
Kumaran will simply, won't leave you.
Go... Do whatever you want to do.
See the anger of the next generation.
They will crush you.
Then we'll show in action.
This minister post is not a small game.
That too with the students.
So he thinks that nothing should be done
to him. He will remain always like this.
Let's go, let's not waste time. It's
getting late for the cabinet meeting.
You are going to talk about
the question paper matter,
don't worry your head
thinking about that.
Students have a power.
This world decides how & where
the students must study...
but the question papers must be
protected only by the minister.
The reason for the missing of
question paper is you.
Stop it... Do you know to
whom you are talking?
Don't think that you can talk anything,
because the tongue has no bone.
I am not simply talking,
I know everything.
Get down
I told you to get down.
Sir, do you know him?
No... Who is he?
Don't you know him?
He is the informer of
the Tiruchur police.
He has talked about you also.
This country is shivering.
Kumara! This is the first time I'm hearing
about the matter you're talking.
If all these matters have
come from his mouth,
I myself will make him
spill everything.
As a minister it's my duty to answer
each &every citizen of this country.
Isaac! Arrest him.
Don't touch him.
You need not do anything.
I won't let this dog with you, who is wearing
Khaki uniform & doing nasty business.
I'll handover him under the custody
of a straight police officer.
I'll present baby there.
Not only that, you sign the resignation
letter which I'll send you.
And drop your crown of power
Not even your father can send
me out of this college.
Sir, if you are the minister for
education, lam the king of action.
We'll meet.
I forgot to tell you something.
I love you.
Raghu told me about you, that
you were working hard for this.
I know about the spirit,
which is leading you.
The missing of the question papers
frequently is a misfortune for our students.
We must bring out the truth behind this.
The Mafia who is doing this has
to be exposed before the people.
We can achieve
that through this baby.
Sure... I'll also help you.
If necessary,
I'll call the captain.
Did they beat you?
It's alright. But I had to
tell everything about sir...
It's ok. To protect the life anyone will
do the same thing, you also did the same.
Did you eat anything?
What Isaac? Couldn't you learn
what happened to him?
There is nobody here to give
him even water.
Don't the police know that the person
in the lockup should not be made to starve?
Open it.
Here... Biriyani. Sit down.
Your favorite chicken Biriyani,
specially prepared for you.
If you don't eat, you'll die.
Sir's matters have been disclosed...
That's why I have come here.
To reduce my sins by giving
you some rice & water...
Slowly... Isaac, get some water.
Sir... Water.
Water... Drink it.
Sorry baby. I did not do any wrong
that others did not do in this country.
Throw him... Give news that the
prisoner committed suicide in the lockup.
It is difficult for me to believe this news.
Really how did baby die? Believing you,
I handed over him under your custody.
Don't you realize sir; the death of baby is a
great loss for us in this important case.
I'm sorry Kumara. I also didn't expect that,
he would commit suicide in the lockup.
I have suspended two policemen,
who were on duty.
Must find the further details.
Why? To hide the facts from
the ordinary people.
No prisoner has a reason to commit
suicide in the station or lockup
He must have done some circus?
Or he must have super power.
Without some ones help there is
no chance to die in the lockup.
But that was what happened.
That's the statement of
the police department.
Like swallowing the traditional
national documents without water.
Don't think that
I'll leave this believing that.
Not as canteen Kumaran. I have
another name Captain Sree Kumaran.
Shall I go, sir?
Minister is here, he is in a relaxed
mood. Wants to see you.
No problem. I'll come.
In the flat...?
Yes. To ask Alice, whether
she has any new items?
If Alice says something, it'll stand.
A new item will definitely com e.
Veena... Stop...
What? What happened?
She has locked the door.
She seems to be under some tension.
Whatever we ask,
she doesn't answer.
Except captain I can't speak
about this to anybody.
My room mate Shalini & her friends
are of very bad characters.
One day they introduced me to the
Alice madam, who is running a beauty parlor.
Shalini & her friends had gone
to different places...
...with that madam, leaving
the hostel many times.
They started compelling me
to go with them.
See! If you don't come
with us today,
we'll flash these photos in the Internet
& make the world see them.
If I do not go with them, they will definitely
do that. They will spoil my life.
I don't know what to do?
That's why I'm like this.
Where did they want you to go?
Hello... Started so soon?
You also join me.
Where is the beauty,
you were telling about?
She cheated me; I have been waiting
for her a long time. But she didn't turn up.
Shit! It's a disappointment, why did you
buildup my anxiety telling about her?
May be it is her, go & see.
You have come? Come.
Where were you, why so late?
I couldn't contact Shalini & her friends.
This is the girl, I told you about.
Veena Bhai! Afresh flower blossomed
in the garden nourished by Alice
I like her... Very much...
You go down child. I have to talk some
secrets with them. I must know more.
What do you want to know?
This is very nice...
I can't understand the meaning of this.
I am a man of a temple, labor of life India,
union's regional secretary.
That girl is not a member of the union.
Don't you understand? Without the
association card she cannot entertain sir.
I won't agree...
Then sir must finish the
work already started...
Madam is standing for that only.
Madam has got not only union card,
she has yellow, green cards to function
all over the world. Is it not so, madam?
Shit! What do you want?
Asking me what do you want?
So, you have guts to cater to me also?
Men are not only accused in the
cases of prostitution in this country.
In every case, a person like
her would be the reason.
In these cases nobody
will talk or see.
Dhasappa! We are here sir.
Move... Who are you?
What is this?
Oh! Don't...
Kumara! You are playing with
the life of a minister.
Yes. If you want you may name it
as "Kumara Sambavam"
Further, this is not the quotation
team of Lanka, Lakshmanan flat.
These are my friends from the street.
Who voted for you
&made you a minister.
Poor people of this country.
Kumara! Don't insult me,
this is a small mistake.
This is not a mistake, but vulgarity.
You want a girl from my college?
Leave me.
Don't try to get down
smartly without thinking.
There are my men outside
waiting to have you.
The chief judicial magistrate
court of Thiruvananthapuram,
has taken up the case of the
education minister Sethu Nathan.
On the evidence of the news
flashed by the Medias
the court has voluntarily taken up the case.
Demanding the resignation of Sethu Nathan
...all students rallied together
today abandoning their classes.
More females joined the rally
for the same reason.
In the rally they burned
the epic of the minister
Push it...
News received now.
The chief Minister Madhavan Menon
demanded the resignation of
education Minister Sethu Nathan.
The chief minister informed, that he demanded
the resignation of the education Minister,
due to the voluntary action taken
by the court &the agitations of the
students in the state.
The cabinet meeting was conducted
for this purpose only
The experience Veena Bhai had must
not happen to anyone in this campus.
So, this committee has gathered to decide
to terminate Shalini &her friends.
Nothing to discuss, dismiss them.
Their behavior is affecting
this college &the girls.
So, we don't agree for them
to continue here.
What is the opinion of Shalini's daddy?
I don't know the full details.
I'm always on tour.
Now days this is quite common.
Considering their age & the culture
in which they were brought up,
we think you must allow them
to continue here.
That can't be done. If it is done,
we won't send our girls from tomorrow.
Give them the T.C.
This is not a matter
to discuss between you.
What we want is a decision.
I'm sorry; I do not know whether
I can interfere in this.
I was listening outside all this time.
I request you to let me tell my opinion.
What is it?
Sir, these girls are not the
only cause for this mistake.
Their parents also who have
brought them up in such a way.
Can't understand.
Can't understand...
Sir is always on tour.
Sending money every month to the children
alone, is not the duty of a father.
Or buying them dress & books
&leaving them in some hostel
They should watch what the children
are doing? How they are living?
& where they are going? Whether
they are studying? Who are their friends?
Like that supervising all these
things is the duty of a parent.
In the aim of making more money,
you don't give importance to this.
Then what will happen to the children?
They will go out saying that they have
programme in the channel, and get spoiled.
Sir, I already had a talk
with these girls.
Their conscious is eating them.
Considering their future,
give them a chance.
If you punish them for what they did,
it will definitely affect their life.
Please think of it.
You ask...
What are you whispering there?
So far I have not gone on tour
to a distant place.
Didn't you go when
you were studying in school?
I didn't go on tour even
from the college.
Have you ever attended college?
How could one go to college
without going to school?
You can go but there won't be a job
for you in the canteen.
Shall we go from the canteen?
Nothing doing.
Didn't I tell you that he won't agree.
Yes, I also said.
But all the students are compelling us
to go with them on tour.
Are they so intent?
Very intent.
Is it a must to go?
Both of you stay here.
Not necessary to go on tour.
What is it?
Captain has paid money
for us to go on tour?
Is it such a big thing?
We can't afford to go
on tour like this.
To study...
This is also an education
with pleasure.
No captain. We are not going on tour.
We don't want to give
more trouble to the captain.
Hey! I'll hit you.
Don't talk more.
Both of you are going on tour.
You two, go to the class.
So, captain also is coming on tour.
Well... Good question.
Is there a festival without light? I have
packed my luggage before three days.
If so, I won't com e.
Sir, don't compel me.
It's not fair to say like that. How could
you say this in the last minute?
If he arranges the tour,
I won't come.
What is your confusion,
if he comes?
He is the confusion.
Sir, this Kutty.
I am not a kutty.
I already told you, this won't
work out. Suffer?
I can't...
What is Kumaran's opinion?
I used to go every year with
any batch that goes on tour.
To take care of the kutty... Sorry
To take care of the student's food
&other things, I have to go with them.
Oh! So the parents are relying on you
to take care of their children.
Hey Kutty! I'm annoyed.
I'm more annoyed than that.
Actually what is the problem
between you two?
Sir, why are you begging her?
We have Vimala teacher for Chemistry,
Sarala teacher for Physics,
try anyone of them.
We want one lady teacher for the girls.
I have already enquired them.
Vimala teacher's husband is out of station.
Sarala teacher has motor problem.
All the other teachers are
giving excuses like that.
So Madhavi teacher only is available.
Who told sir, that I'm available?
Teacher, don't talk like that.
Students won't accept
if the planned tour is cancelled.
Sir must decide whether tour or this guy.
I agree, don't cancel
the tour for my sake.
Canteen Kumaran is not
going on tour.
That means...
Leave it sir. She will be
the company to the students.
Let her decide the other things.
I love...
Ok! Subha rathiri (Good night)
Subha Yatra (Happy journey)
If you put the luggage there,
how can we sit?
Put them that side.
Everything should end well.
Have everybody com e?
Shall we go?
Don't become hot girl.
I told canteen Kumaran will not come
on tour, driver Kumaran only has come.
The owner of this bus is my friend.
Then shall we start children?
Captain, do you feel sleepy?
We feel sleepy.
Then you go to sleep.
Captain has some work.
Captain lie down.
My children...
Take this girl to the l.C.U.
Nothing should happen to my children.
She needs blood.
She is in a bad condition.
Where are the other children?
Where are the other children?
In there...
Then you go to sleep.
Captain has some work.
No captain.
We are not going on tour.
These children...
It's all in the station... Get up...
Don't take me... My children...
Don't take me...
You killed the children...
Sir, he is a patient. There are some
procedures to take him from the hospital.
I'll take care of his matter, there are
some dying, first give them treatment.
Sir, the girl in the l.C.U is dead.
Get in the jeep.
What do you have to say
about this incident?
No such accident has incurred before.
Government will help the family
of the demised children.
Can you tell how
this accident happened?
I can't tell you anything about that...
They say that the accident took place
because of the carelessness of Kumaran.
Enquiry is going on...
You saw what Ex-education minister said.
Indu Udhaya Kumar from Mahatma College
The funeral of the 7 student's body,
who died in the accident,
that incurred at Thiruvananthapuram
yesterday night, took place today.
Different opinions are raised
regarding the accident.
The canteen man Kumaran,
who became the driver of the bus,
has inspired new doubts
After the enquiry of Kumaran, it is
expected to have more information.
What is the use of enquiring now?
7, 8 lives had gone.
Kumaran who is in the custody of
police will be presented before...
the first class magistrate of the
Thiruvananthapuram judicial court tomorrow.
Our country never lacked for accidents.
But this is a different accident
which has stunned the society.
7 students &a teacher were killed.
How did this horrible accident happen?
The accuse say that
this accident happened
because another vehicle collided
with his bus.
But there is no any information
of such a vehicle.
In spite of that, police is conducting
the enquiry to bring out the truth.
I am sure about one thing. The reason for
this accident is the driving of this man.
C.l.Isaac who enquired at the spot has
clearly shown it in this case file.
Why should a canteen man
become a driver on the tour?
That's the important question
in this case.
I want to examine the accused.
What's your name?
Sree Kumar.
Were you in the army?
Yes. I was a captain in the army.
Some people say that you don't have
any connection with the army.
Do you know driving?
Yes. I know.
Do you have license?
I have
Heavy license?
Have you driven a bus?
Then what did you drive? Cycle...?
I have driven bigger vehicles,
when I was in the army.
Not that, you didn't work in a fighter plane?
It is good. Otherwise, you would have
crashed in the towers & shattered them.
Nobody invited you, or compelled you.
Then why did you go with
them on the tour?
I used to go every
year to help them.
Not only that, they won't have
any fear, if I were with them.
Don't be silly. Are they small children?
Your answer is irresponsible in
this court of great tradition.
Sir! All those who are in the court believe
that he is the cause for this accident.
One of the leaders of the tour English
lecturer Ms. Madhavi Menon is one among them.
I request permission to examine
Ms.Madhavi Menon.
You are an English lecturer.
Isn't it?
Did you decide the places of the tour?
Then who?
This man.
This man? A canteen man decides
the tour of the college?
Everything is like that in that college.
Everything is according to his wish.
What he decides will go there.
Didn't you oppose his coming?
I said, I won't go if he comes on tour.
But he joined the tour
acting as a driver.
Please note your honor.
You were in the bus, what is your opinion,
about how this accident happened?
Game (m, answer me.
He slept, while driving.
Because of his carelessness,
such a big accident happened.
Was he drunk, when he was driving?
The suspicion of Madhavi
teacher is not false.
When the police tested him,
when he was under custody,
it was clearly proved
that he was drunk.
No such test was taken,
not only that, I didn't drink.
No... This is the medical report
of his drunkenness.
A final question. Does Ms.Madhavi Menon
have anything to say about this case?
Yes. This horrible incident happened
because of him.
The anticipation of 7, 8 families gone.
He has to answer for that.
He must be punished.
For further enquiry, this case
will be heard after 14 days.
This is the order of this court.
Destroy the canteen.
Why did you bring me out,
with such a difficulty?
Correct. I had some difficulty.
Even after working in the news
paper field for 10, 25 years,
I felt very bad when I saw your news.
How is this place?
This is beyond 12 kms. from the city.
I used to come here, when I
get bored &freshen up myself.
There are only the see breeze &waves
here, nothing else to disturb you.
Is it true, what I heard?
What did you learn?
Why did you take that scoundrel,
fraud under bail?
Who is fraud, who is scoundrel?
Why did you bring out the man, who
committed such a horrible crime?
I was worshipping you like a god all
these days, I can't digest this.
Did you finish?
You are talking without knowing
anything about that man.
I won't let him down even if police,
court and god blame him.
Because I know about him well.
But you do not know.
You didn't even try to know.
If something had not happened
by fate or god's will,
this is not the place he would be.
Do you know?
He threw away the great post as
captain in the army, as if it was a grass
& stayed in this canteen.
That canteen &campus are not like
something to him like they are to the others.
It was a place of remembrance of
his father & his sister who died there.
Many years ago his father
& sister were burnt to ashes there.
He came to that campus under
the disguise of a canteen owner preserve the thoughts of his father
& sister. And to forget his loneliness.
He loved &helped each and
every girl as his own sister.
All these days he was doing
that only.
If that is wrong, you are not
fit to criticize about him.
Years ago, a 15 year girl lost everything
&was stranded, by the thunder bolt
&became an orphan,
she got llnd rank in S.S.L.C
& was looking for a help
for her higher studies.
The news paper that published her with
photo, for help is here.
If not with you. It's here...
I know all about this uncle.
Uncle & his news paper
only helped me.
To give me a good life uncle showed
me affection from his heart,
which I will never forget.
I & my paper were only
mediators in that matter.
A great man came into my room
on seeing that news.
It was none other than
Captain Sree Kumar.
Mr.Sree Kumaran have you thought
of it before taking this decision?
Yes sir.
My father's ambition was to
see my sister become a doctor.
But both of them...
This is the money
I saved for her studies.
I don't know what to do with this.
I am giving you this money,
let that girl study,
&come up in her life.
But we will announce this
in the tomorrow's issue.
Then in a function arranged
by our news paper,
Why not Mr.Sree Kumaran gives
this money to that girl?
No sir. This is not for publicity.
Even that girl should not know about this.
She must not have any indebted
feeling in her heart. It's not necessary.
So Mr.Sree Kumaran doesn't
even want to see that girl?
I will learn from your mouth one day,
when she becomes a great
woman after her studies.
After that he came many times
to give the money, necessary for you.
To learn about you, but he didn't
want to see or talk to you.
I couldn't hide this truth
for very long.
One day I went &told him.
It was exactly on the day, when you
complained about him to the Principal.
I was carrying this in my heart
for so long. Now I can't.
It is becoming complicated.
I am going to reveal everything
to Madhavi immediately.
No sir. She must not know
about this at anytime.
Sir! Please.
I don't know how she'll take it.
If she comes to know that she has
come up in the life with the help of me,
she may have inferiority complex.
She might go out throwing
this job. No sir.
He is a man of pious heart.
Can you understand
what you did to him?
If you can go &see him.
This status &this dignity will not
be forever.
Sitting here for a long time.
She is standing outside, without
knowing how to rectify the mistakes,
She committed.
Even if you don't have anything to say,
at least listen to what she says.
I didn't know... Nobody told me.
It's alright.
Even if I didn't help you,
someone would have helped you.
I was only an instrument.
I was arrogant, thinking that I know everything.
But one word... You have seen me so many
times, why didn't you tell me one word?
I thought of telling you.
But decided against it.
To be true, I was very happy to
see your growth & respected you.
Have you decided to hand over
the college to Sethu Nathan?
We don't like it,
but there is no other go.
My daughter... I don't want the college,
where my daughter is not.
There is a reason in
what Kumaran says.
The decision taken at this time will not
work out. Lets think some more.
I don't have anything to decide.
Let everything go.
I'll go somewhere leaving everything.
Is it for this, that I stood guard in the
campus thinking it as if it is my own house?
Loving those children as
if my brothers &sisters.
You can let go of that college.
But I can't.
My father & sister were burnt
on that soil.
What about my daughter?
Could you give back her life?
Because I acted to your whims,
this has happened now.
They are in this position.
Sir, forgive me. Without knowing, I have
become a reason for your tears.
To compensate that...
Enough. This talking is not
an answer to what happened.
There is no change in my decision.
Convene the general body meeting early,
to take the decision of
handing over the college.
When the college opens,
it should belong to Sethu Nathan.
Captain! How do you say that
it was not a common accident?
No vehicle came from the front.
If so I would have seen it.
I'm quite sure that it came
at the side from behind.
This is only your idea, captain.
What evidence do we have for that?
Correct. It's a question. We'll have
to find an answer to that question.
Our bus was coming from there.
That dipper lorry came
from that side.
There is no road for that, captain.
That dipper lorry didn't come
on the regular route.
It was parked here.
No vehicle coming on the road can
see the vehicle standing here.
That's correct.
No one can see the vehicle here.
So it's an accident.
Dipper lorry was taken from here
without knowing about the coming bus.
Why can't we think that, it was taken,
knowing about the coming bus?
The dipper lorry was taken
in front?
How could the dipper lorry driver know
about the coming bus?
When he can't see any
vehicle coming on the road?
There is a person between
the dipper lorry &the bus
to communicate the information.
A messenger.
My thinking is correct.
It is the messenger's vehicle
that over took me.
It is him.
This is what happened.
Now what we have find is
who that man is?
Do you know the number of the Scorpio?
Because you always
remember the numbers.
Oh! That has gone
on rent for one month.
Who has taken that vehicle on rent?
I want full details.
Why sir?
I have great faith in numerology,
so I want that white Scorpio.
I'll have a talk with him. If he accepts,
we will exchange the vehicles.
Give me the address & phone
number of that person.
One minute.
Are you Xavior Kuri Shankar?
I have to thank god.
God said, "Search you will find it",
it is true.
Who are you?
I'll come as a father to this place.
Now I have come
to perform your last rights.
Where were you all these days?
Balance has to be settled
for the quotation. That's my rule.
After that, crush them
&send them to Coimbatore.
Before crushing them.
Let's play-
If you don't like that, we will crush &play.
Crushing or beating.
Both are same for me.
Another bus has to be crashed
by this dipper lorry.
To make it look like an accident
as you have done before.
Don't worry,
he will be the messenger.
The same white Scorpio,
settlement will not be delayed.
I too don't like the delay.
I will settle the full payment
as advance.
That is Kumaran's style.
Don't think that I can't finish you.
I don't want to finish you, here.
Take him, I want only this guy.
Without the priest, how can
we see the god? Walk... Priest...
What? What happened?
Didn't you settle him?
Vasu kutty.
Forgive me, for convening
this meeting in a hurry.
Since I can't even sleep,
I have opened this college.
But there is one change, from today onwards
I have no authority over this college.
Sri Sethu Nathan, Ex-student of this college
& Ex-education minister will have the full powers
Over this college &the students
With the full consent of you
I'm transferring the documents
of this college on Sri Sethu Nathan.
I invite him to come &have it.
Keep your rowdyism outside
the campus. Get out...
Being a bastard is not a fault.
But behave yourself.
Why are you doing all this?
Kumaran go back.
Shit. Stop it.
I have come only to go.
But before that I want to know,
what wrong I have committed?
He is the one who is
behind everything.
He found a short way
to blame me &to destroy me.
Good. You have come, because
the college is going to be mine.
Nothing that you expect will happen.
That is your belief.
The over confidence you have by
escaping, from the killing of Baby before.
But you can't change the history,
Sethu Nathan.
Can't change the history.
Prove it.
Prove it here. I also studied in this campus.
I was a minister for them.
Before them, prove just once.
Not once. Thousand times.
Is it not our Vasu kutty?
Yes. Vasu kutty, who was
the watchman of this college.
Today he is the boss of
Travancore Transport Corporation,
owning properties worth crores.
Vasudevan boss.
You will say that you do not know
him also. But it can't be done.
See this. The relationship between
you & Vasu kutty is in this.
This is the bank statements showing
the transactions before the accident.
It was not an accident. That horrible
incident was initiated by this Vasu kutty,
by using this dipper lorry for him.
Speak... Speak before them,
to enable everybody to hear.
Yes... It was the plot of Sethu Nathan
to chase out Kumaran from this campus.
I did only what sir told me to do.
Being a man with all his power,
why should he join with Vasu kutty?
To know that, we'll have
to go back some years.
To those days, when Sethu Nathan was
the chairman & Vasu kutty, the watchman.
To that day, when I lost everything on this soil.
Vasu kutty if Karunagaran Nair
gives statement against me tomorrow...
my dignity, my political status
everything will be finished.
That mustn't happen.
What must I do, sir?
I'll tell. By committing a wrong only,
one can grow.
Vasu kutty must tell me that
Karunagaran Nair is no more.
Then when I acquire the status tomorrow,
I'll give you half of it.
Now you keep this.
What is this, sir?
I am giving a small gift
with the blessings of my father.
The RC. book &the keys of the new lorry.
From today onwards Vasu kutty
starts a new life.
Vasu kutty need not say anything.
There is no any change in my decision.
Good... You go home child.
Father will come soon.
Why? My job will be over, after
giving Vasu kutty the black tea.
We'll go together, ok?
Changing the murder as an
accident is their cunning plot.
It was my father & sister
who were burnt on that day.
Today some students &teachers...
Speak... Do you deny this?
You must admit this.
Speak before everybody.
You scoundrel...
You have killed my children.
Don't stand looking.
Hit & kill this dog.
Don't move... If you put one step
forward, there will be blood shed.
Yes... I only did all this.
& I am the one who is going
to end your history.
Good. You have come in this sacred
place of education, with a gun.
"Limes have changed, Sethu Nathan.
You are threatening me, who lived
with cannons, with this cracker gun.
This soil is not for shedding
blood, it is to give life.
That's why, lam leaving you.
Go &celebrate in some jail for some time.
Kumaran! Have you decided to go?
I want to go, sir.
I'll never forget you.
You can say Good bye to all of us.
But to them?
How could you go abandoning
the affection of so many...?
Kumara! This will be a campus
only if you are here.
Hereafter you must run this college.
Not as canteen Kumaran, but in
my capacity, as the manager. Here...
I don't want any post.
I'll be in this campus, as a watchman.